The Top 100 Product Marketing Influencers, 2023
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</p><p>From visionary strategists and creative masterminds to analytics gurus and growth hackers extraordinaire, these distinguished influencers represent the very best of the best.</p><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script> hbspt.forms.create({ region: "eu1", portalId: "139496063", formId: "feb82158-6f04-42dd-a870-49536fb4e54a" }); </script> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <p></p><p><em><strong>Psst. </strong>Already an </em><a href=""><em>Insider member</em></a><em>? Grab your copy </em><a href="" rel="noreferrer"><em>here</em></a><em> (no form-filling required 😉).</em></p><p></p><p>Get ready to discover the prodigies and power players who are charging ahead of the pack and taking product marketing to unprecedented new heights!</p><p>So, without further ado, allow us to unveil the Top 100 Product Marketing Influencers of 2023... 🥁</p><h2 id="the-top-100-influencers">The Top 100 Influencers</h2><h3 id=""></h3><hr><h3 id="a-d">A-D</h3> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Aatir Abdul Rauf - VP Marketing, vFairs <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Aatir Abdul Rauf leads marketing at vFairs, bringing over 15 years of product management and digital marketing experience from Microsoft, Pakwheels,, and Talentera. He has tripled marketing qualified leads in 2 years to generate 7-figure pipelines. Aatir is passionate about demand gen, content marketing, and crafting product strategies that solve real customer problems. <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Phil Agnew - Senior Product Marketing Manager, Buffer <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Phil is Senior PMM at Buffer. He’s a keen writer and avid public speaker with specific interests in product marketing, brand development, and entrepreneurialism. He also hosts Nudge, a podcast that helps marketers understand the science behind good marketing. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Eve Alexander - VP of Product Marketing, Seismic <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Eve Alexander is a product marketing leader with experience building, leading, and managing global teams for B2B SaaS startups and public companies. Specialties include Go-to-market Strategy, Product Launches, Messaging & Positioning, Campaign Strategy, and Partner Marketing. As a strong cross-functional leader and "foundation builder," she loves helping scale teams and companies through hyper-growth. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Eugenia Alfonzo - Product Marketing Manager, Netflix <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Eugenia Alfonzo is a Product Marketing Manager at Netflix. A product marketer with extensive experience, Eugenia has honed her PMM credentials working in teams at the likes of Trello, Factual Inc, Instagram, and Tumblr. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Marcus Andrews - Director of Product Marketing, Pendo <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Marcus Andrews handles product marketing at Pendo. Before that, he was a Product Marketing leader at HubSpot where he designed narratives, created go-to-market strategies, and launched products. He is passionate about product marketing, his family, and basketball. He’s an active member of the larger product marketing community, a writer, speaker, and host of the Product Marketing Experts Podcast. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Brian Bachofner - CMO, ServiceTrade <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Brian is a cloud marketing leader with extensive experience scaling SaaS businesses from product-market fit to $50M+, and growing multi-billion SaaS products to double-digit CAGR. Before taking on the role of CMO at ServiceTrade, he was VP of Product Marketing, and CMO of Sales Cloud at Salesforce, where he oversaw global product marketing for a $7B portfolio. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Madeleine Bala - VP of Product Marketing, PowerSchool Group <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Madeleine has over a decade of experience in the education technology sector. She's currently Vice President of Product Marketing at PowerSchool Group, where she's responsible for all aspects of product marketing including product positioning, go-to-market strategy, and field enablement. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Patrick Barbara - Director of Product Marketing, IntelyCare <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Patrick Barbara is an experienced professional with a successful track record in sales, marketing, and product management roles. Focused on developing innovative product strategies, making meaningful differences to customers, and making data-driven decisions that contribute to the company's bottom line. Driven to work effectively with high-performing teams and continually improve business outcomes. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Maggie Bean - Product Marketing Manager, SmartBear <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Maggie is a Product Marketing Manager at Smartbear. She also hosts the New to Product Marketing podcast, which explores what new and aspiring product marketers need to know about launching a successful product marketing career. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Renata Bell - Partner, Team Ignite Ventures <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Renata Bell led the go-to-market strategy for Sourcing and Diversity in Talent Solutions, a platform that helps employers find and hire diverse talent. With over 20 years of experience in marketing, PR, and product management, she’s developed and executed successful campaigns, programs, and partnerships that drive business growth and customer satisfaction. Renata has also co-founded and advised several startups and is certified in Equitable Product Design and Diversity Sourcing. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Mike Berger - VP of Product Marketing, ClickUp <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Mike Berger is a creative, energetic, and results-oriented product marketing leader with a proven ability to build strong teams and drive growth. He’s currently working part-time as an advisor for and is Vice President of Product Marketing at ClickUp, where he works on solutions marketing, market analysis, product launches, press relations, and more. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Elise Bergeron - Vice President of Product Marketing and Communities, Snowflake <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Elise Bergeron is Vice President of Product Marketing and Communities at Snowflake, overseeing product and partner marketing, developer relations, and communities. She joined Snowflake following its 2019 acquisition of Stride Software, where she served as a co-founder and COO. Previously, Elise held product leadership roles at RelateIQ, Salesforce, and Facebook. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BA in Economics from Stanford. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Abhinay Bhasin - Head of Product Marketing, Profitwheel <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Abhinay is an experienced data manager with an extensive history of working in the marketing and advertising industries. At age 26, Abhinay was named in Forbes; 30 under 30 list while working at Dentsu as South Asia Director of Data Sciences. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Maria Kaganov Bledsoe - VP of Product Marketing, Box <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Maria Kaganov Bledsoe is a Strategic Marketing and Business Development leader offering a combination of technical marketing expertise and direct customer experience with a proven track record of delivering highly effective marketing programs for innovative technology companies. She’s a self-starter, with a strength in penetrating new markets for complex systems and emerging technologies. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Ryane Bohm - Head of Product Marketing, Clari <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Ryane Bohm is a creative Product Marketer and storyteller with a customer-first mindset. She was named one of the "10 Top Women in IoT Marketing" by Connected World, a "Top 50 Most Influential Women in IoT" by the IoT Institute, and the "Emerging Leader" by Quinlan School of Business. Ryane is also the author for Industrial Internet of Things for Developers, published by Wiley. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Sarah Boyd - Director of Product Marketing, Experian <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Sarah Boyd is a B2B marketing leader with deep experience in marketing enterprise technology solutions and related services. She delivers strategic vision and tactical execution of direction, team and partner build-out, and value creation through GTM efforts and marketing programs. Sarah offers attributable revenue creation, increased marketing efficiency, and decreased churn. Her expertise include the likes of Marketing Strategy, Sales Enablement, Content Strategy & Development, and Analyst Relations. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Aaron Brennan - Product Marketing Executive <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Aaron Brennan is an experienced Director of Product Marketing with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. He holds strong marketing professional skills in Digital Strategy, Messaging and Positioning, Product Led Growth, and Product Adoption. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Katherine Brittain - Director of Product Marketing, Monzo <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Katherine has worked in tech for well over a decade. She began her career in the Bay Area at Dropbox where she helped launch and reposition its business & consumer product lines. She then went on to hold a number of product marketing leadership positions before eventually moving to Monzo, where she is currently Director of Product Marketing for Borrowing. Katherine is also an ambassador for Product Marketing Alliance. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Sean Broderick - Director of GTM & Product Marketing, Sitecore <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Sean Broderick is the Director of Product Go-toMarket at Sitecore, and describes himself as “a dynamic marketeer with a flair for brevity.” Before joining Sitecore, Sean was part of the team at eCommerce company eDesk, and Altify, where he was the Senior Product Marketing Manager. Sean is a Dublin Ambassador for Product Marketing Alliance, and hosts the podcast Product Marketing AI, a show that’s described as “being on a mission to make product marketers’ lives easier.” <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Jon Busman - VP of Product Marketing, Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Jon Busman heads product marketing at Salesforce, drawing on 15+ years of driving analytics and engagement strategies at SaaS and CPG companies. He has managed $3M to $100M+ marketing budgets and teams up to 15, delivering 40% effectiveness improvements. Jon holds a passion for data-driven marketing and crafting compelling narratives that resonate. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Kara Callaway - VP of Product Marketing, Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Kara Callaway is a sales and marketing leader serving as VP of Product Marketing at Salesforce, with 14 years of experience spanning sales operations, product marketing, and demand generation. Kara graduated from California Polytechnic State University and holds Salesforce Administrator and Developer certifications. She’s focused on elevating Salesforce’s sales, service, and marketing solutions. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Nuri Cankaya - VP of AI Marketing, Intel <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> With a rich background spanning two decades in marketing and innovation, Nuri’s current passion lies in AI Product Marketing at Intel. He’s dedicated to assisting our esteemed customers in overcoming their business challenges and surpassing their goals through the transformative power of AI. Nuri has also authored books on technology and the future of the internet, covering topics such as AI, Web 3.0, IoT, and Blockchain. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Alicia Carney - Head of Product Marketing, Ravio <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Alicia is a product marketing expert and co-founder of Moonshot – a community focused on teaching strategic mindset and go-to-market foundations to startup PMMs. From San Francisco to London, Alicia has 13+ years of experience scaling fast-paced startups resulting in one merger, one acquisition, and one IPO. At Deliveroo, she led global product marketing to launch and scale 20+ technology products serving the needs of 100,000 restaurant partners and millions of consumers globally. After building three early-stage B2B marketing teams from scratch, Alicia is currently the Head of Marketing at Ravio, Europe's leading compensation platform helping fast-growing businesses to make pay equity become easy and effortless. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Abby Carrier - Director of Product Marketing, Ramp <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Abby is a product marketing leader with 10+ years of experience telling the story of how world-class products and brands (Slack, Pinterest, Apple) transform people’s lives. She's helped companies across the full spectrum of growth – including start-ups, IPOs, and one of the biggest tech acquisitions in history. She's currently the Director of Product Marketing at Ramp, and before that, led Slack’s Growth Product Marketing team. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Alex Chahin - VP of Marketing, Titan <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Alex Chahin is known for his work scaling hyper-growth consumer brands and developing visionary products and marketing, earning recognition as a Business Insider Top 20 Rising Star. He was most recently the VP of Marketing at Titan, an investing app that takes the stress out of investing. Previously, he founded and led the Product Marketing department for Hims & Hers, a DTC telehealth brand. <br></br> Before that, Alex was the Head of Core Rider Product Marketing at Lyft, where he covered the highest-volume products. He started his career at marketing powerhouse American Express. He has particular expertise in behavioral economics and offers a Consumer Psychology Masterclass with the Product Marketing Alliance. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Vijay Chauhan - VP of Product Marketing, Zscaler <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Vijay Chauhan is an information security expert serving as VP of Product Marketing at Zscaler. He has over 16 years of experience spanning security operations, engineering, and product leadership roles at Barclays, Splunk, and Illumio. Vijay holds graduate degrees in computer science and Sanskrit from Stanford University and the University of Pennsylvania. He has numerous patents and his key skills lie in the likes of management, information security, IT strategy, SQL, governance, business analysis, and more. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Crystal Chen - Director of Product Marketing, Coursera for Business <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Crystal leads the global Coursera for Business Product Marketing Team to drive product-market fit and GTM activations, helping customers achieve their goals of upskilling their workforces to drive job mobility and tech transformations, increase employee productivity, and build cultures of learning. She is the co-founder of the Asian Identities Employee Resource Group at Coursera. Prior to Coursera, Crystal opened General Assembly’s first APAC campus in Hong Kong and led creative media production at EF Education. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Elizabeth Dailing - VP of Product Marketing & Strategy, Outreach <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Elizabeth Dailing is a high-performance product, marketing, and sales professional focused on the development and creation of strong product positioning, market analysis, branding, value propositions, competitive differentiation, and campaigns. Her strengths also lie in audience engagement, demand generation, and strategic planning including effective execution and measurable objectives. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> April Dunford - Founder, Ambient Strategy <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> April Dunford is a positioning expert and CEO of Ambient Strategy where she helps companies successfully launch new products by shaping the markets they compete in. Before Ambient Strategy, April had a 25-year career managing marketing and product teams at a series of seven successful startups, six of which were acquired. During her in-house career, April launched 16 products into the market, three of which became billion-dollar businesses. At Ambient Strategy, April has worked with dozens of startups helping them position their products for growth. April is a sought-after international keynote speaker and author of the bestselling book “Obviously Awesome, How to Nail Product Positioning so Customers Get it, Buy it, Love it.” <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Louise Dunne - Senior Product Marketing Manager, Dojo <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Dublin-born, London-based product marketer, Louise Dunne, held a number of roles at Enterprise SaaS businesses before joining eCommerce platform Linnworks to establish the Product Marketing function. Since then, she’s taken on the role of Senior PMM at Dojo, where she’s responsible for product road mapping, go-to-market strategy, sales enablement, and market intelligence. When she’s not chiming in on the PMA slack channels she’s usually at a wine tasting, on a boat, or brushing up on her Spanish for her next trip. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Lisa Dziuba - Head of Growth Product Marketing, <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Lisa is Head of Growth Product Marketing at, where she leverages deep user insights, data-driven strategies, testing, and continuous customer journey optimization to drive growth for growth for a $15M developer marketplace. Before that, she served as a Product Marketing Executive Consultant to high-growth startups. Lisa is also a Forbes 30 Under 30 nominee. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><h3 id="e-h">E-H</h3> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Aliza Edelstein - VP of Product Marketing, Route <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Aliza is VP of Product Marketing at Route and a Top 50 Mentor. Before joining Route, she held a number of senior product marketing positions at companies like Brex and SurveyMonkey. Outside of work, she serves on the Board of Directors of San Francisco Women in Tech, an organization committed to improving the networking and success of women in technology in Silicon Valley. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> James Fang - VP of Product Marketing, mParticle <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> James is a go-to-market leader who specializes in helping innovative technology companies scale and grow. His core strength is his ability to bridge the gap between understanding complex, cutting-edge technology and mapping use cases to solve specific business challenges. He brings 10+ years of expertise in enterprise software (SaaS/PaaS) sales engineering and product marketing leadership. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Fiona Finn - Director of Product Marketing, Jane App <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Fiona is a product marketing leader, equally passionate about helping SMB SaaS companies find product-market success and coaching great humans into amazing PMMs. With a background of working in high-growth software in Legal (Clio), Marketing (Unbounce), and now Health & Wellness (Jane App), Fiona loves the challenge of differentiating products that help small businesses in competitive markets, through creative monetization, positioning, and customer storytelling. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Jenny Fong - VP of Product Marketing, Apptio <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Jenny Fong is an experienced product marketing executive with a demonstrated history of mapping strategy to execution and a proven ability to inspire and lead teams. She holds expertise in cloud infrastructure, containers, Kubernetes, IT Financial Management, FinOps, and Technology Business Management (TBM). <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Jeanne Ford - Director of Product Marketing, Zuora <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Jeanne Ford helps make complex things simple; helps sales sell, and helps organizations reach the right audiences with the right messages so they can grow and retain business. She has managed market research, sales enablement, and product launches at a variety of B2B software companies and is passionate about helping people solve their business problems with technology. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Ali Fuller - VP of Product Marketing, Workday <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Ali Fuller is an enterprise software expert serving as VP of Product Marketing at Workday, focused on employee experience solutions. She has over 11 years of experience at Workday spanning analyst, product leadership, and general management roles. Previously, Ali held positions at Deloitte Consulting and Christie’s. She graduated cum laude from UCLA with a BA in English and Art History. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Vishal Ganeriwala - Product and GTM Leader, NVIDIA AI Enterprise <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Vishal Ganeriwala has 19+ years of experience in the End User Computing (EUC) industry including Virtual Client Computing (VCC), Unified Endpoint Management (UEM), Content Collaboration, Zero Trust, and Digital Workspace. He has a proven track record across multiple disciplines with leadership roles in product marketing, technical marketing, alliance marketing, business development, and developer marketing. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Rebecca Geraghty - VP of Product Marketing, Publicis Media <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Rebecca Geraghty is the VP of Product Marketing at Publicis Media. She has a wealth of experience within the marketing and communications field, having worked in the SaaS, augmented reality, AI, and advanced aerospace technology sectors, to name a few. She specializes in serving as a key spokesperson to be the voice and face of products. Rebecca typically works with complex, early-stage technology to ensure products reflect their value. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Todd Gerber - VP of Document Cloud Product Marketing, Adobe <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Todd Gerber is a highly accomplished marketing professional with 15+ years of experience building corporate online programs in direct and indirect sales, lead acquisition, and optimization. He has exceptional strategic vision, is consistently able to champion concepts and programs and win executive support, and has a proven background in creating highly effective digital marketing campaigns and business development plans. He’s also skilled in both B2B and B2C marketing programs. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Kemberly Gong - VP of Product Marketing, Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Kemberly has over 14 years of experience in the tech and commerce industry. In her role as VP of Product Marketing at Salesforce, she’s responsible for messaging and positioning of integrated solutions for Commerce Cloud and Marketing Cloud. In her time at Salesforce, Kemberly has managed high-powered teams, working on both the Marketing Cloud and Commerce Cloud, creating content, enabling sales teams, and managing event strategy. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Fabio Gori - VP of Product and Solutions Marketing, Cisco <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> With over 25 years driving growth for networking infrastructure leaders, Fabio leads product and solutions marketing for Cisco’s entire portfolio. He excels at taking ideas from inception to mass adoption through an extensive track record in cloud, security, networking, and other technologies. Fabio conveys compelling narratives that turn complex innovations into business value. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src="" /> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Ryan Graff - Director of Product Marketing, CometChat <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Ryan Graff has been a product marketer since 2011 and is passionate about creating go-to-market strategies for new products and young companies. He’s worked across media, non-profit, SaaS, and B2B, and is currently the Director of Product Marketing at CometChat, a B2D SaaS firm that offers mobile app developers a suite of SDKs, UI Kits, and APIs. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Christy Green - Director of Product Marketing, ZoomInfo <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Christy has over 13 years of B2B software product marketing experience and 17 years of total marketing experience. As the Director of Product Marketing at ZoomInfo, she leads a team of talented product marketers who’re responsible for developing and executing go-to-market strategies, launching products and platform improvements, creating compelling messaging and positioning, and enabling sales teams to deliver value to our customers. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Jarod Greene - Chief Marketing Officer, Vivun <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Currently CMO at Vivun, Jarod has held a series of senior product marketing positions at various companies, including Cherwell Software, Appito, and Highspot. Throughout his career, Jarod has been driven by a desire to help people solve problems by connecting them to information. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Tamara Grominsky - Founder, PMM Camp <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Tamara is an award-winning product marketing leader with 10+ years of experience building and scaling PMM teams. She worked in a series of high-impact product marketing roles before founding PMM Camp in early 2023. She helps companies unlock their growth potential by identifying their winning segments, pricing models, and product strategies. She also coaches the next generation of product marketers and strategists to embrace a new philosophy to PMM. Tamara also spent two years as an expert in residence at Product Marketing Alliance. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Greg Gsell - VP of Product Marketing, Attentive <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> With 16+ years of experience helming data-driven messaging strategy and GTM planning for sales, revenue, and mobile portfolios, Greg Gsell leads Attentive’s marketing team. Greg is renowned for rebooting product lines into surging growth by aligning technology, positioning, and strategic storytelling to customer needs. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Erin Gunaratna - VP of Product Marketing, Chargebee <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Erin Gunaratna oversees product marketing at Chargebee, bringing over 10 years of SaaS expertise. She previously led initiatives for IBM's Smarter Commerce suite and earned accolades including Manager’s Choice and Marketing Excellence awards. Erin holds a BA from Dartmouth College, is Effective Product Marketing certified from Pragmatic Institute, and has won many honors and awards. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Dianne Hallock - Sr Director of Growth and Product Marketing, Drizly <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Dianne Hallock is a people-first marketing leader with a passion for driving results in marketplace environments with B2B2C customer bases. Skilled in product, growth, and digital marketing with a proven track record of leading global teams to launch new products, acquire and retain customers, and improve efficiency to drive better outcomes. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Ali Hanyaloglu - VP of Product Marketing, Amplience <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Ali Hanyalogu is VP of Product Marketing at Amplience and has 15+ years of experience in successfully positioning, messaging, and launching leading SaaS-based products and solutions across multiple technology fields and target personae. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Alison Hayter - Director of Product Marketing, Loopio <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Alison has spent the last decade helping B2B start-ups and scale-ups deliver compelling, customer-focused narratives and hit ambitious revenue targets. She’s passionate about sharing her knowledge, learning from others, and connecting with the larger product marketing community. Alison’s the instructor for the PMA Masters course “Cross-Functional Collaboration Certified” and is currently the Director of Product Marketing at Loopio. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><h3 id="i-l">I-L</h3><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Scott Ivell - Head of International Product & Solution Marketing, Stripe <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> As the Head of International Product & Solution Marketing at Stripe, Scott Ivell leads a team of talented product marketers who help customers see the possibilities technology has for their business. With over 30 years of experience in sales, go-to-market, marketing, and project management, he has developed a deep expertise in B2B marketing, digital strategy, and solution selling. <br></br> Scott’s mission is to inspire customers to stay ahead of the competition by taking advantage of the opportunities presented by technology. He showcases success stories across different industries, highlighting how Stripe's solutions enable customers to engage with consumers in a personalized, scalable, and secure way, leverage the smartphone revolution, and gain a full view of their customers across all channels. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Kirsten Jepson - Fractional Product Marketing Consultant <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Kirsten is a fractional product marketing consultant and advisor. Previously, she led the Product Marketing Practice at TELUS International, a ~$2.5B company that recently went public. Kirsten is also a Product Marketing Alliance ambassador, where she frequently shares her insights and expertise on subjects ranging from sales and marketing to Product Management. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Robert Kaminski - Partner, FletchPMM <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Robert is a co-founder and partner at FletchPMM, where he helps early-stage founders position their products and translate them into messaging. He's consulted with over 100 venture-backed startups to develop their positioning strategy and has incubated and launched 3 new products as a founding team member. Prior to co-founding Fletch, Robert held a series of product marketing leadership positions at companies like Headway and Oracle. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Akshita Kanumury - Product Marketing Manager, Freshworks <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> As Product Marketing Manager for Freshworks Analytics, Akshita Kanumury leads product marketing globally, with a focus on improving product adoption through messaging & positioning, enablement, and launches. Outside of work, Akshita pays it forward by mentoring the next generation of marketers, globally recognized as a top 1% product marketing mentor. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Axel Kirstetter - VP of Global Product Marketing, Guidewire Software <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Axel is a seasoned technology executive and coach focused on product marketing and change management. He’s a subscription and SaaS expert with over 20 years of experience leading global go-to-market, pricing, and content teams. Outcomes he has contributed to include fundraisers, IPOs, acquisitions, and divestitures in the FinTech space with the likes of Datasite, Merrill Corp, Software AG, and Intralinks. Alex currently leads product marketing at Guidewire Software, and has been a Product Marketing Alliance mentor since 2019. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Efrat Kotler - Director of B2B Product Marketing, Nexar <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Efrat has over 15 years of experience in product marketing. She began her career at IBM in 2007, before going on to hold a series of marketing leadership positions. Currently Director of B2B Product Marketing at Nexar, Efrat leads on messaging, positioning, and customer segmentation, as well as go-to-market strategy planning and execution. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Peyton Kramp - Associate Director of Product Marketing, Hims & Hers <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Peyton is Associate Director of Product Marketing at Hims & Hers, where she's responsible for the mental health category. Before joining Hims & Hers, Peyton founded the product marketing function at While at Zola, she led Go-to-Market strategies for numerous new business verticals and product offerings. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Daniel Kuperman - Head of Core Product Marketing and GTM, Atlassian <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Daniel Kuperman was a management consultant at KPMG for several years before switching careers and discovering his passion for helping companies create narratives that connected buyer needs with the company’s core value propositions. Over his career, Daniel built product marketing teams, helped shape Go-to-Market strategies, and launched new category-defining products. Daniel is also a PMA Ambassador and participates in the PMA mentorship program, helping product marketers with different levels of experience to grow their careers. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Arun Lal - VP of Product Marketing, CultureAmp <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Arun has 18+ years of experience as a Marketing Executive across enterprises organizations and startups. He’s built multiple world-class PMM teams from scratch at Microsoft, VMware, Climate, Productiv, and regularly partners with C-suite executives, Product Management, Sales, and Engineering leadership to take products from 0 to 1. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Hila Lauterbach - VP Product Marketing, Scorpion <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Hila is a VP of Product-Marketing, leading and building GTM teams in international tech start-ups and enterprise. She has an outstanding record of growing products and services, demand generation, and fostering relationships with FAANG partners, and in the past 14 years, she’s managed and overseen marketing, product marketing, and sales teams. Hila led dozens of B2B SaaS product launches across multiple industries and markets across the US and EMEA. She has a strong entrepreneurial background - being co-founder of 3 start-ups and holds extensive experience building PMM and Competitive Intelligence functions from scratch. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Madison Leonard - Marketing & Growth Consultant, SaaS Secrets <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Madison Leonard is a user researcher turned marketer, with a love for all things product and growth. She’s worked with the fastest-growing companies backed by ventures like Craft, Sequoia, and Y Combinator to launch new products and drive product-led GTM. She’s been nominated for and won awards that speak to these efforts, including the peer-nominated Product Launch of the Year award for her work on “ClickUp Whiteboards.” <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p><h3 id="m-p">M-P</h3> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Rebecca Mackenzie - Global Director of Product Marketing, Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> With 10+ years of experience in the UK, European, and US markets, Rebecca specializes in developing integrated, scalable marketing strategies, and executing through a matrixed set of international stakeholders. She’s also passionate about public speaking and storytelling, and frequently presents on-stage keynotes and hosts in-studio programming. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Div Manickam - Director of Product Marketing, Celigo <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Div currently serves as Director, of Product Marketing at Celigo and is an expert in residence at Product Marketing Alliance. Throughout her career, she's led B2B SaaS product marketing efforts in startups and Fortune 500 technology companies in collaboration with product, sales, and marketing teams. Div enjoys sharing experiences on career growth, authentic leadership, mindfulness, mental well-being, stress and anxiety, and product marketing. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Allegra Margolis - Senior Director of Product Marketing, Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Allegra is a rising star at Salesforce, growing from a Senior Associate at MuleSoft to a Senior Director on Salesforce’s biggest cloud in ~5 years. She’s a product marketing leader who is known for launching technical products and building high-performing teams, such as hiring 12+ product marketers in 1 year to scale MuleSoft’s team. Allegra has proven experience leading product positioning, GTM strategy, industry strategy, sales enablement, and campaigns. While she loves the discipline of product marketing, having explored all parts of the role, her favorite part of the job remains managing teams and coaching product marketers. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Collin Mayjack - Product Marketing Manager, Dataro <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> As a strategic product marketing leader, Collin leverages his cross-functional dexterity to drive the adoption of AI-powered SaaS solutions. With a keen eye for market gaps, a talent for conveying technology’s value, and a track record of engineering breakout growth through innovative GTM strategy, he accelerates impact through authentic customer alignment. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Alex McDonnell - Director of Product Marketing, Airtable <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Alex's exceptional marketing skills and in-depth knowledge of product marketing have earned him widespread recognition as a thought leader within the competitive intelligence and product marketing fields. He’s the instructor for the Competitive Intelligence Certified course at Product Marketing Alliance, and acts as a trusted mentor for PMMs around the world. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Sid Misra - VP of Product Marketing and Solution Management, SAP <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Sid has a proven track record of growing and transforming enterprise B2B and SaaS organizations by bringing together the power of marketing, product management, developer community, and partner ecosystem. He’s enjoyed a unique career journey, scaling B2B enterprise businesses by leading software engineering, product management, product marketing, and ecosystem development initiatives and teams. Sid enjoys coaching and growing high-performing, diverse teams that drive outstanding results. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Parth Mukherjee - VP of Product Marketing and GTM Strategy, Mindtickle <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> With over 20 years of driving growth through product and marketing strategy at Adobe, Cognizant, and multiple high-growth startups, Parth has honed the art and science behind frictionless product adoption. Renowned for conceptualizing award-winning campaigns and leading functional teams to deliver exponential revenue growth, he brings tech to life through authentic customer alignment. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Jason Oakley - Founder, Productive PMM <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Jason is a product marketing coach, consultant, and creator with 10+ years of experience building PMM functions from scratch. He's built product marketing teams at three different companies (Klue, Chili Piper, and Uberflip) — each time starting as a founding PMM. Now, he's on a mission to help founding product marketers and early-stage PMM teams scale faster, focus on the right work, and drive real impact within their organization. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Robin Opperlee - Executive Director of Digital Marketing, CSG <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> As a results-driven, strategic marketing leader with 15 years of experience across the product, growth, digital, and content marketing disciplines, Robin has had notable success in developing Go-to-Market strategies and product launches, winning multi-million-dollar RFPs, building and leading marketing teams, and executing comprehensive rebranding and repositioning efforts. She’s been recognized for her strengths in strategy, storytelling, communications, leadership, and global demand generation efforts. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Sateja Parulekar - VP of Product & Customer Marketing and Slack, Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Sateja Parulekar is a SaaS marketing leader serving as VP of Product & Customer Marketing for Slack at Salesforce. She has over 8 years of experience driving go-to-market strategy, partnerships, product launches, and demand generation at fast-growth SaaS companies including Twilio, GetFeedback, and Campaign Monitor. Sateja is focused on elevating Slack’s collaboration solutions within Salesforce’s portfolio. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Chandra Patel - Senior Director of Product Marketing, Sales Cloud at Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Chandra is a self-described “Jill of all Trades.” She brings breadth and depth of experience across functions and roles to turn ideas into action into revenue. She thrives in team-oriented, fast-paced environments that are focused on delivering the best outcomes for both users and the business, and works with companies that build and spread technologies that streamline and simplify people’s work and personal lives. Chandra’s secret sauce, or superpower, is that she’s a classically trained strategist with expertise across many functions and can rapidly work through challenging business opportunities. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Parag Pathak - Senior Principal PMM, Red Hat <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Parag is the Senior Principal PMM at Red Hat where he specializes in a range of product marketing functions, including buyer personas/journey, GTM strategies, product launches, competitive analysis, and sales enablement. Before joining Red Hat, he was the product marketing Team Lead at IBM. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Yi Lin Pei - Founder & Career Coach, TechGrowthCoach <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Yi Lin Pei is a career coach and product marketing leader with 12 years of experience across B2B/B2C SaaS, IoT, CPG, and consulting sectors. She helps high-achieving professionals land and grow in product marketing, marketing, and other no-code tech roles. Since 2021, she’s helped over 150 professionals land and thrive in their new careers at companies like LinkedIn, Hubspot, Uber, and TikTok. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Anthony Pierri - Cofounder & Partner, FletchPMM <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Anthony Pierri is the cofounder of FletchPMM, where he shares his expertise in messaging with early-stage B2B horizontal startups. Prior to founding FletchPMM, Anthony was part of the product marketing team at Headway and helped founders position their products, crush launches, and write compelling messaging. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Leigh Price - Director of Product Marketing, Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Leigh is responsible for global go-to-market strategy at Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Before joining Salesforce in the US, he was the first employee at Amicus Digital (acquired by Merkle), helping grow the business to become the largest independent Salesforce Marketing Cloud partner in Australia. Leigh’s also worked with Salesforce tech in roles at General Electric and the Aussie telco, Telstra. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><h3 id="q-t">Q-T</h3> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Ben Rawnsley-Johnson - Head of Product Marketing (New Products & Accelerator), Atlassian <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Ben Rawnsley-Johnson has spearheaded growth for global SaaS leaders, from pre-revenue startups to $30B+ enterprises like Atlassian. With an extensive track record of building world-class products, brands, and marketing teams, he leads transformations that turn imagination into adoption. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Elliott Rayner - CMO, Arion <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Elliott Rayner is the Chief Marketing Officer at Arion, where he leads the global marketing strategy and execution. He’s also an expert in residence at Product Marketing Alliance, the world's largest product marketing community, where I share my insights and best practices on shaping the product roadmap and communication strategy behind the latest innovations. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Sapphire Reels - Director of Product Marketing (Enterprise Agility), Atlassian <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Sapphire is the Director of Product Marketing, Enterprise Agility at Atlassian. She has a background in B2B product marketing, with a strong focus on storytelling, sales enablement, Go-to-Market strategy, and market research. Sapphire describes herself as a creative thinker within the realistic scope of an analytical mind. She was an expert in residence at Product Marketing Alliance for over four years, where she shared her insights on structuring product marketing teams around features, functions, lines of business or segments, and more. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Zach Roberts - Founder, Break into Product Marketing <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Zach is the founder of the sales-first product marketing consultancy, Break into Product Marketing. Prior to establishing his consultancy, Zach held product marketing management positions at Dropbox and Klarity. He was recognized as “Newcomer of the Year”, in 2020, by Product Marketing Alliance. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Katie Rogers - Director of Product Marketing, Warner Bros. Discovery <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Katie Rogers is the Director of Product Marketing at Warner Bros. Discovery, where she helps to define product positioning, build Go-to-Market strategies, and lead sales enablement efforts across the WBD digital portfolio. She oversees messaging and collateral development for digital ad formats, advanced audience solutions, programmatic activation, and campaign intelligence. She and her team are responsible for supporting new and incremental revenue opportunities, while also driving digital growth and product adoption in the market. Katie has previously held similar marketing roles within ad tech, mar tech, and digital media. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Julien Sauvage - VP of Brand, Content and Product Marketing, Clari <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Julien is Vice President of Corporate & Product Marketing at Clari. His team of rockstar category designers, content, and product marketers is responsible for bringing Clari’s corporate and product narratives to market. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Ana Serrano - Senior PMM, Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Ana has more than 12 years of global marketing experience at top-tier organizations including Salesforce, Microsoft, and Deloitte. She's a data-driven product marketer, who specializes in fostering cross-team collaboration for successful regional execution of go-to-market strategies, product launches, and campaigns. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Neha Shah - Senior Director of Product Marketing, Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Neha is responsible for driving product positioning and solution messaging for Salesforce's B2B Marketing offerings. She brings a wealth of experience in technology and business, and has a proven track record of bringing solutions to market that help SaaS companies accelerate growth. She’s passionate about leveraging data-driven techniques to drive superior customer engagement. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Mary Sheehan - Head of Lightroom Product Marketing, Adobe <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> An accomplished product marketing leader, Mary has vast experience launching new products, positioning for growth, and creating Go-to-Market strategies that span the entire organization. She is the author of the #1 Amazon best-seller "The Pocket Guide to Product Launches," and the host of the highest-ranked product marketing podcast, Women in Product Marketing. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Ted Smith - VP, Product Marketing, Zendesk <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Ted Smith is an entrepreneurial marketing professional with a track record spanning technology, education, financial services, and manufacturing. His experience includes pricing, competitive intelligence, product strategy, go-to-market strategy, sales enablement, messaging, solutions, market research, and partnership development. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Tom Smith - Product Marketing Leader, Miro <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Tom Smith is a strategic B2B product marketing leader, with experience in collaboration, eCommerce, payments, MarTech, AdTech, CMS, search and personalization, platform services, and low-code developer tools. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Rekha Srivatsan - VP, Product Marketing (Service Cloud), Salesforce <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Rekha is a proven product marketer with experience working in both large and small organizations. Presently VP of Product Marketing at Salesforce, where she leads product marketing for all Service Cloud solutions, Rekha has spent her career building and growing products that help companies connect with their customers. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Dave Steer - VP of Product Marketing, GitLab <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Dave Steer is an experienced marketing leader with a combination of B2C, B2B, and Developer Marketing expertise in product and solutions marketing, brand strategy, and go-to-market. He’s served in marketing leadership roles at some of the most well-known technology brands, from social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter) and infrastructure and cybersecurity (Cloudflare) to Marketplaces (eBay, PayPal). Dave has extensive experience in leading large direct and cross-functional teams to define competitive positioning and bring solutions to market. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Emma Stratton - Founder, Punchy <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> As founder of the consulting and training firm, Punchy, Emma guides the biggest and brightest companies to market-winning strategies and trains product marketers to create clear, simple, human messaging that stands out. To date, she’s consulted with 80+ companies (Loom, Miro, Outreach, and Uber, to name a few) and trained 536 product marketers from teams at leading companies like Akamai, Atlassian, Oracle, Splunk, and more. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Vanessa Thompson - VP of Marketing, Twilio <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> As an accomplished business leader and advisor, Vanessa has provided market, product, and growth strategy guidance to the world’s most successful technology vendors and customers. With sharp critical reasoning skills and a talent for conveying technical merit in an accessible way, she identifies organizational challenges to overcome. Vanessa enjoys diving deeply into emerging technologies to discern evolution opportunities that drive business growth. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p></p> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Christine Tran - VP of Product Marketing, Quantum Metric <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Christine leads product marketing for Quantum Metric. She has over 10 years of leadership experience in B2B technology, helping startups to mid-sized companies strategically communicate value and develop their brand stories. Previously, she's been a Marketo consultant, martech research analyst, NGO director, and volunteer English teacher abroad. Outside of work, she's searching for the best Vietnamese soup in Northern California and would love to compare shortlists. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Becky Trevino - Executive Vice President of Products, Snow Software <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> As Executive VP at Snow Software, Becky leads a 60+ person product organization including product management, user experience, product marketing, and product insights. Her mission is to build one product function from strategy through Go-to-Market. Prior to joining Snow, Becky led a variety of functions at cloud computing leader Rackspace including the public cloud customer success organization fanatically supporting over 40K customers and marketing where she created a new category in the public cloud market – cloud-enabled managed services. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Yasmeen Turayhi - Product Marketing Consultant, Modern Product <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Yasmeen is the Founder of Modern Product, a product marketing consulting advisory firm, author of Product Marketing Debunked, and Editor of the publication The Product Launch: Go-to-Market & Product Marketing Tips, where she has written over 50 articles on Product Marketing with over 100K views. She’s also the host of the video series “The Essential Go-to-Market: Tips and Strategies” produced by Sharebird. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><h3 id="u-z">U-Z</h3> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Alex Virden - Product Marketing & GTM Leader, Virdical <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Alex has over a decade of experience in marketing, and six years serving as a product marketing leader, where she’s developed a reputation for building go-to-market strategies that result in revenue growth and customer engagement. As a product marketing leader at Virdical, Alex partners with founders, CMOs, and teams at B2B start-ups and B2C companies to refine brand, messaging, and positioning to build authentic connections with audiences. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Jeffrey Vocell - Head of Product Marketing, Panorama Education <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> A seasoned product marketing executive, he leads GTM strategy, product and solutions marketing, as well as pricing and packaging. Before joining Panorama Education, Jeffrey was a Product Marketing leader at Narvar, Iterable, and HubSpot. He has a passion for product marketing, podcasting, his family, and 80s action movies, and is an active member of the product marketing community as well as a seasoned public speaker. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Holly Watson - Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Amazon Web Services (AWS) <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Holly is the Senior Product Marketing Manager at AWS, where she leads big and small Go-to-Market motions for the enterprise across all verticals. She works to build repeatable playbooks so her team can scale, and gets a kick out of solving problems with cross-functional teams and telling good stories. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Aurore Wu - VP, Product Marketing - Reltio <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> Throughout her career, Aurore has held senior product marketing positions at a range of high-profile companies, including MuleSoft, Intuit, LinkedIn, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Currently VP, of Product Marketing at Reltio, she's a seasoned marketing leader with a proven ability to deliver go-to-market strategies that accelerate revenue growth. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr> <!--kg-card-begin: html--> <div class="custom-snippet-wrapper1"> <div class="custom-snippet-image1"> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> <img src=""/> <!-- IMAGE LINK FROM DIGITAL OCEAN --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-text1"> <div class="custom-snippet-title1"> <!-- TITLE TEXT --> Kathie Yang - VP of Product Marketing, Flipside <!-- END TITLE TEXT --> </div> <div class="custom-snippet-description1"> <!-- SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> As a strategic product marketing leader, Kathie Yang transitions seamlessly from high-level strategy to flawless execution across B2B SaaS, robotics, AI/ML, and B2C. With 12+ years of experience and a knack for data-driven storytelling, she brings tech innovations to life through authentic customer alignment. Equally skilled at diving into analytics and conveying compelling narratives, Kathie gets product marketing done. <br></br> <!-- END SUBHEADER OR DESCRIPTION --> </div> </div> </div> <!--BYEEE--> <!--kg-card-end: html--> <hr><p>So, there you have it! </p><p>Thank you to all who voted, the impressive lineup represents the cream of the crop pushing the industry forward.</p><p>A hearty congratulations to each of these visionary leaders chosen by our engaged community of product marketers. You continue to shine a light on those making an impact through cutting-edge campaigns, bold innovations, and inspirational insights. </p><p>Here’s to even bigger things in 2024! 🎉</p><p></p><div class="kg-card kg-button-card kg-align-center"><a href="" class="kg-btn kg-btn-accent">✨ Download the full report ✨</a></div><p></p><p><em><strong>Psst. </strong>Already an </em><a href=""><em>Insider member</em></a><em>? 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