UxC: Publications

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The <a href="/p/product/periodical/uxw"><i>Ux Weekly</i></a> publishes spot prices for the uranium, conversion, and enrichment front-end, as well as tracking current activity in these markets. It provides perspective pieces on market trends and developments, and covers news affecting the front-end markets. The <i>Ux Weekly</i> is issued electronically, as well as by mail, when requested. It is also supported by the Subscriber Services section on UxC's web site. </p><p> UxC also publishes a set of industry leading newsletters that focus on the backend of the fuel cycle. The weekly publication <a href="/p/product/periodical/sf-stf"><i>SpentFUEL</i></a> follows the used fuel industry that is now expanding its international focus and including such items as additional coverage on recycling. The monthly <a href="/p/product/periodical/sf-stf#stf"><i>StoreFUEL</i></a> tracks and monitors the used fuel storage industry and highlights government licensing, updates of loading campaigns, and repository developments. </p><p> The UxC <i>Market Outlook</i> reports provide in-depth, current coverage of the <a href="/p/product/report/umo">uranium</a> and <a href="/p/product/report/emo">enrichment</a>, markets on a quarterly basis and for the <a href="/p/product/report/cmo">conversion</a> and <a href="/p/product/report/fmo">fabrication</a> markets on an annual basis. These reports cover recent and prospective contracting activity for each of the markets, supply and demand developments, market and contracting trends, and forecasts of prices under different market scenarios. Also supplied with the reports are monthly updates of UxC's proprietary leading market indicators that are used to help predict near- and long-term price movements for each of the markets. </p><p> UxC offers several other standard services covering topics including reactor build, uranium production, and international policy issues. UxC's <a href="/p/product/report/npo"><i>Nuclear Power Outlook</i></a> quarterly report package provides increased coverage of the overall nuclear power industry with an emphasis on nuclear reactors and the demand for nuclear fuel components around the world. Sometimes referred to as "The Uranium Bible", UxC's <a href="/p/product/report/usa"><i>Uranium Suppliers Annual</i></a> contains comprehensive data and information on all of the world's uranium suppliers, including detailed sections on planned producers and junior/exploration companies. UxC's <a href="/p/product/report/pw"><i>Policy Watch</i></a>, an enhancement of our very successful Washington Watch briefing service, serves as a detailed, accurate and timely source of information on key policy issues that affect the global nuclear fuel market. </p><p> In addition to all our standard reports and newsletters, UxC also publishes several <a href="/p/product/report-list">special reports</a> on a less frequent basis. These reports typically analyze specific issues and topics in the nuclear markets in greater detail and expand UxC's coverage beyond that found in its standard products. Several of these special reports have had multiple editions over the years. UxC's holistic coverage of the nuclear markets from the fuel cycle front-end to reactors to the back-end can be found in our <a href="/p/product/report/nivc"><i>Nuclear Industry Value Chain</i></a> report, which has seen seven editions published since 2009. The <a href="/p/product/report/upcs"><i>Uranium Production Cost Study</i></a>, which is published every two years, delves into the costs and cost drivers for uranium mines around the world. The <a href="/p/product/report/gnfi"><i>Global Nuclear Fuel Inventories</i></a> report provides answers to questions related to the volumes, holders, and future flow of nuclear fuel inventories worldwide. For those interested in the <a href="/p/product/report/zirc"><i>Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market</i></a>, UxC has been publishing reports on this unique market since 2008. Over the years, UxC has also covered other important, timely topics relevant to the industry, such as in-depth reports on key countries (e.g., China, Kazakhstan, Russia, and India), the impacts of the Fukushima accident on Japan and the rest of the world, small modular reactor (SMR) market analyses, enrichment supplier assessments, among others. </p> </article> <hr /> <p class="small"> UxC<sup>&reg;</sup>, Ux Weekly<sup>&reg;</sup>, Ux U<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8</sub> Price<sup>&reg;</sup>, UxC BAP<sup>&reg;</sup>, U-PRICE<sup>&reg;</sup>, and SWU-PRICE<sup>&reg;</sup>, are registered trademarks of UxC, LLC. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8" style="line-height:1rem;"> <a href="#top" onclick="window.scroll(0, 0); return false;"><span class="text-muted">BACK TO TOP</span></a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="/">HOME</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="/SiteMap.aspx">SITE MAP</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/Terms.aspx">Terms of Use</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/Privacy.aspx">Privacy Policy</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/corp/background">Contact Us</a> <table class="no-border" style="margin-top:30px;"> <tr> <td class="small"> &copy; 2024 UxC, LLC<br /> All rights reserved. </td> <td class="pl-4"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/logos/logo-x.svg" height="24" /></a> </td> <td class="pl-3"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/logos/logo-linkedin.svg" height="32" /></a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="col-sm-4"> <br class="d-sm-none" /> <div> <b style="line-height:1rem;">UxC, LLC</b> <br /> <br class="hidden-xs" /> <p class="small" style="margin-bottom:0;"> <b>Corporate Office:</b><br /> 1501 MACY DR &nbsp;|&nbsp; ROSWELL, GA 30076 USA<br /> +1 (770) 642-7745 </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-10981520-1'); </script> <script src="/bundles/uxc?v=XqoGEPdbjSRXqB0vGwzBlqhcdqbQJnvuJ3NHaF_B7sA1"></script> </body> </html>

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