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Here you can find the frequently asked questions and solutions. </div> </div> <div class="help_box"> <h4>FAQ for the free online service:</h4> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Is it safe to upload my files to, how do you deal with the documents?</span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> The site uses a secured connection, and your files will only be used for processing. We don’t view, keep, or share your files with any 3rd parties.<br/> After processing, please download the output file within 30 mins. The program was set to delete the uploaded and output files after 30 minutes automatically. <br/> Or you can click delete the file from the server by yourself after processing. Your file will be removed instantly.<br/> We are working hard on the security of our web service, but please know that once you choose to upload your file to, you agree with our privacy policy. </div> </div> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Is your service really free?</span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> Yes, all the online tools provided on are permanent FREE! We don’t offer membership, so no sign-up or subscription is required. Anyone can get unlimited access to all features. <br/> We offer a paid offline version for desktop users. Please learn more about the Mac and Windows version here.<br/> </div> </div> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Any limitations for using the free online service?</span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> The file size limitation is 20MB, if your file is larger than 20 MB, it won't be accepted by the server. This is the only limitation for the online tools, you can use all features as many times as you need. </div> </div> <h4>FAQ for the Offline Desktop version:</h4> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Do you provide the offline desktop version?</span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> Yes, we provide Mac and Windows version for desktop users. The desktop version works more efficiently if you are heavy PDF users. You can process batch conversion, advanced options for PDF conversion, and run without the Internet connection. It’s more secure if you want to process confidential documents since it is completely offline and runs on your local computer. For more information, please check out the store. </div> </div> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>What is the license policy?</span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> The license is issued per PC. If you purchase a single license, the serial code can be used on 1 computer only. The number of computers depends on the number of licenses you purchased.<br/> If the serial code is used more than the limitation, it will be deactivated, to ensure the license works correctly, if you change your computer or want to transfer the license to other computers, please contact support for updating the license. </div> </div> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Do you provide technical support?</span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> Yes, we'd love to hear your suggestions or feedback, we will also try to reply to all the emails within 48 hours. We provide technical support for desktop versions too. Please reach us via <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="aecdc1c0dacfcddaeecdc2cbd8cbdcdecac880cdc1c3">[email protected]</a>. </div> </div> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Does the desktop app support free updates?</span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> Yes, once purchased, you enjoy the free update for the future versions. You'll be notified within the app when a newer version is available. </div> </div> <h4>FAQ for educational and company clients:</h4> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Do you offer a discount for academic users?</span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> Yes, we offer a discount for academic users, please contact support with your school-issued email address (may include .edu, .k12 or other email domains sponsored by educational institutions). If you don’t have one but you have an active student or faculty ID or other documents, please contact us, you can still enjoy an educational discount! We will send you the coupon code for 50%OFF. </div> </div> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Company volume sales</span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> If you want to purchase a large number of licenses (50+) for a company or organization, please contact us for more information. </div> </div> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Do you offer API or SKI for developers or the company for internal usage? </span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> No, currently we don’t offer API or SDK solutions for developers. The app doesn’t support the command line either. </div> </div> <div class="help_list"> <h5><img src="/statics/images/list_down.png" /><span>Special document conversion customization is available. </span></h5> <div class="help_list_detail"> What is the document conversion customization service?<br/> When using CleverPDF to convert PDF to other formats, such as Word, Excel, or PPT, if there are some problems for your special documents, and you have a large number of such files, we can make some changes to the current version just for you in order to meet your requirements.<br/> Our developers can also extract the data from PDF and arrange them in the output formats such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint according to your requirements instead of keeping the formatting in the original PDF. We charge the development fee according to the work and the normal license fee.<br/> Please feel free to contact us. </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer_keep"> <div class="footer_keep_box"> <ul> <li class="font" id="keep_touch">Follow us on</li> <li class="img"><a href=""><img src="/statics/images/keep_1_1.svg" alt="Follow CleverPDF on Facebook"/></a></li> <li class="img"><a href=""><img src="/statics/images/keep_2_1.svg" alt="Follow CleverPDF on Twitter"/></a></li> <li class="img"><a href=""><img src="/statics/images/keep_3_1.svg" alt="CleverPDF YouTube Channel"/></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="footer_print"> <div class="footer_center"> <div class="footer_link"> <a href="/privacy" class="first" id="privacy_terms">Privacy and Terms</a> <a href="/about-us" id="about_ab">About CleverPDF</a> <a href="/help" id="help_guide">Help and guide</a> <a href="/contact" id="con_us">Contact US</a> <a href="/pdf-converter" id="desk_store" >Desktop Software Store</a> </div> <div class="footer_font">Copyright © 2020 CleverPDF. 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