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all our customers. Our Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about the information we collect, how we use it, and to whom we may disclose it to in accordance with Qatar&rsquo;s applicable legal and regulatory frameworks. This policy applies to the Ooredoo family of businesses. It does not apply to the personal information that you may give to other service providers or third parties that are not affiliated with Ooredoo. By using our services, you acknowledge your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Information We Collect and How We Use It</strong></p> <p> Ooredoo collects and processes information about you when you choose Ooredoo as your service provider and when you use our products and services, including our telecommunications services, websites, apps and social media. Without this information, we may not be able to provide you with requested services or develop and improve upon those services or meet our legal obligations. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Account information</strong>. Ooredoo collects information to enable you to establish an account with us. We may collect this information at one of our retail outlets, over the phone or online. Account information includes your name, address and contact information, your Qatari ID number or passport information, incorporation and authorization documents where relevant and payment information, which is used to verify your identity and comply with applicable laws. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Service and device usage information</strong>. Ooredoo collects information regarding how you use our services, including information about the calls you make and the websites you visit. We may also collect information about any of your service options including TV packages and movie rentals as well as your use of Ooredoo applications. We collect this information to help you manage your services with us, prepare accurate billing statements, improve your customer experiences, inform you of service updates and special promotions and offers for new products and services that may be of interest to you. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Customer service and support</strong>. Ooredoo may monitor or record your call when you contact our customer service representatives to help us train employees and to better serve you. We will always let you know when we do. If you contact us for technical service support, we may also access information about your computer, wireless device or other device settings to provide customized support or to install specific applications or services that you use or that are necessary for the applications or services you use. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Marketing and promotions</strong>. Ooredoo uses information that you provide to us through your interactions with our services and platforms to send you promotional messages and advertising that we think may be of interest to you. Ooredoo also collects personal information when you enter a contest or participate in a sales promotion or prize draw, or respond to a voluntary customer satisfaction survey. This information is used to contact you in the event that you win a prize, improve our services, enhance your experience and to develop new and better services. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Performance and diagnostic data.</strong>&nbsp;Ooredoo collects information about the performance of our network when it is used by our customers. For example, we check for signal strength, dropped calls, data failures, and other network performance issues. We use this information to enhance network planning, engineering and technical support, ensure quality control and improve the functionality of our services. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Creating and maintaining a trusted and safer environment.</strong >&nbsp;When you register on an Ooredoo site or with our apps, we will also collect information that can authenticate you as a user and prevent others from compromising your account, including your user identification, your password and secret security questions and answers. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Sharing and Disclosing Information</strong></p> <p> Ooredoo may share your personal information as needed in order to provide you with the products and services that you have ordered, subscribed to or ported out from. Ooredoo also may disclose or receive personal information or documents about you to/from credit providers, credit reporting or debt collection agencies. Unless you request to opt out, in order to provide you with customized services, Ooredoo may make use of the personal information you provide, or that we collect from your use of our services or AI-powered applications for marketing purposes for the products and services offered by Ooredoo and selected third parties. Ooredoo may also make disclosures pursuant to any legal obligations it may have under the relevant laws and regulations. If we need to use your personal information for any other purposes, we will ask you for your consent before doing so. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Ooredoo third party vendors and partners.</strong>&nbsp;Ooredoo uses vendors and partners for a variety of business purposes. We share your information with those vendors and partners when it is necessary for them to perform work on our behalf for example to help us complete transactions associated with credit/debit card processing, billing, shipping, repairs, customer service, auditing, and marketing of Ooredoo products and services. When Ooredoo shares personal information with these vendors and partners, we require them to protect it and only to use it for the purposes for which it was provided. We do not permit vendors and partners for example to use this information for their own marketing purposes. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Legal process &amp; protection</strong>. Ooredoo may be required to disclose personal information, and other information about you to satisfy requests from governmental agencies. Ooredoo is also legally required to provide information about your credit history to Qatar&rsquo;s Credit Bureau. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Directory services.</strong> Ooredoo is entitled to publish the names, addresses and telephone numbers of its fixed line customers or may provide this information to directory publishers, directory assistance services or other directory service providers. If you wish your fixed number to be unpublished, you should communicate this to Ooredoo and pay the relevant fee, if any. Ooredoo does not publish directories of customer mobile phone numbers, and we do not make them available to others for listing in directories unless you request that we do so. We also provide the names and telephone numbers of mobile and fixed line customers for Caller ID and similar services. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>De-identified and aggregated information</strong>. We may provide information that is aggregated and does not identify you personally to third-parties for market research. This research supports the development of our new products and services, improves existing services and helps us better understand consumer choices and preferences. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong >How Can You Limit the Sharing and Use of Your Personal Information</strong > </p> <p> <strong>Disabling cookies.</strong> You can limit the collection of certain information by deleting or disabling cookies on your computer or device. For example, most Internet browsers have a feature that enables you to erase stored cookies, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. Keep in mind that disabling cookies may also prevent you from using specific features on these sites, including ordering products or services and maintaining an online account. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Disabling location services</strong>. Most mobile devices allow you to control or disable the use of location services for applications in the device&rsquo;s setting menu. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Third-party applications and services</strong>. Ooredoo is not responsible for the third-party applications you select and install on your devices and the manner in which these third-parties collect, use, share, or disclose your personal information. We are also not responsible for the marketing messages that you may receive via our networks from retailers and other organizations that you have given your personal information to. The manner in which these companies treat personal information is governed by the terms and conditions of their own privacy policies and not by the Ooredoo Privacy Policy. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keeping Children Safe</strong></p> <p> Ooredoo does not intentionally collect, use or disclose information about children. If you allow a child to use your device or our services, you should be aware that their information may be collected as described in this policy. </p> <p> Parents and guardians should be vigilant in protecting the safety and privacy of children online. For example, Qatari law prohibits owners or operators of child-based websites registered in Qatar from collecting or using any information relating to a child without the parent&rsquo;s or the guardian&rsquo;s prior explicit consent. These website owners or operators must also provide a notice on their website that describes what information they collect and how they process it. If you find or suspect that a website based in Qatar or elsewhere is violating the safety, trust and integrity of minors, please contact Ooredoo Customer Care or responsible government authorities. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Information Security and Unauthorized Access</strong></p> <p> Ooredoo has technical, administrative and physical safeguards in place to help protect against unauthorized access to, use or disclosure of the information we collect from our customers. We use encryption to keep your data private while in transit. Our employees are trained on the importance of protecting personal information privacy and on the proper access to, use and disclosure of such information. We also maintain security and incident response plans to handle incidents involving unauthorized access to the information we collect or store. We will contact you and the relevant authorities in cases where a breach occurs that may cause serious damage to your personal data or privacy. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Accessing and Updating Your Information</strong></p> <p> We strive to keep our customer records as accurate as possible. If you believe any of your personal information is inaccurate, we will work with you to ensure that corrections are made. You may correct or update your customer information at a retail outlet. Ooredoo Business Service customers may update their information by contacting their account manager. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Blogs and Social Networking&mdash;Information You Share</strong> </p> <p> Some Ooredoo websites, apps and services may allow you to participate in blog discussions, message boards, chat rooms, and other forms of social media and to post reviews. These forums are accessible to others and any information you post can be read, collected, shared, or otherwise used by anyone who accesses the forums. If you post content to information sharing forums on the Internet, you are doing so by choice and you are providing consent to the disclosure of this information. </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Changes to this Policy</strong></p> <p> Ooredoo reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy and will notify you when we do so. 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