Terrascan Sandbox<!-- --> | Tenable®
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} div.midnight-background.eval-form-container > div > form > div.mktoButtonRow > span > button { background: #006bc4 !important; color: #fff !important; } /* 250217: Hiding Why Tenable comparisons from /why-tenable for DE */ html[lang="de"] #block-tenable-content > div > div > div.why-page > div:nth-child(3) > section.stack-us-up { display: none !important; } /* 250217: Hiding Why Tenable comparisons from /why-tenable for FR */ html[lang="fr"] #block-tenable-content > div > div > div.why-page > div:nth-child(3) > section.stack-us-up { display: none !important; } /* 250217: Hiding Why Tenable comparisons from /why-tenable for IT */ html[lang="it"] #block-tenable-content > div > div > div.why-page > div:nth-child(3) > section.stack-us-up { display: none !important; } /* 250217: Hiding Why Tenable comparisons from nav for DE */ html[lang="de"] #site-nav > > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div, html[lang="de"] #mm-11 > ul > li:nth-child(3) { display: none !important; } /* 250217: Hiding Why Tenable comparisons from nav for FR */ html[lang="fr"] #site-nav > > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div, html[lang="fr"] #mm-11 > ul > li:nth-child(3) { display: none !important; } /* 250217: Hiding Why Tenable comparisons from nav for IT */ html[lang="it"] #site-nav > > div > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div, html[lang="it"] #mm-11 > ul > li:nth-child(3) { display: none !important; } /* 250206: fix for second step button on /lp/campaigns/24/compare/tenable-vs-qualys/ */ .try-buy-modal .content-01 .second-step .wrap-btn input { max-width: 250px; } /* 241204: temp fix for marketo form on */ html[lang="zh-CN"] .c-form__marketo--request-demo .mktoFormRow:has(input[name=Phone]) { grid-column: span 2/span 2 } /* NOTE: to implement RTL for specific AR pages, use Path Prefix overrides to add a custom CSS: /custom/ar.css */ /* Last full review of SiteSync CSS overrides was done August 22 2024 */ /* Start of modifications for all languages */ /* 241205: Hiding search on blog */ #views-exposed-form-blog-2020-blog-2020-search > .form-item-combine { display: none !important; } /* 241122: edits to show better language filter field on /resources pages as well as /data-sheets, /infographics, /solution-briefs, /webinars, /whitepapers */ /* Hiding free search, current language, region, topic and industry */ .views-exposed-form > div > form > div.form-item-title { display: none !important; } /* but reintroducing it for /webinars only */ #views-exposed-form-resource-library-page-webinars > div.js-form-item.form-item.js-form-type-textfield.form-item-title.js-form-item-title.form-no-label { display: contents !important; } .views-exposed-form > div > form > div.form-item-field-language-target-id { display: none !important; } .views-exposed-form > div > form > div.form-item-field-event-region-target-id { display: none !important; } .views-exposed-form > div > form > div.form-item-field-collateral-topic-target-id { display: none !important; } .views-exposed-form > div > form > div.form-item-field-collateral-industries-target-id { display: none !important; } .views-exposed-form > div > form > div.form-item-translated-content-id { display: block !important; } /* Restricting the translated content selector to only "All" and the language of the site */ .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option { display: none; } .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="All"] { display: block; } /* Displaying English as an option but only for /webinars */ #block-exposedformresource-librarypage-webinars #edit-translated-content-id--2 > option[value="1917"]{ display: block; } html[lang="de"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1888"] { display: block; } html[lang="fr"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1889"] { display: block; } html[lang="es"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1891"] { display: block; } html[lang="it"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1890"] { display: block; } html[lang="pt-BR"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1892"] { display: block; } html[lang="ar"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1897"] { display: block; } html[lang="ko"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1896"] { display: block; } html[lang="ja"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1895"] { display: block; } html[lang="zh-CN"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1893"] { display: block; } html[lang="zh-TW"] .views-exposed-form > div > form > .form-item-translated-content-id > select > option[value="1894"] { display: block; } /* 241011: unless this introduces issues, we don't need marketo labels to wrap */ .mktoFieldWrap>.mktoLabel { white-space: nowrap; } /* 241114: For marketo still, we do need some labels to wrap... */ label.mktoLabel.mktoHasWidth { text-wrap: auto; } /* 240916: the minus icon on expando is not working such as on /products/nessus/nessus-expert so might as well hide it */ .js-active .c-vtabs__icon svg { display: none; } /* 240916: more space for some tiles on /products */ @media (min-width: 871px) and (max-width: 1460px) { .c-related-product-tile { max-height: 650px !important; } } /* 240905: Fixing footer for long languages, such as on /try */ .site-footer-menu { flex-wrap: wrap; } .site-footer-social { min-width: 300px; } /* 240819: slight adjustment for the stats display, to align for DE and others, on / */ body.path-frontpage .c-stats--item { align-content: flex-start; } /* 240813: slight adjustment for the stats display, to align for JP and others, on /about-tenable/about-us */ .c-stats--item { align-content: flex-end; } /* 240124: box on /lp/campaigns/23/tenable-identityexp/, impacts all languages in scope */ .testimonial .slide-wrap .case-study { top: 202px !important; } /* 230823: hiding title search on /resources pages */ #views-exposed-form-resource-library-page-resources > div > div.form-item-title, #views-exposed-form-resource-library-page-resources > div.js-form-item.form-item.js-form-type-textfield.form-item-title.js-form-item-title { display: none !important; } /* TO BE VERIFIED: Fix for CTA button on /lp/campaigns/23/demo/ot-manufacturing/ */ div.faq-text > a.cta-request-demo { text-align: center; } /* 221004: slight increase in box height for /exposure-management */ div.six-across > { height: 240px } /* 220913: Hiding glossary search navigation letters and search form */ #search-view .seo-glossary__filter { display: none !important; } /* 211111: hiding media kit download button on /media */ #media>div>>p>a { display: none !important; } /*start of language IT*/ /* 240905: Fix for display stats on / and /about-tenable/about-us */ @media (min-width: 1201px) { html[lang="it"] div.c-stats--item > h2 { font-size: 3.5rem; } } /* 230426: Button fix on /products/nessus/nessus-expert */ html[lang="it"] form.nessus-expert-buy-now .btn-2017--large.nessus-expert-button, html[lang="it"] fieldset.field-last .nessus-try-button { max-width: 250px !important; } /* 230426: Button fix on /products/nessus/nessus-professional */ html[lang="it"] .nessus-bundle-buy-now > .btn-2017--orange { max-width: 95%; } /*start of language DE*/ /* 241014: Layout fixes for /lp/campaigns/23/tenable-one/ */ html[lang="de"] .cyber-disrupt-bg:before { margin-top: -55px !important; } html[lang="de"] .hero-section .tenable-logo { margin-bottom: 0px !important; } html[lang="de"] .hero-section .hero-title { margin-top: 20px !important; } /* 240819: slight adjustment for the stats display on /about-tenable/about-us */ @media (min-width: 1201px) { html[lang="de"] div.c-stats--item > h2 { font-size: 3.5rem; } } /* 240819: slight adjustment for the stats display on / */ @media (min-width: 1201px) { html[lang="de"] div.c-stats-number > h4.c-stats-number__title { font-size: 4rem; } } /* 230907: Adding space on /lp/campaigns/22/nessus-multiprdct/buy/ */ html[lang="de"] body.tenable-products.current-product-nessus-pro > section.solution-details.nessus-professional > div > div.coverage-for { bottom: -290px; } /* 230616: fix on */ @media (min-width: 768px) { html[lang="de"] div.nessus-pro.hv-features > div > div.w-row > div { min-height: 390px; } } /* 230421: fix on */ html[lang="de"] #benefits > div > div.col-sm-6 { min-height: 340px; } /* 230109: fix on /source/risk-based-vulnerability-management */ html[lang="de"] #community > div > div.seo-template__blurb > p { margin-bottom: 3em !important; } /* 220712: Button fix on /products/nessus/nessus-expert */ html[lang="de"] form.nessus-expert-buy-now .btn-2017--large.nessus-expert-button, html[lang="de"] fieldset.field-last .nessus-try-button { max-width: 250px !important; } /*end of language DE*/ /*start of language ES*/ /* 220712: Button fix on /products/nessus/nessus-expert */ html[lang="es"] form.nessus-expert-buy-now .btn-2017--large.nessus-expert-button, html[lang="es"] fieldset.field-last .nessus-try-button { max-width: 250px !important; } /*end of language ES*/ /*start of language FR*/ /* 250311: More space on homepage hero */ html[lang="fr"] div.c-hero__grid.l-grid.l-grid-cols.l-grid--center-y { padding-right: 50px !important; max-width: 650px !important; } /* 250214: For /lp/campaigns/23/tenable-one/ */ html[lang="fr"] section.exposure-faq-bg > section.exposure > div > a { white-space: nowrap !important; } /* 240916: For /products/tenable-lumin */ html[lang="fr"] div.p-lumin-four-across > div.cell { display: block !important; } /* 240819: slight adjustment for the stats display on /products/tenable-one */ @media (min-width: 871px) { html[lang="fr"] .h2--display-2 { font-size: 2.2rem !important; } } /* 240819: slight adjustment for the stats display on /about-tenable/about-us */ @media (min-width: 1201px) { html[lang="fr"] div.c-stats--item > h2 { font-size: 3.5rem; } } /* 240819: slight adjustment for the stats display on / */ @media (min-width: 1201px) { html[lang="fr"] div.c-stats-number > h4.c-stats-number__title { font-size: 4rem; } } /* 240710: Button fix on /lp/campaigns/23/tenable-Infrastructure-as-code-security/ */ html[lang="fr"] body > main > section.risks-section > div > div > div.risks-faq-wapper > > div.faq-text > a { max-width: 240px !important; } /* 240124: box on /lp/campaigns/23/tenable-identityexp/ */ html[lang="fr"] .testimonial .slide-wrap .case-study { top: 228px !important; } /* 220712: Button fix on /products/nessus/nessus-expert */ html[lang="fr"] form.nessus-expert-buy-now .btn-2017--large.nessus-expert-button, html[lang="fr"] fieldset.field-last .nessus-try-button { max-width: 250px !important; } /* 210414: Button fix on /lp/campaigns/19/try-nessus/ */ html[lang="fr"] body>>>div>div>a { height: auto; line-height: 48px; } /* 201006: Fix for /products/security-center */ html[lang="fr"] div.research-number-title.uppercase>span { font-size: 1.6em !important; padding-top: 15px; } /* 201006: Font size fix on /services */ html[lang="fr"] text.clst-1>tspan { font-size: 16px !important; } /*end of language FR*/ /*start of language JA*/ /* 240219: fix for all /webinars pages: overriding em */ html[lang="ja"] .webinar-2022 .webinar-description em { font-style: normal !important; } /* 220218: preventing nav items from wrapping */ html[lang="ja"] .main-nav a { word-break: keep-all; } /* 210211: Hiding blog post summaries on /blog for Japanese */ html[lang="ja"] .blog-item__summary, .blog-item__content-summary { display: none; } /* 200602: Fix for LSO feedback on /remote-workforce */ html[lang="ja"] .workforce header h1 .protecting { font-size: 1.0em !important; word-break: keep-all; } /* 200731: Globally removing italics for Japanese! */ html[lang="ja"] q { font-style: normal !important; } /*end of language JA*/ /*start of language ZH-CN*/ /*end of language ZH-CN*/ /*start of language ZH-TW*/ /*end of language ZH-TW*/ /*start of language PT-BR */ /* 240905: Fix for display stats on / and /about-tenable/about-us */ @media (min-width: 1201px) { html[lang="pt-br"] div.c-stats--item > h2 { font-size: 3.5rem; } } /* 200414: Fix for /remote-workforce */ html[lang="pt-BR"] #node-159554>section>div>div>div>div>header>div>div.col-sm-7>h1 { line-height: 115% !important; } /*end of language PT-BR */ /*start of language KO-KR */ /* 240905: Fix for display stats on /about-tenable/about-us */ @media (min-width: 1201px) { html[lang="ko"] div.c-stats--item > h2 { font-size: 3.5rem; } } /*end of language ZH-CN */ /*start of language ZH-CN */ /* 240905: Fix for display stats on / */ @media (min-width: 1201px) { html[lang="zh-cn"] div.c-stats-number > h4.c-stats-number__title { font-size: 4rem; } } /*end of language ZH-CN */ /*start of language IT */ /* 240905: Fix for display stats on / */ @media (min-width: 1201px) { html[lang="it"] div.c-stats-number > h4.c-stats-number__title { font-size: 4rem; } } /*end of language IT */</style><script type="text/javascript">(function() { 'use strict'; // This function is used to set up timed redirects, if any function timedRedirect(page) { if (window.location.href.indexOf("") < 1) { var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); var expires; if (page === '/cyber-exposure/tenable-cloud-ai-risk-report-2025') { // date will be UTC const now = new Date(); switch (lang) { case "fr": // expiration date for redirect, as UTC, use milliseconds timestamp from expires = new Date(1743552000000); console.log("Redirect will expire at: " + expires.toISOString()); if (now < expires) { window.location.replace(""); } else { console.log("Timed redirect inactive"); } break; case "ja": // expiration date for redirect, as UTC, use milliseconds timestamp from expires = new Date(1743897600000); console.log("Redirect will expire at: " + expires.toISOString()); if (now < expires) { window.location.replace(""); } else { console.log("Timed redirect inactive"); 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var mobileMappings = { 'mobile-exposure-view': "text:nth-child(2) > tspan", 'mobile-attack-path-analysis-1': "text:nth-child(3) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-attack-path-analysis-2': "text:nth-child(3) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-inventory-1': "text:nth-child(4) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-native-data-1': "text:nth-child(8) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-native-data-2': "text:nth-child(8) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-native-data-3': "text:nth-child(8) > tspan:nth-child(3)", 'mobile-native-data-4': "text:nth-child(8) > tspan:nth-child(4)", 'mobile-third-party-1': "text:nth-child(9) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-third-party-2': "text:nth-child(9) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-exposure-graph-1': "text:nth-child(5) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-exposure-graph-2': "text:nth-child(5) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-unified-data-1': "text:nth-child(6) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "text:nth-child(6) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-sensors': "text:nth-child(7) > tspan", }; var mobilePoweredXMappings = { 'mobile-powered-1': "text:nth-child(2) > tspan", 'mobile-powered-2': "text:nth-child(1) > tspan", }; switch(lang) { case "ja": xCoordinates = { 'exposure-view-1': "550", 'exposure-view-2': "640", 'attack-path-analysis-1': "275", 'attack-path-analysis-2': "310", 'inventory-1': "865", 'native-data-1': "150", 'native-data-2': "60", 'exposure-graph-1': "540", 'exposure-graph-2': "555", 'third-party-1': "970", 'cloud': "285", 'vulnerability': "510", 'identity': "700", 'powered-1': "680", 'powered-2': "620" }; clipPaths = { 'g:nth-child(22)': "none", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-exposure-view': "130", 'mobile-exposure-graph-1': "140", 'mobile-native-data-3': "5", 'mobile-native-data-4': "20", 'mobile-third-party-1': "295", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "150", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-2': "-40", }; break; case "zh-TW": xCoordinates = { 'sensors': "635", 'vulnerability': "525", 'identity': "785", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-native-data-1': "25", 'mobile-native-data-4': "20", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "200", 'mobile-sensors': "185", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "-20", }; break; case "pt-BR": xCoordinates = { 'native-data-2': "110", 'third-party-1': "980", 'exposure-graph-2': "540", 'powered-1': "575", 'powered-2': "590" }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-native-data-1': "20", 'mobile-native-data-3': "10", 'mobile-third-party-2': "330", 'mobile-unified-data-1': "180", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "10", }; break; case "es": mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-native-data-1': "30", 'mobile-native-data-2': "25", 'mobile-native-data-3': "20", 'mobile-native-data-4': "35", 'mobile-third-party-1': "290", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "160", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "5", }; break; case "de": xCoordinates = { 'third-party-1': "1030", 'third-party-2': "1040", 'sensors': "590", 'exposure-graph-2': "560", }; clipPaths = { 'g:nth-child(16)': "none", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-unified-data-1': "180", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "165", 'mobile-third-party-2': "320", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { }; break; case "fr": xCoordinates = { 'native-data-1': "180", 'native-data-2': "120", 'third-party-1': "1040", 'third-party-2': "1020", 'exposure-graph-2': "545", }; clipPaths = { 'g:nth-child(15)': "none", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-native-data-4': "20", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "155", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { }; break; case "zh-CN": xCoordinates = { 'exposure-graph-1': "575", 'exposure-graph-2': "610", 'sensors': "640", 'vulnerability': "530", 'powered-1': "660", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-exposure-view': "160", 'mobile-native-data-1': "25", 'mobile-native-data-4': "20", 'mobile-third-party-2': "314", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "200", 'mobile-sensors': "180", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "30", 'mobile-powered-2': "-20" }; break; case "ko": xCoordinates = { 'sensors': "655", 'cloud': "290", 'vulnerability': "510", 'identity': "805", 'powered-1': "660", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-native-data-1': "35", 'mobile-native-data-3': "30", 'mobile-native-data-4': "20", 'mobile-third-party-1': "330", 'mobile-sensors': "190", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "50", }; break; case "it": mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-third-party-1': "325", 'mobile-third-party-2': "335", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "15", }; break; /* case "ar": break; */ default: return; } if(!xCoordinates.length) { for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(xCoordinates)) { console.log("Setting x value of " + value + " to " + mappings[key]); document.querySelector('div.c-marketecture-diagram__desktop > div.c-marketecture-diagram__svg > svg > ' + mappings[key]).setAttribute("x", value); } } if(!clipPaths.length) { for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(clipPaths)) { //console.log(`${key}: ${value}`); document.querySelector('div.c-marketecture-diagram__desktop > div.c-marketecture-diagram__svg > svg > ' + key).setAttribute("clip-path", value); } } if(!mobXCoordinates.length) { for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(mobXCoordinates)) { console.log("Setting x value of " + value + " to " + mobileMappings[key]); document.querySelector('div.c-marketecture-diagram__mobile > div.c-marketecture-diagram__svg > svg > ' + mobileMappings[key]).setAttribute("x", value); } } if(!mobPoweredXCoordinates.length) { for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(mobPoweredXCoordinates)) { console.log("Setting x value of " + value + " to " + mobilePoweredXMappings[key]); document.querySelector('div.c-marketecture-diagram__mobile-bottom > div.c-marketecture-diagram__poweredby > a > svg > ' + mobilePoweredXMappings[key]).setAttribute("x", value); } } } } //This function adjusts the coordinates of texts on the Cloud Exposure diagram on /cloud-security function cloudDiagramFix(page) { if (page === '/cloud-security') { console.log("Adjusting layout of the Cloud Exposure diagram"); var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); var xCoordinates = {}; var mobXCoordinates = {}; var mobPoweredXCoordinates = {}; var clipPaths = {}; var mappings = { 'exposure-view-1': "g:nth-child(11) > text > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'exposure-view-2': "g:nth-child(11) > text > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'attack-path-analysis-1': "g:nth-child(3) > text > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'attack-path-analysis-2': "g:nth-child(3) > text > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'inventory-1': "g:nth-child(5) > text > tspan", 'vuln-mgmt-1': "g:nth-child(15) > text > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'vuln-mgmt-2': "g:nth-child(15) > text > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'id-exposure-1': "g:nth-child(17) > text > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'id-exposure-2': "g:nth-child(17) > text > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'operation-technology-1': "g:nth-child(19) > text:nth-child(17) > tspan", 'operation-technology-2': "g:nth-child(19) > text:nth-child(18) > tspan", 'native-data-1': "g:nth-child(8) > text > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'native-data-2': "g:nth-child(8) > text > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'third-party-1': "g:nth-child(10) > text > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'third-party-2': "g:nth-child(10) > text > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'exposure-graph-1': "g:nth-child(21) > text:nth-child(1) > tspan", 'exposure-graph-2': "g:nth-child(21) > text:nth-child(2) > tspan", 'cnapp-1': "g:nth-child(24) > text:nth-child(4) > tspan", 'cnapp-2': "g:nth-child(24) > text:nth-child(5) > tspan", 'exposure-ai-1': "g:nth-child(1) > text > tspan", }; var mobileMappings = { 'mobile-exposure-view': "text:nth-child(2) > tspan", 'mobile-attack-path-analysis-1': "text:nth-child(3) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-attack-path-analysis-2': "text:nth-child(3) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-inventory-1': "text:nth-child(4) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-native-data-1': "text:nth-child(8) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-native-data-2': "text:nth-child(8) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-native-data-3': "text:nth-child(8) > tspan:nth-child(3)", 'mobile-native-data-4': "text:nth-child(8) > tspan:nth-child(4)", 'mobile-third-party-1': "text:nth-child(9) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-third-party-2': "text:nth-child(9) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-exposure-graph-1': "text:nth-child(5) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-exposure-graph-2': "text:nth-child(5) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-unified-data-1': "text:nth-child(6) > tspan:nth-child(1)", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "text:nth-child(6) > tspan:nth-child(2)", 'mobile-sensors': "text:nth-child(7) > tspan", }; var mobilePoweredXMappings = { 'mobile-powered-1': "text:nth-child(2) > tspan", 'mobile-powered-2': "text:nth-child(1) > tspan", }; switch (lang) { case "ja": xCoordinates = { 'exposure-view-1': "550", 'exposure-view-2': "640", 'attack-path-analysis-1': "275", 'attack-path-analysis-2': "310", 'inventory-1': "865", 'vuln-mgmt-1': "410", 'vuln-mgmt-2': "420", 'id-exposure-1': "610", 'id-exposure-2': "610", 'native-data-1': "50", 'native-data-2': "-50", 'exposure-graph-1': "545", 'exposure-graph-2': "520", 'cnapp-2': "280", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-exposure-view': "120", 'mobile-exposure-graph-1': "140", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "150", 'mobile-native-data-1': "10", 'mobile-native-data-2': "10", 'mobile-native-data-3': "10", 'mobile-native-data-4': "10", 'mobile-third-party-1': "300", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-2': "-40", }; break; case "zh-TW": xCoordinates = { 'exposure-view-1': "660", 'vuln-mgmt-1': "430", 'vuln-mgmt-2': "430", 'id-exposure-1': "680", 'id-exposure-2': "680", 'operation-technology-1': "930", 'operation-technology-2': "930", 'cnapp-2': "520", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-exposure-view': "180", 'mobile-native-data-1': "25", 'mobile-native-data-4': "20", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "200", 'mobile-sensors': "185", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "50", }; break; case "pt-BR": xCoordinates = { 'native-data-2': "110", 'third-party-1': "1060", 'exposure-graph-2': "540", 'cnapp-2': "300", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-native-data-1': "20", 'mobile-native-data-3': "10", 'mobile-third-party-2': "330", 'mobile-unified-data-1': "180", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "140", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "10", }; break; case "es": xCoordinates = { 'third-party-2': "1060", 'exposure-graph-2': "550", 'cnapp-2': "300", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-native-data-1': "10", 'mobile-native-data-2': "40", 'mobile-native-data-3': "10", 'mobile-native-data-4': "10", 'mobile-third-party-1': "290", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "180", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "5", }; break; case "de": xCoordinates = { 'third-party-1': "1030", 'third-party-2': "1040", 'exposure-graph-2': "560", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-inventory-1': "290", 'mobile-unified-data-1': "180", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "165", 'mobile-third-party-2': "320", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { }; break; case "fr": xCoordinates = { 'native-data-1': "100", 'native-data-2': "30", 'third-party-1': "1040", 'third-party-2': "1020", 'exposure-graph-2': "545", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-native-data-4': "20", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "155", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { }; break; case "zh-CN": xCoordinates = { 'exposure-graph-1': "575", 'exposure-graph-2': "610", 'cnapp-2': "530", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-exposure-view': "160", 'mobile-native-data-1': "20", 'mobile-native-data-4': "20", 'mobile-third-party-2': "314", 'mobile-unified-data-2': "200", 'mobile-sensors': "180", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "30", 'mobile-powered-2': "-20" }; break; case "ko": xCoordinates = { 'sensors': "655", 'cloud': "290", 'vulnerability': "510", 'identity': "805", 'powered-1': "660", }; mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-native-data-1': "35", 'mobile-native-data-3': "30", 'mobile-native-data-4': "20", 'mobile-third-party-1': "330", 'mobile-sensors': "190", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "50", }; break; case "it": mobXCoordinates = { 'mobile-third-party-1': "325", 'mobile-third-party-2': "335", }; mobPoweredXCoordinates = { 'mobile-powered-1': "15", }; break; /* case "ar": break; */ default: return; } if (!xCoordinates.length) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(xCoordinates)) { console.log("Setting x value of " + value + " to " + mappings[key]); document.querySelector('div.c-marketecture-diagram__desktop > div.c-marketecture-diagram__svg > svg > ' + mappings[key]).setAttribute("x", value); } } if (!clipPaths.length) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(clipPaths)) { //console.log(`${key}: ${value}`); document.querySelector('div.c-marketecture-diagram__desktop > div.c-marketecture-diagram__svg > svg > ' + key).setAttribute("clip-path", value); } } if (!mobXCoordinates.length) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(mobXCoordinates)) { console.log("Setting x value of " + value + " to " + mobileMappings[key]); document.querySelector('div.c-marketecture-diagram__mobile > div.c-marketecture-diagram__svg > svg > ' + mobileMappings[key]).setAttribute("x", value); } } if (!mobPoweredXCoordinates.length) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(mobPoweredXCoordinates)) { console.log("Setting x value of " + value + " to " + mobilePoweredXMappings[key]); document.querySelector('div.c-marketecture-diagram__mobile-bottom > div.c-marketecture-diagram__poweredby > a > svg > ' + mobilePoweredXMappings[key]).setAttribute("x", value); } } } } // This function replaces the non-loc friendly AD diagram for AR on /products/tenable-ad function arabicADdiagram(page) { if(page === '/products/identity-exposure') { var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); if(lang === 'ar') { console.log("SiteSync function: replacing AR diagram"); // div to replace var divCurrent = document.querySelector('div.product-feature--blue-banner'); // new content var arDiagram = document.createElement("div"); arDiagram.className = "AD-ar-diagram"; += 'background-image: url("/custom/Tenable-AD-ar-diagram-full.png"); min-height: 700px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center;'; divCurrent.innerHTML = ""; divCurrent.appendChild(arDiagram); } } } // This function replaces the non-loc friendly T1 Marketecture diagram for AR on / and /products/tenable-one function arabicT1Marketecture(page) { if(page === '/' || page === '/products/tenable-one' || page === '/products') { var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); if(lang === 'ar') { if(document.querySelector("div.c-marketecture-diagram__desktop > div.c-marketecture-diagram__svg")) { console.log("SiteSync function: replacing AR diagram"); // div to replace var divCurrent = document.querySelector("div.c-marketecture-diagram"); // new content var arT1Markecture = document.createElement("div"); arT1Markecture.className = "T1-marketecture-ar-diagram"; += 'background-image: url("//"); min-height: 900px; background-repeat: round;'; divCurrent.innerHTML = ""; divCurrent.appendChild(arT1Markecture); } } } } // This function reorders the items on the /glossary page function alphabetizeGlossary(page) { if(page.indexOf("glossary") >= 0) { console.log("Glossary page detected, running custom sort for localized languages"); var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); if(lang === 'ja') { // see for more info on sort order in JA const sortList = list => [...list].sort((a, b) => { return ($(a).find('h3').text().replace(/[\r]+|[\s]{2,}/g, ' ').trim().localeCompare($(b).find('h3').text().replace(/[\r]+|[\s]{2,}/g, ' ').trim(), "ja")); }); const container = document.querySelector("#search-view > div.row.seo-glossary__terms-container > div > div.view-content"); const terms = container.querySelectorAll(".views-row"); container.append(...sortList(terms)); } else if(lang === 'de') { const sortList = list => [...list].sort((a, b) => { return ($(a).find('h3').text().replace(/[\r]+|[\s]{2,}/g, ' ').trim().localeCompare($(b).find('h3').text().replace(/[\r]+|[\s]{2,}/g, ' ').trim())); }); const container = document.querySelector("#search-view > div.row.seo-glossary__terms-container > div > div.view-content"); const terms = container.querySelectorAll(".views-row"); //console.log(terms); container.append(...sortList(terms)); } } } // This function adds a badge on page function addAsiaBadge(page) { if(page === '/lp/campaigns/20/try-nessus/') { var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); if(lang === 'ja') { var badgesRow = document.querySelector("#tenable-nessus-professional-page > section.g2-chart-section > div > div"); var asiaBadge = document.createElement("img"); asiaBadge.className = "g2-logo"; asiaBadge.src = ""; badgesRow.appendChild(asiaBadge); } } } // This function replaces the CEROS interactive page on /predictive-prioritization/demo/tenable-io function PredictionPriCerosDemo(page) { if(page === '/tenable-io/predictive-prioritization-demo' || page === '/predictive-prioritization/demo/tenable-io') { var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); if(lang != "en") { var divCeros = document.querySelector('div#experience-5cc3218088b04'); //defining our attributes for localized languages var datalgidNew; var datalgsrcNew; var datasmidNew; var datasmsrcNew; var iframesrcNew; switch(lang) { case "zh-CN": // find this ID on localized Desktop Ceros page, search for "slug" in source datalgidNew = "experience-5d77a5865890a"; // this Desktop URL should be provided by client: iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "zh-TW": datalgidNew = "experience-5d77d118d3bc9"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "fr": datalgidNew = "experience-5d7690ed3838c"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "de": datalgidNew = "experience-5d765236d029d"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "ja": datalgidNew = "experience-5d765090bbc43"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "pt-BR": datalgidNew = "experience-5d77fd1e2a4ac"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "es": datalgidNew = "experience-5d76a025b2580"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; default: return; } var divCerosNew = '<div style="position: relative;width: auto;padding: 0 0 317.73%;height: 0;top: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;right: 0;margin: 0;border: 0 none" data-aspectratio="0.3147" data-mobile-aspectratio="0.1268" id="' + datalgidNew + '" >' + '<iframe allowfullscreen="" class="ceros-experience" frameborder="0" style="position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;right: 0;margin: 0;padding: 0;border: 0 none;height: 1px;width: 1px;min-height: 100%;min-width: 100%" scrolling="no" src="' + iframesrcNew + '"></iframe>' + '</div>'; //replacing divCeros.outerHTML = divCerosNew; } } } // This function replaces the CEROS interactive page on /infographics/the-four-most-important-questions-in-cybersecurity function FourMostImportantInteractiveExperience(page) { if(page === '/infographics/the-four-most-important-questions-in-cybersecurity') { var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); if(lang != "en") { var divCeros = document.querySelector('div#experience-5d8bdb5f7229c'); //defining our attributes for localized languages var datalgidNew; var datalgsrcNew; var datasmidNew; var datasmsrcNew; var iframesrcNew; switch(lang) { case "zh-CN": // find this ID on localized Desktop Ceros page, search for "slug" in source datalgidNew = "experience-5ddfcee8982b8"; // this Desktop URL should be provided by client: iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "zh-TW": datalgidNew = "experience-5ddfced98a382"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "fr": datalgidNew = "experience-5dd85229da108"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "de": datalgidNew = "experience-5ddbe41ff0749"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "ja": datalgidNew = "experience-5dde7cf68c16c"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "pt-BR": datalgidNew = "experience-5df33834d4782"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "es": datalgidNew = "experience-5ddbe9741b43d"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; default: return; } var divCerosNew = '<div style="position: relative;width: auto;padding: 0 0 323.52%;height: 0;top: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;right: 0;margin: 0;border: 0 none"data-aspectratio="0.3091" data-mobile-aspectratio="0.2581" id="' + datalgidNew + '" >' + '<iframe allowfullscreen="" class="ceros-experience" frameborder="0" style="position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;right: 0;margin: 0;padding: 0;border: 0 none;height: 1px;width: 1px;min-height: 100%;min-width: 100%" scrolling="no" src="' + iframesrcNew + '"></iframe>' + '</div>'; //replacing divCeros.outerHTML = divCerosNew; } } } // This function replaces the CEROS interactive page on /ce/industrial-cybersecurity-ebook function CerosCyberSecurityEbook(page) { if(page === '/industrial-cybersecurity-ebook' || page === '/ce/industrial-cybersecurity-ebook') { var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); if(lang != "en") { var divCeros = document.querySelector('div#experience-5fe123cdadca4'); //defining our attributes for localized languages var datalgidNew; var datalgsrcNew; var datasmidNew; var datasmsrcNew; var iframesrcNew; switch(lang) { case "zh-CN": // find this ID on localized Desktop Ceros page, search for "slug" in source datalgidNew = "experience-60f9edd31b9b2"; // this Desktop URL should be provided by client: iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "zh-TW": datalgidNew = "experience-60f9eda6c773a"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "fr": datalgidNew = "experience-60f9ec192ea87"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "de": datalgidNew = "experience-60eee041b34e5"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "ja": datalgidNew = "experience-60f9ecc9be8b5"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "pt-BR": datalgidNew = "experience-60feb0d8dcd91"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; case "es": datalgidNew = "experience-60f9eb77ce3f8"; iframesrcNew = "//"; break; default: return; } var divCerosNew = '<div style="position: relative;width: auto;padding: 0 0 56.09%;height: 0;top: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;right: 0;margin: 0;border: 0 none" data-aspectratio="1.78272981" data-mobile-aspectratio="0.83333333" id="' + datalgidNew + '" >' + '<iframe allowfullscreen="" class="ceros-experience" frameborder="0" style="position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;right: 0;margin: 0;padding: 0;border: 0 none;height: 100%;width: 100%" frameborder="0" src="' + iframesrcNew + '"></iframe>' + '</div>'; 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Additionaly Terrascan allows you to:</p><ul><li>Monitor provisioned cloud infrastructure for configuration changes that introduce posture drift, and enables reverting to a secure posture.</li><li>Mitigate risks before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.</li><li>Offers flexibility to run locally or integrate with your CI\CD.</li></ul><p>To learn more about Terrascan's features and capabilities, see the <a href="">documentation portal</a>.</p>By clicking “scan” you acknowledge and agree to our <button class="license-agreement-link btn btn-link" type="button">license agreement</button>.<div class="trd-ph-embedded" data-group="Terrascan"></div></div></div></div><div class="col-md-6"><div class="mt-3 mt-md-0"><form action="#"><div class="form-row"><div class="col-md-6"><div class="form-group"><label class="" for="iacType">IAC Type</label><select aria-invalid="false" class="custom-select form-control" name="iacType"><option label="arm" value="arm"></option><option label="cft" value="cft"></option><option label="docker" value="docker"></option><option label="k8s" value="k8s"></option><option label="terraform" selected="" value="terraform"></option><option label="tfplan" value="tfplan"></option></select></div></div><div class="col-md-3"><div class="form-group"><label class="" for="iacType">IAC Version</label><select aria-invalid="false" class="custom-select form-control" name="iacVersion"><option label="v12" value="v12"></option><option label="v13" value="v13"></option><option label="v14" value="v14"></option><option label="v15" selected="" value="v15"></option></select></div></div><div class="col-md-3"><div class="form-group"><label class="" for="fileType">File Type</label><select aria-invalid="false" class="custom-select form-control" name="fileType"><option label="tf" selected="" value="tf"></option></select></div></div></div><section style="display:flex;position:relative;text-align:initial;width:100%;height:70vh"><div style="display:flex;height:100%;width:100%;justify-content:center;align-items:center">Loading...</div><div style="width:100%;display:none"></div></section><div class="d-flex justify-content-between"><button class="mt-3 btn btn-outline-primary" type="button">Use Example Code</button><div><button class="mt-3 shadow-none btn btn-link" type="button">Clear</button><button class=" mt-3 ml-2 btn btn-primary" type="submit">Scan</button></div></div></form></div></div><div class="order-last col-md-6"><div class="d-none d-md-block"><h4 class="border-bottom pb-1">Try Terrascan in your browser</h4><div class="scan-default-state-body"><p>Terrascan is a static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code that can detect compliance and security violations across Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to mitigate risk before provisioning cloud native infrastructure. Additionaly Terrascan allows you to:</p><ul><li>Monitor provisioned cloud infrastructure for configuration changes that introduce posture drift, and enables reverting to a secure posture.</li><li>Mitigate risks before provisioning cloud native infrastructure.</li><li>Offers flexibility to run locally or integrate with your CI\CD.</li></ul><p>To learn more about Terrascan's features and capabilities, see the <a href="">documentation portal</a>.</p>By clicking “scan” you acknowledge and agree to our <button class="license-agreement-link btn btn-link" type="button">license agreement</button>.<div class="trd-ph-embedded" data-group="Terrascan"></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="footer"><div class="container"><ul class="footer-nav"><li class="footer-nav-item"><a href="">GitHub Repository</a></li><li class="footer-nav-item"><a href="">Community & Support</a></li><li class="footer-nav-item"><a href="">Documentation</a></li><li class="footer-nav-item"><a href="">Tenable Cloud Security</a></li></ul><ul class="footer-nav footer-nav-secondary"><li class="footer-nav-item">© <!-- -->2025<!-- --> Tenable®, Inc. 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