{ "features": [ { "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 32.8845683, 24.0258737 ], [ 32.8846724, 24.0254755 ], [ 32.8847288, 24.0254694 ], [ 32.8847669, 24.0254652 ], [ 32.8847584, 24.0253294 ], [ 32.8847049, 24.0253324 ], [ 32.8847029, 24.0251762 ], [ 32.8848141, 24.0251801 ], [ 32.8848164, 24.0250652 ], [ 32.8848173, 24.0250227 ], [ 32.8847694, 24.0250248 ], [ 32.8844724, 24.0250359 ], [ 32.8844746, 24.0250707 ], [ 32.884075, 24.0251225 ], [ 32.8840449, 24.0247724 ], [ 32.884153, 24.0247501 ], [ 32.88408, 24.0245362 ], [ 32.8839355, 24.0242929 ], [ 32.8837625, 24.0243676 ], [ 32.8837027, 24.024397 ], [ 32.8836981, 24.0244007 ], [ 32.8836897, 24.0244117 ], [ 32.8836861, 24.0244374 ], [ 32.8836964, 24.0245011 ], [ 32.8836713, 24.0253751 ], [ 32.8836619, 24.0253861 ], [ 32.8836492, 24.0254075 ], [ 32.8836444, 24.0254399 ], [ 32.8837307, 24.0257352 ], [ 32.8837771, 24.025724 ], [ 32.8839441, 24.0262473 ], [ 32.8845683, 24.0258737 ] ] }, "type": "Feature", "id": "osm-location-of-philae-temple", "properties": { "snippet": "Temple-2", "link": "", "description": "Location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Philae Temple" } } ], "contributors": [ { "username": "bkiesling", "homepage": null, "name": "Brady Kiesling", "uri": "" }, { "username": "sgillies", "homepage": null, "name": "Sean Gillies", "uri": "" }, { "username": "adamp", "homepage": null, "name": "Adam Prins", "uri": "" }, { "username": null, "name": "Jen Thum" }, { "username": "jbecker", "homepage": null, "name": "Jeffrey Becker", "uri": "" }, { "username": "thomase", "homepage": null, "name": "Tom Elliott", "uri": "" }, { "username": null, "name": "DARMC" }, { "username": null, "name": "Herbert Verreth" }, { "username": "rrumora", "homepage": null, "name": "Roko Rumora", "uri": "" }, { "username": null, "name": "R. Talbert" }, { "username": null, "name": "Mark Depauw" } ], "locations": [ { "contributors": [], "associationCertainty": "certain", "attestations": [], "references": [ { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "Way 93872388", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "OSM", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "osm:way=93872388", "otherIdentifier": "", "type": "citesAsDataSource" } ], "id": "osm-location-of-philae-temple", "featureTypeURI": [ "" ], "end": null, "title": "OSM location of Philae Temple", "provenance": "OpenStreetMap (Way 93872388, version 21, osm:changeset=145198140, 2023-12-16T21:35:06Z)", "associationCertaintyURI": "", "start": null, "locationTypeURI": [ "" ], "archaeologicalRemains": "substantive", "details": "", "review_state": "published", "accuracy_value": 20.0, "accuracy": "", "featureType": [ "temple-2" ], "description": "Location based on OpenStreetMap", "created": "2020-08-20T01:54:01Z", "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 32.8845683, 24.0258737 ], [ 32.8846724, 24.0254755 ], [ 32.8847288, 24.0254694 ], [ 32.8847669, 24.0254652 ], [ 32.8847584, 24.0253294 ], [ 32.8847049, 24.0253324 ], [ 32.8847029, 24.0251762 ], [ 32.8848141, 24.0251801 ], [ 32.8848164, 24.0250652 ], [ 32.8848173, 24.0250227 ], [ 32.8847694, 24.0250248 ], [ 32.8844724, 24.0250359 ], [ 32.8844746, 24.0250707 ], [ 32.884075, 24.0251225 ], [ 32.8840449, 24.0247724 ], [ 32.884153, 24.0247501 ], [ 32.88408, 24.0245362 ], [ 32.8839355, 24.0242929 ], [ 32.8837625, 24.0243676 ], [ 32.8837027, 24.024397 ], [ 32.8836981, 24.0244007 ], [ 32.8836897, 24.0244117 ], [ 32.8836861, 24.0244374 ], [ 32.8836964, 24.0245011 ], [ 32.8836713, 24.0253751 ], [ 32.8836619, 24.0253861 ], [ 32.8836492, 24.0254075 ], [ 32.8836444, 24.0254399 ], [ 32.8837307, 24.0257352 ], [ 32.8837771, 24.025724 ], [ 32.8839441, 24.0262473 ], [ 32.8845683, 24.0258737 ] ] }, "locationType": [ "relocated_modern" ], "uri": "", "creators": [ { "username": "jbecker", "homepage": null, "name": "Jeffrey Becker", "uri": "" } ], "@type": "Location", "history": [ { "action": "Publish externally", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2023-12-16T21:46:47Z" }, { "action": "Submit for review", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2023-12-16T21:46:42Z" }, { "comment": "Reimported full way geometry and updated provenance", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2023-12-16T21:45:17Z" }, { "comment": "added OSM Location", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2020-08-20T01:54:20Z" }, { "comment": "Location from OSM created by Products.PleiadesEntity.browser.osm.OSMLocationFactory", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2020-08-20T01:54:01Z" }, { "action": "Create", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2020-08-20T01:54:01Z" } ] } ], "connections": [ { "end": -30, "description": "", "contributors": [], "created": "2024-04-29T20:14:08Z", "associationCertainty": "certain", "title": "Ptolemaic Kingdom", "start": -330, "provenance": "Pleiades", "uri": "", "connectionType": "part_of_admin", "id": "ptolemaic-kingdom", "attestations": [ { "timePeriod": "hellenistic-republican", "timePeriodURI": "", "confidence": "confident", "confidenceURI": "" } ], "history": [ { "action": "Publish externally", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2024-04-30T01:42:39Z" }, { "action": "Submit for review", "modifiedBy": "cdlisle", "modified": "2024-04-29T20:14:14Z" }, { "comment": "Initial revision", "modifiedBy": "cdlisle", "modified": "2024-04-29T20:14:09Z" }, { "action": "Create", "modifiedBy": "cdlisle", "modified": "2024-04-29T20:14:08Z" } ], "connectsTo": "", "details": "", "references": [ { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "Philae (K. Jansen-Winkeln) ", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "New Pauly", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "<div class=\"csl-entry\">Hubert Cancik, Helmuth Schneider, Manfred Landfester, Christine F. Salazar, and Francis G. Gentry, eds. <i>Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World.</i> Brill, 2015.</div>", "otherIdentifier": "", "type": "seeFurther" } ], "review_state": "published", "creators": [ { "username": "cdlisle", "homepage": null, "name": "Chris de Lisle", "uri": "" } ], "@type": "Connection", "connectionTypeURI": "" } ], "references": [ { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "80 inset Philae", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "BAtlas", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "<div class=\"csl-entry\">Talbert, Richard J. A., ed. <i>Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World</i>. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2000.</div>", "otherIdentifier": " ", "type": "seeFurther" }, { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "327-28", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "Kees 1961", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "<div class=\"csl-entry\">Kees, Hermann. <i>Ancient Egypt: A Cultural Topography</i>. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961.</div>", "otherIdentifier": "", "type": "seeFurther" }, { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "5 79", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "C-D", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "<div class=\"csl-entry\">Calderini, Aristide, and Sergio Daris. <i>Dizionario Dei Nomi Geografici e Topografici Dell’Egitto Greco-Romano</i>. 5 vols. + periodic supplements vols. Cairo, Madrid, Milan, Bonn, Pisa, etc., 1935.</div>", "otherIdentifier": "", "type": "seeFurther" }, { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "GEO ID 1767: Philai", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "TM", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "<div class=\"csl-entry\">Depauw, Mark, Tom Gheldof, Herbert Verreth, Nico Dogaer, Willy Clarysse, Yanne Broux, Gert Baetens, and Heinz-Josef Thissen. <i>Trismegistos: An Interdisciplinary Portal of the Ancient World</i>. Leuven, 2006.</div>", "otherIdentifier": " ", "type": "citesAsRelated" }, { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "Philae", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "Wikipedia (English)", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit (2001-), Philae.", "otherIdentifier": " ", "type": "seeFurther" }, { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "88: Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "WHL", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "<div class=\"csl-entry\">UNESCO World Heritage Centre. <i>World Heritage List</i>, 1978.</div>", "otherIdentifier": " ", "type": "seeFurther" }, { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "Philae (Egypt)", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "ToposText", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "Kiesling, Brady. ToposText – a Reference Tool for Greek Civilization. Version 2.0. Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, 2016-.", "otherIdentifier": "", "type": "seeFurther" }, { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "26137", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "DARMC", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "<div class=\"csl-entry\">Michael McCormick, Giovanni Zambotti, Leland Grigoli, and Kelly Gibson, eds. <i>The Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations</i>. Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard University, 2007.</div>", "otherIdentifier": "", "type": "citesAsRelated" }, { "alternateURI": "", "accessURI": "", "citationDetail": "7001268: Philae (deserted settlement)", "citationTypeURI": "", "shortTitle": "TGN", "bibliographicURI": "", "formattedCitation": "<div class=\"csl-entry\"><i>Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names® Online</i>, n.d.</div>", "otherIdentifier": "", "type": "citesAsRelated" } ], "names": [ { "nameType": "geographic", "transcriptionAccuracy": "accurate", "associationCertainty": "certain", "romanized": "Philae", "attestations": [ { "timePeriod": "classical", "timePeriodURI": "", "confidence": "confident", "confidenceURI": "" }, { "timePeriod": "hellenistic-republican", "timePeriodURI": "", "confidence": "confident", "confidenceURI": "" }, { "timePeriod": "roman", "timePeriodURI": "", "confidence": "confident", "confidenceURI": "" }, { "timePeriod": "late-antique", "timePeriodURI": "", "confidence": "confident", "confidenceURI": "" } ], "references": [], "id": "philae", "end": 640, "contributors": [ { "username": null, "name": "R. Talbert" }, { "username": null, "name": "T. Elliott" }, { "username": "sgillies", "homepage": null, "name": "Sean Gillies", "uri": "" } ], "provenance": "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 80 inset Philae", "associationCertaintyURI": "", "start": -550, "details": "", "review_state": "published", "description": "", "transcriptionCompleteness": "complete", "language": "", "created": "2009-10-12T10:34:08Z", "uri": "", "creators": [ { "username": null, "name": "J. Keenan" }, { "username": null, "name": "S.E. Sidebotham" }, { "username": null, "name": "T. Wilfong" } ], "attested": "", "@type": "Name", "history": [ { "comment": "Global migration and reindexing of citations and provenance, February 2012", "modifiedBy": "admin", "modified": "2012-02-15T08:26:11Z" }, { "action": "Publish externally", "modifiedBy": "thomase", "modified": "2009-10-13T15:23:40Z" }, { "action": "Submit for review", "modifiedBy": "sgillies", "modified": "2009-10-12T11:03:13Z" }, { "action": "Create", "modifiedBy": "sgillies", "modified": "2009-10-12T10:34:08Z" } ] } ], "id": "786089", "subject": [ "dare:ancient=1", "dare:major=0", "dare:feature=temple", "UWHS" ], "title": "Philae", "provenance": "Barrington Atlas: BAtlas 80 inset Philae", "placeTypeURIs": [ "", "", "" ], "details": "<p>The Barrington Atlas Directory notes: Bilaq</p>", "@context": { "snippet": "dcterms:abstract", "rights": "dcterms:rights", "description": "dcterms:description", "title": "dcterms:title", "dcterms": "", "subject": "dcterms:subject", "uri": "@id", "created": "dcterms:created" }, "review_state": "published", "type": "FeatureCollection", "description": "An ancient island located just above the First cataract of the Nile River that was flooded by the construction of the Aswan High Dam. The island was home to a multi-period temple complex, which was moved to the nearby island of Agilkia and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the 1970s.", "reprPoint": [ 32.88414092882277, 24.0252586030107 ], "placeTypes": [ "island", "sanctuary", "temple-2" ], "bbox": [ 32.8836444, 24.0242929, 32.8848173, 24.0262473 ], "connectsWith": [ "", "" ], "rights": "Copyright © The Creators. Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by).", "created": "2018-06-07T23:52:47Z", "uri": "", "creators": [ { "username": null, "name": "T. Wilfong" }, { "username": null, "name": "S.E. Sidebotham" }, { "username": null, "name": "J. Keenan" } ], "@type": "Place", "history": [ { "comment": "add TGN reference", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2023-12-16T22:36:20Z" }, { "comment": "edit summary", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2023-12-16T21:45:53Z" }, { "comment": "DARMC 26137 ", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2020-08-20T01:52:58Z" }, { "comment": "reference cleanup", "modifiedBy": "jbecker", "modified": "2020-08-20T01:52:02Z" }, { "comment": "add ToposText reference provided by bkiesling", "modifiedBy": "admin", "modified": "2018-06-07T23:52:50Z" }, { "comment": "Baseline created", "modifiedBy": "admin", "modified": "2018-06-07T23:52:45Z" }, { "comment": "tagged as UNESCO heritage site; references, description", "modifiedBy": "thomase", "modified": "2012-11-16T13:04:00Z" }, { "comment": "Baseline created", "modifiedBy": "thomase", "modified": "2012-11-16T12:45:24Z" }, { "comment": "Location updates and tags from Johan Ahlfeldt's (jahlfeldt) Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire in October 2012", "modifiedBy": "sgillies", "modified": "2012-10-20T21:28:18Z" }, { "comment": "Trismegistos references from Adam Prins et al (adamp, Mark Depauw, Herbert Verreth, Jen Thum) and reviewd by Tom Elliott (thomase) in May 2012", "modifiedBy": "sgillies", "modified": "2012-05-03T17:31:25Z" }, { "comment": "Global migration and reindexing of citations and provenance, February 2012", "modifiedBy": "admin", "modified": "2012-02-15T08:26:11Z" }, { "comment": "Fixing modern/alt locations fumbled in intial import", "modifiedBy": "sgillies", "modified": "2011-12-20T22:59:57Z" }, { "comment": "New locations, coordinates, and metadata from Harvard's DARMC project. See", "modifiedBy": "sgillies", "modified": "2011-08-02T21:02:57Z" }, { "action": "Publish externally", "modifiedBy": "thomase", "modified": "2009-10-13T15:23:40Z" }, { "action": "Submit for review", "modifiedBy": "sgillies", "modified": "2009-10-12T11:03:13Z" }, { "action": "Create", "modifiedBy": "sgillies", "modified": "2009-10-12T10:34:07Z" } ] }