Alphabetical Report List

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Lewis and “Mere Christianity”</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> C.S. 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Who is Converting Whom?</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> CCM and Homosexuality</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> CCM Groups Love Secular Rock</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> CCM Permeated with False Christs and False Gods</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> CCM Philosophy Spreading Among Independent Baptists</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> CCM Pioneer Bridge Builder Thomas Dorsey</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> CCM Weakens the Biblicist Stance</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Centering Prayer</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Challenge For Bible-Believing Churches About Music Today</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Challenge to Australian Pastors About the Compromise of the Hour</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Challenges to Lancaster Supporters</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Changes To The KJV Since 1611</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Changes Within the Independent Baptist Movement</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Chappell Says Treat Critics Like Bubblegum</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Chappell Warns About Hillsong While His Church Performs Hillsong</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Character and Philosophy of Rock Music, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Characteristics and Philosophy of Rock Music</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Characteristics of Apostasy, The</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Characteristics of the Apostolic Churches</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Chariot of God, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charismatic Catholics Love Error</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charismatic Confusion in Evangelism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charismatic Southern Baptists</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charismatic Style Worship: Getting High on Music</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charity - 1 Corinthians 13</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charity Ministries and the Remnant Movement</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charles Darwin's Deception</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charles Spurgeon and a Regenerate Church Membership</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charles Spurgeon and the Battle for Truth</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Charles Wesley’s Unwise Child Training</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Checklist for Keeping the Kids</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Chicago Magazine and First Baptist Hammond</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Chick-Fil-A Day Changes Nothing</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Chiropractic</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Chosen - 10 Critical Concerns, The</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Chris Tomlin: King of Worship Music</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ as Reprover</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ is Unique, Way of Life Literature</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ of Lightworkers Media, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ Will Rule With a Rod of Iron</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ-Owned Church, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ's Atoning Sacrifice</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ's Bodily Resurrection</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ's Devotion to the Father</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ's Glorious Kingdom</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ's Great Commission</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ's Intercession</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ's Model Prayer</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ's Sword and Bride</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ’s Return Emphasized in the Epistles</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christ’s Rule With a Rod of Iron</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christian Burnout</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christian Dress and 1 Timothy 2</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christian Drinking Is a Bellwether Issue</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christian Drum Circles</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Christian Inventor R.G. 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Cloud</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Contemplative Practices are a Bridge to Paganism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Contemplative Spirituality: Dancing with Demons</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Contemporary Christian Music and Rome</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Contemporary Music Brings Great Changes to Churches</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Contemporary Music Brings Great Changes</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Contemporary Praise Building the One-World Church</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Contemporary Praise Music & the Internt</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Contemporary Worship Music Permeating Independent Baptists</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Contemporary Worship vs Biblical Worship</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Conversion of Charles Weigle, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Conviction vs. Preference in Church Matters</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Corban</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Cord App: A New App to Help Protect Christian Men From Moral Dangers</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Coronavirus Crisis: A Test of Christian Character, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Coronavirus Good and Odd News</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Correspondence With a Missionary About Quick Prayerism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Country Music, a Safe Alternative?</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Country Music</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Covenant Eyes for Internet Users</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Covid-19 and Prayer </a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Covid-19 Science and Reality</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Cowboy Church</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Creation Museum: Many Infallible Proofs</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Creation Science Ministries: Why The New Evangelical Principal is Dangerous</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Creaton Science Videos</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Creeping Kudzu of Compromise, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Cremation, What Does God Think?</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Critical Eye, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Croco-Bird Theory, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Cuckoo, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Cultural Factors in the Weakening of Churches</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Cup of the Lord, The</a></dd></div></div> </div><!--/contentInner--> </div><!--/accordion-content--> </li><li id="switcherItemstacks_in_325980" class="switcherItem switcherItemstacks_in_325980"> <a class="accordion-toggle toggleItemstacks_in_325980">D</a> 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Church Is a Reproving Church, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Discipling Church Is Careful About Membership, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Discipling Church Is Strong in Prayer, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Discipling Church Trains Preachers, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Disclamer of ratherexposethem</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Discouraged Pastors</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Disney Gospel, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Dividing Truth Into Essentials and Non-Essentials</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Divine Design of Corn, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Divine Design of Wheat, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Divine Healing</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Divine Inspiration of Isaiah, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Divorced Pastor, the</a></dd> 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This Battle About West Coast in Perspective</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> From Evolution to Creation: The Testimony of Dr. Richard Lumsden</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> From Fundamentalism to Ecumenism, A Warning From the Life of Robert Webber</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> From Golgotha to Megiddo</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> From “Singing to Yourselves” to “Sing Along”?</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> From Southern Baptist to Goddess Worship, Sue Monk Kidd</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> From The Synagogue to The Saviour</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> From Unisex Fashion to Drag Queens</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fruit of Hylesism, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fuller Seminary and Intervarsity Press, 1996</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamental Baptist Schizophrenia</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamental Baptists and Big Daddy Weave</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamental Baptists and Quick Prayerism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamental Baptists and th Backstreet Boys</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamental Doctrine of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, The</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamental Laws of Science vs. Evolution, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamental Things Most Right Wing Conservatives Do Not Know</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamentalism Introduction</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamentalism is Not Enough</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamentalism's Warrior Spirit</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamentalist is a Negative Person</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamentalists Adapting Contemporary Praise Music</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Fundamentalists Drifting Toward New Evangelicalism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Further Conversation About Quick Prayerism, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Further Warning About Grace Baptist</a></dd></div></div> </div><!--/contentInner--> </div><!--/accordion-content--> </li><li id="switcherItemstacks_in_325989" class="switcherItem switcherItemstacks_in_325989"> <a class="accordion-toggle toggleItemstacks_in_325989">G</a> <div class="accordion-content contentstacks_in_325989"> <div id="contentInnerstacks_in_325989" class="contentInner"> <div id='stacks_out_326091' class='stacks_out'><div id='stacks_in_326091' class='stacks_in html_stack'> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Gail Riplinger's Fertile Imagination</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Gail Riplinger's Lies to Dr. and Mrs. D.A. 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Hasn't Done It Yet</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God Is King Over All </a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God Is Praised by the Trees</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God Pours Grace Into the Hydrochloride of Our Lives</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God Rebukes the Women of Israel</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God's Blessing on Missionary Giving</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God's Blood Bank</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God's Commendation of a Father</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God's Law and Evangelism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God's Mercy and the Psalms</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God's Omnipotence</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God’s Light and Salvation Through History</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> God’s Promises to the Redeemed</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' 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to Promise Keepers "Wake Up Call"</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pastor's Stance on the Independent Baptist Friends International, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pastors Authority</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pastors Share Their Problems and Concerns</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pastors Who Preach Right But Don't Follow Through</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Patch the Pirate Warnings Hold True</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Path From Independent Baptist to the Shack, Rome and Beyond, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Paul Chappell Misses the Fundamental Point in the Music Issue</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Paul Chappell Misses the Fundamental Point</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Paul Chappell's Angry Birds</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Paul Chappell's Pragmatism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' 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Hylescost</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pentecostal-Charismatic Tongues Vs. the Bible</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pentecostalism, Experience and Scripture</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> PETA Promotes Vegetarianism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Peter vs The Popes</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Petticoats on Soldiers</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Ph.D. Turns from Atheism to Christ</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pharmacy Music</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Phebe (Ro. 16:1-2)</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Philip Yancey and Dangers in Christian Bookstores</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pied-Billed Grebe, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pierre Teilhard de Chardin</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pileated Woodpeckern</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pilgrim Christianity and the Pants Issue</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Plain Clothing</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Plant Intelligence</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href=' southern_gospel_fans.php' title=''> Plea to Southern Gospel Fans, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Plea to the Clark Family, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pleasure of Christ's Kingdom, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Plowing the Ground Through Preaching God’s Law</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Polio Before and After Vaccine</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Politics Won't Save the Nation</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Popes Condemned the Bible Societies</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pope’s Strange Prayer Meeting, The</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Poison of America’s Great Poets, The</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Position and Practice</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Poverty, What the Bible Says</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Power Belongeth Unto God</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Power of Good Christian Books, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Power of the Ancient Sling, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Powerless Churches and a Wicked Nation</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Practical Steps of Protection in the Facebook Age</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Praise for the King James Bible</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Praise God in Dance</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Praise the Name of the Lord</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pray for Cornerstone Baptist Church</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Prayer Before Special Meetings</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Prayer for America, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Prayer for Wicked America, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Prayer That Changed History, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Praying For the Nations</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Praying for the Sick</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Praying More Specifically</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Praying With Fervency</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pre-Tribulation Rapture, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preach With Regard to Time</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preach the Word With Reproof and Rebuke</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preacher as a Student, The</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preacher and the Gypsy Fortune Teller, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preacher on the Fence, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preacher Says "The Brethren" are Galled with Brother Cloud</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preacher Who Prayed for a Horse and a Wife, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preachers and Books</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preachers Following the Crowd</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Predictions of Biblical Creationism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Preparation for Rebuilding the Jewish Temple</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> President of the United States Has Been Banned by Major Social Media Moguls</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Priesthood: Yesterday and Today, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Private Prayer Language?, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Private Reproof vs. Public</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pro-Homosexual Movement Within Evangelicals, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Problem With New Age Bible Versions, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Problem with Pokemon, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Prominent BJU-Associated Pastor Defends Use of CCM</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers and False Repentance</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers and False Revival</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers and Racial Unity</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers and Rome</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers Influencing Key Evangelicals</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers Radical Charismatic Connection</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers Says Room for Many Opinions in God's Kingdom</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers Seeks Financial Bailout From Every Church in America</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers Speaker Accepts Non-Trinitarians and Says He Draws No Lines</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers Supports Women Pastors</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers Washington Rally</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise Keepers Welcomes Female Pastors</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Promise of Suffering in the Christian Life, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Proof Texts of Replacement Theology</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Proper Confession of Sin</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Proper Discipline of the Child</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Prophet in the Watchtower, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Prophetic Speculation</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Protestant Persections</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Proverbs 31 Woman, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Psalm 1</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Psalm 12:7 and Bible Preservation</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Psychology and End-Times Mysticism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Psychology is Manufacturing Victims</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Pushing the Edge on Dress Standards, Borderline Modesty vs. True Modesty</a></dd></div></div> </div><!--/contentInner--> </div><!--/accordion-content--> </li><li id="switcherItemstacks_in_326031" class="switcherItem switcherItemstacks_in_326031"> <a class="accordion-toggle toggleItemstacks_in_326031">Q</a> <div class="accordion-content contentstacks_in_326031"> <div id="contentInnerstacks_in_326031" class="contentInner"> <div id='stacks_out_326067' class='stacks_out'><div id='stacks_in_326067' class='stacks_in html_stack'> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Quack Diet Evangelists</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Queen of Sheba, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Questions About the Home Church Movement</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Questions Answered About Repentance</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Questions for Antifa/Black Lives Matter</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Questions for Churches on the Music Issue</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Quick Prayerism Summarized</a> </dd></div></div> </div><!--/contentInner--> </div><!--/accordion-content--> </li><li id="switcherItemstacks_in_326028" class="switcherItem switcherItemstacks_in_326028"> <a class="accordion-toggle toggleItemstacks_in_326028">R</a> <div class="accordion-content contentstacks_in_326028"> <div id="contentInnerstacks_in_326028" class="contentInner"> <div id='stacks_out_326069' class='stacks_out'><div id='stacks_in_326069' class='stacks_in html_stack'> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rabies Before and After Vaccine</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rachel Carson, the Mother of the Environmental Movement</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Ransom Money, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rapper Hip-Hop Deathstyle, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rapture and the Jewish Feasts, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Read the Bible With Good Comprehension</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reader Says Most Pastors Don't Care About the Music Issue</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rebellion of Korah, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Recent Pentecostal Scandals</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Red Blood Cells</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Red Letter Christians</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Red Sea and Mt. Sinai, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Red-Headed Woodpecker</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Redeem the Time</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Redeeming the Time</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reference Bibles</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reformed Theology and Baptismal Regeneration</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Refutation of Replacement Theology, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Refuting Theistic Evolution</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Regenerate Church Membership, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reiki</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rejecting “Quick Prayerism” but Still Practicing It</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Religion in the Aged</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Religious Harlot "Church" of Revelation 17, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Renouncing Jumboism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Repent or Perish</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Repentance: A Summary</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Repentance and Lordship Revisited</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Repentance and Lordship Salvation</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Repentance in Evangelism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Repenting of What?</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Replacing Hymns with Contemporary Praise Music</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Lancaster Supporter</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Man Who Doesn’t Agree With Article “Does Regeneration Precede Faith?”</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Pastor about a Family That Left His Church</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Pastor about My Warning of Lancaster's Music</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Pastor about Recent Lancaster Bible Conference</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Pastor About West Coast</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Pastor Inquiring About My Research Practices</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Preacher Who Says I'm Arrogant and Vindictive</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Reader Who Dislikes Our Report About The Beatles</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Schaap Supporter</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a Southern Baptist Preacher</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to a West Coast Graduate About the Music Issue and My Warning</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to Bryan Samms’ Position on the King James Bible Being Too Hard to Understand</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reply to Feedback From Jan. 29 Friday News</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Resolution on Promise Keepers</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Respect and Love Toward Godly Pastors</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Responses to "What's Wrong With Most Soul-Winning Courses"</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Responses to My Warnings About Lancaster's Music - Part 1</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Responses to My Warnings About Lancaster's Music - Part 2</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Responses to My Warnings About Lancaster's Music - Part 3</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Responses to My Warnings About Lancaster's Music - Part 4</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Restoring the Discipling Church</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Restoring the Literal Interpretation of Prophecy</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Resurrection Body, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Resurrection’s Mystery - The Rapture</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Review of Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life", A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Revivalist Hymn Singing</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reviving a Church That is Evangelistically Lukewarm</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Reviving a Church That is Lukewarm Toward Evangelism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Richard Foster Evangelical Sparkplug</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Affirms Commitment to SBC</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren And Bill Hybels Join the World's AIDS Bandwagon</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Asks "Why Be Divisive?"</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Doesn't Mention Jesus Once While Preaching to Jews</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Gives Unscriptural Rules for Church Music</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Joins Hands with World Baptist Alliance</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Likens Biblical Fundamentalists to Muslim Extremists and Atheistic Secularists</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Preached No Gospel</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Predicts a "New Reformation"</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Says Fundamentalism Will be Great Enemy</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Teams Up with Alpha International</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren Tells Pastors to Get Rid of Troublemakers</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren's Duplicity in Regard to Fundamentalism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren's Evil Associations</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren's Global Vision, Purple Haze, and New Age Association</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren's Ignorance About Fundamentalism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren's Interfaith Cooperation</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren's Judge Not Ecumenism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren's Message in the Ladies Home Journal</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren's PEACE Plan</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rick Warren's Youth Pastor Associated with Eastern Meditative Practices</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Right Bible, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Right Relationship Between Pastors and People a Mark of a New Testament Church</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Riplinger's Prophetic Claims</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rob Bell's New God</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Robert Dick Wilson: Defender of the Faith</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Robert Louis Stevenson's Apostasy</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rock & Roll and End-Times Mysticism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rock & Roll Party Christ, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rock Group U2</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rock Music and Insanity</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rock Music and Suicide</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rock Music as Religion</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rock Musicians as Mediums</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rock - The Music of False Christs</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Roger Williams and His Glorious Experiment of Religious Liberty</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Role of the Rejection of Pre-Tribulation Theology in the Downfall of the Conservative Baptists, The</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Roman Catholic Asceticism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Roman Catholic Heresies Documented</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Roman Catholic Mass: A Mystical Powerhouse</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Roman Catholics In Love With Eastern Religions</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Romance Novels</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Romantic Worship</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rome and the Council of Trent</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rome and the Harlot of Revelation 17</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rome's Forgeries</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rome's Mary on the Cross</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rome's Persecution of the Bible</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Ronnie Floyd, the SBC, and Contemporary Wolves</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rosebuds and Church Worker Standards</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rousseau: A Chief Father of Modern Society</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Ruins of Jericho Confirm the Biblical Account</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Rush Limbaugh & Christian Dittoheads</a></dd></div></div> </div><!--/contentInner--> </div><!--/accordion-content--> </li><li id="switcherItemstacks_in_326025" class="switcherItem switcherItemstacks_in_326025"> <a class="accordion-toggle toggleItemstacks_in_326025">S</a> <div class="accordion-content contentstacks_in_326025"> <div id="contentInnerstacks_in_326025" class="contentInner"> <div id='stacks_out_326071' class='stacks_out'><div id='stacks_in_326071' class='stacks_in html_stack'> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Sabbath Yesterday and Today</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Saddleback Church Rocking and Rolling</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Saddleback Church Statement of Faith: Shallow and Heretical</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Saltwater Crocodile, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Salute to Frank Garlock, A</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Salvation and End-Times Apostasy</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Sargon’s Empire</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Schaap Case - Troubling to This Preacher, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Schaap Says Independent Baptists Need to Expand the Base and Stop Criticizing</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Scholarly Climate of the King James Bible, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Scholarolatry and Ignorantolatry</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Scientists Who Believe the Bible</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Scientists Who Do Not Believe in Darwinian Evolution</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Scopes Trial, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Scoping Out False Teachers</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Scriptural Evidence of Salvation</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Scriptural Warnings That Apply to Television Viewing</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Scripture Demands Strict Biblicism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Second Pagan Invasion</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Secular Warnings About Social Media</a> </dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Seeker’s Evangelistic Bible Study</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Self-Esteem and Unconditional Love</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Sensual Singing Techniques</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Separating from Compromising Preachers</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Sermon on the Mount, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Seven Keys to Fruitful Church Membership</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Seven Principles in Training Godly Children</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Seventh Day Adventism</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Seventh-Day Adventists, Ecumenism and Hell</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Sexton's "Irreducible Body of Truth" Friendship Program</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Sexuality of Contemporary Worship Music, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Sexualized Age, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Sexy Churches</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Shack's Cool God, The</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Shekinah</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Shooting Their Own Wounded</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Should Bible Believing Churches Require Abstinence From Alcoholic Beverages?</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' href='' title=''> Should Homosexuals Be Put to Death?</a></dd> <dd><a class='Stacks' 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