Math is Fun

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The explanations are simple, direct, and concise ... I cannot say thank you enough and hope you continue to keep the website going!', 'hey, you people are doing great job. Maths is really fun with your site. thank you, keep doing well', '... I always visit your website whenever i can`t understand something related to math. i hope you continue helping more students. I will highly recommend this to my friends, 10/10', 'This website is great!!!! I am learning so much & my baby child will know of this website before twitter or facebook.', 'Thank you! This helps me with all my math assignments (which were really confusing before!)', 'I love this website. I realize that I can do math. Thank you so very much!!!!!!! :)', 'this web site has been a blessing to my home school. Thanks for all your wonderful worksheets and tutorials.', 'Oh my word this is a great site! I used your article on writing equations for parallel and perp. lines and it helped sooo much! The teaching is clear and has examples and is awesome! Keep it up!', 'I am a math teacher. I teach at GED level. Just want to say that your program or website is fantastic, it is great, it is wonderful. Any time I have difficulty of way of explanation, I immediately apply to your website. I thank you very much.', 'I`m sure people write to tell you this all the time, but your site is pretty amazing. Thank you for explaining math in such an accessible way. It`s been my site of choice for ages, and explains concepts equally clearly, whether for fifth grade or GCSE math.', 'Your website has helped me so much.... Keep up the great work... thanks a million.', 'Thank you for creating this website. I discovered it last year ... and I come at least once a day on this website. For example, when I need to study for a math test I just come here to review. :) This is my favorite math website.', 'I would just like to thank you for the very helpful Unit Circle page. I was having trouble memorizing the sin/cos/tan values, and the `1-2-3` trick was really helpful. I got an A on my test. :)', 'Thank you SO MUCH for this site. I missed out on developing any kind of basis in maths in high school and have had trouble getting personal tutoring now I`m all grown up and need maths for statistical work. This site explains it so that I get it.', 'Man! your site is fabulous, The way you have described each single concept has helped me a lot in my studies Thanks a lot.', 'Thank you for making this website available. I am currently a teacher - tutor of children from about age 8 to 14. Your site explains math concepts and examples in a very clear way. ', 'Really liked your website! I am a tutor and it helps me a lot while i prepare myself before trying ti teach new concepts!', 'Thank you very much for this website :) I`ve been using this site from my GCSE years and even during my degree! 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