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This was Kevin's first trip and Colt has not been yet. Just a simple discussion on what we experienced during our trip. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="18806585"> <img src="" alt="Surveying with Robert show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Surveying with Robert</span> <p class="show-title">Surveying with Robert</p> <p class="episode-body">Colt and I interview James Reville from Ireland with SurvyIpod about his surveying solution for high rise survey construction layout. Interesting to hear about surveying across the pond as they say!</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="18690119"> <img src="" alt="Surveying with Robert show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Surveying with Robert</span> <p class="show-title">Surveying with Robert</p> <p class="episode-body">John Burton joins Colt and I to discuss Elevation Certificates. John was the Flood Plane manager for Pulaski County Arkansas and has a lot if experience reviewing certificates.聽</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="18594236"> <img src="" alt="Surveying with Robert show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Surveying with Robert</span> <p class="show-title">Surveying with Robert</p> <p class="episode-body">Colt Ratliff Joins me as my co-host for everything surveying. Colt is a local surveyor in Wiggins MS. The plan is to talk to other surveyors and get their perspective on the surveying profession.聽</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="12501302"> <img src="" alt="Surveying With Robert show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Surveying With Robert</span> <p class="show-title">Surveying with Robert</p> <p class="episode-body">Wow here I go with a podcast!. Like my YouTube videos don't consume enough of my time I start a podcast! I had to get something loaded so I could figure out the process. This podcast is just some background on me and my experience as a Surveyor and how I went from being a Surveying manager for a larger Engineering firm to a Sales Rep for NEI. Hope you enjoy my first try at podcasting!</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <div id="episode-endpoint" class="collection-item"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="btn center-block" id="show-more-episodes" style="display:block!important;">More Episodes</a> </div> <div class="col s12 m8" id="info-panel"> <div class="card-panel"> <div class="episode-description"> <p>Colt and I interview James Reville from Ireland with SurvyIpod about his surveying solution for high rise survey construction layout. Interesting to hear about surveying across the pond as they say!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row col sm12 m8"> <div id="fb-root"></div> <!-- facebook comment --> <div id="comments" style="height:100%" class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="100%" data-numposts="5" data-mobile="true"></div> </div> </div> <script> //Displays bulletpoints $('.episode-description ul').addClass('browser-default'); //required for the customized Loading SVG var loadingSvg = '<svg id="bar-loader" width="100px" height="100px" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" class="lds-facebook" style="background: none;"><rect id="rect-1" ng-attr-x="{{config.x1}}" ng-attr-y="{{config.y}}" ng-attr-width="{{config.width}}" ng-attr-height="{{config.height}}" ng-attr-fill="{{config.c1}}" x="17.5" y="30" width="15" height="40" fill="#e1ffb1"><animate attributeName="y" calcMode="spline" values="18;30;30" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="-0.2s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate><animate attributeName="height" calcMode="spline" values="64;40;40" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="-0.2s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate></rect><rect id="rect-2" ng-attr-x="{{config.x2}}" ng-attr-y="{{config.y}}" ng-attr-width="{{config.width}}" ng-attr-height="{{config.height}}" ng-attr-fill="{{config.c2}}" x="42.5" y="30" width="15" height="40" fill="#aed581"><animate attributeName="y" calcMode="spline" values="20.999999999999996;30;30" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="-0.1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate><animate attributeName="height" calcMode="spline" values="58.00000000000001;40;40" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="-0.1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate></rect><rect id="rect-3" ng-attr-x="{{config.x3}}" ng-attr-y="{{config.y}}" ng-attr-width="{{config.width}}" ng-attr-height="{{config.height}}" ng-attr-fill="{{config.c3}}" x="67.5" y="30" width="15" height="40" fill="#7da453"><animate attributeName="y" calcMode="spline" values="24;30;30" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate><animate attributeName="height" calcMode="spline" values="52;40;40" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate></rect></svg>'; var episodeCount = $('#more-episodes-section .collection-item').length; var fetchLimit = 30; var showSlug = $('#episode-page').data('slug'); var showId = $('#episode-page').data('show-id'); var showTitle = $('#episode-page').data('show'); var endPoint = $('#episode-endpoint'); var count = 0; var load = true; var downArrowLocation = 0; var episodeEnd = false; //Toggles the more episodes section when clicked $('#show-more-episodes').on('click', function() { $('#more-episodes-section').toggleClass('active'); setTimeout(function() { $('#info-panel').toggleClass('m12'); }, 400); }); //Shows episode description by toggling the active class //Prevents from going the the href of the episode $('main').on('click', '.show-episode-description', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.collection-item').not(this).removeClass('active'); $(this).parent().toggleClass('active'); }); $('#more-episodes-section').scroll(function(){ if( elementScrolled( $('.collection-item.avatar:last') ) && load === true && episodeEnd === false) { var currentHeight = $('#more-episodes-section')[0].scrollHeight; $.ajax({ url: "/shows/show-more", beforeSend: function(xhr){ load = false; endPoint.html(loadingSvg); }, dataType: "json", data: { "start-point": episodeCount, "fetch-limit" : fetchLimit, "id" : showId, }, success: function( data ){ const episodes = data.results; const episodeArray = Object.keys(episodes).map(i => episodes[i]); if( episodes.length == 0 ){ episodeEnd = true; endPoint.html("<img src='//' alt='Libsyn Logo End' class='responsive-img'/><p>No more episodes</p>"); } else{ // episodeArray needs to be reverse to display correctly episodeArray.reverse(); episodeArray.forEach(function(episode){ addEpisode(episode); }); episodeCount += fetchLimit; //Gets a slight break in between loading episodes if a user if constantly scrolling down. $('#more-episodes-section').animate( { scrollTop: currentHeight - 200, }, 1500); //Sets timeout to match the scrolling to ensure a new AJAX call cannot be executed setTimeout(function(){load = true}, 2000); } }, error: function( xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ // jquery throws error endPoint.html("An error has occurred while while fetching new episodes. 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