Moodle VPS Hosting Protected by SShield | ScalaHosting

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Go from 200MB/s to 2,000MB/s in performance."><span class="content">Turbo-fast<br>NVMe SSD</span></div> <div class="bf-label"> <div class="promo-text"><span>Black</span><span>Friday</span></div> <div class="off"><span class="specialval">71</span><div><span>%</span><span>OFF</span></div></div> </div> <h2 data-planname="Entry Cloud">Entry Cloud</h2> <div class="price-set"> <div class="price">$<span class="priceval">9.98</span> <span class="month">/mo</span></div> <!-- <div class="special"><span class="highlighted">INTRO OFFER - SAVE <span class="specialval">--><!--</span>%</span></div>--> <div class="billing-cycle-wrap"> <div class="billing-cycle" data-months="36">36 M</div> <div class="billing-cycle active" data-months="12">12 M</div> <div class="billing-cycle" data-months="1">1 M</div> </div> </div> <ul class="list-small"> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="cpu icon" width="20" height="20"> <span class="content"> <label for="cpucores1"><b>2 CPU</b> Cores</label> </span> </div> </li> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="ram icon" width="20" height="20"> <span class="content"><b>2 GB</b> RAM</span> </div> </li> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="NVMe icon" width="20" height="20"> <input class="autowidth" id="nvmessd1" data-cfg="180" name="nvmessd" type="number" step="10" min="0" data-defaultmin="50" max="2000" value="50" data-oldval="50" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="nvmessd1"><div data-tooltip="Enjoy the fastest NVMe SSD storage that delivers up to 10x faster website speed than regular SATA SSDs. Go from 200MB/s to 2,000MB/s in performance. Please note that about 8GB of your server storage is utilized by the preinstalled OS and other software. The rest is usable space for your websites, databases and emails."><span class="content"><b> GB </b>NVMe SSD</span></div></label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Bandwidth icon" width="20" height="20"> <span><b>UNMETERED </b>Bandwidth</span> </li> </ul> <form class="planform" method="POST" action="" > <input type="hidden" name="a" value="add"/> <input type="hidden" class="pid" name="pid" value="216"/> <input data-cfgid="180" type="hidden" name="configoption[180]" value="3410"> <input type="hidden" name="billingcycle" value="annually"> <input type="hidden" name="promocode" value="bf2024-cloud"> <div class="config-your-server">Get Started</div> </form> <div class="compare" data-remodal-target="plan-compare-table">Compare All Features</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-3 plan-column-wrap premium" data-index="0"> <div class="plan-container premium"> <div class="label2" data-tooltip="Enjoy the fastest NVMe SSD storage that delivers up to 10x faster website speed than regular SATA SSDs. Go from 200MB/s to 2,000MB/s in performance."><span class="content">Turbo-fast<br>NVMe SSD</span></div> <div class="bf-label"> <div class="promo-text"><span>Black</span><span>Friday</span></div> <div class="off"><span class="specialval">70</span><div><span>%</span><span>OFF</span></div></div> </div> <h2 data-planname="Premium Cloud #1">Premium Cloud #1</h2> <div class="price-set"> <div class="price">$<span class="priceval">14.98</span> <span class="month">/mo</span></div> <!-- <div class="special"><span class="highlighted">INTRO OFFER - SAVE <span class="specialval">--><!--</span>%</span></div>--> <div class="billing-cycle-wrap"> <div class="billing-cycle" data-months="36">36 M</div> <div class="billing-cycle active" data-months="12">12 M</div> <div class="billing-cycle" data-months="1">1 M</div> </div> </div> <ul class="list-small"> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="cpu icon" width="20" height="20"> <input class="autowidth" id="cpucores1" data-cfg="183" name="cpucores" type="number" step="1" min="2" data-defaultmin="2" max="24" value="2" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="cpucores1"><b> CPU </b>Cores</label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="ram icon" width="20" height="20"> <input class="autowidth" id="gbram1" data-cfg="184" name="gbram" type="number" step="1" min="4" data-defaultmin="4" max="128" value="4" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="gbram1"><b> GB </b>RAM</label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="NVMe icon" width="20" height="20"> <input class="autowidth" id="nvmessd1" data-cfg="182" name="nvmessd" type="number" step="10" min="0" data-defaultmin="50" max="2000" value="50" data-oldval="50" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="nvmessd1"><div data-tooltip="Please note that about 8GB of your server storage is utilized by the preinstalled OS and other software. The rest is usable space for your websites, databases and emails."><span class="content"><b> GB </b>NVMe SSD</span></div></label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Bandwidth icon" width="20" height="20"> <span><b>UNMETERED </b>Bandwidth</span> </li> </ul> <form class="planform" method="POST" action="" > <input type="hidden" name="a" value="add"/> <input type="hidden" class="pid" name="pid" value="159"/> <input data-cfgid="183" type="hidden" name="configoption[183]" value="3605"> <input data-cfgid="184" type="hidden" name="configoption[184]" value="3655"> <input data-cfgid="182" type="hidden" name="configoption[182]" value="3543"> <input type="hidden" name="billingcycle" value="annually"> <input type="hidden" name="promocode" value="bf2024-cloud"> <div class="config-your-server">Get Started</div> </form> <div class="compare" data-remodal-target="plan-compare-table">Compare All Features</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-3 plan-column-wrap premium" data-index="1"> <div class="plan-container premium"> <div class="label2" data-tooltip="Enjoy the fastest NVMe SSD storage that delivers up to 10x faster website speed than regular SATA SSDs. Go from 200MB/s to 2,000MB/s in performance."><span class="content">Turbo-fast<br>NVMe SSD</span></div> <div class="bf-label"> <div class="promo-text"><span>Black</span><span>Friday</span></div> <div class="off"><span class="specialval">76</span><div><span>%</span><span>OFF</span></div></div> </div> <h2 data-planname="Premium Cloud #2">Premium Cloud #2</h2> <div class="price-set"> <div class="price">$<span class="priceval">22.48</span> <span class="month">/mo</span></div> <!-- <div class="special"><span class="highlighted">INTRO OFFER - SAVE <span class="specialval">--><!--</span>%</span></div>--> <div class="billing-cycle-wrap"> <div class="billing-cycle" data-months="36">36 M</div> <div class="billing-cycle active" data-months="12">12 M</div> <div class="billing-cycle" data-months="1">1 M</div> </div> </div> <ul class="list-small"> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="cpu icon" width="20" height="20"> <input id="cpucores2" data-cfg="183" name="cpucores" type="number" step="1" min="2" data-defaultmin="2" max="24" value="4" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="cpucores2"><b> CPU </b>Cores</label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="ram icon" width="20" height="20"> <input id="gbram2" data-cfg="184" name="gbram" type="number" step="1" min="4" data-defaultmin="4" max="128" value="8" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="gbram2"><b> GB </b>RAM</label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="NVMe icon" width="20" height="20"> <input id="nvmessd2" data-cfg="182" name="nvmessd" type="number" step="10" min="0" data-defaultmin="50" max="2000" value="100" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="nvmessd2"><div data-tooltip="Please note that about 8GB of your server storage is utilized by the preinstalled OS and other software. The rest is usable space for your websites, databases and emails."><span class="content"><b> GB </b>NVMe SSD</span></div></label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Bandwidth icon" width="20" height="20"> <span><b>UNMETERED </b>Bandwidth</span> </li> </ul> <form class="planform" method="POST" action="" > <input type="hidden" name="a" value="add"/> <input type="hidden" class="pid" name="pid" value="159"/> <input data-cfgid="183" type="hidden" name="configoption[183]" value="3607"> <input data-cfgid="184" type="hidden" name="configoption[184]" value="3659"> <input data-cfgid="182" type="hidden" name="configoption[182]" value="3548"> <input type="hidden" name="billingcycle" value="annually"> <input type="hidden" name="promocode" value="bf2024-cloud"> <div class="config-your-server">Get Started</div> </form> <div class="compare" data-remodal-target="plan-compare-table">Compare All Features</div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-3 plan-column-wrap premium" data-index="2"> <div class="plan-container premium"> <div class="label2" data-tooltip="Enjoy the fastest NVMe SSD storage that delivers up to 10x faster website speed than regular SATA SSDs. Go from 200MB/s to 2,000MB/s in performance."><span class="content">Turbo-fast<br>NVMe SSD</span></div> <div class="bf-label"> <div class="promo-text"><span>Black</span><span>Friday</span></div> <div class="off"><span class="specialval">79</span><div><span>%</span><span>OFF</span></div></div> </div> <h2 data-planname="Premium Cloud #3">Premium Cloud #3</h2> <div class="price-set"> <div class="price">$<span class="priceval">34.98</span> <span class="month">/mo</span></div> <!-- <div class="special"><span class="highlighted">INTRO OFFER - SAVE <span class="specialval">--><!--</span>%</span></div>--> <div class="billing-cycle-wrap"> <div class="billing-cycle" data-months="36">36 M</div> <div class="billing-cycle active" data-months="12">12 M</div> <div class="billing-cycle" data-months="1">1 M</div> </div> </div> <ul class="list-small"> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="cpu icon" width="20" height="20"> <input id="cpucores3" data-cfg="183" name="cpucores" type="number" step="1" min="2" data-defaultmin="2" max="24" value="8" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="cpucores3"><b> CPU </b>Cores</label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="ram icon" width="20" height="20"> <input id="gbram3" data-cfg="184" name="gbram" type="number" step="1" min="4" data-defaultmin="4" max="128" value="16" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="gbram3"><b> GB </b>RAM</label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <div> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="NVMe icon" width="20" height="20"> <input id="nvmessd3" data-cfg="182" name="nvmessd" type="number" step="10" min="0" data-defaultmin="50" max="2000" value="150" disabled> <span class="content"> <label for="nvmessd3"><div data-tooltip="Please note that about 8GB of your server storage is utilized by the preinstalled OS and other software. The rest is usable space for your websites, databases and emails."><span class="content"><b> GB </b>NVMe SSD</span></div></label> </span> </div> <img class=" edit-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="edit icon" width="13" height="13"> <span class="confirm">OK</span> </li> <li> <img class=" list-icon" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Bandwidth icon" width="20" height="20"> <span><b>UNMETERED </b>Bandwidth</span> </li> </ul> <form class="planform" method="POST" action="" > <input type="hidden" name="a" value="add"/> <input type="hidden" class="pid" name="pid" value="159"/> <input data-cfgid="183" type="hidden" name="configoption[183]" value="3611"> <input data-cfgid="184" type="hidden" name="configoption[184]" value="3667"> <input data-cfgid="182" type="hidden" name="configoption[182]" value="3553"> <input type="hidden" name="billingcycle" value="annually"> <input type="hidden" name="promocode" value="bf2024-cloud"> <div class="config-your-server">Get Started</div> </form> <div class="compare" data-remodal-target="plan-compare-table">Compare All Features</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute-darker"> <div class="loader"></div> </div> <div class="remodal d-none" data-remodal-id="plan-compare-table"> <div class="plan-compare-table-modal-warp"> <button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"></button> <div class="plan-compare-table-modal"> <div class="plans-compare-table-modal-wrap" style="margin-top: 15px;"> <section class="plans-compare-table-modal"> <div class="managed-cloud-vps-plans-container"> <div class="container"> <!-- <div class="plans-compare-table-tabs-container">--> <!-- <div class="spanel-vps mtab selected" data-value="2">SPanel VPS</div>--> <!-- <div class="cpanel-vps mtab " data-value="3">cPanel VPS</div>--> <!-- </div>--> <!-- <div class="tabs-line-position-holder" style="height: 0px;">&nbsp;</div>--> <h2>Compare Available Cloud VPS Control Panels</h2> <div class="fixedcol-table"> <table> <thead class="thead-selector"> <tr class="sticky-row"> <th scope="col" class="fixedcol fixed-large-heading-transparent "></th> <th scope="col" class="selected">SPanel VPS</th> <th scope="col" >cPanel VPS</th> </tr> <!-- <tr class="empty-heading-row">--> <!-- <th></th>--> <!-- <th></th>--> <!-- <th></th>--> <!-- </tr>--> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The monthly price you pay to use the software."> <span class="content">Monthly Price</span> </div> </th> <td> <div data-tooltip="SPanel has no restrictions. You can create unlimited accounts and host all your websites on one server without paying extra."> <span class="content">No extra cost</span> </div> </td> <td> <div data-tooltip="cPanel pricing starts at $26.95 for 5 accounts and the price increases as you add more websites ($32.95 for 30 accounts, $45.95 for 50, $64.95 for 100). Each 50 accounts over 100 will cost you an additional <b>$19.95</b> per month."> <span class="content">From $26.95 to $200+</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Price LOCK Guarantee</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td> <div> <span class="content">Prices tend to increase every year</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Host Unlimited Accounts/Websites</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td> <div> <span class="content">Additional cost</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">400+ Scripts 1-click Installer</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td> <div> <span class="content">Additional cost</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Subusers & Collaborators</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Real-time Malware Protection</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Blacklists Monitoring & Removal</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Powerful Caching with OpenLiteSpeed</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Outbound SPAM Protection</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Easy & Instant Access to Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Developing New Features Policy</span> </div> </th> <td> <div> <span class="content">Users decide by voting</span> </div> </td> <td> <div> <span class="content">cPanel decides</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="col" colspan="3">GENERAL FEATURES</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The monthly price you pay to use the software."> <span class="content">Monthly Price</span> </div> </th> <td> <div data-tooltip="SPanel has no restrictions. You can create unlimited accounts and host all your websites on one server without paying extra."> <span class="content">No extra cost</span> </div> </td> <td> <div data-tooltip="cPanel pricing starts at $26.95 for 5 accounts and the price increases as you add more websites ($32.95 for 30 accounts, $45.95 for 50, $64.95 for 100). Each 50 accounts over 100 will cost you an additional <b>$19.95</b> per month."> <span class="content">$26.95 to $200+</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Technical knowledge required to use the software."> <span class="content">Ease of Use</span> </div> </th> <td>5/5</td> <td>5/5</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Shows how much systems resources the software requires to run on your server."> <span class="content">Resource usage</span> </div> </th> <td> <div data-tooltip="SPanel is a lightweight software and you can even run it on a VPS with less than 1GB RAM."> <span class="content">Lightweight</span> </div> </td> <td> <div data-tooltip="cPanel uses a significant part of your server’s resources to operate."> <span class="content">Heavy</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The price is locked. We guarantee that your price will not be changed within the period you paid for."> <span class="content">Price Lock Guarantee</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="An additional layer of security that comes with the software and protects your websites."> <span class="content">Security System</span> </div> </th> <td> <div data-tooltip="SShield is an innovative real-time cyber-security system which protects your websites. It blocks 99.998% of attacks, monitors all your websites on the server and notifies you via email in case of a hack. It sends you a report of the affected data and steps to resolve the security problem."> <span class="content">SShield</span> </div> </td> <td> <div data-tooltip="cPanel doesn’t have a built-in security system to protect your websites from attacks, monitor them in real-time and notify the server owner in case of hacks."> <span class="content">Basic</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="A system which allows you to easily manage WordPress websites."> <span class="content">WordPress Manager</span> </div> </th> <td> <div data-tooltip="SPanel has a built-in WordPress manager which you can use to install WordPress with one click, reset the admin password, clone a WP installation, stage/revert installations, generate manual backups and restore them if needed, enable/disable automatic updates or <b>LOCK WordPress</b>. The LOCK feature allows you to make your website much more secure and hard to compromise as no one can modify your existing files to inject malware or upload malicious files while your website is operating normally and is 100% functional. "> <span class="content">SWordPress Manager</span> </div> </td> <td> <div data-tooltip="You get a basic WordPress manager to install/remove WordPress with 1 click."> <span class="content">Basic</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">NodeJS Manager</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Joomla Manager</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">2FA Authentication</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="No restrictions in the number of accounts you can create and manage on your server."> <span class="content">Create Unlimited Accounts</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td> <div data-tooltip="You can create and manage as many accounts as you want however your license cost will increase."> <span class="content">Additional cost</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="You can set your company name, logo and also change the login URL so that the name of the software is not mentioned anywhere in the user interface."> <span class="content">Branding</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Choose a desired PHP version for each of your websites."> <span class="content">Multiple PHP Versions</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Automatically generating backups of the accounts on the server."> <span class="content">Automated Backups</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Built-in protection from brute-force attacks."> <span class="content">Brute-force Protection</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Illustrates the factors which are followed to decide which new features to develop."> <span class="content">Add New Features Policy</span> </div> </th> <td> <div data-tooltip="New features are developed based on <b>users demand.</b> All new features become available to the users of SPanel at no extra cost."> <span class="content">Users demand</span> </div> </td> <td> <div data-tooltip="cPanel decides if a new feature has to be added or not ignoring what their customers are asking for. The way they have been handling this in the last 6+ years has shown that they add new features which make their users pay more to get them rather than provide them built-in with the software which users already pay for."> <span class="content">cPanel decides</span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="col" colspan="3">PERFORMANCE</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The software supports the Apache web server"> <span class="content">Apache Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The software supports the Nginx web server as Apache proxy."> <span class="content">Nginx Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The software supports the OpenLiteSpeed web server which is the fastest free web server in the world and uses the least server-resources. That allows website owners to pay less for hosting and have faster websites."> <span class="content">OpenLiteSpeed Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The software supports the LiteSpeed Enterprise web server which is the fastest web server and is 100% Apache compatible. It comes with the built-in high-speed LScache feature which boosts speed and performance."> <span class="content">LiteSpeed Enterprise Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The CloudFlare CDN is integrated in both SPanel and cPanel. The only thing you need to do is point your domain to the server’s IP address."> <span class="content">CloudFlare CDN</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="You can increase your website’s page speed by utilizing the Memcached application which caches your database queries and comes pre-installed on all SPanel virtual servers."> <span class="content">Memcached</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td>On request</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Redis is an excellent tool for improving your website’s speed and caching content to reduce CPU utilization. We can install it on request."> <span class="content">Redis</span> </div> </th> <td>On request</td> <td>On request</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The deflate Apache module is enabled by default compressing static content and optimizing the performance and speed of your web pages."> <span class="content">Static Content Compression</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="HTTP/2 is enabled on all web servers that are supported by SPanel and cPanel."> <span class="content">HTTP/2 Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="HTTP/3 can be enabled by switching to OpenLiteSpeed or LiteSpeed Enterprise in SPanel. cPanel supports only the paid version - LiteSpeed Enterprise."> <span class="content">HTTP/3 Support</span> </div> </th> <td>On request</td> <td>Extra cost</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="col" colspan="3">SUPPORTED SERVICES</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="The software supports PHP-FPM which is important for fast PHP processing."> <span class="content">PHP-FPM Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Support for MySQL databases."> <span class="content">MySQL Databases</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Pre-installed phpMyAdmin for web based databases management"> <span class="content">phpMyAdmin</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Support for accessing the MySQL databases from other servers."> <span class="content">Remote MySQL Access</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="All websites hosted on the server will get a free SSL certificate from Let’s encrypt."> <span class="content">Free Let’s Encrypt SSL</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Support for the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP services to send/receive emails."> <span class="content">SMTP/POP3/IMAP Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Your server comes with real-time SpamAssassin anti-spam protection for filtering spam mail."> <span class="content">SpamAssassin</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="DNS support for running your own nameservers on the server."> <span class="content">DNS Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="FTP support for uploading/downloading files to/from the server."> <span class="content">FTP Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Access your email box from any browser with internet access."> <span class="content">Webmail</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Integrate the software with your own system using API."> <span class="content">Powerful API</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="col" colspan="3">USER INTERFACE FEATURES</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to add/remove email accounts."> <span class="content">Add/Remove Email Accounts</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to change your account password via the user interface of the software."> <span class="content">Change Email Password</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to add/remove email forwarders."> <span class="content">Add/Remove Email Forwarders</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to add/remove email auto-responders."> <span class="content">Add/Remove Auto-responders</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to have a catch-all email for all messages sent to non-existent email boxes."> <span class="content">Email Catch-all</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to set how much disk space each mailbox may consume."> <span class="content">Email Disk Quotas</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to add/remove additional domain names."> <span class="content">Add/Remove Addon domains</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to add/remove subdomains."> <span class="content">Add/Remove Subdomains</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to edit the records in your DNS zones."> <span class="content">DNS Editor</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to add/remove FTP sub-accounts."> <span class="content">Add/Remove FTP Accounts</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to generate a full account backup with all data in it (files, emails, databases, configurations)."> <span class="content">Generate a Full Account Backup</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to restore files/databases from the available backups."> <span class="content">Restore Files and Databases</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to use a web-based file manager to upload/download files, archive directories, unarchive zip/tar.gz compressed archives."> <span class="content">File Manager</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to add/remove cron jobs."> <span class="content">Cron Jobs Management</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to choose a desired PHP version for each of your domains/subdomains."> <span class="content">PHP Version Manager</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to set custom PHP settings for each of your domains/subdomains."> <span class="content">Custom PHP.ini Editor</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="col" colspan="3">ADMIN INTERFACE FEATURES</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to create new accounts via the graphic interface."> <span class="content">Create an Account</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to terminate accounts."> <span class="content">Terminate an Account</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to modify accounts’ resources."> <span class="content">Modify/upgrade an Account</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to suspend/unsuspend accounts."> <span class="content">Suspend/unsuspend an Account</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to enable/disable SSH access for accounts."> <span class="content">Manage SSH Access</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to list all accounts on the server and see information about them."> <span class="content">List Accounts</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to change the username of an account."> <span class="content">Change Username</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to change the main domain associated with an account."> <span class="content">Change Main Domain</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to see general information about the server such as hardware, disk usage, memory usage."> <span class="content">Show Server Information</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to see the status of all services on the server."> <span class="content">Show Server Status</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to see the currently running MySQL queries."> <span class="content">Show MySQL Running Queries</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to restart a service."> <span class="content">Restart a Service</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="This option allows you to restart the whole server."> <span class="content">Restart a Server</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="col" colspan="3">INFO FOR DEVELOPERS</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Choose the location of your server. We can deploy your server in our datacenter in Dallas, USA or Sofia, Bulgaria."> <span class="content">Datacenter locations</span> </div> </th> <td>US, Europe, Asia</td> <td>US, Europe</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Both cPanel and SPanel virtual servers use the CentOS operating system."> <span class="content">Operating System</span> </div> </th> <td>Rocky Linux OS</td> <td>AlmaLinux OS</td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Your cloud VPS is always running the latest software versions for maximum security."> <span class="content">Latest Software</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="We support multiple PHP versions and you can select which version to use for each of your websites"> <span class="content">PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div> <span class="content">Python support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="You can download your Apache error logs and access logs at any time via FTP."> <span class="content">Apache Logs Access</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Mod_security is pre-installed on your server to protect your web pages and applications from most of the web attacks."> <span class="content">Mod_security protection</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="GIT and SVN are both installed on your server to make developers’ life easier."> <span class="content">GIT & SVN Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Cloning and staging are important features for developers when managing WordPress websites. You need to buy Softaculous to enable support for them in cPanel while both features are natively supported in SPanel."> <span class="content">WordPress Cloning & Staging</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon no a-b-l"><span class="d-none">no</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Managing WordPress is much easier with WP CLI as long as you are comfortable with working via a console."> <span class="content">WP CLI Support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Deploy and manage NodeJS application from the control panel."> <span class="content">NodeJS support</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="Automate accounts management via WHMCS. Create, terminate, upgrade, downgrade, suspend, unsuspend or change password for any of the accounts on your server."> <span class="content">WHMCS integration</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="fixedcol" scope="row"> <div data-tooltip="You can enable SSH access to any of your accounts and connect to the server with a secure connection."> <span class="content">SSH Access</span> </div> </th> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> <td><span class="icon yes a-b-l"><span class="d-none">yes</span></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="choose-the-moodle-wrap"> <div class="container-fluid container-lg"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-6 section-content"> <h2 class="sect-heading">Choose the Moodle Hosting Solution That is <span class="highlighted">Right For You</span></h2> <p class="sect-descr">Online learning can get boring at times. Creating a professional website that looks beautiful and navigates smoothly is very important for engaging your visitors. That’s why, optimizing your Moodle LMS for best user experience is certainly worth the time. To get the best out of your learning platform, you need to choose a reliable Moodle hosting solution with enough resources to handle your specific needs.</p> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-5 video-content"> <div class="banner-video"> <div class="youtube-player" data-id="kN_R1ypQTKw" style="margin: 0;"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "Cloud Hosting vs. Shared Hosting", "description": "Comparing shared hosting and cloud vps hosting - advantages and disadvantages.", "thumbnailUrl": [ "" ], "uploadDate": "2018-10-31", "duration": "PT1M19S", "embedUrl": "" } </script> <div class="manage-hosting-wrap" style="padding-top: 70px"> <div class="container-fluid container-lg"> <div class="row manage-hosting-content"> <div class="col-12"> <h2 class="sect-heading">Get Started <span class="highlighted">Quickly and Easily</span></h2> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 box"> <img class=" box-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Free, Effortless & Guaranteed Migration" width="500" height="320"> <div class="box-heading">Free, Effortless & Guaranteed Moodle Migration</div> <div class="box-description">Our Moodle experts will migrate all your websites to the ScalaHosting server upon your request and absolutely free of charge. There is no downtime during the migration and a 99.9% uptime guarantee once you become a client of our Moodle hosting services.</div> <div class="box-link" data-remodal-target="websites-migration">LEARN MORE</div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 box"> <img class=" box-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="24/7 Worry-Free Fully Managed Support" width="500" height="320"> <div class="box-heading">Friendly & Caring 24/7 Technical Support</div> <div class="box-description">Take advantage of the know-how of our trained Moodle experts via live chat (instant) or ticket (15 min. response time). Our customer support assistance covers everything related to your Moodle LMS and its smooth operation.</div> <div class="box-link" data-remodal-target="worry-free-support-modalid">LEARN MORE</div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 box"> <img class=" box-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Free Domain & SSL Certificates" width="500" height="320"> <div class="box-heading">Free Domain Name & SSL Certificates</div> <div class="box-description">Get your online learning platform on track with a free domain name and auto-installed free SSL Certificates from Let’s Encrypt. Apart from easily establishing a brand, you can protect your user and website data with an encrypted connection at all times.</div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 box"> <img class=" box-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Easy Website Management" width="500" height="320"> <div class="box-heading">Easy Moodle Site Management</div> <div class="box-description">SPanel is the all-in-one platform for easy VPS hosting management and maintenance. Developed by ScalaHosting, the control panel is included in every virtual private server and packed with hundreds of free features. cPanel is still offered as an alternative.</div> <div class="box-link" data-remodal-target="hosting-management">LEARN MORE</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="remodal d-none" data-remodal-id="worry-free-support-modalid"> <div class="worry-free-support-modal-warp"> <button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"></button> <div class="worry-free-support-modal"> <div class="modal-head"> <img class=" heading-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="24/7 Worry-Free Fully Managed Support" width="300" height="192"> <h4 class="heading">24/7 Moodle Hosting Support You Can Rely On</h4> <div class="description">Focus on building and growing your online learning platform without having to worry about hosting related issues.</div> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Available 24/7</div> <div class="description">Get assistance with your Moodle LMS whenever you need it via live chat (instant) or ticket (15 min. response time).</div> </div> <div class="labels"> <div class="chat-response"> <div class="time"> <div></div> <span>30</span> </div> <div class="response"> <span>second response</span> <div class="resp-txt">GUARANTEE</div> </div> <div class="green-circle"> <div class="chat-icon"></div> <span>CHAT</span> </div> </div> <div class="ticket-response"> <div class="time"> <div></div> <span>15</span> </div> <div class="response"> <span>minute response</span> <div class="resp-txt">GUARANTEE</div> </div> <div class="green-circle"> <div class="ticket-icon"></div> <span>TICKET</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modal-box mirror"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="management" width="200" height="60"> </div> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Dedicated, Full Management</div> <div class="description">Our support team will gladly help you with anything hosting related at no extra fee.</div> </div> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Top-Rated By Clients & Experts</div> <ul class="list"> <li class="list-item">700+ clients rate us 4.9/5 on TrustPilot</li> <li class="list-item">98% of clients would recommend us</li> <li class="list-item">99% happy clients stay with us for 7 years or more</li> </ul> </div> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="management" width="200" height="60"> </div> <div class="video-wrap"> <div class="description">Brian Teeman (Joomla co-founder), shares his experience with ScalaHosting.</div> <div class="wistia_responsive_padding" style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"> <div class="wistia_responsive_wrapper" style="height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;"> <div class="wistia_embed wistia_async_m48ddhug81 videoFoam=true" style="height:100%;position:relative;width:100%"> <div class="wistia_swatch" style="height:100%;left:0;opacity:0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;transition:opacity 200ms;width:100%;"> <!-- <img src="" style="filter:blur(5px);height:100%;object-fit:contain;width:100%;" alt="" aria-hidden="true" onload=";" />--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <img class=" video-preload-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="video-preload-img" width="513" height="289"> <img class=" video-play-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="video-preload-img" width="513" height="289"> <div class="videoloading"><div class="loader"></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="remodal d-none" data-remodal-id="websites-migration"> <div class="websites-migration-modal-warp"> <button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"></button> <div class="websites-migration-modal"> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="video-wrap"> <div class="wistia_responsive_padding" style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"> <div class="wistia_responsive_wrapper" style="height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;"> <div class="wistia_embed wistia_async_nt69x7benm videoFoam=true" style="height:100%;position:relative;width:100%"> <div class="wistia_swatch" style="height:100%;left:0;opacity:0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;transition:opacity 200ms;width:100%;"> <!-- <img src="" style="filter:blur(5px);height:100%;object-fit:contain;width:100%;" alt="" aria-hidden="true" onload=";" />--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <img class=" video-preload-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="video-preload-img" width="513" height="289"> <img class=" video-play-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="video-preload-img" width="513" height="289"> <div class="videoloading"><div class="loader"></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="modal-head" style="padding-top: 5px;"> <h4 class="heading">Free, Effortless & Guaranteed Websites Migration</h4> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Free</div> <div class="description">Moving your Moodle site from another hosting provider to ScalaHosting is a smooth process that comes at no extra fees for the client. The migration is fast, seamless, and fully handled by our experienced Moodle experts.</div> </div> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="free" width="200" height="60"> </div> </div> <div class="modal-box mirror"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="effortless" width="200" height="60"> </div> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Effortless</div> <div class="description">There is no need for technical competence or previous experience with data migrations. In fact, the ScalaHosting Team handles the entire process of moving the Moodle LMS for you. All you need to do is to submit a request and provide the login credentials to your other host.</div> <div class="description">Our technicians will make no changes to your other server - all they do is copy your website data and move it to the new account with us.</div> <div class="description">Even if you decide our Moodle hosting services are not a perfect fit at a later point - we can issue you a refund of the unused time with us!</div> </div> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Guaranteed</div> <div class="description">The person handling your Moodle site transfer will manually verify the success of the migration by ensuring each transferred site loads correctly on the new server.</div> <div class="description">We perform numerous tests and checks after the transfer, monitor error logs, and check resource consumption before we give you a green light to point your domain name.</div> </div> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="guaranteed" width="200" height="60"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="remodal d-none" data-remodal-id="hosting-management"> <div class="hosting-management-modal-warp"> <button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"></button> <div class="hosting-management-modal"> <div class="modal-head"> <img class=" heading-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Easy Website Management" width="300" height="192"> <h4 class="heading">Easy Website Hosting Management</h4> <div class="description">Hosting server and account management have never been easier. Each ScalaHosting VPS comes with SPanel, a multifunctional platform that packs hundreds of handy features at no extra fee. You can easily manage multiple Moodle LMS projects, customize online courses, work with collaborators, and many more.</div> <div class="description">Learn more about the power of SPanel in the video below.</div> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="video-wrap"> <div class="wistia_responsive_padding" style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"> <div class="wistia_responsive_wrapper" style="height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;"> <div class="wistia_embed wistia_async_pywd36bkb5 videoFoam=true" style="height:100%;position:relative;width:100%"> <div class="wistia_swatch" style="height:100%;left:0;opacity:0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;transition:opacity 200ms;width:100%;"> <!-- <img src="" style="filter:blur(5px);height:100%;object-fit:contain;width:100%;" alt="" aria-hidden="true" onload=";" />--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <img class=" video-preload-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="video-preload-img" width="513" height="289"> <img class=" video-play-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="video-preload-img" width="513" height="289"> <div class="videoloading"><div class="loader"></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="remodal d-none" data-remodal-id="money-back-guarantee"> <div class="money-back-guarantee-modal-warp"> <button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"></button> <div class="money-back-guarantee-modal"> <div class="modal-head"> <img class=" heading-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Money-back Guarantee" width="300" height="192"> <h4 class="heading">Anytime Unconditional Money-back Guarantee</h4> <div class="description">Partnering up with ScalaHosting for your Moodle site needs is practically risk-free. You can decide at any point that you want to move away from our hosting service, and we will happily refund your unused time with use. We can even assist you with any information needed for your migration.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="install-and-manage-wrap"> <div class="container-fluid container-lg"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-6 section-content"> <h2 class="sect-heading"><span class="highlighted">Install Moodle</span> with 1 click</h2> <p class="sect-descr">It takes a single click to launch a new Moodle site. Management perks such as auto updates, cloning, and backups on demand are also included in your Moodle hosting plan.</p> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-5 image-content"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Install & Manage Moodle with 1 click" width="540" height="346"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="easily-sell-wrap"> <div class="container-fluid container-lg"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-5 image-content"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Easily Sell Your Courses Globally" width="540" height="346"> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-6 section-content"> <h2 class="sect-heading">Easily <span class="highlighted">Sell Your Courses Globally</span></h2> <p class="sect-descr">Integrate Moodle with WordPress and WooCommerce to build an online store in less than 2 hours. Expert help is available whenever you need it. We can connect you with the right Moodle experts who can help you achieve your goals.</p> <div class="sect-link" data-remodal-target="easily-sell-courses">LEARN MORE</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="remodal template d-none" data-remodal-id="easily-sell-courses"> <div class="easily-sell-courses-modal-warp"> <button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"></button> <div class="easily-sell-courses-modal"> <div class="modal-head"> <img class=" heading-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Easily Sell your LMS Courses Anywhere in the World" width="300" height="192"> <h4 class="heading">Easily Sell your LMS Courses Anywhere in the World</h4> <div class="description" style="max-width: 540px; text-align: center;">Connect the Moodle software with WordPress via Edwiser Bridge and create an automated ecommerce store of online courses with Edwiser Bridge PRO.</div> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Sell courses globally with multiple payment gateways</div> <div class="description"><b>Create Paid Courses</b></div> <div class="description">Easily sell your LMS courses in the Moodle software across the globe via numerous gateways without any geographical restrictions by integrating Edwiser Bridge with WooCommerce. It’s handy, real quick, and, most importantly - a super-secure method to sell and market your courses to a wider audience.</div> <div class="description"><b>Feature Available in: Edwiser Bridge PRO</b></div> </div> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Sell courses globally with multiple payment gateways" width="200" height="60"> </div> </div> <div class="modal-box mirror"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Manage discounts, coupons and sell course bundles to earn good profits" width="200" height="60"> </div> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Manage discounts, coupons, and sell course bundles to earn great profits for your educational institution</div> <div class="description"><b>Sell Courses in an Ecommerce Setup</b></div> <div class="description">Create a complete digital storefront for your courses, optimize your course pages, and easily sell your learning materials on WordPress by integrating WooCommerce. Sell individual or bundle courses without the hassle of configuring other extensions, all through an ecommerce store that seamlessly integrates with your Moodle application.</div> <div class="description"><b>Feature Available in: Edwiser Bridge PRO</b></div> </div> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Sell different kinds of online courses – eBooks, Certificates, Video lectures, anything</div> <div class="description"><b>Set up a Shopfront</b></div> <div class="description">Setting up an online storefront with Moodle LMS is practically effortless. You can sell courses, supporting materials, and downloadable content through the WordPress interface with ease.</div> <div class="description"><b>Feature Available in: Edwiser Bridge PRO</b></div> </div> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Sell all kinds of courses – eBooks, Certificates, Video courses anything" width="200" height="60"> </div> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Generate recurring revenue with subscription courses" width="200" height="60"> </div> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Generate recurring revenue with subscription courses</div> <div class="description"><b>Woocommerce Subscription compatible</b></div> <div class="description">Sell more and maximize your elearning profits by selling your Moodle LMS courses as subscriptions. The compatibility with the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin allows you to set up monthly or yearly subscriptions on courses and generate recurring revenue on every renewal.</div> <div class="description"><b>Feature Available in: Edwiser Bridge PRO & WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin (WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin not included)</b></div> </div> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <div class="text-wrap"> <div class="heading">Better onboarding with easy login/logout</div> <div class="description"><b>Simultaneous Login/Logout</b></div> <div class="description">Whether you log in or out from your Moodle software or from WordPress, the other ecosystem will follow whatever you do and simultaneously does the same action across platforms. Forget about login hassles and provide your learners with the same set of login credentials for the Moodle software and WordPress. This saves time that is otherwise wasted on seeking password-related support or hopping between your Moodle LMS and WordPress with separate passwords.</div> <div class="description"><b>Feature Available in: Edwiser Bridge PRO</b></div> </div> <div class="img-wrap"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Better onboarding with easy login/logout" width="200" height="60"> </div> </div> <div class="modal-box"> <a class="button green" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Download for Free</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="run-large-platforms-wrap"> <div class="container-fluid container-lg"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-6 section-content"> <h2 class="sect-heading"><span class="highlighted">Run</span> Large Online Learning Platforms <span class="highlighted">with Ease</span></h2> <p class="sect-descr">ScalaHosting has designed, built and managed a custom multi-cluster solution to host the learning management system (LMS) for the Commission of elections of the Philippines. It featured a fully interactive 3D model of the Vote Counting Machine (VCM) used in the Automated Election System of the Philippines. This allowed hands-on training to be performed at any time without the need for a VCM to be physically present. Due to the scale of resources needed to accommodate a high volume of concurrent users, the LMS needed an enterprise managed hosting solution which could quickly scale up to meet the growing demand and traffic spikes.</p> <p class="sect-descr">On the busiest days, the managed hosting cluster successfully served over <b>100 million</b> visits.</p> </div> <!-- <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-5 video-content">--> <!-- <div class="banner-video">--> <!-- <div class="youtube-player" data-id="kN_R1ypQTKw" style="margin: 0;"></div>--> <!-- </div>--> <!-- </div>--> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-xl-5 image-content"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Run Large Moodle Platforms with Ease" width="540" height="346"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section id="reviews" class="our-reviews-wrap"> <div class="our-reviews"> <div class="container-fluid container-lg"> <div class="row"> <div class="box col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3"> <div class="box-content"> <div class="logo"> <a class="logo-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer nofollow" title="See reviews in Trustpilot"> <div id="tp-widget-logo" class="tp-widget-logo"> <div style="position: relative; 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width: 150px; height: 68px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"><img style="padding: 0px; border: none;" class="bbblinkimg" src="" loading="lazy" width="300" height="68" alt="Scala Hosting LLC, Web Hosting, Dallas, TX" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <style> .reviews-trustpilot-wrap .owl-dots { display: none; } </style> <section class="reviews-trustpilot-wrap loader-wrap loading"> <div class="reviews-trustpilot section-content"> <div class="container-fluid container-lg"> <div class="carousel-container reviews-trustpilot-content" data-stack="trustpilotReviewsCarrousel" data-boxes="4" data-version="-v2"> <div class="reviews-trustpilot-container owl-carousel row flex-nowrap"> <div class="box col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3"> <div class="box-content"> <!-- <div class="heading d-flex align-items-center">--> <!-- <div class="reviewer-img">--> <!-- --><!-- </div>--> <!-- <h2 class="d-none">Trustpilot reviews</h2>--> <!-- <h3 class="trs-h6 bold">--><!--</h3>--> <!-- </div>--> <div class="description"> <div class="stars d-flex align-items-center"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Jeff Riedl's Review stars" width="100" height="19"> <!-- <span class="review-date">--><!--</span>--> </div> <p class="tcrs-title"> This company prov... </p> <p class="tcrs-p"> This company provides excellent value for the technology they deliver and FANTASTIC support during the onboard... <span class="readmore-link" data-remodal-href="a/trustpilot-corousel-review-modal-v2/0" title="Jeff Riedl full review" data-remodal-target="tp-c-r-0-review">Read more</span> </p> <div class="tcrs-name"> <div><img class=" b-r-c" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Jeff Riedl's Picture" width="40" height="40"></div> <div>Jeff Riedl</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3"> <div class="box-content"> <!-- <div class="heading d-flex align-items-center">--> <!-- <div class="reviewer-img">--> <!-- --><!-- </div>--> <!-- <h2 class="d-none">Trustpilot reviews</h2>--> <!-- <h3 class="trs-h6 bold">--><!--</h3>--> <!-- </div>--> <div class="description"> <div class="stars d-flex align-items-center"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Rajesh Kumar's Review stars" width="100" height="19"> <!-- <span class="review-date">--><!--</span>--> </div> <p class="tcrs-title"> This hosting is p... </p> <p class="tcrs-p"> This hosting is perfect for every store owners. The support response time is less than 10 minutes through tick... <span class="readmore-link" data-remodal-href="a/trustpilot-corousel-review-modal-v2/1" title="Rajesh Kumar full review" data-remodal-target="tp-c-r-1-review">Read more</span> </p> <div class="tcrs-name"> <div><img class=" b-r-c" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Rajesh Kumar's Picture" width="40" height="40"></div> <div>Rajesh Kumar</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3"> <div class="box-content"> <!-- <div class="heading d-flex align-items-center">--> <!-- <div class="reviewer-img">--> <!-- --><!-- </div>--> <!-- <h2 class="d-none">Trustpilot reviews</h2>--> <!-- <h3 class="trs-h6 bold">--><!--</h3>--> <!-- </div>--> <div class="description"> <div class="stars d-flex align-items-center"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Stuart Steele's Review stars" width="100" height="19"> <!-- <span class="review-date">--><!--</span>--> </div> <p class="tcrs-title"> Excellent Technic... </p> <p class="tcrs-p"> I only started with Scala one day before writing this review, but the service came up effortlessly on the same... <span class="readmore-link" data-remodal-href="a/trustpilot-corousel-review-modal-v2/2" title="Stuart Steele full review" data-remodal-target="tp-c-r-2-review">Read more</span> </p> <div class="tcrs-name"> <div><img class=" b-r-c" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Stuart Steele's Picture" width="40" height="40"></div> <div>Stuart Steele</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="box col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3"> <div class="box-content"> <!-- <div class="heading d-flex align-items-center">--> <!-- <div class="reviewer-img">--> <!-- --><!-- </div>--> <!-- <h2 class="d-none">Trustpilot reviews</h2>--> <!-- <h3 class="trs-h6 bold">--><!--</h3>--> <!-- </div>--> <div class="description"> <div class="stars d-flex align-items-center"> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Jonathan Heard's Review stars" width="100" height="19"> <!-- <span class="review-date">--><!--</span>--> </div> <p class="tcrs-title"> Exceptional service </p> <p class="tcrs-p"> From pre-sales online chat, sales and technical support, Scala has been great so far. Every person I have spok... <span class="readmore-link" data-remodal-href="a/trustpilot-corousel-review-modal-v2/3" title="Jonathan Heard full review" data-remodal-target="tp-c-r-3-review">Read more</span> </p> <div class="tcrs-name"> <div><img class=" b-r-c" src="" loading="lazy" alt="Jonathan Heard's Picture" width="40" height="40"></div> <div>Jonathan Heard</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="carousel-slider d-none"> <div class="carousel-slider-bar"></div> </div> <div class="readmore-trustpilot"> <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" class="bold">Read All Trustpilot Reviews</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="absolute-darker"> <div class="loader"></div> </div> </section> <script> document.addEventListener('jqLoad', function () { // ========================== FAQ QUESTIONS SLIDE TOGGLE ============================== $('.faq-v2 h3').click(function () { $(this).next('.faq-v2 .hider').stop().slideToggle(500); $(this).parent().toggleClass("faq-active"); }); // ========================== SCROLL TO PLANS ============================== $(".scroll-to-plans-faq").click(function() { $([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({ scrollTop: $("#plans").offset().top - 40 }, 350); }); }); </script> <div id="faq" class="faq-v2-wrap"> <div class="faq-v2"> <div class="container-fluid container-lg"> <div class="faq-content"> <h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2> <ul class="row"> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>What is a Learning Management System?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>A Learning Management System (also referred as eLearning platform) is a software application that serves teachers, schools, and all kinds of educational organizations. LMS apps help you set up courses, tests, and quizzes, configurable reports, custom certificates, and learning materials - all with zero technical expertise. Popular solutions, like the Moodle LMS, can really up your elearning game with magnificent layouts, course automation, and completion progress.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>What is Moodle hosting?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>Moodle hosting is a type of web hosting service that is specifically optimized for LMS websites. The servers are packed with features that make launching and managing Moodle sites a child’s play. This includes perks such as a one-click Moodle installation, automatic updates, scalable resources, and more.</p> <p>Moodle is the largest learning management system (LMS) nowadays, supported by almost all hosting providers.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>What is the difference between the two Moodle hosting plans?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>The main difference between our Moodle-optimized packages is the web hosting environment. On the Start plan, your Moodle LMS will be hosted on a shared server, while the alternative is a cloud VPS. The latter is much preferred for the educational platform, as it comes with enough resources and customization control to realize any kind of project.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>What operating system do I need for the Moodle LMS?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>The Moodle code is written in PHP, so any Linux-based operating system will do just fine - whether it is CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, or any of the rest. While it’s not technically impossible to host the app on a Windows server, the configuration and management are much more complicated, so we don’t recommend this option.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>Shared Moodle hosting vs Moodle Cloud - Which one is best for educational institutions?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>If your project relies heavily on site speed, user experience, and rock-solid security, Moodle Cloud is definitely the right hosting solution. It is the only type of service that can deliver guaranteed & consistent performance, high security, and uninterrupted uptime at all times. On a shared server, your Moodle LMS website will share everything with hundreds of other accounts, which can lead to many disadvantages and growth barriers for your educational project. Learn more in the video below.</p> </div> <div class="video-wrap"> <div class="youtube-player" data-id="kN_R1ypQTKw"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>Which Moodle hosting plan is right for me?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>Once you pick the right hosting solution for your Moodle site – shared or cloud - choosing the actual plan is an easier task. If you are on a mission to grow your website and you choose the Moodle Cloud deal - you can simply check how many site visits you get in a month. If the number is less than 400 000, the Moodle Cloud VPS with 2 CPU cores and 4GB RAM should be sufficient enough. For more visits, you need to add an additional CPU core for every 200 000, ensuring the best possible environment for your Moodle LMS project</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>How much does Moodle Hosting cost?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>As with similar LMS apps, what makes Moodle hosting expensive or cheap is the type of service you choose to host it on. On a shared server, you should expect a price of around $5.95-$9.95/mo, while prices for a good VPS will start at around $29.95/mo. ScalaHosting always recommends a virtual server environment for LMS projects, just so you can be able to guarantee optimal performance and security.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>Do you offer AWS Moodle hosting?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>ScalaHosting offers you to host your Moodle website on the AWS Cloud platform as well. The hosting service is managed by Scala, so you can focus on building and growing your educational website. The AWS partnership allows us to expand our network with additional data center locations all over the world, including Singapore, Mumbai, London, Frankfurt, Montreal, Virginia, Ohio, Sydney, and more.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>How do I transfer my Moodle site to ScalaHosting?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>If you already have a working Moodle LMS project with another host, ScalaHosting can help you migrate your data to our servers. We only need the login credentials for your old host, and our Moodle experts will take care of the rest. The process is quick, seamless, involves no downtimes, and comes absolutely free of charge.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>Will my Moodle site experience downtimes during the migration?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>Absolutely not. Our highly efficient support team will ensure the uninterrupted functionality of your project and that your visitors will not notice anything. The migration is a smooth process which is performed by trained website migration specialists. The whole process is effortless and hassle-free.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>How long does it take to transfer my Moodle site to ScalaHosting?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>All our Moodle hosting plans are well-protected with SShield. The innovative monitoring system will keep an eye for any suspicious activities and notify you in case of threats. Furthermore, as this is a fully managed Moodle service, our experts can assist in every step of the way - server setup, hardware configuration, Moodle installation, backups, and whatever else you need.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>How long does it take to transfer my Moodle website?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>In 95% of the cases the migration process takes less than 2 hours. The time varies depending on the size of the Moodle website and how much data we need to transfer.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>Can I upgrade my Moodle hosting plan?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>The Moodle Cloud hosting solution is scalable with flexible resources. You can add more CPU cores, RAM and disk space with a single click and the resources are automatically upgraded within a minute. No need for account upgrades or server migrations - everything with your Moodle LMS project will stay as it is.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>Can I rely on 24/7 support for my Moodle site?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>Technical support is available 24/7 with ScalaHosting. You can get instant assistance via our live chat, allowing you to talk to a technician in real time. Alternatively, you can open a support ticket from your client area with an initial response within 15 minutes. Оur support covers any issues related to our hosting platform or your Moodle services with us. Technicians are friendly and caring, helping you resolve any technical difficulties in a quick and efficient manner.</p> </div> <div class="faq-wistia-video"> <p class="faq-wistia-video-label">See what the Joomla <b>Co-Founder Brian Teeman</b> says about ScalaHosting technical support.</p> <div class="video-wrap"> <div class="wistia_responsive_padding" style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"> <div class="wistia_responsive_wrapper" style="height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;"> <div class="wistia_embed wistia_async_m48ddhug81 videoFoam=true" style="height:100%;position:relative;width:100%"> <div class="wistia_swatch" style="height:100%;left:0;opacity:0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;transition:opacity 200ms;width:100%;"> <!-- <img src="" style="filter:blur(5px);height:100%;object-fit:contain;width:100%;" alt="" aria-hidden="true" onload=";" />--> </div> </div> </div> </div> <img class=" video-preload-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="video-preload-img" width="513" height="289"> <img class=" video-play-img" src="" loading="lazy" alt="video-preload-img" width="513" height="289"> <div class="videoloading"><div class="loader"></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="box col-12 col-sm-10"> <h3>How do I take advantage of Moodle hosting with Scala?</h3> <div class="hider"> <div> <p>Getting started with Moodle LMS from ScalaHosting is easy. Once you choose between the shared hosting or managed VPS plan, you simply need to click on the green Get Started button. Whichever package you choose, the Scala Team promises you stellar performance and an unforgettable Moodle experience.</p> <button class="button green scroll-to-plans-faq">GET STARTED</button> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a Learning Management System?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>A Learning Management System (also referred as eLearning platform) is a software application that serves teachers, schools, and all kinds of educational organizations. LMS apps help you set up courses, tests, and quizzes, configurable reports, custom certificates, and learning materials - all with zero technical expertise. Popular solutions, like the Moodle LMS, can really up your elearning game with magnificent layouts, course automation, and completion progress.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is Moodle hosting?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Moodle hosting is a type of web hosting service that is specifically optimized for LMS websites. The servers are packed with features that make launching and managing Moodle sites a child’s play. This includes perks such as a one-click Moodle installation, automatic updates, scalable resources, and more.</p><p>Moodle is the largest learning management system (LMS) nowadays, supported by almost all hosting providers.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the difference between the two Moodle hosting plans?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The main difference between our Moodle-optimized packages is the web hosting environment. On the Start plan, your Moodle LMS will be hosted on a shared server, while the alternative is a cloud VPS. The latter is much preferred for the educational platform, as it comes with enough resources and customization control to realize any kind of project.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What operating system do I need for the Moodle LMS?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The Moodle code is written in PHP, so any Linux-based operating system will do just fine - whether it is CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, or any of the rest. While it’s not technically impossible to host the app on a Windows server, the configuration and management are much more complicated, so we don’t recommend this option.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Shared Moodle hosting vs Moodle Cloud - Which one is best for educational institutions?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>If your project relies heavily on site speed, user experience, and rock-solid security, Moodle Cloud is definitely the right hosting solution. It is the only type of service that can deliver guaranteed & consistent performance, high security, and uninterrupted uptime at all times.On a shared server, your Moodle LMS website will share everything with hundreds of other accounts, which can lead to many disadvantages and growth barriers for your educational project. Learn more in the <a href='' rel='noreferrer nofollow'>video</a>.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Which Moodle hosting plan is right for me?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Once you pick the right hosting solution for your Moodle site – shared or cloud - choosing the actual plan is an easier task. If you are on a mission to grow your website and you choose the Moodle Cloud deal - you can simply check how many site visits you get in a month. If the number is less than 400 000, the Moodle Cloud VPS with 2 CPU cores and 4GB RAM should be sufficient enough. For more visits, you need to add an additional CPU core for every 200 000, ensuring the best possible environment for your Moodle LMS project</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How much does Moodle Hosting cost?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>As with similar LMS apps, what makes Moodle hosting expensive or cheap is the type of service you choose to host it on. On a shared server, you should expect a price of around $5.95-$9.95/mo, while prices for a good VPS will start at around $29.95/mo. ScalaHosting always recommends a virtual server environment for LMS projects, just so you can be able to guarantee optimal performance and security.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Do you offer AWS Moodle hosting?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>ScalaHosting offers you to host your Moodle website on the AWS Cloud platform as well. The hosting service is managed by Scala, so you can focus on building and growing your educational website. The AWS partnership allows us to expand our network with additional data center locations all over the world, including Singapore, Mumbai, London, Frankfurt, Montreal, Virginia, Ohio, Sydney, and more.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How do I transfer my Moodle site to ScalaHosting?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>If you already have a working Moodle LMS project with another host, ScalaHosting can help you migrate your data to our servers. We only need the login credentials for your old host, and our Moodle experts will take care of the rest. The process is quick, seamless, involves no downtimes, and comes absolutely free of charge.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Will my Moodle site experience downtimes during the migration?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Absolutely not. Our highly efficient support team will ensure the uninterrupted functionality of your project and that your visitors will not notice anything. The migration is a smooth process which is performed by trained website migration specialists. The whole process is effortless and hassle-free.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How long does it take to transfer my Moodle site to ScalaHosting?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>All our Moodle hosting plans are well-protected with SShield. The innovative monitoring system will keep an eye for any suspicious activities and notify you in case of threats. Furthermore, as this is a fully managed Moodle service, our experts can assist in every step of the way - server setup, hardware configuration, Moodle installation, backups, and whatever else you need.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How long does it take to transfer my Moodle website?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>In 95% of the cases the migration process takes less than 2 hours. The time varies depending on the size of the Moodle website and how much data we need to transfer.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Can I upgrade my Moodle hosting plan?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>The Moodle Cloud hosting solution is scalable with flexible resources. You can add more CPU cores, RAM and disk space with a single click and the resources are automatically upgraded within a minute. No need for account upgrades or server migrations - everything with your Moodle LMS project will stay as it is.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Can I rely on 24/7 support for my Moodle site?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Technical support is available 24/7 with ScalaHosting. You can get instant assistance via our live chat, allowing you to talk to a technician in real time. Alternatively, you can open a support ticket from your client area with an initial response within 15 minutes. Оur support covers any issues related to our hosting platform or your Moodle services with us. Technicians are friendly and caring, helping you resolve any technical difficulties in a quick and efficient manner.</p>" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How do I take advantage of Moodle hosting with Scala?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "<p>Getting started with Moodle LMS from ScalaHosting is easy. Once you choose between the shared hosting or managed VPS plan, you simply need to click on <a href=''>Get Started</a> button. Whichever package you choose, the Scala Team promises you stellar performance and an unforgettable Moodle experience.</p>" } }] } </script> </div> <div class="footer-wrap b-t-1"> <footer class="footer-wrap"> <div class="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-between footer-list-wrap"> <div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-auto social-container"> <div class="s-c"> <div class="logo-wrap"> <div> <a href=""> <img class="" src="" loading="lazy" alt="ScalaHosting" width="168" height="23"> <span class="d-none">ScalaHosting</span> </a> </div> </div> <ul class="footer-list-static"> <li><a class="footer-list-item" href="">About Us</a></li> <li><a class="footer-list-item" href="">ScalaHosting Blog</a></li> <li><a class="footer-list-item" href="">ScalaHosting Reviews</a></li> <li><a class="footer-list-item" href="">Network and Data Centers</a></li> </ul> <ul class="social-links d-fle justify-content-center justify-content-lg-start"> <li class="social-links-li"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="social-link d-block a-b-l facebook" title="Go to our Facebook page"><span class="d-none">ScalaHosting in Facebook</span></a> </li><!-- --><li class="social-links-li"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="social-link d-block a-b-l twitter" title="Go to our Twitter"><span class="d-none">ScalaHosting in Twitter</span></a> </li><!-- --><li class="social-links-li"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="social-link d-block a-b-l linkedin" title="Go to our LinkedIn"><span class="d-none">LinkedIn</span></a> </li><!-- --><li class="d-inline-block"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="social-link d-block a-b-l youtube" title="Go to YouTube"><span class="d-none">YouTube</span></a> </li> </ul> <ul class="payment-methods-wrap d-fle justify-content-center justify-content-lg-start"> <li class="payment-methods-wrap-li" data-tooltip="Credit/Debit Card"> <div class="payment-methods-wrap-li-content d-block a-b-l svg-image credit-card"></div> </li><!-- --><li class="payment-methods-wrap-li" data-tooltip="PayPal"> <div class="payment-methods-wrap-li-content d-block a-b-l svg-image paypal"></div> </li><!-- --><li class="payment-methods-wrap-li" data-tooltip="Bank Transfer"> <div class="payment-methods-wrap-li-content d-block a-b-l svg-image bank"></div> </li> </ul> <div class="bbb-wrap"> <a id="bbblink" class="ruhzbum" href="" target="_blank" title="Scala Hosting LLC, Web Hosting, Dallas, TX" style="display: block;position: relative;overflow: hidden; 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