Avengers (Team) - Comic Vine

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p=v()[s[e]];p&&p.push([f,e,r,a]);return a},get:m,listeners:g,context:h,buffer:function(e,t){const r=v();if(t=t||"feature",f.aborted)return;Object.entries(e||{}).forEach((([e,n])=>{s[n]=t,t in r||(r[t]=[])}))},abort:function(){f._aborted=!0,Object.keys(f.backlog).forEach((e=>{delete f.backlog[e]}))},isBuffering:function(e){return!!v()[s[e]]},debugId:r,backlog:l?{}:t&&"object"==typeof t.backlog?t.backlog:{},isolatedBacklog:l};return Object.defineProperty(f,"aborted",{get:()=>{let e=f._aborted||!1;return e||(t&&(e=t.aborted),e)}}),f;function h(e){return e&&e instanceof a.y?e:e?(0,i.I)(e,c,(()=>new a.y(c))):new a.y(c)}function p(e,t){n[e]=g(e).concat(t)}function g(e){return n[e]||[]}function m(t){return d[t]=d[t]||e(f,t)}function v(){return f.backlog}}(void 0,"globalEE"),d=(0,n.Zm)();||(},2646:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";r.d(t,{y:()=>n});class n{constructor(e){this.contextId=e}}},9908:(e,t,r)=>{"use strict";r.d(t,{d:()=>n,p:()=>i});var n=r(7836).ee.get("handle");function 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i.e(478).then(i.bind(i,6526));o=e(t)}}catch(t){(0,e.R)(20,t),"internal-error",[t]),this.featureName===a.K7.sessionReplay&&this.abortHandler?.()}try{if(!this.#t(this.featureName,o))return(0,l.Ze)(this.agentIdentifier,this.featureName),void n(!1);const{lazyFeatureLoader:e}=await i.e(478).then(i.bind(i,6103)),{Aggregate:a}=await e(this.featureName,"aggregate");this.featAggregate=new a(t,r),t.runtime.harvester.initializedAggregates.push(this.featAggregate),n(!0)}catch(t){(0,e.R)(34,t),this.abortHandler?.(),(0,l.Ze)(this.agentIdentifier,this.featureName,!0),n(!1),}};p.RI?(0,h.GG)((()=>o()),!0):o()}#t(e,t){switch(e){case a.K7.sessionReplay:return(0,g.SR)(this.agentIdentifier)&&!!t;case a.K7.sessionTrace:return!!t;default:return!0}}}var y=i(6630);class w extends b{static featureName=y.T;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,y.T,t),this.importAggregator(e)}}var R=i(384);var x=i(9908),E=i(2843),A=i(3878),T=i(782),N=i(1863);class S extends b{static featureName=T.T;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,T.T,t),p.RI&&((0,E.u)((()=>(0,x.p)("docHidden",[(0,N.t)()],void 0,T.T,,!0),(0,A.sp)("pagehide",(()=>(0,x.p)("winPagehide",[(0,N.t)()],void 0,T.T,,this.importAggregator(e))}}var _=i(8154);class O extends b{static featureName=_.TZ;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,_.TZ,t),p.RI&&document.addEventListener("securitypolicyviolation",(e=>{(0,x.p)(_.xV,["Generic/CSPViolation/Detected"],void 0,this.featureName,})),this.importAggregator(e)}}var I=i(6774),P=i(3304);class j{constructor(e,t,r,n,i){"UncaughtError",this.message="string"==typeof e?e:(0,P.A)(e),this.sourceURL=t,this.line=r,this.column=n,this.__newrelic=i}}function C(e){return H(e)?e:new j(void 0!==e?.message?e.message:e,e?.filename||e?.sourceURL,e?.lineno||e?.line,e?.colno||e?.col,e?.__newrelic)}function k(e){const t="Unhandled Promise Rejection: ";if(!e?.reason)return;if(H(e.reason)){try{e.reason.message.startsWith(t)||(e.reason.message=t+e.reason.message)}catch(e){}return C(e.reason)}const r=C(e.reason);return(r.message||"").startsWith(t)||(r.message=t+r.message),r}function L(e){if(e.error instanceof SyntaxError&&!/:\d+$/.test(e.error.stack?.trim())){const t=new j(e.message,e.filename,e.lineno,e.colno,e.error.__newrelic);return,t}return H(e.error)?e.error:C(e)}function H(e){return e instanceof Error&&!!e.stack}class M extends b{static featureName=I.T;#r=!1;constructor(e,r=!0){super(e,I.T,r);try{this.removeOnAbort=new AbortController}catch(e){}"internal-error",((e,t)=>{this.abortHandler&&(0,x.p)("ierr",[C(e),(0,N.t)(),!0,{},this.#r,t],void 0,this.featureName,})),,(e=>{this.#r=e})),"unhandledrejection",(e=>{this.abortHandler&&(0,x.p)("err",[k(e),(0,N.t)(),!1,{unhandledPromiseRejection:1},this.#r],void 0,this.featureName,}),(0,A.jT)(!1,this.removeOnAbort?.signal)),"error",(e=>{this.abortHandler&&(0,x.p)("err",[L(e),(0,N.t)(),!1,{},this.#r],void 0,this.featureName,}),(0,A.jT)(!1,this.removeOnAbort?.signal)),this.abortHandler=this.#n,this.importAggregator(e)}#n(){this.removeOnAbort?.abort(),this.abortHandler=void 0}}var D=i(8990);let K=1;const U="nr@id";function V(e){const t=typeof e;return!e||"object"!==t&&"function"!==t?,D.I)(e,U,(function(){return K++}))}function G(e){if("string"==typeof e&&e.length)return e.length;if("object"==typeof e){if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&e instanceof ArrayBuffer&&e.byteLength)return e.byteLength;if("undefined"!=typeof Blob&&e instanceof Blob&&e.size)return e.size;if(!("undefined"!=typeof FormData&&e instanceof FormData))try{return(0,P.A)(e).length}catch(e){return}}}var F=i(8139),B=i(7836),W=i(3434);const z={},q=["open","send"];function Z(t){var r=t||;const n=function(e){return(e||"xhr")}(r);if(void n;if(z[n.debugId]++)return n;z[n.debugId]=1,(0,F.u)(r);var i=(0,W.YM)(n),,,,,u="readystatechange",d=["onload","onerror","onabort","onloadstart","onloadend","onprogress","ontimeout"],l=[],{const r=new o(t),a=n.context(r);try{n.emit("new-xhr",[r],a),r.addEventListener(u,(s=a,function(){var e=this;e.readyState>3&&!s.resolved&&(s.resolved=!0,n.emit("xhr-resolved",[],e)),i.inPlace(e,d,"fn-",y)}),(0,A.jT)(!1))}catch(t){(0,e.R)(15,t);try{n.emit("internal-error",[t])}catch(e){}}var s;return r};function h(e,t){i.inPlace(t,["onreadystatechange"],"fn-",y)}if(function(e,t){for(var r in e)t[r]=e[r]}(o,f),f.prototype=o.prototype,i.inPlace(f.prototype,q,"-xhr-",y),n.on("send-xhr-start",(function(e,t){h(e,t),function(e){l.push(e),a&&(g?g.then(b):c?c(b):(m=-m,}(t)})),n.on("open-xhr-start",h),a){var g=s&&s.resolve();if(!c&&!s){var m=1,v=document.createTextNode(m);new a(b).observe(v,{characterData:!0})}}else r.on("fn-end",(function(e){e[0]&&e[0].type===u||b()}));function b(){for(var e=0;e<l.length;e++)h(0,l[e]);l.length&&(l=[])}function y(e,t){return t}return n}var Y="fetch-",J=Y+"body-",X=["arrayBuffer","blob","json","text","formData"],,,te="prototype";const re={};function ne(e){const 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a=(0,r.ZF)(),s=(0,r.el)(),,u={spanId:a,traceId:s,timestamp:c};return(e.sameOrigin||this.isAllowedOrigin(e)&&this.useTraceContextHeadersForCors())&&(u.traceContextParentHeader=this.generateTraceContextParentHeader(a,s),u.traceContextStateHeader=this.generateTraceContextStateHeader(a,c,n,i,o)),(e.sameOrigin&&!this.excludeNewrelicHeader()||!e.sameOrigin&&this.isAllowedOrigin(e)&&this.useNewrelicHeaderForCors())&&(u.newrelicHeader=this.generateTraceHeader(a,s,c,n,i,o)),u}generateTraceContextParentHeader(e,t){return"00-"+t+"-"+e+"-01"}generateTraceContextStateHeader(e,t,r,n,i){return i+"@nr=0-1-"+r+"-"+n+"-"+e+"----"+t}generateTraceHeader(e,t,r,n,i,o){if(!("function"==typeof null;var a={v:[0,1],d:{ty:"Browser",ac:n,ap:i,id:e,tr:t,ti:r}};return o&&n!==o&&(,btoa((0,P.A)(a))}shouldGenerateTrace(e){return this.isDtEnabled()&&this.isAllowedOrigin(e)}isAllowedOrigin(e){var 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extends b{static featureName=se.T;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,se.T,t),this.dt=new ae(e.agentIdentifier),this.handler=(e,t,r,n)=>(0,x.p)(e,t,r,n,;try{const e={xmlhttprequest:"xhr",fetch:"fetch",beacon:"beacon"};"resource").forEach((t=>{if(t.initiatorType in e&&0!==t.responseStatus){const r={status:t.responseStatus},n={rxSize:t.transferSize,duration:Math.floor(t.duration),cbTime:0};ge(r,,this.handler("xhr",[r,n,t.startTime,t.responseEnd,e[t.initiatorType]],void 0,a.K7.ajax)}}))}catch(e){}ne(,Z(,function(e,t,r,n){function i(e){var t=this;t.totalCbs=0,t.called=0,t.cbTime=0,t.end=R,t.ended=!1,t.xhrGuids={},t.lastSize=null,t.loadCaptureCalled=!1,t.params=this.params||{},t.metrics=this.metrics||{},e.addEventListener("load",(function(r){E(t,e)}),(0,A.jT)(!1)),p.lR||e.addEventListener("progress",(function(e){t.lastSize=e.loaded}),(0,A.jT)(!1))}function o(e){this.params={method:e[0]},ge(this,e[1]),this.metrics={}}function 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r=(0,ie.D)(t),n=e.params||e;n.hostname=r.hostname,n.port=r.port,n.protocol=r.protocol,":"+r.port,n.pathname=r.pathname,e.parsedOrigin=r,e.sameOrigin=r.sameOrigin}const me={},ve=["pushState","replaceState"];function be(e){const t=function(e){return(e||"history")}(e);return!p.RI||me[t.debugId]++||(me[t.debugId]=1,(0,W.YM)(t).inPlace(window.history,ve,"-")),t}var ye=i(3738);const{He:we,bD:Re,d3:xe,Kp:Ee,TZ:Ae,Lc:Te,uP:Ne,Rz:Se}=ye;class _e extends b{static featureName=Ae;constructor(e,t=!0){super(e,Ae,t);if(!(0,m.V)(this.agentIdentifier))return void this.deregisterDrain();const;let n;be(r),this.eventsEE=(0,F.u)(r),this.eventsEE.on(Ne,(function(e,t){this.bstStart=(0,N.t)()})),this.eventsEE.on(Te,(function(e,t){(0,x.p)("bst",[e[0],t,this.bstStart,(0,N.t)()],void 0,a.K7.sessionTrace,r)})),r.on(Se+xe,(function(e){this.time=(0,N.t)(),this.startPath=location.pathname+location.hash})),r.on(Se+Ee,(function(e){(0,x.p)("bstHist",[location.pathname+location.hash,this.startPath,this.time],void 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t({mode:this.#i,agentIdentifier:this.agentIdentifier,trigger:e,,agentRef:this.#o}),this.recorder.startRecording(),this.abortHandler=this.recorder.stopRecording}catch(e){}this.importAggregator(this.#o,{recorder:this.recorder,errorNoticed:this.errorNoticed})}}#a(){this.featAggregate?this.featAggregate.mode!==Oe.g.FULL&&this.featAggregate.initializeRecording(Oe.g.FULL,!0):(this.#i=Oe.g.FULL,this.#c(t.Qb.API),this.recorder&&this.recorder.parent.mode!==Oe.g.FULL&&(this.recorder.parent.mode=Oe.g.FULL,this.recorder.stopRecording(),this.recorder.startRecording(),this.abortHandler=this.recorder.stopRecording))}}var Pe=i(3962);class je extends b{static featureName=Pe.TZ;constructor(e,t=!0){if(super(e,Pe.TZ,t),!p.RI||!(0,R.dV)().o.MO)return;const r=be(;Pe.tC.forEach((e=>{(0,A.sp)(e,(e=>{a(e)}),!0)}));const n=()=>(0,x.p)("newURL",[(0,N.t)(),""+window.location],void 0,this.featureName,;r.on("pushState-end",n),r.on("replaceState-end",n);try{this.removeOnAbort=new 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On that day, the Avengers were born - to fight the foes no single super hero could withstand! Heed the call, then - for now, the Avengers Assemble!&quot;"/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Comic Vine"/> <meta property="og:type" content="object"/> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <meta name="modal-cdn-url" content="/js/modals.json"> <meta name='js-sort-filter-text' content='no'> <script> window.sitePageVars = { "featureFlags": null, "tracking": { "enabled": true }, "trackingSettings": { "comscore": { "c1": "2", "c2": "31824268", "cs_ucfr": "1" }, "google_tag_manager": { "content_id": "cv-4060-3806", "env": "prod", "data": { "brand": "Comicvine", "siteType": "responsive web", "siteSection": "wiki", "siteHier": "Wiki|Teams|Team", "pageType": "team_wiki", "articleId": "cv-4060-3806", "productName": "Avengers (Team)" } }, "tealium": null, "trackonomics": null } }; </script> <script> (function (contextPageVars) { const { sitePageVars = {} } = window; Object.keys(contextPageVars).forEach((key) => { sitePageVars[key] = Object.assign(sitePageVars[key] || {}, contextPageVars[key]); }); window.sitePageVars = sitePageVars; })({ "user": { "deviceType": "desktop", "userRegion": "as", "userId": "0", "userState": "not authenticated", "userType": "anon", "testName": "", "testGroup": "", "testVersion": "", "abTestLabel": "not in test", "dartAbTestLabel": "", "thisIp": "", "theme": "comicvine_white" } }); window.utag_data = Object.assign(window.utag_data || {}, { "deviceType": "desktop", "siteEdition": "as", "userId": "0", "userState": "not authenticated", "userType": "anon", "testName": "", "testGroup": "", "testVersion": "", "theme": "comicvine_white", "_test": "not in test" }); </script> <meta id="view-guid-meta" name="view-guid-meta" content=""> <meta class="ad-settings" content="" id="ad-settings" name="ad-settings" data-settings="{&quot;service&quot;:&quot;dart&quot;,&quot;enable_guilt&quot;:true,&quot;unit_name&quot;:&quot;\/22309610186\/aw-comicvine\/teams&quot;,&quot;target_params&quot;:{&quot;ptype&quot;:&quot;team_wiki&quot;,&quot;user&quot;:&quot;anon&quot;},&quot;anyclip&quot;:&quot;active&quot;,&quot;mapped_units&quot;:{&quot;interstitial&quot;:{&quot;outOfPage&quot;:true},&quot;leader_top&quot;:{&quot;size&quot;:[[970,66],[728,90]],&quot;target&quot;:{&quot;pos&quot;:&quot;top&quot;}},&quot;mpu_top&quot;:{&quot;size&quot;:[[300,250]],&quot;target&quot;:{&quot;pos&quot;:&quot;top&quot;}},&quot;mpu_bottom&quot;:{&quot;size&quot;:[[300,250]],&quot;target&quot;:{&quot;pos&quot;:&quot;bottom&quot;}},&quot;leader_bottom&quot;:{&quot;size&quot;:[[728,90],[970,66]],&quot;target&quot;:{&quot;pos&quot;:&quot;bottom&quot;}}},&quot;region&quot;:&quot;as&quot;}"> <meta name="adtags" content="ptype=team_wiki&user=anon"> <meta id="richTextEditorTheme" itemprop="richTextEditorTheme" content="white" data-themes="{&quot;white&quot;:&quot;https:\/\/\/a\/v1621563dcdad95111403623d1f4eb5b4\/bundles\/comicvinesite\/css\/wysiwyg_white.css&quot;,&quot;black&quot;:&quot;&quot;}"> <meta id="js-loading-html" name="js-loading-html" content="&lt;div class=&quot;js-loader loader&quot;&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;loader-animation&quot;&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;loader-atomic-ring&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon icon-precomposed" href=""/> <link id="skin-color" href="" rel="stylesheet"> <script>(()=>{class e{constructor(e,s){this.container=e,this.queue=[],this.logger=s}install(){this.log("installing consent queue");const e=this;return this.container.consentCallbackQueue=this,this.container.consentCallback=(s,t,n)=>e.push(s,t,n),this}push(e,s,t){this.log("dialog not resolved, enqueued:",e),this.queue.push({name:e,callback:s,category:t})}log(...e){this.logger("CMP Queue:",...e)}}new e(window,((...e)=>console.log(e))).install()})();</script> <script id="onetrust-lib" src="" async data-domain-script="73588546-b116-4dbc-ab64-9db97e11fc0d"></script> <script> (function () { "use strict"; /** * Include a script in the head of the doc. 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.375-.008.609t-.078.703-.187.781-.375.703-.625.633-.938.406-1.289.164q-.406 0-.703-.297-.313-.313-.531-.781t-.305-.812-.195-.953q-.141-.656-.211-.945t-.273-.758-.484-.75q-.516-.516-1.578-1.875-.766-1-1.578-1.891t-1.188-.922q-.391-.031-.672-.32t-.281-.68V6.999q0-.406.297-.695t.703-.305q.547-.016 2.469-.688 1.203-.406 1.883-.617t1.898-.453 2.25-.242h2.016q2.078.031 3.078 1.219.906 1.078.766 2.828.609.578.844 1.469.266.953 0 1.828.719.953.672 2.141 0 .5-.234 1.188z"/></svg></i> <% } else if (change.status === 'reverted') { %> <i><svg width="27" height="32" viewBox="0 0 27 32" aria-hidden="true" class="symbol symbol-rotate-left float-right"><path d="M27.429 16c0 7.554-6.161 13.714-13.714 13.714a13.688 13.688 0 0 1-10.554-4.946.593.593 0 0 1 .036-.768l2.446-2.464a.687.687 0 0 1 .446-.161.584.584 0 0 1 .411.214 9.04 9.04 0 0 0 7.214 3.554c5.036 0 9.143-4.107 9.143-9.143s-4.107-9.143-9.143-9.143A9.094 9.094 0 0 0 7.5 9.303l2.446 2.464a1.1 1.1 0 0 1 .25 1.232 1.144 1.144 0 0 1-1.054.714h-8A1.151 1.151 0 0 1-.001 12.57v-8c0-.464.286-.875.714-1.054a1.1 1.1 0 0 1 1.232.25L4.266 6.07c2.518-2.375 5.929-3.786 9.446-3.786 7.554 0 13.714 6.161 13.714 13.714z"/></svg></i> <% } %> <% if (Phoenix.Wiki.mode === 'edit' && status === 'incomplete') { %> <a class="padding-vertical--base_rhythm_min padding-horizontal--base_rhythm selectable js-wiki-change-remove" data-changeset-id="<%= id %>" data-change-id="<%= %>" href="javascript:void(0)"><i><svg width="22" height="28" viewBox="0 0 22 28" aria-hidden="true" class="symbol symbol-trash"><path d="M8 21.5v-11q0-.219-.141-.359T7.5 10h-1q-.219 0-.359.141T6 10.5v11q0 .219.141.359T6.5 22h1q.219 0 .359-.141T8 21.5zm4 0v-11q0-.219-.141-.359T11.5 10h-1q-.219 0-.359.141T10 10.5v11q0 .219.141.359T10.5 22h1q.219 0 .359-.141T12 21.5zm4 0v-11q0-.219-.141-.359T15.5 10h-1q-.219 0-.359.141T14 10.5v11q0 .219.141.359T14.5 22h1q.219 0 .359-.141T16 21.5zM7.5 6h7l-.75-1.828q-.109-.141-.266-.172H8.531q-.156.031-.266.172zm14.5.5v1q0 .219-.141.359T21.5 8H20v14.812q0 1.297-.734 2.242t-1.766.945h-13q-1.031 0-1.766-.914T2 22.874V7.999H.5q-.219 0-.359-.141T0 7.499v-1q0-.219.141-.359T.5 5.999h4.828L6.422 3.39q.234-.578.844-.984T8.5 2h5q.625 0 1.234.406t.844.984l1.094 2.609H21.5q.219 0 .359.141t.141.359z"/></svg></i></a> <% } %> </li> <% }); %> </ul> <div class="changeset-controls pin-bottom"> <h5 class="padding-vertical--base_rhythm_min text-center display-none"> Points: <span class='wiki-points'><%= totalPotentialPoints %></span> </h5> <% if (typeof submitterComment !== 'undefined') { %> <h6><%= submitter + '\'s Comment:' %></h6> <blockquote><%- submitterComment ? submitterComment : '' %></blockquote> <% } %> <% if (Phoenix.Wiki.mode === 'edit' && status === 'incomplete') { %> <fieldset class="width-shelf border-top-small-dark"> <h5 class="padding-vertical--base_rhythm_inc padding-horizontal--base_rhythm"> Total Points: <span class='float-right wiki-points'><%= totalPotentialPoints %></span> </h5> <textarea 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2.109T22 20h-4.328q. 24q0 .375-.008.609t-.078.703-.187.781-.375.703-.625.633-.938.406-1.289.164q-.406 0-.703-.297-.313-.313-.531-.781t-.305-.812-.195-.953q-.141-.656-.211-.945t-.273-.758-.484-.75q-.516-.516-1.578-1.875-.766-1-1.578-1.891t-1.188-.922q-.391-.031-.672-.32t-.281-.68V6.999q0-.406.297-.695t.703-.305q.547-.016 2.469-.688 1.203-.406 1.883-.617t1.898-.453 2.25-.242h2.016q2.078.031 3.078 1.219.906 1.078.766 2.828.609.578.844 1.469.266.953 0 1.828.719.953.672 2.141 0 .5-.234 1.188z"/></svg></i></button> <button class="btn btn-success js-wiki-change-approve float-right margin-horizontal--base_rhythm_inc"><i><svg width="26" height="28" viewBox="0 0 26 28" aria-hidden="true" class="symbol symbol-thumbs-up"><path d="M4 21q0-.406-.297-.703T3 20q-.422 0-.711.297T2 21q0 .422.289.711T3 22q.406 0 .703-.289T4 21zm2.5-8v10q0 .406-.297.703T5.5 24H1q-.406 0-.703-.297T0 23V13q0-.406.297-.703T1 12h4.5q.406 0 .703.297T6.5 13zM25 13q0 1.344-.859 2.328.234.688.234 1.188.047 1.188-.672 0 1.828-.234.891-.844 1.469.141 1.75-.766 2.828-1 1.188-3.078 1.219h-2.016q-1.031 0-2.25-.242t-1.898-.453-1.883-.617q-1.922-.672-2.469-.688-.406-.016-.703-.305t-.297-.695V12.985q0-.391.281-.68t.672-.32q.375-.031 1.188-.922t1.578-1.891q1.062-1.359 1.578-1.875.281-.281.484-.75t.273-.758.211-.945q.109-.609.195-.953t.305-.812.531-.781q.297-.297.703-.297.719 0 1.289.164t.938.406.625.633.375.703.187.781.078.703.008.609q0 .594-.148 1.188t-.297.938-.43.875q-.047.094-.156.281t-.172.344-.125.375h4.328q1.219 0 2.109.891t.891 2.109z"/></svg></i></button> <% } else if (diff.get('wikiChange').status === 'approved') { %> <a class="btn btn-warning js-wiki-change-revert float-right margin-horizontal--base_rhythm">Revert</a> <% } %> <% } %> </div> <h3 class="margin-clear">Compare</h3> </div> <div class="row height-full wiki-compare-diff"> <div class="span12"> <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <% if (diff.get('changes').length > 0 && Phoenix.Wiki.mode === 'mod') { %> <div class="alert alert-danger 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Avengers" ></div> <p class="issue-number">The Avengers</p> <a href="/the-avengers/4050-2128/object-appearances/4060-3806/" class="issue-date a">403 appearances</a> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/avengers/4050-7084/"> <div class="img imgboxart"><img src="" alt="Avengers" ></div> <p class="issue-number">Avengers</p> <a href="/avengers/4050-7084/object-appearances/4060-3806/" class="issue-date a">89 appearances</a> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/captain-america/4050-2400/"> <div class="img imgboxart"><img src="" alt="Captain America" ></div> <p class="issue-number">Captain America</p> <a href="/captain-america/4050-2400/object-appearances/4060-3806/" class="issue-date a">88 appearances</a> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/los-vengadores/4050-42641/"> <div class="img imgboxart"><img src="" alt="Los Vengadores" ></div> <p class="issue-number">Los Vengadores</p> <a href="/los-vengadores/4050-42641/object-appearances/4060-3806/" class="issue-date a">74 appearances</a> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <article class="content-body js-form-fields js-wiki-form-fields "> <section> <p class="last-edit"> <i><svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" aria-hidden="true" class="symbol symbol-file-text"><path d="M22.937 7.438q.219.219.438.562H16V.625q.344.219.562.438zM15.5 10H24v16.5q0 .625-.438 1.062T22.5 28h-21q-.625 0-1.062-.438T0 26.5v-25Q0 .875.438.438T1.5 0H14v8.5q0 .625.438 1.062T15.5 10zM18 21.5v-1q0-.219-.141-.359T17.5 20h-11q-.219 0-.359.141T6 20.5v1q0 .219.141.359T6.5 22h11q.219 0 .359-.141T18 21.5zm0-4v-1q0-.219-.141-.359T17.5 16h-11q-.219 0-.359.141T6 16.5v1q0 .219.141.359T6.5 18h11q.219 0 .359-.141T18 17.5zm0-4v-1q0-.219-.141-.359T17.5 12h-11q-.219 0-.359.141T6 12.5v1q0 .219.141.359T6.5 14h11q.219 0 .359-.141T18 13.5z"/></svg></i> Avengers last edited by <a href="/profile/slamadams/"> SlamAdams </a> on 02/12/25 04:39AM <a href="/avengers/4060-3806/wiki-history/" class="float-right"> <i><svg width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 28 28" aria-hidden="true" class="symbol symbol-list-alt"><path d="M6 18.5v1q0 .203-.148.352T5.5 20h-1q-.203 0-.352-.148T4 19.5v-1q0-.203.148-.352T4.5 18h1q.203 0 .352.148T6 18.5zm0-4v1q0 .203-.148.352T5.5 16h-1q-.203 0-.352-.148T4 15.5v-1q0-.203.148-.352T4.5 14h1q.203 0 .352.148T6 14.5zm0-4v1q0 .203-.148.352T5.5 12h-1q-.203 0-.352-.148T4 11.5v-1q0-.203.148-.352T4.5 10h1q.203 0 .352.148T6 10.5zm18 8v1q0 .203-.148.352T23.5 20h-15q-.203 0-.352-.148T8 19.5v-1q0-.203.148-.352T8.5 18h15q.203 0 .352.148T24 18.5zm0-4v1q0 .203-.148.352T23.5 16h-15q-.203 0-.352-.148T8 15.5v-1q0-.203.148-.352T8.5 14h15q.203 0 .352.148T24 14.5zm0-4v1q0 .203-.148.352T23.5 12h-15q-.203 0-.352-.148T8 11.5v-1q0-.203.148-.352T8.5 10h15q.203 0 .352.148T24 10.5zm2 11v-13q0-.203-.148-.352T25.5 8h-23q-.203 0-.352.148T2 8.5v13q0 .203.148.352T2.5 22h23q.203 0 .352-.148T26 21.5zm2-17v17q0 1.031-.734 1.766T25.5 24h-23q-1.031 0-1.766-.734T0 21.5v-17q0-1.031.734-1.766T2.5 2h23q1.031 0 1.766.734T28 4.5z"/></svg></i> View full history </a> </p> <div class="display-view" > <div class="wiki-item-display js-toc-content"> <h2>Current Roster</h2><ul><li>Captain Marvel (Danvers)</li><li>Iron Man</li><li>Captain America (Wilson)</li><li>Black Panther</li><li>Scarlet Witch</li><li>Vision</li><li>Storm</li></ul><h2>Origin</h2><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-1092254" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5188888888889" data-width="900" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 900px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.9%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-1092254"><img alt="The Original Avengers" src="" srcset=" 900w, 632w, 421w" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421"></a><figcaption>The Original Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>The Assembly of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes was centered around Loki, the <a href="/asgardian-gods/4060-41205/" data-ref-id="4060-41205">Asgardian God</a> of mischief, whom used an illusion to trick <a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">The Hulk</a> into destroying a railroad track in the hopes of luring his half-brother <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a> to the scene where Loki could then use his power against Thor while he would be busy fighting the Hulk. Hearing of the Hulk’s rampage, <a href="/rick-jones/4005-2248/" data-ref-id="4005-2248">Rick Jones</a> sent a radio message to <a href="/fantastic-four/4060-3804/" data-ref-id="4060-3804">The Fantastic Four</a> informing them of the problem, seeking to enlist their aid in stopping the Hulk. In a twist of fate, <a href="/loki/4005-4324/" data-ref-id="4005-4324">Loki</a> diverted the message to Thor, whom he hoped would then battle the Hulk. Unbeknownst to Loki, and unintended, too, the message was also picked up by <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Iron Man</a>, <a href="/hank-pym/4005-2247/" data-ref-id="4005-2247">Ant-Man</a> and <a href="/wasp/4005-1502/" data-ref-id="4005-1502">The Wasp</a>. These heroes, as well as Thor, all responded to the call and came together to stop the menace of The Hulk. Upon engaging the Hulk, they soon discovered Loki’s trickery and teamed up with Hulk to defeat the God of Mischief. Ant-Man mentioned to the other heroes that the five of them worked well together and suggested that they should combine to form a team to fight against threats that no lone hero could deal with. The Wasp proposes the name “Avengers” and thus <a href="/earth/4020-57183/" data-ref-id="4020-57183">Earth’s</a> Mightiest Heroes were formed. The original members are known as the "founding members" based on an Avengers Charter, to manage the good name of the team. As a result, their wishes regarding the direction of the team are given additional weight and deference.</p><h2>Creation</h2><p>The Avengers were created by legendary comic creators <a href="/stan-lee/4040-40467/" data-ref-id="4040-40467">Stan Lee</a> and <a href="/jack-kirby/4040-5614/" data-ref-id="4040-5614">Jack Kirby</a> and made their first appearance in <a href="/the-avengers/4050-2128/" data-ref-id="4050-2128">The Avengers</a> #1 (Sep. 1963) in the story “The Coming of the Avengers”.</p><h2>Team Evolution</h2><h3>Founding Members</h3><ul><li><a href="/hank-pym/4005-2247/" data-ref-id="4005-2247">Ant-Man</a></li><li><a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">Hulk</a></li><li><a href="/rick-jones/4005-2248/" data-ref-id="4005-2248">Iron Man</a></li><li><a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a></li><li><a href="/wasp/4005-1502/" data-ref-id="4005-1502">Wasp</a></li><li>Captain America (Inducted as Founding Member after Hulk left)</li></ul><p>The founding members of Avengers, apart from Hulk, were already recognized and established as superheroes before the team formed. The public opinion of the Hulk at this time was very uncertain. Some thought he was a misunderstood creature who just wanted to be left alone. However mainly because of the efforts of <a href="/thunderbolt-ross/4005-3457/" data-ref-id="4005-3457">General “Thunderbolt” Ross</a>, the majority of public viewed The Hulk as a rampaging monster. Almost from the beginning the Avengers team roster has changed steadily, with the Hulk departing during their second adventure and <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Captain America</a> joining soon after. The rotating roster has become a hallmark of the team although one theme has been constant - The Avengers fight the foes that no single superhero could defeat - hence their famous cry of "Avengers Assemble!"</p><p>The Avengers have always accepted a diverse range of members, regardless of their backgrounds, as long as they are ready to fight the good fight. To that end, the team has featured humans, <a href="/robots/4015-56059/" data-ref-id="4015-56059">robots</a>, <a href="/mutant/4015-40656/" data-ref-id="4015-40656">mutants</a>, Gods, <a href="/aliens/4015-46567/" data-ref-id="4015-46567">aliens</a>, supernatural beings and even former villains. Despite the diverse nature of the team, which often results in squabbling, the Avengers have always managed to unite into a stable unit to combat the deadliest threats in the universe.</p><p>Leadership of the group has varied over the years but has almost always fallen back to the hands of Captain America. Founding members Hank Pym, Iron Man, Thor and Wasp have also served extensively as leaders to different incarnations of the group. Other members have also taken up the role of leadership, to varying degrees of success, but the most prominent ones would be Hawkeye, Monica Rambeau, Ms. Marvel, Scarlet Witch, U.S.Agent and Vision.</p><h2>Major Story Arcs</h2><p>During their first team meeting there was immediate tension between the Avengers as Thor and Hulk exchanged words. Soon enough a body snatching <a href="/space-phantom/4005-7243/" data-ref-id="4005-7243">Space Phantom</a> arrived with plans to destroy the Avengers to clear the path for an alien invasion. The Space Phantom switched bodies with each Avenger and planted seeds of distrust and hatred amongst them. It was clear that the other Avengers never truly trusted the Hulk and in fact admitted to each other they had him join their ranks to keep an eye on him. The Space Phantom managed to have the Hulk realize this distrust in the others and he left the team.</p><p>Soon afterwards The Hulk was befriended by <a href="/namor/4005-1476/" data-ref-id="4005-1476">Namor</a> the Sub-Mariner and the two <a href="/antiheroes/4015-55830/" data-ref-id="4015-55830">antiheroes</a> formed an uneasy alliance to battle their common foe - humans. The Avengers, who were searching for the Hulk to prevent him from harming others, were tipped off by the Teen Brigade of his location. A confrontation took place between the Avengers, Namor and Hulk. But in the middle of the battle Hulk changed to Bruce Banner and left Namor to fight the Avengers alone. Clearly outgunned, Namor escaped.</p><h3>Captain America Joins The Avengers</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-1979485" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.3913043478261" data-width="575" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 575px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:139.1%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-1979485"><img alt="Captain America Lives Again" src="" srcset=" 575w, 460w" sizes="(max-width: 460px) 100vw, 460px" data-width="460"></a><figcaption>Captain America Lives Again</figcaption></figure><p>After their previous battle Namor vows revenge on The Avengers. While swimming the seas the Sub-Mariner comes across an Eskimo tribe worshipping a figure encased in ice. Filled with wrath at the air breathers, the Prince of <a href="/atlantis/4020-41030/" data-ref-id="4020-41030">Atlantis</a> hurls the block of ice into the ocean. The ice thaws as it heads towards warmer waters and the body inside is eventually discovered by The Avengers who are in a submarine searching for Namor. The heroes bring the floating body on board and realise it is Captain America, who has been in suspended animation since the Second World War. Thus the Living Legend of World War II is reborn! Initially Cap attacks The Avengers mistaking them as threats but the issue is quickly settled and The Avengers take Captain America back to <a href="/new-york-city/4020-41183/" data-ref-id="4020-41183">New York</a> where he helps them defeat Namor and the alien <a href="/starhammer/4005-50246/" data-ref-id="4005-50246">Vuk</a>. After their first battle together, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes offer membership to Captain America who gladly accepts. Cap would go on to become an embodiment of The Avengers and despite his later joining, given status as founding member.</p><p>The team's early adventures saw them battle <a href="/mole-man/4005-2481/" data-ref-id="4005-2481">Mole Man</a>, <a href="/red-ghost/4005-2473/" data-ref-id="4005-2473">Red Ghost</a>, <a href="/kang/4005-2264/" data-ref-id="4005-2264">Kang the Conqueror</a>, <a href="/count-nefaria/4005-3229/" data-ref-id="4005-3229">Count Nefaria</a> and cross paths with their former ally the Hulk multiple times.</p><h3>Masters of Evil</h3><p><a href="/baron-heinrich-zemo/4005-3708/" data-ref-id="4005-3708">Baron Heinrich Zemo</a> finds out that Captain America is alive and has joined the ranks of the Avengers. Angered that his most hated foe is still alive, he forms a team of villains of his own. <a href="/black-knight-garrett/4005-73451/" data-ref-id="4005-73451">The Black Knight</a>, <a href="/melter/4005-7260/" data-ref-id="4005-7260">Melter</a> and <a href="/radioactive-man/4005-4807/" data-ref-id="4005-4807">Radioactive Man</a> work together in Zemo's <a href="/masters-of-evil/4060-7582/" data-ref-id="4060-7582">Masters of Evil</a>. When the Avengers defeat the villains, Baron Zemo is joined by the Asgardian gods in exile the <a href="/executioner/4005-3517/" data-ref-id="4005-3517">Executioner</a> and <a href="/enchantress/4005-7225/" data-ref-id="4005-7225">Enchantress</a> and together with them free both the Black Knight and Melter to rejoin their ranks.</p><p>Their second attempt at defeating the Avengers goes no better, with the Enchantress seducing Thor and convincing him his fellow Avengers aren't what they seem in a bid to get him to defeat them and return to her arms. Unfortunately for the love-lorn Enchantress, Thor manages to shake off her influence and the Masters retreat to Zemo's base in the Amazon.</p><p>The Enchantress returns to New York to find a perfect candidate to for Zemo's Ion-powered machine. She found one in Simon Williams who was facing charges for embezzlement and was bitter at the man responsible for this: Tony Stark. Zemo transferred Simon into a living Ion-powered <a href="/wonder-man/4005-1465/" data-ref-id="4005-1465">Wonder Man</a> and sent him to infiltrate the Avengers. Having gained the Avengers trust and being welcomed onto the team, Wonder Man betrays them to Zemo. However, Wonder Man begins to feel guilty for his betrayal and decides to turn the tables on Zemo and his allies, but ultimately wound up apparently dying in the Avengers arms due to his sacrifice.</p><p>After a disastrous skirmish with the Avengers due to Immortus, Baron Zemo kidnaps <a href="/rick-jones/4005-2248/" data-ref-id="4005-2248">Rick Jones</a> and Captain America goes to South America to save him. Meanwhile back at the home-front the rest of the Avengers again confront the Masters of Evil and again defeat and subdue Black Knight and Melter, as Enchantress and Executioner escape. Elsewhere, Captain America finally confronts <a href="/baron-helmut-zemo/4005-3278/" data-ref-id="4005-3278">Baron Zemo</a> in what would be their final confrontation, as during battle, an avalanche Zemo caused crushes the Nazi and kills him.</p><h3>Second Genesis</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-2021136" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5046296296296" data-width="432" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 432px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:150.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2021136"><img alt="Second Generation" src="" sizes="(max-width: 425px) 100vw, 425px" data-width="425" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 432w, 425w"><noscript><img alt="Second Generation" src="" srcset=" 432w, 425w" sizes="(max-width: 425px) 100vw, 425px" data-width="425"></noscript></a><figcaption>Second Generation</figcaption></figure><p>After the Wasp was almost killed in action and with the threat of the Masters of Evil halted, Giant Man and Wasp opted to retire from the Avengers. Thor, who was busy in Asgard, and Iron Man also withdrew from the team to instead focus on their personal lives. Captain America and Rick Jones remained behind as the team looked for replacement members. After inducting the adventurer Hawkeye who sought membership, the team tried to recruit the Sub-Mariner to no avail. After placing a classified ad seeking replacement Avengers, the former villains Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch replied and were welcomed onto the team. The new Avengers announced themselves to the public as Iron Man wished them luck.</p><p>The team were quick to recognize they lacked strength in their roster and wished to find another member. They first attempted to track down the Hulk and offer him a chance to rejoin the team but the plan ultimately failed. The team then inducted the mercenary known as Swordsman only for him to be sharply ejected due to the rest of the team no trusting him. The team halted their quest to battle against a variety of villains such as <a href="/atlas/4005-3277/" data-ref-id="4005-3277">Power Man</a>, Kang and Doctor Doom.</p><p>The quest for a strong member of the team came to it's end when the Atlantean <a href="/attuma/4005-15779/" data-ref-id="4005-15779">Attuma</a> attacked the surface world resulting in both Giant Man, who had re-established himself as Golaith, and Wasp returned to the team they helped found. Unfortunately, the team also lost Rick Jones who left out of frustration of being ignored and not being counted as a full-time Avenger.</p><h3>Further Extensions</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-2662141" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5181405895692" data-width="882" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 882px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.8%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2662141"><img alt="The Prince of Power" src="" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 882w, 632w, 421w"><noscript><img alt="The Prince of Power" src="" srcset=" 882w, 632w, 421w" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Prince of Power</figcaption></figure><p>Not long after Goliath and Wasp rejoined the team, the Avengers again battled against Power Man and their former member Swordsman. After helping the team against them, Hawkeye's girlfriend the <a href="/black-widow/4005-3200/" data-ref-id="4005-3200">Black Widow</a> became a staunch ally and part-time Avenger incidentally was absent when the Avengers announced her as a full-time member. She continued to aid the team alongside her boyfriend.</p><p>The Enchantress sought revenge on the Avengers and duped the <a href="/olympian-gods/4060-44825/" data-ref-id="4060-44825">Olympian God</a> <a href="/hercules/4005-2503/" data-ref-id="4005-2503">Hercules</a> into attacking the team. After a brief battle, Hercules manages to overcome the Enchantress' hold over him and then sides with the Avengers against her. Unfortunately for Hercules, his father, <a href="/zeus/4005-10226/" data-ref-id="4005-10226">Zeus</a>, banishes him to Earth for a year for having left <a href="/olympus/4020-55673/" data-ref-id="4020-55673">Olympus</a> without permission. Having felt his power first hand and knowing his ties to the Asgardian Thunder God, Thor, the Avengers invited Hercules stay with them and over time he eventually became a full-fledged member of the team during his stay on Earth.</p><p>Rick Jones also returned and, now outfitted in the costume of Captain America's former sidekick Bucky, became a more active part of the team - often accompanying Captain America as his sidekick. Despite finally achieving some degree of acceptance as both a part of the team and Captain America's sidekick, Rick Jones was still overlooked or treat like a peripheral part of the unit.</p><p>The team continued on with their larger roster and battled the likes of <a href="/diablo/4005-10242/" data-ref-id="4005-10242">Diablo</a>, <a href="/dragon-man/4005-6823/" data-ref-id="4005-6823">Dragon Man</a>, <a href="/sons-of-the-serpent/4060-24273/" data-ref-id="4060-24273">the Sons of the Serpent</a>, Sub-Mariner, <a href="/super-adaptoid/4005-10861/" data-ref-id="4005-10861">Super-Adaptoid</a> and the Russian superhero, and ex-husband of Black Widow, <a href="/red-guardian-shostakov/4005-7581/" data-ref-id="4005-7581">Red Guardian</a>. At the same time, the Avengers looked for a way to cure their team-mate Goliath, whom had become stuck at giant-size.</p><h3>Depleting Numbers</h3><p>The Mandarin organized a new Masters of Evil group in a gambit to destroy the Avengers and his arch-nemesis Iron Man once and for all. The former Masters of Evil members Enchantress and Executioner were joined by <a href="/living-laser/4005-9904/" data-ref-id="4005-9904">Living Laser</a>, Power Man and Swordsman and sent to defeat the Avengers. Despite having their largest roster yet, the Avengers were briefly rejoined by both Iron Man and Thor to battle against the Mandarin's team of villains. Iron Man and Thor both left the group again after Mandarin and his cronies were defeated.</p><p>The tides quickly changed for the Avengers as the team began to fall apart. After the death of her ex-husband, the Black Widow left both Hawkeye and the Avengers and Captain America opted out of the team to establish a life of his own apart from the team. Rick Jones followed Captain America and eventually resigned altogether after he was beaten by the Red Skull disguised as Cap. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were next to leave after <a href="/magneto/4005-1441/" data-ref-id="4005-1441">Magneto</a> (who unbeknownst to anyone involved, was their biological father) captured them both and tried to convince them to join his new Brotherhood of Mutants. In the skirmish that followed, Scarlet Witch was injured which led to both her and Quicksilver withdrawing from the team. Finally, Hercules left the team after a battle with Typhon in which upon the climax he was welcomed back into Olympus by his father.</p><h3>Filling in the Blanks</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4466303" data-ratio="1.5080428954424" data-width="746" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 746px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:150.8%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4466303"><img alt="Black Panther and Vision join the team" src="" sizes="(max-width: 424px) 100vw, 424px" data-width="424" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 746w, 636w, 424w"><noscript><img alt="Black Panther and Vision join the team" src="" srcset=" 746w, 636w, 424w" sizes="(max-width: 424px) 100vw, 424px" data-width="424"></noscript></a><figcaption>Black Panther and Vision join the team</figcaption></figure><p>With only Goliath, Hawkeye and Wasp left, the team continued on admirably despite their lack in both numbers and power. After the recommendation from their former leader Captain America, the team induct the <a href="/black-panther/4005-1477/" data-ref-id="4005-1477">Black Panther</a> as a member. The team encounter the villainous <a href="/grim-reaper/4005-7227/" data-ref-id="4005-7227">Grim Reaper</a> and face the threat of another new Masters of Evil assembled by the mysterious Crimson Cowl.</p><p>As a new <a href="/black-knight/4005-3172/" data-ref-id="4005-3172">Black Knight</a> arrives to warn the Avengers of the new Masters of Evil, the team mistake him for the former Black Knight who was also a member of the Masters of Evil. Despite the confusion, when the team did battle the Masters of Evil, the new Black Knight offered his assistance in defeating the team solidifying his relationship with the team he wishes to join.</p><p>The team faced one of their biggest threats yet in Ultron, the robot Goliath created which turned on it's master and the human race. Revealed as the leader of the new Masters of Evil, Ultron continued in his plans to exterminate the human race and his own creator and created a "son" in the robotic <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">Vision</a>. After being unleashed on the Avengers, the Vision stops and tells the Avengers that <a href="/ultron/4005-2242/" data-ref-id="4005-2242">Ultron-5</a> had sent him to attack them.</p><p>So the Avengers accompany the Vision and go to Ultron’s lair. It turns out to be a trap, and the Avengers are captured. Then the unexpected happens: the Vision fights Ultron and wins, thus saving the Avengers. The Vision is then tested in melee and questioned by a whole lot of Avengers. He eventually becomes a new member.</p><h3>Identity Crisis</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-2662139" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5320930232558" data-width="1075" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1075px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:153.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2662139"><img alt="Hawkeye becomes Goliath" src="" sizes="(max-width: 417px) 100vw, 417px" data-width="417" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1075w, 960w, 626w, 417w"><noscript><img alt="Hawkeye becomes Goliath" src="" srcset=" 1075w, 960w, 626w, 417w" sizes="(max-width: 417px) 100vw, 417px" data-width="417"></noscript></a><figcaption>Hawkeye becomes Goliath</figcaption></figure><p>Under the pressure of being chairman and lacking self-confidence, Hank Pym goes to his lab in the Wasp’s mansion, and has an accident. The mixture of different chemicals triggers a new persona, and Hank now calls himself Yellowjacket. This persona is more confident and free willed, a total opposite to his current personality. After thwarting and bashing some thugs, Hank enters the <a href="/avengers-mansion/4020-41036/" data-ref-id="4020-41036">Avengers Mansion</a> and wants to join their ranks. He makes claims that his Yellowjacket persona killed his Goliath persona. The Avengers didn’t take the news likely, so Hank grabs the Wasp and escapes to his miniature base outside the mansion. Hank then kisses the Wasp, and from that point-on the Wasp knows it is actually Hank.</p><p>The two decide to get married, and tons of superheroes make their way to the wedding of Yellowjacket and the Wasp. To everyone’s surprise the <a href="/circus-of-crime/4060-23035/" data-ref-id="4060-23035">Circus of Crime</a> decide to be wedding crashers. Hank sees the Wasp in danger, and stresses that Yellowjacket is unable to rescue and snaps out of it, and grows back to Goliath and saves his now wife the Wasp.</p><p>When his ex-girlfriend and former Avenger Black Widow is kidnapped by Egghead, Hawkeye becomes frustrated at his lack of power and inability to save her. Throwing aside his bow and arrows, Hawkeye decides to use Hank Pym's old Goliath chemicals and equipment and adopts the Goliath guise himself and frees the Black Widow.</p><h3>Let the Game Begin</h3><p>The <a href="/grandmaster/4005-32735/" data-ref-id="4005-32735">Grandmaster</a> and <a href="/kang/4005-2264/" data-ref-id="4005-2264">Kang</a> plays a game of chess for the life of Kang's dead love, <a href="/ravonna/4005-7222/" data-ref-id="4005-7222">Ravonna</a>. The Avengers are used as pawns. Kang and his team of Avengers win, and the Grandmaster offers Kang a choice to destroy the Avengers or save his beloved. Kang chooses to destroy the Avengers, but they are saved by the new Black Knight who joins the Avengers ranks right after. The Avengers are split into two different teams. One will face the <a href="/squadron-sinister/4060-42129/" data-ref-id="4060-42129">Squadron Sinister</a> and the other would enter a time-stream into the past to face the <a href="/invaders/4060-25865/" data-ref-id="4060-25865">Invaders</a>. At the conclusion, the Black Knight officially becomes a Avenger.</p><p>Not long after this, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch return from the team. Scarlet Witch begins to strike up a romance with Vision, a development that unsettles and enrages her brother.</p><h3>Kree/Skrull War</h3><p>In the <a href="/kree-skrull-war/4045-55742/" data-ref-id="4045-55742">Kree/Skrull War</a>, the Avengers must rescue their friends and prevent earth from an intergalactic conflict.</p><h3>The Sentinels Strike</h3><p>The Avengers are later attacked by the <a href="/sentinels/4060-4296/" data-ref-id="4060-4296">Sentinels</a>, a group of <a href="/x-gene-mutant/4015-40656/" data-ref-id="4015-40656">mutant</a>-hunting robots that had battled the<a href="/x-men/4060-3173/" data-ref-id="4060-3173"> X-Men</a> in the past. The Sentinels kidnap Scarlet Witch and take her to their base in Australia, where they plot to eradicate mutants once and for all. The Sentinels plan to use a massive solar flare to sterilize all of the humans on Earth, which they believe will prevent the birth of future mutants. The Avengers manage to defeat the Sentinels, but Quicksilver (who had earlier broken away from the group and traveled to Australia without the others) is seriously injured, and ends up being left behind since the other Avengers are unaware of his presence. He nearly dies, but is rescued by <a href="/crystal/4005-2115/" data-ref-id="4005-2115">Crystal</a>, who brings him to the hidden kingdom of<a href="/attilan/4020-44155/" data-ref-id="4020-44155"> Attilan</a> to recover.</p><p>Not long after this, <a href="/mantis/4005-3324/" data-ref-id="4005-3324">Mantis</a> and <a href="/swordsman/4005-3795/" data-ref-id="4005-3795">Swordsman</a> also join the team. Mantis soon becomes embroiled in a love triangle with Vision and Scarlet Witch.</p><h3>Avengers/Defenders War</h3><p>In the <a href="/avengers-defenders-war/4045-55774/" data-ref-id="4045-55774">Avengers/Defenders War</a>, The Avengers are once again pawns, but this time between <a href="/">Dormammu</a> and Loki. They must battle the <a href="/defenders/4060-26333/" data-ref-id="4060-26333">Defenders</a> for possession of the <a href="/evil-eye/4055-57448/" data-ref-id="4055-57448">Evil Eye.</a></p><h3>The Celestial Madonna Saga</h3><p>Kang the Conqueror later returns and captures the Avengers, believing that one of the women on the team is the Celestial Madonna, the one prophesied to give birth to an immensely powerful cosmic messiah figure. Kang believes that by forcing the Madonna to marry him, he will have control over the child once it is born.</p><p>The Celestial Madonna is eventually revealed to be Mantis, and Swordsman ends up being killed by Kang while trying to protect her. The Vision and Scarlet Witch end up marrying one another after this, while Mantis departs for space.</p><h3>The Serpent Crown</h3><p>Twin threats to time and space as campaigns by Kang and the Crown coincide! The Avengers fight the Set-serving Squadron Supreme in a clash between Earths and head for the nineteenth century to keep the West from getting wilder! Continuity questions continue as Kang and Immortus mix it up! Plus: the menace of... President Nelson Rockefeller?!</p><h3>Korvac Saga</h3><p>In the <a href="/korvac-saga/4045-55755/" data-ref-id="4045-55755">Korvac Saga</a>, The Avengers and the <a href="/guardians-of-the-galaxy/4060-25956/" data-ref-id="4060-25956">Guardians of the Galaxy</a> team-up to stop <a href="/korvac/4005-14467/" data-ref-id="4005-14467">Korvac</a> from making his version of utopia for mankind.</p><h4>Government Woes</h4><p>When the team received sanction from the U.S. government, <a href="/henry-gyrich/4005-9711/" data-ref-id="4005-9711">Henry Peter Gyrich</a> was appointed as the team's liaison, and quickly found himself at odds with the team. Gyrich fired Hawkeye from the Avengers and replaced him with the <a href="/falcon/4005-1451/" data-ref-id="4005-1451">Falcon</a>, who was brought in to make sure the team met the government's Affirmative Action standards after the Black Panther left the team. Falcon resented his status as a "token," but was forced to stay.</p><p>During this time the team went to <a href="/wundagore-mountain/4020-41286/" data-ref-id="4020-41286">Wundagore</a> and helped the Scarlet Witch defeat the demonic entity <a href="/chthon/4005-15683/" data-ref-id="4005-15683">Chthon</a>, and also teamed up with <a href="/daredevil/4005-24694/" data-ref-id="4005-24694">Daredevil</a> to battle the returned <a href="/grey-gargoyle/4005-6816/" data-ref-id="4005-6816">Grey Gargoyle</a>.</p><h3>Contest of Champions</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-3004336" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.4906832298137" data-width="483" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 483px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:149.1%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-3004336"><img alt="Bronze Age Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 429px) 100vw, 429px" data-width="429" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 483w, 429w"><noscript><img alt="Bronze Age Avengers" src="" srcset=" 483w, 429w" sizes="(max-width: 429px) 100vw, 429px" data-width="429"></noscript></a><figcaption>Bronze Age Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>The Grandmaster and Death start a game in order to return Grandmaster's brother <a href="/collector/4005-13987/" data-ref-id="4005-13987">Collector</a> to life. Each select a group of heroes to find pices to a glowing sphere in a game for the life of the Collector. They get Wonder Man, Beast, Scarlet Witch, Captain America, Wasp, Iron Man and Vision while training in the Avengers Mansion, the Soviet Super Soldiers Darkstar, Crimson Dynamo, Vanguard and Ursa Major while attacking Red Ghost in Russia, Thing, Reed, Sue and Human Torch during a dinner, in Canada they get Guardian, Sasquatch, Aurora, Northstar, Snowbird and Shaman, the X-Men Colossus, Cyclops, Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Storm during a training session in Danger Room, Luke Cage and Iron Fist fighting crime in Harlem, Spider-Man crawling in NY and Crystal, Hellcat and Valkyrie during a show at Rock Soho. They are all send to a huge arena outside the Earth and find they're all heroes ranging from Inhumans to Eternals, Hulk, Hercules, Thor, Daredevil and Namor.</p><p>Excluding immortals, Inhumans, Atlanteans, Eternals and aliens, Grandmaster and Death choose 12 heroes each. Their mission to search for and find four parts of the sphere of life hidden at different points around the Earth before the other team finds them. The Grandmaster swears never use humans again in his games if he wins and then chooses Captain America, <a href="/talisman/4005-14541/" data-ref-id="4005-14541">Talisman</a> (an Australian hero), <a href="/darkstar/4005-10990/" data-ref-id="4005-10990">Darkstar</a>, Wolverine, Captain Britain, Sasquatch, Defensor (an Argentinan hero), She-Hulk, Daredevil, Thing, Blitzkrieg (a German hero) and Peregrine (a French hero). Death swears to give one million years of life more to Earth's Sun and then chooses Vanguard, Iron Man, Shamrock (an Irish hero), Iron Fist, Arabian Knight (a Muslim hero), Storm, Invisible Woman, Angel, Sunfire (from Japan), Black Panther (from the African country Wakanda), Collective Man (a Chinese hero) and Sabra (a Jewish hero).</p><p>After the teams were decided, various combinations of heroes were sent to Earth to find the sections of the sphere before the opposing side's heroes did.</p><h3><a href="/secret-wars/4045-40978/" data-ref-id="4045-40978">Secret Wars</a> and <a href="/secret-wars-ii/4045-55688/" data-ref-id="4045-55688">Secret Wars II</a></h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6370782" data-ratio="1.4553014553015" data-width="481" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 481px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:145.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6370782"><img alt="The Secret Wars" src="" sizes="(max-width: 439px) 100vw, 439px" data-width="439" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 481w, 439w"><noscript><img alt="The Secret Wars" src="" srcset=" 481w, 439w" sizes="(max-width: 439px) 100vw, 439px" data-width="439"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Secret Wars</figcaption></figure><p>Drawn from Earth across the stars, the Marvel Universe's greatest villains and heroes are set against one another by the mysterious and unbelievably powerful <a href="/beyonder/4005-10300/" data-ref-id="4005-10300">Beyonder</a>, with the winner being promised the ultimate prize. But as battle lines are drawn, new alliances forged and old enemies clash, one among them is not willing to settle for anything less than godhood. The combined might of the Avengers, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and the X-Men must prevent Doctor Doom from becoming the most powerful being in the universe.</p><p>It is around this time that the Avengers are joined by new members <a href="/spectrum/4005-11337/" data-ref-id="4005-11337">Captain Marvel</a> and<a href="/starfox/4005-7257/" data-ref-id="4005-7257"> Starfox</a>.</p><p>When the <a href="/beyonder/4005-10300/" data-ref-id="4005-10300">Beyonder</a> later came to Earth to learn about humanity, the Avengers were quick to discover his presence. Captain America, the current Iron Man and the X-Men investigated but were instead attacked by Thundersword. Eventually, the Beyonder decided he wanted to do good and help the planet. He went to the Avengers for advice but found them away on a space mission which he transport himself to and inadvertently botched. Worried about the potential threat he was to the planet if he got out of control, the Avengers an offered him membership with the team as a means to keep an eye on him. The Beyonder instead vanished stating he would think about it, but later began down a path destructive to the planet and the Cosmos itself. After having momentarily upset the Cosmic order of the Universe by eliminating <a href="/death/4005-12620/" data-ref-id="4005-12620">Death</a> (only to restore the concept after realizing his mistake), the Beyonder decided that he might as well just destroy the entire universe because it confuses him.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-ref-id="1300-2805874" data-img-src="" data-ratio="0.72360248447205" data-width="966" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 966px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:72.4%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2805874"><img alt="Avengers vs. Beyonder" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 966w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Avengers vs. Beyonder" src="" srcset=" 966w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Avengers vs. Beyonder</figcaption></figure><p>The Avengers attempted to intercept the Beyonder, but alone were no match for him and were easily defeated by the Beyonder within the blink of an eye. The Beyonder continued in his plot, in the process murdering the entirety of the New Mutants who attempted to stop him. The Avengers regrouped and called in assistance from the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Alpha Flight and many former Avengers, and attempted again to defeat the Beyonder but still proved insufficient to the task. It wasn't until the one-time villain the <a href="/molecule-man/4005-11880/" data-ref-id="4005-11880">Molecule Man</a> arrived that the tide changed for the heroes.</p><p>Battling against the Beyonder, the Molecule Man still wasn't powerful enough and required the heroes to also aid him in battle as a means of distracting the Beyonder from directing all his focus on him. Eventually, the Beyonder was defeated but it seemed too late as the cataclysmic battle between Beyonder and Molecule Man had seemingly doomed the planet to virtual destruction within mere hours.</p><p>Gravely weakened from his battle with the Beyonder, the Molecule Man was pleaded by the Avengers to fix the damage done to the planet in the battle. Not confident in his abilities or strength to do so, the Molecule Man took some convincing by the heroes but eventually rescinded to save the planet even if it meant the strain could kill him. The Molecule Man was successful but it appeared the strain had robbed him of his powers. The Avengers thanked him for his much needed help in the Beyonder conflict and allowed him to leave and live out his life with the Avengers promising not to pursue him for his former crimes.</p><p>Returning home, the Molecule Man revealed to the <a href="/silver-surfer/4005-2502/" data-ref-id="4005-2502">Silver Surfer</a> that he did indeed still have his powers and it was all a show for the Avengers because he was afraid if the Avengers knew his powers were still active they wouldn't stop hounding him or trying to get him to do something with his powers when all he wants to do is live a normal life with his wife. The Silver Surfer promised to keep the secret and left, the Avengers none the wiser.</p><h3>Absolute Vision</h3><p>Around this same time, Vision is nearly killed during a battle with <a href="/annihilus/4005-10964/" data-ref-id="4005-10964">Annihilus</a>. Starfox attempts to help Vision recuperate by connecting him to <a href="/isaac/4005-22002/" data-ref-id="4005-22002">I.S.A.A.C</a>., a powerful computer on his home world of <a href="/titan/4020-41103/" data-ref-id="4020-41103">Titan</a>. Though this does help with Vision's recovery, it also leads to him going mad and believing that the only way to save the world is to conquer it. To that end, he begins manipulating his teammates, and even engineers the formation of a spin-off group based in California, known as the <a href="/avengers-west-coast/4060-29075/" data-ref-id="4060-29075">West Coast Avengers</a>. Hawkeye leads the California based group, with the rest of the initial lineup consisting of <a href="/mockingbird/4005-2497/" data-ref-id="4005-2497">Mockingbird</a>, the new Iron Man (<a href="/war-machine/4005-1926/" data-ref-id="4005-1926">James Rhodes</a>, who took over the role after Tony Stark suffered a severe alcohol relapse), <a href="/tigra/4005-21188/" data-ref-id="4005-21188">Tigra </a>and Wonder Man.</p><p>Though Vision's scheme is eventually thwarted, the West Coast branch of the Avengers remains active. Vision regains his sanity and steps down from the team to face the consequences of his actions, but not before the government begins placing increased scrutiny on the Avengers.</p><h3>Hydrobase</h3><p>Due to continued hassling from the government, the Avengers eventually lost their flight privileges within city limits. The team was soon contacted by the aquatic hero known as <a href="/stingray/4005-3320/" data-ref-id="4005-3320">Stingray</a>, who offered to let the Avengers use <a href="/avengers-island/4020-57019/" data-ref-id="4020-57019">Hydrobase</a> to land and launch their Quinjets. It was at Hydrobase that the Avengers encountered their former foe Namor, who had since been ousted from his kingdom of Atlantis. Remembering how Namor fought alongside the Invaders during World War 2, Captain America offered the Atlantean membership in the Avengers in order to help redeem him.</p><h3>Betrayed</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6337765" data-ratio="0.44241573033708" data-width="712" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 712px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:44.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6337765"><img alt="Both teams of Avengers together" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 712w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Both teams of Avengers together" src="" srcset=" 712w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Both teams of Avengers together</figcaption></figure><p>When the East and West Coast Avengers teams meet for a baseball game, they're attacked by <a href="/freedom-force/4050-22698/" data-ref-id="4050-22698">Freedom Force</a>, a government-sponsored team led by <a href="/mystique/4005-1469/" data-ref-id="4005-1469">Mystique</a>. The Avengers are soon overpowered and taken into custody, and it is revealed that the government ordered that the heroes be arrested. The heroes are told that a former member of the team betrayed them and revealed that they were complicit in certain criminal actions, including Vision's earlier plot to conquer the planet. Though the Avengers plead their innocence, they are not believed.</p><p>After being released by <a href="/julia-carpenter/4005-16197/" data-ref-id="4005-16197">Spider-Woman</a>, the Avengers set out to discover which of their former teammates betrayed them. After calling in several reserve members, the heroes learn that it was Quicksilver who turned against them and framed them for the crimes they are accused of. Quicksilver is revealed to have become mentally unhinged after his wife cheated on him, and also still harbors a grudge over the incident where he was unknowingly abandoned after the fight with the Sentinels. Quicksilver works with the members of <a href="/zodiac/4060-41170/" data-ref-id="4060-41170">Zodiac</a> to destroy his old teammates, but is forced to flee after being thwarted. Quicksilver later regains his sanity after it is discovered that his actions were the result of <a href="/maximus/4005-3447/" data-ref-id="4005-3447">Maximus the Mad</a>, who had manipulated him into turning against the Avengers.</p><h3>Under Siege</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6336767" data-ratio="1.5122873345936" data-width="529" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 529px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6336767"><img alt="The Masters of Evil victorious" src="" sizes="(max-width: 423px) 100vw, 423px" data-width="423" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 529w, 423w"><noscript><img alt="The Masters of Evil victorious" src="" srcset=" 529w, 423w" sizes="(max-width: 423px) 100vw, 423px" data-width="423"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Masters of Evil victorious</figcaption></figure><p>In <a href="/avengers-under-siege/4045-55966/" data-ref-id="4045-55966">Under Siege</a>, <a href="/baron-helmut-zemo/4005-3278/" data-ref-id="4005-3278">Baron Helmut Zemo</a> decided to copy his father and banded together some of the most powerful villains (such as <a href="/mr-hyde/4005-3233/" data-ref-id="4005-3233">Mister Hyde</a>, <a href="/blackout/4005-11839/" data-ref-id="4005-11839">Blackout</a>,<a href="/wrecking-crew/4060-18519/" data-ref-id="4060-18519"> the Wrecking crew</a>, <a href="/songbird/4005-3281/" data-ref-id="4005-3281">Screaming Mimi</a>, <a href="/titania/4005-4943/" data-ref-id="4005-4943">Titania</a>,<a href="/absorbing-man/4005-1779/" data-ref-id="4005-1779"> Absorbing Man</a>, and <a href="/grey-gargoyle/4005-6816/" data-ref-id="4005-6816">Grey Gargoyle</a>) as the new Masters of Evil. The villains first began to discredit the Avengers by turning the public against Namor, with citizens soon expressing outrage at a violent former villain being allowed on the team. The villains later set a trap for Hercules and brutally beat him, nearly killing him. With the first phase of their plan complete, the Masters of Evil then stormed Avengers Mansion, and took several members of the team (including Captain America, Black Knight and Jarivs) prisoner.</p><p>With help from some reinforcements, the remaining Avengers were eventually able to reenter the mansion and rescue their comrades. During the final battle atop the mansion's roof, Baron Zemo fell from a great height, ending his threat. Though the Masters of Evil were ultimately defeated, Jarvis was severely injured, and ended up losing the use of one of his eyes for an extended period. The villains also destroyed Captain America's keepsakes from his youth, including the only remaining photograph of his deceased mother. Hercules was also rendered comatose due to his injuries.</p><p><a href="/doctor-druid/4005-10302/" data-ref-id="4005-10302">Doctor Druid</a>, a hero who had proven key in defeating the Masters of Evil, stayed on and joined the Avengers as an official member. Due to the damage inflicted on the mansion, the Avengers decided to relocate their entire operation to Hydrobase. Captain Marvel also ends up being appointed as team leader after Wasp takes a leave of absence.</p><h3>The X-Men vs. the Avengers</h3><p>Doctor Druid and Captain America arrive at a Mansfield, Ohio shopping mall, ordering the security guard to give the place their attention. They then force the crowd to listen to them and evacuate slowly, using Doctor Druid's hypnotic power. Up above the Earth's atmosphere, the rest of the Avengers, Captain Marvel, Thor, She-Hulk, and Black Knight, are attempting to stop a huge meteor shower. She-Hulk and Black Knight, in a Quinjet, nearly are killed, but are saved by Thor. The government realizes what the asteroids were when they see how magnetic it is, as well as the straps of metal embedded in it.</p><p>In Russia, the Soviet Super soldiers are stopping a runaway train with the help of the Crimson Dynamo. The Soviet Super-Soldiers express their hated of the man, but agree to let him join their ranks, as he is still Russian. In an isolated cove along the Atlantic shore, six X-Men are vacationing. (Dazzler, Magneto, Havok, Storm, Wolverine, and Rogue). All are enjoying themselves except for Havok, who is letting off steam. Magneto sneaks away from the group when he hears the announcement of the fallen asteroids, and takes off. Back at the Avengers Hydrobase, the team is discussing the Asteroids, which now have been revealed as pieces of Asteroid M. They all recount past deeds of him, and agree it is their duty to go after him. In Kampuchea, Magneto is looking for his lost pieces of Asteroid M when he is confronted by the Avengers, who want him to stop. The X-Men come to his aid when he is being beaten. Lastly, the Soviet Super-Soldiers come and attack both groups in an attempt to take Magneto for themselves.</p><p>After a quick recap, a three way battle erupts between the Avengers, Soviet Super Soldiers, and the X-Men. As the Soviets and Avengers duke it out, the X-Men take the opportunity to flee, taking Magneto with them. Dazzler stops Captain America and Crimson Dynamo after they attempt to follow her. After the X-Men escape, the Avengers trick Darkstar to trap all her teammates in her dark energy constructs, departing and leaving them all trapped for another hour by their own teammate. While they do this, Magneto departs the X-Men group to go look for the asteroid on his own. Captain Marvel spies on the X-Men's location using her powers, and relays it off to her team, the Avengers. Magneto finds a huge chunk of his asteroid, including one of his old costumes, and he puts his old helmet on. The Avengers arrive and attack him, nearly defeating him.</p><p>The X-Men then come to his aide, and as the two teams fight, Magneto tells them that the Asteroid is rigged with an explosion. Using the explosion as a distraction, Magneto takes the X-Men in their jet and flee, but apparently unknown to the X-Men, Doctor Druid is stowed away in the back of the Blackbird. The Soviet Super Soldiers, still trapped in the predicament from last issue, finally break free early, as Gremlin exits his armor and shakes Darkstar, releasing them from her powers. They all agree to go after Magneto once more, for his crimes long ago. On the Blackbird, the X-Men are discuss things. Magneto remains quiet about all the things going on with the Asteroid. Druid, still in the jet believes he is hiding something, and Magneto seems to realize that Druid is actually there. Druid then tries to make contact with the Avengers, before the X-Men attack him, as Magneto realized he was there. Rogue absorbs his powers and memories and tells them all that he didn't give away their location. All three teams then arrive in Singapore, after Druid awakens and alerts the Avengers.</p><p>Vanguard recognizes Havok in the streets, but is attacked by Wolverine before he can do anything. Rogue then absorbs his powers and memories and the entire X-Men team flees to a ship on the bay. There, Storm confronts Magneto.</p><p>The Soviets arrive at the ship and attack the X-Men, but during the battle, Crimson Dynamo purposely causes the ship to sink. The Avengers arrive, and all three teams assist in the evacuation of the boat. Crimson Dynamo's actions are revealed, and Magneto escapes once more. The Avengers barge into a Singapore office, demanding that they be given some sort of information on Mangeto. The government is tight-lipped, but the matter has become internation, so the Avengers demand they tell them. The leader is then called, and Magneto has been spotted. It is also revealed that the X-Men have turned themselves over.</p><p>Magneto is wandering the streets when someone recognizes him, causing something of a riot. He is found by three mutants, Crawler, Slider, and Leiko, who bring him to the Light. The Light finally trusts him that he is Magneto, and they all rejoice at his arrival, as they have been waiting for him. They are then attacked and Magneto helps them win, and then flees. The X-Men, tired of waiting to be either prosocuted or not, escape the van and fly away with it to freedom. The Avengers then meet with Mr. Ronalds, who is angry that the Avengers will not go after the escaped X-Men.</p><p>Magneto is modifying his helmet with Leiko, when the Avengers finally confront the X-Men, revealing that they were following them to attempt to find Magneto's location. Magneto teleports all Avengers but Captain America away, and consults with them. He surrenders himself to the government. Back at Xavier Mansion, Psylocke and Longshot watch the Magneto trial on television. The trial does not look to be going well on Magneto's side, and he is getting frustrated. It is revealed that Leiko and Slider were killed when Magneto was taken, and only Crawler lived form a riot attack. Magneto uses his helmet to set himself free from the trial, much to the people's anger.</p><h3>Nothing Lasts Forever</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6336764" data-ratio="1.5404208194906" data-width="903" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 903px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:154.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6336764"><img alt="The final days of Captain Marvel's Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 415px) 100vw, 415px" data-width="415" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 903w, 623w, 415w"><noscript><img alt="The final days of Captain Marvel's Avengers" src="" srcset=" 903w, 623w, 415w" sizes="(max-width: 415px) 100vw, 415px" data-width="415"></noscript></a><figcaption>The final days of Captain Marvel's Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>The Avengers were eventually hunted down and captured by the Greek gods, and were brought before <a href="/zeus/4005-10226/" data-ref-id="4005-10226">Zeus</a>, Hercules' father. Zeus blamed the Avengers for his son's injuries, and sought to punish the heroes by sentencing them to death by torture in the realm of Hades. However, the heroes fought back against Zeus' forces, and Hercules eventually recovered enough to dissuade his father from harming his friends. Though no longer in a coma, Hercules could not return to Earth with his teammates, and remained with his fellow gods to recover from his wounds. Upon their return to Earth, Namor's new wife <a href="/marrina/4005-12600/" data-ref-id="4005-12600">Marrina </a>was made a part of the team as an honorary Avenger. The Avengers later faced a team of robotic villains known as <a href="/heavy-metal/4060-55803/" data-ref-id="4060-55803">Heavy Metal</a>.</p><p>Posing as the space pirate <a href="/nebula/4005-14558/" data-ref-id="4005-14558">Nebula</a>, the time traveler <a href="/ravonna/4005-27265/" data-ref-id="4005-27265">Ravonna</a> began influencing Doctor Druid, manipulating him into plotting a coup against Captain Marvel. Tragedy soon struck when Marrina's alien DNA caused her to transform into a gigantic monster known as the Leviathan. Namor was ultimately forced to kill Marrina to end her suffering, and left the Avengers in sorrow. The battle with Leviathan also left Captain Marvel badly wounded and near death, resulting in her resigning from the team. This allowed Doctor Druid to influence the other Avengers into electing him team leader, which was all part of Ravonna's plan.</p><p>The situation continued to get progressively worse as time went on, such as Black Knight falling victim to the curse of his <a href="/ebony-blade/4055-46939/" data-ref-id="4055-46939">Ebony Blade</a>, and Ravonna brainwashing the team into helping her in her goals. This adventure resulted in Nebula and Doctor Druid disappearing into the time stream. After returning to Hydrobase, the few remaining Avengers chose to go their separate ways, effectively disbanding the team.</p><h3>Evolutionary War</h3><p>The <a href="/high-evolutionary/4005-13346/" data-ref-id="4005-13346">High Evolutionary</a> attempts to evolve the human race into a more advanced species using various schemes such as drugs, eradicating mutants, and a genetic bomb. To combat this threat, Steve Rogers (known simply as The Captain at the time) assembled a team of reserve Avengers consisting of himself, Falcon, Beast, the Hulk (now using his Joe Fixit alias),<a href="/yellowjacket-demara/4005-1501/" data-ref-id="4005-1501"> Yellowjacket</a> and Hercules. Hercules and the High Evolutionary both appear to perish during a heated battle, which allows the remaining Avengers to disable the genetic bomb.</p><h3>Inferno</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6337695" data-ratio="0.71666666666667" data-width="600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:71.7%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6337695"><img alt="Cap unveils his plan for a revolving lineup" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 600w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Cap unveils his plan for a revolving lineup" src="" srcset=" 600w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Cap unveils his plan for a revolving lineup</figcaption></figure><p>After the High Evolutionary is defeated, the reserve Avengers do not stay together. The Captain returns to Hydrobase, where he attempts to form a new team of Avengers. He recruits <a href="/demolition-man/4005-19960/" data-ref-id="4005-19960">D-Man </a>during a mission against <a href="/ultimatum/4060-55767/" data-ref-id="4060-55767">ULTIMATUM</a>, but the young hero appears to perish during the fight.</p><p>After returning to New York, the Captain becomes embroiled in the <a href="/inferno/4045-41408/" data-ref-id="4045-41408">Inferno</a> crossover. After <a href="/franklin-richards/4005-2469/" data-ref-id="4005-2469">Franklin Richards</a> is kidnapped by the <a href="/orphan-maker/4005-25911/" data-ref-id="4005-25911">Orphan-Maker</a> and the <a href="/nanny/4005-7567/" data-ref-id="4005-7567">Nanny</a>, the Captain teams up with <a href="/mr-fantastic/4005-2151/" data-ref-id="4005-2151">Mister Fantastic</a> and the <a href="/invisible-woman/4005-2190/" data-ref-id="4005-2190">Invisible Woman </a>to rescue the child. The three heroes soon encounter <a href="/gilgamesh/4005-29157/" data-ref-id="4005-29157">Gilgamesh</a> and Thor, who help them infighting off the army of demons that have invaded New York. Once the crisis is averted, the five choose to become the core of a new Avengers line-up. The group later battles <a href="/garthan-saal/4005-25716/" data-ref-id="4005-25716">Supernova</a>, and both Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman leave soon after. Gilgamesh's tenure as an Avenger does not last much longer, as he is eventually injured during a fight against the <a href="/lava-men/4060-55859/" data-ref-id="4060-55859">Lava Men</a>. However, his friend and fellow <a href="/eternals/4060-13344/" data-ref-id="4060-13344">Eternal</a> <a href="/sersi/4005-2118/" data-ref-id="4005-2118">Sersi </a>ends up joining the Avengers as his replacement. <a href="/quasar/4005-3319/" data-ref-id="4005-3319">Quasar</a>, a young hero who had assisted the Avengers during the fight with Super Nova, also becomes part of the team.</p><p>The Avengers briefly adopt a non-standard lineup, with the idea being that certain heroes will be chosen for specific missions. This idea is eventually done away with, and the Avengers return to a more traditional roster.</p><h3>Atlantis Attacks</h3><p>Ghuar, Llyra, and Attuma join forces to launch an attack on the surface world in a bid for global domination using the armies of Atlantis and Lemuria.</p><h3>Acts of Vengeance</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-2058671" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5384615384615" data-width="468" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 468px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:153.8%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2058671"><img alt="Acts of Vengeance" src="" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 468w, 416w"><noscript><img alt="Acts of Vengeance" src="" srcset=" 468w, 416w" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416"></noscript></a><figcaption>Acts of Vengeance</figcaption></figure><p>A disguised Loki gathers a group of supervillains he calls the Prime Movers to join forces and destroy the Avengers---whom Loki had actually inadvertently created back in the day---and to strike out at his arch-rival Thor. Dr Doom, Kingpin, Magneto, Mandarin, Red Skull and the Wizard agree, while Apocalypse, Cobra, Mad Thinker and Namor decline the offer. As part of his plan, Loki engineers a prison break at the Vault. The main thrust of the issues involved in this line-wide event is that heroes face off against unfamiliar enemies, for example, Mandarin appears in the X-Men issues, and Rusty and Skids of the New Mutants battle the Vulture.</p><p>After the successful invasion and subsequent destruction of the Avengers headquarters on Hydrobase, the assembled villains fail to operate in a cohesive way, thwarting their plans to kill their enemies. Magneto lashes out at the Red Skull and beats him and buries him alive for his war crimes, the Wizard accidentally reveals the location of their secret meeting place on the Isle of Silence and Doctor Doom backs out of the arrangement and pursues his own scheme to defeat the Fantastic Four, as his own self-importance means he can't allow anyone else to defeat them.</p><p>The Avengers track Loki down and Thor banishes him back to Asgard while most the other villains escape and Magneto goes to track down his daughter.</p><h3>Infinity Union</h3><p>In the aftermath of the destruction of Hydrobase, the Avengers set up a temporary headquarters in Avengers Park.</p><p>In <a href="/infinity-union/4045-56859/" data-ref-id="4045-56859">Infinity Union</a>, <a href="/spider-man/4005-1443/" data-ref-id="4005-1443">Spider-Man</a> and <a href="/sersi/4005-2118/" data-ref-id="4005-2118">Sersi</a> join the <a href="/avengers/4060-3806/" data-ref-id="4060-3806">Avengers</a> to battle against <a href="/nebula/4005-14558/" data-ref-id="4005-14558">Nebula</a> who has gained the <a href="/infinity-union/4055-55883/" data-ref-id="4055-55883">Infinity Union</a> - a collection of items that together can destroy the universe. The team also end up battling the cosmic <a href="/stranger/4005-13332/" data-ref-id="4005-13332">Stranger</a> to save the day.</p><h3>Terminus Factor</h3><p>The ultimate <a href="/terminus/4005-14542/" data-ref-id="4005-14542">Terminus</a> flies to St. Louis, Missouri to absorb the energy of the entire world. However, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes from the east coast, west coast, and great lakes rush to the Gateway to the West to stop the gigantic alien. Led by Captain America, Hank Pym, and the Vision; the Avengers try everything to defeat the powerful giant.</p><h3>U.N. Charter</h3><p>The Avengers eventually finish construction on the new Avengers Mansion, which serves as the team's headquarters. They also employ a support staff known as the <a href="/avengers-crew/4060-59098/" data-ref-id="4060-59098">Avengers Crew</a>, which includes Captain America's former lover, <a href="/peggy-carter/4005-35979/" data-ref-id="4005-35979">Peggy Carter</a>. The Avengers also reach a deal with the United Nations, who offer the team a new security clearance (due to the team's prior clearance having been revoked by the U.S. government) in exchange for becoming a special U.N. peacekeeping task force. During this time, the Avengers are briefly joined by a young hero called <a href="/rage/4005-2097/" data-ref-id="4005-2097">Rage</a>, as well as the reformed villain <a href="/sandman/4005-3544/" data-ref-id="4005-3544">Sandman</a>, who receive probationary status.</p><h3>Subterranean Wars</h3><p>The <a href="/deviants/4060-13345/" data-ref-id="4060-13345">Deviants</a>, under <a href="/brutus/4005-28503/" data-ref-id="4005-28503">Brutus</a>, begin a war for territory with the other underground empires. Pushed back, these lesser powers are briefly forced to fight the surface-dwellers, before the <a href="/avengers/4060-3806/" data-ref-id="4060-3806">Avengers</a> unite to defeat the Deviants.</p><p>After this, Crystal (Quicksilver's estranged wife) and the new Thor (a human named <a href="/thunderstrike/4005-7611/" data-ref-id="4005-7611">Eric Masterson</a>) join the Avengers.</p><h3>Operation Galactic Storm</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6340444" data-ratio="1.4025245441795" data-width="713" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 713px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:140.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6340444"><img alt="The Avengers of the early 90s" src="" sizes="(max-width: 456px) 100vw, 456px" data-width="456" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 713w, 684w, 456w"><noscript><img alt="The Avengers of the early 90s" src="" srcset=" 713w, 684w, 456w" sizes="(max-width: 456px) 100vw, 456px" data-width="456"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Avengers of the early 90s</figcaption></figure><p>As a war between the Kree and Shi'ar rages, Earth becomes drawn into the conflict. The Shi'ar Imperial Guard come to steal the technology left by the deceased Captain Marvel while Kree agents try to secure their loose technology, getting the attention of the Avengers. Earth's Mightiest Heroes learn not only of the intergalactic war taking place but that their solar system is being used as a strategic hyperspace stop and it is severely destabilizing their sun.</p><p>The east coast branch of the Avengers unite with the Avengers West Coast and divide into three teams. One team remains on Earth while the other two journey to the respective throneworlds of the Shi'ar and Kree to find some way of protecting Earth from this war. These space-bound teams are quickly embroiled in conspiracy within both alien empires. The Shi'ar team expose Skrull infiltrators deep within the Shi'ar ruling body, and the Kree team become fugitives as the Supreme Intelligence rises to rule the Kree once more. Even with the conspiracies becoming clear, the war continues with a life of its own. The Shi'ar complete their Nega-Bomb, an unprecedented weapon of mass destruction, and the Avengers are unable to stop Lilandra from deploying it against the Kree. Its detonation ends the war, killing millions upon millions of Kree.</p><p>The Avengers survive and discover the true architect of all this death is the Supreme Intelligence, who sacrificed countless lives so that the few surviving Kree would break free of their evolutionary dead end thanks to the Nega-Bomb's fallout. This leads to half of the Avengers to decide to hunt down the Supreme Intelligence in the ruins of the Kree Empire and execute him for his crimes, despite Captain America's strong objections. The Shi'ar soon arrive to occupy the former Kree Empire, and the Avengers return to Earth.</p><h3>Infinity Gauntlet</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-1993178" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.0875" data-width="400" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 400px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:108.8%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-1993178"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 588px) 100vw, 588px" data-width="588" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 400w" sizes="(max-width: 588px) 100vw, 588px" data-width="588"></noscript></a></figure><p><a href="/death/4005-12620/" data-ref-id="4005-12620">Mistress Death </a>is upset that the balance between life and death has recently not been in her favor. Her solution is to give her ardent follower, <a href="/thanos/4005-7607/" data-ref-id="4005-7607">Thanos</a>, a chance at rebirth setting him forth with a mission of killing half the life in the universe. Despite his powers, Thanos realizes his mission is near impossible. Remembering the Infinity Gems that were instrumental in his death, he peered into the Infinity Well to discover their secrets. He divines the true nature of the gems, and their current owners.</p><p>Thanos discovers that the Infinity Gems are currently in possession of the Elders of the Universe with the Soul Gem in possession of the In-Betweener. With cunning, Thanos is able to obtain possession of the gems. He then places the gems on the Infinity Gauntlet, and becomes the most powerful being in the universe.</p><p>Thanos immediately fulfills his objective and kills half of all life in the universe. He also brings a tortured Nebula (who alleges to be his granddaughter) as a sacrifice to Death. But because Thanos is so powerful, becoming superior to Death in every facet, Thanos' hope of being treated as an equal escapes his grasp. He gleans from Death that they are not equal, and Death becomes subservient to him. This infuriates Thanos who doesn't want Death as a slave but as a lover. In an attempt to make Death jealous, he creates a mate, Terraxia.</p><p>On earth, the heroes are informed by the Silver Surfer as to the reason for the monumental genocide. All of Marvel's mightiest heroes band together to try to defeat Thanos and save the universe. Despite previous conflicts with the Mad Titan, Thanos still remains a mystery. <a href="/adam-warlock/4005-6805/" data-ref-id="4005-6805">Adam Warlock</a>, one of Thanos' most persistent foes, is asked to lead the forces.</p><p>Knowing full well the impossible odds, Adam Warlock and Silver Surfer attempt cosmic diplomacy in the hopes of thwarting Thanos. The two heroes meet up with Epoch and her cosmic champion Quasar and a cosmic summit of the great cosmic powers begins. It includes Eternity, the Watcher Uatu, Kronos, Lord Chaos, Master Order, the Celestials, Galactus, Stranger, Love and Hate and the Living Tribunal. In the summit Eternity tries to convince the Living Tribunal to intervene. The Living Tribunal refuses, in since he believes that if Thanos were to replace Eternity it would still be within the process in natural selection. After seeing this, Adam Warlock persuades the Cosmic powers to aid them in stopping Thanos.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-2021132" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5449275362319" data-width="345" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 345px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:154.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2021132"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 414px) 100vw, 414px" data-width="414" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 345w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 345w" sizes="(max-width: 414px) 100vw, 414px" data-width="414"></noscript></a></figure><p>Thanos is fully aware of the coming conflict. Mephisto arrives and advises Thanos to remove his omniscience to make the fight somewhat fair in the hopes of impressing Death. Despite the machinations of Mephisto, the battle is grueling and over quickly for the heroes. Thanos dispatched the heroes with ease. Some examples of the carnage include Terraxia murdering Spider-Man and decapitating Iron Man. The X-men fared no better, as Wolverine had his adamantium skeleton turned to spongy rubber and Cyclops had his head trapped in a cube, stopping his optic blasts and suffocating him. Cosmic heroes like Nova was turned into small cubes, and with Quasar, Thanos causes the Quantum Bands upon his wrists to explode and then disintegrated him. Fearsome foes like Thor were turned to glass. The last man standing was Captain America, who made his last stand. Absent from the battle and light years away were the Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock, who knew and fully expected the frontal assault to fail. The key to the real strategy was Mephisto's involvement. After shattering Captain America's shield, Thanos raised his fist to deliver the final blow. This was the cue for Adam Warlock's true plan to go into effect as Surfer rushed in to steal the gauntlet. This gambit failed, and Thanos realized how close he was to failure himself. He once again reinstated his omniscience, and became all-powerful, all-knowing once again.</p><p>It was then that the Cosmic forces themselves attacked. The mighty forces, each near-omnipotent on their own, were no match for the omnipotence the Infinity Gauntlet bestowed upon Thanos. Eternity and Thanos had a final epic battle where Thanos perseveres, becoming the embodiment of this universe's reality. Thanos sheds his mortal form and takes his place Eternity's replacement. Nebula seizes this opportunity to take the gauntlet from the former body of Thanos. Thanos realizes his error and joins with the remaining heroes and cosmic forces to defeat the now omnipotent Nebula. Their relentless attack on the confused Gauntlet wielder allows Adam Warlock to enter the Soul Gem, a gem he is intimately attached to. From within the Soul Gem he links with the other Infinity Gems and causes the gems to feedback on Nebula, causing her to remove it.</p><p>Adam Warlock then becomes wielder of the Gauntlet. In an attempt to be a "perfect" god, Warlock's first use of the power was to expel from his soul the Good and Evil. This was the first step to his reign as God. But before he can begin, the Living Tribunal appears and deems Warlock too unstable and therefore unfit to wield the power. He didn't appear previously because he knew that Thanos wouldn't upset the delicate balance of the universe. Without morals or vices, with his sole focus of being a god being undermined, Warlock violently reacts to the Living Tribunal's judgment. The Living Tribunal dismisses Warlock's uses of the Gauntlet and deems that they would no longer be able to function together, preventing anyone from achieving omnipotence through possession of the gems. The gems separate, and Adam Warlock forms Infinity Watch to safeguard the powerful and dangerous Infinity Gems. Thanos retreats to a life of farming to reflect on his life, death, and brush with godhood.</p><h3>Citizen Kang</h3><p>In the unassuming town of Timely, Wisconsin, the Vision disappears, and the Fantastic Four and the Avengers set out to save him! But Timely is connected to Kang's city of Chronopolis, which spans the entire history of the Earth and is guarded by the deadliest warrior's of every age, the <a href="/anachronauts/4060-42560/" data-ref-id="4060-42560">Anachronauts</a>. The Avengers and the Fantastic Four stop battling each other long enough to defeat Kang and the conniving Ravonna.</p><h3>Bloodties</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6341475" data-ratio="0.75" data-width="1600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:75.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6341475"><img alt="The Avengers and X-Men united" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1600w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The Avengers and X-Men united" src="" srcset=" 1600w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Avengers and X-Men united</figcaption></figure><p><a href="/luna/4005-10962/" data-ref-id="4005-10962">Luna</a>, the daughter of Crystal and Quicksilver, is later kidnapped by the mutant extremist <a href="/fabian-cortez/4005-9728/" data-ref-id="4005-9728">Fabian Cortez</a>, who brings the child to the island nation of <a href="/genosha/4020-40967/" data-ref-id="4020-40967">Genosha</a>. A genocidal civil war has also broken out on the island, and the Avengers wish to intervene. However, <a href="/nick-fury/4005-3202/" data-ref-id="4005-3202">Nick Fury</a> informs the group that they cannot take action, as the United Nations will not allow them to get involved. After a battle with <a href="/shield/4060-3775/" data-ref-id="4060-3775">S.H.I.E.L.D.</a>, a strike force consisting of members from both the East and West Coast branches of the Avengers is sent to Genosha, while the rest of the team stays behind to deal with the United Nations.</p><p>On Genosha, the Avengers encounter the X-Men, who have come to halt the genocide. The heroes battle <a href="/exodus/4005-4567/" data-ref-id="4005-4567">Exodus</a>, a member of Magneto's <a href="/acolytes/4060-9730/" data-ref-id="4060-9730">Acolytes</a>. Exodus states that he plans to enforce the will of the fallen Magneto (who was rendered comatose after the<a href="/fatal-attractions/4045-41878/" data-ref-id="4045-41878"> Fatal Attractions</a> story arc) by exterminating Genosha's human population, allowing mutants to rule the country. Back in America, the other Avengers argue with the United Nations about their inaction concerning the genocide.</p><p>Exodus defeats both War Machine and Sersi, before heading off to confront the other Avengers on the island. He is hostile towards Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, and states that he considers them traitors to their father's dream of mutant liberation. When Exodus manages to steal Luna away from Cortez, the X-Men and Avengers combine their forces to battle the villain. After fighting off both teams, Exodus attempts to kill Luna, as he considers her an abomination and insult to Magneto's legacy due to her having no powers. <a href="/professor-x/4005-1505/" data-ref-id="4005-1505">Charles Xavier</a> manages to distract Exodus with a psychic attack, allowing Black Knight to rescue Luna. Xavier mentally battles Exodus to a standstill, causing the mutant extremis to realize he cannot win. Before leaving, however, Exodus injures Quicksilver. As a result of the Avengers' actions, the heroes and the United Nations end their association with one another.</p><h3>The Gatherers</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6341422" data-ratio="1.2811320754717" data-width="530" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 530px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:128.1%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6341422"><img alt="The Proctor menaces the Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 499px) 100vw, 499px" data-width="499" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 530w, 499w"><noscript><img alt="The Proctor menaces the Avengers" src="" srcset=" 530w, 499w" sizes="(max-width: 499px) 100vw, 499px" data-width="499"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Proctor menaces the Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>A mysterious new foe named the <a href="/proctor/4005-85006/" data-ref-id="4005-85006">Proctor</a> later appears, and begins gathering up surviving versions of the Avengers from alternate timelines where most of Earth's heroes have been killed. The Proctor uses these alternate heroes to form a team known as the <a href="/gatherers/4060-29919/" data-ref-id="4060-29919">Gatherers</a>, who scour various parallel universes to find surviving heroes for his cause. The Avengers first encounter the Gatherer after being led into a trap by two <a href="/magdalene/4005-7251/" data-ref-id="4005-7251">Magdalene</a> and <a href="/swordsman-jarvert/4005-2504/" data-ref-id="4005-2504">Swordsman</a>, two members of the group.</p><p>The Avengers proceed to have further encounters with the Gatherers, including an incident where the villains try to kill Black Panther. The Avengers thwart this plan and take Swordsman prisoner, while the other Gatherers escape. The heroes learn that Swordsman is not actually a villain, and had been manipulated and lied to by the Proctor. Bothered by this setback, the Proctor arranges for Vision to be kidnapped and replaced by <a href="/anti-vision/4005-25908/" data-ref-id="4005-25908">an alternate universe counterpar</a>t, who infiltrates the Avengers in order to kill Swordsman. The Avengers eventually discover the ruse, and confront the Proctor. Before escaping, the Proctor reveals to his Avengers that his world had been destroyed by its version of Sersi, who was driven mad by an Eternal mental deterioration known as the Mahd W'yry.</p><p>The Avengers become concerned that their version of Sersi may also be suffering from the Mahd W'yry, as she had become increasingly aggressive and erratic in the preceding weeks. This is not helped by her attraction to Black Knight, who is in love with Crystal. The love triangle is complicated even further by the return of Quicksilver, Crystal's husband, who has been staying at the mansion in order to recover from the injuries dealt to him by Exodus during the <a href="/bloodties/4045-42241/" data-ref-id="4045-42241">Bloodties</a> incident. Sersi begins experiencing seizures and blackouts, and becomes the suspect in a murder investigation after several men she spoke to are found dead.</p><p>The Proctor eventually kidnaps Sersi and reveals that he was his world's version of Black Knight, and had fallen in love with his world's Sersi prior to her mental deterioration. After the alternate Sersei broke up with him and went insane, he killed her with the Ebony Blade, and began traveling across the <a href="/marvel-multiverse/4015-56201/" data-ref-id="4015-56201">Multiverse</a>, killing each alternate version of Sersi he encountered. He also confesses that he had used the mental link he had with his world's Sersi to worsen this Sersi's mental state, and also killed the young men to frame her.</p><p>The Avengers arrive to rescue their teammate and end up in a battle with the Gatherers. Sersi eventually frees herself and uses the Ebony Blade to kill the Proctor, an act which shocks her teammates. Realizing that the Mahd W'yry will soon consume her, Sersi opts to leave for the <a href="/ultraverse/4015-49479/" data-ref-id="4015-49479">Ultraverse</a>, a reality where she will no longer experience her illness. Black Knight chooses to go with her, having realized that he loves her, and that Crystal will never be his. With no homes to return to, Magdelene and Swordsman stay with the Avengers.</p><h3>The Crossing</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4894463" data-ratio="0.77295918367347" data-width="1176" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1176px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:77.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4894463"><img alt="The Crossing" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1176w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The Crossing" src="" srcset=" 1176w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Crossing</figcaption></figure><p>Kang returns in an attempt to break up the Avengers, aided by former Avenger Mantis and a cast of unusual allies, among them grown-up versions of Luna and the Scarlet Witch's non-existent children. Kang and Mantis manipulate Tony Stark into a maddened frenzy which leds the golden Avenger to murder several members and friends of the team.</p><p>One what appears to be the darkest day in Avengers, history, the Avengers are joined by a new member in the shape of the enigmatic Madame Masque who offers her assistance in stopping her former lover from causing any more damage.</p><p>The Avengers eventually succeed in freeing Stark from his madness by recruiting another Tony Stark from an alternate reality to defeat him. However, in the midst of battle, the real Stark sacrifices himself realizing the extent of his actions.</p><h3>Onslaught</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6342618" data-ratio="0.70208333333333" data-width="960" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 960px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:70.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6342618"><img alt="The Avengers make the ultimate sacrifice" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The Avengers make the ultimate sacrifice" src="" srcset=" 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Avengers make the ultimate sacrifice</figcaption></figure><p>When the psionic entity known as <a href="/onslaught/4005-13352/" data-ref-id="4005-13352">Onslaught</a> declares war on humanity, the Avengers are one of the many teams who rise to face this new threat. They briefly end up in a fight with <a href="/joseph/4005-15063/" data-ref-id="4005-15063">Joseph</a> and <a href="/rogue/4005-1446/" data-ref-id="4005-1446">Rogue</a>, believing Joseph to be Magneto, and therefore connected to Onslaught. After realizing he is not the men they once knew, the Avengers partner with the mutants. They also take part in unsuccessful efforts to attack Onslaught, who is seemingly unstoppable.</p><p>During the crisis, the Avengers do their best to keep order and protect the citizens of New York as the citizens descend into chaos. While rescuing civilians, they end up having to face off against the villains <a href="/holocaust/4005-15071/" data-ref-id="4005-15071">Holocaust</a> and<a href="/post/4005-15075/" data-ref-id="4005-15075"> Post</a>. After subduing the two mutant villains, the Avengers rush off to the final battle with Onslaught, who has evolved into an even more powerful form. During the final battle, the Hulk manages to crack Onslaught's armor, transforming the creature into a being of pure psionic energy. Realizing that the energy needs physical form in order to be destroyed, Thor sacrifices himself to try and hold Onslaught. The Fantastic Four, Captain America, Wasp, Giant-Man, Black Panther, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Namor, Hawkeye, Crystal and Bruce Banner (after having been separated from the Hulk) follow Thor's lead, giving up their lives to contain Onslaught. With Onslaught trapped, the X-Men combine their attacks to finish him off, destroying him.</p><p>In the aftermath, the world mourns the fallen Avengers. Black Widow (who had been leading the team at the time of the battle with Onslaught) suffers intense guilty over the deaths, but resolves to carry on the team's legacy. She attempts to form a new line-up of Avengers, and approaches Angel, Iceman, <a href="/ant-man-lang/4005-20577/" data-ref-id="4005-20577">Scott Lang</a>, She-Hulk, <a href="/moondragon/4005-7214/" data-ref-id="4005-7214">Moondragon</a> and War Machine, but is rejected by each of them. With the founding Avengers gone, two congressmen file a motion to annul the team's government charter, causing an even greater strain. Black Widow ultimately chooses to officially disband the Avengers, and shuts down the mansion. Several former members of the team (namely Black Knight, She-Hulk and Hercules) later leave to form the new <a href="/heroes-for-hire/4060-23588/" data-ref-id="4060-23588">Heroes for Hire</a>. Baron Zemo takes advantage of the Avengers' absence by forming a team of villains masquerading as heroes known as the <a href="/thunderbolts/4060-23977/" data-ref-id="4060-23977">Thunderbolts</a>. The Thunderbolts effectively take the place of the Avengers, allowing Zemo to further his schemes.</p><h3>Heroes Reborn</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6342634" data-ratio="0.759375" data-width="1600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:75.9%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6342634"><img alt="The rebooted Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1600w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The rebooted Avengers" src="" srcset=" 1600w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The rebooted Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>In the aftermath of the <a href="/onslaught/4045-43814/" data-ref-id="4045-43814">Onslaught</a> storyline, Franklin Richards uses his powers to create a new universe, where the heroes who perished during the final battle are reborn.</p><p>In the <a href="/heroes-reborn/4045-55955/" data-ref-id="4045-55955">Heroes Reborn </a>reality, the formerly dead Avengers exist without any knowledge of their past lives. In this rebooted world, the Avengers consist of Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Giant-Man, Wasp, Vision, Hawkeye, <a href="/hellcat/4005-3316/" data-ref-id="4005-3316">Hellcat </a>and and Swordsman. The Avengers face off against modernized versions of classic foes, such as Hulk, Kang, the Masters of Evil and Loki.</p><p>They eventually leave this universe after remembering the old one.</p><h3>Morgan Conquest</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4891937" data-ratio="0.75" data-width="1024" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1024px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:75.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4891937"><img alt="The Avengers return" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1024w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The Avengers return" src="" srcset=" 1024w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Avengers return</figcaption></figure><p>In <a href="/the-morgan-conquest/4045-55970/" data-ref-id="4045-55970">Morgan Conquest</a>, the Avengers make their return to their original reality. On their return they are attacked individually by Norse mythological creatures. All available Avengers band together with Thor to help find the Twilight Sword, and the Norse Gems that have been stolen from his homeland. This ended-up being a trap set by the Celtic Sorceress <a href="/">Morgan Le fay</a> and her nephew <a href="/">Mordred the Evil</a>, to kidnap the Scarlet Witch. They needed the Scarlet Witch, Twilight Sword, and Norse Gems to help shape the world to Morgan's image.</p><p>After Morgan is defeated, the Avengers reassemble the team to continue protecting the world. For their bravery, the young heroes <a href="/justice/4005-4811/" data-ref-id="4005-4811">Justice</a> and <a href="/firestar/4005-2101/" data-ref-id="4005-2101">Firestar</a> are also made probationary members of the team.</p><h3>Live Kree or Die</h3><p>In <a href="/live-kree-or-die/4045-56093/" data-ref-id="4045-56093">Live Kree or Die</a>, The <a href="/lunatic-legion/4060-55734/" data-ref-id="4060-55734">Lunatic Legion</a> wants to make humanity into genetic duplicates of the Kree race. Not if the Avengers have anything to say about it. Carol Danvers is removed from the team after it was discovered that she was drunk at the time, endangering her teammates.</p><h3>Destiny War</h3><p>The being known as Immortus who works for a trio of beings called, the Time Keepers, wants Rick Jones dead before he fully developes the "Destiny Force". Rick Jones, Libra, Kang, Supreme Inteligence, and some Avengers that Rick plucked from the past, present, and future are to save Rick from Immortus and remove the " Forever Crystal" from his grasp.</p><h3>Maximum Security</h3><p>In <a href="/maximum-security/4045-49092/" data-ref-id="4045-49092">Maximum Security</a>, The Intergalactic Council has made planet earth a dropping site for intergalactic villains.<a href="/usagent/4005-14992/" data-ref-id="4005-14992"> U.S.Agent</a> returns to the Avengers and assumes leadership of the team as they fight against Ronan, the appointed warden to intergalactic prison their planet has been made into.</p><h3>Ultron Unlimited</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4891943" data-ratio="0.76714285714286" data-width="700" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 700px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:76.7%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4891943"><img alt="Ultron Unlimited" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 700w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Ultron Unlimited" src="" srcset=" 700w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Ultron Unlimited</figcaption></figure><p>In <a href="/ultron-unlimited/4045-55757/" data-ref-id="4045-55757">Ultron Unlimited</a>, Ultron takes over the European nation of <a href="/slorenia/4020-55937/" data-ref-id="4020-55937">Slorenia</a> and kills the entire human populace. He then orchestrates the kidnappings of Hank Pym, Wasp, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Wonder Man and Grim Reaper, each of whom he considers part of his extended family. Ultron reveals that he plans to use their brain patterns to create a new race of mechanical beings, whom he plans to have replace the human race.</p><p>After an intense battle, the tide finally turns when Justice comes up with a plan to use <a href="/vibranium/4055-40919/" data-ref-id="4055-40919">Arctic Vibranium</a>, which Hank uses to destroy Ultron's nearly-indestructible <a href="/adamantium/4055-40759/" data-ref-id="4055-40759">adamantium</a> shell.</p><h3>Kang Dynasty</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6340627" data-ratio="1.4929078014184" data-width="564" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 564px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:149.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6340627"><img alt="The team's roster grows once again" src="" sizes="(max-width: 428px) 100vw, 428px" data-width="428" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 564w, 428w"><noscript><img alt="The team's roster grows once again" src="" srcset=" 564w, 428w" sizes="(max-width: 428px) 100vw, 428px" data-width="428"></noscript></a><figcaption>The team's roster grows once again</figcaption></figure><p>The <a href="/kang-dynasty/4045-55765/" data-ref-id="4045-55765">Kang Dynasty</a> story arc is sometimes also called the Kang War.</p><p><a href="/kang/4005-2264/" data-ref-id="4005-2264">Kang</a> the Conqueror appears with his son Marcus, the new <a href="/scarlet-centurion/4005-11336/" data-ref-id="4005-11336">Scarlet Centurion</a>. They want to prevent Earth's possible dark futures, by conquering the earth to save it. A massive war ensues, with Kang's forces eventually occupying the planet after destroying Washington, D.C., which causes countless deaths. As all of this is going on, another team of Avengers are forced to team up with members of the <a href="/triune-understanding/4060-57073/" data-ref-id="4060-57073">Triune Understanding</a>, a cult that believes a world-ending cataclysm, known as the Triple-Evil, is coming from space. The Avengers eventually encounter the Triple-Evil inside a massive pyramid-shaped space vessel, and a fight ensues. <a href="/jonathan-tremont/4005-11339/" data-ref-id="4005-11339">Jonathan Tremont</a>, the leader of the Triune Understanding, attempts to hijack the pyramid's power for his own ends, but is defeated by <a href="/3-d-man-garrett-jr/4005-3322/" data-ref-id="4005-3322">Triathlon</a>, one of the newest Avengers.</p><p>Back on Earth's, many of the world's heroes have been defeated or taken prisoner by Kang. A resistance movement continues the fight, hoping to free the world from Kang's control. Triathlon is able to pilot the pyramid back to Earth, where the final battle begins. After a heated duel, Carol Danvers manages to destroy the <a href="/damocles-base/4055-55866/" data-ref-id="4055-55866">Damocles Base</a>, Kang's flagship, from the inside. On Earth below, Kang is finally defeated by Captain America in a one-on-one duel, freeing the planet from his tyranny. The world mourns those who were lost, including <a href="/duane-freeman/4005-19932/" data-ref-id="4005-19932">Duane</a>, the Avengers' government liaison.</p><h3>World Trust</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4891932" data-ratio="0.75546875" data-width="1280" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1280px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:75.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4891932"><img alt="The Avengers of the United Nations era" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1280w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The Avengers of the United Nations era" src="" srcset=" 1280w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Avengers of the United Nations era</figcaption></figure><p>When the capital cities of every country on Earth mysteriously vanish, the world is thrown into anarchy. In this time of extraordinary crisis, the nations of the world turn to the only organization capable of leading them through the ensuing strife and restoring political, economic and social order: the Avengers. The Avengers manage to restore the cities after thwarting the plans of Scorpio, the mastermind behind the disappearances.</p><p>As a result of the leadership displayed by the Avengers, they are once again granted United Nations clearance, with Avengers Mansion becoming Avengers Embassy. Scott Lang, Hank Pym's successor as Ant-Man, officially joins the team, as does <a href="/jack-of-hearts/4005-7213/" data-ref-id="4005-7213">Jack of Hearts</a>.</p><h3>Standoff</h3><p>After taking on the role as ruler of Asgard, Thor relocates his legendary home to float directly over New York City. The citizens of the world -- including Thor's former allies in the Avengers -- aren't too happy that self-styled Gods are deciding to intercede in the affairs of man. When a group of peasants are brutally murdered by their own Slokovian government because they worship Thor, Thor is furious and comes down to earth from Asgard to avenge those people. While Iron Man tries to stop Thor whith a special Thorbuster suit - destroying the entire surrouding area - Captain America tries a more human approach to reason with Thor.</p><h3>Heart of the Universe</h3><p>A Cosmic-powered Pharaoh known as <a href="/akhenaten/4005-44289/" data-ref-id="4005-44289">Akhenaten</a> comes to Earth to conquer the planet. When he is opposed by the Avengers, he instantly kills them and puts their bodies on display to frighten the rest of the world into compliance with his rule. The Avengers are later returned to life when Akhenaten is defeated by Doctor Doom and Thanos, although again are forced to face a larger threat in the form of Thanos with the Heart of the Universe. They are again seemingly destroyed only to be brought back to life again when the universe is restored to how it once was.</p><h3>Red Zone</h3><p>A deadly red mist containing a flesh-eating virus starts to spread in the USA killing thousand of people. It is eventually revealed to be the work of the Red Skull, who has infiltrated the U.S. government by posing as a politician named Dell Rusk. The Avengers manage to stop the virus while Black Panther defeats the Skull. However, Jack of Hearts' radiation-absorption powers accidentally cause She-Hulk to transform into a larger, more frenzied form, and she ends up fleeing into the unknown.</p><h3>Search for She-Hulk</h3><p>The Avengers eventually track She-Hulk to a small town, where a massive fight ensues. The intervention of Hawkeye and the Hulk eventually allows the heroes to resolve the crisis, and She-Hulk is returned to normal. In the aftermath of this event, the Avengers come to the conclusion that Jack and She-Hulk cannot both remain as members of the team, as another accident could occur. Before a final decision can be made, Jack of Hearts ends up sacrificing himself to destroy a child-murderer who had kidnapped <a href="/cassie-lang/4005-40516/" data-ref-id="4005-40516">Cassie Lang</a>, Scott's daughter.</p><h3>Avengers Disassembled</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4891935" data-ratio="1.4988290398126" data-width="427" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 427px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:149.9%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4891935"><img alt="The end of the Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 427px) 100vw, 427px" data-width="427" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 427w"><noscript><img alt="The end of the Avengers" src="" srcset=" 427w" sizes="(max-width: 427px) 100vw, 427px" data-width="427"></noscript></a><figcaption>The end of the Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>The <a href="/avengers-disassembled/4045-43625/" data-ref-id="4045-43625">Avengers Disassembled</a>, chronicles the darkest day in the team's history. The story begins with the zombified corpse of Jack of Hearts showing up at the front door of the mansion. When <a href="/ant-man-lang/4005-20577/" data-ref-id="4005-20577">Ant-Man</a> goes to greet his former teammate, Jack explodes, killing the hero instantly.</p><p>In short order, a series of increasingly horrible events befall the team, such as the team losing its U.N. sponsorship after Tony is manipulated into giving a drunken speech before the assembled dignitaries, the return of Ultron, and a Kree invasion. An enraged She-Hulk kills Vision after believing he betrayed the team, while Hawkeye later sacrifices his life to help defeat the Kree.</p><p>It is eventually revealed that the culprit is none other than Scarlet Witch, who suffered a severe mental breakdown after remembering the loss of her children during her time with the West Coast Avengers. At the close of the story, the surviving Avengers agree to disband the team.</p><h3>Breakout</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4906041" data-ratio="1.5183333333333" data-width="600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.8%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4906041"><img alt="The New Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 600w, 421w"><noscript><img alt="The New Avengers" src="" srcset=" 600w, 421w" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421"></noscript></a><figcaption>The New Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>In <a href="/new-avengers-breakout/4045-55505/" data-ref-id="4045-55505">Breakout,</a> after a massive break-out from the prison known as the <a href="/the-raft/4020-50736/" data-ref-id="4020-50736">Raft</a>. A group of heroes formed a team called, The <a href="/new-avengers/4060-42520/" data-ref-id="4060-42520">New Avengers</a>. The group's roster consisted of Captain America, Iron Man, <a href="/spider-man/4005-1443/" data-ref-id="4005-1443">Spider-Man</a>, <a href="/luke-cage/4005-1450/" data-ref-id="4005-1450">Luke Cage</a>, <a href="/wolverine/4005-1440/" data-ref-id="4005-1440">Wolverine</a>, <a href="/spider-woman/4005-1453/" data-ref-id="4005-1453">Spider-Woman</a>, the <a href="/sentry/4005-1454/" data-ref-id="4005-1454">Sentry</a>, and <a href="/echo/4005-9038/" data-ref-id="4005-9038">Ronin</a>. As time goes on, the team was joined by Ms. Marvel, who returned to the group.</p><p>With the mansion destroyed, the Avengers operated out of <a href="/avengers-tower/4020-40830/" data-ref-id="4020-40830">Stark Tower</a>. The heroes set out to find the escaped villains, as well as discover who is behind it. <a href="/electro/4005-3228/" data-ref-id="4005-3228">Electro</a> was revealed to be the one who started the break-out, which led to an adventure in the <a href="/savage-land/4020-21766/" data-ref-id="4020-21766">Savage Land</a>, where the Avengers faced a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. faction led by <a href="/yelena-belova/4005-19397/" data-ref-id="4005-19397">Yelena Belova</a>.</p><p>The team also battled other threats, such as the <a href="/michael-pointer/4005-7600/" data-ref-id="4005-7600">Collective</a> and the Void. The Avengers also faced the <a href="/the-hand/4060-1800/" data-ref-id="4060-1800">Hand</a> organization in Japan. Ronin, who was eventually revealed to be Maya Lopez, a.k.a <a href="/echo/4005-9038/" data-ref-id="4005-9038">Echo</a>, stayed behind in Japan to keep an eye on the Hand's activity, acting as a spy for the team.</p><p>During the <em><a href="/house-of-m/4045-40991/" data-ref-id="4045-40991">House of M</a> </em>crossover, the New Avenger and X-Men met to discuss the fate of Scarlet Witch. Charles Xavier revealed that Wanda's reality warping abilities were growing out of control, and that he could no longer contain them with his psychic powers. Wolverine suggested killing her to end the threat once and for all, and both teams left to visit Wanda and discuss their possible options. However, Quicksilver found out about this, and manipulated Wanda into creating a "perfect" reality. The ruse was eventually undone, and reality returned to normal. However, in the process, Wanda depowered most of the world's mutant population, severely reducing their numbers.</p><h3>Civil War</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-108526" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5175" data-width="400" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 400px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.8%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-108526"><img alt="Whose Side Are You On?" src="" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w"><noscript><img alt="Whose Side Are You On?" src="" srcset=" 400w" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421"></noscript></a><figcaption>Whose Side Are You On?</figcaption></figure><p>Trying to get high ratings for their TV show, the <a href="/new-warriors/4060-11896/" data-ref-id="4060-11896">New Warriors</a> came in contact with a group of super-villains in Stamford, <a href="/connecticut/4020-56118/" data-ref-id="4020-56118">Connecticut</a>. This led to <a href="/nitro/4005-3160/" data-ref-id="4005-3160">Nitro</a>, who was a part of the group of villains, to explode, killing the New Warriors and killing over six hundred people, including a group of school children. With the public now fearing that super-humans were becoming a threat, Congress passes the <a href="/super-human-registration-act/4015-40639/" data-ref-id="4015-40639">Super-Human Registration Act</a>. Believing this to be unconstitutional, Captain America escapes Government capture and gathers others to fight with him against the SHRA. Iron Man, in contrast, believes the SHRA was the best way to keep the public safe and keep all superheroes accountable for their own actions and worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. to help capture Captain America. This divided the super-human community, which literally became a super-human <a href="/civil-war/4045-40615/" data-ref-id="4045-40615">Civil War</a>, leading to multiple conflicts between Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D. with Cap's " <a href="/secret-avengers/4060-40904/" data-ref-id="4060-40904">Secret Avengers</a>," and left friendships and relationships broken, familirs divided, friends turned into bitter enemies, and the death of few individuals, such as Bill Foster, Goliath. The war only ended when Captain America finally surrendered after seeing the harm the war was doing, but this only ended in more bloodshed as Captain America was <a href="/fallen-son-the-death-of-captain-america/4045-54540/" data-ref-id="4045-54540">assassinated</a> shortly after surrendering.</p><h3>The Initiative</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-160532" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.3275" data-width="400" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 400px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:132.8%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-160532"><img alt="The people's Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 482px) 100vw, 482px" data-width="482" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w"><noscript><img alt="The people's Avengers" src="" srcset=" 400w" sizes="(max-width: 482px) 100vw, 482px" data-width="482"></noscript></a><figcaption>The people's Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>For further details: <a href="/the-initiative/4045-53970/" data-ref-id="4045-53970">the Initiative</a></p><p>Minutes after this new Avengers team had been assembled, New York City came under attack by the <a href="/mole-man/4005-2481/" data-ref-id="4005-2481">Mole Man</a>'s monsters and the Mighty Avengers were called into action..</p><p>The battle against the Mole Man's forces went well even though it forced the new team to work out the kinks of its new group dynamic in the field, but the crisis took a terrible swerve with the unexpected arrival of <a href="/ultron/4005-2242/" data-ref-id="4005-2242">Ultron</a>. Ultron hacked into Iron Man's new Extremis system and not only overrode Tony Stark but physically transformed him into a nude replica of Janet Van Dyne. Ultron's fixation with the Wasp became so warped that he turned himself into her as an expression of his love, making himself into a herself. Ultron also hacked into Tony Stark's unfinished network of weather control satellites, causing natural disasters all over the world with the intent of making Earth inhospitable to human life. When the Mighty Avengers discovered this, Wonder Man and the Sentry quickly destroyed the satellites. Ultron then switched tactics and began decoding missile launch codes while fighting the team. Only one missile was successfully launched, and Ms. Marvel detonated it safely in the air. With the help of <a href="/hank-pym/4005-2247/" data-ref-id="4005-2247">Hank Pym</a>, Ares was shrunk down and hand-delivered a virus to Ultron's A.I. core, wiping out Ultron and safely returning Tony Stark's body and mind.</p><h3>Outlaws</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6336724" data-ratio="1.5037593984962" data-width="532" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 532px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:150.4%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6336724"><img alt="The New Avengers after Civil War" src="" sizes="(max-width: 425px) 100vw, 425px" data-width="425" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 532w, 425w"><noscript><img alt="The New Avengers after Civil War" src="" srcset=" 532w, 425w" sizes="(max-width: 425px) 100vw, 425px" data-width="425"></noscript></a><figcaption>The New Avengers after Civil War</figcaption></figure><p>Following the events of<em> Civil War</em>, the line-up of the New Avengers was changed. With Iron Man, Ms. Marvel and Sentry no longer being part of the group, and Captain America being dead, the team was initially underpowered. However, their ranks were soon joined by <a href="/doctor-strange/4005-1456/" data-ref-id="4005-1456">Doctor Strange</a>, who allowed the Avengers to use the <a href="/sanctum-sanctorum/4020-55966/" data-ref-id="4020-55966">Sanctum Sanctorum</a> as their new base of operations. <a href="/iron-fist/4005-1492/" data-ref-id="4005-1492">Iron Fist</a>, Luke's longtime friend and former crime-fighting partner, also joined the team during this period.</p><p>Clint Barton later returned to New York after having been resurrected by Scarlet Witch following the events of <em>House of M</em>. With his Hawkeye identity having been taken over by Kate Bishop after his "death," Clint was left without a costume or moniker. He eventually took the Ronin name and costume that had previously been used by Echo, and switched from his trademark bow and arrow to a katana. As Ronin, Clint joined the New Avengers, and took part in many of their adventures.</p><p>The New Avengers once again clashed with the Hand after learning that they had kidnapped Echo and were planning to brainwash her. During the ensuing battle, <a href="/elektra/4005-1802/" data-ref-id="4005-1802">Elektra</a>, the leader of the Hand, attempted to kill Doctor Strange. However, at the last moment, Echo snapped out of her brainwashed state and stabbed Elektra with a katana, killing her. However, after her death, the assassin's body transformed into a green-skinned alien, revealing that the woman who had been thought to be Elektra was actually a shape-shifting <a href="/skrulls/4060-40668/" data-ref-id="4060-40668">Skrull</a><a href="/elektra-pagon/4005-54515/" data-ref-id="4005-54515"> impostor</a>. After this, Echo officially rejoined the team, and went back to New York with them.</p><h3>Revolution</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-160530" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5" data-width="400" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 400px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:150.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-160530"><img alt="Official team vs. Outlaws!" src="" sizes="(max-width: 426px) 100vw, 426px" data-width="426" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w"><noscript><img alt="Official team vs. Outlaws!" src="" srcset=" 400w" sizes="(max-width: 426px) 100vw, 426px" data-width="426"></noscript></a><figcaption>Official team vs. Outlaws!</figcaption></figure><p>In the recent past, a priority of the Mighty Avengers was to apprehend Luke Cage's New Avengers before that responsibility fell into the hands of anyone who would use harsher tactics to bring the rogue team in. To that end, information was leaked that <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Captain America</a> was alive and in a holding facility. None of this was true. It was bait to lure the New Avengers into a trap, and it worked. The New Avengers suddenly found themselves facing off against the Mighty Avengers. Rather than a fight, Iron Man activated a neural net device meant to dampen their powers. It worked, but the Mighty Avengers did not count on Doctor Strange being with Luke's team. The device did not work on his magic, which allowed Strange to teleport the New Avengers back to his home, which was mystically disguised as a vacant building.</p><p>No one on the Mighty Avengers could see through the illusion Dr. Strange had cast upon his home, but that did not mean they believed it. They recruited <a href="/brother-voodoo/4005-10280/" data-ref-id="4005-10280">Brother Voodoo</a>'s assistance to break the illusion, but he was unable to defeat Dr. Strange's magics and admitted as much to the team. Having to accept that the New Avengers had hidden themselves too well, the Mighty Avengers left the scene.</p><h3>The Trust</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-608839" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.405701754386" data-width="456" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 456px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:140.6%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-608839"><img alt="Skrully" src="" sizes="(max-width: 455px) 100vw, 455px" data-width="455" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 456w, 455w"><noscript><img alt="Skrully" src="" srcset=" 456w, 455w" sizes="(max-width: 455px) 100vw, 455px" data-width="455"></noscript></a><figcaption>Skrully</figcaption></figure><p><a href="/spider-woman/4005-1453/" data-ref-id="4005-1453">Spider-Woman</a>, who was secretly the Skrull <a href="/queen-veranke/4005-54514/" data-ref-id="4005-54514">Queen Veranke</a> at the time, betrayed the outlaw Avengers and came to Tony Stark with the corpse of the Skrull who had been discovered posing as Elektra. She explained to Tony what had happened, and the implications behind it.</p><p>Some believed that Tony was one of them, but she did not.</p><p>With this revelation, Tony told her he wanted her to join the Mighty Avengers. He did not want to get into a fight over the <a href="/super-human-registration-act/4015-40639/" data-ref-id="4015-40639">SHRA</a>. The possibility of a Skrull invasion took priority, and he wanted her on the team to throw the Skrulls off. If the Skrulls were infiltrating all over, he believed there was quite possibly one already on his team. Little did he realize that he had just recruited a Skrull.</p><h3>Venom Bomb</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-282338" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5" data-width="400" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 400px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:150.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-282338"><img alt="Bonded Wasp" src="" sizes="(max-width: 426px) 100vw, 426px" data-width="426" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w"><noscript><img alt="Bonded Wasp" src="" srcset=" 400w" sizes="(max-width: 426px) 100vw, 426px" data-width="426"></noscript></a><figcaption>Bonded Wasp</figcaption></figure><p>For further details: <a href="/venom-bomb/4045-56016/" data-ref-id="4045-56016">Venom Bomb</a></p><p>During the clean-up of the devastation left by Ultron, a biological weapon developed by <a href="/doctor-doom/4005-1468/" data-ref-id="4005-1468">Dr. Doom</a> was accidentally triggered and released upon New York City. This weapon was based off of the <a href="/venom/4005-1486/" data-ref-id="4005-1486">Venom symbiote</a>, releasing a plague of symbiotes that transformed the population of New York into Venom-like monsters. The Mighty Avengers and the New Avengers worked together to fight off the threat as several of their own members became infected. They held the city together as best they could until Iron Man could develop and release a cure to the plague. Rather than arrest the New Avengers, the Mighty Avengers team ignored their presence and focused only on damage control.</p><p>Iron Man investigated the source of the symbiote bomb and traced it straight back to Dr. Doom. It did not matter whether the attack was intentional or not. The Mighty Avengers led a <a href="/shield/4060-3775/" data-ref-id="4060-3775">S.H.I.E.L.D.</a> attack on Dr. Doom in <a href="/latveria/4020-41031/" data-ref-id="4020-41031">Latveria</a>, taking the fight straight to him in his castle. Doom was unprepared for the assault. He did not even know his biological weapon had been triggered, because he had just returned from a trip elsewhere in the timeline. When his technological defenses failed against the Mighty Avengers, he resorted to his magic and nearly had them all at his mercy. However, nothing he could do would protect him from the Sentry's sheer power. He was brutally defeated and unmasked. The Mighty Avengers brought him back to the United States to answer for his crimes.</p><h3>Secret Invasion</h3><p><b>For further details:</b> <a href="/secret-invasion/4045-47264/" data-ref-id="4045-47264">Secret Invasion</a></p><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4906070" data-ratio="0.77319587628866" data-width="1940" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1940px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:77.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4906070"><img alt="The invasion" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1940w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The invasion" src="" srcset=" 1940w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The invasion</figcaption></figure><p>After weeks of paranoia over Skrulls, the alien invaders finally made their move in the final phase of their invasion plans. A Skrull ship crashed in the <a href="/savage-land/4020-21766/" data-ref-id="4020-21766">Savage Land</a>, setting off enough planetary alarms as it went down to alert the Mighty Avengers. The team prepared to investigated but was delayed by the New Avengers, who stole the <a href="/avengers-quinjet/4055-53156/" data-ref-id="4055-53156">quinjet</a> to investigate the crash site themselves rather than trust the Mighty Avengers to do it. By the time the Mighty Avengers caught up, Luke Cage and the others were already at the crashed ship. Iron Man wanted them to hold off on doing anything, but Luke still had Iron Man pegged as a Skrull and wanted answers he thought were inside the ship. What they found inside appeared to be a large group of heroes who had been abducted years ago, including another Iron Man and another Ms. Marvel.</p><p>The Skrulls' trap for both Avengers teams was sprung, and Ares called it correctly. He warned the others that this was a distraction from the true battle, and that as many of them as possible should get back to civilization. Iron Man was quickly incapacitated by a Skrull virus, and the other heroes were itching for a fight. Chaos broke out, and everyone was suddenly scattered throughout the Savage Land. Only Ms. Marvel made it out and flew straight to New York, where she engaged the army of Super-Skrulls attacking the city. Back in the Savage Land, Iron Man continued to suffer from the virus and Spider-Woman revealed herself as a Skrull to him. She tried to get him to believe that he was a sleeper Skrull agent and made all this possible, but Black Widow intervened and assured Iron Man otherwise. The paranoia and chaos in the Savage Land would have continued indefinitely had <a href="/mr-fantastic/4005-2151/" data-ref-id="4005-2151">Mr. Fantastic</a> and <a href="/abigail-brand/4005-4441/" data-ref-id="4005-4441">Abigail Brand</a> not arrived with the means to identify the Skrulls and get the two Avengers teams to New York.</p><p>In Central Park, the Mighty Avengers gathered with the New Avengers, <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a>, the <a href="/young-avengers/4060-40426/" data-ref-id="4060-40426">Young Avengers</a>, the <a href="/secret-warriors/4060-54569/" data-ref-id="4060-54569">Secret Warriors</a>, <a href="/bucky-barnes/4005-40470/" data-ref-id="4005-40470">Captain America</a> and the Thunderbolts for a climatic battle against Queen Veranke and her Skrull forces. The Skrulls had one last surprise, though. The growth serum previously given to Wasp by a Skrull posing as Hank Pym was actually a biological weapon, turning her into a living bomb that the Skrulls now triggered. They were willing to kill themselves along with the humans rather than be beaten. As Wasp grew uncontrollably and was on the verge of detonation, Thor used <a href="/mjolnir/4055-40971/" data-ref-id="4055-40971">Mjolnir</a> to transport her to another dimension, where she could die peacefully without taking anyone with her. The tide then turned against the Skrulls, and the invasion was repelled.</p><h3>Dark Reign</h3><p><b>For further details:</b> <a href="/dark-reign/4045-55707/" data-ref-id="4045-55707">Dark Reign</a></p><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6336726" data-ratio="0.77" data-width="500" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 500px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:77.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6336726"><img alt="The New Avengers vs. the Dark Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 500w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The New Avengers vs. the Dark Avengers" src="" srcset=" 500w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The New Avengers vs. the Dark Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>After the invasion, politics kicked in and Iron Man took the fall for all of the mistakes that allowed the Skrulls to infiltrate so severely, and because <a href="/norman-osborn/4005-58812/" data-ref-id="4005-58812">Norman Osborn</a> not only saved Washington D.C. but took the shot that killed Queen Veranke, he was given Iron Man's job. This meant Iron Man's Avengers was now Norman Osborn's Avengers.</p><p>Iron Man was forced to go on the run to protect the list of superhuman identities from Osborn. Wonder Man became completely disillusioned with the Avengers and people in general. Black Widow went underground with her lover, the new Captain America. Ms. Marvel was invited to become part of Osborn's Avengers, but she refused and went renegade with the New Avengers. Ares and the Sentry stayed on to serve under Osborn.</p><p>With Osborn in charge, the Mighty Avengers gave way to the <a href="/dark-avengers/4060-55990/" data-ref-id="4060-55990">Dark Avengers</a>, a group consisting largely of former villains masquerading as Earth's mightiest heroes. The group included Daken (posing as Wolverine), Moonstone (posing as Ms. Marvel), Venom (posing as Spider-Man) and Bullseye (posing as Hawkeye). The roster was rounded out by former Might Avengers Sentry and Ares, as well as <a href="/noh-varr/4005-11565/" data-ref-id="4005-11565">Marvel Boy</a> (now known as Captain Marvel).</p><h3>Earth's Mightiest</h3><p>Early into the days of Osborn's <a href="/dark-reign/4045-55707/" data-ref-id="4045-55707">Dark Reign</a>, chaotic and unexplainable events began occurring all over the world. The seas boiled, Philadelphia overran with deadly plant life and San Francisco became encased in amber. All of it was the result of <a href="/modred-the-mystic/4005-13924/" data-ref-id="4005-13924">Modred</a> using the <a href="/the-darkhold/4055-45058/" data-ref-id="4055-45058">Darkhold</a> to raise <a href="/chthon/4005-15683/" data-ref-id="4005-15683">Chthon</a> in <a href="/wundagore-mountain-transia/4020-41286/" data-ref-id="4020-41286">Wundagore</a>. <a href="/amadeus-cho/4005-43587/" data-ref-id="4005-43587">Amadeus Cho</a> figured out where the source of the chaos was and, along with <a href="/hercules/4005-2503/" data-ref-id="4005-2503">Hercules</a>, sought to pull together an Avengers team to confront it. They tracked down <a href="/jarvis/4005-1781/" data-ref-id="4005-1781">Jarvis</a> first, because they considered him crucial to any Avengers team. In turn, Jarvis directed them to Hank Pym.</p><p>Meanwhile, <a href="/loki/4005-4324/" data-ref-id="4005-4324">Loki</a> saw opportunity for mischief. He disguised himself as the <a href="/scarlet-witch/4005-1466/" data-ref-id="4005-1466">Scarlet Witch</a> and began teleporting away specific heroes, including the <a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">Hulk</a>, <a href="/usagent/4005-14992/" data-ref-id="4005-14992">U.S. Agent</a>, <a href="/stature/4005-40516/" data-ref-id="4005-40516">Stature</a> and <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">Vision</a>. Like Cho, Iron Man also figured out the pattern and headed for Wundagore.</p><p>Much to Pym's annoyance, the collected heroes fell under the leadership of Iron Man when they all gathered in Wundafore. However, the situation was dire and he was not inspiring much confidence by calling himself the Wasp now. Modred succeeded in raising Chthon and used the body of <a href="/quicksilver/4005-1467/" data-ref-id="4005-1467">Quicksilver</a> as host. However, as the situation continued to escalate, it was Pym who figured out how to neutralize Chthon and pull the entity out of Quicksilver's body. Iron Man left afterward, having to deal with his own problems with Osborn. But the situation inspired Pym, and he asked the remaining heroes to join him in a new incarnation of the Mighty Avengers. The Hulk refused, as did Quicksilver. The rest agreed, and Quicksilver changed his mind upon seeing who he believed to be his sister aiding the team.</p><p>Quickly, Hank Pym took his new team on a spree of adventures, solving crises all over the world. This brought the unwelcome attention of Norman Osborn and <a href="/hammer/4060-56065/" data-ref-id="4060-56065">H.A.M.M.E.R.</a> because it was hurting Osborn's image to have another Avengers team out there beyond his control. Pym's status as a founding Avenger also brought up questions of legitimacy when it came to which Avengers team was the real Avengers. Much of this growing conflict was due to Loki, who guided the Mighty Avengers from crisis to crisis under the guise of the Scarlet Witch.</p><p>H.A.M.M.E.R. was eventually able to locate the access door to Pym's secret lab while the team was out on another mission. Only Jocasta and Jarvis were present to deal with the H.A.M.M.E.R. agents at the door, and they were forced to detach Pym's lab from it, sending it adrift in reality. Meanwhile, Pym was approached with an offer from a global agency called <a href="/grampa/4060-56485/" data-ref-id="4060-56485">G.R.A.M.P.A.</a> that would authorize the Avengers' activities in several states outside of Osborn's influence.</p><p>To repair his lab and save his experiments, Pym required a device <a href="/goliath/4005-3470/" data-ref-id="4005-3470">Bill Foster</a> invented. The problem was that when Foster died the device was left to <a href="/thing/4005-2114/" data-ref-id="4005-2114">Ben Grimm</a>, and Mr. Fantastic did not trust Pym with the device due to all the emotional stresses he was under. In response, Pym led his team on a raid of the <a href="/baxter-building/4020-41454/" data-ref-id="4020-41454">Baxter Building</a> to take the device. As the Mighty Avengers and <a href="/fantastic-four/4060-3804/" data-ref-id="4060-3804">Fantastic Four</a> fought, Pym and Mr. Fantastic grappled over Bill Foster's device. Eventually, Pym was able to show Mr. Fantastic the experiment he was working on that he wanted so badly to save, and upon seeing the preserved body of Janet Van Dyne in the dimension Thor had sent her, Mr. Fantastic agreed to let Pym have the device.</p><h3>Unspeakable</h3><p>In China, a powerful and forgotten Inhuman king now known only as <a href="/the-unspoken/4005-63591/" data-ref-id="4005-63591">the Unspoken</a> sought a device known as the Slave Engine. Many years ago, he hid this holy Inhuman relic and refused to ever tell where it was. Now, he wanted to make use of it himself. The Slave Engine was capable of releasing a gas like the <a href="/terrigen-mists/4055-40921/" data-ref-id="4055-40921">Terrigen Mists</a>, except it had the effect of devolving humans into <a href="/alpha-primitives/4060-55902/" data-ref-id="4060-55902">Alpha Primitives</a>. The Unspoken's intent was to enslave Earth's population and win back the favor of the Inhuman people. At first, only U.S. Agent, Quicksilver and the<a href="/peoples-defense-force/4060-56647/" data-ref-id="4060-56647">People's Defense Force</a> stood in his way. They were not enough.</p><p>Meanwhile, Hank Pym disappeared during an experiment into the <a href="/macroverse/4020-56470/" data-ref-id="4020-56470">Macroverse</a>, and during this time, he believed <a href="/eternity/4005-11332/" data-ref-id="4005-11332">Eternity</a> spoke to him and chose him to be the Scientist Supreme of Earth over Tony Stark and Reed Richards.</p><p>In order to combat the Unspoken, the Mighty Avengers gathered as much Avengers from other teams as they could find. Members of the New Avengers, <a href="/young-avengers/4060-40426/" data-ref-id="4060-40426">Young Avengers</a> and <a href="/avengers-resistance/4060-57031/" data-ref-id="4060-57031">Avengers Resistance</a> came to China to help, but many fell under the effects of the Slave Engine, becoming Alpha Primitives loyal to the Unspoken. Soon, Hank Pym joined the fight as well, and the crisis was successfully brought under control.</p><h3>Mighty No Longer</h3><p>Suspicions about the Scarlet Witch had steadily been rising, but it was not until an altercation with the Dark Avengers that the team realized what was truly going on. Loki was impersonating the Scarlet Witch. Wanting answers, Pym created the means to not only trap Loki but torture the god for answers. While being questioned, Loki confessed to manipulating the team, including posing as Eternity and naming Pym as Scientist Supreme to play on his ego. All the while, Loki sent out a call to <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a> for aid, and when Thor arrived, the god of thunder was enraged with the treatment of his half-brother. He demanded Loki's release, and the Mighty Avengers complied since many of them were also uncomfortable with the actions Pym had taken.</p><p>Adding to the growing misgivings about Pym, he requested that Loki become a member of the Mighty Avengers. This was the breaking point for the team. All of them lost what faith they had in him and left, effectively dissolving the Mighty Avengers.</p><h3><b>Siege</b></h3><p>In <a href="/siege/4045-55985/" data-ref-id="4045-55985">Siege</a>, bringing his Dark Reign to its climax, Norman Osborn has one last objective to complete: bringing down <a href="/asgard/4020-40990/" data-ref-id="4020-40990">Asgard</a>. Teaming up with the villain, Loki, Norman frames the Asgardian <a href="/volstagg/4005-3513/" data-ref-id="4005-3513">Volstagg</a>, giving himself an excuse to attack. Norman then leads his "Avengers" on an all out assault on Asgard, and the first hero to fall in the battle is none other then Thor.</p><p>As the battle rages on, Ares learns of Norman's lies and decides to join his fellow god's into battling Osborn's forces. <a href="/maria-hill/4005-40824/" data-ref-id="4005-40824">Maria Hill</a> then rescues Thor from Norman's men, and helps him escape back into town to heal. Back at the Avengers hideout in Brooklyn, the newly returned Steve Rogers, in uniform, rallies the New and Young Avengers along with Nick Fury and his <a href="/secret-warriors/4060-54569/" data-ref-id="4060-54569">Secret Warriors,</a> and they then head to Asgard. Back in Asgard, Ares has a change of heart and finds and attacks Norman, but is stopped by Sentry, who, after a short struggle rips Ares in half, killing him.</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-2883774" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5131578947368" data-width="988" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 988px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2883774"><img alt="Avengers vs. Thunderbolts by Wellinton Alves" src="" sizes="(max-width: 422px) 100vw, 422px" data-width="422" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 988w, 960w, 634w, 422w"><noscript><img alt="Avengers vs. Thunderbolts by Wellinton Alves" src="" srcset=" 988w, 960w, 634w, 422w" sizes="(max-width: 422px) 100vw, 422px" data-width="422"></noscript></a><figcaption>Avengers vs. Thunderbolts by Wellinton Alves</figcaption></figure><p>By the time Norman Osborn attacked <a href="/asgard/4020-40990/" data-ref-id="4020-40990">Asgard</a>, the Avengers were no longer officially together, but this did not prevent Amadeus Cho from trying to get as much of the band back together as possible to aid the <a href="/asgardian-gods/4060-41205/" data-ref-id="4060-41205">Asgardians</a>. Stature and Vision were already on their way along with the rest of the Young Avenges and others <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Steve Rogers</a> had assembled. Cho was able to hitch a ride to Asgard with U.S. Agent, and his message also reached Quicksilver. Unfortunately, Hercules had recently died in the <a href="/assault-on-new-olympus/4045-55997/" data-ref-id="4045-55997">assault on New Olympus</a>.</p><p>Hank Pym dismissed Steve Rogers' call to arms, staying in his lab with Jocasta to continue his experiment on Janet. However, <a href="/ultron/4005-2242/" data-ref-id="4005-2242">Ultron</a> invaded the <a href="/infinite-avengers-mansion/4020-56336/" data-ref-id="4020-56336">Infinite Avengers Mansion</a>, forcing Pym to abandon his experiment to deal with Ultron.</p><p>In Asgard, the rest of the former Mighty Avengers gathered to prevent the <a href="/thunderbolts/4060-23977/" data-ref-id="4060-23977">Thunderbolts</a> from stealing <a href="/odin/4005-3507/" data-ref-id="4005-3507">Odin</a>'s spear for Osborn. Cho realized that it was <a href="/ghost/4005-17638/" data-ref-id="4005-17638">Ghost</a> who sent out the initial warning about what Osborn was up to, and they were able to prevent Osborn from getting the spear thanks to the defections of <a href="/paladin/4005-10584/" data-ref-id="4005-10584">Paladin</a> and<a href="/eric-ogrady/4005-6774/" data-ref-id="4005-6774">Ant-Man</a>. However, U.S. Agent was critically injured by <a href="/nuke/4005-41866/" data-ref-id="4005-41866">Scourge</a>.</p><p><a href="/daken/4005-42501/" data-ref-id="4005-42501">Daken</a>, who was sent into Broxton to find Thor, locates him, but Thor hits him with a bolt of lightning and declares that he will not hide from Norman or his men, Osborn then sends Sentry in to finish Thor off. <a href="/taskmaster/4005-4578/" data-ref-id="4005-4578">Taskmaster</a> then warns Norman to turn around, and as he does, he sees Cap's shield flying straight for him.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-ref-id="1300-2831963" data-img-src="" data-ratio="0.77061855670103" data-width="1940" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1940px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:77.1%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2831963"><img alt="Avengers vs. Osborn by Olivier Coipel" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1940w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Avengers vs. Osborn by Olivier Coipel" src="" srcset=" 1940w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Avengers vs. Osborn by Olivier Coipel</figcaption></figure><p>Cap's shield then nails Norman on the head, knocking him back as Cap along with the New and Young Avengers and Fury and his Warriors come in behind him as Cap yells "Avengers Assemble!" The heroes join the Asgardians and begin to fight back Osborn's forces, Thor and Maria Hill are then confronted by Sentry and Thor engages in battle with him. Norman then calls on <a href="/the-hood/4005-41917/" data-ref-id="4005-41917">The Hood</a> and his gang to join the battle. In the town, Young Avenger Speed locates Tony Stark and gives him the briefcase that <a href="/jarvis/4005-1781/" data-ref-id="4005-1781">Jarvis</a> gave Cap before they left. The President then orders H.A.M.M.E.R. to be taken down. Thor and Sentry continue to battle, while Iron Man joins the battle, using his own armor to shutdown Osborn's <a href="/norman-osborn/4005-58812/" data-ref-id="4005-58812">Iron Patriot</a> armor, which causes Norman to order <a href="/sentry/4005-1454/" data-ref-id="4005-1454">Sentry</a> to destroy Asgard. The Sentry causes <a href="/asgard/4020-40990/" data-ref-id="4020-40990">Asgard</a> to break apart and fall to Broxton. Norman's suit then falls apart, revealing his now Green Goblin deformed face to the Avengers and to the news team who are filming the whole thing, showing Osborn's true face to the world. Norman then tells the heroes that they don't know what they've done, that he's the only one who can control the Sentry, he then points up to the skies where the <a href="/void/4005-11585/" data-ref-id="4005-11585">Void</a> is now, Norman then tells them that they are all dead.</p><p>The Avengers do their best to fight off the Void, but they are quickly overpowered by him. Only with the help of Loki who begged Odin for the Norn Stones, did the Avengers gain the power of the stones. Now powered up, the Avengers took the fight straight to the Void, gaining the upper hand, but this new power-up was short lived as the Void seemly kills Loki, taking away the heroes new found power. Iron Man takes control of the H.A.M.M.E.R. Helicarrier, turning it into a giant bullet, and ramming it into the Void. The heroes find Bob begging them to kill him, but he soon reverts back into the Void, only to be finally struck down by Thor, Thor then takes the Sentry's body and throws it into the sun.</p><h3>The Heroic Age</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-2831982" data-img-src="" data-ratio="0.77061855670103" data-width="1940" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1940px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:77.1%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2831982"><img alt="Avengers by Olivier Coipel" src="" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1940w, 960w, 480w, 320w"><noscript><img alt="Avengers by Olivier Coipel" src="" srcset=" 1940w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></noscript></a><figcaption>Avengers by Olivier Coipel</figcaption></figure><p><a href="/the-heroic-age/4045-56023/" data-ref-id="4045-56023">The Heroic Age</a>, the President gives Steve Rogers Norman Osborn's job as America's Top Cop, Steve accepts, but tells the President that he's going to do things his way. And with this, the <a href="/super-human-registration-act/4015-40639/" data-ref-id="4015-40639">Super-Human Registration Act</a> is thrown out, Tony Stark is given back <a href="/avengers-tower/4020-40830/" data-ref-id="4020-40830">Avengers Tower</a> and holds a large party for all of the Avengers. Thor soon arrives, telling them that if the call is sent out, he will join their ranks once more, hearing this, Steve tells Thor that's good news since he's going to need all of the Avengers for what he has planned next.</p><p>Following those events, Steve Rogers asks various heroes and former Avengers to join his new plan. Nearly all of them enthusiastically agree, save for <a href="/wonder-man/4005-1465/" data-ref-id="4005-1465">Wonder Man</a>, who believes all the recent misfortunes that happened on Marvel Earth to be the Avengers fault. Steve disagrees, but leaves an opening for Simon to join if he wishes. He later assembles the main team of Avengers: Bucky Barnes as Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, <a href="/spider-man/4005-1443/" data-ref-id="4005-1443">Spider-Man</a>, <a href="/spider-woman/4005-1453/" data-ref-id="4005-1453">Spider-Woman</a>, Hawkeye, and <a href="/wolverine/4005-1440/" data-ref-id="4005-1440">Wolverine</a>. Steve explains the reasons for which he decided that they should be the core group, the “face of a new era”. He wanted a team comprised of strength, nobility, bravery, responsibility and selflessness. Several members of the group get to know each other better, while Iron Man voices his concern on being teammates with Steve once again. Steve explains that the Avengers would not answer to him, but to <a href="/maria-hill/4005-40824/" data-ref-id="4005-40824">Maria Hill</a> instead.</p><h3>Battle for the Future</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-1197403" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.4322222222222" data-width="900" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 900px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:143.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-1197403"><img alt="Avengers #3" src="" sizes="(max-width: 446px) 100vw, 446px" data-width="446" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 900w, 670w, 446w"><noscript><img alt="Avengers #3" src="" srcset=" 900w, 670w, 446w" sizes="(max-width: 446px) 100vw, 446px" data-width="446"></noscript></a><figcaption>Avengers #3</figcaption></figure><p>At that point, a time traveling <a href="/kang/4005-2264/" data-ref-id="4005-2264">Kang the Conqueror</a> emerged. Without hesitation, Thor lands a blow on him, and throws him off the building. The Avengers quickly go after Kang, who holds a mysterious device. It is a device that Iron Man conceived, but never got to actually create: a doomsday machine. Forced to do as Kang says, in fear he will activate it, the Avengers hear him out: according to Kang, <a href="/ultron/4005-2242/" data-ref-id="4005-2242">Ultron</a> would slay the Avengers at some point in the future, and rule with an iron fist, before the <a href="/next-avengers/4060-17900/" data-ref-id="4060-17900">Avengers’ children</a> eventually stop his reign – only to start their own empire, and threaten the entire universe. Kang asks the Avengers to build a time machine and travel to the future in order to stop their successors. He pledges that he will no longer harm them, but rather befriend the Avengers if they will do so.</p><p>The Avengers debate on if they should intervene, or not, and they decide to do so. Iron Man explains that in order to create a time traveling device without damaging pre-existing reality.</p><p>With the help of Wolverine, the team find <a href="/noh-varr/4005-11565/" data-ref-id="4005-11565">Noh-Varr</a>, who is now going by "The Protector." Upon being asked for his help, he joins the team and works with them to create a device which allows them to see into multiple futures that the world could possible go. With this, they quickly learn that the time stream is in fact broken, but before they are able to act, they are attacked by Wonder Man, but he is quickly defeated. The team then prepares to build a new time device after the first one was destroyed by Wonder Man, but they soon find themselves facing off against none other than the <a href="/horsemen-of-apocalypse/4060-40423/" data-ref-id="4060-40423">Horsemen of Apocalypse</a>.</p><p>A fight between the Avengers and the Horsemen of Apocalypse breaks out. During this fight both Iron Man and Wolverine realize that something's not right about this fight. <a href="/apocalypse/4005-7612/" data-ref-id="4005-7612">Apocalypse</a> seemed equally surprised to see the Avengers as they were to see him. All of a sudden, just as quick as Apocalypse and his Horsemen arrived, they disappear again into the timestream. The Avengers decide to split up into two teams: one team to go forth into the timestream and one team to handle time-related disturbances in the city. One of these "disturbances" is <a href="/devil-dinosaur/4005-2172/" data-ref-id="4005-2172">Devil Dinosaur</a> and <a href="/killraven/4005-7233/" data-ref-id="4005-7233">Killraven</a> who are coming through the timestream.</p><p>Before the Avengers get to learn when/where Killraven's from, they are violently attacked by the <a href="/martians/4005-35736/" data-ref-id="4005-35736">Martians</a> from Killraven's future reality. While Thor</p><p>disposes of the Martians and their machines, the heroes at street level take witness to a crazy scene of an mid-19th century's Five Points all-out gang war. When Thor finally destroys all of the Martians' tripods, he watches an incredible scene as the gangs, dinosaurs, old planes, zeppelins, and even <a href="/galactus/4005-2149/" data-ref-id="4005-2149">Galactus</a> himself transform New York City into a war zone. Meanwhile the Avengers Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain America and Noh-Varr arrive in the future in a cave in Central Park and look outside to see a gruesome all-destroying battle. But before they can get a read on the situation they are all knocked unconscious by the Avengers' children. When they wake up, they are greeted by an elderly <a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">Hulk</a> and Iron Man from the future, who apparently need something of the Iron Man of the present.</p><h3>Avengers Prime</h3><p>A team consisting of three of some of the greatest members in the Avengers. <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Steve Rogers</a>, <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a> and <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Iron Man</a> visit Thor's homeworld - <a href="/asgard-marvel/4020-40990/" data-ref-id="4020-40990">Asgard</a> to restore order back to the land. Their trust in one another's actions will keep them alive when they battle demons, old foes, and Asgard's hell!</p><h3>Infinity Quest</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-2665154" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5131578947368" data-width="988" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 988px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2665154"><img alt="Infinity Quest by John Romita Jr." src="" sizes="(max-width: 422px) 100vw, 422px" data-width="422" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 988w, 960w, 634w, 422w"><noscript><img alt="Infinity Quest by John Romita Jr." src="" srcset=" 988w, 960w, 634w, 422w" sizes="(max-width: 422px) 100vw, 422px" data-width="422"></noscript></a><figcaption>Infinity Quest by John Romita Jr.</figcaption></figure><p>While incarcerated following Siege, the Hood learnt of the Infinity Gems and broke out of prison and began a quest to locate them all to have the ultimate power. After acquiring half of them, he decided to test his strength against the Red Hulk whom he defeated with ease. Following his defeat at the hands of the Hood, the Red Hulk went to the Avengers to warn them that there was someone with greater power than him at large.</p><p>The sudden news made Iron Man schedule an emergency meeting of the Illuminati, only for the cabal's existence to be exposed to the rest of the Avengers. The Avengers began a quest to secure the remaining Infinity Gems and use them to defeat the Hood once and for all.</p><p>It fell to the Red Hulk to battle the Hood, as a cataclysmic battle took place between the two which tore through reality itself. Eventually, the Hood was defeated by Red Hulk and Steve Rogers offered the hero the chance to join the Avengers.</p><h3>Avengers vs X-Men</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6336730" data-ratio="1.5188888888889" data-width="900" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 900px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.9%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6336730"><img alt="AVX" src="" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 900w, 632w, 421w"><noscript><img alt="AVX" src="" srcset=" 900w, 632w, 421w" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421"></noscript></a><figcaption>AVX</figcaption></figure><p>The Avengers go to battle with the X-Men when the <a href="/phoenix-force/4005-2164/" data-ref-id="4005-2164">Phoenix Force</a> threatens the planet. Sam Alexander, the new Nova, crash landed on earth to deliver a warning to the Avengers that the Phoenix Force is on it's way to Earth. Later the Avengers travel to Utopia and ask Cyclops to hand over Hope so they can put her in protective custody, but the latter refuses since he believes Hope will save the mutant race from extinction and orders Captain America to leave.</p><p>After a brief scuttle Captain America assembles the Avengers on Utopia and a war breaks out between the two teams. Emma Frost places Hope under the protection of the Five Lights until the matter is resolved, but Hope refuses believing she is the cause of this war and knocks out the Lights. Spider-man and Wolverine enter the compound to get her but they are immediately overwhelmed by her rising Phoenix powers.</p><p>Meanwhile Thor leads the secret Avengers in space to stop the Phoenix but they are soon defeated. The Avengers and the X-men travel around the world to search for Hope. Iron Man and Giant Man prepare a weapon to kill the Phoenix, while both teams fight on the Blue Area of the Moon; Hope is starting to lose control of the Phoenix and asks Wolverine to kill her. Iron Man, sporting a new armor, shoots the Phoenix but instead of killing it it separates it into fragments which bond with Cyclops, Emma Frost, Magik, and Colossus.</p><p>They defeat the Avengers with their new found powers and head back to earth with Hope. Now the Phoenix Five reform the world according to their will by supplying free energy, food, water, as well as ending armed conflicts around the world. The Avengers believe the power is corrupting them and got to Utopia to get Hope, when they do they are nearly beaten by Cyclops but managed to escape thanks to the Scarlet Witch. Cyclops had enough and declares that he will no longer tolerate the Avengers by saying,"No more Avengers."</p><p>The X-Men begin hunting down the Avengers around the world while the latter hides and think of a counter attack. Sooner or later some members of the Avengers are captured and imprisoned by the X-Men. During a confrontation between the two teams the Scarlet Witch injures Magik while Emma Frost severely burns Hawkeye, the Five heal Hawkeye and Cyclops reprimands them for their use of excessive force, but Magik defends that they must kill the Scarlet Witch and Namor reminds him that they are at war.</p><p>Meanwhile Black Panther and Iron Man try to find a way to stop the Phoenix Five, while Hope is taken to K'un L'un for training, and to everyone's surprise it is Spider-Man who must train her. While fighting the Scarlet Witch injures Namor, furious he goes against Cyclops's orders and attacks Wakanda with the Atlanteans. After a long and arduousbattle the Avengers finally bring down Namor, but Cyclops and the rest of the Phoenix avatars arrive and a portion of Namor's Phoenix powers are absorbed and divided into the remaining avatars.</p><p>As days pass by, more and more Avengers are captured by the Phoenix Five, and Hope's training in K'un-L'un shows no results. Several X-Men feel uncomfortable about the way the Phoenix Five are treating their prisoners. Storm arrives in Wakanda in the aftermath of Namor's assault and tells Black Panther that the captured Avengers are being held prisoner in a volcano in Siberia. The Avengers then lead a rescue mission with the help of Storm and Professor X to break out their comrades but are stopped by Magik and Colossus. Spider-Man baits Magik and Colossus into taking each other out, allowing the Avengers to escape. As the Avengers arrive back in K'un-L'un, they are surprised by Cyclops, strengthened by half of Magik and Colossus's portions of the Phoenix force.</p><p>The Avengers stall Cyclops as Hope retreats to find Lei Kung, who tells her that he has one final lesson and presents Shao Lao the dragon, the source of the Iron Fist energy. Hope absorbs the dragon's energy and manages to stave off Cyclops's advance. She falls back behind the Scarlet Witch and with a combination of both their powers, Hope sends Cyclops to the Moon. On the Moon, Cyclops comes to the realization that he will need Emma Frost's power as well in order to defeat Hope. Meanwhile on Utopia, Magneto asks Professor X for his help as Emma Frost's rule becomes more tyrannical.</p><p>Cyclops then absorbs Emma Frost's power and becomes the Dark Phoenix while also killing Professor X. The X-Men and Avengers team up to stop Cyclops but even with their combined might they are no match for Scott's godly powers. As a last resort Hope and Scarlet Witch team up and defeat Cyclops, the Phoenix enters Hope's body and, with the Scarlet Witch, wish away the Phoenix erasing the Dark Phoenix, and restore the mutant population. Cyclops is put under arrest and Captain America assembles a new team of Avengers.</p><h3>The Avengers Machine</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4466338" data-ratio="0.7602143335566" data-width="1493" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1493px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:76.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4466338"><img alt="The expanded Avengers line-up" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1493w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The expanded Avengers line-up" src="" srcset=" 1493w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The expanded Avengers line-up</figcaption></figure><p>Believing that the Avengers need to “get bigger,” Iron Man presents Captain America with a new diagram he called The Avengers Machine, that planned an aggressive expansion of the Avengers roster both in headcount and level of power. However, it was not implemented until after a basic roster of Avengers were captured by cosmic threats, <a href="/ex-nihilo/4005-86671/" data-ref-id="4005-86671">Ex Nihilo</a> and <a href="/abyss/4005-86673/" data-ref-id="4005-86673">Abyss</a>. They were terraforming Mars for their own experiments when The Avengers investigated. While the rest of The Avengers were held captive, Cap was chosen to return to Earth to announce plans for Mars. Using the diagram, Cap recruited a new team including cosmic-level heroes: <a href="/smasher-kane/4005-86443/" data-ref-id="4005-86443">Smasher</a>, <a href="/hyperion/4005-6911/" data-ref-id="4005-6911">Hyperion</a>, <a href="/manifold/4005-62072/" data-ref-id="4005-62072">Manifold</a>, and the current <a href="/tamara-devoux/4005-88135/" data-ref-id="4005-88135">Captain Universe</a>.</p><p dir="ltr">Surprisingly, Ex Nihilo and Abyss agreed to not spread their experiments to Earth, mostly in respect to Captain Universe’s power. However, their interference was already having consequences. One of their test subjects attacked and killed <a href="/omega-flight/4060-31159/" data-ref-id="4060-31159">Omega Flight</a>, while another was being taken advantage of by AIM, who were also aggressively expanding their membership and power. A new <a href="/white-event/4015-56185/" data-ref-id="4015-56185">White Event</a> also occurred choosing a new <a href="/nightmask/4005-88156/" data-ref-id="4005-88156">Nightmask</a> and <a href="/star-brand/4005-30118/" data-ref-id="4005-30118">Starbrand</a>, both of whom joined the Avengers.</p><p dir="ltr">The biggest threat came from deep space. Captain Universe warned her current team of <a href="/builders/4060-60019/" data-ref-id="4060-60019">The Builders</a>, ancient beings created by Captain Universe. They were considered perfect beings that cultivated civilizations and directed evolutionary paths of multiple planets. They sought to destroy planets that had significance to incursions, the collision of variant planets from the multiverse. On Captain Universe’s recommendation, E Nihilo and Abyss were extended membership to the team</p><h3>Infinity</h3><p>With alien empires falling to The Builders, The Avengers ventured into space to join the likes of the Kree, the Skrulls, the Shi’ar, and even the <a href="/annihilation-wave/4060-55905/" data-ref-id="4060-55905">Annihilation Wave</a> to take on The Builders together. Their plan was to trap The Builders in a singularity, but they were unprepared for the size of their fleet, which now included members of Ex Nihilo’s race. With half of the Avengers as prisoners of The Builders, they were impressed by the varied resources and abilities, making Earth their prime target. Alien empires began defecting or retreating for leniency, but Ex Nihilo was able to convince his race to fight for the Avengers. Together, they summoned Captain Universe, who destroyed The Builders and earned the admiration of the galaxy.</p><p>Meanwhile, Thanos learned that the Infinity Gems were with the Illuminati and targeted an Earth left vulnerable while the Avengers were in space. He was also hunting one of his offspring, <a href="/thane/4005-92620/" data-ref-id="4005-92620">Thane</a>, whom he considered an Inhuman abomination. He was joined by his new generals, <a href="/black-order/4060-59877/" data-ref-id="4060-59877">The Black Order</a>, and the feral <a href="/outriders/4060-59774/" data-ref-id="4060-59774">Outriders</a>. To stand against them, Luke Cage put together his own Avengers team, while they waited for the main Avengers to return from space, and Black Bolt readied a Terrigen Bomb, that would released terrigen mist into Earth’s atmosphere. This bomb would trigger the dormant Inhuman genes in small percent of the population, including Thane. Ultimately, the Avengers arrived with troops from grateful alien civilizations to take on Thanos’ space navy, while Thane used his new Inhuman ability to freeze Thanos as a living statue.</p><h3>AXIS</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8634503" data-ratio="1.5372233400402" data-width="1988" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1988px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:153.7%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8634503"><img alt="Inverted Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1988w, 1249w, 624w, 416w"><noscript><img alt="Inverted Avengers" src="" srcset=" 1988w, 1249w, 624w, 416w" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416"></noscript></a><figcaption>Inverted Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>To get an edge over his rivals, Red Skull plundered Xavier’s grave and spliced Xavier’s telepathic brain onto his own. With his new powers, he set up mutant concentration camps on Genosha, which were attacked by the <a href="/avengers-unity-squad/4060-59251/" data-ref-id="4060-59251">Avengers Unity Squad</a>, an Avengers/X-Men co-op founded by Captain America. Lashing out, Red Skull upgraded to Red Onslaught. To reach the moral center of Xavier’s brain, Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom cast a spell that inverted his morality. Unfortunately, it backfired and inverted the morality of a number of the heroes who were confronting Red Skull.</p><p>An inverted Avengers, including Sam Wilson (acting Captain America), Iron Man, Thor, and Scarlet Witch executed the Red Skull for his crimes and tricked the non-inverted heroes into a trap so they won’t stand in the inverted team’s way. Spider-Man, Nova, and a de-powered Steve Rogers escaped the inverted Avengers and joined a team of inverted supervillains, led by Magneto. They evaded capture while strategizing their next move thanks to the inverted Avengers being distracted by inverted X-Men.</p><p>Those inverted X-Men had planned a gene bomb that would take out anyone without an X-gene, leaving mutants as the dominant race on Earth. Rogers and Spidey led the inverted supervillains against the inverted X-Men to stop the bomb from going off. They were no match for the inverted X-Men, however, they were still able to reduce the damage of the bomb when an inverted <a href="/carnage/4005-1490/" data-ref-id="4005-1490">Carnage</a> smothered it with its symbiote tendrils, costing Carnage his life. It wasn’t until Red Onslaught, who now believed in Xavier’s dream, interfered with a fight between Wanda and Doom that a new spell was cast, changing almost everyone back to normal.</p><h3>Time Runs Out</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4466340" data-ratio="0.77369439071567" data-width="1551" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1551px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:77.4%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4466340"><img alt="Time Runs Out" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1551w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Time Runs Out" src="" srcset=" 1551w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Time Runs Out</figcaption></figure><p>While The Avengers Machine was being implemented, Black Panther had discovered the existence of <a href="/universal-incursion/4015-56188/" data-ref-id="4015-56188">incursions</a>, weak points in the multiverse barriers that allowed counterpart planets from variant timelines to collide and destroy each other. He reassembled the Illuminati to help him destroy the incoming variant planets before they could smash into their Earth. Eventually, the guilt was too much for this Illuminati, but Namor continued with help from his <a href="/cabal/4060-56051/" data-ref-id="4060-56051">Dark Cabal.</a></p><p dir="ltr">When Captain America learned of this, he ordered the Avengers to hunt down the Illuminati and Dark Cabal. He restructured them under SHIELD, but it splintered the team. Those who refused to hunt their allies joined AIM, which was recently purchased by <a href="/sunspot/4005-4644/" data-ref-id="4005-4644">Sunspot</a>. They worked to stop a war from raging between the Avengers and Illuminati, but the only thing that could stop was a team up against the Cabal, which they trapped on a planet as it was about to be destroyed.</p><p dir="ltr">Regrouped, they began to investigate the true source of the incursions. Hank Pym learned that the incursions were caused by <a href="/beyonders/4060-58806/" data-ref-id="4060-58806">The Beyonders</a> as part of one of their experiments, and Doctor Strange had discovered that Doctor Doom had already figured this out and had been secretly waging a war against The Beyonders himself. With <a href="/molecule-man/4005-11880/" data-ref-id="4005-11880">Molecule Man</a>, Strange was able to witness the confrontation between The Beyonders and Doom. Doom managed to steal their omnipotent power and use it to create <a href="/battleworld/4020-51065/" data-ref-id="4020-51065">Battleworld</a> from pieces of incurred worlds.</p><p dir="ltr">With the destruction of Earth and the Seventh Cosmos imminent, Reed Richards created life rafts that could carry a few people from Earth to Battleworld. With most of the Avengers lost in Battleworld with new memories or as multiverse variants, Reed continued working behind the scenes to defeat Doom and recreate the universe as the Eighth Cosmos with Molecule Man’s powers.</p><h3>All-New, All-Different Avengers</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6307560" data-ratio="1.5183333333333" data-width="600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.8%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6307560"><img alt="The All-New, All-Different Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 600w, 421w"><noscript><img alt="The All-New, All-Different Avengers" src="" srcset=" 600w, 421w" sizes="(max-width: 421px) 100vw, 421px" data-width="421"></noscript></a><figcaption>The All-New, All-Different Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>Eight months after the events of Secret Wars (which ended with the Earth restored), the Avengers are once again no more. The former members are divvied up among the various spin-off teams like the New Avengers (now led by Sunspot), the <a href="/ultimates/4060-40504/" data-ref-id="4060-40504">Ultimates</a>, <a href="/a-force/4060-61729/" data-ref-id="4060-61729">A-Force</a>, and the <a href="/avengers-unity-squad/4060-59251/" data-ref-id="4060-59251">Avengers Unity Squad</a>. Financial problems within <a href="/stark-industries/4060-56840/" data-ref-id="4060-56840">Stark Industries </a>also result in Avengers Tower being sold off to a Chinese company known as Qeng Enterprises.</p><p>During a battle with the <a href="/chitauri/4060-57559/" data-ref-id="4060-57559">Chitauri</a> villain <a href="/warbringer/4005-121920/" data-ref-id="4005-121920">Warbringer</a>, various heroes get involved, leading to a formation of a new team of Avengers similar to the circumstances that led to the creation of the original Avengers. Veteran Avengers Iron Man, Captain America (Sam Wilson) and Vision are joined by newcomers<a href="/kamala-khan/4005-94118/" data-ref-id="4005-94118"> Ms. Marvel</a>, <a href="/miles-morales/4005-79420/" data-ref-id="4005-79420">Spider-Man</a>, <a href="/sam-alexander/4005-82858/" data-ref-id="4005-82858">Nova</a> and the new <a href="/jane-foster/4005-12337/" data-ref-id="4005-12337">Thor</a>.</p><p>Due to a lack of headquarters, the new team of Avengers operate out of an abandoned headquarters in New Jersey. This incarnation of the team faces foes like Kang and Annihilus, and also becomes involved in a<a href="/standoff/4045-58741/" data-ref-id="4045-58741"> crossover</a> with the Uncanny Avengers at <a href="/pleasant-hill/4020-61430/" data-ref-id="4020-61430">Pleasant Hill</a>.</p><h3>Civil War II</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6294707" data-ratio="1.510067114094" data-width="1192" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1192px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6294707"><img alt="Falcon's Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 423px) 100vw, 423px" data-width="423" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1192w, 635w, 423w"><noscript><img alt="Falcon's Avengers" src="" srcset=" 1192w, 635w, 423w" sizes="(max-width: 423px) 100vw, 423px" data-width="423"></noscript></a><figcaption>Falcon's Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>This incarnation of the team ultimately proves short-lived, as the events of t<a href="/civil-war-ii/4045-58879/" data-ref-id="4045-58879">he second superhuman Civil War</a> lead to a major shakeup on the team. Iron Man is rendered comatose following a battle with Captain Marvel, while Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel and Nova all leave to form a new team of teenage superheroes known as the <a href="" data-ref-id="4060-40413">Champions</a>. The Avengers' ranks are soon bolstered by the original Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Hercules and <a href="/nadia-van-dyne/4005-129406/" data-ref-id="4005-129406">Nadia Pym</a>, the new Wasp. Sam Wilson remains as the team's leader, but transitions back to his Falcon identity after returning the Captain America name to Steve Rogers. A reformed Victor Von Doom, now known as the Superior Iron Man, assists the group from time to time, but never becomes an official member. <a href="/parker-industries/4060-62748/" data-ref-id="4060-62748">Parker Industries</a> initially serves as the team's financial backer and houses them in the Baxter Building, but the Avengers are forced to relocate after the company folds.</p><p>During this same period, the remaining members of the New Avengers reform the team as the U.S. Avengers, while Hawkeye starts a new underground Avengers movement known as the Occupy Avengers.</p><p>This version of the team becomes embroiled in a massive war with Kang the Conqueror, and also deals with new threats like <a href="/cressida/4005-135756/" data-ref-id="4005-135756">Avenger X</a>, a previously unknown early member of the team who turned out to be a life-draining supervillain. The romantic relationship between Sam Wilson and Jane Foster also flourishes during this time.</p><p>During <a href="/secret-empire/4045-59354/" data-ref-id="4045-59354">HYDRA's takeover of the United States</a>, the Avengers are briefly replaced by a new line-up formed by the traitorous Steve Rogers. This team includes <a href="/doctor-octopus/4005-1485/" data-ref-id="4005-1485">Superior Octopus</a>, <a href="/deadpool/4005-7606/" data-ref-id="4005-7606">Deadpool</a>, Odinson, Black Ant, Taskmaster, Scarlet Witch (possessed by <a href="/chthon/4005-15683/" data-ref-id="4005-15683">Chthon</a>) and Vision (corrupted by a computer virus made by <a href="/arnim-zola/4005-14876/" data-ref-id="4005-14876">Arnim Zola</a>). After HYDRA is defeated, the previous Avengers resume their roles.</p><p>During one of their final missions, the heroes team up with the Champions to stop a mad scheme by the High Evolutionary.</p><h3>Avengers Mountain</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6410591" data-ratio="1.3161004431315" data-width="677" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 677px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:131.6%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6410591"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 486px) 100vw, 486px" data-width="486" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 677w, 486w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 677w, 486w" sizes="(max-width: 486px) 100vw, 486px" data-width="486"></noscript></a></figure><p>When multiple teams of Avengers came together to defend the Earth from <a href="/grandmaster/4005-32735/" data-ref-id="4005-32735">The Grandmaster</a>'s <a href="/no-surrender/4045-59726/" data-ref-id="4045-59726">feud</a> with <a href="/challenger/4005-145713/" data-ref-id="4005-145713">The Challenger</a>, they all mutually agreed to dissolve their teams. In order to keep an Avengers team around, Loki called on the <a href="/dark-celestials/4060-63554/" data-ref-id="4060-63554">Dark Celestials</a> to attack Earth, believing any heroes that answered the call would stick together. After defending the Earth once again, <a href="/celestials/4060-13343/" data-ref-id="4060-13343">Celestials</a> set up the corpse of <a href="/progenitor/4005-149462/" data-ref-id="4005-149462">Progenitor</a> as a new <a href="/avengers-mountain/4020-63905/" data-ref-id="4020-63905">base of operations</a> for the first responding heroes:</p><ul><li>Captain America</li><li>Iron Man</li><li>Thor</li><li>She-Hulk (going by Hulk)</li><li>Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)</li><li><a href="/ghost-rider-reyes/4005-94992/" data-ref-id="4005-94992">Ghost Rider </a>(Robbie Reyes)</li><li>Doctor Strange (who ultimately turned down membership)</li><li>and Black Panther, voted in as new chairperson</li></ul><p>As leader, Panther instituted a supporting staff called the<a href="/agents-of-wakanda/4060-63880/" data-ref-id="4060-63880"> Agents of Wakanda</a>. These new Avengers went up against a number of new teams. Namor put together the <a href="/defenders-of-the-deep/4060-63771/" data-ref-id="4060-63771">Defenders of the Deep</a> to defend the oceans from the societies of man. <a href="/dracula/4005-65186/" data-ref-id="4005-65186">Dracula</a> enabled a new <a href="/legion-of-the-unliving/4060-44593/" data-ref-id="4060-44593">Legion of the Unliving</a> to steal Chernobyl as a new home for vampires. This confrontation led to an invite for <a href="/blade/4005-7570/" data-ref-id="4005-7570">Blade</a> and <a href="/boy-thing/4005-154836/" data-ref-id="4005-154836">Boy-Thing</a> to the Avengers. Both the United States and Russia did not take lightly to the Avengers setting up operations outside of the USA. The US worked with a newly resurrected <a href="/phil-coulson/4005-70860/" data-ref-id="4005-70860">Agent Coulson</a> to create a new <a href="/squadron-supreme/4060-40479/" data-ref-id="4060-40479">Squadron Supreme</a>, while the Russians made use of their team, <a href="/winter-guard/4060-22537/" data-ref-id="4060-22537">The Winter Guard</a>.</p><h3>The Heroic Mantles</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6441369" data-ratio="1.4753623188406" data-width="345" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 345px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:147.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6441369"><img alt="Stone-Age Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 433px) 100vw, 433px" data-width="433" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 345w"><noscript><img alt="Stone-Age Avengers" src="" srcset=" 345w" sizes="(max-width: 433px) 100vw, 433px" data-width="433"></noscript></a><figcaption>Stone-Age Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>At the heart of much of the Avengers new problems was <a href="/mephisto/4005-2635/" data-ref-id="4005-2635">Mephisto</a>. His centuries old manipulations, starting with a <a href="/avengers-1000000-bc/4060-63587/" data-ref-id="4060-63587">stone-age version of the Avengers</a> made up of the first bearers of their planet's oldest heroic mantles, were finally coming to fruition.</p><p>Those mantles are:</p><ul><li><a href="/sorcerer-supreme/4015-55956/" data-ref-id="4015-55956">The Sorcerer Supreme</a></li><li><a href="/star-brand/4055-43199/" data-ref-id="4055-43199">The Star Brand</a></li><li><a href="/phoenix-force/4005-2164/" data-ref-id="4005-2164">The Phoenix Force</a></li><li><a href="/the-book-of-the-iron-fist/4055-55674/" data-ref-id="4055-55674">The Iron Fist</a></li><li>Wielder of <a href="/mjolnir/4055-40971/" data-ref-id="4055-40971">Mjolnir</a></li><li><a href="/heart-shaped-herb/4055-43809/" data-ref-id="4055-43809">The Black Panther</a></li><li><a href="/ghost-rider/4015-56209/" data-ref-id="4015-56209">The Ghost Rider</a></li></ul><p><a href="/khonshu/4005-42387/" data-ref-id="4005-42387">Khonshu</a>, through Moon Knight, attempted to steal the powers of the active heroic mantles to stop Mephisto, but ultimately Moon Knight rebelled against Khonshu, when the god crossed a line against The Avengers. All the current mantle holders, except The Phoenix Force, are associated with the Avengers. Danny Rand (current Iron Fist) and Doctor Strange (current Sorcerer Supreme) are allies of the team, while the Starbrand is currently possessed by a <a href="/brandy-shelby/4005-164885/" data-ref-id="4005-164885">baby girl</a> in the Avengers care. The rest are active members.</p><p>The Phoenix Force landed on an island nearby Avengers Mountain and forced a number of Earth warriors, including some Avengers, to fight in a tournament. However, the winner will not become the new Phoenix host, but, rather, one of the fallen will prove an emotional strength worthy to be the host. Thus, Echo becomes the new Phoenix, activating the last of the legendary mantles.</p><h3>Heroes Reborn</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8024688" data-ratio="1.4411468812877" data-width="1988" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1988px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:144.1%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8024688"><img alt="Blade and Cap bring the Avengers together" src="" sizes="(max-width: 444px) 100vw, 444px" data-width="444" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1988w, 1332w, 666w, 444w"><noscript><img alt="Blade and Cap bring the Avengers together" src="" srcset=" 1988w, 1332w, 666w, 444w" sizes="(max-width: 444px) 100vw, 444px" data-width="444"></noscript></a><figcaption>Blade and Cap bring the Avengers together</figcaption></figure><p>Blade wakes mysteriously one day living in a reality without the Avengers or the heroic mantles. Instead, Earth's mightiest heroes are the Squadron Supreme of America, who are working for President Coulson. Blade travels the world looking for his teammates but finds they have all failed to experience the secret origins that made them heroes in the first place. The only member Blade is able to recruit was Captain America, who Blade needed to dig out of Arctic ice. Together, they sought out more champions to fix this warped world.</p><p>Thanks to Cap, Blade's quest to put together an Avengers team went a lot better. He was able to convince Thor to put down the bottle and pick up his hammer. He convinced Panther to drop his isolationist tradition. Cap served as a beacon to the cosmic powers of Echo (as the Phoenix) and Brandy (as the Starbrand). They were ready to make their stand when the Squadron tracked them to Wakanda.</p><p>The two teams were pretty evenly matched, but that all changed when President Coulson entered the battlefield with his Pandemonium Cube, the artifact Mephisto gave Coulson to remake the world. The combined forces of the Phoenix and the Starbrand were able to break the cube, reverting reality back to as it was, mostly.</p><p>Brandy retained her toddler age and the personality of a child raised by <a href="/rocket-raccoon/4005-32814/" data-ref-id="4005-32814">Rocket Raccoon</a>. Blade was the only other Avenger that retained his memories of the old world. The Squadron Supreme were still around and remembered the old world as well. Only Hyperion and Nighthawk were able to escape custody. Coulson was pulled back to Hell now trapped in the Pandemonium Cube, but Mephisto was still keen on taking on the Avengers.</p><h3 dir="ltr">Judgment Day</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8774508" data-ratio="1.5216666666667" data-width="600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:152.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8774508"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 420px) 100vw, 420px" data-width="420" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 600w, 420w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 600w, 420w" sizes="(max-width: 420px) 100vw, 420px" data-width="420"></noscript></a></figure><p dir="ltr">The Eternal <a href="/druig/4005-34947/" data-ref-id="4005-34947">Druig</a> goes public with plans to exterminate mutants, believing them to be related to the <a href="/deviants/4060-13345/" data-ref-id="4060-13345">Deviants</a>. After sending assassins after <a href="/the-five/4060-64168/" data-ref-id="4060-64168">The Five</a> and the mutant stronghold on Mars, The Avengers team up with a splinter group of Eternals and their captive <a href="/mr-sinister/4005-3179/" data-ref-id="4005-3179">Mr. Sinister</a> to resurrect the Celestial being used as Avengers Mountain to put an end to the conflict. While Captain America leads a ground team to help the mutants and contain collateral damage. Stark, Sinister, and the Eternals successfully get The Progenitor revived. However, this backfires when The Progenitor decides to judge the entire planet, human, Eternal, and mutant alike, forcing them to justify their continued existence.</p><p dir="ltr">While Progenitor continued to create tests specific to each individual on Earth and Druig continued to periodically let <a href="/uranos/4005-33229/" data-ref-id="4005-33229">Uranos</a> out of his cell to cause carnage, The Avengers did their best to keep the peace and pass whatever tests Progenitor confronts them with, sometimes secretly. Sersi brings another contingency to Tony Stark. She plans on releasing Starfox from his prison so that he could use his empathetic abilities to inspire Druig's followers into defecting and possibly even effect Progenitor itself. However, Progenitor was offended by Starfox's attempts and decides to fail the planet unilaterally.</p><p dir="ltr">Cap made what he thought was one last ploy to inspire the Celestial to leave the Earth be, but Cap was killed for trying. The Five resurrected him, and he settled on saving people using Eternal tech. Meanwhile, Stark led a group of mutants and Eternals into the armor of the Celestial to confront its "pilot." They couldn't fight it though, so instead they proved to it that people can not only change but judge just as harshly. The Progenitor finally relented, returning his armor back to Avengers Mountain. The Avengers reluctantly agreed to continue using it as a headquarters.</p><h3 dir="ltr">History's Mightiest Heroes</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8269626" data-ratio="0.97470039946738" data-width="1502" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1502px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:97.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8269626"><img alt="Multiversal Masters of Evil" src="" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1502w, 960w, 480w, 320w"><noscript><img alt="Multiversal Masters of Evil" src="" srcset=" 1502w, 960w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></noscript></a><figcaption>Multiversal Masters of Evil</figcaption></figure><p>Individually, both Namor and Jane Foster (as Valkyrie) show up to Avengers Mountain with <a href="/deathlok/4005-7258/" data-ref-id="4005-7258">Deathloks</a> with messages for the Avengers. They were warning of an incoming multiversal Masters of Evil targeting Earth-616. One of the Deathloks took Robbie Reyes into the multiverse to track down more allies, while the other stayed behind, uploading his memory to Avengers Mountain. Jane and Namor become reluctant new members, replacing She-Hulk (who just started her hiatus) and Blade (who became a reservist to sheriff the vampire nation of Chernobyl). Before they could regroup, the Masters (consisting of variants of their greatest foes) made their move.</p><p>After a long fight, Mephisto was able to convince the Masters to retreat until after Mephisto had targeted the legacy mantles of Earth. This forced the Avengers to chase Mephisto through the timestream protecting history's mightiest heroes. They eventually crossed paths with the original Avengers team when <a href="/agamotto/4005-21584/" data-ref-id="4005-21584">Agamotto</a> cast a spell that teleported them to the present day Avengers. Agamotto intended for them to become allies, but when he is attacked by an unseen force, his team blames The Avengers and start brawling. As the dust settles, Doom Supreme and his mutliversal Masters of Evil reveal themselves.</p><h3>The God Quarry</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8807325" data-ratio="0.76875" data-width="1600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:76.9%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8807325"><img alt="More Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1600w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="More Avengers" src="" srcset=" 1600w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>More Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>After Agamotto is injured, <a href="/starbrand-1000000-bc/4005-150289/" data-ref-id="4005-150289">Vnn </a>is defeated, and <a href="/ghost-rider-1000000-bc/4005-150255/" data-ref-id="4005-150255">Ghost</a> sacrifices himself, the two Avengers teams finally put their differences aside and fight these Masters of Evil. It was a bitter fight, but they eventually proved victorious. However, Doom used the fight as a distraction to unite with an army of his own variants. He led this council of Dooms into the <a href="/god-quarry/4020-64211/" data-ref-id="4020-64211">God Quarry</a> to take on Avenger Prime, a Sorcerer Supreme variant of Loki. Loki was surrounded by Reyes' recruits, but they weren't enough. He casts a spell bringing the main timeline and stone-age teams to his location.</p><p>In addition to the Council of Doom, the Council of Red was absorbed by the 616 Mephisto turning him into a giant. Now being attacked on two fronts, the multiple Avengers teams were joined by even more recruits. Ka-Zar, who had been lost in time and turned into a Herald of Galactus, had delivered Galactus to the variant of Doom that had transformed himself into a planet-like space station. At the same time, Gorilla-Man and Ursa Major, looking for redemption for their past betrayals, were riding Avengers Mountain, now piloted by the Deathlok that had previously uploaded his mind before his body was destroyed. This Celestial Deathlok took on the massive Mephisto in a kaiju battle.</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8912356" data-ratio="1.5372233400402" data-width="1988" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1988px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:153.7%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8912356"><img alt="Memorials to Brandy and Robbie" src="" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1988w, 1249w, 624w, 416w"><noscript><img alt="Memorials to Brandy and Robbie" src="" srcset=" 1988w, 1249w, 624w, 416w" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416"></noscript></a><figcaption>Memorials to Brandy and Robbie</figcaption></figure><p>The Mephisto kaiju was split apart, and the Doom Planet was destroyed. Unfortunately, Mephisto already accomplished what he needed to. He pierced a hole in the ground of the God Quarry, letting the raw power leftover from the previous cosmos through, threatening to destroy everything. Echo, Old Man Phoenix, and Firehair (answering Thor's calls for help from across time and space) held the flood back, while Reyes charged Doom Planet with hellfire and rode it into the hole between cosmos. The Goddesses of Thunder called all the variant Norse hammers they had collected to pin the planet down, but this was a temporary solution. Reyes, as the All-Rider, needed to drive to the other side and weld it shut with hellfire. Afterward, Firehair and Brandy combined their powers to divinely recreate as many of the worlds The Masters had destroyed as they can, causing both of them to eventually perish.</p><p>Victorious, The Avengers return home to mourn Reyes and Brandy and make good on their promise to take care of Gabe Reyes, Robbie's brother. Memorial ice sculptures of the two heroes were placed at the North Pole, while Avengers Mountain was left behind in the God Quarry to act as headquarters for Avenger Prime's new multiversal Avengers.</p><h3>The Impossible City</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-9132867" data-ratio="0.8390712570056" data-width="1249" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1249px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:83.9%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-9132867"><img alt="The Avengers on The Impossible City ship" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1249w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The Avengers on The Impossible City ship" src="" srcset=" 1249w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Avengers on The Impossible City ship</figcaption></figure><p>After Carol Danvers is voted in as the new chairperson, she is whisked away from her new handpicked roster to be warned of a coming danger by a wounded Kang the Conqueror. To prove his trust, he gives The Avengers a number of smaller incidents they can avoid before warning them of the larger mass-casualty events, which he calls The Tribulation Events. Unfortunately, his injuries cause him to fall into a coma as the first of the Tribulation Events occurs: the appearance of the <a href="/ashen-combine/4060-65916/" data-ref-id="4060-65916">Ashen Combine</a>, monsters from the multiverse that target metropolitan areas.</p><p>The Avengers are forced to split up and take on the Ashen Combine one on one, while Sam Wilson and Black Panther sneak into their low orbit headquarters, <a href="/impossible-city/4020-66547/" data-ref-id="4020-66547">Impossible City</a>. There, they learn from the on-board A.I. that the Impossible City was originally the Combine's prison before they had broke out and repurposed it as their warship. With The Avengers help, the Impossible City is able to re-imprison the Combine and appreciatively volunteer to be the Avengers new headquarters.</p><p>Unfortunately, a team of warriors called the Twilight Court, who were also chasing the Tribulation Events came to the Impossible City to get vengeance on Kang. They believed ending the Tribulation Events would give them the key to the Missing Moment, a mysterious moment in time within there was a prize. The Avengers did their best to fight off the <a href="/twilight-court/4060-65861/" data-ref-id="4060-65861">Twilight Court</a>, however, their leader, <a href="/myrddin/4005-183850/" data-ref-id="4005-183850">Myrddin</a>, managed to wake Kang and steal his memories of the Tribulation Events and the Missing Moment. Angry, Kang time traveled away.</p><h3>Blood Hunt</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-9368214" data-ratio="1.5372233400402" data-width="1988" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1988px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:153.7%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-9368214"><img alt="Avengers vs Vampires" src="" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1988w, 1249w, 624w, 416w"><noscript><img alt="Avengers vs Vampires" src="" srcset=" 1988w, 1249w, 624w, 416w" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416"></noscript></a><figcaption>Avengers vs Vampires</figcaption></figure><p><a href="/the-structure/4060-65540/" data-ref-id="4060-65540">The Structure</a>, a vampire cult dedicated to taking over the world, uses magic to turn every darkforce user on Earth into a portal for darkforce energies that block out the sun. The Avengers do their best to fight the attacking vampires, however, they are convinced by Blade to return to the Impossible City so he could share with them intelligence on the cult. Blade betrayed them, sending the vampire super soldiers, <a href="/bloodcoven/4060-66272/" data-ref-id="4060-66272">The Bloodcoven</a>, in his place. They manage to take Panther, Thor, and Wanda captive, while the City evacuates the other members. With no where else to go, the surviving Avengers seek out Doctor Strange.</p><p>At the Sanctum, other heroes had sought refuge. Carol believed it was up to her Avengers to keep Blade and the Bloodcoven busy while the others tend to other matters. She instructed Sam Wilson to make an empowering speech to the people of Earth, which Stark could broadcast across all FCC channels, not just to remind the victims that heroes were coming, but to lure out Blade, who they learned was possessed by <a href="/varnae/4005-13785/" data-ref-id="4005-13785">Varnae</a>, the first vampire.</p><p>In response to the Avengers, Varnae moved up his plans. He had the ancient Atlantean temple that Panther found transported to New York where he would use the magic from Scarlet Witch, the living Darkhold, and drink the blood of Thor, a good, to harness the darkforce and complete the transformation he started many years ago, when he first became a vampire.</p><p>Unfortunate for Varnae, Sam's message to the world reached Panther's humanity, which had managed to fight off the vampire infection thanks to the heart shaped herb. He pulled the weapon from Thor's head so that he may heal and they may reunite the the other Avengers. Assembled, the Avengers took on the Bloodcoven until <a href="/bloodline/4005-177074/" data-ref-id="4005-177074">Bloodline</a>, the daughter of Blade, could get close enough to Blade and slay him. After stabbing him with her sword, Varnae's astral form was forced into a containment spell from Wanda, and Strange and Doom were able to break the darkforce in the sky, ending the vampires' attempt at world domination</p><h3>The Casino Job</h3><p>Ever since losing Kang's confidence, the Avengers have been trying to recover his intel on the Tribulation Events and the Missing Moment. Thanks to a cosmic informant of the Scarlet Witch, the Avengers learned that a hard drive of Kang's was being sold at auction at the Grandmaster's space casino. Unable to afford it at auction, the Avengers decide to plan a heist, with Storm substituting Thor but without Black Panther, who was rescuing civilians from a pocket universe controlled by Ashen Combine member, <a href="/meridian-diadem/4005-184656/" data-ref-id="4005-184656">Meridian Diadem</a>. Unfortunately, when they got to the vault it was empty, thanks to Black Cat who had been hired by Kang to steal his intel back for himself.</p><h3>One World Under Doom</h3><p>After months of isolating himself in Latveria, Doctor Doom, now the Sorcerer Supreme, announces his plan to turn the world into a unified Latveria, having already gained the fealty of every world leader. The Avengers are invited to the Baxter Building by the Fantastic Four to plan their next move. Arriving in Latveria to confront Doom, they found Latveria protected by a magical dome. The heroes decide to split up. Some would stay behind to work on gaining entry to the dome, while others would investigate a Hydra floating city which was at Doom's command. They reveal to the world Doom as a liar who had killed Baron Zemo and replaced him with a doombot, which was how he was controlling Hydra and their new benevolent mission. However, Doom curried favor against the heroes for eliminating a racist terrorist group.</p><h2>Avenger Identification Cards</h2><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-1609444" data-img-src="" data-ratio="0.68727272727273" data-width="550" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 550px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:68.7%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-1609444"><img alt="An Avengers ID Card" src="" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 550w, 480w, 320w"><noscript><img alt="An Avengers ID Card" src="" srcset=" 550w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></noscript></a><figcaption>An Avengers ID Card</figcaption></figure><p>During the beginning days of the Avengers, the team struggled with ID theft. A <a href="/skrulls/4060-40668/" data-ref-id="4060-40668"><b>Skrull</b></a> posing as <a href="/black-panther/4005-1477/" data-ref-id="4005-1477"><b>Black Panther</b></a> easily found out information about the Avengers fighting against the Skrull army. Once the Avengers found out that a Skrull was impersonating their fellow teammate and friend, the Avengers took him down and freed the real Black Panther. <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455"><b>Iron Man</b></a> created ID cards for the Avengers so that they can have access to the mansion instead of outsiders (people outside of the team) could just walk in. Throughout the years the ID cards have gotten more advanced and are currently used by mostly all of the branching Avenging teams (e.g. <a href="/secret-avengers/4060-40904/" data-ref-id="4060-40904"><b>Secret Avengers</b></a> ). The ID Cards were also created for the days during the superhero fight for freedom called <a href="/civil-war/4045-40615/" data-ref-id="4045-40615"><b>Civil War</b></a> - as a reminder for heroes to keep their cards at all cost or suffer being thrown into the <a href="/the-negative-zone/4020-40699/" data-ref-id="4020-40699"><b>Negative Zone</b></a> .</p><p>Though the ID Cards have come in handy, mostly any super powered villain could steal one from an Avenger member and use a shape-shifter to pose as that hero. So Iron Man (teamed with other genius heroes) made a card that needs the Avengers retina scanned. The look and ideal of the ID Card has changed throughout the years, but it is one of the Avengers greatest tools at keeping their secrets safe.</p><h2>Alternate Realities</h2><p><b>Earth-2149</b></p><p>In this alternate reality, the Avengers are infected by a virus that turns everyone into a zombie who craves for flesh no matter what. The Avengers are at their mansion when a man <a href="/ash/4005-11302/" data-ref-id="4005-11302">Ash Williams</a> breaks in and tries to warn the team of an ongoing danger. The team demands to know what is going on and the man tells them about an Army of the Dead. Getting a little hot under the collar, The Scarlet Witch transports him into a pond. Later they get a report of purple lighting and that The Sentry was attacking people downtown. The Sentry would be the first to be infected by coming into contact with the virus from an asteroid and falls to Earth.</p><p>The first members of the Avengers to come to the <a href="/sentry/4005-1454/" data-ref-id="4005-1454">Sentry</a> were <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Colonel America,</a> <a href="/ms-marvel/4005-21561/" data-ref-id="4005-21561">Ms. Marvel</a>, <a href="/hawkeye/4005-1475/" data-ref-id="4005-1475">Hawkeye</a>, and <a href="/luke-cage/4005-1450/" data-ref-id="4005-1450">Luke Cage</a>. Spider-Man also offered to help. Though they fought hard they were easily subdued by the Sentry and had become infected. Colonel America springs into the air and bites Spider-Man on the shoulder, Spider-Man drops Ash Williams, the madman, right at the feet of the zombified Avengers. Then the rest of the Avengers get infected by the virus, with the exception of the last remaining Avengers member who is not infected, the Black Panther.</p><p><b>Earth-1610</b></p><p>The original Avengers were called the <a href="/ultimates/4060-40504/" data-ref-id="4060-40504">Ultimates</a> The team consisted of Captain America, Wasp, Giant Man, Iron man, Thor (only because he was friends with Tony), Hawkeye, Black Widow, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch</p><p>The Ultimates were a team of super solders who were brought together by S.H.I.E.L.D to fight against an alien invasion however their first mission involved them taking down the Hulk who went rampaging throughout Manhattan. When the aliens did attack the Ultimates managed to defeat them with the help of the Hulk. A Year later the Ultimates get into trouble because Captain America was sent into <a href="/iraq/4020-55948/" data-ref-id="4020-55948">Iraq</a> to save some hostages on top of this a traitor in the group revels to the press that Bruce Banner is the Hulk. Thor also goes crazy so the Ultimates along with the European Super hero initiative manage to take him out. Loki is reveled to be the one who turned the Ultimates against him and Black Widow is reveled to be the one who reveled the Hulks identity. Both of them are part of the <a href="/liberators/4060-51531/" data-ref-id="4060-51531">Liberators</a> a Communist version of the Ultimates who try to conquer America but are defeated by the Ultimates Thor the Hulk The European heroes the <a href="/fantastic-four/4060-3804/" data-ref-id="4060-3804">Fantastic Four</a> the <a href="/x-men/4060-3173/" data-ref-id="4060-3173">X-Men</a> and <a href="/spider-man/4005-1443/" data-ref-id="4005-1443">Spider-Man</a>. When this is over the Ultimates leave S.H.I.E.L.D.</p><p>Things take a turn for the worse however when the Scarlet Witch is killed by Ultron and the <a href="/brotherhood-of-evil-mutants/4060-17652/" data-ref-id="4060-17652">Brotherhood of Evil Mutants</a> attack their home to retrieve her body. The Ultimates along with Wolverine go to the savage land to find Magneto and battle Ultron. After Ultron is defeated Quicksilver is shot by Hawkeye and Magneto says they will all pay. When the Ultimatum wave hits the Ultimates are separated with the Wasp eaten by the <a href="/blob/4005-3182/" data-ref-id="4005-3182">Blob</a>, Giant Man dies holding back the <a href="/madrox/4005-7910/" data-ref-id="4005-7910">Multiple Man</a> and Thor stays in <a href="/valhalla/4020-56219/" data-ref-id="4020-56219">Valhalla</a> to save <a href="/valkyrie/4005-6809/" data-ref-id="4005-6809">Valkyrie</a> and Captain America's soul. The remaining Ultimates gather whatever heroes they can and go to face Magneto.</p><p>After Ultimatum Nick Fury activates Project: Avenger when Captain America goes AWOL to find his son, the <a href="/red-skull/4005-2250/" data-ref-id="4005-2250">Red Skull</a> and brings together a black ops team to take him down. The Avengers effectively serve as SHIELD's hidden black-ops group operating in the shadow of the Ultimates, who act as a more traditional superhero team.</p><p>The Avengers initially consist of War Machine, Hawkeye, <a href="/monica-chang/4005-69702/" data-ref-id="4005-69702">Monica Chang</a> (the new Black Widow), <a href="/nerd-hulk/4005-69341/" data-ref-id="4005-69341">Nerd Hulk</a> (a clone of the original with Bruce Banner's intelligence) and the <a href="/red-wasp/4005-69701/" data-ref-id="4005-69701">Red Wasp</a>, with superhuman gangster <a href="/tyrone-cash/4005-71206/" data-ref-id="4005-71206">Tyrone Cash</a> briefly joining the team before returning to a life of crime. Over time, Chang is promoted to the Ultimates, while <a href="/blade/4005-7570/" data-ref-id="4005-7570">Blade</a> and the <a href="/punisher/4005-1525/" data-ref-id="4005-1525">Punisher</a> are recruited into the Avengers due to their unique and bloody skill sets.</p><p><b>Earth-3931</b></p><p>In this reality all of the Avengers were vampires. The members were: Captain America, Wasp, Hawkeye, Giant-Man (Henry Pym), <a href="/falcon/4005-1451/" data-ref-id="4005-1451">Falcon</a> and <a href="/polaris/4005-1473/" data-ref-id="4005-1473">Polaris</a>.</p><p><b>Earth-398</b></p><p>In this reality, the Avengers were known as the Queen's Vengeance, and were the protectors of queen <a href="/morgan-le-fay/4005-13925/" data-ref-id="4005-13925">Morgan Le Faya</a></p><p><b>Earth-8545</b></p><p>In the reality also known as the Legacy Planet most of the worlds super-humans has been transformed by <a href="/warlock/4005-7223/" data-ref-id="4005-7223">Warlock</a>'s transmode virus. Members of the Avengers included: Henry Pym, Spider-Woman ( <a href="/mary-jane/4005-13380/" data-ref-id="4005-13380">Mary Jane</a> Watson), Beast, Rachel Summers ( <a href="/marvel-girl/4005-3566/" data-ref-id="4005-3566">Marvel Girl</a>), <a href="/havok/4005-3546/" data-ref-id="4005-3546">Havok</a>, <a href="/daredevil/4005-24694/" data-ref-id="4005-24694">Daredevil</a>, Power Fist, <a href="/doctor-octopus/4005-1485/" data-ref-id="4005-1485">Doctor Octopus</a>, <a href="/emma-frost/4005-1457/" data-ref-id="4005-1457">Emma Frost</a>, <a href="/leech/4005-3193/" data-ref-id="4005-3193">Leech</a>, <a href="/icegirl/4005-59099/" data-ref-id="4005-59099">Icegirl</a>, <a href="/rhino/4005-2126/" data-ref-id="4005-2126">Rhino</a>, <a href="/blob/4005-3182/" data-ref-id="4005-3182">Blob</a> and the Frog.</p><p><b>Earth-9105</b></p><p>In this reality the Avengers were: Iron Man, Storm, <a href="/photon/4005-11337/" data-ref-id="4005-11337">Sceptre</a> ( <a href="/photon/4005-11337/" data-ref-id="4005-11337">Monica Rambeau</a>), <a href="/nova/4005-2105/" data-ref-id="4005-2105">Nova</a>, <a href="/horus/4005-13961/" data-ref-id="4005-13961">Horus</a> and <a href="/captain-assyria/4005-48184/" data-ref-id="4005-48184">Captain Assyria</a>.</p><p><b>Earth-90110</b></p><p>In this reality, the Avengers are now called the Cosmic Avengers consisting of Commander America (Captain America), Irondroid (Iron Man), Jhen the Gammazon (She-Hulk), Tachyon Torch (Human Torch), Starhawk (Hawkeye) and Thor.</p><p><b>Earth-982</b></p><p>For the Avengers in the MC2 universe see: <a href="/a-next/4060-17647/" data-ref-id="4060-17647">A-Next</a></p><p><b>Earth-9939</b> (Earth-Charnel)</p><p>In this reality the Avengers were: <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Captain America</a>, <a href="/spider-man/4005-1443/" data-ref-id="4005-1443">Spider-Man</a>, <a href="/doctor-strange/4005-1456/" data-ref-id="4005-1456">Dr Strange</a>, <a href="/daredevil/4005-24694/" data-ref-id="4005-24694">Daredevil</a>, <a href="/scarlet-witch/4005-1466/" data-ref-id="4005-1466">Scarlet Witch</a>, <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Iron Man</a>, <a href="/she-hulk/4005-1449/" data-ref-id="4005-1449">She-Hulk</a>, <a href="/wolverine/4005-1440/" data-ref-id="4005-1440">Wolverine</a>, <a href="/punisher/4005-1525/" data-ref-id="4005-1525">Punisher</a> , <a href="/rhino/4005-2126/" data-ref-id="4005-2126">Rhino</a>, <a href="/mr-fantastic/4005-2151/" data-ref-id="4005-2151">Mr. Fantastic</a>, <a href="/thing/4005-2114/" data-ref-id="4005-2114">Thing</a>, <a href="/jarvis/4005-1781/" data-ref-id="4005-1781">Jarvis</a>, <a href="/alicia-masters/4005-4337/" data-ref-id="4005-4337">Alicia Masters Grimm</a>, and <a href="/black-widow/4005-3200/" data-ref-id="4005-3200">Black Widow</a>. With very few exceptions, these Avengers were killed by <a href="/charnel/4005-8035/" data-ref-id="4005-8035">Charnel</a> and his <a href="/spawn-of-charnel/4005-55754/" data-ref-id="4005-55754">spawn</a>. Spider-Man, Punisher, Daredevil, and Dr. Strange died stealing the time disc, Rhino, Captain America, Wolverine, and She-Hulk died in 616 preventing that realities Charnel from coming into existence. Only <a href="/deaths-head-ii/4005-41723/" data-ref-id="4005-41723">Death's Head II</a>, <a href="/tuck/4005-47360/" data-ref-id="4005-47360">Tuck</a>, and 9939's Scarlet Witch survived the battle with the 616 Charnel. Though Earth-9939 was supposed to fade out of existence with the prevention of Charnel's "birth", Death's Head II, <a href="/death-wreck/4005-47397/" data-ref-id="4005-47397">Death Wreck</a>, and <a href="/death-metal/4005-41724/" data-ref-id="4005-41724">Death Metal</a> found themselves in Earth-9939 where it was apparent that this theory was not true.</p><p>Though there was not much left of that realities Avengers, Iron Man, Black Widow, Thing, Jarvis and Alicia Masters being the only members left. Alongside <a href="/x-saviours/4060-55693/" data-ref-id="4060-55693">X-Saviours</a> and <a href="/death-3/4060-55694/" data-ref-id="4060-55694">Death 3</a> the 9939 Avengers made one final stand and together the three teams managed managed to defeat <a href="/charnel/4005-8035/" data-ref-id="4005-8035">Charnel</a>. (Earth-9939 Avengers is the earliest known version of the team to have Wolverine as a member and the only team to have Rhino as an Avenger)</p><p><b>Earth-9904</b></p><p>In this reality the Avengers were formed during the 1950's. Members were: <a href="/jimmy-woo/4005-7530/" data-ref-id="4005-7530">Jimmy Woo</a>, <a href="/3-d-man/4005-43653/" data-ref-id="4005-43653">3-D Man</a>, <a href="/venus/4005-12632/" data-ref-id="4005-12632">Venus</a>, Marvel Boy, <a href="/human-robot/4005-7245/" data-ref-id="4005-7245">Human Robot</a>, <a href="/gorilla-man/4005-13960/" data-ref-id="4005-13960">Gorilla-Man</a>, <a href="/namora/4005-2177/" data-ref-id="4005-2177">Namora</a> and <a href="/jann/4005-42144/" data-ref-id="4005-42144">Jann</a> of the Jungle.</p><p><b>Earth-921</b></p><p>In this reality, they are called the <a href="/gatherers/4060-29919/" data-ref-id="4060-29919">Gatherers</a>, which is composed of members of the Avengers from other realities.</p><p><b>Earth-1298</b></p><p>In the Mutant X reality, the Avengers are composed of Black Widow as team leader, <a href="/deathlok/4005-7258/" data-ref-id="4005-7258">Deathlok</a>, <a href="/typhoid-mary/4005-1536/" data-ref-id="4005-1536">Typhoid Mary</a>, and Hawkeye.</p><p><b>Earth-9997</b></p><p>In the Earth X reality, there are two factions of the Avengers, the first was typically the same to that of the mainstream continuity and the second are composed of heroes wearing the different armor of Iron Man, calling themselves Iron Avengers.</p><p><b>Earth-9997</b></p><p>is Earth-616 counterpart. around the time of mass mutation the Avengers team consisted of: Captain America, Wasp, Hawkeye, Giant Man, Quicksilver, Iron Man, and The Scarlet Witch. Some members of the team began to mutate due to the <a href="/terrigen-mists/4055-40921/" data-ref-id="4055-40921">Terrigen Mists</a>. Hawkeye being one of them began to grow extra arms.</p><p><b>Earth-20051</b></p><p>In this reality the Avengers are Captain America, <a href="/giant-girl/4005-41570/" data-ref-id="4005-41570">Giant Girl</a>, Hulk, Iron-Man, Spider-Man, Storm, Wolverine, Ant-Man, and Tigra.</p><p><b>Earth-1009</b></p><p>The Avengers of this Earth is known as Royal Avengers</p><p><b>Earth-58163</b></p><p>In the <a href="/house-of-m/4045-40991/" data-ref-id="4045-40991">House of M</a>, the Avengers are composed of humans who fought against the mutant regime of <a href="/magneto/4005-1441/" data-ref-id="4005-1441">Magneto</a>. They are composed of Luke Cage as team leader, <a href="/misty-knight/4005-1491/" data-ref-id="4005-1491">Misty Knight</a>, Iron Fist, Hawkeye, <a href="/moon-knight/4005-1493/" data-ref-id="4005-1493">Moon Knight</a> and Tigra.</p><p><b>Earth-12</b></p><p>In this reality, the Avengers are friends and some of them, work with <a href="/mimic/4005-12546/" data-ref-id="4005-12546">Mimic</a>, a member of the <a href="/exiles/4060-19986/" data-ref-id="4060-19986">Exiles</a>.</p><p><b>Earth-9811 </b></p><p>In the Battleworld, where the heroes and villains fought each other for the <a href="/beyonder/4005-10300/" data-ref-id="4005-10300">Beyonder</a>, but weren't able to return back to Earth, they decided that they live in their new home. 25 years pass, and they bore children who will be known as the Battleworld Avengers. They are made out of <a href="/crusader/4005-47662/" data-ref-id="4005-47662">Crusader</a>, daughter of Captain America and <a href="/rogue/4005-1446/" data-ref-id="4005-1446">Rogue</a>, <a href="/bravado/4005-23321/" data-ref-id="4005-23321">Bravado</a>, son of Thor and <a href="/enchantress/4005-7225/" data-ref-id="4005-7225">Enchantress</a>, <a href="/mustang/4005-23322/" data-ref-id="4005-23322">Mustang</a>, son of Hawkeye and She-Hulk, <a href="/chokehold/4005-51246/" data-ref-id="4005-51246">Chokehold</a>, daughter of the <a href="/absorbing-man/4005-1779/" data-ref-id="4005-1779">Absorbing Man</a> and <a href="/titania/4005-4943/" data-ref-id="4005-4943">Titania</a>, <a href="/firefly/4005-51244/" data-ref-id="4005-51244">Firefly</a>, son of the <a href="/human-torch/4005-2120/" data-ref-id="4005-2120">Human Torch</a> and Wasp, and <a href="/gator/4005-51247/" data-ref-id="4005-51247">Gator</a>, son of the <a href="/lizard/4005-1488/" data-ref-id="4005-1488">Lizard</a>.</p><p><b>The Avengers of New Amazonia</b></p><p>In an alternate reality where Women are the dominate half of the species instead of the Men, The Avengers are a four-women team that is composed of <a href="/invisible-woman/4005-2190/" data-ref-id="4005-2190">The Invisible Woman</a>, <a href="/x-23/4005-3560/" data-ref-id="4005-3560">X-23</a>, Spider-Woman ( <a href="/mary-jane/4005-13380/" data-ref-id="4005-13380">Mary Jane Watson-Parker</a>) and are led by <a href="/emma-frost/4005-1457/" data-ref-id="4005-1457">Emma "White Phoenix" Frost</a>. They were assembled mainly to combat Atlantofacist terrorists and an all-male group of insurgents known as The <a href="/y-men/4060-55989/" data-ref-id="4060-55989">Y-Men</a>, who are led by the Greek God <a href="/hercules/4005-2503/" data-ref-id="4005-2503">Hercules</a> and have been seeking to restore male dominance over the Earth for many years.</p><p><b>Doom's Avengers (What If? #'s 67 &amp; 68)</b></p><p>Consisting of a Captain America who had been taken out of suspended animation much later then he had in 616, <a href="/vulture/4005-4459/" data-ref-id="4005-4459">Vulture</a>, <a href="/attuma/4005-15779/" data-ref-id="4005-15779">Attuma</a>, <a href="/juggernaut/4005-1445/" data-ref-id="4005-1445">Juggernaut</a>, <a href="/abomination/4005-3489/" data-ref-id="4005-3489">Abomination</a>, <a href="/klaw/4005-3171/" data-ref-id="4005-3171">Klaw</a>, <a href="/grey-gargoyle/4005-6816/" data-ref-id="4005-6816">Grey Gargoyle</a> and <a href="/titanium-man/4005-13823/" data-ref-id="4005-13823">Titanium Man</a>, this group served as Dr. Doom's mercenaries, except for their leader Captain America who believed them to be freedom fighters, after realizing the truth about the team, Captain America was nearly killed by Abomination, and would have been too, had it not been for the <a href="/x-patriots/4060-55817/" data-ref-id="4060-55817">X-Patriots</a> arrival.</p><p>(Note: this team was only called the Avengers on the cover of What If? #67, and never actually called themselves Avengers in the book)</p><p><b>Earth-94040</b></p><p>What if X-Men Wedding Album?</p><p>The Avengers were the same as their Earth-616 counterparts up until Krakoa made his way into Japan. They were called in to assist Sunfire in preventing Krakoa's trek into Tokyo. They succeeded by having the Scarlet Witch sever Krakoa's connection to the Earth and then having Moondragon shut down his mind, causing Krakoa to collapse in a puddle of muck. They soon found the bodies of the X-Men amidst the muck.</p><p>They were: (from clockwise from top middle): Thor, Vision, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, <a href="/moondragon/4005-7214/" data-ref-id="4005-7214">Moondragon</a>, <a href="/sunfire/4005-3175/" data-ref-id="4005-3175">Sunfire</a> (Not a member but present with them while battling <a href="/krakoa/4005-26409/" data-ref-id="4005-26409">Krakoa</a>), and <a href="/beast/4005-1462/" data-ref-id="4005-1462">Beast</a></p><h3>Cancerverse</h3><p>At the far end of <a href="/the-fault/4020-56597/" data-ref-id="4020-56597">The Fault</a> exists <a href="/the-cancerverse/4020-56640/" data-ref-id="4020-56640">The Cancerverse</a>, a world similar to The Marvel Universe that was consumed by <a href="/the-many-angled-ones/4060-57340/" data-ref-id="4060-57340">The Many-Angled Ones</a>, a group of ancient demonic gods who had ties to The Great Old Ones and The Cthulhu Mythos as a whole, and turned it into a Lovecraftian nightmare with the aid of their "Herald": <a href="/captain-marvel/4005-1472/" data-ref-id="4005-1472">Lord Mar-Vell</a>.</p><p>Recently, Quasar was sent on a fact-finding mission into The Fault and discovered The Cancerverse at the far end of it. He arrived in that world's New York in a body made of flesh, blood and bone and was attacked by a large grotesque tentacled creature. It did not take long for The Revengers of "The Cancerearth" to come to his aid and help fight off the hulking abomination.</p><p>It was <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a>, in the end, who knocked the monster unconscious and forced it to revert back into its human form, which surprisingly enough, turned out to be <a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">Bruce Banner</a>, who was quickly killed afterward by <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Iron Man</a> to ensure that his alter-ego, The Hulk, could never threaten The Cancerearth again.</p><p>After the fight they realized that the <a href="/quasar/4005-3319/" data-ref-id="4005-3319">Quasar</a> they aided was not their own and so they captured him, demanding that he lead both them and The Many-Angled Ones back to his world so that they could restore the "Etheric Angles of Harmony" and give their Dark Gods more "real estate" to occupy.</p><p>When Quasar refused to do so, <a href="/scarlet-witch/4005-1466/" data-ref-id="4005-1466">The Scarlet Witch</a> offered an alternative solution to their problem and began making preparations to superimpose The Cancerearth over Earth-616 and allow The Many-Angled Ones to start spreading outward into their new home.</p><p>Once the others had left, Quasar asked The Scarlet Witch to explain exactly what she was doing as well as why she had said that she was sorry for doing it and if she was afraid of what she and the others had become. The Scarlet Witch explained the transfer process and told Quasar that she was indeed afraid of what they had become.</p><p>Then, for apparently no reason at all, The Scarlet Witch set Quasar free and then collapsed to the ground unconscious as <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">The Vision</a> phased his way out of her body.</p><p>Vision explained that he had been controlling her ever since The Many-Angled Ones took over and was trying to discover a cure for the infection that had been placed in Humanity's bloodstream in secret while simultaneously helping his fellow mechanized brethren in fighting a war they knew was hopeless but wished to fight anyways.</p><p>But because he could not bear to see another Earth fall to the hunger of The Many-Angled Ones he decided to blow his cover and give Quasar a chance to escape while he still could. It was then that they were discovered by Ms. Marvel, who attempted to consume Quasar's soul but was promptly beaten.</p><p>Quasar then began making his way towards The Fault and managed to dodge Iron Man and take down Thor before they could corner him. Unable to pursue him, The Revengers watched as Quasar escaped back to Earth-616. Lord Mar-Vell, the ruler of The Cancerverse and voice of The Many-Angled Ones, later ordered Vaughn, the Quasar of their reality, to assemble The Revengers in preparation for the war against The Marvel Universe.</p><p>When the invasion began, The Revengers stormed <a href="/nova-corps/4060-40482/" data-ref-id="4060-40482">The Nova Corps</a> Vessel and attempted to kill everyone within, however their priorities quickly changed when Iron Man detected an anomaly via the use of The Yot-Soteric Vibrations and began focusing their attention on capturing the time-displaced <a href="/namorita/4005-2113/" data-ref-id="4005-2113">Namorita</a>. Despite <a href="/nova/4005-2105/" data-ref-id="4005-2105">Nova's</a> attempts to fend them off, The Revengers managed to apprehend her and effortlessly returned to The UCT Templeship Eternal Sin, leaving Nova to despair.</p><h2>Other Media</h2><h3><ins>Video Games</ins></h3><h4>Captain America And The Avengers</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4869325" data-ratio="0.38625954198473" data-width="655" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 655px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:38.6%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4869325"><img alt="Captain America and The Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 655w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Captain America and The Avengers" src="" srcset=" 655w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Captain America and The Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>The game was released by Data East in 1991 in the arcades and had many ports (my fave was for the Genesis). It was released on the NES the same year, next year the Genesis version came out. In 1993 they released it on the SNES and Game Gear and finally delivered a Game Boy version in 1994. This game has gotten around.</p><p>Players could select Captain America, Iron Man, Vision, or Hawkeye.</p><h4>Avengers In Galactic Storm</h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6336731" data-ratio="1.4047058823529" data-width="850" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 850px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:140.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6336731"><img alt="Galactic Storm" src="" sizes="(max-width: 455px) 100vw, 455px" data-width="455" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 850w, 683w, 455w"><noscript><img alt="Galactic Storm" src="" srcset=" 850w, 683w, 455w" sizes="(max-width: 455px) 100vw, 455px" data-width="455"></noscript></a><figcaption>Galactic Storm</figcaption></figure><p>This Japanese-produced fighting game form Data East, loosely inspired by the 1990s crossover <em><a href="/operation-galactic-storm/4045-27758/" data-ref-id="4045-27758">Operation: Galactic Storm</a></em>, featured the Avengers as the main characters. The roster was split into two sides (Avengers and <a href="/kree/4060-7588/" data-ref-id="4060-7588">Kree</a>), with Captain America, <a href="/black-knight/4005-3172/" data-ref-id="4005-3172">Black Knight</a>, <a href="/crystal/4005-2115/" data-ref-id="4005-2115">Crystal</a>, <a href="/thunderstrike/4005-7611/" data-ref-id="4005-7611">Thunderstrike</a> on one, and <a href="/dr-minerva/4005-26673/" data-ref-id="4005-26673">Doctor Minerva</a>, <a href="/korath-the-pursuer/4005-42604/" data-ref-id="4005-42604">Korath</a>, <a href="/shatterax/4005-50601/" data-ref-id="4005-50601">Shatterax</a>, and <a href="/supremor/4005-44346/" data-ref-id="4005-44346">Supremor </a>on the other. Assist characters included Vision, Thor, Iron Man, and Giant-Man for the heroes, as well as <a href="/ronan/4005-4818/" data-ref-id="4005-4818">Ronan the Accuser </a>and the Kree <a href="/kree-sentry/4060-59067/" data-ref-id="4060-59067">Sentry</a> for the Kree.</p><p>While the game was not very successful at the time of its release, it is notable for being the first fighting game to use an assist character feature, a mechanic that would later be made famous in Capcom's successful line of <em>Marvel vs. Capcom</em> video games.</p><h4>Cancelled Avengers game</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-5743264" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="576" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 576px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:56.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-5743264"><img alt="Concept art" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 576w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Concept art" src="" srcset=" 576w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Concept art</figcaption></figure><p>THQ Australia was working on an Avengers first-person action game to tie into the first movie, with a planned 2012 release date. The game would've featured a visual style influenced by the Ultimate comics and the movies, but would've been otherwise unrelated, with a plot loosely inspired by <a href="" data-ref-id="4045-47264"><em>Secret Invasion</em></a>. The game would have seen players taking control of Captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk and Thor in order to battle hordes of Skrull invaders led by<a href="" data-ref-id="4005-54514"> Queen Veranke</a>. Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine and Ms. Marvel were also planned as unlockable characters. A fair bit of progress was made on the game, but it was ultimately cancelled due to THQ's financial troubles.</p><h4><b>Marvel Ultimate Alliance</b></h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-1385992" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.6124721603563" data-width="449" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 449px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:161.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-1385992"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 396px) 100vw, 396px" data-width="396" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 449w, 396w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 449w, 396w" sizes="(max-width: 396px) 100vw, 396px" data-width="396"></noscript></a></figure><p>There cannot be a better tribute to The Avengers in game format than that of their role in <em>Marvel Ultimate Alliance</em>. Boasting the largest line up of playable Avengers (past and present) at the time, and the ability to play them in a team scenario makes this an Avengers fan dream come true. Playable Avengers include: Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Dr Strange, Invisible Woman, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Mr. Fantastic, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Wolverine, Thor and, on Xbox 360, a down-loadable Hawkeye and Hulk.</p><p>A sequel was released in 2009, which once again featured a number of Avengers. Based on the <em>Civil War</em> crossover, the game featured many of the returning characters from the first game, as well as newcomer She-Hulk.</p><h4>Avengers: Battle for Earth</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4094546" data-ratio="0.375" data-width="1600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:37.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4094546"><img alt="Battle for Earth" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1600w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Battle for Earth" src="" srcset=" 1600w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Battle for Earth</figcaption></figure><p>After the success of the Avengers movie, the fighting game Avengers: Battle for Earth was released. Loosely inspired by Secret Invasion, the game featured Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, <a href="/storm/4005-1444/" data-ref-id="4005-1444">Storm</a>, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, <a href="/iceman/4005-1464/" data-ref-id="4005-1464">Iceman</a>, Wolverine, <a href="/doctor-strange/4005-1456/" data-ref-id="4005-1456">Doctor Strange</a>, the <a href="/human-torch/4005-2120/" data-ref-id="4005-2120">Human Torch</a>, and <a href="/jean-grey/4005-3552/" data-ref-id="4005-3552">Jean Grey </a>as playable heroes. <a href="/loki/4005-4324/" data-ref-id="4005-4324">Loki</a>, <a href="/magneto/4005-1441/" data-ref-id="4005-1441">Magneto</a>, <a href="/doctor-doom/4005-1468/" data-ref-id="4005-1468">Doctor Doom</a>, <a href="/super-skrull/4005-21332/" data-ref-id="4005-21332">Super-Skrull</a>, <a href="/venom/4005-1486/" data-ref-id="4005-1486">Venom</a>, and <a href="/spider-woman-veranke/4005-54514/" data-ref-id="4005-54514">Queen Veranke</a> were playable as villains.</p><h4>Marvel: Avengers Alliance</h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-7302281" data-ratio="1.5384615384615" data-width="975" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 975px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:153.8%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-7302281"><img alt="A promotional comic for the game" src="" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 975w, 624w, 416w"><noscript><img alt="A promotional comic for the game" src="" srcset=" 975w, 624w, 416w" sizes="(max-width: 416px) 100vw, 416px" data-width="416"></noscript></a><figcaption>A promotional comic for the game</figcaption></figure><p>A Facebook role-playing game where in you take the place of a newly recruited SHIELD agent who must save the world with the help of Marvel's famed superheroes from the most infamous of super villains. This game holds several popular heroes and villains to recruit like Iron Man, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Deadpool, The Punisher, Scarlet Witch, Bishop, Wolverine, Captain America, The Hulk, The Fantastic Four, The X-Men, Doctor Doom, Loki, Red Hulk, Hawkeye and many more. The plot of the game changes seasonally and a "Spec-Ops" event will take place every month. The first season of the game takes place in the middle of a worldwide astronomical happening called , "The Pulse", which afterwards gave birth to a new, powerful compound called "Iso-8". In the second season, a mysterious group known as, "The Circle of Eight" are rounding up the vilest of the vile for an upcoming cataclysm. One of the best Marvel games yet.</p><p>A sequel was eventually released worldwide in 2016.</p><h4>Marvel Heroes</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-7302323" data-ratio="0.562" data-width="1000" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1000px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:56.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-7302323"><img alt="Marvel Heroes" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1000w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Marvel Heroes" src="" srcset=" 1000w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Marvel Heroes</figcaption></figure><p>A large number of Avengers were featured in this MMORPG, which ran from 2014 to the end of 2017. Over the course of the game's life cycle, Avengers like Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Black Panther, Carol Danvers (initially as Ms. Marvel but later as Captain Marvel), Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Luke Cage, Spider-Woman, Ant-Man, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Doctor Strange, She-Hulk, War Machine, Moon Knight and Squirrel Girl were available to play as, as well as countless other characters from teams like the X-Men, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Fantastic Four. Additionally, a number of other Avengers like Wasp, Falcon, Quicksilver, Firestar and <a href="/flash-thompson/4005-1489/" data-ref-id="4005-1489">Agent Venom</a> appeared as Team-Up characters.</p><h4>Lego Marvel Super Heroes</h4><p>A large number of Avengers appear in the game, and <a href="/avengers-tower/4020-40830/" data-ref-id="4020-40830">Avengers Tower</a> can be used as a base of operations.</p><h4>Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes</h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-5100949" data-ratio="0.33515625" data-width="1280" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1280px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:33.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-5100949"><img alt="The Avengers and other Marvel characters" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1280w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The Avengers and other Marvel characters" src="" srcset=" 1280w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Avengers and other Marvel characters</figcaption></figure><p>The Avengers were among the first Marvel characters introduced, with Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye playable at the onset, and the <a href="/falcon/4005-1451/" data-ref-id="4005-1451">Falcon </a>joining the cast in subsequent updates.</p><p><a href="/black-panther/4005-1477/" data-ref-id="4005-1477">Black Panther</a>, <a href="/ant-man-lang/4005-20577/" data-ref-id="4005-20577">Ant-Man (Scott Lang)</a> and <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">Vision</a> were all later added for the <em>Disney Infinity 3.0: Marvel Battlegrounds</em> expansion.</p><p>Other Avengers such as <a href="/war-machine/4005-1926/" data-ref-id="4005-1926">Iron Patriot</a>, the <a href="/bucky-barnes/4005-40470/" data-ref-id="4005-40470">Winter Soldier</a>, <a href="/wasp/4005-1502/" data-ref-id="4005-1502">Wasp</a>, <a href="/luke-cage/4005-1450/" data-ref-id="4005-1450">Luke Cage</a> and <a href="/carol-danvers/4005-21561/" data-ref-id="4005-21561">Captain Marvel</a> appear as support characters or non-playable entities.</p><h4>Lego Marvel's Avengers</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-5743274" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="1920" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1920px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:56.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-5743274"><img alt="Lego Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1920w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Lego Avengers" src="" srcset=" 1920w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Lego Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>A spin-off of <em>Lego Marvel Super Heroes</em> starring the Avengers was later released. The game's story mode roughly follows the plot of the first two live-action movies (with several other MCU movies also included), but also features a huge roster of Avengers from across the team's decades of comic history. The game features over 200 playable characters in total.</p><h4>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order</h4><p>In 2019, a decade after <em>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2</em>, <em>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order</em>, was released for the Nintendo Switch. The game once again featured a number of Avengers, with newcomers like Wasp, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Falcon and Scarlet Witch making their debuts as playable characters for the first time in the series. In addition, Avengers Tower was featured as a stage.</p><p>The game's story saw the Avengers and other teams such as the X-Men, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Defenders teaming up to stop Thanos and his henchmen from collecting the six Infinity Stones.</p><h4>The Avengers (2020)</h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8245299" data-ratio="0.5625" data-width="1200" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1200px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:56.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8245299"><img alt="The playable cast" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The playable cast" src="" srcset=" 1200w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The playable cast</figcaption></figure><p>Japanese studio Square Enix (known for the <em>Final Fantasy</em> and <em>Kingdom Hearts</em> games) and Crystal Dynamics (known for the Tomb Raider reboot) produced an Avengers video game released in 2020. The game features Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Ms. Marvel as the initial playable characters. Using teams of four with a playable leader, The Avengers would answer a variety of emergencies, many of which were created by the A.I.M. organization. They promised free DLC characters as time goes on, including Hawkeye, Black Panther, Kate Bishop, and Spider-Man (exclusively for Playstation).</p><h3><ins>Animation</ins></h3><h4><a href="/xmen-the-animated-series/4075-26/" data-ref-id="4075-26">X-Men</a> (1995)</h4><p>The Avengers appeared in the episode "One Man's Worth", set in the Age of Apocalypse timeline. They were portrayed as enemies of the X-Men. The team consisted of <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Captain America</a>, <a href="/ben-reilly/4005-6286/" data-ref-id="4005-6286">Scarlet Spider</a>, <a href="/hercules/4005-2503/" data-ref-id="4005-2503">Hercules</a>, <a href="/hank-pym/4005-2247/" data-ref-id="4005-2247">Goliath</a>, <a href="/wasp/4005-1502/" data-ref-id="4005-1502">Wasp</a>, and <a href="/black-widow/4005-3200/" data-ref-id="4005-3200">Black Widow</a>.</p><h4><a href="/fantastic-four-the-animated-series/4075-237/" data-ref-id="4075-237">Fantastic Four</a> (1995)</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6707402" data-ratio="0.7504" data-width="625" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 625px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:75.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6707402"><img alt="A cameo from the Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 625w, 480w, 320w"><noscript><img alt="A cameo from the Avengers" src="" srcset=" 625w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></noscript></a><figcaption>A cameo from the Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>The team appeared in "To Battle A Living Planet", with a roster consisting of <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Iron Man</a>, <a href="/rage/4005-2097/" data-ref-id="4005-2097">Rage</a>, <a href="/hawkeye/4005-1475/" data-ref-id="4005-1475">Goliath (Clint Barton)</a>, <a href="/she-hulk/4005-1449/" data-ref-id="4005-1449">She-Hulk</a>, <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">Vision</a>, and <a href="/hercules/4005-2503/" data-ref-id="4005-2503">Hercules</a>. They are shown rescuing civilians after Ego the Living Planet begins wreaking havoc on Earth's gravitational field. Mr. Fantastic asks Iron Man and the other Avengers to continue with relief efforts while he tries to find out what is going on and how to stop it.</p><p>The Avengers are also seen in "Doomsday," the show's final episode. When <a href="/doctor-doom/4005-1468/" data-ref-id="4005-1468">Doctor Doom</a> steals the power of the <a href="/silver-surfer/4005-2502/" data-ref-id="4005-2502">Silver Surfer</a>, he uses it to bend the Earth to his will. The Avengers are seen fighting Doom in New York, but are quickly overpowered and defeated. To further ensure they cannot interfere, Doom traps Avengers Mansion underneath a force field, preventing the heroes from venturing outside. The X-Men arrive in the <a href="/blackbird/4055-41920/" data-ref-id="4055-41920">Blackbird </a>to assist the Avengers, but are quickly beaten as well.</p><h4><b><a href="/the-avengers-united-they-stand/4075-122/" data-ref-id="4075-122">Avengers: United They Stand</a> (1999) </b></h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-1833679" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.2447058823529" data-width="425" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 425px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:124.5%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-1833679"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 514px) 100vw, 514px" data-width="514" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 425w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 425w" sizes="(max-width: 514px) 100vw, 514px" data-width="514"></noscript></a></figure><p>The team in the show consisted of <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">Vision,</a> <a href="/hawkeye/4005-1475/" data-ref-id="4005-1475">Hawkeye</a>, <a href="/falcon/4005-1451/" data-ref-id="4005-1451">Falcon</a>, <a href="/wasp/4005-1502/" data-ref-id="4005-1502">Wasp</a>, <a href="/scarlet-witch/4005-1466/" data-ref-id="4005-1466">Scarlet Witch</a>, <a href="/wonder-man/4005-1465/" data-ref-id="4005-1465">Wonder Man</a>, and <a href="/tigra/4005-21188/" data-ref-id="4005-21188">Tigra</a>, and was lead by <a href="/hank-pym/4005-2247/" data-ref-id="4005-2247">Giant-Man</a>. Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor appeared in the opening credits, but were not members. Thor never appeared outside the opening credits, while Cap and Iron Man made one appearance each - Cap in "Command Decision" and Iron Man in "Shooting Stars".</p><p>Aired on October 30, 1999 for 13 episodes and ended on February 26, 2000. It was not well-received by critics and fans alike, and is considered by fans as the worst animated series Marvel has ever made.</p><h4><a href="/ultimate-avengers/4025-131/" data-ref-id="4025-131">Ultimate Avengers - The Movie (2005)</a></h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-542937" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.4925373134328" data-width="335" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 335px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:149.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-542937"><img alt="The Ultimate Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 428px) 100vw, 428px" data-width="428" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 335w"><noscript><img alt="The Ultimate Avengers" src="" srcset=" 335w" sizes="(max-width: 428px) 100vw, 428px" data-width="428"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Ultimate Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>Based on the comic book The Ultimates, this animated feature is flush with heroes and excitement, as Captain America rises from oblivion to save the world once more from self-destruction. Aiding him is a team of diverse heroes of near-unstoppable power, including the Hulk, Wasp, Giant Man, Thor, and Iron Man.</p><p>The movie starts off in The North Atlantic during 1945. The man on the radio is saying, "This is the news the Allied Powers have been waiting for. The battle for Berlin has ended and Germany's unconditional surrender is suspected within days. After 12 years and 3 months, Hitler's self-proclaimed thousand year Reich has ceased to exist. But those reports of a secret Nazi super weapon named in Washington is categorically false and we believed him. so does everyone one of his G.I.'s..." Then the war is fought.</p><h4><b><a href="/ultimate-avengers-2/4025-151/" data-ref-id="4025-151">Ultimate Avengers 2 (2006)</a></b></h4><p>The Ultimate Avengers 2: Rise of the Panther was released on August 8, 2006.</p><p>The film premiered on Cartoon Network on October 21, 2006.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6707404" data-ratio="1.3333333333333" data-width="375" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 375px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:133.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6707404"><img alt="Ultimate Avengers 2" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 375w"><noscript><img alt="Ultimate Avengers 2" src="" srcset=" 375w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Ultimate Avengers 2</figcaption></figure><p>The setting starts off in Africa. Men are running from something and they are scared and are throwing spears. They both end up falling in water and one of the men are dragged away. Then a man is speaking to a crowd of people saying, " My gratitude to you all. Many years has passed since your prince had tread upon this native soil and let us now welcome home, T'Challa: The Son of <a href="/wakanda/4020-41027/" data-ref-id="4020-41027">Wakanda</a>." The people are cheering but a group of people behind him aren't really happy and T'Challa seeing that says, " They don't like me". Then the man he was talking to said, "Give it time." Then one of the men that got away from the robot said, "Intruders, intruders" and as that happened the machine did something to the man and he floated and disintegrated. The people are shocked and panicking and T'Challa and the men go to the back. The guy he was referring to is his father and T'Challa says to his father, " Father, you are no condition to deal with this. " Then a woman says, " I implore you to listen to the prince your highness, you never had time to heal from the previous attacks. The royal guards should..." Then the King says, " No Mikinda. I can't afford to lose anymore." T'Challa is begging his father to stay but he won't. He says, " Father please don't go. Not now." Then his father replies by saying," I miss you son. We will have our time together, I promise." So T'Challa says, " At least let me go with you". Then his father says," As you will one day come to accept this responsibility only belongs to the king." As his father walks away T'Challa was going to follow but Mikinda stops him and they walk away together. The king put his claw on a machine and it opens a secret passage which holds a black suit. The King is in the jungle attacking the robot looking creatures and his fingers turns into a weapon that kills one of the creatures. T'Challa kills the other two creatures then is attacked from behind. A sword injuring his shoulder and being pulled out by some guy that said, " Your prowess in battles never fails to entertain. But after so many performances I am hear to preform your retirement." The man is something that can make things at will and as the King tried to g=fight back the man turned his hands into swords piercing it thought the kings body. " The man then walks towards T'Challa about to kill him turns the King into the Black Panther and he says, " You will not touch my son." He attacks the man thing and the both die after falling into a trench. But then the creature thing gets up and unsnaps his broken neck looks T'Challa in the eyes and walks away. T'Challa is screaming no at the loss of his father. Then the movie starts.</p><h4>Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow (2008)</h4><p>The Next Avengers is latest movie out by Marvel that came on on DVD and blu-ray cast includes September 2, 2008. The cast includes Noah Crawford as the voice of <b>James Rogers</b> ( <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Captain America</a>'s and <a href="/black-widow/4005-3200/" data-ref-id="4005-3200">Black Widow</a>'s son), Brenna O'Brien as the voice of <b>Torunn</b> ( <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a>'s daughter), Aidan Drummond as the voice of <b>Pym</b> ( <a href="/hank-pym/4005-2247/" data-ref-id="4005-2247">Giant Man</a> and <a href="/wasp/4005-1502/" data-ref-id="4005-1502">The Wasp</a>'s son), Dempsey Pappion as the voice of <b>Azari</b> ( <a href="/black-panther/4005-1477/" data-ref-id="4005-1477">Black Panther</a> and <a href="/storm/4005-1444/" data-ref-id="4005-1444">Storm</a>'s son), Adrian Petriw as the voice of <b>Hawkeye</b> ( <a href="/clint-barton/4005-1475/" data-ref-id="4005-1475">Hawkeye</a>'s son), Tom Kane as the voice of <b>Iron Man/ Tony Stark</b> and <b>Ultron</b> (I <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">ron Man</a>, <a href="/ultron/4005-2242/" data-ref-id="4005-2242">Ultron</a>), Fred Tatasciore as the voice of <b>Hulk</b> ( <a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">Hulk</a>), Shawn MacDonald as the voice of <b>Vision</b> ( <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">Vision</a>), Michael Adamthwaite as the voice of <b>Thor</b> ( <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a>), Ken Cramer as the voice of <b>Bruce Banner</b>, and Nicole Oliver as the voice of <b>Betty Ross</b> ( <a href="/betty-ross/4005-3445/" data-ref-id="4005-3445">Betty Ross</a>). The Next Avengers is about the children of the Avengers with the help of Tony Stark (Iron Man) battling one of the greatest threats the world has ever seen....</p><p>The movie starts off with Tony Stark telling the kids a bedtime story. "And there came a day unlike any other. When Earth's mightiest heroes were united against a common threat. The Soldier, The God, The Knight, The Spy, The Giant, The King, The Pixie, The Ghost, and The Archer. On that day, The Avengers were born.</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-ref-id="1300-612392" data-img-src="" data-ratio="0.572" data-width="500" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 500px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:57.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-612392"><img alt="Earth's Mightiest Heroes!" src="" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 500w, 480w, 320w"><noscript><img alt="Earth's Mightiest Heroes!" src="" srcset=" 500w, 480w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></noscript></a><figcaption>Earth's Mightiest Heroes!</figcaption></figure><p>To fight foes that no single hero can withstand. Time traveling conquerors, alien invaders, and masters of evil. The Avengers vanquished them all and finally when the world was at peace the heroes built lives of they're own. The Soldier and Spy fell in love, as did The Giant and Pixie, The King found his Queen, and the Thunder God returned to his kingdom far away from the world of man. And one by one the children of The Avengers came to be. Children who would one day who become a generation of heroes, but in time evil returned. An evil called Ultron. Ultron wanted nothing less than total dominion over the world but the Avengers stood in its way. Sadly, their defeat was inevitable. But before they fell, The Avengers hid their children in a far away place. Where they would grow up safe from Ultron's grasp because The Avengers knew that as long as the children were alive their was hope. Hope for the future...</p><p>The story now begins 12 years later. A green light is flying around and then on the bushes a person with yellow eyes are in the trees. The green light is a little boy and he is zapped from the back. He is then caught and the kids are plying tag. Azari and Pym. Pym says that Azari didn't give him much of a head start and then Azari says, "No fair, aren't you the one that said no powers then shrunk off and flew away." Then Pym says, "Well.. Then I meant no powers for you. Azari replies and says, "Figures, guess what Pym your it." Then as Azari leaves Pym follows and tries to catch up. Now in some sort of laboratory Tony Stark, giving commands to the computer telling it to get lunch ready. In the meantime, Torrun was talking to herself or her fathers tombstone saying, " I dreamt of Asgard again father. The bifrost bridge stretched out to me and I can see of the realm eternal. I know thee to be real father, and hope that one day you will come soon for your daughter..." Now as she was talking Pym sneaks up behind her to try and take her sword.</p><h4><a href="/the-avengers-earths-mightiest-heroes/4075-18/" data-ref-id="4075-18">Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes</a> (2010-2012)</h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2202703" data-ratio="0.66166666666667" data-width="600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:66.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2202703"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 600w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 600w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a></figure><p>A 2010 animated series airing Wednesday nights on Disney XD. It retells classic Avengers stories altered for the modern age. It is the second animated series based off the Avengers, and has been received far more favorably than <em>Avengers: United They Stand</em>.</p><p>The series takes content from several different sects of the Avengers lore such as the Ultimate universe, the various movie adaptations and of course classic stories.</p><p>For the first season, the team features <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Captain America</a>, <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Iron Man</a>, <a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">Hulk</a>, <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a>, <a href="/hank-pym/4005-2247/" data-ref-id="4005-2247">Ant-Man</a>, <a href="/wasp/4005-1502/" data-ref-id="4005-1502">Wasp</a>, <a href="/hawkeye/4005-1475/" data-ref-id="4005-1475">Hawkeye</a>, and <a href="/black-panther/4005-1477/" data-ref-id="4005-1477">Black Panther</a>. In season 2, <a href="/ms-marvel/4005-21561/" data-ref-id="4005-21561">Ms. Marvel</a> and <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">Vision</a> join the cast.</p><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-2264879" data-ratio="0.562" data-width="500" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 500px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:56.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2264879"><img alt="The various guest stars and reserve Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 500w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The various guest stars and reserve Avengers" src="" srcset=" 500w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The various guest stars and reserve Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>Throughout the show, various other Avengers appeared in guest-starring capacities. These included <a href="/spider-man/4005-1443/" data-ref-id="4005-1443">Spider-Man</a>, <a href="/wolverine/4005-1440/" data-ref-id="4005-1440">Wolverine</a>, <a href="/luke-cage/4005-1450/" data-ref-id="4005-1450">Luke Cage</a>, <a href="/black-widow/4005-3200/" data-ref-id="4005-3200">Black Widow</a>, <a href="/falcon/4005-1451/" data-ref-id="4005-1451">The Falcon</a>, <a href="/mockingbird/4005-2497/" data-ref-id="4005-2497">Mockingbird</a>, <a href="/ant-man-lang/4005-20577/" data-ref-id="4005-20577">Scott Lang</a>, <a href="/war-machine/4005-1926/" data-ref-id="4005-1926">War Machine</a>, <a href="/black-knight/4005-3172/" data-ref-id="4005-3172">Black Knight</a>, and many, many others.</p><p><b>Pre Premiere Episodes:</b></p><p>The show first aired as series of "Micro Episodes" focusing on the individual members lives before and the events leading up to the teams formation, these micro episodes were eventually combined to create 5 full episodes.</p><p><strong>Iron Man is Born</strong>: Focusing On Iron Man and Nick Fury</p><p><i>Synopsis</i>: Iron Man battles Hydra Agents outside the U.N and is devastated when he learns that they posses stolen Starktech. The battle is soon interrupted by S.H.I.E.L.D whom Iron Man is forced to save from a sneak attack. After the battle Iron Man confronts Nick Fury and Maria Hill aboard the Helicarrier. Fury and Hill try to convince Tony to give up being Iron Man and resume making weapons. Iron Man storms out and Fury arrests the Hydra agents. Later at the Vault, Fury interrogates Hydra's leader Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker. The session is soon interrupted by the Grim Reaper who tries to break Strucker out of prison. He fails after being beaten by Fury.</p><p><b>Thor The Mighty</b>: Focusing On Thor</p><p><i>Synopsis</i>: Loki forms a plan to take over Asgard, with help from the Enchantress, he tricks Thor and the Wrecking Crew into fighting each other and enlists the Frost Giants aid assaulting Asgard while Thor is busy. Thor eventually makes it to Asgard and halts the invasion. Loki is Banished to the Isle Of Silence. Thor and Odin have an argument over Thor's duty to Asgard over his happiness in Midgard. Loki soon escapes.</p><p><b>Hulk Vs The World</b>: Focusing On Hulk and Hawkeye</p><p><i>Synopsis</i>: Bruce Banner seeks out the Absorbing Man in order to cure him of his Gamma affliction but is spurned and attacked.</p><p>Banner transforms into the Hulk and the two's fight eventually makes it all the way to the desert and Creel is brutally beaten. Things take a turn for the worse when a military squad led by General Ross shows up and begins to fire upon the Hulk. Halfway through the battle a squadron of SHIELD agents led by Hawkeye and Black Widow. Ross disobeys his orders to stand down and fires upon Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.</p><p>Hulk deflects the missile but the blast causes a mesa to collapse. Hulk saves the agents from being crushed by the debris but is taken down while he is distracted. Now imprisoned in the Cube, Bruce shares sharp words with Leonard Samson who believes that the Hulk must be cured and Hawkeye who thanks Bruce for rescuing his squad, Bruce in turn reveals that SHIELD is trying to replicate the Hulk not cure him.</p><p>Hawkeye then trails the Black Widow who is revealed to be a Hydra Agent hired to steal a sample of Hulk blood. Hawkeye is incapacitated and framed by the Widow for her crime.</p><p><b>Meet Captain America</b>: Focuses on Captain America and Kang the Conquer</p><p><i>Synopsis</i>: Captain America and Bucky are both seemingly killed while foiling the Red Skull meanwhile Kang tries to discover the connection between Cap and the destruction of his timeline.</p><p><b>The Man In The Anthill</b>: Focuses on Ant-Man, Wasp, and Black Panther</p><h4><a href="/iron-man-armored-adventures/4075-225/" data-ref-id="4075-225">Iron Man: Armored Adventures</a> (2012)</h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4037807" data-ratio="1.6304347826087" data-width="920" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 920px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:163.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4037807"><img alt="The proto-Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 392px) 100vw, 392px" data-width="392" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 920w, 588w, 392w"><noscript><img alt="The proto-Avengers" src="" srcset=" 920w, 588w, 392w" sizes="(max-width: 392px) 100vw, 392px" data-width="392"></noscript></a><figcaption>The proto-Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>Throughout the series, a teenage version of Tony Stark meets and befriends young versions of several future Marvel heroes. In the two part series finale, "The Makluan Invasion," the heroes unite to form a sort of proto-Avengers team to fight off the <a href="/makluans/4060-59237/" data-ref-id="4060-59237">Makluan </a>aliens that are attacking New York. In the show, the team consists of teenage versions of <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Iron Man</a>, <a href="/war-machine/4005-1926/" data-ref-id="4005-1926">War Machine</a>, <a href="/pepper-potts/4005-4263/" data-ref-id="4005-4263">Rescue</a>, <a href="/black-panther/4005-1477/" data-ref-id="4005-1477">Black Panther</a>, <a href="/hawkeye/4005-1475/" data-ref-id="4005-1475">Hawkeye</a> and <a href="/black-widow/4005-3200/" data-ref-id="4005-3200">Black Widow</a>, with the <a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">Hulk </a>(who is still an adult) as their final member. <a href="/nick-fury/4005-3202/" data-ref-id="4005-3202">Nick Fury</a> and <a href="/rick-jones/4005-2248/" data-ref-id="4005-2248">Rick Jones</a> also appear as supporting characters.</p><h4><a href="/avengers-assemble/4075-19/" data-ref-id="4075-19">Avengers Assemble </a>(2013)</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3024388" data-ratio="1.3032145960035" data-width="2302" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 2302px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:130.3%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-3024388"><img alt="Avengers Assemble" src="" sizes="(max-width: 491px) 100vw, 491px" data-width="491" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 2302w, 1473w, 480w, 491w"><noscript><img alt="Avengers Assemble" src="" srcset=" 2302w, 1473w, 480w, 491w" sizes="(max-width: 491px) 100vw, 491px" data-width="491"></noscript></a><figcaption>Avengers Assemble</figcaption></figure><p>A semi-sequel to Earth's Mightiest Heroes, inspired by the movie, began airing in 2013. The team consists of <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Captain America</a>, <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Iron Man</a>, <a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">Hulk</a>, <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a>, <a href="/black-widow/4005-3200/" data-ref-id="4005-3200">Black Widow</a>, <a href="/hawkeye/4005-1475/" data-ref-id="4005-1475">Hawkeye</a>, and <a href="/falcon/4005-1451/" data-ref-id="4005-1451">Falcon</a>. The series primarily sees the Avengers battling the members of the <a href="/cabal/4060-56051/" data-ref-id="4060-56051">Cabal</a>, a group formed by the <a href="/red-skull/4005-2250/" data-ref-id="4005-2250">Red Skull</a> in response to his repeated defeats.</p><p>This same version of the team also appeared in a crossover with the <a href="/ultimate-spiderman/4075-13/" data-ref-id="4075-13"><em>Ultimate Spider-Man</em></a> cartoon and later the spinoff <a href="/hulk-and-the-agents-of-s-m-a-s-h/4075-34/" data-ref-id="4075-34"><em>Hulk and the Agents of SMASH</em></a>.</p><p>In the second season, the team's roster finally expands when <a href="/ant-man/4025-1552/" data-ref-id="4025-1552">Ant-Man </a> joins the group. Throughout the season, the team faces new threats, such as <a href="/ultron/4005-2242/" data-ref-id="4005-2242">Ultron</a> and <a href="/thanos/4005-7607/" data-ref-id="4005-7607">Thanos</a>, while trying to collect the Infinity Stones. They are also briefly joined by the android <a href="/arsenal/4005-56297/" data-ref-id="4005-56297">Arsenal</a>, who ends up sacrificing his life to destroy Ultron at the close of the season.</p><p>At the start of the third season, Ultron is revealed to have survived, and returns after his remains are recovered by A.I.M.'s <a href="/andrew-forson/4005-85761/" data-ref-id="4005-85761">Scientist Supreme</a>. The Avengers also encounter the <a href="/inhumans/4060-11427/" data-ref-id="4060-11427">Inhumans</a>, a secretive race of people who possess superhuman abilities. Ultron returns to menace the team multiple times throughout the season, and one of his schemes accidentally results in the release of <a href="/terrigen-mists/4055-40921/" data-ref-id="4055-40921">Terrigen Mists</a> across the globe, which empower many dormant Inhumans around the planet. This eventually leads into an adaptation of <em>Civil War</em>, where two teams of Avengers come to blows after an <a href="/super-human-registration-act/4015-40639/" data-ref-id="4015-40639">Inhuman Registration Act </a>is passed by the government.</p><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6332186" data-ratio="0.5360824742268" data-width="679" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 679px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:53.6%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6332186"><img alt="The team in Season 4" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 679w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The team in Season 4" src="" srcset=" 679w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The team in Season 4</figcaption></figure><p>In the fourth season, a new Cabal led by the Leader is formed. Together, the villains manage to scatter the Avengers across dimensions, seemingly defeating them. However, <a href="/black-panther/4005-1477/" data-ref-id="4005-1477">Black Panther</a> forms a new team of Avengers, which includes <a href="/carol-danvers/4005-21561/" data-ref-id="4005-21561">Captain Marvel</a>, <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">Vision</a>,<a href="/kamala-khan/4005-94118/" data-ref-id="4005-94118"> Kamala Khan</a>, Ant-Man and <a href="/red-queen/4005-53152/" data-ref-id="4005-53152">Wasp</a>. The members of the New Avengers are eventually able to locate their predecessors, and reunite with them. The season leads into an adaptation of <em>Secret Wars</em>, where the team faces the <a href="/beyonder/4005-10300/" data-ref-id="4005-10300">Beyonder</a> on <a href="/battleworld/4020-51065/" data-ref-id="4020-51065">Battleworld</a>. During this time, <a href="/jane-foster/4005-12337/" data-ref-id="4005-12337">Jane Foster</a> briefly becomes the new Thor after lifting Mjolnir, though she later changes her name to Thunderstrike after gaining an enchanted mace instead.</p><p>The final season, <em><a href="/marvels-avengers-black-panthers-quest/4075-776/" data-ref-id="4075-776">Avengers: Black Panther's Quest</a> </em>aired in 2018.</p><h4>Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers (2014) and Marvel Future Avengers (2017)</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-7438621" data-ratio="0.6" data-width="1200" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1200px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:60.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-7438621"><img alt="Marvel Future Avengers" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="Marvel Future Avengers" src="" srcset=" 1200w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>Marvel Future Avengers</figcaption></figure><p>In 2014, an anime series called <em>Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers</em> began airing in Japan. The series starred Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor and Wasp as the core Avengers, along with a number of guest stars. The premise involved the heroes becoming trapped inside special containment devices called DISKS, leading to Spider-Man and a group of teens named Akira, Chris, Jessica, Hikaru and Edward having to find and free them.</p><p>In 2017, a follow-up called <em>Marvel Future Avengers </em>was launched. The series once again saw a core group of Avengers consisting of Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor and Wasp, with the characters mentoring a trio of new teenage heroes named <a href="/hurricane/4005-158330/" data-ref-id="4005-158330">Hurricane</a>, <a href="/charade/4005-158331/" data-ref-id="4005-158331">Charade</a> and <a href="/codec/4005-158332/" data-ref-id="4005-158332">Codec</a> while battling the Masters of Evil. Over the course of the series, numerous other Avengers like Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Falcon, Ms. Marvel and Doctor Strange guest-starred. In 2020, the show was brought to the U.S. as part of the Disney+ streaming service.</p><h3><ins>Film</ins></h3><h4><strong>The Avengers (2012)</strong></h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-3894780" data-ratio="0.56166666666667" data-width="600" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 600px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:56.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-3894780"><img alt="The cast of the Avengers movie" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 600w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The cast of the Avengers movie" src="" srcset=" 600w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The cast of the Avengers movie</figcaption></figure><p>The team finally made its big screen debut in the live action movie <i>The Avengers</i>, released May 4th, 2012. There are five movies that culminate to this epic crossover: <a href="/iron-man/4025-17/" data-ref-id="4025-17"><i>Iron Man</i></a> (May 2008)<i>, <a href="/the-incredible-hulk/4025-45/" data-ref-id="4025-45">The Incredible Hulk</a></i> (June 2008)<i>, <a href="/iron-man-2/4025-733/" data-ref-id="4025-733">Iron Man 2</a></i> (May 2010)<i>, <a href="/thor/4025-949/" data-ref-id="4025-949">Thor</a></i> (May 2011)<i>,</i> and <a href="/captain-america-the-first-avenger/4025-927/" data-ref-id="4025-927"><i>Captain America: The First Avenger</i> </a>(July 2011)<i>.</i></p><p>The plot of the movie revolves around Nick Fury bringing together six of Earth's mightiest heroes to battle Loki, who has stolen the <a href="/cosmic-cube/4055-40949/" data-ref-id="4055-40949">Tesseract </a>as part of a scheme to allow the <a href="/chitauri/4060-57559/" data-ref-id="4060-57559">Chitauri </a>to invade the planet.</p><p>The movie stars <a href="/robert-downey-jr/4040-68296/" data-ref-id="4040-68296">Robert Downey, Jr. </a>as <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Tony Stark/Iron Man</a>, <a href="/chris-evans/4040-68269/" data-ref-id="4040-68269">Chris Evans</a> as <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Steve Rogers/Captain America</a>, <a href="/chris-hemsworth/4040-68349/" data-ref-id="4040-68349">Chris Hemsworth</a> as <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a>, <a href="/scarlett-johansson/4040-68258/" data-ref-id="4040-68258">Scarlett Johansson</a> as <a href="/black-widow/4005-3200/" data-ref-id="4005-3200">Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow</a>, <a href="/jeremy-renner/4040-68403/" data-ref-id="4040-68403">Jeremy Renner</a> as <a href="/hawkeye/4005-1475/" data-ref-id="4005-1475">Clint Barton/Hawkeye</a>, and <a href="/samuel-l-jackson/4040-59054/" data-ref-id="4040-59054">Samuel L. Jackson</a> as <a href="/nick-fury/4005-3202/" data-ref-id="4005-3202">Nick Fury</a>. Other cast members include <a href="/cobie-smulders/4040-68276/" data-ref-id="4040-68276">Cobie Smulders</a> as <a href="/maria-hill/4005-40824/" data-ref-id="4005-40824">Maria Hill</a>, <a href="/clark-gregg/4040-68494/" data-ref-id="4040-68494">Clark Gregg</a> as <a href="/phil-coulson/4005-70860/" data-ref-id="4005-70860">Phil Coulson</a>,<a href="/gwyneth-paltrow/4040-68493/" data-ref-id="4040-68493"> Gwyneth Paltrow</a> as <a href="/pepper-potts/4005-4263/" data-ref-id="4005-4263">Pepper Potts</a> and <a href="/tom-hiddleston/4040-68297/" data-ref-id="4040-68297">Tom Hiddlestone </a>as <a href="/loki/4005-4324/" data-ref-id="4005-4324">Loki</a>, the movie's main antagonist.</p><p>The movie was a box office juggernaut, grossing $1.5 billion and becoming the highest grossing non-James Cameron film both worldwide and domestically (Avatar and Titanic grossed more both worldwide and domestically).</p><h4>The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4413258" data-ratio="1.4824707846411" data-width="599" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 599px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:148.2%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4413258"><img alt="Age of Ultron" src="" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 599w, 320w"><noscript><img alt="Age of Ultron" src="" srcset=" 599w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" data-width="320"></noscript></a><figcaption>Age of Ultron</figcaption></figure><p>The sequel to <em>The Avengers</em> was released in Summer 2015. Like its predecessor, the film was built up by several other movies, in this case <a href="/iron-man-3/4025-1512/" data-ref-id="4025-1512"><em>Iron Man 3</em></a>, <a href="/thor-the-dark-world/4025-1514/" data-ref-id="4025-1514"><em>Thor: The Dark World</em></a>, <a href="/captain-america-the-winter-soldier/4025-1542/" data-ref-id="4025-1542"><em>Captain America: The Winter Soldier</em></a>, and <a href="/guardians-of-the-galaxy/4025-1541/" data-ref-id="4025-1541"><em>Guardians of the Galaxy</em></a>. The final Phase 2 film, <a href="" data-ref-id="4025-1552"><em>Ant-Man</em></a>, had no impact on the movie.</p><p>The sequel sees the Avengers trying to protect the world in the wake of <em>Captain America: The Winter Soldier</em>, which ended with <a href="/shield/4060-3775/" data-ref-id="4060-3775">S.H.I.E.L.D. </a>disbanding after a hidden Hydra element was revealed. In order to retire the Avengers, Iron Man and Bruce Banner create the A.I., Ultron, to act as their successor. This doesn't go according to plan when Ultron determines that humans should be exterminated. On their quest to defeat Ultron, they recruit Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (twin superhumans who were pawns of both Hydra and Ultron) and Vision (an android intended to be Ultron's final form but uploaded with JARVIS instead)</p><p>At the close of the film, a new Avengers line-up is formed after the departures of the Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye and Iron Man, with the team now consisting of Captain America, Black Widow, War Machine, Falcon, Wanda Maximoff, and Vision.</p><p>The actors who portrayed the six principle Avengers, Nick Fury, and Maria Hill all returned for the movie. New additions to the cast include <a href="/elizabeth-olsen/4040-73062/" data-ref-id="4040-73062">Elizabeth Olsen</a> as <a href="/scarlet-witch/4005-1466/" data-ref-id="4005-1466">Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch</a>, <a href="/aaron-taylor-johnson/4040-73064/" data-ref-id="4040-73064">Aaron Taylor-Johnson</a> as <a href="/quicksilver/4005-1467/" data-ref-id="4005-1467">Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver</a>, Claudia Kim as <a href="/helen-cho/4005-117338/" data-ref-id="4005-117338">Dr. Helen Cho</a>, <a href="/anthony-mackie/4040-77662/" data-ref-id="4040-77662">Anthony Mackie</a> as <a href="/falcon/4005-1451/" data-ref-id="4005-1451">Sam Wilson/The Falcon</a>, <a href="/don-cheadle/4040-69046/" data-ref-id="4040-69046">Don Cheadle</a> as <a href="/war-machine/4005-1926/" data-ref-id="4005-1926">James Rhodes/War Machine</a>, <a href="/paul-bettany/4040-68492/" data-ref-id="4040-68492">Paul Bettany</a> as <a href="/vision/4005-1504/" data-ref-id="4005-1504">The Vision</a>, <a href="/hayley-atwell/4040-77664/" data-ref-id="4040-77664">Hayley Atwell </a>as <a href="/peggy-carter/4005-35979/" data-ref-id="4005-35979">Peggy Carter</a>, <a href="/james-spader/4040-73063/" data-ref-id="4040-73063">James Spader</a> as <a href="/ultron/4005-2242/" data-ref-id="4005-2242">Ultron</a>, <a href="/andy-serkis/4040-79882/" data-ref-id="4040-79882">Andy Serkis</a> as <a href="/klaw/4005-3171/" data-ref-id="4005-3171">Ulysses Klaw</a>, and Thomas Kretschmann as<a href="/baron-von-strucker/4005-4662/" data-ref-id="4005-4662"> Baron Von Strucker</a>.</p><h4>Captain America: Civil War (2016)</h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-5091475" data-ratio="1.4810426540284" data-width="1688" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1688px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:148.1%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-5091475"><img alt="The Avengers shattered" src="" sizes="(max-width: 432px) 100vw, 432px" data-width="432" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1688w, 1296w, 648w, 432w"><noscript><img alt="The Avengers shattered" src="" srcset=" 1688w, 1296w, 648w, 432w" sizes="(max-width: 432px) 100vw, 432px" data-width="432"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Avengers shattered</figcaption></figure><p>The team appears in <em>Captain America: Civil War</em>, marking their first appearance not in a proper Avengers film. The movie features the new team of Avengers that formed at the end of <em>Age of Ultron</em>, consisting of Chris Evans as Captain America, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Don Cheadle as War Machine, Paul Bettany as the Vision, Anthony Mackie as Falcon, Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch and <a href="/paul-rudd/4040-69305/" data-ref-id="4040-69305">Paul Rudd </a>as <a href="/ant-man-lang/4005-20577/" data-ref-id="4005-20577">Ant-Man</a>. The film also sees Robert Downey, Jr. and William Hurt reprising their roles as Iron Man and <a href="" data-ref-id="4005-3457">Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross</a>, as well as the debuts of <a href="/chadwick-boseman/4040-81763/" data-ref-id="4040-81763">Chadwick Boseman</a> as <a href="/black-panther/4005-1477/" data-ref-id="4005-1477">Black Panther</a>, Tom Holland as <a href="" data-ref-id="4005-1443">Spider-Man</a> and Daniel Brühl as <a href="" data-ref-id="4005-3278">Helmut Zemo</a>.</p><p>The movie opens with the Avengers attempting to stop <a href="" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Crossbones</a> and his henchmen from stealing a biological weapon in Nigeria. Though the villains are defeated, Crossbones detonates a suicide bomb in order to kill Captain America. Wanda uses her powers to contain the blast and move it away from civilians but accidentally destroys a building in the process. The incident, coupled with the events of the past movies, causes 117 countries to craft the Sokovia Accords (based on the Superhuman Registration Act), a series of laws that would bring the Avengers under the control of the United Nations.</p><p>The Accords divide the team, with Captain America believing that they could be used to manipulate the team, while Iron Man believes that the team needs oversight. The film ends with the Avengers effectively disbanded.</p><h3>The Avengers: Infinity War (2018)</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6332088" data-ratio="1.4811111111111" data-width="900" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 900px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:148.1%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6332088"><img alt="Infinity War" src="" sizes="(max-width: 432px) 100vw, 432px" data-width="432" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 900w, 648w, 432w"><noscript><img alt="Infinity War" src="" srcset=" 900w, 648w, 432w" sizes="(max-width: 432px) 100vw, 432px" data-width="432"></noscript></a><figcaption>Infinity War</figcaption></figure><p>The third Avengers movie was built up by <a href="/captain-america-civil-war/4025-2143/" data-ref-id="4025-2143"><em>Captain America: Civil War</em></a>, <a href="/doctor-strange/4025-2183/" data-ref-id="4025-2183"><em>Doctor Strange</em></a>, <em>G<a href="/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2/4025-2229/" data-ref-id="4025-2229">uardians of the Galaxy vol. 2</a></em>, <a href="/spider-man-homecoming/4025-2239/" data-ref-id="4025-2239"><em>Spider-Man: Homecoming</em></a>, <a href="/thor-ragnarok/4025-2278/" data-ref-id="4025-2278"><em>Thor: Ragnarok</em></a> and <em><a href="/black-panther/4025-2292/" data-ref-id="4025-2292">Black Panther</a>.</em></p><p>Taking place a few years after the events of<em> Captain America: Civil War</em>, the film sees the Avengers being forced to reunite after being made aware of the threat of Thanos. With the members of the <a href="/cull-obsidian/4060-59877/" data-ref-id="4060-59877">Black Order</a> at his side, Thanos seeks to collect the six Infinity Stones so that he can complete the Infinity Gauntlet, which he plans to use to wipe out half of the universe's population. Complicating matters is the fact that the Vision has the Mind Stone imbedded in his forehead, which makes him a target for the villains. The ensuing battle for the fate of humanity rages across the entirety of the MCU, with locations ranging from deep space to Wakanda.</p><p>In addition to the returning characters from previous entries, the film features <a href="/josh-brolin/4040-78973/" data-ref-id="4040-78973">Josh Brolin</a> as <a href="/thanos/4005-7607/" data-ref-id="4005-7607">Thanos</a>, <a href="/benedict-cumberbatch/4040-73220/" data-ref-id="4040-73220">Benedict Cumberbatch</a> as <a href="/doctor-strange/4025-2183/" data-ref-id="4025-2183">Doctor Strange</a>, <a href="/chris-pratt/4040-69583/" data-ref-id="4040-69583">Chris Pratt</a> as <a href="/star-lord/4005-10957/" data-ref-id="4005-10957">Star-Lord</a>, <a href="/zoe-saldana/4040-69539/" data-ref-id="4040-69539">Zoe Saldana</a> as <a href="/gamora/4005-6806/" data-ref-id="4005-6806">Gamora</a>, <a href="/dave-bautista/4040-69584/" data-ref-id="4040-69584">Dave Bautista</a> as<a href="/drax-the-destroyer/4005-6807/" data-ref-id="4005-6807"> Drax the Destroyer</a>, <a href="/vin-diesel/4040-73502/" data-ref-id="4040-73502">Vin Diesel</a> as <a href="/groot/4005-24341/" data-ref-id="4005-24341">Groot</a>, <a href="/bradley-cooper/4040-73501/" data-ref-id="4040-73501">Bradley Cooper</a> as <a href="/rocket-raccoon/4005-32814/" data-ref-id="4005-32814">Rocket Raccoon</a>, <a href="/pom-klementieff/4040-90543/" data-ref-id="4040-90543">Pom Klementieff</a> as <a href="/mantis/4005-3324/" data-ref-id="4005-3324">Mantis</a>, <a href="/karen-gillan/4040-71567/" data-ref-id="4040-71567">Karen Gillan</a> as<a href="/nebula/4005-14558/" data-ref-id="4005-14558"> Nebula</a>, <a href="/danai-gurira/4040-84256/" data-ref-id="4040-84256">Danai Gurira</a> as <a href="/okoye/4005-19918/" data-ref-id="4005-19918">Okoye</a>, Letitia Wright as <a href="/shuri/4005-58997/" data-ref-id="4005-58997">Shuri</a> and Benedict Wong as <a href="/wong/4005-2215/" data-ref-id="4005-2215">Wong</a>.</p><p>The movie concludes with Thanos successfully assembling the Infinity Stones and using them to wipe out 50% of living things. The original six Avengers survive.</p><h3>Captain Marvel</h3><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8021477" data-ratio="0.41433962264151" data-width="1325" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1325px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:41.4%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8021477"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1325w, 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 1325w, 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a></figure><p>Many of the surviving Avengers appear in the post-credit scene of <a href="/captain-marvel/4025-2328/" data-ref-id="4025-2328"><em>Captain Marvel</em></a>. They had recovered the cosmic beeper Carol gave to Nick Fury and was activated by Fury in the post-credit scene of <em>Avengers: Infinity War</em>.</p><p>This leads to Carol's first meeting with the Avengers and then directly into the opening of <em>Avengers: Endgame.</em></p><h4>Avengers: Endgame (2019)</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6842939" data-ratio="1.4802631578947" data-width="608" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 608px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:148.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6842939"><img alt="Endgame" src="" sizes="(max-width: 432px) 100vw, 432px" data-width="432" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 608w, 432w"><noscript><img alt="Endgame" src="" srcset=" 608w, 432w" sizes="(max-width: 432px) 100vw, 432px" data-width="432"></noscript></a><figcaption>Endgame</figcaption></figure><p>The fourth Avengers film picks up shortly after the events of <em>Infinity War.</em> Due to coming so shortly after the previous films, only <a href="/antman-and-the-wasp/4025-2304/" data-ref-id="4025-2304"><em>Ant-Man and the Wasp</em></a> and <a href="/captain-marvel/4025-2328/" data-ref-id="4025-2328"><em>Captain Marvel</em> </a>were released between the third and fourth movies.</p><p>Five years after the events of<em> Infinity War</em>, Earth's few surviving heroes attempt to use time travel to collect the Infinity Stones from earlier in their own timeline and use them in the present to bring back the 50% of life that was lost. The team originally consisted of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine, Rocket Racoon, Nebula, and Ant-Man. This gets the attention of a version of Thanos from earlier in the timeline, who chases the Avengers through time with his army and fights a massive battle on top of the rubble that was The Avengers Compound.</p><p>In addition to the returning characters from previous entries, the film sees <a href="/brie-larson/4040-91915/" data-ref-id="4040-91915">Brie Larson</a> join the ranks as <a href="/carol-danvers/4005-21561/" data-ref-id="4005-21561">Captain Marvel</a>.</p><h4>Avengers: The Kang Dynasty (2025)</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8699284" data-ratio="1" data-width="1500" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1500px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:100.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8699284"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" data-width="640" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1500w, 960w, 640w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 1500w, 960w, 640w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" data-width="640"></noscript></a></figure><p>The fifth Avengers movie is tentatively dated for May 2, 2025, with Destin Daniel Cretton (<a href="/shang-chi-and-the-legend-of-the-ten-rings/4025-2550/" data-ref-id="4025-2550"><em>Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings</em></a>) directing. The team roster has not yet been confirmed, but they will go up against Jonathan Majors' Kang the Conqueror.</p><h4>Avengers: Secret Wars (2026)</h4><figure data-align="right" data-size="small" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-8699285" data-ratio="1" data-width="1500" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 1500px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:100.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-8699285"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" data-width="640" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1500w, 960w, 640w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 1500w, 960w, 640w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" data-width="640"></noscript></a></figure><p>The sixth Avengers movie was tentatively dated for November 7, 2025, before being delayed to 2026. The team roster has not yet been confirmed, but it will close out both Phase 6 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and The Multiverse Saga, the sequel to the Infinity Saga.</p><h3><ins>Stage</ins></h3><h4>Marvel Universe LIVE!</h4><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-4037820" data-ratio="0.8" data-width="960" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 960px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:80.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-4037820"><img alt="The Avengers, X-Men and S.H.I.E.L.D." src="" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 960w, 480w"><noscript><img alt="The Avengers, X-Men and S.H.I.E.L.D." src="" srcset=" 960w, 480w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" data-width="480"></noscript></a><figcaption>The Avengers, X-Men and S.H.I.E.L.D.</figcaption></figure><p>The Avengers appear as main characters in the touring arena show. In the production, the team consists of <a href="/iron-man/4005-1455/" data-ref-id="4005-1455">Iron Man</a>, <a href="/captain-america/4005-1442/" data-ref-id="4005-1442">Captain America</a>, <a href="/hulk/4005-2267/" data-ref-id="4005-2267">Hulk</a>, <a href="/thor/4005-2268/" data-ref-id="4005-2268">Thor</a>, <a href="/black-widow/4005-3200/" data-ref-id="4005-3200">Black Widow</a>, <a href="/hawkeye/4005-1475/" data-ref-id="4005-1475">Hawkeye</a>, <a href="/falcon/4005-1451/" data-ref-id="4005-1451">Falcon</a>, <a href="/carol-danvers/4005-21561/" data-ref-id="4005-21561">Captain Marvel </a>and <a href="/spider-man/4005-1443/" data-ref-id="4005-1443">Spider-Man</a>. Villains such as <a href="/red-skull/4005-2250/" data-ref-id="4005-2250">Red Skull</a>, <a href="/viper/4005-3420/" data-ref-id="4005-3420">Madame Hydra</a>, <a href="/loki/4005-4324/" data-ref-id="4005-4324">Loki</a>, <a href="/dr-aldrich-killian/4005-83640/" data-ref-id="4005-83640">Aldrich Killian</a>, <a href="/black-cat/4005-1479/" data-ref-id="4005-1479">Black Cat</a>, <a href="/norman-osborn/4005-58812/" data-ref-id="4005-58812">Green Goblin</a>, <a href="/rhino/4005-2126/" data-ref-id="4005-2126">Rhino</a>, <a href="/lizard/4005-1488/" data-ref-id="4005-1488">Lizard</a>, and <a href="/electro/4005-3228/" data-ref-id="4005-3228">Electro</a> were also featured.</p><p>A revised version of the tour was later performed, which added in characters like Black Panther, Doctor Strange, the Wasp, Iron Fist and the Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as new villains like <a href="/nebula/4005-14558/" data-ref-id="4005-14558">Nebula</a> and <a href="/yondu/4005-2170/" data-ref-id="4005-2170">Yondu</a>.</p><h3>Merchandise</h3><figure data-align="right" data-size="medium" data-img-src="" data-ref-id="1300-6842952" data-ratio="1.5106918238994" data-width="795" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 795px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:151.1%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-6842952"><img alt="Figures from Hasbro and statues from Diamond, Sideshow and Kotobukiya" src="" sizes="(max-width: 635px) 100vw, 635px" data-width="635" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 795w, 635w"><noscript><img alt="Figures from Hasbro and statues from Diamond, Sideshow and Kotobukiya" src="" srcset=" 795w, 635w" sizes="(max-width: 635px) 100vw, 635px" data-width="635"></noscript></a><figcaption>Figures from Hasbro and statues from Diamond, Sideshow and Kotobukiya</figcaption></figure><ul><li>During the 1990s, ToyBiz produced a line of Avengers action figures.</li><li>ToyBiz produced a short-lived line of action figures for the equally short-lived <em>Avengers: United They Stand</em> cartoon.</li><li>Avengers characters have been heavily featured in Marvel Legends, the flagship Marvel toyline of ToyBiz (and later Hasbro). These include individual waves for both <em>Avengers: Age of Ultron</em> and <em>Avengers: Infinity War</em>, often containing a mix of characters from the films and comic books.</li><li>Hoot Toys has produced figures for all of the<em> Avengers</em> movies.</li><li>Various companies like Diamond Select, Bowen Designs, Kotobukiya, Sideshow Collectibles and Gentle Giant Studios have produced Avengers Statues.</li><li>The Avengers have been heavily featured in Funko's Pop! line of bobbleheads.</li><li>The Avengers have been heavily featured in Hasbro's Marvel Universe line.</li><li>Hasbro produced toylines for all three <em>Avengers</em> films, as well as a line of figures for the <em>Avengers Assemble</em> animated series.</li><li>Companies like Bandai's Tamashii Nations division, Good Smile and Funko have produced movie merchandise featuring the characters.</li><li>The Avengers have been featured in various kits from Lego.</li></ul><h3>Novels</h3><h4>The Avengers and The Thunderbolts</h4><table><tbody><tr><td><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-ref-id="1300-2133629" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.6393442622951" data-width="183" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 183px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:163.9%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2133629"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 183px) 100vw, 183px" data-width="183" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 183w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 183w" sizes="(max-width: 183px) 100vw, 183px" data-width="183"></noscript></a></figure><p> </p></td><td><blockquote><p><i>One of the Avengers' greatest foes, Baron Zemo, formed the Thunderbolts as a team of ostensible heroes who were truly super-villains in disguise. When the team's true motives were exposed, some of the Thunderbolts remained together to try to make it as heroes.</i></p></blockquote><blockquote><p><i>Now Zemo has a new plot that teams him with the hordes of Hydra -- and the Avengers and the Thunderbolts must put aside their differences and work together to stop the greater threat of Zemo!</i></p></blockquote><blockquote><ul><li>Written By: Pierce Askegren</li><li>Publisher: Berkley (January, 1999)</li><li>ISBN-10: 0425166759</li><li>ISBN-13: 978-0425166758</li></ul></blockquote></td></tr></tbody></table><h4>The Avengers: The Man Who Stole Tomorrow</h4><table><tbody><tr><td><figure data-align="left" data-size="medium" data-ref-id="1300-2133630" data-img-src="" data-ratio="1.5" data-width="200" data-embed-type="image" style="width: 200px"><a class="fluid-height" style="padding-bottom:150.0%" href="" data-ref-id="1300-2133630"><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px" data-width="200" class="js-lazy-load-image" data-src="" data-srcset=" 200w"><noscript><img alt="No Caption Provided" src="" srcset=" 200w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px" data-width="200"></noscript></a></figure><p> </p></td><td><blockquote><ul><li>Written By: David Michelinie</li><li>Publisher: Pocket (September, 1979)</li><li>ISBN-10: 0671820931</li><li>ISBN-13: 978-067182093</li></ul></blockquote></td></tr></tbody></table><h4>Avengers: Everybody Wants to Rule the World</h4><table data-max-width="true"><tbody><tr><td><img alt="" src="/api/image/scale_small/4611888-51mpkoj4vtl._sx258_bo1%2C204%2C203%2C200_.jpg" /></td><td><p><em>The Mighty Avengers face an array of their greatest foes-all at once! In Berlin, Captain America battles the forces of Hydra. In the Savage Land, Hawkeye and the Black Widow attempt to foil A.I.M. In Washington, Iron Man fights to stop Ultron. In Siberia, Thor takes on an entire army. And in Mangapore, Bruce Banner and Nick Fury battle the High Evolutionary. Only one thing is certain: This isn't a coincidence. But what larger, deadlier threat lies behind these simultaneous att acks on Earth?</em></p><ul><li><strong>Written By: Dan Abnett</strong></li><li><strong>Publisher: Marvel (April 21, 2015)</strong></li><li><strong>ISBN-10: 0785193006</strong></li><li><strong>ISBN-13: 978-0785193005</strong></li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table><blockquote><p> </p></blockquote> </div> <div class="wiki-item-edit"> <div id="js-field-value--team_description" class="form-field-value content-body"><div class="js-form-field js-form-field--richtext"><div class="tome tome-toolbar-more"><div class="toolbars"><div class="toolbar"><button class="more" type="button"></button><span class="dropdown"><button type="button"><i><svg width="80" height="80" viewBox="0 0 80 80" aria-hidden="true" class="symbol symbol-text-height"><path d="M64 16V0H0v16h24v64h16V16h24z"/><path d="M80 40H48v8h12v32h8V48h12v-8z"/></svg></i><span class="js-dropdown-status dropdown-status-text">Font-size</span></button><ul><li><button 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