Privacy Policy

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When you access or use the Skylight Services, you consent to AI2’s collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this Privacy Policy have the meanings given in the <a href="#" target="_blank">Skylight End User License Agreement</a> (EULA).</p><p>The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (“AI2”) is committed to maintaining your confidence and trust with respect to your privacy. Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand our practices about how we collect, use and share your personal information.</p><h2>What this Privacy Policy Covers</h2><p>This Privacy Policy applies to the information collected through your use of the Skylight Services, which is a separate platform and web application from the general Skylight™ marketing and informational site found on AI2’s website at <a href=""></a> (“Site”). Your use of the Site is governed by AI2’s <a href="" target="_blank">Terms and Conditions of Use</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a></p><h3>Information AI2 Collects</h3><p><strong>“Personal information”</strong> is information that can personally identify you, such as your name or email address. Personal information also includes other data that can reasonably be linked to your personally identifiable information. You can directly or indirectly provide your personal information through your use of the Skylight Services. The following describes the types of personal information we may collect:</p><ol role="list"><li><strong>User Account:</strong> When you sign up for a User Account, AI2 stores the personal information you provide with the account creation form, such as your full name, email address, organization name, job title, and your state or country of residence. AI2 will use your account information to provide the Skylight Services to you, including any associated technical, administrative and support services. AI2 will also use the contact information linked to your User Account to send you legal notices and other communications regarding the Skylight Services as may be necessary to comply with applicable laws.</li><li><strong>Features:</strong> If you opt-in, subscribe or enable certain Features to receive Alerts, AI2 stores the contact information you provide, such as your email address. AI2 will use your contact information for the purpose of sending Alerts and communications for the Features you have enabled.</li><li><strong>Browsers and devices:</strong> AI2 collects certain information about the browsers and devices you use to access the Skylight Services, including unique identifiers. Unique identifiers are cookie files used to uniquely identify a browser or device. Please see the section below on “Cookies” for more information.</li><li><strong>IP address.</strong> AI2 collects your Internet Protocol (IP) address whenever you access the Skylight Services, which is a number automatically assigned to your computer or device when you browse the internet. These numbers are usually assigned based on geography, so an IP address can often be used to identify the general geographic area of where a device is connecting to the internet. AI2 uses your IP address to administer and address technical issues with the Skylight Services.</li><li><strong>Use statistics.</strong> AI2 collects information about how your browsers and devices interact with the Skylight Services, including crash reports, system activity, and the date, time and referrer URL (the webpage you came from if you clicked a link to access the Skylight Services). AI2 also collects statistical information about user activity on the Skylight Services, including web traffic, and the date, time, duration and number of visits.</li><li><strong>Feedback:</strong> If you submit or provide any Feedback to AI2, you are solely responsible for its contents and any personal information you may disclose therein. Provision of any Feedback is at your own risk. AI2 does not knowingly collect or monitor Feedback for personal information, and may use Feedback in any manner without any obligation or limitation in accordance with the terms of the EULA. If AI2 discovers it has received any personal information in error, it will take steps to delete the data as soon as possible without notice to you.</li><li><strong>Who Else Can Access Data within the Skylight Services: </strong>In addition to AI2, organization admins can create and edit User Accounts on behalf of people in their organization. This information in the User Accounts added by the organization admin can thereafter be seen by internal AI2 system administrators as well as administrators from within their respective organization.</li></ol><h3>Cookies</h3><p>“Cookies” are small pieces of data (text files) that are stored in the web browser on your device in order to remember information about you. Cookies are used to compile anonymous, aggregate statistics based information collected through the Skylight Services (“Aggregate Data”). AI2 uses cookies to administer and operate the Skylight Services, including site configuration and IT security. AI2 also uses cookies with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager (referred together as “Google Web Tools”) for feedback and usage statistics to operate and improve the Skylight Services. AI2 uses use both “first party cookies” (cookies set by AI2) and “third party cookies” (cookies from another domain) as follows:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Strictly Necessary Cookies.</strong> “Strictly Necessary Cookies” are cookies that are necessary for a website to function and cannot be switched off in our systems.</li><li><strong>Performance Cookies.</strong> “Performance Cookies” are cookies that allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of a website.</li><li>Targeting Cookies. “Targeting Cookies” are third party cookies that log the record and activity of websites you visit, such as the links you click. We employ Targeting Cookies with Google Analytics. These cookies send you a cookie file with a unique identifier, which is tracked with other cookies stored in your browser to log your browsing history over time. For more information about how Google Analytics uses cookies, please review the Google Analytics Cookie Guide.</li><li>Tags. We use third party JavaScript tags (code elements) to set the Performance Cookies. We manage the tags using Google Tag Manager, which is a tag management tool that integrates with Google Analytics to derive usage statistics and performance analytics.</li></ul><p>In order to provide the Skylight Services to you, AI2 may use and share the Aggregate Data collected through the cookies with third parties. For example, Google Web Tools interact with other Google Inc. products and services in accordance with <a href="" target="_blank">Google’s Privacy Policy</a>. Please see the section below on “Managing Your Information” for ways to manage how your information is shared via Google Web Tools.</p><h3>How Your Information is Used</h3><p>Please see below on the circumstances where AI2n may share your personal information with others:</p><ol role="list"><li><strong>Service Providers:</strong> AI2 may use third party providers to provide or support some of the services that are available through the Skylight Services. AI2 may also rely on third party providers to perform certain services for AI2 in connection with your use of the Skylight Services, such as, but not limited to, communications and hosting services, network security, technical and user support, tracking and reporting functions, quality assurance testing, and other functions. AI2 may share your information with these third party providers so that they can perform their services or complete your requests. These third party providers may share information with AI2 that they obtain from or about you in connection with providing their services or completing your requests. Some of Skylight Services web pages utilize framing techniques to serve content to you from our third party providers, while preserving the look and feel of the Skylight Services. In such cases, please note that the information you provide is being provided to the third party.</li><li><strong>Business Transfers:</strong> AI2 may share your information with its affiliated entities, prospective buyers, partners or joint ventures, in which case AI2 will require them to honor this Privacy Policy. If another company acquires AI2 or all or substantially all of its assets (e.g. merger, acquisition or sale), that company will possess the same information, and will assume the rights and obligations with respect to that information as described in this Privacy Policy.</li><li><strong>Investigations:</strong> AI2 may investigate and disclose your personal information if it has a good faith belief that such disclosure (a) is reasonably necessary to comply with legal process and law enforcement instructions and orders, such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, judicial proceeding, or other legal process served on AI2; (b) is helpful to prevent, investigate, or identify possible fraud wrongdoing in connection with the Skylight Services; (c) is necessary to act under exigent circumstances to protect the safety of the public or users of the Skylight Services, (d) is reasonably necessary to protect AI2’s rights, reputation, property, or that of its users, affiliates, partners or the public.</li><li><strong>Links:</strong> The Skylight Services may contain links to unaffiliated third party services. If you visit any websites through those links, the collection and use of your information will be subject to such third party’s terms and privacy policy. AI2 is not responsible for the privacy practices of such third party services. Please review the privacy policies posted on any such third party services.</li></ol><h3>Managing Your Information</h3><h4>Google Web Tools</h4><p>You can manage how your information is shared and used with Google Web Tools as follows:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.</strong> Google has developed a browser add-on tool to enable visitors of websites with Google cookies and tags to prevent Google Analytics from receiving their information. This add-on will not prevent websites from collecting information through other first-party or third-party cookies and tags. You can download and install the <a href="" target="_blank">Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on</a> to begin using this tool.</li><li><strong>Google settings.</strong> In addition to above, you can manage how Google uses the information obtained through Google Web Tools and other cookies, and how it interacts with other Google products by changing the settings in your Google account. For example, you can restrict personalization features used in Google ads by changing your preference settings in your Google account to prevent use for targeted ads and content. Please review <a href="" target="_blank">Google’s Privacy Controls</a> for more general information on how you can configure various privacy and share settings through Google.</li><li><strong>Third party tools.</strong> Third parties have also developed mechanisms for opting out of various cookies that use and share information collected from Google Web Tools and other sources for advertising purposes. For US-based users, the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) WebChoices is a tool that enables you to view and manage the cookies used for online advertising. For EU-based users, there is Your Online Choices.</li></ul><h3>Compliance</h3><p>Information collected from the Skylight Services will be stored and processed in the United States. If you are located outside of the United States and visit the Site, we may transfer your information outside of your country. Where personal information is transferred from the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or Switzerland, we rely on appropriate safeguards to transfer the data. The data protection and other applicable laws of the United States or other countries may not be as comprehensive as those laws or regulations in your country and may otherwise differ from the data protection or consumer protection laws in such jurisdictions.</p><h3>Security</h3><p>AI2 is committed to protecting the security of your information and follows generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information it receives. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, devices, or cloud or electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore, while AI2 strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, AI2 cannot guarantee its absolute security.</p><h3>Personal Information of Children</h3><p>Skylight Services are intended for a general audience, and AI2 does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16. If you become aware that a child has provided AI2 with personal information without parental consent, please contact AI2 at If AI2 becomes aware that a child under 16 has provided personal information without parental consent, AI2 will take steps to delete such data as soon as possible.</p><h3>European Union (EU) Residents: Your Privacy Rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)</h3><p>If you are located in the EU, we will collect personal information only if AI2 has one or more legal bases for doing so under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The legal bases depend on your interaction with the Skylight Services. AI2 will only collect personal information from you where: (i) you have given your consent for one or more specific purposes; (ii) it is necessary to perform a contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you; (iii) it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests; (iv) it is necessary to protect the vital interests of you or another natural person; or (v) it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation. Where we rely on your consent to process personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, and where we rely on legitimate interests, you may have the right to object to our processing.</p><h3>Data Subject Rights</h3><p>If you are located in the EU, you can submit a request regarding your personal information to <a href=""></a>. To submit a request, you must provide certain information such as your first name, last name and email address, your relationship to AI2, and details about your request. AI2 will only use the information you provide to evaluate, process, fulfill or contact you regarding your request (e.g. to follow up or ask for additional details about your request). If the GDPR applies to your personal information, AI2 will provide an initial response within one (1) month of your submission date. Please note that if you provide incorrect or insufficient information, AI2 may not be able to fulfill your request.</p><h3>Account Termination and Data Retention</h3><p>You may close your User Account by contacting AI2 at Subject to fulfillment of any requests regarding your personal information as provided in the “Data Subject Rights” section above, AI2 may retain your personal information for the purposes as described in this Privacy Policy unless prohibited by law.</p><h2>Changes to this Privacy Policy</h2><p>AI2 may change this privacy policy from time to time. Laws, regulations and industry standards evolve, which may make those changes necessary, or we may make changes to our business. We will post the changes to this page and encourage you to review our privacy policy to stay informed. If we change the policy in a material and retroactive manner, AI2 will provide additional notice, such as via email or through the Sites. If you disagree with the changes to this privacy policy, you should deactivate your account and immediately cease using the Sites.</p><h2>Contact</h2><p>For any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact AI2 at <a href=""></a>.</p></div></div></section><section class="cta-grid"><div data-w-id="df095f19-5248-925f-175b-7a5349f0f3e7" class="w-layout-blockcontainer container-45 w-container"><div class="w-layout-grid grid-15"><div id="w-node-df095f19-5248-925f-175b-7a5349f0f3e9-49f0f3e6" class="div-block-7"><div class="div-block-10"><div><div class="text-block-4">Case Study</div><h1 class="heading-12">See how we stop illegal fishing in the Galapagos Islands</h1><a href="" class="arrow-btn cta w-inline-block"><div id="w-node-_3b9ee829-74ed-f5a6-4974-0e1694e83b6d-49f0f3e6" class="text-block-36 white">Learn More</div><img src="" loading="lazy" width="17" alt="" class="image-21 dark"/></a></div></div></div><div id="w-node-df095f19-5248-925f-175b-7a5349f0f3f2-49f0f3e6" class="div-block-8"><div class="recent-news">Recent News</div><h1 class="heading-10">Allen Institute For AI pledges $3 million to accelerate the use of AI to address illegal fishing</h1><a href="" class="arrow-btn cta w-inline-block"><div id="w-node-_606ebafb-ab8b-d1fe-f693-9ad974a9153a-49f0f3e6" class="text-block-36">Read Full Article</div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-21"/></a></div><div id="w-node-df095f19-5248-925f-175b-7a5349f0f3f9-49f0f3e6" class="div-block-9"><h1 class="heading13">Interested in learning more? </h1><a href="/contact-us" class="arrow-btn cta w-inline-block"><div id="w-node-a9841d89-350f-7ead-4117-0ca029f874de-49f0f3e6" class="text-block-36 white">Contact Us</div><img src="" loading="lazy" width="17" alt="" class="image-21 white"/></a></div></div></div></section><section class="footer-subscribe"><div class="container-64"><div class="footer-form-two w-form"><form id="wf-form-Footer-Form-Two" name="wf-form-Footer-Form-Two" data-name="Footer Form Two" method="get" class="footer-form-container-two" data-wf-page-id="6605d7a73a30756d7b6776c2" data-wf-element-id="8a4bbe94-7aff-9d49-15f3-7b6936dcd03b"><div class="footer-form-title">Stay up to date with our latest news</div><div class="footer-form-block-two"><input class="footer-form-input w-input" maxlength="256" name="Latest-News-Subscribe" data-name="Latest News Subscribe" aria-label="Enter your email" placeholder="Enter your email" type="email" id="Latest-News-Subscribe" required=""/><input type="submit" data-wait="Please wait..." class="button-primary-3 footer-form-button w-button" value="Subscribe Now"/></div></form><div class="w-form-done"><div>Thank you! 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