McClatchy's Goldman Sachs probe
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'all' : 0; var sort = (currsortcat)? currsortcat : sort; thru = (thru > total_count)? total_count: thru; if(current_page != pages) { var str=''; var start = viewing; viewing = viewing + 1; //emulate the genre browser behavior to get another batch of media ID's if someone really wants //to scroll and scroll and scroll..... url = url.replace(/start=\d*/, "start=" + start); jQuery.getJSON(url, function(response){ media_array = response.dataset; if (media_array) { jQuery('.thumbnail').removeClass('highlight'); for (i = 0; i < media_array.length; i++) { var media_item = media_array[i]; if (media_item.title && media_item.thumbnail_url) { var noQuotesTitle = new String(media_item.title); noQuotesTitle.replace('"', "'"); noQuotesTitle = noQuotesTitle.replace(/(<\w+)(\s*[^>]*)(>)/, ""); noQuotesTitle = noQuotesTitle.replace(/(<\/\w+>)/, ""); str += '<div id="mid_''" class="thumbnail"><a href="#" onclick="play(' + + '); return false;" title="' + noQuotesTitle + '"><img src="' + media_item.thumbnail_url + '&width=92&height=67&fill=000000000" alt="' + noQuotesTitle + '" border="0" width="92"/></a><div class="thumbnailTitle"><a href="#" onclick="play(' + + '); return false;" id="thumbTitleLink">' + noQuotesTitle + '</a></div></div>'; } } jQuery('#genre_browser').html(str); jQuery('#mid_'+isplaying).addClass('highlight'); } //replace the results current_page = current_page + 1; //lets keep track of the pages we are on and give it a nice little fade.... jQuery('#bc').fadeTo(300, 0.33, function(){ jQuery('#bc').text(viewing + "-" + thru); }); jQuery('#bc').fadeTo(300, 1.0); changeArrows(); }); } } //MCCB 1.2- function for scrolling to the left or Back() function scrollBack() { //Bascially need the same batch of stuff as the next scroller needed, minus the need to append stuff var genre_id = curr_genre_id; var sort = currsortvalue; var next_page = Number(current_page + 1); var prev_page = Number(current_page - 1); var pages = total_pages; var viewing = Number((prev_page * 9) - 9 ); var thru = viewing + 9; var isall = (initialindex == 1)? 'all' : 0; var sort = (currsortcat)? currsortcat : sort; var start = viewing; viewing = viewing + 1; if(current_page != 1) { //fire up the str variable which will store our AJAX results if someone scrolls past the initail amount of media loaded var str =''; //emulate the genre browser behavior to get another batch of media ID's if someone really wants //to scroll and scroll and scroll..... url = url.replace(/start=\d*/, "start=" + start); jQuery.getJSON(url, function(response){ media_array = response.dataset; if (media_array) { jQuery('#genre_browser').text(''); jQuery('.thumbnail').removeClass('highlight'); for (i = 0; i < media_array.length; i++) { var media_item = media_array[i]; if (media_item.title && media_item.thumbnail_url) { var noQuotesTitle = new String(media_item.title); noQuotesTitle.replace('"', "'"); noQuotesTitle = noQuotesTitle.replace(/(<\w+)(\s*[^>]*)(>)/, ""); noQuotesTitle = noQuotesTitle.replace(/(<\/\w+>)/, ""); str = '<div id="mid_''" class="thumbnail"><a href="#" onclick="play(' + + '); return false;" title="' + noQuotesTitle + '"><img src="' + media_item.thumbnail_url + '&width=92&height=67&fill=000000000" alt="' + noQuotesTitle + '" border="0" width="92"/></a><div class="thumbnailTitle"><a href="#" onclick="play(' + + '); return false;" id="thumbTitleLink">' + noQuotesTitle + '</a></div></div>'; } jQuery('#mid_',.33); jQuery('#genre_browser').append(str); jQuery('#mid_', 1.0); jQuery('#mid_'+isplaying).addClass('highlight'); } } //append the results current_page = current_page - 1; jQuery('#bc').fadeTo(300, 0.33, function(){ jQuery('#bc').text(viewing + "-" + thru); }); jQuery('#bc').fadeTo(300, 1.0); changeArrows(); }); } } //MCCB 1.2- function for checking arrow status for the thumb scroller implementation function changeArrows() { //grab some prereq stuff off the page var pages = total_pages; //set the image class as needed. if( current_page == 1 ) { jQuery('#backScroll').addClass('disabled'); } else { jQuery('#backScroll').removeClass('disabled'); } if((current_page === pages)) { jQuery('#nextScroll').addClass('disabled'); 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var str = ''; if (comments_array) { jQuery('#textcomments').text(comments_array.length); for (i=0; i < comments_array.length; i++) { str += '<p><b>Posted by: ' + comments_array[i].username + '</b><br/>'; str += comments_array[i].value + '<br/>'; str += '<i>on ' + comments_array[i].post_date + ' at ' + comments_array[i].post_time + '</i></p>'; } } else { str += '<div id="first_comment">Be the first to <a href="#" onclick="check_comment_login(); return false;">add a comment</a>.</div>'; } $('comments').innerHTML = str; } // swaps out metadata, rating data, comments, digg button, etc. function change_data(media) { vmixCurrentMedia = media; if (media != undefined) { // swap metadata $('videoTitle').innerHTML = media.title; document.title = media.title; if (media.description){ if(!adObject.default_persistent_ad){ $('videoDescription').innerHTML = media.description; }else{ //save video description for processing whether it exceeds two lines worth of text var descStringExp = '<table width="100%"><tr><td align="left"><b>Full Description</b>:</td><td align="right"> <img src="/images/close_dialog.png" border="0" onclick="expand();"/></td></tr></table>'; var fulldescription = media.description; descStringExp += fulldescription; //if video description is too long to fit in the alloted space, lets clip it and save the //original in another div container for use in presenting the full description div overlay. if(fulldescription.length > 85) { var descString = ''; descString = fulldescription.substr(0,85); jQuery('#videoDescriptionExpanded').html(descStringExp); descString = descString + '....<span id="expand"><b><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="expand(\'1\');"><font color="#527AB9">more</font></a></b></span>'; jQuery('#videoDescription').html(descString); }else{ jQuery('#videoDescription').html(fulldescription); } } if(!adObject.default_persistent_ad){ //MCCB 1.2- To make the template smarter, lets reclaim the space after a persistant ad //has been displayed to make room for a full description. if(jQuery('#videoDescription').css("height") == '32px' && !adObject.default_persistent_ad) { //fade out the ad, and slide the description area back to its original size. jQuery('#persistent_ad').fadeOut(); 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'AP Reporter' : author; $('vmixMediaDetailsByLine').innerHTML = (author != '') ? '<b>By:</b> ' + author : ''; $('vmixMediaDetailsLocation').innerHTML = (media.location != undefined) ? media.location : ''; //MCCB1.2 -need to call a new getVideoComments helper new Ajax.Request('' + curr_media_id, { method: 'get', onSuccess: update_vc_comments_cb }); // swap rating // $('rating').innerHTML = 'Loading...'; new Ajax.Request('' + curr_media_id, { method: 'get', onSuccess: swap_rating_cb }); // swap comments jQuery('#comments').html('Loading...'); new Ajax.Request('' + curr_media_id, { method: 'get', onSuccess: swap_comments_cb }); // swap comments form id if (document.add_comment_form){ document.add_comment_form.media_id.value = curr_media_id; } // swap grab a link if (document.getElementById("vmixGrabALinkUrlField")) { document.getElementById("vmixGrabALinkUrlField").value = '' + curr_media_id; } // swap send to friend if (document.send_to_friend_form){ document.send_to_friend_form.media_id.value = curr_media_id; document.send_to_friend_form.link_url.value = '' + curr_media_id; } // swap atrrib badge var source_str = ''; var prop_name = "McClatchy"; if (media.username.toLowerCase() == prop_name.toLowerCase()){ source_str += '<img src=>'; } else if (media.username.toLowerCase() == 'ap'){ source_str += '<img src="" alt="AP Video" width="70" height="42"/>'; } else { source_str += '<img src="" alt="Community Content" width="70" height="42"/>'; } $('videoSource').innerHTML = source_str; if (media.genres){ $('videoGenreValue').innerHTML = media.genres[0].name; } // swap digg button make_digg('vmixMediaDetailsDiggLink'); // swap play count - deferred } } // this function is invoked via the flash player to display the companion asset alongside the ad function onCompanion(companion_html, currentEngine){ jQuery('#videoInfo').hide(); if(currentEngine != 'adaptv'){ jQuery('#companion_graphic').html(companion_html); } jQuery('#companion_graphic').show(); } // tells the flash player to play a diff video function rewrite_player(id, token, autoplay){ var url = ''; url += 'media_id=' + id; jQuery.getJSON(url, function(response){ adTarget = (isTopRequest == 1)? adFormat.replace('%%genre_name%%', escape(response.dataset.genres[0].name)): adTarget; adKeywordTarget = response.dataset.genres[0].genre_id;'setParameter','report_metadata','genreId=' + adKeywordTarget); adObject.prepareAds(); var media_asset = response.dataset; change_data(media_asset); //MCCB 1.2 Updates to Rewrite Player. //Lets grab the old media id and set the new one. var old_id = isplaying; isplaying = id; jQuery('#videoDescriptionExpanded').hide(); jQuery('#videoDescriptionExpanded').html(''); //after we do that, need to remove the previously highlighted media. jQuery('.highlight').removeClass('highlight'); if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: rewrite_player invoked with id='+id+' and token='+token)} requested_media_id = id; requested_media_token = token; //flash_player1.enableControls(); if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: going to play content #'+id+',token:'+token)} curr_media_id = id; //MCCB 1.2 - highlight the media being played. jQuery('#mid_'+id).addClass('highlight'); if(curr_media_id == undefined) { curr_media_id = isplaying; } jQuery('#companion_graphic').hide(); jQuery('#videoInfo').show(); if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: playing video #'+id+', token:'+token)} if (autoplay){ if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: load video, autoplay: ON')} setCookie('mediaPlays', ++totalPlays, '', '/',document.domain,''); //var show_ads = showAds(); //flash_player1.loadVideoByToken(token, true, show_ads, adTarget);//VMIX[Smitty] add the 3rd param for ad targetting'load',token, true); } else { if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: load video, autoplay: OFF')} setCookie('mediaPlays', ++totalPlays, '', '/',document.domain,''); //var show_ads = showAds(); //flash_player1.loadVideoByToken(token, false, show_ads, adTarget);//VMIX[Smitty] add the 3rd param for ad targetting'load',token, false); } timer.start('play_timer'); if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: successfully started playing video #'+id+', token:'+token+' - started player timer'); console.time('player')} }); } // callback from flash onclick of the prev button (via vmixVideoPlayerEventHandler) function player_prev(){ var prev; for (i in playlist_array){ if (playlist_array[i].id == curr_media_id){ rewrite_player(, prev.token, 1); } prev = playlist_array[i]; } } // looping at end of playlist function player_rewind(){ // just grab the first in the playlist and break for (i in playlist_array){ rewrite_player(playlist_array[i].id, playlist_array[i].token, 0); break; } } // callback from flash onclick of the next button (via vmixVideoPlayerEventHandler) function player_next(){ if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: next video called')} var found = 0; for (i in playlist_array){ if (found == 1){ if (playlist_array[i].id){ rewrite_player(playlist_array[i].id, playlist_array[i].token, 1); break; } else { // we're at the end of the list...rewind player_rewind(); break; } } if (playlist_array[i].id == curr_media_id){ found = 1; } } } function player_complete(){ if (isAdPlaying) { isAdPlaying = false; } else { if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: finished playing #', curr_media_id); console.timeEnd('player')} var play_length = timer.end('play_timer'); if (play_length < 5000){ if (console && js_debug == 1){console.warn('VMIX: flash player bug...not enough time passed ('+play_length+'ms) before last play event')} return false; }'pause'); player_next(); } } function play_start() { jQuery('#companion_graphic').hide(); jQuery('#videoInfo').show(); } // general callback function for flash to hit when an event occurs function vmixVideoPlayerEventHandler(event) { var eventType = ((typeof(event) == 'object') ? event.type : event); //if(eventType != 'ad_interval' && eventType != 'video_interval' ) alert(eventType); switch(eventType) { case "ad_start": { templateObj.adIsPlaying = true; if(event.ad_type != 'overlay'){ templateObj.disableBrowsing(); } if(event.ad_type != 'postroll'){ postRollPlayed = true; } if(event.companions){ adObject.load(event.companions);; } break; } case "ad_complete": { templateObj.adIsPlaying = false; templateObj.enableBrowsing(); break; } case "adaptv_start": { templateObj.adIsPlaying = true; templateObj.disableBrowsing(); adObject.load();; break; } case "adaptv_complete": { templateObj.adIsPlaying = false; templateObj.enableBrowsing(); break; } case "previous": { player_prev(); postRollPlayed = false; break; } case "next": { player_next(); postRollPlayed = false; break; } case "video_complete": { postRoll ='getParameter','postroll_name'); if(postRoll != '' && postRollPlayed){ player_complete(); }else if( postRoll == '' ){ player_complete(); } break; } case "video_start": { play_start(); templateObj.enableBrowsing(); adObject.getPersistentAd(); break; } case "video_unload": { adObject.show_persistent_companion = false; templateObj.disableBrowsing(); break; } default: { break; } } // allow partner's to set a custom event handler if (typeof(vmixCustomPlayerEventHandler) == 'function') { vmixCustomPlayerEventHandler(event); } } var isAdPlaying = false; function adPlay() { isAdPlaying = true; } function show_image_ad(){ var x = Math.floor(Math.random()*ads.length); var ad_img_src = ''+ads[x].thumbnail[0].url+'&width=300&height=250&fill=000000000'; vmix_show('grey_out'); document.getElementById('image_ad').innerHTML = 'ADVERTISEMENT<br/><a href="" target="_blank"><img style="border:none" src="'+ad_img_src+'"/></a><br/> Please take a moment to visit our sponsor.'; vmix_show('image_ad'); setTimeout("vmix_hide('grey_out'); vmix_hide('image_ad')", 5000); } function swap_image(id){ //vmix_hide('photo'); //vmix_show('image_loading'); jQuery('#photo').fadeTo("fast", ".01", function () { jQuery('.highlight').removeClass('highlight'); jQuery('#mid_'+id).addClass('highlight'); if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: swap image called, looking for matching media id')} for (i in media_array){ if (media_array[i].id == id) { var media = media_array[i]; change_data(media); var url = media.url; } } if (url){ $('photo').src = ''+url+'&width=640&height=360&fill=000000000'; $('photo').onload = function (){ //vmix_hide('image_loading'); vmix_show('photo'); jQuery('#photo').fadeTo("fast", 1);}; } }); } function make_digg(target){ var digg_url = ''+escape(''+curr_media_id); for (i in media_array){ if (media_array[i].id == curr_media_id){ var title = media_array[i].title; var description = media_array[i].description; } } if (!description){ description = title; } digg_url += '&title='+escape(title)+'&bodytext='+escape(description); $(target).href = digg_url; } function vmixBookmark(title, url) { // Firefox 1.x+ if (window.sidebar) { window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, ""); // Opera 7+ } else if (window.opera && window.print) { var linkElement = document.createElement('a'); linkElement.setAttribute('href',url); linkElement.setAttribute('title',title); linkElement.setAttribute('rel','sidebar');; // IE 4+ } else if (document.all) { window.external.AddFavorite(url, title); } } function vmixBookmarkMedia() { if (vmixCurrentMedia) { var title = vmixCurrentMedia.title; var url = '' + curr_media_id; vmixBookmark(title, url); } } function check_comment_login(){ if (!commenter){ var commenter = new vmix_commenter; } var pA = jQuery('#persistent_ad').text(); if(pA != undefined) { jQuery('#persistent_ad').hide(); } commenter.check_login_required(); } // prepare the player swf var playerUrl = "" + "/core-flash/UnifiedVideoPlayer/UnifiedVideoPlayer.swf" + "?player_id=" + "75a7753b5f23df9c00514cdb0daa934f"; var playerId = "&player_id=75a7753b5f23df9c00514cdb0daa934f"; var playerToken = "75a7753b5f23df9c00514cdb0daa934f"; if(!playerId){ var so = new SWFObject(playerUrl, "player_swf", "608px", "362px", "8"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always"); so.addParam("allowFullScreen", "true"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); if(showAds() === true){ so.addParam("FlashVars", "report_metadata=genreId=00007030&show_full_screen_button=1&show_previous_button=1&show_next_button=1&services_url=&token=V0mME8BSlALX1VG4vBLstwQpu1tkqVKOVo&auto_play=true&event_handler=vmixVideoPlayerEventHandler&preroll_name=default&preroll_companion_names=default_companion,default_companion2&ad_service=vmix&ad_target=genre=Goldman+Sachs"); }else{ so.addParam("FlashVars", "report_metadata=genreId=00007030&show_full_screen_button=1&show_previous_button=1&show_next_button=1&services_url=&token=V0mME8BSlALX1VG4vBLstwQpu1tkqVKOVo&auto_play=true&event_handler=vmixVideoPlayerEventHandler"); } }else{ var so = new SWFObject(playerUrl, "player_swf", "608px", "362px", "8"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always"); so.addParam("allowFullScreen", "true"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); if(showAds() === true){ so.addParam("FlashVars", "report_metadata=genreId=00007030&show_control_bar=1&auto_play=true&show_native_size_button=0&show_previous_button=1" + playerId + "&show_next_button=1&services_url=&token=V0mME8BSlALX1VG4vBLstwQpu1tkqVKOVo&ad_target=genre=Goldman+Sachs&event_handler=vmixVideoPlayerEventHandler"); }else{ so.addParam("FlashVars", "report_metadata=genreId=00007030&show_control_bar=1&auto_play=true&show_native_size_button=0&show_previous_button=1" + playerId + "&show_next_button=1&services_url=&token=V0mME8BSlALX1VG4vBLstwQpu1tkqVKOVo&event_handler=vmixVideoPlayerEventHandler&preroll_name="); } } var flash_player1; var keep_selected; function gateway_init() { /* Check whether the browser is IE. If so, flashVideoPlayer is window.videoPlayer. Otherwise, it's document.videoPlayer. The videoPlayer is the ID assigned to the <object> and <embed> tags. */ var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1; flash_player1 = (isIE) ? window['player_swf'] : document['player_swf']; } function play(id) { isAdPlaying = false; if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: play function invoked with id: '+id)} var found_it = 0; for (i in media_array) { if (media_array[i].id == id) { // assign the playlist_array to the media_array found_it = 1; curr_media_id = id; playlist_array = media_array; if (class_id == 1){ var id = media_array[i].id; var token = media_array[i].token; if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: calling rewrite player with id = '+id+' and token = '+token)} rewrite_player(media_array[i].id, media_array[i].token, 1); } else { swap_image(id); } } } } /* GENRE BROWSER */ var vmix_gb = Class.create(); vmix_gb.prototype = { initialize: function(target_div){ this.target_div = target_div; this.genre_tree = new Array; this.genre_tree[0] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['name'] = "Special Reports"; this.genre_tree[0]['id'] = "3879"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][0] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][0]['name'] = "Arlington Firefighters"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][0]['id'] = "3880"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][1] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][1]['name'] = "Guantanamo detainees"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][1]['id'] = "3881"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][2] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][2]['name'] = "Hurricane Gustav"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][2]['id'] = "4326"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][3] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][3]['name'] = "Fallout on Main Street"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][3]['id'] = "4487"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][4] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][4]['name'] = "PSU journalists in Mexico"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][4]['id'] = "5772"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][5] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][5]['name'] = "Beijing Olympics"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][5]['id'] = "6203"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][6] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][6]['name'] = "Inauguration 2009"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][6]['id'] = "6204"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][7] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][7]['name'] = "Sotomayor confirmation hearing"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][7]['id'] = "6234"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][8] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][8]['name'] = "Goldman Sachs"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][8]['id'] = "7030"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][9] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][9]['name'] = "Gulf oil spill"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][9]['id'] = "8536"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][10] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][10]['name'] = "PSU journalists in China"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][10]['id'] = "8818"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][11] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][11]['name'] = "Kagan confirmation hearing"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][11]['id'] = "8830"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][12] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][12]['name'] = "Medill News Service"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][12]['id'] = "8877"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][13] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][13]['name'] = "Spending the Stimulus"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][13]['id'] = "8942"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][14] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][14]['name'] = "Middle East"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][14]['id'] = "12621"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][15] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][15]['name'] = "PSU journalists in South Africa"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][15]['id'] = "14661"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][16] = new Array; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][16]['name'] = "PSU journalists in Brazil"; this.genre_tree[0]['child'][16]['id'] = "156211"; this.genre_tree[1] = new Array; this.genre_tree[1]['name'] = "News"; this.genre_tree[1]['id'] = "172121"; this.genre_tree[2] = new Array; this.genre_tree[2]['name'] = "Election 2012"; this.genre_tree[2]['id'] = "172131"; }, browse: function(genre_id, sort, class_id, genre_name , notInitial){ if (!sort){if (console){ console.debug('no sort specified in gb call');return false }} this.sort = sort; this.genre_id = genre_id; this.genre_name = genre_name; var old_genre_name = curr_genre_name; curr_genre_id = genre_id; this.class_id = class_id; initial_index = itemindex; if(notInitial != undefined) initialRequest = false; adTarget = adFormat.replace('%%genre_name%%', escape(genre_name));//hardcoded this for now, will change later if this needs to be smarter. adKeywordTarget = genre_id; curr_genre_id = genre_id; var final_genre_name = (genre_name.length > 1)? genre_name : old_genre_name; curr_genre_name = final_genre_name; currsortvalue = sort; if(initialRequest) { if(initial_index > 9) { var start = (Math.ceil(initial_index / 9)); var item_index = (start - 1) * 9; url = '' + initialRequest; url += '&class_id='+class_id+'&start='+item_index+'&limit=9'; } else { url = '' + initialRequest; url += '&class_id='+class_id+'&start=0&limit=9'; } initial_index = 1; var ajax = new Ajax.Request(url, {method:'get', onComplete:this.browse_cb.bind(this)}); } else { currsortcat = 0; initialindex = 0; current_page = 1; indexed = ''; indexed_back = ''; initialQuery = false; url = ''; if (genre_id > 0) { isTopRequest = false; url += '&genre_id='+genre_id+'&'; } else { isTopRequest = 1; url += '&all=1&'; sort = 'pop'; } url += 'class_id='+class_id+'&sort='+sort+'&start=0&limit=9'; var ajax = new Ajax.Request(url, {method:'get', onComplete:this.browse_cb.bind(this)}); } }, browse_cb: function(o){ var response = o.responseText.evalJSON(); media_array = response.dataset; // store the result in a global variable so we can ref it later var str = ''; var max_items = 250; //MCCB 1.2 - Add a span tag to display what items are being viewed... update as needed. //basically 9 thumbnails per page is set in such, lets hard code this. var pages = Math.ceil( / 9); total_pages = pages; total_count =; if (media_array) { if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: data was returned from genre contents call, length = ', media_array.length, ' and here is the obj: ', media_array)} for (i = 0; i < media_array.length; i++) { if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: starting media_array parsing')} var media_item = media_array[i]; if (media_item.title && media_item.thumbnail) { var noQuotesTitle = new String(media_item.title); noQuotesTitle.replace('"', "'"); noQuotesTitle = noQuotesTitle.replace(/(<\w+)(\s*[^>]*)(>)/, ""); noQuotesTitle = noQuotesTitle.replace(/(<\/\w+>)/, ""); //MCCB 1.2 - Need to set a div id that matches the media id so we can highlight it! str += '<div id="mid_''" class="thumbnail"><a href="#" onclick="play(' + + '); return false;" title="' + noQuotesTitle + '"><img src="' + media_item.thumbnail_url + '&width=92&height=67&fill=000000000" alt="' + noQuotesTitle + '" border="0" width="92"/></a><div class="thumbnailTitle"><a href="#" onclick="play(' + + '); return false;" id="thumbTitleLink">' + noQuotesTitle + '</a></div></div>'; } } } if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: got through media_array iteration')} if (str == ''){ // no media found, so write default message if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: no media_array for this category')} jQuery('#nextScroll').addClass('disabled'); jQuery('#backScroll').addClass('disabled'); current_page = 1; total_pages = 1; indexed_back = 0; str = '<div class="no_media_message" style="height:118px">There are no videos in this category. Please try another.</div>'; } str = '<div class="clear"></div>'+str; // now let's figure out which genre the user just chose and build the breadcrumb html for it var breadcrumb = ''; if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: looking for genre to match in nav')} for (i in this.genre_tree){ if (this.genre_tree[i].id == this.genre_id){ breadcrumb = this.genre_tree[i].name; var top_level = this.genre_tree[i].id; } if (this.genre_tree[i].child){ for (j=0; j<this.genre_tree[i].child.length; j++){ if (this.genre_tree[i].child[j].id == this.genre_id){ breadcrumb = '<a href="#" onclick="gb.browse(\'' + this.genre_tree[i].id + '\', \'date\', \'1\', \'' + this.genre_tree[i].name + '\', \'1\');return false">' + this.genre_tree[i].name + '</a> > ' + this.genre_tree[i].child[j].name; var top_level = this.genre_tree[i].id; } } } } //MCCB 1.2 - Update the breadcrumb to include information about what items are being viewed in the thumb scroller. if (media_array) { total_count =; current_marker = current_page; var viewing = ((current_marker) * 9) - 8; viewing = (total_count == 0)? 0:viewing; //MCCB 1.2 - some checks to see what items we are viewing. var thru = ((viewing + 8) < total_count)? viewing + 8: total_count; //MCCB 1.2 - set the new span id "bc" and update while scrolling breadcrumb += ' (Viewing Items <span id="bc">'+ viewing + '-' + thru + '</span> of ' + total_count + " Video"; if (media_array.length != 1){ breadcrumb += 's'; } breadcrumb += ')'; } $(this.target_div).innerHTML = str; jQuery('#mid_' + isplaying).addClass('highlight'); changeArrows(); jQuery('#top_media .yuimenubaritemlabel').removeClass('selected'); jQuery('#main_menu .yuimenubaritemlabel').removeClass('selected'); if (!this.genre_id){ // top media was selected if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: top_media was selected')} jQuery('#top_media .yuimenubaritemlabel').addClass('selected'); $('thumbnailSortLinks').hide(); $('show_all_link').innerHTML = ' | <a href="/p/grid?all=1&class_id='+this.class_id+'">Show All</a>'; breadcrumb2 = breadcrumb; breadcrumb = "Top Videos"; breadcrumb += breadcrumb2; clearInterval(keep_selected); keep_selected = setInterval("check_selected_class('top_media')",500); } else if(initialQuery){ $('thumbnailSortLinks').hide(); $('show_all_link').innerHTML = ' | <a href="/p/grid?all=1&class_id='+this.class_id+'">Show All</a>'; breadcrumb2 = breadcrumb; breadcrumb = "Search Results for \"" + initialQuery +"\""; breadcrumb += breadcrumb2; } else { // and finally swap the class of the selected top level genre $('thumbnailSortLinks').show(); jQuery('#genre_'+top_level+' .yuimenubaritemlabel').addClass('selected'); $('show_all_link').innerHTML = ' | <a href="/p/grid?genre='+this.genre_id+'&class_id='+this.class_id+'">Show All</a>'; clearInterval(keep_selected); keep_selected = setInterval("check_selected_class('genre_"+top_level+"')",500); } jQuery('#breadcrumbs').html(breadcrumb); if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: testing for initial load')} if (!initial_load){ // initial media load if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: initial load detected, attempting to play')} playlist_array = media_array; if (console && js_debug == 1){console.debug('VMIX: successfully finished initial load')} initial_load = 1; } } } // END GENRE BROWSER // function check_selected_class(target){ jQuery('#'+target+' .yuimenubaritemlabel').addClass('selected'); } // call genre browser to get it started for the first time var gb = new vmix_gb('genre_browser'); // DROP DOWN MENU // YAHOO.example.onMenuBarReady = function() { var oAnim; function setupMenuAnimation(p_oMenu) { if(!p_oMenu.animationSetup) { var aItems = p_oMenu.getItemGroups(); if(aItems && aItems[0]) { var i = aItems[0].length - 1; var oSubmenu; do { oSubmenu = p_oMenu.getItem(i).cfg.getProperty("submenu"); if(oSubmenu) { oSubmenu.beforeShowEvent.subscribe(onMenuBeforeShow, oSubmenu, true); oSubmenu.showEvent.subscribe(onMenuShow, oSubmenu, true); } } while(i--); } p_oMenu.animationSetup = true; } } function onMenuBeforeShow(p_sType, p_sArgs, p_oMenu) { if(oAnim && oAnim.isAnimated()) { oAnim.stop(); oAnim = null; } YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.element, "overflow", "hidden"); 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