HeidiSQL 12.7 with support for descending indexes, filter boxes in table tools, JSONL export, and more

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background-size:cover;"> <img src="/images/icons/money_euro.png" title="Donor" /> </div> <div class="forum-user-posts"> <a href="/forum.php?u=2" title="Click to find all posts from ansgar">10364 posts</a> </div> </div> <div class="forum-post-wrapper"> <div class="forum-post-header"> <img class="forum-user-img-mobile" src="//;s=100" alt="ansgar's profile image"/> <strong>ansgar</strong> posted <span title="05 May 2024 12:20">7 months ago</span> in <a href="/forum.php?c=1" title="Click to find all posts in category Anouncements">Anouncements</a> <span class="floatright"> <a href="?t=42121#p42121" title="Permalink to this post"> <img src="/images/icon-permalink.svg" alt="Permalink" /> </a> </span> </div> <div class="forum-post-content" id="msg42121"><p>Get it from the <a href="/download.php?download=installer">download page</a></p> <p><a rel="ugc"href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p><strong>3rd party updates:</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Issue #1946</a>: update libmariadb.dll and plugin libraries to latest <a rel="ugc"href="">v3.3.8</a></li> <li>Update <a rel="ugc"href="">regular expression library</a> to v1.181 2023.11.22, supporting \K pattern to set the begin of a reported match.</li> <li>Update <a rel="ugc"href="">InnoSetup</a> compiler to v6.2.2</li> <li>Update <a rel="ugc"href="">VirtualTrees</a> component code to release v8.0.3 (major version update)</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1888</a>: Update <a rel="ugc"href="">plink</a> executables to v0.81</li> <li>Update <a rel="ugc"href="">madExcept</a> exception handler to v5.1.4</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1905</a>: Update <a rel="ugc"href="">OpenSSL</a> libraries used by libpq-15.dll to v3.1.5</li> <li>Update SQLite libraries to v3.45.3 from 2024-04-15</li> </ul> <p><strong>New stuff:</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Issue #1879</a>: add drop down menu to "Apply filter" button, with an option to overwrite the current filter based on the different input text</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1512</a>: add basic support for indexes with descending column direction</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1429</a>: add "SQL INSERT IGNORE" output format to grid export dialog</li> <li><a href="">Issue #178</a>: add database and table filter boxes above tree view on table tools dialog</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1917</a>: Support additional UCA collations introduced in MariaDB 10.10.1.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1927</a>: display column comments in completion proposal, give that third column more space to the left and italic style</li> <li>Table editor: when user runs into the cryptic "constraint is incorrectly formed" message, append a more meaningful line from SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS.</li> <li>Support naming result tabs per "-- name: xyz" comment. See <a rel="ugc"href=""></a></li> <li>Reorder components in grid export dialog, and convert format radio buttons to combobox. Makes the dialog more wide than high, creating space for wider labels and more format options.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1930</a>: Grid export: implement JSON Lines format.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #139</a>: Alternating row background colors in table columns list and most other main tabs, if activated by user.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Bugfixes and enhancements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Enhance readability of focused text in result grid using dark styles. TreeOptions.PaintOptions.toGhostedIfUnfocused grays out text otherwise.</li> <li>Fix crash in SynCompletionProposalChange, happening when scrolling very fast to the top of the list</li> <li>Fix crash in f_() function with invalid format specifiers from some translation. Happened in Japanese recently.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1870</a>: support VARCHAR columns with a length of 0, in temporary fake tables for exporting views</li> <li>Detect Windows 11 in about dialog, and remove functions only required for the no longer supported Windows Store version</li> <li>Fix activated SSH tunnel for a network type which does not support that, after changing the network type from an explicit SSH-tunnel-type to a TCP/IP version.</li> <li>Search replace: ignore numbers in static row id column</li> <li>Installer: add newly available translations for Hungarian and Bulgarian</li> <li>Add item in Tools main menu for resetting panels to their default dimensions. Useful for quite a few people who move their app window between screens with different resolutions.</li> <li>Static row id: always use the color of the session the result belongs to</li> <li>Performance: call TimerHostUptimeTimer event every 20 seconds only, instead of each second</li> <li>SQL export dialog: cut long file list down to 20 latest items</li> <li><a href="">Issue #520</a>: Fix crash in sort columns dialog when removing the last column, with a non-default theme</li> <li>After reformatting SQL code, unify new lines to Windows line feeds, so the selection's end in SynMemo is correct</li> <li>Fix retrieving MySQL events from the current database on older servers, work around MySQL bug 41907. See <a rel="ugc"href=""></a></li> <li>Make pressed state of favorites button more noticeable, by using the gray-scale icon in unpressed state</li> <li>Fix emptied "SHOW WARNINGS" pool due to queried @max_error_count in warning dialog. See <a rel="ugc"href=""></a></li> <li><a href="">Issue #1899</a>: fix wrong column number on column selector above data grid</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1906</a>: provide a new preference option to turn on color icons on inactive tabs again</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1910</a>: Fix CURRENT_TIMESTAMP default text detection as an expression, not as an ordinary string literal, on MySQL 8.0.14+.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1887</a>: restore old scroll offset in data grid, when refreshing result or paging to the next rows</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1918</a>: Remove leading timestamp from log message when copying to new query tab.</li> <li>Host tab: use session name as tab caption, and show host name as mouse-over hint. See <a rel="ugc"href=""></a></li> <li>Hopefully fix slow loading tabs.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1923</a>: Fix completion proposal not showing columns of a table alias when table name contains the word "join".</li> <li><a href="">Issue #355</a>: Fix non-working scrolling with a horizontal mouse wheel in grids, by preferring TWMScroll.Pos over TScrollInfo.nTrackPos (always 0).</li> <li>Add functions-mysql8.ini with some newer functions in it, and search for version specific ini file when connecting. See <a rel="ugc"href=""></a></li> <li>Fix too small foreign columns dropdown, scale controls on TSetEditorLink DPI aware</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1247</a>: Fix invalid SQL code for dropping foreign key constraint in PostgreSQL mode.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1586</a>: include "COLLATE xyz" clause when applying collation and user checked the "Convert data" option, so the columns do not get the default collation of the new charset</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1934</a>: fix empty column list in completion proposal when user input starts with a quote character</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1933</a>: Update list with known MySQL 8 keywords, taken from <a rel="ugc"href=""></a></li> <li><a href="">Issue #1939</a>: Fix empty CREATE TABLE code and "List index out of bounds" message in log, due to accessing TTableKey.Collations[x] without being initialized</li> <li><a href="">Issue #321</a>: Fix SQL code in TTableKey.SQLCode for PostgreSQL</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1940</a>: In TSecureShellCmd.Connect, include parallel happened errors in any success dialog. Also, log errors to the log panel when both pipes have content.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1942</a>: Reset FClipboardHasNull marker before pasting text which was copied outside the application.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1943</a>: Set DbTree.DefaultNodeHeight in FormShow rather than in FormCreate, to respect DPI settings.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1931</a>: Support CITEXT columns in Postgres and categorize as text type, so these show up in foreign values pulldown editor of data grid.</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1868</a>: Reset sort order of data tab grid as well, when user clicks "Clear data tab filter".</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1936</a>: Fix EAbstractError when closing text editor</li> <li><a href="">Issue #1947</a>: don't change case of detected column names, in CSV parser</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div><p>Please login to leave a reply, or <a href="/user.php">register</a> at first.</p><form method="post" action="/forum.php" id="loginform"> <label for="login_username">Username:</label> <input type="text" name="login_username" id="login_username" value="" /><br /> <label for="login_password">Password:</label> <input type="password" name="login_password" id="login_password" value="" /><br /> <input type="checkbox" name="login_remember" value="1" checked="checked" id="login_remember" /> <label for="login_remember">Remember me</label><br /> <input type="submit" value="Login" /><input type="hidden" name="t" value="42121" /></form></div> <script> var forumReadOnly = false; if(forumReadOnly) { $('#postform').html('<p style="color:maroon;">Forum registration and posting is currently disabled, due to a spamming flood.</p>'); } </script> </div> <p id="footer"> <a href="//"> <img src="/images/icons/server-mariadb.png" alt="MariaDB" /> Database powered by MariaDB</a> <a href=""> <img src="/images/icons/embarcadero-rad-studio.png" alt="Embarcadero Delphi" /> HeidiSQL is proudly built with Embarcadero Delphi</a> <a href="" title="HeidiSQL on Facebook"><img src="/images/facebook-icon.png" alt="Facebook" /></a> <a href="" title="HeidiSQL on Instagram"><img src="/images/instagram-icon.png" alt="Instagram" /></a> <a href="/imprint.php">Imprint</a> </p> <div class="sticky-right"> </div> </body> </html>

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