Patient Portal
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Will only trigger * if the confirmation email elements appear, indicating that we've performed * a confirmation */ function triggerConfirmationAnalytics() { "use strict"; if ($('#appt-confirmation-status').length > 0){ var $confirmationstatus = $('#appt-confirmation-status .message'); athenaanalytics.track('Appt. Conf. 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return false; } }); //Loads the normal singnin page $('#return-to-sign-in').click(function() { $('#password-reset-email').val(''); $('#password-reset-form').hide(); $('#statement-id-error').hide(); $('#return-to-sign-in').hide(); $('#email-login-form').show(); athenaanalytics.track("link click",{"link name" : $(this).text()}); return false; }); //Shows password reset form and hides normal signin form $('#forgot-password-link').click(function() { $('.alerty-error').hide(); $('#login-email, #login-password').val(''); $('#email-login-form').hide(); $('#password-reset-form').show(); $('#return-to-sign-in').show(); athenaanalytics.track("link click",{"link name" : $(this).html()}); return false; }); //Handler for thirdpartyuser login submission $('#third-party-user-login').submit(function() { $('.alerty-error').hide(); var input = $('#user-id-login').val(); // check to see if it's an email address or ID -- if neither, it's an error if (!(EmailIsValid(input) || parseInt(input) == input)) { $('#invalid-third-party-credential').show(); return false; } }); //Submits a request t reset password var $passwordresetform = $('#password-reset-form'); $passwordresetform.submit(function() { athenaanalytics.track("form submit", {"form name":"password reset"}); $('#invalid-email-address').hide(); // validate email if (!EmailIsValid($('#password-reset-email').val())) { $('#invalid-email-address').show(); } else { var xhr = $.post( './?section=passwordreset&sub=lookup_email', $passwordresetform.serialize(), function(data) { $('#login-email, #login-password').val(''); $('#return-to-sign-in').hide(); $('#password-reset-form').hide(); $('#email-login-form').show(); $('#email-sent-address').html($('#password-reset-email').val()); $('#email-sent').show(); $('#password-reset-email').val(''); }, 'json' ) .fail(function() { $('#login-email, #login-password').val(''); $('#return-to-sign-in').hide(); $('#password-reset-form').hide(); $('#email-login-form').show(); $('#email-sent-address').html($('#user-email').val()); $('#email-sent').show(); 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var ampDeviceIDUrlParam = ampDeviceId ? '&_device_id=' + ampDeviceId : ''; += ampDeviceIDUrlParam; }; /* Click handler for the login link */ function onLoginLinkClick() { window.communicatoranalytics && window.communicatoranalytics.track_event_v2('PortalLogin::Login'); }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const signUpLink = document.querySelector('#landingSignUpLink'); signUpLink.addEventListener('click', onSignUpLinkClick); const loginLink = document.querySelector('#landingLoginLink'); loginLink.addEventListener('click', onLoginLinkClick); }); // //scrollToBottom function scrollToBottom() { $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(document).height()}, 'slow'); } //scrollToTop function scrollToTop() { $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 'slow'); } $(document).ready(function() { // We sometimes want to jump to a specific place in the faq. Do that here. $('#loginFaq').on('dialogopen', function() { var faqAnchor = $(document.body).data('faqAnchor'); if (faqAnchor) { $('a[href="#' + faqAnchor + '"]')[0].click(); $(document.body).data('faqAnchor', null); } }); // There are places where terms and privacy policy appear in a popup. Setup // generic class-based handlers for elements that should display the popups // when clicked. $('.showTermsPopup').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#termsPopup').dialog('open'); }); $('.showPrivacyPopup').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#privacyPopup').dialog('open'); }); $('#patient-picker > div.current').click(function() { var $this = $(this); var removeBorder = false; if (!$this.hasClass('expanded')) { $this.addClass('expanded'); } else { removeBorder = true; } $('#patient-picker-menu').slideToggle(200, function() { if (removeBorder) { $this.removeClass('expanded'); } }); return false; }); $('#patient-picker-menu > li.user-only').click(function(e) { csrf_redirect('./?section=account'); }); $('#patient-picker-menu > li.option').click(function(e) { if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass('option')) { switchUser($('#patient-picker-menu > li.option').index(e.currentTarget)); } return false; }); $('#header-nav-inbox').click(function(e) { athenaanalytics.track("link click",{"link name" : "header navigation inbox"}); csrf_redirect('./?section=messages&fromheadernav=t'); }); $('#header-nav-compose').click(function(e) { athenaanalytics.track("link click",{"link name" : "header navigation compose"}); csrf_redirect('./?section=messages&sub=compose&fromheadernav=t'); }); }); $(document).ready(function() { var $nav = $('#nav'); $nav.on('click', 'li:not(".customnavitem, .no-list-item-style")', function() { // get the anchor href var $liTarget = $(this); var liAnchor = $liTarget.find('a:first'); if (liAnchor.attr("href")) { var parentUl = $liTarget.parent('ul'); var navclick = ''; if (parentUl) { if (parentUl.attr('id').search("-sub") > 0) { // Item is subsection. Concat it with section name on the ul navclick = "&navkey=" + encodeURIComponent('navsection') + "_" + liAnchor.text()); } else { // Item is top level nav item navclick = "&navkey=" + encodeURIComponent(liAnchor.text()); } } csrf_redirect(liAnchor.attr("href") + navclick); } }); $nav.on('click', 'li.customnavitem', function() { var $liTarget = $(this); if ($liTarget.hasClass('openinnewtaborwindow')) {$'url')); } else { window.location = $'url'); } }); }); /** * The OWASP CSRFGuard Project, BSD License * Eric Sheridan (, Copyright (c) 2011 * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of OWASP nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific * prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // Public functions (bodies are declared inside the closure to have access to the // private functions). /** Globally exposing these three functions is a "necessary evil" for cases where * we can't implement CSRF protection in a more abstract way (e.g. CallRemote). */ var GetCSRFValue; var GetCSRFTokenName; var AppendCSRFTokenToURL; var PORTALCSRFPROTECTION = "ON"; (function () { /** Private Property * */ var DOMAIN_STRICT = false; var VALID_DOMAIN = (window.location.hostname === '') ? '' : ''; var DOMAIN_ORIGIN = IsDevServer(window.location.hostname) ? '' : VALID_DOMAIN; var TOKENNAME = 'CSRFPROTECT'; var COOKIENAME = ''; /** * Determine if the passed hostname is that of a dev server. * The following command is used to generate the dev server list: * openssl x509 -in /etc/pki/tls/certs/ -text */ function IsDevServer(hostname) { if ( hostname.match(/.*dev.*\d+[.]athenahealth[.]com/) || hostname.match(/devcommweb.*\d+[.]athenahealth[.]com/) || hostname.match(/reg.+\d+[.]athenahealth[.]com/) || hostname.match(/.*stage\d*[.]athenahealth[.]com/) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** check if valid domain based on domainStrict * */ function IsValidDomain(current, target) { var result = false; current = current.toLowerCase(); /** check exact or subdomain match * */ if (current == target) { result = true; } else if (DOMAIN_STRICT == false) { if (target.charAt(0) == '.') { result = current.endsWith(target); } else { result = current.endsWith('.' + target); } } return result; } /** check if the passed URL contains valid domain * */ function URLHasValidDomain(url) { var matches = url.match(/^(%?[a-z0-9.+-]+:|)[/]{2,}([^/:#?]*)/i); if (matches) { // This URL is fully qualified. It either starts with a protocol // (http, https, etc), or is protocol-relative, e.g. starts with // return ( (matches[1].match(/^https:$/i) || matches[1] === '') && IsValidDomain(matches[2], DOMAIN_ORIGIN) ) ? true : false; } else { // This URL is relative and therefore doesn't point outside AthenaNet. return true; } } /** * Cookie name for most environments (such as production) is simply the name of * the form token (CSRFPROTECT). However, if AthenaNet is being run on the dev server, * append port number to it so we can run multiple instances of AthenaNet on the same * server. */ function GetCSRFCookieName() { if (COOKIENAME == '') { if ( window.location.port && window.location.hostname && IsDevServer(window.location.hostname) ) { COOKIENAME = window.location.port + '.' + TOKENNAME; } else { COOKIENAME = TOKENNAME; } } return COOKIENAME; } /** Return the CSRF token name. * */ GetCSRFTokenName = function() { return TOKENNAME; } /** Retrieve the csrf value from a cookie set during authentication * */ GetCSRFValue = function() { var csrfvalue; if (document.cookie) { var cookiename = GetCSRFCookieName(); var match = document.cookie.match( new RegExp( '(?:^|;\\s*)' + cookiename + '=([^;]*)' ) ); if (match) { csrfvalue = match[1] || 'EMPTY'; } } return csrfvalue || 'NONE'; } var csrfobject = {}; // Get the portal csrf name value pair csrfobject[GetCSRFTokenName()] = GetCSRFValue(); // To prevent loading csrf.js twice, we are adding a parameter in all ajax requests csrfobject["DONOTLOADCSRFJS"] = 1; // Append the csrftoken to all ajax requests $.ajaxSetup({ data : csrfobject }); /** Given a url, returns that url with the csrf token added to the query string * */ AppendCSRFTokenToURL = function(url) { // If the url only contains the anchor (eg <a href="#inbox">) we don't want to add // CSRFPROTECT token to it because it would force the page reload. if (url.charAt(0) == '#') { return url; } // Do not append CSRF tokens to external links. if (!URLHasValidDomain(url)) { return url; } // For certain URL types (javascript: mailto: tel: sms:), we don't want // to add the token. if (url.match(/^(?:javascript|mailto|tel|sms|data):/i)) { return url; } var tokenname = GetCSRFTokenName(); var tokenvalue = GetCSRFValue(); // If CSRF token is already present in the URL, compare it with the correct one. // If they don't match, replace with the correct one. Otherwise, we're done. var csrftokenmatch = url.match(new RegExp('([?](?:.*?&)??' + tokenname + '=)([^&#]*)')); if (csrftokenmatch) { if (csrftokenmatch[2] != tokenvalue) { // Token is outdated (likely due to user timing out and re-relogging) // and needs to be replaced. return url.replace(csrftokenmatch[0], csrftokenmatch[1] + tokenvalue); } else { // Token is up-to-date, no need to do anything. return url; } } // URL anchor has to remain at the end. var anchor = ''; var anchorindex = url.indexOf('#'); if (anchorindex != -1) { anchor = url.substring(anchorindex); url = url.substring(0, anchorindex); } // Determine the proper separator. var sep = ''; if (url.indexOf('?') == -1) { sep = '?'; } else { var lastchar = url.charAt(url.length - 1); if (lastchar != '&' && lastchar != '?') { sep = '&'; } } return url + sep + tokenname + '=' + tokenvalue + anchor; } // Takes a link DOM object and adds the CSRF token to the href. function ProtectLink(link) { if (!link || !link.href) { return; } // Do not append token if mobile portal, ajaxEnabled is true and data-ajax is not set to false. if ($.mobile !== undefined && $.mobile.ajaxEnabled) { // Retrieve data-ajax value. var isajaxenabled = jQuery(link).data('ajax'); // Default to true if data-ajax is undefined and ajaxEnabled is true. if (typeof isajaxenabled === "undefined") { isajaxenabled = true; } // If data-ajax is true, return without appending token. if (isajaxenabled) { return; } } var linkanchorindex = link.href.indexOf('#'); // If the document.location.href and link.href have the same base url // (disregarding the anchor), do not append token either. if (document.location && linkanchorindex > 0) { var linkwithoutanchor = link.href.substring(0, linkanchorindex); if (document.location.href === linkwithoutanchor) { return; } var locationanchorindex = document.location.href.indexOf('#'); if ( locationanchorindex != -1 && document.location.href.substring(0, locationanchorindex) === linkwithoutanchor ) { return; } } // Do not update the href attribute unnecessarily. Also serves as a workaround // for one very bizarre IE bug (h#315870). var newhref = AppendCSRFTokenToURL(link.href); if (newhref !== link.href) { link.href = newhref; } } /** * Given a form, we first determine whether or not it contains a CSRF token. * If it does, we'll update its value to the current token. Otherwise, we * will create a new CSRF token and insert it as the first child element of * the form. */ function InjectTokenIntoForm(form) { var tokenname = GetCSRFTokenName(); var tokenvalue = GetCSRFValue(); if (tokenname && tokenvalue) { var $form = jQuery(form); var existingtokens = $form.children('[name="' + tokenname + '"]'); if (existingtokens.length) { existingtokens .val(tokenvalue); } else { var token = jQuery("<input type='hidden' name='" + tokenname + "' />") .val(tokenvalue); $form .prepend(token) } } } /** * Finally, set up the handlers to call ProtectForms(). * * Only set up these handlers if the JavaScript was referenced from HTML that * was served by us. Otherwise, the code was referenced from malicious HTML * which may be trying to steal tokens using JavaScript hijacking techniques. */ if (IsValidDomain(document.domain, DOMAIN_ORIGIN)) { try { jQuery(document).on('click mousedown', 'a', function(event) { if(!$('no-csrf')){ ProtectLink(this); } }) .on('click mousedown', '.mobile-button,.portal-button,a,button,input[type=submit],input[type=button]', function(event) { jQuery('form').each(function() { InjectTokenIntoForm(this); }); }); } catch(err) { } } })(); var DONOTRELOADONTIMEOUT = true; </script> <div id="email-sent" class="password-reset-info"> A link to reset your Patient Portal password has been sent to <span id="email-sent-address"></span>. Please allow 5-10 minutes for the email to arrive. 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id="login-with-athena-health"> <a id="landingLoginLink" type="button" class="athenahealth-signin" target="_top" href="./?section=oauth_login_request&identityprovider=patient_identity&uniqueid=Z0r/0wriDC8AKKAjAAAkdA"> Log in with <svg role="button" width="110" height="13" viewBox="0 0 130 15" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-label="Athenahealth"> <title>Athenahealth</title> <path d="M18.3411 9.19732C18.3411 10.0078 18.6102 10.7481 19.1017 11.2858C19.593 11.8235 20.3064 12.1589 21.1952 12.1589C22.0494 12.1589 22.7631 11.8405 23.2632 11.3111C23.7632 10.7818 24.0499 10.0415 24.0499 9.19753C24.0499 8.35317 23.7634 7.61263 23.2632 7.08328C22.7631 6.55373 22.0494 6.23536 21.1952 6.23536C20.3064 6.23536 19.593 6.57047 19.1017 7.1084C18.6104 7.64612 18.3411 8.38666 18.3411 9.19732ZM25.9855 13.8185H24.9534H23.9213V13.2636V12.7087C23.5955 13.1188 23.1882 13.4564 22.6943 13.6916C22.2004 13.9269 21.6202 14.0594 20.9483 14.0594C19.6251 14.0594 18.4426 13.5504 17.5907 12.6882C16.7389 11.8258 16.218 10.6104 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11.3193L54.3151 12.0383L54.8285 12.7573C54.2508 13.2395 53.6363 13.5652 52.9869 13.7701C52.3375 13.9753 51.6536 14.0596 50.9376 14.0596C49.5203 14.0596 48.3104 13.5771 47.4551 12.728C46.5998 11.8788 46.0986 10.6631 46.0986 9.19648C46.0986 7.74931 46.5798 6.53384 47.4094 5.67985C48.239 4.82586 49.4166 4.33398 50.8092 4.33398C52.1325 4.33398 53.2485 4.82607 54.0351 5.6786C54.8216 6.53112 55.2777 7.74491 55.2827 9.18748Z" fill="#FFFFFF"/> <path d="M65.5473 8.01067V10.9146V13.8186H64.5105H63.4737V11.2474V8.67648C63.4737 7.89973 63.2689 7.2942 62.891 6.8829C62.513 6.4716 61.9624 6.25455 61.2708 6.25455C60.6042 6.25455 59.9919 6.4693 59.5462 6.88185C59.1006 7.29441 58.8216 7.90476 58.8216 8.69616V11.2577V13.8192H57.7848H56.748V9.19767V4.57651H57.7752H58.8023V5.14081V5.70511C59.1822 5.16006 59.666 4.81742 60.1757 4.61125C60.6854 4.40487 61.2213 4.33496 61.7053 4.33496C62.8312 4.33496 63.7917 4.71381 64.4707 5.36268C65.1496 6.01154 65.5473 6.93041 65.5473 8.01067Z" fill="#FFFFFF"/> <path d="M69.0233 9.19732C69.0233 10.0078 69.2924 10.7481 69.7839 11.2858C70.2752 11.8235 70.9887 12.1589 71.8774 12.1589C72.7317 12.1589 73.4453 11.8405 73.9454 11.3111C74.4455 10.7818 74.7322 10.0415 74.7322 9.19753C74.7322 8.35317 74.4457 7.61263 73.9454 7.08328C73.4453 6.55373 72.7317 6.23536 71.8774 6.23536C70.9887 6.23536 70.2752 6.57047 69.7839 7.1084C69.2926 7.64612 69.0233 8.38666 69.0233 9.19732ZM76.6677 13.8185H75.6357H74.6036V13.2636V12.7087C74.2777 13.1188 73.8704 13.4564 73.3766 13.6916C72.8827 13.9269 72.3025 14.0594 71.6306 14.0594C70.3074 14.0594 69.1249 13.5504 68.273 12.6882C67.4211 11.8258 66.9003 10.6104 66.9003 9.19711C66.9003 7.78363 67.4213 6.56775 68.273 5.70539C69.1247 4.84303 70.3074 4.33398 71.6306 4.33398C72.3023 4.33398 72.8827 4.4692 73.3766 4.70677C73.8704 4.94455 74.2777 5.28467 74.6036 5.69471V5.13481V4.5749H75.6357H76.6677V9.19648V13.8185Z" fill="#FFFFFF"/> <path d="M79.9182 6.31234C80.2838 5.71413 80.7922 5.28483 81.3687 5.00499C81.9453 4.72514 82.5896 4.59474 83.2268 4.59474C84.3921 4.59474 85.37 4.9468 86.0566 5.57996C86.7431 6.21313 87.1384 7.12719 87.1384 8.2514V11.0348V13.8182H86.5754H86.0123V11.2037V8.58943C86.0123 7.67286 85.7406 6.93483 85.2322 6.426C84.7238 5.91716 83.9779 5.63731 83.0299 5.63731C82.1557 5.63731 81.3777 5.94354 80.8185 6.47288C80.2593 7.00223 79.9187 7.7547 79.9187 8.64699V11.2326V13.8182H79.3558H78.793V7.48637V1.1543H79.3558H79.9187V3.73342V6.31234H79.9182Z" fill="#FFFFFF"/> <path d="M89.8835 8.73427H93.2068H96.5302C96.4462 7.7932 96.0759 7.00201 95.5079 6.44608C94.94 5.89015 94.1746 5.56928 93.3007 5.56928C92.3573 5.56928 91.5573 5.89978 90.9662 6.46052C90.3748 7.02148 89.9922 7.81267 89.8835 8.73427ZM97.6756 9.22594C97.6756 9.30799 97.6732 9.38753 97.6694 9.4635C97.6657 9.53948 97.6608 9.61191 97.6554 9.6793H93.7594H89.8634C89.9474 10.7359 90.3695 11.5681 91.009 12.1362C91.6486 12.7043 92.5054 13.0082 93.4586 13.0082C94.1052 13.0082 94.6854 12.8828 95.2063 12.6584C95.7271 12.434 96.1888 12.1109 96.5987 11.7153L96.9002 12.0918L97.2016 12.4684C96.6137 13.0517 95.9964 13.4255 95.3584 13.6535C94.7203 13.8814 94.0611 13.9635 93.3892 13.9635C92.0312 13.9635 90.8635 13.4858 90.035 12.662C89.2065 11.8381 88.7178 10.6683 88.7178 9.28392C88.7178 7.91398 89.214 6.74184 90.0374 5.91192C90.8608 5.082 92.0115 4.59473 93.3202 4.59473C94.5594 4.59473 95.6408 5.07489 96.4162 5.89371C97.1916 6.71253 97.6608 7.87044 97.6756 9.22594Z" fill="#FFFFFF"/> <path d="M99.836 9.28392C99.836 10.3066 100.214 11.2182 100.856 11.8741C101.498 12.5301 102.404 12.9305 103.461 12.9305C104.512 12.9305 105.416 12.5397 106.057 11.8886C106.697 11.2374 107.075 10.3257 107.075 9.28392C107.075 8.24218 106.697 7.32791 106.057 6.67423C105.416 6.02055 104.512 5.62726 103.461 5.62726C102.394 5.62726 101.488 6.02767 100.848 6.68511C100.209 7.34235 99.836 8.25662 99.836 9.28392ZM108.132 13.8184H107.574H107.016V12.9452V12.0719C106.641 12.6413 106.142 13.1141 105.526 13.4446C104.91 13.7751 104.176 13.9635 103.332 13.9635C102.029 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managers, officers, directors, agents, and representatives and powered by athenahealth, Inc. (all of the foregoing, collectively, the "Practice Entities"). The Practice Entities are intended third-party beneficiaries of this agreement and entitled to enforce all terms and conditions of this agreement.<br /> <br /> By accessing or using the Patient Portal, you confirm that you agree to these terms and conditions. If you don't agree, don't use the Patient Portal. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you are at least 18 years of age, or legally emancipated, and that you are requesting access to Patient Portal. You acknowledge that Patient Portal is offered as a courtesy to our patients and agree that we may limit or discontinue your use of Patient Portal at any time for any reason.</span></p> </blockquote> <h3> Minimum Requirements and Security</h3> <ul> <li class="style2"> This website uses encryption software. In order to use Patient Portal, you must have: <ul> <li> a personal computer equipped with an Internet browser that has 128-bit encryption enabled and configured to accept cookies (e.g., Internet Explorer 7 or 8, Safari, or Firefox; Internet Explorer 6 may not allow you to view some materials, such as test results);<br /><br /></li> <li> Internet access, a valid email account, software to receive and read email messages, and spam filters set to accept email from our domain; and<br /><br /></li> <li> Adobe Reader installed (to download a copy of Adobe Reader, please go to <a href=""></a>).<br /><br /></li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="style2 style2">While we use state-of-the-art security, no system can guard against risks of intentional intrusion or inadvertent disclosure of information. <strong>When using Patient Portal, information may be transmitted over media that are beyond the control of the Practice Entities and their contractors and subcontractors and that may not be secure.</strong> For example, you may receive email, text, or telephone communications in connection with your use of Patient Portal, all of which are inherently unsecure and subject to disclosure to or access by third parties (e.g., if your phone is used by someone else, you do not keep your phone or email information up to date on Patient Portal and communications are misdirected, or the network or systems of a telecommunications provider are hacked). <strong>Furthermore, electronic services such as those provided by the Practice Entities, their contractors and subcontractors, and any telecommunications providers involved in the transmission of data are all inherently subject to failure and none of the foregoing can guarantee that their services will be provided without error or interruption at all times that you may wish to use those services. YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY ASSUME THE RISK OF ANY UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE OR INTENTIONAL INTRUSION, OR OF ANY DELAY, FAILURE, INTERRUPTION, OR CORRUPTION OF DATA OR OTHER INFORMATION TRANSMITTED IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF ANY SERVICE RELATED TO PATIENT PORTAL.</strong> Once information is received by us, your medical information will be treated as confidential and given the same protection that all of our other medical records are given.</span></li> </ul> <h3> Security, Confidentiality, and Usage Guidelines for Patient Portal</h3> <ul> <li> <strong>YOU MUST NOT SEND ANY MESSAGES REQUIRING URGENT ATTENTION USING PATIENT PORTAL.</strong> Doing so may create a delay in your receiving necessary medical treatment and could result in loss of life, permanent injury, or significant deterioration in your health. If you believe that you have an urgent medical matter, you should call 911 immediately or proceed to the nearest emergency room. If the matter is not urgent but you need a response in less than two business days, please contact your clinician's office directly by telephone during our regular business hours, which you may find on the log-in screen for Patient Portal.<br /> <h2 class="style5">FOR ALL MEDICAL EMERGENCIES, IMMEDIATELY CALL 911</h2><br /></li> <li> Patient portal is designed as a secure Internet-based environment through which you may receive confidential medical information about yourself. When you initially enroll to use the Patient Portal, you will need to confirm your identity via two unique workflows, as well as establish an email and a confidential password for login credentials. Please <strong>DO NOT SHARE YOUR PASSWORD</strong> with anyone. Anyone with access to your password will be able to view your medical and financial information and communicate with your health care team as if that person were you. Thus, when you give someone your password, you are authorizing that person to access your account, and you are responsible for all transactions that person performs while using your service. It is your responsibility to prevent disclosure of your password and to change your password if you feel that your security has been compromised. If you believe that your password has become known to an unauthorized person and want verification of any changes that may have been made to your account, please contact us for assistance. You can change your password in the Patient Portal at any time by clicking the "Security Settings" link under "My Profile."<br /><br /></li> <li> You may request a Patient Portal account for yourself. You may not request or access a Patient Portal account for anyone else, except that a parent or guardian may request and access an account on behalf of a minor child. By accepting these terms and conditions, you certify that you are authorized to open or access the account you are requesting and that all information you have provided to us is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.<br /><br /></li> <li> Once you have activated your Patient Portal account, the Patient Portal Inbox will become the primary vehicle to receive important messages from your participating provider(s) and other personal medical information. <strong>You MUST provide us with your email address when activating your Patient Portal account and keep your email address current via the My Profile link</strong>, to ensure that you receive notification of newly released information in a timely manner. You may continue to receive communications via the United States Postal Service or other means from us.<br /><br /></li> <li> We keep track of the pages our patients visit within Patient Portal, in order to determine what services are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content within Patient Portal to patients whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.</li> <li> We secure your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. The personally identifiable information you provide is maintained by us on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. When personal information is transmitted from your PC and/or mobile devices to Patient Portal, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. As a user of Patient Portal you hereby agree that you (and not the Practice Entities) are solely liable for viruses, worms, Trojan horses, cancel bots, and other electronic mechanisms designed to destroy or impair the functioning of computer systems already residing on your PC and/or mobile device.</li> <li> When you use the Patient Portal, we collect personally identifiable information, such as your email address, name, home address, telephone number, ZIP code, age, gender, contact preferences, access times, and account activity. This information is used by us for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of Patient Portal. We may share data with business associates working on our behalf to help us perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, provide customer support, or arrange for deliveries. We encourage you to review the Privacy Statement for further information regarding how your personal information may be used.</li> <li> Cookies are used for system performance functionality. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the Patient Portal services.</li> </ul> <h3> How We Protect Your Personal Health Information</h3> <ul> <li> We consider the privacy of your health information to be one of the most important elements in our relationship with you and one we take very seriously. By accessing or using Patient Portal, you acknowledge that you have received and read a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices, which can be found in paper copy at our office locations or through your Patient Portal account under the "Forms" link.<br /><br /></li> <li> We are committed to protecting the privacy of the information you send and receive through Patient Portal, and will only collect and use such information as permitted under the Patient Portal Privacy Statement, which can be found online within Patient Portal. By using Patient Portal, you also consent to all of the terms and conditions described in the Privacy Statement.<br /><br /></li> <li> All communications between you and our health care team using Patient Portal are carried over a secure, encrypted connection directly into our electronic medical record. While you may receive email messages notifying you of new messages in your Patient Portal Inbox, these emails will not contain any personal health information. It is your responsibility to login to your Patient Portal account and read the messages promptly.</li> </ul> <h3> Your Responsibilities</h3> <ul> <li> Patient Portal is a communication service offered as a convenience to our patients. We reserve the right to change the terms, conditions, and notices under which Patient Portal is offered. By accessing or using Patient Portal, you further agree that any and all such modifications are effective and binding upon you immediately upon posting of the modified version. We reserve the right in the future to charge a fee for the use of Patient Portal. You will be notified in advance of any such change and asked to re-apply if you agree to the fee and wish to continue with the Patient Portal service.<br /><br /></li> <li> You understand that by accepting the terms and conditions of this Agreement you are agreeing to receive your patient balance statements delivered electronically to your Patient Portal account. You have the option at any time to revert back to receiving your patient balance statements as paper statements sent to you via U.S. Mail. You may exercise that option by checking the appropriate checkbox located at the bottom of the Billing Tab in Patient Portal under "Patient Preferences."<br /><br /></li> <li> You acknowledge that by entering your home and/or mobile telephone number into Patient Portal you are providing written consent for the Practice Entities to send automated, prerecorded, or artificial voice telephone calls to all provided numbers. You may opt-out of receiving these calls on the "Contact Preferences" page, located under the My Profile tab.</li> <li> You understand that Patient Portal provides you with online access to some clinical information about you. You are solely responsible for any sharing of Patient Portal content that you intentionally or unintentionally communicate to others. </li> </ul> <p></p> <h3> Patient Portal Messaging</h3> <ul> <li> By using Patient Portal, you acknowledge and agree that this messaging service is intended to facilitate dialogue regarding personal health matters. You agree not to use Patient Portal to post or send or post any illicit or offensive material.<br /><br /></li> <li> You understand that messages will be routed to the appropriate department as necessary for handling, and therefore our employees other than your physician, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant may be involved in addressing your request. If your physician is out of the office or unavailable to respond, messages sent via Patient Portal may be routed to other authorized healthcare providers within our practice to facilitate a timely response to your request. Therefore, use of Patient Portal may not be appropriate if there is sensitive information that you want to discuss directly with your healthcare provider.<br /><br /></li> <li> You understand that your health care team may send you messages, test results, and other communications via Patient Portal as authorized in the sole discretion of your physician. These messages may contain information important to your health and medical care. It is your responsibility to monitor these messages. By entering your valid and functional email address at registration, you have enabled us to notify you of messages sent to your Patient Portal Inbox.</li> </ul> <p></p> <h3> Discontinuing Use of Patient Portal</h3> <ul> <li> You may discontinue your use of Patient Portal at any time by sending a secure message to your primary care provider's office requesting this change.<br /><br /></li> <li> We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to limit or discontinue your use of Patient Portal at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, your use of Patient Portal on behalf of another person.<br /><br /></li> <li> Your Patient Portal service will be discontinued if you no longer have a primary care provider who participates in Patient Portal at your practice.<br /><br /></li> <li> You will be notified if your Patient Portal service is discontinued.<br /><br /></li> </ul> <p></p> <h3> Your Clinical Information</h3> <ul> <li> As we provide your health care, we are required to maintain documentation of your medical history, current conditions, treatment plan, and all treatments given, including the results of all tests, procedures, and therapies. Patient Portal is an Internet application that enables a patient to have secure web-based access to personal clinical information, as released by the treating physician, and allows secure electronic messaging with our participating physicians. By using Patient Portal, you understand that not all of your medical record with us will be accessible through your Patient Portal account. Posting of information to your Patient Portal account is at the sole discretion of your individual physician(s).<br /><br /></li> <li> Messages you send or receive via Patient Portal may become part of your permanent medical record at the sole discretion of your physician. If such messages are made part of your permanent medical record, they will be accessible to our current and future staff members who are involved with your care.<br /><br /></li> <li> All of our electronic medical records are subject to state and federal regulations governing the security and confidentiality of medical records.<br /><br /></li> </ul> <p></p> <h3> Copyright and Trademarks</h3> <p> All content included in Patient Portal and on all of our, including, but not limited to, text, photographs, graphics, button icons, images, artwork, names, logos, trademarks, service marks, and data ("Content"), in any form, are protected by U.S. and international copyright and trademark law and conventions. The Content includes both Content owned or controlled by one or more of the Practice Entities, as well as Content owned or controlled by third parties and licensed to one or more of the Practice Entities, and no right, title, or interest is granted to you in or to any Content other than the right to use such content in connection with your use of Patient Portal. Reproduction of any Content, in whole or in part, by any means, is prohibited without our express written consent.<br /></p> <p></p> <h3> Site Access and Licenses</h3> <ul> <li> We grant to you a non-assignable, non-sublicensable, terminable, limited license to make personal use of our website, Patient Portal, and the associated services in accordance with these terms and conditions. This license expressly excludes, without limitation, any reproduction, duplication, sale, resale, or other commercial use of the website, Patient Portal, or any of the associated services; making any derivative of the website, Patient Portal, or any of the associated services; and the collection and use of user email addresses or other user information (including, without limitation, health information or any data extraction or data mining whatsoever).<br /><br /></li> <li> Failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions contained herein may result in revocation of your license and cancellation of your Patient Portal account, including the right to access information through Patient Portal. We reserve the right to report violations of law to appropriate law enforcement agencies and to pursue all other rights and remedies available to it under civil or criminal law.<br /><br /></li> </ul> <p></p> <h3> Links to Third-Party Websites</h3> <p> This website and Patient Portal contain links to websites operated by other parties. The Practice Entities do not sponsor, operate, control, or endorse any of these sites, nor the information, products, or services provided by third parties through the Internet, nor do the Practice Entities make any guarantee, warranty, or representation regarding the accuracy of the information contained on the websites. The Practice Entities have no control over the security or privacy practices of these external websites. Use of other sites is strictly at your own risk including, but not limited to, any risks associated with destructive viruses. You are responsible for viewing and abiding by the terms and conditions of use and the privacy statements of the other websites.<br /></p> <p></p> <h3> No Warranties</h3> <p> This Patient Portal and all other sites hosted by any of the Practice Entities and the content contained herein and therein are provided by the Practice Entities on an "As Is" basis. <strong>THE PRACTICE ENTITIES MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE OPERATION OF ITS SITES, OR THE CONTENT, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES INCLUDED THEREIN. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMISSIBLE BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE PRACTICE ENTITIES DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND INFRINGEMENT.</strong><br /></p> <p></p> <h3> Limitation of Liability</h3> <ul> <li> Some of the material on our website and in Patient Portal is provided by third parties, and the Practice Entities shall not be held responsible for any such third-party material. The Practice Entities disclaim any responsibility for, or liability related to, such third-party material. Any questions, complaints, or claims related to any product should be directed to the appropriate third party.<br /><br /></li> <li> None of the Practice Entities or any of their contractors or subcontractors shall be liable for any loss, injury, illness, damages, or claims of any kind resulting from your failure to timely read messages you may receive through Patient Portal.<br /><br /></li> <li> If you have any basis for recovering damages from the Practice Entities or its affiliates or vendors, you can only recover direct damages up to $10. You cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect, incidental, or punitive damages.<br /><br /></li> <li> Some or all of these limitations or exclusions may not apply to you if your state, province, or country does not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential, or other damages.<br /><br /></li> </ul> <p></p> <h3> General</h3> <p> By using our website (including, but not limited to, Patient Portal), you agree that the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these terms and conditions and any dispute that might arise between you and any of the Practice Entities. You expressly agree that exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute with any of the Practice Entities resides in the courts of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, and you further agree and expressly consent to the exercise of personal jurisdiction in the courts of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in connection with any claim involving any of the Practice Entities. Use of our website is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to the terms and conditions set forth herein.</p> </div> <div class="position_relative clearfix"> <a href="#" onclick="$('#termsPopup').dialog('close');" class="btn">Close</a> </div> </div> <div class="none-display" id="privacyPopup" title="Privacy Policy"> <div id="privacytext"> <span id="privacy-policy-description" class="description" hidden> This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. </span> <p>Please review our Notice of Privacy Practices by clicking this link: <span style="color:rgb(24, 24, 24)"> <a href=""></a></span></p> </div> <div class="position_relative clearfix"> <a href="#" onclick="$('#privacyPopup').dialog('close');" class="btn">Close</a> </div> </div> <div class="none-display" id="ieCompatibilityPopup" title="Alert"> You are using an outdated browser that is not supported on the Patient Portal. <br /><br /> Please <a href="">upgrade your browser</a> before signing in. <hr /> <a onclick="$('#ieCompatibilityPopup').dialog('close');" class="btn gray left_170px" title="Ok Button for ie7 alert">Ok</a> </div> <div class="hide" id="browserUpdatePopup" title="Alert"> <div class="alert_icon"> <img alt="update browser alert icon" src="/usr/local/athena/prod/htdocs/static_20241122/portal/images/2012/sprites/alert_icon.png" height="50" width="50" /> </div> <div class="unsupported_browser_message"> The Patient Portal does not support your current browser and will prevent you from using the full site. Please update your browser to continue using our site securely. </div> <div class="unsupported_browser_lower_div"> <div class="unsupported_browser_update_button_div"> <button class="unsupported_browser_update_button" onclick="window.location.href=''">Update Browser</button> </div> <div class="unsupported_browser_not_now_link"> <a onclick="closeDialog()">Not Now</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="none-display" id="sending" title="Sending"> Your message is being sent. </div> <div class="none-display" id="warnTimeout" title="Timeout Warning"> <div>For your safety and security, your session is about to be logged off due to inactivity.</div> <div class="timeout_ok">Please click OK to continue your session.</div> <a onclick="$('#warnTimeout').dialog('close');timeoutController.reset();" class="timeout_ok_btn btn center-button" title="Ok Button for session timeout">OK</a> </div> <div class="none-display" id="loginFaq" title="Frequently Asked Questions"> <div id="faqtext"> <span id="faq-description" class="description" hidden> Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions concerning the website. For technical issues with this website during normal business hours, please contact our office. </span> <p>Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions concerning the website. For technical issues with this website during normal business hours, please contact our office.</p> <p><a name="faq_top"></a></p> <div class="faq_questions"> <h3>What is the Patient Portal?</h3> <a href="#qgeneral_0">What is the Patient Portal?</a> <a href="#qgeneral_1">Who can use the Patient Portal?</a> <h3>Security</h3> <a href="#qsecurity_0">How secure is the Patient Portal?</a> <a href="#qsecurity_1">What if my password is stolen?</a> <a href="#qsecurity_2">What if I forget my password?</a> <a href="#qsecurity_3">What if I'm unable to access the Patient Portal?</a> <a href="#qsecurity_4">How do I sign out?</a> <h3>Signing Up</h3> <a href="#signup">What do I need to access the Patient Portal?</a> <a href="#qsignup_1">How do I register for the Patient Portal?</a> <a href="#qsignup_2">How do I sign in to the Patient Portal?</a> <h3>My Profile</h3> <a href="#qmyprofile_0">How do I edit my profile information?</a> <a href="#qmyprofile_1">How do I edit how my contact preferences for different types of notifications?</a> <a href="#qmyprofile_2">How do I view my insurance information?</a> <h3>Appointments</h3> <a href="#qappointments_1">How do I reschedule an appointment?</a> <a href="#qappointments_2">How do I request an appointment?</a> <a href="#qappointments_3">How do I view upcoming appointments?</a> <a href="#qappointments_5">Where can I fill out medical forms before my appointment?</a> <a href="#qappointments_6">Why doesn't anything happen when I click on a medical form?</a> <a href="#qappointments_7">How do I view past appointments?</a> <h3>Messages</h3> <div class="font_10px"> <strong>Note:</strong> The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice. </div> <a href="#qmessages_0">How do I ask my provider a question?</a> <a href="#qmessages_1">How soon can I expect a response from my provider?</a> <a href="#qmessages_2">How do I view messages and/or responses from my provider?</a> <a href="#qmessages_3">Why can't I delete my sent and archived messages?</a> <h3>Billing</h3> <div class="font_10px"> <strong>Note:</strong> The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice. </div> <a href="#qbilling_0">How do I view my account balance?</a> <a href="#qbilling_1">How do I ask a question about my account balance?</a> <a href="#qbilling_2">How do I make a payment?</a> <a href="#qbilling_3">How do I view my payment history?</a> <a href="#qbilling_4">How do I view my account statements?</a> <a href="#qbilling_5">How do I manage my saved credit and debit cards?</a> <a href="#qbilling_6">Why doesn't anything happen when I click "View Detail" or "View Receipt?"</a> <h3>My Health</h3> <a href="#qmyhealth_0">Why can't I view my test results?</a> </div> <br> <div class="faq_answers"> <h3>What is the Patient Portal?</h3> <h4><a name="qgeneral_0"></a>What is the Patient Portal?</h4> <div>The Patient Portal is an online service that provides patients secure access to their health information. Various features may be available on the portal at your practice's discretion, including the ability to send messages to your health care providers, schedule appointments, and pay bills online. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qgeneral_1"></a>Who can use the Patient Portal?</h4> <div>Any active patient over the age of 13 is eligible to register for and use the Patient Portal. If you are authorized, a family access account can be created that will allow you to access selected family members' health information. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h3>Security</h3> <h4><a name="qsecurity_0"></a>How secure is the Patient Portal?</h4> <div>All communications between you and your provider's office are carried over a secure, encrypted connection. This secure connection utilizes industry standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to ensure secure data transmission as well as server-side digital certificate authentication. To prohibit unauthorized access, all medical information is stored behind our firewall in our electronic medical record system. <br /><br /> You should always make sure that the email address on file for your account is accurate, as notifications from the portal are sent to the email address on file. Make sure to sign out of your account each time you are finished using the portal. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qsecurity_1"></a>What if my password is stolen?</h4> <div>Change your password immediately by completing one of the following options: <ul> <li> Sign in to the Patient Portal, go to <strong>athenahealth Profile</strong>, and reset your password. </li> <li> Click <strong>Forgot your password</strong> on the sign-in page and enter your email address to request a password reset email.</li> <li> Contact your provider's office and request a password reset email.</li> </ul> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qsecurity_2"></a>What if I forget my password?</h4> <div>On the sign-in page, click <strong>Forgot your password</strong> and enter your email address to request a password reset email. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qsecurity_3"></a>What if I'm unable to access the Patient Portal?</h4> <div>Please contact your provider's office to register or to verify your information. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qsecurity_4"></a>How do I sign out?</h4> <div>Click the <strong>Sign Out</strong> link at the top right of the screen. Alternatively, if your keyboard remains idle for 10 minutes or more, you will receive a pop-up window asking if you are still actively using the portal. If you do not click the <strong>OK</strong> button, you will be signed out automatically. Any information you have typed and not saved or sent will be lost. <div class="font_10px"> <strong>Note:</strong> Do not use a public computer to access your health information. </div> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h3>Signing Up</h3> <h4><a name="signup"></a>What do I need to access the Patient Portal?</h4> <div><ul> <li> an email address</li> <li> access to a computer and the internet</li> </ul> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qsignup_1"></a>How do I register for the Patient Portal?</h4> <div>To register for the Patient Portal, click the <strong>Sign up today</strong> link on the sign-in page, then enter your information. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qsignup_2"></a>How do I sign in to the Patient Portal?</h4> <div> To sign in to the Patient Portal, click on the <strong>Login with athenahealth</strong> button. Next, enter your email address and password, then click the <strong>Log in</strong> button. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a> </div> <h4><a name="qsignup_3"></a>I have a PIN instead of a password. How do I sign in to the Patient Portal?</h4> <div> We have made our sign-in process easier. If you have been signing in with a PIN, date of birth, and phone number, you will now be able to sign in with just an email address and password. To do this, you must create a password for your account by clicking the <strong>Use your PIN to create a password</strong> link on the Patient Portal sign-in page, and following the instructions. This is a one-time only change; going forward you will simply need to enter your email address and password to sign in. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a> </div> <h3>My Profile</h3> <h4><a name="qmyprofile_0"></a>How do I edit my profile information?</h4> <div> <ol> <li>Click the <strong>My Profile</strong> tab.</li> <li>Click on the <strong>athenahealth profile</strong> section and then the <strong>athenahealth profile</strong> button. </li> <li>Update your information as required.</li> <li>Click on the back arrow to return to the Patient Portal.</li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a> </div> <h4><a name="qmyprofile_1"></a>How do I edit how my contact preferences for different types of notifications?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click on the <strong>My Profile</strong> tab.</li> <li> Select <strong>My Notifications.</strong></li> <li> Indicate your contact preferences for different types of notifications.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Save</strong> button.</li> </ol> <div class="font_10px"> <strong>Note:</strong> Portal users cannot deactivate email notifications, as at least one method of communication is required. </div> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qmyprofile_2"></a>How do I view my insurance information?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>My Profile</strong> tab.</li> <li> Select <strong>Insurance.</strong></li> </ol> <div class="font_10px"> <strong>Note:</strong> If your insurance information has changed, please contact your provider's office. </div> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h3>Appointments</h3> <h4><a name="qappointments_1"></a>How do I reschedule an appointment?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Appointments</strong> tab. Your scheduled appointments will appear listed under <strong>Upcoming Appointments</strong>.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Reschedule</strong> link that appears beneath the date of your appointment.</li> <li> Select an available appointment from the calendar.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Reschedule Appointment</strong> button.</li> </ol><div class="font_10px"> <strong>Note:</strong> The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice. </div> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qappointments_2"></a>How do I request an appointment?</h4> <div>It is at your practice's discretion to allow online appointment scheduling. If your practice does not allow online appointment scheduling, you can request an appointment by sending a message to your provider. To do so: <ol> <li> Click the <strong>Messages</strong> tab.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Compose Message</strong> button.</li> <li> Select the <strong>Appointments and scheduling</strong> option from the message type dropdown menu.</li> <li> Select your provider, office location, and your preferred time of day and days of week.</li> <li> Type your subject and message.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Send</strong> button.</li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qappointments_3"></a>How do I view upcoming appointments?</h4> <div>Click the <strong>Appointments</strong> tab. Your scheduled appointments will appear listed under <strong>Upcoming Appointments</strong>. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qappointments_5"></a>Where can I fill out medical forms before my appointment?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Appointments</strong> tab.</li> <li> Select <strong>Medical Forms</strong>.</li> <li> Click the desired form. Forms with a computer icon can be completed and submitted online, while forms with a printer icon can be printed out, completed, and brought with you to your appointment.</li> </ol><div class="font_10px"> <strong>Note:</strong> The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice. </div> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qappointments_6"></a>Why doesn't anything happen when I click on a medical form?</h4> <div>Adobe Acrobat is required to view and print forms on the portal. On the Medical Forms page, you will see a note indicating this requirement, along with a link to download this program for free. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qappointments_7"></a>How do I view past appointments?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Appointments</strong> tab.</li> <li> Select <strong>Past</strong>.</li> <li> Select the desired timeframe from the <strong>Past Appointments</strong> dropdown menu.</li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h3>Messages</h3> <div class="font_10px"> <strong>Note:</strong> The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice. </div> <h4><a name="qmessages_0"></a>How do I ask my provider a question?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Messages</strong> tab.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Compose Message</strong> button.</li> <li> Select the message type from the dropdown options based on the topic of your question.</li> <li> Select your provider and office location.</li> <li> Type your subject and message.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Send</strong> button</li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qmessages_1"></a>How soon can I expect a response from my provider?</h4> <div>Your provider's office will make every effort to respond to your messages within a timely manner. Please do not expect a response on weekends or holidays. If you need to speak with the office sooner, please call the office directly. Urgent matters should not be dealt with via the Patient Portal. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qmessages_2"></a>How do I view messages and/or responses from my provider?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Messages</strong> tab.</li> <li> Select <strong>Inbox</strong>.</li> <li> Click the desired message in your inbox to read the message.</li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qmessages_3"></a>Why can't I delete my sent and archived messages?</h4> <div>You cannot permanently delete sent or archived messages. This is because all messages that you send and receive in the Patient Portal are part of your medical record. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h3>Billing</h3> <div class="font_10px"> <strong>Note:</strong> The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice. </div> <h4><a name="qbilling_0"></a>How do I view my account balance?</h4> <div>Click the <strong>Billing</strong> tab. Your list of charges will be listed by date of visit, followed by your account balance, under <strong>Recent Charges Payable Online</strong>. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qbilling_1"></a>How do I ask a question about my account balance?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Messages</strong> tab.</li> <li> Select Compose <strong>Message</strong>.</li> <li> Select the <strong>Billing and Payments</strong> option from the message type dropdown menu.</li> <li> Select your provider and office location.</li> <li> Type your subject and message.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Send</strong> button.</li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qbilling_2"></a>How do I make a payment?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Billing</strong> tab. Your recent charges will appear listed under Recent Charges Payable Online</strong>.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Make a Payment</strong> button.</li> <li> Select the charges you want to pay under <strong>Select Payment Amount</strong>.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Continue</strong> button.</li> <li> Enter your credit card information under <strong>Select Payment Method</strong>.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Continue</strong> button.</li> <li> Review your payment information.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Continue</strong> button</li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qbilling_3"></a>How do I view my payment history?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Billing</strong> tab.</li> <li> Select <strong>Payments</strong>.</li> <li> Select the payment you would like to view.</li> <li> Click the <strong>View detail</strong> link.</li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qbilling_4"></a>How do I view my account statements?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Billing</strong> tab.</li> <li> Select <strong>Statements</strong>.</li> <li> Select the patient statement you would like to view.</li> <li> Click the <strong>View detail</strong> link</li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qbilling_5"></a>How do I manage my saved credit and debit cards?</h4> <div><ol> <li> Click the <strong>Billing</strong> tab.</li> <li> Select <strong>Payment Methods</strong>.</li> <li> From here you can:</li> <li class="no-list-item-style"> <ol type="a"> <li> Click <strong>Add a Credit Card</strong> to save a new card for future payments.</li> <li> Click <strong>Make Default</strong> to set a saved card as your default payment method.</li> <li> Click the <strong>Delete</strong> link to remove a saved card from the portal.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h4><a name="qbilling_6"></a>Why doesn't anything happen when I click "View Detail" or "View Receipt?"</h4> <div>Adobe Acrobat is required to view and print statements and forms on the Patient Portal. When you click the <strong>Billing</strong> tab, you will see a note indicating this requirement, along with a link to download this program for free. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> <h3>My Health</h3> <h4><a name="qmyhealth_0"></a>Why can't I view my test results?</h4> <div>It is at your provider's discretion to make test results available. Your provider must authorize the release of your test results in order for them to post to your Patient Portal account. Only test results which are considered appropriate for release will be accessible through the Patient Portal. <a class="top" href="#faq_top">top</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="none-display" id="messageSent" title="Success"> <span id="messageBlock"></span> </div> <div class="none-display" id="formSaveModal" title="Error"> <span id="formSaveModalText">We were unable to save your data. Please try again later.</span> <br /><br /><br /> <a href="#" onclick="$('#formSaveModal').dialog('close'); return false;" class="btn">Continue</a> <a href="#" onclick="csrf_redirect('./?section=welcome'); $('#formSaveModal').dialog('close');" class="btn">Go Home</a> </div> <div id="savenotification">Saving...</div> </body> </html> <div id="statement-id" class="none-display statement-id"> <div class="content"> <div class="message"> Use the image below to locate the code on your patient statement. </div> <img src="/usr/local/athena/prod/htdocs/static_20241122/portal/images/2012/sprites/patientpay_samplestatement.png" alt="Sample Statement" class="full_width"> <div class="second"> If you do not have your patient statement, sign in to the Patient Portal to review your balance. </div> </div> </div> <div class="none-display" id="accountLocked"> Your account has been locked due to too many incorrect login attempts. Please <a href="./?section=landing&sub=enroll">click here to re-register</a> and re-activate your account. </div> <div class="none-display" id="howToRegisterFamily" title="Create a family account"> <br /> <div class="align_right"><span class="sprite-print"></span><span class="padding_howToRegisterFamily spanlink" onClick="$('#contentDiv').addClass('dontprint');window.print();$('#contentDiv').removeClass('dontprint');">Print</span></div> <p>You can create a family or guarantor login account that will allow you to access selected family members' health information within the same login account. "Family" access gives you the same access to patient information and actions as you do with your own patient web portal account. "Guarantor" access gives you the ability to view contact and billing information and make payments on the patients' behalf.</p> <ol> <li>In order to setup an account of this nature, the patient to which you are requesting access will need to log in to their patient web portal account and grant access using the following steps. If you know the login information for this patient, such as your child, log into their web portal account.</li> <li>Go to the "My Profile" tab and click on "Family/Guarantor Access."</li> <li>Enter the e-mail address of the family member and click on "Go."</li> <li>Select an Account Type of "Family" or "Guarantor", fill in the required fields, and click on "Submit."</li> <li>A temporary password will appear in a pop up screen. Write this password down and forward it to the family member, as it will not be available after clicking on "ok."</li> <li>The family member's name will then be listed under the "Family" or "Guarantor" section at the top of the screen.</li> <li>To edit or remove this family member's access, click on the family member's name at the top of the screen.</li> <li>To sign into this family or guarantor account, check the "Sign in to your family or guarantor account" box on the Sign In screen, type in your email address and password, then click Sign In. Once singed in, you must change your password and accept the terms and conditions to view the account.</li> </ol> </div> <div class="none-display" id="awaitingConfirmation" title="Phone Verification"> Please wait while we initiate a call to you... </div> <div class="none-display" id="enrollmentConfirmCode" title="Phone Verification"> You should receive a call <strong>within 60 seconds.</strong> <br /><br /> <span><strong>Status: </strong></span><span id="call_status_cell" class="span_enrollmentConfirmCode"></span> <br /><br /> When prompted, please supply the following verification code using your telephone key pad:<br /><br /> <div id="confirm_code_div" class="confirm_code_div align_text_center"><span id="confirm_code"></span>#</div> <br /><br /> <a onclick="cancelCall();" class="btn cancelCall_enrollmentConfirmCode">Cancel</a> </div> <div class="none-display" id="smsTermsPopup" title="SMS Terms and Conditions"> The "InformedDNA" alerts program offers appointment, billing, lab result, and general announcements via SMS on your cell phone. Message and data rates may apply. Text <strong>STOP</strong> to 28309 in order to cancel your participation in the program at any time. Text <strong>HELP</strong> to 28309 for support needs. Alerts 1 message per request. <strong>As the program will involve the transmission and use of your personal information, it is subject to InformedDNA's Privacy Policy, which is available <a href="#" class="showPrivacyPopup">HERE</a>, and to Patient Portal Terms and Conditions, which are available <a href="#" class="showTermsPopup"> HERE</a>.</strong> Service is available on ACS Wireless, AT&T, Alltel, Appalachian Wireless, Bell Mobility, Bluegrass Cellular, Boost (iDEN), Boos Unlimited (CDMA), Cellcom, Cellular One from Dobson, Cellular One of East Central Illinois, Cellular South, Centennial Wireless, Cincinnati Bell, Cricket Communications, Fido, GCI Communications, Golden State Cellular, Illinois Valley Cellular, Immix Wireless, Inland Cellular, MTS Mobility, MetroPCS, Nex-Tech Wireless, Rogers Wirless, SaskTel Mobility, Sprint, T-Mobile, Telux Mobility, Thumb Cellular, U.S. Cellular, Unicel, United Wireless, Verizon Wirless, Viaero Wireless, Virgin Mobile, Virgin Mobile USA, West Central Wirless, and nTelos Wirless and is subject to their terms of service. InformedDNA alerts may change or end the program at its discrection. <div class="clearfix position_relative"> <a onclick="$('#smsTermsPopup').dialog('close');" class="btn">Close</a> </div> </div>