School programs - The Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site

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Saint-Joseph, Lachine, Montréal (Québec) H8S 2M2</p> <p><strong>Period</strong>: April to June and September to November</p> <p><strong>Fees</strong>: see costs per student in the <a href="">Fees</a> section.</p> <p><strong>Reservations et information</strong>: book by email at <a href=""></a> or by phone at <a href="tel:514 637-7433 ">514-637-7433</a>.</p> <p><strong>Facilities</strong>: free parking with space for buses, outdoor picnic tables, indoor luncheon area (reservation required) and accessible restrooms. See <a href="">Plan your visit</a> for details.</p> <p><strong>Good to know</strong>: this activity is also available in a virtual version. See the <a href="#classe">Online workshops</a> section below. It is also offered to French-language learning groups.</p> <div class="well well-lg"> <strong>Interested in the history of the fur trade?</strong> Continue your adventure at another authentic location: the Obadjiwan–Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site. Come and relive this fascinating era with a school visit to an important point of exchange between Europeans and First Nations. Immerse yourself in this site steeped in 300 years of history with outdoor museological elements, guided tours and workshops. Find out more on the <a href="">Obadjiwan–Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site's School Programs page</a>. </div> <h3>Financial support</h3> <p> Experiences offered by Parks Canada are part of the <a href="">culture and education resource directory</a> (in French only). Financial support from the Government of Québec can be provided. Please refer to the <a href="">ministère de l’Éducation</a> Website (in French only). </p> <p id="classe">&nbsp;</p> <br> <span class="label label-warning">In-class activities</span> <h3>Online workshops</h3> <div class="col-md-6 pull-right"> <figure class="image"> <img src="" alt="Photo of a laptop computer on a desk in a classroom, with the Parks Canada logo on the screen." class="img-responsive">&nbsp;</figure> </div> <p> Parks Canada is offering a series of free online workshops throughout the school year for elementary and high school students.</p> <p><strong>Subjects covered</strong>: history, outdoors and nature &amp; heritage conservation.</p> <p><strong>Registration</strong>: please send an email to <a href=""></a> or call <a href="“tel:514-637-7433”">514-637-7433</a>.</p> <p><strong>2024-2025 program</strong>: see the <a href="/lhn-nhs/qc/etiennecartier/activ/edu/ecole-en-reseau">Online school workshops page</a>.</p> <div class="clearfix">&nbsp;</div> <div class="clearfix">&nbsp;</div> <section class="panel panel-default"> <header class="panel-heading"> <h5 class="panel-title">Other school programs to discover </h5> </header> <div class="panel-body"> <p>Many sites offer educational programs in Quebec: <a href="">Sir George-Étienne Cartier</a> National Historic Site, <a href="">Manoir Papineau</a> National Historic Site, <a href="">Forges du Saint-Maurice</a> National Historic Site, <a href="">Fort Chambly</a> National Historic Site, <a href="">Coteau-du-Lac</a> National Historic Site, and <a href="">Obadjiwan–Fort Témiscamingue</a> National Historic Site. </p> </div> </section></p> </div> <!-- End Top Content --> </div> <div class="container"> </div> <div class="container"> <!-- Video 1 --> <p></p> <!-- End Video 1 --> <!-- Video 2 --> <p></p> <!-- End Video 2 --> <!-- Video 3 --> <!-- End Video 3 --> <!-- Video 4 --> <!-- End Video 4 --> <!-- Video 5 --> <!-- End Video 5 --> <!-- Video 6 --> <script src=""></script> </div> <div class="container"> <!-- Bottom Content --> <div id="wb-cont-5"> <p></p> </div> <!-- End Bottom Content --> </div> <div class="container"> <!-- Related Links Menu--> <section class="provisional most-requested-bullets well mrgn-tp-xl"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="pddng-r-0"> <h2 class="mrgn-tp-md h3">Related links</h2> </div> <div class="col-md-9"> <!-- change to colcount-md-1 if you only have 2-3 most requested items --> <ul class="wb-eqht mrgn-tp-md mrgn-bttm-md colcount-md-1 wb-init wb-eqht-inited"> <li style="vertical-align: top; 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