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Francisco/CA/US</span></div><div class="field field-timestamp"><div class="field-label">Posted:&nbsp;</div><span class="timeago" title="2024-05-01T15:27:27-07:00">Wed, 05/01/2024 - 15:27</span></div><div class="service-links"><div class="service-label">Share this posting: </div><ul class="links"><li class="service-links-facebook first"><a href=";t=Senior%20IS%20Programmer%20Analyst%20%28Drupal%20Developer%29%20-%20Information%20Technology%20Unit" title="Share on Facebook" class="service-links-facebook" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Facebook logo" /></a></li> <li class="service-links-google-plus"><a href="" title="Share this on Google+" class="service-links-google-plus" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" alt="Google+ logo" /></a></li> <li class="service-links-twitter last"><a href=";text=Senior%20IS%20Programmer%20Analyst%20%28Drupal%20Developer%29%20-%20Information%20Technology%20Unit" title="Share this on Twitter" 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class="taxonomy-term-reference-0" class="field-item even">Full Time</li></ul></div></div></div><div class="field field-name-field-job-how-to-apply field-type-text-long field-label-inline clearfix field-wrapper" ><div class="label-inline field-label" class="field-label">How to apply:&nbsp;</div><div class="field-item"><p><strong>How to Apply</strong></p> <p>Applications for City and County of San Francisco jobs are <strong>only</strong> accepted through an online process. Visit <a href=""></a> and begin the application process.</p> <p>• Select the “I’m Interested” button and follow instructions on the screen </p> <p>Applicants may be contacted by email about this recruitment and, therefore, it is their responsibility to ensure that their registered email address is accurate and kept up-to-date. Also, applicants must ensure that email from CCSF is not blocked on their computer by a spam filter. To prevent blocking, applicants should set up their email to accept CCSF mail from the following addresses (,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and</p> <p>Applicants will receive a confirmation email that their online application has been received in response to every announcement for which they file. Applicants should retain this confirmation email for their records. <strong>Failure to receive this email means that the online application was not submitted or received.</strong></p> <p>If you have any questions regarding this recruitment or application process, please contact the exam analyst, Patrice Brown, by telephone at (415) 557-5559 or by email at <a href=""></a>. </p> <p>All of your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines.</p> <p>The City and County of San Francisco encourages women, minorities and persons with disabilities to apply. Applicants will be considered regardless of their sex, race, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition (associated with cancer, a history of cancer, or genetic characteristics), HIV/AIDS status, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, military and veteran status, or other protected category under the law.</p> <p>The City and County of San Francisco encourages women, minorities and persons with disabilities to apply. Applicants will be considered regardless of their sex, race, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition (associated with cancer, a history of cancer, or genetic characteristics), HIV/AIDS status, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, military and veteran status, or other protected category under the law.</p> </div></div><div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-above field-wrapper body field"><div class="field-label">Position Details:&nbsp;</div><p>Please click on this link to view the job announcement and to apply: <a href="">IS Programmer Analyst- Senior- Information Technology– San Francisco Human Services Agency (1063) (142455) | City and County of San Francisco (</a></p> <p><strong>4/29/2024: Extended application to continuous; this announcement may close at any time, but not before Friday, May 10, 2024.</strong></p> <p><strong>Exam Type: Permanent Exempt (PEX)  </strong></p> <p>This is a Permanent Exempt (PEX), Full-Time position with an anticipated duration of up to three (3) years. This position is excluded by the Charter from the competitive civil service examination process and incumbents are considered “at will” and shall serve at the discretion of the Appointing Officer.</p> <p><strong>Hybrid Workplace:</strong><strong> This position offers a hybrid/flexible schedule. Employees may be permitted to work one (1) day on-site (in San Francisco office) and four (4) days from home (must be a resident of California; subject to periodic review and approval)</strong></p> <p><strong>Fill Type: </strong><strong>There are currently three (3) vacancies available</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>Application Opening </strong>– April 16, 2024</li> <li><strong>Application Deadline</strong> – April 29, 2024; Continuous, Extended to May 10, 2024</li> <li><strong>Compensation: </strong>$117,156.00-$147,472.00 Yearly; <a href=";setId=COMMN">;setId=COMMN</a></li> <li><strong>List ID:</strong> PEX-1063-142455; RTF0142444-01049355</li> </ul> <p>At the San Francisco Human Services Agency, we believe in a San Francisco where everyone has the opportunity and support to achieve their full potential.  We are comprised of the Department of Benefits and Family Support, and the Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS), and are united by our commitment to deliver essential services that support and protect people, families, and communities.</p> <p>From financial, nutritional and employment support to child and adult protective services, health care coverage, affordable childcare, and in-home services for older adults and persons with disabilities, our team lends support for all in need.</p> <p><strong>OUR COMMITMENT TO RACIAL EQUITY</strong></p> <p>As we work towards our vision of an inclusive San Francisco, we embrace our responsibility to root out systemic racism by creating services and a workforce which reflect the lived experiences and strengths of the people we serve. We are committed to fostering a work environment where our differences are celebrated and everyone has what they need to thrive--no matter their race, age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or country of origin. <a href="">Click here</a> to learn more about what this commitment looks like in action.</p> <h4>Role description</h4> <p>Digital Services, a division within the Information Technology program, is a collaborative agile team at the San Francisco Human Services Agency (SFHSA) that focuses on the rapid and innovative delivery of various digital technologies across our agency.</p> <p>We are an agile, open-source development team, providing technical expertise, support, and development for our two Drupal sites, the public facing SFHSA website (<a href=""></a>) and our employee intranet portal. We strive to provide efficient, seamless, and well-crafted web products that meet the evolving needs of our clients through iterative, human-centered design and development. We pride ourselves on open communication, caring for each other, and having fun as a team while we develop and deliver essential web services for the SFHSA and our clients.</p> <p>Under the general direction and supervision of the 1070 IS Project Director, and the technical leadership of the 1064 Principal Drupal Developer, this position will provide development support for the Agency’s two Drupal web products: and the intranet. Along with the Principal Developer, this role works closely with Product and Design throughout the product lifecycle to build useful, usable, and maintainable sites with the end goal of getting our clients the services they need.</p> <p>According to Civil Service Commission Rule 109, the duties specified below are representative of the range of duties assigned to this job class and are not intended to be an inclusive list; may include additional duties as assigned.</p> <p><strong>Essential duties:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Collaborate with a cross-functional team on the planning, architecture, development, and deployment of Drupal sites.</li> <li>Deliver top-notch and easily maintainable new features that focus on user needs.</li> <li>Update the Intranet’s theme, components, and authoring experience to parity with</li> <li>Write technical/procedural documentation for both sites as needed.</li> <li>Share release manager duties with other developers for releases to both sites.</li> <li>Provide quality code reviews on pull requests.</li> <li>Maintain the Drupal installation and modules by consistently keeping them patched and up-to-date.</li> <li>Share your knowledge and experience to enhance the knowledge base of both our team and our clients.</li> </ol> <h4>How to qualify</h4> <p><strong>1.</strong> <strong>Education:</strong><strong> </strong>An associate degree in computer science or closely related field from an accredited college or university OR its equivalent in terms of total course credits/units [i.e., at least sixty (60) semester or ninety (90) quarter credits/units with a minimum of twenty (20) semester or thirty (30) quarter credits/units in computer science or a closely-related field];</p> <p><strong>AND</strong></p> <p><strong>2. Experience: </strong>Three (3) years of experience in web site, web application, or software development/programming.</p> <p><strong>Substitution of Education:</strong> Additional experience as described above may be substituted for the required degree on a year-for-year basis (up to a maximum of two (2) years). One (1) year is equivalent to thirty (30) semester units / forty-five (45) quarter units with a minimum of 10 semester / 15 quarter units in computer science or a closely related field.</p> <p><strong><em>Applicants must meet the minimum qualification requirement by the final filing date unless otherwise noted.</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Desirable Qualifications:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Two (2) years of Drupal experience; working with and maintaining a wide range of Drupal modules; in-depth knowledge of Drupal 9 &amp; 10, including advanced site-building ability (Drupal, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, HTML)</li> <li>Experience creating responsive themes with SASS and NPM</li> <li>Experience with common git-based development workflows and code management, including release management</li> <li>Experience with Linux and web servers and comfort working in a terminal window</li> <li>Experience with the following technologies: Acquia hosting, Solr search, Mamp or DDEV, Drush</li> </ul> <p>The stated desirable qualifications may be considered at the end of the selection process when candidates are referred for hiring.</p> <p><strong>Verification of Experience and/or Education</strong>: Applicants may be required to submit verification of qualifying education and experience at any point during the recruitment and selection process. If education verification is required, information on how to verify education requirements, including verifying foreign education credits or degree equivalency, can be found at <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong><em>Note:</em></strong> Falsifying one’s education, training, or work experience or attempted deception on the application may result in disqualification for this and future job opportunities with the City and County of San Francisco.</p> <p>All work experience, education, training and other information substantiating how you meet the minimum qualifications must be included on your application by the filing deadline. Information submitted after the filing deadline will not be considered in determining whether you meet the minimum qualifications.</p> <p>Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of a completed City and County of San Francisco application.</p> <p>Applications completed improperly may be cause for ineligibility, disqualification or may lead to lower scores.</p> <p><strong>Selection Procedures</strong></p> <p>The selection process will include evaluation of applications in relation to minimum requirements. Depending on the number of applicants, the Department may establish and implement additional screening mechanisms to comparatively evaluate qualifications of candidates. If this becomes necessary, only those applicants whose qualifications most closely meet the needs to the Department will be invited to the interview.</p> <p><strong><em>Note:</em></strong> Applicants who meet the minimum qualifications are not guaranteed to advance through all of the steps in the selection process.</p> <h4>What else should I know?</h4> <p><strong>Additional Information Regarding Employment with the City and County of San Francisco</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Information About The Hiring Process</a></li> <li><a href="">Conviction History</a></li> <li><a href="">Employee Benefits Overview </a> </li> <li><a href="">Equal Employment Opportunity</a> </li> <li><a href="">Disaster Service Worker</a></li> <li><a href="">ADA Accommodation</a></li> <li><a href="">Veterans Preference</a></li> <li><a href="">Right to Work</a></li> <li><a href="">Copies of Application Documents</a></li> <li><a href="">Diversity Statement</a></li> </ul> </div><div class="field field-name-field-job-salary-range field-type-text field-label-above field-wrapper"><div class="field-label">Pay Scale:&nbsp;</div>$117,156.00-$147,472.00 Annually</div><div class="node-footer"><ul class="links inline"><li class="job-search-back first last"><a href="/">Back to Search</a></li> </ul></div></div> </div> </div> <!--/.main region --> </main> <!--/.main--> <!--.l-footer--> <div class="l-footer-wrapper full-width"> <footer class="l-footer row" role="contentinfo"> <div class="footer large-12 columns"> <section class="block block-menu block-menu-menu-footer-menu"> <ul class="menu"><li class="first expanded"><a href="" title="">Drupal news</a><ul class="menu"><li class="first leaf"><a href="" title="">Drupal 9 has launched</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="" title="">Planet Drupal</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="" title="">Association News</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="" title="">Security Announcements</a></li> <li class="last leaf"><a href="" title="">Follow us on twitter @drupaljobs</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="expanded"><a href="" title="">Community</a><ul class="menu"><li class="first leaf"><a href="" title="">Getting Involved</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="" title="">Services, Training &amp; Hosting</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="" title="">Groups &amp; Meetups</a></li> <li class="last leaf"><a href="" title="">DrupalCon</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="expanded"><a href="" title="">About</a><ul class="menu"><li class="first leaf"><a href="" title="">The Drupal Association</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="" title="">Advertise</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="" title="">About</a></li> <li class="last leaf"><a href="" title="">Web accessibility</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last expanded"><a href="" title="">Drupal Jobs</a><ul class="menu"><li class="first leaf"><a href="/about" title="">About Drupal Jobs</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="/contact" title="">Contact Us</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="" title="">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li class="leaf"><a href="" title="">Terms of Service</a></li> <li class="last leaf"><a href="/faq" title="">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li> </ul></li> </ul> </section> <section class="block block-dajobs-layout block-dajobs-layout-get-started"> <h2 class="block-title"><span>Get Started</span></h2> <ul class="links"><li class="0 first"><a href="/user" class="post-job">Post a Job</a></li> <li class="1 last"><a href="/user" class="be-found">Be Found</a></li> </ul> </section> <section class="block block-boxes block-boxes-simple block-boxes-trademark"> <div id='boxes-box-trademark' class='boxes-box'><div class="boxes-box-content"><p><a href="">Drupal</a> is a <a href="">registered trademark</a> of <a href="">Dries Buytaert</a>.</p> </div></div> </section> </div> </footer> </div> <!--/.footer--> </div> <!--/.page --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ window._pxAppId = 'PXVnPBBfwe'; window._pxParam2 = ''; window._pxParam3 = '0'; var p = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], s = document.createElement('script'); s.async = 1; s.src = '/VnPBBfwe/init.js'; p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); }()); </script> <noscript> <div style="position:fixed; top:0; left:0; display:none" width="1" height="1"> <img src="/VnPBBfwe/xhr/api/v1/collector/noScript.gif?appId=PXVnPBBfwe"> </div> </noscript> <script> (function ($, Drupal, window, document, undefined) { $(document).foundation(); })(jQuery, Drupal, this, this.document); </script> </body> </html>

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