Rankings - Cities and Municipalities Competitive Index
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Provincial rankings are based on population and income weighted average of the Overall scores of cities and municipalities under a province.</p> </header> <section id="top3" class="clearfix section-bg" style="margin-top:-30px;display:none;"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-6 wow bounceInDown" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div class="box" style="min-height:100px;"> <center><h4><b>Hall of Fame Awardee</b></h4></center> <div class="owl-carousel testimonials-carousel wow"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-5 wow bounceInLeft" data-wow-duration="1.4s"> <div class="box"> <!-- <h4 class="title"><a href="rankings-data.php?unit=Provinces" title="View Rankings of ALL Provinces">Top 10 Provinces</a></h4> --> <div id="bar-provinces"></div> <div style="float:right;"><a href="rankings-data.php?unit=Provinces" title="View Rankings of ALL Provinces">View more</a></div> </div> </div> <div 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This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); } } }, series: { pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: true }, series: [{ name: 'Total Score', data: [61.8475,56.7826,56.2923,51.0439,49.5927,49.0816,48.612,47.1135,44.5875,44.2105] }] }); } function cc(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-cc', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 50 }, colors: ['#910000', '#1aadce','#492970', '#f28f43', '#77a1e5', '#c42525', '#a6c96a'], title: { text: '<h4 class="title">Top 10 Component Cities</h4>' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Naga (CS)">1<sup>st</sup> - Naga (CS)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Legazpi">2<sup>nd</sup> - Legazpi</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Antipolo">3<sup>rd</sup> - Antipolo</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Calapan">4<sup>th</sup> - Calapan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Tuguegarao">5<sup>th</sup> - Tuguegarao</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Dasmarinas">6<sup>th</sup> - Dasmarinas</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Tagum">7<sup>th</sup> - Tagum</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Calamba (LA)">8<sup>th</sup> - Calamba (LA)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Binan">9<sup>th</sup> - Binan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Tagbilaran">10<sup>th</sup> - Tagbilaran</a>' ], title: { text: null }, labels: { style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' } } }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Top 10 CC (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Top 10 Component Cities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); } } }, series: { pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: true }, series: [{ name: 'Total Score', data: [55.5809,51.6097,50.4242,47.9056,47.1808,46.9285,46.8482,46.4959,46.1444,44.7796] }] }); } function cm12(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-12cm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 60 }, colors: ['#1aadce','#492970', '#f28f43', '#77a1e5', '#c42525', '#a6c96a'], title: { enabled: false, text: 'Top 10 1st to 2nd Class Municipalities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Cainta">1<sup>st</sup> - Cainta</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Taytay (RL)">2<sup>nd</sup> - Taytay (RL)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Baliwag">3<sup>rd</sup> - Baliwag</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Carmona">4<sup>th</sup> - Carmona</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=San Mateo (RL)">5<sup>th</sup> - San Mateo (RL)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Midsayap">6<sup>th</sup> - Midsayap</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Binangonan">7<sup>th</sup> - Binangonan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Angono">8<sup>th</sup> - Angono</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Kalibo">9<sup>th</sup> - Kalibo</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Isulan">10<sup>th</sup> - Isulan</a>' ], title: { text: null }, labels: { style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' } } }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Top 10 12CM (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Top 10 1st to 2nd Class Municipalities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); } } }, series: { pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: true }, series: [{ name: 'Total Score', data: [47.2492,45.0574,44.08,43.7654,43.3141,42.5385,41.7879,41.1974,40.7703,40.2418] }] }); } function cm34(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-34cm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 60 }, colors: ['#492970', '#f28f43', '#77a1e5', '#c42525', '#a6c96a'], title: { text: 'Top 10 3rd to 4th Class Municipalities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Sulop">1<sup>st</sup> - Sulop</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Baler">2<sup>nd</sup> - Baler</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Magsaysay (DS)">3<sup>rd</sup> - Magsaysay (DS)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Mambajao">4<sup>th</sup> - Mambajao</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Lamut">5<sup>th</sup> - Lamut</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Pagsanjan">6<sup>th</sup> - Pagsanjan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Hagonoy (DS)">7<sup>th</sup> - Hagonoy (DS)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Bantay">8<sup>th</sup> - Bantay</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=San Felipe">9<sup>th</sup> - San Felipe</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=San Remigio (CU)">10<sup>th</sup> - San Remigio (CU)</a>' ], title: { text: null }, labels: { style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' } } }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Top 10 34CM (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Top 10 3rd to 4th Class Municipalities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); } } }, series: { pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: true }, series: [{ name: 'Total Score', data: [39.5946,39.2937,38.9961,38.7753,38.3347,37.8813,37.772,37.7713,37.7334,37.5679] }] }); } function cm56(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-56cm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 60 }, colors: ['#f28f43', '#77a1e5', '#c42525', '#a6c96a'], title: { text: 'Top 10 5th to 6th Class Municipalities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Tubod (SN)">1<sup>st</sup> - Tubod (SN)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Kauswagan">2<sup>nd</sup> - Kauswagan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Catarman (CM)">3<sup>rd</sup> - Catarman (CM)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Sampaloc">4<sup>th</sup> - Sampaloc</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=General Luna (SN)">5<sup>th</sup> - General Luna (SN)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Santa Catalina (IS)">6<sup>th</sup> - Santa Catalina (IS)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Mina">7<sup>th</sup> - Mina</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Allen">8<sup>th</sup> - Allen</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Pugo">9<sup>th</sup> - Pugo</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=San Esteban">10<sup>th</sup> - San Esteban</a>' ], title: { text: null }, labels: { style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' } } }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Top 10 56CM (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Top 10 5th to 6th Class Municipalities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); } } }, series: { pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: true }, series: [{ name: 'Total Score', data: [47.3188,44.3528,42.4761,41.4185,41.0029,40.1541,39.5926,38.9924,38.7768,38.1753] }] }); } function cc_barmm(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-cc-barmm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 50 }, colors: ['#910000', '#1aadce','#492970', '#f28f43', '#77a1e5', '#c42525', '#a6c96a'], title: { text: '<h4 class="title">Top Component Cities</h4>' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Cotabato">1<sup>st</sup> - Cotabato</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Marawi">2<sup>nd</sup> - Marawi</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Lamitan">3<sup>rd</sup> - Lamitan</a>' ], title: { text: null }, labels: { style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' } } }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Top 10 CC (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Top 10 Component Cities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); } } }, series: { pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: true }, series: [{ name: 'Total Score', data: [38.9946,32.8447,28.6632] }] }); } function cm12_barmm(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-12cm-barmm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 60 }, colors: ['#1aadce','#492970', '#f28f43', '#77a1e5', '#c42525', '#a6c96a'], title: { enabled: false, text: 'Top 10 1st to 2nd Class Municipalities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Datu Odin Sinsuat">1<sup>st</sup> - Datu Odin Sinsuat</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Parang (MA)">2<sup>nd</sup> - Parang (MA)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Jolo">3<sup>rd</sup> - Jolo</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Upi">4<sup>th</sup> - Upi</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Pagalungan">5<sup>th</sup> - Pagalungan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Sumisip">6<sup>th</sup> - Sumisip</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Wao">7<sup>th</sup> - Wao</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Sultan Kudarat">8<sup>th</sup> - Sultan Kudarat</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Sitangkai">9<sup>th</sup> - Sitangkai</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Datu Piang">10<sup>th</sup> - Datu Piang</a>' ], title: { text: null }, labels: { style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' } } }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Top 10 12CM (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Top 10 1st to 2nd Class Municipalities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); } } }, series: { pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: true }, series: [{ name: 'Total Score', data: [34.996,34.8142,33.2313,32.9909,32.643,32.3675,31.1226,30.5281,27.9315,27.5861] }] }); } function cm34_barmm(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-34cm-barmm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 60 }, colors: ['#492970', '#f28f43', '#77a1e5', '#c42525', '#a6c96a'], title: { text: 'Top 10 3rd to 4th Class Municipalities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Ampatuan">1<sup>st</sup> - Ampatuan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Lantawan">2<sup>nd</sup> - Lantawan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Balindong">3<sup>rd</sup> - Balindong</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Maluso">4<sup>th</sup> - Maluso</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Kapatagan (LS)">5<sup>th</sup> - Kapatagan (LS)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Datu Paglas">6<sup>th</sup> - Datu Paglas</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Bacolod-Kalawi">7<sup>th</sup> - Bacolod-Kalawi</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Binidayan">8<sup>th</sup> - Binidayan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Gen S.K Pendatun">9<sup>th</sup> - Gen S.K Pendatun</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Datu Saudi-Ampatuan">10<sup>th</sup> - Datu Saudi-Ampatuan</a>' ], title: { text: null }, labels: { style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' } } }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Top 10 34CM (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Top 10 3rd to 4th Class Municipalities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); } } }, series: { pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: true }, series: [{ name: 'Total Score', data: [33.7974,31.8586,29.6971,29.471,29.3873,29.3576,28.8699,28.6021,28.2274,28.1851] }] }); } function cm56_barmm(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-56cm-barmm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 60 }, colors: ['#f28f43', '#77a1e5', '#c42525', '#a6c96a'], title: { text: 'Top 10 5th to 6th Class Municipalities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Datu Abdullah Sangki">1<sup>st</sup> - Datu Abdullah Sangki</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Butig">2<sup>nd</sup> - Butig</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Mangudadatu">3<sup>rd</sup> - Mangudadatu</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Calanogas">4<sup>th</sup> - Calanogas</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Sultan Mastura">5<sup>th</sup> - Sultan Mastura</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Datu Anggal Midtimbang">6<sup>th</sup> - Datu Anggal Midtimbang</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Paglat">7<sup>th</sup> - Paglat</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Guindulungan">8<sup>th</sup> - Guindulungan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Datu Blah Sinsuat">9<sup>th</sup> - Datu Blah Sinsuat</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Sultan Dumalondong">10<sup>th</sup> - Sultan Dumalondong</a>' ], title: { text: null }, labels: { style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' } } }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Top 10 56CM (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Top 10 5th to 6th Class Municipalities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 100, title: { text: null }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function () { return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y,2); } } }, series: { pointPadding: 0, groupPadding: 0.15 } }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: true }, series: [{ name: 'Total Score', data: [35.3424,33.2222,31.8335,31.1029,30.8263,29.5709,29.3219,29.2252,28.6663,28.5036] }] }); } function mi_huc(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-mi-huc', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 50 }, colors: ['#2f7ed8', '#77a1e5', '#a6c96a'], credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: 'Highly Urbanized Cities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Cebu">1<sup>st</sup> - Cebu</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Butuan">2<sup>nd</sup> - Butuan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Iligan">3<sup>rd</sup> - Iligan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Tacloban">4<sup>th</sup> - Tacloban</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Iloilo">5<sup>th</sup> - Iloilo</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Puerto Princesa">5<sup>th</sup> - Puerto Princesa</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Lucena">5<sup>th</sup> - Lucena</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Lapu Lapu">5<sup>th</sup> - Lapu Lapu</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Pasig">6<sup>th</sup> - Pasig</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Olongapo">6<sup>th</sup> - Olongapo</a>' ], labels: { //rotation: -90, style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' }, step: 1, overflow: 'none' } }, tooltip: { enabled: false }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Most Improved HUC (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Most Improved Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Highly Urbanized Cities (33)' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: [{ labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, max: 33 }, { labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, opposite: true, max: 33 }], plotOptions: { bar: { groupPadding: 0.1 //pointWidth: 9 }, series: { dataLabels: { allowOverlap: true, enabled: true, style: { fontSize: '10px', fontWeight: 'normal' } } } }, legend: { enabled: true, //reversed: true symbolRadius: 0 }, series: [{ name: '2022', yAxis: 0, data: [9,4,0,10,26,15,5,1,22,3], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=33-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 12, y: -2 } }, { name: '2023', yAxis: 0, data: [20,13,7,15,29,18,8,4,24,5], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=33-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 12, y: -2 } }, { name: 'Rank Improvement', yAxis: 1, data: [11,9,7,5,3,3,3,3,2,2], dataLabels: { enabled: true, x: -4, y: -1 } }] }); } function mi_cc(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-mi-cc', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 50 }, colors: ['#2f7ed8', '#77a1e5', '#a6c96a'], credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: 'Component Cities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Calaca">1<sup>st</sup> - Calaca</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Catbalogan">2<sup>nd</sup> - Catbalogan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Tabaco">3<sup>rd</sup> - Tabaco</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Oroquieta">4<sup>th</sup> - Oroquieta</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Toledo">5<sup>th</sup> - Toledo</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Gapan">6<sup>th</sup> - Gapan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Cadiz">7<sup>th</sup> - Cadiz</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Batac">8<sup>th</sup> - Batac</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Tanjay">8<sup>th</sup> - Tanjay</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Kidapawan">9<sup>th</sup> - Kidapawan</a>' ], labels: { //rotation: -90, style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' }, step: 1, overflow: 'none' } }, tooltip: { enabled: false }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Most Improved CC (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Most Improved Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: 'Component Cities (112)' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: [{ labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, max: 114 }, { labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, opposite: true, max: 114 }], plotOptions: { bar: { groupPadding: 0.1 //pointWidth: 9 }, series: { dataLabels: { allowOverlap: true, enabled: true, style: { fontSize: '10px', fontWeight: 'normal' } } } }, legend: { enabled: true, //reversed: true symbolRadius: 0 }, series: [{ name: '2022', yAxis: 0, data: [-263,8,21,11,10,26,33,51,13,64], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=114-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 12, y: -2 } }, { name: '2023', yAxis: 0, data: [7,55,67,41,39,54,59,73,35,84], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=114-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 12, y: -2 } }, { name: 'Rank Improvement', yAxis: 1, data: [270,47,46,30,29,28,26,22,22,20], dataLabels: { enabled: true, x: -4, y: -1 } }] }); } function mi_12cm(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-mi-12cm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 50 }, colors: ['#2f7ed8', '#77a1e5', '#a6c96a'], credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '1st to 2nd Class Municipalities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Jolo">1<sup>st</sup> - Jolo</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=New Corella">2<sup>nd</sup> - New Corella</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Sumisip">3<sup>rd</sup> - Sumisip</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Quezon (PN)">4<sup>th</sup> - Quezon (PN)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Pilar (SO)">5<sup>th</sup> - Pilar (SO)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Pagalungan">6<sup>th</sup> - Pagalungan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Aringay">7<sup>th</sup> - Aringay</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Angat">7<sup>th</sup> - Angat</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Indang">8<sup>th</sup> - Indang</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Balayan">9<sup>th</sup> - Balayan</a>' ], labels: { //rotation: -90, style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' }, step: 1, overflow: 'none' } }, tooltip: { enabled: false }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Most Improved 12CM (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Most Improved Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: '1st to 2nd Class Municipalities (489)' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: [{ labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, max: 512 }, { labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, opposite: true, max: 512 }], plotOptions: { bar: { groupPadding: 0.1 //pointWidth: 9 }, series: { dataLabels: { allowOverlap: true, enabled: true, style: { fontSize: '10px', fontWeight: 'normal' } } } }, legend: { enabled: true, //reversed: true symbolRadius: 0 }, series: [{ name: '2022', yAxis: 0, data: [36,74,7,47,90,101,144,114,160,206], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=512-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 15, y: -2 } }, { name: '2023', yAxis: 0, data: [379,415,342,331,349,356,393,363,406,451], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=512-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 12, y: -2 } }, { name: 'Rank Improvement', yAxis: 1, data: [343,341,335,284,259,255,249,249,246,245], dataLabels: { enabled: true, x: -4, y: -1 } }] }); } function mi_34cm(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-mi-34cm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 50 }, colors: ['#2f7ed8', '#77a1e5', '#a6c96a'], credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '3rd to 4th Class Municipalities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Lantawan">1<sup>st</sup> - Lantawan</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Infanta (PS)">2<sup>nd</sup> - Infanta (PS)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=San Remigio (AE)">3<sup>rd</sup> - San Remigio (AE)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Canaman">4<sup>th</sup> - Canaman</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Abulug">5<sup>th</sup> - Abulug</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Asturias">6<sup>th</sup> - Asturias</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Basista">7<sup>th</sup> - Basista</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Ballesteros">8<sup>th</sup> - Ballesteros</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Baloi">9<sup>th</sup> - Baloi</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Buenavista (QN)">10<sup>th</sup> - Buenavista (QN)</a>' ], labels: { //rotation: -90, style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' }, step: 1, overflow: 'none' } }, tooltip: { enabled: false }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Most Improved 34CM (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Most Improved Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: '3rd to 4th Class Municipalities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: [{ labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, max: 658 }, { labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, opposite: true, max: 658 }], plotOptions: { bar: { groupPadding: 0.1 //pointWidth: 9 }, series: { dataLabels: { allowOverlap: true, enabled: true, style: { fontSize: '10px', fontWeight: 'normal' } } } }, legend: { enabled: true, //reversed: true symbolRadius: 0 }, series: [{ name: '2022', yAxis: 0, data: [17,151,55,80,76,64,200,29,138,221], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=658-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 15, y: -2 } }, { name: '2023', yAxis: 0, data: [541,595,456,462,454,436,571,391,473,554], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=658-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 12, y: -2 } }, { name: 'Rank Improvement', yAxis: 1, data: [524,444,401,382,378,372,371,362,335,333], dataLabels: { enabled: true, x: -4, y: -1 } }] }); } function mi_56cm(){ Highcharts.chart('bar-mi-56cm', { chart: { type: 'bar', marginTop: 50 }, colors: ['#2f7ed8', '#77a1e5', '#a6c96a'], credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '5th to 6th Class Municipalities' }, xAxis: { categories: [ '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=General Macarthur">1<sup>st</sup> - General Macarthur</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Butig">2<sup>nd</sup> - Butig</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Alcoy">3<sup>rd</sup> - Alcoy</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=BASCO">4<sup>th</sup> - BASCO</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Rizal (CG)">5<sup>th</sup> - Rizal (CG)</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Famy">6<sup>th</sup> - Famy</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Zumarraga">7<sup>th</sup> - Zumarraga</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Tayum">8<sup>th</sup> - Tayum</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Villaverde">9<sup>th</sup> - Villaverde</a>', '<a href="lgu-profile.php?lgu=Victoria (NS)">10<sup>th</sup> - Victoria (NS)</a>' ], labels: { //rotation: -90, style: { fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#3333ff' }, step: 1, overflow: 'none' } }, tooltip: { enabled: false }, navigation: { buttonOptions: { verticalAlign: 'top', y: -10, x: 10 } }, exporting: { filename: 'Most Improved 56CM (2023)', sourceWidth: 900, sourceHeight: 525, chartOptions: { credits: { enabled: true }, title: { text: '2023 Most Improved Rankings' }, subtitle: { text: '5th to 6th Class Municipalities' }, yAxis: { gridLineWidth: 1, minorGridLineWidth: 1 }, chart: { marginTop: 60, marginBottom: 120, marginLeft: 175, events: { load: function () { var currentdate = new Date(); var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/" + (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + currentdate.getFullYear() + " @ " + currentdate.getHours() + ":" + currentdate.getMinutes() + ":" + currentdate.getSeconds(); var chart_notes = "<b>Download:</b> "+datetime+"</p><br>"; chart_notes += "<p><b>DISCLAIMER:</b><br>CMCI provides no warranty or undertaking of any kind in respect to the information and materials found on, or linked to, CMCI accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the material posted or linked to the publication, or the information contained therein, or for any consequences arising from its use and does not invite or accept reliance being placed on any materials or information so provided. This disclaimer does not derogate from, and is in addition to, the general terms and conditions regarding the use of our Web Site, which also apply.</p>"; var label = this.renderer.label(chart_notes) .css({ width: '750px', fontSize: '9px' }) .add(); label.align(Highcharts.extend(label.getBBox(), { align: 'left', x: 10, // offset verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: 0 // offset }), null, 'spacingBox'); } } }, legend: { align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom', y: -75, layout: 'horizontal', symbolRadius: 0 } }, buttons: { contextButton: { menuItems: ['downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG'] } } }, yAxis: [{ labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, max: 316 }, { labels: { enabled: false }, gridLineWidth: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, min: 0, title: { text: null }, opposite: true, max: 316 }], plotOptions: { bar: { groupPadding: 0.1 //pointWidth: 9 }, series: { dataLabels: { allowOverlap: true, enabled: true, style: { fontSize: '10px', fontWeight: 'normal' } } } }, legend: { enabled: true, //reversed: true symbolRadius: 0 }, series: [{ name: '2022', yAxis: 0, data: [-336,71,82,121,45,160,77,146,75,63], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=316-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 15, y: -2 } }, { name: '2023', yAxis: 0, data: [40,264,241,263,179,293,208,276,201,185], dataLabels: { enabled: true, align: 'center', formatter: function(){ var suffix='th'; var pos=316-parseInt(this.y); if (!((pos>10)&&(pos<20))){ switch (pos.toString().substr(-1)){ case '1': suffix='st'; break; case '2': suffix='nd'; break; case '3': suffix='rd'; break; } } pos+=suffix; return pos; }, x: 12, y: -2 } }, { name: 'Rank Improvement', yAxis: 1, data: [376,193,159,142,134,133,131,130,126,122], dataLabels: { enabled: true, x: -4, y: -1 } }] }); } </script> </body> </html>