SMR | Small Modular And Advanced Reactor Database -
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If you have any suggestions, corrections or issues to report, email: </div> </template> </accordion> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <accordion> <template v-slot:show="slotProps"> <div class="show-button icon" :class="{ hide : slotProps.isOpen }"> <svg class="close-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <svg class="open-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M12 8V16M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> What is the purpose of the Small Modular Reactor and Advanced Reactor Database? </div> </template> <template #body> <div class="faq-item-body"> The database serves as a comprehensive resource for information on all types of advanced nuclear power reactors being developed for potential commercial deployment. It brings together data from key sources, providing a one-stop reference for industry professionals, researchers and the general public. </div> </template> </accordion> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <accordion> <template v-slot:show="slotProps"> <div class="show-button icon" :class="{ hide : slotProps.isOpen }"> <svg class="close-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <svg class="open-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M12 8V16M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> Where does the data in the database come from? </div> </template> <template #body> <div class="faq-item-body"> Data is taken from three primary sources: the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Advanced Reactor Information System (ARIS) database, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s SMR Dashboard and NucNet’s own research and reporting database. We supplement this information with publicly available and traceable data. </div> </template> </accordion> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <accordion> <template v-slot:show="slotProps"> <div class="show-button icon" :class="{ hide : slotProps.isOpen }"> <svg class="close-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <svg class="open-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M12 8V16M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> Is the database complete? </div> </template> <template #body> <div class="faq-item-body"> Different reactor designs are at different stages of development and deployment and not all data is consistent or fully available. The database will be regularly updated to reflect any changes in technology, development and deployment. </div> </template> </accordion> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <accordion> <template v-slot:show="slotProps"> <div class="show-button icon" :class="{ hide : slotProps.isOpen }"> <svg class="close-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <svg class="open-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M12 8V16M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> How can I stay informed about updates to the database? </div> </template> <template #body> <div class="faq-item-body"> You can subscribe to NucNet’s newsletters or follow us on social media, where we regularly post announcements and news related to the database and the nuclear industry. </div> </template> </accordion> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <accordion> <template v-slot:show="slotProps"> <div class="show-button icon" :class="{ hide : slotProps.isOpen }"> <svg class="close-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <svg class="open-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M12 8V16M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> Who is the database for? </div> </template> <template #body> <div class="faq-item-body"> The database is for all NucNet subscribers. It is a valuable resource for nuclear industry professionals, policymakers, researchers, educators and anyone interested in the development and deployment of advanced nuclear reactors and their potential role in future energy landscapes. </div> </template> </accordion> </div> <div class="faq-item"> <accordion> <template v-slot:show="slotProps"> <div class="show-button icon" :class="{ hide : slotProps.isOpen }"> <svg class="close-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <svg class="open-icon icon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M12 8V16M8 12H16M22 12C22 17.5228 17.5228 22 12 22C6.47715 22 2 17.5228 2 12C2 6.47715 6.47715 2 12 2C17.5228 2 22 6.47715 22 12Z" stroke="#98A2B3" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> What types of reactors are included in the database? </div> </template> <template #body> <div class="faq-item-body"> The database includes small modular reactors (SMRs) and advanced reactors. SMRs can also be “advanced”, but some SMR designs (though not all) are scaled-down versions of existing light-water reactor technology, which is why the database distinguishes between SMR units and advanced units. The technologies in the database encompass a range of reactor types including (but not limited to) next generation water-cooled reactors (e.g., small modular light-water reactors and supercritical water-cooled reactors), non-water-cooled reactors (e.g., lead or sodium fast reactors, molten salt reactors, and high temperature gas reactors), and fusion reactors. Some advanced reactor concepts are relatively new, while others have been under consideration for decades and used in research, test, and prototype reactors around the world. Reactors using any of these technologies that have electric generating capacity of 300 MW or below are classified by the International Atomic Energy Agency as SMRs. </div> </template> </accordion> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="footer print-none"> <div class="container text-center sm:text-left"> <div class="sm:flex items-center mb-3"> <div class="md:w-1/3 mb-8 sm:mb-0"> <a href="/"> <img width="130" height="36" alt="Logo" src="/packs/media/images/logo-one-color-8a91de0c58c133ca17a6201f0b36aa95.svg" /> </a> </div> <div class="hidden md:block text-white text-base font-bold tracking-wide uppercase">Content</div> <div class="flex flex-wrap items-center justify-center sm:ml-auto"> <svg xmlns="" width="176" height="32" viewBox="0 0 176 32" fill="none"> <a href="" class="footer-social-link"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M96 16C96 7.164 103.164 0 112 0C120.836 0 128 7.164 128 16C128 24.836 120.836 32 112 32C103.164 32 96 24.836 96 16ZM119.146 8L113.317 14.7747L119.657 24H114.995L110.725 17.788L105.381 24H104L110.113 16.8953L104 8H108.661L112.704 13.8827L117.765 8H119.146ZM110.806 16.088L111.426 16.974L115.645 23.0073H117.766L112.597 15.614L111.977 14.728L108.001 9.04H105.88L110.806 16.088Z" fill="white"/> </a> <a href="" class="footer-social-link"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M48 16C48 7.164 55.164 0 64 0C72.836 0 80 7.164 80 16C80 24.836 72.836 32 64 32C55.164 32 48 24.836 48 16ZM61.3333 21.3333V13.3333H58.6667V21.3333H61.3333ZM60 12.1453C59.1907 12.1453 58.5333 11.484 58.5333 10.6667C58.5333 9.85067 59.1893 9.188 60 9.188C60.8107 9.188 61.4667 9.85067 61.4667 10.6667C61.4667 11.484 60.8093 12.1453 60 12.1453ZM68.0027 21.3333H70.6667V16.8547C70.6667 12.476 66.496 12.636 65.3333 14.7907V13.3333H62.6667V21.3333H65.3333V17.5187C65.3333 15.2227 68.0027 15.0107 68.0027 17.5187V21.3333Z" fill="white"/> </a> <a href="" class="footer-social-link"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0 16C0 7.164 7.164 0 16 0C24.836 0 32 7.164 32 16C32 24.836 24.836 32 16 32C7.164 32 0 24.836 0 16ZM18.2 10.6667H20V6.66667H17.372C14.5747 6.66667 13.3333 7.89733 13.3333 10.256V13.3333H10.6667V16H13.3333V25.3333H17.3333V16H19.7213L20 13.3333H17.3333V11.704C17.3333 10.9613 17.4827 10.6667 18.2 10.6667Z" fill="white"/> </a> <a href="/feed.rss" class="footer-social-link"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M144 16C144 7.164 151.164 0 160 0C168.836 0 176 7.164 176 16C176 24.836 168.836 32 160 32C151.164 32 144 24.836 144 16ZM153.333 20.5013C153.333 21.6973 154.305 22.6667 155.501 22.6667C156.697 22.6667 157.669 21.6973 157.669 20.5013C157.669 19.3053 156.697 18.336 155.501 18.336C154.305 18.336 153.333 19.3053 153.333 20.5013ZM160.681 22.6667C160.641 18.6373 157.368 15.368 153.333 15.328V12.12C159.148 12.16 163.852 16.86 163.893 22.6667H160.681ZM153.333 9.87467C160.385 9.90533 166.101 15.604 166.123 22.6667H169.333C169.313 13.8453 162.164 6.69733 153.333 6.66667V9.87467Z" fill="white"/> </a> </svg> <div class="w-full sm:w-auto mt-6 sm:mt-0 sm:ml-4"> <a class="btn btn-tertiary btn-sm" href="/registration"> <img width="20" height="17" alt="Letter" src="/packs/media/images/icons/newsletter-364ab5ce54b735542ebdba6d7bfef7d8.svg" /> <span>Newsletters</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sm:flex mb-6 sm:mb-4"> <ul class="sm:w-1/2 md:w-1/3 mb-8 sm:mb-0 list-reset"> <li><a class="footer-link" href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a class="footer-link" href="/about">About</a></li> <li><a class="footer-link" href="/contact-us">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="/data-protection" class="footer-link">Data Protection</a></li> <li><a href="/legal-notes" class="footer-link">Legal notes</a></li> </ul> <ul class="list-reset"> <li class="md:hidden mt-1 mb-5 text-white text-base font-bold leading-loose tracking-wide uppercase">Content</li> <li><a href="/news" class="footer-link">All News</a></li> <li><a href="/infographics" class="footer-link">Infographics</a></li> <li><a href="/news/category/focus" class="footer-link">Focus</a></li> <li><a href="/news/category/analysis" class="footer-link">Analysis</a></li> <li><a href="/world-nuclear-map" class="footer-link">World Nuclear Map</a></li> <li><a href="/style-guide" class="footer-link">Style Guide</a></li> <li><a href="/use-nucnet-content" class="footer-link">Use NucNet Content</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="sm:flex"> <div class="mb-16 sm:mb-0 text-white text-xs leading-loose tracking-tight uppercase"> <span class="opacity-70"> NucNet a.s.b.l.<br> Central Office<br> 2nd floor C<br> Avenue des Arts/Kunstlaan 56<br> 1000 Brussels<br> Belgium </span> </div> <div class="self-end ml-auto opacity-70 text-white text-base leading-normal"> © 2025 NucNet. 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