Corinium | Content, Network, Events | Events Calendar

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Data Reception</h5> <h4>Women in AI &amp; Data Reception</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Inspiring and influential women in AI will come together for an evening of networking and presentations. Join us for a night of great food &amp; wine, and contribute to supporting women in the field. The reception is open to all genders.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"> Part of the Berlin AI Summit</h5> <h4>Deep Learning Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><h3>Explore how deep learning will impact and solve challenges in industry and society through diverse applications.</h3><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Berlin <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">04 - 05 October 2022</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"> Part of the Berlin AI Summit</h5> <h4>Enterprise AI Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><h3>The Enterprise AI Summit brings together senior-level business executives and data practitioners to explore AI applications in the real-world to transform your ROI, increase efficiencies and ensure scalability.</h3><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Berlin <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">04 - 05 October 2022</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>MLOps Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>The MLOps Summit will explore how to build an effective MLOps infrastructure and take advantage of innovative solutions for data lifecycle management. What are the best practices for efficiently training &amp; deploying models? How can DevOps methodology be successfully applied in the ML workflow?</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">09 - 10 November 2022</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Conversational AI Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>This summit will bring together experts in the field of conversational AI to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and best practices in designing, developing, and deploying conversational AI systems. The event will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and panel discussions covering topics such as natural language processing, chatbot development, voice assistants, and the ethical considerations of conversational AI.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">16-17 May 2023</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>AI in Finance Summit London</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>Explore the latest AI tools &amp; techniques and their application in the financial sector with data scientists, ML engineers, researchers &amp; CTOs across the industry. Applications include wealth and portfolio management, retail banking, trading &amp; payments innovation.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">22 - 23 May 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Women In AI &amp; Data Reception</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>Join us for an evening of thought-provoking discussions, presentations and a networking reception. Support the achievements and advancement of women within the AI industry. The evening is open to all genders! </span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">24 January, 2023</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Women in AI Reception</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a three course dinner to support women in AI and Machine Intelligence.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Toronto <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">9 November 2022</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>AI in Finance Summit New York</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Explore the latest AI tools &amp; techniques and their applications with top speakers from the banking, insurance, academia and the financial sector. CTOs, Directors, ML engineers, Data Scientists and Researchers will share their insights into recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and fintech applications across the industry.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> New York <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">April 15-16, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Chief AI Officer Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">The Premier East Coast Event Dedicated to Chief AI Officers and AI Practitioners</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> New York <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">April 16, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Chief AI Officer Summit UK</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">The #1 Event in Europe Dedicated to Chief AI Officers and AI Practitioners</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">February 12, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4> AI Summit West: Deep Learning &amp; Advanced ML</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p>Explore the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning and Advanced ML. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> San Jose <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">February, 2026</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Virtual AI Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p>An interactive, online experience with thought-provoking discussions and insights from global thought leaders bringing you the latest developments, prospects and innovations across Artificial Intelligence &amp; Machine Learning&nbsp;</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Virtual / Online <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">January 30-31, 2023</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>AI in Healthcare &amp; Pharma Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>This summit will showcase the latest advancements in AI technologies and their applications in healthcare. Speakers will discuss the potential of AI to improve patient outcomes, streamline clinical workflows, and address healthcare challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The conference will also address the ethical considerations of AI in healthcare, such as data privacy and bias, and how to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a responsible manner.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Boston <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 18-19, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Nordics AI Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p><span>Explore the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the fields of Deep Learning and Enterprise AI. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</span></p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Stockholm <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 29-30, 2022</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"> Part of the Toronto AI Summit</h5> <h4>AI in Finance Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>The AI in Finance Summit brings together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of AI in the financial sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising financial forecasting &amp; compliance. </span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Toronto <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November, 09 - 10, 2022</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"> Part of the Toronto AI Summit</h5> <h4>Deep Learning Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in AI. The increasingly popular branch of machine learning explores advances in methods such as image analysis, GANs, NLP, and neural network research. This summit will explore the latest research advancements and trends from global pioneers in the ...</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Toronto <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November, 09 - 10, 2022</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item RE•WORK" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent">Applying Next Level Deep Learning and Advanced Machine Learning</h5> <h4>Enterprise AI Summit Canada</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Applying Next Level Deep Learning and Advanced Machine Learning</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Toronto <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">October 22-23, 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO FS London</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Join the UK's most senior event for data leaders in the financial sector.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">September 20 - 21, 2023</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO FS Frankfurt</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Frankfurt <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">September 27 - 28, 2023</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Melbourne</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Connecting you to what's next in data</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">10 - 11 Sept 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Executive Network</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">An invite-only networking forum for the leading minds in infosec</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">11 Aug 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>OT Security Sydney</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">11 Feb 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Data Architecture Melbourne</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p><span style="font-size: 14px; color: #000000;">Building and maintaining flexible and scalable data architectures</span></p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">11 Sept 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Sydney</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">11-12 Feb, 2025 | Royal Randwick Racecourse</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Cloud Infrastructure Melbourne 2025</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Melbourne <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">12 August 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Cloud Security Sydney</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">12 Feb 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>AppSec &amp; DevSecOps Sydney</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">12 Feb, 2025 </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO FSI ANZ</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">12 Sept 2024 | Online | 10 AM AEST | 12 PM NZT</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Data &amp; Analytics in Healthcare</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">13 Mar 2024 | Grand Hyatt Melbourne</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Perth</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">13 Oct 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Canberra</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">17 Sept 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO New Zealand</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">18 Nov 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Singapore</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">19-20 Aug 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Cloud Security Singapore</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">20 August 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>AppSec &amp; DevSecOps Singapore</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">20 August 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Malaysia</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">20 Feb 2025 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO FSI Singapore</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">22 Apr 2025 | Singapore</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>OT Security Melbourne 2025</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Melbourne <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">22 July 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Melbourne</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">22-23 July 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Cloud Security Melbourne</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">23 Jul 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>AppSec &amp; DevSecOps Melbourne</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">23 Jul 2025 | Crown Promenade</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Singapore</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p style="font-size: 14px;">The cross-industry exchange for all data and analytics leaders</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">23-24 April 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Enterprise AI Singapore</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">24 Apr 2025 | Singapore</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Data Architecture Singapore</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">24 April 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Brisbane</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Join prominent InfoSec leaders to get inspired, share intelligence and rekindle relationships</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">24 June 2025 | Brisbane</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO UK </h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><h2>Connecting you to what's next in data</h2><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">25-26 February 2026</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href="?hsLang=en-gb"> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Philippines</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">26 Novemeber 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Indonesia</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">27 May 2025 | Jakarta</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Indonesia</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">28 May 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Modern DevOps Sydney</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">29 May 2024 | Sydney Central Hotel by The Ascott</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Mexico</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span data-teams="true">Empoderando a los Líderes para Impulsar la Innovación: Transformando los Datos y la Analítica en Tiempo Real</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Ciudad de México <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">3 - 4 de junio, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO New Zealand</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span dir="ltr">Connecting you to what's next in data</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">3 Nov 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Frankfurt</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><h2 style="font-size: 16px;">Putting Data at the Heart of Business, Driving Value in Uncertain Times</h2><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Frankfurt <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">30 October 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Spain</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span data-teams="true">Únete al lanzamiento del nuevo referente en Datos y Analítica de España</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Madrid <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">4 de junio, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Brisbane</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">5 Mar 2025 | Hilton Brisbane</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Malaysia</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">7 Oct 2025 | Kuala Lumpur</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Sydney</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Connecting you to what's next in data</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">7-8 May, 2025 | Royal Randwick Racecourse</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Data Architecture Sydney</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><div> <div> <div>Positioning flexible architectures at the very heart of your data systems</div> </div> </div><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">8 May 2025 | Royal Randwick Racecourse</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Enterprise AI Sydney</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>Accelerating digital transformation through AI innovation</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">8 May 2025 | Royal Randwick Racecourse</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Modern DevOps Melbourne</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">8 October 2024 | Grand Hyatt Melbourne</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Data Architecture New Zealand</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">9 Apr 2024 | Hilton Auckland</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href="?hsLang=en-gb"> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>AI in Cyber Online</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p><span><span style="color: #000000;">Put security at the core of your AI strategy &nbsp;</span></span></p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">9 Sept 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Financial Services &amp; Insurance UK 2025</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><h2 style="font-size: 16px;">Europe's Most Senior Data &amp; Analytics Event for Financial Services and Insurance</h2><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">9 September 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Germany</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Putting Data at the Heart of Business, Driving Value in Uncertain Times</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Munich <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">April 16-17, 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Germany</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Putting Data at the Heart of Business, Driving Value in Uncertain Times</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Munich <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">April 29-30, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Chicago</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Reconnecting Chicago's Data &amp; Analytics Leaders In-Person to Accelerate Their Data Transformation Strategies</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Chicago <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">August 6-7, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Chicago</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Top executives and industry leaders come together to tackle the latest challenges in cybersecurity.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Chicago <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">August 6-7, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO UK</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Join the UK's most senior data &amp; analytics event</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> London <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">February 12-13, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Financial Services</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>Focused on data-driven strategies, this conference covers topics like AI, risk management, regulatory compliance, and enhancing customer experience. Through interactive sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities, attendees will gain actionable insights to optimize their data and analytics efforts, driving innovation and growth within their organizations.<br></span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> New York, NY <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">February 26-27, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Insurance</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span>With a focus on data-driven innovation, this conference covers critical areas like AI applications in underwriting, risk analytics, compliance, and enhancing the policyholder experience. Through expert-led sessions, practical workshops, and high-impact networking opportunities, attendees will gain actionable strategies to optimize data and analytics within their organizations, fostering resilience, efficiency, and growth.</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> New York, NY <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">February 26-27, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Data &amp; Analytics Live </h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p>The best of Data &amp; Analytics in a virtual platform</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> North America <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">January 18-19, 2023</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Data &amp; Analytics Live (Online Event)</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p><span><span dir="ltr">Leading Virtual Event for Data &amp; Analytics Executives in the Age of Artificial Intelligence</span></span></p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> North America <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">July 9, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Canada Public Sector</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">The Premier Event for Canada's Public Sector Data &amp; Analytics Leaders</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Ottawa <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">June 17-18, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Government</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">The Longest Running Event for Federal, State, and Local Government Data &amp; Analytics Leaders</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Washington, DC Metro Area (Arlington, VA.) <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">June 25-26, 2025 | Convene 1201 Wilson Blvd</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO France</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p>Conçu pour les leaders des données stratégiques et de l'analyse des plus grandes marques françaises, CDAO France sera le mélange parfait d'informations pratiques et de réseautage de haut niveau.</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Paris <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">Mai 21 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Canada</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span data-teams="true"><span dir="ltr"><strong>Leveraging Generative AI to Transform Your Data and Analytics Strategy to Deliver Enhanced Business Innovation</strong></span></span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Toronto <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">March 26-27, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO West Coast</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">CDAO West Coast 2025 is a premier gathering for senior data, analytics, and AI executives from across the West Coast, designed to explore the latest innovations, strategies, and trends driving the future of data and analytics. This exclusive event brings together leaders from various industries to engage in insightful discussions, hands-on workshops, and high-level networking opportunities. Attendees will explore cutting-edge technologies, data governance strategies, and advanced analytics techniques while sharing best practices for integrating AI into business operations.&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> San Francisco <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">May 13, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Public Sector Online A/NZ</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Reinforcing public sector cyber security resilience in Australia and New Zealand</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Online <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">May 2, 2023</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO ASEAN Online</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><div>Connecting you to what's next in Infosec</div><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Online <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">May 30, 2023</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Fed Ready Summit</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Shape the Future of Federal Data &amp; AI: Join 50 Top Leaders Preparing for 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Washington, DC Metro Area (Arlington, VA.) <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">May 7, 2025 | Convene 1201 Wilson Blvd</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO Dallas</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Top executives and industry leaders come together to tackle the latest challenges in cybersecurity.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Dallas <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 11-12, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Europe 2024</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p>Europe's Foremost Data Event for Top Leaders Across The Benelux And Beyond</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Amsterdam <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 12, 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Future-Proof Your Marketing: How Secret Escapes Built a First-Party Data Strategy</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><h3 style="font-size: 14px;">Join us for an insightful webinar on revolutionizing Digital Analytics strategies to meet the new industry standard on first-party cookies. Explore how ‘Next-Gen Digital Analytics’ is meticulously crafted to assist our customers in modernizing their data strategy and future-proofing their marketing stack. Powered by core AWS and Snowflake components. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your Digital Analytics strategy to the next level!</h3><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Virtual Webinar <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 12, 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Europe 2024</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p>Europe's Foremost Data Event for Top Leaders Across The Benelux And Beyond</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Amsterdam <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 12, 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Europe 2025</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p>Europe's Foremost Data Event for Top Leaders Across The Benelux And Beyond</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Amsterdam <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 12, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>Navigating the Future with Data</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p style="font-size: 14px;"><span>This online webinar hosted by Moody's Analytics on</span> mastering risk and seizing opportunities through reference Data and Interoperability</p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Online Webinar <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 14, 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Fall</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"><span style="font-size: 20px;"><strong>The Best Data &amp; AI Conference for CDAOs in North America</strong></span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Boston <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 18-19, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Nordics</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Practical insights for data leaders</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Stockholm <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 19, 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Nordics 2025</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Practical insights for data and analytics leaders</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Stockholm <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 19, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Dallas 2025</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description"></p><p><span>Join your data &amp; analytics peers from Dallas as you discover the latest trends and challenges facing your role</span></p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Dallas <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">November 26-27, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Frankfurt</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Putting Data at the Heart of Business, Driving Value in Uncertain Times</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Frankfurt <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">October 30, 2024</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CISO NY</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">Top executives and industry leaders come together to tackle the latest challenges in cybersecurity.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> New York <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">September 10, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a class="calendar-item Corinium" href=""> <div class="grid-x"> <div class="medium-3 cell calendar-item__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Large"> </div> <div class="medium-6 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content"> <h5 class="calendar-item__parent"></h5> <h4>CDAO Defense &amp; Security 2025</h4> <p class="calendar-item__description">DAO Defense &amp; Security 2025 is the premier gathering for senior data, analytics, and AI leaders within the defense and national security sectors. This exclusive event will explore the critical role of data-driven decision-making, AI applications, and emerging technologies in enhancing national security, operational effectiveness, and mission success.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="medium-3 cell"> <div class="calendar-item__content-wrapper"> <div class="calendar-item__content text-right"> <p class="calendar-item__venue"> Washington D.C. <img width="18" src=";name=pin.png" alt="pin" srcset=";name=pin.png 9w,;name=pin.png 18w,;name=pin.png 27w,;name=pin.png 36w,;name=pin.png 45w,;name=pin.png 54w" sizes="(max-width: 18px) 100vw, 18px"> </p> <br> <p class="calendar-item__date">September 17-18, 2025</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <script> const rowData = [{ "name": `Day 1: Retail`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": ``, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `Day 1: Financial Services`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": ``, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `Track B`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": ``, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `Day 2: Cross-industries`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": ``, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `Track 2`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": ``, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `Track B`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": ``, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `Women in AI & Data Reception`, "link": ``, "title": `Women in AI & Data Reception`, "description": `Inspiring and influential women in AI will come together for an evening of networking and presentations. Join us for a night of great food &amp; wine, and contribute to supporting women in the field. The reception is open to all genders.`, "city": `London`, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": ``, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": ``, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": ``, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": ``, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `Generative AI Summit East`, "link": ``, "title": `Generative AI Summit East`, "description": ``, "city": `New York`, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Generative AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Generative AI Summit West`, "link": ``, "title": `Generative AI Summit West`, "description": ``, "city": `San Francisco`, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Generative AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Chief AI Officer Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Premier East Coast Event Dedicated to Chief AI Officers and AI Practitioners</span>`, "city": `New York`, "date": ``, "start_date": new Date(`April 15, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Generative AI", ], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. The increasingly popular branch of machine learning explores advances in methods such as image analysis, speech and pattern recognition, natural language processing, and neural network research. This summit will explore h...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": ` 24 - 25 January 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`January 24, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Retail & Advertising Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Retail &amp; Advertising Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading retailers to explore the impact of deep learning and AI in the retail and advertising sector. Applications include computer vision for sizing; image ana...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `01 - 02 June 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`June 1, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Finance Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of deep learning in the financial sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising financi...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `01 - 02 June 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`June 1, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Machine Intelligence Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Machine Intelligence Summit: where machine learning meets artificial intelligence. The rise of intelligent machines to make sense of data in the real world. Learn from the industry experts in speech &amp; image recognition, natural language processing and computer vision. Explore how AI will impa...</span>`, "city": ` New York`, "date": `02 - 03 November 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`October 2, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE.WORK Cities Summit London 2014`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>More than half the world's population now live in cities. How can we use technology to make our cities more efficient, safer and sustainable? We'll take a look at how emerging technologies such as sensors, big data, artificial intelligence and nanotech will affect our future cities.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `04 - 05 December 2014`, "start_date": new Date(`December 4, 2014`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Berlin AI Summit`, "description": `<h3>Explore how deep learning will impact and solve challenges in industry and society through diverse applications.</h3>`, "city": `Berlin`, "date": `04 - 05 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 4, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Berlin AI Summit`, "description": `<h3>The Enterprise AI Summit brings together senior-level business executives and data practitioners to explore AI applications in the real-world to transform your ROI, increase efficiencies and ensure scalability.</h3>`, "city": `Berlin`, "date": `04 - 05 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 4, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Berlin AI Summit`, "description": `<span>Industry leaders and AI influencers will share insights on cutting-edge technical advancements and real-life adoption, application and impact of AI within a cross industry setting. The summit will explore how the top organisations are utilising AI and Machine Learning for company-wide ROI, whi...</span>`, "city": `Berlin`, "date": `05 - 06 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 5, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Berlin AI Summit`, "description": `<span>Discover advances in deep learning from the world's leading innovators. Learn from the industry experts in data manipulation, novel training techniques, and new learning environments. Explore how deep learning will impact industry and society through diverse applications. The summit will showc...</span>`, "city": `Berlin`, "date": `05 - 06 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 5, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Insurance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The AI in Insurance Summit brings together data scientists, research professors, devops managers, actuarial leads and directors of machine learning to discuss the impact of the 4th industrial revolution in the insurance industry. Gain insight into AI architectures, data engineering practices, and...</span>`, "city": ` New York`, "date": `05 - 06 September 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`September 5, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The AI in Finance Summit brings together principal data scientists, professors, CEOs, CTOs, machine learning scientists, senior solution architects, and risk managers to explore the impact of AI &amp; deep learning across the financial sector. Applications include investment and portfolio optimizatio...</span>`, "city": ` New York`, "date": `05 - 06 September 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`September 5, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit will explore recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and healthcare applications, from algorithms that learn to recognise complex patterns within rich medical data, to analysing real world evidence for personalised medicine, to discovering the sequenc...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `06 - 07 April 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`April 6, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The AI in Healthcare Summit will explore recent breakthroughs in technical advancements &amp; healthcare applications, from algorithms that learn to recognise complex patterns within rich medical data, to analysing real world evidence for personalised medicine, to discovering the sequence specificiti...</span>`, "city": ` Hong Kong`, "date": `06 - 07 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`June 6, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Healthcare", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Machine Intelligence Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Machine Intelligence Summit: where machine learning meets artificial intelligence. The rise of intelligent machines to make sense of data in the real world. Learn from the industry experts in speech &amp; image recognition, natural language processing and computer vision. Explore how AI will impa...</span>`, "city": ` Hong Kong`, "date": `06 - 07 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`June 6, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The AI in Healthcare Summit will explore recent breakthroughs in technical advancements &amp; healthcare applications, from algorithms that learn to recognise complex patterns within rich medical data, to analysing real world evidence for personalised medicine, to discovering the sequence specificiti...</span>`, "city": ` Hong Kong`, "date": `06 - 07 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`June 6, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Healthcare", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Machine Intelligence Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Machine Intelligence Summit: where machine learning meets artificial intelligence. The rise of intelligent machines to make sense of data in the real world. Learn from the industry experts in speech &amp; image recognition, natural language processing and computer vision. Explore how AI will impa...</span>`, "city": ` Hong Kong`, "date": `06 - 07 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`June 6, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Internet of Things Summit San Francisco 2014`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Internet of Things Summit brings together entrepreneurship, science and technology to re-work the future and tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. The event will showcase the opportunities of the internet of things and the potential for a positive impact on business and society. </span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `06 - 07 November 2014`, "start_date": new Date(`November 6, 2014`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The AI in Finance Summit brings together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of machine learning &amp; deep learning in the financial sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising financial forecasting &amp; compli...</span>`, "city": ` New York`, "date": `06 - 07 September 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`September 6, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</span>`, "city": `Stockholm`, "date": `07 - 08 December 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Past events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `MLOps Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The MLOps Summit will explore how to build an effective MLOps infrastructure and take advantage of innovative solutions for data lifecycle management. What are the best practices for efficiently training &amp; deploying models? How can DevOps methodology be successfully applied in the ML workflow?</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `09 - 10 November 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`November 9, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "MLOps", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Investing in Deep Learning Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `Leading investors, VCs, founders &amp;amp; the top minds in deep learning will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a 3 course meal to share ideas, experiences, mentoring.&nbsp;`, "city": ` London`, "date": `1 December 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`December 1, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Track 1: Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>What are the latest advancements in deep learning research? Where are the most recent scientific breakthroughs? Hear the latest research news from global pioneers in Natural Language Processing, GANs, Reinforcement Learning, CNNs and Unsupervised Learning at the summit.</span>`, "city": ` Montreal`, "date": `10 - 11 October 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`October 10, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Track 2: Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Deep Learning is quickly becoming a core technology for businesses from helping to optimize efficiency to increased forecasting capabilities to providing increased automation. What problems can deep learning solve in your business? How can it be practically applied in industry?</span>`, "city": ` Montreal`, "date": `10 - 11 October 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`October 10, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. After each course, we'll hear short talks from experts, followed by Q&amp;A and discussions throughout the meal. Join us for a three course meal to support women in AI and Machine Intel...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `11 July 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`July 11, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: Challenges & Solutions for 3D LiDAR Annotation & 3D Data Sets`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Discover the most common issues faced when given the task of solving autonomous driving, including getting the right data, and ensuring it is labeled correctly. Learn more about finding, collecting or creating the right data set to jump-start your ML development. </span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `11 November 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`November 11, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in Machine Intelligence Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in machine intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a three course meal to support women in AI and Machine Intelligence.</span>`, "city": ` Montreal`, "date": `11 October 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`October 11, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Internet of Things Summit London`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Internet of Things Summit brings together entrepreneurship, science and technology to re-work the future and tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. The event will showcase the opportunities of the internet of things and the potential for a positive impact on business and society. </span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `12 - 13 March 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`March 12, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `The Connected Home Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Connected Home Summit brings together leading industry players, exciting new startups and breakthrough research to create smarter and more efficient homes. The event will showcase the next generation of home automation devices, powered by the internet of things, connected devices, low cost se...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `12 - 13 May 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`May 12, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. Hear t...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `12 - 13 May 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`May 12, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE.WORK Connect Summit San Francisco`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE.WORK Connect Summit brings together experts in the internet of things, the connected car, quantified self, smart factories, machine learning, the industrial internet &amp; much more from the world's leading companies &amp; innovative startups. We're exploring the convergence of software &amp; hardware...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `12 - 13 November 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`November 12, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Bio-Inspired Robotics Meetup`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>We are bringing together developers, entrepreneurs, designers and engineers in an evening meetup to explore swarm robotics, biomimetics, machine learning and more.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `12 July 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`July 12, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Inspiring and influential women in AI will come together for an evening of networking and presentations. Join us for a night of great food &amp; wine, and contribute to supporting women in the field. The dinner is open to all genders.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `12 June 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`June 12, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women & Diversity in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Inspiring and influential women in AI will come together to discuss diversity &amp; inclusion within the industry, sharing their latest work and encouraging women around the world to explore STEM. Join us for an evening of networking with like-minded peers, three courses of fine-dining, and contrib...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `12 November 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`October 12, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in Machine Intelligence in Healthcare Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in healthcare and machine intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations around tools &amp; techniques set to revolutionise healthcare applications, medicine &amp; diagnostics. Join us for a three course meal to support and showcase women in Healthcar...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `12 October 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`October 12, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `AI IN HEALTHCARE SUMMIT BOSTON`, "description": `<span>The AI in Healthcare Summit will explore breakthroughs in technical advancements and healthcare applications with industry experts, academics, and healthcare professionals. From algorithms that learn to recognize complex patterns within rich medical data to analyzing real-world evidence for pers...</span>`, "city": `Boston`, "date": `13 - 14 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 13, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Pharmaceuticals Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `AI IN HEALTHCARE SUMMIT BOSTON`, "description": ``, "city": `Boston`, "date": `13 - 14 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 13, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE.WORK Cities 2013`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>More than half the world's population now live in cities. How can we use technology to make our cities more efficient, safer and sustainable? We'll take a look at how emerging technologies such as sensors, big data, artificial intelligence and nanotech will affect our future cities.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `13 December 2013`, "start_date": new Date(`December 13, 2013`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI & Robotics Innovation Forum`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next 15 years are predicted to see mass hybridisation between humans and robots. As robotics are becoming increasingly more intelligent, their ability to speak, understand natural language and see will allow their interaction with humans to become more prevalent. Investigate the impact of adv...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `13 March 2014`, "start_date": new Date(`March 13, 2014`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: AI for Accessible Education`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI for Good Webinar Series`, "description": `<span>What impact could artificial intelligence have on improving the accessibility of education worldwide? The webinar will explore the potential for AI to increase access to education and the opportunity for scaling up learning tools to allow for personalized and interactive learning experiences.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `13 May 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`May 13, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in FinTech Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI Applications Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The Women in FinTech Summit is a one-day event bringing together researchers, academics, leading financial corporations &amp; women in STEM advocates to discuss the current landscape of FinTech as a whole, the work of leading females in the field and the progressions of women &amp; diversity in the sector. </span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `14 - 15 April 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`April 14, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Retail & Marketing Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI Applications Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in Retail &amp; Marketing Summit is a multidisciplinary event exploring the impact of deep learning and AI in the industry. Applications include computer vision for sizing; image analysis for shopping efficiency; NLP for personalised ads; and AI for search engine optimisation.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `14 - 15 April 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`April 14, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Insurance Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI Applications Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in Insurance Summit brings together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading insurance corporations to explore the impact of AI in the insurance sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising claims processing &amp; customer personalisation. </span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `14 - 15 April 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`April 14, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance & RegTech Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI Applications Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in Finance &amp; RegTech Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of AI in the financial sector. Applications include risk management, fraud detection &amp; customer support.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `14 - 15 April 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`April 14, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Retail Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the London AI Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in Retail &amp; Marketing Summit is a multidisciplinary event exploring the impact of deep learning and AI in the industry. Applications include computer vision for sizing; image analysis for shopping efficiency; NLP for personalised ads; and AI for search engine optimisation.</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `14 - 15 September 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`September 14, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Retail", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Conversational AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the London AI Summit`, "description": `<span>The Conversational AI Summit will showcase technical advancements in NLP and assess the opportunities of deploying Conversational AI agents for varying enterprises.</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `14 - 15 September 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`September 14, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Conversational AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the London AI Summit`, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers as well as real-world applications. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `14 - 15 September 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`September 14, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `An Introduction to Machine Learning in Healthcare`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Introduction to Machine Learning in Healthcare Workshop will explore how can we use increased computer processing power and personalised healthcare to improve patient outcomes, and apply AI and deep learning to make real-time predictions and actionable interventions. Discover the digital futu...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `14 February 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`February 14, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `The Future of Robotics Forum`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>As robots are become more intelligent, their integration into society is going to have an impact on everyone’s lives. Robots that can function independently of human command, adapt to their surroundings &amp; make decisions will be hugely disruptive. We're bringing together key influencers to discuss...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `14 October 2014`, "start_date": new Date(`October 14, 2014`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Reception`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Join us for an evening of thought-provoking discussions, presentations and a networking reception. Support the achievements and advancement of women within the AI industry. The evening is open to all genders! </span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `14 September 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`September 14, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `MLOps Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `Part of the MLOps Summit San Francisco`, "description": `<span>The MLOps Summit will explore how to build an effective MLOps infrastructure and take advantage of innovative solutions for data lifecycle management. What are the best practices for efficiently training &amp; deploying models? How can DevOps methodology be successfully applied in the ML workflow?</span>`, "city": `San Francisco`, "date": `15 - 16 June 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`June 15, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "MLOps", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Trusted AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `Part of the MLOps Summit San Francisco`, "description": `<span>The Trusted AI Summit will explore how AI/ML algorithms &amp; models should be created to produce fair outcomes, alleviate bias &amp; ensure accountability. Assess the implications of AI automation by analyzing technical monitoring, policy implications, data governance &amp; the security of systems. </span>`, "city": `San Francisco`, "date": `15 - 16 June 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`June 15, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Trusted AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in AI Assistants &amp; their impact on business &amp; society. What impact will predictive intelligence...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `15 - 16 March 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`March 15, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in AI Assistants &amp; their impact on business &amp; society. What impact will predictive intelligence...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `15 - 16 March 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`March 15, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in AI Assistants &amp; their impact on business &amp; society. What impact will predictive intelligence...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `15 - 16 March 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`March 15, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Finance Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of deep learning in the financial sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising financi...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `15 - 16 March 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`March 15, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Retail & Advertising Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Retail &amp; Advertising Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading retailers to explore the impact of deep learning and AI in the retail and advertising sector. Applications include computer vision for sizing; image ana...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `15 - 16 March 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`March 15, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `The Future of Education 2015`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>How will advancing hardware and software such as 3D printing, augmented reality, gamification and the robotics impact education? How can we ensure they are integrated into education systems in a productive manner?</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `15 June 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`June 15, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Reception`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>An evening of discussions &amp; networking around the progress and application of artificial intelligence.</span>`, "city": `San Francisco`, "date": `15 June 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`June 15, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `The Connected City Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>More than half the world's population now live in cities. With advancements in IoT creating ever more connected-devices, how can we apply new technology to make our cities more efficient, safer and sustainable? We'll explore the latest technologies driving the smart city forward. </span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `16 - 17 March 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`March 16, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `The Future of Education`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>How will emerging technologies and innovations such as 3D printing, augmented reality, gamification and the maker movement impact education? How can we ensure they are integrated into education systems in a productive manner?</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `16 June 2014`, "start_date": new Date(`June 16, 2014`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Automating Data Annotation with MicroModels`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>When it comes to AI, your model is only as good as the data it’s trained on. While it’s key to have a human in the loop when creating and verifying training data, automating processes within the workflow improves efficiency while guaranteeing high quality.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `16 June 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`June 16, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Conversational AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE•WORK STARTUPS: LONDON EDITION`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>An afternoon of discussions &amp; networking around the challenges and opportunities of growing a business in the AI world. This is an opportunity for startups to gain advice on their business models, ideas and strategies from leading experts in AI as well as the investment community. When is the bes...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `16 March 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`March 16, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE•WORK STARTUPS: LONDON EDITION`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>An afternoon of discussions &amp; networking around the challenges and opportunities of growing a business in the AI world. This is an opportunity for startups to gain advice on their business models, ideas and strategies from leading experts in AI as well as the investment community. 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When is the bes...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `16 March 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`March 16, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women In AI & Data Reception`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>This evening will focus on promoting gender diversity and inclusion in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science. The summit will bring together women leaders, researchers, and professionals from various industries to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in AI and data science. The event will feature a panel discussion on topics such as AI ethics, bias, and fairness, the role of women in shaping the future of AI, and strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion in AI and data science.</p>`, "city": `London`, "date": `16 May 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`May 18, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Conversational AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>This summit will bring together experts in the field of conversational AI to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and best practices in designing, developing, and deploying conversational AI systems. The event will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and panel discussions covering topics such as natural language processing, chatbot development, voice assistants, and the ethical considerations of conversational AI.</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `16-17 May 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`May 18, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Conversational AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Conversational AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Conversational AI Summit will showcase technical advancements in NLP and assess the opportunities of deploying Conversational AI agents for varying enterprises.</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `16-17 May 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Conversational AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Deep Learning Hybrid Summit`, "description": `<span>Machine Learning is now driving forward rapid innovation in AI and across business. The Enterprise AI Summit will feature the latest AI applications enabled via machine learning &amp; deep learning to help businesses realize the untapped potential for AI to transform the enterprise.</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `17 - 18 February 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`February 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Deep Learning Hybrid Summit`, "description": `The Deep Learning Summit explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `17 - 18 February 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`February 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Ethics Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Deep Learning Hybrid Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI Ethics Summit will explore the ethical considerations and responsibility of stakeholders deploying AI, including recommendations on positive next steps to put reflections into practice for the common good.</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `17 - 18 February 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`February 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Reinforcement Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Deep Learning Hybrid Summit`, "description": `<span>The Reinforcement Learning Summit explores the training of ML models for decision making, using the notion of rewards to enable an agent to learn in an interactive environment by trial-and-error &amp; feedback to take a step closer to human-level performance.</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `17 - 18 February 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`February 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in RegTech Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the London AI Finance Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in RegTech Summit brings together data scientists, data governance experts, heads of compliance, risk managers &amp; regulators to explore the opportunities and challenges of adopting AI &amp; machine learning throughout RegTech. </span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `17 - 18 March 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`March 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Insurance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the London AI Finance Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in Insurance Summit explores the impact of AI, ML &amp; DL in the insurance sector. Applications include revolutionising claims processing, underwriting automation &amp; customer personalization. Discover the latest technology trends &amp; innovations with technical business leaders across the industry.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `17 - 18 March 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`March 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the London AI Finance Summit`, "description": `<span>Explore the latest AI tools &amp; techniques and their application in the financial sector with data scientists, ML engineers, researchers &amp; CTOs across the industry. Applications include wealth and portfolio management, retail banking, trading &amp; payments innovation.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `17 - 18 March 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`March 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Machine Learning is now driving forward rapid innovation in AI and across business. The Enterprise AI Summit will feature the latest AI applications enabled via machine learning &amp; deep learning to help businesses realize the untapped potential for AI to transform the enterprise.</span>`, "city": `Sydney`, "date": `17 - 18 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading researchers and industry professionals.</span>`, "city": `Sydney`, "date": `17 - 18 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE.WORK Technology Summit London 2014`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE.WORK Technology Summit brings together entrepreneurship, science and technology to re-work the future and tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. The event will showcase the opportunities of breakthrough technologies and their potential for a positive impact on business and society. </span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `17 - 18 September 2014`, "start_date": new Date(`September 17, 2014`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Marketing Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI Applications Virtual Summit`, "description": `The AI in Marketing Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp;amp; leading marketers to explore the impact of deep learning and AI in the media and advertising sector. Applications include computer vision for search engine optimisation; AI for targe...`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `17 - 18 September 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`September 17, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Retail Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI Applications Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>A multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading retailers to explore the impact of deep learning and AI in the retail sector. Applications include computer vision for sizing; image analysis for shopping efficiency; and natural language processing for p...</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `17 - 18 September 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`September 17, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI Applications Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in Finance Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of AI in the financial sector. Applications include risk management, fraud detection, customer support &amp; algorithmic trading.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `17 - 18 September 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`September 17, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Explainable AI Mini-Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Mini-Summit Series`, "description": `<span>Hear leading pioneers in XAI delve into the latest advancements in explainable techniques including NN Interpreters &amp; Sensitivity Analysis. Explore how these techniques can open the lid on the black box &amp; build trust in your machine learning models to future proof AI &amp; your business.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `17 February 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`February 17, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in Machine Intelligence Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in machine intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a 3 course meal to support women in AI and Machine Intelligence.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `17 February, 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`February 17, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: AI for Crisis Prediction & Management`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>What impact could artificial intelligence have on predicting, monitoring, and managing the impact of disasters? This webinar will explore recent AI research and applications of methods to monitor, predict, and manage catastrophic events.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `17 June 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`June 17, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Reception`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Join us for an evening of thought-provoking discussions, presentations and a networking reception. Support the achievements and advancement of women within the AI industry. The evening is open to all genders! </span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `17 March 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`March 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in RegTech Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI Applications Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in RegTech Summit brings together data scientists, data governance experts, heads of compliance, risk managers &amp; regulators to explore the opportunities and challenges of adopting AI &amp; machine learning throughout RegTech. </span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `17 September 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`September 17, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": `#`, "title": ``, "description": `<h2>WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR DEEP LEARNING?</h2>`, "city": `Sydney`, "date": `17-18 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": `#`, "title": ``, "description": `APPLY AI IN BUSINESS &amp; ACHIEVE ROI`, "city": `Sydney`, "date": `17-18 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 17, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE.WORK Technology Summit Berlin 2014`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>RE.WORK summits focus on exponentially accelerating technology and its impact on business and society. Emerging technology is providing an unprecedented era of opportunity to progress business and solve global challenges. Do you know how to leverage new technology?</span>`, "city": ` Berlin`, "date": `18 - 19 June 2014`, "start_date": new Date(`June 18, 2014`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Gamifying Healthcare`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Applying gamification methods to advance healthcare &amp; personalised medicine.What behaviours within gaming can transfer into the healthcare sector? We will explore how to transfer gaming methods and motivational dynamics of gameplay to keep people engaged into healthy habits, help adapt behaviours...</span>`, "city": ` Nottingham`, "date": `18 February 2014`, "start_date": new Date(`February 18, 2014`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Healthcare", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Internet of Things Meetup`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>We brought together developers, entrepreneurs, designers, data scientists and engineers in an evening meetup to explore wireless sensors, networked computing, wearables, open hardware with the latest innovators in IOT.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `18 February 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`February 18, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Virtual Evening`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening (7-9pm EST/ 4-6pm PST) of networking, presentations, and meaningful discussions on diversity, inclusion, the importance of allies &amp; mentors, and much more.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `18 November 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`November 18, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE.WORK Tech 2013`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE.WORK Technology Summit brings together entrepreneurship, science and technology to re-work the future and tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. The event will showcase the opportunities of breakthrough technologies and their potential for a positive impact on business and society. </span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `18 September 2013`, "start_date": new Date(`September 18, 2013`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE.WORK Tech 2013`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE.WORK Technology Summit brings together entrepreneurship, science and technology to re-work the future and tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. The event will showcase the opportunities of breakthrough technologies and their potential for a positive impact on business and society. </span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `18 September 2013`, "start_date": new Date(`September 18, 2013`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Insurance Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI Applications Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in Insurance Summit is a one day brings together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading insurance corporations to explore the impact of AI in the insurance sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising claims processing &amp; customer personalisation. </span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `18 September 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`September 18, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Finance Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of deep learning in the financial sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising financi...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `19 - 20 March 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`March 19, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Retail & Advertising Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The AI in Retail &amp; Advertising Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading retailers to explore the impact of deep learning and AI in the retail and advertising sector. Applications include computer vision for sizing; image analysis for ...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `19 - 20 September 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`September 19, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Retail", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will explore the latest research advancements in NLP and showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in AI assistants &amp; their impact on business...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `19 - 20 September 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`September 19, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: What Are the Ethical Implications of AI?`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>How can a machine make the right moral decision, and what is the ‘right’ decision? Should AI have rights like humans? What is the societal impact of AI? These are just some of the ethical concerns and questions posed by AI methods, tools and software today. What are the measures being taken to ta...</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `19 April 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`April 19, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: What Are the Ethical Implications of AI?`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>How can a machine make the right moral decision, and what is the ‘right’ decision? Should AI have rights like humans? What is the societal impact of AI? These are just some of the ethical concerns and questions posed by AI methods, tools and software today. What are the measures being taken to ta...</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `19 April 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`April 19, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: AI for Good`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Applying artificial intelligence to benefit society and tackle global challenges such as the environment, education, healthcare and sustainability. The webinar will explore responsible and practical applications of machine learning and deep learning to improve individual lives and society, in...</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `19 February 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`February 19, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Virtual`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together (7pm GMT/2pm ET/11am PT) for networking, presentations and meaningful discussions on diversity, inclusion, the importance of allies &amp; mentors and much more.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `19 January 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`January 19, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Inspiring and influential women in AI will come together for an evening of networking and presentations. Join us for a night of great food &amp; wine, and contribute to supporting women in the field. The dinner is open to all genders.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `19 March 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`March 19, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `Part of the Berlin AI Summit`, "description": `<span>Discover advances in deep learning from the world's leading innovators. Learn from the industry experts in data manipulation, novel training techniques, and new learning environments. Explore how deep learning will impact industry and society through diverse applications. The summit will showc...</span>`, "city": `Berlin`, "date": `19-20 September, 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `Part of the Berlin AI Summit`, "description": `The Enterprise AI Summit brings together senior-level business executives and data practitioners to explore AI applications in the real-world to transform your ROI, increase efficiencies and ensure scalability.`, "city": `Berlin`, "date": `19-20 September, 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Enterprise AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Conversational AI Mini-Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Mini-Summit Series`, "description": `<span>The Conversational AI Mini-Summit will showcase technical advancements in Natural Language Generation and Natural Language Understanding and assess the opportunities of deploying Conversational AI agents for varying enterprises. How can advancements in machine learning in the domains of voice and...</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `2 December 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`December 2, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Conversational AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: Building an Enterprise Data Platform`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Discover factors influencing the length &amp; effort required to produce annotated data &amp; how a team can structure the annotation work to allow for incremental development &amp; continuous progress. Learn about the combination of human input &amp; the use of the DEXTR approach.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `2 July 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`July 2, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `ML Fairness Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the MLOps Online Summit`, "description": `<span>The ML Fairness Summit will explore how ML algorithms &amp; models should be created to produce fair outcomes, alleviate bias &amp; ensure accountability. Assess the implications of AI automation by analyzing technical monitoring, policy implications, data governance &amp; the security of systems. </span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `2 June 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`June 2, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "MLOps", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `MLOps Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the MLOps Online Summit`, "description": `<span>The MLOps Summit will explore how to build an effective MLOps infrastructure and take advantage of innovative solutions for data lifecycle management. What are the best practices for efficiently training &amp; deploying models? How can DevOps methodology be successfully applied in the ML workflow?</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `2 June 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`June 2, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "MLOps", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI for Good Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE•WORK AI for Good Summit brings together founders, business leaders, investors and academics working towards AI having a positive impact on the world through new research and practical applications in sectors including environmental sustainability, accessible healthcare and education and tr...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `20 - 21 June 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`June 20, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Reinforcement Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE•WORK Deep Reinforcement Learning Summit explores the latest advancements in deep learning, combined with reinforcement learning - the training of algorithms using the notion of rewards, and trial-and-error. The Deep Reinforcement Learning Summit brings together these two methods to take on...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `20 - 21 June 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`June 20, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Applied AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE•WORK Applied AI Summit brings together real-life AI applications, case studies, business insights &amp; results from leading companies applying AI to solve business problems using techniques including machine learning, deep learning, computer vision &amp; NLP. Learn how your business can leverage ...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `20 - 21 June 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`June 20, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. Hear t...</span>`, "city": ` Singapore`, "date": `20 - 21 October 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`October 20, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. Hear t...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `20 - 21 September 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`September 20, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. Hear t...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `20 - 21 September 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`September 21, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit will explore recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and healthcare applications, from algorithms that learn to recognise complex patterns within rich medical data, to analysing real world evidence for personalised medicine, to discovering the sequenc...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `20 - 21 September 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`September 20, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. After each course, we'll hear short talks from experts, followed by Q&amp;A and discussions throughout the meal. Join us for a three course meal to support women in AI and Machine Intel...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `20 February 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`February 20, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `The Future of Education`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>How will advancing hardware and software such as 3D printing, augmented reality, gamification and robotics impact education? How can we ensure they are integrated into education systems in a productive manner?</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `20 June 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`June 20, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Conversational AI in Banking Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Conversational AI for Enterprise Summit`, "description": `<span>Discover advancements in virtual agents &amp; conversational AI, as well as progress in NLP, NLU &amp; NLG from the world’s leading innovators. Financial Services experts &amp; leading technologists will explore the transformation of the digital customer experience via industry case studies.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `20 October 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`October 20, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Conversational AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Conversational AI in Retail Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Conversational AI for Enterprise Summit`, "description": `How can Conversational AI offer a personalized experience and enhanced level of communication to your customers, as well as a higher level of convenience, speed and automation? Discover how to build loyalty and increase your engagement, as well as reduce customer churn.`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `20 October 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Conversational AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Singapore Deep Learning and Enterprise AI Summits`, "description": `<span>Machine Learning is now driving forward rapid innovation in AI and across business. The Enterprise AI Summit will feature the latest AI applications enabled via machine learning &amp; deep learning to help businesses realize the untapped potential for AI to transform the enterprise.</span>`, "city": `Singapore`, "date": `20 September 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`September 20, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Singapore Deep Learning and Enterprise AI Summits`, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading researchers and industry professionals.</span>`, "city": `Singapore`, "date": `20 September 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`September 20, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in AI Assistants &amp; their impact on business &amp; society. What impact will predictive intelligence...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `21 - 22 September 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`September 21, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is at the forefront of AI. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. Hear the latest insights and t...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `21 - 22 September 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`September 21, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in AI Assistants &amp; their impact on business &amp; society. What impact will predictive intelligence...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `21 - 22 September 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`September 21, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Insurance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the New York Summit`, "description": `The AI in Insurance Summit explores the impact of AI, ML &amp;amp; DL in the insurance sector. Applications include revolutionising claims processing, underwriting automation &amp;amp; customer personalization. Discover the latest technology trends &amp;amp; innovations with technical business leaders across the industry.`, "city": `New York`, "date": `21 April 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`April 21, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in Machine Intelligence Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in machine intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a three course meal to support women in AI and Machine Intelligence.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `21 February, 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`February 21, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Inspiring and influential women in AI will come together for an evening of networking and presentations. Join us for a night of great food &amp; wine, and contribute to supporting women in the field. The dinner is open to all genders.</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `21 May 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`May 21, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Applied AI Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Applied AI Virtual Summit brings together real-life AI applications, case studies, business insights &amp; results from leading companies applying AI to solve business problems using techniques including machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, computer vision &amp; NLP.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `21 May 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`May 21, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE•WORK Food Production`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Will we be able to meet the challenge of feeding the ever growing world population by 2050? This event will focus on food production, and explore how innovations in AgTech &amp; Science, such as drones, genomics &amp; hydroponics can help build a sustainable future. </span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `21 October 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`October 21, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE•WORK Deep Learning Summit Attendee Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Following day 1 of the summit, attendees will come together for an evening of networking, discussions and fine food &amp; wine. Mix with leaders on topics including NLP, speech recognition, reinforcement learning and image analysis, as well as applications in sectors including manufacturing, transpor...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `21 September 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`September 21, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Summit London`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Explore the latest AI tools &amp; techniques and their application in the financial sector with data scientists, ML engineers, researchers &amp; CTOs across the industry. Applications include wealth and portfolio management, retail banking, trading &amp; payments innovation.</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `22 - 23 May 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`May 24, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. Hear t...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `22 - 23 September 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`September 22, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in RegTech Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `Part of the New York Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in RegTech Summit brings together data scientists, data governance experts, heads of compliance, risk managers &amp; regulators to explore the opportunities and challenges of adopting AI &amp; machine learning throughout RegTech. </span>`, "city": `New York`, "date": `22 April 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`April 22, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: Should You Be Using AI In Your Business?`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>AI is transforming every industry it touches from healthcare, to retail and advertising, finance, transport, education, agriculture and so many more. The purpose of AI? To take care of all the mundane tasks employees currently handle, freeing up their time to be more creative and perform the work...</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `22 February 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`February 22, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Meet inspiring women working in AI over an evening of discussions, presentations and great food and wine to match. Join us to support and contribute to leading women committed to advancing AI. The dinner is open to all genders.</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `22 January 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`January 22, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Inspiring and influential women in AI will come together for an evening of networking and presentations. Join us for a night of great food &amp; wine, and contribute to supporting women in the field. The dinner is open to all genders.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `22 January 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`January 22, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI in Healthcare Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in healthcare and machine intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations around tools &amp; techniques set to revolutionise healthcare applications, medicine &amp; diagnostics. Join us for a three course meal to support and showcase women in Healthcar...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `22 November 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`November 22, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE•WORK Deep Learning Summit Attendee Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Following day 1 of the summit, attendees will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations from deep learning experts. Hear from leaders on topics including NLP, speech recognition and image analysis, as well as applications in sectors including manufacturing, transport, h...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `22 September 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`September 22, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Machine Intelligence Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Machine Intelligence Summit: where machine learning meets artificial intelligence. The rise of intelligent machines to make sense of data in the real world. Learn from the industry experts in speech &amp; image recognition, natural language processing and computer vision. Explore how AI will impa...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `23 - 24 March 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`March 23, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit brings together leading industry players, exciting new startups and breakthrough technological research to create safer, smarter and more efficient transport. The event will showcase the next generation of connected vehicles, powered by the i...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `23 - 24 March 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`March 23, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. Hear t...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `23 - 24 May 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`May 23, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit will explore breakthroughs in technical advancements and healthcare applications with industry experts, academics, and healthcare professionals. From algorithms that learn to recognize complex patterns within rich medical data to analyzing real-world eviden...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `23 - 24 May 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`May 23, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit London 2015`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `23 - 24 September 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`September 23, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Future Technology Summit London 2015`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE.WORK Future Technology Summit takes on a new format with not one but two tracks of breakthrough science &amp; technology. The event will showcase entrepreneurship, science and technology within Energy, Healthcare, Robotics, Deep Learning &amp; AI and Cities and the potential to tackle some of the ...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `23 - 24 September 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`September 23, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in Machine Intelligence Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in machine intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a three course meal to support women in AI and Machine Intelligence. After each course, we'll hear short talks from experts, followed by Q&amp;A and discussions throughout the ...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `23 January 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`January 23, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a three course meal to support women in AI and Machine Intelligence.</span>`, "city": ` Toronto`, "date": `23 October 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`October 23, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a three course meal to support women in AI and Machine Intelligence.</span>`, "city": `Toronto`, "date": `23 October 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`October 23, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Finance Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of deep learning in the financial sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising financi...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `23 September 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`September 23, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Chatbots Track at the Deep Learning Summit London 2016`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>AI &amp; deep learning are powering interactive messaging services known as chatbots &amp; virtual assistants, which use conversational interfaces to create deeper, more personalised one-to-one customer experiences. The Chatbot Track will explore the technical advancements in deep learning, NLP &amp; predict...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `23 September 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`September 23, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Impact Stages at the Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The 9 AI Impact Stages include: •&nbsp;AI Assistant Stage • Ethics &amp; Social Responsibility Stage • Technical Lab Sessions • Industry Applications Stage • Education &amp; AI Stage •&nbsp;Environment &amp; Sustainability Stage • Investors &amp; Startups Stage • Connect Stage • Futurescaping S...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `24 - 25 January 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`January 24, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. Hear t...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `24 - 25 May 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`May 24, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit will explore recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and healthcare applications, from algorithms that learn to recognize complex patterns within rich medical data, to analysing real world evidence for personalized medicine, to discovering the sequenc...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `24 - 25 May 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`May 24, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and text. Hear t...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `24 - 25 May 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`May 24, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit will explore recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and healthcare applications, from algorithms that learn to recognize complex patterns within rich medical data, to analysing real world evidence for personalized medicine, to discovering the sequenc...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `24 - 25 May 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`May 24, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>What are the latest advancements in deep learning research? Where are the most recent scientific breakthroughs? Hear the latest research news from global pioneers in Natural Language Processing, GANs, Reinforcement Learning, CNNs and Unsupervised Learning at the summit.</span>`, "city": ` Montreal`, "date": `24 - 25 October 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`October 24, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Responsible AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE•WORK Responsible AI Summit will explore how enterprises must ensure AI solutions are implemented to alleviate any risk of bias, ethical concerns and can produce trustworthy outputs to increase business performance responsibly. What is your strategy to build a responsible AI framework?</span>`, "city": ` Montreal`, "date": `24 - 25 October 2019`, "start_date": new Date(`October 24, 2019`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women In AI & Data Reception`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Join us for an evening of thought-provoking discussions, presentations and a networking reception. Support the achievements and advancement of women within the AI industry. The evening is open to all genders! </span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `24 January, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`January 25, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `RE.WORK Future Technology & Deep Learning Summit Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The top minds in emerging tech &amp; science came together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `24 September 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`September 24, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. The increasingly popular branch of machine learning explores advances in methods such as image analysis, speech and pattern recognition, natural language processing, and neural network research. This summit will explore h...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `25 - 26 January 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`January 25, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in AI Assistants &amp; their impact on business &amp; society. What impact will predictive intelligence...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `25 - 26 January 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`January 25, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</span>`, "city": `Tel Aviv`, "date": `25 - 26 January 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AutoML Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Discover how to automate applying machine learning to solve challenges through AutoML. Learn from pioneers in areas such as Neural Architecture Search, Hyperparameter Optimization, Automated Data Mining, Reporducability, Trustworthy AI and End-to-End Delivery.</span>`, "city": `Tel Aviv`, "date": `25 - 26 January 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Implementation of AI in Healthcare Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI in Healthcare Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The Summit brings together Decision-Makers &amp; C-Level Executives leveraging AI to increase productivity as well as the efficiency of care delivery. Join fellow key stakeholders to shape the future of healthcare with AI and explore the challenges currently faced in leveraging AI to solve problems.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `25 - 26 March 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`March 25, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Healthcare", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Healthcare & Pharma Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI in Healthcare Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in Healthcare &amp; Pharma Summit explores breakthroughs in technical advancements and healthcare applications with industry experts, academics, and healthcare professionals. It will discover the impact of AI on each stage of a patient's journey: from diagnosis, through treatment. </span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `25 - 26 March 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`March 25, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Healthcare", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit Boston 2015`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Innovation Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and t...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `25 - 26 May 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`January 25, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Retail &amp; Advertising Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading retailers to explore the impact of deep learning and AI in the retail and advertising sector. Applications include computer vision for sizing; image ana...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `25 - 26 May 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`May 25, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit will explore recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and healthcare applications, from algorithms that learn to recognise complex patterns within rich medical data, to analysing real world evidence for personalised medicine, to discovering the sequenc...</span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `25 - 26 May 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`May 25, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI for Government Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>How can artificial intelligence revolutionize government to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and help meet ever increasing demands of the public sector? What are the key implementation challenges faced by government bodies? What best practice insights can government agencies share? </span>`, "city": ` Toronto`, "date": `25 - 26 October 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`October 25, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. The increasingly popular branch of machine learning explores advances in methods such as image analysis, speech and pattern recognition, natural language processing, and neural network research. This summit will explore t...</span>`, "city": ` Toronto`, "date": `25 - 26 October 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`October 25, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI for Government Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>How can artificial intelligence revolutionize government to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and help meet ever increasing demands of the public sector? What are the key implementation challenges faced by government bodies? What best practice insights can government agencies share? </span>`, "city": ` Toronto`, "date": `25 - 26 October 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`October 25, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Machine Learning is now driving forward rapid innovation in AI and across business. 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Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading researchers and industry professionals.</span>`, "city": `Melbourne`, "date": `25 - 26 October 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 25, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Reinventing Energy Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Applying emerging technology including machine intelligence, smart grid, next generation batteries and end-use business cases to better predict and manage renewable energy generation, consumption and integration.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `25 November 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`November 25, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Virtual Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in VAs &amp; their impact on business &amp; society. What impact will predictive intelligence have on b...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `26 - 27 January 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`January 26, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. The increasingly popular branch of machine learning explores advances in methods such as image analysis, speech and pattern recognition, natural language processing, and neural network research. This summit will explore h...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `26 - 27 January 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`January 26, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: Fighting AI Bias`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the AI for Good Webinar Series`, "description": `<span>How are leading organizations obtaining superior quality training data without compromising privacy or security? Is it possible to make positive social impact along the way? This webinar will explore how we can fight AI bias by securing high-quality training data.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `26 August 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`August 26, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Internet of Things Exclusive Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The top minds in the Internet of Things came together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations.</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `26 February 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`February 26, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and discussions as we hear keynote presentations from leading female pioneers exploring their latest work in the AI space. Join us for a three course meal as we support women in tech, AI and machine intellige...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `26 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`July 26, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and discussions as we hear keynote presentations from leading female pioneers exploring their latest work in the AI space. Join us for a three course meal as we support women in tech, AI and machine intellige...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `26 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`June 26, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `The Deep Learning in Finance Summit is a multidisciplinary event bringing together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp;amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of deep learning in the financial sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising financi...`, "city": ` Singapore`, "date": `27 - 28 April 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`April 27, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Internet of Things Summit Boston`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Internet of Things Summit brings together entrepreneurship, science and technology to re-work the future and tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. The event will showcase the opportunities of the internet of things and the potential for a positive impact on business and society. </span>`, "city": ` Boston`, "date": `27 - 28 May 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`May 27, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Inspiring and influential women in AI will come together for an evening of networking and presentations. Join us for an night of great food &amp; wine, and contribute to supporting women in the field.</span>`, "city": ` Houston`, "date": `27 November 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`November 27, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit will explore recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and healthcare applications, from algorithms that learn to recognise complex patterns within rich medical data, to analysing real world evidence for personalised medicine, to discovering the sequenc...</span>`, "city": ` London`, "date": `28 - 01 March 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`February 28, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>This event is in the past &lt;a href=""&gt;See our upcoming events here&lt;/a&gt; </span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `28 - 29 January 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`January 28, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Virtual Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in VAs &amp; their impact on business &amp; society. What impact will predictive intelligence have on b...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `28 - 29 January 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`January 28, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Stage`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Deep Learning 2.0 Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>Deep Learning is now driving forward rapid innovation in AI and across business. The Enterprise AI Stage will feature the latest AI applications enabled via deep learning to help businesses realize the untapped potential for AI to transform the enterprise.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `28 - 29 January 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`January 28, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Generative Models Stage`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Deep Learning 2.0 Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The Generative Models Stage will discover advances in generative models from the world's leading innovators. Learn from pioneering researchers in areas such as GANs and Bayesian Networks, and explore the applications and opportunities that these methods present across industries.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `28 - 29 January 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`January 28, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Landscape Stage`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Deep Learning 2.0 Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Landscape Stage explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `28 - 29 January 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`January 28, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Ethics & Social Responsibility Stage`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Deep Learning 2.0 Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The Ethics &amp; Social Responsibility Stage will explore the ethical considerations and responsibility of stakeholders deploying AIs, including recommendations on positive next steps to put reflections into practice for the common good.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `28 - 29 January 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`January 28, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Reinforcement Learning Stage`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Deep Learning 2.0 Virtual Summit`, "description": `<span>The Reinforcement Learning Stage explores the training of ML models for decision making, using the notion of rewards to enable an agent to learn in an interactive environment by trial-and-error &amp; feedback to take a step closer to human-level performance.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `28 - 29 January 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`January 28, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit brings together leading industry players, exciting new startups and breakthrough technological research to create safer, smarter and more efficient transport. The event will showcase the next generation of connected vehicles, powered by the i...</span>`, "city": ` Amsterdam`, "date": `28 - 29 June 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`June 28, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Machine Intelligence Summit `, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Machine Intelligence Summit: where machine learning meets artificial intelligence. The rise of intelligent machines to make sense of data in the real world. Learn from the industry experts in speech &amp; image recognition, natural language processing and computer vision. Explore how AI will impa...</span>`, "city": ` Amsterdam`, "date": `28 - 29 June 2017`, "start_date": new Date(`June 28, 2017`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning for Robotics Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning for Robotics Summit brings together influential researchers, disruptive startups, and leading robotic companies to explore how we can improve robotic skills via applied deep learning. Advancements in reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, computer vision and progressive ...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `28 - 29 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`June 28, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Industrial Automation Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The AI in Industrial Automation Summit brings together influential industry leaders, startups to watch, and pioneering researchers to explore accelerating trends in artificial intelligence. Advancements in subfields of AI; Machine Learning &amp; Deep Learning, are leading to a fourth industrial revol...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `28 - 29 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`June 28, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning for Robotics Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning for Robotics Summit brings together influential researchers, disruptive startups, and leading robotic companies to explore how we can improve robotic skills via applied deep learning. Advancements in reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, computer vision and progressive ...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `28 - 29 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`June 28, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Industrial Automation Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The AI in Industrial Automation Summit brings together influential industry leaders, startups to watch, and pioneering researchers to explore accelerating trends in artificial intelligence. Advancements in subfields of AI; Machine Learning &amp; Deep Learning, are leading to a fourth industrial revol...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `28 - 29 June 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`June 28, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Conversational AI & NLP Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Conversational AI &amp; NLP Summit will showcase technical advancements in NLP and assess the opportunities of deploying Conversational AI agents for varying enterprises.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `28 April 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`April 28, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Conversational AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Dinner`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Join us for a night of thought provoking discussions, networking and great food &amp; wine. The dinner will bring together industry thought leaders and support the growth of women in AI. The dinner is open to all genders.</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `28 January 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`January 28, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women In AI & Data Gala`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Join us for an evening of thought-provoking discussions, presentations and a networking reception. Support the achievements and advancement of women within the AI industry. The evening is open to all genders!</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `28 November, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit San Francisco 2015`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Innovation Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. Explore the impact of image &amp; speech recognition as a disruptive trend in business and industry. How can multiple levels of representation and abstraction help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and t...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `29 - 30 January 2015`, "start_date": new Date(`January 29, 2015`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Machine Intelligence Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Machine Intelligence Summit: where machine learning meets artificial intelligence. The rise of intelligent machines to make sense of data in the real world. Learn from the industry experts in speech &amp; image recognition, natural language processing and computer vision. Explore how AI will impa...</span>`, "city": ` Berlin`, "date": `29 - 30 June 2016`, "start_date": new Date(`June 29, 2016`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Applied AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The RE•WORK Applied AI Summit brings together real-life AI applications, case studies, business insights and results from leading companies applying artificial intelligence to solve business problems. Learn how your business can leverage AI for success.</span>`, "city": ` Houston`, "date": `29 - 30 November 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`November 29, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Machine Learning for DevOps Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Machine Learning for DevOps Summit will explore how ML can be implemented into and benefit DevOps methodology. How can machine learning tools be utilized to analyze large amounts of data and extract actionable insights from the data sets.</span>`, "city": ` Houston`, "date": `29 - 30 November 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`November 29, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Machine Learning is now driving forward rapid innovation in AI and across business. The Enterprise AI Summit will feature the latest AI applications enabled via machine learning &amp; deep learning to help businesses realize the untapped potential for AI to transform the enterprise.</span>`, "city": `Auckland`, "date": `29 - 30 November 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Machine Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading researchers and industry professionals.</span>`, "city": `Auckland`, "date": `29 - 30 November 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: Privacy & Security in AI`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Large amounts of data are required for machine learning, which of course means there's an increased potential for breaches. The terms 'Privacy' and 'Security' are constantly in the media, but what's the difference between the two, and why should we be concerned? Join this Webinar to learn more ab...</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `29 August 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`August 29, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: Privacy & Security in AI`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Large amounts of data are required for machine learning, which of course means there's an increased potential for breaches. The terms 'Privacy' and 'Security' are constantly in the media, but what's the difference between the two, and why should we be concerned? Join this Webinar to learn more ab...</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `29 August 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`August 29, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: ML Accelerated Data Annotation`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Discover factors influencing the length &amp; effort required to produce annotated data &amp; how a team can structure the annotation work to allow for incremental development &amp; continuous progress. Learn about the combination of human input &amp; the use of the DEXTR approach.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `29 July 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`July 29, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women In AI & Data Reception`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<div><span>Join us for an evening of thought-provoking discussions, presentations and a networking reception. Support the achievements and advancement of women within AI &amp; Data. The evening is open to all genders!</span></div>`, "city": `Stockholm`, "date": `29 November, 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: How Can AI Tackle Climate Change?`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Join our expert industry speakers to discuss all things AI in Climate Change. The hour of discussion will comprise of three presentations &amp; speaker Q&amp;A sessions. </span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `3 June 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`June 3, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Applied AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the San Francisco Summit`, "description": `<span>The RE•WORK Applied AI Summit brings together real-life AI applications, case studies, business insights and results from leading companies applying artificial intelligence to solve business problems using techniques including machine learning, deep learning, computer vision and NLP. Learn how yo...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `30 - 31 January 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`January 30, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Assistant Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the San Francisco Summit`, "description": `<span>The next generation in predictive intelligence. Anticipating user &amp; business needs to alert &amp; advise logical steps to increase efficiency. The summit will showcase the opportunities of advancing trends in AI Assistants &amp; their impact on business &amp; society. What impact will predictive intelligence...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `30 - 31 January 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`January 30, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the San Francisco Summit`, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in artificial intelligence. The increasingly popular branch of machine learning explores advances in methods such as reinforcement learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and neural network research. This summit will explore how deep...</span>`, "city": ` San Francisco`, "date": `30 - 31 January 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`January 30, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Reception`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a Canapé and wine reception to support women in AI and Machine Intelligence.</span>`, "city": ` New York`, "date": `4 September 2018`, "start_date": new Date(`September 4, 2018`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Computer Vision Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `Part of the Deep Learning & CV Summit`, "description": `<span>The Computer Vision Summit will dive into the latest research advancements in computer vision and their impact on business &amp; society, such as for self-driving vehicles and for wildlife conservation. </span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `4-5 November 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`November 4, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Computer Vision", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit London`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>This summit is a two-day event that will bring together experts and enthusiasts in the field of Deep Learning to discuss the latest trends, techniques, and applications of this cutting-edge technology. The event will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, and technical sessions on a range of topics, including neural networks, reinforcement learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more.</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `4-5 November 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Summit London`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Explore the latest AI tools &amp; techniques and their application in the financial sector with data scientists, ML engineers, researchers &amp; CTOs across the industry. Applications include wealth and portfolio management, retail banking, trading &amp; payments innovation.</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `7 - 8 May 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`May 7, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `WEBINAR: The Potential of AI for Pandemics`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>What impact could artificial intelligence have on public health crises, both present and future? The webinar will explore how artificial intelligence can be used in the fight against pandemics. Learn how AI is applied to the prediction and mitigation of infectious diseases.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `7 April 2020`, "start_date": new Date(`April 7, 2020`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Webinars", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": ` Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `Part of the Amsterdam AI Summit`, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning and Machine Learning. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</span>`, "city": `Amsterdam`, "date": `8-9 February 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Enterprise AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `Part of the Amsterdam AI Summit`, "description": `<span>Industry leaders and AI influencers will share insights on cutting-edge technical advancements and real-life adoption, application and impact of AI within a cross industry setting.</span>`, "city": `Amsterdam`, "date": `8-9 February 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Enterprise AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI for Fraud Detection Virtual Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `The AI for Fraud Detection Summit brings together data scientists, data engineers, security experts &amp;amp; risk managers to explore the opportunities and challenges of using AI to detect, predict and prevent fraud.`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `9 June 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`June 9, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Conversational AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Virtual`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking, presentations and meaningful discussions on diversity, inclusion, the importance of allies &amp; mentors and much more.</span>`, "city": ` Online`, "date": `9 November 2021`, "start_date": new Date(`November 9, 2021`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Women in AI Reception`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Leading minds in artificial intelligence will come together for an evening of networking and keynote presentations. Join us for a three course dinner to support women in AI and Machine Intelligence.</span>`, "city": `Toronto`, "date": `9 November 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`November 9, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Women in AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Reception", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Summit New York`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `Explore the latest AI tools &amp; techniques and their applications with top speakers from the banking, insurance, academia and the financial sector. CTOs, Directors, ML engineers, Data Scientists and Researchers will share their insights into recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and fintech applications across the industry.`, "city": `New York`, "date": `April 15-16, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`April 15, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Summit New York`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `Explore the latest AI tools &amp; techniques and their applications with top speakers from the banking, insurance, academia and the financial sector. CTOs, Directors, ML engineers, Data Scientists and Researchers will share their insights into recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and fintech applications across the industry.`, "city": `New York`, "date": `April 15-16, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Chief AI Officer Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `The Premier East Coast Event Dedicated to Chief AI Officers and AI Practitioners`, "city": `New York`, "date": `April 16, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`April 16, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Generative AI", ], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": `Part of the New York Summit`, "description": `<span>Explore the latest AI tools &amp; techniques and their application in the financial sector with data scientists, ML engineers, researchers &amp; CTOs across the industry. Applications include wealth and portfolio management, retail banking, trading &amp; payments innovation.</span>`, "city": `New York`, "date": `April 21-22, 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`April 21, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Germany`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>An event unparalleled in seniority, thought-leadership and brand attendance</p>`, "city": `Munich`, "date": `April 26-27, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `Chief AI Officer Summit UK`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `The #1 Event in Europe Dedicated to Chief AI Officers and AI Practitioners`, "city": `London`, "date": `February 12, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`February 13, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Generative AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Summit West`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>AI Summit West explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</p>`, "city": `Santa Clara`, "date": `February 13-14, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`February 13, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI Summit West`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>AI Summit West explores the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning. 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Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</p>`, "city": `San Jose`, "date": `February, 2026`, "start_date": new Date(`February 11, 2026`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": ` AI Summit West: Deep Learning & Advanced ML`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>Explore the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the field of Deep Learning and Advanced ML. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</p>`, "city": `San Jose`, "date": `February, 2026`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Deep Learning", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `Virtual AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>An interactive, online experience with thought-provoking discussions and insights from global thought leaders bringing you the latest developments, prospects and innovations across Artificial Intelligence &amp; Machine Learning&nbsp;</p>`, "city": `Virtual / Online`, "date": `January 30-31, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`February 1, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Online", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Generative AI Summit London`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Discover the limitless possibilities of generative AI applications. From creating stunning artworks to generating personalized music compositions, the potential of generative AI knows no bounds. Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of AI-driven innovation. Let us guide you through the captivating realm of generative AI applications and unlock the future possibilities that await.</span>`, "city": `London`, "date": `May 22 - 23 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`May 24, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Generative AI", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Generative AI Summit London`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span>Discover the limitless possibilities of generative AI applications. From creating stunning artworks to generating personalized music compositions, the potential of generative AI knows no bounds. Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of AI-driven innovation. 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The conference will also address the ethical considerations of AI in healthcare, such as data privacy and bias, and how to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a responsible manner.</span>`, "city": `Boston`, "date": `November 18-19, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`November 18, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Healthcare", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Healthcare & Pharma Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": `Boston`, "date": `November 18-19, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Healthcare", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Nordics AI Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p><span>Explore the latest breakthroughs from researchers in the fields of Deep Learning and Enterprise AI. Discover ways to overcome obstacles in developing and deploying deep neural networks as well as novel algorithmic advancements from leading academics and industry professionals.</span></p>`, "city": `Stockholm`, "date": `November 29-30, 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`November 30, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `AI in Finance Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Toronto AI Summit`, "description": `<span>The AI in Finance Summit brings together data scientists, engineers, CTOs, CEOs &amp; leading financial corporations to explore the impact of AI in the financial sector. Applications include identifying and preventing risks, revolutionising financial forecasting &amp; compliance. </span>`, "city": `Toronto`, "date": `November, 09 - 10, 2022`, "start_date": new Date(`November 9, 2022`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Finance", ], "type_of_event":[ "Summit", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "RE•WORK", ], }, { "name": `Deep Learning Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ` Part of the Toronto AI Summit`, "description": `<span>The Deep Learning Summit is the next revolution in AI. The increasingly popular branch of machine learning explores advances in methods such as image analysis, GANs, NLP, and neural network research. 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Analytics in a virtual platform</p>`, "city": `North America`, "date": `January 18-19, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`January 18, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "Virtual Event", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `It's Time for a Convergence – People, Processes and Tools`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<h3 style="font-size: 14px;"><span>An exclusive roundtable discussion bringing together IT, Compliance, Security, and Risk leaders to discuss challenges organizations face every day.</span></h3>`, "city": `New York & Philadelphia`, "date": `January 25-26, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Information Security", ], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `Key Drivers to Scale your AI Strategy`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<div> <div> <div>A roundtable about leveraging and maturing AI to scale products and services, and improve operational efficiencies.</div> </div> </div>`, "city": `Kuala Lumpur`, "date": `JULY 11, TUESDAY`, "start_date": new Date(`October 1, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Asia", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `Data & Analytics Live (Online Event)`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p><span><span dir="ltr">Leading Virtual Event for Data &amp; 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Analytics Leaders`, "city": `Ottawa`, "date": `June 17-18, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`June 17, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Government`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `The Longest Running Event for Federal, State, and Local Government Data &amp; Analytics Leaders`, "city": `Washington, DC Metro Area (Arlington, VA.)`, "date": `June 25-26, 2025 | Convene 1201 Wilson Blvd`, "start_date": new Date(`June 25, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Spain`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": ``, "city": `Madrid`, "date": `June 5-6, 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`June 5, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Executive Network`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span style="color: #000000;">An invite-only networking forum for the leading minds in data</span>`, "city": ``, "date": `June 6-7, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`June 6, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Oceania", ], "topic":[], "type_of_event":[], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `CDAO France`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>Conçu pour les leaders des données stratégiques et de l'analyse des plus grandes marques françaises, CDAO France sera le mélange parfait d'informations pratiques et de réseautage de haut niveau.</p>`, "city": `Paris`, "date": `Mai 21 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`May 21, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Canada`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span data-teams="true"><span dir="ltr"><strong>Leveraging Generative AI to Transform Your Data and Analytics Strategy to Deliver Enhanced Business Innovation</strong></span></span>`, "city": `Toronto`, "date": `March 26-27, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`March 26, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `Empowering Chief Data Officers in HLS`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<h3 style="font-size: 14px;"><span>This online session is tailored for Chief Data Officers (CDOs) and leaders in Health and Life Sciences (HLS) organizations, focusing on the strategic integration and application of next-generation generative AI solutions, particularly leveraging Microsoft AI and other Generative AI technologies. The session aims to provide CDOs with deep insights into how these advanced GenAI tools and technologies can be effectively utilized to drive innovation, enhance data management, and improve decision-making processes across different functions in Healthcare and Lifesciences organizations.</span></h3>`, "city": `Virtual Roundtable`, "date": `March 7, 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`March 7, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "Virtual Event", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `Use of Qualitative Data to Drive Better Business Outcomes Roundtable`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<strong><span style="font-size: 11px; color: black;">Like a Survey, but Better</span></strong>`, "city": `Virtual`, "date": `March 9, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`March 9, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [], }, { "name": `CDAO West Coast`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `CDAO West Coast 2025 is a premier gathering for senior data, analytics, and AI executives from across the West Coast, designed to explore the latest innovations, strategies, and trends driving the future of data and analytics. This exclusive event brings together leaders from various industries to engage in insightful discussions, hands-on workshops, and high-level networking opportunities. Attendees will explore cutting-edge technologies, data governance strategies, and advanced analytics techniques while sharing best practices for integrating AI into business operations.&nbsp;`, "city": `San Francisco`, "date": `May 13, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`May 13, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CISO Public Sector Online A/NZ`, "link": ` `, "title": ``, "description": `Reinforcing public sector cyber security resilience in Australia and New Zealand`, "city": `Online`, "date": `May 2, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`May 2, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Oceania", ], "topic":[ "Information Security", ], "type_of_event":[ "Virtual Event", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `DataCon Africa`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>Discover the latest trends and challenges facing your role in the evolving landscape as you connect with peers from leading brands in Africa</p>`, "city": `Cape Town`, "date": `May 29-31, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`May 29, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CISO ASEAN Online`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<div>Connecting you to what's next in Infosec</div>`, "city": `Online`, "date": `May 30, 2023`, "start_date": new Date(`May 30, 2023`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Asia", ], "topic":[ "Information Security", ], "type_of_event":[ "Virtual Event", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Fed Ready Summit`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `Shape the Future of Federal Data &amp; AI: Join 50 Top Leaders Preparing for 2025`, "city": `Washington, DC Metro Area (Arlington, VA.)`, "date": `May 7, 2025 | Convene 1201 Wilson Blvd`, "start_date": new Date(`May 7, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO APEX Financial Services`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `Finance and Banking's Leading Senior Executive Event for Data &amp; Analytics Leaders`, "city": `Charlotte`, "date": `May, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`May 13, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `0`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CISO Dallas`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `Top executives and industry leaders come together to tackle the latest challenges in cybersecurity.`, "city": `Dallas`, "date": `November 11-12, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`November 11, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Information Security", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Europe 2024`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>Europe's Foremost Data Event for Top Leaders Across The Benelux And Beyond</p>`, "city": `Amsterdam`, "date": `November 12, 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`November 12, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `Future-Proof Your Marketing: How Secret Escapes Built a First-Party Data Strategy`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<h3 style="font-size: 14px;">Join us for an insightful webinar on revolutionizing Digital Analytics strategies to meet the new industry standard on first-party cookies. Explore how ‘Next-Gen Digital Analytics’ is meticulously crafted to assist our customers in modernizing their data strategy and future-proofing their marketing stack. Powered by core AWS and Snowflake components. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your Digital Analytics strategy to the next level!</h3>`, "city": `Virtual Webinar`, "date": `November 12, 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`November 12, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "Virtual Event", ], "all_events":[ "Current events", ], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Europe 2024`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>Europe's Foremost Data Event for Top Leaders Across The Benelux And Beyond</p>`, "city": `Amsterdam`, "date": `November 12, 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`November 12, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Europe 2025`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p>Europe's Foremost Data Event for Top Leaders Across The Benelux And Beyond</p>`, "city": `Amsterdam`, "date": `November 12, 2025`, "start_date": new Date(`November 12, 2025`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "Europe", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "In-Person Conference", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `Navigating the Future with Data`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<p style="font-size: 14px;"><span>This online webinar hosted by Moody's Analytics on</span> mastering risk and seizing opportunities through reference Data and Interoperability</p>`, "city": `Online Webinar`, "date": `November 14, 2024`, "start_date": new Date(`November 15, 2024`), "featured_image": ``, "location":[ "North America", ], "topic":[ "Data & Analytics", ], "type_of_event":[ "Virtual Event", ], "all_events":[], "upcoming_events": `1`, "portfolio": [ "Corinium", ], }, { "name": `CDAO Fall`, "link": ``, "title": ``, "description": `<span style="font-size: 20px;"><strong>The Best Data &amp; 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Security 2025 is the premier gathering for senior data, analytics, and AI leaders within the defense and national security sectors. 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