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Title="The Open Book" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> The Open Book </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Rav Michael Laitman</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>The Open Book presents the principles of the ancient scientific wisdom of authentic Kabbalah, along with explanations of its basic rules. Kabbalah is a practical method for transcending the limits of one's senses and acquiring a new sense that opens the gate to the Spiritual World, while still living in this world. Rav Laitman clearly explains what goes on behind the scenes in the development of one's soul and the step-by-step attainment of the Upper Worlds. For anyone w...</p><p>Excerpt: But sooner or later everyone finds out that they can no longer deny reality. Humanity continuously seeks logical justification to our existence. Man has tried to inquire and interpret nature for thousands of years. Contemporary scientists have learned that the more they progress in their scientific research, the more the picture of the world that they discover becomes obscure and difficult to grasp. Contemporary science books look more and more like science fict...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0000693012-The-Open-Book-by-Rav-Michael-Laitman.aspx?" Title="The Open Book" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0001235252-Fire-and-f-r--The-Last-Sorcerer-Dragony-by-Roger-C-Schlobin.aspx?" Title="Fire and für : The Last Sorcerer Dragony" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Fire and für : The Last Sorcerer Dragony </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Roger C. Schlobin</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>A vivid and descriptive novel in search of a feature-length, animated film, Fire and Fur might more properly be called "Smart Dragons, Dumb Choices.? It is set in the pre-human Gobi desert and draws on Chinese mythology. Its major characters are dragons and cats. Of course, the cats do speak (often caustically) since a few dragons are interesting enough (cats can still speak but no one is interesting enough to talk to anymore). Fire and Fur?s plot concerns the dragons' t...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0001235252-Fire-and-f-r--The-Last-Sorcerer-Dragony-by-Roger-C-Schlobin.aspx?" Title="Fire and für : The Last Sorcerer Dragony" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0001235167-The-Power-of-Our-Words-by-Liz-Mcgrath.aspx?" Title="The Power of Our Words" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> The Power of Our Words </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Liz Mcgrath</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>Do you know that an empowering word can spark ideas, open doors, change attitudes, and create solutions? Words can do all these things and much more. They have the potency to redefine personalities, lives, and entire communities. Just think of some of the things words are used for every day: To communicate a message To express a feeling To interact with others To associate meaning, intention, and tone To record history To tell stories And so much more! When used the righ...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0001235167-The-Power-of-Our-Words-by-Liz-Mcgrath.aspx?" Title="The Power of Our Words" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002827591-Executive-Summary-of-the-Disclosure-Project-Briefing-Document-by-Greer-Steven-M-.aspx?" Title="Executive Summary of the Disclosure Project Briefing Document" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Executive Summary of the Disclosure Project Briefing Document </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Steven M. Greer</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>This document contains an overview of the issues surrounding UFO/ ETI topics including background information and implications, summaries of military and government witness testimony of experiences with UFO/ETI, and recommendations for action.</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002827591-Executive-Summary-of-the-Disclosure-Project-Briefing-Document-by-Greer-Steven-M-.aspx?" Title="Executive Summary of the Disclosure Project Briefing Document" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002822001-X--4--Les-intermondes-Les-intermondes-by-Regale-Eau.aspx?" Title="X²=-4 : Les intermondes: Les intermondes" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> X²=-4 : Les intermondes: Les intermondes </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Eau Regale, Editor</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>10 récits ethnologiques à connotation sexuelle.</p><p>La eunuque Ce soir j’avais rendez-vous avec une femme un peu spéciale, une femme d’un autre monde, une femme d’un autre temps… Accompagnée par celle qui m’avait contacté, elle avait l’air d’une femme dépouillée de tout, vidée de sa substance féminine, une femme totalement nue, en l’occurrence simplement couverte d’une sorte de linceul ; son guide ayant tout bonnement l’air d’une ethnologue. J’avais ouvert la porte de mon appartement et j’avais dirigé les visiteuses v...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002822001-X--4--Les-intermondes-Les-intermondes-by-Regale-Eau.aspx?" Title="X²=-4 : Les intermondes: Les intermondes" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002821985-Runer-f-r-Columbus-by-Rage-Knut.aspx?" Title="Runer før Columbus" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Runer før Columbus </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Knut Rage</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>Was America discovered by Norwegian Vikings, and did they establish Norse colonies in North-America? And if so, why and how did they disappear? In this book, the author gives an overview of the discussion thas has been raging ever since the Kensington Rune Stone was discovered - or was claimed to have been discovered - in 1898. And what about other rune stones that have appeared in the USA during the last century - are they real or fake? The author examines this and...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002821985-Runer-f-r-Columbus-by-Rage-Knut.aspx?" Title="Runer før Columbus" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002821929-A-Beautiful-Day-by-Al-Bandar-Faisal.aspx?" Title="A Beautiful Day" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> A Beautiful Day </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Faisal Al-Bandar; </h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>A short story about arrogance, ignorance and ultimately giving in to curiosity. The world is a wonderful place and discovering it could be the most delightful of experiences.</p><p>"And suddenly, a strange idea conquered his mind, his curiosity was focused on one thing; and he liked to ask the only question that no one knew the answer to: (Sheik, how shall I die?) The Sheik looked at him with tired, peaceful, kind eyes… then he looked away and informed him in low, but clear voice: (It will be a beautiful day.)"</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002821929-A-Beautiful-Day-by-Al-Bandar-Faisal.aspx?" Title="A Beautiful Day" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002170544-Wright-Flyer-Paper--Punitive-Discharge-with-Retirement-Pay-Windfall-for-the-Accused-or-Justice-by-Major-Christopher-C-Lozo-USAF.aspx?" Title="Wright Flyer Paper : Punitive Discharge with Retirement Pay Windfa..." alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Wright Flyer Paper : Punitive Discharge with Retirement Pay Windfa... </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Major Christopher C. Lozo, USAF</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>Each year the USAF prosecutes approximately 35 retirement-eligible members; 15 of them eventually receive a punitive discharge at trial. While the overall numbers are not significant, the people behind those numbers are. During my tenure as a trial and defense counsel, I have prosecuted or defended four of those individuals. The military justice system owes it to its members to ensure that justice is done in all cases. Each military member facing a court-martial deserves...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002170544-Wright-Flyer-Paper--Punitive-Discharge-with-Retirement-Pay-Windfall-for-the-Accused-or-Justice-by-Major-Christopher-C-Lozo-USAF.aspx?" Title="Wright Flyer Paper : Punitive Discharge with Retirement Pay Windfa..." alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002170356-Organizational-Structure-for-Air-National-Guard-Tactical-Aircraft-Maintenance-by-Rudolph-Ventresca.aspx?" Title="Organizational Structure for Air National Guard Tactical Aircraft ..." alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Organizational Structure for Air National Guard Tactical Aircraft ... </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Rudolph Ventresca</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>This study analyzes and assesses the changes in organization and structure of the active Air Force and ANG fighter maintenance units from the time the ANG became a separate reserve component in 1946 to the present-day organization, paralleling it with the active Air Force. It takes the reader from the ANG maintenance unit's beginning, through the changes that occurred over the years and the reason for the changes, to the present day organization. It then provides a glimp...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002170356-Organizational-Structure-for-Air-National-Guard-Tactical-Aircraft-Maintenance-by-Rudolph-Ventresca.aspx?" Title="Organizational Structure for Air National Guard Tactical Aircraft ..." alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002170250-The-Limits-of-Friendship--US-Security-Cooperation-in-Central-Asia-by-Lt-Col-Michael-J-McCarthy-USAF.aspx?" Title="The Limits of Friendship : US Security Cooperation in Central Asia" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> The Limits of Friendship : US Security Cooperation in Central Asia </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Lt. Col. Michael J. McCarthy, USAF</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>In the first comprehensive study of US security cooperation in Central Asia, Michael J. McCarthy explores these efforts, seeking to understand not only the details of the individual programs but, more importantly, to understand the objectives of those activities and the policies and strategies that drive them. The Limits of Friendship: US Security Cooperation in Central Asia unravels 15 years of military activities in this pivotal region, tracing the ebb and flow of the...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002170250-The-Limits-of-Friendship--US-Security-Cooperation-in-Central-Asia-by-Lt-Col-Michael-J-McCarthy-USAF.aspx?" Title="The Limits of Friendship : US Security Cooperation in Central Asia" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118343-Sects--Sectarianism-by-Bhikkhu-Sujato.aspx?" Title="Sects & Sectarianism" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Sects & Sectarianism </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Bhikkhu Sujato</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>Why are there so many schools of Buddhism? Are the differences just cultural, or do they have fundamentally different visions of Dhamma? This work assesses the claims of the traditions, and takes into account to findings of modern scholarship. It pays special attention to the origins of the monastic orders. If we are to understand the differences, and sometimes tensions, between the schools of Buddhism today, we must examine more closely the forces that spurred their formation.</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118343-Sects--Sectarianism-by-Bhikkhu-Sujato.aspx?" Title="Sects & Sectarianism" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118338-Malayalam-Bible-by-Nishad-Kaippally.aspx?" Title="Malayalam Bible" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Malayalam Bible </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Nishad Kaippally</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>Content for this ebook is obtained from "The Complete Malayalam Bible In Unicode Ver 3" was encoded by Nishad Kaippally. The Content provided has been released under the Creative Commons License. You are free to to share, copy, distribute and transmit the work for non-commercial, non-profit use. The content provided here is based on "The Holy Bible" printed in 1977 by "The Bible Society of India, 20 Mahathma Gandhi Road, Bangalore, India". In...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118338-Malayalam-Bible-by-Nishad-Kaippally.aspx?" Title="Malayalam Bible" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118255-At-flytte-hjemmefra-by-Per-T-Madsen.aspx?" Title="At flytte hjemmefra" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> At flytte hjemmefra </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Per T Madsen</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>Hvad skal man have styr på når man flytter hjemmefra? Denne e-bog prøver at holde sammen på tingene...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118255-At-flytte-hjemmefra-by-Per-T-Madsen.aspx?" Title="At flytte hjemmefra" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118254-FLYT-by-Per-T-Madsen.aspx?" Title="FLYT" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> FLYT </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Per T Madsen</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>Hjælp til at flytte hjemmefra</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118254-FLYT-by-Per-T-Madsen.aspx?" Title="FLYT" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118163-Shahab-Naama-by-Qudrat-Ullah-Shahab.aspx?" Title="Shahab Naama" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Shahab Naama </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Qudrat Ullah Shahab</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>Masterpiece by Qudrat Ullah Shahab. somewhere you feel its about you. Its Bold & true. Qudrat Ullah Shahab was born in Gilgit, Pakistan in 1917. He was an eminent Urdu writer and civil servant from Pakistan. He is best known for his autobiography Shahabnama. His Writings are Ya Khuda, Nafsanay, Maa Jee, Surkh Fita.Summary:Shahab Nama (Urdu: شہاب نامہ) is the autobiography of Qudrat Ullah Shahab. It was finished in 1986 and published in the same year after his death. The ...</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118163-Shahab-Naama-by-Qudrat-Ullah-Shahab.aspx?" Title="Shahab Naama" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118155-Dr-King-s-Lucky-Book-by-Sam-Starbuck.aspx?" Title="Dr. King's Lucky Book" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Dr. King's Lucky Book </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Sam Starbuck</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>Dr. King’s Lucky Book is an assemblage of text and images drawn from diverse sources, including ad ephemera and medieval illumination. Modeled after the advertising almanacs of the early 20th century, it slowly slides from a harmless book of charms and snake-oil sales pitches into a dark and impenetrable handbook of the macabre. Also available for sale in hardcopy at http://</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118155-Dr-King-s-Lucky-Book-by-Sam-Starbuck.aspx?" Title="Dr. King's Lucky Book" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118117-Tokyo-to-Tijuana-Gabriele-Departing-America-by-Steven-David-Justin-Sills.aspx?" Title="Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Steven David Justin Sills</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>This work is about a Korean American teaching in his homeland, feeling lost in Korean culture and that his own life is an outlier to this conservative society. As he lives there, making his living as an English teacher, he writes of Gabriele, a single parent in Ithaca New York who manifests a more open and less asphyxiating rebellion against society</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118117-Tokyo-to-Tijuana-Gabriele-Departing-America-by-Steven-David-Justin-Sills.aspx?" Title="Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118116-An-Apostate-Nawin-of-Thais-by-Steven-David-Justin-Sills.aspx?" Title="An Apostate: Nawin of Thais" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> An Apostate: Nawin of Thais </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Steven David Justin Sills</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>This is the continuation of Nawin's story. Now a famous prostitute painter suffering a midlife crisis, he abandons supercilious makings of wealth for a train trip ride to Laos where he repudiates and ventures onto something new</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118116-An-Apostate-Nawin-of-Thais-by-Steven-David-Justin-Sills.aspx?" Title="An Apostate: Nawin of Thais" alt="Click to Read More" class="newave-button small grey external" target=''>Read More</a> </div> <!--/Post Content --> </div> <!-- Article Post --> <!-- Article --> <div class="blog-post masonry"> <!-- Post Content --> <div class="post-content" style="overflow: hidden;"> <div class="post-slider"> <ul class="image-holder"> <li> <img src="" alt="Cover Image" class="coverImage"> </li> </ul> </div> <h3 class="blog-title"> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118115-Corpus-of-a-Siam-Mosquito-by-Steven-David-Justin-Sills.aspx?" Title="Corpus of a Siam Mosquito" alt="Click to Read More" class="external" target=''> Corpus of a Siam Mosquito </a> </h3> <div class="blog-border"></div> <h5 class='blog-title'>By: by Steven David Justin Sills</h5> <div class="blog-content" style="color: #6a6a6a;"> <p>This book is about an individual in dire poverty who makes his way in Bangkok from a sidewalk restaurant worker to a famous prostitute painter</p> </div> <a href="/eBooks/WPLBN0002118115-Corpus-of-a-Siam-Mosquito-by-Steven-David-Justin-Sills.aspx?" 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