Sputnik Mission: Cost-effective, Managed Wi-Fi Hotspots

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</div><!-- begin whats-new-block.php --> <div class="sidebarHead">WHAT'S NEW&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" type="application/rss+xml"><img align="absbottom" border="0" width="13" height="13" src="/web/20081218110909im_/"></a></div> <div class="sidebarBody"> <p> November 27th, 2008<br><a href="" title="Permanent Link to Sputnik offices closed for Thanksgiving">Sputnik offices closed for Thanksgiving</a> </p> <p> October 29th, 2008<br><a href="" title="Permanent Link to Ubiquiti PowerStations and NanoStations now in stock">Ubiquiti PowerStations and NanoStations now in stock</a> </p> <p> October 15th, 2008<br><a href="" title="Permanent Link to Wi-Fi Planet profiles Sputnik">Wi-Fi Planet profiles Sputnik</a> </p> <p> September 24th, 2008<br><a href="" title="Permanent Link to New! Sputnik-Powered Ubiquiti NanoStations, bandwidth caps, new firmware, and more">New! Sputnik-Powered Ubiquiti NanoStations, bandwidth caps, new firmware, and more</a> </p> <p> August 27th, 2008<br><a href="" title="Permanent Link to Wi-Fi Planet reviews Sputnik 720">Wi-Fi Planet reviews Sputnik 720</a> </p> <p>Read more...<br> <a href="/web/20081218110909/"><img width="118" height="16" border="0" src="/web/20081218110909im_/" border="0"></a></p> </div> <!-- begin default-breadcrumb.html --> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <!-- begin startcontentarea.html --> <td> <div style="margin: 7px 0 15px 13px"> </div> <div class="mainContent"> <h1>Sputnik Mission</h1> <p>Sputnik enables you to run public-access wireless networks of any size. You get the flexibility to provide free, paid, or advertising-supported Wi-Fi services under your own brand.</p> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20081218110909/">SputnikNet</a> is web-based software for running Wi-Fi hotspots over the internet.</li> <li><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Sputnik-Powered Wi-Fi devices</a>, running <a href="/web/20081218110909/">Sputnik Agent firmware</a>, can be managed centrally from your browser.</li> </ul> <p>Our goal is to provide the easiest, most cost-effective, and most flexible technology for public-facing Wi-Fi network businesses.</p> <h2>Why call it Sputnik?</h2> <p>On October 4, 1957, the country formerly known as the U.S.S.R. launched the world&#146;s first man-made satellite&#151;Sputnik&nbsp;1&#151;from the Baikonur Kosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Stunned by the sudden dawn of the Space Age, the world listened spellbound as Sputnik I broadcast an eerie signal that was easily monitored by amateur radio receivers. (2007 marked Sputnik 1&rsquo;s <a href="/web/20081218110909/">50th Birthday</a>!)</p> <p>The beep heard 'round the world:&nbsp;&nbsp;<embed src="/web/20081218110909oe_/" autostart="false" loop="false" height="18"></p> <p>At Sputnik we believe that the rapid spread of unlicensed wireless networking will mark a no less significant milestone in the history of human communication. We envision a world in which broadband wireless connectivity enables people to take for granted rich connections to email, the web, instant messaging and all other Internet services.</p> <p>Learn more about Sputnik:</p> <ul> <li><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Product information</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Leadership team</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Investor information</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20081218110909/">News stories written about Sputnik</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Contact us</a></li> </ul> <!-- begin finishcontentarea.html --> </div> </td> <!-- begin rightsidebar.html --> <!-- <td> </td> --> </tr> <!-- close row for left sidebar, breadcrumbs, main content, right sidebar --> </table> </div> <!-- class = mainBody --> <!-- begin footer block --> <link rel="alternate" title="Sputnik News &amp; Information" href="" type="application/rss+xml"/> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="sidebar">&nbsp; </td><td>&nbsp;</td> <td colspan="9"><img src="/web/20081218110909im_/" width="520" height="21" border="0" vspace="6"></td> </tr> <tr id="footer-bar"> <td class="footerBar" style="padding: 0 0 0 0"> <img src="/web/20081218110909im_/" width="150" height="1" alt="" border="0"> </td> <td nowrap class="footerBar"><img src="/web/20081218110909im_/" alt="" border="0" width="5" height="1"></td> <td nowrap class="footerBar" style="padding-left: 0px"><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Contact</a></td> <td class="navbar-bar">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</td> <td nowrap class="footerBar"><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Blog</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""><img border="0" width="11" height="11" src="/web/20081218110909im_/"></a></td> <td class="navbar-bar">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</td> <td nowrap class="footerBar"><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Site Map</a></td> <td class="navbar-bar">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</td> <td nowrap class="footerBar"><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Privacy</a></td> <td class="navbar-bar">&nbsp;|&nbsp;</td> <td nowrap class="footerBar"><a href="/web/20081218110909/">Legal</a></td> <td class="footerBar" width="100%">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="bottom"> <p class="mousetype">&copy; 2002 -- 2008 Sputnik, Inc. 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