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This is called your computer's &quot;IP address.&quot; (IP stands for &quot;Internet protocol.&quot;) For most users accessing the Internet from a dial-up Internet service provider (ISP), the IP address will be different every time you log on.</p> <a name="t1"></a><p><span style="font-weight:bold">Information Collection and Use Practices</span></p> <p> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>Yahoo! receives IP addresses from all users because this information is automatically reported by your browser each time you view a web page.</li> <li>Your IP address is also stored in our user registration databases when you register with Yahoo!. </li> <li>IP addresses may be used for various purposes, including to: </li> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>Diagnose service or technology problems reported by our users or engineers that are associated with the IP addresses controlled by a specific web company or ISP. </li> <li>Send the most appropriate advertising based on geographic area or information derived from your IP address. Many IP addresses are commonly associated with Internet service providers, universities, or major corporations in specific regions or localities. </li>Aggregate information derived from IP addresses may also be reported to advertisers. <li>Estimate the total number of users visiting Yahoo! from specific countries or regions of the world. </li> <li>Assist merchants in Yahoo! Stores and Yahoo! Shopping to track visits to and business at their stores. </li> <li>Help determine which users have access privileges to certain content that we host. </li> </ul> </ul> </p> <p><span style="font-weight:bold">Other</span></p> <p> <ul class="bb-list"> <li>When a Yahoo! web page is requested and viewed, that request is logged on our servers with information including the IP address of the computer that requested the page. </li> <li><a href="" class="bb-url">Yahoo! Mail</a> includes IP addresses in outgoing mail message headers, as specified by standard Internet protocol. </li> <li><a href="" class="bb-url">Yahoo! Messenger</a> sometimes uses a peer-to-peer connection during its operation, including times when you may be using it for instant messaging (text conversations), file sharing and webcam streaming. Peer-to-peer means that your computer connects directly to the other user's computer in the conversation without needing to go through Yahoo! servers. As such, your IP address is available to users you share a peer-to-peer connection with. </li> </ul> </p> <!-- End Answer --> </div><!-- class="yinfcctn" --> </div><!-- class="yinfcbxi" --> <span class="cb"><span class="cl"></span></span> </div><!-- class="yinfcbx" --> </div><!-- id="rb" --> </div><!-- id="yhlp-wrap" --> <div id="yhlp-foot"> <div style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px; text-align:center; "> Copyright 漏 <!-- -->2011<!-- --> Yahoo! Inc. 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