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The only question is whether it'll be Refugio or Santa Gertrudis going to Austin. ">Eyes on the prize: Refugio, Santa Gertrudis square off with state softball trip at stake</a> <span class="date">Published 5/23/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Her team's playoff ouster will not end Tuloso-Midway senior Destiny Rodriguez's softball career. ">T-M's Rodriguez to play softball at Schreiner</a> <span class="date">Published 5/23/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="The Saltwater-fisheries Enhancement Association’s annual fundraising banquet is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thursday at the American Bank Center. ">SEA fundraising banquet set for Thursday</a> <span class="date">Published 5/22/2013 at 6:36 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Sen. Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood, has authored shark finning ban legislation of his own">Enviromental groups up in arms over South Texas senator's flip-flop on shark finning</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/22/2013 at 8:54 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">4 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Following the Spurs' 93-89 overtime victory over the Memphis Grizzlies in game two of the Western Conference Finals, I found myself sitting in the interview room staring at a boxscore. I noticed that Duncan had led the Spurs in points on the evening with 17, six of which came in overtime. I wondered aloud to the scribes around me whether or not the Spurs would send Duncan to the podium for the first time in forever. Midway through Marc Gasol's post-game session, I had concluded that the Spurs would simply send Parker up to the mic again, given his career high 18 assists and crucial playmaking throughout the night.">Duncan steps out of the shadows in time to save the Spurs</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/22/2013 at 11:40 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportslocal --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportslocal" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: 2013 Babes on the Bay" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: 2013 Babes on the Bay"/></a> <span class="date">May 22nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: 2013 Babes on the Bay">2013 Babes on the Bay </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: S.A. 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The only question is whether it'll be Refugio or Santa Gertrudis going to Austin. ">Eyes on the prize: Refugio, Santa Gertrudis square off with state softball trip at stake</a> <span class="date">Published 5/23/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Her team's playoff ouster will not end Tuloso-Midway senior Destiny Rodriguez's softball career. ">T-M's Rodriguez to play softball at Schreiner</a> <span class="date">Published 5/23/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Where, when area teams will play ">Coastal Bend high school baseball, softball playoff schedule</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/21/2013 at 8:39 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Two area football players will be taking their talents to Seguin this fall. 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">Hometown Heroes: Flour Bluff product Vega finds confidence, excels for Texas Lutheran tennis</a> <span class="date">Published 5/21/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportshigh-school --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportshigh-school" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: S.A. O'Connor 18-16, King 0-2" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: S.A. O'Connor 18-16, King 0-2"/></a> <span class="date">May 19th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: S.A. O'Connor 18-16, King 0-2">S.A. 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src="" width="81" alt="Video: Flour Bluff 14, Gregory-Portland 13"/></a> <span class="date">Nov 19th 2011</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Flour Bluff 14, Gregory-Portland 13">Flour Bluff 14, Gregory-Portland 13 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Refugio 56, Three Rivers 25" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Refugio 56, Three Rivers 25"/></a> <span class="date">Nov 17th 2011</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Refugio 56, Three Rivers 25">Refugio 56, Three Rivers 25 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Sweeny 35, Sinton 7" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Sweeny 35, Sinton 7"/></a> <span class="date">Nov 13th 2011</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Sweeny 35, Sinton 7">Sweeny 35, Sinton 7 </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> </div> <!-- end .section_bucket_media_primary --> </div> <!-- end 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Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood, has authored shark finning ban legislation of his own">Enviromental groups up in arms over South Texas senator's flip-flop on shark finning</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/22/2013 at 8:54 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">4 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="The Saltwater-fisheries Enhancement Association’s annual fundraising banquet is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thursday at the American Bank Center. ">SEA fundraising banquet set for Thursday</a> <span class="date">Published 5/22/2013 at 6:36 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="After encountering opposition on the floor of the Texas Senate Monday, Democratic Sen. Juan 'Chuy' Hinojosa of McAllen withdrew his proposal. It had already cleared the House.">Ban on shark "finning" stifled in Texas Senate</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/22/2013 at 12:42 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">1 comment</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="SEA BANQUET ">Coastal Bend Outdoors Calendar: 05.19.13</a> <span class="date">Published 5/19/2013 at 3:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Group is investigating rookery island disturbance that occurred sometime between April 22-25">Rockport Rookery Reward Fund</a> <span class="date">Published 5/18/2013 at 2:41 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportsrecreation --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportsrecreation" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: 2013 Babes on the Bay" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: 2013 Babes on the Bay"/></a> <span class="date">May 22nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: 2013 Babes on the Bay">2013 Babes on the Bay </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Kemp's ridley turtle to transmit vital information" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Kemp's ridley turtle to transmit vital information"/></a> <span class="date">May 17th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Kemp's ridley turtle to transmit vital information">Kemp's ridley turtle to transmit&hellip; </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Springtime snapper and sharks" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Springtime snapper and sharks"/></a> <span class="date">May 12th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Springtime snapper and sharks">Springtime snapper and sharks </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Deep sea fishing" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Deep sea fishing"/></a> <span class="date">May 12th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Deep sea fishing">Deep sea fishing </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Springtime snapper and sharks" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Springtime snapper and sharks"/></a> <span class="date">May 9th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Springtime snapper and sharks">Springtime snapper and sharks </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Springtime at the north jetty" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Springtime at the north jetty"/></a> <span class="date">May 2nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Springtime at the north jetty">Springtime at the north jetty </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> <h4><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="More Videos"><span class="more">more &raquo;</span>Videos</a></h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: To TowBoat or not to TowBoat?" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: To TowBoat or not to TowBoat?"/></a> <span class="date">May 17th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: To TowBoat or not to TowBoat?">To TowBoat or not to TowBoat? </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Kemp's ridley turtle to transmit vital information" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Kemp's ridley turtle to transmit vital information"/></a> <span class="date">May 16th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Kemp's ridley turtle to transmit vital information">Kemp's ridley turtle to transmit&hellip; </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Springtime snapper and sharks" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Springtime snapper and sharks"/></a> <span class="date">May 11th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Springtime snapper and sharks">Springtime snapper and sharks </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Fishing the North Jetty" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Fishing the North Jetty"/></a> <span class="date">May 2nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Fishing the North Jetty">Fishing the North Jetty </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Diver in the water" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Diver in the water"/></a> <span class="date">May 1st 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Diver in the water">Diver in the water </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Wade fishing adventure" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Wade fishing adventure"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 26th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Wade fishing adventure">Wade fishing adventure </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> </div> <!-- end .section_bucket_media_primary --> </div> <!-- end #section_bucket_media_sportsrecreation --> </div><!-- end #"section_bucket_sportsrecreation --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:media | videos:210:7 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:photogalleries | galleries:210:6 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:events | events:210:3 --> <div id="section_bucket_sportscollege" class="bucket section tab_wrapper"> <div class="titlebar"> <h3><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Corpus Christi College Sports">College Sports</a></h3> <ul class="deeplinks"> <li><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="More Corpus Christi College Sports">More</a></li> </ul><!-- end .deeplinks --> </div><!-- end .titlebar_primary --> <ul class="tab_header combined_sections_bucket_tabs clear"> <li class="ui-tabs-selected"><a href="#section_bucket_stories_sportscollege" title="Corpus Christi College Sports Stories">Stories</a></li> <li><a href="#section_bucket_media_sportscollege" title="Corpus Christi College Sports Media">Media</a></li> </ul><!-- end .tab_header --> <div id="section_bucket_stories_sportscollege" class="bucket_primary clear"> <ul class="story_list"> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="The first Texas A&amp;M-Corpus Christi individual men's tennis player to participate in the NCAA tournament had an abbreviate stay. ">Islanders' Nagy falls at NCAA men's tennis tournament</a> <span class="date">Published 5/23/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="KINGSVILLE — Fourteen members of the Texas A&amp;M-Kingsville men’s and women’s track and field teams earned all-region honors from the United States Track &amp; Field Cross Country Coaches Association on Wednesday. ">South Texas report: Javelinas place 14 on all-region track team</a> <span class="date">Published 5/23/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Texas A&amp;M-Corpus Christi's first game at the Southland Conference baseball tournament wound up being a topsy-turvy affair. ">Islanders baseball team rallies to win Southland tournament opener</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/22/2013 at 10:04 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Texas A&amp;M-Corpus Christi's baseball team heads to the Southland Conference tournament with arguably the best pitching depth in program history. ">Islanders take solid pitching depth into Southland baseball tournament</a> <span class="date">Published 5/22/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Texas A&amp;M-Corpus Christi tennis player Peter Nagy has had to prepare in a hurry for his first-round match at the NCAA men's tournament. ">In a pinch, Islanders' Nagy prepares for NCAA tennis tournament</a> <span class="date">Published 5/22/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportscollege --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportscollege" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Louisville 82, Michigan 76" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Louisville 82, Michigan 76"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 9th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Louisville 82, Michigan 76">Louisville 82, Michigan 76 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Hooks 7, Islanders 3" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Hooks 7, Islanders 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class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Islanders 12, UT-Pan American 7"/></a> <span class="date">Feb 17th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Islanders 12, UT-Pan American 7">Islanders 12, UT-Pan American 7 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Islanders baseball players" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Islanders baseball players"/></a> <span class="date">Feb 14th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Islanders baseball players">Islanders baseball players </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> <h4>Videos</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Home Run Top 5" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Home Run Top 5"/></a> <span class="date">Feb 23rd 2012</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Home Run Top 5">Home Run Top 5 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: ACE: Top 5" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: ACE: Top 5"/></a> <span class="date">Feb 9th 2012</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: ACE: Top 5">ACE: Top 5 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Slam Dunk Top 5" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Slam Dunk Top 5"/></a> <span class="date">Nov 10th 2011</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Slam Dunk Top 5">Slam Dunk Top 5 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: The Wild Things" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: The Wild Things"/></a> <span class="date">Nov 16th 2010</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: The Wild Things">The Wild Things </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: NCAA rules on Isles infractions" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: NCAA rules on Isles infractions"/></a> <span class="date">Mar 26th 2009</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: NCAA rules on Isles infractions">NCAA rules on Isles infractions </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> </div> <!-- end .section_bucket_media_primary --> </div> <!-- end #section_bucket_media_sportscollege --> </div><!-- end #"section_bucket_sportscollege --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:media | videos:211:7 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:photogalleries | galleries:211:6 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:events | events:211:3 --> <div id="section_bucket_sportsprofessional" class="bucket section tab_wrapper"> <div class="titlebar"> <h3><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Corpus Christi Pro 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That has spelled bad news for Texas League pitchers. ">Castro stays hot, powers Hooks to 8-2 victory over Naturals</a> <span class="date">Published 5/23/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Following the Spurs' 93-89 overtime victory over the Memphis Grizzlies in game two of the Western Conference Finals, I found myself sitting in the interview room staring at a boxscore. I noticed that Duncan had led the Spurs in points on the evening with 17, six of which came in overtime. I wondered aloud to the scribes around me whether or not the Spurs would send Duncan to the podium for the first time in forever. Midway through Marc Gasol's post-game session, I had concluded that the Spurs would simply send Parker up to the mic again, given his career high 18 assists and crucial playmaking throughout the night.">Duncan steps out of the shadows in time to save the Spurs</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/22/2013 at 11:40 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li class="premium_content"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="The Hooks return home for a six-game homestand, starting with three against Northwest Arkansas. ">Hooks series preview: Northwest Arkansas</a> <span class="date">Published 5/22/2013 at 12:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="The Red Cross is accepting $10 pledges from people who text 'REDCROSS' to 90999">NBA star Kevin Durant makes $1M Oklahoma tornado pledge</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/21/2013 at 3:18 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="San Francisco Bay area will host Super Bowl 50 in 2016">Houston wins right to host 2017 Super Bowl</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/21/2013 at 2:12 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" class="comment_count">0 comments</a> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportsprofessional --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportsprofessional" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Hooks 8, Northwest Arkansas 2" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Hooks 8, Northwest Arkansas 2"/></a> <span class="date">May 22nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Hooks 8, Northwest Arkansas 2">Hooks 8, Northwest Arkansas 2 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT)" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT)"/></a> <span class="date">May 22nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT)">Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT) </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 94, Warriors 82" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Spurs 94, Warriors 82"/></a> <span class="date">May 17th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 94, Warriors 82">Spurs 94, Warriors 82 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Hooks 10, San Antonio 8" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Hooks 10, San Antonio 8"/></a> <span class="date">May 15th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Hooks 10, San Antonio 8">Hooks 10, San Antonio 8 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 109, Warriors 91" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Spurs 109, Warriors 91"/></a> <span class="date">May 15th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 109, Warriors 91">Spurs 109, Warriors 91 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Warriors 97, Spurs 87" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Warriors 97, Spurs 87"/></a> <span class="date">May 13th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Warriors 97, Spurs 87">Warriors 97, Spurs 87 </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> <h4><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="More Videos"><span class="more">more &raquo;</span>Videos</a></h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Opening Day with Matt Hicks" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Opening Day with Matt Hicks"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 6th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Opening Day with Matt Hicks">Opening Day with Matt Hicks </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Bat Boy Camera" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Bat Boy Camera"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 5th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Bat Boy Camera">Bat Boy Camera </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: TIME LAPSE: From baseball to soccer field" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: TIME LAPSE: From baseball to soccer field"/></a> <span class="date">Jun 17th 2010</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: TIME LAPSE: From baseball to soccer field">TIME LAPSE: From baseball to soccer&hellip; </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Corpus Christi Pro Wakeboard Contest 2010" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Corpus Christi Pro Wakeboard Contest 2010"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 22nd 2010</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Corpus Christi Pro Wakeboard Contest 2010">Corpus Christi Pro Wakeboard Contest&hellip; </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Hooks Home Opener 2010" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Hooks Home Opener 2010"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 16th 2010</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Hooks Home Opener 2010">Hooks Home Opener 2010 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Houston Astros: Hunter Pence" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Video: Houston Astros: Hunter Pence"/></a> <span class="date">Jan 28th 2010</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Video: Houston Astros: Hunter Pence">Houston Astros: Hunter Pence </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> </div> <!-- end .section_bucket_media_primary --> </div> <!-- end #section_bucket_media_sportsprofessional --> </div><!-- end #"section_bucket_sportsprofessional --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:media | videos:348:7 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:photogalleries | galleries:348:6 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode 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href=";SECTION=HOME&amp;TEMPLATE=DEFAULT" title="IRVING, Texas (AP) -- Tony Romo pointed here and there, showing receiver Dez Bryant the best way to use a block on the first day of offseason practice....">Romo active on field while idled over cyst removal</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/21/2013 at 5:12 p.m.</span> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportsprofessionalcowboys --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionalcowboys" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Redskins 38, Cowboys 31" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Redskins 38, Cowboys 31"/></a> <span class="date">Nov 23rd 2012</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Redskins 38, Cowboys 31">Redskins 38, Cowboys 31 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a 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<div id="section_bucket_sportsprofessionaltexans" class="bucket section tab_wrapper"> <div class="titlebar"> <h3><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Corpus Christi Houston Texans">Houston Texans</a></h3> <ul class="deeplinks"> <li><a href="" title="Cowboys">Cowboys</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="More Corpus Christi Houston Texans">More</a></li> </ul><!-- end .deeplinks --> </div><!-- end .titlebar_primary --> <ul class="tab_header combined_sections_bucket_tabs clear"> <li class="ui-tabs-selected"><a href="#section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionaltexans" title="Corpus Christi Houston Texans Media">Media</a></li> </ul><!-- end .tab_header --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionaltexans" class="bucket_primary clear"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Texans 34, Lions 31" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Texans 34, Lions 31"/></a> <span class="date">Nov 23rd 2012</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Texans 34, Lions 31">Texans 34, Lions 31 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Texans 38, Titans 14" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Texans 38, Titans 14"/></a> <span class="date">Sep 30th 2012</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Texans 38, Titans 14">Texans 38, Titans 14 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Texans 31, Broncos 25" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Texans 31, Broncos 25"/></a> <span class="date">Sep 24th 2012</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Texans 31, Broncos 25">Texans 31, Broncos 25 </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> </div> <!-- end .section_bucket_media_primary --> </div> <!-- end #section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionaltexans --> </div><!-- 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<span class="date">Updated 5/21/2013 at 11:39 p.m.</span> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportsprofessionalrangers --> </div><!-- end #"section_bucket_sportsprofessionalrangers --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:media | videos:349:7 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:photogalleries | galleries:349:6 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:events | events:349:3 --> <div id="section_bucket_sportsprofessionalastros" class="bucket section tab_wrapper"> <div class="titlebar"> <h3><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Corpus Christi Houston Astros">Houston Astros</a></h3> <ul class="deeplinks"> <li><a href="" title="Rangers">Rangers</a></li> <li><a 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Unfortunately for Shields and the Royals, the rest of the game was also familiar....">Shields strong again in Royals' 3-1 loss to Astros</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/22/2013 at 11:49 p.m.</span> </li> <li> <a href=";SECTION=HOME&amp;TEMPLATE=DEFAULT" title="HOUSTON (AP) -- J.D. Martinez hit a two-run homer off James Shields, Jordan Lyles pitched six effective innings and the Houston Astros beat the Kansas City Royals 3-1 on Wednesday night....">Astros win series with 3-1 victory over Royals</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/22/2013 at 10:31 p.m.</span> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportsprofessionalastros --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionalastros" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Rangers 7, Astros 0" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Rangers 7, Astros 0"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 3rd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Rangers 7, Astros 0">Rangers 7, Astros 0 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Rebuilding Astros" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Rebuilding Astros"/></a> <span class="date">Aug 14th 2012</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Rebuilding Astros">Rebuilding Astros </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Astros Winter Caravan" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Astros Winter Caravan"/></a> <span class="date">Jan 21st 2011</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Astros Winter Caravan">Astros Winter Caravan </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> </div> <!-- end .section_bucket_media_primary --> </div> <!-- end #section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionalastros --> </div><!-- end #"section_bucket_sportsprofessionalastros --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:media | videos:344:7 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:photogalleries | galleries:344:6 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:events | events:344:3 --> <div id="section_bucket_sportsprofessionalspurs" class="bucket section tab_wrapper"> <div class="titlebar"> <h3><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Corpus Christi San Antonio Spurs">San Antonio Spurs</a></h3> <ul class="deeplinks"> <li><a href="" title="Rockets">Rockets</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Mavericks">Mavericks</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="More Corpus Christi San Antonio Spurs">More</a></li> </ul><!-- end .deeplinks --> </div><!-- end .titlebar_primary --> <ul class="tab_header combined_sections_bucket_tabs clear"> <li class="ui-tabs-selected"><a href="#section_bucket_stories_sportsprofessionalspurs" title="Corpus Christi San Antonio Spurs Stories">Stories</a></li> <li><a href="#section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionalspurs" title="Corpus Christi San Antonio Spurs Media">Media</a></li> </ul><!-- end .tab_header --> <div id="section_bucket_stories_sportsprofessionalspurs" class="bucket_primary clear"> <ul class="story_list"> <li> <a href=";SECTION=HOME&amp;TEMPLATE=DEFAULT" title="SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- If the Western Conference finals seem the slightest bit over after two San Antonio wins, hold that thought for a minute....">Spurs can't ease up despite 2-0 lead on Grizzlies</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/22/2013 at 2:29 a.m.</span> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportsprofessionalspurs --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionalspurs" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT)" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT)"/></a> <span class="date">May 22nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT)">Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT) </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 102, Lakers 91" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Spurs 102, Lakers 91"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 25th 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 102, Lakers 91">Spurs 102, Lakers 91 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 91, Lakers 79" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Spurs 91, Lakers 79"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 21st 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 91, Lakers 79">Spurs 91, Lakers 79 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Heat 88, Spurs 86" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Heat 88, Spurs 86"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 1st 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Heat 88, Spurs 86">Heat 88, Spurs 86 </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> </div> <!-- end .section_bucket_media_primary --> </div> <!-- end #section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionalspurs --> </div><!-- end #"section_bucket_sportsprofessionalspurs --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:media | videos:346:7 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:photogalleries | galleries:346:6 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:events | events:346:3 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode 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They left town in a much better mood....">Thunder beat Rockets 103-94 to advance</a> <span class="date">Updated 5/4/2013 at 2:42 a.m.</span> </li> </ul><!-- end .story_list --> </div><!-- end #section_bucket_stories_sportsprofessionalrockets --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionalrockets" class="bucket_primary clear preventFOUC"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Rockets 107, Thunder 100" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Rockets 107, Thunder 100"/></a> <span class="date">May 2nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Rockets 107, Thunder 100">Rockets 107, Thunder 100 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Thunder 120, Rockets 91" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Thunder 120, Rockets 91"/></a> <span class="date">Apr 22nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Thunder 120, Rockets 91">Thunder 120, Rockets 91 </a> </li> </ul><!-- end .media_list --> </div> <!-- end .section_bucket_media_primary --> </div> <!-- end #section_bucket_media_sportsprofessionalrockets --> </div><!-- end #"section_bucket_sportsprofessionalrockets --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:media | videos:352:7 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:photogalleries | galleries:352:6 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:events | events:352:3 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:media | videos:390:7 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:photogalleries | galleries:390:6 --> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.categories.SimilarToNode key:ellington.categories.templatetag.get_similar:9:events | events:390:3 --> <div id="section_bucket_sportsfeatured" class="bucket section tab_wrapper"> <div class="titlebar"> <h3><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Corpus Christi Featured Sports News">Featured Sports News</a></h3> <ul class="deeplinks"> <li><a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="More Corpus Christi Featured Sports News">More</a></li> </ul><!-- end .deeplinks --> </div><!-- end .titlebar_primary --> <ul class="tab_header combined_sections_bucket_tabs clear"> <li class="ui-tabs-selected"><a href="#section_bucket_media_sportsfeatured" title="Corpus Christi Featured Sports News Media">Media</a></li> </ul><!-- end .tab_header --> <div id="section_bucket_media_sportsfeatured" class="bucket_primary clear"> <div class="section_bucket_media_primary"> <h4>Photo Galleries</h4> <ul class="media_list clear"> <li class="newline"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Hooks 8, Northwest Arkansas 2" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Hooks 8, Northwest Arkansas 2"/></a> <span class="date">May 22nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Hooks 8, Northwest Arkansas 2">Hooks 8, Northwest Arkansas 2 </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: 2013 Babes on the Bay" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: 2013 Babes on the Bay"/></a> <span class="date">May 22nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: 2013 Babes on the Bay">2013 Babes on the Bay </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT)" class="thumb"><img src="" width="81" alt="Photo Gallery: Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT)"/></a> <span class="date">May 22nd 2013</span> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT)">Spurs 93, Grizzlies 89 (OT) </a> </li> <li class="no_class"> <a href="/web/20130523122439/" title="Photo Gallery: S.A. 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