CERN Document Server

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:opensearch=""> <channel> <title>CERN Document Server</title> <link></link> <description>CERN Document Server latest documents</description> <language>en</language> <pubDate>Sun, 23 Feb 2025 21:36:05 GMT</pubDate> <category></category> <generator>Invenio</generator> <ttl>360</ttl> <atom:link rel="self" href="/rss?f=author&amp;ln=pt&amp;p=Abalo+Miron%2C+Damian" /> <opensearch:totalResults>2</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:startIndex>1</opensearch:startIndex> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>25</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <image> <url></url> <title>CERN Document Server</title> <link></link> </image> <atom:link rel="search" href="" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Content Search" /> <textInput> <title>Search </title> <description>Search this site:</description> <name>p</name> <link></link> </textInput> <item> <title>quasar - A Generic Framework for Rapid Development of OPC UA Servers</title> <link></link> <description>This paper describes a new approach for generic design and efficient development of OPC Unified Architecture (UA) servers. Development starts with creation of a design XML file, describing an OO information model of the target system or device. Using this model, the framework generates an executable OPC UA server exposing the per-design address space without writing a single line of code while supporting standalone or embedded platforms. Further, the framework generates skeleton code for the interface logic of the target system or device. This approach allows both novice and expert developers to create servers for the systems they are experts in while greatly reducing design and development effort as compared to developments based on COTS OPC UA toolkits. Higher level software such as SCADA systems may benefit from using the design description to generate client connectivity configuration and data representation as well as validation tools. In this contribution, the concept and implementation of this framework is detailed along with examples of actual production-level usage in the detector control system of the ATLAS Experiment at CERN and beyond.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Schlenker, Stefan</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Abalo Miron, Damian</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Farnham, Ben</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Filimonov, Viatcheslav</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Nikiel, Piotr</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Soare, Cristian-Valeriu</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 06 Sep 2016 04:22:58 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>LabVIEW as a New Supervision Solution for Industrial Control Systems</title> <link></link> <description>To shorten the development time of supervision applications, CERN has developed the UNICOS framework, which simplifies the configuration of the front-end devices and the supervision (SCADA) layer. At CERN the SCADA system of choice is WinCC OA, but for specific projects (small size, not connected to accelerator operation or not located at CERN) a more customisable SCADA using LabVIEW is an attractive alternative. Therefore a similar system, called UNICOS in LabVIEW (UiL), has been implemented. It provides a set of highly customisable re-usable components, devices and utilities. Because LabVIEW uses different programming methods than WinCC OA, the tools for automatic instantiation of devices on both the front-end and supervision layer had to be re-developed, but the configuration files of the devices and the SCADA can be reused. This paper reports how the implementation was done, it describes the first project implemented in UiL and an outlook to other possible applications.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Andreassen, Odd</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Abalo Miron, Damian</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Augrandjean, Frank</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Blanco Vinuela, Enrique</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Gomez De La Cruz, Maria De Fatima</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Rijllart, Adriaan</dc:creator> <pubDate>Tue, 06 Sep 2016 04:22:45 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> </channel> </rss>