Glovo's Legal Terms and Conditions
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<main class="relative z-0 flex-1" style="--navigation-bar-height:56px"> <div><section id="legal_content_1" class="mb-32"><form class="mx-auto mb-8 mt-8 max-w-6xl px-4 md:mt-20"><label for="country-selector"><select id="country-selector" class="cursor-pointer text-lg focus-visible:outline-none"><option value="ad"> Andorra </option><option value="am"> Armenia </option><option value="ba"> Bosnia and Herzegovina </option><option value="bg"> Bulgaria </option><option value="by"> Belarus </option><option value="ci"> Ivory Coast </option><option value="en"> English </option><option value="es"> España </option><option value="ge"> Georgia </option><option value="gh"> Ghana </option><option value="hr"> Croatia </option><option value="it"> Italy </option><option value="ke"> Kenya </option><option value="kg"> Kyrgyzstan </option><option value="kz"> Kazakhstan </option><option value="ma"> Morocco </option><option value="md"> Moldova </option><option value="me"> Montenegro </option><option value="ng"> Nigeria </option><option value="pl"> Poland </option><option value="pt"> Portugal </option><option value="ro"> Romania </option><option value="rs"> Serbia </option><option value="si"> Slovenia </option><option value="tn"> Tunisia </option><option value="ua"> Ukraine </option><option selected value="ug"> Uganda </option></select></label></form> <div><section id="legal_text_1" class="mx-auto max-w-6xl px-4"><div class="legal-text-content mt-8 text-3xl font-extrabold md:mt-20"><h1><strong>GLOVO General Terms of Use and Contracting</strong></h1></div> <div class="prose max-w-none prose-h1:text-gray-800 prose-h2:text-gray-800 prose-h3:text-gray-800 prose-h4:text-gray-800 prose-h5:text-gray-800 prose-p:text-gray-700 prose-a:font-semibold prose-a:text-green-700 prose-a:no-underline prose-strong:text-gray-800 prose-em:text-gray-700 prose-ol:list-inside prose-ol:list-decimal prose-ol:text-gray-700 prose-ul:list-disc prose-ul:text-left prose-ul:text-gray-700 prose-img:mx-auto legal-text-content mb-4 mt-8 break-words text-justify text-sm font-medium text-[unset] lg:mt-10"><p><em>Last updated on: 18th June 2024</em></p><p>These general terms of use and contracting (hereinafter, the “General Terms”) apply to the website of Glovoapp23, S.A. (hereinafter, “Glovo”), whose domain is <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""></a>, and to its related mobile application, as well as to all its related sites or sites linked from <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""></a> by Glovo, as well as its affiliated companies and associates, as set forth in Annex I, including Glovo’s websites worldwide (hereinafter and collectively, the “Site”). The site belongs to Glovo. Glovo hereby makes the Site and mobile application (hereinafter, jointly, the “APP”) available to users (hereinafter, the “User” or “Users”).</p><p>In accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation, the following identification details of the site owner are provided below:</p><ul><li>Company name: Glovo Uganda SMC Limited</li><li>Registered address: 4th Floor, DFCU Towers, 26 Kyadondo Road, Nakasero, P O Box 1520, Kampala</li><li>Office address: 1 Bukoto St, Kampala, Uganda</li><li>Tax Identification Number: 1017265563</li></ul><p></p><h2><strong>Index</strong></h2><p>1. Object</p><p>2. User Access and Registration</p><p>3. Operation of the Service & Service Models</p><p>4. Economic Conditions</p><p>5. Cancellation of Orders and Right of Withdrawal</p><p>6. Home Delivery of Free Samples and Other Commercial Actions</p><p>7. Policy on the Delivery of Restricted Items</p><p>8. Content moderation and/or alteration</p><p>9. Solidarity at Glovo</p><p>10. Geolocation</p><p>11. Responsibilities and Warranties</p><p>12. Updates and Changes to the APP</p><p>13. Intellectual Property</p><p>14. Severability</p><p>15. Applicable Law</p><p>16. Customer Support and Alternative Dispute Resolution</p><p>Special Terms and Conditions of “GLOVOPRIME”</p><p>Special Terms of the Member Get Member (MGM) customer referral program</p><p>Special Terms of the On Demand Glovo Business Services</p><p>Special Terms and Conditions of the Food Rescue Service</p><p> ANNEX I - DETAILS OF GLOVO’S AFFILIATED COMPANIES</p><p></p><h2><strong>1. Object</strong></h2><p>Glovo is a technology company whose main activity is the development and management of a technology platform through which certain local stores (hereinafter, the “Merchants”) in a number of territories can offer their products and/or services on the APP and, in an ancillary manner, where applicable and if so requested through the APP by the Users of the APP and consumers of the said local stores, act as an intermediary in the planned or immediate delivery of the products by third parties (hereinafter, the “Mandataries”). Mandataries are thus a network of people who offer their services through the APP. When they wish to provide their services, they log onto the Glovo APP and undertake to carry out within a certain amount of time the service entrusted to them by the User.</p><p>In addition, Glovo is a multi-category Technology Platform for intermediation in the contracting of “on demand” services by electronic means. Its aim is to make it easier for any persons requiring help with their errands, services, purchases in person and/or collection of products from local merchants to carry out their errands by delegating to them to third parties, the Mandataries, who are willing to voluntarily carry out the mandate given to them by Users.</p><p>In all cases, Glovo’s role is that of a mere intermediary and, therefore, its sole responsibility and task is to manage the APP that facilitates the contact between User, Merchant and Mandatary. Glovo is in no way responsible for the products and or services offered through the APP, or the performance of any errand or delivery requested through the APP, all in accordance with Section 11 on Responsibilities and Warranties.</p><p>By accessing the Site and/or the APP and voluntarily creating a profile, all Users, Merchants and Mandataries acknowledge and expressly and unambiguously agree to these General Terms, as well as to the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy available online. Any User, Merchant and/or Mandatary who does not agree with the said General Terms and/or Policies shall refrain from using them.</p><h2><strong>2. User Access and Registration</strong></h2><h3><strong>2.1. Basic requirements for Registration</strong></h3><p>In order to be a User of the APP, it is essential that you meet the following requirements:</p><ul><li>Users must be at least 18 years of age.</li><li>Users must truthfully complete the mandatory fields of the registration form requesting personal details such as the User’s name, e-mail address, telephone number and bank card number.</li><li>Users must carefully read these General Terms when accessing the APP. Further, acceptance of the General Terms is an essential step to be taken before registration. </li><li>Users must agree to the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">Privacy and</a> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">Data Protection Policy.</a></li><li>Users must agree to the <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">Cookie Policy.</a></li><li>Users must agree to the Standards of Ethics and Business Conduct for Third Parties available at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=""></a> </li></ul><p>Once all requirements are fulfilled and registration on the APP is completed, Glovo will provide the User with the registration confirmation, together with any other information necessary in accordance with the law applicable.</p><p>All Users who may be classified under the applicable law as “consumers” benefit and are protected by all relevant consumer protection laws and regulations when using the APP. </p><h3><strong>2.2. Users’ Profile and responsibilities</strong></h3><p>When registering on the APP, Users must choose a username and password. Both the username and the password are strictly confidential, personal and non-transferable. In order to increase the security of accounts, Glovo recommends that Users do not use the same login credentials as on other platforms. In any case, Glovo does not guarantee the security of the account or profile.</p><p>In order to complete their registration on the APP, Users must provide certain details, such as: username, e-mail address, telephone number and bank card details, among others. Once they have completed the registration process, all Users will be able to access, complete and edit their profile as they deem appropriate. Glovo does not store users’ payment data, which shall be processed and stored by the payment service provider as described in these General Terms and in the Privacy Policy.</p><p>The User warrants that all the information regarding his/her identity and capacity provided to Glovo in the registration forms for the APP is true, accurate and complete. In addition, Users undertake to keep their details up to date. If a User provides any false, inaccurate or incomplete information or if Glovo considers that there are well founded reasons to doubt the truthfulness, accuracy or integrity of such information, Glovo may deny that User current or future access to, and use of, the APP or any of its contents and/or services.</p><p>Users undertake not to disclose the details of their account or allow access thereto to third parties. Users shall be solely responsible for any use of such details or of the services of the Site that may be made by third parties, including the statements and/or contents entered on the APP, or for any other action carried out under their username and/or password. Glovo cannot guarantee the identity of registered Users, and it will therefore not be liable for the use by unregistered third parties of a registered User’s identity. Users undertake to inform Glovo immediately, using the communication channels made available by Glovo, if their credentials are stolen, disclosed or lost.</p><h3><strong>2.3. User’s obligations and responsibilities</strong></h3><p>Users are fully responsible for the proper use of, and access to, their profile and other APP contents in accordance with the current legislation, be it national or international, of the Country from which they are using the APP, as well as with the principles of good faith, morals, generally accepted customs and public order. Specifically, they undertake to diligently comply with these General Terms of Use.</p><p>Users are the sole owners of the content entered by them on the APP. Glovo may not be deemed to have editorial responsibility, and it expressly states that it does not identify with any opinions that may be issued by Users of the APP, whose consequences shall be the sole responsibility of their issuers.</p><p>Users shall refrain from using their profile and other APP contents for illegal purposes or with illegal results that harm third-party rights and interests or that may in any way damage, disable, affect or impair the APP and its contents and services. In addition, they are prohibited from hindering other Users’ normal use or enjoyment of the APP.</p><p>Any persons who breach the above obligations shall be liable for any loss or damage caused by them. Glovo will accept no liability for any consequences, loss or damage that may arise from such illegal use or access by third parties.</p><p>In general, Users undertake, by way of example without limitation:</p><ul><li>To refrain from altering or modifying the APP, in full or in part, by bypassing, disabling or in any other way tampering with, its functions or services;</li><li>To refrain from infringing industrial and intellectual property rights or the personal data protection legislation;</li><li>To refrain from using the APP to insult, defame, intimidate or harass other Users or attack their image; </li><li>To refrain from accessing other Users’ email accounts;</li><li>To refrain from introducing computer viruses, corrupted files or any other software that may cause damage or alterations to Glovo’s or third parties’ contents or systems;</li><li>To refrain from sending mass and/or recurring emails to a number of people, or from sending third parties’ e-mail addresses without their consent;</li><li>To refrain from advertising goods or services without Glovo’s prior consent.</li><li>Any User may report another User if he/she believes that the latter is in breach of these General Terms. Similarly, any User may inform Glovo of any abuse or infringement of these terms through the Help section of the APP. Glovo will check such reports as soon as possible and will take any steps that it may deem appropriate, reserving the right to remove and/or suspend any User from the APP for breach of these General Terms. Furthermore, Glovo reserves the right to remove and/or suspend any message with illegal or offensive content without the need for a prior warning or subsequent notification.</li></ul><h3><strong>2.4. User reviews</strong></h3><p>Glovo may collect reviews of Users relating to certain Merchants and/or the products or services offered by them. Glovo reserves the right to publish the said reviews in the APP and make them available for any other User, identifying them by the first name of the User who has left the review, all in accordance with Glovo’s Privacy Policy. </p><p>The Users will be asked through the APP to provide the said review, only in the case that they have placed an order via the APP to the relevant Merchant. The provision will, nevertheless, be completely voluntary for the User who may or may not submit it. By submitting a review, the User accepts its collection and publication, if that is the case, by Glovo. </p><p>Length of the reviews may be limited by a certain number of characters. In addition, the User commits to leave relevant reviews only, and which are in no way offensive, abusive, untrue, discriminatory, etc either for the Merchant or for any other User or Mandatary. Glovo reserves the right to filter the reviews according to section 8 of these General Terms and to remove any review that is not compliant with these General Terms or that may be considered offensive or contrary to the law and public order. </p><h3><strong>2.5. Credit Card Theft or Appropriation</strong></h3><p>Since Glovo cannot guarantee the identity of registered Users, Users are under an obligation to inform Glovo if they have evidence that the credit card associated with their Glovo profile has been stolen and/or is being fraudulently used by a third party. Glovo, together with payment service provider, will make its best efforts to block further payments when duly informed by the User; however, Glovo will not be liable for any fraudulent use thereof that may be made by third parties on the User’s account and it is neither obliged to make any investigation on the fraudulent use of the Users’ payment methods by third parties nor to block any suspectful transaction. Glovo suggests that Users report any theft, robbery or suspected misuse of their credit card to the police. If necessary, Glovo undertakes to assist Users and cooperate with the competent authorities as may be necessary to provide reliable evidence of the wrongly applied charge. </p><p>In the event of fraud, Glovo reserves the right to take any appropriate action if it has been detrimentally affected by the misuse of the APP.</p><h3><strong>2.6. De-registration and cancellation of Users’ accounts</strong></h3><p>Users may voluntarily deregister from the APP using the Help Section of the APP. </p><p>In addition, Glovo reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel any Users’ accounts in the APP in the case that it takes notice that it has stopped complying with all basic requirements for registration as well as in case of reasonable suspicion of fraudulent or illicit use, including the use of the User account in a manner which is contrary to these General Terms. </p><h2><strong>3. Operation of the Service & Service Models</strong></h2><p>Glovo, as a multi-category Technology Platform allows Users who are duly registered in the APP to place different types of orders. By accessing the APP, the Users may buy products and/or services directly from the Merchants and, ancillarily, request the collection and subsequent delivery of the product, by the Mandataries, from the Merchants’ addresses to the address established by the User or choose to directly collect the order from the Merchant’s store through the IN-STORE or PICK-UP options defined below(hereinafter, the “Merchants model”), provided that they are within the territory in which Glovo operates. Similarly, a User may ask a Mandatary to either perform errands and/or purchase products in person on his/her behalf and to collect them from, and deliver them to, the addresses specified (hereinafter, the “Anything” model), as well as to perform on-demand deliveries on behalf of the User (hereinafter, the “Courier” model). </p><h3><strong>3.1. The Merchants model</strong></h3><p>Through the Merchants model the Users have access to the marketplace available in the APP and may acquire the products and/or services therein offered by those Merchants who have signed an agreement with Glovo. Additionally, the User may request via the APP the delivery of the acquired products by any Mandatary available and who accepts the order to any address within the area covered by the relevant Merchant and Mandatary. </p><p>The User is aware, and accepts, that the descriptions and, where applicable, the prices or photographs of the products and/or services available on the APP, are provided based on the information and documents supplied by the Merchants, and that Glovo is therefore unable to provide any guarantees against any possible inaccuracies in such descriptions, prices and/or photographs. Glovo reserves the right to withdraw any product from its APP, as well as to modify the contents of its information sheet at any time, without thereby incurring any liability of any kind.</p><p>The User accepts that all the products appearing on the Glovo APP are subject to availability and, in this regard, accepts the possibility that, while carrying out the order, the product and/or service may be found not to be available at the establishment.</p><p>The User accepts that Glovo is, in no way responsible, for the quality and/or characteristics of the products or services offered by the Merchants and/or by the Mandataries, who are professionals dedicated to the provision of the products or services offered through the APP. The Merchants and/or the Mandataries are, similarly, responsible for the obtention of any licence or permit that may be legally required for the provision and offer of the said goods or services and, by offering them through the APP, the Merchants and/or Mandataries declare to have duly obtained them. </p><h4><strong>IN-STORE and PICK-UP Orders</strong></h4><p>Users have the option of ordering, through the PICK-UP and/or IN-STORE option(s), a selection of products and/or services offered by certain Merchants. These options enable Users to physically collect orders from the Merchant’s establishments themselves. These options will only be available through those establishments for which this option has been enabled and in the countries selected by Glovo. Furthermore, such services will only be available to private individuals, and only for their own private use. They may in no event be offered for commercial use.</p><p>Glovo may enable, disable and/ or include new features relating to the PICK-UP and IN-STORE orders unilaterally at any time by giving prior notice to Users, if and as required by the applicable law. Once the changes have been published in these General Terms, they will apply to all those Users.</p><p>Without prejudice to the additional application of these General Terms to all matters not expressly envisaged in this section, the PICK-UP and IN-STORE services may only be used if the specific provisions set forth in this section are fulfilled. </p><h5><strong>A) IN-STORE Orders</strong></h5><p>Where so enabled for IN-STORE orders in the application, Users may place orders directly from those restaurants that have chosen to include this option and pick them up in-store at that moment.</p><p>How does the IN-STORE service work?</p><ol><li>To use the IN-STORE service, Users must scan the QR code that will be displayed in a publicly visible area of each Merchants’ premises.</li><li>Once the QR code has been scanned, it will link to the menu of the restaurant where the User is located, so that he or she can place the order. The User will be able to select the items offered by the Merchant and confirm the purchase through the IN-STORE option.</li><li>If the QR code cannot be scanned due to any kind of error or defect, the User can check whether the order can be placed by searching for the Merchant’s store on their device directly from the Glovo APP.</li><li>Once the order has been confirmed in accordance with the payment method enabled for this purpose, it may only be cancelled through the APP before the Merchant has agreed to prepare it. If a User later wishes to change an order or the Merchant delays in its preparation, he/she must contact the Merchant in question directly.</li><li>Once the order has been confirmed, the order number will appear on the screen of the User’s device, and this must be shown to the staff of the Merchant when collecting it.</li><li>The price of orders placed through the IN-STORE option will not include the additional delivery cost.</li><li>Certain promotional codes may not be used for orders placed using the IN-STORE service.</li></ol><h5><strong>B) PICK-UP Orders</strong></h5><p>Where so enabled for PICK-UP orders in the APP, Users may place orders directly from the APP at those Merchants’ establishments that have chosen to include this option and pick them up in-store within the times stated.</p><ol><li>In order to be able to use the PICK-UP option, Users must select this option on the APP for the establishments for which it is available, together with the products that they wish to buy at those establishments, and confirm the order on the APP itself.</li><li>Once the order has been confirmed in accordance with the payment method enabled for this purpose, it may only be cancelled through the APP before the Merchant has accepted and started to prepare it. </li><li>Once the order has been confirmed, the order number will appear on the screen of the User’s device, and this must be shown to the staff of the establishment when collecting it.</li><li>The price of orders placed through the PICK-UP option will not include the additional delivery cost.</li></ol><h4><strong>The Marketplace Option</strong></h4><p>The User acknowledges and accepts that, in the event that the delivery of the product acquired through the APP is requested, in certain cases it may be provided by the Merchant’s own delivery service, instead of by the Mandataries. The User will be informed accordingly of this particularity in the moment of placing the order.</p><p>In such cases, the responsibility for the Delivery will fully lie with the Merchant which is the only one in position to track the delivery of the order and to resolve any incident. As a result, in these cases, the User will not be able to track the location of the product and the approximate time of delivery may vary. In these cases, in case of any delay and/or issue relating to the delivery of the products, the User shall contact the Merchant directly.</p><h3><strong>3.2. The Anything model</strong></h3><p>Through the Anything model the User states his/her wish to order the purchase in person of certain products, and the Mandatary will be a mere agent acting on the User’s behalf. The User may specify the products to be included in the order by using the free-text box to include more detailed information or instructions for the Mandatary who is to carry it out. The User is solely responsible for providing the correct addresses -including not only the written addresses but also its correct location in the map available at the APP- and indications on the APP to the Mandatary and shall assume any cost and inconvenience derive from their error and/or negligence. Further, the User shall provide the instructions as detailed as possible for the Mandatary to duly perform the services requested. If a User wants to know the composition and nutritional information of the products which purchase is entasked to the Mandatary, the User must contact each establishment directly to obtain full information about the products. </p><p>The User shall not request the performance of any errand and/or purchase which is against the law and public order, either due to its content or the circumstances in which the said errand is requested. As a result of the foregoing, the User shall be solely responsible, and it would be the User who, if the situation arose, would be liable for any incident arising from the nature of the products (such as a sanction, civil and/or criminal liability, financial liability, etc.). In relation to this, Users should be aware that Glovo actively collaborates with the authorities of each country to combat, among other crimes, fraud, drug trafficking, money laundering, terrorism and identity theft. The User is therefore aware that Glovo may disclose his/her data to public authorities on their request in order to prevent and avoid the commission of these or other criminal offences.</p><p>When placing an “Anything” order, Users must set an approximate price; the User is liable for the setting of a correct approximation. Glovo will, then, hold a sufficient amount on the basis of the said approximation from the User’s payment method; this holding will be released once the order is finished and Glovo will charge the User the precise amount owed for the order, given the price effectively charged to the Mandatary when performing the errand. In case that the service or product to be purchased by the Mandatary surpasses for more than 30% above the User’s estimation, the Mandatary and/or Glovo will contact the User to inform him or her of this situation, and it will be the latter who makes the final decision on whether or not to proceed with the purchase in person at the Merchant premises. If the User accepts to proceed with the purchase for the higher amount, the order will be continued; on the contrary, if the User does not accept to proceed, the order will be cancelled and the User will be liable for any cost that the cancellation may encompass, including the payment of any fees either to Glovo or to the Mandatary. </p><p>The Mandatary who accepts the order in the APP, undertakes a mandate to purchase the products ordered by the User on the latter’s behalf and according to his/her indications and specifications. If the product and/or service, as described by the User on the APP, is not available, the Mandatary may call the User to discuss any alternative or available options, if existing. If there are no alternative available options or the User does not accept any of the options set out by the Mandatary, the order will be cancelled in accordance with these General Terms (Section Nine). If the User does not answer the phone, the Mandatary shall wait 5 minutes before leaving and cancelling the order.</p><p>Similarly, any other change or variation shall be reported by the Mandatary for the User’s approval before carrying out the mandate. If the User wishes to make any comments regarding the order, he/she will always be able to directly contact the Mandatary who is carrying out the mandate.</p><p>Once the mandate has been completed, if the request included the purchase of a product, the Mandatary shall give the User the paper receipt for such product and/or service issued at the moment of the purchase by the seller of the product and/or service requested by the User. All this without prejudice to the detailed information for the service that will be received by the User at the e-mail address associated with his/her account. </p><h3><strong>3.3. The Courier model </strong></h3><p>Through the Courier model the User may request via the APP the services of a Mandatary for the collection and delivery of a certain object from and to the addresses indicated by the User, provided that these are within the territories where Glovo operates. The Mandatary undertakes, under a mandate, to perform the services requested by the User on the latter’s behalf and according to his/her indications and specifications.</p><p>The User shall not request any collection and/or delivery which is against the law and public order, either due to its content or the circumstances in which the said errand is requested. The User is solely responsible for providing the correct addresses -including not only the written addresses but also its correct location in the map available at the APP - and indications on the APP to the Mandatary and shall assume any cost and inconvenience derive from their error and/or negligence. </p><h3><strong>3.4. The “SuperGlovo” model</strong></h3><p>Through the SuperGlovo model, Glovo makes available to Users, on the APP, a category where they can choose from a range of products that can generally be found, among other places, in supermarkets, department stores and/or personal care establishments so that the Mandatary who accepts the order can deliver them at the address provided by the user. These products are stored in premises that may be directly or indirectly managed by Glovo; in such cases, Glovo will be responsible as mandated by the law applicable.</p><h3><strong>3.5. General provisions. Applicable to all models above</strong></h3><p>The services made available to Users through the APP, regardless of the model, will be carried out only in case the following conditions are met at the time of payment:</p><ul><li>The service requested by the User must be operative during the chosen time slot.</li><li>The products purchased, the goods to be delivered and/or the errand to be performed must be in one of the cities, and within the available area, in which Glovo operates.</li><li>The destination must be located in the same city area as the product and/or the collection address.</li><li>The product(s) ordered cannot exceed the following size: 40 cm x 40 cm x 30 cm*</li><li>The maximum weight of a single order will be approximately 9 kg*</li></ul><p>*The above-mentioned size and weight will not apply in the case of vehicles capable of accommodating such volumes.</p><p>Users are solely responsible for providing the correct addresses for delivery and collection on the APP -including not only the written addresses but also its correct location in the map available at the APP- and they, therefore, release Glovo and the Mandatary from any liability for negligence or error in the collection or delivery of the order as a result of providing incorrect addresses for collection and delivery. Similarly, Users must provide all the information, in as much detail as possible, about the service and/or product to which the assignment relates. To do this, they may provide any comments they may deem useful in the “comments'' section. The User releases Glovo and the Mandatary from any liability derived from negligence or error in the indications given by the User. As a result of the foregoing, the cost resulting from providing an incorrect address for collection and delivery as well as incorrect indications regarding the products to be purchased, the errands to be performed and/or the services to be provided and/or the performance of any other errand, shall be borne by the User.</p><p>If the User is not at the place indicated for delivery and, therefore, the order cannot be delivered, the User must bear 100% of the cost of the basic courier service, as well as the price of the product if one has been purchased or contracted at the User’s request. This is without prejudice to the possibility for the User to place and pay for another order, identical to the one that could not be delivered, to receive the said products or service.</p><p>The reception of the order by the User at the indicated delivery address shall be considered as acceptance of the order. In case that the order is incorrect, incomplete or contains any defect, the User shall contact Glovo through the Help Section immediately after the reception of the order. Neither Glovo nor the Mandatary assume any obligation of revision of the identity of the recipient of the order; the latter will be taken as correct, provided that it is at the indicated delivery address. Glovo, therefore, does not assume any liability for the handling of the order at the incorrect person at the correct delivery address. </p><h2><strong>4. Economic Conditions</strong></h2><h3><strong>4.1. Prices of the Services provided through the APP</strong></h3><p>Users can register in the APP free of charge; nevertheless, the free character of the registration in the APP is subject to review by Glovo at any time. In any case, Users may have to pay for certain services on the APP as provided in these General Terms. Glovo reserves the right to change the prices on the APP at any time, by informing the Users as and if required by the applicable laws. Such changes shall take effect immediately after publication. </p><p>Glovo will charge the User a service fee for the use of our APP to continuously improve our overall services, providing a wider selection of vendors and continuously improving our user experience, among others. The amount of the service fee can be fixed or variable according to the value of the products. Glovo sets the service and makes it visible to Users at the moment of the checkout of every order. This service fee will be charged against the credit card that the User has selected for the payment of the order. In the event that the User selects the cash payment option (this option may be unavailable in some of the countries in which Glovo operates), the service fee will be charged to the User in cash at the time of collection or delivery of the order, and the Merchant will be responsible for receiving this amount on behalf of and in the name of Glovo. In case of payment with cash, Glovo reserves the right to withhold the money from the User's card until payment is made at the time of delivery of the product and/or on completion of the assignment at the place of delivery. If the payment does not take place, Glovo reserves the right to charge the card on which the money has been withheld.</p><p>In addition to the said service fee, the User must pay the price of the products and/or services requested through the APP, as well as the courier or errand services provided by the Mandataries each time that a collection and/or delivery is requested by the User. In the event of bad weather conditions, oversaturation, high demand and/or any other condition that may affect the provision of the delivery services by the Mandataries, the User may experience a temporary increase in the fee for those services provided. In any case, the fee for the delivery service may also vary in cases of force majeure beyond Glovo’s control.</p><p>In the case of orders under the Anything and/or Courier models, the total price of each service may be composed of a variable percentage based on the number of kilometres travelled and the time taken by the Mandatary, as well as, where applicable in cases in which a User requests the physical purchase of a product or service, the price established by each Merchant. Glovo reserves the right to change the price based on the distance travelled and/or the time of the day in which the service is performed.<strong> </strong>In accordance with these terms, the User will be entitled to know the approximate fee for the service before contracting it and paying for it, unless the User has not specified the address for collection. </p><p>In addition, the fee may include tips for the Mandatary and/or the local store, whose amount shall be solely and entirely at the User’s discretion; therefore, it will be solely the User who will decide on whether to tip and on the tipping amount. In any case, Glovo may offer the possibility to Users to remember the tipping option selected; in the case that the User consents to the saving of their preferences on tipping, these preferences will be automatically applied in all future orders. The User will have the faculty to change the selected preferences at any time. </p><h3><strong>4.2. Price of the Products and/or Services offered on the APP </strong></h3><p>The prices applicable to each service and/or product offered in the APP are established by the Merchants and are set solely and freely by the latter. Glovo makes its best efforts to ensure that the prices in the APP are updated and duly reflect the real price that will be applied by the Merchant; however, in certain situations above Glovo’s control, the price indicated by the Merchant in the APP may vary. In such a case, the Merchant shall be the sole responsible for the variation of the price and the User must contact the Merchant for any claim that may correspond. The purchase requested via the APP will be continued in the case of price variations of up to 30%. If the variation is greater than the said 30%, the User will be contacted to inform him/her of the situation and inform on the available options. In any case, the User may, in any case, contact the Merchant and/or the Mandatary to confirm the final price of the products ordered.</p><p>The Merchants are free to set a disclaimer on the products/services they offer through the APP, ensuring that the prices displayed in the APP correspond to those available at their own premises. In this case the Merchants remain responsible for any variation, change and/or errors that such prices may experience. Glovo does not intervene in any way in the setting of the disclaimer.</p><p>All the prices stated on the APP are inclusive of any taxes that may be applicable based on the territory from which the User operates and shall, in any event, be denominated in the currency in force in the territory from which the User operates.</p><p>The User acknowledges that prices of the products and services indicated by the Merchants in the APP may not always include the price of their packaging, that may be charged separately to the User if so requested by the applicable law and/or standards. In particular, but without excluding any other case, the User acknowledges that it may be charged separately the price of any plastic packaging that accompanies their order.</p><p>In the case of Anything model orders, the User grants the Mandatary, by means of the purchase and delivery request made through the APP, a mandate to purchase the products in person, on his/her behalf, at the price set by the stores in which it is bought; any indicative of such price included in the APP is merely indicative and shall never be interpreted as definitive or binding neither for Glovo nor for the store or the Mandatary. The User may be in direct contact with the Mandatary while the order is being carried out.</p><p>Glovo and/or the Merchants reserves the right to introduce a surcharge in the order price (hereinafter, “Small Order Surcharge”) as a requirement for the processing and preparation of those orders considered as small. The consideration of small may vary depending on the country and/or moment in which the order is placed. Glovo will clearly communicate to the User through the APP when the Small Order Surchage is applicable and its exact amount; and the User will have the faculty to either continue with the order and pay the said surcharge, modify the order and/or quit the said order before its definitive placing. </p><h3><strong>4.3. Billing</strong></h3><p>By registering through the APP and providing the required bank details, Users expressly authorise Glovo to issue receipts for payment of the services requested, including the price and delivery of the products ordered.</p><p>The User expressly authorises Glovo to send him/her by electronic means, to the e-mail address provided by the User during the registration process, receipts for the services contracted and/or the bills generated either by the use of the APP, by the services provided by the Mandataries and/or the Merchants. If an invoice is required, the User must enter the relevant tax data on the APP before placing the order.</p><p>The User similarly accepts that according to the services contracted through the GLOVO APP, they can receive the invoices corresponding to the delivery, courier or management services, by the Mandataries.</p><h3><strong>4.4. Payment Platforms</strong></h3><p>Payment of the price of any product (such as food, drink, a gift, etc.) properly made to Glovo by Users will discharge their obligation to pay the said price to the associated restaurants and/or establishments as well as the Mandatary, for the services provided. Glovo does not act on behalf of Users and none of the authorizations provided in this document should be deemed as a mandate given to Glovo.</p><p>Glovo issues receipt of payments to Users acting as an agent (for collection of payments) on behalf of associated restaurants and/or establishments and Mandataries through an Electronic Money Institution. Electronic Money Institutions (hereinafter, “Payment Platforms”) are responsible for the obtention of any necessary authorisation or licence to provide, directly or indirectly, regulated payment services in the territories in which Glovo operates and for being in compliance with the current legislation applicable to the payment services provided. Therefore, Glovo will accept no liability for the lack of authorisation or licence or the breach of any applicable regulation; on the contrary, the sole and exclusive liability will lay with the Payment Platform.</p><p>Glovo reserves the right, as a fraud prevention measure, to request a payment pre-authorisation for the products ordered through the APP, always through the Payment Platform and for the sole purpose of verifying the means of payment provided and ensuring the correct functioning and use of the APP by the Users. Such pre-authorisation shall in no event involve payment of the full amount of the order, as this will be done solely and exclusively after the products have been made available to the User, or for the reasons set forth in these General Terms.</p><p>If a User has any issues with the payment via the Payment Platform made available in the APP, the User may contact Glovo’s User assistance service through the Help Section in the APP. Glovo will make its best efforts to provide a solution to the issue and to liaise with the Payment Platform to the extent possible; be that as it may, Glovo is not responsible for any such issue that falls within the activity and responsibility of either the Payment Platforms or the User’s bank or assimilated financial institution. </p><h3><strong>4.5. Payment methods</strong></h3><p>The User may pay for the products and/or services in cash or by credit card. When making the order, the User will be informed of the various payment options available in the territory from which the service is being requested. Additionally, in certain territories, the User may also have the option to pay with mobile money, either via the APP or at the moment of pick up or reception of the order, as indicated through the APP in each case. </p><p>In order to pay with a credit card, the User must provide the card details through the APP as a payment method associated with his/her account. Glovo does not store card numbers on its servers and can only view the last four digits of the card. The full information shall be stored on the servers of the Payment Platform through which payments are made. </p><p>If it is not possible to complete a charge using the selected payment method, the User authorises Glovo to charge the applicable fee to any other credit or debit card that the User has already registered to his/her Glovo account.</p><p>The cash payment option may be unavailable in some of the countries in which Glovo operates. If available, in the case of cash payments, Glovo reserves the right to withhold the money from the User's card until payment is made at the time of delivery of the product and/or on completion of the assignment at the place of delivery. If the payment does not take place, Glovo reserves the right to charge the card on which the money has been withheld t </p><p>If payment for the service can for any reason not be taken from the User, the User’s account shall be blocked until the situation has been rectified and the debt has been settled.</p><h3><strong>4.6. Refunds</strong></h3><p>In the event of a dispute, Glovo may provide the first line of support and may reimburse the User if this is deemed appropriate. In case of cash payments, Glovo provides refunds, adding Promo code to the User’s Glovo account. In case Glovo becomes aware that the User who is requesting a refund of an Order, has made a fraudulent use of the APP, this request will be immediately rejected.</p><p>Notwithstanding the above, Glovo shall not be obliged to implement any refund due to defects on the Merchant’s products or on the provision of the delivery services by the Mandataries. Further, any refund done by Glovo due its high standards in Users’ satisfaction, shall not be considered as a waiver of this exclusion of liability which is inherent to Glovo’s condition of a mere intermediary. Additionally, any return of a product as well as its corresponding refund shall be managed by the User directly with the Merchant, in accordance with the Merchant’s return policy and with section 5 of these General Terms.</p><h3><strong>4.7. Promotional Codes and/or Other Offers or Discounts</strong></h3><p>Glovo may unilaterally provide at any time credits for use within the APP, discounts, free shipping as well as any other promotion, to certain Users (hereinafter, the “Discounts and/or Promotions”). Any of these discounts and promotions may unilaterally be cancelled at any time by Glovo. </p><p>The User acknowledges and accepts that any Discounts or Promotions granted must be used only within the validity period established by Glovo for each Discount and/or Promotion. If no validity period is specified by Glovo at the moment of communicating and/or granting such Discount or Promotion, the validity period applicable by default will be of six (6) months from the date on which they were made available to the User. Any other validity period set by Glovo at the moment of communicating or granting the said Discount and/or Promotion will prevail over the six (6) months default validity period stated above.</p><p>Similarly, the User acknowledges and accepts that any Discounts and/or Promotions granted may be applicable only to certain products and/or services offered through Glovo’s APP or only under specific circumstances and conditions (e.g. first order, order within a territory, order at a specific time of the day, order of a certain type, Small Order Surcharge, etc). </p><p>Discount and/or Promotions granted to Users must be correctly entered in the APP by the User before placing the order. Otherwise, they will not take effect and the User will be unable to enjoy them. The User is responsible for making sure that the Discount and/or Promotion is applicable for the specific products or services requested through the APP and that the Discount or Promotion is still valid and fully effective. </p><p>The User acknowledges that Discounts and/or Promotions may experience a delay in its application from the moment in which these are communicated and/or granted to the User. In particular, among others, the Discounts and/ or Promotions offered by Glovo for first Users or first orders in the APP may take between 24 and 72 hours from the time of the creation of the User account to be available. The User is responsible for making sure that the Discount and/or Promotion has been correctly entered in the APP and to review that it has correctly been applied to the order. If this delay in application exceeds 72 hours, the User can use the Help Section to contact Glovo’s User Support. </p><p>The User acknowledges and accepts that all Discounts and/or Promotions are valid only once per User and, therefore, may be restricted based on various characteristics such as device, credit/debit card, email address, phone number or user ID, save expressly provided otherwise by Glovo in reference to the specific Discount and/or Promotion. </p><p>In any case, Glovo reserves the right to unilaterally cancel and withdraw any Discount and Promotion either offered or already granted if it becomes aware of a fraudulent use thereof (such as, among others, a promotional code being redeemed by someone who is not its legitimate recipient, the mass communication of codes or the sale of codes or discounts). Furthermore, it reserves the right to apply sanctions to Users for the amount for which Glovo has been defrauded as well as for the suspension and/or cancellation of User’s Glovo account.</p><p>Glovo will accept no liability if, due to an event of force majeure or other events beyond its control or whose need is justified, it is forced to cancel, shorten, extend or amend the conditions of Discounts and Promotions. In particular, Glovo will accept no liability if the website is not available at any time during Discounts and Promotions or for a malfunction in the automated promotion system.</p><h2><strong>5. Cancellation of Orders and Right of Withdrawal</strong></h2><h3><strong>5.1. Cancellation of Orders by the User</strong></h3><p>In accordance with the nature of the intermediation service offered by Glovo, the User is aware that, once a Mandatary and a Merchant have voluntarily accepted an order, the execution of the mandate is considered to have started, and the User may therefore no longer be entitled to withdraw the service request free of charge. Once the User has cancelled the orders, the products will not be delivered. This is without prejudice to the right of return and/or withdrawal of the User that may correspond to the User under the laws applicable, referred to in section 5.3 below. </p><p>The cost of cancellation may depend on the following factors:</p><ol><li>If the Merchant has already accepted the order and started preparing it, the User will be charged the price of the products. The User will be informed of the Merchant’s acceptance through the APP and/or by e-mail at the e-mail address registered by the User. </li><li>If the User cancels the order once the Mandatary has accepted it for processing, the User will be charged the cancellation fee. The User will be informed of the Mandatary’s acceptance through the APP. The User can see the cost of cancellation on the APP. If the Merchant and the Mandatary have both accepted the order for processing, the User will be charged both the price of the products and the cancellation fee.</li><li>If the order must be cancelled by Glovo and/or by the Merchant, due to reasons that are not directly attributable to the User but outside Glovo’s control (e.g. lack of stock, change in the price by the Merchant, etc), Glovo’s agents or the Mandatary will contact the User to inform the latter of the alternatives available and the costs that these will entail, if any.</li></ol><p>The total cost of cancellation will appear on the User’s screen on pressing the “Cancel” button on the APP, based on the factors described above. </p><h3><strong>5.2. Cancellation of Orders by Glovo</strong></h3><p>Glovo reserves the right to cancel an order without having to provide a just cause. Glovo will inform the User of the said cancellation and, in the event of cancellation without just cause at Glovo’s instance, any amount held in the User’s account and/or credit card will be released. </p><h3><strong>5.3. Return of Non-perishable products. Right of Withdrawal</strong></h3><p>If a User wishes to return a non-perishable product or make a claim about the provision of a service, the Merchant that sold the said product will be the sole responsible for the acceptance and/or refusal of such return, in accordance with its own internal policies and with all applicable law. Therefore, in all cases, the return of a non-perishable product shall be subject to the Merchant’s returns policy in any event and the decision regarding whether a return is appropriate will lie with the Merchant in each case. Similarly, the Merchant will decide how to make the refund (cash, credit card, store voucher, etc.) following its own return policy.</p><p>Glovo will neither be responsible for such return, nor for the compliance of the Merchant’s return policy with all applicable laws. This is without prejudice to Glovo’s ability to act as an intermediary between the User and the Merchant in handling the complaint. The User must inform Glovo of the solutions provided by the Merchant if a dispute arises.</p><p>Further, as certain Merchants may not have premises open to the public, Users will be unable to access them for the purpose of processing any claims or returns. In such cases, they must contact Glovo’s User assistance service for the necessary help and support using the channels available on the APP.</p><p>The User must check the non-perishable products delivered by the Mandatary at the delivery address at the moment of the delivery; the User is, thus, responsible for checking that the service and/or products provided are adequate as well as, where applicable, for collecting enough evidence to prove that they were not. Therefore, if a User wishes to process the return of a non-perishable product, he/she must provide a photograph of the total order, together with a list of the incorrect or undelivered products, as well as other proof of the inadequacy of the product requested. In any event, the decision regarding whether a return is appropriate will lie with the Merchant, and not with Glovo, in each case. </p><p>Glovo has official claim forms available to Users, in the official languages of the countries in which Glovo operates, in relation to the service offered by it. Users may request the above-mentioned claim forms through Glovo’s User assistance service, and the option to access them will be sent automatically. The User’s e-mail must specify the exact location from which the request is being made, which must be the same as the place where the service is to be carried out. In the event of doubt, the claim should be made from the latter place. </p><h2><strong>6. Home Delivery of Free Samples and Other Commercial Actions</strong></h2><p>Glovo reserves the right to enter into commercial agreements with other companies, brands, stores, entrepreneurs, professionals etc, to send promotional communications, including the addition of free samples to any orders delivered to the User’s, either occasionally or as part of recurrent sampling campaigns. In this regard, during any type of sampling campaign, certain Merchants or brands may have a prominent position if so agreed with Glovo for the purpose of the Merchant or brand promotion. The provision of samples will not entail any additional cost to the User.</p><p>The user acknowledges and accepts that, by ordering through Glovo, it may participate in any sampling campaign and receive various samples together with the orders made via the APP, for mainly promotional purposes. </p><p>Glovo is, in no way, responsible for the quality and characteristics of the products provided as sample and will not be liable for any damage and/or offence caused by the delivery of the said sample. Further, Glovo is not responsible for any sampling campaign that the Merchants offering products or services through the APP may organise and implement; while Glovo makes its best efforts to ensure legality of Merchants’ activities and Merchants commit to respect the law when using the APP, Glovo cannot review the content of the orders and/or any sampling campaign organised by the Merchants in their condition of independent professionals/companies. </p><h2><strong>7. Policy on the Delivery of Restricted Items</strong></h2><h3><strong>7.1. General Policy</strong></h3><p>This section presents a non-Exhaustive List of Examples of items that may be legally limited or restricted in certain countries and/or cities in which the APP operates, depending on the local legislation:</p></div></section><section id="table_1" class="mx-auto max-w-6xl px-4 text-gray-800"><!----> <!----> <div class="w-full overflow-x-auto"><table class="w-full"><tbody><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Alcohol and Tobacco Products</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Alcohol and tobacco products, as well as any other related and/or assimilated products.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Animals and Regulated Species</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Animal parts or fluids; banned seeds, harmful plants; regulated plants or other organisms (including their by-products) which are endangered or whose trade is regulated by law as applicable in any case.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Child pornography</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Pornographic material involving children or content that may be perceived as erotic paedophilia.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Copyright on Software and Media</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Unauthorised copies of books, music, films and other protected or licensed materials, including properly referenced copies; and unauthorised copies of software, video games and other protected or licensed materials, including from OEMs or other products that cause unsolicited messages to be sent.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Counterfeits and unauthorised products</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Copies or imitations of designer products or other goods; items belonging to celebrities that would usually require authentication; false autographs; foreign currency; stamps; tickets; or other unauthorised goods.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Devices or tools for overcoming security measures</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Modems, chips or other devices for dismantling technical protection measures as well as on digital devices, including for unlocking iPhones.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Drugs</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Controlled substances, narcotics, illegal drugs and their paraphernalia, including psychoactive and vegetable drugs such as psychedelic mushrooms, as well as materials promoting their use.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Explosives and assimilated</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Explosives, flammable, corrosive, corrosive, toxic substances</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Gambling and Betting</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Lottery tickets, bets, online betting site memberships/registrations, and related content. Permitted promotion of physical casinos.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Products Sold in Pharmacies</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Deliveries of pharmaceutical products may be limited or restricted in certain countries and/or cities in which the APP operates. Prescription drugs may not be ordered/delivered. OTC (over-the-counter) medicines, ancillary medical devices, as well as any other products for hygiene, nutrition or similar for human use sold in pharmacies may be subject to the mandate given by the User to the Mandatary and to what the pharmacist may deem appropriate.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Materials for hacking and cracking</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Manuals, guides, information or equipment that infringes the law by damaging or fraudulently facilitating access to software, servers, websites or other protected property.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Human Body</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Organs or other body parts; body fluids; stem cells; embryos.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Stolen or illegal goods</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Materials, products or information that promotes illegal goods or facilitates illegal acts; goods not belonging to a person or which a person has no right to sell; goods produced in violation of third-party rights; goods infringing import, export or labelling restrictions; motor vehicles that are subject to transfer restrictions. You (the Glovo User) are solely and fully responsible for checking that all items are genuine and legal.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Illegal telecommunications equipment</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Devices aimed at obtaining satellite signals without payment, illegal products for modifying mobile phones and other equipment.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Offensive goods</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Goods, literature, products, or other materials that:</p><ul><li>Are defamatory of any person or group of people based on their race, ethnic origin or country of origin, religion, gender, or any other factor.</li><li>Are defamatory of any person or group of people who are protected from defamation by the applicable law (e.g., the royal family in some jurisdictions).</li><li>Praise or incite the commission of violence.</li><li>Promote intolerance or hatred.</li><li>Promote or support membership of terrorist groups or other organisations that are prohibited by law.</li><li>Are contrary to public morals.</li></ul></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Offensive goods related to a criminal offence</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Photographs of, or objects from, a crime scene, such as personal belongings, associated with criminals or criminal acts.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Culturally protected artefacts</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Materials covered by the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property or other goods whose sale, export or transfer is restricted by law; Artefacts, cave formations (stalactites and stalagmites);</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Pyrotechnic devices and dangerous substances requiring special permission</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Pyrotechnic items and related goods in markets in which their supply is regulated, as well as substances such as petrol or propane.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Traffic-related devices</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Radars, number plate covers, illegal traffic-modification devices and related products.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Weapons</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Firearms, ammunition and other items including, without limitation, firearms, knives that are either undetectable or easy to conceal, martial arts weapons, silencers, ammunition or ammunition magazines.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Money and Foreign Currency</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Foreign currency or currencies insured with precious metals, as well as banknotes, coins or any other valuable securities.</p></td></tr><tr><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>Primary and Secondary Schools / Use by children</p></td><td rowspan="1" class="prose border border-black px-2 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-[unset]"><p>We reserve the right to refuse orders from users who are minors. In addition, we reserve the right to refuse orders at any location near a primary or secondary school, as well as to ask for sufficient proof of age.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></section><section id="legal_text_2" class="mx-auto max-w-6xl px-4"><!----> <div class="prose max-w-none prose-h1:text-gray-800 prose-h2:text-gray-800 prose-h3:text-gray-800 prose-h4:text-gray-800 prose-h5:text-gray-800 prose-p:text-gray-700 prose-a:font-semibold prose-a:text-green-700 prose-a:no-underline prose-strong:text-gray-800 prose-em:text-gray-700 prose-ol:list-inside prose-ol:list-decimal prose-ol:text-gray-700 prose-ul:list-disc prose-ul:text-left prose-ul:text-gray-700 prose-img:mx-auto legal-text-content mb-4 mt-8 break-words text-justify text-sm font-medium text-[unset] lg:mt-10"><h3><strong>7.2. Specific considerations on the purchases of alcohol</strong></h3><p>Users who accept these Terms and Conditions may view and place orders involving the purchase and/or delivery of alcoholic products through the Glovo APP. By ordering, the User acknowledges that he/she is of the age foreseen and permitted by the applicable law in the territory in which the order is placed.</p><p>In any case, Glovo reserves the right not to process/deliver any order including alcohol to those recipients of the order who cannot prove to be the User identified on the Glovo APP, as well as the required age/other restrictions foreseen by the applicable legislation in the territory in which the User places the order. As a consequence of the foregoing, the User shall bear the full cost of the product and the costs associated with placing and cancelling the order.</p><p>In those cities where the sale and/or delivery of alcoholic products is restricted in certain hours, the User must respect the proper use of the APP and, consequently, respect the time zones prohibited by the applicable legislation.</p><p>In any case, Glovo reserves the right to refuse to process/deliver the order including alcohol outside permitted hours. As a consequence of the above, the User shall bear the full cost of the product and the costs associated with the placement and cancellation of the order.</p><p>In the event that the User transfers his/her Glovo account to minors or persons who, due to their circumstances, may be in situations that require special protection, Glovo reserves the right to initiate all civil/criminal actions to protect the rights of the most vulnerable people. In this regard, Glovo undertakes to use all material and human means to control this type of fraud, but in no case is responsible for the illegal transfer of an account to another person who has not expressly accepted these Terms and Conditions.</p><p>Glovo recommends moderate and responsible consumption of alcoholic products purchased.</p><h3><strong>7.3. Specific considerations on products from pharmacies</strong></h3><p>Glovo does not carry out or intermediate in the sale or advertising of medicines for human use through the APP in the countries and/or cities where this is not permitted by law, in compliance with the applicable regulations regarding the retail sale of medicines for human use.</p><p>In the countries and/or cities where it is not permitted by law, Users may not place orders for medicines through the APP, including the "Anything" bubble. In the event that the user places an order for medicinal products that are subject to an applicable prohibition of telematic intermediation, delivery and/or sale, the APP will refuse the order in accordance with the applicable legislation on the retail sale of medicinal products for human use.</p><p>In the countries and/or cities where medicines intermediation, delivery and/or telematic sale is not permitted by law, the GLOVOonly has commercial agreements with pharmacies to intermediate with products related to para-pharmacy, beauty and/or care, in accordance with the applicable legislation.</p><p>In the countries and/or cities where medicines intermediation, delivery and/or telematic sale is permitted, Users may be able to order this kind of product. </p><p>In the countries where ordering medicines (over-the-counter and/or prescription medicines) through Glovo is legally doable, according to its business model, Glovo does not sell or advertise medicines for human use through the APP; Mandataries act as agents of those Users who order, through the APP, non-prescription drugs for human use for collection.</p><p>In these cases, Glovo guarantees to Users the availability of a pharmacist’s advice before ordering their medication through call or message channels so that, in the event of doubt, the User can consult the pharmacist who is to dispense the product(s) through the APP, all this to ensure that the Pharmacist can dispense the correct product.</p><p>In any event, Glovo will accept no responsibility for Users’ use of the products ordered in the Pharmacy section or be liable for the amounts and/or condition of the products dispensed at pharmacies.</p><p>In addition, the APP may provide the pharmacy that dispenses the medicine ordered by the User with the latter’s username and phone number so that it can answer the User’s questions. This disclosure of data will in any event be subject to the User’s express and unambiguous authorisation in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation.</p><h2><strong>8. Content moderation and/or alteration</strong></h2><p>Notwithstanding the foregoing, Glovo reserves the right to restrict certain Users’ access to the APP, either fully or partly, as well as to cancel, suspend, block or remove certain types of content, by means of suitable technological tools, if it becomes aware, or there are signs, that the activity or the information stored is illegal or harmful to a third party’s rights or property. Further, Glovo will not tolerate the publication of abusive language or abusive attitudes towards Glovo, its workers, the Merchants, the Mandataries, or any other party involved in the content published in the APP. </p><p>In this regard, Glovo may establish any filters that may be necessary to prevent the service from being used to upload unlawful or harmful content to the Internet. Any User and/or third party may contact Glovo via the Help Section in the APP in order to notify the presence of illegal content in the APP. Glovo will carefully examine any notification in this regard, providing that it includes a sufficiently substantiated explanation of the reasons why it is alleged that the relevant information is illegal content and a clear description and indications that allow Glovo to identify the relevant information and its place of storage. Glovo will, thus, make its best efforts to investigate the information denounced and to take appropriate measures for its removal if it is found illegal. </p><p>In addition, Glovo reserves the right to decide on the algorithms and parameters applicable to the ranking of the Merchants (restaurants and/or stores) and products that appear in the APP, as well as to amend and update it. The User acknowledges and accepts that the said ranking may depend on multiple factors and metrics, including but not limited to the proximity and accessibility of the premises, prior reviews, as well as any agreement reached by Glovo with said merchants or distributors of the products related to their positioning and visibility.</p><h2><strong>9. Solidarity at Glovo</strong></h2><p>Glovo may collaborate, either through its APP or through other interfaces such as <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a>, among others, with various institutions, corporate groups and non-governmental organisations in charitable and solidarity projects, donation campaigns and non-profit campaigns in some of the countries in which it operates (subject to applicability in each country). GLOVO acts as an intermediary in such projects, based solely on its good faith and its wish to contribute to social initiatives. Glovo accepts no liability for the final use or outcome of such campaigns. Neither does it give any security or guarantee, or accept any legal liability, or have any control over how donations are used by the above-mentioned establishments.</p><p>In addition, Glovo may develop and manage solidarity and social impact projects in the event of natural disasters, conflicts and/or any other need, as part of its social corporate responsibility policy. Glovo will inform Users of those actions via the APP as well as any other means of communication available and allowed by the Users. Glovo may grant Users the opportunity to collaborate in the said projects; for such purpose, Glovo will clearly inform Users on how to participate and all relevant implications of their collaboration. These projects may be addressed to support either Merchants, Mandataries and/or third parties in need and it will be fully compliant with any applicable law. </p><h2><strong>10. Geolocation</strong></h2><p>Glovo may collect, use and share exact location data, including the real-time geographic location of the User’s computer or mobile device, provided that this is authorised by the User. The said location data may be collected and used by Glovo to show Users the location of the point of origin and/or destination of an order. In this regard, Users expressly consent to their geolocation data being shared with any Merchant and Mandatary, to successfully carry out the order requested at any given time. Users may choose to disable Geolocation on their devices as provided in the <a href="">Data Privacy Policy.</a></p><h2><strong>11. Responsibilities and Warranties</strong></h2><h3><strong>11.1. Responsibilities and warranties in relation to the APP</strong></h3><p>Users are responsible for having in place the necessary services and equipment to browse the Internet and access the APP. Users can report any incidents or problems accessing the APP to Glovo using the contact channels made available to Users, and Glovo will analyse the incident and instruct the User on how to resolve it as quickly as possible.</p><p>Glovo does not guarantee the absence of errors or interruptions when accessing the APP or its content, or that it will always be up to date. Therefore, Glovo will not be liable for any service interruptions, connection errors, unavailability of, or faults in, the Internet access service, or Internet interruptions or for any other matters beyond its control. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Glovo will, save in the event of circumstances making this difficult or impossible, take all steps to correct such errors, restore communication and update contents as soon as it becomes aware of the errors or disconnection or of the contents being out of date.</p><p>Glovo accepts no liability for any security errors that may arise or for any damage that may be caused to the User’s computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored therein, as a result of:</p><ul><li>The presence of a virus in the User’s computer system or mobile handset used to connect to the APP’s contents and services;</li><li>A malfunction of the browser;</li><li>The use of outdated versions thereof.</li></ul><p>Glovo hereby confirms that it has obtained all necessary licences for the pursuit of its technological intermediation activities in the countries in which it operates.</p><h3><strong>11.2. Responsibilities and liability in relation to content</strong></h3><p>Glovo does not control, and is not responsible for, the contents uploaded by Users, Merchants and Mandataries through the APP; therefore, Users, Merchants and Mandataries are solely responsible for the lawfulness of such contents. Similarly, Glovo does not control (and is under no obligation to control) how Users, Merchants and Mandataries use the APP. It therefore does not guarantee that they use the APP in accordance with these General Terms or in a diligent and/or prudent manner and in accordance with all laws applicable. Further, Glovo does not check (and is under no obligation to check) the identity of Users or the truthfulness, current validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the data supplied by them.</p><p>Glovo gives no warranties regarding the authenticity, accuracy, novelty, reliability, lawfulness or non-infringement of third-party rights by Mandataries and/or Merchants. In this regard, Users state that they understand that Glovo is a mere intermediary and that it therefore accepts no liability arising from the information provided by Mandataries and/or Merchants or for any loss or damage that may potentially be suffered by them due to a breach of these General Terms. When an order is placed on the APP and accepted by the Mandatary, a direct relationship is established between the User and the Mandatary. Glovo is not a party to this relationship and merely provides the APP to enable the Parties to communicate and place as many orders as may be necessary. Glovo makes no assertions or confirmation regarding any Mandataries and Merchants or their identity or background information. Glovo therefore recommends that Users always use common sense and remain alert when placing any order.</p><p>By becoming members of the APP, Users accept that any claims they wish to bring for legal liability arising from actions or omissions of other Users of the APP or third parties shall be restricted to such Users or third parties, and that no actions for liability may be taken against Glovo.</p><h3><strong>11.3. Liabilities and warranties in relation to users’ reviews</strong></h3><p>Glovo is not responsible for the content of any review left by any User, regardless of whether these are published in the APP, and will accept no liability for any damage and/or offence caused by the said reviews. Glovo can only guarantee that solely the Users who have purchased a certain product or service through the APP will be asked to provide a review on it; nevertheless and, albeit Glovo will make its best efforts to put in place any reasonable measure to prevent fraudulent, offensive and abusive reviews, Glovo cannot systematically verify the reviews collected and, therefore, cannot guarantee the accuracy and truthfulness of the reviews left by the Users. </p><h3><strong>11.4. Responsibilities and liability for the products and services offered through the APP</strong></h3><p>As an intermediary, Glovo merely facilitates, via the APP, the means by which the parties involved (i.e. the Merchants, the Users and the Mandataries) may contact with each other to arrange the sale and, if desired, the delivery of the products and services to the address indicated by the User. Therefore, Glovo is in no way responsible and does neither guarantee nor assume any liability for the products or the services offered by the Merchants or for the provision of any requested delivery services by the Mandataries. Glovo will not check, and it is not responsible for checking, the products sent or delivered through orders on the APP. Further, Glovo does neither prepare, nor sell nor deliver any product and, therefore, cannot be liable for its ingredients or its manipulation and the provision of any information on allergens. Notwithstanding the above, Glovo requests all Merchants and Mandataries to abide by all applicable laws and the highest standards of health and safety in the preparation and manipulation of the products, as well as of information provision to users and consumers. Additionally, given that any food product offered via the APP is prepared and packaged at the Merchant’s establishments, Glovo is not responsible for ensuring that food orders are delivered to Users in properly closed packages. </p><p>Furthermore, the product/services images displayed on the APP are provided for illustrative purposes only and the final product/service the User purchases may differ slightly from these images.</p><p>The Users, the Merchants and the Mandataries, release Glovo from any liability that might arise from the availability and/or transport of products requiring specific permissions or licences, or of products forbidden by any applicable legislation. If Glovo becomes aware that the User, the Merchant and/or the Mandatary is/are using the APP to transport prohibited products, Glovo may launch an internal investigation to ascertain the facts, take any legal action that may be necessary and/or block the User, Merchant or Mandatary in question until any potential investigation has been completed. The measures available to Glovo include providing the authorities with data and information on the Users, Merchants and Mandataries.</p><p>Glovo rejects any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from Users, Merchants and/or Mandataries’ illegal use of the APP due to the information supplied by latter to other Users, Merchants and/or Mandataries being untrue, no longer valid, incomplete and/or false and, in particular and without limitation, for any loss or damage of any kind that may arise due to Users, Merchants and/or Mandataries impersonating a third party in any kind of communication made through the APP. In particular, Glovo accepts no responsibility for the use of the APP or for any orders that may be made by a third party from the Users, Merchants and/or Mandataries’ account. </p><h3><strong>11.5. Responsibilities and liability in relation to delivery requested through the APP</strong></h3><p>Glovo cannot be responsible for delivery times, as they will depend on the Merchants’ own successful operations, the preparation of orders, the Mandataries themselves, and the information furnished by Users when placing orders or their availability and response at the time of delivery; therefore, the delivery times stated on the APP are provided for indicative purposes only. Further, Glovo will never be liable for the availability of Mandataries or for their adequate and satisfactory performance of assignments.</p><p>The Mandatary is exclusively responsible for the delivery and/or management of the goods without prejudice to the fact that, in the event of an incident, the User contacts the Mandatary and Glovo through the APP or other enabled channels in order to resort to a possible insurance policy.</p><p>Glovo shall also not be liable for any damage or deterioration of the goods. It is the User's responsibility to prove to the Mandatary and Glovo that the alleged damage or deterioration has actually occurred from the time the goods have been collected from the place of origin until they have been delivered to the User, in which case the User must contact the Mandatary and Glovo through the APP or other enabled channels in order to resort to a possible insurance policy.</p><p>However, Glovo, as a platform that intermediates between User and Mandatary, may mediate as far as reasonably possible in the dispute that may arise between User and Mandatary during the delivery and/or management of goods through the APP.</p><p>In the event of a dispute, the User shall be responsible for informing Glovo and contacting the Mandatary to claim any compensation.</p><p>Furthermore, any claim relating to the delivery and/or management of the goods shall be brought exclusively against the Mandatary and not against Glovo.</p><h2><strong>12. Updates and Changes to the APP</strong></h2><p>Glovo reserves the right to amend these General Terms, the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy at any time. Glovo will provide prior notice of those amendments when mandatory in accordance with the laws applicable. </p><p>In addition, Glovo reserves the right to update, amend or delete the information contained on its APP, at any time and without the need for prior notice unless mandatory as per the applicable law, with regard to its layout, presentation and access conditions, without thereby accepting any liability in relation thereto. </p><h2><strong>13. Intellectual Property</strong></h2><p>Glovo is the owner or licensee of all intellectual and industrial property rights that relate to the software and the APP, as well as the content that can be accessed through it, which is uploaded to the APP by Glovo and/or on its behalf. These intellectual property rights, as well as the text, images, graphic design, navigation structure, information and content contained therein, are the property of Glovo, which has the exclusive right to exploit the rights thereto in any manner, in particular the right of reproduction, distribution, publication and transformation, in accordance with Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights. </p><p>The content uploaded to the APP by or on behalf of any third party, including but not limited to the Users, Merchants and Mandataries, remains their exclusive property; therefore these are fully responsible for any damage, claim and/or liability that may directly or indirectly derive from the content uploaded by them and/or on their behalf. </p><p>In spite of the foregoing, Glovo may not be the owner or licence holder of content such as names or images, among others, of companies with which Glovo does not have a business relationship. In such cases, Glovo acquires the content from publicly available sources, and Glovo shall in no event be deemed to be related to any right belonging to Glovo.</p><p>Authorising a User to access the APP does not imply the waiver, transfer, licensing or full or partial assignment by Glovo of any intellectual or industrial property rights. Deleting, bypassing or in any way tampering with the contents of the Glovo APP are all prohibited. In addition, modifying, copying, reusing, exploiting, reproducing, publicising, making second or subsequent publications of, uploading files, sending by post, transmitting, using, processing or distributing in any way all or some of the contents included in the Glovo APP for public or commercial purposes are also prohibited, save with Glovo’s express written authorisation or, where applicable, that of the owner of the rights concerned.</p><p>By registering on the APP and agreeing to these General Terms, the User grants Glovo, in relation to the content that he/she may provide, a worldwide, irrevocable, and transferable licence, free of charge, with the right to sub-license, use, copy, modify, create derivative works, distribute, publicise and exploit it in any way that may be deemed appropriate by Glovo, with or without any further communication to the User and without having to pay any amounts for such uses. All the above shall be understood as granting the indicated rights only to the maximum extent permitted by the applicable legislation. </p><h2><strong>14. Severability</strong></h2><p>If any of the clauses of these General Terms are found to be voidable or void by operation of law, such clause(s) shall be deemed not to have been included. Such declaration of nullity will not cause the other clauses to be void, and these shall remain valid and effective between the Parties.</p><h2><strong>15. Applicable Law</strong></h2><p>The relationship between Glovo and the User shall be governed and construed in accordance with the General Terms and the laws of the relevant country in which Glovo operates and any dispute shall be submitted to the courts of Glovo’s registered seat in the relevant country, unless otherwise established by the applicable law.</p><h2><strong>16. Customer Support and Alternative Dispute Resolution</strong></h2><p>In order to facilitate communication with the Mandatary if necessary, and in the event of any incidents in the processing of the order and/or in order to inform of any changes thereto, Glovo makes available to Users through its Help Section in the APP an internal chat system allowing direct and immediate contact between the User and the Mandatary while the order is being carried out. If a User wishes to contact the Mandatary or Glovo after the order has been completed, he/she must use the Help Section available on the APP.</p><p>Further, Glovo will act as intermediary for the solution of any claims related to the order placed by the User, to the User’s account and/or to any other policies and/or services provided via the APP. For this purpose, the User shall contact Glovo via the Help Section in the APP. </p><p>All the above is without prejudice to the Users’ right to submit their complaints and/or requests through any legal means available to consumers, including any out–of-court/alternative dispute settlement bodies that legally provide dispute settlement services.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><h2><strong>Special Terms and Conditions of “GLOVOPRIME”</strong></h2><p>These terms and conditions shall apply to those Users who request a GLOVOPRIME subscription. These Terms and Conditions do not replace the application of the General Terms; in any event, they supplement them and may be modified and extended by Glovo at any time. Therefore, Glovo’s General Terms will regulate anything not specifically dealt with in these Special Terms. </p><h3><strong>1. What is GLOVOPRIME?</strong></h3><p>GLOVOPRIME is a service provided by the Glovo APP under which, in exchange for a fixed monthly fee, Users of the APP can enjoy unlimited deliveries by Mandataries of all those products ordered by them, provided that the GLOVOPRIME logo expressly appears on the APP in the relevant store in which they are offered, at no additional cost to the above-mentioned fixed monthly fee.</p><p>GLOVOPRIME will not apply to any stores or services that do not have the GLOVOPRIME logo at the time of placing the order. The GLOVOPRIME service may be used provided that the provisions of these Special Terms and Conditions, the General Terms, as well as any other terms that may be applicable are complied with.</p><h3><strong>2. Registration Process</strong></h3><p>In order to register for the GLOVOPRIME service, the User must have a current active Glovo account, be of full legal age and ask to register for GLOVOPRIME through the “My Account” section of his or her personal Glovo User profile. This is without prejudice to any other requirement included in this Specific Terms or in the General Terms, as well as in any other terms and conditions that may apply.</p><p>The GLOVOPRIME service is activated through the following process:</p><ul><li>After accessing the sections entitled “my account” and “GLOVOPRIME”, the User must select the “Register and pay” section and pay the above monthly fee.</li><li>The payment date will be the GLOVOPRIME subscription start date (hereinafter “the Activation Date”), and the subscription will be valid for a one-month period. On the Activation Date, Users who have registered for this service will receive an e-mail with confirmation of their registration at the address provided by them in their GLOVO account.</li><li>After the Activation Date, the User may use the GLOVOPRIME service for 30 calendar days, for a one-month period. Please, note that the User may experience some delay in the effective activation of his or her account from the Activation Date; if this delay exceeds 72h, the User shall contact Glovo’s User Support through the Help Section in the APP.</li><li>Users will find all the information relating to their GLOVOPRIME subscription in the “My Account” section of the application. There, they can check the remaining time of their Free Trial Period, where applicable, as well as, among other things, cancel their GLOVOPRIME subscription or update their payment method.</li></ul><h3><strong>3. Subscription Period</strong></h3><p>3.1. The GLOVOPRIME subscription period shall have a duration of one month up to the day immediately before the equivalent date on the following month (hereinafter, the “Subscription Period”), starting on the Activation Date and renewed every month unless the User cancels the subscription. Thus, if the Activation Date is 10 October, the Subscription Period will be renewed on 10 November.</p><p>3.2. By accepting these terms and conditions, Users acknowledge that the GLOVOPRIME subscription will be RENEWED AUTOMATICALLY AND THE APPLICABLE SUBSCRIPTION FEE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY CHARGED to the account designated by the User.</p><p>3.3. If the User does not want the subscription to be renewed automatically and, therefore, the User wishes to cancel the GLOVOPRIME service, he or she may exercise the right of withdrawal at any time, as stipulated in the following clause, provided that he or she informs Glovo at least two business days prior to the renewal date. If the User fails to comply with this notification requirement, he or she will have to pay the subscription fee for the following month.</p><h3><strong>4. Right of Withdrawal</strong></h3><p>4.1. If the User wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal during the GLOVOPRIME Subscription Period, he or she must access their account profile and select “unsubscribe”.</p><p>4.2. The account will be deactivated at the end of the Subscription Period. This means that the User can continue to use their GLOVOPRIME account, after completing the “unsubscribe” process until the day immediately preceding the equivalent date of the Activation or Renewal Date in the following month.</p><p>4.3. In order to avoid being charged the fee, the User must exercise the right of withdrawal at least two (2) business days before the subscription renewal date.</p><p>4.4. Payments are not refundable, and neither refunds nor credits will be given for unused or partly used membership periods during a one-month period. Neither will Glovo grant refunds or credits for partial monthly subscription periods.</p><p>4.5. If the User has unsubscribed from the service but wish to continue with it, he or she may re-register to renew their GLOVOPRIME subscription in accordance with these Special Terms.</p><h3><strong>5. Service Fees</strong></h3><p>5.1. The GLOVOPRIME fee shall be the amount set forth in the commercial offer or in the “My Account” section unless the User has been granted a free GLOVOPRIME trial period pursuant to Section 10 “Free Trial Period” hereof.</p><p>5.2. The GLOVOPRIME fees stated are inclusive of any indirect taxes that may apply.</p><p>5.3. The fee shall be charged automatically monthly on the Activation Date, to the card designated in the account by each User on the Activation Date, for a one-month period. If it is not possible to complete a charge using the selected payment method, the User authorises Glovo to charge the applicable fee to any other credit or debit card that the User has already registered to his/her Glovo account.</p><p>5.4. Users may use GLOVOPRIME even in territories in which the product/order is paid for in cash, without this affecting the service in any way.</p><p>5.5. Glovo reserves the right to change the fees at any time after informing its subscribers. Once such notification has been given, Glovo may charge the new rates.</p><h3><strong>6. Specific Terms of the Service</strong></h3><p>The following specific terms shall apply to the GLOVOPRIME service:</p><ul><li>The GLOVOPRIME service shall only apply to purchases carried out in person by means of a Mandatary, at establishments with which Glovo has a commercial agreement, for amounts of over the Minimum Basket Size applicable to each order indicated in the APP.</li><li>GLOVOPRIME may only be activated in some of the countries in which GLOVO operates.</li><li>The GLOVOPRIME subscription fee will only apply in the country from which the GLOVOPRIME subscription was activated. In other words, if the subscription was activated in Spain and the User is travelling in Italy, the GLOVOPRIME subscription fee will apply solely and exclusively in Spain, and not in Italy.</li><li>It will only be available for individuals and for private, non-commercial use.</li><li>Under no circumstances may the subscription be shared with, or assigned to, any persons other than its holder, and companies and the “B2B” service are expressly excluded from the service.</li></ul><h3><strong>7. General Terms of Service</strong></h3><p>7.1. The flat monthly fee covers only the price of collection and delivery by the Mandataries, not the price of any products that may be ordered by Users or any other fees that may be applicable.</p><p>7.2. Glovo may amend these Special Terms unilaterally and at any time by giving prior notice to the subscribers of the GLOVOPRIME service as and if requested by the applicable laws. Such amendments shall apply to those private individuals who are active on the APP as well as, where applicable, to first-time users thereof.</p><p>7.3. GLOVOPRIME subscriptions are for exclusive and non-transferable use by their duly identified Users, and their use may under no circumstances be transferred to third parties. </p><p>7.4. Glovo reserves the right to cancel the accounts of GLOVOPRIME subscribers, as well as to deactivate the service, after giving prior notice to its subscribers.</p><p>7.5. It is expressly stated for the record that, with the exception of the special terms and conditions set forth herein, the General Terms shall always apply in addition to, and in relation to any matters not modified by, these Specific Terms.</p><h3><strong>8. Fraud and Freezing of Accounts</strong></h3><p>Should Glovo detect any signs of misuse or inappropriate and/or fraudulent use of the GLOVOPRIME account, it may automatically and without prior notice deactivate the subscription, as well as, in addition and at any time, the User’s account, reserving the right to take any legal action based on the seriousness of the circumstances under consideration. In addition, GLOVO reserves the right to cancel the service and subscriptions at its sole discretion by giving prior notice to Users.</p><h3><strong>9. User Assistance Service</strong></h3><p>Glovo is available to all Users through the Help Section in the APP for any incidents relating to the GLOVOPRIME service.</p><h3><strong>10. Free Trial Period</strong></h3><p>10.1. Glovo may at its discretion provide the GLOVOPRIME service free of charge for as long as it deems necessary. Whenever this free trial is granted to new GLOVOPRIME users, only those who have never been previously subscribed will benefit from the free trial. The User is responsible for checking whether the free trial promotion is applicable in each case. </p><p>10.2. At the end of the Free Trial Period, Users will in any case be automatically required to pay the fee and to comply with the same terms and conditions as those applicable to all other GLOVOPRIME Users.</p><p>10.3. If the GLOVOPRIME subscription is cancelled, either by accident or for any other reason, before the end of the relevant Free Trial Period, the free trial offer shall be deemed to have been completed and a new free trial period will not be offered in any event.</p><p>10.4. Glovo reserves the right to randomly choose the Users to whom it offers the Free Trial Period or, where applicable, other promotions related to the service.</p><p></p><h2><strong>Special Terms of the <em>Member Get Member </em>(MGM) customer referral program</strong></h2><p>These terms and conditions shall apply to MGM programs offered by Glovo. These Terms and Conditions do not replace the application of the General Terms; in any event, they supplement them and may be modified and extended by Glovo at any time. Therefore, Glovo’s General Terms will regulate anything not specifically dealt with in these Special Terms. </p><h3><strong>1. What are MGM programs?</strong></h3><p>Glovo may implement customer referral programs (hereinafter, “MGM programs”) that will benefit the Users, as well as new users to which the APP has been referred to them. Similarly, Glovo reserves the right to cancel and/or suspend the said MGM programs at any time, by merely informing the Users as and if requested by the applicable laws. </p><h3><strong>2. Conditions of eligibility for MGM programs</strong></h3><p>As part of MGM programs, existing Users ("Referrer") who refer friends and family as new users ("New Users") to the Glovo APP, may be eligible to receive referral credits (“Credit(s)”). For both, the Referrer and the New User to benefit from the MGM programs, the New User must sign up using the unique link ("Link") provided to them by Referrer. Referrers are prohibited from posting referral links on sites including, but not limited to Google, Chollo.ex, Craigslist, Twitter, RetailMeNot and other similar publicly accessible sites. Glovo reserves the right to deactivate or invalidate any Credits obtained through these channels, as well as any other Credit that is reasonably suspected by Glovo to have been obtained through fraudulent and/or abusive actions. </p><p>New Users will be disqualified and will not receive Credits if Glovo determines that the latter had previously created a Glovo account, either with the same or with different data. Further, Glovo reserves the right to withhold or invalidate Credit obtained through the MGM programs if Glovo determines or believes that the Credit was received through error, fraudulent, illegal, or in violation of these Special Terms, the General Terms or any other applicable terms or policies.</p><h3><strong>3. Credits granted within MGM programs</strong></h3><p>Unless indicated otherwise at the moment of communicating the MGM program and/or granting the Credits, Referrers will only receive Credits for the first 10 New Users they refer that are located in the same country as the Referrer. The New User will receive the Credits when they sign up through the Link, providing that they meet all the requirements indicated in these Special Terms, the General Terms and the terms indicated in the offer; the Referrer will only receive the Credits once the New User has made tier first successful order meeting all the requirements indicated in these Special Terms, the General Terms and the terms indicated in the offer. Glovo reserves the right to deactivate or invalidate any Credits obtained by either Customer or Referrer in excess of these amounts and/or otherwise in breach of the indicated terms and conditions. </p><p>Credit amounts vary based on regions, and Referrer location will determine the application region and Credit amount. Credit amounts will be stated in the offers and publications referring to the MGM programs. Glovo may require a minimum total or subtotal (excluding taxes and fees) on New User’s first order that must be met in order for both New User and Referrer to receive Credits. Credits will be applied automatically at checkout to order. Credits can only be redeemed within the categories and/or products indicated in the communications referring to the MGM program made to the Users (Referrer and New User) and within Glovo’s areas of action and operative hours. Credits cannot be redeemed for cash or cash equivalent. Credits are not transferable and may not be auctioned, traded, bartered, or sold. Unless expressly indicated by Glovo at the moment of communicating the MGM program and/or granting the Credits, Credits may not be used in conjunction with select promotions. </p><p>Glovo reserves the right to change the amounts, applicable conditions, requirements and the present Special Terms at any time, by merely informing the Users as and if required by the applicable laws. Glovo’s General Terms are applicable to the MGM programs and will regulate anything not specifically dealt with in these Special Terms.</p><p></p><h2><strong>Special Terms of the On Demand Glovo Business Services</strong></h2><p>GLOVO has a platform for intermediating in the sending and delivering products available to users, businesses and professionals. This section shall apply to the specifications of the services offered by GLOVO on the website <a href=""></a> (hereinafter, the “Glovo Business Platform”). </p><p>These Terms and Conditions do not replace the application of the General Terms; in any event, they supplement them and may be modified and extended by Glovo at any time. Therefore, Glovo’s General Terms will regulate anything not specifically dealt with in these Special Terms. </p><h3><strong>1. Object</strong></h3><p>The User may log into the Glovo Business Platform using his/her username and password registered on the Platform for the purpose of requesting the collection and delivery of the desired products from one or more collection points and to one or more delivery points, and their transport will be carried out directly by the Mandataries.</p><p>The services requested by the User on the Glovo Business Platform will not entail the purchase of Products but merely intermediation services in the delivery of the desired products from the collection address to the delivery address.</p><h3><strong>2. Type of Service</strong></h3><p>When using the Glovo Business Platform, Users will be able to choose between the following types of service:</p><ul><li>"One-way order": Products are collected from a single place and delivered to a single delivery address.</li><li>“Return order": Products are collected from a single place, taken to a second address and then returned to their point of origin (the first address).</li><li>"Multiple pick-up order": There are several collection addresses and a single delivery address.</li><li>“Multiple drop-off order": There is a single collection address and several delivery addresses.</li></ul><p>Each Order may have a free-text box for each order so that Users can include any relevant comments about their Orders for clarification to the Mandatary.</p><p>Once the Order has been placed, the Mandatary will go to the collection point(s) established by the User in order to collect the Order(s) together with their Confirmation on the Platform. To collect an Order, the Mandatary shall present the Order Confirmation on the Platform. Finally, the Order will be delivered by the Mandatary to the designated delivery address(es).</p><p>Users may cancel an Order free of charge until it has been accepted by a Mandatary. However, if a User cancels an Order that has been already accepted by a Mandatary, the User will have to pay 100% of the price for cancelling an order in progress.</p><p>If the Mandatary arrives at the delivery address and the intended recipient of the Order does not appear within 10 (ten) minutes of waiting and communication attempts, the Order will be returned by the Mandatary to the initial collection address and Glovo will be entitled to charge the User for the additional expenses incurred in connection with the new service carried out.</p><p>These additional costs shall be calculated based on a variable cost that will depend on the number of kilometres travelled to the point of delivery and a fixed cost corresponding to the return of the order to the address of origin.</p><p>If a User has any problems while placing an Order, he/she must contact GLOVO’s support service.</p><p>The Glovo Business Platform will be available on the days and at the times when the platform is active.</p><p>The size of packages that can be carried by Mandataries may in certain circumstances be subject to restrictions and should comply with the limitations established in clause 3.6 of the General Terms of Use and Contracting. Products must be located in the cities in which Glovo operates, and their collection and delivery points must be located in the same city and areas covered by Glovo.</p><h3><strong>3. Fee for the Glovo Business Services</strong></h3><p>The Price of each Order will consist of a variable fee (plus any indirect taxes that may be applicable by law) based on the distance travelled (km) (hereinafter the “Fee”).</p><p>GLOVO reserves the right to modify prices based on the distance involved and/or the time of day when the Order is carried out.</p><p>In accordance with these terms, Users will be entitled to know the approximate Fee that they will have to pay for their Order before they place it. The Fee may vary if there are events of force majeure beyond Glovo’s control that result in an increase in the Fee payable. The Fee may also be increased if a User provides subsequent information to the Mandatary, such as a change of collection and/or delivery address(es) or the addition of addresses to the initial order.</p><p>Payment for the service rendered may be made by the following methods, to be freely chosen by the User:</p><ul><li>Credit card: Users may pay for each Order individually using a credit card in the same manner and under the same terms as provided in the General Terms of Use and Contracting.</li><li>Monthly payments / direct debit: GLOVO will collect the total amount incurred by the User in each calendar month by direct debit based on the information provided by the User.</li></ul><p>If the direct debit is cancelled and the relevant payment can therefore not be taken, the amount owed by the User will be charged to his/her associated credit card her on the same day on which GLOVO is notified of the direct debit failure. In such case, the User must bear the costs arising from the direct debit failure (e.g., bank charges).</p><p></p><h2><strong>Special Terms and Conditions of the Food Rescue Service</strong></h2><p>These Special Terms shall apply to those Users who place a FOOD RESCUE order using the APP, in those countries where the said service is available. These Special Terms do not replace the application of the General Terms; in any event, they supplement them and may be modified and extended by Glovo at any time. The General Terms shall apply to everything not expressly provided for in these specific Terms and Conditions of the FOOD RESCUE service.</p><h3><strong>1. What is FOOD RESCUE?</strong></h3><p>FOOD RESCUE is a service provided on the APP under which Users can place orders on the excess food and other products of the food Merchants appearing on the APP.</p><p>Users acknowledge that Glovo has launched this project with the name “FOOD RESCUE” with the main aim of reducing food waste. Specifically, the project involves making an option available to Users on the APP under which they may order from the Merchants indicated on the APP, at reduced prices, food pack(s) that could not be sold during the day and whose exact content will not be disclosed to Users at the time of ordering (hereinafter, “food pack(s)", “Products” or “Mystery Box”).</p><p>By placing a FOOD RESCUE order, Users accept these Special Terms.</p><h3><strong>2. Service</strong></h3><p>Glovo will merely facilitate the conclusion of a contract between the User and the Merchant. It has no responsibility whatsoever for the content of the food pack or for the fulfilment of the contract between the Merchant and the User.</p><p>Glovo is not responsible for the fulfilment of the contractual obligations to the User regarding the Products, including the manufacture, sale, purchase, storage, preparation, production, processing, labelling, quality, ingredients, allergens or treatment of the Products, or for compliance with the applicable law, unless Glovo is expressly mentioned as the manufacturer or seller of the Product on the APP.</p><p>Users will be able to find on the APP, at reduced prices, food pack(s) that could not be sold during the day and whose exact content will not be disclosed to Users at the time of ordering. Responsibility for providing information on the Products and ensuring that such information is objectively accurate and up to date shall lie with the Merchant. Glovo accepts no liability for the information provided by the Merchant or, therefore, for the content of the Products or the availability of the information relating thereto.</p><p>Glovo accepts no liability for any adverse reactions that may be suffered by Users as a result of the Products for any reason whatsoever, including their consumption against the indications on the label or the information provided directly by the Merchant. The Merchant is the party that manufactures, sells, stores, prepares, produces, processes, labels, packages, and treats the Products, and Glovo therefore accepts no liability for any damage or adverse reaction that may be caused by such products.</p><h3><strong>3. Order Collection</strong></h3><p>Users may choose between two options when making a FOOD RESCUE order:</p><ul><li>Collection from the Merchant’s establishment. In such cases, Users must physically collect their FOOD RESCUE order from the Merchant’s establishment indicated on the APP, enabling Users to physically collect orders themselves.</li><li>Home delivery. In such cases, Users will receive their order, which will be collected by a Mandatary from the Merchant’s establishment, at the delivery address provided by the Users on the APP.</li></ul><p> </p><h2><strong>ANNEX I - DETAILS OF GLOVO’S AFFILIATED COMPANIES</strong></h2><h3><strong>ANDORRA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp, S.L.U. </p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>L-716443-L </p><p>Registered address</p><p>Ingeni coworking, Passatge d’Europa 1, 4th floor, AD500, Andorra la Vella</p><h3><strong>ARMENIA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovo, LLC</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p> 2841979</p><p>Legal Entity Code 52677306</p><p>Registered address</p><p>V. Sargsyan, 26/1 Center 0010 Yerevan, Armenia</p><h3><strong>BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp d.o.o. Sarajevo</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>JIB: 4202880430005</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Ul. Branilaca Sarajeva 17</p><h3><strong>BULGARIA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Bulgaria EOOD</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>UIC BG203039843 </p><p>Registered address</p><p>Industrial Area Hladilnika 1407, nº2, Srebarna Str, Mobi Art Building, floor 2, Bulgaria, Sofia</p><h3><strong>CROATIA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>GlovoApp Technology d.o.o.</p><p>Tax Identification Number</p><p>48879371584</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Radnicka cesta 52 10000, Zagreb, Croatia</p><h3><strong>GEORGIA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Georgia Llc</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>402099475</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Didube District, D. Agmashenebeli Avenue N129a, Store N4 Tbilisi</p><h3><strong>GHANA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Ghana Limited Company</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>C0060036362</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Impact Hub Accra F 393/4 Otswe, Osu, Accra</p><h3><strong>ITALY</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Foodinho, S.R.L.</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>09080990964</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Via Giovanni Battista Pirelli n. 31, 20124, Milano, Italy</p><h3><strong>IVORY COAST</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Cote D´ivoire sarl</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>53703324719</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Abidjan Rue du 7 Décembre, Marcory Sud Lot 76737, 27 BP 654 Abidjan 27, Côte d’Ivoire</p><h3><strong>KAZAKHSTAN</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Kazhastan LLP</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>1227888</p><p>Registered address</p><h3><strong>KENYA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovapp Kenya, Llc</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>P051739866F</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Westcom Point Building, 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 13423-00800,Mahiga Mairu Avenue, Nairobi</p><h3><strong>KYRGYZSTAN</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>“GLOVO KG” LLC</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>2109202010145</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Erkindik 64B, office 18, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan</p><h3><strong>MONTENEGRO</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p> Glovo Montenegro d.o.o.</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>PIB: 03351475</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Rimski Trg br 4, 8100, Podgorica</p><h3><strong>MOLDOVA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p> GlovoAppMOL SRL</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>1020600034411</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Vlaicu Pircalab St 77- Chișinău 2012, Moldova</p><h3><strong>MOROCCO</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Morocco sarl</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>ICE : 002086928000050 </p><p>Registered address</p><p>Rue Soumaya Résidence Shehrazade 3, 5ème étage, n° 22 Palmiers 20340 - Casablanca.</p><h3><strong>NIGERIA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Nigeria Limited</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>23916307-0001</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Adamawa Plaza Plot, 4th floor, 1099, 1st Avenue of Shehu Shagari Way, Central Business District FCT, Abuja</p><h3><strong>POLAND</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Restaurant Partner Polska sp. z o.o. </p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>7252012779</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Piotrkowska 276, 90-361 Łódź, Poland</p><h3><strong>PORTUGAL</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovo Portugal Unipessoal LDA</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>61010-R3</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Rua Alexandre Herculano, 50, 4.º, Freguesia de Santo António</p><p>1250 048, Lisboa, Portugal</p><h3><strong>ROMANIA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>GlovoappRo, S.R.L.</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>39053728</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Calea Serban Voda, nr 206, Cladirea U-Center, Etaj 4, Sector 4, Bucuresti</p><h3><strong>SERBIA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>GlovoApp Technology d.o.o. Beograd-Stari Grad </p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>111507569</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Žorža Klemensoa 19, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia</p><h3><strong>SLOVENIA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Sl, d.o.o.</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>Sl 82705844</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 21, 1000, Ljubljana</p><h3><strong>SPAIN</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Spain Platform, S.L.U. </p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p> B67282871</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Calle Llull, 108, 08005, Barcelona, Spain</p><h3><strong>TUNISIA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Tunisia S.U.A.R.L. </p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>1739051W</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Complexe Vital Cube - Bloc E, nº2 & 3, Rue de L’Île de Tasmanie, Berges du Lac 2, Tunis - 1053 Mat. </p><h3><strong>UGANDA</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovo Uganda Limited</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>1017265563</p><p>Registered address</p><p>4th Floor, DFCU Towers, 26 Kyadondo Road, Nakasero, P O Box 1520, Kampala</p><h3><strong>UKRAINE</strong></h3><p>Company name</p><p>Glovoapp Ukraine LLC</p><p>Tax Identification Number (NIF) or other tax number</p><p>425555226591</p><p>Registered address</p><p>Ukraine, 01011, Kiev, Panasa Myrnoho street, building 11, office 2/21 </p></div></section></div></section><!----></div></main> <footer class="z-0 -mt-24 sm:-mt-20"><div class="relative hidden w-full overflow-hidden sm:block sm:h-20"><svg width="1024" height="80" viewBox="0 0 1024 80" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="none" class="absolute top-0 w-full"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1022.92 0.65625C692.036 75.3814 344.215 84.2818 0 8.19348V62V80.66H1024V62V0.65625H1022.92Z" fill="#1D1D1D"></path></svg></div> <div class="relative h-24 w-full overflow-hidden sm:hidden"><svg width="640" height="96" 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16.0656V23.9996H8.52573V7.9763H13.3186V10.162H13.3885C14.0557 8.9031 15.6854 7.57452 18.1168 7.57452C23.1743 7.57452 24.1041 10.8906 24.1041 15.1978V23.9996H24.0987Z" class="fill-inherit"></path></svg></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="YouTube"><svg viewBox="0 0 34 24" class="fill-current transition hover:opacity-80 h-6 w-6 py-0.5"><path d="M33.2895 3.75519C32.8985 2.27706 31.7464 1.11294 30.2836 0.717875C27.6321 0 17 0 17 0C17 0 6.36796 0 3.71642 0.717875C2.2536 1.113 1.10149 2.27706 0.710463 3.75519C0 6.43437 0 12.0243 0 12.0243C0 12.0243 0 17.6141 0.710463 20.2933C1.10149 21.7714 2.2536 22.8871 3.71642 23.2821C6.36796 24 17 24 17 24C17 24 27.632 24 30.2836 23.2821C31.7464 22.8871 32.8985 21.7714 33.2895 20.2933C34 17.6141 34 12.0243 34 12.0243C34 12.0243 34 6.43437 33.2895 3.75519ZM13.5227 17.0994V6.94906L22.409 12.0244L13.5227 17.0994Z" class="fill-inherit"></path></svg></a></li><li><a href=",16.htm" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" 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