NewSpring Holdings Platform Company Magna5 Expands National Footprint, and Strengthens Managed IT Services Offerings Through the Acquisition of FullScope IT - NewSpring Capital (en-US)
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This strategic acquisition will enhance Magna5’s ability to deliver comprehensive support and protection to its clients while expanding its reach across the United States.</p> <p>With the acquisition of FullScope, Magna5 will significantly increase its operational density in the northeast corridor from New York to Virginia, while also establishing an important foothold in the southwestern U.S. with FullScope’s Arizona operations and regional customer footprint from which to expand further. Integrating FullScope’s capabilities into Magna5’s portfolio will provide the ability to deliver even greater value to existing and future clients, who will benefit from a broader range of services and the robust infrastructure of a larger, more mature managed IT and cybersecurity services provider.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container"> <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x align-top"> <div class="cell medium-10 large-8 large-offset-2"> <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x align-center"> <div class="cell medium-10 maintext"> <div class="subscribe mobile"> <a href="/newsletter"> <h4>Get the latest NewSpring news</h4> <p><i class="material-icons blue">arrow_forward</i>Subscribe</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container"> <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x align-top"> <div class="cell medium-10 large-8 large-offset-2"> <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x align-center"> <div class="cell medium-10 maintext"> <blockquote> “Acquiring FullScope is a significant milestone for Magna5 as we continue to outpace the industry with growth and expand our national presence. FullScope’s strong reputation, combined with their expertise in regulatory compliance, aligns perfectly with our mission to be a mission-critical partner to our clients by providing comprehensive IT and cybersecurity solutions to businesses in uptime-dependent industries. We are excited to welcome the FullScope team into the Magna5 family, working together to deliver unparalleled service to our clients, keeping their operations seamless and secure.” <footer>— Bob Farina, CEO of Magna5</footer> </blockquote> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container"> <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x align-top"> <div class="cell medium-10 large-8 large-offset-2"> <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x align-center"> <div class="cell medium-10 maintext"> <p>FullScope has made significant investments working towards Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) L2 compliance, a critical requirement for supporting cybersecurity efforts within the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and the Department of Defense (DoD). This expertise will seamlessly integrate into Magna5’s security portfolio, further solidifying Magna5’s commitment to delivering cybersecurity solutions to the most mission-critical industries.</p> <p>Bob Priest, CEO of FullScope, expressed enthusiasm about the acquisition, stating, “We are thrilled to join forces with Magna5. Their strong reputation in the marketplace, expanding national coverage, and unwavering commitment to safeguarding customers’ data and security make this combination a perfect match. Our clients will continue to receive the same high-quality service they expect but with the added benefit of a larger, more resource-rich organization. Together, we will be able to offer an even greater level of protection and support to businesses across the country.”</p> <p>This acquisition follows Magna5’s award-winning year. The company has been recognized by national publications, including Inc. 5000 for robust growth and USA Today Top Workplace for outstanding culture, innovation, and leadership. Industry accolades include recognition by CRN for Elite MSP 500 and Tech Elite 250 and recognition from Channel Futures for the prestigious MSP 501 ranking. </p> <p><strong>About Magna5</strong></p> <p>Magna5, a NewSpring Holdings platform, provides <a href="" target="_blank">managed IT services</a><strong>, </strong><a href="" target="_blank">cybersecurity</a><strong>, </strong><a href="" target="_blank">private and public cloud hosting</a><strong>, </strong><a href="">backup and disaster recovery</a>, and other advanced IT services to SMB, mid-market and enterprise customers, including leaders in education, healthcare, government, financial services, manufacturing, and other industry segments. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, Magna5 has customers nationally. For more information, visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p> <p><strong>About NewSpring Holdings</strong></p> <p>NewSpring Holdings, NewSpring's dedicated holding company with a strategy focused on control buyouts and platform builds, brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and resources to take profitable, growing companies to the next level through acquisitions and proven organic methodologies. Founded in 1999, NewSpring partners with the innovators, makers, and operators of high-performing companies in dynamic industries to catalyze new growth and seize compelling opportunities. The Firm manages approximately $3.5 billion across five distinct strategies covering the spectrum from growth equity and control buyouts to mezzanine debt. Partnering with management teams to help develop their businesses into market leaders, NewSpring identifies opportunities and builds relationships using its network of industry leaders and influencers across a wide array of operational areas and industries. Visit NewSpring at</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <section class="bg-gray news" style="padding-top: 2rem; overflow: hidden;"> <div class="grid-container"> <div class="grid-x align-center"> <div class="cell small-12 medium-8 large-6"> <h2 class="text-center" style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 2rem;">Related Articles</h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container oversized newslist" style="margin-bottom: 0;"> <div class="grid-x align-center"> <div class="cell small-12 large-10"> <div class="grid-x newsborder"> <div class="cell small-12 medium-6 newsitem business-services holdings "> <div class="header"> <p class="title">NewSpring Announces Acquisition of Radar Systems & Solutions Provider C Speed</p> <div class="excerpt">RADNOR, PA – October 8, 2024 - NewSpring ("the Firm"), a family of private equity strategies, today...</div> </div> <div class="indicia"> <p class="tags status">Transactions & News</p> <p class="date">October 08, 2024</p> </div> <a href="" class="black"><span class="show-for-sr">Read more</span></a> </div> <div class="cell small-12 medium-6 newsitem holdings "> <div class="header"> <p class="title">Mission Solutions and the Impact on Federal Law Enforcement - Market Trends and Observations</p> <div class="excerpt">As the digital age progresses, crime has evolved alongside it, with cybercriminals leveraging...</div> </div> <div class="indicia"> <p class="tags status">PE Perspectives/White Papers</p> <p class="date">September 05, 2024</p> </div> <a href="" class="black"><span class="show-for-sr">Read more</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="subscribe widget"> <a href="/newsletter"> <h4>Get the latest <br />NewSpring news</h4> <p><i class="material-icons blue">arrow_forward</i>Subscribe</p> </a> </div> <script> (function() { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { var articleElement = document.querySelector('article'); 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