Memorable Manitobans: George Bryce (1844-1931)
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cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td width="150"><a href="javascript:OpenWindow ('images/bryce_g1.html','bryce_g1','scrollbars=no,width=450,height=650')"><img src="images/bryce_g1.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge" width="150" height="200" title="Click to enlarge" border="0"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="150"><center> <h3><font size="-1"><strong>George Bryce</strong><br> <em>Click to enlarge</em></font></h3> </center></td> </tr> </table> <p>Cleric, educator, historian.</p> <table border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td width="150"><a href="javascript:OpenWindow ('images/bryce_g2.html','bryce_g2','scrollbars=no,width=500,height=650')"><img src="images/bryce_g2.jpg" alt="Click to enlarge" width="167" height="200" title="Click to enlarge" border="0"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="150"><center> <h3><font size="-1"><strong>George Bryce</strong><br> <em>Click to enlarge</em></font></h3> </center></td> </tr> </table> <p>Born on a farm near Mount Pleasant, Ontario, on 22 April 1844, a year after his parents had immigrated to Canada from Scotland. He received what was, for the times, a good education, at the high school in nearby Brantford, the University of Toronto, and Knox College, where his success as a student was marked with medals and scholarships. He was an athlete, playing on the college football team. He had served as a militia volunteer during the Fenian troubles of 1866 and was present at the disastrous Canadian defeat at Ridgeway.</p> <p>As a young Presbyterian minister, Bryce was part of the influx of Ontario immigrants who came to Manitoba after the collapse of Riel’s <a href="provisional.shtml">Provisional Government</a> in 1870. He was selected in 1871 by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church to come west to Red River to organize a Presbyterian college and a new church. He set up <a href="../sites/manitobacollege.shtml">Manitoba College</a> in the same year and taught there until 1909. In 1872 he founded <a href="../sites/knoxunitedwinnipeg.shtml">Knox Church</a>, the first Presbyterian church in <a href="/docs/municipalities/winnipeg.shtml">Winnipeg</a>. He was also one of the founders of the <a href="/docs/organization/universitywinnipeg.shtml">University of Manitoba</a>, and taught science on the University faculty and served on the University Council until his retirement in 1904.</p> <p>Bryce was one of the founders and he served two terms as <a href="mhspresidents.shtml">President of the Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society</a> - once from 1884 to 1887, and again from 1905 to 1913. He was a prolific author who wrote nine books and forty or fifty pamphlets as well as numerous sermons and speeches. He delivered 30 papers before the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba alone, on topics as diverse as geology, archaeology, and Red River history. In 1902 his scholarship gained national recognition when he was elected to the Royal Society of Canada. In 1910 he served as the Royal Society’s President and he was also a member of many other learned societies. In November 1921, he was awarded an <a href="../organization/universitymanitoba.shtml#honorary">honorary degree by the University of Manitoba</a>.</p> <p>In his later years, after the death of his wife <a href="bryce_m.shtml">Marion Bryce</a>, he grew frail and moved back to Ontario to live with his brother, Dr. P. H. Bryce, in Ottawa. He died there, largely forgotten, on 5 August 1931 and was buried in the <a href="/docs/sites/kildonanpresbyteriancemetery.shtml">Kildonan Presbyterian Cemetery</a>. He is commemorated by <a href="../winnipegstreets/index.shtml">Bryce Avenue</a> in Winnipeg, and <a href="../manitobaschools/index.shtml#bryce">Bryce Hall</a> (with a <a href="../sites/bryce_g.shtml">commemorative plaque</a>) at the <a href="/docs/organization/universitywinnipeg.shtml">University of Winnipeg</a>. There are extensive papers at the <a href="../../info/links/uwa.shtml" target="_blank">University of Winnipeg Archives</a>.</p> <p>See also:</p> <blockquote> <p>“George Bryce” by Catherine Logan Macdonald, MA thesis, University of Manitoba, 1983.</p> <p><a href="../features/nationalhistoric/bryce_g.shtml">George Bryce - Person of National Historic Significance</a></p> </blockquote> <p>His articles for the <a href="../organization/manitobahistoricalsociety.shtml">Manitoba Historical Society</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p><a href="../transactions/1/winnipegcountry.shtml">Winnipeg Country: its Discovery and the Great Consequences Resulting</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 4, Read 1883</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/isbister_ak.shtml">In Memoriam: Late A. K. Isbister, M.A., LL.B., Honorary Member</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 8, Read 1883 </p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/harmon.shtml">Notes and Comments on Harmon<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:12.0pt; ">’</span>s Journal 1800-1820</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 9, Read 13 December 1883</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/moundbuilders.shtml">The Mound Builders</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 18, Read 1885</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/settlers.shtml">The Old Settlers of Red River</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 19,Read 26 November 1885</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/souriscountry.shtml">The Souris Country: its Monuments, Mounds, Forts and Rivers</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 24, Read 1887</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/johntanner.shtml">Sketch of the Life of John Tanner, a Famous Manitoba Scout: a Border Type</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 30, Read 26 April 1888</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/selkirkletters.shtml">Original Letters and Other Documents Relating to the Selkirk Settlement</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 33, Read 17 January 1889</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/provisionalgovernments.shtml">Two Provisional Governments in Manitoba Containing an Interesting Discussion of the Riel Rebellion with an Appendix Embodying the Four Bills of Rights Verbatim</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 38, Read 9 January1890</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/firstrecorder.shtml">The First Recorder of Rupert<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:12.0pt; ">’</span>s Land</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 40, Read 4 May 1890</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/surfacegeology.shtml">Surface Geology of the Red River and Assiniboine Valleys</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 41, Read 22 January 1891</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/oldergeology.shtml">Older Geology of the Red River and Assiniboine Valleys</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 42, Read 26 November 1891</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/sevenoaks.shtml">Seven Oaks: An Account of the Affair of Seven Oaks; the Circumstances which led up to it; a description of the contestants; the events of the conflict, including the death of Governor Semple and his followers; and a report of proceedings of the gathering for the unveiling of the <span style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:12.0pt; ">“</span>Seven Oaks Monument,<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:12.0pt; ">”</span> June 19<sup>th</sup>, 1891</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 43, Read 1891 </p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/earlywinnipeg.shtml">Early Days in Winnipeg</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 46, Read 18 February 1894</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/redriverworthies.shtml">Worthies of Old Red River</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 48, Read 11 February 1896</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/lakeofthewoods.shtml">The Lake of the Woods: its History, Geology, Mining and Manufacturing</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 49, Read 23 February 1897</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/robertcampbell.shtml">Sketch of the Life and Discoveries of Robert Campbell, Chief Factor of the Hudson<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:12.0pt; ">’</span>s Bay Company</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 52, Read 14 April 1898</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/rossletters.shtml">Letters of a Pioneer, Alexander Ross</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 63, Read 10 February 1903</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/treasures.shtml">Treasures of Our Library</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 64, Read 9 February 1904</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/moundbuildersremains.shtml">Among the Mound Builders<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:12.0pt; ">’</span> Remains</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 66, Read 9 February 1904</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/greatlibrary.shtml">A Great City Library</a><br> <i>MHS Transaction</i>, Series 1, No. 70, Read 8 March 1906</p> <p><a href="../transactions/1/britishscience.shtml">A Sketch of the British Association for the Advancement of Science</a><br> <i>MHS Transactions</i>, Series 1, No. 72, Read 1906</p> </blockquote> <h2 id="sources">Sources:</h2> <p><a href="historyofmanitoba.shtml"><em>A History of Manitoba: Its Resources and People</em></a> by <a href="bryce_g.shtml">Prof. George Bryce</a>, Toronto: The Canadian History Company, 1906.</p> <p>“Manitoba University to confer degree on Rev. George Bryce,” <a href="../business/tribune.shtml"><em>Winnipeg Tribune</em></a>, 14 November 1921, page 6.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><em>Dictionary of Manitoba Biography</em></a> by <a href="bumsted_jm.shtml">John M. “Jack” Bumsted</a>, Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1999.</p> <p>This page was prepared by <a href="blanchard_j.shtml">Jim Blanchard</a> and <a href="/docs/people/goldsborough_lg.shtml">Gordon Goldsborough</a>.</p> <p><em>Page revised: 28 June 2019</em></p> <blockquote> <table border=0 width="90%"><tr><td> <table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding="15" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#cbc2cc"> <tr> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#cbc2cc"><a href="/docs/people/index.shtml"><img src="/docs/people/people.gif" alt="Memorable Manitobans" width=100 height=200 border=0></a></td> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#cbc2cc"><h1>Memorable Manitobans</h1> <p>This is a collection of noteworthy Manitobans from the past, compiled by the <a href="/docs/organization/manitobahistoricalsociety.shtml">Manitoba Historical Society</a>. 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We also understand that before real change can happen, the truth must be revealed, and only then can we make the path clear for reconciliation. Our organization is committed to help educate, support, preserve, and promote Indigenous, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit histories, traditions, languages, and culture through our publications and online resources. We can help to address the systemic racism, discrimination, and marginalization that has been experienced by Indigenous communities in Canada.</p> <p>The Manitoba Historical Society office is located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.</p> </div> </div> <div class="footer-menu has-white-color"> <div class="menu-footer-menu-container"><ul id="footer-menu" class="menu"><li id="menu-item-112" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-112"><a href="">Terms & Conditions</a></li> <li id="menu-item-111" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-111"><a href="">FAQS</a></li> <li id="menu-item-113" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-113"><a href="">Donate</a></li> <li id="menu-item-5701" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-product_cat menu-item-5701"><a href="">Join / Subscribe</a></li> </ul></div> </div> <div class="follow-us"> <h2>FOLLOW US</h2> <div class="social-links has-white-color"> <a class="link" target="_blank" href=""><img src="/images/twitter.svg" alt="twitter" /></a> <a class="link" target="_blank" href=""><img src="/images/youtube.svg" alt="youtube" /></a> <a class="link" target="_blank" href=""><img src="/images/instagram.svg" alt="instagram" /></a> <a class="link" target="_blank" href=""><img src="/images/facebook-f.svg" alt="facebook" /></a> <a class="link" target="_blank" href=""><img src="/images/tiktok.svg" alt="tiktok" /></a> </div> <div class="registration">BN: 122814601RR0001</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="alignfull"> <div class="site-info has-black-color"> Copyright © 2025 Manitoba Historical Society · <a href="">PRIVACY POLICY</a> · <a href="">TERMS</a> </div><!-- .site-info --> </div> </footer> </table> </body> </html>