Libreboot – ASUS KGPE-D16 hardware donation needed
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I do not require donation anymore.</strong></p> <div class="h"><h2 id="please-donate-a-d16-machine-if-you-can">Please donate a D16 machine if you can</h2><a aria-hidden="true" href="#please-donate-a-d16-machine-if-you-can">[link]</a></div> <p>If someone can donate one to me, that would be a great service to the Libreboot project. Preferably assembled, with CPU, cooler, working RAM (in coreboot), in a case with PSU… throw in a graphics card if you can.</p> <p>ASUS KGPE-D16 support was removed from Libreboot a while ago, because I didn’t have enough testers to be confident in providing ROM images for it.</p> <p>I would like to re-add support for ASUS KGPE-D16 in a future Libreboot release, but this time I’d like to be able to test it myself.</p> <p>I don’t currently have a KGPE-D16 set up at my lab, because finding parts and (especially) the coolers is a challenge, to say the least.</p> <p>If you would like to help, and have a machine to spare, please can you contact me at my email address: <a href=""></a></p> <div class="h"><h3 id="kcma-d8-also-needed">KCMA-D8 also needed</h3><a aria-hidden="true" href="#kcma-d8-also-needed">[link]</a></div> <p>I’m also arranging for an assembled machine with KCMA-D8 in it to be sent to me - though I’m not yet sure if that will go through, so if you have one of those as well, I’d be interested too.</p> <div class="h"><h2 id="how-i-plan-to-re-add">How I plan to re-add</h2><a aria-hidden="true" href="#how-i-plan-to-re-add">[link]</a></div> <p>Dasharo produces updated coreboot images for KGPE-D16, with source code. They took coreboot from release 4.11 and updated the code. I plan to add support in lbmk (Libreboot’s build system) for using other coreboot repositories besides the official one, when downloading, patching and compiling for each board.</p> <p>In other words, I would integrate Dasharo’s coreboot repository in Libreboot, alongside the default one on</p> <p>As far as I know, Dasharo does not yet work on KCMA-D8 (that was the case, last time I checked), but I could inspect code differences between D8/D16 in coreboot’s branch <code>4.11_branch</code> and try to port those to Dasharo, to then put in Libreboot.</p> <p>Failing that (for KCMA-D8), I would just use <code>4.11_branch</code> from coreboot. D8/D16 support was dropped in coreboot after release 4.11, but updated code mostly fixing compiler issues and such, is available in a branch off of 4.11 called <code>4.11_branch</code>.</p> <p>When Libreboot dropped support for D8/D16, it wasn’t using <code>4.11_branch</code>. Instead, it was using the normal 4.11 tag in coreboot.git, with some extra patches on top provided by Libreboot.</p> <div id="footer"> <hr /> <ul> <li><a href="/news/policy.html">Binary Blob Reduction Policy</a></li> <li><a href="/freedom-status.html">Freedom status</a></li> <li><a href="">Canoeboot</a></li> <li><a href="/git.html">Edit this page</a></li> <li><a href="/license.html">License</a></li> <li><a href="/template-license.html">Template</a></li> <li><a href="/logo-license.html">Logo</a></li> <li><a href="/contrib.html">Authors</a></li> </ul> <hr /> </div> <p>Markdown file for this page: <a href="" class="uri"></a></p> <p><a href="/feed.xml">Subscribe to RSS for this site</a></p> <p><a href="/sitemap.html">Site map</a></p> <p>This HTML page was generated by the <a href="">Libreboot Static Site Generator</a>.</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>