Sports Illustrated Subscription Offer

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</div> <div class="content-b"> <div class="greybox formSec" style="width:455px;"> <select name="dynamicFormBeanComponents['teamAndSize'].team.value" id="teamSelect"> <option value="Select Team"> Select Team </option> <option value="SF"> 49 ers </option> <option value="CB"> Bears </option> <option value="BG"> Bengals </option> <option value="BB"> Bills </option> <option value="DB"> Broncos </option> <option value="BR"> Browns </option> <option value="TB"> Buccaneers </option> <option value="AC"> Cardinals </option> <option value="SD"> Chargers </option> <option value="KC"> Chiefs </option> <option value="IC"> Colts </option> <option value="DC"> Cowboys </option> <option value="MD"> Dolphins </option> <option value="PE"> Eagles </option> <option value="AF"> Falcons </option> <option value="NY"> Giants </option> <option value="JJ"> Jaguars </option> <option value="JT"> Jets </option> <option value="DL"> Lions </option> <option value="GB"> Packers </option> <option value="CP"> Panthers 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<div class="leftCol"> <div class="both"> <div class="box0"> <input type="radio" name="productSkuCode" value="SI_1" id="both" class="subselect" onclick="addOnclick();inputEnable();"> <label for="both">1 year PRINT + DIGITAL <img src=""/></label> </div> <div class="box1"> <label for="both">Get the print magazine, the tablet and smartphone editions and online access at <strong>1 year (56 issues) just $48 &ndash; <span class="uline">for both!</span></strong> </label> </div> </div> <div class="print"> <div class="box0"> <input type="radio" name="productSkuCode" value="SI_2" id="print" class="subselect" onclick="addOnclick();inputEnable();"> <label for="print">1 year PRINT ONLY</label> </div> <div class="box1"> <label for="print">Get the print magazine delivered to your mailbox. <strong>1 year (56 issues) just $39.</strong></label> </div> </div> <div class="digital"> <div class="box0"> <input type="radio" name="productSkuCode" value="SI_3" id="digital" class="subselect" onclick="addOnclick();inputEnable();"> <label for="digital">1 year DIGITAL ONLY</label> </div> <div class="box1"> <label for="digital">Get the tablet and smartphone edition and online access at (print not included). <strong>1 year (56 issues) just $39.</strong></label> </div> </div> </div> <div class="devices"> <img src="" class="cvr1"/> <img src="" class="cvr2"/> <img src="" class="bkgd-devices"/> <img src="" class="cvr3"/> <img src="" class="cvr4"/> <img src="" class="mask"/> </div> <div class="clear"> <!--clear--> </div> <div id="digitalForm" style="display:none;"> <p class="txtMd"> <strong>Create your account for digital access across tablet, smartphone and computer. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn More</a></strong> </p> <div class="formSec"> <p> <label for="mmfEmail">Email:</label> <input type="email" id="passThroughValues[retypeEmail]" name="passThroughValues[retypeEmail]" value="" maxlength="50"> </p> <p class="subline">(this will be your username)</p> <p> <label 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<input type="text" id="billingAddress.lastName" name="billingAddress.lastName" value="" maxlength="15"> </p> <p> <label for="mmfAddress0">Street Address:</label> <input type="text" id="billingAddress.street1" name="billingAddress.street1" value="" maxlength="30"> </p> <p> <label for="mmfAddress1">&nbsp;</label> <input type="text" id="billingAddress.street2" name="billingAddress.street2" value="" maxlength="30"> </p> </div> <div class="formSec"> <p> <label for="mmfCity">City:</label> <input type="text" id="" name="" value="" maxlength="20"> </p> <p> <label for="mmfState">State/Province:</label> <select id="billingAddress.subCountry" name="billingAddress.subCountry"> <option value=" "> </option> <option value="AA"> AA</option> <option value="AB"> AB</option> <option value="AE"> AE</option> <option value="AK"> AK</option> <option value="AL"> AL</option> <option value="AP"> AP</option> <option value="AR"> AR</option> <option value="AS"> AS</option> <option value="AZ"> AZ</option> <option 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I will get all the automatic renewal features described below. </p> <div class="formSec"> <div class="verisign"> <script type="text/javascript"> function setSslSeal(){ var seal = "", imgBase = '%3Cimg%20src%3D%22https%3A//', host =, prodTimeInc = /^subscription\.[a-z]+?\.com/i.test(host), isSecure = /^https/i.test(window.location.protocol), isWenner = /(usweekly|mensjournal|rollingstone)subscriptions\.com/i.test(host), usesComodo = (isWenner || /subscription\.fortune\.cnn\.com/i.test(host)), prodComodo = (usesComodo && /^(www|subscription)/i.test(host)), supportedDomain = /^subscription\.(people|instyle|realsimple|timeinc)\.com/i.test(host); if(isSecure){ if(!usesComodo){ // then it is a Verisign/Norton Cert if(prodTimeInc){ seal = imgBase+'norton-seal-transparent.png%22%20width%3D%22100%22%20height%3D%2272%22%20alt%3D%22%22%3E'; // IF IS CMDEV OR QA TIMEINC }else { imgBase = imgBase.replace("prod","qa"); seal = imgBase+'norton-seal-2012-cmdev-qa.gif%22%20background-color%3D%22transparent%22%20width%3D%22100%22%20height%3D%2272%22%20alt%3D%22%22%3E'; } // ON DOMAINS THAT USE COMODO SSL CERTS, CALL COMODO LOGO }else{ var width=113,height=56; if(isWenner){width=56,height=34;} if(prodComodo){ seal = imgBase+'comodo_clear.png%22%20width%3D%22'+width+'%22%20height%3D%22'+height+'%22%20alt%3D%22%22%3E'; }else{ imgBase = imgBase.replace("prod","qa"); seal = imgBase+'comodo_clear.png%22%20background-color%3D%22transparent%22%20width%3D%22'+width+'%22%20height%3D%22'+height+'%22%20alt%3D%22%22%3E'; } } } document.write(unescape(seal)); }; setSslSeal(); </script> </div> <p> <label for="mmfCCType">Credit Card:</label> <select id="paymentFormBean.cardType" name="paymentFormBean.cardType" autocomplete="off"> <option value="VISA"> Visa</option> <option value="MasterCard"> MasterCard</option> <option value="American Express"> American Express</option> <option value="Discover"> Discover</option> </select> </p> <p> <label for="mmfCCNum">Account Number:</label> <input type="text" id="paymentFormBean.unencryptedCardNumber" name="paymentFormBean.unencryptedCardNumber" value="" pattern="[0-9]*" maxlength="20" autocomplete="off"> </p> <p> <label for="mmfCCMonth">Expiration Date:</label> <select id="paymentFormBean.expiryMonth" name="paymentFormBean.expiryMonth" autocomplete="off"> <option value="MM"> MM</option> <option value="01"> 01</option> <option value="02"> 02</option> <option value="03"> 03</option> <option value="04"> 04</option> <option value="05"> 05</option> <option value="06"> 06</option> <option value="07"> 07</option> <option value="08"> 08</option> <option value="09"> 09</option> <option value="10"> 10</option> <option value="11"> 11</option> <option value="12"> 12</option> </select> <select id="paymentFormBean.expiryYear" name="paymentFormBean.expiryYear" autocomplete="off"> <option value="YYYY"> YYYY</option> <option value="2013"> 2013</option> <option value="2014"> 2014</option> <option value="2015"> 2015</option> <option value="2016"> 2016</option> <option value="2017"> 2017</option> <option value="2018"> 2018</option> <option value="2019"> 2019</option> <option value="2020"> 2020</option> <option value="2021"> 2021</option> <option value="2022"> 2022</option> <option value="2023"> 2023</option> </select> </p> <p> <label for="mmfCCV">CCV Code:</label> <input type="text" id="paymentFormBean.cvv2Code" name="paymentFormBean.cvv2Code" value="" style="width: 4em;" pattern="[0-9]*" maxlength="4" autocomplete="off" style="width: 60px"> &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void();" onclick="openCCV();">(What's this?)</a> </p> </div> <div class="clear"> <!--clear--> </div> <p class="txtMd"> By ordering, you agree to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User License Agreements</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Access License</a> . </p> <p class="txtMd"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </p> <p class="txtMd"> <strong>Subscriber's Automatic Renewal Program:</strong> <br/> <strong>You authorize</strong> SPORTS ILLUSTRATED to charge your credit/debit card at the price above now and in time to renew your SPORTS ILLUSTRATED subscription, without interruption, before the start of each new annual term at the low subscriber rate then in effect unless you tell us to stop. 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In Canada, the 1-year rate for 56 issues for both print + digital is $48 CAD, plus GST, HST, and QST, as applicable. In Canada, the 1-year (56 issues) rate for print only or digital only is $39 CAD plus GST, HST and QST as applicable. <br/><br/>Current subscribers will be charged/billed now and their subscription extended. <br/><br/> In the U.S. your first print issue will mail 1-3 weeks from receipt of order. <br/> <br/> Subscribers: If the Post Office alerts us that your magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within two years. All orders subject to approval. 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