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It has a demo that can make the user to feel easy in working.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Ayesha Nasee</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='7000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I took a long time for me to find a great platform for my online schools. LearnWorlds is a robust platform that is very easy to use and setup and it is also affordable for those that are just getting started.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- D’Andrea Bolden Ministries</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">The TEAM behind LearnWorlds is what makes the difference and the support they offer.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Ariane G</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I am in love with this platform and I would never change them for another. I feel cared for by the amazing support team that know my name, my work, my problems and needs. They offered me the attention and personalized tips. All that gave a big boost to my online school.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Teya B.</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">LearnWorlds will soon be recognised as the GLOBAL authority in online teaching... they stand out above the rest and their promises are REAL.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- AAW</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='7000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">The confidence I’ve gained in my business is priceless. No matter what issue I might have with my platform, the LearnWorlds Support Squad has my answer. When they say “customer service is their #1 goal” they truly mean it. I’ve never been disappointed.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Missy C.</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I have used few others providers and wasn't satisfied until I found LearnWorlds. They have all the tools and easy to use interface to build your online school.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Jonas K.</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='7000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I'd like to say that the support that we've been getting from LW since I got to know the platform is, until this moment, without any doubts one of the best customer services that I've experienced.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Samir A.</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">Extremely easy to use their in house video hosting platform, so there’s no need to get a platform like vimeo which ultimately saves you money.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Kenneth John</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I can recommend LearnWorlds as a great tool to manage an online course, academy, accelerator or anything similar. The platform works well and has many adjustable features. The support is super fast and always helpful! 5/5</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Alona Belinska</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">LearnWorlds is likely the most interactive learning system I have encountered. Thanks to greatly integrated video functionalities, gamification and personal notes/library there are immense opportunities to enhance the learning experience by creating engaging content.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Epp Krusenvald</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">Before I committed, I decided to contact every elearning platform but honestly, no one beats what they offer. They are always on top of things and all the best features are always being added. The creators are so amazing, I can tell they work so so hard!</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Corine C.</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='5000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">Easy to use, good support from the team (very responsive) and costs less than many course platforms</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Tany Williams</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='7000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">I was looking at maybe 5-7 different platforms before I decided to go with LearnWorlds. It is easy to use (intuitive) and there are the features that you need. I am happy I found it!</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Martin B.</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> <div class="slide" data-duration='8000' > <div class="mb-0 with-logo-top"> <div class="lw-align-r mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <svg width="63" height="43" viewBox="0 0 63 43" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M32.3189 15.2975C32.3189 6.84877 39.1675 0 47.6176 0C56.0676 0 62.2007 6.61272 62.9163 15.0319C64.009 27.8778 54.2494 38.6337 42.3996 42.0542C46.4385 39.6124 49.2557 35.3656 49.7254 30.4264C49.0338 30.5247 48.3342 30.5945 47.6167 30.5945C39.1672 30.5945 32.3184 23.7464 32.3184 15.297L32.3189 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> <path d="M0.00117111 15.2975C0.00117111 6.84877 6.84985 0 15.3005 0C23.75 0 29.8836 6.61272 30.5999 15.0319C31.6926 27.8778 21.9329 38.6337 10.0831 42.0542C14.1221 39.6124 16.9386 35.3656 17.409 30.4264C16.7174 30.5247 16.0165 30.5945 15.3002 30.5945C6.85017 30.5945 0.0014801 23.7464 0.0014801 15.297L0.00117111 15.2975Z" fill="#02CFC0"/> </svg> </div> <div class="lw-txt lw-txt-l">Definitely the best option on the market. I like to compare my options and LW was the clear winner. The amazing, friendly and well trained support team that replies within a few minutes is also extremely impressive.</div> <div class="lw-align-l faux-h5 lw-txt">- Teya Bozhilova</div> <img decoding="async" src="" class="mb-2rem" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-item row-c z-1 mb-2rem hide-below-768"> <img decoding="async" class="w-100 ml-5 mr-5" src="" title="LearnWorlds awards" alt="LearnWorlds awards"> <img decoding="async" class="w-100 ml-5 mr-5" src="" title="LearnWorlds awards" alt="LearnWorlds awards"> <img decoding="async" class="w-100 ml-5 mr-5" src="" title="LearnWorlds awards" alt="LearnWorlds awards"> <img decoding="async" class="w-90 ml-5 mr-5" src=""> </div> </div> <div class="order-1 relative w-50pc w-100-below-768 h-full h-600-below-768 lw-black-bg p-2rem of-hidden demo-form-b-version"> <div class="auto-slider flex flex-d-col a-i-c j-c-c"> <div class="auto-slider-wrapper w-full fsh-1"> <div class="fsh-0 w-full h-full flex flex-d-col a-i-c j-c-sb talign-c"> <video class="w-70pc fsh-1" autoplay muted loop src=""></video> <div class="fg-1 mt-neg3rem"> <div class="lw-txt faux-h2 small lw-white-text mb-0">Launch in record time</div> <div class="lw-white-text lw-txt-l lw-text-color-fadeout30 mb-3rem">You provide the expertise, AI powers your output.</div> </div> </div> <div class="fsh-0 w-full h-full flex flex-d-col a-i-c j-c-sb talign-c"> <video class="w-70pc fsh-1" autoplay muted loop src=""></video> <div class="fg-1 mt-neg3rem"> <div class="lw-txt faux-h2 small lw-white-text mb-0">Sell, sell, sell</div> <div class="lw-white-text lw-txt-l lw-text-color-fadeout30 mb-3rem">You provide the expertise, AI powers your output.</div> </div> </div> <div class="fsh-0 w-full h-full flex flex-d-col a-i-c j-c-sb talign-c"> <video class="w-70pc fsh-1" autoplay muted loop src=""></video> <div class="fg-1 mt-neg3rem"> <div class="lw-txt faux-h2 small lw-white-text mb-0">Analyze and optimize with AI</div> <div class="lw-white-text lw-txt-l lw-text-color-fadeout30 mb-3rem">You provide the expertise, AI powers your output.</div> </div> </div> <div class="fsh-0 w-full h-full flex flex-d-col a-i-c j-c-sb talign-c"> <video class="w-70pc fsh-1" autoplay muted loop src=""></video> <div class="fg-1 mt-neg3rem"> <div class="lw-txt faux-h2 small medium lw-white-text mb-0">Zero code, total control</div> <div class="lw-white-text lw-txt-l lw-text-color-fadeout30 mb-3rem">You provide the expertise, AI powers your output.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="auto-pagination z-30 hide-below-768"> <div class="auto-slide-dot active" data-slide="0"></div> <div class="auto-slide-dot" data-slide="1"></div> <div class="auto-slide-dot" data-slide="2"></div> <div class="auto-slide-dot" data-slide="3"></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <script> // Function to initialize a slider function initializeSlider(wrapperSelector, dotSelector, autoplayInterval = 5000) { const sliders = document.querySelectorAll(wrapperSelector); 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