Mortgages: Mortgage Rates, Mortgage Calculators & Mortgage News - WalletPop

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White</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 27th 2009 @ 4:30PM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Banks</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Refinancing</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><img align="right" alt="" src=""/>Score: Little guy, 1; bank, 0. It's a nice change. <br/> <br/> Two weeks ago, a bankruptcy court in suburban New York did the formerly unthinkable: It waived a homeowner's mortgage debt after the bank trying to foreclose on the home couldn't submit any proof that it actually had a claim on the property.<br/> <br/> According to the <a href=""><em>New York Times</em></a>, when lender PHH Mortgage was asked to provide proof that it actually held the deed for the $461,263 mortgage, it couldn't give the judge any records. <br/></span> <div class="postmeta"><p class="continueReading"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Continue reading <em>Mortgage debt waived after bank can't find paperwork</em></a></p> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Mortgage+debt+waived+after+bank+can%27t+find+paperwork')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>0</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Detroit can't sell repo houses, even for $500</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Tom Barlow</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 26th 2009 @ 3:00PM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Home</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Mortgages</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><img vspace="4" hspace="4" align="right" alt="Demolition" src=""/>What if you gave a house giveaway and nobody came? This was almost the scene last week as Wayne County (Detroit) tried to auction off almost 9,000 repossessed properties only to find over 80% of them drew nary a single bid, even with the minimum set at $500. <br/> <br/> According to <a href="">Reuters</a>, these properties would fill Central Park in New York City.<br/> <br/> The auction didn't go smoothly, however. Out-of-town speculators cherry-picked prime properties in areas such as the Boston-Edison district, while locals who showed up too late for registration weren't permitted to take part. <br/> <br/></span> <div class="postmeta"><p class="continueReading"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Continue reading <em>Detroit can't sell repo houses, even for $500</em></a></p> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Detroit+can%27t+sell+repo+houses%2C+even+for+%24500')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>2</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Property tax exemptions you can learn from by example</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Ryan Minick</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 26th 2009 @ 2:00PM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Home</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Saving Money</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Tax</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Video</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">The2MortgageGuys</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Mortgages</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Taxes-tax credits</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Taxes-tax deduction</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Refinancing</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;">If you live in Indiana and you're planning on buying or refinancing a home then you'll definitely want to file for you eligible property tax exemptions. And if you don't, then follow along and we'll explain some of the common exemptions as well as the impact it could make on your tax savings.<br/> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en&amp;fs=1&amp;" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Ryan Minick and Steve DeLon are The 2 Mortgage Guys. Subscribe to their <a href="">newsletter</a> or visit them at <a href=""></a>.</span> <div class="postmeta"> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Property+tax+exemptions+you+can+learn+from+by+example')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>0</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Poor Pam Anderson: Foiled by shiny tiles</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Gina Roberts-Grey</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 26th 2009 @ 11:00AM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Debt</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Home</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Recession</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Celebs &amp; Money</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><p><img align="right" src="" alt="pam anderson"/>Former <em>Baywatch</em> babe and rocker wife, <a href="">Pamela Anderson is having money woes</a>. The actress is reportedly $4.8 million in debt because of expensive renovations on her Malibu, California dream home. </p> <p>Anderson's been reportedly sobbing over the thought of having to sell her gilded palace complete, which comes complete with mirrored mosaics and platinum tiles surrounding the pool. The original price tag for the property was a modest $1.3 million and change. But renovations have led to Anderson being sued by five contractors because of unpaid bills.</p> <p>In an interview with British TV personality, Joe Swash, Anderson said she had been hit by the recession and let down by a string of investments. "I'm a little girl with two kids - how could you screw me?" she added.</p> <p>Anderson bemoaned "I'm going to sell it. I hate it" explaining that construction projects can destroy relationships and even cause some to commit suicide. "It rips your heart out" she said.</p> <p> </p></span> <div class="postmeta"> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Poor+Pam+Anderson%3A+Foiled+by+shiny+tiles')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>5</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Homes sales jump 9.4% in September</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Zac Bissonnette</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 23rd 2009 @ 4:00PM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><img vspace="4" hspace="4" border="1" align="right" src="" alt=""/>September homes sales jumped 9.4% to the highest level in two years, according to the National Association of Realtors, as home buyers took advantage of low prices to qualify for the first-time home buyer tax credit which is scheduled to expire in December -- although it seems likely to be extended in some form.<br/> <p><a href="">According to The Associated Press</a>, "The National Association of Realtors said Friday that sales rose 9.4 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.57 million in September, from a downwardly revised pace of 5.1 million in August. Sales had been expected to rise to an annual pace of 5.35 million, according to economists surveyed by Thomson Reuters."</p> <p>Stabilization in housing -- if it indeed that and not just the mother of all head fakes -- is good for the broader economy, but the housing bust has also created fantastic opportunities for first-time buyers. <a href="">According to an upcoming report from NAR</a>, first-time buyers accounted for an astounded 45% of all home sales over the past year.</p> "The current housing supply is the lowest we've seen in two and a half years," NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun said. "If we could continue to absorb inventory at this pace, home prices would return to normal, modest appreciation patterns next year."<br/> <br/> But keep this in mind: The National Association of Realtors is a trade group and Lawrence Yun is one of the four or five dumbest people in America and <a href="">has been wrong about everything that he's ever said in his entire life</a>.</span> <div class="postmeta"> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Homes+sales+jump+9.4%25+in+September')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>0</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> New home buyers flock to FHA loans</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Zac Bissonnette</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 23rd 2009 @ 8:00AM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><img vspace="4" hspace="4" border="1" align="right" alt="" src=""/>With government intervention already driving the housing market in the form of tax credits and artificially low mortgage rates, there's also been a dramatic increase in the number of home buyers who are seeking out low-down payment through the federally guaranteed FHA loan program.<br/> <br/> A <a href="">new survey conducted by John Burns Real Estate Consulting</a> found that that 59% of this year's new construction sales have been dependent on FHA, VA or USDA financing programs with 96.5% to 100% loan-to-value ratios.<br/> <br/> That means that, contrary to the popular myths about the need for huge down payments in this tight lending market, most new home buyers are using programs that require minimal down payments and relatively low credit scores.<br/> <br/> In the broader housing market, including resale, the FHA is also picking up market share.<br/> <br/> <a href="">According to The Wall Street Journal</a>, "The share of purchase applications for government-backed loans by the Federal Housing Administration and other agencies surpassed 40% in August, up from 38% in July and 32% in August 2008. That's the highest share that the MBA has measured since February 1991."<br/> <br/> The downside? FHA Loans are only available to first-time home buyers. But if you're a prospective first-time home buyer worried that you won't be able to get a mortgage, it's definitely worth doing some research in to the FHA programs.</span> <div class="postmeta"> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'New+home+buyers+flock+to+FHA+loans')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>0</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Recession takes a toll on cemeteries</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">David Schepp</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 20th 2009 @ 9:00AM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Saving Money</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Simplification</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Recession</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><img vspace="4" hspace="4" border="1" align="right" alt="" src=""/>There's an old saying about death being a recession-proof business. After all, come hell or high water (or maybe because of them), somebody's going to die. But the nation's cemeteries are facing a tough row to hoe as recession-weary consumers pare down burial plans and escalating real-estate prices crimp land purchases.<br/> <br/> That's leaving some in Provincetown, Mass., to wonder if the town cemetery, with just six plots left, <a href="">won't soon run out of space, </a>reports <em>USAToday.</em> While the Cape Cod community has set aside money to acquire two acres of adjacent land, it isn't certain the town council will release the money to fund the purchase, when other needs, such as schools and street maintenance, are also under the surgeon's knife.</span> <div class="postmeta"><p class="continueReading"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Continue reading <em>Recession takes a toll on cemeteries</em></a></p> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Recession+takes+a+toll+on+cemeteries')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>1</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Mortgage rates may be on the rise, but you can still land a good deal</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Lita Epstein</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 19th 2009 @ 2:00PM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Borrowing</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Personal loans</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Mortgages</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><img hspace="4" border="1" align="right" vspace="4" src="" alt=""/>When it comes to finding the best deal on mortgage rates, some homeowners might be feeling as if they missed the boat.<br/> <br/> Earlier this month, interest rates on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages hit their lowest point since the spring, falling to 4.89 percent. Plenty of homeowners rushed to take advantage of those cheap rates with mortgage applications climbing 18.2% week over week, according to <a href="">the Mortgage Bankers Association</a>. But last week rates were on the rise again. Last Friday, the rate on the average 30-year mortgage hit 5.32%, according to <a href=""></a>. <br/> <strong><br/> </strong>Those who failed to lock in those sub-five percent rates are now faced with a quandary: Refinance now before rates rise even further or wait for rates to start falling again.</span> <div class="postmeta"><p class="continueReading"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Continue reading <em>Mortgage rates may be on the rise, but you can still land a good deal</em></a></p> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Mortgage+rates+may+be+on+the+rise%2C+but+you+can+still+land+a+good+deal')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>0</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Refis on the Rise: Time to Take the Plunge?</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Troy McMullen</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 15th 2009 @ 2:00PM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Credit</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Credit Reports</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Refinancing</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><img hspace="4" border="1" align="right" vspace="4" alt="houses" src=""/>In the morass of glum housing news, there is one bright spot: Tantalizing low mortgage rates are continuing to entice more homeowners to refinance. The number of applications to refinance has tripled in the past year, says the Mortgage Bankers Assn. <br/> <br/> Refinance applications soared 18% in the week ending Oct. 2 compared with the previous week, according to the <a href="">Mortgage Bankers Assn</a>. Rates on 30-year fixed rate conforming home loans dropped to 4.89% -- their lowest level in four months. (They hit a record low of 4.78% in the spring.) Some refinance rates are even better for borrowers with stronger credit, say experts.</span> <div class="postmeta"><p class="continueReading"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Continue reading <em>Refis on the Rise: Time to Take the Plunge?</em></a></p> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Refis+on+the+Rise%3A+Time+to+Take+the+Plunge%3F')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>0</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Mortgage lenders are quite pleased with the housing market</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Geoff Williams</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 15th 2009 @ 12:00PM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><a href=""><img hspace="4" border="1" align="right" vspace="4" alt="Mortgage broker" src=""/></a>Home sweet home doesn't mean quite what it used to. Not to homeowners who want to sell their home but can't, thanks to a weak market. Not to those facing foreclosure, who will soon lose the roof over their heads. Not to the potential home buyers who are having more trouble securing loans than they used to. And not to real estate agents, who are having more trouble selling those houses these days and are seeing their commissions dropping.<br/> <br/> But mortgage lenders like the old saying just fine, and as a group, they're probably quite pleased by the current state of the market.<br/></span> <div class="postmeta"><p class="continueReading"><a href="" rel="bookmark">Continue reading <em>Mortgage lenders are quite pleased with the housing market</em></a></p> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Mortgage+lenders+are+quite+pleased+with+the+housing+market')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>0</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Sending Stockton our sympathies</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Ann Brenoff</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 14th 2009 @ 4:30PM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Bargains</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><img hspace="4" border="1" align="right" vspace="4" src="" alt=""/>Poor Stockton California just can't get a break. The community of 300,000, located between Modesto and Sacramento, recently earned the dubious distinction of being home to the cheapest house on the market in California. <br/> <br/> The cost? $25,000. (Although the house in the photo to the right is appropriately rustic, it is not the house in question.) <br/> <br/> While we prefer to avoid superlatives, and have to believe that there is a mobile home lurking somewhere out in the bleakest corner of the Mojave Desert that must be listed for less, reports say that the <a href="">600-square-foot two-bedroom home </a>was cited as "the least expensive single-family home in the seven-county area served by the Metrolist multiple listing service that doesn't involve a bank-owned or short sale transaction." <br/> <br/> Them's fighting words. Especially piled on top of reports that called Stockton "Ground Zero" for the housing meltdown (although many communities may be in contention for that honor) and a recent Forbes' report which put it at the top of the "Most Miserable Cities" list. <br/> <br/> Stockton led the country in foreclosures in 2007, with one out of every 30 homes posted for foreclosure. Ouch. In 2009, Forbes also called Stockton "America's fifth most dangerous city" because of its crime rate. Need more? Charles Manson family member, "Squeaky Fromme," called Stockton home for awhile. But then, even she moved on.<br/> <br/> If real estate is all about location, location, location, is $25,000 too much to pay for a home in a town that some have referred to as "the armpit" of California? Ask an investor <a href="">buying property in Detroit </a>what they think.<br/></span> <div class="postmeta"> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Sending+Stockton+our+sympathies')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>1</em>)</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div> <div class="synops"><h2 style="font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:-1px; line-height:1.1em;"><a href=""> Is real estate profession wearing 'For sale' sign?</a></h2><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection" style="margin-top:0px;"> <div class="aboutPost" style="width:450px;"><span class="postAuth">Ann Brenoff</span> <span class="postDate">Oct 13th 2009 @ 5:00PM EST</span> <span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Real Estate</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Career</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Recession</a></span></div> <br clear="all"><span style="color: rgb(125, 87, 71); padding:10px 0px;line-height:1.417em;"><img vspace="4" hspace="4" border="1" align="right" src="" alt=""/>Don't be surprised if the greeter at Wal-Mart is the guy who sold you your house. The housing market's decline has sent once-successful realty agents scrambling for second jobs or dumping the profession altogether.<br/> <br/> According to a piece in the <a href="">Wall Street Journal</a>, Realtors, brokers and builders whose incomes rely on sales commissions, all took a beating these past few years as the housing market imploded.<br/> <br/> The National Association of Realtors reports that the median income for Realtors and brokers fell to $36,700 last year from a high of $49,300 in 2004. Membership in the group dropped from 1.35 million to 1.14 million from September 2008 to September 2009.<br/> <br/> Where have all the agents gone? Traditionally when the sales market slowed down, real estate agents would fall back on the related fields of doing appraisals or selling title insurance. But this recession has been so lingering and so deep, those options have been impacted as well and are less available.<br/> <br/> Some agents, handy with a camera, have set up shop as real estate photographers -- shooting MLS photos for their colleagues with listings. Others, with an eye toward interior design, now provide home staging services. More than a few have jumped on the speeding train and become certified foreclosure agents. <br/> <br/> One enterprising agent, Riverside Georgia's Cassandra Black, began <a href="">Foreclosure Cleanup </a>in 2008, a service cleaning out foreclosed homes for banks. She's also a leading seller of ebooks on how to do what she did -- or open any business in a down economy. <br/> <br/> As for the rest of the displaced agents? A few who socked away their nuts for the winter -- make that nuclear winter -- may just be sunning themselves on a cheap beach in Mexico. Or filing out their application for Starbucks.</span> <div class="postmeta"> <div class="navbar clearfix" style="padding-bottom:20px;"><ul><li class="email-this"><a href="" title="Send this entry to a friend via email">Email this</a></li><li class="tweet-this"><a href=";status=From @walletpop:">Tweet this</a></li><li><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --><a class="sharelink" href="" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '', 'Is+real+estate+profession+wearing+%27For+sale%27+sign%3F')" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onclick="return addthis_sendto()">Share</a><!-- AddThis Button END --></li> <li class="comments"><a href="" title="View reader comments on this entry">Comments (<em>20</em>)</a></li></ul></div><!-- div><a class="rdmore" href="">More WalletPop Blog Posts</a></div --></div></div></div> </div></div><br clear="all"></ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="leftCol"> <div class="skip"><a href="#centerCol">Skip nav</a></div> <!--Spot=Left_Rail_2 fragmentid=1612--><!-- Dynad serving ads for 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But I don鈥榯 know if this is the right time to do...')" target="_blank">The best time to invest in a 401(k)? Now</a></li> <li> <a href="" onclick="doFMClick(this,'','')" onmouseout="javascript:hidePop()" onmouseover="javascript:showPop(event,this,'Ever wonder how your health insurance premium is calculated if you鈥榬e covered under your employer鈥榮 plan?')" target="_blank">How does group health insurance work?</a></li> <li> <a href="" onclick="doFMClick(this,'','')" onmouseout="javascript:hidePop()" onmouseover="javascript:showPop(event,this,'Brazil has a lot of reasons to celebrate these days. It recently won the competition to host the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, as well as...')" target="_blank">Forget China, Brazil's a cheaper investment</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="feedsFooter"> <a href="" target="_blank">More Money Feeds</a> </div> </div> <!--Spot=Right_Rail_4 fragmentid=2161--><div class="blogmodule"> <div class="header"> <h3></h3> </div> <div class="body"> <ul><div class="walletpop_blogs"><div class="header"><h3></h3></div><div class="walletpop_top_blogs"><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection"><div class="postPhoto"><a href=""><img src="" alt="David Schepp" class="avatar"/></a></div><div class="aboutPost"><span class="postAuth">David Schepp</span><span class="postDate">Oct 23rd 2009 @ 1:00PM </span><span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Borrowing</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">College</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Debt</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Kids and Money</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Saving Money</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Career</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Wealth</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">School</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Economizer</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Personal loans</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Student Loans</a></span></div></div></div><div class="blog_post"><div class="synops"><h3><a href="">Sarah Lawrence once again tops list of pricey colleges</a></h3><p style="color:#7D5747;padding-bottom:6px;"> Think your kid's college bill is pricey? 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As staggering as that sum sounds, August actually marked...<div class="readMore"><a href="">Read More</a> | <a href="">Comments</a> (2)</div></div></div><div class="blog_post"><div class="photosection"><div class="postPhoto"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Jason Cochran" class="avatar"/></a></div><div class="aboutPost"><span class="postAuth">Jason Cochran</span><span class="postDate">Oct 7th 2009 @ 12:02AM </span><span class="postFiledUnder"><span class="filedUnderHeader">Filed Under: </span><a href="" rel="tag">Borrowing</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Entrepreneurship</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Extracurriculars</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Investing</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Celebs &amp; Money</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Video</a></span></div></div></div><div class="blog_post"><div class="synops"><h3><a href="">AfterShark: Lisa Lloyd way over her head with her Treasure Chest Pets</a></h3><p style="color:#7D5747;padding-bottom:6px;"> Having a good business idea isn't enough to make money. You also need the means to execute it. 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These tips can make it happen.')" target="_blank">8 ways to find and keep a temporary job</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="feedsFooter"> <a href="" target="_blank"><b>More</b></a> </div> </div> <!--Spot=Footer_2 fragmentid=526--><div class="clear"> </div><!--Spot=Footer_2 fragmentid=1630--><div class="partnersHeader"><h3>More Great Sites</h3></div> <!--Spot=Footer_2 fragmentid=1658--><div class="feedsmodule2"> <div class="header"> <a href="" target="_self"><img src="" alt="BloggingStocks" title="BloggingStocks"/></a> <div class="credit"></div> </div> <div class="body"> <ul><li> <a href="" onclick="doFMClick(this,'','')" onmouseout="javascript:hidePop()" onmouseover="javascript:showPop(event,this,'Filed under: Stocks to Buy The global recovery is underway, and that鈥榮 goods news for Cummins, Inc. 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The home fear du jour is toxic Chinese...')" target="_blank">Avoid Chinese-Drywall Torture</a></li> <li> <a href="" onclick="doFMClick(this,'','')" onmouseout="javascript:hidePop()" onmouseover="javascript:showPop(event,this,'Filed under: Advice Rented Spaces : Probably not, unless you live in an apartment with a monthly rent higher than $2,000. But, Stuy Town and...')" target="_blank">Can You Benefit From N.Y.'s Stuy Town Verdict?</a></li> <li> <a href="" onclick="doFMClick(this,'','')" onmouseout="javascript:hidePop()" onmouseover="javascript:showPop(event,this,'Rented Spaces : Outsource your life! That鈥榮 a premise of the mega-seller book by Timothy Ferriss called The 4-Hour Work Week. Seems Georgetown...')" target="_blank">Want a 4-Hour Workweek?</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="feedsFooter"> <a href="" target="_blank"><b>More RentedSpaces</b></a> </div> </div> <!--Spot=Footer_2 fragmentid=1662--><div class="feedsmodule2"> <div class="header"> <a href="" target="_self"><img src="" alt="DailyFinance" title="DailyFinance"/></a> <div class="credit"></div> </div> <div class="body"> <ul><li> <a href="" onclick="doFMClick(this,'','')" onmouseout="javascript:hidePop()" onmouseover="javascript:showPop(event,this,'Filed under: Bank of America , Citigroup , General Motors Several media reports say that GMAC, the former lending arm of GM, is negotiating...')" target="_blank">GMAC seeks $5.6 billion more from government</a></li> <li> <a href="" onclick="doFMClick(this,'','')" onmouseout="javascript:hidePop()" onmouseover="javascript:showPop(event,this,'Filed under: Company News , Healthcare , Pfizer Pfizer Inc. ( PFE ) sure is no stranger to finding itself in court. The pharmaceutical giant is...')" target="_blank">Pfizer in court again, this time for Wyeth's menopause treatment Prempro</a></li> <li> <a href="" onclick="doFMClick(this,'','')" onmouseout="javascript:hidePop()" onmouseover="javascript:showPop(event,this,'Filed under: Time Warner The media recession may be gradually lifting, according to Rupert Murdoch and Janet Robinson , but that doesn鈥榯 mean...')" target="_blank">Layoff train making stops at Forbes, Time Inc.</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="feedsFooter"> <a href="" target="_blank"><b>More at DailyFinance</b></a> </div> </div> <!--Spot=Footer_2 fragmentid=1663--><div class="feedsmodule2"> <div class="header"> <a href="" target="_self"><img src="" alt="WalletPop UK" title="WalletPop UK"/></a> <div class="credit"></div> </div> <div class="body"> <ul><li> <a href="" onclick="doFMClick(this,'','')" onmouseout="javascript:hidePop()" onmouseover="javascript:showPop(event,this,'I鈥榤 a Twitterer. I tweet, all day, banging on about whatever stupid things I鈥榲e been doing (usual involving spilling tea). I use it to promote...')" target="_blank">Back to work! 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