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Koenig" width="180" height="254" /></div> <p align="center" class="captiona"><strong>Walt Koenig</strong></p> <p align="center" class="captiona"><strong>(photo by Bruce Lyon)</strong></p> </div> <p align="justify"><strong>Walter D. Koenig</strong>, Visiting Fellow, Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Graduate School Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University; and Research Zoologist Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley</p> <h5>A Graduate School Professor in the Field of <p><em>Neurobiology and Behavior </em></h5></p> <p>My particular interests are in <strong>animal social behavior</strong> and in the <strong>behavioral ecology of oaks</strong>. If you're a potential <a href="">Ph.D student</a>, I am in the graduate field of <a href="">Neurobiology and Behavior</a>; however, I have retired from teaching and am no longer sponsorin graduate students. See my "prospective graduate students" page for more details.<br /> </p> <h4>A brief presonal history</h4> <p>I came to Cornell in summer 2008 after many years as a Research Zoologist at UC Berkeley. For most of this time, I lived and worked at Hastings Natural History Reservation in upper Carmel Valley, California, where I still conduct long term research on the social behavior and ecology of acorn woodpeckers and patterns of acorn production in California oaks, and have returned as of late June 2016. In the past, I have also studied the population ecology of tiger salamanders and dragonflies and had students who have studied yellow-billed magpies, phainopeplas, wild turkeys, and African mongooses. At Cornell I taught Advanced Behavioral Ecology (BIONB4340) and in the introduction to Animal Behavior course (BIONB 2210), as well as a graduate seminar (<em>Topics in Behavioral Ecology)</em> in conjunction with <a href="">Dr. Janis Dickinson</a>. I'm now retired, but still active running the <a href="wicker/CalAcornSurvey.html">California Acorn Survey</a> and involved, at least peripherally, in the Acorn Woodpecker project.<br /> </p> <div class="main-photo-largec"> <img src="DSCN0007.JPG" alt="Hastings Reserve" width="510" height="300" /> <p class="captionc">Hastings Reservation in upper Carmel Valley, California <a href="">(Photo by David Gubernick)</a> </p> </div> <p><br /> </p> <h4><a href="wicker/WDKvita.html">Curiculum vita</a> - click here for Walt's vita and publications <br /> </h4> <h4><a href="WDK_pubs_only2.pdf">Publications</a> - click here for a list of Walt's publications (pdf) </h4> <h4> </h4> <h6><img src="3ACWOlarge.jpg" width="506" height="323" longdesc="Acorn woodpeckers at Hastings Reservation" /><br /> <p class="captionc">Acorn woodpeckers at Hastings Reservation. Photo by Ron Mumme </a> </p> </h6> </div> <hr /> <!-- The contents of the secondary div are displayed in the left column sidebar below the secondary navigation. Each group of secondary content should be organized in a secondary-section div, which will pad the content from the edges of the sidebar and separate it from other content. --> <div id="secondary"> <div class="secondary-section"> <p>See <a href=""></a> for more images of Hastings Reservation </span></p> <h2>Contact Information </h2> <p> <a href="">Walter D. Koenig</a></a></p> <p>38601 E. Carmel Valley Rd. Carmel Valley, CA 93924<br /> Ph: 607 - 221-7591<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p> -><a href="wicker/WDKvita.html">Click here for a personal profile</a></p> </div> <div class="secondary-section"> <h2>Links</h2> <ul> <li><a href="">Hastings Reservation</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="secondary-photo"> <img src="Dale_halfdome.jpg" alt="Dale" width="200" height="240" /> <p class="caption">Dale Koenig studying the topology of Half Dome in 2017. After getting his Ph.D. in Geometric Topology at UC Davis, Dale moved to Japan for a postdoc at the Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology and is currently working in Tokyo. </p> </div> <div class="secondary-photo"> <img src="Phoebe_ants.jpg" alt="Phoebe" width="200" height="220" /> <p class="caption">Phoebe, collecting ants near Beebe Lake in Ithaca, just completed her Ph.D. in Entomology at Cornell (working on acorn ants, no less!) and is currently on a fellowship in Juneau, Alaska.</p> </div> <div class="secondary-photo"> <img src="DSCN0015.jpg" alt="Mistletoe" width="200" height="250" /> <p class="caption">Blue oaks with mistletoe at Hastings Reservaton in central coastal California.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr /> <div id="footer"> <!-- The footer-content div contains the Cornell University copyright --> <div id="footer-content"> ©2006 <a href="">Cornell University</a> </div> </div> </body> </html>