CRM Training and Webinars - Destination CRM

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Register now to stay ahead in the age of AI-driven customer experiences! </p> <h4> Sponsored by: CRM </h4> <h4> Coming June 18, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_8" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_8" href="">Mastering Hybrid Contact Centers: Overcoming Key Challenges</a> </h3> <p> Learn how to ensure seamless communication and collaboration, integrate technology for both remote and on-site teams, and implement strong security measures for data protection and compliance. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Verint and NICE </h4> <h4> Coming July 16, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_9" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_9" href="">Smart Customer Journeys with AI and Technology</a> </h3> <p> Discover how AI and automation are streamlining processes, predicting customer needs, and delivering consistent, data-driven engagement across channels like social media, email, and live chat. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Genesys and NICE </h4> <h4> Coming July 30, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_10" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_10" href="">Omnichannel Solutions for Smarter Customer Care: Harnessing AI and Data</a> </h3> <p> Learn how AI and automation enable faster, more accurate responses, and discover how businesses are using data to deliver personalized experiences at scale. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Verint and csg </h4> <h4> Coming August 13, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_11" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_11" href="">Marketing Automation for the Midmarket: Tools Built for Growing Businesses</a> </h3> <p> Learn from industry experts about automation tools designed for growing businesses. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Verint </h4> <h4> Coming August 27, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_12" href="!.htm"><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_12" href="!.htm">Sales Enablement 2025: Support Your Sales Team This Year!</a> </h3> <p> Our panel of experts will delve into essential topics, from AI-driven analytics that predict customer behavior and personalize interactions to sales gamification techniques that motivate and engage teams. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: CRM </h4> <h4> Coming September 10, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_13" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_13" href="">Customer Service Reinvented: CCaaS, WEM, and AI in Action</a> </h3> <p> Learn how to elevate employee performance, engage your workforce, and deliver unmatched customer experiences. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Genesys and NICE </h4> <h4> Coming September 24, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_14" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_14" href="">Unlock CRM, CDPs, and AI for Next-Level Customer Insights</a> </h3> <p> Our panel of industry experts will dive deep into how CDPs can drive personalized marketing, improve engagement, and enhance the overall customer experience. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: CRM </h4> <h4> Coming October 01, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_15" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_15" href="">Predictive Analytics & AI: The Future of Customer Service</a> </h3> <p> Our panel of industry leaders will unpack real-world applications and cutting-edge trends that can help you stay ahead in today's fast-evolving market. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: CRM </h4> <h4> Coming October 15, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_16" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_16" href="">The Role of AI in Compliance and Data Privacy</a> </h3> <p> Our panel of industry leaders will share actionable insights on the latest advancements in AI for compliance — from real-time monitoring and automated reporting to proactive threat detection. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: CRM </h4> <h4> Coming October 29, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_17" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_17" href="">AI in Fraud Detection and Prevention</a> </h3> <p> According to McKinsey, AI-driven systems can prevent 5 to 10 times more fraud than traditional rules-based methods, highlighting the powerful role AI plays in safeguarding businesses and customers. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: CRM </h4> <h4> Coming November 05, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_18" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_18" href="">The Power of Personalization: AI-Driven Strategies for Customer Loyalty</a> </h3> <p> Our panel will discuss the latest advancements in AI tools that analyze customer data to create tailored recommendations, customized marketing, and personalized journeys. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Genesys </h4> <h4> Coming November 19, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_19" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_19" href="">2025 Customer Experience Wins - What Worked and Why</a> </h3> <p> In this session, we'll break down how innovative solutions—ranging from AI-driven customer support to seamless omnichannel engagement—delivered measurable gains in satisfaction, retention, and operational efficiency. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: CRM </h4> <h4> Coming December 03, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_20" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl00_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_20" href="">AI, Automation, and Omnichannel: Redefining Customer Support in 2025</a> </h3> <p> Our panel will explore how these cutting-edge technologies are driving customer satisfaction and boosting operational efficiency. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: CRM </h4> <h4> Coming December 17, 2025</h4> </div> </section> <div class="advertisement ad_leaderboard"> <div id="div-gpt-ad-1573494509399-0" style="height:90px;width:728px;"> <script defer type="text/javascript"> googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1573494509399-0'); }); </script> </div> </div> <div class="section_title"> On-Demand </div> <section class="webinar_grid"> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_0" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_0" href="">Optimizing Outbound Communications: Strategies and Technologies for Effective Customer Engagement</a> </h3> <p> By ensuring the correct contact data and call authenticity, and delivering consistent brand experiences, companies can reduce costs, enhance customer satisfaction and protect their reputations. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: TransUnion </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Mar. 12, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_1" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_1" href="">Conversational AI: Revolutionizing Customer Interactions</a> </h3> <p> Join our expert panel to find out how AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants are elevating customer experience and driving operational efficiency. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE, Cognigy, and </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Mar. 05, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_2" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_2" href="">8 Tips to Set Your CX Team Up for Success in 2025</a> </h3> <p> Whether you're navigating tighter budgets, AI implementation or challenges, or rising customer demands, this session will equip you with the tools and insights needed to build a future-ready CX team. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Forethought </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Feb. 26, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_3" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_3" href="">Understanding Customer Journeys: Why Playvox by NICE is the Perfect Companion for CRM Systems</a> </h3> <p> Join us for an insightful webinar to discover how integrating the capabilities of Playvox by NICE and CRM systems can help you deliver a superior omnichannel customer experience. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Playvox by NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Feb. 19, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_4" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_4" href="">Generative AI: Shaping the Future of Customer Engagement</a> </h3> <p> In this roundtable, industry experts will explore the cutting-edge applications of generative AI that are driving deeper customer engagement and loyalty. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE and Verint </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Feb. 12, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_5" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_5" href="">CX Megatrends to Watch in 2025 and Beyond</a> </h3> <p> Join our panel of experts as they share their predictions and offer their expertise on the future of customer service. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Nextiva, NICE and Verint </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Jan. 15, 2025</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_6" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_6" href="">Transforming Quality Management with GenAI: Precision, Personalization, and Impact</a> </h3> <p> In this session, industry leaders explore how AI-powered automation and intelligent coaching are reshaping the quality management landscape. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Dec. 18, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_7" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_7" href="">Conversational Customer Service: Convenience Everywhere</a> </h3> <p> Learn about the transformative impact of personalized customer interactions in sectors ranging from retail and healthcare to finance and utilities, and discover how these technologies are revolutionizing customer service delivery. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Dec. 11, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_8" href="!.htm"><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_8" href="!.htm">2024 Contact Center Success Stories: What Went Right!</a> </h3> <p> Join us for a straightforward webcast discussing real-world success stories in the contact center industry. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE, Replicant, Nextiva and Dialpad </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Dec. 04, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_9" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_9" href="">AI & Knowledge Management for Customers and Agents</a> </h3> <p> Learn how AI can help you streamline knowledge creation, prompt effective interactions, and adapt to customer feedback. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE and Coveo </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Nov. 20, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_10" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_10" href="">How Proactive Outbound Engagement Can Raise the CX Bar for Your Organization</a> </h3> <p> In this webinar, we will explore how proactive outbound engagement can leverage AI to anticipate customer needs and provide timely, personalized outreach. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Nov. 13, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_11" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_11" href="">Harnessing AI in Modern Customer Engagement Center</a> </h3> <p> Join our insightful webcast featuring thought leaders who will discuss real-world success stories and data-backed strategies for integrating AI into your customer engagement operations. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Verint and NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Nov. 06, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_12" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_12" href="">Omnichannel Contact Centers in the Age of AI</a> </h3> <p> Learn how AI can analyze data from multiple touchpoints to optimize resource allocation and identify top-performing channels. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Talkdesk </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Oct. 30, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_13" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_13" href="">The AI Behind Today's Virtual and Human Super Agents</a> </h3> <p> Join this discussion of how purpose-built CX AI can result in both live and virtual agent augmentation for the ultimate customer experiences. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Oct. 23, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_14" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_14" href="">Evolving Experiences With AI: CX Leaders Reveal the Path Ahead</a> </h3> <p> Join Greg Thomas and Ginger Conlon, from the thought leadership team at Genesys, as they present key findings from the report and discuss what lies ahead for AI in the customer and employee experience. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Genesys </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Oct. 16, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_15" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_15" href="">Knowledge-Backed GenAI for Customer Service: Lessons Learned and Success Stories</a> </h3> <p> Per Gartner, 100% of GenAI virtual assistants for customers and contact center agents will fail without knowledge management (KM) by 2025. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: eGain </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Oct. 09, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_16" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_16" href="">Unlock the Power of AI for Superior Contact Center Analytics</a> </h3> <p> Join us for an exclusive webcast that delves into how AI-powered contact center analytics can transform customer experiences in real time. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE, Balto and </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Sep. 25, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_17" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_17" href="">Chatbots, Virtual Assistants, and Generative AI: The Future of Customer Engagement</a> </h3> <p> Learn why 88% of business leaders reported an improvement in customer attitudes towards AI and automation this year. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Verint, NICE, and Replicant </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Sep. 11, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_18" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_18" href="">Beyond the Obvious: The New Era of Interaction Management</a> </h3> <p> Join us as we explore how being proactive in interaction management is not just an option; it's a necessity. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Sep. 04, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_19" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_19" href="">2024 KPI Benchmarks: Uncovering AI's Impact on the Contact Center</a> </h3> <p> Discover how the latest benchmark data can help you stay ahead in the rapidly changing world of customer interactions. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Talkdesk </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Aug. 28, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_20" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_20" href="">Achieving Excellence in Digital CX with AI</a> </h3> <p> In the spirit of the Olympics, this webinar explores how organizations can aim for the gold standard in digital customer experience (CX) using AI. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Aug. 13, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_21" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_21" href="">How AI Can Unlock the Voice of the Customer</a> </h3> <p> Our panel of experts will delve into cutting-edge AI applications that offer actionable insights to elevate your customer experience strategies. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Verint, NICE and OneMagnify </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Jul. 10, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_22" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_22" href="">How AI-Assisted Self-Service Can Transform Your CX</a> </h3> <p> With 69% of consumers actively solving problems on their own, AI-assisted customer service solutions allow your organization to meet this growing demand while saving valuable resources. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE, Coveo and </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Jun. 26, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_23" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_23" href="">Achieve CX Automation Across All Customer Engagements: Elevate Your CX with Seamless Automation</a> </h3> <p> The only way to meet rising customer expectations, without blowing your budget, is through CX automation. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Verint </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Jun. 20, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_24" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_24" href="">Contact Center Transformation with AI and Automation</a> </h3> <p> Join us on this roundtable webcast and learn from our panel of experts, who will help you realize the full value of your own contact center transformation. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Verint and Coveo </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Jun. 12, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_25" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_25" href="">Trapped by Your MAP? Strategies to Unlock Efficient Lead Lifecycle Management</a> </h3> <p> Learn the power of modern automation in orchestrating an airtight lead funnel for fast and flexible lead lifecycle management. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: May. 22, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_26" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_26" href="">Beyond ChatGPT: Navigating the New Era of CX AI</a> </h3> <p> Don't miss these insights into the journey of generative AI and its profound influence on the world of CX. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: May. 08, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_27" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_27" href="">Let's Get CX AI Ready: Shoot for 3 Practical Ways to Score CX Points</a> </h3> <p> Join this webinar to learn about becoming CX AI ready and get 3 practical ways to leverage purpose-built CX AI now. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: May. 01, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_28" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_28" href="">5 Things You Are Compromising by Not Using AQM</a> </h3> <p> This session will uncover how lacking AQM can affect your business, from the precision of your evaluations to your team's morale. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Apr. 10, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_29" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_29" href="">AI's Role in a Customer Support Center</a> </h3> <p> Join us for a game-changing roundtable webcast that explores the transformative power of AI in revolutionizing customer support centers. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Verint and NICE </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Apr. 03, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_30" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_30" href="">Generating Self-Service Success</a> </h3> <p> Learn how some companies saw 20% lift in self-service and search time down by 40% while implementing GenAI solutions. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: Coveo </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Mar. 27, 2024</h4> </div> <div class="webinar_grid_single"> <div> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarImage_31" href=""><img class="lazy" data-original="" /></a> </div> <h3> <a id="MainContentPlaceHolder_ctl02_ctl00_rptWebinars_lnkWebinarTitle_31" href="">Automate To Elevate: Deliver Great Customer Experiences With AI and Automation</a> </h3> <p> The latest research completed by Aberdeen Strategy & Research shows that balancing cost containment and efficiency gains with advances in customer satisfaction has now become the number one priority for CX leaders. </p> <h4> Sponsored by: ServiceNow </h4> <h4> Original Broadcast Date: Mar. 20, 2024</h4> </div> </section> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="footer_wrapper"> <div class="footer_section" id="address"> <div style="margin: 5px; 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