Results -  The Lens - Free & Open Patent and Scholarly Search

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For example Publication Date vs Filing Date.';x['user.collections.public'] = 'Published';x['classification.explorer'] = 'Classification Explorer';x[''] = 'Lens API Terms of Use';x['user.profile.feature.follow'] = 'Follow & Share';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme1.sub'] = 'Default';x['my.account'] = 'My Account';x['analysis.intro'] = 'This screen provides an overview of the most important facets of your search. Filtering via the controls on the left will continue to update these visualsations.';x['search.table.identifiers'] = 'Identifiers';x['query.metrics.patent-records'] = 'Patent Records';x['subscription.checkout.continue'] = 'Continue »';x['filters.flag.nationalPhaseEntry'] = 'Has National Phase';x['results.graphical.analysis.limit.description'] = 'Analysis for large result sets can suffer from timeouts. Limiting your search by applying some filters should be able to bring your total results under 10 million.';x['common.overview'] = 'Overview';x['user.profile.feature.personal.brand'] = 'Personal Brand';x['common.error.useful.links.list'] = 'Clear local Lens cache and reset all settings';x['filters.patent.classCpc'] = 'CPC Classification Code';x['query.metrics.citing.patents.tip'] = 'The unique count of patents that cite scholarly works in the result set';x['subscription.landing.granted.patents'] = 'Granted Patents';x[''] = 'N.B. You must you use your institutional email address (e.g. .gov, .edu, .org, etc.) with your Lens account.';x['pricing.faq.users.professional.answer.2'] = 'However, if a user is employed by an institution that has subscribed to the Institutional Toolkit, they are eligible for a Professional Workspace under that license (see below).';x['results.graphical.wizard.funders.logo.grid'] = 'Funding Organisations Logo Grid';x['common.unknown.document'] = 'Unknown Document';x['common.x.axis'] = 'X axis';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['notes.patent.scope.FULL_TEXT'] = 'Full text';x['filters.flag.cited_by_patent'] = 'Cited By Patent';x['pricing.common.account.types'] = 'Account Types';x['user.workarea.history.psf.title'] = '<strong>PatSeq Finder<\/strong> History.';x[''] = 'Show less';x['query.details.BIOF'] = 'BIOF';x['wizard.start.typing'] = 'Start typing...';x['results.graphical.wizard.cited.inventors'] = 'Most Cited Inventors';x['starting.wizard.start.scholar'] = 'Start Scholar Search';x['user.workarea.project.edit'] = 'Edit Project';x['boolean.query.near'] = 'near';x[''] = 'Author';x['searchBar.searchWithin.button'] = 'Search Within';x['itk.faq.need.more.answers'] = 'Need more answers?';x['labs.apps.lens2r'] = 'lens2r';x['user.profile.wizard.find.patents'] = 'Find Your Patents';x['anno.tour.skip'] = 'Skip Tour';x[''] = 'Explore Biological Sequences';x['query.details.scholar'] = 'Scholar';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.badLink'] = 'Deletion link is either expired or incorrect.';x['common.readmore'] = 'Read More';x['search.set.actions'] = 'Set Actions';x[''] = 'Biologicals';x['common.toc'] = 'Table of Contents';x['patentField.usClassifications'] = 'US Classifications';x[''] = 'Year To Date';x['inventorship.button.record'] = 'Record Inventorship';x['filters.from'] = 'Filter from';x[''] = 'Top';x['common.action.delete.all.sure'] = 'Really Delete All?';x['user.tags.renamed'] = 'Tag Renamed';x['user.claim.inventorship.patents'] = 'patents';x['results.graphical.colour.blueorange'] = 'blueorange';x['homePage.ctaLink'] = 'Get Started';x['collection.common.static'] = 'Static Collections';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.NPL_RESOLVED_EXTERNAL_IDS'] = 'NPL Resolved External ID(s)';x[''] = 'Abstract is not publicly available yet.';x[''] = 'Payment Date';x['error.filters'] = 'An error occurred retrieving the filters.';x['common.autofill'] = 'Auto Fill';x['user.settings.recordHistory.message'] = 'To opt in or out of your search history being recorded by default please use the checkbox here.';x['itk.faq.a2.tier.funders.list'] = '<li>Tier 1: > $300M disbursements in the last 3 years<\/li><li>Tier 2: $50M - $300M disbursements in the last 3 years<\/li><li>Tier 3: $5M - $50M disbursements in the last 3 years<\/li><li>Tier 4: < $5M disbursements in the last 3 years<\/li>';x['home.form.reports'] = 'Reports';x['user.account.use.commercial.definition'] = '<p>If you use The Lens in the course of your work for a for-profit entity, or providing services to a for-profit entity, we define this as Commercial Use. Individual users who currently use or plan to use The Lens platform or metadata for commercial purposes must have a commercial use license to do so. The Lens requires that you license your use through a <a href=\"\" title=\"This link opens in a new tab\" target=\"_blank\">commercial use agreement<\/a>. Doing so will ensure that your use is in compliance with The Lens <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Use<\/a> and helps maintain the sustainability of the platform.<\/p><b>N.B.<\/b> If you do not subscribe to a commercial use license within 14 days of confirming your use type, your work area will be disabled and you will not be able to access the work area until you subscribe.';x['results.graphical.histogram.multi'] = 'Multi Date Histogram';x[''] = 'Support Center';x['results.tabview.anaysis'] = 'Analysis View';x['results.view.article'] = 'View Scholarly Work';x['results.graphical.go.list.view'] = 'Go to List View';x['common.unlink'] = 'Unlink';x['user.registration.institution.type.public.good'] = 'Public-good Institutions';x['user.saved.queries.notifications'] = 'Notifications';x[''] = 'Group by Families';x['filters.query.lang.en'] = 'English';x[''] = 'Decision Support Tool';x[''] = 'Spanish';x['pricing.account.commercial'] = 'Commercial Use';x[''] = 'Citing Works';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.KIND'] = 'Kind';x[''] = 'Profiles in detail';x['subscription.api.token.expire.text'] = 'Tokens will expire in 12 months. A reminder email will be sent prior to expiry.';x['user.reports.upload.facility'] = 'Upload Facility';x['subscription.scholar.bulk.downloads'] = 'Lens Scholarly Bulk Downloads';x['results.view.custom.sources'] = 'Sources';x['user.collections.import.title'] = 'Import into Collection';x['cap.landing.action.common.good'] = 'Uncommon Action for Common Good';x[''] = 'Sorry, no facet data available';x[''] = 'Data Sharing';x[''] = 'scholarly works, including granular licensing information and a colour system to define modes of open access. Open access status is determined using a combination of Unpaywall data, the DOAJ journal list (where the work is published after the journal DOAJ listing date) or listing in PubMed Central.';x[''] = 'scholarly works';x['patent.document.section.examiners'] = 'Examiners';x['scholar.field.source.type.cited'] = 'Source Type';x[''] = 'French';x[''] = 'Applicants';x['pricing.enterprise'] = 'Commercial Enterprise';x['results.graphical.wizard.patents.over.time'] = 'Patents over time';x['results.graphical.wizard.substances.overtime'] = 'Substances Over Time';x['support.more.answers'] = 'Need More Answers?';x['itk.roadmap.orcid.wizard.para'] = 'Building on the existing ORCID functionality on Lens for users to link their ORCID record, claim their <a href=\"\">Lens Profiles<\/a> and record <a href=\"\">Authorship & Inventorship<\/a> in Lens and sync them to ORCID, we plan to add functionality for ORCID member institutions to manage staff ORCID records as part of an ITK. As an ORCID-certified service provider, Lens will implement functionality for institutions to update ORCID records for their academic staff, including reading from and writing to individual ORCID records with the users permission, allowing institutions to add/update works and affiliations for all staff directly from the Lens platform. In addition, an ORCID reporting facility will be developed allowing institutions to review the coverage and completeness of staff ORCID records.';x[''] = 'No history items yet';x[''] = 'In';x['common.size'] = 'Size';x[''] = 'Terms of Use';x[''] = 'Cites';x['user.profile.error'] = 'Error!';x[''] = 'US Classifications';x[''] = 'Save As Image';x['results.graphical.dashboard.session.reset'] = 'Changes to visualisations here will be reset at the end of your browser session';x['subscription.landing.get.started'] = 'Get Started';x['subscription.patseq.feature.api.text'] = 'An API is also provided for downloading PatSeq bulk data programmatically (e.g. in automated scheduled scripts). To use the API, you will need to create an API access token to authenticate your application/client and access the download files.';x['user.profile.toolbar.record'] = 'Record';x[''] = 'Save Dashboard';x['user.profile.lens.profile'] = 'Lens Profile';x[''] = 'Present and share your patent and scholarly work output coupled with CV modules.';x['subscription.patseq.license.terms'] = '<b>License terms:<\/b> <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">PatSeq Bulk Download Terms of Use<\/a>. Read more about The <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">Lens Policies<\/a>.';x['results.graphical.scale.logarithmic'] = 'Logarithmic';x['user.query.alert.notifications.message'] = 'Enable notifications to receive email alerts when new items are added to our search index. <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">See Support Page...<\/a>';x['pricing.common.table.limit.50'] = '(50K limit)';x['collectionManageWidget.btnShare'] = 'Share';x['itk.core.diagram.scholarly'] = 'Scholarly Search and Analysis';x['labs.collab.barwon.description'] = 'Barwon Health is one of the largest and most comprehensive regional health services in Australia, providing care at all stages of life and circumstance. Health services available through Barwon Health cover the full spectrum from primary care, community services, aged care, rehabilitation, mental health, emergency and acute care.';x['filters.fullText.docsWith'] = 'Docs with full text';x[''] = 'Watch Explainer Video';x['common.required.fields'] = 'All fields are required';x['query.details.view.updated.query'] = 'View Updated Query';x['user.reports.files.uploading.time'] = 'This may take some time depending on the size of your file. Please be patient.';x[''] = 'German';x['error.404.message'] = 'We\'re sorry but the page you were looking for can not be found. Here are some useful links to get you back on track and on your way:';x['common.1000'] = '1,000';x[''] = 'Order by Date';x['scholar.field.dates.cited'] = 'Timeline of cited works based on publication year';x['results.graphical.colour.browns'] = 'browns';x[''] = 'Government Agencies';x['user.summary.notes.view'] = 'View all Notes';x[''] = 'Filing Date';x['pricing.faq.itk.user.answer.2'] = 'Institutional Users will remain active for as long as their affiliated institution has an active ITK subscription, and will simply revert to Individual Users if their institution no longer has an active subscription or the institutional account administrator removes the users institutional access.';x['collection.common.history.advice'] = 'The number of results may not match this event if the collection has since changed';x[''] = 'Search Extended Family';x[''] = 'Absolutely. For public access, you don’t need an account, you don’t need to register. You can access all of our data with powerful web-based tools and analytics, secure that we’re not watching you, nor letting others watch you, nor do we serve ads.';x['subscription.faq.itks.text'] = 'Staff and students from institutions subscribing to the <a href=\"/lens/institutions\">Institutional Toolkit<\/a> (ITK) are eligible for API access as part of your institution’s ITK subscription. Institutional User API plans will be active for the duration of the Institution’s ITK subscription. Please ensure you are logged in using your institutional email when requesting access. If you are unsure if your institution is an ITK subscriber, you can check the subscribing Institutions <a href=\"/lens/institutions/institutions\">here<\/a>. If your institution is not an ITK subscriber, we welcome your help to introduce The Lens within your institution.';x['filters.flag.has_docdb'] = 'Has DOCDB';x[''] = 'Is this you? Lens offers free profiles for all authors and inventors. Link your ORCID account to get started.';x['collectionManageWidget.btnRemove.text'] = 'Items from Collection';x['cap.leap.why.para.1'] = 'For 30 years, Cambia and The Lens have relied on philanthropic funding to develop and maintain the platform. By developing a model that distributes our supporters into many groups, and invites visionary humans, not just formalized philanthropy to support us, we hope to mitigate the skewing or diminishing of mission passion with short-term imperatives. This also grounds us in a fundamental reality that even changing society can’t happen unless the actors - people and institutions - find a reason to engage.';x['notes.patent.scope.HISTORY'] = 'Document History';x['cap.leap.why.para.3'] = 'Through LEAP, we provide very low-cost licenses to both public-good and commercial institutions for a growing toolkit, built upon open data that bridges science and business. Furthermore we have introduced a new license agreement for individual users permitting use of The Lens platform for commercial purposes. The single-seat, non-transferable license allows individuals to use The Lens platform in their professional work or business to support individuals working across the research and innovation sectors. These licenses contribute to the sustainability of the Lens as community-supported infrastructure and ensure The Lens remains a global public resource.';x['labs.dashboards.OECD'] = 'Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development';x[''] = 'No seat limits (Permissive Use)';x['cap.leap.why.para.2'] = 'We invite all institutions - public or private - to join our Collective Action Project, endorsing the use of shared open data to inform policy and practice, knowing that fees go to maintain the Lens as a non-profit, community-supported infrastructure. We also invite visionary foundations, agencies and large-hearted people in their personal capacity to help us advance this agenda.';x['filters.common.more.filters'] = 'More Filters...';x['user.profile.toolbar.record.authorship'] = 'These look like your works. Record Authorship?';x[''] = 'Lens Patent Aggregation API';x['home.promise.description'] = 'Our promise to you when using this website, we will always provide the best we have at no cost, to be used and shared by anyone with absolute peace of mind no one is watching.';x[''] = 'Users wanting to evaluate the professional workspace can register for a trial account. Trial accounts will remain active for 2 weeks, after which time the work area will be disabled unless a commercial use license subscription is taken.';x['notes.user.edit.note'] = 'Edit Note';x['search.searching'] = 'Searching...';x['user.queries.createNew'] = 'Save this query';x['pricing.intro.description'] = 'The Lens offers all registered users a Personal Account with a Professional Workspace, providing access to tools and features on the platform, and built on open shareable metadata to support many use cases and use types across industry and the research and innovation sectors. Institutional Accounts are available as part of the Institutional Toolkit (ITK), providing access to institution-specific tools and features, as well as Professional Workspaces for all institutional users.';x[''] = 'Japanese';x['itk.price.tier.4'] = 'Tier 4';x['itk.price.tier.3'] = 'Tier 3';x['labs.dashboards.scholar'] = 'Scholarly Works';x['itk.price.tier.2'] = 'Tier 2';x['itk.price.tier.1'] = 'Tier 1';x['filters.title'] = 'Filters';x['results.graphical.colour.yelloworangebrown'] = 'yelloworangebrown';x[''] = 'Generating Office';x[''] = 'Search by Institution, Journal, Author or Funder.';x[''] = 'Top Funding Organisations';x[''] = 'Total Patent Records';x['subscription.landing.visit.labs'] = 'Visit Lens Labs';x['tour.workarea.step.1.text-2'] = 'This is the work area summary sidebar which provides and overview. Try clicking one of the links, then click Next to continue the tour.';x[''] = 'My Patents';x['itk.price.tier.less.50k'] = 'less than 50,000';x['error.title'] = 'Error';x[''] = 'Expand by Simple Family';x[''] = 'Search Tips';x['filters.flag.has_inpadoc'] = 'Has Legal Events';x[''] = 'Most cited by Patents Scatter Plot';x['filters.flag.hasFullText'] = 'Has Full Text';x[''] = 'Restricted access';x[''] = 'Publish Dates';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme.tip'] = 'Themes are preset interface settings for colour, font and sizing schemes.';x[''] = 'Run the analysis anyway';x['results.graphical.view.time.series'] = 'Time Series';x['user.collections.about.title'] = 'Organise your findings with';x['collection.common.dynamic.tip'] = 'Collections can be automatically updated when linked to a saved query. When new items are added to our search index your selected saved queries will automatically update your dynamic collections. <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">Read More...<\/a>';x['labs.apps.lens.patent.api'] = 'Lens Patent API';x['tour.analysis.step.1.text-2'] = 'Try clicking the arrow on the left to expand the preview.';x[''] = 'Green';x['pricing.faq.workspace.agreement.answer'] = 'Individual users who currently use or plan to use the platform for commercial purposes must have commercial use permissions to do so. The Lens requires that to continue, you license your use through a commercial use agreement. Doing so will ensure that your use is in compliance with The Lens';x['scholar.badge.label.full.text'] = 'Full Text';x[''] = 'Scaling Science Project at the MIT Media Lab';x[''] = 'Support';x[''] = 'Author';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api.custom.lead'] = 'Integrating the API into an application? Need a higher volume/speed or planning to use the API for a commercial purpose?';x['wizard.start.todo'] = 'What do you want to do?';x[''] = 'Providing Office';x['results.graphical.create.analysis.description'] = 'Explore, discover and create insight from';x['tour.analysis.step.2.text'] = 'The preview sidebar displays a minimal analysis of the key facets of your search. Clicking items in the analysis preview will add filters.';x[''] = 'Show Query Details';x['user.reports.access'] = 'Access';x[''] = '2.1B Citations';x['export.filename'] = 'Export file name (optional)';x['subscription.checkout.success.text'] = 'Sorry the server is taking too long to confirm your subscription. You should receive an email receipt. If your account status does not update within the next few minutes, please contact support and we will manually activate your Subscription.';x['common.action.removed'] = 'Removed';x[''] = 'Access the full corpus of Lens scholarly works using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API or bulk data downloads. The versioned API allows you to perform and combine several types of searches using a number of different operations and aggregation requests.';x[''] = '<li>50,000 requests per month<\/li><li>1,000 records per request<\/li><li>20 requests per minute<\/li>';x['results.graphical.histogram'] = 'Histogram';x[''] = 'Upload Media';x['patentView.tabs.fulltext'] = 'Full-text';x[''] = 'dashboard for';x['results.countries.limit.institutions'] = 'Limit results to works with Institutions affiliated with any countries in';x['user.registration.institution.terms.agree'] = 'I agree to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"text-link\">Terms of Use<\/a>.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.SIMPLE_FAMILY_MEMBER_LENS_IDS'] = 'Simple Family Members';x[''] = 'Lens for Institutions';x['results.graphical.wizard.doc.types.over.time'] = 'Document Types over time';x[''] = 'The Global Social Change Research Project';x['status.error.not.matched'] = 'Your search did not match any documents';x['common.under.embargo'] = 'Under Embargo';x['explore.citations.patents.citing.patents.text'] = 'The Patent documents that cite (i.e. references cited) the Patent documents in the original result set.';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Interface Themes:<\/b><\/a> Customise your display settings and choose from three interface themes.';x['subscription.landing.discuss.use'] = 'If you would like to discuss your use case ahead of submission, please';x['filters.applicant.title'] = 'Applicants';x[''] = 'Word Cloud';x['results.graphical.wizard.substances.institutions'] = 'Top Institutions by Substance';x[''] = 'Patent Search and Analysis';x[''] = 'Add a note against:';x['common.error.application.regex'] = 'Are you searching with a regular expression? Enable regular expression support using the Query Tools filter on the left.';x['export.numRecords'] = 'Number of documents to include';x['results.graphical.wizard.cite.institution.comparison'] = 'Institution Citation Comparison';x[''] = 'Your file has been created.';x['user.profile.more.about.orcid'] = 'More About ORCID';x['pricing.table.personal.commercial'] = 'Personal Commercial';x['filters.flag.has_orcid'] = 'Has ORCID iD';x['pricing.faqs'] = 'FAQ\'s';x['user.history.filter'] = 'Filter Searches';x['scholar.flag.description.funding'] = 'Funding';x['scholar.common.publication_info'] = 'Publication Info';x['search.toolbar.claim'] = 'Claim';x['side.tabs.collapse'] = 'Collapse';x['breadcrumb.families'] = 'families';x[''] = 'Government Agencies and Departments';x['labs.apps.biospolar'] = 'Biospolar Antarctic Literature and Patents';x['user.dashboards.load.original.query'] = 'Load original query';x['user.dashboards'] = 'Dashboards';x['chart.title.embed.width'] = 'Width';x['results.graphical.colour.scheme.solid.colour'] = 'Solid Colour';x['user.collections.import.sizeWarning'] = '10,000 IDs or less recommended, using more may fail.';x[''] = 'EPO worldwide legal event data (INPADOC) is provided as-is for information only. Legal Status is calculated from available data sources including INPADOC legal events, and may not be accurate. See our <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">Patent Legal Status Calculations<\/a> for more information on INPADOC legal events and how we calculate legal status.';x['results.graphical.wizard.protected.patents'] = 'Most protected patents';x['results.graphical.chart.heatmap.max.value.description'] = 'The \"Max\" value is usually used to compare two charts by ensuring they are on the same scale. For heatmaps this means colours are comparable, for a histogram it means heights of bars. If your data contains values that exceed the Max you have entered, an additional option is provided to omit these from the display. Note this can create potentially misleading charts by omitting the highest values, but could be good for ignoring irrelevant outliers.';x['scholar.flag.description.referenced_by_scholarly'] = 'Cited by Scholarly Works';x['filters.query.lang.ko'] = 'Korean';x['scholar.common.clinical.trial'] = 'Clinical Trial';x['subscription.landing.applying'] = 'Applying';x['itk.toolkit.view.current'] = 'View Current Toolkit';x[''] = 'Has Legal Events';x['common.reports.create'] = 'Create Report';x['user.personal.account'] = 'Personal Account';x[''] = 'Cambia Org';x[''] = 'If you want us to promote your datasets to the Lens labs community, send us a link with a description and explain how your dataset will help improve the quality of innovation data.';x['labs.apps.sars.cov2'] = 'SARS-CoV-2';x['user.profile.mentions'] = 'Mentions';x[''] = 'Lens Reports is a new facility for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to real-time, automatically-updated Lens data and analytics. The next evolution of Lens, search, collect, analyze, annotate and now present your findings in a flexible, data-driven reporting interface.';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.modal.title'] = 'Delete Account';x['common.alert.deletion'] = '<b>Warning:<\/b> All deletions are final';x[''] = 'Hide items exceeding max';x[''] = 'Request Support';x['common.10000'] = '10,000';x[''] = 'Institutions by Type';x['user.account.signin'] = 'Account Sign In';x['user.signIn.resend.activation'] = 'Please <a href=\"{0}/user/reconfirm\">click here<\/a> to resend your account activation email.';x[''] = 'Start Your Search';x['pricing.faq.workspace.non.profit'] = 'Professional Workspace - Public-Good | Non-profit';x['user.dashboard.load.original.query'] = 'Load original query';x['sorting.citing.patents.highest'] = 'Citing Patents (highest)';x[''] = 'Secure - No Snooping';x['search.results.scholar.expand'] = 'Expand Article View';x['collection.common.personal.collection.tip'] = 'Part of your personal collection';x['home.masthead.take.tour'] = 'Take Tour';x[''] = 'No Search <b>History<\/b> Yet';x['subscription.patseq.fasta.product.text'] = 'Subscription fees are in US dollars. Subscriptions provide 12 months access to PatSeq bulk download which are updated monthly. Access to one-off PatSeq bulk downloads are also available on request. See the <a href=\"\">documentation<\/a> for full details and read the <a href=\"\">Terms of Use<\/a> and <a href=\"\">Privacy Policy.<\/a>';x[''] = 'Contact Support';x['subscription.checkout.faq.cost.afford.answer'] = 'We\'ve introduced the Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP) to ensure all users can access the Lens tools regardless of their financial standing. The Lens affirms that no one will be disadvantaged by lack of access to tools. If a user legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price, The Lens commits to finding a way to subsidize the price or otherwise provide access. <a href=\"/lens/collective-action/leap\">Apply for Equitable Access<\/a>.';x['patent.filedTitle'] = 'Filed:';x['results.graphical.chart.historical.vis.types.description'] = 'The “historical” visualisation type is a date histogram, optionally split by facet for a single metric, binned by a date field on the x axis. So for example “Top 10 Applicants per Filing Date”. An example without a facet might be “All Patents per Expiry Date”.';x['common.analysis'] = 'Analysis';x['user.workarea.rows'] = 'rows';x['home.masthead.title'] = 'Explore global science and technology knowledge';x['user.saved.queries.delete.sure'] = 'This saved query will be permanently deleted. Are you sure?';x['scholar.badge.tooltip.clinical_trial'] = 'Has Clinical Trial';x['patentResults.private'] = 'Private';x['pricing.institutional.description'] = 'Public-good institutions wanting to manage, markup, and promote knowledge assets.';x[''] = '<p><b>Booleans:<\/b>Boolean operators must be in capitals: <em>e.g. <code>\'robot <span>AND<\/span> engine\'<\/code>, or <code>\'car <span>OR<\/span> boat\'<\/code> or <code>\'cat <span>NOT<\/span> dog\'<\/code>. <span>&amp;&amp;<\/span> is an alias for <span>AND<\/span> and <span>||<\/span> is an alias for <span>OR<\/span> and <span>!<\/span> is the alias for NOT.<\/em> Parentheses can be used to group search terms. <em>e.g. <code>\'(wheat <span>AND<\/span> grain) <span>OR<\/span> (sorgum <span>AND<\/span> barley)\'<\/code><\/em><\/p><p><b>Fields <em style=\"font-size: .7rem; \" class=\"far fa-info-circle col-sec\" tooltip-title=\"Fields are case sensitive\"><\/em> :<\/b> Search a specific field in the index (or fields) use \'field:term\': <em>e.g. \'title:(leishmani* <span>AND<\/span> diagnos*) || abstract:(leishmani* <span>AND<\/span> diagnos*) <span>&amp;&amp;<\/span> classification_cpc: (A61K* <span>OR<\/span> C12N*)<\/em><br><\/p><p><b>Wildcards:<\/b><em>e.g. *, ?, and regular expressions like /ar[gb]on/<\/em><\/p><p><b>Fuzziness and Proximity Search:<\/b>To perform a fuzzy search use the tilde, \"~\", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. For example to search for a term similar in spelling to \"roam\" use the fuzzy search:<code>roam~<\/code>. To perform a proximity search, add the tilde, \"~\", symbol to the end of a phrase suffixed with a number indicating the maximum edit distance of words in the phrase. For example, <code>\"quick fox\"~4<\/code> searches for <em>quick<\/em> and <em>fox<\/em> within 4 words from each other.<\/p><p><b>Range Searches:<\/b>Range Queries allow one to match documents whose field(s) values are between the lower and upper bound specified by the Range Query. Range Queries can be inclusive or exclusive of the upper and lower bounds. Sorting is done lexicographically.<code>date_published:[2002-01-01 TO 2003-01-01]<\/code><\/p><p>This will find documents whose date_published fields have values between 2002-01-01 and 2003-01-01, inclusive. Note that Range Queries are not reserved for date fields. You could also use range queries with non-date fields:<code>title:{Aida TO Carmen}<\/code><\/p><p>This will find all documents whose titles are between Aida and Carmen, but not including Aida and Carmen. Inclusive range queries are denoted by square brackets. Exclusive range queries are denoted by curly brackets.<\/p><p><b>Language:<\/b>To search in a language other than English, use the \"Query Tools\" section at the bottom of the sidebar filters.<\/p><p><b> Query Syntax: <\/b>For more details on the query syntax used, see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Elasticsearch Query string query<\/a>.<\/p><p>For more information see our <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"//\">Search Syntax<\/a>, <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"//\">Boolean Logic tutorial<\/a> and <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">Boolean Operators Tutorial<\/a><\/p>';x[''] = 'Get immediate insight into an author/inventor’s total work output, influence and citations as well their intellectual property.';x['user.account.subscribe'] = 'Confirm & Subscribe';x[''] = 'to';x['cap.faq.patent.waiver'] = 'Is Lens CAP a solution to the COVID Patent Waiver?';x[''] = 'Russian';x['user.workarea.history.delete.item'] = 'Delete History Item?';x['filters.flag.has_full_text'] = 'Has Full Text';x['filters.class_national.symbol'] = 'US Classification Code';x[''] = 'Select Plan';x['results.graphical.wizard.cited.patents.over.time'] = 'Most Cited Patents over time';x['user.patseq.downloads.title'] = 'PatSeq Bulk Download';x[''] = 'Sample Bulk Data';x['user.workarea.collection.intersection.result.placeholder'] = 'Enter Collection Title';x[''] = 'Help';x['collection.common.static.description'] = 'Collections are a saved grouping of patents or scholarly works. Any items in a search result can be manually added or removed from a collection. Give your collection a name and description, import/export items or choose your sharing settings.';x['results.graphical.wizard.authors.collaborating'] = 'Collaborating Authors';x[''] = 'Family members in jurisdictions';x['user.settings.recordHistory.optin'] = 'Please choose to opt in or out of your search history being recorded by default.';x['common.dateCreated'] = 'Created';x['chart.title.sequence_organism_taxid.citing'] = 'Biological organisms disclosed in the Citing Patents';x['common.action.added'] = 'Added';x['notes.patent.scope.CLAIMS'] = 'Claims';x['user.authorship.orcid.enable'] = 'Enable ORCID® <a href=\"/lens/user/profile\">Linked Services<\/a> and record authorship over this work. This action will add the work to your ORCID record. Other users will see links to your public records and profile.';x['patentField.classification.unavailable'] = 'Classification not available in current version';x['subscription.patent.records'] = 'Lens Patent Records';x['wizard.start.step.2.text'] = 'What document type do you want to search?';x['results.graphical.citation.scatter.description'] = 'The Citation Comparison Scatter Plot visualisation type allows aggregation of a single facet by two (preset) metrics. This means the X axis is Citing Patents, Y axis is Citing Scholarly Works and each point represents an aggregation on your chosen facet. e.g. Institution, Applicant, Jurisdiction, etc';x[''] = 'Search Results';x['common.default'] = 'default';x['results.view.custom.applicants'] = 'Applicants';x['common.favourite'] = 'Favourite';x['chart.title.classification_cpc.citing'] = 'CPC Classifications of the Citing Patents';x['reports.edit'] = 'Edit';x['pricing.common.workspaces.itks'] = 'Professional Workspaces and Institutional Toolkits';x['classification.viewer.filterExistingSearch'] = 'Filter existing search by {0}';x['labs.apps.lens.analysis.description'] = 'Module for doing analytics on downloaded Lens exports. Lens offers some analytics and statistics on the website, but sometimes too limited for advanced analyses. For example, only the top 100 applicants are listed, most information is on publication level, not on family level, it is not possible to add different version of the same applicant together, and there are no citation scores or market coverage scores.';x[''] = 'Portuguese';x['collection.common.type'] = 'Type';x[''] = 'Patent Records';x['user.workarea.notifications.confirm'] = 'Notifications';x['user.reports.files.upload.supported'] = 'Supported file types: .txt, .rtf .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .json<br> By sharing this data with and the public, I acknowledge that I am authorized to do so.';x[''] = 'Why Now?';x['subscription.landing.patent.applications'] = 'Patent Applications';x['user.reports.request.receipt.list'] = '<li>a draft Collection in the Lens of the institution’s own filed and issued patent documents and<\/li><li>a Lens Influence Collection showing 3rd party patents that cite the scholarship of that institution, with full ability to drill-down to any level.<\/li>';x['subscription.landing.itk.equitable.access'] = 'Equitable Access';x['results.graphical.wizard.countries.institutions'] = 'Institutions by Country/Region';x['user.linked.profiles'] = 'Linked Profiles';x['user.profile.warning.patents.more.100.text.2'] = 'in Patent Search to see all results.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.SIMPLE_FAMILY_MEMBER_JURISDICTIONS'] = 'Simple Family Member Jurisdictions';x[''] = 'Institution Logo Grid';x[''] = 'ORCID Author ID';x['user.profile.warning.patents.more.100.text.1'] = 'Please view all';x['user.projects.blank.notice'] = '<a href=\"\" class=\"far fa-times notice-hide-btn\"><\/a><h3>We\'ve introduced a new workflow model called <strong>Projects.<\/strong> to help organize your work.<\/h3><p>Now all your collections, saved queries, search history, notes, etc, can all be optionally added to a top level Project. <\/p>';x['itk.toolkit.profiles'] = 'Institutional Profiles';x['common.limit'] = 'Limit';x['itk.faq'] = 'Frequent Questions';x['user.profile.feature.public.collections'] = 'Public Collections';x['user.workarea.claim.remove'] = 'Remove';x['labs.apps.patcit'] = 'PatCit: Patent Citations';x['results.view.summary'] = 'Summary List';x[''] = 'Show Field Tips';x['user.summary'] = 'Work Area';x['filters.patent.types'] = 'Document Type';x[''] = 'Help';x[''] = 'Search and analyse biological sequences disclosed in patents. This is the world’s largest publicly available database with internal transparency metrics. Choose among the 5 apps to search and analyse the DNA, RNA and protein sequences found in patents.';x[''] = 'Conference Name';x[''] = 'Lens Core Tools';x['patent.document_preview.view.image'] = 'View Image Preview';x['subscription.landing.patent.metadata.fields'] = 'Patent Metadata Fields';x['user.profile.orcid.prompt'] = 'Lens offers free profiles for all authors and inventors. Link your ORCID account to get started.';x['patentField.priority'] = 'Priority';x['query.metrics.scholarly-works'] = 'Scholarly Works';x['itk.roadmap.priority.low'] = 'Priority: Low';x['results.workspace.signup-li-4'] = 'Save notes against documents, document collections and queries.';x['results.workspace.signup-li-5'] = 'Enable search history to recall your past searches. ';x['results.graphical.dashboard.not.public'] = 'This dashboard is not public. Save it as published to enable sharing.';x['results.workspace.signup-li-1'] = 'Create, save and edit collections of Patent and Scholar search results';x['results.workspace.signup-li-2'] = 'Save your queries and enable query update alerts.';x['results.workspace.signup-li-3'] = 'Create, save and share analysis dashboards and reports.';x['sorting.citing.patents.lowest'] = 'Citing Patents (lowest)';x['user.profile.toolbar.manage.inventorship'] = 'Manage Inventorship in Work Area';x['subscription.landing.patent.list'] = '<li>Simple and extended family data<\/li><li>105 jurisdictions<\/li><li>Interoperable with Lens Ids, patent number with hierarchy of class codes<\/li><li>120+ metadata fields<\/li>';x['filters.fullText.title'] = 'Full text';x['patentField.ipcClassifications'] = 'IPC Classifications';x['itk.price.public.good.institutions.para'] = 'We invite all public-good research and innovative institutions to join us in collective action by becoming institutional subscribers. Subscriptions include access to the Institutional Toolkit to help public-good institutions of all types break free of their siloed, corporate shackles and enable them to make the changes the world needs. Public-good institutions are any legally incorporated entities whose principal purpose is stated as advancing the public-good; for instance government agencies, research and teaching institutions, philanthropic foundations, civil society and non-profits.';x['results.view.custom.published'] = 'Published';x['scholar.badge.tooltip.funding'] = 'Has Funding Info';x[''] = 'Email';x['user.saved.queries.couldnot.clear.history'] = 'Could not clear History';x['filters.scholar.fieldOfStudy'] = 'Field of Study';x[''] = 'Family';x['wizard.visulaize.explore.text'] = 'Discover relationships between Authors, Inventors, Institutions, Fields of Study, or other metadata.';x['filters.flag.isReferencedByScholarly'] = 'Cited By Scholarly Works';x['cap.participate.content.para.2'] = 'Support for open content can range from the identification of new, open data sets that would add to the existing knowledge graph, to the creation of attested collections from credentialed users on Organizations that have open content and associated metadata are encouraged to approach The Lens to explore how that might be ingested and integrated into The Lens open content.';x['cap.participate.content.para.1'] = 'Our users remind us that we need to include and coordinate other metadata from business data, legislation, industry standards information, clinical trials and many other content sets. If you have a content set or knowledge about a content set, The Lens welcomes support to link another silo to accelerate problem solving.';x['user.dashboards.load.description'] = 'You can either load the query that was originally saved with the dashboard or apply the dashboard configuration to the current results.';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.institution'] = 'Proportion of Open Access by Institution';x[''] = 'Top Agents & Attorneys';x['user.reports.request.receipt'] = 'Upon receipt of the bibliographic list of their scholarly work, each institution will receive:';x[''] = 'Filter Search';x[''] = 'Not sure what to compare?';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals.publisher'] = 'Journals by Publisher';x[''] = 'The flags section additionally contains high level filters like “Is Open Access” or “Has Full Text”';x['user.workarea.accounts.loading'] = 'Loading Accounts';x['user.inventorship.remove.claim.description'] = 'You have recorded your inventorship over this work. If you have incorrectly claimed this work, please remove your claim.';x['user.inventorship.record.ofPatents'] = 'of Patents';x['user.profile.privacy.use.type.recorded'] = 'Recorded Use Type';x[''] = 'API Documentation';x[''] = 'Email';x[''] = '<li><b>Lens Core Tools:<\/b> Full access to the Lens core tools and features on the platform and for any purpose that advances the public-good mission of the institution.<\/li><li><b>Use and Re-use:<\/b> Content re-use and display permitted with attribution (see <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Acceptable Use<\/a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Attribution Guidelines<\/a>) allowing you to integrate and embed Lens content in your institutional repository and other institutional applications.<\/li><li><b>No Seat Limits:<\/b> Institutions will have unrestricted seat licenses and extended accounts permissions to all institutional staff for professional use associated with their employment (mission-compliant use), meaning all users affiliated with the institution will have full access to for institutional use. <\/li>';x[''] = 'Training and Resources';x['filters.inventor'] = 'Inventors';x['user.share.linkedin'] = 'LinkedIn';x['subscription.patent.option.1.title'] = 'Patent API';x['itk.price.funders.footnote.1'] = 'Tiers for Research and Innovation Funders are based on the amount of funds disbursed in the last 3 years.';x['user.saved.queries.collections'] = 'Collections';x['user.saved.queries.delete.multiple.warning.2'] = 'is used to auto update ';x[''] = 'Legal Status Bar Chart';x['user.account.use.non.commercial.for'] = 'For students or staff affiliated with a public-good | non-profit institution or using The Lens for non-commercial purposes.';x['filters.query.lang.zh'] = 'Chinese';x['patent.document.section.linked.profiles'] = 'Linked Profiles';x['pricing.platform.overview.text'] = 'The Lens has features for everyone. Discover, analyse, and map global innovation knowledge. Bridging the cultures of scholarly research with invention and industry.';x['user.profile.more.about.orcid.text'] = '<a href=\"\">ORCID<\/a> provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control, and that distinguishes you from every other researcher. You can connect your iD with your career information including education, employment, funding, publications, peer review, and more.';x['user.saved.queries.delete.multiple.warning.3'] = 'Collections. Deleting it will cause these Collections to no longer be updated from this collection.';x['results.view.custom.authors'] = 'Authors';x['user.registration.please.choose'] = 'Please Choose';x['scholar.common.chemical.registry.number'] = 'Chemical Registry Number';x[''] = 'Most Active Authors';x['user.tags.add.error'] = 'Error adding tag. Only alphanumeric and underscore characters are allowed.';x[''] = 'Watch Video';x['scholar.field.clinical_trial.trial_id'] = 'Clinical Trial';x['user.profile.feature.easy.update.text'] = 'Link your ORCID account to easily find your works and update your ORCID record. Syncing and updating your ORCID record has never been easier.';x[''] = 'Institution Name';x['filters.flag.has_fulltext'] = 'Has Full Text';x['labs.apps.epo2grid.description'] = 'The purpose of this project is to match standardised EPO applicant names to organisation definitions provided in the database. The EPO performs disambiguation on patent applicant names in the the DOCDB. These names, along with the raw names, have been matched to a list of 2000 grid identifiers, selected based on patent citations. The intention was to match all of the 2000 grid identifiers, not to match all of the disambiguated applicant names. An algorithm has been used to screen for potential matches and then a manual validation process has been performed.';x['search.orcid.results.affiliations'] = 'Affiliations';x[''] = 'Select your option';x[''] = 'Share Page';x['query.metrics.patent.NPL.citations'] = 'NPL Citations';x['search.table.ipc.classifications'] = 'IPC Classifications';x['itk.lens.institutional.toolkit'] = 'The Lens Institutional Toolkit';x['subscription.checkout.confirmation'] = 'Confirmation';x['pricing.account.trial'] = 'Trial Use';x[''] = 'Group by Simple Families';x['subscription.landing.lens.for.institutions'] = 'Lens for Institutions';x['chart.title.classification_ipcr.citing'] = 'IPCR Classifications of the Citing Patents';x[''] = 'Which institutions supports it';x['results.graphical.chart.filtered.values.exclude'] = 'Exclude Filtered Values';x[''] = 'View API Documentation';x['user.collections.about'] = 'Collections are a saved grouping of patents or scholarly works. Any items in a search result can be added or removed from a collection. Give your collection a name and description, import/export items or choose your sharing settings.';x[''] = 'Collective Action';x['patentField.inventor'] = 'Inventors';x['filters.common.clear.maximum'] = 'Clear the maximum';x['wizard.patents'] = 'Patents';x['explore.citations.scholarly.citing.patents'] = 'Citing Patents (Forward patent citations)';x['user.account.see.pricing'] = 'See Pricing';x['common.sidebar.expand'] = 'Expand Sidebar';x[''] = 'Tiers for <b>Government Agencies and Departments<\/b> are based on the number of employees in the unit that is choosing to subscribe. Tiers vary by country/region due to the significant variance in government department sizes. For government departments that are primarily research institutes or research funders, please refer to the tier guide for those categories.';x['filters.common.excluding'] = 'Excluding';x[''] = 'Email Address';x['results.graphical.wizard.document.types'] = 'Document Types';x['user.authorships.filter'] = 'Filter {0} Authorships';x[''] = 'Affiliation Count Histogram';x['collection.common.attested.tip'] = 'An attested collection is an institutional collection to which an institution formally attests to having an affiliation with the works/patents in that collection.';x['results.workspace.last.access'] = 'Last Accessed';x[''] = 'in';x['common.updated.successfully'] = 'Updated Successfully';x['cap.landing.mode.sponsorships.text'] = 'Sponsor accelerated delivery of services, feature enhancements or other initiatives...';x['subscription.scholar.option.3.text'] = 'The full bulk dataset is available for download with regular updates and deltas via a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">download API<\/a>. Bulk data files use <a href=\"\" class=\"text-link\" target=\"_blank\">JSON Lines<\/a> file format, with one line for each patent record and records using the same data schema as the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">API Response<\/a>.';x[''] = 'No notes match that filter';x['breadcrumb.familyMembersOf'] = 'family members of';x['common.alert.chart.exceed'] = 'WARNING: Some items in this chart exceed the maximum. You can';x['cap.faq.inno.cartography'] = 'What is Innovation Cartography?';x[''] = 'The Lens team creates publicly accessible training materials and release notes. Team members are available to answer questions and creates FAQs based on frequently encountered questions.';x['cap.leap.access.countries'] = 'Subsidized Countries';x['user.workarea.claimed.authorship.recorded'] = 'Authorship Recorded';x[''] = 'Fields of Study covered by the most active Institutions';x['user.workarea.notification.really.delete'] = 'Really Delete';x['chart.title.embed.dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';x['user.authorship.record'] = 'Record Authorship';x[''] = 'Granted Date';x['journal.pages'] = 'Pages';x[''] = 'Tags: resolver, OpenURL, institution';x['subscription.patseq.bundles'] = 'Bundles and Package Options';x['labs.dashboards.OECD.countries.citation'] = 'OECD Countries - Citation Comparison';x['home.feature.profiles'] = 'Lens Profiles';x[''] = 'Lens Use Cases';x['user.dashboard.create.patent'] = 'New Patent Dashboard';x['user.query.alert.notification.cant.delete'] = 'Could not delete Notifications';x[''] = 'Patent Applicants';x['results.graphical.wizard.owners.fam.size'] = 'Owners by Average Family Size';x['notes.patent.scope.INVENTORS'] = 'Inventors';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.institution.colour'] = 'Institutions by Open Access Colour';x['subscription.request.api.access.button'] = 'Request API Access';x[''] = 'Sample API response';x['filters.flag.legal_status.has_us_term_extension'] = 'Has US Term Extension';x['scholar.field.source.title.cited'] = 'Journal';x['results.graphical.axis.fields'] = 'Axis Fields';x['search.structured.presets'] = 'Presets';x['inventorship.orcid'] = 'ORCID';x[''] = 'Patents';x['user.dashboard.description'] = 'Our suite of analysis and visualisation tools enable real-time discovery and analysis. Dashboards can be saved, presented and share it via LinkedIn, twitter, Facebook or email.';x['common.filteringBy'] = 'Filtering by';x['common.or'] = 'or';x['scholar.common.published.electronic'] = 'E-Published';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['filters.patent.npl'] = 'Cited Works';x['labs.apps.vosviewer.description'] = 'VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks may for instance include journals, researchers, or individual publications, and they can be constructed based on citation, bibliographic coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relations. VOSviewer also offers text mining functionality that can be used to construct and visualize co-occurrence networks of important terms extracted from a body of scientific literature.';x[''] = 'Group by Simple Family';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.JOURNAL_ISSN'] = 'ISSNs';x['user.queries.filter'] = 'Filter {0} Saved Queries';x['user.reports.files.uploading.error'] = 'There was an error recording your name and email. The file upload might still work but we have no way of knowing who it belongs to. Please email <a href=\"\"><\/a> to help us get your report started.';x[''] = 'patent applicants in Lens; The “applicant” is the person and/or entity that submits a patent application to a national or international patent office. Applicants are typically the inventors along with the institution that sponsored the research, such as the university or company for which one or more of the inventor’s work.';x['user.dashboard.existing'] = 'Existing ';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.SOURCE_URLS'] = 'Source URLs';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Alerts and Notifications:<\/b><\/a> Receive email alerts and notifications when your search has new matching documents.';x['user.guest.account'] = 'Guest Account';x[''] = 'Sequence Data In Patents';x['scholar.common.journal.doaj'] = 'Journal is in DOAJ';x[''] = 'Start by creating a group';x[''] = 'sequences found in this patent';x['cap.faq.bus.model.answer.1'] = 'The business model of The Lens is LEAP: Lens Equitable Access Program. Briefly, this means that The Lens asks institutions to pay for services to support the financial sustainability of the platform. All of the services from The Lens are available at a fraction of the cost of closed, commercial alternatives.';x['cap.faq.bus.model.answer.2'] = 'The Lens has several revenue sources from institutions and individuals who support the mission of The Lens and/or derive value from The Lens services. These revenue sources are subscriptions, sponsorships and philanthropic donations.';x['cap.faq.bus.model.answer.3'] = 'For over two decades, The Lens was supported primarily by financial support from generous philanthropic donors and foundations who supported the mission to make knowledge accessible as a public-good. More recently, The Lens was asked by donors to design and execute a financial sustainability strategy. It was as an outcome of this sustainability strategy that we developed the Lens Equitable Access Program and fee-based services.';x['subscription.api.token.expire'] = 'Expire';x['filters.classifications.title'] = 'Classifications';x['filters.patent.patentStatus'] = 'Legal Status';x['user.workarea.history.not.enabled'] = 'Search <b>History<\/b> is not currently enabled';x[''] = 'No';x['labs.apps.bibliometrix.description'] = 'bibliometrix gives all the instrument to pursue a complete bibliometric analysis, following the Science Mapping Workflow. It has been created and developed by Massimo Aria and Corrado Cuccurullo.';x['results.graphical.colour.brownbluegreen'] = 'brownbluegreen';x['pricing.common.enquire'] = 'Enquire';x['user.profile.summary.stats'] = 'Summary Stats';x[''] = 'The versioned API allows you to combine and perform several search operations to programmatically retrieve results from over 120 searchable fields. Further refine your results with filtering and isolate the key records you need. The Lens API also provides two types of pagination; offset/size based pagination and cursor based pagination.';x['search.profile'] = 'Profile Search';x[''] = 'API documentation';x['common.of'] = 'of';x['user.workarea.claim.title'] = 'Title';x['user.account.signin.text'] = 'Sign in to your existing account';x['home.feature.in4m.rankings'] = 'In4M Rankings';x['user.profile.settings'] = 'Account Settings';x[''] = 'Loading page';x[''] = 'Granted patent in force. If an application has been Granted, all published documents associated with the application have a status Active';x[''] = 'Recommended Work';x['filters.inventor.orcidPatents'] = 'Enter ORCID ID';x['scholar.field.dates'] = 'Year Published';x['user.reports.saved'] = 'Report Saved';x[''] = 'News';x[''] = 'register for a Personal Account';x[''] = 'By anything';x['subscription.landing.itk.scholar.api.text'] = 'Access to the Lens Scholarly API provides programmatic access to the full corpus of Lens Scholarly MetaRecords using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API.';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme2'] = 'Dark Mode';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme1'] = 'Light Theme';x[''] = 'Tools';x['scholar.common.institutions'] = 'Institutions';x['cap.leap.criteria.list'] = '<li>Explain their need and intended use case.<\/li><li>Share information about the institution\'s annual budget (and revenue if applicable). As an example, US non-profit institutions will be asked for their most recent Form 990.<\/li><li>Identify any use of commercial alternative platforms to The Lens (e.g. Scopus, Web of Science, Derwent Innovation, PatSnap, LexisNexis, Questel Orbit, GENESEQ, GenomeQuest, etc).<\/li>';x[''] = '<li>10,000 requests per month<\/li><li>10 requests per minute<\/li><li>2 nested aggregations per request<\/li>';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.modal.btn'] = 'Delete Account';x[''] = 'Cites';x[''] = 'N/A';x[''] = 'Support';x['home.feature.patcite'] = 'Discover Experts & Collaborators';x[''] = 'View Collection Use Case';x[''] = 'For organizations with more than 50 employees, or fewer than 200 employees and license to use in a product or service.';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme4'] = 'High Contrast (WCAG)';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme3'] = 'Vanilla';x[''] = 'When did it start';x['scholar.common.retracted.urls'] = 'URL\'s';x[''] = 'Select Plan';x[''] = 'Start typing above to search all documents';x['itk.leap.para'] = 'The Lens affirms that no one will ever be disadvantaged by lack of access to institutional tools. If an institution legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price, The Lens commits to adjusting the price, or finding a way to subsidize or otherwise provide access.';x[''] = 'Explore Citations';x['user.inventorship.notice.text.orcid'] = 'Patents you record inventorship for will be automatically added to your ORCID record and displayed on your profile.';x['user.dashboard.results'] = 'results';x[''] = 'Funders by Country/Region';x['patent.document.load.error.text'] = 'We\'re sorry but something has gone wrong in loading this patent. This most likely means a network request failed and this page will be missing data. Try reloading and if the problem persists please contact';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.TITLE'] = 'Title';x['user.inventorship.recorded'] = 'Inventorship Recorded';x[''] = 'FAQ';x[''] = 'By a specific field';x['error.access.title'] = 'You\'re not authorised to view this page.';x['results.graphical.wizard.countries.states'] = 'Institution States per Country';x['subscription.api.token.delete.really'] = 'Really delete';x['results.graphical.default.preset'] = 'Use Default Analysis Preset';x['results.graphical.wizard.authors.overtime'] = 'Authors Over Time';x['pricing.table.scholar.api'] = 'Scholarly API Access';x[''] = 'Roadmap';x['results.graphical.colour.greens'] = 'greens';x[''] = 'Open Content Initiatives';x[''] = 'on it first.';x['subscription.lens.itk'] = 'Institutional Toolkit';x['subscription.scholar.option.2.lead'] = 'Need a higher volume/speed, or to use the content for a commercial purpose?';x['filters.scholar.publicationType'] = 'Publication Type';x[''] = 'Contact';x['subscription.checkout.proceed.warning'] = 'You must agree to the commercial use agreement below to proceed';x['search.table.inventors'] = 'Inventors';x['notes.patent.scope.US_CLASSIFICATIONS'] = 'US Classifications';x['explore.citations.patents'] = 'Patent Citations';x['user.query.alert.notifications.disabled'] = 'Query alerts disabled';x['results.graphical.chart.nested'] = 'Nested';x[''] = 'Total Scholarly Works';x['user.workarea.set.actions.unique'] = 'Unique';x['chart.title.embed'] = 'Embed this graph';x['search.results.notesTabTitle'] = 'Notes';x['pricing.faq.workspace.commercial.answer'] = 'The Lens offers a Professional Workspace to individuals who use The Lens platform or metadata for commercial purposes as a sole practitioner or in their professional work for a SME business. This includes professionals, consultants and attorneys working in SMEs across the research and innovation sectors. Individual users who currently use or plan to use The Lens platform or metadata for commercial purposes must have commercial use permissions to do so, which requires a subscription to an';x['user.tags.rename.warning'] = '<b>Notice:<\/b> Add one Tag at a time using only letters, numbers and underscores. Any spaces will be replaced with an underscore.';x[''] = 'Be a champion for inclusive access to knowledge to support problem solving! Tell a friend about today!';x[''] = 'by';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Tagging:<\/b><\/a> Tag and retrieve important documents.';x[''] = 'View Scholarly Search';x['results.graphical.create.analysis'] = 'Create your own analysis';x[''] = 'Patents';x['reports.feature.export'] = 'Export and Share';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api'] = 'CALCULATE METRICS';x['results.graphical.scale.description'] = 'Linear scale preserve proportional differences. Square Root scale is shorthand for power scales with an exponent of 0.5, indicating a square root transform. Logarithmic scale are useful for plotting data that varies over multiple orders of magnitude. <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Read More...<\/a>';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.FUNDING'] = 'Funding';x['pricing.common.login'] = 'Sign in';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals'] = 'Journals';x['user.request.access'] = 'Request Access';x[''] = 'Additional Info';x[''] = 'Information Currently Unavailable';x['cap.landing.crisis.shared.para'] = 'Until now, access to knowledge and the tools to use it has predominantly been through for-profit corporations, with expensive closed data that can’t be shared, siloed behind paywalls or on surveilled platforms, where the hidden cost lies in privacy and confidentiality. But discovering and analyzing research, science and business knowledge that informs what’s known and who and which the actors are is big business, estimated at well over US$1.5 billion a year, much of it paid by universities and public institutions. The real costs are vastly greater: much of the world is excluded from contributing and countless opportunities are lost.';x['search.submit'] = 'Submit Search';x['results.graphical.wizard.scatter.patents'] = 'Scatter Plot (Patents)';x['scholar.common.retraction.updates'] = 'Retraction Updates';x['explore.citations.allDocs.alert'] = 'All Document (Blank) searches are too large and resource intensive to support citation joins. Please submit a query or refine your search and try again...';x['search.structured.scholar.set.description'] = 'The below scholarly data sources are currently ingested and integrated in the Lens. Updates are performed on a fortnightly basis at the present time.';x[''] = 'Top Institutions by Citing Patents';x['subscription.qklk.patseq.downloads'] = 'PatSeq Data Sequence Downloads';x['export.format'] = 'Export file format';x['subscription.form.purpose'] = 'Purpose/Requirements';x['collection.common.linked.queries.include'] = 'Include Saved Queries in collection';x['user.summary.queries.join'] = 'Join Query';x['results.workspace.frequent.items'] = 'Frequently used Collections and Dashboards will appear here.';x['user.reports.publish'] = 'Publish';x[''] = 'Search';x['labs.apps.sars.cov2.description'] = 'Nature Biotechnology Collections assembed to show some of the steps we have taken to move us towards open innovation cartography that can inform collective action by consortia, by individual institutions and by motivated people. For shared and existential crises such as COVID or climate change, building bridges between diverse domains of knowledge and expertise will be critical to meet the challenge.';x['user.profile.source.orcid.lens'] = 'source: ORCID + Lens';x[''] = 'Institution Country/Region';x['common.mag.short'] = 'Microsoft Academic';x['home.form.bridging.cultures'] = 'Bridging Cultures';x[''] = 'There was an error loading family data. Please reload the page to try again. If you get this error after reloading the page, please <a href=\"\">Contact Support<\/a>';x[''] = 'Humanity faces an unprecedented urgency to address the problems that we collectively face, some of which we have collectively created. Only with connected actors coordinating their contributions can we have a fair go at innovating our way out of our current crises.';x['user.reports.description'] = 'Lens Reports is a new facility for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to real-time, automatically-updated Lens data and analytics. The next evolution of Lens, search, collect, analyze, annotate and now present your findings in a flexible, data-driven reporting interface.';x[''] = 'Anticipated Termination Date';x['common.error.collection.not.found.text'] = 'Sorry but we encountered a problem, the collection you\'re looking for no longer exists.';x[''] = 'Page Results';x['scholar.field.citation_id_type'] = 'Identifier Type';x[''] = 'Facets should not match: choose another';x[''] = 'Applicants';x[''] = 'No results found for';x['labs.dashboards.broad'] = 'The Broad Institute';x[''] = 'Now more than ever <span>privacy, impact, openness<\/span> and <span>cost<\/span> matter.';x[''] = 'in Scholar Search to see all results.';x[''] = 'Media Items';x[''] = 'Applications: Nucleotides';x[''] = 'Please view all';x['cap.participate.labs'] = 'Lens Labs';x['pricing.table.portfolios'] = 'Attested Portfolios';x['itk.faq.terms.examples'] = 'Examples, Use Cases and Notes';x['reports.feature.export.text'] = 'Save, Export or Share your report with others. Once a report is complete simply publish and share your reports with anyone.';x['chart.title.inventor.citing'] = 'Citing Inventors';x['labs.collab.barwon'] = 'Barwon Health';x['results.graphical.remove.panel'] = 'Remove Panel';x[''] = 'How to Subscribe';x['user.tags.description'] = 'Add tags to your search results to organise and filter results by custom tags, tags are comma separated.';x['query.metrics.patent.simple.families'] = 'Simple Families';x[''] = 'The number of scholarly works in the result set that are cited by other scholarly works';x['labs.apps.lens.scholar.api'] = 'Lens Scholarly API';x[''] = 'We then calculate the ratio and represent on a colour gradient from red to green, where red = 100% in force and dark green = 100% not in force. Grey represents jurisdictions with no patents present.';x[''] = 'Claimed Work';x['common.smaller'] = 'Smaller';x[''] = 'Jurisdictions comprising of multiple member countries like WIPO or EPO are expanded out into their individual countries. So if 20 patents are filed in Australia and 50 in WIPO, Australia will have 70 total.';x['results.graphical.wizard.citing.patents'] = 'Citing Patents';x['user.patseq.downloads.content10'] = '<li><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">PatSeq Bulk Download API documentation<\/a><\/li><li><a href=\"//\" target=\"_blank\">Support documentation<\/a><\/li><li><a href=\"/lens/bio/patseqdata\" target=\"_blank\">PatSeq Data Sequence Downloads<\/a><\/li><li><a href=\"\">Terms of Use<\/a> and <a href=\"\">Privacy Policy<\/a><\/li>';x['scholar.common.chemicals'] = 'Substances';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme'] = 'Theme / Color';x[''] = 'Price Guide';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works per 1,000 People';x['user.account.notice.important'] = 'Important';x['patent.document.image.preview'] = 'Image Preview';x['patentView.cited.phase'] = 'Cited Phase';x['user.profile.try.again'] = 'Try Again';x[''] = 'Author/Inventor Details';x['itk.faq.term.inst.user'] = 'Institutional User';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Media Library:<\/b><\/a> Upload images to your own media library and customise your collections.';x[''] = 'Last Author Only';x['scholar.common.authorship'] = 'Authorship';x['user.profile.feature.easy.update'] = 'Easy Update';x['patentField.application.number'] = 'Application No';x['subscription.scholar.survey.lead'] = 'We are always updating and improving the API and web services. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. ';x['user.saved.queries.notification'] = 'Notification';x['common.curator'] = 'Curator';x[''] = 'API &amp; Data';x['common.explore.more'] = 'Explore More';x['pricing.account.trial.heading'] = 'Trial Use - Public Access';x['user.workarea.set.actions.difference'] = 'Difference';x[''] = 'Behind Lens Reports is the full corpus of scholarly works and patent literature holdings, including biological sequences and legal events.';x['filters.available.facets'] = 'Available Facets';x['filters.flag.hasApplicant'] = 'Has Applicant';x['patent.document.section.inventors'] = 'Inventors';x[''] = 'Quick Menu';x['common.step.2'] = 'Step 2';x[''] = 'times by other scholarly works';x['common.step.1'] = 'Step 1';x['subscription.patseq.tier.3'] = 'Tier 3';x['itk.faq.term.inst.account.definition'] = 'The Lens account type for ITK subscribers. Includes additional and unique features and functionality not available on other user account types, such as larger collection limits, attested collections, collection embeddable widgets, ect.';x['common.step.3'] = 'Step 3';x['results.graphical.colour.purplered'] = 'purplered';x['itk.faq.term.inst.use.example'] = 'Institutional use is tied to an ITK subscription.';x['footer.menuPrivacy'] = 'Privacy';x['search.tip.title'] = 'Search';x['user.query.alert.join.limit'] = 'Only citation results for the first 100,000 cited/citing scholarly works or patents in your initial search are supported at this time. Please consider further refining your initial search to view all cited scholarly works in your result.';x['user.share.comparison'] = 'Share Comparison';x['subscription.patseq.tier.2'] = 'Tier 2';x['subscription.patseq.tier.1'] = 'Tier 1';x[''] = 'Create an account in 30 seconds to enable and use Collections, Query Alerts, Notes and much more';x['patentView.citations.plos_alt'] = 'Open access full text available at PubMedCentral';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.CPC_CLASSIFICATIONS'] = 'CPC Classifications';x['user.workarea.history.delete.item.sure'] = 'This item will be permanently deleted. Are you sure?';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.PUBLICATION_DATE'] = 'Publication Date';x['user.settings.image.choose.library'] = 'Choose from Library';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.YEAR_PUBLISHED'] = 'Publication Year';x['scholar.common.view.via'] = 'View this article via';x['filters.patent.owner'] = 'Owner Name Exact';x['reports.import.failed'] = 'Import Failed';x['subscription.access.detail.last.record'] = 'Last Record';x['query.metrics.cited-scholarly-works'] = 'Cited Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['cap.landing.mode.portal'] = 'Community App Portal';x['home.form.placeholder'] = 'Search by Keyword or Patent Field';x['user.workarea.project.delete.sure'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this Project?';x['itk.toolkit.reports.description'] = 'A unique institutional Report Builder prototype tool for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to live data, with no constraints on data sharing...';x['export.format.jsonl.tip'] = 'Select JSON Lines file format for claims';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.DOI'] = 'DOI';x['user.share.on.twitter'] = 'Share on X (Formerly Twitter)';x['labs.apps.delphi.description'] = 'Dynamic Early-warning by Learning to Predict High Impact. In a world of rapidly expanding science and limited resources, the identification of promising scientific research is critically important. In Learning on Knowledge Graph Dynamics Provides Early Warning of Impactful Research we present DELPHI--a framework for calculating an early-warning score for impactful new research via the learning and visualization of high-dimensional, time-based patterns from the historical biotechnology publication network. In this repository we are providing requirements, installation guides, and instructions for both (a) demonstrating the DELPHI approach on a sample set of data via an Jupyter Notebook provided in a Docker container, and (b) a web application for the visualization of the DELPHI results over time, and organized/sliced by various features. We\'ve attempted to make this introduction parallel to the provided details in the manuscript, and will be adding to, and further organizing, this repository in the next few months.';x['subscription.plan.created'] = 'Created';x['subscription.patseq.quick.links.notice'] = '<b>Notice:<\/b> <p class=\"list-icons--meta\">See the <a href=\"\">PatSeq Bulk Download Terms of Use<\/a> for licence details and definitions of academic and commercial use. Rich Plans include access to FASTA files. Rich file formats are only available for download via the <a href=\"\">PatSeq Bulk Download API.<\/a><\/p>';x[''] = 'No saved queries match that filter';x['results.graphical.chart.missing.values'] = 'Missing Values';x['common.go.back'] = 'Go Back';x[''] = 'Simple Patent Families. A patent family is a collection of patent applications covering the same or similar technical content. The family information gives you an understanding of the document’s international applicability through simple family members.';x['scholar.common.clinical.trial.details'] = 'Clinical Trial Details';x['subscription.checkout.checkout'] = 'Checkout';x['subscription.access.detail.first.record'] = 'First Record';x[''] = 'Multi Date Histogram';x[''] = 'Institution';x['itk.core.diagram.patent.text'] = 'In addition to hosting and serving over 127 million global patent metarecords, our patent search capabilities offer advanced boolean functions, structured search, biological search, classification search, filtering and sorting options to find the most relevant and important patents. With the new patent architecture integrated in the UI, users will have more than 120 fields to explore including multi family information and legal status/events.';x[''] = 'How to Access <b>APIs &amp; Data<\/b>';x[''] = 'Patent documents by Type';x[''] = '5.2M Works Cited in Patents';x[''] = 'Any legal entity that is incorporated for the purpose of advancing the public-good can apply for an Institutional Toolkit. Once approved, the institution will get a license for <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"/lens/institutions/faq#termsDefinitions\">Institutional Use<\/a> permitting;';x['user.account.workarea.disabled'] = '{0} days until your professional Work Area will be disabled';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.text'] = 'No longer need your account? Click here to delete your account. This can\'t be undone, so we recommend exporting all relevant work prior to requesting deletion.';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.FIELDS_OF_STUDY'] = 'Fields of Study';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.MAG_ID'] = 'Microsoft Academic ID';x['scholar.common.mesh.det.qualifier.ui'] = 'Qualifier UI';x['search.structured.short'] = 'Structured';x['article.forward.citation.count'] = 'Please load these results as a full search in order to access filtering, sorting, annotations, collection management and more.';x['common.matches'] = 'matches';x['pricing.faq.workspace.subscribe.answer.3'] = 'by following the payment prompts. Renewal payments are not automatic. You will receive a reminder email one month before the end of your subscription to renew and authorize payment.';x[''] = 'Supporting Institutions will be listed on an open registry of ITK subscribers that support collective action based on open, verifiable, and shareable data.';x['pricing.faq.workspace.subscribe.answer.2'] = ', you can then subscribe from your';x['user.profile.following'] = 'Following';x[''] = 'What is an Institutional Toolkit';x[''] = 'Is The Lens free?';x['results.graphical.interval'] = 'Interval';x['advancedPatentSearch.field'] = 'Field';x[''] = 'Select from our list of pre-sets';x['explore.citations.scholarly.cited.scholarly.text'] = 'These are the Scholarly Works that are cited by (referenced by) the Scholarly Works in the original result set.';x[''] = 'Top Authors by Citing Scholarly Works';x['user.collections.type.PATENT'] = 'Patent Records';x[''] = 'to use';x[''] = 'Community Apps & Data';x['pricing.common.trial'] = 'Trial';x['filters.workspace.title'] = 'Your Workspace';x['user.history.deleteAll.title'] = 'Delete all search history?';x['cap.faq.low.price.answer.3'] = 'Our commitment to inclusive access to knowledge and LEAP, allows us to focus on enabling useful and actionable knowledge, not building expensive constraints and paywalls. Another reason the low prices are possible is because of 20 years of generous support from philanthropic donors and foundations who helped The Lens to build the foundation that we have today.';x['cap.faq.low.price.answer.4'] = 'But the most important reason we can maintain low prices is because of you. Inclusive access means more people access the platform. Community-supported infrastructure that really has the support of the community allows us to distribute costs across a wide base; it doesn’t require a lot of money from each participant when there are lots of participants! The Lens believes that knowledge should be like the roads - infrastructure that facilitates the human activities of commerce and culture and as a result benefits us all.';x['cap.faq.low.price.answer.1'] = 'Well, actually, it is free for everyone on earth if they wish to access and use the site anonymously (i.e. as an unregistered guest user). Which is a pretty low price, we admit.';x['cap.faq.low.price.answer.2'] = 'Our secret sauce is that we build on the contributions of others in the public-good space: open source software, open data, open access publishing and new open machine learning tools. This is only possible with these shared approaches and it increases our quality rapidly and drops costs dramatically.';x['common.disabled'] = 'Disabled';x['cap.participate.itk.para.4'] = 'Institutional Toolkits are available through subscriptions which can be subsidized through LEAP, to help institutions optimally access, manage, and share open content for shared evidence. An ITK subscription also enables institutions to signal their commitment to global collective action that is based on more open and shared evidence.';x['savedQuery.type.PATENT'] = 'Patents';x['notes.user.add.note'] = 'Add Note';x[''] = 'Classification Info';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api.text'] = 'The Aggregation API enables users to run the same aggregation requests used to power the analysis charts and metrics available in the user interface and more, allowing users to perform their own analyses across the entire scholarly works dataset.';x['filters.flag.in_analytics_set'] = 'Analytics Set';x['user.workarea.set.actions.intersect'] = 'Intersect';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.NPL_RESOLVED_CITATION_COUNT'] = 'NPL Resolved Citation Count';x[''] = 'Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable and open patent and scholarly datasets with permission to embed or integrate and expose patent and scholarly metadata, metrics and analytics.';x[''] = 'Select base collection';x[''] = 'Lens Reports';x['results.graphical.wizard.doc.list'] = 'Document List';x[''] = 'Citing Patents';x['user.workarea.project.details'] = 'Project Details';x['common.load'] = 'Load';x['boolean.query.status'] = 'Query Status';x['itk.roadmap.development.lead'] = 'The package of tools included in the Institutional Toolkit will be extended as we expand the Lens core functionality and develop additional tools for institutions. Subscribing institutions will be able to vote on their preferred ITK development priorities. We welcome feedback and input into the ITK roadmap to help us prioritize the tools and features institutions want most.';x[''] = 'Next';x[''] = 'Open<br>Public Access';x['common.facet.switch'] = 'Switch Facets';x['journal.source'] = 'Journal / Source';x['cap.why.enabling.innovation.para.1'] = 'What do we mean by this? Innovation without Borders is of course intended to resonate with those who know how Médecins Sans Frontières approaches the challenges of humanity. And the borders are sometimes nations, sometimes mindsets, sometimes barriers to knowledge and to coordinating action - as we say at The Lens ‘Informed by Evidence, Inspired by Imagination’';x['cap.why.enabling.innovation.para.2'] = 'The Collective Action Project (CAP) is a multi-year initiative to shift how we work together to solve problems - the big ones. This initiative bridges the boundaries and removes roadblocks to science- and technology-enabled problem solving and the partnering it requires.';x['cap.why.enabling.innovation.para.3'] = 'The project will ensure open access to shared innovation knowledge and inclusive access to the data and tools needed to solve our collective crises. Developed in consultation with leadership at the WHO, WIPO, CEPI, World Trade Organization, UNEP, the Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor of India, and leading Universities, the project is guided by our Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP) to provide equitable access for all institutions and ensure the ongoing sustainability of The Lens as a community-supported platform. ';x['cap.why.enabling.innovation.para.4'] = 'The launch of the Collective Action Project coincides with a major new release featuring enhanced patent functionality - including more than 120 indexed fields, APIs and legal status information - and Institutional Toolkits, which include Attested Portfolios, the new Report Builder, Embeddable Widgets and much more. Through LEAP, The Lens guarantees inclusive and equitable access to these toolkits and functionality to all institutions for public-good use.';x[''] = 'Please enable pop-ups to use the USPTO web app';x['results.view.custom.journal.source'] = 'Journal / Source';x[''] = 'Apply Groupings';x['cap.landing.solututions.shared'] = 'Solutions must be shared';x['collection.common.dynamic.make.tip'] = 'This Dynamic Collection is automatically updated from your linked Saved Queries when new items are added to our search index';x['filters.flag.has_claim'] = 'Has Claim';x['cap.participate.itk.para.1'] = 'The open, transparent, and verifiable knowledge from The Lens is an alternative to closed, proprietary services that restrict access rather than encourage it.';x['cap.faq.collection.action.answer.2'] = 'The most acute collective crises we face are failures of the commons: climate and ecosystem degradation, global health, massive economic and innovation inequity. Collective action is essential to solving these crises - it means that what we do can contribute to a solution. This is collective but not necessarily collaborative. Collaboration is critical, but not prescriptive for collective action. For example a company that shifts to solar cells is part of collective action to address climate change.';x['cap.faq.collection.action.answer.3'] = 'To enable collective action we must have trust and find mutual self-interest. Thus there is a critical need for open, verifiable and shareable knowledge.';x['cap.participate.itk.para.3'] = 'Based on open, verifiable, and shareable data, the toolkit allows the exploration of innovation knowledge, facilitates informed decision-making, fosters partnerships across discipline silos, and enables institutions to build trust in the collective action required to solve society’s crises. The toolkit includes site-wide permissions, high volume APIs, branded and attested collections and portfolios, Lens Report Builder, institutional profiles, customisable alerts and more.';x['scholar.flag.open_access.tip'] = 'Open Access status is determined using open access evidence data from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Unpaywall<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenAlex<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">DOAJ<\/a> journal list (where the work is published after the journal DOAJ listing date), listing in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">PubMed Central<\/a> or availability in an \"rXiv\" preprint repository, including <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ArXiv<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">bioRxiv<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ChemRxiv<\/a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">medRxiv<\/a>. Please note: scholarly works that are not categorised as Open Access have no evidence available from these data sources and does not mean they are not Open Access.';x['cap.participate.itk.para.2'] = 'To facilitate this, The Lens designed the Institutional Toolkits (ITK) to support discovery, navigation and measurement of innovation knowledge and enables evidence-based decision making from shared knowledge through the platform. These tools are designed to enable the workflow of public-good and commercial institutions at the lowest possible price to help reduce the barriers to innovation.';x['cap.faq.collection.action.answer.1'] = 'We have to think differently about solving problems together, shared knowledge and informed partnerships are the key. But as important, we must behave differently. When problems affect us all, and these are complex problems, we must solve them as a societal priority in all locations and impacted populations. This requires trust, and shared knowledge is key to that trust.';x['itk.price.tier.150-500k'] = '150,001 - 500,000';x['scholar.sort.scholarly.citations.short'] = 'Citing Works';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.patent.cites.NPL'] = 'The number of patent documents in the result set that cite non-patent literature';x['patent.document.section.abstract'] = 'Abstract';x['tour.workarea.step.2.text-2'] = 'Many work area tools are reserved for registered users, just another benefit of having an account.';x['cap.landing.mode.portal.text'] = 'Using open source code and open data from the Lens to create community content and apps...';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['results.graphical.wizard.owners.jurisdiction'] = 'Owners by Jurisdiction';x[''] = 'Lens Patent API';x['user.profile.toolbar.manage.collections'] = 'Manage Collections in Work Area';x['home.form.placeholder.scholar'] = 'Search by Keyword or Scholarly Field';x['user.profile.toolbar.manage.reports'] = 'Manage Reports in Work Area';x['results.graphical.basic.vis.types'] = 'Basic Visualisation Types';x['notes.patent.scope.APPLICANTS'] = 'Applicants';x['scholar.field.referenced_by_patent.cited'] = 'Cited by patent';x[''] = 'Email';x[''] = 'Order by Type';x['common.action.expand'] = 'Show all';x[''] = 'Lens for Institutions';x[''] = 'Link to share';x['user.workarea.set.actions.delete.selected'] = 'Delete Selected';x[''] = 'because log scale can not display zero-values. To see all scholarly works on this plot';x[''] = '<li>1,000 requests per month<\/li><li>5 requests per minute<\/li><li>2 nested aggregations per request<\/li>';x['scholar.common.funding_info'] = 'Funding Info';x['collection.common.sort.citing.patent.collection'] = 'Citing Patent Collections';x['boolean.query.status.valid'] = 'Query Valid';x['scholar.flag.description.chemical'] = 'Substance';x['sorting.title.desc'] = 'Title ↓';x['user.tags.rename.tag'] = 'Rename Tag';x['common.100'] = '100';x[''] = 'Our core datasets are open, global and can be accessed, used and shared by anyone. We don\'t discriminate by who you are or where you are; we aspire to help problem solvers in any jurisdiction and any language.';x['search.structured.patent.set'] = 'Patent Data Set';x['generalResults.export'] = 'Export';x['search.structured'] = 'Structured Search';x[''] = 'Why Now';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.REFERENCED_BY'] = 'Citing Works';x['common.filter'] = 'Filter';x['itk.faq.a9.para'] = 'However, to help increase innovation capability and improve the quality of life (i.e. human development) in lower socio-economic countries, public-good institutions in almost 130 countries and administrative regions will automatically be eligible for an Institutional Toolkit (ITK) subscription at no charge upon application. See the <a href=\"/lens/collective-action/leap\">LEAP eligibility criteria<\/a> for more details.';x['common.areYouSure'] = 'Are you sure?';x['common.license'] = 'License';x[''] = 'See Calculated Legal Status';x['patent.results.view.full.list'] = 'View full list in Patent Search';x['scholar.common.view.citattion.string'] = 'View original citation strings';x['scholar.field.title'] = 'Title';x['itk.feature.available'] = 'Feature Available Now';x[''] = 'With us, everyone can access and use the website at no cost . We don\'t do \'Freemium\'. Everybody uses Lens for free. We think the ability for anyone to create new value should not be constrained by access to critical knowledge.';x[''] = 'Family Info';x[''] = 'Could not save Query. Please try again';x[''] = 'Sort by Date';x['cap.participate'] = 'Participating in Collective Action';x['home.form.load.more'] = 'Load More';x['labs.dashboards.citing.patents'] = 'Citing Patents';x['search.orcid.results.links'] = 'Links';x['sorting.rank'] = 'Sort by Relevance';x[''] = 'Scholarly Aggregation API';x['results.tabview.list'] = 'Summary View';x[''] = 'Open Access';x['filters.flag.citesPatent'] = 'Cites Patent';x['filters.scholar.chemical'] = 'Chemical Substance Name';x['subscription.checkout.pending'] = 'Subscription Pending';x['filters.queryTools.title'] = 'Query Tools';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals.citation.comparison'] = 'Journal Citation Comparison';x['patentView.tabs.collections'] = 'Collections';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'Personal Bio';x[''] = 'Scholarly Authors';x['itk.roadmap.widgets'] = 'Embeddable Widgets';x['labs.apps.patseq'] = 'PatSeq Data';x[''] = 'Visualisation has been saved to your Lens Clipboard. When editing a Report, click \"Lens Clipboard\" to insert this visualisation.';x[''] = 'Support';x['common.paging.previous.text'] = '&lt; Prev';x[''] = 'Dates';x[''] = 'The data in these files are freely available to members of this community. We expect members to inform the community of errors in the data or documentation and to provide fixes/improvements. Also, we strongly encourage members to contribute back to the community. When you supplement these data, e.g., by linking these files to additional sources, we encourage you to make the supplemental links available to the community on this site after your research is complete.';x['home.socials.vimeo'] = 'Vimeo Library';x['subscription.api.request.received'] = 'Request Received';x['common.last.used'] = 'Last Used';x[''] = 'Your browser does not support the video tag.';x['user.saved.queries.manage'] = 'Manage Saved Queries';x['explorer.classifications'] = 'Classification Explorer';x['labs.masthead.btn.explore'] = 'Explore the Apps & Data';x[''] = 'Stay up to date';x['results.view.table'] = 'Table';x['collection.common.dynamic.list'] = '<li><em class=\"fa fa-check col-ter\"><\/em> Auto update from this query.<\/li><li><em class=\"fa fa-check col-ter\"><\/em> Auto update from multiple queries.<\/li><li><em class=\"fa fa-check col-ter\"><\/em> Receive alert notifications.<\/li><li><em class=\"fa fa-check col-ter\"><\/em> Review new items when available.<\/li><li><em class=\"fa fa-check col-ter\"><\/em> Always up to date.<\/li>';x['user.profile.patents.over.time'] = 'Patents Over Time';x[''] = 'View The Report';x['results.graphical.view.hoz.grouped'] = 'Horizontal Grouped';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'Last Name';x['user.workarea.claim.remove.authorship.text'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove your claim for this work? This action will remove the work from your ORCID record.';x['common.advice.password.length'] = 'Password must be at least 6 characters in length. We recommend users choose strong passwords that are at least 12 characters, do not reuse passwords used for other services, and do not share your password with others.';x['patent.document.examiners.assistant'] = 'Assistant Examiner';x['pricing.faq.workspace.afford.answer'] = 'We\'ve introduced the';x[''] = 'PatSeq Bulk Data';x['itk.toolkit.api.access.description'] = 'The Lens Application Programming Interface (API) provides programmatic access to FAIR and open data for global patents and scholarship, to analyse or supplement internal and external datasets...';x['home.feature.patseq.description'] = 'This is the world’s largest publicly available database with internal transparency metrics. Choose among the 5 apps available to you to search and analyse the DNA, RNA and protein sequences found in patents and how these can inform innovation or shape strategies for research or product development.';x['user.dashboard.view.updating'] = 'You are updating an existing dashboard';x[''] = 'Patent MetaRecords';x['labs.dashboards.broad.description'] = 'The Eli and Edythe L. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, often referred to as the Broad Institute, is a biomedical and genomic research center located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.SEQUENCE_COUNT'] = 'Sequence Count';x[''] = 'Code Sample & Docs';x[''] = 'Search Tips';x[''] = 'Individual Commercial Use Agreement';x['subscription.api.quick.links.updated'] = 'Last Updated';x['user.saved.queries.delete.multiple'] = 'Really Delete ';x['filters.usNat.title'] = 'US Classifications';x['pricing.account.institutional.non.profit.para.2'] = 'Institutional Toolkits are available for public-good or non-profit legal entities that are incorporated for the public-good, permitting any use type that advances the public-good mission of the institution.';x['pricing.account.institutional.non.profit.para.1'] = 'The Lens offers an Institutional Toolkit, providing additional features and functionality not available on personal account types, as well as Professional Workspaces for all institutional users.';x['results.graphical.colour.viridis'] = 'viridis';x[''] = 'Legal';x[''] = 'New Dashboard';x['query.metrics.patent.cited-patents'] = 'Cited Patents';x['subscription.faq.itks'] = 'Who is eligible for Institutional User API Access?';x[''] = 'Prominent Author Profiles';x['subscription.patent.option.4.text'] = 'The full bulk dataset is available for download with regular updates and deltas via a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">download API<\/a>. Bulk data files use <a href=\"\" class=\"text-link\" target=\"_blank\">JSON Lines<\/a> file format, with one line for each patent record and records using the same data schema as the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">API Response<\/a>.';x['user.tags.none.yet'] = 'No Tags Yet';x['itk.core.diagram.portfolios'] = 'Portfolios';x['results.graphical.facet'] = 'Facet';x[''] = 'Map Projection';x['results.graphical.basic.vis.types.views'] = 'These can be presented in many different views';x[''] = 'Lens ID Created From';x[''] = 'Share via Email';x['breadcrumb.reports'] = 'Reports';x[''] = 'Export in progress';x['pricing.faq.users.intro'] = 'The Lens offers access to unregistered (public access) and registered users, with Personal Accounts providing access to Professional Workspaces for registered users.';x['itk.faq.a7.para.2'] = 'Subscribing institutions can signal their support for collective action by opting-in on the ITK request form and will be listed publicly as a supporting institution. Supporting Institutions will be listed on an open registry of ITK subscribers that support collective action based on open, verifiable, and shareable data. If you do not wish to have your institution listed publicly as a supporting institution, you can opt out of supporting collective action by deselecting the checkbox when requesting an ITK subscription.';x['results.graphical.wizard.scholar.citations.over.time'] = 'Scholarly Citations by Year of Publication';x['search.set.actions.intersect'] = 'Intersect';x['common.submitting'] = 'Submitting...';x[''] = 'Last Name';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme4.sub'] = 'For accessibility';x[''] = 'Save Current';x['results.graphical.remaining.charts'] = 'remaining charts';x['results.view.custom.table'] = 'Table';x['common.items'] = 'items';x['collection.common.title'] = 'Collection Title';x[''] = 'E.g. Innovative businesses, for-profit publishers, investors, law firms, consultancies, contract research organizations, etc.';x['scholar.badge.tooltip.mesh_term'] = 'Has MeSH Terms';x['collection.common.history.about'] = 'About Collection History';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.CHEMICALS'] = 'Chemicals';x['results.graphical.wizard.countries.citation.comparison'] = 'Country/Region Citation Comparison';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.REFERENCED_BY_PATENT_LENS_ID'] = 'Referenced by patent Lens ID';x['common.marked.unread'] = 'Marked as Unread';x[''] = 'Scholarly API & Data';x[''] = '<li>1,000 requests per month<\/li><li>5 requests per minute<\/li><li>2 nested aggregations per request<\/li>';x['query.metrics.extended-families'] = 'Extended Families';x['user.profile.for.orcid'] = 'for ORCID';x[''] = 'Owners';x['common.source'] = 'Source';x['subscription.access.detail.raw.size'] = 'Raw Size';x['user.linkedservices.remove'] = 'I understand, remove this service';x['patentField.examiner'] = 'Examiner';x['query.details.simple'] = 'Simple';x[''] = 'Patent documents by Jurisdiction';x[''] = 'This Institution supports Collective Action based on open, verifiable, and shareable data.';x[''] = 'FAIRE data is data which meets the principles of <a href=\"\">Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability<\/a>, but is also Enabling. By using FAIRE and open data you are supporting universal access to the tools of innovation.';x[''] = 'PatSeq Bulk Data';x['tour.workarea.step.5.text'] = 'Click this ellipsis icon to show a dropdown of options relating to your work area item.';x['collection.common.linked.queries.include.short.tip'] = 'You can include additional saved queries to this dynamic collection.';x[''] = 'Not enough information to calculate status';x['reports.introducing'] = 'Introducing';x[''] = 'Select';x[''] = 'Save';x['collectionManageWidget.btnCreateAlt'] = 'Create Collection';x['itk.core.diagram.meta.text'] = 'Metadata provides the glue that highlights relationships between data elements. Some metadata is created by and unique to The Lens. Lens metadata extracts unique data facets and serves to bridge content artefacts.';x['data.coverage.patent'] = 'Patent Data Coverage';x['home.feature.in4m.description'] = 'The International Industry & Innovation Influence Mapping (In4M) uses citation-based metrics to map the influence of academic research on academia and enterprise. In4M explores, exposes and ranks the degree to which scholarly work output influences outcomes for society.';x[''] = 'A confirmation email has been sent to you.';x[''] = 'Tags: API, bulk-data, REST, documentation';x[''] = 'Documents cited by';x['support.lookup'] = 'Quickly look up support topics from our knowledge base and documentation.';x['common.records'] = 'records';x['cap.landing.cap'] = 'Collective Action Project';x['itk.roadmap.projects'] = 'Lens Projects Tab';x['results.graphical.untitled.image'] = 'Untitled Image';x['results.graphical'] = 'Graphical Analysis';x['results.graphical.colour.magma'] = 'magma';x['results.view.custom.filed'] = 'Filed';x[''] = 'Legal Status';x[''] = 'Next';x['itk.roadmap.reports.para.4'] = '<b>Public Comments:<\/b> A discussion mechanism will also be added to reports to help engage audiences and promote discussion by enabling public commenting on reports. Lens users will be able to add comments or reply to existing comments in threads. Any discussion facility linked to a report will require moderation with features for report authors to flag or delete inappropriate comments and block users.';x['itk.roadmap.reports.para.3'] = '<b>Multi-User Collaborative Editing<\/b>: In addition to the improved report building UX, real-time multi-user collaborative editing will also be enabled on Lens Reports (using ). Leveraging the permission functionality for institutional users and team, Lens Report Builder will allow institutional users to share and collaborate on reports with anyone in real-time, with version control and revision history.';x['itk.roadmap.reports.para.5'] = '<b>Report Templates:<\/b> Lens Report Builder will also include reporting templates that provide templates for a number of report use cases to quickly get you started on your report. Use cases for reports templates include technology and innovation landscapes, literature reviews, institutional research performance, impact and influence assessment, prior-art reviews, open access and funding analyses, etc. ';x['user.tag'] = 'Tag';x[''] = 'This tour will demonstrate how to perform a search. Feel free to skip this tour if you\'re not interested at this time. You can always launch it again from the Support Menu on pages that a feature tour is relevant.';x['itk.roadmap.reports.para.2'] = '<b>Content-Centric UX:<\/b> The beta version of the report builder is based on an assumption that the fundamental building blocks of the report are rows and each row has a limited number of content layout options. With a content-centric approach, the row and layout relationships are redefined so content can be dragged and dropped almost anywhere enabling flexible layout options and providing more efficient user experience. ';x[''] = 'For more information see our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">terms of use<\/a>';x['scholar.field.funding.organisation.exact'] = 'Funding';x['collection.common.type.tip'] = 'The resolved item counts within a collection can change over time, as the Lens uses a metaRecord strategy wherein the LensIDs are merged, split or removed from the Index to perfect matching with each data release.';x['common.sharedWith'] = 'Shared with';x['collection.common.static.list'] = '<li><em class=\"fa fa-check col-ter\"><\/em> Manually curate items.<\/li><li><em class=\"fa fa-check col-ter\"><\/em> Add notes to annotate collections.<\/li><li><em class=\"fa fa-check col-ter\"><\/em> Private or public publishing.<\/li><li><em class=\"fa fa-times col-error\"><\/em> Receive alert notifications.<\/li><li><em class=\"fa fa-times col-error\"><\/em> Automatically updated.<\/li>';x[''] = 'Choose a specific field to search';x['coverage.display.last.100'] = 'Display only last 100 years';x['common.explore.presets'] = 'Explore Presets';x['results.view.list'] = 'List';x[''] = 'View Support Docs';x['common.Updated'] = 'Updated';x[''] = 'Add New';x[''] = 'Access the full corpus of Lens patent records using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API or bulk data downloads. The versioned API allows you to perform and combine several types of searches using a number of different operations and aggregation requests.';x[''] = 'Publisher Country of the cited works';x[''] = 'US Classifications';x['common.action.deleted'] = 'Deleted';x['itk.roadmap.widgets.para'] = 'A number of badge and content widgets that institutions can embed and integrate into institutional applications are currently in development. Starting with collections, ITK subscribers will be able to generate code snippets for customisable embeddable widgets of individual scholarly works or patents, In4M influence metrics, charts, dashboards or reports. Customisable link sharing options will also be provided to subscribing institutions allowing customisable URL images for institutional profiles, dashboards, collections or reports using the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Open Graph Protocol<\/a>.';x[''] = 'Custom Range';x[''] = 'No mentions';x['boolean.query.length.limit'] = 'There\'s no enforced limit on the query length, however queries are URL-based, which are typically limited to ~2000 characters (browser dependent).';x[''] = 'No description provided yet';x[''] = 'PatCite';x[''] = 'Legal Status is automatically calculated from available data sources and is subject to change.';x['subscription.checkout.faq.individual.use.answer'] = 'Many Individual Lens users have asked for an easy way to comply with the terms of use for commercial purposes and contribute to the sustainability of The Lens as a global public resource, and we have created a new license agreement permitting that use. Tied to an individual user’s account, the single-seat, non-transferable license allows individuals to use The Lens platform and metadata in their professional work or business to support professionals, consultants and attorneys working across the research and innovation sectors.';x['results.graphical.scatter.plot.description'] = 'The “patent” or “article” scatter plot visualisation type allows individual scholarly works to be plotted on arbitrary axes.';x[''] = 'Applications: Peptides';x['filters.publication_type'] = 'Document Type';x['filters.flag.legal_status.granted'] = 'Has Granted Patent';x['query.details.hide'] = 'Hide Query Details';x[''] = 'Families';x[''] = 'Simple Family of';x[''] = 'Generate a report';x['sorting.sequences'] = 'Sequences';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.extended.families'] = 'An extended family is a collection of patent applications that stem from similar technical content.';x['results.view.custom.lensid'] = 'Lens ID';x['subscription.patent.option.1.text'] = 'The trial API includes 5,000 API requests and up to 100 thousand records per month, 10 API requests/minute and up to 100 records per request. Explore 120+ searchable fields enhanced with filtering, paging and sorting.';x['classification.viewer.startNewSearch'] = 'Start new search for {0}';x[''] = 'E.g. universities, research institutes, non-profit organizations, government departments, research funders, societies, etc.';x[''] = 'This item is not Open Access';x[''] = 'Horizontal Bar Chart';x[''] = 'Could not save Query';x['search.structured.coverage'] = 'Coverage Stats';x[''] = 'About';x['results.graphical.wizard.fos.overtime'] = 'Field of Study Over Time';x[''] = 'Field of Study Word Cloud';x['side.tabs.saved.queries'] = 'Saved Queries';x[''] = 'Publisher Country';x['subscription.checkout.details'] = 'Details';x[''] = 'Top Publishers';x['common.attribution.policy'] = 'See attribution policy';x['query.metrics.simple-families'] = 'Simple Families';x[''] = 'US Classifications';x['explore.citations.scholarly'] = 'Scholarly Work Citations';x[''] = 'Contact Us';x[''] = 'Export as CSV';x[''] = 'Support';x[''] = 'Top Cited Scholarly Works Over Time';x[''] = 'Select Organisation Size';x['scholar.common.authorship.find'] = 'Find Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'patents not in force in';x['subscription.checkout.activated'] = 'Subscription Activated!';x[''] = 'Earliest Priority';x[''] = 'To record your';x['labs.collab.citation.chaser.description'] = 'In searching for research articles, we often want to obtain lists of references from across studies, and also obtain lists of articles that cite a particular study. In systematic reviews, this supplementary search technique is known as \'citation chasing\': forward citation chasing looks for all records citing one or more articles of known relevance; backward ciation chasing looks for all records referenced in one or more articles.';x['filters.flag.has_inventor'] = 'Has Inventor';x[''] = 'View Policies';x[''] = 'Start Patent API Survey';x[''] = 'Family Publications';x['subscription.landing.expired.patents'] = 'Expired Patents';x[''] = 'Employment';x[''] = 'Pricing';x[''] = 'Search Simple Family';x['export.format.png'] = 'PNG';x['common.action.edit'] = 'Edit';x['user.workarea.history.delete.all.sure'] = 'This will permanently delete all history. Are you sure?';x[''] = 'ITK subscribers can signal their support for collective action by opting-in on the ITK request form. Supporting Institutions will be listed on an open registry of ITK subscribers that support collective action based on open, verifiable, and shareable data.';x['breadcrumb.account'] = 'Account';x['pricing.table.exports'] = 'Export Records';x['user.saved.queries.deleted'] = 'Saved Queries Deleted';x['labs.apps.lens.analysis'] = 'Lens Analysis';x[''] = 'A <a href=\"\">Swagger UI<\/a> is also provided for query development and a <a href=\"\">GitHub repository<\/a> is provided for issue tracking. We provide several supported query types with examples and use cases in the documentation, however the examples listed may not cover all applicable scenarios that you might want to use. If there are other scenarios that you would find useful, please let us know. As we receive feedback, we will update the documentation with new examples, and we will use your input to guide development and improve the API.';x[''] = 'Field of Study by Publication Type';x['user.tags.scholar.filter'] = 'Filter current scholar search with tag';x['user.queries'] = 'Saved Queries';x['query.metrics.patent.citations.tip'] = 'The sum of citing patents for all patent-cited scholarly works in the result set';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Notes &amp; Annotations:<\/b><\/a> Annotate and make notes on documents, dashboards and collections.';x['chart.title.classification_nat.citing'] = 'US Classifications of the Citing Patents';x['common.50000'] = '50,000';x[''] = 'These are the scholarly works that are cited by (referenced by) the scholarly works in the original result set (backward citations)';x[''] = 'Patent';x[''] = 'Unknown';x['tour.analysis.step.1.text'] = 'This is a';x['search.table.cpc.classifications'] = 'CPC Classifications';x['patentField.assignee'] = 'Owners';x['pricing.table.notes'] = 'Notes, Annotations & Tags';x['common.action.expandAll'] = 'Expand all';x[''] = 'The Lens launches its institutional services through <a href=\"/lens/institutions\" class=\"text-link\">Lens Institutional Toolkits<\/a>';x['side.tabs.history'] = 'History';x[''] = 'patents in Patent Search';x['subscription.request.bulk.sample.button'] = 'Download Sample Data';x['user.registration.institution.tier.leap'] = 'LEAP';x[''] = 'Author ORCID';x[''] = 'Substance';x['user.profile.landing'] = 'Lens Profiles';x['home.cta.evidence.imagination'] = 'Informed by evidence and inspired by imagination.';x['analysis.intro.description'] = 'This analysis covers a result set of only';x['cap.participate.sponsorships.lead'] = 'Participate in collective action by sponsoring accelerated delivery of services or functionality for the benefit of all.';x[''] = 'Works Cited by Scholarly';x[''] = 'First Author Only';x[''] = 'Grouped Bar Chart';x['itk.core.diagram.portfolios.text'] = 'Create, annotate and share curated and validated collections of works. Improved transparency and the ability to promote authoritative, branded institutional work products, both scholarship and inventions.';x[''] = 'Institutional Toolkit';x['subscription.api.token.description'] = 'Description';x['subscription.invoices'] = 'Invoices & Receipts';x[''] = 'Patent, Scholarly Works and PatSeq Search and Analysis';x['results.graphical.colour.redpurple'] = 'redpurple';x['itk.faq.a2'] = 'For Universities, Research Institutes and Research Publishers, to calculate your institution tier, go to the <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"/lens/search/scholar/structured\">structured search page<\/a>, select the institution field and search for your institution. Alternatively, you can search and select your institution in the <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"/lens/search/scholar/list\">filter sidebar<\/a>. You will then need to refine your search by filtering to the last 6 complete publication years i.e. 2018-2023. <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">See example<\/a>.';x[''] = 'Read more about Collections';x[''] = 'Select Files';x['itk.faq.a1'] = 'The toolkit is available for both public-good and commercial institutions under a tiered -based subscription plan. However, to us, inclusive innovation means that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the innovative process and to access capabilities that will inform and guide their decision-making. For these reasons, in addition to the tier-based subscription model, we are introducing a Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP) to ensure there is inclusive access to the toolkit. As such, public-good institutions If an institution legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price, The Lens commits to adjusting the price, or finding a way to subsidize or otherwise provide access.';x[''] = 'Heatmap Max Value';x['notes.patent.scope.FAMILYINFO'] = 'Family';x['results.graphical.colour.scheme.description'] = 'If the fields you are using to encode colour is quantitative it is recommended to use a sequential colour scheme. If the field is categorical then choose a categorical scheme. Note by default the colour scheme is automatically set based on the field type.';x['scholar.common.retracted'] = 'Retracted Work';x[''] = 'Start PatSeq Bulk Data Survey';x['itk.faq.a9'] = 'With the launch of the Collective Action Project we have also introduced LEAP to ensure all public-good institutions can access the institutional tools regardless of their financial standing. Through LEAP, any institution that legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price is eligible to apply for access through LEAP.';x['itk.faq.a8'] = 'Institutional Users are registered users that are affiliated with an institution that has an ITK subscription via the institutional account. The Lens provides access to three types of users on the platform with some important distinctions between an Individual user (anonymous or personal user) and an Institutional User. For more information on Institutional Users see the <a class=\"text-link\" <a href=\"#termsDefinitions\">terms and definitions<\/a>.';x['itk.faq.a6'] = 'Institutional toolkits provide a private and secure workspace where you can choose what is made public and which users have access. Your use of the Lens is your business, not ours. We do not monetize the user’s journey and it is up to you to choose what work area items are public. Read more about our approach to privacy and security in our <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">privacy policy<\/a>.';x['itk.faq.a5'] = 'Institutional Toolkit licenses are available for both public-good and commercial institutions. ITKs do allow for commercial use depending on the institution type and use case.';x['itk.faq.a4'] = 'Institutions will be able to provide input into the development roadmap to help guide the development of new features and functionality for institutional toolkits. Institutional accounts will be able to vote on development priorities and suggest new features for development.';x['itk.faq.a3'] = 'Institutional toolkits are available through annual subscriptions, renewable every 12 months.';x[''] = 'Support';x[''] = 'Your Search bucket is currently empty';x['export.format.json.legacy.text'] = 'JSON uses a legacy data schema that will be deprecated. JSON Lines uses the same data schema as the <a href=\"\" class=\"text-link\" target=\"_blank\">API response<\/a>. We recommended replacing legacy JSON exports with JSON Lines exports.';x[''] = 'My institution supports <a href=\"/lens/collective-action\" class=\"text-link\">collective action<\/a>.';x['results.graphical.chart.filtered.values.restrict'] = 'Restrict to Filtered Values';x[''] = 'The United States Patent Classification is an official patent classification system used and maintained by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It has been replaced with the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) as of January 1, 2013. N.B. Formatting differences; The \'invention\' symbols are in bold and the \'additional\' are in a normal font weight';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['support.suggestions.create.collection.text'] = 'Import these search results into a new works collection for curation.';x['patentField.cset.definition'] = 'In certain CPC subclasses, the CPC allows a combination of ordered symbols to be allocated as a single classification. These are referred to as C-sets, combi sets or combination sets.';x['starting.wizard.step.1.heading'] = 'Welcome to the Lens';x['user.profile.privacy.history.optout'] = 'You are opted out of recording search history';x['labs.apps.citationchaser.description'] = 'In searching for research articles, we often want to obtain lists of references from across studies, and also obtain lists of articles that cite a particular study. In systematic reviews, this supplementary search technique is known as \'citation chasing\': forward citation chasing looks for all records citing one or more articles of known relevance; backward ciation chasing looks for all records referenced in one or more articles.';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.cited.patents'] = 'The patent documents that are cited by the patent documents in the original result set';x[''] = 'Using Lens Data?';x['user.account.use.confirm'] = 'Confirm';x['results.graphical.colour.tableau20'] = 'tableau20';x[''] = 'Your Name (Optional)';x['labs.apps.HHMI.Authors'] = 'Contributions from HHMI Authors';x['results.graphical.basic.vis.types.description'] = 'The “basic” visualisation type allows simple aggregations of a single facet for a single metric. So for example “Top 100 Institutions by Scholar Citations”';x['cap.equitable.access'] = 'Collective Action for Equitable Access';x[''] = 'A Swagger UI is also provided for query development and a GitHub repository is provided for issue tracking. We have described several supported query types and use cases in the documentation, however the examples listed may not cover all applicable scenarios that you might want to use. If there are other scenarios that you would find useful, please let us know. As we receive feedback, we will update the documentation with new examples, and we will use your input to guide development and improve the API.';x['user.linkedservices.content'] = '<p><b>Please note:<\/b> If you use linked services to sign into the Lens, you will need at least one of them linked to your account. Removing ORCID linked services will prevent you from recording any new inventorship/authorship or syncing any works you have already recorded inventorship/authorship on.<\/p>';x['results.graphical.queued.tip'] = 'Analysis waiting for other visualisations to complete';x['user.profile.privacy.anaytics.optin'] = 'You are currently being tracked on this device';x['patent.document.section.owner'] = 'Owner';x['labs.landing.lens.labs'] = 'Lens Labs';x[''] = 'Tools and software';x['search.submit.anyway'] = 'Submit Search Anyway';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.IS_OPEN_ACCESS'] = 'Is Open Access';x['pricing.common.table.limit.100'] = '(100K limit)';x['home.loading.lens'] = 'Loading Lens...';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.patent.NPL.citations'] = 'The sum of cited NPL count for all patent documents in the result set that cite non-patent literature';x[''] = 'Download List';x['boolean.query.shortcuts'] = 'Keyboard Shortcuts';x['search.structured.dataset.short'] = 'Data';x['itk.roadmap.projects.para'] = 'We have designed a new workflow model called Projects to help you organize your work. The Projects Tab in the work area and associated workflow functionality allows institutions to organise their work area items (reports, collections, saved queries, dashboards, etc.) into projects, providing a convenient way to access and manage all assets in one location. With granular access permissions, easily control the access-rights to all project assets for individual or teams of institutional users.';x['itk.faq.lead'] = 'We appreciate there may be many technical and business questions related to this toolkit product, below we have listed some of the most common questions we have received. We will continually update this list, if you have an additional question, please <a href=\"/lens/feedback?returnTo=/\" class=\"feedbackLink\">contact us today<\/a>.';x[''] = 'Aliases';x['starting.wizard.heading.privacy'] = 'Privacy Settings';x[''] = 'Patent API';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.REFERENCES_LENS_IDS'] = 'References';x['starting.wizard.step.4.heading'] = 'Get More Out Of The Lens';x['boolean.query.shortcuts.list'] = '<li>Ctrl + Space: autocomplete top suggested field<\/li><li>Ctrl + Enter: Validate query<\/li><li>Ctrl + Enter: Submit validated query<\/li>';x['home.supporters.collaborating'] = 'Collaborating With The Best';x[''] = 'The number of scholarly works in the result set';x[''] = 'Author Word Cloud';x['scholar.field.mesh_term.mesh_heading'] = 'MeSH Heading';x[''] = 'None';x[''] = 'Limited Patent';x[''] = 'Dashboards';x[''] = 'Works Cited By Patents';x['cap.participate.portal.para.1'] = 'Examples of apps include data visualization tools, a natural language search processor, and an automation tool for systematic reviews. If you have an idea for an app, The Lens encourages you to create it to support collective action.';x['cap.participate.portal.para.2'] = 'Developers creating open tools accessing open content from The Lens are invited to list their service on the Lens Apps & Data portal. The portal showcases community built apps and data enhancements that solve specific problems and are built on open data from The Lens. These currently include apps for data visualization, systematic reviews of literature, visual search, and other apps designed with a specific community needs in mind.';x['cap.participate.portal.para.3'] = 'If you are interested in creating an open app on open content from The Lens, contact us to discuss your idea and how that might fit with the Lens Community App Portal.';x['common.action.collapsed'] = 'Collapsed';x['user.account.use.non.commercial.definition'] = 'Any user affiliated with a non-profit or legal entity that is incorporated primarily for public-good and not for private benefit. This includes legally incorporated entities whose principal purpose is stated as advancing the public-good; for instance government agencies and organisations (including public libraries and schools), research and teaching institutions, philanthropic foundations, etc.';x[''] = 'Lens Equitable Access Program';x['user.profile.hindex.about.title'] = 'About the H-index';x[''] = 'New Match Date';x['scholar.badge.label.clinical_trial'] = 'Clinical Trial';x['itk.price.tier.10-30k'] = '10,001 - 30,000';x['common.scholar'] = 'Scholar';x[''] = 'Link Resolver Integration';x['reports.feature.versioned'] = 'Version Controlled';x['subscription.patseq.fasta.50'] = 'FASTA 50';x['analysis.intro.description.10'] = 'of the entire result set.';x['user.profile.lastName'] = 'Last Name';x[''] = 'Page Saved';x['search.structured.breakdown.patents.list'] = '<li><b>The European Patent Office\'s DOCDB bibliographic data<\/b> from the 1700\'s - present: 130+ million documents from over 100 jurisdictions.<\/li><li><b>USPTO Applications<\/b> from 2001 – present with full text and images.<\/li><li><b>USPTO Grants<\/b> from 1976 – present with full text and images.<\/li><li><b>INPADOC and USPTO Assignment legal events<\/b> for 92+ million patents<\/li><li><b>European Patent Office (EP) Applications<\/b> from 1978 – present with full text and images.<\/li><li><b>European Patent Office (EP) Grants<\/b> from 1980 – present with full text and images.<\/li><li><b>WIPO PCT Applications<\/b> from 1978 – present with full text and images.<\/li>';x[''] = 'and upload';x['user.reports'] = 'Reports';x[''] = 'Application Filing Date';x['reports.dashboard'] = 'Dashboard';x['results.graphical.view.pie.chart.max.slices'] = 'Maximum Slices';x[''] = 'All prices are for annual subscriptions in $USD.';x['subscription.landing.books'] = 'Books and Book Chapters';x[''] = 'Tiers are based on the number of scholarly works (2018-2023 inclusive) available on . Institutions are invited to create an attested Lens Collection of their works for the most recent 6 complete years to identify and confirm their tier level.';x['patentView.cited.phase.fop'] = 'Filed for opposition by any third party, date observation letters filed';x[''] = 'Pricing is for public-good entities only, specifically higher education institutions (e.g. universities ) or research and innovative institutions incorporated for the principal purpose of advancing the public interests (e.g. tax exempt nonprofits, societies, associations or government organisations). ';x[''] = 'University and research library consortium groups that contract and invoice centrally are welcome to inquire about volume discounts. In all cases, the Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP) applies.';x[''] = 'Search, Filter & Sort';x['reports.view.example'] = 'View Example Report';x['results.graphical.wizard.patents'] = 'Patents';x['scholar.common.mesh.det.topic'] = 'Major Topic';x['scholar.common.retracted.nature'] = 'Nature';x['helpInfo.fallback.images'] = 'These are the images from a related family member, as the full document isn\'t yet available to us from the patent office.';x['sorting.cited'] = 'Cited by other patents';x['pricing.account.personal.register'] = 'Register Account';x['user.profile.feature.histograms.text'] = 'See an author or inventors work output over time with both scholarly works and patent histograms, coupled with citation counts and the ability to filter output by date range.';x['common.small'] = 'Small';x['user.signIn.title'] = 'Sign In';x['user.claim.authorship'] = 'authorship';x['results.graphical.wizard.citing.patents.histogram'] = 'Citing Patents Histogram';x[''] = 'Select Plan';x[''] = 'My Account';x['user.dashboards.use.current.results'] = 'Use current results';x['boolean.query.placeholder'] = 'Start typing your boolean query in here. Fields will be suggested below.';x['subscription.api.token.delete.old'] = 'Please delete old tokens to generate new ones.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.APPLICATION_NUMBER'] = 'Application Number';x['search.refineResultsPlaceholder'] = 'Search Within These Results';x['itk.core.diagram.collections.text'] = 'Lens Collections are a management tool to assist users in organizing, editing, or analyzing their search results. Their history can be tracked and when linked to saved queries, Lens collections can be dynamic. Users can receive alert notifications when dynamic collections are auto-updated and can share privately or publicly their collections.';x[''] = 'Last 3 Months';x['scholar.common.libkey.tip'] = 'Find full-text at your institution with LibKey';x['search.structured.scholar.set.datacite'] = 'DataCite';x['sorting.granted.asce'] = 'Granted Date (oldest)';x[''] = 'Creating something with our data?';x['user.signOut.end.session'] = 'End your Lens session';x['chart.title.has_full_text'] = 'Has Full Text';x['user.linkedservices.publish'] = 'Show my profile information on my published work.';x['common.alert.before.1950'] = 'WARNING: Years before 1950 are not displayed by default. To show these, change the \"Start Year\" field in this chart config.';x[''] = 'Cited By Patents';x['scholar.flag.description.field_of_study'] = 'Field of Study';x['footer.orcid.cert'] = 'ORCID Certified Service Provider';x['search.structured.coverage.text'] = '<p>Check out the latest stats on the Lens patent data (coverage, date range, and various accessible metadata). Updates are performed on a 2 week basis at the present time. Stats on patent sequence data can be found in <a href=\"/lens/bio/patseqdata#/globe/\">PatSeq Data<\/a> and are updated on a monthly basis at present time.<\/p>';x['tour.workarea.step.4.text'] = 'Here you can perform bulk operations on the list of your work area assets to your left.';x['user.profile.mentions.tweet'] = 'Tweet from';x['user.dashboard.create.scholar'] = 'New Scholar Dashboard';x[''] = 'Biologicals';x['labs.landing.getting.indexed.pubmed.text'] = 'For journals in the biomedical and life sciences, getting indexed in PubMed is an option. See <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">getting your content indexed in PubMed.<\/a>';x['common.record'] = 'Record';x['scholar.common.fos'] = 'Field of Study';x['results.graphical.wizard.histogram'] = 'Histogram';x['filters.legal_status.patent_status'] = 'Legal Status';x['results.graphical.interval.text'] = 'Auto will automatically attempt to choose bucket size. This can be best for very small date ranges. Be aware selecting an interval will omit scholarly works which have only publication year (not a specific date).';x['user.history.not.enabled'] = 'Search <b>History<\/b> is not currently enabled';x['common.facet'] = 'Facet';x['filters.flag.cites_resolved_npl'] = 'Cites Resolved NPL';x['common.session.expired'] = 'Session Expired';x['labs.apps.nih.icite'] = 'NIH iCite';x['notes.savedCount'] = 'There are <b>{0}<\/b> notes saved against <b>{1}<\/b>';x['pricing.common.table.all.staff'] = '(For all staff)';x[''] = 'Send the link below to share your comparison:';x['query.details.patent'] = 'Patent';x[''] = 'Journals by Open Access Status';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Search History:<\/b><\/a> Enable your search history to record and access all your search queries and search workflows.';x['notes.collection'] = 'Collection';x['results.graphical.view.logo.grid'] = 'Logo Grid';x['user.profile.landing.introducing'] = 'Introducing';x[''] = 'New Search';x[''] = 'Link to ORCID';x[''] = 'Discover Experts &amp; Collaborators';x['cap.leap.lead'] = 'The Lens Equitable Access Program guarantees equitable access to shared innovation knowledge and tools and ensures The Lens remains universally available as a community-supported public-good.';x['user.workarea.claim.remove.sure'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove your claim for';x[''] = 'Country/Region Word Cloud';x[''] = 'Published';x['subscription.error.load'] = 'Error: Could not load subscriptions';x['results.graphical.chart.labels'] = 'Chart Labels';x['side.tabs.tags'] = 'Tags';x[''] = 'Individual Scholarly Work';x['tour.dashboard.step.1.text'] = 'Welcome to the Lens Analysis. This feature tour will explain how to visualise the results of your search.';x['search.structured.scholar.filters.identifier'] = 'Identifier Type';x['subscription.api.quick.links.scholar.notice'] = '<b>Notice:<\/b> <p class=\"list-icons--meta\">Lens Scholarly API<sup class=\"badge\">v1.6.5<\/sup> includes a number of performance improvements.<\/p>';x['common.details'] = 'Details';x['common.ignore'] = 'Ignore';x['search.structured.scholar.set.breakdown'] = 'Further breakdown of scholarly works:';x[''] = 'Contact Support';x[''] = 'Extended Family of';x[''] = 'This dataset contains citations from worldwide patents to scientific articles. If you use the data, please cite this paper: Marx, Matt and Aaron Fuegi, \"Reliance on Science: Worldwide Front-Page Patent Citations to Scientific Articles\" Forthcoming in Strategic Management Journal. There are two \"flavors\" of matches: linking to the Microsoft Academic Graph (_pcs_mag.tsv), and to PubMed (_pcs_pubmed.tsv). Each citation to science has the patent number, paper ID for MAG or PubMed, applicant/examiner indicator, and a confidence score (1-10); _data_description.pdf has full details.';x['search.table.flags'] = 'Flags';x[''] = 'Lens data attribution';x['patent.document.section.uspc.classifications'] = 'USPC Classifications';x['itk.core.diagram.api'] = 'API Access & Bulk Data';x[''] = 'Show More Options';x[''] = 'In Development';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.simple.families'] = 'A simple patent family is a group of patent documents that stem from the same initial document, called the priority document.';x['subscription.landing.applying.list'] = '<li><b>Step 1:<\/b> After signing in, select the type of API or bulk data you are interested in and click Request Access to access the online application form.<\/li><li><b>Step 2:<\/b> Apply by completing the online application. Make sure to provide accurate information about your use case, affiliation and organization.<\/li><li><b>Step 3:<\/b> Upon submission you will receive a confirmation email that your application is now being processed.<\/li>';x['patentField.applicant'] = 'Applicants';x['results.view.custom.jurisdictions'] = 'Jurisdictions';x[''] = 'The Lens welcomes interest from government departments or entire agencies. The price is based on the number of employees in the unit that is choosing to subscribe. Tiers vary by country/region due to the significant variance in government department sizes. For government departments that are primarily research institutes or research funders, please refer to the pricing guide for those categories.';x['filters.chemical.substance_name.exact'] = 'Chemical Substance Name';x[''] = 'Read';x['results.graphical.wizard.authors.fos'] = 'Authors by Field of Study';x['common.limit.child'] = 'Child Limit';x[''] = 'Institutional subscribers also receive access to the unique <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Lens Report Builder<\/a>, a new prototype facility for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to real-time, automatically-updated Lens data and analytics. Currently available as a Beta prototype, institutions can build reports using collections, saved queries, charts and other dynamic content linked to Lens data sources. The Lens puts no constraints on report prototype sharing and we welcome feedback as we build and improve the report builder facility.';x['results.view.custom.inventors'] = 'Inventors';x['itk.faq.a2.tier.uni.list'] = '<li>Tier 1: More than 30,000 scholarly works<\/li><li>Tier 2: 10,001 - 30,000 scholarly works<\/li><li>Tier 3: 3,001 - 10,000 scholarly works<\/li><li>Tier 4: Less than 3,000 scholarly works<\/li>';x['subscription.checkout.agreement'] = 'Agreement';x['labs.apps.journal.optim.description'] = 'Journal Optimizer (JO) is aimed to assist researchers in choosing the most appropriate journals to get their work published. With an attempt to provide a comprehensive tool for researchers, it is developed to incorporate multiple journal indicators into one place and thus researchers can get complete information before making a decision on where to publish.';x['common.reports.title'] = 'Title';x['pricing.faq.workspace.individual.commercial.answer'] = 'Individual Lens users who are sole practitioners or in SME businesses have asked for an easy way to comply with terms of use for commercial purposes and contribute to the sustainability of the Lens as a global public resource; and we have created a new license agreement permitting that use and support, with a simple way to subscribe.';x['labs.collaborations.existing'] = 'Existing Collaborators';x[''] = 'An error seems to have occurred with your download, please check your downloads folder and try again if necessary. Sometimes this error can be caused by your session expiring, in which case reloading the page should help.';x['patent.document_preview'] = 'Document Preview';x['filters.groupings.custom'] = 'Custom Groupings';x[''] = 'Support and Documentation';x[''] = 'Report issues or bugs';x[''] = 'API &amp; Bulk Data';x[''] = 'API documentation';x['filters.biologicals.peptide'] = 'Amino Acids';x['common.display'] = 'Display';x['user.workarea.view'] = 'View';x['user.collections.collectionName'] = 'Collection name';x['patentView.noFullText.title'] = 'Full-text?';x['user.tags.add'] = 'Add Tags';x['filters.flag.hasUsTermExtension'] = 'Has US Term Extension';x['user.inventorship.enable.orcid'] = 'Enable ORCID® <a href=\"/lens/user/profile\">Linked Services<\/a> and record inventorship over this work. This action will add the work to your ORCID record. Other users will see links to your public records and profile.';x['filters.landscapes.notes'] = 'Documents containing notes in the Landscape';x['home.form.profiles.home'] = 'Show Profiles Home';x['home.masthead.intro'] = 'The Lens serves integrated scholarly and patent knowledge as a public good to inform science and technology enabled problem solving. ';x['search.set.actions.merge'] = 'Merge Sets';x['user.profile.firstName'] = 'First Name';x['common.facet.second'] = 'Secondary Facet';x['user.query.alert.notifications'] = 'Notifications';x['common.boolean.clauses.warning'] = 'Warning! Using nested clauses will work, however you will need to use the Query Text Editor to make further edits or refinements to this query. Click for more info.';x['user.dashboard.exit'] = 'Exit Dashboard Report';x[''] = 'How do we calculate Patent Legal Status?';x['filters.flag.hasInpadoc'] = 'Has Legal Events';x['subscription.landing.processing.list'] = '<li><b>Step 5:<\/b> If your application is approved, you will receive another confirmation email that will include instructions on how to access your API token to obtain the data.<\/li><li><b>Step 6:<\/b> If your application is pending, you will receive notification on how to improve it or meet with one of the Lens business team to discuss in more detail.<\/li>';x['search.table.citations'] = 'Citations';x['export.action.export.failed'] = 'Export Failed';x['results.graphical.annotation.hide'] = 'Hide Annotation';x['article.citation.strings'] = 'citation strings';x['user.workarea.sort.count'] = 'Order by Item Count';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.TITLE'] = 'Title';x[''] = 'PatCite History';x['user.account.confirmed.use.type'] = 'Thank you for confirming your use type.';x[''] = 'FAQ Quick Menu';x[''] = 'Commercial Institution';x[''] = 'Lens Scholarly Aggregation API';x['user.profile.sign.linkedin'] = '<strong>LinkedIn<\/strong>';x['filters.flag.hasChemical'] = 'Has Chemical';x['subscription.faq.custom'] = 'Integrating the API into an application or need a higher volume/rate?';x['sorting.created.asce'] = 'Created (oldest)';x[''] = 'New';x['filters.source.title'] = 'Source Title';x['labs.landing.getting.indexed.crossRef'] = 'Crossref';x['results.graphical.article.scatter'] = 'Article Scatter Plot';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.journals'] = 'Journals by Open Access';x['itk.faq.terms.definition'] = 'Definition';x['subscription.api.quick.links.policies'] = 'Policies';x[''] = 'Publishers';x['explore.citations.scholarly.cited.scholarly'] = 'Cited Scholarly Works (Backward citations)';x[''] = 'Create New';x[''] = 'Sign in';x['scholar.common.meta.error.loading'] = 'Error loading scholarly metadata';x['results.graphical.wizard.countries'] = 'Countries';x['scholar.common.authors'] = 'Authors';x[''] = 'Career Summary';x[''] = 'Cited author';x[''] = 'Legal Info';x['filters.flag.has_affiliation'] = 'Has Affiliation';x['patentField.address'] = 'Address';x['filters.flag.legal_status.has_grant_event'] = 'Has Grant Event';x[''] = 'Search over';x['cap.participate.labs.lead'] = 'Lens Labs are institutional partnerships with objectives aligned with the Lens Mission, which may enhance the Lens platform and which have or seek resources to achieve those specific objectives.';x['footer.baseline'] = 'Made in Australia';x['filters.scholar.publisher'] = 'Publisher';x['search.orcid.tooltip'] = 'Search the ORCID registry for authors/inventors with an ORCID persistent digital identifier. Selecting an ORCID author/inventor and running the search will search for works/patents in the Lens that are listed in the selected ORCID profile. See more at \"\"';x['collection.common.attested.display'] = 'Display as Attested Collection';x['notes.deleteThisNote.confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this note?';x[''] = 'by Wizard';x[''] = 'Application discontinued, withdrawn or rejected, i.e. discontinuation before grant';x['common.cookie.notice.text'] = 'The Lens website uses cookies in order to function. By using the site you agree to these cookies as outlined in our privacy policy and the terms of use. You are free to restrict or block cookies, however depending on the settings you choose, the full functionality of the website may no longer be available. See our updated <a class=\"styled-link\" href=\"\">Privacy Policy<\/a> for more details.';x[''] = 'Share Page';x[''] = 'Subscription fees are in US dollars. Subscriptions provide 12 months access to PatSeq bulk download which are updated monthly. Access to one-off PatSeq bulk downloads are also available on request. See the <a href=\"\">documentation<\/a> for full details and read the <a href=\"\">Terms of Use<\/a> and <a href=\"\">Privacy Policy.<\/a>';x['results.graphical.wizard.fos.institutions'] = 'Institutions by Field of Study';x['document.count.approximate.about'] = 'About approximate document counts';x['filters.flag.hasDescription'] = 'Has Description';x[''] = 'What is The Lens?';x['notes.user.none'] = 'You currently have no notes, notes can be added to individual results.';x['export.lens.export'] = 'lens-export';x['pricing.table.reports'] = 'Lens Reports <sup>Beta<\/sup>';x['user.profile.hindex.about.text.1'] = 'The H-index is defined as the number of scholarly works (H) that have been cited at least H times.';x['filters.flag.is_retracted'] = 'Retracted';x['user.profile.hindex.about.text.2'] = 'N.B. The H-index is based on the scholarly works associated with the author’s ORCID identifier and may not include all of the author’s work.';x['user.profile.hindex.about.text.3'] = 'The Lens provides but does not encourage use of h-index <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">which is the subject of substantial criticism<\/a>.';x[''] = 'Lens serves';x['subscription.landing.oa'] = 'Open Access';x['user.inventorship.remove.claim'] = 'Remove Claim';x[''] = 'All Docs';x['scholar.common.retracted.notes'] = 'Notes';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.JOURNAL_TYPE'] = 'Source URL Type';x['common.update.failed'] = 'Update Failed';x['pricing.personal'] = 'Personal Account';x['notes.patent.scope.BASE'] = 'Document';x['query.hide'] = 'Hide Query';x[''] = 'Date';x[''] = 'Institutions Citation Comparison';x['itk.faq.q2'] = 'How can I calculate my Institution Tier?';x['itk.faq.q1'] = 'Is the Institutional Toolkit free?';x['results.view.custom.identifiers'] = 'Identifiers';x['analysis.improve.text'] = 'Improving this view and adding new, more insightful data visualisations is a high priority for us. If you have thoughts on how this analysis could be made more useful, please let us know.';x['results.graphical.colour.tableau10'] = 'tableau10';x['home.socials.linkedIn'] = 'Linked In Profile';x[''] = 'Scholarly Search and Analysis';x['subscription.api.token.created.record'] = 'Record these details. You will only see it once.';x['common.error.collection.not.found.links.list'] = 'Go To Home';x['filters.flag.hasFunding'] = 'Has Funding';x['subscription.checkout.payment.success.text'] = 'Activating Subscription. This can take a few seconds. Thanks for your patience.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.PRIORITY_NUMBERS'] = 'Priority Numbers';x[''] = 'for will be automatically added to your ORCID record and displayed on your profile.';x['common.action.reload'] = 'Reload';x['itk.faq.q9'] = 'What is the Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP)?';x['labs.apps.BibliZap.description'] = 'BibliZap is a citation-based similar articles finder and snowballing assistant with a transparent ranking algorithm.';x[''] = 'Substance';x['itk.faq.q8'] = 'What is an Institutional User?';x['results.graphical.chart.heatmap.max.value'] = 'Heatmap Max Value';x['itk.faq.q7'] = 'Are ITKs part of the Collective Action Project?';x['itk.faq.q6'] = 'Will institutional work area items be public?';x['search.structured.breakdown'] = 'Breakdown';x['itk.faq.q5'] = 'Does an ITK allow commercial use?';x['itk.faq.q4'] = 'How is the roadmap prioritized?';x[''] = 'LEAP';x[''] = 'The Lens differentiates between public and commercial institutional subscriptions using a tiered-pricing system that is based on the institution type, use case, commitment to attribution and size/revenue of the institution and their mission. Pricing for public-good institutions is included below. Contact us for pricing for other types of public or commercial institutions.';x['itk.faq.q3'] = 'What is the subscription period?';x['results.graphical.colour.yellow'] = 'Yellow';x['results.graphical.source.vega.spec'] = 'Vega Spec';x['subscription.patseq.feature.survey.text'] = 'As we continue scaling up the Lens services, we welcome your say in developing services that meet your needs. The information collected through this survey will be used to help guide our feature development and improve our services to you. Survey responses are anonymous and we do not collect any personal information or contact details unless you choose to provide them.';x['common.privacy'] = 'Privacy';x[''] = 'Discoverable through search';x['results.graphical.wizard.scatter.citations'] = 'Scatter Plot (Citation Comparison)';x[''] = 'Supports CAP';x['scholar.common.notes'] = 'Notes';x['common.action.import'] = 'Import';x['user.workarea.project.delete'] = 'Delete Project';x['error.filters.txt'] = 'The most common cause is a server timeout, please try refreshing or contact support if the issue persists.';x['filters.flag.has_examiner'] = 'Has Examiner';x['scholar.sort.source.subject'] = 'Source Subject';x['user.reports.files.uploading.submit'] = 'Submit Upload';x[''] = 'Code Sample & Docs';x[''] = 'Most cited Scholarly Works by Open Access Status';x['results.view.custom.owners'] = 'Owners';x[''] = 'Family Member PDF';x['user.collections.deleted'] = 'Collections Deleted';x['footer.version'] = 'Lens Version';x['suggest.logo.submission.received'] = 'Submission received, thank you!';x[''] = 'Korea';x['user.workarea.project.title.placeholder'] = 'Enter Project Title';x['pricing.faq.workspace.cost.answer'] = 'An annual subscription to an individual commercial use agreement is $1,000 USD / year,';x[''] = 'Where the Lens is Located';x['patentField.cpc.definition'] = 'The Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) is a patent classification system, which has been jointly developed by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). N.B. Formatting differences; The \'invention\' symbols are in bold and the \'additional\' are in a normal/italic font weight.';x['reports.feature.linked.text'] = 'Lens Reports allow you to embed and display 3rd-party content from a range of external sources and websites.';x['user.dashboards.load.failed'] = 'Failed to load Dashboard';x['subscription.landing.title'] = '<b>APIs &amp; Bulk Data<\/b> are now available in The Lens';x['user.history.manage'] = 'Manage Search History';x[''] = 'Results for ALL of these clauses';x['user.profile.view.alt'] = 'View Profile';x['cap.leap.QM.leap.guarantee'] = 'The LEAP Guarantee';x[''] = 'Country Region Groupings';x[''] = 'Stacked Bar Chart';x[''] = 'Oman';x[''] = 'MAG Author ID';x['user.profile.image.file.delete.cant'] = 'Could not upload files';x['cap.faq.participate'] = 'How can I participate in collective action?';x['user.reports.files.uploading'] = 'Files Uploading...';x['common.clear.all'] = 'Clear All';x['user.collections.delete.longDesc'] = 'Delete this Collection';x['common.terms.use'] = 'Terms of Use';x[''] = 'Tips';x['results.graphical.patent.scatter.description'] = 'The patent scatter visualisation type allows individual patents to be plotted on arbitrary axes. The colour and size can also be encoded to any given fields. e.g. “Show most cited patents by filing date and number of patent citations. Colour by Jurisdiction”';x[''] = 'Please provide the reason for deletion (Optional).';x[''] = 'Priority Key';x['reports.source.external'] = 'External Source';x['home.form.profiles'] = 'Profiles';x['scholar.keyword.information'] = 'Keywords for the scholarly work from PubMed';x[''] = 'Scholarly API';x[''] = 'Netherlands';x['scholar.common.citations'] = 'Citations';x['pricing.common.annum'] = 'Annum';x['subscription.request.received.track.code'] = 'Please note the tracking code';x['user.summary.notes.none'] = 'No Notes yet';x['pricing.account.commercial.para.1'] = 'The Lens offers a Professional Workspace to individuals who use The Lens platform or metadata for commercial purposes as a sole practitioner or in their professional work for a SME business. This includes professionals, consultants and attorneys working in SMEs across the research and innovation sectors.';x['pricing.account.commercial.para.2'] = 'Individual users who currently use or plan to use The Lens platform or metadata for commercial purposes must have commercial use permissions to do so, which requires a subscription to an Individual Commercial Use License Agreement.';x['search.toolbar.analysis'] = 'Analysis';x['patent.document.section.applicant'] = 'Applicant';x['scholar.field.referenced_by_patent'] = 'Cited by patent';x['search.structured.fields'] = 'Fields';x['filters.patent.inventor'] = 'Inventor Name Exact';x['subscription.form.tier'] = 'Tier';x[''] = 'Our News';x['user.collections.createNew.title'] = 'Create a new collection';x['results.graphical.loading.retry'] = 'Please Retry';x[''] = 'Mexico';x['common.shared'] = 'Shared';x['patentField.owner'] = 'Owners';x[''] = 'Top Hits by';x['pricing.faq.workspace.subscribe.answer'] = 'Annual subscriptions are available for commercial use licenses for a single user account. To subscribe, you will need to';x['subscription.request.received'] = 'Request Received';x[''] = 'Search Family';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme.apply'] = 'Applying Theme';x[''] = 'Explore online tutorials and videos, take our guided feature tours, or checkout the new <a href=\"\">Lens Support Center & Knowledge Base<\/a> for more information on the available tools and features and how you can get the most out of these. We are adding more use cases, videos and support material that are specific to institution workflows to help ITK subscribers get started and make the most of the toolkit.';x[''] = 'Don\'t show again';x['subscription.landing.evaluation.list'] = '<li><b>Step 4:<\/b> Your application is received by the Lens team and will be evaluated based on the use-case, commercial or non-commercial use, affiliation or organization size/type. We may contact you for additional information to help in the evaluation. <div style=\"margin-top: 10px;\"><b>N.B.<\/b> All API users are entitled to a 14-day free trial to explore the data and assess its suitability. For PatSeq data, sample datasets are provided for such purposes.<\/div><\/li>';x['pricing.account.institutional.commercial'] = 'Commercial Enterprise';x['user.profile.collaborative.index.tip'] = 'Number of works published with more than one affiliated institution';x['common.preview'] = 'Preview';x['results.graphical.view.article'] = 'View Individual Scholarly Work';x['reports.collection.not.published'] = 'This collection has not been published, so will not be publicly visible as part of this list';x['common.beta'] = 'BETA';x[''] = 'Lens Labs: An Open Collaboration';x['itk.core.diagram.meta'] = 'Lens Metadata';x[''] = 'Referenced by';x['user.comparison.description'] = 'Your saved comparisons can be viewed by clearing all selected institutions.';x[''] = 'Philippines';x['notes.user.error'] = 'Notes Error';x['filters.cpc.title'] = 'CPC Classifications';x['filters.groupings.drag.available'] = 'Drag available facets into group';x[''] = 'Personal CV';x[''] = 'Granted Date';x['breadcrumb.api'] = 'API &amp; Data';x['reports.generating'] = 'Generating Report';x['user.dashboard.saved'] = 'Dashboard Saved';x['common.action.on.alt'] = 'on';x[''] = 'Scholarly API';x[''] = 'Team Management and Permissions';x[''] = 'Confirm Name »';x[''] = 'Download';x['itk.faq.term.inst.account.example'] = 'An Institutional Account is an account type that is available to Institutional Toolkit subscribers and provides access to a number of additional tools and features available as part of the ITK. Institutional Accounts are private and secure accounts that are distinct from Personal Accounts in that they provide access to the ITK and allow institutions to manage a private and secure work space on the platform with the ability to add/manage Institutional Users and their access to the institutional account and work area items.';x['pricing.account.personal.heading'] = 'Professional Workspace - Public-Good | Non-profit';x[''] = 'All fields are required';x['common.boolean.add.field'] = 'Add New Field';x[''] = 'Docs';x[''] = 'Slovenia';x['user.share.facebook'] = 'Facebook';x['subscription.landing.toolkits.text'] = 'These are a collection of tools that will advance the institution’s mission, increase the visibility of its capabilities, and help guide their optimal decision-making. The toolkit is available for licensing under a range of tiered pricing. Once you or your institution becomes a subscriber, the following benefits may be available to you:';x['itk.core.diagram.collections'] = 'Collections';x['patentResults.queryTools.inventorship.tip'] = 'Limit to Patents you have recorded Inventorship for in The Lens';x['results.graphical.colour.purple'] = 'Purple';x['labs.apps.patent.bulk.description'] = 'Access the Lens patent records with bulk data downloads. Bulk downloads datasets or customized bulk datasets are available with regular data feed updates. Bulk data files use JSON Lines text file format, with one line for each patent record, and using the same data schema as the API.';x['common.action.renew'] = 'Renew';x['common.error.session.timeout.message'] = 'It appears you have left your session idle for too long and the session has timed out.<br>Please refresh your browser in order to reset and start a new session.';x['collection.common.linked.queries'] = 'Linked Queries';x[''] = 'Saudi Arabia';x['collection.common.manage'] = 'Manage';x['user.blast.delete.error'] = 'An error occurred deleting your PatSeq Finder history.';x['search.structured.patent.filter.query.language'] = 'Query Language';x[''] = 'Manage your uploaded media, structure, categorize and upload new media for use in collections, reports and profiles. ';x['results.graphical.expand.jurisdictions'] = 'Expand Jurisdictions';x[''] = 'Most Active Authors';x['scholar.common.npp'] = 'non-patent publications';x[''] = 'No collection items match that filter';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.ABSTRACT'] = 'Abstract';x['user.saved.queries.about.title'] = 'Get notified of the latest data using';x['user.tags.explore'] = 'Explore Tags';x['base.search_teaser'] = 'Explore Science, Technology & Innovation...';x['pricing.table.features'] = 'Features and Functionality';x['pricing.table.use.non.commercial.tip'] = 'Non-commercial Use: Use that is not primarily intended for or directed towards a commercial or business advantage (financial or otherwise) or monetary compensation that is dependent on the use of the platform.';x['user.reports.files.uploading.error.alt'] = 'There was an error recording your name and email. The file upload might still work but we have no way of knowing who it belongs to. Please email <a href=\"\"><\/a> to help us get your report started.';x['results.graphical.wizard.institutions'] = 'Institutions';x[''] = 'Lens Patent Bulk Data';x['pricing.common.table.unlimited'] = 'Unlimited';x['scholar.common.journal_article'] = 'Journal Article';x['common.action.submit'] = 'Submit';x['explore.citations.patents.citing.patents'] = 'Citing Patents (Forward citations)';x['query.details.grouped'] = 'Grouped';x[''] = 'United States';x['filters.flag.is_open_access'] = 'Open Access';x['collectionManageWidget.btnAdd.tip'] = 'Add to Collection';x['common.y.axis'] = 'Y axis';x['wizard.patents.text'] = 'Include Patent applications, granted patents, limited patents, search reports, abstracts, design rights and more.';x[''] = 'Data Version';x['filters.flag.hasOwner'] = 'Has Owner';x[''] = 'What is this?';x['side.tabs.dashboards'] = 'Dashboards';x['common.action.delete.all'] = 'Delete All';x['labs.apps.delphi'] = 'DELPHI';x['search.table.journal'] = 'Journal / Source';x['subscription.landing.conference'] = 'Conference Proceedings';x['user.workarea.collections.delete.confirm.text'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete these Collections?';x[''] = 'Fields in legacy queries prior to version 8.0 have been mapped to equivalent new fields and should give similar results. A list of the new fields mapped to their old field names is available by clicking this icon';x[''] = 'Open Public Access';x[''] = 'Top CPC Classification Codes';x[''] = 'Show Query';x['results.graphical.wizard.biologicals'] = 'Biologicals';x['results.graphical.wizard.substances'] = 'Substances';x['suggest.logo.url'] = 'Logo URL';x[''] = 'Date Histogram';x[''] = 'Patent API &amp; Data';x[''] = 'No ORCID coauthors found';x[''] = 'Cited Works';x['patent.legalEvents.table.code'] = 'Code';x[''] = 'Unrestricted seat licenses for the use of the Lens platform with extended confidential Lens accounts to all staff for professional use associated with their employment.';x['common.message'] = 'Message';x['common.from'] = 'From';x[''] = 'for geographic data';x['pricing.faq.workspace.individual.commercial.answer.3'] = 'Tied to an individual user\'s account, the single-seat, non-transferable license allows individuals to use The Lens platform and Metadata in their professional work as a sole practitioner or in a SME business, to support professionals, consultants and attorneys working across the research and innovation sectors. Examples of commercial use include, but are not limited to, any of the following: commercial research and development, legal practice, data services, consultancy reports, investment decisions, government activities, including policy development, etc.';x['user.inventorship.dispute.claim.signin'] = 'Sign in to Dispute Claim';x['results.graphical.chart.normalise'] = 'Normalise';x['subscription.patseq.fasta.product'] = 'FASTA full data set with sequence metadata only';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.REFERENCED_BY_PATENT_COUNT'] = 'Citing Patents Count';x[''] = 'Collection Name';x['cap.participate.itk.lead'] = 'Trust within and between institutions and between institutions and society is critical for success; and shared evidence is a currency that helps establish trust.';x['notes.patent.scope.PEOPLE'] = 'People';x['user.collections.description'] = 'Collection Description';x[''] = 'Position Top of Chart';x[''] = 'Intuitive Design';x['subscription.institutional.toolkit'] = 'Institutional Toolkit Service Request';x['common.advanced'] = 'Advanced';x[''] = 'Cited Scholarly Works';x['user.profile.privacy.anaytics.opt.text'] = 'We employ a self-hosted instance of the <a href=\"\">Matomo analytics<\/a> platform to give you more control over your data and ensure your privacy is protected, while allowing us to gain anonymised aggregated data to improve user experience. See our <a href=\"\">Privacy Policy<\/a> for more information.';x['patentView.cited.phase.exa'] = 'Revealed during the Examination phase (citing document is kind-code \'A\'), date information available in EPO systems';x[''] = 'Patented';x['results.graphical.wizard.funders.citing.patents'] = 'Top Funding Organisations by Citing Patents';x['home.cta.request.demo'] = 'Request Demo';x['filters.updateNotice'] = 'Include = <em class=\"far fa-check col-ter\"><\/em> &nbsp; Exclude = <em class=\"far fa-times col-error\"><\/em> &nbsp; Agnostic = <em class=\"far fa-square col-meta\"><\/em>';x['user.saved.queries.notification.disabled'] = 'Can not disable Alert Notifications. Must be enabled for linked Dynamic Collections';x['results.countries.grouping.clear'] = 'Clear All country filters for this group';x['home.form.landscapes'] = 'Climate Landscapes';x['scholar.common.affiliation.original'] = 'Original Affiliation';x['common.action.view'] = 'View';x[''] = 'Language Improvements';x['patentView.tabs.citations'] = 'Citations';x[''] = 'View open access article via PubMed Central';x['user.workarea.collection.intersections'] = 'Intersections';x['common.publish.item'] = 'Publish Item?';x[''] = 'Share your work and your datasets with the Lens Labs. Lens Labs is a data collaborative for open innovation data and related analytics, tools, and metrics.';x['subscription.patseq.fasta'] = 'FASTA data format';x['user.account.notice.btn'] = 'Account Settings';x[''] = 'Top Cited Patents';x['results.graphical.wizard.citations'] = 'Citations';x['user.workarea.collections.confirm'] = 'Collections?';x[''] = 'Accessible to all institutional users, registration of an Institutional API plan is provided directly to institutional users with their own volume and quotas that are separate from the ITK API Plans.';x[''] = 'Family Options';x['filters.open_access.colour'] = 'Open Access Colour';x['tour.newSearch.step.8'] = 'This pane contains info about the fields. Click a field to add it to your query.';x['search.validate.query'] = 'Validate Query';x['tour.newSearch.step.9'] = 'If you\'r not sure where to start, this pane contains preset queries to get you started.';x['tour.newSearch.step.6'] = 'This pane contains information about our dataset.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.US_CLASSIFICATIONS'] = 'US Classifications';x['tour.newSearch.step.7'] = 'This pane contains search and syntax tips to assist with your query.';x['common.action.expand.alt'] = 'Expand';x['filters.flag.has_sequence'] = 'Has Sequence Listing';x[''] = 'Reports are kept current and up-to-date… for investment, enterprise, research and policy to find profitable and practical interventions, by mapping and exposing partnerships, opportunities, risks and trajectories (PORTs).';x['scholar.common.clinical.trial.view'] = 'View Clinical Trial info in new window';x['tour.workarea.step.3'] = 'Click this little information icon at anytime to get tips on the page and toolset you\'re currently visiting.';x['tour.newSearch.step.1'] = 'Structured Search Feature Tour';x['tour.workarea.step.1'] = 'Work Area Tour';x['tour.newSearch.step.4'] = 'Apply additional filters if you\'d like to further limit your results.';x['tour.newSearch.step.5'] = 'This is an editable text area for preparing complex boolean queries. Suggestions will appear as you type.';x['results.graphical.view.hoz.stacked'] = 'Horizontal Stacked';x['tour.newSearch.step.2'] = 'Choose between our 3 search modes, Structured Search for assited queries, Query Text Editor for advanced booleans and Profiles for authors.';x['user.profile.reports'] = 'Reports';x[''] = 'Works Cited By Scholarly Works';x['tour.newSearch.step.3'] = 'Begin crafting your query here. Choose a field and enter a term. Click the plus button to add another term.';x['labs.contribute'] = 'Contribute';x['pricing.table.collections'] = 'Create and Manage Collections';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api.custom.text'] = 'For customised access, pricing is based on your use case, attribution plan and requirements for access volume and rate. We offer a wide range of API plans to suit different use cases.';x['home.feature.collections'] = 'Collections and Portfolios';x['user.profile.privacy.use.type.text'] = 'Have your circumstances changed and you need to revise your confirmed use type? Click here to send a request to our support team advising of your updated use type.';x['itk.faq.term.itk'] = 'Institutional Toolkit (ITK)';x['patentField.publication'] = 'Publication';x['itk.core.diagram.dashboards'] = 'Dashboards';x['pricing.personal.non.profit'] = 'Non&#8209;Profit<br> Use';x[''] = 'View Patent Search';x['pricing.personal.description'] = 'Individuals wanting to search, analyse and manage patents, scholarly works.';x['cap.participate.portal'] = 'Community App Portal';x['search.table.owners'] = 'Owners';x['user.reports.disclaimer'] = 'The Lens is an Open, Free, Private and Secure public-good facility, not a commercial service.';x[''] = 'Management Tools';x['filters.flag.is_referenced_by_scholarly'] = 'Cited By Scholarly Works';x['reports.feature.informative.text'] = 'Linked to real open data, Lens Reports using searches, collections, analysis dashboards and charts can be automatically updated when new research or patents come to light.';x['wizard.find.patents.scholarly.text'] = 'Search results can be organised into Collections, or saved to receive Query Alerts when new data is added.';x[''] = 'Cited by';x['patent.legalEvents.lapse.text'] = 'Notification of Lapse';x[''] = 'Drag and drop custom Lens content and analysis from multiple places into personal and responsive report layouts. Create your own custom report or use our guided wizards to create a report in minutes.';x['subscription.quick.links'] = 'Quick Links';x['user.summary.queries.legacy.note'] = 'Queries saved before Lens Version 8.0 may use field names which have since changed. These queries are automatically converted to new field names, and should give the same results. ';x['patentResults.expand.view'] = 'Expand Patent View';x['user.registration.title'] = 'Registration';x['sorting.most.citing.patents'] = 'Most Citing Patents';x[''] = 'Education';x['classification.viewer.uspcInfo'] = 'To browse the USPC classifications, please enter a Symbol or search term above';x[''] = 'Patent API & Data';x['pricing.table.bulk'] = 'Bulk Data';x[''] = 'Pins panel to side tabs for easy access';x['collection.common.description'] = 'Description';x['user.dashboard.share'] = 'Share Dashboard';x['user.profile.updated'] = 'Your profile has been updated.';x['scholar.field.keyword'] = 'Keyword';x['export.format.svg'] = 'SVG';x[''] = 'Journal is Open Access';x[''] = 'Tags: teams, publishing, work area, collaboration, permissions';x['reports.query'] = 'QUERY';x[''] = 'Citing Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'The number of patent documents in the result set that are cited by other patent documents.';x['results.selectTool.maxCollSize'] = 'Top {0} Results';x['collection.common.dynamic'] = 'Dynamic';x['user.dashboard.unsaved'] = 'Unsaved Changes Detected';x['common.learn.more'] = 'Learn More';x['subscription.scholar.option.1'] = 'REST API';x['classification.viewer.about'] = '<h3>About the Classification Viewer<\/h3> <p>Search within the full text of Classification definitions and notes to find Classifications that cover your search term(s).<\/p> <p>Clicking a symbol in the results will perform a lookup on that symbol, which will provide context regarding the heirachy for that symbol.<\/p> <p>Use search results to start or filter an existing patent search.<\/p>';x[''] = 'Research Institute';x['notes.New'] = 'New Note';x[''] = 'less than 50 employees';x['subscription.scholar.option.3'] = 'Bulk Data Downloads';x['itk.roadmap.pdfs.para'] = 'The vast majority of knowledge artifacts are in PDF format. No matter how good the search and discovery engine is, ultimately human beings still need to read these documents to derive knowledge from them. The Lens will make it easier to review, understand, and add value to these documents by improving the PDF reading experience on the platform and enabling inline user annotations and private collaboration on PDF documents. The quality and coverage of patent PDF documents will also be improved by converting TIFF images and PDF documents to full text-searchable PDFs in a modern format such as PDF-A/2.';x[''] = 'Simple Patent Families';x['itk.faq.term.inst.user.example'] = 'Institutional Users will remain active for as long as their affiliated institution has an active ITK subscription. Institutional Users will simply revert to Personal Users if their institution no longer has an active subscription or the institutional account admin removes the users institutional access.';x['scholarView.tabs.collections.related'] = 'This article exists in the following collections';x['common.metric'] = 'Metric';x[''] = 'First Name';x['subscription.api.token.none'] = 'You currently have no tokens';x['results.view.custom.default'] = 'Default';x[''] = 'Pricing';x['user.collections.import.importPatentsInstruction'] = 'Enter a comma delimited list Patent identifiers:';x['cap.leap.access'] = 'Who is eligible for LEAP access?';x['filters.common.refine'] = 'Refine';x['analysis.doc_count_size.title'] = 'Doc Count Size';x['filters.flag.has_keyword'] = 'Has Keyword';x['user.profile.privacy.anaytics.optout'] = 'You are currently opted out on this device';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete'] = 'Account Deletion';x['common.private'] = 'Private';x['itk.core.diagram.licenses'] = 'No Seat Licenses';x[''] = 'Lens Labs';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Exports:<\/b><\/a> Export up to 50,000 scholarly works or patents at a time.';x['collection.common.embed.description'] = 'To embed this collection into a webpage, please copy and paste the following code snippet into your website template.';x[''] = 'Jurisdictions';x['user.profile.landing.description'] = 'Lens Profiles are composite author/inventor profiles based on ORCID records and enhanced with aggregated data from various sources. Easily find and claim additional works or patents in the Lens and sync these with your ORCID Record.';x['patent.document.view.tip'] = 'Hover your mouse over the patent to zoom on that section';x['notes.notes.about'] = 'Attach notes to individual Patents, Scholarly Works, or Collections. All your notes can be exported in a variety of formats at any time.';x[''] = 'View Profile Use Case';x['starting.wizard.heading.themes'] = 'Theme Display Settings';x[''] = 'Priority: Medium';x['itk.faq.a2.tier.pubs'] = 'Tiers for Research Publishers are:';x[''] = 'What is the Lens';x[''] = 'Family ID';x['common.source.view'] = 'View Source Code';x[''] = 'No Patents found';x['export.format.json'] = 'JSON';x['results.graphical.colour.category20c'] = 'category20c';x['user.collections.edit.longDesc'] = 'Edit title and description';x[''] = 'Documents in this';x['itk.toolkit.reports'] = 'Lens Reports';x[''] = 'Group Other Values';x['export.format.json.tip'] = 'Select JSON or JSON Lines file format for author affiliation';x['results.graphical.colour.category20b'] = 'category20b';x[''] = 'Cited Institution';x['filter.facet.analysis'] = 'View Facet Analysis';x['footer.license'] = 'License CC:BY-NC';x['notes.notes.annotate'] = 'Annotate your findings with';x['filters.patent.j'] = 'Jurisdictions';x['subscription.api.quick.links.sample'] = 'Sample';x['subscription.api.request.received.text'] = 'Thank you for requesting a Lens subscription.<br>We have forwarded your request and will be in touch with you shortly.';x['common.privacy.policy'] = 'Privacy Policy';x['home.feature.in4m'] = 'Mapping Influence of Scholarship';x['labs.collaborations.lead'] = 'The Lens Labs always welcomes new opportunities for collaboration and contributions. If you want to contribute data to Lens Labs, or share your work, tools or software with the Lens Labs Community <a href=\"/lens/feedback?returnTo=/\" class=\"feedbackLink text-link\">please contact us<\/a>.';x[''] = 'Scholarly Work';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.status.overtime'] = 'Open Access Status Over Time';x['collection.common.history.notice.text'] = 'Collection history was introduced in Lens release 7.3, retrospective events can\'t be added to your collection history.';x['common.mag'] = 'Microsoft Academic Graph';x['queryTitle.docsCiting'] = 'Documents citing';x['user.profile.institutions'] = 'Institutional Profiles are currently in development and will be available soon.';x[''] = 'Institutional User API Plans';x[''] = 'Really Reset Search?';x[''] = '<em class=\"far fa-info-circle col-sec\"><\/em>For any concerns or queries concerning your billing please <a href=\"/lens/feedback?returnTo=/\" class=\"feedbackLink\">contact support<\/a>.';x['results.graphical.colour.pastel1'] = 'pastel1';x[''] = 'Profile Search';x['results.graphical.colour.pastel2'] = 'pastel2';x['home.supporters.subscribers.visit'] = 'Visit Institutions Registry';x['collectionManageWidget.manage'] = 'Manage Collections';x[''] = 'INPADOC Legal Events';x['tour.dashboard.step.2'] = 'The toolbar provides various and powerful functions including adding new charts and visualisations, opening and saving dashboards, alternative view modes and much more.';x['patentField.history'] = 'Document history';x['tour.dashboard.step.3'] = 'This is the Add Chart Wizard. It provides simple default chart configurations. These can be modified once created so feel free to explore!';x['subscription.landing.patent.records'] = 'Lens Patent Records';x['tour.dashboard.step.4'] = 'This is your visualisation. Click the settings dropdown in the top right to configure data, size, colour and chart types. When viewing a chart, use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out, click a circle to view that individual item or filter your search.';x['user.history.items'] = 'History Items?';x['user.registration'] = 'Register';x['subscription.api.request.note.tracking'] = 'Please note the tracking code';x[''] = 'Info';x['subscription.patent.option.4.lead'] = 'Access the Lens patent records with bulk data downloads.';x['user.profile.privacy.use.type.non.commercial'] = 'Non Commercial Use';x['user.profile.toolbar.find.more.patents'] = 'Find more of my patents';x['results.graphical.colour.purpleorange'] = 'purpleorange';x['filters.flag.is_referenced_by_patent'] = 'Cited By Patent';x['scholar.common.view_full_text'] = 'View Full Text';x[''] = 'Get in touch';x['filters.jurisdiction'] = 'Jurisdiction';x['labs.contribute.labs'] = 'Contribute Lens Labs';x['subscription.qklk.view.schema'] = 'View data schema';x['user.account.use.commercial'] = 'Commercial use';x['user.workarea.view.options'] = 'View Options';x[''] = 'Start Year';x['search.sequence'] = 'Sequence Search';x['patent.thisDocumentsFamily'] = 'This document\'s family';x['user.account.go.back'] = 'Oops I made a mistake. Go back';x['patentView.citations.pubmed_alt'] = 'Look up abstract at NCBI\'s PubMed';x['filters.flag.hasAbstract'] = 'Has Abstract';x['results.graphical.wizard.inventor.most.cited'] = 'Most Cited Inventors';x['user.personal.non.commercial'] = 'Not for Commercial Use';x['user.collection'] = 'Collection';x['user.sharing.who'] = 'Who has access';x['export.format.ris'] = 'RIS';x['user.profile.logged.of.warning'] = 'Warning! You have been logged out';x[''] = 'Query troubleshooting tips';x[''] = 'Select';x['query.metrics.citing-scholarly-works'] = 'Citing Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'Filters, collections and other tools are now organised into tabs, and can be collapsed when you\'re not using them.';x['filters.abstract.match'] = 'Abstract match';x['pricing.account.personal'] = 'Personal Account';x['subscription.form.tier.3'] = 'Commercial Tier 3';x['home.cta.more.than'] = 'We\'re more than just patent and scholarly search.';x['subscription.individual.commercial'] = 'Commercial Use for Individuals';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.patent.ressolved.NPL.citations'] = 'The sum of cites resolved scholarly works count for all patent documents in the result set that cite non-patent literature that have been resolved to a scholarly work Lens Id';x['chart.title.owner.citing'] = 'Citing Owners';x[''] = 'Patent Owners';x['search.orcid.results.positions'] = 'Positions';x['results.graphical.view.vert.grouped'] = 'Vertical Grouped';x[''] = 'Click here to go to the latest version';x[''] = 'Only citing patents for the first 100,000 cited scholarly works in your result are supported at this time. Please consider refining your search further to view citing patents for all cited scholarly works in your result...';x[''] = 'Add New Chart';x['user.workarea.project.quick.import'] = 'Quick Start Import';x['itk.core.diagram.reports.text'] = 'Lens Reports is a beta facility for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to real Lens data and analytics. The next evolution of Lens, search, collect, analyse, annotate and now present your findings in a flexible, data-driven reporting interface.';x[''] = 'Type';x[''] = 'Canada';x[''] = 'sequences, in the world’s largest publicly available database with internal transparency metrics. Choose among the 5 apps available to you to search and analyse the DNA, RNA and protein sequences found in patents and how these can inform innovation or shape strategies for research or product development.';x['filters.flag.has_title'] = 'Has Title';x['subscription.form.tier.2'] = 'Commercial Tier 2';x['patent.document.section.inventor'] = 'Inventor';x['subscription.form.tier.1'] = 'Commercial Tier 1';x[''] = 'Institution Name';x['subscription.patseq.fasta.product.lead'] = 'Commercial use for eligible individuals and organisations';x['home.form.classifications'] = 'Classifications';x['filters.flag.hasGrantEvent'] = 'Has Grant Event';x[''] = 'Lens Profiles are composite author/inventor profiles based on ORCID records and enhanced with aggregated data from various sources. Link your profile to update your ORCID record with additional scholarly works or patents from the Lens in just a few easy steps.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.ABSTRACT'] = 'Abstract';x['common.error.verify.human'] = 'Verifying you are a valid user';x[''] = '<li>Trial Access - Free 14-day trial to explore the data and evaluate the API.<\/li><li>Institutional User Access - Staff and students from subscribing <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"/lens/institutions/institutions\">ITK Institutions<\/a> are eligible for Institutional User API access.<\/li><li>Custom Access – Commercial use cases or higher volume/speed requirements.<\/li>';x['subscription.request.bulk.access'] = 'Request Bulk Data Access';x['user.profile.linked.identities'] = 'Linked Identities';x['chart.title.jurisdiction'] = 'Jurisdictions';x['common.lensIds'] = 'Lens IDs';x[''] = 'First Name';x['filters.common.clear.query'] = 'Clear query';x['pricing.table.use.institutional.tip'] = 'Institutional Use: Any use type by any non-profit or legal entity that is incorporated for public-good, where that use advances the public-good mission of the institution. This includes legally incorporated entities whose principal purpose is stated as advancing the public-good; for instance government agencies, research and teaching institutions, philanthropic foundations, etc.';x['results.graphical.colour.alternate'] = 'Alternate Colours';x['user.profile'] = 'Account';x['user.profile.hindex.about.warning'] = 'This user has an H-index of over 100! Due to technical limitations we are unable to calculate the exact score.';x['subscription.landing.journal.articles'] = 'Journal Articles';x['footer.menuNews'] = 'News';x[''] = 'Patent Citations by Year of Publication';x[''] = 'Australia';x[''] = 'Austria';x['user.use'] = 'use';x[''] = 'The MIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better world through education, research, and innovation. We are fun and quirky, elite but not elitist, inventive and artistic, obsessed with numbers, and welcoming to talented people regardless of where they come from.';x['export.fields'] = 'Export Fields';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.modal.password.placeholder'] = 'Enter Password';x['savedQuery.type.SCHOLARLY'] = 'Scholar';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api.title'] = 'Scholarly Aggregation API';x[''] = 'Find Your Works';x['user.profile.image.file.deleted'] = 'File Deleted';x['user.profile.newPassword.repeat'] = 'Repeat New Password';x[''] = 'Mark All as Read';x['subscription.access.detail.md5'] = 'md5sum';x['user.profile.follow'] = 'Follow';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.patent.records'] = 'The number of patents records in the result set';x['results.graphical.wizard.scatter.scholar'] = 'Scatter Plot (Scholarly Works)';x['common.session.expired.text'] = 'Your session has ended. This is usually due to a timeout.';x['scholar.common.affiliation.details'] = 'Affiliation Details';x['results.view.custom.application'] = 'Application Number';x['subscription.patseq.quick.links.sequences'] = 'Sequences';x['user.profile.feature.wizard'] = 'Profile Wizard';x['results.graphical.wizard.inventor.histogram'] = 'Inventor Count Histogram';x['scholar.common.publication.keys'] = 'Publication Keys';x['user.workarea.hiding'] = 'Hiding';x['search.set.actions.beta.tip'] = 'Please note this functionality is in BETA, and does not take any filters applied to these queries into consideration.';x[''] = 'View Lens MetaRecord';x['common.request'] = 'Request';x['itk.heading.btn.pricing'] = 'View Pricing';x['scholar.common.funding'] = 'Funding';x['sorting.cited.ressolved.scholarly.count'] = 'Cited Resolved Scholarly Works Count';x[''] = 'Germany';x[''] = 'Something Else';x['user.signIn'] = 'Sign in';x['results.view.custom.ipcr.class'] = 'IPCR Classifications';x[''] = 'Earliest Priority Date';x[''] = 'Please Sign In To Record Authorship';x[''] = 'Institutional Toolkit';x[''] = 'Search and Analysis';x[''] = 'Journal Country/Region Map';x[''] = '<li>5,000 requests per month<\/li><li>100 records per request<\/li><li>10 requests per minute<\/li>';x['patent.document.view.pdf.error'] = 'Not seeing the PDF?';x[''] = 'Ivory Coast';x[''] = 'Switzerland';x['search.toolbar.share'] = 'Share';x['wizard.combination.text'] = 'Search both combined patents and scholarly data sources';x['subscription.landing.intro'] = 'The versioned APIs provide programmatic access to Lens scholarly works and patent records, while options for bulk data downloads provide access to the genetic sequences in patents, as well as the corpus of scholarly works and patents. The open data is aggregated from diverse primary sources, with persistent identifiers from the original data sources provided for transparency and easier interoperability for integration and combination with other data.';x[''] = 'Priority Date';x[''] = 'Save Note';x['patentField.publicationNumber'] = 'Publication Number';x['results.graphical.colour.yellowgreen'] = 'yellowgreen';x[''] = 'Legal Status by Jurisdiction';x['subscription.access.plan'] = 'Access Plan';x['user.profile.privacy.public.text'] = 'Other users will be able to see your published Collections, Profile Image and any Patents or Scholarly Works you have claimed that are not on your ORCID record.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.LEGAL_STATUS_CALCULATION_LOG'] = 'Patent Term Calculation Log';x[''] = 'Single API plans on the Institutional account.';x[''] = 'Search History';x['collection.common.history.about.text'] = '<p>History event types include Add and Remove events which can either be triggered manually or from an automated event. A \"manual\" event is when the user specifies the items to add or remove from a collection. This includes:<\/p><ul class=\"list-styled\"><li>Importing items into a collection by uploading a list of identifiers<\/li><li>Selecting one or more results in a search results list <\/li><li>Adding to collection from an individual patent / scholarly work page<\/li><\/ul><p><b>The types of Add and Remove events include:<\/b><\/p><ul class=\"list-styled\"><li><strong>Added Manually:<\/strong> Add event for items added manually to a collection.<\/li><li><strong>Added via Search:<\/strong> Add event for items manually added to a collection from a search and includes the originating search query details for the add event.<\/li><li><strong>Added via Linked Query:<\/strong> Add event for dynamic collections when new items are added to the collection from a linked saved query and includes the saved query details for the add event.<\/li><li><strong>Removed Manually:<\/strong> Remove event for items manually removed from a collection.<\/li><li><strong>Removed via Search:<\/strong> Remove event for items manually removed from a collection via a search and includes the originating search query details for the remove event.<\/li><\/ul>';x['explore.citations.patents.cited.patents.text'] = 'The Patent documents that are cited by the Patent documents in the original result set.';x['user.profile.collaborative.ratio'] = 'Collaborative Ratio';x['home.form.placeholder.profiles'] = 'Search by Author or Inventor Name';x['subscription.checkout.faq.cost.afford'] = 'What if I can\'t afford the cost?';x[''] = 'United Kingdom';x['user.workarea.claim.recorded'] = 'Recorded';x['starting.wizard.heading.enjoy'] = 'Enjoy The Lens';x[''] = 'Auto';x['advancedPatentSearch.predicate'] = 'Predicate';x['cap.faq.inno.cartography.answer.2'] = 'Innovation Cartography provides knowledge \"maps\" in specific disciplines or technology areas to identify the linked actors and inform about partnerships, opportunities, risks and trajectories. Innovation Cartography makes information enabled for decision making and action. It is a priority for The Lens to build more capabilities around Innovation Cartographies, such as the Lens Report Builder, in order to make the underlying knowledge as accessible, understandable and deployable as possible.';x['user.collections.selected'] = 'selected Collections';x[''] = 'France';x['cap.faq.inno.cartography.answer.1'] = 'Innovation Cartography is a process to view, analyze and understand knowledge in a way that enables action and decision making. The Lens is building an open platform for Innovation Cartography that is built on open content and tools but can have access rights that match the requirements of the user. In the patent world, an Innovation Cartography can be compared to a patent landscape. In the scholarly works domain, Innovation Cartography is similar to a dramatically expanded and dynamically updated literature review.';x[''] = 'Author';x['subscription.patent.lead'] = 'Access the full corpus of Lens patent records using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API, Aggregation API or bulk data downloads. The versioned API allows you to perform and combine several types of searches using a range of different operations or aggregations.';x[''] = 'Preliminary Family Status: We currently do not have sufficient metadata to reliably calculate the patent family for this publication. While every care has been taken to calculate the family accurately, it might change in the coming weeks as further metadata becomes available.';x[''] = 'Active Access';x['itk.price.commercial.institutions.para'] = 'Our commercial institution subscription program is also a tiered price plan that is based on the use case, commitment to attribution, patent or scholarly API or bulk data specifications, and the size/revenue of the institution. Interested institutions are encouraged to inquire and discuss their use case in more detail with the Lens business team. Commercial Institutions are any legally incorporated entities, including corporations, LLCs and LLPs, whose principal purpose is to make money; including publishers, innovative businesses, investors, law firms, consultancies, or contract research organizations. Additional API plans, bulk datasets or commercial use packages are also available:';x['notes.user.editor'] = 'Notes Editor';x['subscription.scholar.option.3.lead'] = 'Access the Lens scholarly works with bulk data downloads.';x['pricing.table.use.commercial.tip'] = 'Commercial Use is defined as any use of Lens data that results in a business or corporate outcome - financial or otherwise. If you\'re using The Lens in the course of your employment by a for-profit company, this comprises commercial use. This includes professionals, consultants and attorneys working across the research and innovation sectors. Examples of Commercial Use include, but are not limited to, any of the following: commercial research and development, data services and products, consultancy reports, legal services and counsel, investment decisions, etc.';x['pricing.account.institutional.non.profit.heading'] = 'Institutional Toolkit - Public-Good | Non-profit';x['itk.heading.btn.explore'] = 'Explore The Toolkit';x['home.socials.twitter'] = 'X (Twitter) Feed';x['results.graphical.chart.historical'] = 'Historical';x['results.graphical.wizard.funders.over.time'] = 'Funding Organisations Over Time';x['searchBar.refineSearch'] = 'Refine Search';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.END_PAGE'] = 'End Page';x['journal.volume'] = 'Volume';x['labs.landing.getting.indexed.ourResearch.text'] = 'To add your repository or journal to OurResearch\'s (Unpaywall, OpenAlex, Unsub, etc.) list of data sources, submit your repository for indexing via <a class=\"text-link\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">this form<\/a>, or submit your journal <a class=\"text-link\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">via email<\/a>.';x['results.saved.edit.query'] = 'Edit Saved Query';x['labs.landing.getting.indexed.crossRef.text'] = 'To get scholarly content indexed you can become a member of CrossRef and register your content with them, <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">See becoming a Crossref member.<\/a>';x['common.use'] = 'Use';x['user.profile.mentions.tweet.followers'] = 'followers';x['user.project'] = 'Project';x['tour.dashboard.step.1'] = 'Analysis Feature Tour';x[''] = 'This is calculated by classifying any patents with a legal status of \"Expired\", \"Discontinued\" or \"Inactive\" as \"Not In Force\", and any with a status of \"Active\" as \"In Force\". Statuses of Pending and Unknown are disregarded.';x['advancedPatentSearch.otherOptions.title'] = 'Other Options';x['filters.choosemore.results.all'] = 'All Documents';x['user.workarea.login.text'] = 'Collections, Saved Queries, Projects, Reports and Dashboards are features that require you to sign in so we can save work to your account.';x[''] = 'Document Families';x[''] = 'PatSeq';x[''] = 'Precise and Reliable API';x['cap.landing.problem.solving'] = 'Collective problem solving';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.START_PAGE'] = 'Start Page';x['filters.flag.legal_status.has_disclaimer'] = 'Has Disclaimer';x[''] = 'Media';x['itk.roadmap.inst.profiles'] = 'Institutional Profiles';x['user.profile.loading.sub'] = 'It takes a bit of work. Thanks for your patience';x['cap.landing.lead'] = 'The Lens Collective Action Project levels the playing field with universal and equitable access to open innovation knowledge. The Lens focuses on illuminating what innovation capabilities exist, who and which institutions have them, and how those capabilities fit into the complex jigsaw puzzle of problem solving.';x[''] = 'Data Driven Report Builder';x[''] = 'Record this search query and get alerts when new results are indexed.';x[''] = 'Group by family and Expand by family are mutually exclusive options, with Expand by family taking precedence if both are checked.';x[''] = 'Legal Status by Applicant';x['cap.landing.mode.more'] = 'More';x['user.history.really.delete'] = 'Really Delete';x['itk.faq.need.more.answers.para'] = 'Still looking for more answers? Please contact us and our support staff will be more than happy to discuss your needs.';x[''] = 'Tags: work area, collections, patent, scholarly';x['starting.wizard.api.options'] = 'View API Options';x['patentResults.queryTools.stemmed'] = 'Stemmed';x[''] = 'Patent Aggregation API';x[''] = 'Support and Documentation';x['common.password'] = 'Password';x['common.share'] = 'Share';x['filters.flag.citedByPatent'] = 'Cited By Patent';x[''] = 'Profile data derived from ORCID.';x['user.profile.feature.wizard.text'] = 'Create your own profile in as little as 3 easy steps with an intelligent profile creation wizard. Find and record your works and add missing works to your ORCID record.';x['patentField.cpc'] = 'CPC';x['subscription.landing.fos'] = 'Fields of Study';x[''] = 'Expand by Extended Family';x['search.scholar'] = 'Scholarly Search';x['pricing.institutional.leap'] = 'LEAP';x['results.explore.citations.tip.patents'] = 'Explore the linkages between documents and entities for this result set by viewing and analysing the forward and backward citations to other patents, as well as the non-patent literature citations that have been resolved to a scholarly work Lens Id. Please Note: counts can be approximate.';x['filters.groupings.restrict.4'] = 'will be available here.';x[''] = 'Japan';x[''] = 'For more information about exploring citations please visit our <a href=\"\">Support Center<\/a>.';x['filters.groupings.restrict.3'] = 'only the top';x['filters.MeSH.heading'] = 'MeSH Heading';x['filters.groupings.restrict.2'] = 'filter will be available here.';x['filters.groupings.restrict.1'] = 'only the values selected in your';x['subscription.checkout.annually'] = 'Annually';x[''] = 'Support documentation';x['common.refresh'] = 'Refresh';x[''] = 'Anticipated Termination Date';x[''] = 'Stemmed';x['home.itk'] = 'Institutional Toolkits';x['user.profile.citations'] = 'Citations';x['user.profile.toolbar.inventorship'] = 'Inventorship';x[''] = 'Global Innovation Knowledge Discovery and Mapping';x['user.account.use.type.confirmation'] = 'Account Use Type Confirmation';x['results.graphical.colour.yelloworangered'] = 'yelloworangered';x['tour.newSearch.step.1.text'] = 'Welcome to the Lens Structured Search. This feature tour will explain how to craft a query to help find what you\'re looking for.';x['results.graphical.import.config'] = 'Import from Config';x[''] = 'India';x['user.profile.oa.ratio'] = 'OA Ratio';x[''] = 'Show All';x[''] = 'External ID Type';x['user.profile.patents'] = 'Patents';x['pricing.table.enterprise'] = 'Commercial Enterprise';x['labs.apps.lens.scholar.api.description'] = 'Access the Lens Scholarly API, including bibliographic metadata, cited and citing scholarly works and citing patents. Access the full corpus of Lens scholarly works using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API. The open data is aggregated from diverse primary sources, with persistent identifiers from the original data sources provided for transparency and easier interoperability for integration and combination with other data.';x[''] = 'Your Work Area is Disabled';x['user.workarea.project.updated'] = 'Updated';x[''] = 'View PatSeq Data API';x['user.workarea.project.private'] = 'Private';x[''] = 'Author Display Name';x[''] = 'Italy';x[''] = 'Family';x['home.promise.innovation.cartography'] = 'Innovation Cartography';x['subscription.request.api.institutional.option'] = 'Institutional User Access';x[''] = 'Biological sequences extracted from patents';x['results.graphical.chart.title'] = 'Chart Title';x[''] = 'View Overview Video';x['user.profile.privacy.public'] = 'Make my profile public';x[''] = 'Collective Action';x['boolean.query.length.advice'] = 'Query Length Advice';x['filters.flag.hasAffiliationRor'] = 'Has ROR Id';x['filters.flag.legal_status.has_entry_into_national_phase'] = 'Has National Phase';x['patentField.description'] = 'Description';x[''] = 'The search term you have entered appears to be an identifier. Would you like to lookup this specific document?';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals.scholar.citations'] = 'Top Journals by Scholarly Citations';x[''] = 'Back to Quick Search';x[''] = 'Please check your email to complete account deletion.';x['coverage.description.list'] = '<li>Click a series to add a filter.<\/li><li>Double click to clear.<\/li><li>Click and drag on the small date histogram to select a date range.<\/li><li>Please be patient, some filtering takes time to apply<\/li>';x['subscription.form.partner.statement'] = 'Statement of partnership';x['pricing.common.register'] = 'Register Account';x[''] = 'Measure the influence of published scholarship on things that matter.';x['side.tabs.reports'] = 'Reports';x['user.patcite-query.delete.error'] = 'Error deleting PatCite query.';x['user.saved.queries.delete.warning'] = 'This Saved Query is used to auto update ';x['itk.toolkit.portfolios'] = 'Attested Portfolios';x['scholar.common.mesh.det.ui'] = 'MeSH UI';x['results.graphical.view.hoz.stacked.verbose'] = 'Stacked Bar Chart (Horizontal)';x['user.collections.part.of.published.collection'] = 'Part of published Collection';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.EXTENDED_FAMILY_MEMBER_JURISDICTIONS'] = 'Extended Family Member Jurisdictions';x[''] = 'The toolbar provides various and powerful functions including saving queries, exporting results, creating and adding to collections, sorting and expanding results and much more.';x['user.reports.request'] = 'Request a Report';x[''] = 'Order by Query';x[''] = 'View Results in Patent Search';x['scholar.affiliation.information'] = 'Only institutions with a matched ROR record have country data available. Selecting one of these filters will result in only scholarly works with an affiliated ROR institution.';x[''] = 'Could not save History Item';x[''] = 'Earliest Priority Date (newest)';x[''] = 'Media Item';x[''] = 'Rich 200 Plus';x['cap.leap.criteria.para'] = 'Public-good institutions in the above subsidized countries can request equitable access via the button below. However, any individual or institution in non-subsidised countries that are interested in a subscription can also apply for LEAP access through the form below. To be eligible, individuals and institutions will need to:';x['itk.roadmap.reports.para'] = 'The Lens Report Builder aims to allow users to create evidence-based reports containing interactive visualisations powered by live data. By bringing together scholarly, patent, human, institutional and biological metadata, along with user annotations and third party content into the one place, Lens Reports provide a powerful facility for sharing and publishing the results of your search and analysis on the Lens. Building on the foundational platform that is the beta version of Lens Reports, the Lens Report Builder will be refactored to provide enhanced content-centric UX, multi-user collaboration in real-time, public commenting, report templates and more.';x['filters.keyword'] = 'Keyword';x['pricing.faq.itk.what.answer'] = 'The Institutional Toolkit is a collection of tools and features to help institutions discover, analyse, manage and navigate innovation knowledge either internally or on the platform.';x['results.graphical.chart.layout'] = 'Chart Layout';x[''] = 'Name';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme.alt'] = 'Theme';x['pricing.institutional.leap.tip'] = 'The Lens affirms that no one will ever be disadvantaged by lack of access to institutional tools. If an institution legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price, The Lens commits to adjusting the price, or finding a way to subsidize or otherwise provide access.';x['labs.apps.patent.bulk'] = 'Lens Patent Bulk Data';x[''] = 'Vertical Bar Chart';x['user.blast.none'] = 'No PatSeq Finder Queries yet';x['common.description'] = 'Description';x['side.tabs.more'] = 'More';x[''] = 'View Legal Events';x['user.profile.feature.orcid'] = 'ORCID';x['common.error.featured.patents'] = 'Error: Could not load featured patents.';x[''] = 'Select Collections';x['explore.citations.patents.intro'] = 'Explore the linkages between documents and entities for this result set by viewing and analysing the forward and backward citations to other patents, as well as the non-patent literature citations that have been resolved to a scholarly work Lens Id.';x[''] = 'Save Annotation';x[''] = 'Query';x['scholar.common.share.article'] = 'Share Article';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.PUBLICATION_TYPE'] = 'Publication Type';x[''] = 'Family priorities tables';x['pricing.faq.workspace.afford'] = 'What if I can\'t afford the cost?';x['subscription.individual.commercial.use'] = 'Individual Commercial Use';x['scholar.common.identifiers'] = 'Identifiers';x['itk.main.part.of.cap.description'] = 'Institutions can show their support publicly by becoming a participant in the Collective Action Project. ITK subscriptions enable your institution to signal your commitment to global collective action';x['filters.flag.isReferencedByPatent'] = 'Cited By Patent';x['results.graphical.wizard.classifications'] = 'Classifications';x['results.graphical.wizard.owners'] = 'Owners';x['sorting.title.asce'] = 'Title ↑';x['notes.user.deleted'] = 'Note Deleted';x['results.graphical.wizard.line.chart'] = 'Line Chart';x['filters.flag.has_agent'] = 'Has Agent';x['sorting.updated.desc'] = 'Updated (newest)';x['user.tags.about.title'] = 'Quickly group your findings with';x[''] = 'Read This Article';x['reports.intro.description'] = 'Lens Reports is a new facility for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to real-time, automatically-updated Lens data and analytics. The next evolution of Lens, search, collect, analyze, annotate and now present your findings in a flexible, data-driven reporting interface.';x[''] = 'This Field is Case Sensitive';x['cap.participate.sponsorships'] = 'Sponsorships';x['search.orcid.placeholder'] = 'Enter Name or ORCID ID';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>PatSeq biological:<\/b><\/a> Search and analyse the biological sequences disclosed in patents.';x['common.attribution'] = 'Using Lens Data? See our attribution policy';x['starting.wizard.step.3.heading'] = 'Select Your Theme';x[''] = 'Show Search Tips';x['common.error.preview.patents'] = 'Could not preview Patent';x['user.summary.notes.about'] = 'Add and save personal notes against individual documents, document collections and saved queries.';x['itk.roadmap.pdfs'] = 'Annotatable PDFs';x[''] = 'ITK API Plans';x[''] = 'Analyze linkages between academic research and inventions. Explore which scholarly works have influenced what patents and who is using scholarly work to build products and services. Visualise important linkages and explore networks of collaborations.';x['subscription.api.token.max.limit'] = 'You have reached the 5 token limit.';x[''] = 'Global Top 200';x[''] = 'World Map';x['user.linkedServices.invalidProfilePictureUrl'] = 'Your profile picture URL has expired, please re-link if you want to import your profile picture into The Lens.';x['user.settings.recordHistory.optin.alt'] = 'To opt in or out of your search history being recorded by default.';x['filters.choosemore.results.current'] = 'Current Results';x['results.graphical.expand.jurisdictions.tip'] = 'Also include counts of Jurisdictions that member states belong to (e.g. WIPO, EPO)';x['scholar.common.affiliation'] = 'Affiliation';x[''] = 'How to Participate';x['user.workarea.loading.sub'] = 'It takes a bit of work. Thanks for your patience';x['common.action.add'] = 'Add';x['common.mag.description'] = 'employs advances in machine learning, semantic inference and knowledge discovery to help you explore scholarly information in more powerful ways than ever before.';x['filters.source.asjc_subject.exact'] = 'Subject';x['subscription.landing.source.titles'] = 'Source Titles';x['user.history.description'] = 'Save and recall your past searches, You can opt in/out of recording search history anytime.';x['labs.apps.epo2grid'] = 'Epo2grid: EPO Applicant Name Matching';x['common.status'] = 'Status';x['user.workarea.collection.really.delete'] = 'Really Delete';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works Over Time';x[''] = 'Anyone and anywhere in the world, without registering for an account on, can freely and securely discover and explore all The Lens innovation data, analyse their results, and export up to 1,000 records and metadata.';x[''] = 'Only expands by the first 100,000 Documents';x[''] = 'Public access provides unregistered (anonymous) users access to Intended for providing free and open access to the platform for the general public, Public Access does not include an account, PatSeq access or a persistent Professional Workspace.';x['search.toolbar.authorship'] = 'Authorship';x['reports.feature.collaboration'] = 'Collaboration';x[''] = 'Blue';x['itk.faq.term.inst.account'] = 'Institutional Account';x['user.account.saved'] = 'Account Saved';x[''] = 'Publication Type';x[''] = 'Most active Countries/Regions';x[''] = 'Filed';x['wizard.start.step.3.text'] = 'How do you want to search?';x['results.graphical.colour.set3'] = 'set3';x['user.profile.image.deletedSuccessfully'] = 'Profile picture deleted successfully';x['scholar.common.source.issn'] = 'Source ISSN';x[''] = 'Please agree to the terms';x['search.toolbar.relevance.default'] = 'Because this search only uses filters (no query string), a default sort by date has been chosen.';x[''] = 'Who\'s behind the Lens';x[''] = 'Search';x['pricing.faq.users.institutional.answer'] = 'Institutional Users are registered users that are affiliated with an institution that has an Institutional Toolkit subscription. All Institutional Users get a Personal Account and Professional Workspace, as well as access to the Institutional Work Area, for professional use associated with their employment, meaning all users affiliated with the institution have full access to for institutional or commercial use.';x['subscription.patseq.hg.dataset.text'] = 'In addition to the full PatSeq dataset bulk download options, 29.2 million patent sequences mapped on the human genome (<a href=\"\">see Jefferson et al., 2015<\/a>) have been made freely available for the first time in FASTA format for non-commercial use. If you are interested in this data please email <a href=\"\" class=\"text-link\" target=\"_blank\"><\/a>. Register and/or sign in to request permission to download monthly updates of Patseq data based on document type, location of the sequence in the claims, or to download sequence listings from a specific jurisdiction. We also provide an <a href=\"\">PatSeq Bulk Download API<\/a> for the file download. For more details see the <a href=\"\">support pages<\/a> and make sure to read the <a href=\"\">PatSeq terms of Use<\/a>.';x[''] = 'API &amp; Data Home';x['user.collections.filter'] = 'Filter {0} Collections';x['results.graphical.patent.scatter'] = 'Patent Scatter Plot ';x['scholar.common.clinical_info'] = 'Clinical Trials';x[''] = 'These are the scholarly works that cite (reference) the scholarly works in the original result set (forward citations)';x['cap.equitable.access.donate'] = 'Support the Collective Action Project and help ensure inclusive, equitable access to innovation knowledge for all and keep The Lens serving society.';x['results.view.custom.doc.type'] = 'Document Type';x[''] = 'Download failed. Please try again later.';x['user.profile.external.URL'] = 'External URL';x['results.graphical.chart.layout.stacked'] = 'Stacked';x[''] = 'Show Missing Values';x['scholar.flag.description.affiliation'] = 'Affiliation';x['filters.lowercase'] = 'filters';x['user.dashboards.load'] = 'Load Dashboard';x['pricing.table.institutional.profile'] = 'Institutional Profile';x['common.login'] = 'Sign in';x['subscription.landing.seq.peptides'] = 'Grants: Peptides';x['user.saved.queries.history.item.deleted'] = 'History Item Deleted';x[''] = 'Search Suggestions';x['tour.newSearch.step.10'] = 'Hit the submit button when you\'re done to run your search.';x['filters.workspace.filterByTag'] = 'Filter by tag';x[''] = 'Active Patents';x['cap.landing.mode.itk'] = 'Institutional Toolkits';x['patentView.cited.phase.opp'] = 'Revealed during the Opposition phase, date opposition letters filed';x['breadcrumb.patents'] = 'Patent';x['results.graphical.colour.set1'] = 'set1';x['results.graphical.colour.set2'] = 'set2';x[''] = 'Full Name';x[''] = 'Earliest Filing Date';x[''] = 'Organise images with';x['user.query.alert.citations.error'] = 'There was an error loading citations. Please reload the page to try again. If you get this error after reloading the page, please <a href=\"\">Contact Support<\/a>';x[''] = 'Individual Commercial Use';x['itk.leap'] = 'Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP)';x[''] = 'Privacy policy';x['common.error.session.timeout'] = 'Session Timeout';x['results.graphical.wizard.agents'] = 'Agents';x['reports.feature.versioned.text'] = 'Reports are version controlled with relevant history states allowing you to rewind and compare and regress if needed as your report evolves.';x['classification.viewer.load.children'] = '(Load All Children)';x['common.error.collection.not.found.links.list.3'] = 'Start New Patent Search';x['common.error.collection.not.found.links.list.4'] = 'Start New Scholarly Search';x[''] = 'Institutions by Field of Study';x['results.graphical.colour.purples'] = 'purples';x['common.error.collection.not.found.links.list.2'] = 'Run this search outside Collection';x[''] = 'Interoperable Data';x['scholar.common.article_summary'] = 'Summary';x['labs.landing.getting.indexed.ourResearch'] = 'OurResearch';x['patent.document.full.doc.unavailable'] = 'The full document isn\'t yet available to us from the patent office, but we\'ve found a ';x['common.error.collection.not.found.links.list.5'] = 'Contact Support';x['pricing.faq.workspace.commercial'] = 'Professional Workspace - Commercial';x[''] = 'Group by Simple Family';x['patent.cites.heading'] = 'cites {0} patents';x['common.errors.password.mandatory'] = 'You must provide a password';x['subscription.request.bulk.access.option'] = 'Request Access';x['user.profile.newPassword'] = 'New Password';x['user.workarea.collection.intersection.result.text'] = 'Create a new collection containing the results from selected intersections.';x[''] = 'Share Page';x[''] = 'Simple Family';x['user.workarea.claimed.authorship.remove.error'] = 'Could not remove Authorship';x[''] = 'Works cited by patents';x['itk.faq.onboarding.text'] = 'This support post outlines the onboarding process for institutions subscribing to the Institutional Toolkit. To get things started, you will need to nominate a registered Lens account which will become the Institutional Account. ';x['itk.view.demo'] = 'View Demo';x['user.profile.scholar.citations.tip'] = 'The sum of citing scholarly works for all cited scholarly works on the profile';x['collection.common.dynamic.collections'] = 'Dynamic Collections';x['scholar.badge.tooltip.chemical'] = 'Has Substance Info';x[''] = 'Hold shift key while scrolling to zoom';x['user.account.confirm.password'] = 'Please confirm your password.';x['subscription.your.subscriptions'] = 'Your Subscriptions';x[''] = 'Life Sciences';x[''] = '<b>Photo<\/b> (Optional): Profile photo can be opt-out during account confirmation step.';x['results.graphical.visualisation.types'] = 'Visualisation Types';x[''] = 'Search Term';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.SIMPLE_FAMILY_SIZE'] = 'Simple Family Size';x[''] = 'Is This You? Record Authorship';x['results.view.custom.priority'] = 'Priority';x[''] = 'Search by Author';x['home.feature.for.everyone'] = 'For Everyone';x['user.account.use.non.commercial.more'] = 'Learn more about <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"/lens/institutions\">Institutional Toolkits<\/a> (ITK) for your institution, providing access to institution-specific tools and features, as well as Professional Workspaces and API access for all institutional users.';x[''] = 'Institutions';x['common.loading'] = 'Loading...';x[''] = 'View Dashboard Use Case';x[''] = 'Are the APIs and bulk data free?';x['filters.non.apc.journals.tip'] = 'Non-APC Journals are open access journals that do not charge Article Processing Fees (APCs), also known as \'OA Diamond\' journals. See <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><\/a> for more information. Source: DOAJ';x['common.dismiss'] = 'Dismiss';x['scholar.common.authors.all'] = 'All Authors';x[''] = 'Find more of my works';x['home.promise.our'] = 'Our Promise';x['patent.document.view.pdf.error.text'] = 'Your browser may be set to download pdfs by default. Please check your downloads folder.';x[''] = 'Give Feedback';x['inventorship.orcid.view.patents'] = 'View Patents where ORCID ID';x['common.assignment'] = 'Assignment';x['common.alert.chart.values.modified'] = 'The values in this chart have been manually modified. Click to view groupings';x['cap.landing.participation.modes'] = 'Participation Modes ';x[''] = 'Download link will be emailed to you once the export is complete';x[''] = 'Universities';x['user.workarea.history.psf.text'] = 'PatSeq Finder searches can be labled and saved, Sharing settings allow PatSeq Finder searches to be shared.';x['itk.core.diagram.scholarly.text'] = 'The Lens serves over 225 million scholarly metarecords, compiled and harmonised from Microsoft Academic, PubMed and Crossref, enhanced with UnPaywall open access information, CORE full text and links to ORCID IDs. The full scholarly citation graph is provided for the first time as an open public resource.';x[''] = 'OpenPharma - Benchmarking open access';x['query.details.sequence.type'] = 'Sequence Type';x[''] = 'The Lens';x['user.workarea.tags.updated'] = 'Tags Updated';x['itk.price.tier.more.500k'] = 'More than 500,000';x['patentView.cited.category.amp'] = 'Document member of the same patent family';x['pricing.account.institutional.non.profit'] = 'Non-Profit Institutional';x['pricing.table.patent.api'] = 'Patent API Access';x['results.graphical.facet.description'] = 'A facet is the field to aggregate on. For example Author, Inventor, Institution and Applicant are all facetable fields. See also <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ElasticSearch Terms Aggregation<\/a>.';x[''] = 'Claim Your Work';x['labs.dashboards.OECD.countries.access'] = 'OECD Countries - Open Access';x['results.graphical.axis.fields.description'] = 'Note that the X and Y axes of a scatter plot naturally lend themselves to quantitative or temporal variables (e.g. citation count or publication date), more so than categorical variables like Applicant or Jurisdiction.';x[''] = 'The toolkit will also increase the visibility of institutions to potential collaborators and partners, enabling new partnerships to be formed based on open and shared evidence. Subscribing institutions will be granted a private and secure institutional Lens account to manage, collect, markup, and promote institutional knowledge assets.';x['user.profile.patent.citations'] = 'Patent Citations';x['user.tags.perminant.delete'] = 'will be permanently deleted.';x['user.profile.image'] = 'Profile Image';x[''] = 'Create Account';x['results.graphical.citation.ratio'] = 'Citation Ratio';x['scholar.facets.flags'] = 'Flags';x['pricing.faq.users'] = 'Users & Accounts';x[''] = 'The Lens aggregates metadata and full text, combining unique content sets (scholarly works, patents and biological sequences) with management tools as a core offering. The Lens core supports the four primary functions of the Lens, which are to discover, analyse, manage and share knowledge. With the addition of an Institutional Toolkit, we are developing additional tools and services across seven key areas for institutional subscribers that are built around the Lens core (depicted here in various colours). These are described in more detail below.';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.ISSUE'] = 'Issue Number';x[''] = 'Lens provides Open Access information for more than';x[''] = 'Or copy this link to share';x['results.graphical.histogram.description'] = 'The histogram visualisation type allows a given facet (representing a count) to be binned into arbitrary bucket sizes.';x[''] = 'Save';x['notes.patent.scope.ABSTRACT'] = 'Abstract';x['search.structured.patent.filter.classifications'] = 'Classifications';x['queryDescription.collection'] = 'Collection';x['document.count.approximate.about.text'] = '<p>Due to the distributed nature of our search index, some aggregation results are not always accurate.<\/p><p>There are several ways to increase the accuracy of these results:<\/p><ol><li>Decrease the size of your result set by further filtering<\/li><li>Increase the number of items in your visualisation<\/li><li>Create custom groups for the specific values you are most interested in. These will not be approximated.<\/li><\/ol><p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">More info available in Elastic documentation.<\/a><\/p>';x['filters.fos'] = 'Field of Study';x['results.graphical.pubs.over.time'] = 'Publications over time';x['search.structured.breakdown.view.more'] = 'View More';x['scholar.common.openalex'] = 'OpenAlex';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.URL'] = 'URL';x['query.metrics.citing.patents'] = 'Citing Patents';x['results.view.custom.snippet'] = 'Matching Snippet';x[''] = 'Release';x['patent.legalEvents.lapse.jurisdiction'] = 'Lapse Jurisdiction';x['user.profile.currentPassword'] = 'Current Password';x['itk.public.good.commercial.institutions'] = 'Public-good & Commercial Institutions';x['user.workarea.claiming.institutions'] = 'Institutional Accounts do not allow personal Authorship/Inventorship claiming.';x['chart.title.embed.snippet'] = 'Code Snippet';x['cap.leap.QM.why'] = 'Why Community-Supported Infrastructure?';x['filters.patent.classIpcr'] = 'IPCR Classification Code';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.AUTHORS_COUNT'] = 'Number of Authors';x['subscription.landing.institutions'] = 'Institutions';x['export.format.jsonl.alt'] = 'JSONL';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Authorship &amp; Inventorship:<\/b><\/a> Staff can claim inventorship over patents and authorship for your scholarly works and sync to ORCID.';x['user.patcite-query.deleteAll.title'] = 'Delete all your queries?';x[''] = 'File name';x['user.saved.queries.collections.tip'] = 'Saved queries linked to a collection allow for automatically updated and dynamic collections. <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">See Support Page...<\/a>';x[''] = 'Start Searching Patents';x['common.counts.aproximate'] = 'Please also note counts may be approximate.';x['cap.leap.QM.who'] = 'Who is eligible for LEAP access?';x[''] = 'The Special Sauce';x['query.details.patents'] = 'Patents';x['common.more'] = 'More';x['cap.leap.QM.what'] = 'What the eligibility criteria?';x['common.login.keep'] = 'Keep me signed in';x[''] = 'e.g. Searching for \'acidic\' or \'acidity\' will be stemmed to the root work \'acid\' to include more matches. Disable for stricter matching. Note: <a href=\"\" class=\"text-link\" target=\"_blank\">KStem-based stemming<\/a> is used.';x[''] = 'Developer Resources';x['cap.need.answers'] = 'Need more answers?';x['cap.participate.content.lead'] = 'The Lens aggregates information from patents and scholarly works and builds open and public bridges in between these two corpora of knowledge.';x['common.subscribe'] = 'Subscribe';x['filters.flag.hasAffiliation'] = 'Has Affiliation';x['pricing.common.table.addon'] = '(Add on)';x['scholar.common.pmcids'] = 'PMCIDs (PubMed Central)';x['results.graphical.colour.greys'] = 'greys';x['breadcrumb.profiles'] = 'Profiles';x['scholar.field.source.asjc_subject'] = 'Subject';x[''] = 'Cited By Patent Count';x['search.structured.full.screen'] = 'Full Screen';x['user.signIn.incorrect'] = 'Incorrect username or password.';x[''] = 'The ITK includes an Institutional Account with a private and secure institutional work area to manage, collect, markup, promote and customize institutional knowledge assets. In addition to the Lens core tools and features, the ITK also provides access to unique tools and features including larger default collection size and export limits (up to 100K records) and the ability to merge/intersect saved queries to combine results or identify common records.';x['cap.landing.mode.itk.text'] = 'Tools and permissions for your institutional needs, built in FAIR and Open data...';x[''] = 'Initially ITK subscribers will have a single account, but the Lens team will be expanding the account functionality, adding granular access-rights controls and permissions for managing and collaborating with other institutional users across the institutional work area.';x['results.view.custom.doc.key'] = 'Document Key';x[''] = 'For now, the institutional account holder will be able to access the private and secure institutional work area to save queries, set alerts, create and manage collections, build dashboards and reports and share these with internal or external stakeholders.';x['user.dashboard.tip'] = 'Real time analysis and visualisation tools.';x['user.profile.update.orcid'] = 'Update your ORCID profile';x['scholar.common.keyword'] = 'Key Word';x['cap.faq.patent.waiver.answer'] = 'It\'s a big contribution to ensuring it\'s a fair and evidence-based negotiation. While there are urgent calls for a COVID Patent Waiver to make vaccines more accessible, the problem goes much deeper. Almost all the countries that are calling for such changes, are also hamstrung in improving and showcasing their domestic capabilities, forging partnerships and developing their own scientific contribution. Thus constraining their ability to negotiate, because they lack affordable, transparent open knowledge of the innovation process, especially patents and scholarly works.';x['pricing.faq.itk.what'] = 'What is an Institutional Toolkit?';x['pricing.platform.not.sure'] = 'Not sure which plan to choose? Talk to us and we can advise which plan best suits your needs and answer any further questions.';x['user.workarea.patseq.last.update'] = 'PatSeq Last Updated';x['results.graphical.scale.square.root'] = 'Square Root';x[''] = 'Registry of subscribing institutions and supporters. Subscribing institutions can be listed on this registry, along with their contact information, to notify institutional users. To access the toolkit at your institution, please contact the library or administrative office of your subscribing institution.';x['export.format.jsonl'] = 'JSON Lines';x['suggest.logo.submit'] = 'Submit Suggestion';x['user.profile.features'] = 'Lens Profile <b>Features<\/b>';x[''] = 'Family Options';x['patentField.application'] = 'Application';x['subscription.qklk.individual.collective.action'] = 'Collective Action';x[''] = '<b>Name<\/b>: Profile name associated with LinkedIn account.';x[''] = 'Journal Subject Word Cloud';x['user.reports.files.uploading.success'] = 'We have received your file and will be in touch once your report is ready for viewing.';x['labs.apps.bibfix.description'] = 'bibfix is an R package and Shiny app that helps users repair and enrich their bibliographic data. It does so through a suite of functions that request bibliographic data from the OpenAlex API. Repaired fields can include titles, abstract, unique identifiers (e.g. DOIs), publication years, etc.';x['scholar.field.clinical_trial.trial_id.cited'] = 'Clinical Trial';x['common.action.embed'] = 'Embed';x[''] = 'Authors';x['common.error.useful.links'] = 'Here are some useful links to get you back on track and on your way:';x['subscription.patent.option.4.title'] = 'Patent Bulk Data';x['itk.roadmap.reports'] = 'Lens Report Builder 2.0';x[''] = 'Filing Date (oldest)';x['queryTitle.sequences.of'] = 'Sequences of';x['scholar.sort.references'] = 'References';x['results.graphical.chart.normalise.results'] = 'Normalise Results';x[''] = 'Order by Created';x['itk.faq.term.inst.use.definition'] = 'Institutional use is any use of the platform (core tools and features, ITK, data, etc.) by a legal entity that is incorporated for the public-good and advances the public-good mission of the institution.';x['user.signOut'] = 'Sign out';x['user.workarea.project.added'] = 'Added to Project';x['results.graphical.scale.linear'] = 'Linear';x[''] = 'Register Free Account';x[''] = 'There was an error loading family timeline but you can still load this family as a new search to enable further analysis.';x['results.tabTitleCollections'] = 'Collections';x['common.groupings'] = 'Groupings';x[''] = 'Collaborating Institutions';x['user.profile.not.found'] = 'Profile not found';x['common.document'] = 'Document';x['results.graphical.source.chart.config'] = 'Lens Chart Config';x['scholar.common.published.print'] = 'Published in print';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.licenses'] = 'Open Access Licenses';x['labs.apps.updated'] = 'Updated';x[''] = 'Lookup ID';x['user.history.tip'] = 'Save and recall your past searches.';x[''] = 'Links';x['scholar.facets.subject.matter'] = 'Subject Matter';x['patentView.tabs.collections.related'] = 'This patent exists in the following collections';x['collection.common.dynamic.make'] = 'Make Dynamic Collection';x[''] = 'Results for ANY of these clauses';x['user.collections.add.could.not'] = 'Could not add to collection:';x['common.note'] = 'Note';x['results.graphical.wizard.countries.institution.cities'] = 'Institution Cities per Country';x['pricing.account.trial.para.1'] = 'For platform evaluation purposes only, Trial accounts will remain active for 2 weeks from registration.';x['query.metrics.citing.patents.unavailable.tip'] = 'This metric can not be accurately calculated due to the filters on these join results.';x['pricing.account.trial.para.2'] = 'Users wanting to evaluate the professional workspace can register for a trial account. Trial accounts will remain active for 2 weeks, after which time the work area will be disabled unless a commercial use license subscription is taken.';x['beta.optIn'] = 'We keep trying new ways to improve your experience, with UI features and changes. If you\'re interested in seeing these before others, click here and opt in. Current Beta Features available:';x[''] = 'Link';x[''] = 'What is the Lens';x['user.profile.privacy.use.type.commercial'] = 'Commercial Use';x['user.workarea.project.import.export'] = 'Import/Export Project';x['filters.scholar.institution'] = 'Institution Name';x[''] = 'Priority Claims';x[''] = 'Profile Search';x['inventorship.button.recording'] = 'Recording...';x[''] = 'Open - Public Access';x['labs.apps.lens2r.description'] = 'The goal of lens2r is to get scholar data into R environment. You need scholar API token to access data, you can <a href=\"\">get one here<\/a>. Lens serves over 200 million scholarly records, compiled and harmonised from Microsoft Academic, PubMed and Crossref, enhanced with OpenAlex and UnPaywall open access information and links to ORCID. The full scholarly citation graph is provided for the first time as an open public resource.';x[''] = '<b>{0}<\/b> documents in this family';x['cap.landing.mode.labs'] = 'Lens Labs';x[''] = 'Disclaimer';x[''] = '50 or more employees';x['scholar.common.explore_more_articles'] = 'Explore More';x['user.profile.orchid.enabled'] = 'has enabled ORCID linked services for this profile';x['search.set.actions.tip'] = 'Select 2 or more sets. N.B. Set actions are Beta and may not work on queries with filters applied.';x['user.authorship.notice.title'] = '<strong>Authorship<\/strong> of Scholarly Works';x['subscription.patent.agg.api.text'] = 'The Aggregation API enables users to run the same aggregation requests used to power the analysis charts and metrics available in the user interface and more, allowing users to perform their own analyses across the entire patent dataset.';x[''] = 'Top Journals';x['collection.common.personal.collection'] = 'Personal Collection';x['results.graphical.wizard.percentiles'] = 'Percentiles';x['home.promise.steadfast.description'] = 'Since its founding as the Patent Lens in 1999, The Lens has been the longest continuously-operating open facility serving innovation knowledge for over two decades. The Lens has evolved to become a platform to bridge the cultures of scholarly research, invention, enterprise and industry.';x[''] = 'Could not delete Collections';x[''] = 'Back to Previous Search';x['user.dashboard.publicly.discoverable'] = 'Publicly discoverable';x[''] = 'Report';x['explore.citations.patents.cited.patents'] = 'Cited Patents (Backward citations)';x['common.action.cancel'] = 'Cancel';x['breadcrumb.workarea'] = 'Work Area';x['home.itk.learn'] = 'Learn About Subscriptions';x['user.collections.results'] = 'Collection Results for';x['results.graphical.colour.inferno'] = 'inferno';x['filters.scholar.authorName'] = 'Author Display Name';x[''] = 'Languages';x[''] = 'Cambia enables access to aggregated scholarly and patent data on the free, open, privacy-protecting platform to reduce dependency on data silos, and improve discovery and cooperation. To help achieve this, Cambia is collaborating with the Knowledge Futures Group at MIT on the Innovation Information Initiative (I3). The initiative is a data collaborative for open innovation data and related analytics, tools, and metrics. This includes global patent datasets, citation graphs among and between patents and scholarship, and metrics or secondary datasets derived from these. Datasets will include for instance patent-product links, scholarship funding data, disambiguation datasets for authors and affiliations, and subsets of the full patent-scholarship citation graph, enriched with extended metadata.';x['results.graphical.scale'] = 'Scale';x['common.login.alt'] = 'sign in';x['user.query.alert.meta.fetch'] = 'Metadata fetched for';x['patent.publishedTitle'] = 'Published:';x['filters.open_access.license'] = 'Open Access License';x['sorting.document.count'] = 'Document Count';x['itk.toolkit.profiles.description'] = 'A dedicated space for institutions to organise and showcase their scholarship and intellectual property portfolios, allowing institutions to promote their capabilities...';x['itk.price.tier.more.than.30k'] = 'More than 30,000';x[''] = 'Licence and Permissions';x['chart.title.applicant.citing'] = 'Citing Applicants';x['filters.flag.has_affiliation_ror'] = 'Has ROR Id';x[''] = 'Policies';x['search.structured.presets.patents'] = 'Preset Patent Searches';x['itk.roadmap.orcid.wizard.tags'] = 'Tags: profiles, publishing, inventorship, authorship, teams, affiliation';x[''] = 'Visit your <a href=\"/lens/user/profile\">Account Settings<\/a> to enable search history.';x[''] = 'Top Inventors';x['results.graphical.colour.reds'] = 'reds';x[''] = 'Please note this will clear all visualisations below.';x['cap.faq.bus.model'] = 'What is the business model of The Lens?';x['user.settings.interface.notice'] = 'You must be logged in to view and edit settings.';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api.trial.text'] = 'The trial includes 1,000 API requests, 5 requests/minute and up to 2 nested aggregation operations per request.';x['query.details.depreciated.field'] = 'Deprecated Field Warning';x['results.graphical.chart.filtered.values.exclude.tip'] = 'Use to show co-authors or collaborating institutions without the current filtered value skewing results.';x['user.account.notice'] = 'Account Email Notice';x['user.sharing.OPEN_ACCESS'] = 'Public access';x[''] = 'Authors by Institution';x['query.metrics.patent.cites.patents'] = 'Cites Patents';x['patent.results.unique.citing'] = 'Unique Citing Patents';x['chart.title.pub_year'] = 'Publications By Year';x['explore.citations.scholarly.citing.patents.text'] = 'These are the Patents that cite (reference) the Scholarly Works in the original result set.';x[''] = 'Family jurisdictions';x['analysis.doc_count_size.description'] = 'Display doc count as size';x['common.fullscreen'] = 'Full Screen';x['subscription.api.token.delete.permanent'] = 'This is permanent. This API key will no longer work.';x[''] = 'View in Search';x['results.graphical.wizard.jurisdictions'] = 'Jurisdictions';x['user.profile.feature.follow.text'] = 'Follow an authors or inventors profile to get notified when any new works are added to our index. Easily follow and share any public Lens profile.';x[''] = 'Info';x[''] = 'All Docs';x[''] = 'Inventors';x[''] = 'Expired';x[''] = 'Try changing the scale to linear or sqrt';x['filters.flag.has_funding'] = 'Has Funding';x['pricing.faq.itk.user'] = 'What is an Institutional User?';x['scholar.field.reference_count'] = 'Reference count';x['search.results.filtersLabel.patent'] = 'Filters';x['user.workarea.notification.filter'] = 'Filter {0} Notifications';x['home.testimonials'] = 'What Others Say';x['scholar.field.source.asjc_subject.cited'] = 'Subject';x[''] = 'Inventors';x['article.not.referenced'] = 'This article is not referenced yet.';x[''] = 'Top Cited Works by Patent/Scholarly';x['subscription.patseq.feature.survey'] = 'Bulk Data Survey';x['beta.optIn.action'] = 'Opt In to Beta Features';x['subscription.form.partner.statement.tip'] = 'Please provide some details about the proposed partnership.';x['results.graphical.wizard.inventor.locations'] = 'Inventor Locations';x[''] = 'Published Date';x[''] = 'Supported file types: .png, .jpg and can be resized and cropped after upload. By sharing this data with and the public, you acknowledge that you are authorized to do so.';x['common.public'] = 'Public';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['labs.collab.csiro.description'] = 'At CSIRO, we solve the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology. We\'re Australia\'s national science agency and innovation catalyst, collaborating to boost Australia’s innovation performance. Over nearly a century, we\'ve been improving the lives of people everywhere with our science. We’ve advanced Australia with a range of inventions and innovations that have had significant positive impact on the lives of people around the world, like fast WiFi, polymer banknotes, the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet and Aerogard.';x[''] = 'Has INPADOC Legal Events';x['results.graphical.detail.verbose'] = 'Verbose';x[''] = 'Why are we doing it';x[''] = 'What is an Institutional User?';x[''] = 'Terms and Definitions';x[''] = 'Does an ITK allow commercial use?';x[''] = 'Will institutional work area items be public?';x[''] = 'Subscription Period';x['results.graphical.chart.basic'] = 'Basic';x['user.workarea.sort.access'] = 'Order by Access';x[''] = 'Sort by Newest';x[''] = 'How is the roadmap prioritized?';x[''] = 'Is the Institutional Toolkit free?';x[''] = 'Calculate the tier level';x[''] = 'For organizations with fewer than 50 employees and an internal-use license.';x['user.saved.queries.about'] = 'Saved Queries provide name and descriptions for your searches. Receive email alerts when new Patents and Scholarly works are published that match your search.';x['labs.apps.publishPerish'] = 'Publish or Perish';x['labs.dashboards.downloads'] = 'Downloads';x['pricing.faq.users.professional.answer'] = 'Individuals may register to access a professional workspace on the platform for their own individual use either in a non-profit setting (fee-waived) or for commercial use. Individual users who currently use, or intend to use the platform for commercial purposes are required to subscribe to a low cost annual license. If you are an individual whose use is commercial, we ask that you subscribe to convert your access from non-commercial to commercial use in line with the';x['results.graphical.metric.description'] = 'A metric is a standard measure of one specific piece of data. For example sum of patent citations or average author count.';x['user.profile.view'] = 'View Profile for';x['common.source.url'] = 'Source URL';x['cap.participate.labs.para.2'] = 'Lens Labs are designed to encourage experimentation with a specific objective to enable the mission of accelerated innovation to deliver social outcomes. Actual Lens Labs objectives will be designed through consultation between The Lens and the partner. Examples of Lens Labs objectives might include:';x['cap.participate.labs.para.3'] = 'The Lens roadmap of improvements is extensive. We welcome discussions about specific interests and capabilities. Partner with The Lens to design, fund, and implement a Lens Lab.';x['common.publish'] = 'Publish';x['filters.class_ipcr.symbol'] = 'IPCR Classification Code';x['results.view.custom.compact'] = 'Compact';x[''] = 'Additional Data';x[''] = 'Citing Scholarly Works Histogram';x[''] = 'Download Bulk Data';x['user.summary.collections.want.larger.text'] = 'Institutional accounts include larger collection limits and an enhanced collection of Lens tools and features...';x['patentResults.queryOptions.regex.true'] = 'Query contains regular expression';x['subscription.landing.evaluation'] = 'Evaluation';x[''] = 'No Legal Events available for this Patent';x['labs.masthead.btn.contribute'] = 'Contribute to Labs';x[''] = 'Order by Size';x['results.selectTool.all'] = 'All Results';x['filters.flag.hasClaim'] = 'Has Claim';x['user.profile.error.logout'] = 'Error: User data mismatch. You may have been logged out.';x['common.enabled'] = 'Enabled';x[''] = 'Free, Open And Secure';x['user.inventorship.dispute.claim'] = 'Dispute Claim';x['filters.reference_cited.npl.record_lens_id'] = 'Cited Works';x['cap.faq.collection.action'] = 'What is Collective Action?';x['common.reports.description'] = 'Description';x[''] = 'Our patent search capabilities offer advanced boolean functions, structured search, biological search, classification search, filtering and sorting options to find the most relevant and important patents. Create collections, alerts and visualisations to be annotated and shared.';x['user.tags.about'] = 'Add tags to your search results to organise and filter results by custom tags, tags are comma separated.';x['cap.participate.labs.para.1'] = 'An example of a <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"lens/labs\">Lens Labs<\/a> is the partnership between The Lens and MIT sponsored by the Sloan Foundation through the <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"\">Innovation Information Initiative<\/a>.';x[''] = 'Works';x['results.graphical.wizard.cite.funding'] = 'Funding Citation Comparison';x[''] = 'Public access';x['patentField.sequences'] = 'Sequences';x['scholar.flag.description.keyword'] = 'Keywords';x[''] = 'This map displays the number of scholarly works in the Lens (published 2015-2020) per 1,000 people in each country, highlighting the inequities between the Global North and the Global South.';x[''] = '<li>5,000 requests per month<\/li><li>10 requests per minute<\/li><li>2 nested aggregations per request<\/li>';x[''] = 'New Search by';x['notes.addNew'] = 'Add New Note';x[''] = 'family';x['tooltip.filter.current.results'] = 'Filter current results from';x['cap.leap.criteria'] = 'What are the eligibility criteria for LEAP access?';x[''] = 'Patent API';x['subscription.bundle.options.text'] = 'APIs and Bulk Data products for Patents, Scholarly Works and Biological Sequences can be bundled together to support many use cases. APIs and Bulk Data can also be included when subscribing to an <a href=\"/lens/institutions\">Institutional Toolkit<\/a>. Pricing is based on your use case, attribution plan, the institution type and requirements for access volumes and rates. Contact us to discuss a package that suites your needs. <a class=\"feedbackLink\" href=\"/lens/feedback?returnTo=/\" target=\"_blank\">Bundled Package Enquiry<\/a>';x['user.profile.patent.citations.tip'] = 'The sum of citing patents for all patent-cited scholarly works on the profile';x['search.refine'] = 'Refine';x['itk.toolkit.current.lead'] = 'The following tools are available now as part of the current toolkit for both public-good and commercial institutional subscribers. For a list of ITK tools and features which are in the development pipeline or expected in the near future, please see the';x[''] = 'Priority';x[''] = 'Download History';x[''] = 'Privacy matters...your Lens use is your business and yours alone. We don\'t share or sell any knowledge of your use of The Lens. We don\'t keep track of what you do (unless you ask us to). We don\'t advertise or let others advertise on Lens. We avoid any third party software that could expose your use to others.';x['cap.landing.connected.actors.lead'] = 'Trust within and between institutions and between institutions and society is critical for success; and shared evidence is the currency that helps establish trust.';x['user.register'] = 'Register';x['collectionManageWidget.titleWidget'] = 'Collections';x['itk.roadmap.inst.profiles.tags'] = 'Tags: profiles, institution, reports, publishing, collections, metrics, collaboration, teams';x['results.graphical.colour.scheme.invert.tip'] = 'Helps to highlight jurisdictions where there are no patents in force';x[''] = 'The Institutional Toolkit (ITK) is a model for an enhanced collection of Lens tools and features that will help institutions discover, analyse and manage innovation knowledge. ';x['pricing.common.subscribe'] = 'Subscribe';x['results.graphical.chart.historical.analysis'] = 'Historical Analysis';x['results.selectTool.clear'] = 'Clear Selection';x['itk.faq.a5.para.3'] = 'For commercial institutions, an ITK permits commercial use with tiered price plans that are based on the use case, commitment to attribution, data specifications, and the size/revenue of the institution.';x[''] = 'Simple Family ID';x['user.saved.queries.description'] = 'Save any list of search results and get query alerts when new data ingested, or turn saved queries into public or private collections.';x['itk.faq.a5.para.2'] = 'For public-good institutions, an ITK license permits any usage that advances the public-good mission of the institution. An ITK grants full access to the Lens tools and features on the platform as well as the scholarly and patent APIs (for clarity, PatSeq Bulk Data is not included, but access to PatSeq on is included).';x['chart.title.sequence_organism_taxid'] = 'Biological Organisms';x['patent.document.pdf'] = 'PDF';x[''] = 'Date Published (oldest)';x['collection.common.linked.queries.include.tip'] = 'Include additional saved queries to this dynamic collection, when new items are added to our search index your selected saved queries will automatically update this dynamic collection.';x[''] = 'Group by Extended Family';x['scholar.field.author_last.display_name.exact'] = 'Author';x['cap.gfm.donate'] = 'How to Participate';x['results.graphical.chart.highlight.section'] = 'Highlight a selection to filter by date';x['itk.leap.apply'] = 'Apply for Equitable Access';x[''] = 'Email Address';x[''] = 'compared by';x[''] = 'Plan Already Active';x['common.never.used'] = 'Never used';x[''] = 'About';x[''] = 'Cited Institution Country';x['results.graphical.colour.dark2'] = 'dark2';x[''] = 'Reset Search';x['suggest.logo.login'] = 'Sign in to suggest a logo';x[''] = 'Institutional Account with Management Tools';x['pricing.faq.itk.workarea.answer'] = 'The institutional work area refers to the functionality that enables internal (i.e. private and secure) collaboration on the institutional work area, and is only accessible to institutional users with the appropriate access permissions. The institutional work area includes the functionality to add Internal notes/comments to work area items that are only visible to other institutional users.';x[''] = 'Refresh Page';x['results.graphical.chart.layout.grouped'] = 'Grouped';x['results.graphical.histogram.multi.description'] = 'This is essentially the same as a normal date histogram (see \"Historical\" analysis type) however instead of each series representing a sub aggregation, they represent a date field. So for example the one timeline can display both publication and filing dates.';x['user.tags.filter'] = 'Filter {0} Tags';x[''] = 'Search';x[''] = 'Research Funders';x[''] = 'Conference Name';x['patent.document.abstract.match'] = 'Abstract match';x['notes.patentDocument'] = 'Patent';x[''] = 'Date Range';x['notes.manage'] = 'Manage Notes';x['results.view.custom.source.title'] = 'Source Title';x['user.saved.queries.delete.sure.multiple'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete these Saved Queries?';x[''] = 'Open source tools or software that can assist in delivering better, cleaner data for the community may qualify for free access to an open Lens patent API. Example name disambiguation (scholarly author, patent inventor, owner or applicant to name a few).';x[''] = 'Simple Family Size';x['analysis.screenshot'] = 'Need help talking a screenshot? Click for a tutorial';x['results.graphical.affiliation.over.time'] = 'affiliation over time';x['user.profile.view.on'] = 'View profile on';x['itk.faq.term.institution.example'] = 'Institutions are categorised by public-good entities (e.g. universities, research institutes, non-profits, governments) or commercial / corporate entities such as companies and businesses.';x['subscription.checkout.activated.text'] = 'Congratulations, your Lens account is now licensed for commercial use. You will receive confirmation of your subscription and a receipt via email, and you can review the <a href=\"\">commercial use agreement<\/a> on the <a href=\"/lens/user/subscriptions/requested\">subscriptions page<\/a> of your account any time.<br>Thank you for supporting The Lens. ';x[''] = 'Next';x[''] = 'scholarly authors in Lens; with autosuggest name search and granular faceting for first and last author, author counts, author identifiers and the author\'s affiliated institutions. Explore the profiles of more than 4.2M authors with ORCID identifiers linked to over 24M scholarly works.';x['patentView.tabs.sequence'] = 'Sequences';x['subscription.api.tokens'] = 'API Access Tokens (5 Max)';x['user.reports.tip'] = 'Create reports linked to real data and analytics.';x['collection.common.display.avatar.description'] = 'This will display your profile avatar in the collection header. Alternatively you can upload another image to represent this collection. Supported file types: .png, .jpg and can be resized and cropped after upload. By sharing this data with and the public, you acknowledge that you are authorized to do so.';x['user.workarea.queries'] = 'Queries';x['common.popular'] = 'Popular';x['filters.workspace.filterByNotes'] = 'Only show items marked with a note';x[''] = 'Media Library';x[''] = 'Expiry of Patent Date';x[''] = 'About Collection Search';x['common.large'] = 'Large';x['user.reports.files.upload.file'] = 'File Upload';x[''] = 'View Onboarding Post';x['labs.apps.biospolar.description'] = 'The Biospolar project aimed to identify research and innovation involving Antarctic biodiversity. As part of the project large datasets were created of the scientific literature and patent data for the Antarctic using the open access Lens database. This OSF repository provides public access to those datasets for further research. Data is provided as csv files and larger datasets are zipped using bzip.';x['user.comparison.warning'] = 'These currently only save to your browser cache. If you would like these comparisons to persist, please use the Export/Share functionality and consider saving or bookmarking the provided export URL.';x[''] = 'My Works';x[''] = 'Sorry, your query yields no results in our knowledge base or documentation.';x[''] = 'Could not submit request. Please retry.';x[''] = 'Save';x[''] = 'Pending';x['subscription.patent.option.2.lead'] = 'Staff and students from institutions subscribing to the <a href=\"/lens/institutions\">Institutional Toolkit (ITK)<\/a> are eligible for API access as part of your institution’s ITK subscription.';x[''] = 'Tag Rename Failed';x['results.graphical.tophits'] = 'Top Hits';x['common.downloads'] = 'Downloads';x[''] = 'Please specify organisation size';x[''] = 'View API Documentation';x[''] = 'Search, Filter & Sort';x[''] = 'Peer Reviews';x['search.table.priority'] = 'Priority';x['scholar.sort.source.type'] = 'Source Type';x[''] = 'Family Member Preview';x['pricing.faq.users.professional'] = 'Individual Professional Users';x['scholar.common.chemical.details'] = 'Substance Details';x['collection.common.collection'] = 'Collection';x['common.from.alt'] = 'from';x['results.graphical.colour.accent'] = 'accent';x['results.graphical.wizard.logo.grid'] = 'Logo Grid';x[''] = 'Please Sign In To Record inventorship';x[''] = 'Patent Data Project';x['tour.workarea.step.4.text-2'] = 'View options can make it easier to categorize and or quickly find important items';x[''] = 'Mark as Read';x['home.cap.collective.action.project'] = 'Collective Action Project';x['user.workarea.orcid.syncing'] = 'Syncing...';x[''] = 'Open Access';x[''] = 'Note you can add more than one clause to your intended search bucket';x['patentView.tabs.sequences'] = 'Sequences';x['labs.apps.vosviewer'] = 'VOSviewer';x['home.feature.patent.description'] = 'Our patent search capabilities offer advanced boolean functions, structured search, biological search, classification search, filtering and sorting options to find the most relevant and important patents.';x['pricing.faq.workspace.afford.answer.2'] = '(LEAP) to ensure all users can access the Lens tools regardless of their financial standing. The Lens affirms that no one will be disadvantaged by lack of access to tools. If a user legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price, The Lens commits to finding a way to subsidize the price or otherwise provide access.';x[''] = 'View Recommended Works in Search';x['home.feature.introducing'] = 'Introducing';x['patent.legalEvents.event.reference'] = 'Event Reference';x['subscription.checkout.faq.commercial.use.answer'] = 'Individual users who currently use or plan to use the platform for commercial purposes must have commercial use permissions to do so. The Lens requests that you take up a subscription or ask your institution to do so. Doing so will ensure that your use is in compliance with The Lens terms and help to maintain the sustainability of The Lens. Funds from commercial use licenses go towards supporting equitable access to FAIR and open innovation knowledge.';x[''] = 'Work Area';x['results.graphical.wizard.owners.histogram'] = 'Owner Count Histogram';x[''] = 'Register your interest in Lens for Institutions. Institutional Toolkit pricing for public-good institutions has been simplified to provide the entire toolkit for a single price including access to the Scholarly and Patent API for all public-good institutions as standard. <a href=\"/lens/institutions/price\">Read More<\/a>';x['results.graphical.vis.types'] = 'The Len supports eight main data visualisation \"types\". Each of these types can itself display varied data in varied ways, but it is important to understand when to use which visualisation. Select a type to learn more.';x[''] = 'We have been busy updating our localisation and all existing languages.';x['boolean.query.status.changes'] = 'Changes detected. Automatic validation has been temporarily disabled';x[''] = 'No Collections Yet';x['common.cookie.notice.btn'] = 'Thanks, Got It';x[''] = 'Measuring Influence';x['user.patseq.organization.size'] = 'Organisation Size';x['starting.wizard.step.1.text'] = 'To help you have an even better experience, we ask you to review and complete your account details so your privacy and interface settings are customised for you. You can update any of these details at anytime under your <a href=\"/lens/user/profile\">account settings page<\/a>. Enjoy the Lens.';x['user.workarea.history.delete.all'] = 'Delete all History?';x['user.query.alert.cannot.parse.2'] = 'boolean operators. For example:<span style=\"opacity: 0.8;\">(a AND b) OR (c AND d)<\/span>.';x['explore.citations.scholarly.intro'] = 'Explore the linkages between documents and entities by viewing and analysing the forward and backward citations to other scholarly works, as well as the citing patents.';x['common.boolean.remove.field'] = 'Remove Field';x['user.query.alert.cannot.parse.3'] = 'Unfortunately the structured search form can not display these queries, we suggest editing your query in the Query Text Editor, which allows for combinations of Boolean operators and provides support for field auto-completion and query validation';x['labs.collab.iii'] = 'Innovation Information Initiative';x[''] = 'Download PDF';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Collections:<\/b><\/a> Create static or dynamic collections that are auto-updated with linked saved queries with update history. Curate private collections or publish and share them with anyone.';x['common.lastUpdated'] = 'Last updated';x['pricing.common.polular'] = 'Popular';x['cap.faq.lead'] = 'We appreciate there may be many technical and business questions related to the Collective Action Project, below we have listed some of the most common questions we have received. We will continually update this list, if you have an additional question, please contact us today.';x['subscription.landing.seq.nucleotides'] = 'Grants: Nucleotides';x['wizard.combination'] = 'Combination';x['itk.toolkit.current'] = 'Current Toolkit';x['pricing.institutional'] = 'Institutional Account';x['subscription.landing.scholar.list'] = '<li>Open &amp; FAIR data<\/li><li>Aggregated data sources<\/li><li>Interoperable with persistent identifiers (Lens ID, DOI, PubMed, OpenAlex)<\/li><li>70+ metadata fields<\/li>';x['user.profile.more.about.profiles'] = 'More About Profiles';x['collection.common.history.query'] = 'Query';x['common.definition'] = 'Definition';x['user.tags.this.tag'] = 'This tag';x['itk.core.diagram.dashboards.text'] = 'Configurable visualisation tools with embedded and customized metrics and analytics. Featured capabilities including portfolios, allowing institutional capabilities to be showcased, discovered in context and promoted.';x[''] = 'Biological Toolset';x['user.profile.toolbar.manage.authoship'] = 'Manage Authorship in Work Area';x['results.graphical.colour.redyellowblue'] = 'redyellowblue';x[''] = 'Initiated collaboration with data sharing with the Scaling Science project at the MIT Media Lab. The Scaling Science project aims to leverage large-scale network analytics to develop models/algorithms that can be used to increase the efficiency of scientific funding. As part of this collaboration, the analytics underlying DELPHI, an early-warning signal for high-impact research (which is currently in review for publication) were re-written to utilize the Lens Labs data (instead of Microsoft Academic and AMiner data, which was used previously). The corresponding dataset, as well as the computed metrics, will be released upon publication of the underlying paper, and additional work is ongoing.';x['labs.apps.CiteSource'] = 'CiteSource';x['common.cookie.notice.title'] = 'Cookies Notice';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'scholarly records, compiled and harmonised from Microsoft Academic, PubMed and Crossref, enhanced with OpenAlex and UnPaywall open access information and links to ORCID. The full scholarly citation graph is provided for the first time as an open public resource.';x['results.graphical.set.limits'] = 'The Analytics Set limits results to scholarly works that have useful metadata for visualization and analysis. The criteria for the analytics set are works that have at least a Crossref DOI or PubMed identifier with author information, and are one of the following publication types: journal article, book chapter, conference proceedings, conference proceedings article, book, letter or review. N.B. This criteria is Beta and subject to change, we welcome your feedback.';x['subscription.feature.survey.text'] = 'As we continue scaling up the Lens services, we welcome your say in developing services that meet your needs. The information collected through this survey will be used to help guide our feature development and improve our services to you. Survey responses are anonymous and we do not collect any personal information or contact details unless you choose to provide them.';x['pricing.account.institutional.commercial.para.1'] = 'The Lens offers an Institutional Toolkit, providing additional features and functionality not available on personal account types, as well as Professional Workspaces for all institutional users.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.IPCR_CLASSIFICATIONS'] = 'IPCR Classifications';x[''] = 'Need Support?';x[''] = 'Attested Portfolios';x['pricing.account.institutional.commercial.para.2'] = 'Institutional Toolkits are offered to for-profit commercial / corporate entities including businesses, law firms and consultancies, combining the features and functionality of an Institutional Toolkit with commercial use permissions to support a wide range of use cases across many industries and sectors.';x['query.metrics.scholarly.citations'] = 'Scholarly Citations';x[''] = 'Substance Word Cloud';x['itk.toolkit.includes'] = 'Institutional Tools Include';x[''] = 'Date Created';x[''] = 'Cited Patents';x[''] = 'Please wait while your file is created.';x['common.docType.patent'] = 'Patent';x[''] = 'Any legally incorporated entity whose principal purpose is stated as advancing the public-good; for instance government agencies, research and teaching institutions, philanthropic foundations, civil society and non-profits.';x['results.view.custom.flags'] = 'Flags';x[''] = 'Patent API &amp; Data';x['article.references.not.available'] = 'References are not available yet for this article';x[''] = 'New Project';x['user.workarea.claim.remove.authorship'] = 'Remove Authorship';x[''] = 'View Portfolio Use Case';x[''] = 'Edit Search';x['user.reports.files.uploading.alt'] = 'Uploading...';x[''] = 'The API documentation provides guidelines for getting you started with the API and details the request, response schema with examples.';x['results.graphical.custom.chart'] = 'Custom Chart';x['user.account.use.non.commercial'] = 'Non-commercial use';x['results.graphical.colour.category20'] = 'category20';x['notes.patent.scope.CPC_CLASSIFICATIONS'] = 'CPC Classifications';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.EARLIEST_PRIORITY_DATE'] = 'Earliest Priority Date';x[''] = 'Tags: work area, collaboration, teams, media, collections, projects';x[''] = 'Key:';x['user.profile.warning.patents.more.100'] = '<strong>Warning!<\/strong> It is currently not possible to show more than 100 patents in a profile.';x['user.workarea.sync.orcid.text'] = 'Works you record authorship/inventorship for will be automatically added to your <a target=\"_blank\" class=\"alink\" href=\"\">ORCID<\/a> record. This action will re-sync your claimed works and update the metadata on your ORCID record. See the <a target=\"_blank\" class=\"alink\" href=\"\">help documentation<\/a> for more information.';x[''] = 'Contact Us';x['pricing.table.embeds'] = 'Embeddable Widgets';x['subscription.scholar.lead'] = 'Access the full corpus of Lens scholarly works using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API, Aggregation API or bulk data downloads. The versioned API allows you to perform and combine several types of searches using a range of different operations or aggregations.';x['user.profile.source.orcid'] = 'source: ORCID';x[''] = 'Profile';x['patentView.cited.phase.prs'] = 'Origin Pre-Grant/Pre-Search national, date search report completed';x['explore.citations.threshold'] = 'Counts for Citing/Cited Scholarly Works can not be displayed for searches with more than 1 million results. Please refine your search further to reduce the number of results.';x['itk.faq.term.collection.example'] = 'Available to institutional accounts only. A checkbox in the collection settings is to make the collection an Attested Collection.';x['filters.flag.has_abstract'] = 'Has Abstract';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.KEYWORDS'] = 'Keywords';x[''] = 'The Explore Citations tab provides a list of forward and backward, patent and scholarly citation options for your initial search results. These tabs are useful for providing insight into the influence of research on innovation and enables identification of the actors in the innovation system that are influenced by the research represented in the scholarly literature.';x[''] = 'Simple Family';x[''] = 'Create New Report';x['cap.landing.connected.actors'] = 'Collective Action Needs Connected Actors';x['search.orcid.description'] = 'Search the ORCID registry for authors/inventors with an ORCID persistent digital identifier. Selecting an ORCID author/inventor and running the search will search for works/patents in the Lens that are listed in the selected ORCID profile. See more at \"\"';x['user.profile.privacy.anaytics.opt'] = 'Opt out of Web Analytics';x['itk.faq.a2.tier.funders'] = 'Tiers for <b>Research and Innovation Investors and Funders<\/b> are based on the amount of funds disbursed in the last 3 years.';x['results.graphical.colour.category10'] = 'category10';x['common.error.session.ending'] = 'This problem may be caused by your session ending. Please reload the page to try again.';x['breadcrumb.australia'] = 'Australia';x[''] = 'No Account Required';x['subscription.landing.processing'] = 'Processing';x['results.graphical.citation.comparison'] = 'Citation Comparison';x['patent.earliestPriorityTitle'] = 'Earliest Priority:';x[''] = 'Agents & Attorneys';x['user.account.use.non.commercial.affiliated'] = 'I am affiliated with a public-good institution | Using The Lens for non-commercial purposes.';x['search.toolbar.presentation.mode'] = 'Presentation Mode';x[''] = 'Priority Applications';x[''] = 'Free - No Charge';x['user.settings.recordHistory'] = 'Record Search History';x['pricing.faq.workspace.agreement.answer.2'] = 'and help to maintain the sustainability of The Lens. Funds from commercial use licenses go towards supporting equitable access to FAIR and open innovation knowledge.';x['query.details.extended'] = 'Extended';x[''] = 'Receive access to additional tools and services allowing you to manage, collect, markup, promote and customize institutional knowledge assets.';x[''] = 'Citing patents of MIT scholarly works';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.NPL_CITATION_COUNT'] = 'NPL Citation Count';x['filters.ipcr.title'] = 'IPCR Classifications';x['export.action.exporting'] = 'Exporting...';x[''] = '<li>If you are an individual using The Lens for commercial purposes, subscribe to a commercial use license for individuals.<\/li><li>Introduce The Lens to your institution. Encourage them to subscribe to the Lens Institutional Toolkit. The Lens offers packages of tools for universities and other public-good institutions as well as for commercial companies. The packages are a fraction of the price of commercial alternatives and they are open. Choosing them means you are participating in making knowledge accessible as a public-good.<\/li><li>If you have the resources, support The Lens financially with a donation. Visit the Lens Collective Action Project GoFundMe page.<\/li>';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Save and Re-run Queries:<\/b><\/a> Save important queries to quickly re-run and explore new records added to the index.';x['itk.heading'] = 'Lens for Institutions';x[''] = 'Search Tips';x['user.registration.institution.usecase'] = 'Use Case';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Analysis Dashboards:<\/b><\/a> Create custom analysis dashboards and share them with anyone.';x['scholar.field.field_of_study'] = 'Field of Study';x['subscription.signin.access'] = 'Sign in to Request Access';x['common.load.more.results'] = 'Load more results';x[''] = 'No Saved Queries';x[''] = 'Calculated Legal Status';x[''] = 'Source Title (Z-A)';x['user.profile.oa.ratio.tip'] = 'Percentage of scholarly works that are Open Access';x[''] = 'Applicants';x['results.graphical.wizard.applicants'] = 'Applicants';x['common.colour'] = 'Colour';x['itk.core.diagram.api.text'] = 'Access the full corpus of Lens patents and scholarly works using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API or bulk data downloads, while options for bulk data downloads provide access to the genetic sequences in patents.';x['subscription.scholar.more.about'] = 'More About <b>The Lens Scholarly API<\/b>';x[''] = 'The filter pane shows the top faceted values for various patent and scholarly metadata. Explore the values available by expanding or collapsing relevant selections. Click a value to restrict your results to only documents matching that filter. Click a second time to exclude values.';x['subscription.landing.itk.scholar.api'] = 'Scholarly API Access';x[''] = 'This record is missing a DocDB identifier. The family has been calculated but may be incomplete.';x['pricing.pricing'] = 'Pricing';x[''] = 'Top Institutions Logo Grid';x['labs.landing.start.collab'] = 'Start Collaborating';x[''] = 'News Feed';x['filters.flag.hasDisclaimer'] = 'Has Disclaimer';x['user.profile.orchid.linked'] = 'ORCID linked';x['subscription.request.api.access.option'] = 'Trial Access';x['scholar.field.source.type'] = 'Source Type';x['common.view.more'] = 'View More';x['labs.collab.iii.description'] = 'The Innovation Information Initiative (I3) is a data collaborative for open innovation data and related analytics, tools, and metrics. This includes global patent datasets, citation graphs among + between patents and scholarship, and metrics or secondary datasets derived from these.';x['common.load.more'] = 'Load more';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.AUTHORS'] = 'Author/s';x[''] = 'Check out our development roadmap to see what new tools are coming down the pipeline or view pricing.';x[''] = 'Limit results to patent documents with one or more simple family members in the selected jurisdiction.';x['pricing.faq.workspace.cost'] = 'How much does a commercial workspace cost?';x['subscription.api.quick.links'] = 'Quick Links';x['itk.roadmap.development'] = 'Development Roadmap';x['inventorship.button.remove'] = 'Remove Inventorship';x['patent.percent.force'] = 'Percent of patents not in force';x[''] = 'By default, author values are grouped by their display name, which can result in the aggregation of scholarly works from different authors with the same name. Enabling author identifiers uses the identifiers available in our data sources to group authors, which can help disambiguate different authors with the same name. The author identifiers used currently include Microsoft Academic, and ORCID identifiers if they are available in data from CrossRef or PubMed.';x['user.collections.hasnone'] = 'You don\'t have any collections';x['patent.view.flag.has.legal_status.granted'] = 'Indicates if the patent application/simple family has been granted in one or more jurisdictions.';x['bio.patseqexplorer'] = 'PatSeq Explorer';x['labs.apps.patseq.description'] = 'Access to the human genome map of patent sequences for academic use, and all 350M patent sequences disclosed in the patent literature. The Lens offers this service to enable you to download sequence listings extracted from full-text patents, megafiles, and public databases in two data formats: 1) Rich OR 2) FASTA format. In addition and for academic use only we offer an old dataset for patent sequences that were mapped on the human genome in 2014-2015.';x['subscription.scholar.more.about.text'] = 'Building on the constructive user feedback from the initial API release, we have expanded API and now offer more flexibility in the way Lens data can be used. Lens Scholarly API includes a number of performance improvements.';x['user.subscriptions'] = 'Subscriptions';x[''] = 'Date Range';x[''] = 'Lens Reports are based on FAIRE data, which not only not only meets the FAIR standards of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability, but is also Enabling.';x[''] = 'Most cited by Patents';x[''] = 'Secure Institutional Account';x['common.action.deleting'] = 'Deleting';x['itk.faq.terms'] = 'Terms and Definitions';x['user.profile.privacy.dnt'] = 'You have DNT (Do Not Track) enabled in your browser so none of your actions on The Lens are recorded in our analytics system.';x['scholar.common.libkey'] = 'LibKey';x['results.graphical.wizard.inventors'] = 'Inventors';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.MESH_TERMS'] = 'MeSH Terms';x['pricing.table.use.non.commercial'] = 'Non-commercial';x['common.sidebar.collapse'] = 'Collapse Sidebar';x['suggest.logo.for'] = 'Suggest a Logo for';x[''] = 'Can not open';x['patent.document.section.identifiers'] = 'Document Identifiers';x[''] = 'Date Field';x[''] = 'To support libraries in their mission to provide seamless access to users, we will be providing support for institutional link resolver integration for institutional users on the platform. Link resolver services currently integrated on the platform include <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">WorldCat Registry<\/a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">LibKey Discovery<\/a>, however we plan to support any OpenURL-compatible institutional link resolvers such as <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ExLibris SFX<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ProQuest 360 Link<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">EBSCO Discovery Services<\/a> and others, with full-text access options for institutional users based on their institution’s link resolver preferences.';x['common.type'] = 'Type';x['results.graphical.wizard.pie.chart'] = 'Pie Chart';x['common.none'] = 'None';x['inventorship.orcid.description'] = 'provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control, and that distinguishes you from every other researcher. You can connect your iD with your professional information — affiliations, grants, publications, peer review, and more.';x['collection.common.dynamic.descriptions'] = 'Dynamic collections are automatically updated when new items are added to our search index. Stay up to date with emails and notifications then choose to accept or reject new items into your collection. ';x['sorting.cited.patent.count'] = 'Cited Patent Count';x[''] = 'Extended Family';x['starting.wizard.step.2.heading'] = 'Privacy Options';x['pricing.account.institutional'] = 'Institutional Account';x[''] = 'Vertical Bar Chart';x['cap.faq.why.collective.action.answer.2'] = 'Digital abundance of information means that using the linked knowledge accessible through The Lens can help public institutions save as much as US$1 billion annually while making the resources accessible to more people than can access them today. We can waste no time to redeploy resources to support productive outcomes and solve problems.';x['notes.patent.scope.CITATIONS'] = 'Citations';x[''] = 'Saved to Lens Clipboard';x[''] = 'The APIs are available to all users for a free 14-day trial. For ongoing use, we provide API access via an <a href=\"/lens/institutions\">Institutional Toolkit<\/a> subscription or data agreement. Bulk data is only provided with a subscription. If you are interested in bulk data, we encourage you to trial the API or download the sample bulk data first. Pricing is based on your use case, attribution plan, the institution type and requirements for access volumes and rates. Contact us to discuss your API and data needs. <a class=\"feedbackLink\" href=\"/lens/feedback?returnTo=/\" target=\"_blank\">API & Data Enquiry<\/a>';x['cap.faq.why.collective.action.answer.1'] = 'Humanity faces an unprecedented urgency to address the problems that we collectively face, some of which we have collectively created. Only with connected actors coordinating their contributions can we have a fair go at innovating our way out of our current crises.';x['starting.wizard.finish'] = 'Finish';x['user.claim.inventorship'] = 'inventorship';x['subscription.landing.scholar.citations'] = 'Scholarly Citations';x['cap.faq.low.price'] = 'How does The Lens maintain such low prices?';x[''] = 'US';x['results.graphical.configuration.option'] = 'Configuration option';x['scholar.field_of_study.information'] = 'Field of study is based on machine learning and parsing of all accessible text in a record. Source: Microsoft Academic, OpenAlex';x['wizard.find.patents.scholarly'] = 'Find patents or scholarly works';x['filters.flag.has_clinical_trial'] = 'Has Clinical Trial';x['scholar.common.funding.details'] = 'Funding Details';x[''] = 'For platform evaluation purposes only, Trial accounts will remain active for 2 weeks from registration.';x[''] = 'help';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.HAS_FULL_TEXT'] = 'Has Full Text';x['scholar.badge.tooltip.keyword'] = 'Has Keywords';x['breadcrumb.innovation.landscapes'] = 'Climate Innovation Landscapes';x['user.registration.institution.tier4'] = 'Tier 4';x['itk.faq.a2.tier.pubs.list'] = '<li>Tier 1: More than 500,000 scholarly works<\/li><li>Tier 2: 150,001 - 500,000 scholarly works<\/li><li>Tier 3: 50,000 - 150,000 scholarly works<\/li><li>Tier 4: Less than 50,000 scholarly works<\/li>';x['user.registration.institution.tier2'] = 'Tier 2';x['user.registration.institution.tier3'] = 'Tier 3';x[''] = 'Report';x[''] = 'Application is pending';x['user.profile.claim.remove.this'] = 'this work';x['profile.changePassword'] = 'Change your password';x['results.graphical.citation.scatter'] = 'Citation Comparison Scatter Plot';x['user.registration.institution.tier1'] = 'Tier 1';x['user.workarea.project.title'] = 'Title';x['profile.title'] = 'Keep your details up to date';x[''] = 'Top Owners';x['results.view.custom.cpc.class'] = 'CPC Classifications';x[''] = 'Funding Organisations by Open Access Status';x['user.settings.image.upload.dropzone'] = 'Drop files here to upload, or';x['filters.flag.hasAgent'] = 'Has Agent';x['results.graphical.view.multi.line.verbose'] = 'Multi Series Line Chart (with facet) ';x[''] = 'Granted patent not in force because of lapse, non-fee payment, etc. The patent hasn\'t reached the term date and can be revived';x['results.graphical.vis.represented'] = 'This visualisation can either be represented as';x['sorting.created.desc'] = 'Created (newest)';x[''] = 'Individual Commercial Use License Agreement';x['reports.move'] = 'Move';x['results.graphical.chart.types'] = 'Chart Types';x['user.inventorship.record'] = 'Record your';x['user.profile.collaborative.index'] = 'Collaboration Index';x['search.structured.scholar.filters.publication'] = 'Publication Type';x['results.graphical.detail'] = 'Detail';x['filters.flag.isOpenAccess'] = 'Open Access';x[''] = 'Funding';x[''] = 'About';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.CITES_PATENT_COUNT'] = 'Cites Patent Count';x['results.graphical.bucket.size.doc.count'] = 'Min Bucket Doc Count';x['results.graphical.view.patent'] = 'View Individual Patent';x['results.graphical.wizard.authors'] = 'Authors';x['results.graphical.wizard.class.ipc'] = 'IPC Classifications';x['itk.price.tier.50-150k'] = '50,001 - 150,000';x[''] = 'Lens Labs';x[''] = 'Rich 50';x[''] = 'Open Access Articles';x['patentView.category'] = 'Citation Category';x[''] = 'Institutions Over Time';x['filters.common.less.filters'] = 'More Filters...';x['labs.dashboards.OECD.countries.summary'] = 'OECD Countries - Summary Dashboard';x['chart.title.type'] = 'Document Type';x[''] = 'Granted';x['subscription.scholar.survey'] = 'Scholar API Survey';x['scholar.subject.information'] = 'Subject is derived from ISSN descriptions in Crossref metadata';x['subscription.patseq.bundles.text'] = 'PatSeq bulk data can be bundled with patent or scholarly works APIs and Bulk Data products to support many use cases. PatSeq data can also be included when subscribing to an Institutional Toolkit. Pricing is based on your use case, your attribution plan, the institution type and requirements for access volumes and rates. Contact us to discuss a package that suites your needs.<a class=\"feedbackLink\" href=\"/lens/feedback?returnTo=/\" target=\"_blank\">Bundled Package Enquiry.<\/a>';x[''] = 'Free text';x[''] = 'Create, annotate and share collections of patent and scholarship portfolios.';x['subscription.patseq.feature.survey.lead'] = 'We are planning to further develop and add additional features to the bulk sequence download and we would greatly appreciate your feedback.';x[''] = 'Search, analyse and share the biological sequences disclosed in patents.';x[''] = 'Welcome to the Lens';x['subscription.patseq.hg.dataset'] = 'Mapped patent sequences on the human genome dataset';x['labs.collab.csiro'] = 'CSIRO';x['scholar.common.view.citattion.string.tip'] = 'Shows the original citation strings instead of the resolved citations as fully formatted bibliographic records';x[''] = 'Active';x['collection.common.event'] = 'Collection Event';x[''] = 'Lapse Date';x['results.graphical.colour.blues'] = 'blues';x['user.workarea.set.actions.comparison'] = 'Comparison';x[''] = 'Contact Us Today';x[''] = 'Through the use of standardized data sharing protocols, open datasets based on knowledge artefacts such as patents and scholarly works MetaRecords and their linkages, and granular metrics, Lens Labs will allow exploration and experimentation towards improved data quality and more accurate and transparent tracking of the influence of science and technology on our society.';x['user.linkedServices.importProfilePicture.title'] = 'Import profile picture to Lens profile';x['user.signIn.session.expired'] = 'Your session has ended. This could be because you have logged in from another device. If this wasn\'t you, please sign in and change your password.';x['scholar.common.articles'] = 'Articles';x['starting.wizard.feature.tour'] = 'Start Feature Tour';x['user.profile.find'] = 'Find A Profile';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.PMID'] = 'PMID';x['labs.apps.publishPerish.description'] = 'Publish or Perish is a software program that retrieves and analyzes academic citations. It uses a variety of data sources to obtain the raw citations, then analyzes these and presents a range of citation metrics, including the number of papers, total citations and the h-index.';x[''] = 'In collaboration with The Lens, OpenPharma have released a Live open access analysis using Lens Reports to benchmark and visualise differences in open access publishing for journal articles with authors affiliated to pharma companies and authors affiliated with universities. The live dashboard was released alongside a poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals, which summarises how open access publication patterns change over time and within several therapy areas.';x['home.feature.features'] = 'Features';x['results.graphical.colour.purpleblue'] = 'purpleblue';x['cap.leap.QM.leap'] = 'Lens Equitable Access Program';x['pricing.table.use.commercial'] = 'Commercial';x['user.profile.mentions.source'] = 'source: ImpactStory';x['user.collections.published.collection'] = 'Publish Collection';x[''] = 'Record your authorship of scholarly works and inventorship of patents to display them on your Lens profile and sync them to your ORCID record.';x[''] = 'Start Scholar API Survey';x['user.profile.verified.institution'] = 'This user account represents a verified Institution';x[''] = 'Leverage larger default collection size and export limits on the platform (100K records), manage the institutional work area and collaborate with other institutional users...';x['user.profile.claim.remove.sure.confirm'] = 'This action will remove the work from your ORCID record.';x['patent.document.load.error'] = 'Could not load patent';x[''] = 'Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP)';x['user.share.comparison.import.btn'] = 'Import Comparison';x['breadcrumb.collections'] = 'Collections';x['scholar.flag.description.referenced_by_patent'] = 'Cited by Patent';x['subscription.landing.itk.patent.api'] = 'Patent API Access';x['patentField.filingDate'] = 'Filing Date';x['itk.core.diagram.profiles'] = 'Institution Profiles';x['itk.faq.term.itk.definition'] = 'The Institutional Toolkit is a collection of tools and features to help institutional subscribers discover, analyse and navigate innovation knowledge either internally or on the platform. Access to the ITK is provided via an institutional account.';x[''] = 'Show';x[''] = 'Citing Patents Histogram';x[''] = 'About';x[''] = 'Commercial';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.colour'] = 'Open Access Colour';x[''] = 'Classification Viewer';x[''] = 'Open - No Constraints';x['subscription.request.received.thanks'] = 'Thank you for requesting a Lens subscription.<br>We have forwarded your request and will be in touch with you shortly.';x['pricing.commercial.description'] = 'Individual professionals in SMEs wanting Lens features or metadata in a commercial setting.';x['query.details.language'] = 'Language';x['filters.jurisdiction.title'] = 'Jurisdictions';x[''] = 'MIT cited works in the patent literature';x['user.workarea.collections.intersection'] = 'Collections Intersection';x['filters.flag.hasClinicalTrial'] = 'Has Clinical Trial';x[''] = 'Bulk Data Access';x[''] = 'This work is cited';x[''] = 'Field Tips';x['user.workarea.claimed.inventorship.recorded'] = 'Inventorship Recorded';x[''] = 'API documentation';x[''] = 'Public-Good Institution';x['patent.view.flag.has.national.phase'] = 'Indicates if the patent application/simple family has entered the National Phase in INPADOC.';x['scholar.common.publication_type'] = 'Publication Type';x['home.feature.collections.description'] = 'Create, annotate and personalize collections of your patent and scholarly works with new avatars. Dynamic collections are auto-updated with linked saved queries, and can be tracked to follow who does what, when and where, who influences whom: to inform decision-making for partnering, for investing or for research trajectories.';x['user.workarea.claimed.inventorship.error'] = 'Could not record Inventorship';x['user.profile.collections'] = 'Collections';x['user.share.twitter'] = 'Twitter';x['patentView.cited.phase.isr'] = 'Originates from International Search Report, date international search report completed';x['user.dashboard'] = 'Dashboard';x[''] = 'Top Institutions by Average Patent Citations';x['patent.document.section.history'] = 'History';x[''] = 'Published';x['reports.feature.linked'] = 'Linked Content';x['pricing.account.trial.start'] = 'Start Trial';x[''] = 'Looking for multiple seat licenses or want a commercial use license for your entire institution? Check out our <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"/lens/institutions\">Institutional Toolkits<\/a> and our <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"/lens/accounts\">Pricing Page<\/a>.';x['results.graphical.wizard.fos'] = 'Field of Study';x[''] = 'Date Range';x['labs.apps.2dsearch'] = '2DSEARCH';x['user.profile.follow.failed'] = 'Follow Author Failed';x[''] = 'Collective Action';x[''] = 'Open Dashboard';x['filters.flag.hasDocdb'] = 'Has DOCDB';x[''] = 'No history items match that filter';x['itk.price.pricing'] = 'Pricing';x[''] = 'Lens Scholarly Bulk Data';x['user.profile.toolbar.remove'] = 'Remove';x[''] = 'Suggest Logo';x['itk.faq.onboarding'] = 'Institutional Toolkit Subscriber Onboarding';x['user.workarea.updated'] = 'Updated';x['user.collections.cant.removeFromCollection'] = 'Could not remove from collection';x[''] = 'What is ORCID?';x['cap.faq.why.collective.action'] = 'Why is Collective Action and The Lens important now?';x['results.graphical.histogram.alert'] = 'by default, histograms can appear extremely skewed by outliers (e.g. a single Scholarly Work with 3,000 authors or 10,000+ Citing Papers). To combat this, you can change the <em>Min Doc Count<\/em> and <em>Bucket Size<\/em> settings in the chart config. You can also change the Y Axis Scale type, and click and drag a selection on the small chart at the bottom to zoom in on that section. <br><br> Clicking a bar will append a range clause to your query and allow you to see the exact documents that match that range. ';x['user.linkedservices'] = 'Linked Services';x['labs.apps.covid19'] = 'COVID-19 Datasets';x['subscription.scholar.option.1.lead'] = 'Free 14-day trial to explore the data and evaluate the API.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.APPLICATION_DATE'] = 'Application Date';x['scholar.field.crossref_reference_count.cited'] = 'CrossRef reference count';x[''] = 'Not all cited works have been resolved to an open persistent identifier';x['footer.menuSupport'] = 'Support';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.JOURNAL_TITLE'] = 'Source Title';x['labs.landing.guidelines'] = 'Guidelines';x['results.graphical.analysis.limit'] = 'Analysis only recommended for under 10 million documents';x['user.collections.add.failed'] = 'Adding to Collection failed. Please retry.';x['pricing.faq.workspace'] = 'Professional Workspace';x['results.tabTitlePatents'] = 'Patents';x['labs.apps.covid19.description'] = 'The Lens has assembled free and open datasets of patent documents, scholarly research works metadata and biological sequences from patents, and deposited them in a machine-readable and explorable form. To inform any move towards common action, we need open data and shared, evidence-driven analysis. We hope these datasets and analytic tools help.';x['user.collections.patciteview'] = 'View in PatCite';x['user.share.shorten.url'] = 'Shortening URL...';x['home.supporters.subscribers'] = 'Subscribing Institutions';x['common.true'] = 'true';x[''] = 'Cited Scholarly Works';x['support.visit.knowledge.base'] = 'Visit Knowledge Base for extended documentation';x[''] = 'Subscriptions';x['subscription.plan.renew'] = 'Renew Subscription';x['cap.leap'] = 'Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP)';x[''] = 'Expand by Simple Family';x['results.loading.article'] = 'Loading Scholarly Work';x['user.profile.claim.remove.these'] = 'these ';x['scholar.common.affiliated.dossier'] = 'Affiliated Institution Dossier';x[''] = 'Authors';x['itk.price.commercial.enquiry'] = 'Commercial Subscription Enquiry';x[''] = 'Related';x[''] = 'The Institutional Toolkit includes high-volume ITK API Plans for both scholarly works and patents, providing programmatic access to the full corpus of Lens meta records. API access allows institutions to explore and analyse the data, develop community tools and apps or integrate and embed Lens content into their institutional repository and other institutional applications.';x[''] = 'View Scholarly Works where ORCID ID';x[''] = 'Individuals wanting to search and analyse patents, and scholarly works.';x[''] = 'All <a class=\"text-link\" href=\"/lens/institutions/faq#termsDefinitions\">Institutional Users<\/a> (e.g. staff of the subscribing institution) can also access an Institutional User API Plan while logged in as an institutional user, providing their own API plan with rates and quotas which are separate from the ITK API plans. Institutional User API plans will be active for the duration of the ITK subscription. The API plan rates and volumes include:';x['pricing.faq.workspace.individual.commercial'] = 'What is individual commercial use?';x['scholar.field.author_last.display_name_id'] = 'Author';x['user.profile.loading'] = 'Loading Profile';x['pricing.faq.itk.what.answer.2'] = 'Access to the ITK is provided via a private and secure Institutional Account, with tools and features to manage, collect, markup, promote and customize their institutional knowledge assets. See';x['results.graphical.chart.normalise.tip'] = 'e.g. Adjusting values measured on different scales to a notionally common scale (percentage).';x['pricing.faq.itk.what.answer.3'] = 'for more information on the tools and features included in the Institutional Toolkits.';x[''] = 'countries in this group.';x['subscription.patent.bulk.downloads'] = 'Lens Patent Bulk Downloads';x[''] = 'Help';x['common.options'] = 'Options';x[''] = 'Apps & Data';x[''] = 'The PatSeq database contains now over 370 million patent sequences from 17 jurisdictions. The Lens offers this service to enable you to download sequence listings extracted from full-text patents, megafiles, and public databases in two data formats.';x['common.sort'] = 'Sort';x[''] = 'Global Innovation';x[''] = 'Simple Family Member Jurisdiction';x['common.types'] = 'Types';x['common.wikipedia'] = 'Wikipedia';x['user.summary.history.last.updated'] = 'History Last Updated';x['user.projects'] = 'Projects';x[''] = 'Patent has reached the term date and is no longer in force';x['common.downloadCitation'] = 'Download Citation';x[''] = 'Institution Country/Region Map';x[''] = 'Visit your <a href=\"/lens/user/profile\">Account Settings<\/a> to enable search history.';x['starting.wizard.heading.complete.details'] = 'Complete Your Details';x['notes.user.saved'] = 'Note Saved';x[''] = 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology';x['user.history'] = 'Search History';x[''] = 'Participate';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.NPL_CITATIONS'] = 'NPL Citations';x['user.registration.institution.usecase.placeholder'] = 'Please indicate your requirements or specific use cases. To determine your tier level please include the number of scholarly outputs in the past 6 years (if possible). One of our representatives will contact you shortly.';x['notes.user.filter'] = 'Filter {0} Notes';x['user.workarea.loading'] = 'Working on the Work Area';x['user.analysis.clear'] = 'This will clear all visualisations below.';x['user.profile.claim.remove.sure'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove your claim for';x['common.mark.unread'] = 'Mark as Unread';x[''] = 'Tags: work area, support, help, knowledge-base';x['itk.faq.term.inst.use'] = 'Institutional Use';x['chart.title.classification_cpc'] = 'CPC Classifications';x[''] = 'Legal Status by Owner';x[''] = 'No children';x[''] = 'Scholar';x['user.collections.add.exists'] = 'This item already exists in this collection.';x['results.graphical.colour.purplebluegreen'] = 'purplebluegreen';x['home.itk.view'] = 'View The Toolkit';x['user.profile.already.claimed'] = 'You\'ve already claimed yours,';x[''] = 'Shown in';x['common.home'] = 'Home';x['user.history.title'] = 'History';x['search.structured.breakdown.approx'] = '(Counts are approximate.)';x['results.explore.citations.tip.scholar'] = 'Explore the linkages between documents and entities by viewing and analysing the forward and backward citations to other scholarly works, as well as the citing patents. Please Note: counts can be approximate.';x[''] = 'You have downloaded this file several times. Please check your subscription plan.';x['filters.only.basic'] = 'only basic';x['filters.scholar.subject'] = 'Subject';x['labs.apps.scholar.bulk.description'] = 'Access the Lens scholarly works with bulk data downloads. Bulk downloads datasets or customized bulk datasets are available with regular data feed updates. Bulk data files use JSON Lines text file format, with one line for each scholarly work record, and using the same data schema as the API.';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.patent.citations'] = 'Sum of cited by patent count for all cited documents in the result set';x['user.profile.orchid.unlinked'] = 'Unlinked';x['user.workarea.claimed.inventorship.sync.success'] = 'Inventorship Sync Successful';x['cap.participate.lead'] = 'The Lens invites individuals and institutions to support Collective Action in a way that aligns to your needs, and the mission and objectives of your institution – whether a public-good or enterprise and whether your institution is on the front line of innovation, or a driver, facilitator or enabler of innovation. The Collective Action Project provides a number of different activities for all stakeholders to participate in collective problem solving. There are five categories of participation to support collective action:';x['cap.why.tsunami.para.4'] = 'Patent applications on inventions are typically held unpublished by patent offices for up to 18 months after filing. The bulk of the likely thousands of patents describing vaccines, therapeutics, public health approaches, digital health, diagnostics and other interventions for this (and later) pandemics are just emerging now and will continue to emerge over the next few years. Applications per se afford no rights, but can give us ideas of what rights are being sought and what that impact on equitable access might be.';x['cap.why.tsunami.para.3'] = 'There are urgent calls for a COVID Patent Waiver or other intellectual property relief to stimulate changes to render innovation more equitable. Almost all the countries that are calling for such changes, are also hamstrung in both their domestic capabilities and their ability to negotiate because they lack affordable, transparent knowledge of the innovation process, especially patents and research works.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.CITED_BY_PATENT_COUNT'] = 'Cited by Patent Count';x['filters.collections.expand'] = 'Expand by Simple Family';x[''] = 'Is This You? Record inventorship';x[''] = 'Check Lens field names for errors and start new search';x['patentField.ipc.definition'] = 'The International Patent Classification (IPCR), provides for a hierarchical system of language independent symbols for the classification of patents and utility models according to the different areas of technology to which they pertain. N.B. Formatting differences; The \'invention\' symbols are in bold and the \'additional\' are in a normal font weight.';x['user.collections.intersect.error'] = 'Could not generate intersection';x[''] = 'New Search for';x['scholar.field.citation_id_type.cited'] = 'Identifier Type';x['cap.why.tsunami.para.2'] = 'Unfortunately, that leaves more than 80% of the world’s population - mostly in poorer countries across the global south - with inadequate access to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics. This inequity will impact everyone, and can only be dealt with by collective action.';x['cap.why.tsunami.para.1'] = 'July 2021 marked 18 months since the publication of the genetic sequence of SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Unprecedented scientific progress and government investment in partnering has led to effective vaccines already protecting nearly a billion people.';x['user.account.using.for.commercial.text'] = 'Individual users who use the platform in their work for a for-profit entity must have a commercial use subscription. This includes staff, consultants, contractors or employees of any business, law firm, LLC, LLP, Corp. or equivalent in any country. This ensures compliance with The Lens <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Terms of Use<\/a> and helps to sustain The Lens, with funds going towards supporting <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">equitable access<\/a> and open innovation knowledge for everyone.';x['results.graphical.view'] = 'Analysis';x[''] = 'To record your authorship and upload scholarly works to your ORCID record requires a linked ORCID account.';x['labs.apps.BibliZap'] = 'BibliZap';x[''] = 'The search bar contains your query. This is optional, but usually you start by typing a keyword in here. Click the question mark icon on the right to get search tips.';x[''] = 'This is the world’s largest publicly available database with internal transparency metrics. Choose among the 5 apps available to search and analyse the DNA, RNA and protein sequences found in patents and how these can inform innovation or shape strategies for research or product development.';x['query.metrics.patent.extended.families'] = 'Extended Families';x['filters.flag.hasOrcid'] = 'Has ORCID iD';x['pricing.platform.overview'] = 'The Lens Platform Overview';x['common.soon'] = 'coming soon';x[''] = 'No Scholarly Works found';x['export.specialCharactersNotAllowed'] = 'Special characters are not allowed in the filename';x['scholar.common.issue'] = 'Issue';x['scholar.common.recommended'] = 'Recommended';x['cap.leap.tip'] = 'Under LEAP, public-good institutions in almost 130 countries and administrative regions are automatically eligible for an ITK subscription at no charge upon application. Read more about LEAP';x[''] = 'Full Lens Data';x['subscription.patseq.quick.links'] = 'Bulk Data Quick Links';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.NPL_RESOLVED_LENS_IDS'] = 'NPL Resolved Lens ID(s)';x[''] = 'Exclude from this search';x[''] = 'Anticipated Termination';x['results.graphical.chart.nested.vis.types.description'] = 'The “x-by-y” visualisation type allows nested aggregations of two facets, for a single metric. For example “Top Applicants by Jurisdiction” or “Top Institutions by Country”';x['labs.apps.jsonlParser.description'] = 'This project parses JSON Lines files exported from The Lens into defined object models to produce flat CSV files as the output.';x[''] = 'Error. Could not load Scholarly Works';x['user.saved.queries.notifications.about.text'] = 'Notifications when enabled will send you an email/notification when there are new results that match your saved queries. You can view all new works that match the saved query and have been added to the search index since the last time the alerts were run.';x['labs.dashboards.OECD.countries.publishers'] = 'OECD Countries - Publishers and Journals';x['search.refineCollectionButton'] = 'Search Collection';x['common.filterBy'] = 'Filter by';x['filters.inventor.title'] = 'Inventors';x['results.dashboard.scholar.over.time'] = 'Scholarly Works Over Time';x['subscription.api.token.created'] = 'API Token Created';x['search.table.title'] = 'Title';x['filters.choosemore.groupings'] = 'Groupings';x['query.details.families'] = 'Families';x[''] = 'FAQ';x['pricing.faq.workspace.non.profit.answer'] = 'The Lens offers a free Professional Workspace to individual users for public-good and non-profit uses. This includes individuals at any non-profit or legal entity that is incorporated for public-good, where the use advances the public-good mission of the institution. This includes legally incorporated entities whose principal purpose is stated as advancing the public-good; for instance government agencies, research and teaching institutions, philanthropic foundations, etc.';x[''] = 'Background Colour';x['labs.apps.journal.optim'] = 'Journal Optimizer';x['results.graphical.view.vert.stacked.verbose'] = 'Stacked Bar Chart (Vertical)';x['results.graphical.citations.dashboard'] = 'Citations Dashboard';x['labs.apps.citationchaser'] = 'Citationchaser';x['user.signIn.access'] = 'Sign in';x['scholar.field.title.cited'] = 'Title';x['common.attribution.description'] = 'When using any data obtained through our Services internally, in a product or service, or including data in a redistribution, please acknowledge The Lens by including the URL, or a link to a relevant search or collection on the domain. Alternatively you can use the Lens Attribution badge by copying and pasting this iframe code snippet into your website.';x['user.dashboard.view.existing'] = 'You are viewing an existing dashboard';x['user.saved.queries.delete.multiple.warning'] = 'Saved Query ';x[''] = 'Family';x['scholar.common.magids'] = 'MAG IDs (Microsoft Academic Graph)';x[''] = 'Owners';x[''] = 'Horizontal Bar Chart';x['user.reports.files.uploading.details'] = 'Your name and email have been recorded, so if the upload is not successful we will be in touch.';x['results.graphical.colour.greenblue'] = 'greenblue';x['coverage.description'] = 'This page provides an overview of the coverage of The Lens data and allows you to filter by doc type, jurisdiction and legal status to attempt to identify trends in the data';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.DATE_PUBLISHED'] = 'Date Published';x['export.format.json.legacy'] = 'JSON Legacy Note';x['user.saved.queries.delete.warning.2'] = 'Collections. Deleting it will cause these Collections to no longer be updated from this collection.';x['subscription.checkout.fetching.details'] = 'Fetching user details...';x['filters.common.exclude'] = 'Exclude';x['pricing.table.lens.profile'] = 'Lens Profile';x['common.sorting'] = 'Sorting';x['itk.roadmap.orcid.wizard'] = 'ORCID Wizard for institutions';x['labs.apps.spidercite.description'] = 'SpiderCite is a tool which is designed to take an input library of articles which were chosen for inclusion in a study, and generate all forwards and backwards citations (1 level deep) of those articles.';x['common.please.note'] = 'Please note';x['search.scholar.results'] = 'Scholar';x['commercial.use.banner.title'] = 'Lens for Commercial Use';x['itk.toolkit.widgets'] = 'Embedded Widgets';x['user.dashboard.update'] = 'Update';x['user.forgotPassword'] = 'Forgotten Password';x['labs.created.with.lens'] = 'Creating something with Lens data?';x[''] = 'Heat Map';x[''] = 'Top Hits';x[''] = 'View as';x['pricing.table.institutional.workarea'] = 'Institutional Work Area';x[''] = 'Authorship Sync Failed';x['chart.title.jurisdiction.citing'] = 'Jurisdiction of the Citing Patents';x['user.profile.sign.orcid'] = '<strong>ORCID<\/strong>';x['reports.feature.informative'] = 'Current and Informative';x[''] = 'Bar Histogram';x[''] = 'No results for';x[''] = 'Source Title (A-Z)';x[''] = 'cites {0} scholarly works';x['itk.price.tier.3-10k'] = '3,001 - 10,000';x['common.dataUnavailable'] = 'Information currently unavailable.';x[''] = 'N.B. Author disambiguation algorithms can incorrectly assign more than one identifier for the same person. In this case, you may wish to disable this feature to match purely on name alone, or select the different identifiers belonging to an individual author.';x[''] = '<li>5,000 requests per month<\/li><li>500 records per request<\/li><li>10 requests per minute<\/li>';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.DISPLAY_KEY'] = 'Display Key';x['pricing.faq.itk.workarea'] = 'What is the Institutional Work Area?';x['cap.leap.access.para.3'] = 'We used the UN’s Human Development Report to guide our selection process, including all countries ranked in the lower half of countries listed in the 2020 Human Development Report, and including other un-ranked countries and regions to generate the list of 130 countries whose public-good institutions are eligible for a subsidised ITK subscription at no-charge.';x['explore.citations.scholarly.citing.scholarly'] = 'Citing Scholarly Works (Forward citations)';x['cap.leap.access.para.2'] = 'However, to help increase innovation capability and improve the quality of life (i.e. human development) in lower socio-economic countries, public-good institutions in 130 countries and administrative regions will automatically be eligible for an Institutional Toolkit (ITK) subscription at no charge upon application.';x[''] = 'Linked to this collection';x['cap.leap.access.para.1'] = 'We\'ve introduced the LEAP to ensure all users and institutions can access the Lens tools regardless of their financial standing. Any individual or institution that legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price is eligible to apply for access through LEAP.';x[''] = 'Author';x['filters.biologicals.nucleotide'] = 'Nucleotide';x['labs.apps.in4m'] = 'Lens In4M Metric';x[''] = 'Anyone with the link can view';x[''] = 'Report Builder';x[''] = 'Feature Tour';x['boolean.query.status.unrecognised.fields'] = 'Unrecognised fields';x[''] = 'New patent search for tag';x['cap.landing.participation.modes.lead'] = 'The Collective Action Project provides a number of different activities for all stakeholders to participate in collective problem solving. There are six categories of participation to support collective action:';x[''] = 'Menu';x['scholar.common.dossier'] = 'dossier';x['labs.apps.covidlens.description'] = 'The goal of the covidlens dataset package is to make the Lens Collection of Covid-19 patents and scientific literature created by Osmat Jefferson and the Lens team available to the R and wider patent analytics community. This package bundles the data into two data frames for patents and literature that you can access and work with in R. The patents dataset consists of 43,075 patent publications (applications, grants, design patents) that are relevant to COVID-19, MERS and SARS and subjects such as respirators and surgical masks. The literature dataset consists of 66,233 scientific publications on the same subjects.';x['common.access'] = 'Access';x['cap.participate.sponsorships.list'] = '<li>Content quality enhancements or expansion of the Lens MetaRecord to include additional content, e.g. patent examination and litigation information (PTAB, Public PAIR, etc.), new taxonomies, retraction information for scholarly works, etc.<\/li><li>Sponsor training for power users for a specific region or globally. For example, country outreach managers to support understanding and use of The Lens in a specific regional or territory.<\/li><li>Find an expert functionality to expose the most relevant actors in any discipline or technology sector.<\/li><li>Citation and event alert notifications to inform users when new citations are added (including scholarly, patent and non-patent literature citations), when patent legal status changes or when legal events occur to patent families.<\/li><li>Localization for in new languages or support with the existing languages.<\/li>';x['labs.apps.nih.icite.description'] = 'iCite is a powerful web application that provides a panel of bibliometric information for scientific publications within a defined analysis group (where an analysis group can consist of a single article or a very large group of articles). The data produced by iCite can be downloaded as a customized report from the dashboard and could be used to understand the influence of articles within an analysis group.';x['subscription.patent.agg.api.lead'] = 'Access the Aggregations API endpoint to perform aggregation operations, calculate metrics and summarize data for analysis.';x[''] = 'View in Collection';x['common.error.collection.not.found'] = 'Collection Not Found';x[''] = 'Only family members for the first 100,000 patents in your initial search are supported at this time. Please consider further refining your initial search to view all family members in your result.<br><br><b>Note:<\/b> All other filters are applied to your query before the family grouping. Visualisations do not reflect family groupings.';x['filters.landscapes.items'] = 'Show documents in the Landscape';x['query.metrics.scholarly.citations.tip'] = 'The sum of citing scholarly works for all cited scholarly works in the result set';x[''] = 'Lens Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'Start Searching Biological Sequences';x[''] = 'Orange';x['subscription.patent.more.about'] = 'More About Our <b>Patent API<\/b>';x[''] = 'Bulk Data Documentation';x['subscription.plan.expires'] = 'Expires';x['about.controls.previous'] = 'Previous';x[''] = 'Patents by Legal Status';x['reports.subscribe.for.access'] = 'Subscribe to ITK for Access';x['labs.apps.covidlens'] = 'Covidlens';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.modal.password'] = 'Enter your password to confirm?';x[''] = 'I have read and will comply with the';x['pricing.faq.itk'] = 'Institutional Toolkit';x['patent.legalEvents.table.class'] = 'Class';x['user.tags.patent.filter'] = 'Filter current patent search tag';x['cap.leap.para.4'] = 'The Lens affirms that no one will be disadvantaged by lack of access to The Lens platform and tools. If a user legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price, The Lens commits to finding a way to subsidize the price or otherwise provide access.';x['cap.leap.para.5'] = 'The Lens also affirms that no institution will ever be disadvantaged by lack of access to institutional tools. If an institution legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price, The Lens commits to adjusting the price, or finding a way to subsidize or otherwise provide access.';x['user.workarea.history.patcite'] = '<strong>PatCite<\/strong> History.';x['user.authorship.remove.claim.description'] = 'You have recorded your authorship over this work. If you have incorrectly claimed this work, please remove your claim.';x['subscription.landing.leap'] = 'Through the Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP), The Lens affirms that no one will be disadvantaged by lack of access to platform or tools.';x['results.graphical.untitled.iframe'] = 'Untitled Iframe';x['patentView.espacenet'] = 'View in Espacenet';x['scholar.common.pmids'] = 'PMIDs (PubMed)';x['support.suggestions'] = 'Suggestions';x[''] = 'It is a custom annotated flat file format, which is based on the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) file format but modified to accommodate rich patent metadata (see documentation for more details). The format enables access to both the sequences and their corresponding patent metadata, as a yearly subscription with monthly updates. We provide the entire collection of biological sequences disclosed in patents for download in this file format. To evaluate the data, please download Rich file (1,000 sequences, Rich format 2.48mb).';x[''] = 'Link your accounts from third party services to your Lens profile. We currently support LinkedIn and ORCID accounts.';x['user.registration.institution.type'] = 'Institution Type';x['subscription.landing.lead'] = 'The Lens API &amp; Data facility provides additional options for accessing Lens data.';x[''] = 'Extended Family Size';x[''] = 'View Pricing';x['common.create'] = 'Create';x['cap.leap.para.2'] = 'LEAP is a core-value of The Lens as well as a program to ensure equitable access to innovation knowledge for collective action. Under LEAP, every person in the world can use the platform anonymously for free with powerful analytic tools. Any registered user can benefit from personalized workspaces and customized features - at no cost for personal public-good users, or for a modest cost for commercial use.';x[''] = 'Our Recent News';x['common.action.hide'] = 'Hide';x['cap.leap.para.3'] = 'Any institution worldwide that needs or wants any of the tools or services in the Institutional Toolkit will have access based on low, fair, tiered pricing. All fees go towards keeping knowledge universally available as a community-supported public-good. Through LEAP we are offering these Institutional Toolkits at no cost to all public-good institutions across much of the Global South - almost 130 countries - including universities, libraries, government agencies, NGOs and civil society.';x['home.promise.steadfast.title'] = 'Steadfast - Always Reliable';x['cap.leap.para.1'] = 'The Collective Action Project is guided by the Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP) to provide equitable access for all institutions and charts a pathway towards community-supported autonomous financing of The Lens, to keep it inclusive, growing, open and comprehensive.';x['user.profile.toolbar.authorship'] = 'Authorship';x['user.workarea.orcid.sync'] = 'Sync';x[''] = 'Sort by Oldest';x['filters.funding'] = 'Funding';x['user.collections.publish.longDesc'] = 'Access Settings';x['query.metrics.cites-patents'] = 'Cites Patents';x['itk.toolkit.license'] = 'License and Permissions';x['patent.document.toolbar.share'] = 'Share Patent';x['results.graphical.wizard.step1'] = 'What would you like to analyse?';x['chart.title.pub_year.citing'] = 'Counts of citing patents based on publication date';x['results.graphical.wizard.step2'] = 'Choose a visualisation';x['filters.flag.isDiamond'] = 'Non-APC Journals';x['patentResults.queryTools.inventorship'] = 'Inventorship';x['user.patseq.license'] = 'Subscription Plan';x['user.saved.queries.none'] = 'No Saved Queries Yet<br><span ng-if=\"$root.isAnon\"><a href=\"/lens/user/registration\">Register<\/a> or <a href=\"/lens/user/login\" class=\"login-link\">Sign in<\/a> to use saved queries.<\/span>';x['home.form.dates'] = 'Dates';x['user.workarea.try.again'] = 'Try Again';x['results.graphical.wizard.individual.patent'] = 'Individual Patent';x['boolean.query.change.type'] = 'Try changing query type.';x[''] = 'New Structured Search';x['mailchimp.join.description'] = 'Join our newsletter to receive frequent news updates, and notice on feature releases. We don\'t share or sell your information ever.';x[''] = 'Your Selection';x['labs.apps.scholar.bulk'] = 'Lens Scholarly Bulk Data';x['search.toolbar.relevance.tip'] = '<p>Relevance is based on the query matching score used in Elasticsearch.<\/p><p>The document matching score for a search term is increased:<\/p><ul><li>The shorter a matching field is, e.g. a matching title would score higher than a matching abstract<\/li><li>The more times the term is matched to the document<\/li><\/ul><p> The document matching score for a search term is decreased if the term is common over all documents and therefore less specific than other terms. <\/p><p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"styled-link\">Read more about relevance scoring here<\/a><\/p>';x[''] = '<p>The Structured Search form allows you to build a boolean query using basic field-value pairs.<\/p><p>Unfortunately, this means that more complex boolean queries containing multiple predicates (e.g. <span class=\"col-meta\">a OR b AND c<\/span>) or nested clauses (e.g. <span class=\"col-meta\">a OR title:(b OR c)<\/span>) are not able to be parsed back into the simple form structure.<\/p><p>For queries like this, please use our provided Query Text Editor.<\/p><p>Some third party apps like <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">2Dsearch<\/a> also provide the ability to visually build complex Boolean Queries and submit them to The Lens.<\/p>';x['wizard.scholarly.text'] = 'Works include Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Conference Proceedings, Components, Books and more.';x[''] = 'The Lens is a project of the social enterprise Cambia (doing business as The Lens) designed to provide inclusive access to knowledge so that more people can participate in innovation and problem solving. Originally launched as \'Patent Lens\', The Lens has been running continuously for more than 20 years.';x['results.graphical.wizard.authors.single.over.time'] = 'Single Author Affiliation Over Time';x[''] = 'PCT applications that have been granted in one or more designated states, or non-PCT granted patents without enough information to calculate the term date';x['common.alert.warning'] = 'WARNING';x['user.profile.view.example'] = 'View Example Profile';x['query.metrics.resolved-npl-citations'] = 'Resolved NPL Citations';x[''] = 'Commercial use for eligible individuals and organisations';x[''] = 'Group all other values into a single item.';x[''] = 'Save as Query';x['subscription.api.token.description.enter'] = 'Enter Token Description...';x['common.contents'] = 'Contents';x[''] = 'No filters applied';x[''] = 'million scholarly works, compiled and harmonised.';x['scholar.flag.description.open_access'] = 'Open Access';x['user.tags.register'] = '<a href=\"/lens/user/registration\">Register<\/a> or <a href=\"/lens/user/login\" class=\"login-link\">Sign in<\/a> to use tags.';x['collection.common.history'] = 'Collection History';x[''] = 'Could not delete Saved Queries';x['collectionManageWidget.btnRemove.tip'] = 'Remove from Collection';x['subscription.api.quick.links.status'] = 'Status';x['user.history.view.all'] = 'View All History';x[''] = 'Has Terminal Disclaimer';x[''] = 'Top Patent-Cited Works Over Time';x['results.graphical.wizard.countries.cities'] = 'Institution Cities Globally';x[''] = 'View Metrics Details';x['search.set.actions.clear.history'] = 'Clear All History';x['subscription.qklk.institution.roadmap'] = 'Browse the Roadmap';x['common.patents'] = 'Patents';x['filters.common.clear.filter'] = 'Clear Filter';x['results.graphical.bucket.size.tip'] = 'This number controls the range of each band';x['labs.apps.jsonlParser'] = 'JSONL to CSV Parser';x['common.lensId'] = 'Lens ID';x['filters.common.chooseLess'] = 'Less';x['scholar.common.authorship.remove'] = 'Remove Authorship';x['filters.orcidPatents.title'] = 'Search ORCID';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals.publishers.overtime'] = 'Publishers Over Time';x['itk.core.diagram.patent'] = 'Patent Search and Analysis';x[''] = 'Start Searching Scholarly Works';x['user.workarea.record.inventorship'] = 'You have recorded inventorship of';x['user.workarea.claimed.inventorship.removed'] = 'Inventorship Removed';x['commercial.use.banner.description'] = 'Good news! Many users have asked for an easy and affordable way to license their use of for commercial purposes. So we\'ve created a subscription permitting individual commercial use for professional work or business.';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.JOURNAL_ASJC_SUBJECTS'] = 'ASJC code';x['user.profile.orcid.status'] = 'ORCID Status';x['scholar.mesh_heading.information'] = 'The Medical Subject Headings are assigned to PubMed entries by the National Library of Medicine at NIH';x['subscription.checkout.faq.individual.use'] = 'What is individual commercial use?';x[''] = 'Save Queries';x[''] = '417M Citations';x['search.results.scholar.derived.crawling'] = 'These documents are derived from web crawling and machine learning. Many are legitimate scholarly works that are not clearly defined, but others may be product descriptions, web based lab protocols or press releases from research institutions. Exclude these (click twice) for a more conservative group of documents that have well defined \'types\' Include to explore the great unknown (type)';x[''] = 'Most Citing Scholarly Works';x['home.feature.patcite.description'] = 'Explore which scholarly works have influenced what patents and who is using scholarly work to build products and services. Dynamic and interrogable, identify and visualise important linkages and explore networks of collaborations, leading to better partnerships and delivering outcomes of value.';x[''] = 'Download';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['itk.roadmap.widgets.tags'] = 'Tags: collections, publishing, dashboards, widgets';x[''] = 'Institution Country/Region';x['labs.apps.patcit.description'] = 'Patents are at the crossroads of many innovation nodes: science, industry, products, competition, etc. Such interactions can be identified through citations in a broad sense. PatCit builds on DOCDB, the largest database of Non Patent Literature (NPL) citations. First, we deduplicate this corpus and organize it into 10 categories. Then, we design and apply category specific information extraction models using spaCy.';x['sequenceSearch.blastOptions.sequence.alt'] = 'Sequence';x['collection.common.sort.patent.portfolios'] = 'Patent Portfolios';x[''] = 'How we\'ve modelled our toolkit';x['subscription.feature.survey.lead'] = 'We are planning to further develop the API and data web services and create additional data products and we would greatly appreciate your feedback.';x['common.errors.password.mismatch'] = 'Your passwords don\'t match. Please double-check them';x[''] = 'New scholarly search for tag';x['home.feature.our.toolset'] = 'Our Toolset';x[''] = '<li>Assign group permissions to teams of institutional users,<\/li><li>Collaborate internally (privately and securely) with institutional users and teams,<\/li><li>Collaborate with external users by invite,<\/li><li>Enable public comments on institutional work area items,<\/li><li>Enable real-time collaboration on reports,<\/li><li>Upload and manage image, video and audio files, PDFs and other assets in an institutional media library accessible to all institutional users.<\/li>';x[''] = 'Please confirm which category your use of The Lens falls into:';x['user.collections'] = 'Collections';x[''] = '<a href=\"/lens/user/registration\">Register<\/a> or <a href=\"/lens/user/login\" class=\"login-link\">Sign in<\/a> to use collections.';x['patentField.ipc'] = 'IPC';x['subscription.form.organisation'] = 'Organisation / Affiliation';x[''] = 'Apply for Equitable Access';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.EXTENDED_FAMILY_SIZE'] = 'Extended Family Size';x[''] = 'Start Using';x['results.graphical.single.filter'] = 'You must filter by a single author to use this visualisation';x['user.queries.saved'] = 'Query Saved';x['collectionManageWidget.btnRemove'] = 'Remove';x['itk.faq.need.more.answers.btn'] = 'Get in touch';x['user.dashboards.import.export'] = 'Import / Export Dashboard';x['home.supporters.collaborating.description'] = 'Lens collaborates with the major open access scholarly and open data initiatives, and we embed our services in major global public resources like PubMed. Our supporters over the years include many of the great foundations that have played leading roles in harnessing science and innovation for the public-good. And our growing registry of subscribing institutions are signaling their support for Collection Action based on open and verifiable data.';x['boolean.query.highlight.error'] = 'Highlight Error';x['user.registration.institution.type.commercial'] = 'Commercial';x[''] = 'Group';x[''] = 'API Documentation';x['user.query.alert.cannot.parse'] = 'The most common reason for this warning are queries containing a combination of';x[''] = 'Privacy Policy';x[''] = 'Institution Website';x['user.collections.type.SCHOLARLY_WORK'] = 'Scholarly Works';x['subscription.api.quick.links.requested'] = 'Requested';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.cites.patent'] = 'Number of patent documents that cite other patents';x['results.graphical.wizard.funders.recipients'] = 'Top Funding Recipients (Institutions by Funder)';x['user.sharing.LIMITED_ACCESS'] = 'Limited access';x['common.action.deselectAll'] = 'Deselect all';x['subscription.landing.collective.action'] = 'Collective Action';x['itk.price.tier.based.on.scholarly'] = 'Based on the number of scholarly works (2018-2023) available on';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme2.sub'] = 'For working at night';x[''] = 'Published Collections can be found using this screen. Upon opening a collection, the regular Lens search facets will be available in this sidebar.';x['filters.flag.hasConflictingMetadata'] = 'Has Conflicting Metadata';x['filters.flag.isRetracted'] = 'Retracted';x['search.structured.dataset'] = 'Data Set';x['classification.viewer.searchPlaceholder'] = 'Explore Patent Classifications';x['subscription.patent.more.about.text'] = 'The Lens Patent API is built on a new information architecture that has been constructed from the ground up to implement the Lens MetaRecord concept and accommodate additional patent data sources including EPO’s worldwide legal event data <a href=\"\">INPADOC<\/a>. New fields available in the Lens Patent API include abstracts, claims, and legal status along with addresses of inventor/applicants, agents/attorneys, family information, and non-patent literature, forward and backward patent citations. The coverage of owner/assignee information has also increased by 50%.';x['user.licensed.for'] = 'Licensed For ';x['side.tabs.less'] = 'Less';x['search.structured.profiles'] = 'Profiles';x['results.graphical.colour.plasma'] = 'plasma';x['export.format.csv'] = 'CSV';x['cap.landing.mode.sponsorships'] = 'Sponsorships';x['itk.price.tier1-4'] = 'Tier 1-4';x['user.request.resubmit'] = 'Resubmit Request';x['subscription.checkout.faq.commercial.use'] = 'Why is The Lens introducing a commercial use agreement?';x[''] = 'Search';x['user.account.use.commercial.purposes'] = 'I am a professional using The Lens for commercial purposes.';x['labs.dashboards'] = 'Dashboards';x[''] = 'PatSeq Bulk Download API documentation';x[''] = 'View Reports';x[''] = '<li>20,000 requests per month<\/li><li>500 records per request<\/li><li>10 requests per minute<\/li>';x[''] = 'Go to Official Website';x['home.feature.citation.graph'] = 'Scholarly Citation Graph';x['results.graphical.wizard.funders'] = 'Funders';x['breadcrumb.subscriptions'] = 'Subscriptions';x['common.million'] = 'million';x['results.graphical.view.line.chart'] = 'Line Chart';x['filters.flag.has_description'] = 'Has Description';x['patentField.abstract'] = 'Abstract';x[''] = 'Institutions by Country/Region';x['common.highlight'] = 'Highlight';x['subscription.landing.view.details'] = 'View API &amp; Data Details';x['patent.document.description.match'] = 'Description match';x[''] = 'Legal Status';x['subscription.invoices.product'] = 'Product';x['results.graphical.wizard.patents.expiring'] = 'Patents expiring';x['home.form.any'] = 'Any';x['reports.lens.reports'] = 'Lens Reports';x['user.reports.about'] = 'Lens Reports is a new facility for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to real-time, automatically-updated Lens data and analytics. The next evolution of Lens, search, collect, analyze, annotate and now present your findings in a flexible, data-driven reporting interface.';x['common.username'] = 'Username';x['scholar.common.supplementary_info'] = 'Supplementary Info';x['user.claim.requires.linked.orcid'] = 'to your ORCID record requires a linked ORCID account. ';x['collection.common.last.modified'] = 'Records modified';x['searchBar.newScholarSearch'] = 'New Scholar Search';x['common.loading.more'] = 'Loading more...';x['classification.viewer.notes'] = '(Notes &amp; Warnings)';x['user.reports.title'] = 'Title';x[''] = 'News and Literature';x['subscription.lens.itk.text'] = 'The Institutional Toolkit (ITK) is a model for an enhanced collection of Lens tools and features that will help institutions discover, analyse and manage innovation knowledge. The Lens builds on open data to create and provide a unique set of tools (toolkit) for institutions.';x['home.feature.features.description'] = 'Discover, analyse, and map global innovation knowledge. Bridging the cultures of scholarly research with invention and industry, the Lens offers the following capabilities.';x['user.account.workarea.disabled.text'] = 'Commercial or trial users that have not yet subscribed are required to subscribe to a commercial use license within 14 days, after which you will not be able to access the work area until you subscribe to a commercial use license. You confirmed your use type on: ';x[''] = 'Expand by Extended Family';x['filters.type.title'] = 'Document Types';x['collectionManageWidget.btnAdd'] = 'Add';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.internalError'] = 'Internal error occurred while deleting your account. Please contact Lens support. ';x['user.profile.feature.personal.brand.text'] = 'Find out more about the author in their own words, read their custom bio and view their Avatar headshot.';x[''] = 'Legal Status';x['results.graphical.view.pie.chart'] = 'Pie Chart';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.OWNERS'] = 'Owners';x['user.linkedservices.linkedin.redirect'] = 'You\'re about to be forwarded to LinkedIn';x[''] = 'Seat Licenses';x[''] = 'Top Fields of Study';x[''] = 'Qualifier Name';x['itk.main.part.of.cap'] = 'Part of the Collective Action Project';x['labs.created.with.lens.description'] = 'Share your work and your datasets with the Lens Labs. Lens Labs is a data collaborative for open innovation data and related analytics, tools, metrics, software and training materials.';x[''] = 'MIT patent portfolio';x['collection.common.history.sort.items'] = '# Items';x['results.graphical.colour.alternate.tip'] = 'By default bar colour is encoded based on the category or value of data being displayed. This setting simply alternates row colour.';x[''] = 'Much of these translations have been done using machine translation with a check from a native speaker, however not all elements of the UI have been checked for each language. If you see a term that is not translated correctly or should be improved, please contact Support.';x['search.refinePlaceholder'] = 'Refine Your Search';x[''] = 'Removed search from collection';x[''] = 'The metrics carousel displays a full summary of metrics for the given result set. Click on a metric to apply it as a filter to your results.';x[''] = 'Claims match';x[''] = 'Sorry about that! Some queries like \"All Documents\" or Cited Works / Citing Patents joins can take a while to process.<br>Slow queries will timeout after 30 seconds. If the page seems to load forever, please check your browser is up to date or contact Lens support at <a href=\"//\"><\/a>';x['export.format.bibtex'] = 'BibTeX';x['results.graphical.wizard.applicant.jurisdiction'] = 'Applicants by Jurisdiction';x['user.inventorships.filter'] = 'Filter {0} Inventorships';x[''] = 'Formatting help';x[''] = 'Date';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.publishers'] = 'Proportion of Open Access by Publisher';x['scholar.field.author_first.display_name_id'] = 'Author';x[''] = 'enable notifications';x[''] = 'Discontinued';x['user.saved.queries.about.alt'] = 'Save any list of search results and get query alerts.';x['results.graphical.chart.nested.description'] = 'The nested visualisation type allows nested aggregations of two facets, for a single metric. e.g. “Top Applicants by Jurisdiction” or “Top Institutions by Country”';x['search.structured.text.editor.short'] = 'Query Text';x['home.loading.lens.sub'] = 'It takes a bit of work. Thanks for your patience';x['filters.flag.has_chemical'] = 'Has Chemical';x[''] = 'View Support';x['search.patent.results'] = 'Patent';x['export.format.jsonl.alert'] = 'JSON Lines uses the same data schema as the <a href=\"\">API response<\/a>. JSONL files of >10k records may be compressed to a .gz file for faster downloads.';x[''] = 'Need Profile Support?';x[''] = 'Scholarly API &amp; Data';x['scholar.sort.patent.citations'] = 'Citing Patents';x['filters.class_cpc.symbol'] = 'CPC Classification Code';x['search.structured.scholar.set.breakdown.description'] = 'The Lens scholarly works <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">MetaRecords<\/a> include the following primary data sources: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Crossref<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">PubMed<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenAlex<\/a> and Microsoft Academic (discontinued), with supplementary data from additional data sources including <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Unpaywall<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenCitations<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">DOAJ<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ORCID<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ROR<\/a>, <a href=\"PMC\" target=\"_blank\">PMC<\/a> and publishers such as Springer Nature.';x[''] = 'Save Comparison';x['user.workarea.claimed.authorship.error'] = 'Could not record Authorship';x[''] = 'Author Count';x['filters.scholar.sourceTitle'] = 'Source Title';x[''] = 'Support';x[''] = 'Published Date';x['home.cap.collective.action.for'] = 'COLLECTIVE ACTION FOR GLOBAL CHALLENGES';x['sequences.documentHasSequences'] = 'This document contains {0} sequence(s).';x['search.limit'] = 'Limit to current search';x['itk.toolkit.see'] = 'See the Toolkit';x[''] = 'Top Substances';x[''] = 'Access the full corpus of Lens scholarly works, biological sequences and patents using the flexibility and convenience of an API or bulk downloads. Perform and combine API search operations to programmatically retrieve results or download bulk sequence listings.';x[''] = 'Use your Lens profile to present and share your work output coupled with CV modules including Employment, Education, Co-Authors, Mentions and Links.';x[''] = 'Media Library';x['user.share.on.facebook'] = 'Share on Facebook';x['common.sources'] = 'Sources';x[''] = 'Ambiguity is inherent in the digital records of entities such as patents, scholarly works, human names, or institutions. We use the MetaRecord (MeR) concept along with the open LensID identifier to begin linking and mapping the one to many relationships among these data elements.';x['user.profile.looking.for.signin'] = 'Register or Sign In';x[''] = 'Legal Status Pie Chart';x['subscription.request.bulk.access.button'] = 'Request Access';x['footer.copyright'] = 'Copyright ©';x['query.metrics.patent.tip.citing.patents'] = 'The patent documents that cite (i.e. references cited) the patent documents in the original result set';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.APPLICANTS'] = 'Applicants';x['results.graphical.colour.teal'] = 'Teal';x[''] = 'First Name';x['user.workarea.set.actions'] = 'Set Actions';x['scholar.flag.description.clinical_trial'] = 'Clinical Trials';x[''] = 'Rich data format';x[''] = 'Use the mouse wheel while holding shift to zoom in and out. Click and drag to scroll horizontally. Hover over a dot to see more info.';x['results.graphical.citation.comparison.description'] = 'The “citation comparison scatter plot” visualisation type allows aggregation of a single facet by two (preset) metrics. This means the X axis is Citing Patents, Y axis is Citing Scholarly Works and each point represents an aggregation on your chosen facet. e.g. Institution, Applicant, Jurisdiction, etc';x['subscription.request.api.custom.option'] = 'Custom Access';x[''] = 'Contact Support';x['filters.patent.classNat'] = 'US Classification Code';x['labs.landing.getting.indexed.para'] = 'The Lens does not index content directly from publishers, but there are a few options for getting the metadata for your scholarly content into the Lens. In order for scholarly content to be included in the Lens, the metadata needs to be included in one of our primary scholarly data sources. Any of these options will result in the metadata for scholarly content being included in the Lens:';x['filters.scholar.funding'] = 'Funding';x[''] = 'Rich full data with sequence and patent metadata.';x['user.account.enter.current.password'] = 'Please enter your current password.';x['filters.non.apc.journals'] = 'Non-APC Journals';x['user.profile.collaborative.ratio.tip'] = 'Percentage of works published with more than one affiliated institution (considering only works with affiliation data)';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.CLAIMS'] = 'Claims';x['filters.priority.established'] = 'Priority Established';x['pricing.table.personal.non.profit'] = 'Personal Non&#8209;Profit';x['scholar.field.source.title.exact'] = 'Journal';x['home.form.collections'] = 'Collections';x['tags.instructionsSpacesCommas'] = 'Start Typing... (Add one Tag at a time using only letters, numbers and underscores. Any spaces will be replaced with an underscore.)';x[''] = 'Earliest Priority Date';x['user.profile.view.lens.profile'] = 'View Lens Profile';x[''] = 'Limited access';x[''] = 'No matches';x[''] = 'Inventorship Sync Failed';x['labs.dashboards.OECD.description'] = 'The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) work on education, research and innovation helps individuals and nations to identify and develop the knowledge and skills that drive better jobs and better lives, generate prosperity and promote social inclusion.';x['cap.leap.why'] = 'Why Community-Supported Infrastructure?';x[''] = 'API & Data';x['subscription.scholar.API.service.request'] = 'Lens Scholarly API Service Request';x['itk.faq.term.collection'] = 'Attested Collection';x['patentView.citations.crossref_alt'] = 'CrossRef DOI link to original journal article';x[''] = 'Free Registration';x[''] = 'Help improve open data to the benefit of all by providing or improving Lens data...';x['support.suggestions.export.results.text'] = 'Export these results to a spreadsheet.';x['user.account.notice.text'] = 'If you are using Lens for non-commercial use, we ask that you update your Lens account to use your email affiliated with your academic, non-profit, government or public-good institution if you haven\'t done so already. We will be enforcing this policy in 2025. You can change your Lens account email from your <a href=\"/lens/user/profile\">Account Settings<\/a> any time.';x[''] = 'Help Us Translate';x[''] = 'Publisher';x['labs.apps.spidercite'] = 'SpiderCite';x['labs.landing.getting.indexed.pubmed'] = 'PubMed';x[''] = 'For Organizations with more than 200 employees. Tier definitions take into account the license requirements, whether the data will be used internally or as part of a commercial product.';x[''] = 'scholarly works that have no patent citations';x['sorting.scholarly.citations.highest'] = 'Scholarly Citations (highest)';x['itk.faq.term.collection.definition'] = 'An attested collection is an institutional collection to which an institution has formally attested to having an affiliation with the works in that collection.';x['common.alert.unable.load.query'] = 'Warning: Unable to load your search query';x['common.docType.patents'] = 'Patents';x['filters.source.publisher.exact'] = 'Publisher';x[''] = 'Title (Z-A)';x['query.details.length.warning'] = 'The URL for this query exceeds 2,000 characters, some older browsers may have trouble saving or sharing these results. This should not be an issue for most modern browsers, but you may consider creating a Collection if you need to save or share, and using the Query Text Editor to edit this search.';x['pricing.account.commercial.heading'] = 'Professional Workspace - Commercial';x['home.feature.precision.partner'] = 'Precision Partnering';x[''] = 'Pin Configuration';x['cap.participate.content'] = 'Open Content Initiatives';x['cap.participate.labs.list'] = '<li>Influence mapping metrics<\/li><li>Entity disambiguation<\/li><li>Author-Inventor unification<\/li><li>Accessibility through language localization<\/li><li>Incorporate in-text patent citations to non-patent literature<\/li><li>Data visualization solutions<\/li><li>Predictive analytics<\/li>';x['common.year'] = 'Year';x['user.registration.institution.tier.commercial'] = 'Commercial';x['filters.choose.more'] = 'Choose More';x['itk.faq.a2.tier.uni'] = 'Tiers for Universities and Research Institutes are:';x['patent.legalEvents.feePayment.text'] = 'Fee Payment';x[''] = 'Supporting Collective Action';x[''] = 'Grant will be published after';x[''] = 'patent records from over 95 different jurisdictions. Our patent search capabilities offer advanced boolean functions, structured search, biological search, classification search, filtering and sorting options to find the most relevant and important patents.';x['results.graphical.colour.redyellowgreen'] = 'redyellowgreen';x['user.workarea.set.actions.merge'] = 'Merge Sets';x['cap.faq.participate.answer.list'] = '<li>Tell a friend (or many friends) about The Lens.<ul class=\"list-styled\"><li>Create and share a saved search or dashboard.<\/li><li>Create and share a Collection - privately or publicly!<\/li><li>Start a chat group about analyzing and interpreting open content.<\/li><li>If you or your contacts use the Lens in an individual capacity for commercial purposes, we will happily license that use for a modest fee (about the price of a low-spec iPad, or a nice office chair). The individual commercial use gives you the customizable workspace, and full commercial permission to use it to do your work, legally, respectfully, confidentially and knowing that the modest fee goes to support a sustainable global resource.<\/li><\/ul><\/li><li>Tell us why you love The Lens. <\/li><li>Share a specific use case that you think others might benefit from using. Drop us a line here.<\/li>';x[''] = 'Last Year';x['user.summary.queries.convert.saved'] = 'Convert Saved Query';x['support.suggestions.create.collection'] = 'Create Collection';x['user.personal.commercial'] = 'Commercial Use';x['user.register.alt'] = 'register';x['common.action.collapse'] = 'Collapse';x['itk.price.pricing.para'] = 'ITK pricing for public-good institutions has been simplified to provide the entire toolkit for a single price including access to the Scholarly and Patent API for all public-good institutions as standard.';x[''] = 'Legal Status over Time';x['subscription.landing.itk.equitable.access.text'] = 'The Lens affirms that no public-good institution will ever be disadvantaged by lack of access to institutional tools. If an institution legitimately needs these tools and can\'t afford it, The Lens commits to finding a way to provide access.';x['itk.price.tier.less.than.3k'] = 'Less than 3,000';x['patentView.cited.phase.sea'] = 'Originates from the Search report, date search report completed';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.EXTERNAL_URL'] = 'External URL';x['itk.faq.term.institution'] = 'Institution';x['user.linkedservices.linkedin.note'] = 'Please note, we will not be able to see your LinkedIn password, or other private information in your LinkedIn account.';x['subscription.scholar.survey.text'] = 'As we continue scaling up the Lens services, we welcome your say in developing services that meet your needs. The information collected through this survey will be used to help guide our feature development and improve our services to you. Survey responses are anonymous and we do not collect any personal information or contact details unless you choose to provide them.';x['common.action.selectAll'] = 'Select all';x['patentField.title'] = 'Title';x[''] = 'Data';x['itk.roadmap.inst.profiles.para.1'] = 'An institutional profile is a dedicated space for an institution to organise and showcase it’s scholarship and intellectual property by organisational/academic units or research disciplines, allowing institutions to promote their capabilities to the outside world and be discovered in context.';x['query.metrics.patent.cites.NPL'] = 'Cites NPL';x['results.graphical.notice'] = 'You can modify your search by clicking on chart values.';x['results.graphical.wizard.most.protected.patents'] = 'Most protected Patents';x[''] = 'Rich 50 Plus';x['itk.toolkit.view.roadmap'] = 'View Roadmap';x['subscription.patseq.quick.links.fasta'] = 'Sample FASTA format';x['results.view.customise.view'] = 'Customise Your Results View';x['wizard.step.2'] = '2. Data Type';x['wizard.step.1'] = '1. Start Wizard';x['filters.flag.citesResolvedNpl'] = 'Cites Resolved NPL';x[''] = 'Effective Date';x[''] = 'Structured Search Limitations';x['user.history.alt'] = 'Search <b>History<\/b>';x['wizard.step.4'] = '4. Search';x['wizard.step.3'] = '3. How';x[''] = 'Create a beautiful, dynamic report from multiple data sources.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.PATENT_STATUS'] = 'Legal Status';x[''] = 'Search';x[''] = 'View articles in Scholar Search';x[''] = 'Institutional Toolkit';x['user.workarea.collections.set.actions.tip'] = 'Select Collections using the checkbox to perform bulk operations';x[''] = 'Only you can view';x['filters.flag.citesNpl'] = 'Cites NPL';x[''] = 'Document Family';x['collection.common.history.sort.action'] = 'Action';x[''] = 'Education';x[''] = 'An Open Collaboration';x['filters.flag.granted'] = 'Has Granted Patent';x['pricing.table.dashboards'] = 'Save and share Analysis Dashboards';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.LENS_ID'] = 'Lens ID';x['itk.core.diagram.profiles.text'] = 'Showcase the research output from labs, teams or faculties based on organisational structure, enhanced with aggregated data from various sources. An Institutional account to manage, collect, markup, promote and customize institutional knowledge assets.';x[''] = 'Scholarly and especially patent knowledge can be difficult to understand and navigate. Lenslabs shares some training sets to assist the community experiment and improve ambiguous digital knowledge artifacts. If you have training sets to share, please send us the link and some documentation to post on the site.';x['subscription.patent.option.4'] = 'Bulk Data Downloads';x[''] = 'Marked as Read';x[''] = 'Patents';x[''] = 'User Profiles';x['subscription.api.quick.links.issues'] = 'Issues';x['results.graphical.colour.redblue'] = 'redblue';x['subscription.patent.option.1.lead'] = 'Free 14-day trial to explore the data and evaluate the API.';x['subscription.patent.option.2'] = 'ITK User Access';x['subscription.patent.option.1'] = 'REST API';x['results.graphical.bucket.size'] = 'Bucket Size';x['user.profile.hindex.tip'] = 'H-index is an metric of the impact for an authors published work based on citations';x['tour.workarea.step.2.text'] = 'Here you can navigate between the full list your work area toolsets including collections and re-occuring saved queries.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.INVENTORS'] = 'Inventors';x[''] = 'Close Filter Tips';x[''] = 'MIT scholarly works';x['user.reports.request.text'] = 'To request a report, please provide us with a text file of the aggregate scholarly work product (ideally with DOI or PubMed identifiers) or with bibliographic listings covering at least the last 20-30 years of scholarly work and at no cost, as a public service, we will create and share collections that you can study, mine, share with funding agencies, potential collaborators or the public. We will do this if the list of the institutions scholarly works can be made public.';x[''] = 'Claims';x[''] = 'PatSeq Bulk Download';x['common.all'] = 'All';x['labs.apps.2dsearch.description'] = '2Dsearch is a radical alternative to conventional \'advanced search\'. Instead of entering Boolean strings into one-dimensional search boxes, queries are formulated by manipulating objects on a two-dimensional canvas. This eliminates syntax errors, makes the query semantics more transparent, and offers new ways to collaborate, share, and optimize search strategies and best practices.';x['results.view.custom.relaxed'] = 'Relaxed';x[''] = 'Sample Rich Format';x[''] = 'Autosuggest failed';x['user.profile.scholar.citations'] = 'Scholar Citations';x['home.cap.description'] = 'The Collective Action Project (CAP) is a multi-year initiative to shift how we work together to solve problems - the big ones. This initiative bridges the boundaries and removes roadblocks to science- and technology-enabled problem solving and the partnering it requires. CAP levels the playing field with universal and equitable access to open innovation knowledge.';x['results.graphical.colour.bluegreen'] = 'bluegreen';x['pricing.faq.users.institutional'] = 'Institutional Users';x['common.error.useful.links.list.4'] = 'Contact Support';x[''] = 'Show Time Series';x['common.error.useful.links.list.2'] = 'Go to Scholar Home';x['subscription.scholar.option.1.title'] = 'Scholarly Works API';x['common.error.useful.links.list.3'] = 'Go to LENS Home';x['filters.counts.approximate'] = 'Note counts can be approximate.';x[''] = 'The Lens';x['analysis.applicants.include'] = 'Major applicants include';x[''] = 'Aggregated Metadata';x[''] = 'No results match filter';x['home.itk.para.3'] = 'Support Collective Action and enable your institution with an ITK.';x['scholar.common.abstract'] = 'Abstract';x['home.itk.para.1'] = 'Institutional Toolkits (ITK\'s) provide a collection of tools and features that help institutions discover, analyse and manage innovation knowledge, and increases the visibility of potential collaborators and partners, enabling new partnerships to be formed based on open and shared evidence. ';x['home.itk.para.2'] = 'Open, transparent and verifiable knowledge from The Lens provides an alternative to closed, proprietary services that restrict access rather than encourage it.';x['pricing.institutional.toolkits'] = 'Toolkits';x['scholar.common.dois'] = 'DOIs (CrossRef)';x['user.saved.queries.delete'] = 'Delete Saved Query';x['common.numberItems'] = '# items';x[''] = 'To record your inventorship and upload patents to your ORCID record requires a linked ORCID account.';x['subscription.patseq.feature.survey.title'] = 'Lens PatSeq Bulk Data Survey';x['chart.title.embed.title'] = 'Graph Title';x['search.table.applications'] = 'Applicants';x['suggest.logo.submission.failed'] = 'Submission failed to send';x[''] = '<li>Calculate and select the appropriate tier level based on your institution type.<\/li><li>Complete and submit the form. You must you use your official institutional email address.<\/li><li>Once your application is received, we will confirm receipt.<\/li><li>Upon reviewing and approving the request, we will provide an agreement for signing.<\/li><li>After the signed agreement is returned, your nominated institutional account will be activated and you will be sent an invoice with options to pay by credit card or bank transfer.<\/li><li>Once the subscription process is completed, you will receive a Get Started guide with access to support material to help you make the most out of your ITK subscription.<\/li>';x['filters.patent.applicant'] = 'Applicant Name Exact';x['pricing.account.institutional.commercial.heading'] = 'Institutional Toolkit - Commercial | Enterprise';x['user.reports.update.item'] = 'Update Item';x['subscription.scholar.option.2.text'] = 'For customised access, pricing is based on your use case, your attribution plan and requirements for access volume and rate. We offer a wide range of API plans with calls per month ranging from 20k to 100k and varying rates to suit different use cases.';x['boolean.query.line'] = 'Line';x[''] = 'scholarly works that have no scholarly citations';x[''] = 'Group by Extended Family';x['user.reports.about.title'] = 'Publish your findings with';x['pricing.table.alerts'] = 'Alerts and Notifications';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals.over.time'] = 'Journals Over Time';x[''] = 'Institutional Account Help';x['labs.apps.CiteSource.description'] = 'CiteSource was developed to provide researchers the ability to examine the utility and efficacy of literature resources and search methodologies. The idea behind CiteSource is simply allowing users to deduplicate citation records, while maintaining customizable metadata about the citation.';x['results.graphical.error.loading'] = 'Error loading visualisation';x['user.profile.privacy.history.optin'] = 'You are currently recording search history';x[''] = 'New Item';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.colour.over.time'] = 'Open Access Colour Over Time';x['search.refineCollectionPlaceholder'] = 'Search within Collection';x['itk.roadmap.inst.profiles.para.2'] = 'The Lens is building a profile application that will pre-populate these institutional profiles using Lens data with additional customisation and content options. We will be deploying the institutional profile in stages, however, institutions can start now to curate and authenticate their scholarly works and patent collections, organise them into units or disciplines, add branding elements and customise the descriptions to make them publicly accessible and discoverable.';x['itk.roadmap.inst.profiles.para.3'] = 'In anticipation for the release of institutional profiles, we have provided some guidance on setting up your institutional collections, see the <a href=\"/lens/institutions/faq\">FAQ\'s<\/a> for more information or <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">view a prototype Institutional Profile<\/a>.';x['filters.choosemore.countries'] = 'Countries';x['results.graphical.scholar.scatter'] = 'Scholar Scatter Plot';x['user.tags'] = 'Tags';x['common.operator'] = 'Operator';x['itk.toolkit.api.access'] = 'Patent & Scholarly API Access';x['subscription.landing.access.all'] = 'Guaranteed Access For All';x[''] = 'Show Classifications';x['user.profile.fos'] = 'Fields of Study';x['cap.why.tsunami.coming'] = 'Is a COVID Patent Tsunami Coming?';x[''] = 'Multiple query types supported with a variety of searchable fields, filters, sorting and pagination options.';x['results.graphical.wizard.authors.histogram'] = 'Author Count Histogram';x[''] = 'Lens Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'Reliance on Science in Patenting';x['chart.title.applicant'] = 'Applicants';x[''] = 'Extended Family ID';x['side.tabs.collections'] = 'Collections';x['filters.fullText.match'] = 'Full Text match';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.PMCID'] = 'PMCID';x['labs.apps.bibfix'] = 'bibfix';x['itk.roadmap.pdfs.tags'] = 'Tags: notes, annotations, PDF, collaboration, teams';x['filters.patent.sequenceName'] = 'Biological Organism Name Exact';x['error.404.title'] = '404 Page Not Found';x['user.collections.create.failed'] = 'An error occurred creating your collection';x[''] = 'Page';x['patent.document.examiners.primary'] = 'Primary Examiner';x['results.graphical.queued'] = 'Queued';x['subscription.patseq.feature.api.lead'] = 'Downloading PatSeq bulk data programmatically with our PatSeq Data API.';x['common.50'] = '50';x['patentView.noFullText'] = 'The full document isn\'t yet available to us from the patent office.';x[''] = 'An email has been sent to';x['boolean.query.status.appears.valid'] = 'This appears to be a valid';x['query.metrics.patent.citations'] = 'Patent Citations';x['scholar.badge.tooltip.full.text'] = 'Has Full Text';x[''] = 'No Image Yet';x['common.latest'] = 'Latest';x[''] = 'Save as Collection';x[''] = 'Any legally incorporated entities, including corporations, LLCs and LLPs, whose principal purpose is to make money; including publishers, innovative businesses, investors, law firms, consultancies, or contract research organizations.';x['query.metrics.npl-citations'] = 'NPL Citations';x['search.structured.scholar.set'] = 'Scholarly Data Set';x['user.dashboards.import.config'] = 'Import from Config';x['subscription.scholar.option.3.title'] = 'Scholarly Bulk Data';x['query.metrics.patent.cited-scholarly-works'] = 'Cited Scholarly Works';x['itk.toolkit.portfolios.description'] = 'Ability to create, refine, share and promote authoritative, branded collections of institutional work products, both scholarly works and patents. These can be used for internal management or external promotion...';x[''] = 'Filter this search by';x['wizard.start.step.2'] = 'Wizard Step 2';x['subscription.process.title'] = 'What is the process for accessing the API or bulk data?';x['user.profile.hindex'] = 'H-index';x['itk.faq.term.institution.definition'] = 'The legal entity subscribing to the Institutional Toolkit or other Lens products.';x['results.graphical.view.multi.line'] = 'Multi Line';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api.trial.lead'] = 'Free 14-day trial to explore the data and evaluate the Aggregation API.';x[''] = 'Institution Country/Region Map';x['user.workarea.claim.remove.from.orcid'] = 'This action will remove the work from your ORCID record. ';x[''] = 'Name';x['common.40'] = '40';x['results.graphical.chart.multidate.histogram'] = 'Multi-Date Histogram';x['user.profile.find.description'] = 'Find authors and inventors with an ORCID record to view and share their profile.';x['cap.faq'] = 'Frequent Questions';x['home.supporters.our'] = 'Our Supporters';x[''] = 'Earliest record date';x['filters.biologicals.compound'] = 'Sequence Type';x[''] = 'In4M';x['chart.title.classification_ipcr'] = 'IPCR Classifications';x['scholar.common.conference.details'] = 'Conference Details';x[''] = 'Read the full Press Release';x[''] = 'Claims';x['user.collection.deleted'] = 'Collection Deleted';x['subscription.bundle.options'] = 'Bundles and Package Options';x['results.dashboard.patent.over.time'] = 'Patent Documents Over Time';x['results.graphical.colour.orangered'] = 'orangered';x['common.20'] = '20';x[''] = 'Commercial';x[''] = 'Find my Scholarly Works';x['results.graphical.annotation.position.bottom'] = 'Position Bottom of Chart';x[''] = 'Loading top 100...';x['filters.flag.inAnalyticsSet'] = 'Analytics Set';x['wizard.start.step.4'] = 'Wizard Step 4';x['wizard.start.step.3'] = 'Wizard Step 3';x['home.feature.inform.decision.making'] = 'Inform Decision Making';x[''] = 'patent owners in Lens; The patent \"owner\" is the entity who has authority to file patent applications and take action in a pending application. the owner of a patent enjoys significant commercial benefits, as they have the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the claimed invention.';x['common.16'] = '16';x['common.15'] = '15';x['search.toolbar.expand'] = 'Expand';x[''] = 'FASTA 50 Plus';x['common.10'] = '10';x['filters.flag.hasTitle'] = 'Has Title';x['results.graphical.colour.oranges'] = 'oranges';x[''] = 'Tags';x['search.structured.profile.description'] = 'Search for authors and inventors with an <a class=\"col-meta\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ORCID <em class=\"fab fa-orcid brand-orcid\"><\/em><\/a> persistent digital identifier to see their profile. Profiles display author\'s and inventor\'s professional information from their ORCID record including affiliations, employment history, grants, publications, inventions and more. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">What is ORCID?<\/a>';x['user.reports.delete.sure'] = 'will be permanently deleted. Are you sure?';x['user.profile.coming.soon'] = 'Coming Soon';x['starting.wizard.step.4.text'] = 'Lens provides a range of resources to help you have an enjoyable and productive experience, including the following:';x['user.saved.queries.notifications.about'] = 'of the latest data updates.';x[''] = 'Date Extension Granted';x['results.view.custom.list'] = 'Customise List';x['reports.url'] = 'URL';x['scholar.flag.description.mesh_term'] = 'MeSH Term';x['common.downloadCitationFilename'] = 'lens-citation';x[''] = 'Account page';x[''] = 'View in scholarly search';x['itk.price.tier.disbursments'] = 'Based on the value of disbursements in last 3 years';x[''] = 'Current Publication';x['itk.core.diagram.reports'] = 'Reports';x[''] = 'Publication Types ';x[''] = 'PatSeq Bulk Downloads';x[''] = 'Date Range';x['query.metrics.cited-by-patents'] = 'Cited By Patents';x[''] = 'Works';x['filters.flag.cites_npl'] = 'Cites NPL';x['query.details.expanded'] = 'Expanded';x['home.feature.profiles.description'] = 'Lens Profiles are composite author/inventor profiles based on ORCID records and enhanced with aggregated data from various sources. Easily find and claim additional works or patents in the Lens and sync these with your ORCID Record. Use your Lens profile to share your work output including Employment, Education, Co-Authors, Mentions and Links.';x['itk.toolkit.preffix'] = 'Modeled Toolkit';x['breadcrumb.scholar'] = 'Scholar';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works Over Time';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.PUBLICATION_TYPE'] = 'Document Type';x['common.80'] = '80';x['results.graphical.wizard.funders.citation.comparison'] = 'Funding Organisations Citation Comparison';x['subscription.checkout.faq.individual.use.answer.2'] = 'Examples of commercial use include, but are not limited to, any of the following: commercial research and development, legal practice, data services, consultancy reports, investment decisions, government activities, including policy development, etc.';x['pricing.account.personal.para.1'] = 'The Lens offers a fee-waived Professional Workspace to individual users for public-good and non-profit uses. This includes individuals at any non-profit or legal entity that is incorporated for public-good, where the use advances the public-good mission of the institution.';x['pricing.account.personal.para.2'] = 'This includes legally incorporated entities whose principal purpose is stated as advancing the public-good; for instance government agencies, research and teaching institutions, philanthropic foundations, etc.';x['filters.all'] = 'all';x['mailchimp.join.newsletter'] = 'Join Our Newsletter';x[''] = 'Filing Date (newest)';x['labs.dashboards.broad.citing.patents'] = 'Citing patents of Broad Institute scholarly works';x['results.graphical.colour.scheme.invert'] = 'Invert Colours';x['subscription.checkout.terms.agreement'] = 'By clicking here you confirm you have read and agree to the <a href=\"\" class=\"text-link\" target=\"_blank\">Individual Commercial Use Agreement terms<\/a>.';x['scholar.field.reference_count.cited'] = 'Reference Count';x['starting.wizard.progress.4'] = '4. Get Started';x[''] = 'Link your ORCID account to find and claim your work';x['user.workarea.project.collaborators'] = 'Collaborators';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.modal.text'] = 'You are about to delete your Lens account, This can\'t be undone, so we recommend exporting all relevant work prior to requesting deletion. After submitting the form, you will receive an email to confirm your account deletion.';x['subscription.checkout.error.fetch.details'] = 'Error fetching user details. Please close this modal and try again.';x['starting.wizard.progress.2'] = '2. Privacy';x['starting.wizard.progress.3'] = '3. Theme';x['patent.sequenceDisplay.FASTA.copied'] = 'The sequence has been copied to your clipboard.';x['starting.wizard.progress.1'] = '1. Details';x['user.workarea.sync.orcid'] = 'Sync with ORCID®';x['filters.patent.agentName'] = 'Agent Name Exact';x['search.toolbar.single.column'] = 'Single Column';x[''] = 'Lens for Institutions';x['pricing.account.details'] = 'Account Details';x[''] = 'Return to Search';x[''] = 'Back to Search';x['subscription.landing.pending.patents'] = 'Pending Patents';x['user.account.use.commercial.purposes.nb'] = '<b>N.B.<\/b> If you do not subscribe to a commercial use license within 14 days of confirming commercial use, your account will be disabled and you will not be able to access the work area.';x['scholar.common.mesh.det.heading'] = 'MeSH Heading';x['common.60'] = '60';x[''] = 'Structured Search';x['filters.scholar.openAccessColour'] = 'Open Access Colour';x['search.submitting'] = 'Submitting...';x['cap.faq.bus.model.answer.list'] = '<li>Subscriptions are provided to commercial users of The Lens and to users who choose to license one or more tools in the Institutional Toolkit. Subscriptions are renewable annually. <\/li><li>Several types of sponsorships are available. These include sponsorship of specific platform enhancements, for example functionality or content. Sponsorship of public Lens Reports is also available. <\/li><li>The Lens also actively seeks support from philanthropic donors who believe in the importance of inclusive access to knowledge and diverse participation in the innovation ecosystem.<\/li>';x['user.account.using.for.commercial'] = 'Are you using the Lens for Commercial Purposes?';x['chart.title.owner'] = 'Owners';x['patent.document.section.agent'] = 'Agent';x['support.suggestions.export.results'] = 'Export Results';x[''] = 'Unknown';x['query.metrics.patent.records'] = 'Patent Records';x[''] = 'Download Data';x['itk.faq.terms.term'] = 'Term';x['user.profile.view.lens'] = 'View your Lens Profile ';x['subscription.checkout.payment.success'] = 'Payment Successful. Activating Subscription';x['results.graphical.chart.labels.display'] = 'Display Labels';x['search.toolbar.inventorship'] = 'Inventorship';x['results.graphical.wizard.metrics'] = 'Metrics';x['filters.patent.referenceId'] = 'Cited Works';x['results.graphical.scatter.plot'] = 'Scatter Plot';x['subscription.field.descriptions'] = 'View Full Field Descriptions';x['common.retry'] = 'Retry';x[''] = 'Cards';x[''] = '<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Lens Profiles:<\/b><\/a> Staff can manage and share their ORCID-linked personal Lens profiles.';x['subscription.api.token.create'] = 'Create Token';x['user.profile.load.more'] = 'Load More Results...';x['user.request.pending'] = 'Request pending…';x[''] = 'Support Pages';x['cap.why.enabling.innovation'] = 'Enabling Collective Action: Innovation without Borders';x['itk.toolkit.license.description'] = 'Licensed for Institutional use with no seat limits, an ITK permits any use type by any legal entity that is incorporated for public-good, where that use advances the public-good mission of the institution...';x['common.month'] = 'Month';x[''] = 'New Dashboard';x['labs.apps.I3'] = 'I³ Open Patent Dataset Index';x[''] = 'Cited Works';x['common.error.preview.scholar'] = 'Could not preview Scholarly Work';x['filters.groupings.custom.description'] = 'A custom grouping allows you to combine multiple facets values for visualisation. Click and drag items into your groupings to group them together in your chart.';x['labs.apps.I3.description'] = 'This is the web version of the I³ Open Datasets Index – a collection of innovation datasets, and related tools, platforms and resources used by the broader innovation research community. You can contribute to this site, either by can editing our google sheet (updates made to the sheet will take a couple of minutes to display), or by making a pull request to our GitHub repository directly.';x[''] = 'Data Sources & Collaborators';x['common.doc.type'] = 'Document Type';x['results.graphical.colour.spectral'] = 'spectral';x['common.required'] = 'required';x['subscription.scholar.aggregation.API.service.request'] = 'Lens Scholarly Aggregation API Service Request';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.LENS_ID'] = 'Lens ID';x[''] = '<strong>Warning!<\/strong> It is currently not possible to show more than 100 works in a profile.';x[''] = 'Funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Knowledge Futures Group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Cambia’s are developing a portal that exposes innovation datasets and engages academic communities in building a more cooperative innovation ecology.';x[''] = 'Save Query';x['results.workspace.signup'] = 'Gain even more when you register a FREE account or sign in:';x['pricing.account.non.profit'] = 'Non-Profit Use';x[''] = 'Not sure which plan to choose? Talk to us and we can advise which plan best suits your needs and answer any further questions.';x['patentView.cited.phase.apl'] = 'Filed for appeal by applicant / proprietor / patentee, date appeal filed';x[''] = 'Cited by the Applicant, date information available in EPO systems';x['user.collections.remove.exists'] = 'This item does not exist in this collection.';x['common.missing'] = 'Missing';x['home.feature.patseq'] = 'Explore Biological Sequences';x['common.title'] = 'Title';x['cap.faq.participate.answer.1'] = 'If you agree there is urgency to solve the problems we face and you support the mission of inclusive access to knowledge, there are many ways to help. We are grateful for anything that you can do!';x[''] = '<b>Email<\/b>: Primary email address.';x['patent.document.section.applicants'] = 'Applicants';x['pricing.table.use.institutional'] = 'Institutional';x['subscription.feature.survey.title'] = 'Lens Patent API and Data Web Services Survey';x[''] = 'No Results';x['pricing.common.month'] = 'Month';x[''] = 'Email';x['query.metrics.citing-patents'] = 'Citing Patents';x['results.graphical.colour.purplegreen'] = 'purplegreen';x['user.workarea.claimed.authorship.sync.success'] = 'Authorship Sync Successful';x[''] = 'Top Journals by Publisher';x[''] = 'Copied to clipboard';x['results.graphical.detail.minimal'] = 'Minimal';x[''] = 'Co-Authors';x[''] = 'Total Sequences';x['notes.patent.scope.LEGAL'] = 'Legal';x['results.graphical.wizard.publication.type.pie.chart'] = 'Publication Type Pie Chart ';x[''] = 'ORCID records are not officially profiles, but authenticated, persistent user-controlled records of metadata that are associated with a person. This metadata is extremely useful to construct a rich, navigable and shareable profile that is much more than structured metadata.';x['labs.landing.getting.indexed'] = 'Getting Scholarly Content Indexed in The Lens';x[''] = 'Report Issues';x['patent.legalEvents.designated.dates'] = 'Designated States';x['sorting.cited.NPL.count'] = 'Cited NPL Count';x[''] = 'Top Institutions';x['search.toolbar.clear.selection'] = 'Clear Selection';x['common.error.application'] = 'Application Error';x['user.dashboard.saving.dashboard'] = 'Saving a dashboard allows you to share or load it.';x['results.view.patent'] = 'View Patent';x['scholar.field.field_of_study.cited'] = 'Cited Field of Study';x[''] = 'Sequence Referenced in Claims';x['sorting.scholarly.citations.lowest'] = 'Scholarly Citations (lowest)';x['results.view.custom.collections'] = 'Collections';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.REFERENCED_BY_COUNT'] = 'Citing Works Count';x[''] = 'Private collaboration and public commenting options on institutional work area items providing granular access-rights controls and permissions for managing and collaborating with teams of institutional users. This functionality will allow institutions to:';x[''] = 'Earliest Priority Date (oldest)';x[''] = 'No additional info available';x[''] = 'Data Sources';x['user.settings.export.notice'] = 'You must be logged in to export over 1000 search results.';x[''] = 'Seismic Events to Follow';x['user.registration.institution.tier'] = 'Tier';x['notes.notes.about.alt'] = 'Add notes against documents, collections and saved queries.';x[''] = 'Inactive';x[''] = 'View Our Development Roadmap';x['journal.issue'] = 'Issue';x['itk.toolkit.see.description'] = 'See the suite of tools that are currently available to you or checkout the development roadmap to see what new tools are coming in the development pipeline.';x[''] = 'Email';x['scholar.chemical.information'] = 'Substance reflects the chemical field listed in PubMed records';x['common.version.warning'] = '<strong>WARNING:<\/strong> It looks like there might be a newer version of this page';x[''] = 'Show Notes';x['filters.workspace.filterByCollections'] = 'Only show items in a collection';x['user.profile.feature.public.collections.text'] = 'Lens profiles allow you display and share your publicly available, personally curated collections of patents and scholarly works in the Lens.';x['common.lens.powered'] = 'Powered by The Lens';x['subscription.checkout.single.user.agreement'] = 'Annual subscription for commercial use license for a single user account. Renewals are <b>not<\/b> automatic. You will receive a reminder email one month before the end of your subscription with an option to renew.';x['cap.leap.access.countries.text'] = 'The table below lists all countries which are subsidized under LEAP. All public-good institutions in these countries are eligible for an ITK subscription at no-charge under LEAP.';x['query.details.citing.patents'] = 'Citing Patents';x['scholar.field.keyword.cited'] = 'Keyword';x['search.results.resultsTabTitle'] = 'Results';x['common.limit.child.text'] = 'e.g. Top 20 authors for the Top 5 institutions';x[''] = 'Citation Comparison of top';x['subscription.qklk.api.swagger'] = 'Swagger UI documentation';x['labs.apps.thinkerAI.description'] = 'LensScholarPy by ThinkerAI, provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with The Lens API using Python, making it easier to perform complex queries without deep knowledge of Elasticsearch syntax. ThinkerAI is a pioneering initiative dedicated to creating a secure integration platform for AI within academia. Our focus revolves around ensuring the ethical integrity of academic research amidst the rapid advancement of AI models.';x['user.institutional.alt'] = 'Institutional Use';x[''] = 'Release Notes';x[''] = 'Top Fields of Study';x[''] = 'Could not delete image. Likely in use';x[''] = 'Add to Report';x[''] = 'Website';x['cap.landing.mode.labs.text'] = 'Customized institutional partnerships with long term objectives, partner with and implement...';x['sorting.updated.asce'] = 'Updated (oldest)';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.JURISDICTION'] = 'Jurisdiction';x[''] = 'Our goal in integrating ORCID public data into a Lens Profile is to serve a facility that not only makes creation, editing, synchronizing and updating one’s ORCID record an easy and enjoyable task, but lets a user create a powerful and shareable ‘Curriculum Vitae’ that has embedded evidence-driven metrics, citation information, and related open knowledge that are not currently part of an ORCID record.';x[''] = 'The Lens is working closely with ORCID to ensure that every element of public ORCID-hosted metadata is synchronized and exposed in the Lens Profile. In future, we will assign a persistent identifier to each user-enhanced Lens profile that will let this aggregation of diversely sourced metadata be shared openly with anyone. This is congruent with the <a href=\"\">Lens MetaRecord<\/a> concept in which we aggregate, normalize, optimize and format records derived from multiple sources.';x['search.orcid.only.profiles'] = 'Only profiles with associated works';x[''] = 'No collections contain the selected items or match the filter';x['patent.legalEvents.table.prosecution.stage'] = 'Prosecution Stage';x[''] = 'Collective Action For Global Challenges';x['scholar.facets.conference'] = 'Conference';x[''] = 'Title (A-Z)';x['itk.heading.description'] = 'The Lens extends its offerings from individual use to institutional use to enable global access and use of open innovation knowledge, and to provide an open and affordable alternative service to the restrictive, expensive and closed commercial services.';x[''] = 'Lens Labs';x['labs.last.updated'] = 'Last Updated';x['itk.roadmap.projects.tags'] = 'Tags: projects, work area, collaboration, teams, workflow';x['notes.user.added'] = 'Note Added';x['user.summary.collections.want.larger'] = 'Want a larger collection limit?';x['export.async.success'] = 'Export in progress. You will receive an email once it is ready for download';x['query.details.excl'] = 'excl';x['filters.flags'] = 'Flags';x['common.loading.thanks'] = 'Shouldn\'t take too long. Thanks for your patience';x['user.collections.already.exists'] = 'already exist in collection';x['results.graphical.colour.scheme.solid.bars'] = 'Solid Bars';x['subscription.PSBD.service.request.alert'] = 'This is a request for biological sequences data, this is not patent data.';x['chart.title.classification_nat'] = 'US Classifications';x['results.graphical.colour.redgrey'] = 'redgrey';x[''] = 'FASTA 200 Plus';x['filters.scholar.externalIdType'] = 'External ID Type';x['patent.applicantTitle'] = 'Applicants:';x['subscription.lens.institutions'] = 'Lens for Institutions';x['labs.apps.in4m.description'] = 'We assessed 200 leading global research institutions for their influence on industry and innovation using a new methodology that relies on knowledge of scholarly work cited in patent literature and the value of the patents as perceived by the applicants. We correlated the 1980-2015 resolved scholarly work from each institution1, with scholarly work cited in the patent literature that had been extracted and resolved to persistent identifiers in collaboration with NIH NCBI and Crossref.';x['search.results.filtersLabel.scholar'] = 'Filters';x['results.graphical.colour.scheme'] = 'Colour Scheme';x['patentField.publicationDate'] = 'Publication Date';x[''] = 'Author';x['home.form.jurisdictions'] = 'Jurisdictions';x['notes.patent.scope.SEQUENCES'] = 'Sequences';x['search.toolbar.collapse'] = 'Collapse';x['sorting.order'] = 'Sort Order';x[''] = 'Lens Profiles';x['pricing.faq'] = 'Frequently Asked Questions';x[''] = 'View API\'s & Bulk Data';x['results.graphical.wizard.metrics.scholarly'] = 'Scholarly Works Metrics';x['query.metrics.patent.citing-patents'] = 'Citing Patents';x['subscription.access.detail.records'] = 'Records';x[''] = 'Search by Inventor';x['user.share.on.linkedin'] = 'Share on LinkedIn';x[''] = 'FAIR Datasets';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals.fos'] = 'Journals by Field of Study';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.VOLUME'] = 'Volume';x[''] = 'View the Roadmap';x['user.profile.view.your.profile'] = 'View Your Profile';x['user.workarea.collections.updated'] = 'Collections Updated';x['scholar.common.mesh_term.details'] = 'MeSH Term Details';x['filters.collections.title'] = 'Collections';x[''] = 'Date Published (newest)';x['patentView.cited.phase.tpo'] = 'Third party observation, date observation letters filed';x['user.inventorship'] = 'Inventorship';x['subscription.scholar.survey.title'] = 'Lens Scholar API and Data Web Services Survey';x['common.configuration'] = 'Configuration';x[''] = 'Why is this taking so long?';x['subscription.qklk.individual.agreement'] = 'Individual Commercial Use Agreement';x['pricing.enterprise.description'] = 'Commercial institutions wanting to analyse, manage and markup knowledge assets.';x[''] = 'Create authoritative, branded collections of institutional work products, both scholarly works and inventions. When attested on the platform, these collections can be shared for internal management or for external promotion of the institution’s scholarship, intellectual property and other capabilities. The attested portfolios come with additional customisation and branding options including editable images, rich text descriptions (using markdown), and embeddable iframe widgets.';x['user.profile.feature.orcid.text'] = 'We\'ve leveraged the fantastic public infrastructure that is ORCID and added a splash of ImpactStory to provide an enhanced profile experience on the Lens.';x['user.share'] = 'Share';x['results.tabTitleScholarly'] = 'Scholarly';x[''] = 'Feedback';x[''] = 'My Profile';x['results.graphical.view.vert.stacked'] = 'Vertical Stacked';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.JOURNAL_PUBLISHER'] = 'Publisher';x[''] = 'Bar Chart';x['user.profile.landing.more.about'] = 'More About';x[''] = 'The Lens core tools and features include';x['analysis.intro.description.5'] = 'is most prominent with';x['scholar.common.volume'] = 'Volume';x['analysis.intro.description.4'] = 'jurisdictions';x['analysis.intro.description.3'] = 'With results from over';x['subscription.landing.itk.patent.api.text'] = 'Access to Lens Patent API provides programmatic access to the full corpus of Lens Patent MetaRecords using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API.';x['analysis.intro.description.2'] = 'patents. Click here to view them.';x['labs.masthead.lead'] = 'Lens Labs enables exploration and experimentation towards improved data quality and more accurate and transparent tracking of the influence of science and technology on our society.';x['patent.document.section.ipc.classifications'] = 'IPC Classifications';x[''] = 'Vert Bar';x['notes.notes'] = 'Notes';x['analysis.intro.description.9'] = 'Together these three applicants account for';x['filters.lensIdCreatedAfter'] = 'Lens ID created after';x['analysis.intro.description.8'] = 'of the entire result set of';x['search.structured.presets.notsure'] = 'Not sure what to compare? Here are some ideas to get you started.';x['analysis.intro.description.7'] = 'accounting for';x['user.query.alert.notifications.enabled'] = 'Query alerts enabled';x['analysis.intro.description.6'] = 'patents';x['pricing.faq.itk.user.answer'] = 'Institutional Users are registered users with a Personal Account that are affiliated with an institution that has an ITK subscription. Institutional users can be added or removed from an institutional account and will have their own Professional Workspace as well as access to the Institutional Work Area, as determined by the administrators of the institutional account.';x['user.reports.rename'] = 'Rename';x[''] = 'Word Cloud';x['user.saved.queries.history.deleted'] = 'History Deleted';x['cap.leap.guarantee'] = 'The LEAP Guarantee';x['results.graphical.wizard.patent.citations.over.time'] = 'Patent Citations over Time';x['filters.common.chooseMore'] = 'More';x['patent.document.view.pdf'] = 'View as PDF';x[''] = 'Click and drag to select a time period';x['pricing.table.institutional.non.profit'] = 'Non&#8209;Profit Institutional';x['user.personal.commercial.alt'] = 'Commercial ';x['patentView.tabs.document'] = 'Summary';x[''] = 'Patents';x['filters.scholar.keyword'] = 'Keyword';x['search.orcid.noResults'] = 'No results found. Please search again with a different term.';x[''] = 'Latest News';x['reports.features'] = 'Lens Reports <b>Features<\/b>';x['search.toolbar.hide'] = 'Hide';x['patentResults.queryOptions.language'] = 'Query Language';x['subscription.individual.commercial.request'] = 'Individual Commercial License Service Request';x['subscription.patent.aggregation.API.service.request'] = 'Lens Patent Aggregation API Service Request';x['subscription.patent.option.2.text'] = 'Institutional User API plans will be active for the duration of the Institution’s ITK subscription. Please ensure you are logged in using your institutional email when requesting access. <a href=\"/lens/institutions/institutions\">View Subscribing Institutions<\/a>';x['user.workarea.notifications.delete.confirm.text'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete these notifications?';x[''] = 'University';x['subscription.patent.API.service.request'] = 'Lens Patent API Service Request';x['subscription.landing.seq.list'] = '<li>17 jurisdictions<\/li><li>Sequences in patent applications and grants<\/li><li>Sequences referenced in the claims<\/li><li>Nucleic acids and protein datasets enriched with patent attributes<\/li>';x[''] = 'Search for authors and inventors with an <a class=\"col-meta\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ORCID <em class=\"fab fa-orcid brand-orcid\"><\/em><\/a> persistent digital identifier to see their profile. Profiles display author\'s and inventor\'s professional information from their ORCID record including affiliations, employment history, grants, publications, inventions and more. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">What is ORCID?<\/a>';x['itk.heading.prefix'] = 'Collective Action For Global Challenges';x['subscription.individual.commercial.use.text'] = 'Many registered users have asked for an easy and affordable way to license their use of the Lens platform for commercial purposes. So we have created a new subscription for individuals permitting commercial use in their professional work or business.';x[''] = 'Filter current search by';x['user.query.alert.text.editor'] = 'Edit in Query Text Editor';x['user.profile.looking.for'] = 'Looking for your Lens Profile?';x['starting.wizard.back'] = 'Back';x[''] = 'File will be downloaded in browser';x['filters.query.lang.oth'] = 'Other';x['search.table.jurisdictons'] = 'Jurisdictions';x['itk.core.diagram.licenses.text'] = 'The Lens allows permissive usage with non-commercial and commercial options. Institutional subscriptions allow site-wide access for bona-fide members of the institution’s community. Members of the subscribing institution can register on and use the Work Area for convenient data management. Commercial use subscribers are granted permissions for commercial use of the content, so long as it is not re-sold.';x['filters.common.clear'] = 'Clear';x['common.action.relink'] = 'Re-link';x['subscription.checkout.faq'] = 'Frequent Questions';x['labs.apps.citespace'] = 'CiteSpace';x['user.summary.queries.view.converted'] = 'View Converted Query';x[''] = 'The following country groupings are provided to help easily adding or removing many country filters at once. If you find this functionality useful and would like to request additional groups, please get in touch to let us know.';x['cap.leap.criteria.apply'] = 'Apply For Equitable Access';x['user.collections.create.success'] = 'Collection Created';x['footer.menuAbout'] = 'About';x['itk.faq.term.itk.example'] = 'Subscribing institutions will be provided a private and secure Institutional Account with tools and features to manage, collect, markup, promote and customize their institutional knowledge assets.';x['results.view.customize.table'] = 'Customise Table';x['common.boolean.AND'] = 'AND';x['user.projects.create.first'] = 'Create Your First Project';x['cap.landing.crisis.shared'] = 'Our crises are shared. So must be our solutions. Everyone must play a part. Business as usual will not get us there. We need to jump-start inclusive and deliberate problem solving that engages all the world’s people and institutions in evidence-driven partnerships. But this needs trust.';x['common.8'] = '8';x[''] = 'Auto-generated Lens profiles may be missing data. Please Sign In and Link your ORCID account to manage this profile.';x['itk.price.commercial.institutions'] = 'Commercial Institutions';x[''] = 'This view shows patent legal enforceability by jurisdiction.';x['common.3'] = '3';x[''] = 'Sequence Data In Patents';x['common.4'] = '4';x['common.5'] = '5';x['results.graphical.colour.paired'] = 'paired';x['common.1'] = '1';x['common.2'] = '2';x['user.reports.delete.this'] = 'This';x['labs.apps.bibliometrix'] = 'Bibliometrix';x['presentation.mode.exit'] = 'Exit presentation mode';x[''] = 'Name';x[''] = 'Open Access';x[''] = 'Biological Sequences';x['notes.patent.scope.OWNERS'] = 'Owners';x['results.graphical.bucket.size.doc.count.tip'] = 'This number filters out buckets that don\'t have a certain number of documents. This effectively filters out outliers';x['user.claimed'] = 'Claimed';x['results.graphical.view.source'] = 'View Source';x['collection.common.attested'] = 'Attested';x[''] = 'To link this saved query,';x['pricing.personal.workspace'] = 'Professional Workspaces';x['user.collections.import.importScholarInstruction'] = 'Enter a comma delimited list of scholarly works identifiers:';x[''] = 'Save as New';x['user.share.comparison.import'] = 'Or, you can share these IDs for use in the import box below:';x['filters.flag.hasSequence'] = 'Has Sequence Listing';x['patent.document.section.owners'] = 'Owners';x[''] = 'Start Search Wizard';x['filters.flag.hasInventor'] = 'Has Inventor';x[''] = ', explore online tutorials/videos or take our guided feature tours to discover all the features Lens has to offer...';x[''] = 'View in Global Dossier';x['user.blast.deleteAll.title'] = 'Delete all your PatSeq Finder queries?';x['user.reports.manage'] = 'Manage Reports';x['user.sharing.RESTRICTED_ACCESS'] = 'Restricted access';x['patent.document.full.doc.unavailable.3'] = '(family member) to use for the abstract, images and PDF.';x['patent.document.full.doc.unavailable.2'] = 'related patent';x[''] = 'Support Center & Knowledge Base';x[''] = 'Swagger UI';x[''] = 'Access the new Lens';x['query.metrics.patent.patent.citations'] = 'Patent Citations';x['results.graphical.article.scatter.description'] = 'The article scatter visualisation type allows individual scholarly works to be plotted on arbitrary axes. The colour and size can also be encoded to any given fields. e.g. “Show most cited scholarly works by publication date and number of citations. Colour by Open Access status”';x['sorting.granted.desc'] = 'Granted Date (newest)';x[''] = 'Conference Name';x['collection.common.linked.queries.include.short'] = 'Include Saved Queries';x['chart.title.type.citing'] = 'Citing Patent Type';x['collection.common.embed.note'] = 'Note any filters you have currently applied will be included. Clear your filters or query to show the ensure Collection in this embed.';x['common.x'] = 'X';x['common.y'] = 'Y';x['common.s'] = 's';x[''] = 'Your Email (Optional)';x['results.graphical.wizard.cite.most'] = 'Most Cited Works by Patents/Scholarly';x['advancedPatentSearch.field.tip'] = 'Field names are case sensitive';x['common.action.delete'] = 'Delete';x['patentField.cpcClassifications'] = 'CPC Classifications';x['scholar.flag.description.abstract'] = 'Abstract';x['patentView.cited.phase.ch2'] = 'Chapter 2, date international search report completed';x[''] = 'Mapping Influence of Scholarship';x[''] = 'click here to subscribe';x['scholar.common.view.fulltext'] = 'Full-Text';x['pricing.institutional.non.profit'] = 'Non&#8209;Profit Institutional';x[''] = 'Search by Field of Study, Keyword or MeSH Terms.';x[''] = 'Contact Us';x['search.table.filed'] = 'Filed';x['data.coverage.scholar'] = 'Scholar Data Coverage';x['home.supporters.funders'] = 'Funders & Supporters';x['collection.common.description.text'] = 'Collections are a saved grouping of patents or scholarly works. Any items in a search result can be added or removed from a collection.';x['scholar.common.chemical'] = 'Substance';x['filters.flag.hasKeyword'] = 'Has Keyword';x['user.profile.impactstory'] = 'ImpactStory';x['results.view.custom.citations'] = 'Citations';x[''] = 'Application Date';x[''] = 'Sites';x[''] = 'These are the resolved scholarly works that are cited by (referenced by) the patents in the original result set (backward citations)';x[''] = 'World Map';x['user.projects.about'] = 'Projects are intended to help organise your work. Now all your collections, saved queries, search history, notes, etc, can all be optionally added to a top level Project.';x['starting.wizard.skip'] = 'Skip';x['user.registration.institution.type.definitions'] = '<p><b>Public-good:<\/b> Legally incorporated entities whose principal purpose is stated as advancing the Public-good; for instance government agencies, research and teaching institutions, philanthropic foundations, civil society and non-profits.<\/p><p><b>Commercial:<\/b> Legally incorporated entities, including corporations, LLCs and LLPs, whose principal purpose is to make money; including publishers, innovative businesses, investors, law firms, consultancies, or contract research organizations.<\/p>';x[''] = 'Start Searching';x[''] = 'Saved Queries';x['user.share.comparison.text'] = '<p>You have no institutions selected for comparison.<\/p><p>Start by selecting some, then sharing options will appear here.<\/p>';x[''] = 'Sequences';x['labs.collaborations'] = 'Collaborations';x['results.graphical.colour.yellowgreenblue'] = 'yellowgreenblue';x['filters.flag.hasExaminer'] = 'Has Examiner';x[''] = 'Open Access';x['user.dashboard.manage'] = 'Manage Dashboards';x['user.account.commercial.intro.text'] = 'Good news! Many registered users have asked for an easy and affordable way to license their use of the Lens platform for commercial purposes. So we have created a new subscription for individuals permitting commercial use in their professional work or business.';x['results.graphical.scatter.plot.description.2'] = 'The colour and size can also be encoded to any given fields. For example “Show most cited scholarly works by publication date and number of citations. Colour by Open Access status” or “Show most cited patents by filing date and number of patent citations. Colour by Applicant” ';x[''] = 'Stacked Bar';x['itk.lead.description'] = 'The Lens builds on open data to create and provide a unique set of tools - the toolkit - for institutions to enhance their innovation capabilities and engage more effectively in the problem-solving process.';x['user.summary.notes.login'] = '<a href=\"/lens/user/registration\">Register<\/a> or <a href=\"/lens/user/login\" class=\"login-link\">Sign in<\/a> to use notes.';x['subscription.patseq.feature.api'] = 'PatSeq Data API';x[''] = 'API Access';x[''] = 'No co-authors';x[''] = 'Lens About';x[''] = 'Lens Scholarly API';x['scholar.flag.description.fulltext'] = 'Indexed Full Text';x[''] = 'Scholarly Work';x['user.projects.title'] = 'We\'ve introduced a new workflow model called';x[''] = 'Not Licensed For Commercial Use. Click Here To Subscribe.';x['common.enabled.lens'] = 'Enabled by The Lens';x['journal.title'] = 'Journal';x['scholar.common.authorship.remove.description'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove your claim for this work? This action will remove the work from your ORCID record.';x['common.beta.alt'] = 'Beta';x[''] = 'Stacked Bar Histogram (with facet)';x['results.graphical.source.vega.spec.tip'] = 'Vega-Lite is a high-level grammar of interactive graphics. It provides a concise JSON syntax for rapidly generating visualizations to support analysis';x[''] = 'All prices are for annual subscriptions in $USD';x['subscription.none'] = 'You have no subscriptions yet, browse our available subscriptions below:';x['scholar.common.mesh_terms'] = 'MeSH Terms';x[''] = 'Choose from the following API plans:';x[''] = 'Publishing Events';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works cited by';x['filters.citesNpl'] = 'Only Patents Citing matched Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'Tiers and pricing for Government Agencies and Departments are based on the number of employees and the country/region.';x['scholar.common.publisher'] = 'Publisher';x['pricing.faq.itk.intro'] = 'Institutional Accounts are available as part of the Institutional Toolkit, providing access to a number of institution-specific tools and features available as part of a growing Toolkit, as well as Professional Workspaces for all Institutional Users!';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals.subject'] = 'Journals by Subject';x[''] = 'Works';x['results.graphical.wizard.class.cpc'] = 'CPC Classifications';x['subscription.authorisation.warning'] = 'You must be logged in to view active API subscriptions. <a href=\"/lens/user/login\" class=\"login-link\">Sign in to your account<\/a>.';x[''] = 'Terms of use';x['filters.flag.has_applicant'] = 'Has Applicant';x['pricing.commercial'] = 'Commercial<br> Use';x[''] = 'Institutions';x[''] = 'Management Tools';x[''] = 'Author';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.PUBLICATION_YEAR'] = 'Publication Year';x['notes.notes.make'] = 'Make Note';x['search.toolbar.two.columns'] = 'Two Columns';x[''] = 'The API documentation provides guidelines for getting you started with the API and details the request, response schema with examples.';x['cap.landing.knowledge.key'] = 'Shared knowledge is the key';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.EXTENDED_FAMILY_MEMBER_LENS_IDS'] = 'Extended Family Members';x['export.action.export'] = 'Export';x[''] = 'Recent Work';x['patent.cited.heading'] = 'is cited by {0} patents';x['cap.participate.portal.lead'] = 'App designers are invited to build open apps on The Lens open content to create specific discovery, analysis, or other workflow solutions.';x['scholar.common.published'] = 'Published';x['patent.document.section.cpc.classifications'] = 'CPC Classifications';x['filters.scholar.conference'] = 'Conference Name';x[''] = 'Sequences';x['chart.title.embed.height'] = 'Height';x['scholar.badge.tooltip.affiliation'] = 'Author Affliation';x['query.details.inventorship'] = 'Inventorship';x[''] = 'Heat Map';x['subscription.api.token.description.edit'] = 'Edit Token Description';x['labs.dashboards.patents'] = 'Patents';x['itk.price.public.good.institutions'] = 'Public-Good Institutions';x[''] = 'Author Identifiers';x['boolean.query.column'] = 'Column';x[''] = 'Institution Country/Region';x['collection.common.view.all'] = 'View All Collections';x['user.saved.queries.couldnot.delete.history'] = 'Could not delete History';x['starting.wizard.start.patent'] = 'Start Patent Search';x['labs.collaborations.opportunities'] = 'Several opportunities exist for collaboration and contributions including:';x[''] = 'Please choose an organisation size matching the chosen license type.';x['results.graphical.chart.filtered.values'] = 'Filtered Values';x['boolean.query'] = 'Query';x[''] = 'Citation Analysis';x['patentView.tabs.notes'] = 'Notes';x[''] = 'Clear background';x[''] = 'In4M Metric & Ranking';x['user.settings.interface.settings'] = 'Interface Settings';x['common.documents'] = 'documents';x[''] = 'you record';x['query.metrics.cites-npl'] = 'Cites NPL';x['user.dashboard.warning'] = 'Warning';x['results.graphical.wizard.applicant.fam.size'] = 'Applicants by Average Family Size';x['results.graphical.metric'] = 'Metric';x[''] = 'View PatSeq Facility';x['user.registration.terms.warning'] = 'You must agree to the Terms of Use';x['results.graphical.wizard.published.filed'] = 'Patents published and filed';x['subscription.api.quick.links.release'] = 'Release';x['user.profile.toolbar.view'] = 'View';x['scholar.common.authors.unavailable'] = 'No author information available.';x['user.dashboards.about'] = 'Our suite of analysis and visualisation tools enable real-time discovery and analysis. Dashboards can be saved, presented and share it via LinkedIn, twitter, Facebook or email.';x['results.graphical.view.logo.grid.tip'] = 'for legal entities';x['search.patents'] = 'Patent Search';x['common.boolean.OR'] = 'OR';x[''] = 'Cited Scholarly Works (Backward NPL citations)';x[''] = 'Add another source';x['subscription.process.text'] = 'Once you select the option that suits your needs and complete the API or bulk data request form, your request will be reviewed and processed manually. Once approved, you will receive an email with instructions on how to generate your access tokens. For full details on accessing and using the API and the bulk data downloads, please see the relevant support documentation: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">API Documentation<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bulk Data Downloads<\/a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">PatSeq Bulk Downloads<\/a>';x['user.workarea.orcid'] = 'ORCID';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals.patent.citations'] = 'Top Journals by Patent Citations';x['anno.tour.done'] = 'Done';x['footer.menuContact'] = 'Contact';x[''] = 'Collaborations';x['user.forgotpassword'] = 'Forgot Password?';x[''] = 'Exclude works with Affiliations with any country from';x['filters.common.include'] = 'Include';x['reports.feature.collaboration.text'] = 'Collaborate with colleagues to create new reports or clone existing reports within a multi-user access control report.';x['scholar.sort.scholarly.citations'] = 'Citing Scholarly Works';x['results.graphical.wizard.custom'] = 'Custom';x[''] = 'Add New Chart';x[''] = 'Open in Explorer';x['explore.citations.explained'] = 'Explore Citations Explained';x[''] = 'Published';x['patent.view.flag.has.terminal.disclaimer'] = 'Has Terminal Disclaimer (US only)';x['itk.roadmap.priority.high'] = 'Priority: High';x['cap.participate.itk'] = 'Institutional Toolkits';x['user.workarea.history.patcite.description'] = 'PatCite Finder searches can be labled and saved, Sharing settings allow PatCite Finder searches to be shared.';x['common.error.verify.human.text'] = 'Why? CAPTCHA is a type of challenge–response test used to determine whether the user is human in order to deter bot attacks and spam.';x['search.structured.presets.scholar'] = 'Preset Scholar Searches';x['subscription.feature.survey'] = 'Patent API Survey';x['notes.patent.scope.IPC_CLASSIFICATIONS'] = 'IPC Classifications';x['common.errors.password.length'] = 'Your password must be at least 6 characters in length';x['labs.apps.lens.patent.api.description'] = 'Patent API including access to abstracts, claims, owners and legal status. Access the full corpus of Lens patent records using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API. The open data is aggregated from diverse primary sources, with persistent identifiers from the original data sources provided for transparency and easier interoperability for integration and combination with other data.';x['patent.citations.loadAsNewSearch.intro'] = 'You can load these citations as a new search. This will enable you to analyse, filter and refine the list of citations.';x['article.references.sources'] = 'references in this scholarly work were compiled from these sources';x['labs.apps.HHMI.Authors.description'] = 'A method for identifying scholarly works in with major contributions from Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) affiliated authors. HHMI identifies major contributions to research publications as scholarly works with HHMI affiliated authors that are either: First author, or Last author, or At least two authors from HHMI on a scholarly work. Any of these conditions are considered a major contribution by HHMI.';x[''] = 'Priorities table';x['footer.license.tip'] = 'The text on this website is protected CC:BY-NC, the images and marks are protected by trademark and/or copyright.';x['itk.toolkit.widgets.description'] = 'Institutions can embed/integrate badge and content widgets, including collections, dashboards and charts, into institutional web applications...';x[''] = 'Works Cited by Patents';x['subscription.access.detail.compressed.size'] = 'Compressed Size';x['subscription.faq.custom.text'] = 'Customised API access plans are available for a range of different use cases including integration in an application, maintaining a local database, research analyses, calculating metrics, creating and displaying charts, and more. We offer API plans with requests ranging from 5,000 to 100,000 per month and varying rates to suit different use cases. Pricing is based on your use case, attribution plan and requirements for access volume and rate. Contact us to discuss your API and data needs. <a class=\"feedbackLink\" href=\"/lens/feedback?returnTo=/\" target=\"_blank\">API & Data Enquiry<\/a>';x['itk.main.description'] = 'Enabled by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, Amazon Web Services, and supported by the community, The Lens now offers a package of value-added tools and services that enrich the workflow of public-good and commercial institutions at the lowest possible price. Based on open, verifiable, and shareable data, the Toolkit allows the exploration of innovation knowledge, facilitates informed decision-making, fosters partnerships across discipline silos, and builds trust in the collective action required to solve society’s crises.';x[''] = 'Not enough publications to generate timeline';x[''] = 'Release Notes';x[''] = 'Scholarly API &amp; Data';x[''] = 'articles in Scholar Search';x['itk.roadmap.reports.tags'] = 'Tags: profiles, publishing, inventorship, authorship, teams, affiliation';x['analysis.customise.label'] = 'Customise Analysis';x['patents.related'] = 'Related Patents';x['common.viewing.first'] = 'Viewing first';x['itk.faq.term.inst.user.definition'] = 'Institutional Users are registered users that are affiliated with an institution that has an ITK subscription, via the institutional account. An institutional user can be added or removed from an institutional account and will have access to the work area items as set by institutional account administrators.';x['advancedPatentSearch.linkout.full'] = 'Looking for the old structured search?';x['cap.need.answers.text'] = 'Still looking for more answers? Please contact us and our support staff will be more than happy to discuss your needs.';x[''] = 'Collection Intersection IDs';x['chart.title.inventor'] = 'Inventors';x['mailchimp.subscribe'] = 'Subscribe';x[''] = 'Tags: work area, collections, dashboards, tags, notes, search history, alerts';x['release.notes'] = 'Release Notes';x['user.profile.feature.histograms'] = 'Histograms';x[''] = 'We welcome sharing your new open apps or publications that use Lens data. Also we share news and links that inform and guide problem solving capabilities using science and technology.';x['generalResults.collection.items.collection'] = 'Items To Collection';x[''] = 'Current Toolkit';x['common.countries'] = 'countries';x[''] = 'Lens Reports';x[''] = 'Explore which articles influence what patents and who is building products.';x[''] = 'The resolved Scholarly Works that are cited by the Patent documents in the original result set.';x['common.loading.analaysis'] = 'Generating Analysis';x[''] = 'Education Provider';x['home.form.flags'] = 'Flags';x['wizard.scholarly'] = 'Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'Lens serves over 200 million scholarly records, compiled and harmonised from Microsoft Academic, PubMed and Crossref, enhanced with OpenAlex and UnPaywall open access information and links to ORCID. The full scholarly citation graph is provided for the first time as an open public resource.';x['filters.scholar.meshTerm'] = 'MeSH Heading';x['user.profile.set.public'] = 'If this is your profile try logging in and setting it to public.';x[''] = 'Policies';x['user.workarea.record.inventor'] = 'Inventor';x['filters.scholar.openAccessLicense'] = 'Open Access License';x['scholar.common.keywords'] = 'Key Words';x['patentResults.queryOptions.stemming'] = 'Stemming';x['home.feature.patseq.facility'] = 'PatSeq Facility';x[''] = 'Enter your institutional email if you have not used it for your account';x[''] = 'Save This Query';x['user.workarea.project.quick.import.text'] = 'When a project is open, all your search history, collections, notes, reports, etc will be automatically added to that project. Assign some existing assets to your new Project.';x['results.view.custom.granted'] = 'Granted';x[''] = 'Tags: reports, publishing, work area, collaboration, teams';x['user.share.comparison.import.paste'] = 'To import a comparison, paste it here:';x['filters.loadMore.familyJurisdictions'] = 'Family Jurisdictions';x['collection.common.sort.newest'] = 'Sorted Newest';x[''] = 'Top IPCR Classification Codes';x['labs.dashboards.broad.patent.portfolio'] = 'Broad Institute patent portfolio';x['user.inventor'] = 'Inventor';x['filters.flag.has_owner'] = 'Has Owner';x[''] = 'The number of scholarly works in the result set that are cited by patents';x['scholar.field.source.title'] = 'Journal';x['user.profile.your'] = 'Your Profile';x['chart.title.top_pc'] = 'Top Patents Cited by Other Patents';x['scholar.common.meta.loading'] = 'Scholar metadata loading...';x['scholar.field.mesh_term.mesh_heading.cited'] = 'MeSH Heading';x['filters.view.analysis'] = 'View Analysis';x[''] = 'Email address or Username';x[''] = 'For more information on creating and using Lens profile, please read <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Lens profiles support post.<\/a>';x['common.percentiles'] = 'Percentiles';x['pricing.faq.workspace.subscribe'] = 'How can I subscribe?';x['patent.view.flag.has.grant.event'] = 'Indicates if the patent application/simple family has one or more Grant events in INPADOC.';x['pricing.common.start.searching'] = 'Start Searching';x[''] = 'Show';x['collection.common.history.notice'] = '<em class=\"far fa-history blank-page--notice--icon\"><\/em><br>No <b>Collection History<\/b> Yet';x['notes.your.notes'] = 'Your Notes on';x[''] = 'Top Applicants ';x['subscription.PSBD.service.request'] = 'PatSeq Bulk Download Service Request';x['common.other'] = 'Other';x['common.yes'] = 'Yes';x[''] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete these history items?';x['patent.legalEvents.feePayment.jurisdiction'] = 'Payment Jurisdiction';x[''] = 'Show in Classification Explorer';x[''] = 'Order by Title';x['subscription.request.bulk.sample.option'] = 'Download Sample Data';x['user.saved.queries'] = 'Saved Queries';x['user.guest'] = 'Guest';x['search.results.title'] = 'Patent Results';x['pricing.table.history'] = 'Record Search History';x[''] = 'Try different keywords.';x['user.profile.scholarly'] = 'Scholarly';x['common.larger'] = 'Larger';x[''] = 'Check the filters and facet values you have applied to the query.';x[''] = 'Source: Based on the number of Lens scholarly works 2015-2020 by institution country/region (N.B. only institutions with a matched GRID record have country data available). Population data provided by';x[''] = 'Vivid Blue';x[''] = 'Check search tips for correct query syntax use. e.g. Wildcards: e.g. * , ?, and regular expression';x[''] = 'Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.';x['user.linkedservices.linkedin.request'] = 'We will be requesting the following permissions for your LinkedIn account';x[''] = 'Try simplifying your query by removing some constraints.';x[''] = 'Are you searching with a regular expression? Enable regular expression support using the Query Tools filter on the left.';x['results.graphical.view.hoz.grouped.verbose'] = 'Grouped Bar Chart (Horizontal)';x['patent.legalEvents.feePayment.year'] = 'Payment Year';x[''] = 'Last Name';x[''] = 'The Lens';x['user.patseq.background.placeholder'] = 'Please provide some background information about the intended use of the data service. For bulk data requests, please inform us what dataset you are interested in and which fields you need.';x[''] = 'Enter feedback';x[''] = 'Subscriptions';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme3.sub'] = 'Clean Skin';x['chart.title.top_pc.citing'] = 'Top Patents Cited by Other Patents';x['patentView.cited.phase.sup'] = 'Originates from Supplementary Search Report, date supplementary search report completed';x['results.graphical.untitled.annotation'] = 'Untitled Annotation';x['pricing.table.permitted.use'] = 'Permitted Use Type';x['results.graphical.tophits.description'] = 'The top hits visualisation type displays a small list of patents or scholarly works with a specific sort. e.g. “Top Cited Patent” or “Most Recently Published Scholarly Work”';x['search.tip.boolean.invalid'] = 'Invalid Query';x['wizard.visulaize.explore'] = 'Visualise and explore metadata';x['error.server'] = 'Server responded with an error:';x['patentView.cited.category.t'] = 'Theory or principle underlying the invention.';x['results.graphical.chart.historical.vis.types'] = 'Historical Visualisation Types';x['query.metrics.scholarly-citations'] = 'Scholarly Citations';x['results.view.custom.title'] = 'Title Column';x['patentView.cited.category.r'] = 'Referring to a patent application or a utility model filed on the same day that relates to the same invention';x['cap.landing.connected.actors.para.2'] = 'We have to think differently about solving problems together, shared knowledge and informed partnerships are the key. But as important, we must behave differently. When problems affect us all, and these are complex problems, we must solve them as a societal priority in all locations and impacted populations. This requires trust, and shared knowledge is key to that trust.';x['cap.landing.connected.actors.para.1'] = 'The siloing of knowledge and cultures between society, government, investors, academia, business and services constrains the public sector and costs the private sector enormously. Until we bridge these sectors and coordinate their capabilities, public investment for valuable outcomes may continue to be hit and miss, slowing delivery of essential change.';x[''] = 'Year Published';x['patentView.cited.category.p'] = 'Intermediate document.';x[''] = 'refined by';x['patentView.cited.category.o'] = 'Non-written disclosure.';x[''] = 'million patent records from over 95 different jurisdictions.';x['patentView.cited.category.x'] = 'Particularly relevant if taken alone.';x['query.metrics.patent.resolved.NPL.citations'] = 'Resolved NPL Citations';x[''] = 'The query details pane displays a summary of your search, filters and results. You can remove unwanted filters here.';x['patentView.cited.category.y'] = 'Particularly relevant if combined with another document of the same category.';x['query.details.sequence.fingerprint'] = 'Sequence Fingerprint';x['side.tabs.notes'] = 'Notes';x[''] = 'contact us';x['cap.why.enabling.innovation.quote'] = '“A virus knows no borders. Climate knows no borders. Solutions to these crises require a new type of collective action to innovate beyond borders and beyond barriers” <cite>Kate Wilson<p class=\"text-small\">Executive Director for Climate Change and Sustainability for the NSW Government and Co-Founder and Chair of The Lens’ Board. <\/p><\/cite>';x['user.tags.manage'] = 'Manage Tags';x['user.signIn.lens'] = 'Sign in to the Lens';x['subscription.scholar.option.1.text'] = 'The trial API includes 5,000 API requests and up to 5 million records per month, 10 API requests/minute and up to 1,000 records per request. Explore 70+ searchable fields enhanced with filtering, paging and sorting.';x['collection.common.display.avatar'] = 'Display Collection Avatar';x['common.settings'] = 'Settings';x['collection.common.history.views'] = 'Views';x['common.action.close'] = 'Close';x['query.metrics.patent-citations'] = 'Patent Citations';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.JOURNAL_COUNTRY'] = 'Source Country';x['scholar.field.author_first.display_name.exact'] = 'Author';x['results.graphical.chart.series'] = 'Series';x['search.table.granted'] = 'Granted';x[''] = 'Your account is not yet activated.';x['results.graphical.dashboard.session.reset.description'] = 'Dashboards can be saved at any time and retrieved from your Work Area. Please also note counts may be approximate.';x['user.reports.cloned'] = 'Report Cloned';x['patentView.cited.category.d'] = 'Document cited in the application.';x['patentView.cited.category.e'] = 'Earlier patent application, but published after the filing date of the application searched (potentially conflicting patent documents).';x[''] = 'Download Notes';x['patentView.cited.category.a'] = 'Defining the state of the art and not prejudicing novelty or inventive step.';x['common.error.application.text'] = 'Sorry, but we encountered an unknown problem. Please check your browser is up to date, or contact Lens support at <a href=\"//\"><\/a>';x['patentView.cited.category.l'] = 'Document cited for other reasons.';x[''] = 'Removing search results in the background. Please wait...';x['scholar.common.other.links'] = 'Links to other sources';x['home.form.patents'] = 'Patents';x['user.comparison.your.saved'] = 'Your Saved Comparisons';x['patentView.cited.category.i'] = 'Particularly relevant if taken alone - prejudicing inventive step.';x['user.linkedservices.alert'] = 'This account is currently not linked<br/>Your authorization either expired or was revoked, please re-link.';x['anno.tour.back'] = 'Back';x['filters.flag.has_conflicting_metadata'] = 'Has Conflicting Metadata';x['labs.collaborations.welcome'] = 'Welcoming New Collaborations';x['cap.participate.sponsorships.para.3'] = 'Primed by a $300K contract from the USPTO in 2012, the Lens began extracting, identifying and linking non-patent literature from the global patent corpus. Without this support, The Lens may not have made patent citations to the non-patent literature available to all users on a free and open platform.';x['user.profile.orcid.private'] = 'This ORCID user has chosen to make their name private';x['cap.participate.sponsorships.para.2'] = 'The Lens invites funding or capabilities contributing to improve products and services from The Lens to the benefit of all. In the past, sponsors have supported specific functionality enhancements, end user training, and other specific needs.';x['cap.participate.sponsorships.para.1'] = 'Institutions and individuals interested in supporting collective action or The Lens are invited to sponsor specific product or service enhancements that will benefit your needs as well as the entire Lens user community. Sponsorship opportunities and product enhancements include, for example:';x[''] = 'Show less filters';x['scholar.common.retracted.reasons'] = 'Reasons';x['itk.institutional.workflows'] = 'Institutional Workflows';x['user.authorship.notice.text.orcid'] = 'Scholarly works you record authorship for will be automatically added to your ORCID record and displayed on your profile.';x['home.feature.scholar.description'] = 'Lens serves over 200 million scholarly records, compiled and harmonised from Microsoft Academic, PubMed and Crossref, enhanced with OpenAlex and UnPaywall open access information and links to ORCID. The full scholarly citation graph is provided for the first time as an open public resource.';x['home.cta.create.account'] = 'Create Trial Account';x['home.itk.prefix'] = 'Lens for Institutions ';x[''] = 'Submit support request';x[''] = 'Country';x['common.user'] = 'User';x[''] = 'Broad Institute scholarly works';x[''] = 'The International Industry &amp; Innovation Influence Mapping (In4M) uses citation-based metrics to map the influence of academic research on academia and enterprise. In4M explores, exposes and ranks the degree to which scholarly work output influences outcomes.';x[''] = 'Price Guide';x['subscription.patseq.description.1'] = 'The PatSeq database contains now over';x['subscription.patseq.description.2'] = 'million patent sequences from';x['labs.collab.citation.chaser'] = 'Citation Chaser';x['common.action.delete.cant'] = 'Could not delete';x['tour.workarea.step.1.text'] = 'Welcome to the Lens Work Area. Here you can manage your collections, analyses, saved queries, history, notifications and more.';x['results.graphical.wizard.applicant.histogram'] = 'Applicant Count Histogram';x['results.graphical.entire.dashboard'] = 'Entire Dashboard';x[''] = 'Public-Good';x[''] = 'Mentions';x['user.workarea.claimed.load.error'] = 'Error. Could not load Authorship';x[''] = 'Order By';x[''] = 'This collective action includes financial support for The Lens.';x['patent.results.citingArticles'] = 'Cited Works';x['user.account.commercial.intro'] = 'Introducing Commercial Use for Individuals';x['common.items.alt'] = 'Items';x['filters.flag.cites_patent'] = 'Cites Patent';x['searchBar.newSearch'] = 'New Patent Search';x['filters.patent.referenced_by'] = 'Cited Works';x['labs.apps.thinkerAI'] = 'Thinker AI';x['results.loading_document'] = 'Loading Patent';x['subscription.patseq.fasta.text'] = 'The entire collection of patent sequences is also available for download in this simple data format. To evaluate the data, please download sample data for the PatSeq Bulk Download in FASTA (1,000 sequences, FASTA format, 920KB)';x[''] = 'Data only';x['search.structured.breakdown.patents'] = 'Further breakdown of patent records';x['patent.document.section.cpc.classifications.csets'] = 'C-sets';x['subscription.checkout.confirm.details'] = 'Please confirm your details';x[''] = 'Author Display Name';x['filters.citedArticles.title'] = 'Cited Works';x['pricing.faq.workspace.intro'] = 'The Lens provides all registered users a Personal Account with a Professional Workspace, providing access to tools and features on the platform to support many use cases and use types across industry and the research and innovation sectors.';x[''] = 'Active';x['pricing.common.from'] = 'From';x['subscription.patseq.description.3'] = 'jurisdictions. See <a href=\"\">PatSeq Data app<\/a> for more granular holdings per jurisdiction. The Lens offers this service to enable you to download sequence listings extracted from full-text patents, megafiles, and public databases in two data formats: 1) Rich OR 2) FASTA format. In addition and for academic use only we offer an old dataset for patent sequences that were mapped on the human genome in 2014-2015.';x['user.profile.privacy.use.type'] = 'Request Use Type Change';x[''] = 'No Uploads Yet';x[''] = 'This basic visualisation type displays aggregations of a single facet for a single metric. e.g. “Top 100 Institutions by Document Count”.';x['collection.limit.reached'] = 'Collection Limit Reached';x['user.workarea.claimed.authorship.removed'] = 'Authorship Removed';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api.lead'] = 'Access the Aggregations API endpoint to perform aggregation operations, calculate metrics and summarize data for analysis.';x[''] = 'Cited Works';x['labs.apps.citespace.description'] = 'CiteSpace is a freely available network visualisation tool for visually exploring and analysing trends and patterns in scientific literature; and enables users to display and analyse data exported from The Lens. CiteSpace reveals how a field of research has evolved, what intellectual turning points are evident along a critical path, and what topics have attracted attention. CiteSpace can be applied repeatedly so as to track the development of a field closely and extensively.';x['results.graphical.chart.nested.vis.types'] = 'Nested Visualisation Types';x[''] = 'About Author Identifiers';x['user.workarea.collection.intersection.result'] = 'Resulting Collection';x[''] = 'Broad Institute cited works in the patent literature';x['filters.queryTools.regexEnabled'] = 'Query contains regular expression';x['patentField.claim'] = 'Claim';x['results.graphical.chart.historical.analysis.description'] = 'The over time visualisation type allows aggregations of a single (optional) facet for a single metric, split by a date field. e.g. “Top 10 Applicants per Filing Date”. An example without a facet might be “All Patents per Expiry Date”';x['user.account.use.commercial.for'] = 'For professionals using, or planning to use, The Lens platform (as an account holder) or metadata for commercial purposes. ';x['collection.common.owner.restricted'] = 'Sorry, the collection owner has restricted access to this linked query.';x['pricing.common.more.details'] = 'See More Details';x['search.structured.text.editor'] = 'Query Text Editor';x['scholar.field.funding.organisation.exact.cited'] = 'Funding organisation of the cited works';x['filters.title.scholar'] = 'Filters';x['common.or.sign.with'] = 'or sign in with';x['results.graphical.citation.ratio.display'] = 'Display Citation Ratio';x[''] = 'Order by Updated';x[''] = 'Also known as';x[''] = 'Government';x[''] = 'Download PDF';x[''] = 'View Results';x[''] = 'PatSeq Finder History';x[''] = 'Note aggregated counts (e.g. Jurisdictions or Applicants) visible in the filter sidebar and analysis visualisations represent individual patent documents, not grouped patent families. 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