Disability Advisory and Support Service (The University of Manchester)

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The next deadline is<strong> Friday 14th March at 4pm</strong> you&rsquo;ll need to register and meet an adviser to agree your exam support.</p> <p>For more details, see our <a href="/what-support-can-i-get/exams/">exam support page</a>.</p></div> </div></div> <div class="bandrow heavy"><div class="container"> <div class="homepage sixteen columns boilerplate"><div class="innerbox"> <h3>Disability Advisory and Support Service</h3> <p>Disabled students make up over 19% of University of Manchester students, and we&rsquo;re proud to offer an accessible and inclusive service. DASS provides equity of services to everyone, regardless of people&rsquo;s age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief or sexual orientation.</p> <p>The Disability Advisory and Support Service (sometimes called the DASS) supports a variety of different groups, whether students, staff or supporters. We provide practical support by working with you to identify the practical adjustments you need to enable you to succeed - in your studies, work, and the rest of your University experience.</p> <p>Use our site to find out more about our services, who is eligible for support, and how to access support.</p> </div></div> </div></div> <div class="bandrow "><div class="container"><div class="homepage one-third column textual"> <h3 id="rowlink_id_00000">Who we support</h3> <p>Check whether you're eligible for support through the Disability Advisory and Support Service</p> <a href="/who-do-we-support/" aria-labelledby="rowlink_id_00000" >Find out more</a> </div><div class="homepage one-third column textual"> <h3 id="rowlink_id_00001">What support is available</h3> <p>See the types of support we provide.</p> <a href="/what-support-can-i-get/" aria-labelledby="rowlink_id_00001" >Find out more</a> </div><div class="homepage one-third column textual"> <h3 id="rowlink_id_00002">How to get support</h3> <p>Make an appointment for a Quick Query, register with us, and view other application details</p> <a href="/how-do-i-get-support/" aria-labelledby="rowlink_id_00002" >Find out more</a> </div></div></div><div class="bandrow even"><div class="container"><div class="homepage one-third column textual"> <h3 id="rowlink_id_00003">Exams support</h3> <p>Find out about exam deadlines and the type of support we provide.</p> <a href="/what-support-can-i-get/exams/" aria-labelledby="rowlink_id_00003" >Find out more</a> </div><div class="homepage one-third column textual"> <h3 id="rowlink_id_00004">Contact us</h3> <p>Find out how to contact us, or make an appointment to see us</p> <a href="/contact-and-see-us/" aria-labelledby="rowlink_id_00004" >Find out more</a> </div><div class="homepage one-third column textual"> <h3 id="rowlink_id_00005">Frequently Asked Questions</h3> <p>Get answers to the most common questions about disability advice and support</p> <a href="/frequently-asked-questions/" aria-labelledby="rowlink_id_00005" >Find out more</a> </div></div></div><a name="footer"></a> <div class="darkfooter" id="footer" role="contentinfo"><div class="container"> <div class="four columns"> <h4>Contact us</h4> <ul id="contacts"> <li class="mail"><a href="">Email us</a></li> <li class="phone">0161 275 7512</li> </ul> </div> <div class="eight columns"> <h4>Find us</h4> <p class="address"><a href="">2nd Floor, University Place, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK</a></p> </div> <div class="four columns"> <h4>Connect with us</h4> <ul id="socialmedia"> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" title="Follow us on Twitter" alt="Twitter icon" /></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="sixteen columns"> <ul id="legal"> <li><a href="">Disclaimer</a></li> <li><a href="">Data Protection</a></li> <li><a href="">Copyright notice</a></li> <li><a href="/accessibility-statement/">Web Accessibility</a></li> <li><a href="">Freedom of information</a></li> <li><a href="">Charitable status</a></li> <li>Royal charter number: RC000797</li> </ul> </div> </div></div> </body> </html>

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