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<</S/S/W 1>>/Color [1 0 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1390 120 a 43 w Fs(Luk)n(e)e(Sh)n(ulen)n(burger,)h(Ra)n(ymond)e(W.)i (Lemk)n(e,)731 228 y(Daniel)35 b(H.)j(Dolan,)g(Thomas)d(R.)j(Mattsson,) h(and)e(Mic)n(hael)e(P)-7 b(.)36 b(Desjarlais)775 315 y Fq(Sandia)g(National)h(L)l(ab)l(or)l(atories,)j(A)n(lbuquer)l(que,)g (New)c(Mexic)l(o)h(87185,)h(USA)1521 403 y Fp(\(Dated:)c(Jan)n(uary)26 b(30,)h(2015\))383 548 y SDict begin H.S end 383 548 a 383 548 a SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 383 548 a 383 548 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (section*.1) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 383 548 a Fp(The)c(mo)r(on-forming)f(impact)g(and)h(the)f (subsequen)n(t)f(ev)n(olution)i(of)h(the)e(proto-Earth)h(is)g(strongly) g(dep)r(enden)n(t)307 635 y(on)33 b(the)g(prop)r(erties)h(of)g (materials)h(at)e(the)g(extreme)f(conditions)j(generated)e(b)n(y)g (this)g(violen)n(t)h(collision.)60 b(W)-6 b(e)307 722 y(examine)21 b(the)g(high)h(pressure)g(b)r(eha)n(vior)g(of)h(MgO,)f (one)g(of)h(the)f(dominan)n(t)e(constituen)n(ts)i(in)g(the)f(earth's)i (man)n(tle,)307 809 y(using)33 b(high-precision,)i(plate)e(impact)f (sho)r(c)n(k)h(compression)g(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)f(p)r(erformed)g(on)h (Sandia)g(National)307 897 y(Lab)r(oratories)20 b(Z-Mac)n(hine)f(and)g (extensiv)n(e)f(quan)n(tum)e(sim)n(ulations)k(using)f(Densit)n(y)f(F)-6 b(unctional)19 b(Theory)g(\(DFT\))307 984 y(and)f(quan)n(tum)e(Mon)n (te)k(Carlo)g(\(QMC\).)f(The)g(com)n(bined)f(data)h(span)g(from)f(am)n (bien)n(t)g(conditions)h(to)g(1.2)h(TP)n(a)g(and)307 1071 y(42,000)32 b(K,)d(sho)n(wing)i(solid-solid)h(and)d(solid-liquid)h (phase)g(b)r(oundaries.)47 b(F)-6 b(urthermore)29 b(our)h(results)g (indicate)307 1158 y(under)h(impact)g(that)g(the)h(solid)g(and)g (liquid)f(phases)h(co)r(exist)h(for)g(more)e(than)g(100)i(GP)n(a,)h (pushing)e(complete)307 1245 y(melting)27 b(to)h(pressures)g(in)f (excess)i(of)f(600)h(GP)n(a.)41 b(The)28 b(high)f(pressure)h(required)f (for)i(complete)e(sho)r(c)n(k)h(melting)307 1333 y(places)e(a)g(lo)n(w) n(er)h(b)r(ound)e(on)g(the)h(relativ)n(e)g(v)n(elo)r(cities)h(required) e(for)i(the)e(mo)r(on)g(forming)h(impact.)307 1499 y Fo(P)-6 b(A)n(CS)23 b(n)n(um)n(b)r(ers:)31 b(91.60.Hg,)24 b(91.60.-x,)f(81.40.Vw,)h(71.15.Pd)-67 1761 y Fs(The)34 b(leading)d(theory)i(of)h(mo)r(on)e(formation)f(is)i(a)g(gian)n(t)f (im-)-150 1860 y(pact)g(ev)n(en)n(t)f(o)r(ccurring)f(appro)n(ximately)d (4)p Fn(:)p Fs(5)20 b Fm(\002)h Fs(10)1482 1830 y Fl(9)1551 1860 y Fs(y)n(ears)30 b(ago)-150 1960 y([)-127 1960 y SDict begin H.S end -127 1960 a Fs(1)-85 1960 y SDict begin 12 H.L end -85 1960 a -85 1960 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Hartmann1975) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end -85 1960 a Fs(].)56 b(Recen)n(t)34 b(large)e(scale)g(sim)n(ulations)d(sho)n (w)34 b(that)g(gian)n(t)e(im-)-150 2059 y(pacts)25 b(are)g(capable)f (of)h(pro)r(ducing)f(the)i(correct)f(Earth)f(-)i(Mo)r(on)-150 2159 y(masses)g(and)i(angular)d(momen)n(tum)h([)1046 2159 y SDict begin H.S end 1046 2159 a Fs(2)1088 2159 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 1088 2159 a 1088 2159 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Canup2012) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1088 2159 a -1 w Fs(,)1139 2159 y SDict begin H.S end 1139 2159 a Fs(3)1181 2159 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 1181 2159 a 1181 2159 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Stewart2012) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1181 2159 a -1 w Fs(].)39 b(Complicating)23 b(the)-150 2259 y(gian)n(t)18 b(impact)g(theory)-7 b(,)20 b(ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)g(is)e(that)i(the)g (Earth)f(and)h(mo)r(on)-150 2358 y(ha)n(v)n(e)36 b(a)h(nearly)f(iden)n (tical)e(c)n(hemical)g(and)k(isotopic)c(comp)r(osi-)-150 2458 y(tion)27 b([)44 2458 y SDict begin H.S end 44 2458 a Fs(4)86 2458 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 86 2458 a 86 2458 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Wiechert2001) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 86 2458 a Fs(].)39 b(This)28 b(implies)c(that)29 b(either)e(the)i(impactor)d(w)n(as)h(com-)-150 2558 y(p)r(ositionally) 22 b(similar)f(to)26 b(the)h(proto-Earth,)d(whic)n(h)h(is)h(though)n(t) -150 2657 y(to)19 b(b)r(e)h(unlik)n(ely)-7 b(,)17 b(or)i(that)g (extensiv)n(e)e(mixing)f(of)k(the)f(p)r(ost)g(impact)-150 2757 y(materials)29 b(o)r(ccurred.)51 b(The)33 b(sim)n(ulations)28 b(needed)33 b(to)g(test)g(the)-150 2856 y(p)r(ost-impact)21 b(mixing)f(are)j(dep)r(enden)n(t)h(on)f(an)g(accurate)f(under-)-150 2956 y(standing)f(of)h(the)h(prop)r(erties)d(of)i(man)n(tle)f (materials)d(at)k(extreme)-150 3056 y(pressures)33 b(and)h(temp)r (eratures.)56 b(F)-7 b(or)34 b(example,)g(p)r(ost)g(impact)-150 3155 y(mixing)19 b(for)j(c)n(hemical)c(equilibration)g(in)j(the)i (proto-Lunar)d(disk)-150 3255 y(has)32 b(b)r(een)g(sho)n(wn)g(in)f(sim) n(ulations)c([)1025 3255 y SDict begin H.S end 1025 3255 a Fs(5)1067 3255 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 1067 3255 a 1067 3255 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Pahlevan2007) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1067 3255 a Fs(],)34 b(but)e(requires)e (melting)-150 3355 y(and)j(v)-5 b(ap)r(orization)30 b(of)j(the)h(man)n (tle)d(in)i(order)e(for)i(material)d(to)-150 3454 y(di\013use.)k(T)-7 b(esting)21 b(suc)n(h)h(theories)e(is)h(di\016cult)g(b)r(ecause)g(the)i (melt)-150 3554 y(line)18 b(of)j(the)f(most)f(common)f(man)n(tle)g (materials)e(is)j(not)h(w)n(ell)e(con-)-150 3653 y(strained)26 b(at)h(these)h(conditions)d([)903 3653 y SDict begin H.S end 903 3653 a Fs(6)945 3653 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 945 3653 a 945 3653 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Boehler2000) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 945 3653 a Fs(].)-67 3794 y(Adv)-5 b(anced)34 b(facilities)c(for)k(p)r(erforming)d(dynamic)h (materials)-150 3894 y(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)18 b(ha)n(v)n(e)i(greatly)e (increased)h(the)i(pressure)f(and)g(tem-)-150 3994 y(p)r(erature)g (regimes)d(that)j(can)g(b)r(e)h(prob)r(ed)f(for)g(imp)r(ortan)n(t)e (plane-)-150 4093 y(tary)i(materials)c([)397 4093 y SDict begin H.S end 397 4093 a Fs(7)439 4093 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 439 4093 a 439 4093 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.MDKQuartz2009) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 439 4093 a -1 w Fs({)480 4093 y SDict begin H.S end 480 4093 a Fs(10)564 4093 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 564 4093 a 564 4093 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.RootCO2) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 564 4093 a -1 w Fs(].)34 b(The)21 b(Rankine-Hugoniot) c(\(RH\))k(equa-)-150 4193 y(tions)c([)67 4193 y SDict begin H.S end 67 4193 a Fs(11)151 4193 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 151 4193 a 151 4193 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Zeldovich) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 151 4193 a -1 w Fs(])i(relate)e(the)i(exp)r(erimen)n(tally)14 b(measured)j(sho)r(c)n (k)g(v)n(elo)r(c-)-150 4292 y(it)n(y)26 b(to)h(the)h(thermo)r(dynamic) 23 b(state,)k(pressure)f(and)h(densit)n(y)-7 b(,)26 b(of)-150 4392 y(the)20 b(sho)r(c)n(k)n(ed)e(material.)31 b(The)19 b(abilit)n(y)d(to)k(p)r(erform)e(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)-150 4492 y(with)40 b(steady)f(planar)f(sho)r(c)n(ks)h(and)h(with)g(w)n (ell-c)n(haracterized)-150 4591 y(impactors)16 b(and)j(targets)f(is)g (critical)d(for)k(determining)d(the)j(equa-)-150 4691 y(tion)42 b(of)g(state)h(\(EOS\))g(and)f(the)h(phase.)82 b(T)-7 b(o)42 b(fully)g(address)-150 4791 y(the)d(ph)n(ysics)d(relev)-5 b(an)n(t)37 b(to)h(planetary)e(science,)k(this)d(thermo-)-150 4890 y(dynamic)22 b(information)f(m)n(ust)i(b)r(e)i(augmen)n(ted)e (with)h(an)g(under-)-150 4990 y(standing)i(of)i(the)g(phase)f (transformations.)-67 5131 y(In)20 b(this)f(w)n(ork)g(w)n(e)g(fo)r(cus) h(on)f(MgO,)h(the)g(end)g(mem)n(b)r(er)e(of)h(mag-)-150 5230 y(nesio)n(w)r(\177)-44 b(ustite,)34 b(a)g(ma)5 b(jor)32 b(constituen)n(t)i(of)g(the)h(earth's)f(man)n(tle)-150 5330 y([)-127 5330 y SDict begin H.S end -127 5330 a Fs(12)-43 5330 y SDict begin 12 H.L end -43 5330 a -43 5330 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.McDonough1995) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end -43 5330 a -1 w Fs(])25 b(and)g(lik)n(ely)d(other)i (terrestrial)d(exoplanets)j([)1405 5330 y SDict begin H.S end 1405 5330 a Fs(13)1489 5330 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 1489 5330 a 1489 5330 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.kepler10b) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1489 5330 a -1 w Fs(].)36 b(A)n(t)25 b(am)n(bi-)-150 5430 y(en)n(t)j(conditions,)f (MgO)g(exists)g(in)h(a)g(NaCl)f(\(B1\))i(lattice)d(struc-)2042 1761 y(ture,)40 b(whic)n(h)c(is)h(stable)f(o)n(v)n(er)g(a)h(wide)f (pressure-temp)r(erature)2042 1860 y(range)29 b([)2294 1860 y SDict begin H.S end 2294 1860 a Fs(14)2378 1860 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2378 1860 a 2378 1860 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Zerr1994) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2378 1860 a -1 w Fs({)2419 1860 y SDict begin H.S end 2419 1860 a Fs(16)2503 1860 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2503 1860 a 2503 1860 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Coppari2013) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2503 1860 a -1 w Fs(].)45 b(Dynamic)29 b(compression)e(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)h(start-) 2042 1960 y(ing)23 b(from)f(am)n(bien)n(t)g([)2707 1960 y SDict begin H.S end 2707 1960 a Fs(17)2791 1960 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2791 1960 a 2791 1960 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.marsh1980lasl) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2791 1960 a -1 w Fs({)2832 1960 y SDict begin H.S end 2832 1960 a Fs(21)2916 1960 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2916 1960 a 2916 1960 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Fratanduono2013) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2916 1960 a -1 w Fs(])i(and)g(from)e(T) 3372 1972 y Fl(0)3409 1960 y Fs(=1900)g(K)i([)3776 1960 y SDict begin H.S end 3776 1960 a Fs(22)3860 1960 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 3860 1960 a 3860 1960 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.OlegSCCM09) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3860 1960 a -1 w Fs(])g(sho)n(w)2042 2059 y(no)18 b(indications)e(of) j(phase)f(transitions)f(up)i(to)g(230)e(GP)n(a.)33 b Fk(A)n(b)22 b(ini-)2042 2159 y(tio)37 b Fs(studies)30 b(on)h(the)h(MgO)e(phase)h(diagram)c(agree)j(that)h(three)2042 2259 y(phases)e(exist:)41 b(the)30 b(B1)g(solid,)e(the)j(B2)e(\(CsCl\)) h(solid,)e(and)i(the)2042 2358 y(liquid)d([)2300 2358 y SDict begin H.S end 2300 2358 a Fs(23)2384 2358 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2384 2358 a 2384 2358 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.BeloMgO) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2384 2358 a -1 w Fs({)2425 2358 y SDict begin H.S end 2425 2358 a Fs(25)2509 2358 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2509 2358 a 2509 2358 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.cebulla-MgO) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2509 2358 a -2 w Fs(],)k(but)f(disagree) d(on)i(the)h(lo)r(cation)d(of)j(the)g(phase)2042 2458 y(b)r(oundaries.)62 b(Along)35 b(the)i(Hugoniot,)g(whic)n(h)e(is)h (relev)-5 b(an)n(t)35 b(for)2042 2558 y(planetary)j(impact)h (scenarios,)i(the)g(lo)r(cation)d(of)j(the)g(B1-B2)2042 2657 y(transition)23 b(and)j(the)g(melt)f(transition)e(has)j(not)g(b)r (een)g(precisely)2042 2757 y(determined.)76 b(Recen)n(tly)41 b(McWilliams)36 b Fk(et)43 b(al)p Fs(.)79 b(ha)n(v)n(e)40 b(sho)n(wn)2042 2856 y(that)35 b(MgO)f(can)h(b)r(e)g(dynamically)30 b(compressed)j(to)i(pressures)2042 2956 y(exceeding)30 b(1)h(TP)n(a)f(using)g(a)h(deca)n(ying)f(sho)r(c)n(k)g(tec)n(hnique)h ([)3955 2956 y SDict begin H.S end 3955 2956 a Fs(26)4039 2956 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 4039 2956 a 4039 2956 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.McWilliams2012) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 4039 2956 a -1 w Fs(].)2042 3056 y(The)i(authors)f(also)e (prop)r(osed)i(lo)r(cations)e(for)j(the)g(B1-B2)e(and)2042 3155 y(B2-liquid)g(transitions)g(along)h(the)j(Hugoniot,)g(but)g(the)g (mea-)2042 3255 y(suremen)n(ts)g(relied)g(hea)n(vily)f(on)j(prior)e (MgO)h(Hugoniot)g(data,)2042 3355 y(whic)n(h)26 b(w)n(as)h(not)g(w)n (ell)f(kno)n(wn)h(ab)r(o)n(v)n(e)f(200)g(GP)n(a.)2125 3482 y(W)-7 b(e)29 b(presen)n(t)f(a)g(comprehensiv)n(e)d(study)k(of)g (the)g(MgO)f(Hugo-)2042 3581 y(niot)20 b(using)h(exp)r(erimen)n(ts,)f (densit)n(y)g(functional)g(theory)h(\(DFT\),)2042 3681 y(and)28 b(quan)n(tum)f(Mon)n(te)h(Carlo)e(\(QMC\))i(metho)r(ds)g(o)n (v)n(er)e(a)i(wide)2042 3781 y(pressure)33 b(range)h(co)n(v)n(ering)d (the)36 b(B1,)g(the)f(B2,)h(and)f(the)g(liquid)2042 3880 y(phases)h(from)f(0.27)h(to)h(1.2)f(TP)n(a.)63 b(The)37 b(high-precision)c(data)2042 3980 y(constrain)22 b(the)i(Hugoniot)f(at) g(m)n(ulti-Mbar)e(pressures,)i(and)h(the)2042 4079 y(DFT)30 b(and)g(QMC)f(results)g(further)h(elucidate)d(information)f(on)2042 4179 y(the)h(phase)f(b)r(oundaries.)34 b(This)26 b(w)n(ork)f(pro)n (vides)f(accurate)h(EOS)2042 4279 y(data)20 b(at)i(extreme)d (conditions)g(and)i(furthermore)e(rev)n(eals)g(lo)n(w)n(er)2042 4378 y(limits)f(of)k(the)g(relativ)n(e)c(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)h(required)h (in)h(the)h(gian)n(t)e(impact)2042 4478 y(scenario)25 b(for)i(mo)r(on)f(formation.)2125 4605 y(T)-7 b(o)22 b(attain)f(planetary)f(impact)g(conditions,)h(w)n(e)h(p)r(erformed)f(a) 2042 4705 y(series)f(of)i(sho)r(c)n(k)f(compression)d(exp)r(erimen)n (ts)i(using)g(the)j(Sandia)2042 4804 y(Z-Mac)n(hine)e([)2471 4804 y SDict begin H.S end 2471 4804 a Fs(27)2555 4804 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2555 4804 a 2555 4804 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.ZMachRef) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2555 4804 a -1 w Fs(].)35 b(The)24 b(Z-mac)n(hine)c(is)i(a)g (pulsed)h(p)r(o)n(w)n(er)e(system)2042 4904 y(capable)26 b(of)i(pro)r(ducing)e(shap)r(ed)i(curren)n(t)f(pulses)f(and)i(induced) 2042 5004 y(magnetic)j(\014elds)j(in)f(excess)g(of)h(20)g(MA)g(and)g (10)g(MG)g(resp)r(ec-)2042 5103 y(tiv)n(ely)-7 b(.)32 b(The)20 b(com)n(bined)e(curren)n(t)h(and)g(magnetic)f(\014eld)h (densities)2042 5203 y(generate)26 b(magnetic)f(pressures)g(up)j(to)f (650)f(GP)n(a)g(that)i(can)f(ac-)2042 5302 y(celerate)e(alumin)n(um)f (\015y)n(ers)j(up)h(to)f(40)g(km/s)f([)3524 5302 y SDict begin H.S end 3524 5302 a Fs(28)3608 5302 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 3608 5302 a 3608 5302 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.LemkeZFlyer05) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3608 5302 a -1 w Fs(].)2125 5430 y(Figure)2392 5430 y SDict begin H.S end 2392 5430 a Black Fs(1)p Black 2434 5376 a SDict begin H.R end 2434 5376 a 2434 5430 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (figure.1) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2434 5430 a 33 w Fs(sho)n(ws)32 b(a)g(sc)n(hematic)f(view)h(of)h (the)g(target)f(geom-)p Black Black eop end end %%Page: 2 2 TeXDict begin HPSdict begin 2 1 bop 0 0 a SDict begin /product where{pop product(Distiller)search{pop pop pop version(.)search{exch pop exch pop(3011)eq{gsave newpath 0 0 moveto closepath clip/Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont 72 72 moveto(.)show grestore}if}{pop}ifelse}{pop}ifelse}if end 0 0 a -158 -515 a SDict begin H.S end -158 -515 a -158 -515 a SDict begin H.R end -158 -515 a -158 -515 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (page.2) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -158 -515 a Black 4043 -299 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1227.83 986 1155.17 1008 1069.5 c 1030 983.83 1041 868.33 1041 723 c 1041 551 1023.33 412.17 988 306.5 c 952.67 200.83 899.83 119.17 829.5 61.5 c 759.17 3.83 670.33 -25 563 -25 c 421.67 -25 310.67 25.67 230 127 c 133.33 249 85 447.67 85 723 c closepath 270 723 m 270 482.33 298.17 322.17 354.5 242.5 c 410.83 162.83 480.33 123 563 123 c 645.67 123 715.17 163 771.5 243 c 827.83 323 856 483 856 723 c 856 964.33 827.83 1124.67 771.5 1204 c 715.17 1283.33 645 1323 561 1323 c 478.33 1323 412.33 1288 363 1218 c 301 1128.67 270 963.67 270 723 c closepath } bind def /s49 { 763 0 m 583 0 763 0 583 0 c 583 1147 583 0 583 1147 c 539.67 1105.67 482.83 1064.33 412.5 1023 c 342.17 981.67 279 950.67 223 930 c 223 1104 223 930 223 1104 c 323.67 1151.33 411.67 1208.67 487 1276 c 562.33 1343.33 615.67 1408.67 647 1472 c 763 1472 647 1472 763 1472 c 763 0 763 1472 763 0 c closepath } bind def /s50 { 1031 173 m 1031 0 1031 173 1031 0 c 62 0 1031 0 62 0 c 60.67 43.33 67.67 85 83 125 c 107.67 191 147.17 256 201.5 320 c 255.83 384 334.33 458 437 542 c 596.33 672.67 704 776.17 760 852.5 c 816 928.83 844 1001 844 1069 c 844 1140.33 818.5 1200.5 767.5 1249.5 c 716.5 1298.5 650 1323 568 1323 c 481.33 1323 412 1297 360 1245 c 308 1193 281.67 1121 281 1029 c 96 1048 281 1029 96 1048 c 108.67 1186 156.33 1291.17 239 1363.5 c 321.67 1435.83 432.67 1472 572 1472 c 712.67 1472 824 1433 906 1355 c 988 1277 1029 1180.33 1029 1065 c 1029 1006.33 1017 948.67 993 892 c 969 835.33 929.17 775.67 873.5 713 c 817.83 650.33 725.33 564.33 596 455 c 488 364.33 418.67 302.83 388 270.5 c 357.33 238.17 332 205.67 312 173 c 1031 173 312 173 1031 173 c closepath } bind def /s52 { 662 0 m 662 351 662 0 662 351 c 26 351 662 351 26 351 c 26 516 26 351 26 516 c 695 1466 26 516 695 1466 c 842 1466 695 1466 842 1466 c 842 516 842 1466 842 516 c 1040 516 842 516 1040 516 c 1040 351 1040 516 1040 351 c 842 351 1040 351 842 351 c 842 0 842 351 842 0 c 662 0 842 0 662 0 c closepath 662 516 m 662 1177 662 516 662 1177 c 203 516 662 1177 203 516 c 662 516 203 516 662 516 c closepath } bind def /s53 { 85 384 m 274 400 85 384 274 400 c 288 308 320.5 238.83 371.5 192.5 c 422.5 146.17 484 123 556 123 c 642.67 123 716 155.67 776 221 c 836 286.33 866 373 866 481 c 866 583.67 837.17 664.67 779.5 724 c 721.83 783.33 646.33 813 553 813 c 495 813 442.67 799.83 396 773.5 c 349.33 747.17 312.67 713 286 671 c 117 693 286 671 117 693 c 259 1446 117 693 259 1446 c 988 1446 259 1446 988 1446 c 988 1274 988 1446 988 1274 c 403 1274 988 1274 403 1274 c 324 880 403 1274 324 880 c 412 941.33 504.33 972 601 972 c 729 972 837 927.67 925 839 c 1013 750.33 1057 636.33 1057 497 c 1057 364.33 1018.33 249.67 941 153 c 847 34.33 718.67 -25 556 -25 c 422.67 -25 313.83 12.33 229.5 87 c 145.17 161.67 97 260.67 85 384 c closepath } bind def /s54 { 1019 1107 m 840 1093 1019 1107 840 1093 c 824 1163.67 801.33 1215 772 1247 c 723.33 1298.33 663.33 1324 592 1324 c 534.67 1324 484.33 1308 441 1276 c 384.33 1234.67 339.67 1174.33 307 1095 c 274.33 1015.67 257.33 902.67 256 756 c 299.33 822 352.33 871 415 903 c 477.67 935 543.33 951 612 951 c 732 951 834.17 906.83 918.5 818.5 c 1002.83 730.17 1045 616 1045 476 c 1045 384 1025.17 298.5 985.5 219.5 c 945.83 140.5 891.33 80 822 38 c 752.67 -4 674 -25 586 -25 c 436 -25 313.67 30.17 219 140.5 c 124.33 250.83 77 432.67 77 686 c 77 969.33 129.33 1175.33 234 1304 c 325.33 1416 448.33 1472 603 1472 c 718.33 1472 812.83 1439.67 886.5 1375 c 960.17 1310.33 1004.33 1221 1019 1107 c closepath 284 475 m 284 413 297.17 353.67 323.5 297 c 349.83 240.33 386.67 197.17 434 167.5 c 481.33 137.83 531 123 583 123 c 659 123 724.33 153.67 779 215 c 833.67 276.33 861 359.67 861 465 c 861 566.33 834 646.17 780 704.5 c 726 762.83 658 792 576 792 c 494.67 792 425.67 762.83 369 704.5 c 312.33 646.17 284 569.67 284 475 c closepath } bind def /s55 { 97 1274 m 97 1447 97 1274 97 1447 c 1046 1447 97 1447 1046 1447 c 1046 1307 1046 1447 1046 1307 c 952.67 1207.67 860.17 1075.67 768.5 911 c 676.83 746.33 606 577 556 403 c 520 280.33 497 146 487 0 c 302 0 487 0 302 0 c 304 115.33 326.67 254.67 370 418 c 413.33 581.33 475.5 738.83 556.5 890.5 c 637.5 1042.17 723.67 1170 815 1274 c 97 1274 815 1274 97 1274 c closepath } bind def /s56 { 362 795 m 287.33 822.33 232 861.33 196 912 c 160 962.67 142 1023.33 142 1094 c 142 1200.67 180.33 1290.33 257 1363 c 333.67 1435.67 435.67 1472 563 1472 c 691 1472 794 1434.83 872 1360.5 c 950 1286.17 989 1195.67 989 1089 c 989 1021 971.17 961.83 935.5 911.5 c 899.83 861.17 845.67 822.33 773 795 c 863 765.67 931.5 718.33 978.5 653 c 1025.5 587.67 1049 509.67 1049 419 c 1049 293.67 1004.67 188.33 916 103 c 827.33 17.67 710.67 -25 566 -25 c 421.33 -25 304.67 17.83 216 103.5 c 127.33 189.17 83 296 83 424 c 83 519.33 107.17 599.17 155.5 663.5 c 203.83 727.83 272.67 771.67 362 795 c closepath 326 1100 m 326 1030.67 348.33 974 393 930 c 437.67 886 495.67 864 567 864 c 636.33 864 693.17 885.83 737.5 929.5 c 781.83 973.17 804 1026.67 804 1090 c 804 1156 781.17 1211.5 735.5 1256.5 c 689.83 1301.5 633 1324 565 1324 c 496.33 1324 439.33 1302 394 1258 c 348.67 1214 326 1161.33 326 1100 c closepath 268 423 m 268 371.67 280.17 322 304.5 274 c 328.83 226 365 188.83 413 162.5 c 461 136.17 512.67 123 568 123 c 654 123 725 150.67 781 206 c 837 261.33 865 331.67 865 417 c 865 503.67 836.17 575.33 778.5 632 c 720.83 688.67 648.67 717 562 717 c 477.33 717 407.17 689 351.5 633 c 295.83 577 268 507 268 423 c closepath } bind def /s57 { 112 339 m 285 355 112 339 285 355 c 299.67 273.67 327.67 214.67 369 178 c 410.33 141.33 463.33 123 528 123 c 583.33 123 631.83 135.67 673.5 161 c 715.17 186.33 749.33 220.17 776 262.5 c 802.67 304.83 825 362 843 434 c 861 506 870 579.33 870 654 c 870 662 869.67 674 869 690 c 833 632.67 783.83 586.17 721.5 550.5 c 659.17 514.83 591.67 497 519 497 c 397.67 497 295 541 211 629 c 127 717 85 833 85 977 c 85 1125.67 128.83 1245.33 216.5 1336 c 304.17 1426.67 414 1472 546 1472 c 641.33 1472 728.5 1446.33 807.5 1395 c 886.5 1343.67 946.5 1270.5 987.5 1175.5 c 1028.5 1080.5 1049 943 1049 763 c 1049 575.67 1028.67 426.5 988 315.5 c 947.33 204.5 886.83 120 806.5 62 c 726.17 4 632 -25 524 -25 c 409.33 -25 315.67 6.83 243 70.5 c 170.33 134.17 126.67 223.67 112 339 c closepath 849 986 m 849 1089.33 821.5 1171.33 766.5 1232 c 711.5 1292.67 645.33 1323 568 1323 c 488 1323 418.33 1290.33 359 1225 c 299.67 1159.67 270 1075 270 971 c 270 877.67 298.17 801.83 354.5 743.5 c 410.83 685.17 480.33 656 563 656 c 646.33 656 714.83 685.17 768.5 743.5 c 822.17 801.83 849 882.67 849 986 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC1_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC2_ArialBold 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 215.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC2_ArialBold def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1286 -771 4096 2084] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 77/s77 put Encoding 79/s79 put Encoding 81/s81 put Encoding 97/s97 put Encoding 103/s103 put Encoding 114/s114 put Encoding 116/s116 put Encoding 117/s117 put Encoding 122/s122 put /BoundingBoxes 11 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s77 [0 -434 1706 1854] def /s79 [0 -434 1593 1854] def /s81 [0 -434 1593 1854] def /s97 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s103 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s114 [0 -434 797 1854] def /s116 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s117 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s122 [0 -434 1024 1854] def end /Metrics 11 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s77 1706 def /s79 1593 def /s81 1593 def /s97 1139 def /s103 1251 def /s114 797 def /s116 682 def /s117 1251 def /s122 1024 def end /CharProcs 11 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s77 { 145 0 m 145 1466 145 0 145 1466 c 588 1466 145 1466 588 1466 c 854 466 588 1466 854 466 c 1117 1466 854 466 1117 1466 c 1561 1466 1117 1466 1561 1466 c 1561 0 1561 1466 1561 0 c 1286 0 1561 0 1286 0 c 1286 1154 1286 0 1286 1154 c 995 0 1286 1154 995 0 c 710 0 995 0 710 0 c 420 1154 710 0 420 1154 c 420 0 420 1154 420 0 c 145 0 420 0 145 0 c closepath } bind def /s79 { 89 724 m 89 873.33 111.33 998.67 156 1100 c 189.33 1174.67 234.83 1241.67 292.5 1301 c 350.17 1360.33 413.33 1404.33 482 1433 c 573.33 1471.67 678.67 1491 798 1491 c 1014 1491 1186.83 1424 1316.5 1290 c 1446.17 1156 1511 969.67 1511 731 c 1511 494.33 1446.67 309.17 1318 175.5 c 1189.33 41.83 1017.33 -25 802 -25 c 584 -25 410.67 41.5 282 174.5 c 153.33 307.5 89 490.67 89 724 c closepath 394 734 m 394 568 432.33 442.17 509 356.5 c 585.67 270.83 683 228 801 228 c 919 228 1015.83 270.5 1091.5 355.5 c 1167.17 440.5 1205 568 1205 738 c 1205 906 1168.17 1031.33 1094.5 1114 c 1020.83 1196.67 923 1238 801 1238 c 679 1238 580.67 1196.17 506 1112.5 c 431.33 1028.83 394 902.67 394 734 c closepath } bind def /s81 { 1329 186 m 1401.67 134 1480.67 92.67 1566 62 c 1457 -147 1566 62 1457 -147 c 1412.33 -133.67 1368.67 -115.33 1326 -92 c 1316.67 -87.33 1251 -44 1129 38 c 1033 -4 926.67 -25 810 -25 c 584.67 -25 408.17 41.33 280.5 174 c 152.83 306.67 89 493 89 733 c 89 972.33 153 1158.5 281 1291.5 c 409 1424.5 582.67 1491 802 1491 c 1019.33 1491 1191.67 1424.5 1319 1291.5 c 1446.33 1158.5 1510 972.33 1510 733 c 1510 606.33 1492.33 495 1457 399 c 1430.33 325.67 1387.67 254.67 1329 186 c closepath 1091 353 m 1129 397.67 1157.5 451.67 1176.5 515 c 1195.5 578.33 1205 651 1205 733 c 1205 902.33 1167.67 1028.83 1093 1112.5 c 1018.33 1196.17 920.67 1238 800 1238 c 679.33 1238 581.5 1196 506.5 1112 c 431.5 1028 394 901.67 394 733 c 394 561.67 431.5 433.5 506.5 348.5 c 581.5 263.5 676.33 221 791 221 c 833.67 221 874 228 912 242 c 852 281.33 791 312 729 334 c 812 503 729 334 812 503 c 909.33 469.67 1002.33 419.67 1091 353 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 357 738 m 102 784 357 738 102 784 c 130.67 886.67 180 962.67 250 1012 c 320 1061.33 424 1086 562 1086 c 687.33 1086 780.67 1071.17 842 1041.5 c 903.33 1011.83 946.5 974.17 971.5 928.5 c 996.5 882.83 1009 799 1009 677 c 1006 349 1009 677 1006 349 c 1006 255.67 1010.5 186.83 1019.5 142.5 c 1028.5 98.17 1045.33 50.67 1070 0 c 792 0 1070 0 792 0 c 784.67 18.67 775.67 46.33 765 83 c 760.33 99.67 757 110.67 755 116 c 707 69.33 655.67 34.33 601 11 c 546.33 -12.33 488 -24 426 -24 c 316.67 -24 230.5 5.67 167.5 65 c 104.5 124.33 73 199.33 73 290 c 73 350 87.33 403.5 116 450.5 c 144.67 497.5 184.83 533.5 236.5 558.5 c 288.17 583.5 362.67 605.33 460 624 c 591.33 648.67 682.33 671.67 733 693 c 733 721 733 693 733 721 c 733 775 719.67 813.5 693 836.5 c 666.33 859.5 616 871 542 871 c 492 871 453 861.17 425 841.5 c 397 821.83 374.33 787.33 357 738 c closepath 733 510 m 697 498 640 483.67 562 467 c 484 450.33 433 434 409 418 c 372.33 392 354 359 354 319 c 354 279.67 368.67 245.67 398 217 c 427.33 188.33 464.67 174 510 174 c 560.67 174 609 190.67 655 224 c 689 249.33 711.33 280.33 722 317 c 729.33 341 733 386.67 733 454 c 733 510 733 454 733 510 c closepath } bind def /s103 { 121 -70 m 442 -109 121 -70 442 -109 c 447.33 -146.33 459.67 -172 479 -186 c 505.67 -206 547.67 -216 605 -216 c 678.33 -216 733.33 -205 770 -183 c 794.67 -168.33 813.33 -144.67 826 -112 c 834.67 -88.67 839 -45.67 839 17 c 839 172 839 17 839 172 c 755 57.33 649 0 521 0 c 378.33 0 265.33 60.33 182 181 c 116.67 276.33 84 395 84 537 c 84 715 126.83 851 212.5 945 c 298.17 1039 404.67 1086 532 1086 c 663.33 1086 771.67 1028.33 857 913 c 857 1062 857 913 857 1062 c 1120 1062 857 1062 1120 1062 c 1120 109 1120 1062 1120 109 c 1120 -16.33 1109.67 -110 1089 -172 c 1068.33 -234 1039.33 -282.67 1002 -318 c 964.67 -353.33 914.83 -381 852.5 -401 c 790.17 -421 711.33 -431 616 -431 c 436 -431 308.33 -400.17 233 -338.5 c 157.67 -276.83 120 -198.67 120 -104 c 120 -94.67 120.33 -83.33 121 -70 c closepath 372 553 m 372 440.33 393.83 357.83 437.5 305.5 c 481.17 253.17 535 227 599 227 c 667.67 227 725.67 253.83 773 307.5 c 820.33 361.17 844 440.67 844 546 c 844 656 821.33 737.67 776 791 c 730.67 844.33 673.33 871 604 871 c 536.67 871 481.17 844.83 437.5 792.5 c 393.83 740.17 372 660.33 372 553 c closepath } bind def /s114 { 416 0 m 135 0 416 0 135 0 c 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 396 1062 135 1062 396 1062 c 396 911 396 1062 396 911 c 440.67 982.33 480.83 1029.33 516.5 1052 c 552.17 1074.67 592.67 1086 638 1086 c 702 1086 763.67 1068.33 823 1033 c 736 788 823 1033 736 788 c 688.67 818.67 644.67 834 604 834 c 564.67 834 531.33 823.17 504 801.5 c 476.67 779.83 455.17 740.67 439.5 684 c 423.83 627.33 416 508.67 416 328 c 416 0 416 328 416 0 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 634 1062 m 634 838 634 1062 634 838 c 442 838 634 838 442 838 c 442 410 442 838 442 410 c 442 323.33 443.83 272.83 447.5 258.5 c 451.17 244.17 459.5 232.33 472.5 223 c 485.5 213.67 501.33 209 520 209 c 546 209 583.67 218 633 236 c 657 18 633 236 657 18 c 591.67 -10 517.67 -24 435 -24 c 384.33 -24 338.67 -15.5 298 1.5 c 257.33 18.5 227.5 40.5 208.5 67.5 c 189.5 94.5 176.33 131 169 177 c 163 209.67 160 275.67 160 375 c 160 838 160 375 160 838 c 31 838 160 838 31 838 c 31 1062 31 838 31 1062 c 160 1062 31 1062 160 1062 c 160 1273 160 1062 160 1273 c 442 1437 160 1273 442 1437 c 442 1062 442 1437 442 1062 c 634 1062 442 1062 634 1062 c closepath } bind def /s117 { 846 0 m 846 159 846 0 846 159 c 807.33 102.33 756.5 57.67 693.5 25 c 630.5 -7.67 564 -24 494 -24 c 422.67 -24 358.67 -8.33 302 23 c 245.33 54.33 204.33 98.33 179 155 c 153.67 211.67 141 290 141 390 c 141 1062 141 390 141 1062 c 422 1062 141 1062 422 1062 c 422 574 422 1062 422 574 c 422 424.67 427.17 333.17 437.5 299.5 c 447.83 265.83 466.67 239.17 494 219.5 c 521.33 199.83 556 190 598 190 c 646 190 689 203.17 727 229.5 c 765 255.83 791 288.5 805 327.5 c 819 366.5 826 462 826 614 c 826 1062 826 614 826 1062 c 1107 1062 826 1062 1107 1062 c 1107 0 1107 1062 1107 0 c 846 0 1107 0 846 0 c closepath } bind def /s122 { 34 0 m 34 219 34 0 34 219 c 432 676 34 219 432 676 c 497.33 750.67 545.67 803.67 577 835 c 544.33 833 501.33 831.67 448 831 c 73 829 448 831 73 829 c 73 1062 73 829 73 1062 c 951 1062 73 1062 951 1062 c 951 863 951 1062 951 863 c 545 395 951 863 545 395 c 402 240 545 395 402 240 c 480 244.67 528.33 247 547 247 c 982 247 547 247 982 247 c 982 0 982 247 982 0 c 34 0 982 0 34 0 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC2_ArialBold exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC3_ArialBold 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 215.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC3_ArialBold def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1286 -771 4096 2084] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 44/s44 put Encoding 65/s65 put Encoding 70/s70 put Encoding 73/s73 put Encoding 77/s77 put Encoding 79/s79 put Encoding 81/s81 put Encoding 82/s82 put Encoding 83/s83 put Encoding 84/s84 put Encoding 86/s86 put Encoding 97/s97 put Encoding 99/s99 put Encoding 101/s101 put Encoding 103/s103 put Encoding 104/s104 put Encoding 105/s105 put Encoding 107/s107 put Encoding 108/s108 put Encoding 109/s109 put Encoding 110/s110 put Encoding 111/s111 put Encoding 114/s114 put Encoding 115/s115 put Encoding 116/s116 put Encoding 117/s117 put Encoding 121/s121 put Encoding 122/s122 put /BoundingBoxes 30 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s44 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s65 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s70 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s73 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s77 [0 -434 1706 1854] def /s79 [0 -434 1593 1854] def /s81 [0 -434 1593 1854] def /s82 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s83 [0 -434 1366 1854] def /s84 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s86 [-1 -434 1366 1854] def /s97 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s99 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s101 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s103 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s104 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s105 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s107 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s108 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s109 [0 -434 1821 1854] def /s110 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s111 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s114 [0 -434 797 1854] def /s115 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s116 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s117 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s121 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s122 [0 -434 1024 1854] def end /Metrics 30 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s44 569 def /s65 1479 def /s70 1251 def /s73 569 def /s77 1706 def /s79 1593 def /s81 1593 def /s82 1479 def /s83 1366 def /s84 1251 def /s86 1366 def /s97 1139 def /s99 1139 def /s101 1139 def /s103 1251 def /s104 1251 def /s105 569 def /s107 1139 def /s108 569 def /s109 1821 def /s110 1251 def /s111 1251 def /s114 797 def /s115 1139 def /s116 682 def /s117 1251 def /s121 1139 def /s122 1024 def end /CharProcs 30 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s44 { 140 281 m 421 281 140 281 421 281 c 421 80 421 281 421 80 c 421 -1.33 414 -65.5 400 -112.5 c 386 -159.5 359.5 -201.67 320.5 -239 c 281.5 -276.33 232 -305.67 172 -327 c 117 -211 172 -327 117 -211 c 173.67 -192.33 214 -166.67 238 -134 c 262 -101.33 274.67 -56.67 276 0 c 140 0 276 0 140 0 c 140 281 140 0 140 281 c closepath } bind def /s65 { 1471 0 m 1149 0 1471 0 1149 0 c 1021 333 1149 0 1021 333 c 435 333 1021 333 435 333 c 314 0 435 333 314 0 c 0 0 314 0 0 0 c 571 1466 0 0 571 1466 c 884 1466 571 1466 884 1466 c 1471 0 884 1466 1471 0 c closepath 926 580 m 724 1124 926 580 724 1124 c 526 580 724 1124 526 580 c 926 580 526 580 926 580 c closepath } bind def /s70 { 151 0 m 151 1466 151 0 151 1466 c 1156 1466 151 1466 1156 1466 c 1156 1218 1156 1466 1156 1218 c 447 1218 1156 1218 447 1218 c 447 871 447 1218 447 871 c 1059 871 447 871 1059 871 c 1059 623 1059 871 1059 623 c 447 623 1059 623 447 623 c 447 0 447 623 447 0 c 151 0 447 0 151 0 c closepath } bind def /s73 { 140 0 m 140 1466 140 0 140 1466 c 436 1466 140 1466 436 1466 c 436 0 436 1466 436 0 c 140 0 436 0 140 0 c closepath } bind def /s77 { 145 0 m 145 1466 145 0 145 1466 c 588 1466 145 1466 588 1466 c 854 466 588 1466 854 466 c 1117 1466 854 466 1117 1466 c 1561 1466 1117 1466 1561 1466 c 1561 0 1561 1466 1561 0 c 1286 0 1561 0 1286 0 c 1286 1154 1286 0 1286 1154 c 995 0 1286 1154 995 0 c 710 0 995 0 710 0 c 420 1154 710 0 420 1154 c 420 0 420 1154 420 0 c 145 0 420 0 145 0 c closepath } bind def /s79 { 89 724 m 89 873.33 111.33 998.67 156 1100 c 189.33 1174.67 234.83 1241.67 292.5 1301 c 350.17 1360.33 413.33 1404.33 482 1433 c 573.33 1471.67 678.67 1491 798 1491 c 1014 1491 1186.83 1424 1316.5 1290 c 1446.17 1156 1511 969.67 1511 731 c 1511 494.33 1446.67 309.17 1318 175.5 c 1189.33 41.83 1017.33 -25 802 -25 c 584 -25 410.67 41.5 282 174.5 c 153.33 307.5 89 490.67 89 724 c closepath 394 734 m 394 568 432.33 442.17 509 356.5 c 585.67 270.83 683 228 801 228 c 919 228 1015.83 270.5 1091.5 355.5 c 1167.17 440.5 1205 568 1205 738 c 1205 906 1168.17 1031.33 1094.5 1114 c 1020.83 1196.67 923 1238 801 1238 c 679 1238 580.67 1196.17 506 1112.5 c 431.33 1028.83 394 902.67 394 734 c closepath } bind def /s81 { 1329 186 m 1401.67 134 1480.67 92.67 1566 62 c 1457 -147 1566 62 1457 -147 c 1412.33 -133.67 1368.67 -115.33 1326 -92 c 1316.67 -87.33 1251 -44 1129 38 c 1033 -4 926.67 -25 810 -25 c 584.67 -25 408.17 41.33 280.5 174 c 152.83 306.67 89 493 89 733 c 89 972.33 153 1158.5 281 1291.5 c 409 1424.5 582.67 1491 802 1491 c 1019.33 1491 1191.67 1424.5 1319 1291.5 c 1446.33 1158.5 1510 972.33 1510 733 c 1510 606.33 1492.33 495 1457 399 c 1430.33 325.67 1387.67 254.67 1329 186 c closepath 1091 353 m 1129 397.67 1157.5 451.67 1176.5 515 c 1195.5 578.33 1205 651 1205 733 c 1205 902.33 1167.67 1028.83 1093 1112.5 c 1018.33 1196.17 920.67 1238 800 1238 c 679.33 1238 581.5 1196 506.5 1112 c 431.5 1028 394 901.67 394 733 c 394 561.67 431.5 433.5 506.5 348.5 c 581.5 263.5 676.33 221 791 221 c 833.67 221 874 228 912 242 c 852 281.33 791 312 729 334 c 812 503 729 334 812 503 c 909.33 469.67 1002.33 419.67 1091 353 c closepath } bind def /s82 { 150 0 m 150 1466 150 0 150 1466 c 773 1466 150 1466 773 1466 c 929.67 1466 1043.5 1452.83 1114.5 1426.5 c 1185.5 1400.17 1242.33 1353.33 1285 1286 c 1327.67 1218.67 1349 1141.67 1349 1055 c 1349 945 1316.67 854.17 1252 782.5 c 1187.33 710.83 1090.67 665.67 962 647 c 1026 609.67 1078.83 568.67 1120.5 524 c 1162.17 479.33 1218.33 400 1289 286 c 1468 0 1289 286 1468 0 c 1114 0 1468 0 1114 0 c 900 319 1114 0 900 319 c 824 433 772 504.83 744 534.5 c 716 564.17 686.33 584.5 655 595.5 c 623.67 606.5 574 612 506 612 c 446 612 506 612 446 612 c 446 0 446 612 446 0 c 150 0 446 0 150 0 c closepath 446 846 m 665 846 446 846 665 846 c 807 846 895.67 852 931 864 c 966.33 876 994 896.67 1014 926 c 1034 955.33 1044 992 1044 1036 c 1044 1085.33 1030.83 1125.17 1004.5 1155.5 c 978.17 1185.83 941 1205 893 1213 c 869 1216.33 797 1218 677 1218 c 446 1218 677 1218 446 1218 c 446 846 446 1218 446 846 c closepath } bind def /s83 { 74 477 m 362 505 74 477 362 505 c 379.33 408.33 414.5 337.33 467.5 292 c 520.5 246.67 592 224 682 224 c 777.33 224 849.17 244.17 897.5 284.5 c 945.83 324.83 970 372 970 426 c 970 460.67 959.83 490.17 939.5 514.5 c 919.17 538.83 883.67 560 833 578 c 798.33 590 719.33 611.33 596 642 c 437.33 681.33 326 729.67 262 787 c 172 867.67 127 966 127 1082 c 127 1156.67 148.17 1226.5 190.5 1291.5 c 232.83 1356.5 293.83 1406 373.5 1440 c 453.17 1474 549.33 1491 662 1491 c 846 1491 984.5 1450.67 1077.5 1370 c 1170.5 1289.33 1219.33 1181.67 1224 1047 c 928 1034 1224 1047 928 1034 c 915.33 1109.33 888.17 1163.5 846.5 1196.5 c 804.83 1229.5 742.33 1246 659 1246 c 573 1246 505.67 1228.33 457 1193 c 425.67 1170.33 410 1140 410 1102 c 410 1067.33 424.67 1037.67 454 1013 c 491.33 981.67 582 949 726 915 c 870 881 976.5 845.83 1045.5 809.5 c 1114.5 773.17 1168.5 723.5 1207.5 660.5 c 1246.5 597.5 1266 519.67 1266 427 c 1266 343 1242.67 264.33 1196 191 c 1149.33 117.67 1083.33 63.17 998 27.5 c 912.67 -8.17 806.33 -26 679 -26 c 493.67 -26 351.33 16.83 252 102.5 c 152.67 188.17 93.33 313 74 477 c closepath } bind def /s84 { 479 0 m 479 1218 479 0 479 1218 c 44 1218 479 1218 44 1218 c 44 1466 44 1218 44 1466 c 1209 1466 44 1466 1209 1466 c 1209 1218 1209 1466 1209 1218 c 775 1218 1209 1218 775 1218 c 775 0 775 1218 775 0 c 479 0 775 0 479 0 c closepath } bind def /s86 { 523 0 m -1 1466 523 0 -1 1466 c 320 1466 -1 1466 320 1466 c 691 381 320 1466 691 381 c 1050 1466 691 381 1050 1466 c 1364 1466 1050 1466 1364 1466 c 839 0 1364 1466 839 0 c 523 0 839 0 523 0 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 357 738 m 102 784 357 738 102 784 c 130.67 886.67 180 962.67 250 1012 c 320 1061.33 424 1086 562 1086 c 687.33 1086 780.67 1071.17 842 1041.5 c 903.33 1011.83 946.5 974.17 971.5 928.5 c 996.5 882.83 1009 799 1009 677 c 1006 349 1009 677 1006 349 c 1006 255.67 1010.5 186.83 1019.5 142.5 c 1028.5 98.17 1045.33 50.67 1070 0 c 792 0 1070 0 792 0 c 784.67 18.67 775.67 46.33 765 83 c 760.33 99.67 757 110.67 755 116 c 707 69.33 655.67 34.33 601 11 c 546.33 -12.33 488 -24 426 -24 c 316.67 -24 230.5 5.67 167.5 65 c 104.5 124.33 73 199.33 73 290 c 73 350 87.33 403.5 116 450.5 c 144.67 497.5 184.83 533.5 236.5 558.5 c 288.17 583.5 362.67 605.33 460 624 c 591.33 648.67 682.33 671.67 733 693 c 733 721 733 693 733 721 c 733 775 719.67 813.5 693 836.5 c 666.33 859.5 616 871 542 871 c 492 871 453 861.17 425 841.5 c 397 821.83 374.33 787.33 357 738 c closepath 733 510 m 697 498 640 483.67 562 467 c 484 450.33 433 434 409 418 c 372.33 392 354 359 354 319 c 354 279.67 368.67 245.67 398 217 c 427.33 188.33 464.67 174 510 174 c 560.67 174 609 190.67 655 224 c 689 249.33 711.33 280.33 722 317 c 729.33 341 733 386.67 733 454 c 733 510 733 454 733 510 c closepath } bind def /s99 { 1073 748 m 796 698 1073 748 796 698 c 786.67 753.33 765.5 795 732.5 823 c 699.5 851 656.67 865 604 865 c 534 865 478.17 840.83 436.5 792.5 c 394.83 744.17 374 663.33 374 550 c 374 424 395.17 335 437.5 283 c 479.83 231 536.67 205 608 205 c 661.33 205 705 220.17 739 250.5 c 773 280.83 797 333 811 407 c 1087 360 811 407 1087 360 c 1058.33 233.33 1003.33 137.67 922 73 c 840.67 8.33 731.67 -24 595 -24 c 439.67 -24 315.83 25 223.5 123 c 131.17 221 85 356.67 85 530 c 85 705.33 131.33 841.83 224 939.5 c 316.67 1037.17 442 1086 600 1086 c 729.33 1086 832.17 1058.17 908.5 1002.5 c 984.83 946.83 1039.67 862 1073 748 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 762 338 m 1042 291 762 338 1042 291 c 1006 188.33 949.17 110.17 871.5 56.5 c 793.83 2.83 696.67 -24 580 -24 c 395.33 -24 258.67 36.33 170 157 c 100 253.67 65 375.67 65 523 c 65 699 111 836.83 203 936.5 c 295 1036.17 411.33 1086 552 1086 c 710 1086 834.67 1033.83 926 929.5 c 1017.33 825.17 1061 665.33 1057 450 c 353 450 1057 450 353 450 c 355 366.67 377.67 301.83 421 255.5 c 464.33 209.17 518.33 186 583 186 c 627 186 664 198 694 222 c 724 246 746.67 284.67 762 338 c closepath 778 622 m 776 703.33 755 765.17 715 807.5 c 675 849.83 626.33 871 569 871 c 507.67 871 457 848.67 417 804 c 377 759.33 357.33 698.67 358 622 c 778 622 358 622 778 622 c closepath } bind def /s103 { 121 -70 m 442 -109 121 -70 442 -109 c 447.33 -146.33 459.67 -172 479 -186 c 505.67 -206 547.67 -216 605 -216 c 678.33 -216 733.33 -205 770 -183 c 794.67 -168.33 813.33 -144.67 826 -112 c 834.67 -88.67 839 -45.67 839 17 c 839 172 839 17 839 172 c 755 57.33 649 0 521 0 c 378.33 0 265.33 60.33 182 181 c 116.67 276.33 84 395 84 537 c 84 715 126.83 851 212.5 945 c 298.17 1039 404.67 1086 532 1086 c 663.33 1086 771.67 1028.33 857 913 c 857 1062 857 913 857 1062 c 1120 1062 857 1062 1120 1062 c 1120 109 1120 1062 1120 109 c 1120 -16.33 1109.67 -110 1089 -172 c 1068.33 -234 1039.33 -282.67 1002 -318 c 964.67 -353.33 914.83 -381 852.5 -401 c 790.17 -421 711.33 -431 616 -431 c 436 -431 308.33 -400.17 233 -338.5 c 157.67 -276.83 120 -198.67 120 -104 c 120 -94.67 120.33 -83.33 121 -70 c closepath 372 553 m 372 440.33 393.83 357.83 437.5 305.5 c 481.17 253.17 535 227 599 227 c 667.67 227 725.67 253.83 773 307.5 c 820.33 361.17 844 440.67 844 546 c 844 656 821.33 737.67 776 791 c 730.67 844.33 673.33 871 604 871 c 536.67 871 481.17 844.83 437.5 792.5 c 393.83 740.17 372 660.33 372 553 c closepath } bind def /s104 { 427 1466 m 427 927 427 1466 427 927 c 517.67 1033 626 1086 752 1086 c 816.67 1086 875 1074 927 1050 c 979 1026 1018.17 995.33 1044.5 958 c 1070.83 920.67 1088.83 879.33 1098.5 834 c 1108.17 788.67 1113 718.33 1113 623 c 1113 0 1113 623 1113 0 c 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 561 832 0 832 561 c 832 672.33 826.67 743 816 773 c 805.33 803 786.5 826.83 759.5 844.5 c 732.5 862.17 698.67 871 658 871 c 611.33 871 569.67 859.67 533 837 c 496.33 814.33 469.5 780.17 452.5 734.5 c 435.5 688.83 427 621.33 427 532 c 427 0 427 532 427 0 c 146 0 427 0 146 0 c 146 1466 146 0 146 1466 c 427 1466 146 1466 427 1466 c closepath } bind def /s105 { 147 1206 m 147 1466 147 1206 147 1466 c 428 1466 147 1466 428 1466 c 428 1206 428 1466 428 1206 c 147 1206 428 1206 147 1206 c closepath 147 0 m 147 1062 147 0 147 1062 c 428 1062 147 1062 428 1062 c 428 0 428 1062 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s107 { 137 0 m 137 1466 137 0 137 1466 c 418 1466 137 1466 418 1466 c 418 688 418 1466 418 688 c 747 1062 418 688 747 1062 c 1093 1062 747 1062 1093 1062 c 730 674 1093 1062 730 674 c 1119 0 730 674 1119 0 c 816 0 1119 0 816 0 c 549 477 816 0 549 477 c 418 340 549 477 418 340 c 418 0 418 340 418 0 c 137 0 418 0 137 0 c closepath } bind def /s108 { 147 0 m 147 1466 147 0 147 1466 c 428 1466 147 1466 428 1466 c 428 0 428 1466 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s109 { 126 1062 m 385 1062 126 1062 385 1062 c 385 917 385 1062 385 917 c 477.67 1029.67 588 1086 716 1086 c 784 1086 843 1072 893 1044 c 943 1016 984 973.67 1016 917 c 1062.67 973.67 1113 1016 1167 1044 c 1221 1072 1278.67 1086 1340 1086 c 1418 1086 1484 1070.17 1538 1038.5 c 1592 1006.83 1632.33 960.33 1659 899 c 1678.33 853.67 1688 780.33 1688 679 c 1688 0 1688 679 1688 0 c 1407 0 1688 0 1407 0 c 1407 607 1407 0 1407 607 c 1407 712.33 1397.33 780.33 1378 811 c 1352 851 1312 871 1258 871 c 1218.67 871 1181.67 859 1147 835 c 1112.33 811 1087.33 775.83 1072 729.5 c 1056.67 683.17 1049 610 1049 510 c 1049 0 1049 510 1049 0 c 768 0 1049 0 768 0 c 768 582 768 0 768 582 c 768 685.33 763 752 753 782 c 743 812 727.5 834.33 706.5 849 c 685.5 863.67 657 871 621 871 c 577.67 871 538.67 859.33 504 836 c 469.33 812.67 444.5 779 429.5 735 c 414.5 691 407 618 407 516 c 407 0 407 516 407 0 c 126 0 407 0 126 0 c 126 1062 126 0 126 1062 c closepath } bind def /s110 { 1113 0 m 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 542 832 0 832 542 c 832 656.67 826 730.83 814 764.5 c 802 798.17 782.5 824.33 755.5 843 c 728.5 861.67 696 871 658 871 c 609.33 871 565.67 857.67 527 831 c 488.33 804.33 461.83 769 447.5 725 c 433.17 681 426 599.67 426 481 c 426 0 426 481 426 0 c 145 0 426 0 145 0 c 145 1062 145 0 145 1062 c 406 1062 145 1062 406 1062 c 406 906 406 1062 406 906 c 498.67 1026 615.33 1086 756 1086 c 818 1086 874.67 1074.83 926 1052.5 c 977.33 1030.17 1016.17 1001.67 1042.5 967 c 1068.83 932.33 1087.17 893 1097.5 849 c 1107.83 805 1113 742 1113 660 c 1113 0 1113 660 1113 0 c closepath } bind def /s111 { 82 546 m 82 639.33 105 729.67 151 817 c 197 904.33 262.17 971 346.5 1017 c 430.83 1063 525 1086 629 1086 c 789.67 1086 921.33 1033.83 1024 929.5 c 1126.67 825.17 1178 693.33 1178 534 c 1178 373.33 1126.17 240.17 1022.5 134.5 c 918.83 28.83 788.33 -24 631 -24 c 533.67 -24 440.83 -2 352.5 42 c 264.17 86 197 150.5 151 235.5 c 105 320.5 82 424 82 546 c closepath 370 531 m 370 425.67 395 345 445 289 c 495 233 556.67 205 630 205 c 703.33 205 764.83 233 814.5 289 c 864.17 345 889 426.33 889 533 c 889 637 864.17 717 814.5 773 c 764.83 829 703.33 857 630 857 c 556.67 857 495 829 445 773 c 395 717 370 636.33 370 531 c closepath } bind def /s114 { 416 0 m 135 0 416 0 135 0 c 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 396 1062 135 1062 396 1062 c 396 911 396 1062 396 911 c 440.67 982.33 480.83 1029.33 516.5 1052 c 552.17 1074.67 592.67 1086 638 1086 c 702 1086 763.67 1068.33 823 1033 c 736 788 823 1033 736 788 c 688.67 818.67 644.67 834 604 834 c 564.67 834 531.33 823.17 504 801.5 c 476.67 779.83 455.17 740.67 439.5 684 c 423.83 627.33 416 508.67 416 328 c 416 0 416 328 416 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 48 303 m 330 346 48 303 330 346 c 342 291.33 366.33 249.83 403 221.5 c 439.67 193.17 491 179 557 179 c 629.67 179 684.33 192.33 721 219 c 745.67 237.67 758 262.67 758 294 c 758 315.33 751.33 333 738 347 c 724 360.33 692.67 372.67 644 384 c 417.33 434 273.67 479.67 213 521 c 129 578.33 87 658 87 760 c 87 852 123.33 929.33 196 992 c 268.67 1054.67 381.33 1086 534 1086 c 679.33 1086 787.33 1062.33 858 1015 c 928.67 967.67 977.33 897.67 1004 805 c 739 756 1004 805 739 756 c 727.67 797.33 706.17 829 674.5 851 c 642.83 873 597.67 884 539 884 c 465 884 412 873.67 380 853 c 358.67 838.33 348 819.33 348 796 c 348 776 357.33 759 376 745 c 401.33 726.33 488.83 700 638.5 666 c 788.17 632 892.67 590.33 952 541 c 1010.67 491 1040 421.33 1040 332 c 1040 234.67 999.33 151 918 81 c 836.67 11 716.33 -24 557 -24 c 412.33 -24 297.83 5.33 213.5 64 c 129.17 122.67 74 202.33 48 303 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 634 1062 m 634 838 634 1062 634 838 c 442 838 634 838 442 838 c 442 410 442 838 442 410 c 442 323.33 443.83 272.83 447.5 258.5 c 451.17 244.17 459.5 232.33 472.5 223 c 485.5 213.67 501.33 209 520 209 c 546 209 583.67 218 633 236 c 657 18 633 236 657 18 c 591.67 -10 517.67 -24 435 -24 c 384.33 -24 338.67 -15.5 298 1.5 c 257.33 18.5 227.5 40.5 208.5 67.5 c 189.5 94.5 176.33 131 169 177 c 163 209.67 160 275.67 160 375 c 160 838 160 375 160 838 c 31 838 160 838 31 838 c 31 1062 31 838 31 1062 c 160 1062 31 1062 160 1062 c 160 1273 160 1062 160 1273 c 442 1437 160 1273 442 1437 c 442 1062 442 1437 442 1062 c 634 1062 442 1062 634 1062 c closepath } bind def /s117 { 846 0 m 846 159 846 0 846 159 c 807.33 102.33 756.5 57.67 693.5 25 c 630.5 -7.67 564 -24 494 -24 c 422.67 -24 358.67 -8.33 302 23 c 245.33 54.33 204.33 98.33 179 155 c 153.67 211.67 141 290 141 390 c 141 1062 141 390 141 1062 c 422 1062 141 1062 422 1062 c 422 574 422 1062 422 574 c 422 424.67 427.17 333.17 437.5 299.5 c 447.83 265.83 466.67 239.17 494 219.5 c 521.33 199.83 556 190 598 190 c 646 190 689 203.17 727 229.5 c 765 255.83 791 288.5 805 327.5 c 819 366.5 826 462 826 614 c 826 1062 826 614 826 1062 c 1107 1062 826 1062 1107 1062 c 1107 0 1107 1062 1107 0 c 846 0 1107 0 846 0 c closepath } bind def /s121 { 14 1062 m 313 1062 14 1062 313 1062 c 567 308 313 1062 567 308 c 815 1062 567 308 815 1062 c 1106 1062 815 1062 1106 1062 c 731 40 1106 1062 731 40 c 664 -145 731 40 664 -145 c 639.33 -207 615.83 -254.33 593.5 -287 c 571.17 -319.67 545.5 -346.17 516.5 -366.5 c 487.5 -386.83 451.83 -402.67 409.5 -414 c 367.17 -425.33 319.33 -431 266 -431 c 212 -431 159 -425.33 107 -414 c 82 -194 107 -414 82 -194 c 126 -202.67 165.67 -207 201 -207 c 266.33 -207 314.67 -187.83 346 -149.5 c 377.33 -111.17 401.33 -62.33 418 -3 c 14 1062 418 -3 14 1062 c closepath } bind def /s122 { 34 0 m 34 219 34 0 34 219 c 432 676 34 219 432 676 c 497.33 750.67 545.67 803.67 577 835 c 544.33 833 501.33 831.67 448 831 c 73 829 448 831 73 829 c 73 1062 73 829 73 1062 c 951 1062 73 1062 951 1062 c 951 863 951 1062 951 863 c 545 395 951 863 545 395 c 402 240 545 395 402 240 c 480 244.67 528.33 247 547 247 c 982 247 547 247 982 247 c 982 0 982 247 982 0 c 34 0 982 0 34 0 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC3_ArialBold exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC4_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC4_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 40/s40 put Encoding 41/s41 put Encoding 47/s47 put Encoding 86/s86 put Encoding 99/s99 put Encoding 101/s101 put Encoding 105/s105 put Encoding 107/s107 put Encoding 108/s108 put Encoding 109/s109 put Encoding 111/s111 put Encoding 115/s115 put Encoding 116/s116 put Encoding 121/s121 put /BoundingBoxes 16 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s40 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s41 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s47 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s86 [0 -434 1366 1854] def /s99 [0 -434 1024 1854] def /s101 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s105 [0 -434 455 1854] def /s107 [0 -434 1024 1854] def /s108 [0 -434 455 1854] def /s109 [0 -434 1706 1854] def /s111 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s115 [0 -434 1024 1854] def /s116 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s121 [0 -434 1024 1854] def end /Metrics 16 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s40 682 def /s41 682 def /s47 569 def /s86 1366 def /s99 1024 def /s101 1139 def /s105 455 def /s107 1024 def /s108 455 def /s109 1706 def /s111 1139 def /s115 1024 def /s116 569 def /s121 1024 def end /CharProcs 16 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s40 { 479 -431 m 379.67 -305.67 295.67 -159 227 9 c 158.33 177 124 351 124 531 c 124 689.67 149.67 841.67 201 987 c 261 1155.67 353.67 1323.67 479 1491 c 608 1491 479 1491 608 1491 c 527.33 1352.33 474 1253.33 448 1194 c 407.33 1102 375.33 1006 352 906 c 323.33 781.33 309 656 309 530 c 309 209.33 408.67 -111 608 -431 c 479 -431 608 -431 479 -431 c closepath } bind def /s41 { 253 -431 m 124 -431 253 -431 124 -431 c 323.33 -111 423 209.33 423 530 c 423 655.33 408.67 779.67 380 903 c 357.33 1003 325.67 1099 285 1191 c 259 1251 205.33 1351 124 1491 c 253 1491 124 1491 253 1491 c 378.33 1323.67 471 1155.67 531 987 c 582.33 841.67 608 689.67 608 531 c 608 351 573.5 177 504.5 9 c 435.5 -159 351.67 -305.67 253 -431 c closepath } bind def /s47 { 0 -25 m 425 1491 0 -25 425 1491 c 569 1491 425 1491 569 1491 c 145 -25 569 1491 145 -25 c 0 -25 145 -25 0 -25 c closepath } bind def /s86 { 577 0 m 9 1466 577 0 9 1466 c 219 1466 9 1466 219 1466 c 600 401 219 1466 600 401 c 630.67 315.67 656.33 235.67 677 161 c 699.67 241 726 321 756 401 c 1152 1466 756 401 1152 1466 c 1350 1466 1152 1466 1350 1466 c 776 0 1350 1466 776 0 c 577 0 776 0 577 0 c closepath } bind def /s99 { 828 389 m 1005 366 828 389 1005 366 c 985.67 244 936.17 148.5 856.5 79.5 c 776.83 10.5 679 -24 563 -24 c 417.67 -24 300.83 23.5 212.5 118.5 c 124.17 213.5 80 349.67 80 527 c 80 641.67 99 742 137 828 c 175 914 232.83 978.5 310.5 1021.5 c 388.17 1064.5 472.67 1086 564 1086 c 679.33 1086 773.67 1056.83 847 998.5 c 920.33 940.17 967.33 857.33 988 750 c 813 723 988 750 813 723 c 796.33 794.33 766.83 848 724.5 884 c 682.17 920 631 938 571 938 c 480.33 938 406.67 905.5 350 840.5 c 293.33 775.5 265 672.67 265 532 c 265 389.33 292.33 285.67 347 221 c 401.67 156.33 473 124 561 124 c 631.67 124 690.67 145.67 738 189 c 785.33 232.33 815.33 299 828 389 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 862 342 m 1048 319 862 342 1048 319 c 1018.67 210.33 964.33 126 885 66 c 805.67 6 704.33 -24 581 -24 c 425.67 -24 302.5 23.83 211.5 119.5 c 120.5 215.17 75 349.33 75 522 c 75 700.67 121 839.33 213 938 c 305 1036.67 424.33 1086 571 1086 c 713 1086 829 1037.67 919 941 c 1009 844.33 1054 708.33 1054 533 c 1054 522.33 1053.67 506.33 1053 485 c 261 485 1053 485 261 485 c 267.67 368.33 300.67 279 360 217 c 419.33 155 493.33 124 582 124 c 648 124 704.33 141.33 751 176 c 797.67 210.67 834.67 266 862 342 c closepath 271 633 m 864 633 271 633 864 633 c 856 722.33 833.33 789.33 796 834 c 738.67 903.33 664.33 938 573 938 c 490.33 938 420.83 910.33 364.5 855 c 308.17 799.67 277 725.67 271 633 c closepath } bind def /s105 { 136 1259 m 136 1466 136 1259 136 1466 c 316 1466 136 1466 316 1466 c 316 1259 316 1466 316 1259 c 136 1259 316 1259 136 1259 c closepath 136 0 m 136 1062 136 0 136 1062 c 316 1062 136 1062 316 1062 c 316 0 316 1062 316 0 c 136 0 316 0 136 0 c closepath } bind def /s107 { 136 0 m 136 1466 136 0 136 1466 c 316 1466 136 1466 316 1466 c 316 630 316 1466 316 630 c 742 1062 316 630 742 1062 c 975 1062 742 1062 975 1062 c 569 668 975 1062 569 668 c 1016 0 569 668 1016 0 c 794 0 1016 0 794 0 c 443 543 794 0 443 543 c 316 421 443 543 316 421 c 316 0 316 421 316 0 c 136 0 316 0 136 0 c closepath } bind def /s108 { 131 0 m 131 1466 131 0 131 1466 c 311 1466 131 1466 311 1466 c 311 0 311 1466 311 0 c 131 0 311 0 131 0 c closepath } bind def /s109 { 135 0 m 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 296 1062 135 1062 296 1062 c 296 913 296 1062 296 913 c 329.33 965 373.67 1006.83 429 1038.5 c 484.33 1070.17 547.33 1086 618 1086 c 696.67 1086 761.17 1069.67 811.5 1037 c 861.83 1004.33 897.33 958.67 918 900 c 1002 1024 1111.33 1086 1246 1086 c 1351.33 1086 1432.33 1056.83 1489 998.5 c 1545.67 940.17 1574 850.33 1574 729 c 1574 0 1574 729 1574 0 c 1395 0 1574 0 1395 0 c 1395 669 1395 0 1395 669 c 1395 741 1389.17 792.83 1377.5 824.5 c 1365.83 856.17 1344.67 881.67 1314 901 c 1283.33 920.33 1247.33 930 1206 930 c 1131.33 930 1069.33 905.17 1020 855.5 c 970.67 805.83 946 726.33 946 617 c 946 0 946 617 946 0 c 766 0 946 0 766 0 c 766 690 766 0 766 690 c 766 770 751.33 830 722 870 c 692.67 910 644.67 930 578 930 c 527.33 930 480.5 916.67 437.5 890 c 394.5 863.33 363.33 824.33 344 773 c 324.67 721.67 315 647.67 315 551 c 315 0 315 551 315 0 c 135 0 315 0 135 0 c closepath } bind def /s111 { 68 531 m 68 727.67 122.67 873.33 232 968 c 323.33 1046.67 434.67 1086 566 1086 c 712 1086 831.33 1038.17 924 942.5 c 1016.67 846.83 1063 714.67 1063 546 c 1063 409.33 1042.5 301.83 1001.5 223.5 c 960.5 145.17 900.83 84.33 822.5 41 c 744.17 -2.33 658.67 -24 566 -24 c 417.33 -24 297.17 23.67 205.5 119 c 113.83 214.33 68 351.67 68 531 c closepath 253 531 m 253 395 282.67 293.17 342 225.5 c 401.33 157.83 476 124 566 124 c 655.33 124 729.67 158 789 226 c 848.33 294 878 397.67 878 537 c 878 668.33 848.17 767.83 788.5 835.5 c 728.83 903.17 654.67 937 566 937 c 476 937 401.33 903.33 342 836 c 282.67 768.67 253 667 253 531 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 63 317 m 241 345 63 317 241 345 c 251 273.67 278.83 219 324.5 181 c 370.17 143 434 124 516 124 c 598.67 124 660 140.83 700 174.5 c 740 208.17 760 247.67 760 293 c 760 333.67 742.33 365.67 707 389 c 682.33 405 621 425.33 523 450 c 391 483.33 299.5 512.17 248.5 536.5 c 197.5 560.83 158.83 594.5 132.5 637.5 c 106.17 680.5 93 728 93 780 c 93 827.33 103.83 871.17 125.5 911.5 c 147.17 951.83 176.67 985.33 214 1012 c 242 1032.67 280.17 1050.17 328.5 1064.5 c 376.83 1078.83 428.67 1086 484 1086 c 567.33 1086 640.5 1074 703.5 1050 c 766.5 1026 813 993.5 843 952.5 c 873 911.5 893.67 856.67 905 788 c 729 764 905 788 729 764 c 721 818.67 697.83 861.33 659.5 892 c 621.17 922.67 567 938 497 938 c 414.33 938 355.33 924.33 320 897 c 284.67 869.67 267 837.67 267 801 c 267 777.67 274.33 756.67 289 738 c 303.67 718.67 326.67 702.67 358 690 c 376 683.33 429 668 517 644 c 644.33 610 733.17 582.17 783.5 560.5 c 833.83 538.83 873.33 507.33 902 466 c 930.67 424.67 945 373.33 945 312 c 945 252 927.5 195.5 892.5 142.5 c 857.5 89.5 807 48.5 741 19.5 c 675 -9.5 600.33 -24 517 -24 c 379 -24 273.83 4.67 201.5 62 c 129.17 119.33 83 204.33 63 317 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 528 161 m 554 2 528 161 554 2 c 503.33 -8.67 458 -14 418 -14 c 352.67 -14 302 -3.67 266 17 c 230 37.67 204.67 64.83 190 98.5 c 175.33 132.17 168 203 168 311 c 168 922 168 311 168 922 c 36 922 168 922 36 922 c 36 1062 36 922 36 1062 c 168 1062 36 1062 168 1062 c 168 1325 168 1062 168 1325 c 347 1433 168 1325 347 1433 c 347 1062 347 1433 347 1062 c 528 1062 347 1062 528 1062 c 528 922 528 1062 528 922 c 347 922 528 922 347 922 c 347 301 347 922 347 301 c 347 249.67 350.17 216.67 356.5 202 c 362.83 187.33 373.17 175.67 387.5 167 c 401.83 158.33 422.33 154 449 154 c 469 154 495.33 156.33 528 161 c closepath } bind def /s121 { 127 -409 m 107 -240 127 -409 107 -240 c 146.33 -250.67 180.67 -256 210 -256 c 250 -256 282 -249.33 306 -236 c 330 -222.67 349.67 -204 365 -180 c 376.33 -162 394.67 -117.33 420 -46 c 423.33 -36 428.67 -21.33 436 -2 c 33 1062 436 -2 33 1062 c 227 1062 33 1062 227 1062 c 448 447 227 1062 448 447 c 476.67 369 502.33 287 525 201 c 545.67 283.67 570.33 364.33 599 443 c 826 1062 599 443 826 1062 c 1006 1062 826 1062 1006 1062 c 602 -18 1006 1062 602 -18 c 558.67 -134.67 525 -215 501 -259 c 469 -318.33 432.33 -361.83 391 -389.5 c 349.67 -417.17 300.33 -431 243 -431 c 208.33 -431 169.67 -423.67 127 -409 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC4_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC5_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC5_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 40/s40 put Encoding 41/s41 put Encoding 70/s70 put Encoding 84/s84 put Encoding 86/s86 put Encoding 101/s101 put Encoding 105/s105 put Encoding 109/s109 put Encoding 110/s110 put Encoding 115/s115 put /BoundingBoxes 12 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s40 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s41 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s70 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s84 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s86 [0 -434 1366 1854] def /s101 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s105 [0 -434 455 1854] def /s109 [0 -434 1706 1854] def /s110 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s115 [0 -434 1024 1854] def end /Metrics 12 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s40 682 def /s41 682 def /s70 1251 def /s84 1251 def /s86 1366 def /s101 1139 def /s105 455 def /s109 1706 def /s110 1139 def /s115 1024 def end /CharProcs 12 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s40 { 479 -431 m 379.67 -305.67 295.67 -159 227 9 c 158.33 177 124 351 124 531 c 124 689.67 149.67 841.67 201 987 c 261 1155.67 353.67 1323.67 479 1491 c 608 1491 479 1491 608 1491 c 527.33 1352.33 474 1253.33 448 1194 c 407.33 1102 375.33 1006 352 906 c 323.33 781.33 309 656 309 530 c 309 209.33 408.67 -111 608 -431 c 479 -431 608 -431 479 -431 c closepath } bind def /s41 { 253 -431 m 124 -431 253 -431 124 -431 c 323.33 -111 423 209.33 423 530 c 423 655.33 408.67 779.67 380 903 c 357.33 1003 325.67 1099 285 1191 c 259 1251 205.33 1351 124 1491 c 253 1491 124 1491 253 1491 c 378.33 1323.67 471 1155.67 531 987 c 582.33 841.67 608 689.67 608 531 c 608 351 573.5 177 504.5 9 c 435.5 -159 351.67 -305.67 253 -431 c closepath } bind def /s70 { 168 0 m 168 1466 168 0 168 1466 c 1157 1466 168 1466 1157 1466 c 1157 1293 1157 1466 1157 1293 c 362 1293 1157 1293 362 1293 c 362 839 362 1293 362 839 c 1050 839 362 839 1050 839 c 1050 666 1050 839 1050 666 c 362 666 1050 666 362 666 c 362 0 362 666 362 0 c 168 0 362 0 168 0 c closepath } bind def /s84 { 531 0 m 531 1293 531 0 531 1293 c 48 1293 531 1293 48 1293 c 48 1466 48 1293 48 1466 c 1210 1466 48 1466 1210 1466 c 1210 1293 1210 1466 1210 1293 c 725 1293 1210 1293 725 1293 c 725 0 725 1293 725 0 c 531 0 725 0 531 0 c closepath } bind def /s86 { 577 0 m 9 1466 577 0 9 1466 c 219 1466 9 1466 219 1466 c 600 401 219 1466 600 401 c 630.67 315.67 656.33 235.67 677 161 c 699.67 241 726 321 756 401 c 1152 1466 756 401 1152 1466 c 1350 1466 1152 1466 1350 1466 c 776 0 1350 1466 776 0 c 577 0 776 0 577 0 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 862 342 m 1048 319 862 342 1048 319 c 1018.67 210.33 964.33 126 885 66 c 805.67 6 704.33 -24 581 -24 c 425.67 -24 302.5 23.83 211.5 119.5 c 120.5 215.17 75 349.33 75 522 c 75 700.67 121 839.33 213 938 c 305 1036.67 424.33 1086 571 1086 c 713 1086 829 1037.67 919 941 c 1009 844.33 1054 708.33 1054 533 c 1054 522.33 1053.67 506.33 1053 485 c 261 485 1053 485 261 485 c 267.67 368.33 300.67 279 360 217 c 419.33 155 493.33 124 582 124 c 648 124 704.33 141.33 751 176 c 797.67 210.67 834.67 266 862 342 c closepath 271 633 m 864 633 271 633 864 633 c 856 722.33 833.33 789.33 796 834 c 738.67 903.33 664.33 938 573 938 c 490.33 938 420.83 910.33 364.5 855 c 308.17 799.67 277 725.67 271 633 c closepath } bind def /s105 { 136 1259 m 136 1466 136 1259 136 1466 c 316 1466 136 1466 316 1466 c 316 1259 316 1466 316 1259 c 136 1259 316 1259 136 1259 c closepath 136 0 m 136 1062 136 0 136 1062 c 316 1062 136 1062 316 1062 c 316 0 316 1062 316 0 c 136 0 316 0 136 0 c closepath } bind def /s109 { 135 0 m 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 296 1062 135 1062 296 1062 c 296 913 296 1062 296 913 c 329.33 965 373.67 1006.83 429 1038.5 c 484.33 1070.17 547.33 1086 618 1086 c 696.67 1086 761.17 1069.67 811.5 1037 c 861.83 1004.33 897.33 958.67 918 900 c 1002 1024 1111.33 1086 1246 1086 c 1351.33 1086 1432.33 1056.83 1489 998.5 c 1545.67 940.17 1574 850.33 1574 729 c 1574 0 1574 729 1574 0 c 1395 0 1574 0 1395 0 c 1395 669 1395 0 1395 669 c 1395 741 1389.17 792.83 1377.5 824.5 c 1365.83 856.17 1344.67 881.67 1314 901 c 1283.33 920.33 1247.33 930 1206 930 c 1131.33 930 1069.33 905.17 1020 855.5 c 970.67 805.83 946 726.33 946 617 c 946 0 946 617 946 0 c 766 0 946 0 766 0 c 766 690 766 0 766 690 c 766 770 751.33 830 722 870 c 692.67 910 644.67 930 578 930 c 527.33 930 480.5 916.67 437.5 890 c 394.5 863.33 363.33 824.33 344 773 c 324.67 721.67 315 647.67 315 551 c 315 0 315 551 315 0 c 135 0 315 0 135 0 c closepath } bind def /s110 { 135 0 m 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 297 1062 135 1062 297 1062 c 297 911 297 1062 297 911 c 375 1027.67 487.67 1086 635 1086 c 699 1086 757.83 1074.5 811.5 1051.5 c 865.17 1028.5 905.33 998.33 932 961 c 958.67 923.67 977.33 879.33 988 828 c 994.67 794.67 998 736.33 998 653 c 998 0 998 653 998 0 c 818 0 998 0 818 0 c 818 646 818 0 818 646 c 818 719.33 811 774.17 797 810.5 c 783 846.83 758.17 875.83 722.5 897.5 c 686.83 919.17 645 930 597 930 c 520.33 930 454.17 905.67 398.5 857 c 342.83 808.33 315 716 315 580 c 315 0 315 580 315 0 c 135 0 315 0 135 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 63 317 m 241 345 63 317 241 345 c 251 273.67 278.83 219 324.5 181 c 370.17 143 434 124 516 124 c 598.67 124 660 140.83 700 174.5 c 740 208.17 760 247.67 760 293 c 760 333.67 742.33 365.67 707 389 c 682.33 405 621 425.33 523 450 c 391 483.33 299.5 512.17 248.5 536.5 c 197.5 560.83 158.83 594.5 132.5 637.5 c 106.17 680.5 93 728 93 780 c 93 827.33 103.83 871.17 125.5 911.5 c 147.17 951.83 176.67 985.33 214 1012 c 242 1032.67 280.17 1050.17 328.5 1064.5 c 376.83 1078.83 428.67 1086 484 1086 c 567.33 1086 640.5 1074 703.5 1050 c 766.5 1026 813 993.5 843 952.5 c 873 911.5 893.67 856.67 905 788 c 729 764 905 788 729 764 c 721 818.67 697.83 861.33 659.5 892 c 621.17 922.67 567 938 497 938 c 414.33 938 355.33 924.33 320 897 c 284.67 869.67 267 837.67 267 801 c 267 777.67 274.33 756.67 289 738 c 303.67 718.67 326.67 702.67 358 690 c 376 683.33 429 668 517 644 c 644.33 610 733.17 582.17 783.5 560.5 c 833.83 538.83 873.33 507.33 902 466 c 930.67 424.67 945 373.33 945 312 c 945 252 927.5 195.5 892.5 142.5 c 857.5 89.5 807 48.5 741 19.5 c 675 -9.5 600.33 -24 517 -24 c 379 -24 273.83 4.67 201.5 62 c 129.17 119.33 83 204.33 63 317 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC5_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC6_SymbolBold 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -223.00 def /UnderlineThickness 100.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC6_SymbolBold def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1 -450 2279 2059] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put /BoundingBoxes 3 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -450 513 2059] def /s61508 [0 -450 0 2059] def end /Metrics 3 dict def Metrics begin /s32 513 def /s61508 0 def end /CharProcs 3 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s61508 { 1242 0 m 25 0 1242 0 25 0 c 661.7 1399 25 0 661.7 1399 c 1242 0 661.7 1399 1242 0 c closepath 969.77 120 m 597.66 1029.14 969.77 120 597.66 1029.14 c 188.36 120 597.66 1029.14 188.36 120 c 969.77 120 188.36 120 969.77 120 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC6_SymbolBold exch definefont pop %%EndFont 0 0 215.91 175.21 rectpath cl np /clipproc{clippath{[{/m cvx}{/l cvx}{/c cvx}{/cp cvx}pathforall}stopped {cleartomark[pathbbox exch 3 i sub exch 2 i sub/rectpath cvx}if]np}bd /iclmtx mtx cmtx def/iclpath clipproc xd/clinit{pathproc initclip np iclpath cl np exec}bd /clmove{pathproc 3 1 roll clippath pathproc 2 i neg 2 i neg tr initclip np exec cl tr np exec}bd /clrect[gs np iclpath{pathbbox}stopped{0 0 215.91 175.21 }if gr]def /cloper{mtx cmtx iclmtx smtx exch exec smtx}bd /cland{{exch cvx exec}cloper}bd /clcopy{{exch clinit cvx exec}cloper}bd /cldiff{{exch pathbbox 4 -1 roll clrect 0 get 2 copy gt{exch}if pop 4 1 roll 3 -1 roll clrect 1 get 2 copy gt{exch}if pop 3 1 roll 2 -1 roll clrect 2 get 2 copy lt{exch}if pop 2 1 roll 1 -1 roll clrect 3 get 2 copy lt{exch}if pop 1 1 roll exch 3 i sub exch 2 i sub rectpath cvx exec}cloper}bd /icl{{clinit}cloper}bd 0.0883192 0.0883114 sc -312.94 277.99 tr /initmtx mtx cmtx def gs gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 671 -2131 m (950)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 963 -2131 m (1000)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 1275 -2131 m (1050)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 1586 -2131 m (1100)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 1897 -2131 m (1150)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 2209 -2131 m (1200)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 2520 -2131 m (1250)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 497 -2059 m (4)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 497 -1740 m (6)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 497 -1420 m (8)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 459 -1101 m (10)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 459 -782 m (12)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 459 -463 m (14)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1984] concat 572 2040 m 572 2023 l 9 sw 1 sj 1 scap st 728 2040 m 728 2006 l st 883 2040 m 883 2023 l st 1039 2040 m 1039 2006 l st 1195 2040 m 1195 2023 l st 1351 2040 m 1351 2006 l st 1506 2040 m 1506 2023 l st 1662 2040 m 1662 2006 l st 1818 2040 m 1818 2023 l st 1973 2040 m 1973 2006 l st 2129 2040 m 2129 2023 l st 2285 2040 m 2285 2006 l st 2441 2040 m 2441 2023 l st 2596 2040 m 2596 2006 l st 2752 2040 m 2752 2023 l st 572 2040 m 2752 2040 l st 572 2040 m 606 2040 l st 572 1880 m 589 1880 l st 572 1721 m 606 1721 l st 572 1561 m 589 1561 l st 572 1401 m 606 1401 l st 572 1242 m 589 1242 l st 572 1082 m 606 1082 l st 572 923 m 589 923 l st 572 763 m 606 763 l st 572 603 m 589 603 l st 572 444 m 606 444 l st 572 284 m 589 284 l st 572 2040 m 572 284 l st 572 284 m 572 301 l st 728 284 m 728 318 l st 883 284 m 883 301 l st 1039 284 m 1039 318 l st 1195 284 m 1195 301 l st 1351 284 m 1351 318 l st 1506 284 m 1506 301 l st 1662 284 m 1662 318 l st 1818 284 m 1818 301 l st 1973 284 m 1973 318 l st 2129 284 m 2129 301 l st 2285 284 m 2285 318 l st 2441 284 m 2441 301 l st 2596 284 m 2596 318 l st 2752 284 m 2752 301 l st 572 284 m 2752 284 l st 2752 2040 m 2718 2040 l st 2752 1880 m 2735 1880 l st 2752 1721 m 2718 1721 l st 2752 1561 m 2735 1561 l st 2752 1401 m 2718 1401 l st 2752 1242 m 2735 1242 l st 2752 1082 m 2718 1082 l st 2752 923 m 2735 923 l st 2752 763 m 2718 763 l st 2752 603 m 2735 603 l st 2752 444 m 2718 444 l st 2752 284 m 2735 284 l st 2752 2040 m 2752 284 l st gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 34 self 1485 -1907 m (1145)[19 19 19 19 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 34 self 1641 -1907 m (1150)[19 19 19 19 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 34 self 1797 -1907 m (1155)[19 19 19 19 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 34 self 1953 -1907 m (1160)[19 19 19 19 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 34 self 2109 -1907 m (1165)[19 19 19 19 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 34 self 2266 -1907 m (1170)[19 19 19 19 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 34 self 2422 -1907 m (1175)[19 19 19 19 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 34 self 2578 -1907 m (1180)[19 19 19 19 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr 1523 1862 m 1523 1845 l 5 sw st 1601 1862 m 1601 1853 l st 1679 1862 m 1679 1845 l st 1757 1862 m 1757 1853 l st 1835 1862 m 1835 1845 l st 1913 1862 m 1913 1853 l st 1991 1862 m 1991 1845 l st 2069 1862 m 2069 1853 l st 2147 1862 m 2147 1845 l st 2226 1862 m 2226 1853 l st 2304 1862 m 2304 1845 l st 2382 1862 m 2382 1853 l st 2460 1862 m 2460 1845 l st 2538 1862 m 2538 1853 l st 2616 1862 m 2616 1845 l st 2694 1862 m 2694 1853 l st 1476 1862 m 2694 1862 l st 1476 1862 m 1485 1862 l st 1476 1794 m 1493 1794 l st 1476 1726 m 1485 1726 l st 1476 1659 m 1493 1659 l st 1476 1591 m 1485 1591 l st 1476 1523 m 1493 1523 l st 1476 1455 m 1485 1455 l st 1476 1387 m 1493 1387 l st 1476 1320 m 1485 1320 l st 1476 1252 m 1493 1252 l st 1476 1184 m 1485 1184 l st 1476 1116 m 1493 1116 l st 1476 1048 m 1485 1048 l st 1476 981 m 1493 981 l st 1476 913 m 1485 913 l st 1476 845 m 1493 845 l st 1476 1862 m 1476 811 l st 1523 811 m 1523 828 l st 1601 811 m 1601 820 l st 1679 811 m 1679 828 l st 1757 811 m 1757 820 l st 1835 811 m 1835 828 l st 1913 811 m 1913 820 l st 1991 811 m 1991 828 l st 2069 811 m 2069 820 l st 2147 811 m 2147 828 l st 2226 811 m 2226 820 l st 2304 811 m 2304 828 l st 2382 811 m 2382 820 l st 2460 811 m 2460 828 l st 2538 811 m 2538 820 l st 2616 811 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1977 448 l 1977 449 l 1978 449 l 1979 449 l 1979 448 l 1980 449 l 1981 450 l 1981 451 l 1982 450 l 1982 449 l 1983 449 l 1984 449 l 1985 449 l 1986 450 l 1987 450 l 1987 449 l 1988 448 l 1989 448 l 1990 449 l 1990 450 l 1991 449 l 1992 448 l 1992 447 l 1993 447 l 1994 446 l 1994 445 l 1995 445 l 1995 446 l 1996 447 l 1997 449 l 1998 448 l 1999 447 l 1999 445 l 2000 444 l 2000 446 l 2001 448 l 2002 447 l 2002 446 l 2003 445 l 2004 446 l 2004 445 l 2005 443 l 2005 441 l 2006 442 l 2007 445 l 2007 446 l 2008 445 l 2009 446 l 2009 448 l 2010 452 l 2010 448 l 2011 444 l 2012 441 l 2012 451 l 2013 451 l 2014 448 l 2014 446 l 2015 446 l 2015 454 l 2016 471 l 2017 472 l 2017 478 l 2018 493 l 2019 500 l 2019 502 l 2020 491 l 2020 490 l 2021 490 l 2022 491 l 2022 483 l 2023 477 l 2024 472 l 2024 476 l 2025 480 l 2025 490 l 2026 487 l 2027 485 l 2027 490 l 2028 492 l 2028 495 l 2029 479 l 2030 480 l 2030 483 l 2031 489 l 2032 492 l 2033 493 l 2033 492 l 2034 493 l 2035 496 l 2035 500 l 2036 503 l 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l 1522 1842 l 1525 1842 l 1528 1836 l 1531 1820 l 1534 1823 l 1537 1828 l 1541 1820 l 1544 1820 l 1547 1820 l 1550 1814 l 1553 1799 l 1556 1802 l 1559 1812 l 1562 1814 l 1566 1796 l 1569 1788 l 1572 1788 l 1575 1788 l 1578 1788 l 1581 1785 l 1584 1777 l 1587 1774 l 1591 1772 l 1594 1782 l 1597 1763 l 1600 1758 l 1603 1763 l 1606 1755 l 1609 1761 l 1612 1771 l 1616 1758 l 1619 1763 l 1622 1755 l 1625 1758 l 1628 1766 l 1631 1763 l 1634 1737 l 1637 1660 l 1641 1566 l 1644 1518 l 1647 1486 l 1650 1450 l 1653 1391 l 1656 1300 l 1659 1236 l 1662 1210 l 1666 1193 l 1669 1163 l 1672 1145 l 1675 1134 l 1678 1123 l 1681 1109 l 1684 1096 l 1687 1098 l 1691 1083 l 1694 1079 l 1697 1069 l 1700 1061 l 1703 1058 l 1706 1050 l 1709 1044 l 1712 1028 l 1716 1025 l 1719 1020 l 1722 1028 l 1725 1025 l 1728 1014 l 1731 1010 l 1734 1017 l 1737 1017 l 1740 1014 l 1744 1004 l 1747 993 l 1750 988 l 1753 996 l 1756 993 l 1759 985 l 1762 985 l 1765 985 l 1769 985 l 1772 982 l 1775 977 l 1778 985 l 1781 982 l 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2353 898 l 2356 895 l 2359 890 l 2362 898 l 2365 898 l 2368 898 l 2371 901 l 2374 906 l 2378 898 l 2381 895 l 2384 887 l 2387 887 l 2390 887 l 2393 890 l 2396 898 l 2399 898 l 2403 895 l 2406 887 l 2409 887 l 2412 887 l 2415 890 l 2418 901 l 2421 906 l 2424 898 l 2428 901 l 2431 903 l 2434 887 l 2437 893 l 2440 906 l 2443 895 l 2446 890 l 2449 898 l 2453 898 l 2456 898 l 2459 898 l 2462 895 l 2465 890 l 2468 901 l 2471 906 l 2474 898 l 2478 904 l 2481 914 l 2484 904 l 2487 920 l 2490 923 l 2493 931 l 2496 937 l 2499 955 l 2503 969 l 2506 982 l 2509 977 l 2512 979 l 2515 969 l 2518 988 l 2521 993 l 2524 988 l 2528 993 l 2531 988 l 2534 999 l 2537 1004 l 2540 993 l 2543 985 l 2546 985 l 2549 988 l 2552 993 l 2556 985 l 2559 988 l 2562 996 l 2565 993 l 2568 991 l 2571 1007 l 2574 1007 l 2577 1004 l 2581 996 l 2584 999 l 2587 1004 l 2590 1002 l 2593 1014 l 2596 1007 l 2599 1004 l 2602 999 l 2606 1000 l 2609 988 l 2612 996 l 2615 999 l 2618 1004 l 2621 1002 l 2624 1014 l 2627 1010 l 2631 1014 l 2634 1007 l 2637 1007 l 2640 1007 l 2643 1007 l 2646 1007 l 2649 1010 l 2652 1020 l 2656 1025 l 2659 1017 l 2662 1017 l 2665 1014 l 2668 1010 l 2671 1017 l 2674 1017 l 2677 1014 l 2681 1004 l 2684 996 l 2687 999 l 2690 1010 l 2693 1017 l 2696 1017 l st gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 987 -1387 tr 45 ro /MC2_ArialBold 65 self 0 0 m (Quartz)[53 42 38 27 23 34 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs gs gs 633 377 m 821 377 l 9 sw 0.404 0.404 0.404 rgb st gr gr 1 -1 sc /MC3_ArialBold 59 self 821 -405 m ( Flyer Velocity)[16 35 16 30 32 23 16 39 32 16 35 32 16 19 30 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs gs 633 480 m 821 480 l 9 sw 1 0 0 rgb st gr gr 1 -1 sc 821 -508 m ( Shock in MgO)[16 39 35 35 32 32 16 16 35 16 49 35 45 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs gs 633 583 m 821 583 l 9 sw 0 0 1 rgb st gr gr 1 -1 sc 821 -611 m ( Quartz Shock Velocity)[16 45 35 32 23 19 29 16 39 35 35 32 32 16 39 32 16 35 32 16 19 30 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr 788 1482 m 905 1482 l 905 1801 l 788 1801 l cp gs 0 0 1 rgb eofi gr 3 sw 0 0 1 rgb st gs gs 1 -1 sc 2884 -1229 tr 90 ro 0 0 0 rgb /MC4_Arial 84 self 0 0 m ( )[23 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc 0 0 0 rgb /MC5_Arial 84 self 1651 -193 m ( )[23 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 399 -1437 tr 90 ro 0 0 0 rgb /MC4_Arial 84 self 0 0 m (Velocity \(km/s\))[56 47 19 47 42 19 23 42 23 28 42 70 23 42 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc 0 0 0 rgb /MC5_Arial 84 self 1484 -2236 m (Time \(ns\))[52 19 71 47 23 28 47 42 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr 760 1481 m 788 1481 l 788 1800 l 760 1800 l cp gs 1 0 0 rgb eofi gr 0 0 0 rgb st 671 1485 m 711 1485 l 711 1800 l 671 1800 l cp gs 0.404 0.404 0.404 rgb eofi gr st 1147 1647 m 715 1647 l 9 sw 0 1 0 rgb st 1147 1647 m 1104 1657 l 1104 1647 l 1104 1637 l cp gs eofi gr st 715 1647 m 758 1637 l 758 1647 l 758 1657 l cp gs eofi gr st 695 1849 m 945 1849 l 5 sw 0 0 0 rgb st 945 1849 m 902 1864 l 917 1849 l 902 1834 l cp gs eofi gr st gs 1 -1 sc /MC5_Arial 84 self 626 -1880 m (V)[56 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC5_Arial 49 self 682 -1913 m (F)[30 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC3_ArialBold 65 self 957 -1602 m (VIS)[43 18 43 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc 1061 -1602 m (AR)[45 46 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 902 -1332 tr 45 ro /MC2_ArialBold 65 self 0 0 m (MgO)[57 42 53 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr 876 1339 m 772 1481 l 3 sw st 772 1481 m 789 1440 l 797 1446 l 805 1452 l cp gs eofi gr st 967 1379 m 885 1477 l st 885 1477 m 905 1438 l 913 1444 l 920 1450 l cp gs eofi gr st 2494 1862 m 2494 811 l 5 sw 1 0 0 rgb st gs gs 1 -1 sc 2760 -1369 tr 90 ro 0 0 0 rgb /MC4_Arial 41 self 0 0 m ( )[12 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc 0 0 0 rgb /MC5_Arial 41 self 2080 -767 m ( )[11 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc 0 0 0 rgb /MC5_Arial 41 self 1998 -1976 m (Time \(ns\))[26 8 36 23 11 14 23 20 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr 1638 1862 m 1638 811 l st 1637 1357 m 2490 1357 l 0 0 0 rgb st 1637 1357 m 1658 1347 l 1658 1357 l 1658 1367 l cp gs eofi gr st 2490 1357 m 2469 1367 l 2469 1357 l 2469 1347 l cp gs eofi gr st gs 1 -1 sc /MC6_SymbolBold 50 self 1892 -1424 m /s61508 32 xgls 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC3_ArialBold 52 self 1924 -1424 m (T, Transit Time)[32 14 14 32 20 29 32 29 14 17 14 32 14 46 29 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr Save0 restore end showpage %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial -150 1471 a Fp(FIG.)30 b(1.)145 1471 y SDict begin H.S end 145 1471 a 145 1471 a SDict begin H.R end 145 1471 a 145 1471 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (figure.1) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 145 1471 a Fp(The)f(exp)r (erimen)n(tal)g(target)h(and)g(represen)n(tativ)n(e)f(VISAR)-150 1558 y(data.)k(The)20 b(VISAR)f(measures)h(the)g(\015y)n(er)f(v)n(elo)r (cit)n(y)h(as)h(it)g(approac)n(hes)-150 1645 y(the)35 b(MgO)i(\(grey)e(line\).)66 b(F)-6 b(or)36 b(this)g(lo)n(w)g(v)n(elo)r (cit)n(y)g(impact,)i(as)f(the)-150 1732 y(sho)r(c)n(k)20 b(transits)i(the)e(MgO,)h(the)f(VISAR)f(loses)i(signal)h(\(red)e (line\).)33 b(As)-150 1820 y(the)27 b(sho)r(c)n(k)f(transits)i(in)n(to) f(the)g(quartz,)g(the)f(VISAR)f(signal)k(returns)-150 1907 y(and)j(the)g(quartz)f(sho)r(c)n(k)h(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)h(is)f (measured)g(\(blue)g(line\).)54 b(The)-150 1994 y(inset)25 b(sho)n(ws)h(a)g(VISAR)d(ra)n(w)i(signal.)36 b(The)25 b(\014ducials)h(corresp)r(ond)f(to)-150 2081 y(impact)g(and)g(to)h(sho) r(c)n(k)g(transit)g(in)n(to)g(the)f(rear)h(windo)n(w.)p Black -150 2403 a Fs(etry;)42 b(a)c(more)e(detailed)g(Z)h(target)g (geometry)e(is)i(found)h(else-)-150 2503 y(where)23 b([)109 2503 y SDict begin H.S end 109 2503 a Fs(29)193 2503 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 193 2503 a 193 2503 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.RootFoam2013) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 193 2503 a -1 w Fs(].)35 b(An)24 b(Al)f(or)f(Cu)i(\015y)n(er)e(plate) g(is)g(sho)r(c)n(klessly)e(acceler-)-150 2603 y(ated)i(to)n(w)n(ard)f (the)i(target)f(stac)n(k)f(consisting)f(of)i(a)g(single-crystal)-150 2702 y(MgO)35 b(sample)f(\([100],)k(300-500)33 b Fn(\026)p Fs(m,)k(Asphera)f(Corp.,)h Fn(\032)1754 2714 y Fl(0)1828 2702 y Fs(=)-150 2802 y(3.584)c(g/cm)265 2772 y Fl(3)300 2802 y Fs(\))i(bac)n(k)n(ed)f(b)n(y)g(a)g(windo)n(w.)57 b(Although)33 b(the)i(bac)n(k)-150 2901 y(side)22 b(of)g(the)i(\015y)n (er)e(is)f(melted)h(b)n(y)g(the)h(high)f(curren)n(t,)h(the)g(surface) -150 3001 y(of)f(the)g(\015y)n(er)f(impacting)e(the)j(sample)d(t)n (ypically)g(has)i(a)g(few)i(h)n(un-)-150 3101 y(dred)c(microns)d(of)j (solid)e(densit)n(y)h(material)e(at)j(impact)e([)1586 3101 y SDict begin H.S end 1586 3101 a Fs(28)1670 3101 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 1670 3101 a 1670 3101 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.LemkeZFlyer05) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1670 3101 a -1 w Fs(].)34 b(The)-150 3200 y(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)22 b(in)n(terferometer)h(system)h(for)g(an)n(y)h(re\015ector)f(\(VISAR\)) -150 3300 y(measures)34 b(the)i(\015y)n(er)f(plate)g(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y) f(\()p Fn(V)1171 3312 y Fj(F)1227 3300 y Fs(\))i(up)g(to)g(impact)f(at) -150 3400 y(the)e(target)f(\(Fig.)455 3400 y SDict begin H.S end 455 3400 a Black Fs(1)p Black 497 3346 a SDict begin H.R end 497 3346 a 497 3400 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (figure.1) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 497 3400 a Fs(\).)53 b(Impact)32 b(pro)r(duces)g(a)h(steady)f(sho)r(c)n (k)g(in)-150 3499 y(the)i(MgO)f(sample.)52 b(A)n(t)34 b(lo)n(w)e(impact)g(v)n(elo)r(cities)e(\(and)j(conse-)-150 3599 y(quen)n(tly)g(lo)n(w)f(sho)r(c)n(k)h(pressures\),)h(the)h(MgO)e (sample)e(scatters)-150 3698 y(ligh)n(t)26 b(from)h(the)i(VISAR)g(prev) n(en)n(ting)e(direct)g(measuremen)n(t)e(of)-150 3798 y(the)30 b(sho)r(c)n(k)f(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)-7 b(.)40 b(Instead,)30 b(sharp)f(\014ducials)e(are)i(observ)n(ed)-150 3898 y(in)22 b(the)h(VISAR)h(signal)19 b(\(Fig.)792 3898 y SDict begin H.S end 792 3898 a Black Fs(1)p Black 834 3844 a SDict begin H.R end 834 3844 a 834 3898 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (figure.1) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 834 3898 a 23 w Fs(inset\))j(that)h(corresp)r(ond)e(to)h (im-)-150 3997 y(pact)h(and)f(to)g(sho)r(c)n(k)g(transit)f(in)n(to)h (the)h(quartz)f(windo)n(w.)33 b(In)23 b(this)-150 4097 y(case,)35 b(w)n(e)f(calculated)d(the)k(MgO)e(sho)r(c)n(k)h(v)n(elo)r (cit)n(y)d(\()p Fn(U)1588 4109 y Fj(S)1636 4097 y Fs(\))k(using)-150 4197 y(the)i(transit)d(time)h(determined)g(from)f(the)j(\014ducials)d (and)i(the)-150 4296 y(measured)25 b(thic)n(kness.)35 b(A)n(t)27 b(high)f(impact)f(v)n(elo)r(cities)e(\(and)k(high)-150 4396 y(sho)r(c)n(k)c(pressures\),)h(the)h(sho)r(c)n(k)e(fron)n(t)h(in)f (the)i(MgO)e(is)g(re\015ectiv)n(e)-150 4495 y(and)j(the)h(VISAR)g (directly)d(measures)g(the)j(sho)r(c)n(k)f(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)-7 b(.)33 b(As)-150 4595 y(the)d(sho)r(c)n(k)e(transits)g(in)n(to)g(the)h (quartz,)g(the)h(VISAR)g(measures)-150 4695 y(the)h(quartz)f(sho)r(c)n (k)f(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)f(directly)-7 b(.)44 b(Multiple)28 b(VISAR)j(sig-)-150 4794 y(nals)j(w)n(ere)g(recorded)f(for)i(eac)n(h)f (sample)f(eliminating)d(2)p Fn(\031)38 b Fs(am-)-150 4894 y(biguities)24 b(and)i(pro)n(viding)d(redundan)n(t)k(measuremen)n (ts)c(for)j(im-)-150 4994 y(pro)n(v)n(ed)35 b(precision.)62 b(F)-7 b(or)36 b(directly)f(measured)g(v)n(elo)r(cities,)g(the)-150 5093 y(uncertain)n(t)n(y)28 b(is)g(b)r(etter)i(than)g(1\045)f(and)h (for)f(transit)f(time)g(mea-)-150 5193 y(suremen)n(ts)e(the)i (uncertain)n(t)n(y)e(is)g(on)h(the)h(order)f(of)g(1-2\045.)-67 5313 y(Kno)n(wing)c(the)j(initial)c(densities)i(of)h(the)h(MgO)f(and)g (the)h(\015y)n(er)-150 5413 y(plate)46 b(and)h(measuring)c(the)48 b(\015y)n(er)e(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)e(and)j(the)g(MgO)p Black 2073 1411 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 216 @urx 172 @ury 2376 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: Figure02.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 216 172 %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Creator: OriginLab Corporation %%Title: (Z:\Documents\MyPapers\MgO-Hugoniot-Phases\PRL-Version\Version01\MgOHug-rhoP-ExptDFT.eps) %%CreationDate: Thu Jan 22 15:07:18 2015 %%EndComments /OriginLab::PSL1 128 dict dup begin def /Save0 save def %%BeginResource: procset OriginLab::PSL1 /wd{1 index where{pop pop pop}{bind def}ifelse}bind def /setcmykcolor{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}wd /selectfont{dup type/arraytype eq{exch findfont exch makefont setfont}{exch findfont exch scalefont setfont}ifelse}wd /xshow{1 index length 0 le{}{currentpoint exch 3 index length 1 sub 0 exch 1 exch{dup 5 index exch 1 getinterval show 3 index exch get add 2 copy exch moveto}for pop pop}ifelse pop pop}wd /glyphshow{matrix currentmatrix exch currentfont dup/FontMatrix get concat currentpoint translate dup/Metrics get 2 index get 0 4 2 roll gsave/CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill grestore moveto setmatrix}wd /grayimage/image load def/rgbtogray{cvx exec dup length 3 idiv 1 sub 0 exch 1 exch{dup 3 mul dup 3 index exch get 255 div .3 mul exch 1 add dup 4 index exch get 255 div .59 mul exch 1 add 4 index exch get 255 div .11 mul add add 255 mul dup 255 gt{255}if round 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gls m}bd /cd/currentdict ld/i/index ld /DrawBox{4 2 roll m 1 index 0 rl 0 exch rl neg 0 rl cp}bd /DrawBcc{4 2 roll m 2 copy 0 lt exch 0 lt xor{dup 0 exch rl exch 0 rl neg 0 exch rl}{exch dup 0 rl exch 0 exch rl neg 0 rl}ifelse cp}bd /rectline{dup type/arraytype eq{dup length 0 exch 4 exch 4 sub{0 1 3{3 copy add get 4 1 roll pop}for pop 5 1 roll DrawBox}for pop}{DrawBox}ifelse}bd /rectpath{dup type/arraytype eq{dup length 0 exch 4 exch 4 sub{0 1 3{3 copy add get 4 1 roll pop}for pop 5 1 roll DrawBcc}for pop}{DrawBcc}ifelse}bd /pathproc{[{/m cvx}{/l cvx}{/c cvx}{/cp cvx}pathforall]cvx}bd /L1img/image ld/L1idx[{0} {dup 7 and 3 1 roll -3 bitshift get exch 7 sub 1 mul bitshift 1 and}bind 1 index dup {dup 1 and 3 1 roll -1 bitshift get exch 1 sub 4 mul bitshift 15 and}bind 1 index dup dup {get}bind]def /image{dup type/dicttype eq {dup/ImgCS get 0 get/Indexed eq}{false}ifelse {begin Width Height 8 ImageMatrix {rgb_string rgb_lookup cd/DataSource get dup type/filetype eq {mystring readstring pop}{exec}ifelse dup length 0 ne {L1idx BitsPerComponent get 0 1 Width 1 sub {3 copy exch exec exch 3 mul exch 3 mul dup 5 index exch get exch 1 add dup 6 index exch get exch 1 add 6 index exch get 7 index exch 4 index 2 add exch put 6 index exch 3 index 1 add exch put 5 index exch 2 index exch put pop }for pop pop pop }{pop pop pop ()}ifelse }false 3 colorimage end} {dup type/dicttype eq {{dup mark exch L1img pop pop}stopped{cleartomark begin Width Height BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix {cd/DataSource get dup type/filetype eq {mystring readstring pop}{exec}ifelse }false 3 colorimage end} if}{L1img}ifelse}ifelse }bd /L1imgmask/imagemask ld/imagemask{dup type/dicttype eq {{dup mark exch L1imgmask pop pop}stopped {cleartomark begin Width Height polarityflag ImageMatrix {cd/DataSource get dup type/filetype eq {mystring readstring pop}{exec}ifelse }L1imgmask end}if}{L1imgmask}ifelse }bd %%EndResource /rectclip{np rectpath clip np}wd /rectfill{gs np rectpath fi gr}wd /rectstroke{gs np dup 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def /s51 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s52 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s53 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s54 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s55 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s56 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s57 [0 -434 1139 1854] def end /Metrics 13 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s46 569 def /s48 1139 def /s49 1139 def /s50 1139 def /s51 1139 def /s52 1139 def /s53 1139 def /s54 1139 def /s55 1139 def /s56 1139 def /s57 1139 def end /CharProcs 13 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s46 { 186 0 m 186 205 186 0 186 205 c 391 205 186 205 391 205 c 391 0 391 205 391 0 c 186 0 391 0 186 0 c closepath } bind def /s48 { 85 723 m 85 896.33 102.83 1035.83 138.5 1141.5 c 174.17 1247.17 227.17 1328.67 297.5 1386 c 367.83 1443.33 456.33 1472 563 1472 c 641.67 1472 710.67 1456.17 770 1424.5 c 829.33 1392.83 878.33 1347.17 917 1287.5 c 955.67 1227.83 986 1155.17 1008 1069.5 c 1030 983.83 1041 868.33 1041 723 c 1041 551 1023.33 412.17 988 306.5 c 952.67 200.83 899.83 119.17 829.5 61.5 c 759.17 3.83 670.33 -25 563 -25 c 421.67 -25 310.67 25.67 230 127 c 133.33 249 85 447.67 85 723 c closepath 270 723 m 270 482.33 298.17 322.17 354.5 242.5 c 410.83 162.83 480.33 123 563 123 c 645.67 123 715.17 163 771.5 243 c 827.83 323 856 483 856 723 c 856 964.33 827.83 1124.67 771.5 1204 c 715.17 1283.33 645 1323 561 1323 c 478.33 1323 412.33 1288 363 1218 c 301 1128.67 270 963.67 270 723 c closepath } bind def /s49 { 763 0 m 583 0 763 0 583 0 c 583 1147 583 0 583 1147 c 539.67 1105.67 482.83 1064.33 412.5 1023 c 342.17 981.67 279 950.67 223 930 c 223 1104 223 930 223 1104 c 323.67 1151.33 411.67 1208.67 487 1276 c 562.33 1343.33 615.67 1408.67 647 1472 c 763 1472 647 1472 763 1472 c 763 0 763 1472 763 0 c closepath } bind def /s50 { 1031 173 m 1031 0 1031 173 1031 0 c 62 0 1031 0 62 0 c 60.67 43.33 67.67 85 83 125 c 107.67 191 147.17 256 201.5 320 c 255.83 384 334.33 458 437 542 c 596.33 672.67 704 776.17 760 852.5 c 816 928.83 844 1001 844 1069 c 844 1140.33 818.5 1200.5 767.5 1249.5 c 716.5 1298.5 650 1323 568 1323 c 481.33 1323 412 1297 360 1245 c 308 1193 281.67 1121 281 1029 c 96 1048 281 1029 96 1048 c 108.67 1186 156.33 1291.17 239 1363.5 c 321.67 1435.83 432.67 1472 572 1472 c 712.67 1472 824 1433 906 1355 c 988 1277 1029 1180.33 1029 1065 c 1029 1006.33 1017 948.67 993 892 c 969 835.33 929.17 775.67 873.5 713 c 817.83 650.33 725.33 564.33 596 455 c 488 364.33 418.67 302.83 388 270.5 c 357.33 238.17 332 205.67 312 173 c 1031 173 312 173 1031 173 c closepath } bind def /s51 { 86 387 m 266 411 86 387 266 411 c 286.67 309 321.83 235.5 371.5 190.5 c 421.17 145.5 481.67 123 553 123 c 637.67 123 709.17 152.33 767.5 211 c 825.83 269.67 855 342.33 855 429 c 855 511.67 828 579.83 774 633.5 c 720 687.17 651.33 714 568 714 c 534 714 491.67 707.33 441 694 c 461 852 441 694 461 852 c 473 850.67 482.67 850 490 850 c 566.67 850 635.67 870 697 910 c 758.33 950 789 1011.67 789 1095 c 789 1161 766.67 1215.67 722 1259 c 677.33 1302.33 619.67 1324 549 1324 c 479 1324 420.67 1302 374 1258 c 327.33 1214 297.33 1148 284 1060 c 104 1092 284 1060 104 1092 c 126 1212.67 176 1306.17 254 1372.5 c 332 1438.83 429 1472 545 1472 c 625 1472 698.67 1454.83 766 1420.5 c 833.33 1386.17 884.83 1339.33 920.5 1280 c 956.17 1220.67 974 1157.67 974 1091 c 974 1027.67 957 970 923 918 c 889 866 838.67 824.67 772 794 c 858.67 774 926 732.5 974 669.5 c 1022 606.5 1046 527.67 1046 433 c 1046 305 999.33 196.5 906 107.5 c 812.67 18.5 694.67 -26 552 -26 c 423.33 -26 316.5 12.33 231.5 89 c 146.5 165.67 98 265 86 387 c closepath } bind def /s52 { 662 0 m 662 351 662 0 662 351 c 26 351 662 351 26 351 c 26 516 26 351 26 516 c 695 1466 26 516 695 1466 c 842 1466 695 1466 842 1466 c 842 516 842 1466 842 516 c 1040 516 842 516 1040 516 c 1040 351 1040 516 1040 351 c 842 351 1040 351 842 351 c 842 0 842 351 842 0 c 662 0 842 0 662 0 c closepath 662 516 m 662 1177 662 516 662 1177 c 203 516 662 1177 203 516 c 662 516 203 516 662 516 c closepath } bind def /s53 { 85 384 m 274 400 85 384 274 400 c 288 308 320.5 238.83 371.5 192.5 c 422.5 146.17 484 123 556 123 c 642.67 123 716 155.67 776 221 c 836 286.33 866 373 866 481 c 866 583.67 837.17 664.67 779.5 724 c 721.83 783.33 646.33 813 553 813 c 495 813 442.67 799.83 396 773.5 c 349.33 747.17 312.67 713 286 671 c 117 693 286 671 117 693 c 259 1446 117 693 259 1446 c 988 1446 259 1446 988 1446 c 988 1274 988 1446 988 1274 c 403 1274 988 1274 403 1274 c 324 880 403 1274 324 880 c 412 941.33 504.33 972 601 972 c 729 972 837 927.67 925 839 c 1013 750.33 1057 636.33 1057 497 c 1057 364.33 1018.33 249.67 941 153 c 847 34.33 718.67 -25 556 -25 c 422.67 -25 313.83 12.33 229.5 87 c 145.17 161.67 97 260.67 85 384 c closepath } bind def /s54 { 1019 1107 m 840 1093 1019 1107 840 1093 c 824 1163.67 801.33 1215 772 1247 c 723.33 1298.33 663.33 1324 592 1324 c 534.67 1324 484.33 1308 441 1276 c 384.33 1234.67 339.67 1174.33 307 1095 c 274.33 1015.67 257.33 902.67 256 756 c 299.33 822 352.33 871 415 903 c 477.67 935 543.33 951 612 951 c 732 951 834.17 906.83 918.5 818.5 c 1002.83 730.17 1045 616 1045 476 c 1045 384 1025.17 298.5 985.5 219.5 c 945.83 140.5 891.33 80 822 38 c 752.67 -4 674 -25 586 -25 c 436 -25 313.67 30.17 219 140.5 c 124.33 250.83 77 432.67 77 686 c 77 969.33 129.33 1175.33 234 1304 c 325.33 1416 448.33 1472 603 1472 c 718.33 1472 812.83 1439.67 886.5 1375 c 960.17 1310.33 1004.33 1221 1019 1107 c closepath 284 475 m 284 413 297.17 353.67 323.5 297 c 349.83 240.33 386.67 197.17 434 167.5 c 481.33 137.83 531 123 583 123 c 659 123 724.33 153.67 779 215 c 833.67 276.33 861 359.67 861 465 c 861 566.33 834 646.17 780 704.5 c 726 762.83 658 792 576 792 c 494.67 792 425.67 762.83 369 704.5 c 312.33 646.17 284 569.67 284 475 c closepath } bind def /s55 { 97 1274 m 97 1447 97 1274 97 1447 c 1046 1447 97 1447 1046 1447 c 1046 1307 1046 1447 1046 1307 c 952.67 1207.67 860.17 1075.67 768.5 911 c 676.83 746.33 606 577 556 403 c 520 280.33 497 146 487 0 c 302 0 487 0 302 0 c 304 115.33 326.67 254.67 370 418 c 413.33 581.33 475.5 738.83 556.5 890.5 c 637.5 1042.17 723.67 1170 815 1274 c 97 1274 815 1274 97 1274 c closepath } bind def /s56 { 362 795 m 287.33 822.33 232 861.33 196 912 c 160 962.67 142 1023.33 142 1094 c 142 1200.67 180.33 1290.33 257 1363 c 333.67 1435.67 435.67 1472 563 1472 c 691 1472 794 1434.83 872 1360.5 c 950 1286.17 989 1195.67 989 1089 c 989 1021 971.17 961.83 935.5 911.5 c 899.83 861.17 845.67 822.33 773 795 c 863 765.67 931.5 718.33 978.5 653 c 1025.5 587.67 1049 509.67 1049 419 c 1049 293.67 1004.67 188.33 916 103 c 827.33 17.67 710.67 -25 566 -25 c 421.33 -25 304.67 17.83 216 103.5 c 127.33 189.17 83 296 83 424 c 83 519.33 107.17 599.17 155.5 663.5 c 203.83 727.83 272.67 771.67 362 795 c closepath 326 1100 m 326 1030.67 348.33 974 393 930 c 437.67 886 495.67 864 567 864 c 636.33 864 693.17 885.83 737.5 929.5 c 781.83 973.17 804 1026.67 804 1090 c 804 1156 781.17 1211.5 735.5 1256.5 c 689.83 1301.5 633 1324 565 1324 c 496.33 1324 439.33 1302 394 1258 c 348.67 1214 326 1161.33 326 1100 c closepath 268 423 m 268 371.67 280.17 322 304.5 274 c 328.83 226 365 188.83 413 162.5 c 461 136.17 512.67 123 568 123 c 654 123 725 150.67 781 206 c 837 261.33 865 331.67 865 417 c 865 503.67 836.17 575.33 778.5 632 c 720.83 688.67 648.67 717 562 717 c 477.33 717 407.17 689 351.5 633 c 295.83 577 268 507 268 423 c closepath } bind def /s57 { 112 339 m 285 355 112 339 285 355 c 299.67 273.67 327.67 214.67 369 178 c 410.33 141.33 463.33 123 528 123 c 583.33 123 631.83 135.67 673.5 161 c 715.17 186.33 749.33 220.17 776 262.5 c 802.67 304.83 825 362 843 434 c 861 506 870 579.33 870 654 c 870 662 869.67 674 869 690 c 833 632.67 783.83 586.17 721.5 550.5 c 659.17 514.83 591.67 497 519 497 c 397.67 497 295 541 211 629 c 127 717 85 833 85 977 c 85 1125.67 128.83 1245.33 216.5 1336 c 304.17 1426.67 414 1472 546 1472 c 641.33 1472 728.5 1446.33 807.5 1395 c 886.5 1343.67 946.5 1270.5 987.5 1175.5 c 1028.5 1080.5 1049 943 1049 763 c 1049 575.67 1028.67 426.5 988 315.5 c 947.33 204.5 886.83 120 806.5 62 c 726.17 4 632 -25 524 -25 c 409.33 -25 315.67 6.83 243 70.5 c 170.33 134.17 126.67 223.67 112 339 c closepath 849 986 m 849 1089.33 821.5 1171.33 766.5 1232 c 711.5 1292.67 645.33 1323 568 1323 c 488 1323 418.33 1290.33 359 1225 c 299.67 1159.67 270 1075 270 971 c 270 877.67 298.17 801.83 354.5 743.5 c 410.83 685.17 480.33 656 563 656 c 646.33 656 714.83 685.17 768.5 743.5 c 822.17 801.83 849 882.67 849 986 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC18_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC19_ArialBold 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 215.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC19_ArialBold def 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115/s115 put Encoding 116/s116 put Encoding 117/s117 put Encoding 118/s118 put Encoding 119/s119 put Encoding 120/s120 put Encoding 121/s121 put /BoundingBoxes 48 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s44 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s46 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s48 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s49 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s50 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s51 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s60 [0 -434 1196 1854] def /s65 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s66 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s67 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s68 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s70 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s71 [0 -434 1593 1854] def /s72 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s76 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s77 [0 -434 1706 1854] def /s78 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s80 [0 -434 1366 1854] def /s84 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s86 [-1 -434 1366 1854] def /s87 [0 -434 1933 1854] def /s90 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s97 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s98 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s99 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s100 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s101 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s102 [0 -434 682 1854] 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/s105 569 def /s107 1139 def /s108 569 def /s109 1821 def /s110 1251 def /s111 1251 def /s112 1251 def /s113 1251 def /s114 797 def /s115 1139 def /s116 682 def /s117 1251 def /s118 1139 def /s119 1593 def /s120 1139 def /s121 1139 def end /CharProcs 48 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s44 { 140 281 m 421 281 140 281 421 281 c 421 80 421 281 421 80 c 421 -1.33 414 -65.5 400 -112.5 c 386 -159.5 359.5 -201.67 320.5 -239 c 281.5 -276.33 232 -305.67 172 -327 c 117 -211 172 -327 117 -211 c 173.67 -192.33 214 -166.67 238 -134 c 262 -101.33 274.67 -56.67 276 0 c 140 0 276 0 140 0 c 140 281 140 0 140 281 c closepath } bind def /s46 { 147 0 m 147 281 147 0 147 281 c 428 281 147 281 428 281 c 428 0 428 281 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s48 { 562 1472 m 704 1472 815 1421.33 895 1320 c 990.33 1200 1038 1001 1038 723 c 1038 445.67 990 246.33 894 125 c 814.67 25 704 -25 562 -25 c 419.33 -25 304.33 29.83 217 139.5 c 129.67 249.17 86 444.67 86 726 c 86 1002 134 1200.67 230 1322 c 309.33 1422 420 1472 562 1472 c closepath 562 1239 m 528 1239 497.67 1228.17 471 1206.5 c 444.33 1184.83 423.67 1146 409 1090 c 389.67 1017.33 380 895 380 723 c 380 551 388.67 432.83 406 368.5 c 423.33 304.17 445.17 261.33 471.5 240 c 497.83 218.67 528 208 562 208 c 596 208 626.33 218.83 653 240.5 c 679.67 262.17 700.33 301 715 357 c 734.33 429 744 551 744 723 c 744 895 735.33 1013.17 718 1077.5 c 700.67 1141.83 678.83 1184.83 652.5 1206.5 c 626.17 1228.17 596 1239 562 1239 c closepath } bind def /s49 { 806 0 m 525 0 806 0 525 0 c 525 1059 525 0 525 1059 c 422.33 963 301.33 892 162 846 c 162 1101 162 846 162 1101 c 235.33 1125 315 1170.5 401 1237.5 c 487 1304.5 546 1382.67 578 1472 c 806 1472 578 1472 806 1472 c 806 0 806 1472 806 0 c closepath } bind def /s50 { 1036 261 m 1036 0 1036 261 1036 0 c 51 0 1036 0 51 0 c 61.67 98.67 93.67 192.17 147 280.5 c 200.33 368.83 305.67 486 463 632 c 589.67 750 667.33 830 696 872 c 734.67 930 754 987.33 754 1044 c 754 1106.67 737.17 1154.83 703.5 1188.5 c 669.83 1222.17 623.33 1239 564 1239 c 505.33 1239 458.67 1221.33 424 1186 c 389.33 1150.67 369.33 1092 364 1010 c 84 1038 364 1010 84 1038 c 100.67 1192.67 153 1303.67 241 1371 c 329 1438.33 439 1472 571 1472 c 715.67 1472 829.33 1433 912 1355 c 994.67 1277 1036 1180 1036 1064 c 1036 998 1024.17 935.17 1000.5 875.5 c 976.83 815.83 939.33 753.33 888 688 c 854 644.67 792.67 582.33 704 501 c 615.33 419.67 559.17 365.67 535.5 339 c 511.83 312.33 492.67 286.33 478 261 c 1036 261 478 261 1036 261 c closepath } bind def /s51 { 77 389 m 349 422 77 389 349 422 c 357.67 352.67 381 299.67 419 263 c 457 226.33 503 208 557 208 c 615 208 663.83 230 703.5 274 c 743.17 318 763 377.33 763 452 c 763 522.67 744 578.67 706 620 c 668 661.33 621.67 682 567 682 c 531 682 488 675 438 661 c 469 890 438 661 469 890 c 545 888 603 904.5 643 939.5 c 683 974.5 703 1021 703 1079 c 703 1128.33 688.33 1167.67 659 1197 c 629.67 1226.33 590.67 1241 542 1241 c 494 1241 453 1224.33 419 1191 c 385 1157.67 364.33 1109 357 1045 c 98 1089 357 1045 98 1089 c 116 1177.67 143.17 1248.5 179.5 1301.5 c 215.83 1354.5 266.5 1396.17 331.5 1426.5 c 396.5 1456.83 469.33 1472 550 1472 c 688 1472 798.67 1428 882 1340 c 950.67 1268 985 1186.67 985 1096 c 985 967.33 914.67 864.67 774 788 c 858 770 925.17 729.67 975.5 667 c 1025.83 604.33 1051 528.67 1051 440 c 1051 311.33 1004 201.67 910 111 c 816 20.33 699 -25 559 -25 c 426.33 -25 316.33 13.17 229 89.5 c 141.67 165.83 91 265.67 77 389 c closepath } bind def /s60 { 1100 167 m 95 604 1100 167 95 604 c 95 846 95 604 95 846 c 1100 1281 95 846 1100 1281 c 1100 996 1100 1281 1100 996 c 399 728 1100 996 399 728 c 1100 450 399 728 1100 450 c 1100 167 1100 450 1100 167 c closepath } bind def /s65 { 1471 0 m 1149 0 1471 0 1149 0 c 1021 333 1149 0 1021 333 c 435 333 1021 333 435 333 c 314 0 435 333 314 0 c 0 0 314 0 0 0 c 571 1466 0 0 571 1466 c 884 1466 571 1466 884 1466 c 1471 0 884 1466 1471 0 c closepath 926 580 m 724 1124 926 580 724 1124 c 526 580 724 1124 526 580 c 926 580 526 580 926 580 c closepath } bind def /s66 { 150 1466 m 736 1466 150 1466 736 1466 c 852 1466 938.5 1461.17 995.5 1451.5 c 1052.5 1441.83 1103.5 1421.67 1148.5 1391 c 1193.5 1360.33 1231 1319.5 1261 1268.5 c 1291 1217.5 1306 1160.33 1306 1097 c 1306 1028.33 1287.5 965.33 1250.5 908 c 1213.5 850.67 1163.33 807.67 1100 779 c 1189.33 753 1258 708.67 1306 646 c 1354 583.33 1378 509.67 1378 425 c 1378 358.33 1362.5 293.5 1331.5 230.5 c 1300.5 167.5 1258.17 117.17 1204.5 79.5 c 1150.83 41.83 1084.67 18.67 1006 10 c 956.67 4.67 837.67 1.33 649 0 c 150 0 649 0 150 0 c 150 1466 150 0 150 1466 c closepath 446 1222 m 446 883 446 1222 446 883 c 640 883 446 883 640 883 c 755.33 883 827 884.67 855 888 c 905.67 894 945.5 911.5 974.5 940.5 c 1003.5 969.5 1018 1007.67 1018 1055 c 1018 1100.33 1005.5 1137.17 980.5 1165.5 c 955.5 1193.83 918.33 1211 869 1217 c 839.67 1220.33 755.33 1222 616 1222 c 446 1222 616 1222 446 1222 c closepath 446 639 m 446 247 446 639 446 247 c 720 247 446 247 720 247 c 826.67 247 894.33 250 923 256 c 967 264 1002.83 283.5 1030.5 314.5 c 1058.17 345.5 1072 387 1072 439 c 1072 483 1061.33 520.33 1040 551 c 1018.67 581.67 987.83 604 947.5 618 c 907.17 632 819.67 639 685 639 c 446 639 685 639 446 639 c closepath } bind def /s67 { 1087 539 m 1374 448 1087 539 1374 448 c 1330 288 1256.83 169.17 1154.5 91.5 c 1052.17 13.83 922.33 -25 765 -25 c 570.33 -25 410.33 41.5 285 174.5 c 159.67 307.5 97 489.33 97 720 c 97 964 160 1153.5 286 1288.5 c 412 1423.5 577.67 1491 783 1491 c 962.33 1491 1108 1438 1220 1332 c 1286.67 1269.33 1336.67 1179.33 1370 1062 c 1077 992 1370 1062 1077 992 c 1059.67 1068 1023.5 1128 968.5 1172 c 913.5 1216 846.67 1238 768 1238 c 659.33 1238 571.17 1199 503.5 1121 c 435.83 1043 402 916.67 402 742 c 402 556.67 435.33 424.67 502 346 c 568.67 267.33 655.33 228 762 228 c 840.67 228 908.33 253 965 303 c 1021.67 353 1062.33 431.67 1087 539 c closepath } bind def /s68 { 148 1466 m 689 1466 148 1466 689 1466 c 811 1466 904 1456.67 968 1438 c 1054 1412.67 1127.67 1367.67 1189 1303 c 1250.33 1238.33 1297 1159.17 1329 1065.5 c 1361 971.83 1377 856.33 1377 719 c 1377 598.33 1362 494.33 1332 407 c 1295.33 300.33 1243 214 1175 148 c 1123.67 98 1054.33 59 967 31 c 901.67 10.33 814.33 0 705 0 c 148 0 705 0 148 0 c 148 1466 148 0 148 1466 c closepath 444 1218 m 444 247 444 1218 444 247 c 665 247 444 247 665 247 c 747.67 247 807.33 251.67 844 261 c 892 273 931.83 293.33 963.5 322 c 995.17 350.67 1021 397.83 1041 463.5 c 1061 529.17 1071 618.67 1071 732 c 1071 845.33 1061 932.33 1041 993 c 1021 1053.67 993 1101 957 1135 c 921 1169 875.33 1192 820 1204 c 778.67 1213.33 697.67 1218 577 1218 c 444 1218 577 1218 444 1218 c closepath } bind def /s70 { 151 0 m 151 1466 151 0 151 1466 c 1156 1466 151 1466 1156 1466 c 1156 1218 1156 1466 1156 1218 c 447 1218 1156 1218 447 1218 c 447 871 447 1218 447 871 c 1059 871 447 871 1059 871 c 1059 623 1059 871 1059 623 c 447 623 1059 623 447 623 c 447 0 447 623 447 0 c 151 0 447 0 151 0 c closepath } bind def /s71 { 831 539 m 831 786 831 539 831 786 c 1469 786 831 786 1469 786 c 1469 202 1469 786 1469 202 c 1407 142 1317.17 89.17 1199.5 43.5 c 1081.83 -2.17 962.67 -25 842 -25 c 688.67 -25 555 7.17 441 71.5 c 327 135.83 241.33 227.83 184 347.5 c 126.67 467.17 98 597.33 98 738 c 98 890.67 130 1026.33 194 1145 c 258 1263.67 351.67 1354.67 475 1418 c 569 1466.67 686 1491 826 1491 c 1008 1491 1150.17 1452.83 1252.5 1376.5 c 1354.83 1300.17 1420.67 1194.67 1450 1060 c 1156 1005 1450 1060 1156 1005 c 1135.33 1077 1096.5 1133.83 1039.5 1175.5 c 982.5 1217.17 911.33 1238 826 1238 c 696.67 1238 593.83 1197 517.5 1115 c 441.17 1033 403 911.33 403 750 c 403 576 441.67 445.5 519 358.5 c 596.33 271.5 697.67 228 823 228 c 885 228 947.17 240.17 1009.5 264.5 c 1071.83 288.83 1125.33 318.33 1170 353 c 1170 539 1170 353 1170 539 c 831 539 1170 539 831 539 c closepath } bind def /s72 { 150 0 m 150 1466 150 0 150 1466 c 446 1466 150 1466 446 1466 c 446 889 446 1466 446 889 c 1026 889 446 889 1026 889 c 1026 1466 1026 889 1026 1466 c 1322 1466 1026 1466 1322 1466 c 1322 0 1322 1466 1322 0 c 1026 0 1322 0 1026 0 c 1026 641 1026 0 1026 641 c 446 641 1026 641 446 641 c 446 0 446 641 446 0 c 150 0 446 0 150 0 c closepath } bind def /s76 { 157 0 m 157 1454 157 0 157 1454 c 453 1454 157 1454 453 1454 c 453 247 453 1454 453 247 c 1189 247 453 247 1189 247 c 1189 0 1189 247 1189 0 c 157 0 1189 0 157 0 c closepath } bind def /s77 { 145 0 m 145 1466 145 0 145 1466 c 588 1466 145 1466 588 1466 c 854 466 588 1466 854 466 c 1117 1466 854 466 1117 1466 c 1561 1466 1117 1466 1561 1466 c 1561 0 1561 1466 1561 0 c 1286 0 1561 0 1286 0 c 1286 1154 1286 0 1286 1154 c 995 0 1286 1154 995 0 c 710 0 995 0 710 0 c 420 1154 710 0 420 1154 c 420 0 420 1154 420 0 c 145 0 420 0 145 0 c closepath } bind def /s78 { 152 0 m 152 1466 152 0 152 1466 c 440 1466 152 1466 440 1466 c 1040 487 440 1466 1040 487 c 1040 1466 1040 487 1040 1466 c 1315 1466 1040 1466 1315 1466 c 1315 0 1315 1466 1315 0 c 1018 0 1315 0 1018 0 c 427 956 1018 0 427 956 c 427 0 427 956 427 0 c 152 0 427 0 152 0 c closepath } bind def /s80 { 149 0 m 149 1466 149 0 149 1466 c 624 1466 149 1466 624 1466 c 804 1466 921.33 1458.67 976 1444 c 1060 1422 1130.33 1374.17 1187 1300.5 c 1243.67 1226.83 1272 1131.67 1272 1015 c 1272 925 1255.67 849.33 1223 788 c 1190.33 726.67 1148.83 678.5 1098.5 643.5 c 1048.17 608.5 997 585.33 945 574 c 874.33 560 772 553 638 553 c 445 553 638 553 445 553 c 445 0 445 553 445 0 c 149 0 445 0 149 0 c closepath 445 1218 m 445 802 445 1218 445 802 c 607 802 445 802 607 802 c 723.67 802 801.67 809.67 841 825 c 880.33 840.33 911.17 864.33 933.5 897 c 955.83 929.67 967 967.67 967 1011 c 967 1064.33 951.33 1108.33 920 1143 c 888.67 1177.67 849 1199.33 801 1208 c 765.67 1214.67 694.67 1218 588 1218 c 445 1218 588 1218 445 1218 c closepath } bind def /s84 { 479 0 m 479 1218 479 0 479 1218 c 44 1218 479 1218 44 1218 c 44 1466 44 1218 44 1466 c 1209 1466 44 1466 1209 1466 c 1209 1218 1209 1466 1209 1218 c 775 1218 1209 1218 775 1218 c 775 0 775 1218 775 0 c 479 0 775 0 479 0 c closepath } bind def /s86 { 523 0 m -1 1466 523 0 -1 1466 c 320 1466 -1 1466 320 1466 c 691 381 320 1466 691 381 c 1050 1466 691 381 1050 1466 c 1364 1466 1050 1466 1364 1466 c 839 0 1364 1466 839 0 c 523 0 839 0 523 0 c closepath } bind def /s87 { 357 0 m 7 1466 357 0 7 1466 c 310 1466 7 1466 310 1466 c 531 459 310 1466 531 459 c 799 1466 531 459 799 1466 c 1151 1466 799 1466 1151 1466 c 1408 442 1151 1466 1408 442 c 1633 1466 1408 442 1633 1466 c 1931 1466 1633 1466 1931 1466 c 1575 0 1931 1466 1575 0 c 1261 0 1575 0 1261 0 c 969 1096 1261 0 969 1096 c 678 0 969 1096 678 0 c 357 0 678 0 357 0 c closepath } bind def /s90 { 22 0 m 22 267 22 0 22 267 c 792 1218 22 267 792 1218 c 109 1218 792 1218 109 1218 c 109 1466 109 1218 109 1466 c 1182 1466 109 1466 1182 1466 c 1182 1236 1182 1466 1182 1236 c 379 247 1182 1236 379 247 c 1213 247 379 247 1213 247 c 1213 0 1213 247 1213 0 c 22 0 1213 0 22 0 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 357 738 m 102 784 357 738 102 784 c 130.67 886.67 180 962.67 250 1012 c 320 1061.33 424 1086 562 1086 c 687.33 1086 780.67 1071.17 842 1041.5 c 903.33 1011.83 946.5 974.17 971.5 928.5 c 996.5 882.83 1009 799 1009 677 c 1006 349 1009 677 1006 349 c 1006 255.67 1010.5 186.83 1019.5 142.5 c 1028.5 98.17 1045.33 50.67 1070 0 c 792 0 1070 0 792 0 c 784.67 18.67 775.67 46.33 765 83 c 760.33 99.67 757 110.67 755 116 c 707 69.33 655.67 34.33 601 11 c 546.33 -12.33 488 -24 426 -24 c 316.67 -24 230.5 5.67 167.5 65 c 104.5 124.33 73 199.33 73 290 c 73 350 87.33 403.5 116 450.5 c 144.67 497.5 184.83 533.5 236.5 558.5 c 288.17 583.5 362.67 605.33 460 624 c 591.33 648.67 682.33 671.67 733 693 c 733 721 733 693 733 721 c 733 775 719.67 813.5 693 836.5 c 666.33 859.5 616 871 542 871 c 492 871 453 861.17 425 841.5 c 397 821.83 374.33 787.33 357 738 c closepath 733 510 m 697 498 640 483.67 562 467 c 484 450.33 433 434 409 418 c 372.33 392 354 359 354 319 c 354 279.67 368.67 245.67 398 217 c 427.33 188.33 464.67 174 510 174 c 560.67 174 609 190.67 655 224 c 689 249.33 711.33 280.33 722 317 c 729.33 341 733 386.67 733 454 c 733 510 733 454 733 510 c closepath } bind def /s98 { 135 0 m 135 1466 135 0 135 1466 c 416 1466 135 1466 416 1466 c 416 938 416 1466 416 938 c 502.67 1036.67 605.33 1086 724 1086 c 853.33 1086 960.33 1039.17 1045 945.5 c 1129.67 851.83 1172 717.33 1172 542 c 1172 360.67 1128.83 221 1042.5 123 c 956.17 25 851.33 -24 728 -24 c 667.33 -24 607.5 -8.83 548.5 21.5 c 489.5 51.83 438.67 96.67 396 156 c 396 0 396 156 396 0 c 135 0 396 0 135 0 c closepath 414 554 m 414 444 431.33 362.67 466 310 c 514.67 235.33 579.33 198 660 198 c 722 198 774.83 224.5 818.5 277.5 c 862.17 330.5 884 414 884 528 c 884 649.33 862 736.83 818 790.5 c 774 844.17 717.67 871 649 871 c 581.67 871 525.67 844.83 481 792.5 c 436.33 740.17 414 660.67 414 554 c closepath } bind def /s99 { 1073 748 m 796 698 1073 748 796 698 c 786.67 753.33 765.5 795 732.5 823 c 699.5 851 656.67 865 604 865 c 534 865 478.17 840.83 436.5 792.5 c 394.83 744.17 374 663.33 374 550 c 374 424 395.17 335 437.5 283 c 479.83 231 536.67 205 608 205 c 661.33 205 705 220.17 739 250.5 c 773 280.83 797 333 811 407 c 1087 360 811 407 1087 360 c 1058.33 233.33 1003.33 137.67 922 73 c 840.67 8.33 731.67 -24 595 -24 c 439.67 -24 315.83 25 223.5 123 c 131.17 221 85 356.67 85 530 c 85 705.33 131.33 841.83 224 939.5 c 316.67 1037.17 442 1086 600 1086 c 729.33 1086 832.17 1058.17 908.5 1002.5 c 984.83 946.83 1039.67 862 1073 748 c closepath } bind def /s100 { 1121 0 m 860 0 1121 0 860 0 c 860 156 860 0 860 156 c 816.67 95.33 765.5 50.17 706.5 20.5 c 647.5 -9.17 588 -24 528 -24 c 406 -24 301.5 25.17 214.5 123.5 c 127.5 221.83 84 359 84 535 c 84 715 126.33 851.83 211 945.5 c 295.67 1039.17 402.67 1086 532 1086 c 650.67 1086 753.33 1036.67 840 938 c 840 1466 840 938 840 1466 c 1121 1466 840 1466 1121 1466 c 1121 0 1121 1466 1121 0 c closepath 371 554 m 371 440.67 386.67 358.67 418 308 c 463.33 234.67 526.67 198 608 198 c 672.67 198 727.67 225.5 773 280.5 c 818.33 335.5 841 417.67 841 527 c 841 649 819 736.83 775 790.5 c 731 844.17 674.67 871 606 871 c 539.33 871 483.5 844.5 438.5 791.5 c 393.5 738.5 371 659.33 371 554 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 762 338 m 1042 291 762 338 1042 291 c 1006 188.33 949.17 110.17 871.5 56.5 c 793.83 2.83 696.67 -24 580 -24 c 395.33 -24 258.67 36.33 170 157 c 100 253.67 65 375.67 65 523 c 65 699 111 836.83 203 936.5 c 295 1036.17 411.33 1086 552 1086 c 710 1086 834.67 1033.83 926 929.5 c 1017.33 825.17 1061 665.33 1057 450 c 353 450 1057 450 353 450 c 355 366.67 377.67 301.83 421 255.5 c 464.33 209.17 518.33 186 583 186 c 627 186 664 198 694 222 c 724 246 746.67 284.67 762 338 c closepath 778 622 m 776 703.33 755 765.17 715 807.5 c 675 849.83 626.33 871 569 871 c 507.67 871 457 848.67 417 804 c 377 759.33 357.33 698.67 358 622 c 778 622 358 622 778 622 c closepath } bind def /s102 { 24 1062 m 180 1062 24 1062 180 1062 c 180 1142 180 1062 180 1142 c 180 1231.33 189.5 1298 208.5 1342 c 227.5 1386 262.5 1421.83 313.5 1449.5 c 364.5 1477.17 429 1491 507 1491 c 587 1491 665.33 1479 742 1455 c 704 1259 742 1455 704 1259 c 659.33 1269.67 616.33 1275 575 1275 c 534.33 1275 505.17 1265.5 487.5 1246.5 c 469.83 1227.5 461 1191 461 1137 c 461 1062 461 1137 461 1062 c 671 1062 461 1062 671 1062 c 671 841 671 1062 671 841 c 461 841 671 841 461 841 c 461 0 461 841 461 0 c 180 0 461 0 180 0 c 180 841 180 0 180 841 c 24 841 180 841 24 841 c 24 1062 24 841 24 1062 c closepath } bind def /s103 { 121 -70 m 442 -109 121 -70 442 -109 c 447.33 -146.33 459.67 -172 479 -186 c 505.67 -206 547.67 -216 605 -216 c 678.33 -216 733.33 -205 770 -183 c 794.67 -168.33 813.33 -144.67 826 -112 c 834.67 -88.67 839 -45.67 839 17 c 839 172 839 17 839 172 c 755 57.33 649 0 521 0 c 378.33 0 265.33 60.33 182 181 c 116.67 276.33 84 395 84 537 c 84 715 126.83 851 212.5 945 c 298.17 1039 404.67 1086 532 1086 c 663.33 1086 771.67 1028.33 857 913 c 857 1062 857 913 857 1062 c 1120 1062 857 1062 1120 1062 c 1120 109 1120 1062 1120 109 c 1120 -16.33 1109.67 -110 1089 -172 c 1068.33 -234 1039.33 -282.67 1002 -318 c 964.67 -353.33 914.83 -381 852.5 -401 c 790.17 -421 711.33 -431 616 -431 c 436 -431 308.33 -400.17 233 -338.5 c 157.67 -276.83 120 -198.67 120 -104 c 120 -94.67 120.33 -83.33 121 -70 c closepath 372 553 m 372 440.33 393.83 357.83 437.5 305.5 c 481.17 253.17 535 227 599 227 c 667.67 227 725.67 253.83 773 307.5 c 820.33 361.17 844 440.67 844 546 c 844 656 821.33 737.67 776 791 c 730.67 844.33 673.33 871 604 871 c 536.67 871 481.17 844.83 437.5 792.5 c 393.83 740.17 372 660.33 372 553 c closepath } bind def /s104 { 427 1466 m 427 927 427 1466 427 927 c 517.67 1033 626 1086 752 1086 c 816.67 1086 875 1074 927 1050 c 979 1026 1018.17 995.33 1044.5 958 c 1070.83 920.67 1088.83 879.33 1098.5 834 c 1108.17 788.67 1113 718.33 1113 623 c 1113 0 1113 623 1113 0 c 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 561 832 0 832 561 c 832 672.33 826.67 743 816 773 c 805.33 803 786.5 826.83 759.5 844.5 c 732.5 862.17 698.67 871 658 871 c 611.33 871 569.67 859.67 533 837 c 496.33 814.33 469.5 780.17 452.5 734.5 c 435.5 688.83 427 621.33 427 532 c 427 0 427 532 427 0 c 146 0 427 0 146 0 c 146 1466 146 0 146 1466 c 427 1466 146 1466 427 1466 c closepath } bind def /s105 { 147 1206 m 147 1466 147 1206 147 1466 c 428 1466 147 1466 428 1466 c 428 1206 428 1466 428 1206 c 147 1206 428 1206 147 1206 c closepath 147 0 m 147 1062 147 0 147 1062 c 428 1062 147 1062 428 1062 c 428 0 428 1062 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s107 { 137 0 m 137 1466 137 0 137 1466 c 418 1466 137 1466 418 1466 c 418 688 418 1466 418 688 c 747 1062 418 688 747 1062 c 1093 1062 747 1062 1093 1062 c 730 674 1093 1062 730 674 c 1119 0 730 674 1119 0 c 816 0 1119 0 816 0 c 549 477 816 0 549 477 c 418 340 549 477 418 340 c 418 0 418 340 418 0 c 137 0 418 0 137 0 c closepath } bind def /s108 { 147 0 m 147 1466 147 0 147 1466 c 428 1466 147 1466 428 1466 c 428 0 428 1466 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s109 { 126 1062 m 385 1062 126 1062 385 1062 c 385 917 385 1062 385 917 c 477.67 1029.67 588 1086 716 1086 c 784 1086 843 1072 893 1044 c 943 1016 984 973.67 1016 917 c 1062.67 973.67 1113 1016 1167 1044 c 1221 1072 1278.67 1086 1340 1086 c 1418 1086 1484 1070.17 1538 1038.5 c 1592 1006.83 1632.33 960.33 1659 899 c 1678.33 853.67 1688 780.33 1688 679 c 1688 0 1688 679 1688 0 c 1407 0 1688 0 1407 0 c 1407 607 1407 0 1407 607 c 1407 712.33 1397.33 780.33 1378 811 c 1352 851 1312 871 1258 871 c 1218.67 871 1181.67 859 1147 835 c 1112.33 811 1087.33 775.83 1072 729.5 c 1056.67 683.17 1049 610 1049 510 c 1049 0 1049 510 1049 0 c 768 0 1049 0 768 0 c 768 582 768 0 768 582 c 768 685.33 763 752 753 782 c 743 812 727.5 834.33 706.5 849 c 685.5 863.67 657 871 621 871 c 577.67 871 538.67 859.33 504 836 c 469.33 812.67 444.5 779 429.5 735 c 414.5 691 407 618 407 516 c 407 0 407 516 407 0 c 126 0 407 0 126 0 c 126 1062 126 0 126 1062 c closepath } bind def /s110 { 1113 0 m 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 542 832 0 832 542 c 832 656.67 826 730.83 814 764.5 c 802 798.17 782.5 824.33 755.5 843 c 728.5 861.67 696 871 658 871 c 609.33 871 565.67 857.67 527 831 c 488.33 804.33 461.83 769 447.5 725 c 433.17 681 426 599.67 426 481 c 426 0 426 481 426 0 c 145 0 426 0 145 0 c 145 1062 145 0 145 1062 c 406 1062 145 1062 406 1062 c 406 906 406 1062 406 906 c 498.67 1026 615.33 1086 756 1086 c 818 1086 874.67 1074.83 926 1052.5 c 977.33 1030.17 1016.17 1001.67 1042.5 967 c 1068.83 932.33 1087.17 893 1097.5 849 c 1107.83 805 1113 742 1113 660 c 1113 0 1113 660 1113 0 c closepath } bind def /s111 { 82 546 m 82 639.33 105 729.67 151 817 c 197 904.33 262.17 971 346.5 1017 c 430.83 1063 525 1086 629 1086 c 789.67 1086 921.33 1033.83 1024 929.5 c 1126.67 825.17 1178 693.33 1178 534 c 1178 373.33 1126.17 240.17 1022.5 134.5 c 918.83 28.83 788.33 -24 631 -24 c 533.67 -24 440.83 -2 352.5 42 c 264.17 86 197 150.5 151 235.5 c 105 320.5 82 424 82 546 c closepath 370 531 m 370 425.67 395 345 445 289 c 495 233 556.67 205 630 205 c 703.33 205 764.83 233 814.5 289 c 864.17 345 889 426.33 889 533 c 889 637 864.17 717 814.5 773 c 764.83 829 703.33 857 630 857 c 556.67 857 495 829 445 773 c 395 717 370 636.33 370 531 c closepath } bind def /s112 { 139 1062 m 401 1062 139 1062 401 1062 c 401 906 401 1062 401 906 c 435 959.33 481 1002.67 539 1036 c 597 1069.33 661.33 1086 732 1086 c 855.33 1086 960 1037.67 1046 941 c 1132 844.33 1175 709.67 1175 537 c 1175 359.67 1131.67 221.83 1045 123.5 c 958.33 25.17 853.33 -24 730 -24 c 671.33 -24 618.17 -12.33 570.5 11 c 522.83 34.33 472.67 74.33 420 131 c 420 -404 420 131 420 -404 c 139 -404 420 -404 139 -404 c 139 1062 139 -404 139 1062 c closepath 417 549 m 417 429.67 440.67 341.5 488 284.5 c 535.33 227.5 593 199 661 199 c 726.33 199 780.67 225.17 824 277.5 c 867.33 329.83 889 415.67 889 535 c 889 646.33 866.67 729 822 783 c 777.33 837 722 864 656 864 c 587.33 864 530.33 837.5 485 784.5 c 439.67 731.5 417 653 417 549 c closepath } bind def /s113 { 841 -404 m 841 130 841 -404 841 130 c 804.33 82.67 758.67 45.17 704 17.5 c 649.33 -10.17 590.33 -24 527 -24 c 406.33 -24 307 21.33 229 112 c 137 218 91 361.67 91 543 c 91 713.67 134.17 846.83 220.5 942.5 c 306.83 1038.17 414 1086 542 1086 c 612.67 1086 673.83 1071 725.5 1041 c 777.17 1011 823 965.67 863 905 c 863 1062 863 905 863 1062 c 1122 1062 863 1062 1122 1062 c 1122 -404 1122 1062 1122 -404 c 841 -404 1122 -404 841 -404 c closepath 850 544 m 850 652.67 827.83 733.5 783.5 786.5 c 739.17 839.5 683.67 866 617 866 c 549 866 492.17 839 446.5 785 c 400.83 731 378 645.33 378 528 c 378 411.33 400 327.17 444 275.5 c 488 223.83 542.33 198 607 198 c 671.67 198 728.33 227 777 285 c 825.67 343 850 429.33 850 544 c closepath } bind def /s114 { 416 0 m 135 0 416 0 135 0 c 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 396 1062 135 1062 396 1062 c 396 911 396 1062 396 911 c 440.67 982.33 480.83 1029.33 516.5 1052 c 552.17 1074.67 592.67 1086 638 1086 c 702 1086 763.67 1068.33 823 1033 c 736 788 823 1033 736 788 c 688.67 818.67 644.67 834 604 834 c 564.67 834 531.33 823.17 504 801.5 c 476.67 779.83 455.17 740.67 439.5 684 c 423.83 627.33 416 508.67 416 328 c 416 0 416 328 416 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 48 303 m 330 346 48 303 330 346 c 342 291.33 366.33 249.83 403 221.5 c 439.67 193.17 491 179 557 179 c 629.67 179 684.33 192.33 721 219 c 745.67 237.67 758 262.67 758 294 c 758 315.33 751.33 333 738 347 c 724 360.33 692.67 372.67 644 384 c 417.33 434 273.67 479.67 213 521 c 129 578.33 87 658 87 760 c 87 852 123.33 929.33 196 992 c 268.67 1054.67 381.33 1086 534 1086 c 679.33 1086 787.33 1062.33 858 1015 c 928.67 967.67 977.33 897.67 1004 805 c 739 756 1004 805 739 756 c 727.67 797.33 706.17 829 674.5 851 c 642.83 873 597.67 884 539 884 c 465 884 412 873.67 380 853 c 358.67 838.33 348 819.33 348 796 c 348 776 357.33 759 376 745 c 401.33 726.33 488.83 700 638.5 666 c 788.17 632 892.67 590.33 952 541 c 1010.67 491 1040 421.33 1040 332 c 1040 234.67 999.33 151 918 81 c 836.67 11 716.33 -24 557 -24 c 412.33 -24 297.83 5.33 213.5 64 c 129.17 122.67 74 202.33 48 303 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 634 1062 m 634 838 634 1062 634 838 c 442 838 634 838 442 838 c 442 410 442 838 442 410 c 442 323.33 443.83 272.83 447.5 258.5 c 451.17 244.17 459.5 232.33 472.5 223 c 485.5 213.67 501.33 209 520 209 c 546 209 583.67 218 633 236 c 657 18 633 236 657 18 c 591.67 -10 517.67 -24 435 -24 c 384.33 -24 338.67 -15.5 298 1.5 c 257.33 18.5 227.5 40.5 208.5 67.5 c 189.5 94.5 176.33 131 169 177 c 163 209.67 160 275.67 160 375 c 160 838 160 375 160 838 c 31 838 160 838 31 838 c 31 1062 31 838 31 1062 c 160 1062 31 1062 160 1062 c 160 1273 160 1062 160 1273 c 442 1437 160 1273 442 1437 c 442 1062 442 1437 442 1062 c 634 1062 442 1062 634 1062 c closepath } bind def /s117 { 846 0 m 846 159 846 0 846 159 c 807.33 102.33 756.5 57.67 693.5 25 c 630.5 -7.67 564 -24 494 -24 c 422.67 -24 358.67 -8.33 302 23 c 245.33 54.33 204.33 98.33 179 155 c 153.67 211.67 141 290 141 390 c 141 1062 141 390 141 1062 c 422 1062 141 1062 422 1062 c 422 574 422 1062 422 574 c 422 424.67 427.17 333.17 437.5 299.5 c 447.83 265.83 466.67 239.17 494 219.5 c 521.33 199.83 556 190 598 190 c 646 190 689 203.17 727 229.5 c 765 255.83 791 288.5 805 327.5 c 819 366.5 826 462 826 614 c 826 1062 826 614 826 1062 c 1107 1062 826 1062 1107 1062 c 1107 0 1107 1062 1107 0 c 846 0 1107 0 846 0 c closepath } bind def /s118 { 439 0 m 11 1062 439 0 11 1062 c 306 1062 11 1062 306 1062 c 506 520 306 1062 506 520 c 564 339 506 520 564 339 c 579.33 385 589 415.33 593 430 c 602.33 460 612.33 490 623 520 c 825 1062 623 520 825 1062 c 1114 1062 825 1062 1114 1062 c 692 0 1114 1062 692 0 c 439 0 692 0 439 0 c closepath } bind def /s119 { 345 0 m 9 1062 345 0 9 1062 c 282 1062 9 1062 282 1062 c 481 366 282 1062 481 366 c 664 1062 481 366 664 1062 c 935 1062 664 1062 935 1062 c 1112 366 935 1062 1112 366 c 1315 1062 1112 366 1315 1062 c 1592 1062 1315 1062 1592 1062 c 1251 0 1592 1062 1251 0 c 981 0 1251 0 981 0 c 798 683 981 0 798 683 c 618 0 798 683 618 0 c 345 0 618 0 345 0 c closepath } bind def /s120 { 12 0 m 395 547 12 0 395 547 c 28 1062 395 547 28 1062 c 371 1062 28 1062 371 1062 c 559 770 371 1062 559 770 c 757 1062 559 770 757 1062 c 1087 1062 757 1062 1087 1062 c 727 559 1087 1062 727 559 c 1120 0 727 559 1120 0 c 775 0 1120 0 775 0 c 559 329 775 0 559 329 c 341 0 559 329 341 0 c 12 0 341 0 12 0 c closepath } bind def /s121 { 14 1062 m 313 1062 14 1062 313 1062 c 567 308 313 1062 567 308 c 815 1062 567 308 815 1062 c 1106 1062 815 1062 1106 1062 c 731 40 1106 1062 731 40 c 664 -145 731 40 664 -145 c 639.33 -207 615.83 -254.33 593.5 -287 c 571.17 -319.67 545.5 -346.17 516.5 -366.5 c 487.5 -386.83 451.83 -402.67 409.5 -414 c 367.17 -425.33 319.33 -431 266 -431 c 212 -431 159 -425.33 107 -414 c 82 -194 107 -414 82 -194 c 126 -202.67 165.67 -207 201 -207 c 266.33 -207 314.67 -187.83 346 -149.5 c 377.33 -111.17 401.33 -62.33 418 -3 c 14 1062 418 -3 14 1062 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC19_ArialBold exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC20_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC20_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 40/s40 put Encoding 41/s41 put Encoding 71/s71 put Encoding 80/s80 put Encoding 97/s97 put Encoding 101/s101 put Encoding 114/s114 put Encoding 115/s115 put Encoding 117/s117 put /BoundingBoxes 11 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s40 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s41 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s71 [0 -434 1593 1854] def /s80 [0 -434 1366 1854] def /s97 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s101 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s114 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s115 [0 -434 1024 1854] def /s117 [0 -434 1139 1854] def end /Metrics 11 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s40 682 def /s41 682 def /s71 1593 def /s80 1366 def /s97 1139 def /s101 1139 def /s114 682 def /s115 1024 def /s117 1139 def end /CharProcs 11 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s40 { 479 -431 m 379.67 -305.67 295.67 -159 227 9 c 158.33 177 124 351 124 531 c 124 689.67 149.67 841.67 201 987 c 261 1155.67 353.67 1323.67 479 1491 c 608 1491 479 1491 608 1491 c 527.33 1352.33 474 1253.33 448 1194 c 407.33 1102 375.33 1006 352 906 c 323.33 781.33 309 656 309 530 c 309 209.33 408.67 -111 608 -431 c 479 -431 608 -431 479 -431 c closepath } bind def /s41 { 253 -431 m 124 -431 253 -431 124 -431 c 323.33 -111 423 209.33 423 530 c 423 655.33 408.67 779.67 380 903 c 357.33 1003 325.67 1099 285 1191 c 259 1251 205.33 1351 124 1491 c 253 1491 124 1491 253 1491 c 378.33 1323.67 471 1155.67 531 987 c 582.33 841.67 608 689.67 608 531 c 608 351 573.5 177 504.5 9 c 435.5 -159 351.67 -305.67 253 -431 c closepath } bind def /s71 { 844 575 m 844 747 844 575 844 747 c 1465 748 844 747 1465 748 c 1465 204 1465 748 1465 204 c 1369.67 128 1271.33 70.83 1170 32.5 c 1068.67 -5.83 964.67 -25 858 -25 c 714 -25 583.17 5.83 465.5 67.5 c 347.83 129.17 259 218.33 199 335 c 139 451.67 109 582 109 726 c 109 868.67 138.83 1001.83 198.5 1125.5 c 258.17 1249.17 344 1341 456 1401 c 568 1461 697 1491 843 1491 c 949 1491 1044.83 1473.83 1130.5 1439.5 c 1216.17 1405.17 1283.33 1357.33 1332 1296 c 1380.67 1234.67 1417.67 1154.67 1443 1056 c 1268 1008 1443 1056 1268 1008 c 1246 1082.67 1218.67 1141.33 1186 1184 c 1153.33 1226.67 1106.67 1260.83 1046 1286.5 c 985.33 1312.17 918 1325 844 1325 c 755.33 1325 678.67 1311.5 614 1284.5 c 549.33 1257.5 497.17 1222 457.5 1178 c 417.83 1134 387 1085.67 365 1033 c 327.67 942.33 309 844 309 738 c 309 607.33 331.5 498 376.5 410 c 421.5 322 487 256.67 573 214 c 659 171.33 750.33 150 847 150 c 931 150 1013 166.17 1093 198.5 c 1173 230.83 1233.67 265.33 1275 302 c 1275 575 1275 302 1275 575 c 844 575 1275 575 844 575 c closepath } bind def /s80 { 158 0 m 158 1466 158 0 158 1466 c 711 1466 158 1466 711 1466 c 808.33 1466 882.67 1461.33 934 1452 c 1006 1440 1066.33 1417.17 1115 1383.5 c 1163.67 1349.83 1202.83 1302.67 1232.5 1242 c 1262.17 1181.33 1277 1114.67 1277 1042 c 1277 917.33 1237.33 811.83 1158 725.5 c 1078.67 639.17 935.33 596 728 596 c 352 596 728 596 352 596 c 352 0 352 596 352 0 c 158 0 352 0 158 0 c closepath 352 769 m 731 769 352 769 731 769 c 856.33 769 945.33 792.33 998 839 c 1050.67 885.67 1077 951.33 1077 1036 c 1077 1097.33 1061.5 1149.83 1030.5 1193.5 c 999.5 1237.17 958.67 1266 908 1280 c 875.33 1288.67 815 1293 727 1293 c 352 1293 727 1293 352 1293 c 352 769 352 1293 352 769 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 828 131 m 761.33 74.33 697.17 34.33 635.5 11 c 573.83 -12.33 507.67 -24 437 -24 c 320.33 -24 230.67 4.5 168 61.5 c 105.33 118.5 74 191.33 74 280 c 74 332 85.83 379.5 109.5 422.5 c 133.17 465.5 164.17 500 202.5 526 c 240.83 552 284 571.67 332 585 c 367.33 594.33 420.67 603.33 492 612 c 637.33 629.33 744.33 650 813 674 c 813.67 698.67 814 714.33 814 721 c 814 794.33 797 846 763 876 c 717 916.67 648.67 937 558 937 c 473.33 937 410.83 922.17 370.5 892.5 c 330.17 862.83 300.33 810.33 281 735 c 105 759 281 735 105 759 c 121 834.33 147.33 895.17 184 941.5 c 220.67 987.83 273.67 1023.5 343 1048.5 c 412.33 1073.5 492.67 1086 584 1086 c 674.67 1086 748.33 1075.33 805 1054 c 861.67 1032.67 903.33 1005.83 930 973.5 c 956.67 941.17 975.33 900.33 986 851 c 992 820.33 995 765 995 685 c 995 445 995 685 995 445 c 995 277.67 998.83 171.83 1006.5 127.5 c 1014.17 83.17 1029.33 40.67 1052 0 c 864 0 1052 0 864 0 c 845.33 37.33 833.33 81 828 131 c closepath 813 533 m 747.67 506.33 649.67 483.67 519 465 c 445 454.33 392.67 442.33 362 429 c 331.33 415.67 307.67 396.17 291 370.5 c 274.33 344.83 266 316.33 266 285 c 266 237 284.17 197 320.5 165 c 356.83 133 410 117 480 117 c 549.33 117 611 132.17 665 162.5 c 719 192.83 758.67 234.33 784 287 c 803.33 327.67 813 387.67 813 467 c 813 533 813 467 813 533 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 862 342 m 1048 319 862 342 1048 319 c 1018.67 210.33 964.33 126 885 66 c 805.67 6 704.33 -24 581 -24 c 425.67 -24 302.5 23.83 211.5 119.5 c 120.5 215.17 75 349.33 75 522 c 75 700.67 121 839.33 213 938 c 305 1036.67 424.33 1086 571 1086 c 713 1086 829 1037.67 919 941 c 1009 844.33 1054 708.33 1054 533 c 1054 522.33 1053.67 506.33 1053 485 c 261 485 1053 485 261 485 c 267.67 368.33 300.67 279 360 217 c 419.33 155 493.33 124 582 124 c 648 124 704.33 141.33 751 176 c 797.67 210.67 834.67 266 862 342 c closepath 271 633 m 864 633 271 633 864 633 c 856 722.33 833.33 789.33 796 834 c 738.67 903.33 664.33 938 573 938 c 490.33 938 420.83 910.33 364.5 855 c 308.17 799.67 277 725.67 271 633 c closepath } bind def /s114 { 133 0 m 133 1062 133 0 133 1062 c 295 1062 133 1062 295 1062 c 295 901 295 1062 295 901 c 336.33 976.33 374.5 1026 409.5 1050 c 444.5 1074 483 1086 525 1086 c 585.67 1086 647.33 1066.67 710 1028 c 648 861 710 1028 648 861 c 604 887 560 900 516 900 c 476.67 900 441.33 888.17 410 864.5 c 378.67 840.83 356.33 808 343 766 c 323 702 313 632 313 556 c 313 0 313 556 313 0 c 133 0 313 0 133 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 63 317 m 241 345 63 317 241 345 c 251 273.67 278.83 219 324.5 181 c 370.17 143 434 124 516 124 c 598.67 124 660 140.83 700 174.5 c 740 208.17 760 247.67 760 293 c 760 333.67 742.33 365.67 707 389 c 682.33 405 621 425.33 523 450 c 391 483.33 299.5 512.17 248.5 536.5 c 197.5 560.83 158.83 594.5 132.5 637.5 c 106.17 680.5 93 728 93 780 c 93 827.33 103.83 871.17 125.5 911.5 c 147.17 951.83 176.67 985.33 214 1012 c 242 1032.67 280.17 1050.17 328.5 1064.5 c 376.83 1078.83 428.67 1086 484 1086 c 567.33 1086 640.5 1074 703.5 1050 c 766.5 1026 813 993.5 843 952.5 c 873 911.5 893.67 856.67 905 788 c 729 764 905 788 729 764 c 721 818.67 697.83 861.33 659.5 892 c 621.17 922.67 567 938 497 938 c 414.33 938 355.33 924.33 320 897 c 284.67 869.67 267 837.67 267 801 c 267 777.67 274.33 756.67 289 738 c 303.67 718.67 326.67 702.67 358 690 c 376 683.33 429 668 517 644 c 644.33 610 733.17 582.17 783.5 560.5 c 833.83 538.83 873.33 507.33 902 466 c 930.67 424.67 945 373.33 945 312 c 945 252 927.5 195.5 892.5 142.5 c 857.5 89.5 807 48.5 741 19.5 c 675 -9.5 600.33 -24 517 -24 c 379 -24 273.83 4.67 201.5 62 c 129.17 119.33 83 204.33 63 317 c closepath } bind def /s117 { 831 0 m 831 156 831 0 831 156 c 748.33 36 636 -24 494 -24 c 431.33 -24 372.83 -12 318.5 12 c 264.17 36 223.83 66.17 197.5 102.5 c 171.17 138.83 152.67 183.33 142 236 c 134.67 271.33 131 327.33 131 404 c 131 1062 131 404 131 1062 c 311 1062 131 1062 311 1062 c 311 473 311 1062 311 473 c 311 379 314.67 315.67 322 283 c 333.33 235.67 357.33 198.5 394 171.5 c 430.67 144.5 476 131 530 131 c 584 131 634.67 144.83 682 172.5 c 729.33 200.17 762.83 237.83 782.5 285.5 c 802.17 333.17 812 402.33 812 493 c 812 1062 812 493 812 1062 c 992 1062 812 1062 992 1062 c 992 0 992 1062 992 0 c 831 0 992 0 831 0 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC20_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC21_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC21_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 40/s40 put Encoding 41/s41 put Encoding 47/s47 put Encoding 51/s51 put Encoding 68/s68 put Encoding 99/s99 put Encoding 101/s101 put Encoding 103/s103 put Encoding 105/s105 put Encoding 109/s109 put Encoding 110/s110 put Encoding 115/s115 put Encoding 116/s116 put Encoding 121/s121 put /BoundingBoxes 16 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s40 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s41 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s47 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s51 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s68 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s99 [0 -434 1024 1854] def /s101 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s103 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s105 [0 -434 455 1854] def /s109 [0 -434 1706 1854] def /s110 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s115 [0 -434 1024 1854] def /s116 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s121 [0 -434 1024 1854] def end /Metrics 16 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s40 682 def /s41 682 def /s47 569 def /s51 1139 def /s68 1479 def /s99 1024 def /s101 1139 def /s103 1139 def /s105 455 def /s109 1706 def /s110 1139 def /s115 1024 def /s116 569 def /s121 1024 def end /CharProcs 16 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s40 { 479 -431 m 379.67 -305.67 295.67 -159 227 9 c 158.33 177 124 351 124 531 c 124 689.67 149.67 841.67 201 987 c 261 1155.67 353.67 1323.67 479 1491 c 608 1491 479 1491 608 1491 c 527.33 1352.33 474 1253.33 448 1194 c 407.33 1102 375.33 1006 352 906 c 323.33 781.33 309 656 309 530 c 309 209.33 408.67 -111 608 -431 c 479 -431 608 -431 479 -431 c closepath } bind def /s41 { 253 -431 m 124 -431 253 -431 124 -431 c 323.33 -111 423 209.33 423 530 c 423 655.33 408.67 779.67 380 903 c 357.33 1003 325.67 1099 285 1191 c 259 1251 205.33 1351 124 1491 c 253 1491 124 1491 253 1491 c 378.33 1323.67 471 1155.67 531 987 c 582.33 841.67 608 689.67 608 531 c 608 351 573.5 177 504.5 9 c 435.5 -159 351.67 -305.67 253 -431 c closepath } bind def /s47 { 0 -25 m 425 1491 0 -25 425 1491 c 569 1491 425 1491 569 1491 c 145 -25 569 1491 145 -25 c 0 -25 145 -25 0 -25 c closepath } bind def /s51 { 86 387 m 266 411 86 387 266 411 c 286.67 309 321.83 235.5 371.5 190.5 c 421.17 145.5 481.67 123 553 123 c 637.67 123 709.17 152.33 767.5 211 c 825.83 269.67 855 342.33 855 429 c 855 511.67 828 579.83 774 633.5 c 720 687.17 651.33 714 568 714 c 534 714 491.67 707.33 441 694 c 461 852 441 694 461 852 c 473 850.67 482.67 850 490 850 c 566.67 850 635.67 870 697 910 c 758.33 950 789 1011.67 789 1095 c 789 1161 766.67 1215.67 722 1259 c 677.33 1302.33 619.67 1324 549 1324 c 479 1324 420.67 1302 374 1258 c 327.33 1214 297.33 1148 284 1060 c 104 1092 284 1060 104 1092 c 126 1212.67 176 1306.17 254 1372.5 c 332 1438.83 429 1472 545 1472 c 625 1472 698.67 1454.83 766 1420.5 c 833.33 1386.17 884.83 1339.33 920.5 1280 c 956.17 1220.67 974 1157.67 974 1091 c 974 1027.67 957 970 923 918 c 889 866 838.67 824.67 772 794 c 858.67 774 926 732.5 974 669.5 c 1022 606.5 1046 527.67 1046 433 c 1046 305 999.33 196.5 906 107.5 c 812.67 18.5 694.67 -26 552 -26 c 423.33 -26 316.5 12.33 231.5 89 c 146.5 165.67 98 265 86 387 c closepath } bind def /s68 { 158 0 m 158 1466 158 0 158 1466 c 663 1466 158 1466 663 1466 c 777 1466 864 1459 924 1445 c 1008 1425.67 1079.67 1390.67 1139 1340 c 1216.33 1274.67 1274.17 1191.17 1312.5 1089.5 c 1350.83 987.83 1370 871.67 1370 741 c 1370 629.67 1357 531 1331 445 c 1305 359 1271.67 287.83 1231 231.5 c 1190.33 175.17 1145.83 130.83 1097.5 98.5 c 1049.17 66.17 990.83 41.67 922.5 25 c 854.17 8.33 775.67 0 687 0 c 158 0 687 0 158 0 c closepath 352 173 m 665 173 352 173 665 173 c 761.67 173 837.5 182 892.5 200 c 947.5 218 991.33 243.33 1024 276 c 1070 322 1105.83 383.83 1131.5 461.5 c 1157.17 539.17 1170 633.33 1170 744 c 1170 897.33 1144.83 1015.17 1094.5 1097.5 c 1044.17 1179.83 983 1235 911 1263 c 859 1283 775.33 1293 660 1293 c 352 1293 660 1293 352 1293 c 352 173 352 1293 352 173 c closepath } bind def /s99 { 828 389 m 1005 366 828 389 1005 366 c 985.67 244 936.17 148.5 856.5 79.5 c 776.83 10.5 679 -24 563 -24 c 417.67 -24 300.83 23.5 212.5 118.5 c 124.17 213.5 80 349.67 80 527 c 80 641.67 99 742 137 828 c 175 914 232.83 978.5 310.5 1021.5 c 388.17 1064.5 472.67 1086 564 1086 c 679.33 1086 773.67 1056.83 847 998.5 c 920.33 940.17 967.33 857.33 988 750 c 813 723 988 750 813 723 c 796.33 794.33 766.83 848 724.5 884 c 682.17 920 631 938 571 938 c 480.33 938 406.67 905.5 350 840.5 c 293.33 775.5 265 672.67 265 532 c 265 389.33 292.33 285.67 347 221 c 401.67 156.33 473 124 561 124 c 631.67 124 690.67 145.67 738 189 c 785.33 232.33 815.33 299 828 389 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 862 342 m 1048 319 862 342 1048 319 c 1018.67 210.33 964.33 126 885 66 c 805.67 6 704.33 -24 581 -24 c 425.67 -24 302.5 23.83 211.5 119.5 c 120.5 215.17 75 349.33 75 522 c 75 700.67 121 839.33 213 938 c 305 1036.67 424.33 1086 571 1086 c 713 1086 829 1037.67 919 941 c 1009 844.33 1054 708.33 1054 533 c 1054 522.33 1053.67 506.33 1053 485 c 261 485 1053 485 261 485 c 267.67 368.33 300.67 279 360 217 c 419.33 155 493.33 124 582 124 c 648 124 704.33 141.33 751 176 c 797.67 210.67 834.67 266 862 342 c closepath 271 633 m 864 633 271 633 864 633 c 856 722.33 833.33 789.33 796 834 c 738.67 903.33 664.33 938 573 938 c 490.33 938 420.83 910.33 364.5 855 c 308.17 799.67 277 725.67 271 633 c closepath } bind def /s103 { 102 -88 m 277 -114 102 -88 277 -114 c 284.33 -168 304.67 -207.33 338 -232 c 382.67 -265.33 443.67 -282 521 -282 c 604.33 -282 668.67 -265.33 714 -232 c 759.33 -198.67 790 -152 806 -92 c 815.33 -55.33 819.67 21.67 819 139 c 740.33 46.33 642.33 0 525 0 c 379 0 266 52.67 186 158 c 106 263.33 66 389.67 66 537 c 66 638.33 84.33 731.83 121 817.5 c 157.67 903.17 210.83 969.33 280.5 1016 c 350.17 1062.67 432 1086 526 1086 c 651.33 1086 754.67 1035.33 836 934 c 836 1062 836 934 836 1062 c 1002 1062 836 1062 1002 1062 c 1002 144 1002 1062 1002 144 c 1002 -21.33 985.17 -138.5 951.5 -207.5 c 917.83 -276.5 864.5 -331 791.5 -371 c 718.5 -411 628.67 -431 522 -431 c 395.33 -431 293 -402.5 215 -345.5 c 137 -288.5 99.33 -202.67 102 -88 c closepath 251 550 m 251 410.67 278.67 309 334 245 c 389.33 181 458.67 149 542 149 c 624.67 149 694 180.83 750 244.5 c 806 308.17 834 408 834 544 c 834 674 805.17 772 747.5 838 c 689.83 904 620.33 937 539 937 c 459 937 391 904.5 335 839.5 c 279 774.5 251 678 251 550 c closepath } bind def /s105 { 136 1259 m 136 1466 136 1259 136 1466 c 316 1466 136 1466 316 1466 c 316 1259 316 1466 316 1259 c 136 1259 316 1259 136 1259 c closepath 136 0 m 136 1062 136 0 136 1062 c 316 1062 136 1062 316 1062 c 316 0 316 1062 316 0 c 136 0 316 0 136 0 c closepath } bind def /s109 { 135 0 m 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 296 1062 135 1062 296 1062 c 296 913 296 1062 296 913 c 329.33 965 373.67 1006.83 429 1038.5 c 484.33 1070.17 547.33 1086 618 1086 c 696.67 1086 761.17 1069.67 811.5 1037 c 861.83 1004.33 897.33 958.67 918 900 c 1002 1024 1111.33 1086 1246 1086 c 1351.33 1086 1432.33 1056.83 1489 998.5 c 1545.67 940.17 1574 850.33 1574 729 c 1574 0 1574 729 1574 0 c 1395 0 1574 0 1395 0 c 1395 669 1395 0 1395 669 c 1395 741 1389.17 792.83 1377.5 824.5 c 1365.83 856.17 1344.67 881.67 1314 901 c 1283.33 920.33 1247.33 930 1206 930 c 1131.33 930 1069.33 905.17 1020 855.5 c 970.67 805.83 946 726.33 946 617 c 946 0 946 617 946 0 c 766 0 946 0 766 0 c 766 690 766 0 766 690 c 766 770 751.33 830 722 870 c 692.67 910 644.67 930 578 930 c 527.33 930 480.5 916.67 437.5 890 c 394.5 863.33 363.33 824.33 344 773 c 324.67 721.67 315 647.67 315 551 c 315 0 315 551 315 0 c 135 0 315 0 135 0 c closepath } bind def /s110 { 135 0 m 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 297 1062 135 1062 297 1062 c 297 911 297 1062 297 911 c 375 1027.67 487.67 1086 635 1086 c 699 1086 757.83 1074.5 811.5 1051.5 c 865.17 1028.5 905.33 998.33 932 961 c 958.67 923.67 977.33 879.33 988 828 c 994.67 794.67 998 736.33 998 653 c 998 0 998 653 998 0 c 818 0 998 0 818 0 c 818 646 818 0 818 646 c 818 719.33 811 774.17 797 810.5 c 783 846.83 758.17 875.83 722.5 897.5 c 686.83 919.17 645 930 597 930 c 520.33 930 454.17 905.67 398.5 857 c 342.83 808.33 315 716 315 580 c 315 0 315 580 315 0 c 135 0 315 0 135 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 63 317 m 241 345 63 317 241 345 c 251 273.67 278.83 219 324.5 181 c 370.17 143 434 124 516 124 c 598.67 124 660 140.83 700 174.5 c 740 208.17 760 247.67 760 293 c 760 333.67 742.33 365.67 707 389 c 682.33 405 621 425.33 523 450 c 391 483.33 299.5 512.17 248.5 536.5 c 197.5 560.83 158.83 594.5 132.5 637.5 c 106.17 680.5 93 728 93 780 c 93 827.33 103.83 871.17 125.5 911.5 c 147.17 951.83 176.67 985.33 214 1012 c 242 1032.67 280.17 1050.17 328.5 1064.5 c 376.83 1078.83 428.67 1086 484 1086 c 567.33 1086 640.5 1074 703.5 1050 c 766.5 1026 813 993.5 843 952.5 c 873 911.5 893.67 856.67 905 788 c 729 764 905 788 729 764 c 721 818.67 697.83 861.33 659.5 892 c 621.17 922.67 567 938 497 938 c 414.33 938 355.33 924.33 320 897 c 284.67 869.67 267 837.67 267 801 c 267 777.67 274.33 756.67 289 738 c 303.67 718.67 326.67 702.67 358 690 c 376 683.33 429 668 517 644 c 644.33 610 733.17 582.17 783.5 560.5 c 833.83 538.83 873.33 507.33 902 466 c 930.67 424.67 945 373.33 945 312 c 945 252 927.5 195.5 892.5 142.5 c 857.5 89.5 807 48.5 741 19.5 c 675 -9.5 600.33 -24 517 -24 c 379 -24 273.83 4.67 201.5 62 c 129.17 119.33 83 204.33 63 317 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 528 161 m 554 2 528 161 554 2 c 503.33 -8.67 458 -14 418 -14 c 352.67 -14 302 -3.67 266 17 c 230 37.67 204.67 64.83 190 98.5 c 175.33 132.17 168 203 168 311 c 168 922 168 311 168 922 c 36 922 168 922 36 922 c 36 1062 36 922 36 1062 c 168 1062 36 1062 168 1062 c 168 1325 168 1062 168 1325 c 347 1433 168 1325 347 1433 c 347 1062 347 1433 347 1062 c 528 1062 347 1062 528 1062 c 528 922 528 1062 528 922 c 347 922 528 922 347 922 c 347 301 347 922 347 301 c 347 249.67 350.17 216.67 356.5 202 c 362.83 187.33 373.17 175.67 387.5 167 c 401.83 158.33 422.33 154 449 154 c 469 154 495.33 156.33 528 161 c closepath } bind def /s121 { 127 -409 m 107 -240 127 -409 107 -240 c 146.33 -250.67 180.67 -256 210 -256 c 250 -256 282 -249.33 306 -236 c 330 -222.67 349.67 -204 365 -180 c 376.33 -162 394.67 -117.33 420 -46 c 423.33 -36 428.67 -21.33 436 -2 c 33 1062 436 -2 33 1062 c 227 1062 33 1062 227 1062 c 448 447 227 1062 448 447 c 476.67 369 502.33 287 525 201 c 545.67 283.67 570.33 364.33 599 443 c 826 1062 599 443 826 1062 c 1006 1062 826 1062 1006 1062 c 602 -18 1006 1062 602 -18 c 558.67 -134.67 525 -215 501 -259 c 469 -318.33 432.33 -361.83 391 -389.5 c 349.67 -417.17 300.33 -431 243 -431 c 208.33 -431 169.67 -423.67 127 -409 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC21_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont 0 0 215.89 171.81 rectpath cl np /clipproc{clippath{[{/m cvx}{/l cvx}{/c cvx}{/cp cvx}pathforall}stopped {cleartomark[pathbbox exch 3 i sub exch 2 i sub/rectpath cvx}if]np}bd /iclmtx mtx cmtx def/iclpath clipproc xd/clinit{pathproc initclip np iclpath cl np exec}bd /clmove{pathproc 3 1 roll clippath pathproc 2 i neg 2 i neg tr initclip np exec cl tr np exec}bd /clrect[gs np iclpath{pathbbox}stopped{0 0 215.89 171.81 }if gr]def /cloper{mtx cmtx iclmtx smtx exch exec smtx}bd /cland{{exch cvx exec}cloper}bd /clcopy{{exch clinit cvx exec}cloper}bd /cldiff{{exch pathbbox 4 -1 roll clrect 0 get 2 copy gt{exch}if pop 4 1 roll 3 -1 roll clrect 1 get 2 copy gt{exch}if pop 3 1 roll 2 -1 roll clrect 2 get 2 copy lt{exch}if pop 2 1 roll 1 -1 roll clrect 3 get 2 copy lt{exch}if pop 1 1 roll exch 3 i sub exch 2 i sub rectpath cvx exec}cloper}bd /icl{{clinit}cloper}bd 0.0866419 0.0866402 sc -265.95 277.99 tr /initmtx mtx cmtx def gs gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 632 -2130 m (4.0)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 850 -2130 m (4.5)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 1068 -2130 m (5.0)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 1286 -2130 m (5.5)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 1504 -2130 m (6.0)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 1723 -2130 m (6.5)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 1941 -2130 m (7.0)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 2159 -2130 m (7.5)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 2377 -2130 m (8.0)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 2595 -2130 m (8.5)[38 19 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 496 -2058 m (0)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 420 -1928 m (100)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 420 -1798 m (200)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 420 -1668 m (300)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 420 -1538 m (400)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 420 -1408 m (500)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 420 -1278 m (600)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 420 -1148 m (700)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 420 -1018 m (800)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 420 -888 m (900)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 382 -758 m (1000)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 382 -628 m (1100)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 382 -498 m (1200)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 1 -1 sc /MC18_Arial 69 self 382 -368 m (1300)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 1983] concat 571 2039 m 571 2022 l 9 sw 1 sj 1 scap st 680 2039 m 680 2005 l st 789 2039 m 789 2022 l st 898 2039 m 898 2005 l st 1007 2039 m 1007 2022 l st 1116 2039 m 1116 2005 l st 1225 2039 m 1225 2022 l st 1334 2039 m 1334 2005 l st 1443 2039 m 1443 2022 l st 1552 2039 m 1552 2005 l st 1662 2039 m 1662 2022 l st 1771 2039 m 1771 2005 l st 1880 2039 m 1880 2022 l st 1989 2039 m 1989 2005 l st 2098 2039 m 2098 2022 l st 2207 2039 m 2207 2005 l st 2316 2039 m 2316 2022 l st 2425 2039 m 2425 2005 l st 2534 2039 m 2534 2022 l st 2643 2039 m 2643 2005 l st 2752 2039 m 2752 2022 l st 571 2039 m 2752 2039 l st 571 2039 m 605 2039 l st 571 1974 m 588 1974 l st 571 1909 m 605 1909 l st 571 1844 m 588 1844 l st 571 1779 m 605 1779 l st 571 1714 m 588 1714 l st 571 1649 m 605 1649 l st 571 1584 m 588 1584 l st 571 1519 m 605 1519 l st 571 1454 m 588 1454 l st 571 1389 m 605 1389 l st 571 1324 m 588 1324 l st 571 1259 m 605 1259 l st 571 1194 m 588 1194 l st 571 1129 m 605 1129 l st 571 1064 m 588 1064 l st 571 999 m 605 999 l st 571 934 m 588 934 l st 571 869 m 605 869 l st 571 804 m 588 804 l st 571 739 m 605 739 l st 571 674 m 588 674 l st 571 609 m 605 609 l st 571 544 m 588 544 l st 571 479 m 605 479 l st 571 414 m 588 414 l st 571 349 m 605 349 l st 571 284 m 588 284 l st 571 2039 m 571 284 l st 571 284 m 571 301 l st 680 284 m 680 318 l st 789 284 m 789 301 l st 898 284 m 898 318 l st 1007 284 m 1007 301 l st 1116 284 m 1116 318 l st 1225 284 m 1225 301 l st 1334 284 m 1334 318 l st 1443 284 m 1443 301 l st 1552 284 m 1552 318 l st 1662 284 m 1662 301 l st 1771 284 m 1771 318 l st 1880 284 m 1880 301 l st 1989 284 m 1989 318 l st 2098 284 m 2098 301 l st 2207 284 m 2207 318 l st 2316 284 m 2316 301 l st 2425 284 m 2425 318 l st 2534 284 m 2534 301 l st 2643 284 m 2643 318 l st 2752 284 m 2752 301 l st 571 284 m 2752 284 l st 2752 2039 m 2718 2039 l st 2752 1974 m 2735 1974 l st 2752 1909 m 2718 1909 l st 2752 1844 m 2735 1844 l st 2752 1779 m 2718 1779 l st 2752 1714 m 2735 1714 l st 2752 1649 m 2718 1649 l st 2752 1584 m 2735 1584 l st 2752 1519 m 2718 1519 l st 2752 1454 m 2735 1454 l st 2752 1389 m 2718 1389 l st 2752 1324 m 2735 1324 l st 2752 1259 m 2718 1259 l st 2752 1194 m 2735 1194 l st 2752 1129 m 2718 1129 l st 2752 1064 m 2735 1064 l st 2752 999 m 2718 999 l st 2752 934 m 2735 934 l st 2752 869 m 2718 869 l st 2752 804 m 2735 804 l st 2752 739 m 2718 739 l st 2752 674 m 2735 674 l st 2752 609 m 2718 609 l st 2752 544 m 2735 544 l st 2752 479 m 2718 479 l st 2752 414 m 2735 414 l st 2752 349 m 2718 349 l st 2752 284 m 2735 284 l st 2752 2039 m 2752 284 l st gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 2058 1251 m 1923 1251 l 3 sw 1 0 0 rgb st 2058 1268 m 2058 1234 l st 1762 1251 m 1897 1251 l st 1762 1268 m 1762 1234 l st 2259 1208 m 2098 1208 l st 2259 1225 m 2259 1191 l st 1910 1208 m 2072 1208 l st 1910 1225 m 1910 1191 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 1910 1251 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 1 0 0 rgb st np 2085 1208 14 0 360 a cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1910 1215 m 1910 1238 l 3 sw 1 0 0 rgb st 1893 1215 m 1927 1215 l st 1910 1288 m 1910 1264 l st 1893 1288 m 1927 1288 l st 2085 1169 m 2085 1195 l st 2068 1169 m 2102 1169 l st 2085 1247 m 2085 1221 l st 2068 1247 m 2102 1247 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 656 2014 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 1 0 1 rgb st np 671 2013 14 0 360 a cp st np 669 2013 14 0 360 a cp st np 670 2013 14 0 360 a cp st np 717 2004 14 0 360 a cp st np 721 2002 14 0 360 a cp st np 733 1999 14 0 360 a cp st np 811 1979 14 0 360 a cp st np 830 1981 14 0 360 a cp st np 827 1974 14 0 360 a cp st np 841 1973 14 0 360 a cp st np 888 1962 14 0 360 a cp st np 917 1954 14 0 360 a cp st np 954 1941 14 0 360 a cp st np 994 1932 14 0 360 a cp st np 989 1928 14 0 360 a cp st np 1003 1926 14 0 360 a cp st np 1013 1924 14 0 360 a cp st np 1028 1920 14 0 360 a cp st np 1032 1916 14 0 360 a cp st np 1085 1900 14 0 360 a cp st np 1099 1896 14 0 360 a cp st np 1138 1882 14 0 360 a cp st np 1141 1881 14 0 360 a cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1121 1890 m 1113 1890 l 3 sw 0 0 1 rgb st 1121 1907 m 1121 1873 l st 1082 1890 m 1089 1890 l st 1082 1907 m 1082 1873 l st 1346 1789 m 1324 1789 l st 1346 1806 m 1346 1772 l st 1278 1789 m 1300 1789 l st 1278 1806 m 1278 1772 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 2752 284 m 6 sw 0 0 1 rgb 1089 1878 24 24 rectstroke 1300 1777 24 24 rectstroke gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1101 1888 m 1101 1878 l 3 sw 0 0 1 rgb st 1084 1888 m 1118 1888 l st 1101 1893 m 1101 1902 l st 1084 1893 m 1118 1893 l st 1312 1785 m 1312 1777 l st 1295 1785 m 1329 1785 l st 1312 1793 m 1312 1801 l st 1295 1793 m 1329 1793 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1265 1831 m 1261 1831 l 3 sw 1 0 0 rgb st 1265 1848 m 1265 1814 l st 1221 1831 m 1225 1831 l st 1221 1848 m 1221 1814 l st 1299 1804 m 1287 1804 l st 1299 1821 m 1299 1787 l st 1238 1804 m 1251 1804 l st 1238 1821 m 1238 1787 l st 1347 1780 m 1344 1780 l st 1347 1797 m 1347 1763 l st 1304 1780 m 1308 1780 l st 1304 1797 m 1304 1763 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1243 1811 m 1260 1841 l 1225 1841 l cp 6 sw 1 0 0 rgb st 1269 1784 m 1286 1814 l 1251 1814 l cp st 1326 1760 m 1343 1790 l 1308 1790 l cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1532 1688 m 1522 1688 l 3 sw 0.502 0.502 0.502 rgb st 1532 1705 m 1532 1671 l st 1486 1688 m 1496 1688 l st 1486 1705 m 1486 1671 l st 1628 1609 m 1618 1609 l st 1628 1626 m 1628 1592 l st 1581 1609 m 1592 1609 l st 1581 1626 m 1581 1592 l st 1715 1592 m 1676 1592 l st 1715 1609 m 1715 1575 l st 1611 1592 m 1650 1592 l st 1611 1609 m 1611 1575 l st 1692 1572 m 1672 1572 l st 1692 1589 m 1692 1555 l st 1626 1572 m 1646 1572 l st 1626 1589 m 1626 1555 l st 1768 1555 m 1729 1555 l st 1768 1572 m 1768 1538 l st 1665 1555 m 1703 1555 l st 1665 1572 m 1665 1538 l st 1835 1537 m 1805 1537 l st 1835 1554 m 1835 1520 l st 1749 1537 m 1779 1537 l st 1749 1554 m 1749 1520 l st 1861 1492 m 1820 1492 l st 1861 1509 m 1861 1475 l st 1753 1492 m 1794 1492 l st 1753 1509 m 1753 1475 l st 1892 1478 m 1879 1478 l st 1892 1495 m 1892 1461 l st 1839 1478 m 1853 1478 l st 1839 1495 m 1839 1461 l st 1901 1430 m 1871 1430 l st 1901 1447 m 1901 1413 l st 1815 1430 m 1845 1430 l st 1815 1447 m 1815 1413 l st 1954 1392 m 1936 1392 l st 1954 1409 m 1954 1375 l st 1892 1392 m 1910 1392 l st 1892 1409 m 1892 1375 l st 2076 1333 m 2052 1333 l st 2076 1350 m 2076 1316 l st 2001 1333 m 2026 1333 l st 2001 1350 m 2001 1316 l st 2029 1312 m 2003 1312 l st 2029 1329 m 2029 1295 l st 1951 1312 m 1977 1312 l st 1951 1329 m 1951 1295 l st 1995 1285 m 1976 1285 l st 1995 1302 m 1995 1268 l st 1930 1285 m 1950 1285 l st 1930 1302 m 1930 1268 l st 2125 1197 m 2117 1197 l st 2125 1214 m 2125 1180 l st 2083 1197 m 2091 1197 l st 2083 1214 m 2083 1180 l st 2257 1087 m 2244 1087 l st 2257 1104 m 2257 1070 l st 2206 1087 m 2218 1087 l st 2206 1104 m 2206 1070 l st 2298 1048 m 2242 1048 l st 2298 1065 m 2298 1031 l st 2160 1048 m 2216 1048 l st 2160 1065 m 2160 1031 l st 2329 947 m 2271 947 l st 2329 964 m 2329 930 l st 2187 947 m 2245 947 l st 2187 964 m 2187 930 l st 2364 930 m 2316 930 l st 2364 947 m 2364 913 l st 2243 930 m 2290 930 l st 2243 947 m 2243 913 l st 2337 897 m 2326 897 l st 2337 914 m 2337 880 l st 2288 897 m 2300 897 l st 2288 914 m 2288 880 l st 2362 845 m 2360 845 l st 2362 862 m 2362 828 l st 2332 845 m 2334 845 l st 2332 862 m 2332 828 l st 2429 785 m 2414 785 l st 2429 802 m 2429 768 l st 2373 785 m 2388 785 l st 2373 802 m 2373 768 l st 2421 742 m 2420 742 l st 2421 759 m 2421 725 l st 2394 742 m 2394 742 l st 2377 742 m 2411 742 l st 2453 722 m 2450 722 l st 2453 739 m 2453 705 l st 2421 722 m 2424 722 l st 2421 739 m 2421 705 l st 2468 697 m 2450 697 l st 2468 714 m 2468 680 l st 2407 697 m 2424 697 l st 2407 714 m 2407 680 l st 2518 636 m 2514 636 l st 2518 653 m 2518 619 l st 2485 636 m 2488 636 l st 2485 653 m 2485 619 l st 2540 537 m 2525 537 l st 2540 554 m 2540 520 l st 2484 537 m 2499 537 l st 2484 554 m 2484 520 l st 2578 508 m 2560 508 l st 2578 525 m 2578 491 l st 2515 508 m 2534 508 l st 2515 525 m 2515 491 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 1509 1688 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 0.502 0.502 0.502 rgb st np 1605 1609 14 0 360 a cp st np 1663 1592 14 0 360 a cp st np 1659 1572 14 0 360 a cp st np 1716 1555 14 0 360 a cp st np 1792 1537 14 0 360 a cp st np 1807 1492 14 0 360 a cp st np 1866 1478 14 0 360 a cp st np 1858 1430 14 0 360 a cp st np 1923 1392 14 0 360 a cp st np 2039 1333 14 0 360 a cp st np 1990 1312 14 0 360 a cp st np 1963 1285 14 0 360 a cp st np 2104 1197 14 0 360 a cp st np 2231 1087 14 0 360 a cp st np 2229 1048 14 0 360 a cp st np 2258 947 14 0 360 a cp st np 2303 930 14 0 360 a cp st np 2313 897 14 0 360 a cp st np 2347 845 14 0 360 a cp st np 2401 785 14 0 360 a cp st np 2407 742 14 0 360 a cp st np 2437 722 14 0 360 a cp st np 2437 697 14 0 360 a cp st np 2501 636 14 0 360 a cp st np 2512 537 14 0 360 a cp st np 2547 508 14 0 360 a cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1968 1394 m 1943 1394 l 3 sw 1 0.502 0 rgb st 1968 1411 m 1968 1377 l st 1891 1394 m 1917 1394 l st 1891 1411 m 1891 1377 l st 1988 1369 m 1960 1369 l st 1988 1386 m 1988 1352 l st 1907 1369 m 1934 1369 l st 1907 1386 m 1907 1352 l st 2035 1352 m 2001 1352 l st 2035 1369 m 2035 1335 l st 1940 1352 m 1975 1352 l st 1940 1369 m 1940 1335 l st 2020 1317 m 2002 1317 l st 2020 1334 m 2020 1300 l st 1958 1317 m 1976 1317 l st 1958 1334 m 1958 1300 l st 2034 1285 m 2006 1285 l st 2034 1302 m 2034 1268 l st 1951 1285 m 1980 1285 l st 1951 1302 m 1951 1268 l st 2059 1263 m 2033 1263 l st 2059 1280 m 2059 1246 l st 1981 1263 m 2007 1263 l st 1981 1280 m 1981 1246 l st 2097 1238 m 2068 1238 l st 2097 1255 m 2097 1221 l st 2014 1238 m 2042 1238 l st 2014 1255 m 2014 1221 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 1930 1394 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 1 0.502 0 rgb st np 1947 1369 14 0 360 a cp st np 1988 1352 14 0 360 a cp st np 1989 1317 14 0 360 a cp st np 1993 1285 14 0 360 a cp st np 2020 1263 14 0 360 a cp st np 2055 1238 14 0 360 a cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 1771 1584 17 0 360 a cp 5 sw 0 0.502 0.502 rgb st 1771 1568 m 1771 1600 l st 1755 1584 m 1787 1584 l st np 1836 1531 17 0 360 a cp st 1836 1515 m 1836 1547 l st 1820 1531 m 1852 1531 l st np 1858 1503 17 0 360 a cp st 1858 1487 m 1858 1519 l st 1842 1503 m 1874 1503 l st np 1880 1489 17 0 360 a cp st 1880 1473 m 1880 1505 l st 1864 1489 m 1896 1489 l st np 1901 1464 17 0 360 a cp st 1901 1448 m 1901 1480 l st 1885 1464 m 1917 1464 l st np 1923 1437 17 0 360 a cp st 1923 1421 m 1923 1453 l st 1907 1437 m 1939 1437 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 2076 1246 17 0 360 a cp 5 sw 0 0 0.627 rgb st 2060 1230 m 2092 1262 l st 2092 1230 m 2060 1262 l st np 2120 1201 17 0 360 a cp st 2104 1185 m 2136 1217 l st 2136 1185 m 2104 1217 l st np 2163 1141 17 0 360 a cp st 2147 1125 m 2179 1157 l st 2179 1125 m 2147 1157 l st np 2207 1076 17 0 360 a cp st 2191 1060 m 2223 1092 l st 2223 1060 m 2191 1092 l st np 2338 907 17 0 360 a cp st 2322 891 m 2354 923 l st 2354 891 m 2322 923 l st np 2425 770 17 0 360 a cp st 2409 754 m 2441 786 l st 2441 754 m 2409 786 l st np 2512 635 17 0 360 a cp st 2496 619 m 2528 651 l st 2528 619 m 2496 651 l st np 2599 479 17 0 360 a cp st 2583 463 m 2615 495 l st 2615 463 m 2583 495 l st np 2687 305 17 0 360 a cp st 2671 289 m 2703 321 l st 2703 289 m 2671 321 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 571 2029 m 571 2029 m 593 2025 l 615 2022 l 637 2018 l 659 2014 l 681 2010 l 703 2006 l 725 2001 l 747 1997 l 769 1992 l 791 1987 l 813 1982 l 835 1976 l 857 1971 l 879 1965 l 901 1959 l 923 1953 l 946 1946 l 968 1939 l 990 1932 l 1012 1925 l 1034 1918 l 1056 1910 l 1078 1902 l 1100 1894 l 1122 1885 l 1144 1876 l 1166 1867 l 1188 1858 l 1210 1848 l 1232 1838 l 1254 1827 l 1276 1816 l 1298 1805 l 1320 1794 l 1342 1782 l 1364 1769 l 1386 1756 l 1408 1743 l 1430 1730 l 1452 1716 l 1474 1701 l 1496 1686 l 1518 1671 l 1540 1655 l 1562 1638 l 1584 1621 l 1606 1604 l 1628 1585 l 1650 1567 l 1673 1547 l 1695 1527 l 1717 1507 l 1739 1486 l 1761 1464 l 1783 1441 l 1805 1418 l 1827 1393 l 1849 1369 l 1871 1343 l 1893 1316 l 1915 1289 l 1937 1261 l 1959 1232 l 1981 1201 l 2003 1170 l 2025 1138 l 2047 1105 l 2069 1071 l 2091 1035 l 2113 999 l 2135 961 l 2157 922 l 2179 882 l 2201 840 l 2223 797 l 2245 753 l 2267 707 l 2289 660 l 2311 611 l 2333 560 l 2355 508 l 2377 453 l 2400 397 l 2422 340 l 2444 280 l 2466 218 l 2488 153 l 2510 87 l 2532 18 l 2554 -53 l 2576 -126 l 2598 -203 l 2620 -282 l 2642 -364 l 2664 -448 l 2686 -536 l 2708 -627 l 2730 -722 l 2752 -820 l 5 sw st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1033 1913 m 1042 1913 l 3 sw 0 0.502 0 rgb st 1033 1930 m 1033 1896 l st 1016 1913 m 1008 1913 l st 1016 1930 m 1016 1896 l st 1125 1886 m 1133 1886 l st 1125 1903 m 1125 1869 l st 1108 1886 m 1099 1886 l st 1108 1903 m 1108 1869 l st 1448 1745 m 1443 1745 l st 1448 1762 m 1448 1728 l st 1404 1745 m 1409 1745 l st 1404 1762 m 1404 1728 l st 1483 1747 m 1456 1747 l st 1483 1764 m 1483 1730 l st 1395 1747 m 1422 1747 l st 1395 1764 m 1395 1730 l st 1356 1792 m 1347 1792 l st 1356 1809 m 1356 1775 l st 1304 1792 m 1313 1792 l st 1304 1809 m 1304 1775 l st 1343 1791 m 1316 1791 l st 1343 1808 m 1343 1774 l st 1256 1791 m 1282 1791 l st 1256 1808 m 1256 1774 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1007 1913 m 1025 1895 l 1043 1913 l 1025 1931 l cp 6 sw 0 0.502 0 rgb st 1098 1886 m 1116 1868 l 1134 1886 l 1116 1904 l cp st 1408 1745 m 1426 1727 l 1444 1745 l 1426 1763 l cp st 1421 1747 m 1439 1729 l 1457 1747 l 1439 1765 l cp st 1312 1792 m 1330 1774 l 1348 1792 l 1330 1810 l cp st 1281 1791 m 1299 1773 l 1317 1791 l 1299 1809 l cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1173 1850 m 1189 1861 l 1182 1880 l 1163 1880 l 1156 1861 l cp 6 sw 0 1 0 rgb st 1157 1867 m 1189 1867 l st 680 1989 m 696 2000 l 689 2019 l 670 2019 l 663 2000 l cp st 664 2006 m 696 2006 l st 863 1949 m 879 1960 l 872 1979 l 853 1979 l 846 1960 l cp st 847 1966 m 879 1966 l st 606 2004 m 622 2015 l 615 2034 l 596 2034 l 589 2015 l cp st 590 2021 m 622 2021 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 2752 284 m 5 sw 0.502 0 0 rgb 665 1993 30 30 rectstroke 680 1994 m 680 2022 l st 666 2008 m 694 2008 l st 694 2008 m 883 1944 30 30 rectstroke 898 1945 m 898 1973 l st 884 1959 m 912 1959 l st 912 1959 m 1101 1873 30 30 rectstroke 1116 1874 m 1116 1902 l st 1102 1888 m 1130 1888 l st 1130 1888 m 1319 1777 30 30 rectstroke 1334 1778 m 1334 1806 l st 1320 1792 m 1348 1792 l st 1348 1792 m 1407 1727 30 30 rectstroke 1422 1728 m 1422 1756 l st 1408 1742 m 1436 1742 l st 1436 1742 m 1494 1671 30 30 rectstroke 1509 1672 m 1509 1700 l st 1495 1686 m 1523 1686 l st 1523 1686 m 1559 1631 30 30 rectstroke 1574 1632 m 1574 1660 l st 1560 1646 m 1588 1646 l st gr gs gs np 691 357 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 1 0 1 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc /MC19_ArialBold 50 self 785 -385 m (LANL Handbook)[31 35 36 31 14 36 28 30 31 31 31 31 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 691 440 m 708 470 l 673 470 l cp 6 sw 1 0 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 785 -488 m (Vassiliou, expt.)[33 28 28 28 14 14 14 31 30 14 14 28 28 31 17 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 691 546 m 707 557 l 700 576 l 681 576 l 674 557 l cp 6 sw 0 1 0 rgb st 675 563 m 707 563 l st gr 1 -1 sc 785 -591 m (Duffy, expt.)[36 30 17 17 27 14 14 28 28 31 17 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 6 sw 0 0 1 rgb 679 654 24 24 rectstroke gr 1 -1 sc 785 -694 m (Zhang, expt.)[31 30 28 30 31 14 14 28 28 31 17 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 673 769 m 691 751 l 709 769 l 691 787 l cp 6 sw 0 0.502 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 785 -797 m (Fratanduono, expt.)[31 19 28 17 28 30 31 30 31 30 31 14 14 28 28 31 17 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 691 872 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 1 0 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 785 -900 m (McWilliams, expt.)[41 28 47 14 14 14 14 28 44 28 14 14 28 28 31 17 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 691 975 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 0.502 0.502 0.502 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 785 -1003 m (Z, Al flyer, this work )[31 14 14 35 14 14 17 14 27 28 19 14 14 17 30 14 28 14 39 31 19 28 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 691 1078 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 1 0.502 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 785 -1106 m (Z, Cu flyer, this work)[31 14 14 36 30 14 17 14 27 28 19 14 14 17 30 14 28 14 39 31 19 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 5 sw 0.502 0 0 rgb 676 1166 30 30 rectstroke 691 1167 m 691 1195 l st 677 1181 m 705 1181 l st gr 1 -1 sc 785 -1209 m (B)[36 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc 821 -1209 m (1 DFT, this work)[28 14 36 31 32 14 14 17 30 14 28 14 39 31 19 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 691 1284 17 0 360 a cp 5 sw 0 0.502 0.502 rgb st 691 1268 m 691 1300 l st 675 1284 m 707 1284 l st gr 1 -1 sc 785 -1312 m (B2 DFT, this work)[36 28 14 36 31 32 14 14 17 30 14 28 14 39 31 19 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 691 1387 17 0 360 a cp 5 sw 0 0 0.627 rgb st 675 1371 m 707 1403 l st 707 1371 m 675 1403 l st gr 1 -1 sc 785 -1415 m (Liquid DFT, this work)[31 14 31 30 14 31 14 36 31 32 14 14 17 30 14 28 14 39 31 19 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs gs 597 1490 m 785 1490 l 5 sw st gr gr 1 -1 sc 785 -1518 m ( Linear Fit B1 Data < 230 GPa)[14 31 14 30 28 28 19 14 31 14 17 14 36 28 14 36 28 17 28 14 29 14 28 28 28 14 39 33 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 2884 -1228 tr 90 ro /MC20_Arial 84 self 0 0 m ( )[23 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC21_Arial 84 self 1650 -193 m ( )[23 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 352 -1509 tr 90 ro /MC20_Arial 84 self 0 0 m (Pressure \(GPa\))[56 28 47 42 42 47 28 47 23 28 65 56 47 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC21_Arial 84 self 1377 -2235 m (Density \(g/cm)[61 47 47 42 19 23 41 23 28 47 23 42 71 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC21_Arial 49 self 1891 -2189 m (3)[27 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC21_Arial 84 self 1918 -2235 m (\))[28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr 1892 1787 m 1546 1699 l 3 sw st 1546 1699 m 1590 1700 l 1588 1710 l 1585 1719 l cp gs eofi gr st gs 1 -1 sc /MC19_ArialBold 50 self 1903 -1806 m (overlapped Z and DFT data)[31 27 28 19 14 28 31 31 28 31 14 31 14 28 30 31 14 36 31 32 14 31 28 17 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr Save0 restore end showpage %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial 2042 1581 a Fp(FIG.)28 b(2.)2328 1581 y SDict begin H.S end 2328 1581 a 2328 1581 a SDict begin H.R end 2328 1581 a 2328 1581 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (figure.2) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2328 1581 a Fp(The)g(MgO)g(Hugoniot)g(data)g(in)f Fi(\032)18 b Fh(\000)g Fi(P)38 b Fp(space)29 b(from)e(the)g(Z)2042 1668 y(exp)r(erimen)n(ts,)h(previous)g(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)f(data[)3435 1668 y SDict begin H.S end 3435 1668 a Fp(17)3511 1668 y SDict begin 10.5 H.L end 3511 1668 a 3511 1668 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.marsh1980lasl) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3511 1668 a 2 w Fp({)3551 1668 y SDict begin H.S end 3551 1668 a Fp(21)3627 1668 y SDict begin 10.5 H.L end 3627 1668 a 3627 1668 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Fratanduono2013) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3627 1668 a 1 w 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%%BeginResource: procset OriginLab::PSL1 /wd{1 index where{pop pop pop}{bind def}ifelse}bind def /setcmykcolor{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}wd /selectfont{dup type/arraytype eq{exch findfont exch makefont setfont}{exch findfont exch scalefont setfont}ifelse}wd /xshow{1 index length 0 le{}{currentpoint exch 3 index length 1 sub 0 exch 1 exch{dup 5 index exch 1 getinterval show 3 index exch get add 2 copy exch moveto}for pop pop}ifelse pop pop}wd /glyphshow{matrix currentmatrix exch currentfont dup/FontMatrix get concat currentpoint translate dup/Metrics get 2 index get 0 4 2 roll gsave/CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill grestore moveto setmatrix}wd /grayimage/image load def/rgbtogray{cvx exec dup length 3 idiv 1 sub 0 exch 1 exch{dup 3 mul dup 3 index exch get 255 div .3 mul exch 1 add dup 4 index exch get 255 div .59 mul exch 1 add 4 index exch get 255 div .11 mul add add 255 mul dup 255 gt{255}if round 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gls m}bd /cd/currentdict ld/i/index ld /DrawBox{4 2 roll m 1 index 0 rl 0 exch rl neg 0 rl cp}bd /DrawBcc{4 2 roll m 2 copy 0 lt exch 0 lt xor{dup 0 exch rl exch 0 rl neg 0 exch rl}{exch dup 0 rl exch 0 exch rl neg 0 rl}ifelse cp}bd /rectline{dup type/arraytype eq{dup length 0 exch 4 exch 4 sub{0 1 3{3 copy add get 4 1 roll pop}for pop 5 1 roll DrawBox}for pop}{DrawBox}ifelse}bd /rectpath{dup type/arraytype eq{dup length 0 exch 4 exch 4 sub{0 1 3{3 copy add get 4 1 roll pop}for pop 5 1 roll DrawBcc}for pop}{DrawBcc}ifelse}bd /pathproc{[{/m cvx}{/l cvx}{/c cvx}{/cp cvx}pathforall]cvx}bd /L1img/image ld/L1idx[{0} {dup 7 and 3 1 roll -3 bitshift get exch 7 sub 1 mul bitshift 1 and}bind 1 index dup {dup 1 and 3 1 roll -1 bitshift get exch 1 sub 4 mul bitshift 15 and}bind 1 index dup dup {get}bind]def /image{dup type/dicttype eq {dup/ImgCS get 0 get/Indexed eq}{false}ifelse {begin Width Height 8 ImageMatrix {rgb_string rgb_lookup cd/DataSource get dup type/filetype eq {mystring readstring pop}{exec}ifelse dup length 0 ne {L1idx BitsPerComponent get 0 1 Width 1 sub {3 copy exch exec exch 3 mul exch 3 mul dup 5 index exch get exch 1 add dup 6 index exch get exch 1 add 6 index exch get 7 index exch 4 index 2 add exch put 6 index exch 3 index 1 add exch put 5 index exch 2 index exch put pop }for pop pop pop }{pop pop pop ()}ifelse }false 3 colorimage end} {dup type/dicttype eq {{dup mark exch L1img pop pop}stopped{cleartomark begin Width Height BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix {cd/DataSource get dup type/filetype eq {mystring readstring pop}{exec}ifelse }false 3 colorimage end} if}{L1img}ifelse}ifelse }bd /L1imgmask/imagemask ld/imagemask{dup type/dicttype eq {{dup mark exch L1imgmask pop pop}stopped {cleartomark begin Width Height polarityflag ImageMatrix {cd/DataSource get dup type/filetype eq {mystring readstring pop}{exec}ifelse }L1imgmask end}if}{L1imgmask}ifelse }bd %%EndResource /rectclip{np rectpath clip np}wd /rectfill{gs np rectpath fi gr}wd /rectstroke{gs np dup type/arraytype eq{dup length 6 eq}{false}ifelse{1 index type/arraytype eq{exch}{5 1 roll}ifelse rectline concat st}{rectline st}ifelse gr}wd %%BeginFont: /MC1_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC1_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 48/s48 put Encoding 49/s49 put Encoding 50/s50 put Encoding 52/s52 put Encoding 54/s54 put Encoding 56/s56 put /BoundingBoxes 8 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s48 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s49 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s50 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s52 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s54 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s56 [0 -434 1139 1854] def end /Metrics 8 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s48 1139 def /s49 1139 def /s50 1139 def /s52 1139 def /s54 1139 def /s56 1139 def end /CharProcs 8 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s48 { 85 723 m 85 896.33 102.83 1035.83 138.5 1141.5 c 174.17 1247.17 227.17 1328.67 297.5 1386 c 367.83 1443.33 456.33 1472 563 1472 c 641.67 1472 710.67 1456.17 770 1424.5 c 829.33 1392.83 878.33 1347.17 917 1287.5 c 955.67 1227.83 986 1155.17 1008 1069.5 c 1030 983.83 1041 868.33 1041 723 c 1041 551 1023.33 412.17 988 306.5 c 952.67 200.83 899.83 119.17 829.5 61.5 c 759.17 3.83 670.33 -25 563 -25 c 421.67 -25 310.67 25.67 230 127 c 133.33 249 85 447.67 85 723 c closepath 270 723 m 270 482.33 298.17 322.17 354.5 242.5 c 410.83 162.83 480.33 123 563 123 c 645.67 123 715.17 163 771.5 243 c 827.83 323 856 483 856 723 c 856 964.33 827.83 1124.67 771.5 1204 c 715.17 1283.33 645 1323 561 1323 c 478.33 1323 412.33 1288 363 1218 c 301 1128.67 270 963.67 270 723 c closepath } bind def /s49 { 763 0 m 583 0 763 0 583 0 c 583 1147 583 0 583 1147 c 539.67 1105.67 482.83 1064.33 412.5 1023 c 342.17 981.67 279 950.67 223 930 c 223 1104 223 930 223 1104 c 323.67 1151.33 411.67 1208.67 487 1276 c 562.33 1343.33 615.67 1408.67 647 1472 c 763 1472 647 1472 763 1472 c 763 0 763 1472 763 0 c closepath } bind def /s50 { 1031 173 m 1031 0 1031 173 1031 0 c 62 0 1031 0 62 0 c 60.67 43.33 67.67 85 83 125 c 107.67 191 147.17 256 201.5 320 c 255.83 384 334.33 458 437 542 c 596.33 672.67 704 776.17 760 852.5 c 816 928.83 844 1001 844 1069 c 844 1140.33 818.5 1200.5 767.5 1249.5 c 716.5 1298.5 650 1323 568 1323 c 481.33 1323 412 1297 360 1245 c 308 1193 281.67 1121 281 1029 c 96 1048 281 1029 96 1048 c 108.67 1186 156.33 1291.17 239 1363.5 c 321.67 1435.83 432.67 1472 572 1472 c 712.67 1472 824 1433 906 1355 c 988 1277 1029 1180.33 1029 1065 c 1029 1006.33 1017 948.67 993 892 c 969 835.33 929.17 775.67 873.5 713 c 817.83 650.33 725.33 564.33 596 455 c 488 364.33 418.67 302.83 388 270.5 c 357.33 238.17 332 205.67 312 173 c 1031 173 312 173 1031 173 c closepath } bind def /s52 { 662 0 m 662 351 662 0 662 351 c 26 351 662 351 26 351 c 26 516 26 351 26 516 c 695 1466 26 516 695 1466 c 842 1466 695 1466 842 1466 c 842 516 842 1466 842 516 c 1040 516 842 516 1040 516 c 1040 351 1040 516 1040 351 c 842 351 1040 351 842 351 c 842 0 842 351 842 0 c 662 0 842 0 662 0 c closepath 662 516 m 662 1177 662 516 662 1177 c 203 516 662 1177 203 516 c 662 516 203 516 662 516 c closepath } bind def /s54 { 1019 1107 m 840 1093 1019 1107 840 1093 c 824 1163.67 801.33 1215 772 1247 c 723.33 1298.33 663.33 1324 592 1324 c 534.67 1324 484.33 1308 441 1276 c 384.33 1234.67 339.67 1174.33 307 1095 c 274.33 1015.67 257.33 902.67 256 756 c 299.33 822 352.33 871 415 903 c 477.67 935 543.33 951 612 951 c 732 951 834.17 906.83 918.5 818.5 c 1002.83 730.17 1045 616 1045 476 c 1045 384 1025.17 298.5 985.5 219.5 c 945.83 140.5 891.33 80 822 38 c 752.67 -4 674 -25 586 -25 c 436 -25 313.67 30.17 219 140.5 c 124.33 250.83 77 432.67 77 686 c 77 969.33 129.33 1175.33 234 1304 c 325.33 1416 448.33 1472 603 1472 c 718.33 1472 812.83 1439.67 886.5 1375 c 960.17 1310.33 1004.33 1221 1019 1107 c closepath 284 475 m 284 413 297.17 353.67 323.5 297 c 349.83 240.33 386.67 197.17 434 167.5 c 481.33 137.83 531 123 583 123 c 659 123 724.33 153.67 779 215 c 833.67 276.33 861 359.67 861 465 c 861 566.33 834 646.17 780 704.5 c 726 762.83 658 792 576 792 c 494.67 792 425.67 762.83 369 704.5 c 312.33 646.17 284 569.67 284 475 c closepath } bind def /s56 { 362 795 m 287.33 822.33 232 861.33 196 912 c 160 962.67 142 1023.33 142 1094 c 142 1200.67 180.33 1290.33 257 1363 c 333.67 1435.67 435.67 1472 563 1472 c 691 1472 794 1434.83 872 1360.5 c 950 1286.17 989 1195.67 989 1089 c 989 1021 971.17 961.83 935.5 911.5 c 899.83 861.17 845.67 822.33 773 795 c 863 765.67 931.5 718.33 978.5 653 c 1025.5 587.67 1049 509.67 1049 419 c 1049 293.67 1004.67 188.33 916 103 c 827.33 17.67 710.67 -25 566 -25 c 421.33 -25 304.67 17.83 216 103.5 c 127.33 189.17 83 296 83 424 c 83 519.33 107.17 599.17 155.5 663.5 c 203.83 727.83 272.67 771.67 362 795 c closepath 326 1100 m 326 1030.67 348.33 974 393 930 c 437.67 886 495.67 864 567 864 c 636.33 864 693.17 885.83 737.5 929.5 c 781.83 973.17 804 1026.67 804 1090 c 804 1156 781.17 1211.5 735.5 1256.5 c 689.83 1301.5 633 1324 565 1324 c 496.33 1324 439.33 1302 394 1258 c 348.67 1214 326 1161.33 326 1100 c closepath 268 423 m 268 371.67 280.17 322 304.5 274 c 328.83 226 365 188.83 413 162.5 c 461 136.17 512.67 123 568 123 c 654 123 725 150.67 781 206 c 837 261.33 865 331.67 865 417 c 865 503.67 836.17 575.33 778.5 632 c 720.83 688.67 648.67 717 562 717 c 477.33 717 407.17 689 351.5 633 c 295.83 577 268 507 268 423 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC1_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont 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1251 def /s112 1251 def /s113 1251 def /s114 797 def /s115 1139 def /s116 682 def /s117 1251 def /s119 1593 def /s120 1139 def /s121 1139 def end /CharProcs 42 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s44 { 140 281 m 421 281 140 281 421 281 c 421 80 421 281 421 80 c 421 -1.33 414 -65.5 400 -112.5 c 386 -159.5 359.5 -201.67 320.5 -239 c 281.5 -276.33 232 -305.67 172 -327 c 117 -211 172 -327 117 -211 c 173.67 -192.33 214 -166.67 238 -134 c 262 -101.33 274.67 -56.67 276 0 c 140 0 276 0 140 0 c 140 281 140 0 140 281 c closepath } bind def /s45 { 115 391 m 115 672 115 391 115 672 c 667 672 115 672 667 672 c 667 391 667 672 667 391 c 115 391 667 391 115 391 c closepath } bind def /s46 { 147 0 m 147 281 147 0 147 281 c 428 281 147 281 428 281 c 428 0 428 281 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s49 { 806 0 m 525 0 806 0 525 0 c 525 1059 525 0 525 1059 c 422.33 963 301.33 892 162 846 c 162 1101 162 846 162 1101 c 235.33 1125 315 1170.5 401 1237.5 c 487 1304.5 546 1382.67 578 1472 c 806 1472 578 1472 806 1472 c 806 0 806 1472 806 0 c closepath } bind def /s65 { 1471 0 m 1149 0 1471 0 1149 0 c 1021 333 1149 0 1021 333 c 435 333 1021 333 435 333 c 314 0 435 333 314 0 c 0 0 314 0 0 0 c 571 1466 0 0 571 1466 c 884 1466 571 1466 884 1466 c 1471 0 884 1466 1471 0 c closepath 926 580 m 724 1124 926 580 724 1124 c 526 580 724 1124 526 580 c 926 580 526 580 926 580 c closepath } bind def /s66 { 150 1466 m 736 1466 150 1466 736 1466 c 852 1466 938.5 1461.17 995.5 1451.5 c 1052.5 1441.83 1103.5 1421.67 1148.5 1391 c 1193.5 1360.33 1231 1319.5 1261 1268.5 c 1291 1217.5 1306 1160.33 1306 1097 c 1306 1028.33 1287.5 965.33 1250.5 908 c 1213.5 850.67 1163.33 807.67 1100 779 c 1189.33 753 1258 708.67 1306 646 c 1354 583.33 1378 509.67 1378 425 c 1378 358.33 1362.5 293.5 1331.5 230.5 c 1300.5 167.5 1258.17 117.17 1204.5 79.5 c 1150.83 41.83 1084.67 18.67 1006 10 c 956.67 4.67 837.67 1.33 649 0 c 150 0 649 0 150 0 c 150 1466 150 0 150 1466 c closepath 446 1222 m 446 883 446 1222 446 883 c 640 883 446 883 640 883 c 755.33 883 827 884.67 855 888 c 905.67 894 945.5 911.5 974.5 940.5 c 1003.5 969.5 1018 1007.67 1018 1055 c 1018 1100.33 1005.5 1137.17 980.5 1165.5 c 955.5 1193.83 918.33 1211 869 1217 c 839.67 1220.33 755.33 1222 616 1222 c 446 1222 616 1222 446 1222 c closepath 446 639 m 446 247 446 639 446 247 c 720 247 446 247 720 247 c 826.67 247 894.33 250 923 256 c 967 264 1002.83 283.5 1030.5 314.5 c 1058.17 345.5 1072 387 1072 439 c 1072 483 1061.33 520.33 1040 551 c 1018.67 581.67 987.83 604 947.5 618 c 907.17 632 819.67 639 685 639 c 446 639 685 639 446 639 c closepath } bind def /s67 { 1087 539 m 1374 448 1087 539 1374 448 c 1330 288 1256.83 169.17 1154.5 91.5 c 1052.17 13.83 922.33 -25 765 -25 c 570.33 -25 410.33 41.5 285 174.5 c 159.67 307.5 97 489.33 97 720 c 97 964 160 1153.5 286 1288.5 c 412 1423.5 577.67 1491 783 1491 c 962.33 1491 1108 1438 1220 1332 c 1286.67 1269.33 1336.67 1179.33 1370 1062 c 1077 992 1370 1062 1077 992 c 1059.67 1068 1023.5 1128 968.5 1172 c 913.5 1216 846.67 1238 768 1238 c 659.33 1238 571.17 1199 503.5 1121 c 435.83 1043 402 916.67 402 742 c 402 556.67 435.33 424.67 502 346 c 568.67 267.33 655.33 228 762 228 c 840.67 228 908.33 253 965 303 c 1021.67 353 1062.33 431.67 1087 539 c closepath } bind def /s68 { 148 1466 m 689 1466 148 1466 689 1466 c 811 1466 904 1456.67 968 1438 c 1054 1412.67 1127.67 1367.67 1189 1303 c 1250.33 1238.33 1297 1159.17 1329 1065.5 c 1361 971.83 1377 856.33 1377 719 c 1377 598.33 1362 494.33 1332 407 c 1295.33 300.33 1243 214 1175 148 c 1123.67 98 1054.33 59 967 31 c 901.67 10.33 814.33 0 705 0 c 148 0 705 0 148 0 c 148 1466 148 0 148 1466 c closepath 444 1218 m 444 247 444 1218 444 247 c 665 247 444 247 665 247 c 747.67 247 807.33 251.67 844 261 c 892 273 931.83 293.33 963.5 322 c 995.17 350.67 1021 397.83 1041 463.5 c 1061 529.17 1071 618.67 1071 732 c 1071 845.33 1061 932.33 1041 993 c 1021 1053.67 993 1101 957 1135 c 921 1169 875.33 1192 820 1204 c 778.67 1213.33 697.67 1218 577 1218 c 444 1218 577 1218 444 1218 c closepath } bind def /s70 { 151 0 m 151 1466 151 0 151 1466 c 1156 1466 151 1466 1156 1466 c 1156 1218 1156 1466 1156 1218 c 447 1218 1156 1218 447 1218 c 447 871 447 1218 447 871 c 1059 871 447 871 1059 871 c 1059 623 1059 871 1059 623 c 447 623 1059 623 447 623 c 447 0 447 623 447 0 c 151 0 447 0 151 0 c closepath } bind def /s72 { 150 0 m 150 1466 150 0 150 1466 c 446 1466 150 1466 446 1466 c 446 889 446 1466 446 889 c 1026 889 446 889 1026 889 c 1026 1466 1026 889 1026 1466 c 1322 1466 1026 1466 1322 1466 c 1322 0 1322 1466 1322 0 c 1026 0 1322 0 1026 0 c 1026 641 1026 0 1026 641 c 446 641 1026 641 446 641 c 446 0 446 641 446 0 c 150 0 446 0 150 0 c closepath } bind def /s76 { 157 0 m 157 1454 157 0 157 1454 c 453 1454 157 1454 453 1454 c 453 247 453 1454 453 247 c 1189 247 453 247 1189 247 c 1189 0 1189 247 1189 0 c 157 0 1189 0 157 0 c closepath } bind def /s77 { 145 0 m 145 1466 145 0 145 1466 c 588 1466 145 1466 588 1466 c 854 466 588 1466 854 466 c 1117 1466 854 466 1117 1466 c 1561 1466 1117 1466 1561 1466 c 1561 0 1561 1466 1561 0 c 1286 0 1561 0 1286 0 c 1286 1154 1286 0 1286 1154 c 995 0 1286 1154 995 0 c 710 0 995 0 710 0 c 420 1154 710 0 420 1154 c 420 0 420 1154 420 0 c 145 0 420 0 145 0 c closepath } bind def /s78 { 152 0 m 152 1466 152 0 152 1466 c 440 1466 152 1466 440 1466 c 1040 487 440 1466 1040 487 c 1040 1466 1040 487 1040 1466 c 1315 1466 1040 1466 1315 1466 c 1315 0 1315 1466 1315 0 c 1018 0 1315 0 1018 0 c 427 956 1018 0 427 956 c 427 0 427 956 427 0 c 152 0 427 0 152 0 c closepath } bind def /s80 { 149 0 m 149 1466 149 0 149 1466 c 624 1466 149 1466 624 1466 c 804 1466 921.33 1458.67 976 1444 c 1060 1422 1130.33 1374.17 1187 1300.5 c 1243.67 1226.83 1272 1131.67 1272 1015 c 1272 925 1255.67 849.33 1223 788 c 1190.33 726.67 1148.83 678.5 1098.5 643.5 c 1048.17 608.5 997 585.33 945 574 c 874.33 560 772 553 638 553 c 445 553 638 553 445 553 c 445 0 445 553 445 0 c 149 0 445 0 149 0 c closepath 445 1218 m 445 802 445 1218 445 802 c 607 802 445 802 607 802 c 723.67 802 801.67 809.67 841 825 c 880.33 840.33 911.17 864.33 933.5 897 c 955.83 929.67 967 967.67 967 1011 c 967 1064.33 951.33 1108.33 920 1143 c 888.67 1177.67 849 1199.33 801 1208 c 765.67 1214.67 694.67 1218 588 1218 c 445 1218 588 1218 445 1218 c closepath } bind def /s86 { 523 0 m -1 1466 523 0 -1 1466 c 320 1466 -1 1466 320 1466 c 691 381 320 1466 691 381 c 1050 1466 691 381 1050 1466 c 1364 1466 1050 1466 1364 1466 c 839 0 1364 1466 839 0 c 523 0 839 0 523 0 c closepath } bind def /s87 { 357 0 m 7 1466 357 0 7 1466 c 310 1466 7 1466 310 1466 c 531 459 310 1466 531 459 c 799 1466 531 459 799 1466 c 1151 1466 799 1466 1151 1466 c 1408 442 1151 1466 1408 442 c 1633 1466 1408 442 1633 1466 c 1931 1466 1633 1466 1931 1466 c 1575 0 1931 1466 1575 0 c 1261 0 1575 0 1261 0 c 969 1096 1261 0 969 1096 c 678 0 969 1096 678 0 c 357 0 678 0 357 0 c closepath } bind def /s90 { 22 0 m 22 267 22 0 22 267 c 792 1218 22 267 792 1218 c 109 1218 792 1218 109 1218 c 109 1466 109 1218 109 1466 c 1182 1466 109 1466 1182 1466 c 1182 1236 1182 1466 1182 1236 c 379 247 1182 1236 379 247 c 1213 247 379 247 1213 247 c 1213 0 1213 247 1213 0 c 22 0 1213 0 22 0 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 357 738 m 102 784 357 738 102 784 c 130.67 886.67 180 962.67 250 1012 c 320 1061.33 424 1086 562 1086 c 687.33 1086 780.67 1071.17 842 1041.5 c 903.33 1011.83 946.5 974.17 971.5 928.5 c 996.5 882.83 1009 799 1009 677 c 1006 349 1009 677 1006 349 c 1006 255.67 1010.5 186.83 1019.5 142.5 c 1028.5 98.17 1045.33 50.67 1070 0 c 792 0 1070 0 792 0 c 784.67 18.67 775.67 46.33 765 83 c 760.33 99.67 757 110.67 755 116 c 707 69.33 655.67 34.33 601 11 c 546.33 -12.33 488 -24 426 -24 c 316.67 -24 230.5 5.67 167.5 65 c 104.5 124.33 73 199.33 73 290 c 73 350 87.33 403.5 116 450.5 c 144.67 497.5 184.83 533.5 236.5 558.5 c 288.17 583.5 362.67 605.33 460 624 c 591.33 648.67 682.33 671.67 733 693 c 733 721 733 693 733 721 c 733 775 719.67 813.5 693 836.5 c 666.33 859.5 616 871 542 871 c 492 871 453 861.17 425 841.5 c 397 821.83 374.33 787.33 357 738 c closepath 733 510 m 697 498 640 483.67 562 467 c 484 450.33 433 434 409 418 c 372.33 392 354 359 354 319 c 354 279.67 368.67 245.67 398 217 c 427.33 188.33 464.67 174 510 174 c 560.67 174 609 190.67 655 224 c 689 249.33 711.33 280.33 722 317 c 729.33 341 733 386.67 733 454 c 733 510 733 454 733 510 c closepath } bind def /s98 { 135 0 m 135 1466 135 0 135 1466 c 416 1466 135 1466 416 1466 c 416 938 416 1466 416 938 c 502.67 1036.67 605.33 1086 724 1086 c 853.33 1086 960.33 1039.17 1045 945.5 c 1129.67 851.83 1172 717.33 1172 542 c 1172 360.67 1128.83 221 1042.5 123 c 956.17 25 851.33 -24 728 -24 c 667.33 -24 607.5 -8.83 548.5 21.5 c 489.5 51.83 438.67 96.67 396 156 c 396 0 396 156 396 0 c 135 0 396 0 135 0 c closepath 414 554 m 414 444 431.33 362.67 466 310 c 514.67 235.33 579.33 198 660 198 c 722 198 774.83 224.5 818.5 277.5 c 862.17 330.5 884 414 884 528 c 884 649.33 862 736.83 818 790.5 c 774 844.17 717.67 871 649 871 c 581.67 871 525.67 844.83 481 792.5 c 436.33 740.17 414 660.67 414 554 c closepath } bind def /s99 { 1073 748 m 796 698 1073 748 796 698 c 786.67 753.33 765.5 795 732.5 823 c 699.5 851 656.67 865 604 865 c 534 865 478.17 840.83 436.5 792.5 c 394.83 744.17 374 663.33 374 550 c 374 424 395.17 335 437.5 283 c 479.83 231 536.67 205 608 205 c 661.33 205 705 220.17 739 250.5 c 773 280.83 797 333 811 407 c 1087 360 811 407 1087 360 c 1058.33 233.33 1003.33 137.67 922 73 c 840.67 8.33 731.67 -24 595 -24 c 439.67 -24 315.83 25 223.5 123 c 131.17 221 85 356.67 85 530 c 85 705.33 131.33 841.83 224 939.5 c 316.67 1037.17 442 1086 600 1086 c 729.33 1086 832.17 1058.17 908.5 1002.5 c 984.83 946.83 1039.67 862 1073 748 c closepath } bind def /s100 { 1121 0 m 860 0 1121 0 860 0 c 860 156 860 0 860 156 c 816.67 95.33 765.5 50.17 706.5 20.5 c 647.5 -9.17 588 -24 528 -24 c 406 -24 301.5 25.17 214.5 123.5 c 127.5 221.83 84 359 84 535 c 84 715 126.33 851.83 211 945.5 c 295.67 1039.17 402.67 1086 532 1086 c 650.67 1086 753.33 1036.67 840 938 c 840 1466 840 938 840 1466 c 1121 1466 840 1466 1121 1466 c 1121 0 1121 1466 1121 0 c closepath 371 554 m 371 440.67 386.67 358.67 418 308 c 463.33 234.67 526.67 198 608 198 c 672.67 198 727.67 225.5 773 280.5 c 818.33 335.5 841 417.67 841 527 c 841 649 819 736.83 775 790.5 c 731 844.17 674.67 871 606 871 c 539.33 871 483.5 844.5 438.5 791.5 c 393.5 738.5 371 659.33 371 554 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 762 338 m 1042 291 762 338 1042 291 c 1006 188.33 949.17 110.17 871.5 56.5 c 793.83 2.83 696.67 -24 580 -24 c 395.33 -24 258.67 36.33 170 157 c 100 253.67 65 375.67 65 523 c 65 699 111 836.83 203 936.5 c 295 1036.17 411.33 1086 552 1086 c 710 1086 834.67 1033.83 926 929.5 c 1017.33 825.17 1061 665.33 1057 450 c 353 450 1057 450 353 450 c 355 366.67 377.67 301.83 421 255.5 c 464.33 209.17 518.33 186 583 186 c 627 186 664 198 694 222 c 724 246 746.67 284.67 762 338 c closepath 778 622 m 776 703.33 755 765.17 715 807.5 c 675 849.83 626.33 871 569 871 c 507.67 871 457 848.67 417 804 c 377 759.33 357.33 698.67 358 622 c 778 622 358 622 778 622 c closepath } bind def /s102 { 24 1062 m 180 1062 24 1062 180 1062 c 180 1142 180 1062 180 1142 c 180 1231.33 189.5 1298 208.5 1342 c 227.5 1386 262.5 1421.83 313.5 1449.5 c 364.5 1477.17 429 1491 507 1491 c 587 1491 665.33 1479 742 1455 c 704 1259 742 1455 704 1259 c 659.33 1269.67 616.33 1275 575 1275 c 534.33 1275 505.17 1265.5 487.5 1246.5 c 469.83 1227.5 461 1191 461 1137 c 461 1062 461 1137 461 1062 c 671 1062 461 1062 671 1062 c 671 841 671 1062 671 841 c 461 841 671 841 461 841 c 461 0 461 841 461 0 c 180 0 461 0 180 0 c 180 841 180 0 180 841 c 24 841 180 841 24 841 c 24 1062 24 841 24 1062 c closepath } bind def /s103 { 121 -70 m 442 -109 121 -70 442 -109 c 447.33 -146.33 459.67 -172 479 -186 c 505.67 -206 547.67 -216 605 -216 c 678.33 -216 733.33 -205 770 -183 c 794.67 -168.33 813.33 -144.67 826 -112 c 834.67 -88.67 839 -45.67 839 17 c 839 172 839 17 839 172 c 755 57.33 649 0 521 0 c 378.33 0 265.33 60.33 182 181 c 116.67 276.33 84 395 84 537 c 84 715 126.83 851 212.5 945 c 298.17 1039 404.67 1086 532 1086 c 663.33 1086 771.67 1028.33 857 913 c 857 1062 857 913 857 1062 c 1120 1062 857 1062 1120 1062 c 1120 109 1120 1062 1120 109 c 1120 -16.33 1109.67 -110 1089 -172 c 1068.33 -234 1039.33 -282.67 1002 -318 c 964.67 -353.33 914.83 -381 852.5 -401 c 790.17 -421 711.33 -431 616 -431 c 436 -431 308.33 -400.17 233 -338.5 c 157.67 -276.83 120 -198.67 120 -104 c 120 -94.67 120.33 -83.33 121 -70 c closepath 372 553 m 372 440.33 393.83 357.83 437.5 305.5 c 481.17 253.17 535 227 599 227 c 667.67 227 725.67 253.83 773 307.5 c 820.33 361.17 844 440.67 844 546 c 844 656 821.33 737.67 776 791 c 730.67 844.33 673.33 871 604 871 c 536.67 871 481.17 844.83 437.5 792.5 c 393.83 740.17 372 660.33 372 553 c closepath } bind def /s104 { 427 1466 m 427 927 427 1466 427 927 c 517.67 1033 626 1086 752 1086 c 816.67 1086 875 1074 927 1050 c 979 1026 1018.17 995.33 1044.5 958 c 1070.83 920.67 1088.83 879.33 1098.5 834 c 1108.17 788.67 1113 718.33 1113 623 c 1113 0 1113 623 1113 0 c 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 561 832 0 832 561 c 832 672.33 826.67 743 816 773 c 805.33 803 786.5 826.83 759.5 844.5 c 732.5 862.17 698.67 871 658 871 c 611.33 871 569.67 859.67 533 837 c 496.33 814.33 469.5 780.17 452.5 734.5 c 435.5 688.83 427 621.33 427 532 c 427 0 427 532 427 0 c 146 0 427 0 146 0 c 146 1466 146 0 146 1466 c 427 1466 146 1466 427 1466 c closepath } bind def /s105 { 147 1206 m 147 1466 147 1206 147 1466 c 428 1466 147 1466 428 1466 c 428 1206 428 1466 428 1206 c 147 1206 428 1206 147 1206 c closepath 147 0 m 147 1062 147 0 147 1062 c 428 1062 147 1062 428 1062 c 428 0 428 1062 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s107 { 137 0 m 137 1466 137 0 137 1466 c 418 1466 137 1466 418 1466 c 418 688 418 1466 418 688 c 747 1062 418 688 747 1062 c 1093 1062 747 1062 1093 1062 c 730 674 1093 1062 730 674 c 1119 0 730 674 1119 0 c 816 0 1119 0 816 0 c 549 477 816 0 549 477 c 418 340 549 477 418 340 c 418 0 418 340 418 0 c 137 0 418 0 137 0 c closepath } bind def /s108 { 147 0 m 147 1466 147 0 147 1466 c 428 1466 147 1466 428 1466 c 428 0 428 1466 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s109 { 126 1062 m 385 1062 126 1062 385 1062 c 385 917 385 1062 385 917 c 477.67 1029.67 588 1086 716 1086 c 784 1086 843 1072 893 1044 c 943 1016 984 973.67 1016 917 c 1062.67 973.67 1113 1016 1167 1044 c 1221 1072 1278.67 1086 1340 1086 c 1418 1086 1484 1070.17 1538 1038.5 c 1592 1006.83 1632.33 960.33 1659 899 c 1678.33 853.67 1688 780.33 1688 679 c 1688 0 1688 679 1688 0 c 1407 0 1688 0 1407 0 c 1407 607 1407 0 1407 607 c 1407 712.33 1397.33 780.33 1378 811 c 1352 851 1312 871 1258 871 c 1218.67 871 1181.67 859 1147 835 c 1112.33 811 1087.33 775.83 1072 729.5 c 1056.67 683.17 1049 610 1049 510 c 1049 0 1049 510 1049 0 c 768 0 1049 0 768 0 c 768 582 768 0 768 582 c 768 685.33 763 752 753 782 c 743 812 727.5 834.33 706.5 849 c 685.5 863.67 657 871 621 871 c 577.67 871 538.67 859.33 504 836 c 469.33 812.67 444.5 779 429.5 735 c 414.5 691 407 618 407 516 c 407 0 407 516 407 0 c 126 0 407 0 126 0 c 126 1062 126 0 126 1062 c closepath } bind def /s110 { 1113 0 m 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 542 832 0 832 542 c 832 656.67 826 730.83 814 764.5 c 802 798.17 782.5 824.33 755.5 843 c 728.5 861.67 696 871 658 871 c 609.33 871 565.67 857.67 527 831 c 488.33 804.33 461.83 769 447.5 725 c 433.17 681 426 599.67 426 481 c 426 0 426 481 426 0 c 145 0 426 0 145 0 c 145 1062 145 0 145 1062 c 406 1062 145 1062 406 1062 c 406 906 406 1062 406 906 c 498.67 1026 615.33 1086 756 1086 c 818 1086 874.67 1074.83 926 1052.5 c 977.33 1030.17 1016.17 1001.67 1042.5 967 c 1068.83 932.33 1087.17 893 1097.5 849 c 1107.83 805 1113 742 1113 660 c 1113 0 1113 660 1113 0 c closepath } bind def /s111 { 82 546 m 82 639.33 105 729.67 151 817 c 197 904.33 262.17 971 346.5 1017 c 430.83 1063 525 1086 629 1086 c 789.67 1086 921.33 1033.83 1024 929.5 c 1126.67 825.17 1178 693.33 1178 534 c 1178 373.33 1126.17 240.17 1022.5 134.5 c 918.83 28.83 788.33 -24 631 -24 c 533.67 -24 440.83 -2 352.5 42 c 264.17 86 197 150.5 151 235.5 c 105 320.5 82 424 82 546 c closepath 370 531 m 370 425.67 395 345 445 289 c 495 233 556.67 205 630 205 c 703.33 205 764.83 233 814.5 289 c 864.17 345 889 426.33 889 533 c 889 637 864.17 717 814.5 773 c 764.83 829 703.33 857 630 857 c 556.67 857 495 829 445 773 c 395 717 370 636.33 370 531 c closepath } bind def /s112 { 139 1062 m 401 1062 139 1062 401 1062 c 401 906 401 1062 401 906 c 435 959.33 481 1002.67 539 1036 c 597 1069.33 661.33 1086 732 1086 c 855.33 1086 960 1037.67 1046 941 c 1132 844.33 1175 709.67 1175 537 c 1175 359.67 1131.67 221.83 1045 123.5 c 958.33 25.17 853.33 -24 730 -24 c 671.33 -24 618.17 -12.33 570.5 11 c 522.83 34.33 472.67 74.33 420 131 c 420 -404 420 131 420 -404 c 139 -404 420 -404 139 -404 c 139 1062 139 -404 139 1062 c closepath 417 549 m 417 429.67 440.67 341.5 488 284.5 c 535.33 227.5 593 199 661 199 c 726.33 199 780.67 225.17 824 277.5 c 867.33 329.83 889 415.67 889 535 c 889 646.33 866.67 729 822 783 c 777.33 837 722 864 656 864 c 587.33 864 530.33 837.5 485 784.5 c 439.67 731.5 417 653 417 549 c closepath } bind def /s113 { 841 -404 m 841 130 841 -404 841 130 c 804.33 82.67 758.67 45.17 704 17.5 c 649.33 -10.17 590.33 -24 527 -24 c 406.33 -24 307 21.33 229 112 c 137 218 91 361.67 91 543 c 91 713.67 134.17 846.83 220.5 942.5 c 306.83 1038.17 414 1086 542 1086 c 612.67 1086 673.83 1071 725.5 1041 c 777.17 1011 823 965.67 863 905 c 863 1062 863 905 863 1062 c 1122 1062 863 1062 1122 1062 c 1122 -404 1122 1062 1122 -404 c 841 -404 1122 -404 841 -404 c closepath 850 544 m 850 652.67 827.83 733.5 783.5 786.5 c 739.17 839.5 683.67 866 617 866 c 549 866 492.17 839 446.5 785 c 400.83 731 378 645.33 378 528 c 378 411.33 400 327.17 444 275.5 c 488 223.83 542.33 198 607 198 c 671.67 198 728.33 227 777 285 c 825.67 343 850 429.33 850 544 c closepath } bind def /s114 { 416 0 m 135 0 416 0 135 0 c 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 396 1062 135 1062 396 1062 c 396 911 396 1062 396 911 c 440.67 982.33 480.83 1029.33 516.5 1052 c 552.17 1074.67 592.67 1086 638 1086 c 702 1086 763.67 1068.33 823 1033 c 736 788 823 1033 736 788 c 688.67 818.67 644.67 834 604 834 c 564.67 834 531.33 823.17 504 801.5 c 476.67 779.83 455.17 740.67 439.5 684 c 423.83 627.33 416 508.67 416 328 c 416 0 416 328 416 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 48 303 m 330 346 48 303 330 346 c 342 291.33 366.33 249.83 403 221.5 c 439.67 193.17 491 179 557 179 c 629.67 179 684.33 192.33 721 219 c 745.67 237.67 758 262.67 758 294 c 758 315.33 751.33 333 738 347 c 724 360.33 692.67 372.67 644 384 c 417.33 434 273.67 479.67 213 521 c 129 578.33 87 658 87 760 c 87 852 123.33 929.33 196 992 c 268.67 1054.67 381.33 1086 534 1086 c 679.33 1086 787.33 1062.33 858 1015 c 928.67 967.67 977.33 897.67 1004 805 c 739 756 1004 805 739 756 c 727.67 797.33 706.17 829 674.5 851 c 642.83 873 597.67 884 539 884 c 465 884 412 873.67 380 853 c 358.67 838.33 348 819.33 348 796 c 348 776 357.33 759 376 745 c 401.33 726.33 488.83 700 638.5 666 c 788.17 632 892.67 590.33 952 541 c 1010.67 491 1040 421.33 1040 332 c 1040 234.67 999.33 151 918 81 c 836.67 11 716.33 -24 557 -24 c 412.33 -24 297.83 5.33 213.5 64 c 129.17 122.67 74 202.33 48 303 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 634 1062 m 634 838 634 1062 634 838 c 442 838 634 838 442 838 c 442 410 442 838 442 410 c 442 323.33 443.83 272.83 447.5 258.5 c 451.17 244.17 459.5 232.33 472.5 223 c 485.5 213.67 501.33 209 520 209 c 546 209 583.67 218 633 236 c 657 18 633 236 657 18 c 591.67 -10 517.67 -24 435 -24 c 384.33 -24 338.67 -15.5 298 1.5 c 257.33 18.5 227.5 40.5 208.5 67.5 c 189.5 94.5 176.33 131 169 177 c 163 209.67 160 275.67 160 375 c 160 838 160 375 160 838 c 31 838 160 838 31 838 c 31 1062 31 838 31 1062 c 160 1062 31 1062 160 1062 c 160 1273 160 1062 160 1273 c 442 1437 160 1273 442 1437 c 442 1062 442 1437 442 1062 c 634 1062 442 1062 634 1062 c closepath } bind def /s117 { 846 0 m 846 159 846 0 846 159 c 807.33 102.33 756.5 57.67 693.5 25 c 630.5 -7.67 564 -24 494 -24 c 422.67 -24 358.67 -8.33 302 23 c 245.33 54.33 204.33 98.33 179 155 c 153.67 211.67 141 290 141 390 c 141 1062 141 390 141 1062 c 422 1062 141 1062 422 1062 c 422 574 422 1062 422 574 c 422 424.67 427.17 333.17 437.5 299.5 c 447.83 265.83 466.67 239.17 494 219.5 c 521.33 199.83 556 190 598 190 c 646 190 689 203.17 727 229.5 c 765 255.83 791 288.5 805 327.5 c 819 366.5 826 462 826 614 c 826 1062 826 614 826 1062 c 1107 1062 826 1062 1107 1062 c 1107 0 1107 1062 1107 0 c 846 0 1107 0 846 0 c closepath } bind def /s119 { 345 0 m 9 1062 345 0 9 1062 c 282 1062 9 1062 282 1062 c 481 366 282 1062 481 366 c 664 1062 481 366 664 1062 c 935 1062 664 1062 935 1062 c 1112 366 935 1062 1112 366 c 1315 1062 1112 366 1315 1062 c 1592 1062 1315 1062 1592 1062 c 1251 0 1592 1062 1251 0 c 981 0 1251 0 981 0 c 798 683 981 0 798 683 c 618 0 798 683 618 0 c 345 0 618 0 345 0 c closepath } bind def /s120 { 12 0 m 395 547 12 0 395 547 c 28 1062 395 547 28 1062 c 371 1062 28 1062 371 1062 c 559 770 371 1062 559 770 c 757 1062 559 770 757 1062 c 1087 1062 757 1062 1087 1062 c 727 559 1087 1062 727 559 c 1120 0 727 559 1120 0 c 775 0 1120 0 775 0 c 559 329 775 0 559 329 c 341 0 559 329 341 0 c 12 0 341 0 12 0 c closepath } bind def /s121 { 14 1062 m 313 1062 14 1062 313 1062 c 567 308 313 1062 567 308 c 815 1062 567 308 815 1062 c 1106 1062 815 1062 1106 1062 c 731 40 1106 1062 731 40 c 664 -145 731 40 664 -145 c 639.33 -207 615.83 -254.33 593.5 -287 c 571.17 -319.67 545.5 -346.17 516.5 -366.5 c 487.5 -386.83 451.83 -402.67 409.5 -414 c 367.17 -425.33 319.33 -431 266 -431 c 212 -431 159 -425.33 107 -414 c 82 -194 107 -414 82 -194 c 126 -202.67 165.67 -207 201 -207 c 266.33 -207 314.67 -187.83 346 -149.5 c 377.33 -111.17 401.33 -62.33 418 -3 c 14 1062 418 -3 14 1062 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC2_ArialBold exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC3_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC3_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 40/s40 put Encoding 41/s41 put Encoding 47/s47 put Encoding 83/s83 put Encoding 85/s85 put Encoding 107/s107 put Encoding 109/s109 put Encoding 115/s115 put /BoundingBoxes 10 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s40 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s41 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s47 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s83 [0 -434 1366 1854] def /s85 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s107 [0 -434 1024 1854] def /s109 [0 -434 1706 1854] def /s115 [0 -434 1024 1854] def end /Metrics 10 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s40 682 def /s41 682 def /s47 569 def /s83 1366 def /s85 1479 def /s107 1024 def /s109 1706 def /s115 1024 def end /CharProcs 10 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s40 { 479 -431 m 379.67 -305.67 295.67 -159 227 9 c 158.33 177 124 351 124 531 c 124 689.67 149.67 841.67 201 987 c 261 1155.67 353.67 1323.67 479 1491 c 608 1491 479 1491 608 1491 c 527.33 1352.33 474 1253.33 448 1194 c 407.33 1102 375.33 1006 352 906 c 323.33 781.33 309 656 309 530 c 309 209.33 408.67 -111 608 -431 c 479 -431 608 -431 479 -431 c closepath } bind def /s41 { 253 -431 m 124 -431 253 -431 124 -431 c 323.33 -111 423 209.33 423 530 c 423 655.33 408.67 779.67 380 903 c 357.33 1003 325.67 1099 285 1191 c 259 1251 205.33 1351 124 1491 c 253 1491 124 1491 253 1491 c 378.33 1323.67 471 1155.67 531 987 c 582.33 841.67 608 689.67 608 531 c 608 351 573.5 177 504.5 9 c 435.5 -159 351.67 -305.67 253 -431 c closepath } bind def /s47 { 0 -25 m 425 1491 0 -25 425 1491 c 569 1491 425 1491 569 1491 c 145 -25 569 1491 145 -25 c 0 -25 145 -25 0 -25 c closepath } bind def /s83 { 92 471 m 275 487 92 471 275 487 c 283.67 413.67 303.83 353.5 335.5 306.5 c 367.17 259.5 416.33 221.5 483 192.5 c 549.67 163.5 624.67 149 708 149 c 782 149 847.33 160 904 182 c 960.67 204 1002.83 234.17 1030.5 272.5 c 1058.17 310.83 1072 352.67 1072 398 c 1072 444 1058.67 484.17 1032 518.5 c 1005.33 552.83 961.33 581.67 900 605 c 860.67 620.33 773.67 644.17 639 676.5 c 504.33 708.83 410 739.33 356 768 c 286 804.67 233.83 850.17 199.5 904.5 c 165.17 958.83 148 1019.67 148 1087 c 148 1161 169 1230.17 211 1294.5 c 253 1358.83 314.33 1407.67 395 1441 c 475.67 1474.33 565.33 1491 664 1491 c 772.67 1491 868.5 1473.5 951.5 1438.5 c 1034.5 1403.5 1098.33 1352 1143 1284 c 1187.67 1216 1211.67 1139 1215 1053 c 1029 1039 1215 1053 1029 1039 c 1019 1131.67 985.17 1201.67 927.5 1249 c 869.83 1296.33 784.67 1320 672 1320 c 554.67 1320 469.17 1298.5 415.5 1255.5 c 361.83 1212.5 335 1160.67 335 1100 c 335 1047.33 354 1004 392 970 c 429.33 936 526.83 901.17 684.5 865.5 c 842.17 829.83 950.33 798.67 1009 772 c 1094.33 732.67 1157.33 682.83 1198 622.5 c 1238.67 562.17 1259 492.67 1259 414 c 1259 336 1236.67 262.5 1192 193.5 c 1147.33 124.5 1083.17 70.83 999.5 32.5 c 915.83 -5.83 821.67 -25 717 -25 c 584.33 -25 473.17 -5.67 383.5 33 c 293.83 71.67 223.5 129.83 172.5 207.5 c 121.5 285.17 94.67 373 92 471 c closepath } bind def /s85 { 1120 1466 m 1314 1466 1120 1466 1314 1466 c 1314 619 1314 1466 1314 619 c 1314 471.67 1297.33 354.67 1264 268 c 1230.67 181.33 1170.5 110.83 1083.5 56.5 c 996.5 2.17 882.33 -25 741 -25 c 603.67 -25 491.33 -1.33 404 46 c 316.67 93.33 254.33 161.83 217 251.5 c 179.67 341.17 161 463.67 161 619 c 161 1466 161 619 161 1466 c 355 1466 161 1466 355 1466 c 355 620 355 1466 355 620 c 355 492.67 366.83 398.83 390.5 338.5 c 414.17 278.17 454.83 231.67 512.5 199 c 570.17 166.33 640.67 150 724 150 c 866.67 150 968.33 182.33 1029 247 c 1089.67 311.67 1120 436 1120 620 c 1120 1466 1120 620 1120 1466 c closepath } bind def /s107 { 136 0 m 136 1466 136 0 136 1466 c 316 1466 136 1466 316 1466 c 316 630 316 1466 316 630 c 742 1062 316 630 742 1062 c 975 1062 742 1062 975 1062 c 569 668 975 1062 569 668 c 1016 0 569 668 1016 0 c 794 0 1016 0 794 0 c 443 543 794 0 443 543 c 316 421 443 543 316 421 c 316 0 316 421 316 0 c 136 0 316 0 136 0 c closepath } bind def /s109 { 135 0 m 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 296 1062 135 1062 296 1062 c 296 913 296 1062 296 913 c 329.33 965 373.67 1006.83 429 1038.5 c 484.33 1070.17 547.33 1086 618 1086 c 696.67 1086 761.17 1069.67 811.5 1037 c 861.83 1004.33 897.33 958.67 918 900 c 1002 1024 1111.33 1086 1246 1086 c 1351.33 1086 1432.33 1056.83 1489 998.5 c 1545.67 940.17 1574 850.33 1574 729 c 1574 0 1574 729 1574 0 c 1395 0 1574 0 1395 0 c 1395 669 1395 0 1395 669 c 1395 741 1389.17 792.83 1377.5 824.5 c 1365.83 856.17 1344.67 881.67 1314 901 c 1283.33 920.33 1247.33 930 1206 930 c 1131.33 930 1069.33 905.17 1020 855.5 c 970.67 805.83 946 726.33 946 617 c 946 0 946 617 946 0 c 766 0 946 0 766 0 c 766 690 766 0 766 690 c 766 770 751.33 830 722 870 c 692.67 910 644.67 930 578 930 c 527.33 930 480.5 916.67 437.5 890 c 394.5 863.33 363.33 824.33 344 773 c 324.67 721.67 315 647.67 315 551 c 315 0 315 551 315 0 c 135 0 315 0 135 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 63 317 m 241 345 63 317 241 345 c 251 273.67 278.83 219 324.5 181 c 370.17 143 434 124 516 124 c 598.67 124 660 140.83 700 174.5 c 740 208.17 760 247.67 760 293 c 760 333.67 742.33 365.67 707 389 c 682.33 405 621 425.33 523 450 c 391 483.33 299.5 512.17 248.5 536.5 c 197.5 560.83 158.83 594.5 132.5 637.5 c 106.17 680.5 93 728 93 780 c 93 827.33 103.83 871.17 125.5 911.5 c 147.17 951.83 176.67 985.33 214 1012 c 242 1032.67 280.17 1050.17 328.5 1064.5 c 376.83 1078.83 428.67 1086 484 1086 c 567.33 1086 640.5 1074 703.5 1050 c 766.5 1026 813 993.5 843 952.5 c 873 911.5 893.67 856.67 905 788 c 729 764 905 788 729 764 c 721 818.67 697.83 861.33 659.5 892 c 621.17 922.67 567 938 497 938 c 414.33 938 355.33 924.33 320 897 c 284.67 869.67 267 837.67 267 801 c 267 777.67 274.33 756.67 289 738 c 303.67 718.67 326.67 702.67 358 690 c 376 683.33 429 668 517 644 c 644.33 610 733.17 582.17 783.5 560.5 c 833.83 538.83 873.33 507.33 902 466 c 930.67 424.67 945 373.33 945 312 c 945 252 927.5 195.5 892.5 142.5 c 857.5 89.5 807 48.5 741 19.5 c 675 -9.5 600.33 -24 517 -24 c 379 -24 273.83 4.67 201.5 62 c 129.17 119.33 83 204.33 63 317 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC3_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC4_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC4_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 40/s40 put Encoding 41/s41 put Encoding 47/s47 put Encoding 80/s80 put Encoding 85/s85 put Encoding 107/s107 put Encoding 109/s109 put Encoding 115/s115 put /BoundingBoxes 10 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s40 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s41 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s47 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s80 [0 -434 1366 1854] def /s85 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s107 [0 -434 1024 1854] def /s109 [0 -434 1706 1854] def /s115 [0 -434 1024 1854] def end /Metrics 10 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s40 682 def /s41 682 def /s47 569 def /s80 1366 def /s85 1479 def /s107 1024 def /s109 1706 def /s115 1024 def end /CharProcs 10 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s40 { 479 -431 m 379.67 -305.67 295.67 -159 227 9 c 158.33 177 124 351 124 531 c 124 689.67 149.67 841.67 201 987 c 261 1155.67 353.67 1323.67 479 1491 c 608 1491 479 1491 608 1491 c 527.33 1352.33 474 1253.33 448 1194 c 407.33 1102 375.33 1006 352 906 c 323.33 781.33 309 656 309 530 c 309 209.33 408.67 -111 608 -431 c 479 -431 608 -431 479 -431 c closepath } bind def /s41 { 253 -431 m 124 -431 253 -431 124 -431 c 323.33 -111 423 209.33 423 530 c 423 655.33 408.67 779.67 380 903 c 357.33 1003 325.67 1099 285 1191 c 259 1251 205.33 1351 124 1491 c 253 1491 124 1491 253 1491 c 378.33 1323.67 471 1155.67 531 987 c 582.33 841.67 608 689.67 608 531 c 608 351 573.5 177 504.5 9 c 435.5 -159 351.67 -305.67 253 -431 c closepath } bind def /s47 { 0 -25 m 425 1491 0 -25 425 1491 c 569 1491 425 1491 569 1491 c 145 -25 569 1491 145 -25 c 0 -25 145 -25 0 -25 c closepath } bind def /s80 { 158 0 m 158 1466 158 0 158 1466 c 711 1466 158 1466 711 1466 c 808.33 1466 882.67 1461.33 934 1452 c 1006 1440 1066.33 1417.17 1115 1383.5 c 1163.67 1349.83 1202.83 1302.67 1232.5 1242 c 1262.17 1181.33 1277 1114.67 1277 1042 c 1277 917.33 1237.33 811.83 1158 725.5 c 1078.67 639.17 935.33 596 728 596 c 352 596 728 596 352 596 c 352 0 352 596 352 0 c 158 0 352 0 158 0 c closepath 352 769 m 731 769 352 769 731 769 c 856.33 769 945.33 792.33 998 839 c 1050.67 885.67 1077 951.33 1077 1036 c 1077 1097.33 1061.5 1149.83 1030.5 1193.5 c 999.5 1237.17 958.67 1266 908 1280 c 875.33 1288.67 815 1293 727 1293 c 352 1293 727 1293 352 1293 c 352 769 352 1293 352 769 c closepath } bind def /s85 { 1120 1466 m 1314 1466 1120 1466 1314 1466 c 1314 619 1314 1466 1314 619 c 1314 471.67 1297.33 354.67 1264 268 c 1230.67 181.33 1170.5 110.83 1083.5 56.5 c 996.5 2.17 882.33 -25 741 -25 c 603.67 -25 491.33 -1.33 404 46 c 316.67 93.33 254.33 161.83 217 251.5 c 179.67 341.17 161 463.67 161 619 c 161 1466 161 619 161 1466 c 355 1466 161 1466 355 1466 c 355 620 355 1466 355 620 c 355 492.67 366.83 398.83 390.5 338.5 c 414.17 278.17 454.83 231.67 512.5 199 c 570.17 166.33 640.67 150 724 150 c 866.67 150 968.33 182.33 1029 247 c 1089.67 311.67 1120 436 1120 620 c 1120 1466 1120 620 1120 1466 c closepath } bind def /s107 { 136 0 m 136 1466 136 0 136 1466 c 316 1466 136 1466 316 1466 c 316 630 316 1466 316 630 c 742 1062 316 630 742 1062 c 975 1062 742 1062 975 1062 c 569 668 975 1062 569 668 c 1016 0 569 668 1016 0 c 794 0 1016 0 794 0 c 443 543 794 0 443 543 c 316 421 443 543 316 421 c 316 0 316 421 316 0 c 136 0 316 0 136 0 c closepath } bind def /s109 { 135 0 m 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 296 1062 135 1062 296 1062 c 296 913 296 1062 296 913 c 329.33 965 373.67 1006.83 429 1038.5 c 484.33 1070.17 547.33 1086 618 1086 c 696.67 1086 761.17 1069.67 811.5 1037 c 861.83 1004.33 897.33 958.67 918 900 c 1002 1024 1111.33 1086 1246 1086 c 1351.33 1086 1432.33 1056.83 1489 998.5 c 1545.67 940.17 1574 850.33 1574 729 c 1574 0 1574 729 1574 0 c 1395 0 1574 0 1395 0 c 1395 669 1395 0 1395 669 c 1395 741 1389.17 792.83 1377.5 824.5 c 1365.83 856.17 1344.67 881.67 1314 901 c 1283.33 920.33 1247.33 930 1206 930 c 1131.33 930 1069.33 905.17 1020 855.5 c 970.67 805.83 946 726.33 946 617 c 946 0 946 617 946 0 c 766 0 946 0 766 0 c 766 690 766 0 766 690 c 766 770 751.33 830 722 870 c 692.67 910 644.67 930 578 930 c 527.33 930 480.5 916.67 437.5 890 c 394.5 863.33 363.33 824.33 344 773 c 324.67 721.67 315 647.67 315 551 c 315 0 315 551 315 0 c 135 0 315 0 135 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 63 317 m 241 345 63 317 241 345 c 251 273.67 278.83 219 324.5 181 c 370.17 143 434 124 516 124 c 598.67 124 660 140.83 700 174.5 c 740 208.17 760 247.67 760 293 c 760 333.67 742.33 365.67 707 389 c 682.33 405 621 425.33 523 450 c 391 483.33 299.5 512.17 248.5 536.5 c 197.5 560.83 158.83 594.5 132.5 637.5 c 106.17 680.5 93 728 93 780 c 93 827.33 103.83 871.17 125.5 911.5 c 147.17 951.83 176.67 985.33 214 1012 c 242 1032.67 280.17 1050.17 328.5 1064.5 c 376.83 1078.83 428.67 1086 484 1086 c 567.33 1086 640.5 1074 703.5 1050 c 766.5 1026 813 993.5 843 952.5 c 873 911.5 893.67 856.67 905 788 c 729 764 905 788 729 764 c 721 818.67 697.83 861.33 659.5 892 c 621.17 922.67 567 938 497 938 c 414.33 938 355.33 924.33 320 897 c 284.67 869.67 267 837.67 267 801 c 267 777.67 274.33 756.67 289 738 c 303.67 718.67 326.67 702.67 358 690 c 376 683.33 429 668 517 644 c 644.33 610 733.17 582.17 783.5 560.5 c 833.83 538.83 873.33 507.33 902 466 c 930.67 424.67 945 373.33 945 312 c 945 252 927.5 195.5 892.5 142.5 c 857.5 89.5 807 48.5 741 19.5 c 675 -9.5 600.33 -24 517 -24 c 379 -24 273.83 4.67 201.5 62 c 129.17 119.33 83 204.33 63 317 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC4_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC5_ArialBold 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 215.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC5_ArialBold def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1286 -771 4096 2084] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 45/s45 put Encoding 50/s50 put Encoding 66/s66 put Encoding 67/s67 put Encoding 80/s80 put Encoding 97/s97 put Encoding 99/s99 put Encoding 101/s101 put Encoding 104/s104 put Encoding 105/s105 put Encoding 110/s110 put Encoding 111/s111 put Encoding 115/s115 put Encoding 116/s116 put Encoding 120/s120 put /BoundingBoxes 17 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s45 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s50 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s66 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s67 [0 -434 1479 1854] def /s80 [0 -434 1366 1854] def /s97 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s99 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s101 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s104 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s105 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s110 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s111 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s115 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s116 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s120 [0 -434 1139 1854] def end /Metrics 17 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s45 682 def /s50 1139 def /s66 1479 def /s67 1479 def /s80 1366 def /s97 1139 def /s99 1139 def /s101 1139 def /s104 1251 def /s105 569 def /s110 1251 def /s111 1251 def /s115 1139 def /s116 682 def /s120 1139 def end /CharProcs 17 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s45 { 115 391 m 115 672 115 391 115 672 c 667 672 115 672 667 672 c 667 391 667 672 667 391 c 115 391 667 391 115 391 c closepath } bind def /s50 { 1036 261 m 1036 0 1036 261 1036 0 c 51 0 1036 0 51 0 c 61.67 98.67 93.67 192.17 147 280.5 c 200.33 368.83 305.67 486 463 632 c 589.67 750 667.33 830 696 872 c 734.67 930 754 987.33 754 1044 c 754 1106.67 737.17 1154.83 703.5 1188.5 c 669.83 1222.17 623.33 1239 564 1239 c 505.33 1239 458.67 1221.33 424 1186 c 389.33 1150.67 369.33 1092 364 1010 c 84 1038 364 1010 84 1038 c 100.67 1192.67 153 1303.67 241 1371 c 329 1438.33 439 1472 571 1472 c 715.67 1472 829.33 1433 912 1355 c 994.67 1277 1036 1180 1036 1064 c 1036 998 1024.17 935.17 1000.5 875.5 c 976.83 815.83 939.33 753.33 888 688 c 854 644.67 792.67 582.33 704 501 c 615.33 419.67 559.17 365.67 535.5 339 c 511.83 312.33 492.67 286.33 478 261 c 1036 261 478 261 1036 261 c closepath } bind def /s66 { 150 1466 m 736 1466 150 1466 736 1466 c 852 1466 938.5 1461.17 995.5 1451.5 c 1052.5 1441.83 1103.5 1421.67 1148.5 1391 c 1193.5 1360.33 1231 1319.5 1261 1268.5 c 1291 1217.5 1306 1160.33 1306 1097 c 1306 1028.33 1287.5 965.33 1250.5 908 c 1213.5 850.67 1163.33 807.67 1100 779 c 1189.33 753 1258 708.67 1306 646 c 1354 583.33 1378 509.67 1378 425 c 1378 358.33 1362.5 293.5 1331.5 230.5 c 1300.5 167.5 1258.17 117.17 1204.5 79.5 c 1150.83 41.83 1084.67 18.67 1006 10 c 956.67 4.67 837.67 1.33 649 0 c 150 0 649 0 150 0 c 150 1466 150 0 150 1466 c closepath 446 1222 m 446 883 446 1222 446 883 c 640 883 446 883 640 883 c 755.33 883 827 884.67 855 888 c 905.67 894 945.5 911.5 974.5 940.5 c 1003.5 969.5 1018 1007.67 1018 1055 c 1018 1100.33 1005.5 1137.17 980.5 1165.5 c 955.5 1193.83 918.33 1211 869 1217 c 839.67 1220.33 755.33 1222 616 1222 c 446 1222 616 1222 446 1222 c closepath 446 639 m 446 247 446 639 446 247 c 720 247 446 247 720 247 c 826.67 247 894.33 250 923 256 c 967 264 1002.83 283.5 1030.5 314.5 c 1058.17 345.5 1072 387 1072 439 c 1072 483 1061.33 520.33 1040 551 c 1018.67 581.67 987.83 604 947.5 618 c 907.17 632 819.67 639 685 639 c 446 639 685 639 446 639 c closepath } bind def /s67 { 1087 539 m 1374 448 1087 539 1374 448 c 1330 288 1256.83 169.17 1154.5 91.5 c 1052.17 13.83 922.33 -25 765 -25 c 570.33 -25 410.33 41.5 285 174.5 c 159.67 307.5 97 489.33 97 720 c 97 964 160 1153.5 286 1288.5 c 412 1423.5 577.67 1491 783 1491 c 962.33 1491 1108 1438 1220 1332 c 1286.67 1269.33 1336.67 1179.33 1370 1062 c 1077 992 1370 1062 1077 992 c 1059.67 1068 1023.5 1128 968.5 1172 c 913.5 1216 846.67 1238 768 1238 c 659.33 1238 571.17 1199 503.5 1121 c 435.83 1043 402 916.67 402 742 c 402 556.67 435.33 424.67 502 346 c 568.67 267.33 655.33 228 762 228 c 840.67 228 908.33 253 965 303 c 1021.67 353 1062.33 431.67 1087 539 c closepath } bind def /s80 { 149 0 m 149 1466 149 0 149 1466 c 624 1466 149 1466 624 1466 c 804 1466 921.33 1458.67 976 1444 c 1060 1422 1130.33 1374.17 1187 1300.5 c 1243.67 1226.83 1272 1131.67 1272 1015 c 1272 925 1255.67 849.33 1223 788 c 1190.33 726.67 1148.83 678.5 1098.5 643.5 c 1048.17 608.5 997 585.33 945 574 c 874.33 560 772 553 638 553 c 445 553 638 553 445 553 c 445 0 445 553 445 0 c 149 0 445 0 149 0 c closepath 445 1218 m 445 802 445 1218 445 802 c 607 802 445 802 607 802 c 723.67 802 801.67 809.67 841 825 c 880.33 840.33 911.17 864.33 933.5 897 c 955.83 929.67 967 967.67 967 1011 c 967 1064.33 951.33 1108.33 920 1143 c 888.67 1177.67 849 1199.33 801 1208 c 765.67 1214.67 694.67 1218 588 1218 c 445 1218 588 1218 445 1218 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 357 738 m 102 784 357 738 102 784 c 130.67 886.67 180 962.67 250 1012 c 320 1061.33 424 1086 562 1086 c 687.33 1086 780.67 1071.17 842 1041.5 c 903.33 1011.83 946.5 974.17 971.5 928.5 c 996.5 882.83 1009 799 1009 677 c 1006 349 1009 677 1006 349 c 1006 255.67 1010.5 186.83 1019.5 142.5 c 1028.5 98.17 1045.33 50.67 1070 0 c 792 0 1070 0 792 0 c 784.67 18.67 775.67 46.33 765 83 c 760.33 99.67 757 110.67 755 116 c 707 69.33 655.67 34.33 601 11 c 546.33 -12.33 488 -24 426 -24 c 316.67 -24 230.5 5.67 167.5 65 c 104.5 124.33 73 199.33 73 290 c 73 350 87.33 403.5 116 450.5 c 144.67 497.5 184.83 533.5 236.5 558.5 c 288.17 583.5 362.67 605.33 460 624 c 591.33 648.67 682.33 671.67 733 693 c 733 721 733 693 733 721 c 733 775 719.67 813.5 693 836.5 c 666.33 859.5 616 871 542 871 c 492 871 453 861.17 425 841.5 c 397 821.83 374.33 787.33 357 738 c closepath 733 510 m 697 498 640 483.67 562 467 c 484 450.33 433 434 409 418 c 372.33 392 354 359 354 319 c 354 279.67 368.67 245.67 398 217 c 427.33 188.33 464.67 174 510 174 c 560.67 174 609 190.67 655 224 c 689 249.33 711.33 280.33 722 317 c 729.33 341 733 386.67 733 454 c 733 510 733 454 733 510 c closepath } bind def /s99 { 1073 748 m 796 698 1073 748 796 698 c 786.67 753.33 765.5 795 732.5 823 c 699.5 851 656.67 865 604 865 c 534 865 478.17 840.83 436.5 792.5 c 394.83 744.17 374 663.33 374 550 c 374 424 395.17 335 437.5 283 c 479.83 231 536.67 205 608 205 c 661.33 205 705 220.17 739 250.5 c 773 280.83 797 333 811 407 c 1087 360 811 407 1087 360 c 1058.33 233.33 1003.33 137.67 922 73 c 840.67 8.33 731.67 -24 595 -24 c 439.67 -24 315.83 25 223.5 123 c 131.17 221 85 356.67 85 530 c 85 705.33 131.33 841.83 224 939.5 c 316.67 1037.17 442 1086 600 1086 c 729.33 1086 832.17 1058.17 908.5 1002.5 c 984.83 946.83 1039.67 862 1073 748 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 762 338 m 1042 291 762 338 1042 291 c 1006 188.33 949.17 110.17 871.5 56.5 c 793.83 2.83 696.67 -24 580 -24 c 395.33 -24 258.67 36.33 170 157 c 100 253.67 65 375.67 65 523 c 65 699 111 836.83 203 936.5 c 295 1036.17 411.33 1086 552 1086 c 710 1086 834.67 1033.83 926 929.5 c 1017.33 825.17 1061 665.33 1057 450 c 353 450 1057 450 353 450 c 355 366.67 377.67 301.83 421 255.5 c 464.33 209.17 518.33 186 583 186 c 627 186 664 198 694 222 c 724 246 746.67 284.67 762 338 c closepath 778 622 m 776 703.33 755 765.17 715 807.5 c 675 849.83 626.33 871 569 871 c 507.67 871 457 848.67 417 804 c 377 759.33 357.33 698.67 358 622 c 778 622 358 622 778 622 c closepath } bind def /s104 { 427 1466 m 427 927 427 1466 427 927 c 517.67 1033 626 1086 752 1086 c 816.67 1086 875 1074 927 1050 c 979 1026 1018.17 995.33 1044.5 958 c 1070.83 920.67 1088.83 879.33 1098.5 834 c 1108.17 788.67 1113 718.33 1113 623 c 1113 0 1113 623 1113 0 c 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 561 832 0 832 561 c 832 672.33 826.67 743 816 773 c 805.33 803 786.5 826.83 759.5 844.5 c 732.5 862.17 698.67 871 658 871 c 611.33 871 569.67 859.67 533 837 c 496.33 814.33 469.5 780.17 452.5 734.5 c 435.5 688.83 427 621.33 427 532 c 427 0 427 532 427 0 c 146 0 427 0 146 0 c 146 1466 146 0 146 1466 c 427 1466 146 1466 427 1466 c closepath } bind def /s105 { 147 1206 m 147 1466 147 1206 147 1466 c 428 1466 147 1466 428 1466 c 428 1206 428 1466 428 1206 c 147 1206 428 1206 147 1206 c closepath 147 0 m 147 1062 147 0 147 1062 c 428 1062 147 1062 428 1062 c 428 0 428 1062 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s110 { 1113 0 m 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 542 832 0 832 542 c 832 656.67 826 730.83 814 764.5 c 802 798.17 782.5 824.33 755.5 843 c 728.5 861.67 696 871 658 871 c 609.33 871 565.67 857.67 527 831 c 488.33 804.33 461.83 769 447.5 725 c 433.17 681 426 599.67 426 481 c 426 0 426 481 426 0 c 145 0 426 0 145 0 c 145 1062 145 0 145 1062 c 406 1062 145 1062 406 1062 c 406 906 406 1062 406 906 c 498.67 1026 615.33 1086 756 1086 c 818 1086 874.67 1074.83 926 1052.5 c 977.33 1030.17 1016.17 1001.67 1042.5 967 c 1068.83 932.33 1087.17 893 1097.5 849 c 1107.83 805 1113 742 1113 660 c 1113 0 1113 660 1113 0 c closepath } bind def /s111 { 82 546 m 82 639.33 105 729.67 151 817 c 197 904.33 262.17 971 346.5 1017 c 430.83 1063 525 1086 629 1086 c 789.67 1086 921.33 1033.83 1024 929.5 c 1126.67 825.17 1178 693.33 1178 534 c 1178 373.33 1126.17 240.17 1022.5 134.5 c 918.83 28.83 788.33 -24 631 -24 c 533.67 -24 440.83 -2 352.5 42 c 264.17 86 197 150.5 151 235.5 c 105 320.5 82 424 82 546 c closepath 370 531 m 370 425.67 395 345 445 289 c 495 233 556.67 205 630 205 c 703.33 205 764.83 233 814.5 289 c 864.17 345 889 426.33 889 533 c 889 637 864.17 717 814.5 773 c 764.83 829 703.33 857 630 857 c 556.67 857 495 829 445 773 c 395 717 370 636.33 370 531 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 48 303 m 330 346 48 303 330 346 c 342 291.33 366.33 249.83 403 221.5 c 439.67 193.17 491 179 557 179 c 629.67 179 684.33 192.33 721 219 c 745.67 237.67 758 262.67 758 294 c 758 315.33 751.33 333 738 347 c 724 360.33 692.67 372.67 644 384 c 417.33 434 273.67 479.67 213 521 c 129 578.33 87 658 87 760 c 87 852 123.33 929.33 196 992 c 268.67 1054.67 381.33 1086 534 1086 c 679.33 1086 787.33 1062.33 858 1015 c 928.67 967.67 977.33 897.67 1004 805 c 739 756 1004 805 739 756 c 727.67 797.33 706.17 829 674.5 851 c 642.83 873 597.67 884 539 884 c 465 884 412 873.67 380 853 c 358.67 838.33 348 819.33 348 796 c 348 776 357.33 759 376 745 c 401.33 726.33 488.83 700 638.5 666 c 788.17 632 892.67 590.33 952 541 c 1010.67 491 1040 421.33 1040 332 c 1040 234.67 999.33 151 918 81 c 836.67 11 716.33 -24 557 -24 c 412.33 -24 297.83 5.33 213.5 64 c 129.17 122.67 74 202.33 48 303 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 634 1062 m 634 838 634 1062 634 838 c 442 838 634 838 442 838 c 442 410 442 838 442 410 c 442 323.33 443.83 272.83 447.5 258.5 c 451.17 244.17 459.5 232.33 472.5 223 c 485.5 213.67 501.33 209 520 209 c 546 209 583.67 218 633 236 c 657 18 633 236 657 18 c 591.67 -10 517.67 -24 435 -24 c 384.33 -24 338.67 -15.5 298 1.5 c 257.33 18.5 227.5 40.5 208.5 67.5 c 189.5 94.5 176.33 131 169 177 c 163 209.67 160 275.67 160 375 c 160 838 160 375 160 838 c 31 838 160 838 31 838 c 31 1062 31 838 31 1062 c 160 1062 31 1062 160 1062 c 160 1273 160 1062 160 1273 c 442 1437 160 1273 442 1437 c 442 1062 442 1437 442 1062 c 634 1062 442 1062 634 1062 c closepath } bind def /s120 { 12 0 m 395 547 12 0 395 547 c 28 1062 395 547 28 1062 c 371 1062 28 1062 371 1062 c 559 770 371 1062 559 770 c 757 1062 559 770 757 1062 c 1087 1062 757 1062 1087 1062 c 727 559 1087 1062 727 559 c 1120 0 727 559 1120 0 c 775 0 1120 0 775 0 c 559 329 775 0 559 329 c 341 0 559 329 341 0 c 12 0 341 0 12 0 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC5_ArialBold exch definefont pop 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1528 577 m 1528 557 l st 1528 534 m 1528 514 l st 1528 491 m 1528 471 l st 1528 448 m 1528 428 l st 1528 405 m 1528 385 l st 1528 362 m 1528 342 l st 1528 319 m 1528 299 l st 1672 284 m 1730 284 l 1730 2039 l 1672 2039 l cp gs 0.502 1 1 rgb eofi gr 3 sw 0.502 1 1 rgb st 1701 284 m 1701 304 l 5 sw 0 0 0 rgb st 1701 327 m 1701 347 l st 1701 370 m 1701 390 l st 1701 413 m 1701 433 l st 1701 456 m 1701 476 l st 1701 499 m 1701 519 l st 1701 542 m 1701 562 l st 1701 585 m 1701 605 l st 1701 628 m 1701 648 l st 1701 671 m 1701 691 l st 1701 714 m 1701 734 l st 1701 757 m 1701 777 l st 1701 800 m 1701 820 l st 1701 843 m 1701 863 l st 1701 886 m 1701 906 l st 1701 929 m 1701 949 l st 1701 972 m 1701 992 l st 1701 1015 m 1701 1035 l st 1701 1058 m 1701 1078 l st 1701 1101 m 1701 1121 l st 1701 1144 m 1701 1164 l st 1701 1187 m 1701 1207 l st 1701 1230 m 1701 1250 l st 1701 1273 m 1701 1293 l st 1701 1316 m 1701 1336 l st 1701 1359 m 1701 1379 l st 1701 1402 m 1701 1422 l st 1701 1445 m 1701 1465 l st 1701 1488 m 1701 1508 l st 1701 1531 m 1701 1551 l st 1701 1574 m 1701 1594 l st 1701 1617 m 1701 1637 l st 1701 1660 m 1701 1680 l st 1701 1703 m 1701 1723 l st 1701 1746 m 1701 1766 l st 1701 1789 m 1701 1809 l st 1701 1832 m 1701 1852 l st 1701 1875 m 1701 1895 l st 1701 1918 m 1701 1938 l st 1701 1961 m 1701 1981 l st 1701 2004 m 1701 2024 l st 1903 284 m 1949 284 l 1949 2039 l 1903 2039 l cp gs 0.502 1 1 rgb eofi gr 3 sw 0.502 1 1 rgb st 1926 2039 m 1926 2019 l 5 sw 0 0 0 rgb st 1926 1996 m 1926 1976 l st 1926 1953 m 1926 1933 l st 1926 1910 m 1926 1890 l st 1926 1867 m 1926 1847 l st 1926 1824 m 1926 1804 l st 1926 1781 m 1926 1761 l st 1926 1738 m 1926 1718 l st 1926 1695 m 1926 1675 l st 1926 1652 m 1926 1632 l st 1926 1609 m 1926 1589 l st 1926 1566 m 1926 1546 l st 1926 1523 m 1926 1503 l st 1926 1480 m 1926 1460 l st 1926 1437 m 1926 1417 l st 1926 1394 m 1926 1374 l st 1926 1351 m 1926 1331 l st 1926 1308 m 1926 1288 l st 1926 1265 m 1926 1245 l st 1926 1222 m 1926 1202 l st 1926 1179 m 1926 1159 l st 1926 1136 m 1926 1116 l st 1926 1093 m 1926 1073 l st 1926 1050 m 1926 1030 l st 1926 1007 m 1926 987 l st 1926 964 m 1926 944 l st 1926 921 m 1926 901 l st 1926 878 m 1926 858 l st 1926 835 m 1926 815 l st 1926 792 m 1926 772 l st 1926 749 m 1926 729 l st 1926 706 m 1926 686 l st 1926 663 m 1926 643 l st 1926 620 m 1926 600 l st 1926 577 m 1926 557 l st 1926 534 m 1926 514 l st 1926 491 m 1926 471 l st 1926 448 m 1926 428 l st 1926 405 m 1926 385 l st 1926 362 m 1926 342 l st 1926 319 m 1926 299 l st gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 552 -2130 m (0)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 843 -2130 m (2)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 1134 -2130 m (4)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 1424 -2130 m (6)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 1715 -2130 m (8)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 1987 -2130 m (10)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 2278 -2130 m (12)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 2569 -2130 m (14)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 496 -2058 m (6)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 496 -1873 m (8)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 458 -1689 m (10)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 458 -1504 m (12)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 458 -1319 m (14)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 458 -1134 m (16)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 458 -950 m (18)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 458 -765 m (20)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 458 -580 m (22)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC1_Arial 69 self 458 -395 m (24)[38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr 571 2039 m 571 2005 l 9 sw st 716 2039 m 716 2022 l st 862 2039 m 862 2005 l st 1007 2039 m 1007 2022 l st 1153 2039 m 1153 2005 l st 1298 2039 m 1298 2022 l st 1443 2039 m 1443 2005 l st 1589 2039 m 1589 2022 l st 1734 2039 m 1734 2005 l st 1880 2039 m 1880 2022 l st 2025 2039 m 2025 2005 l st 2170 2039 m 2170 2022 l st 2316 2039 m 2316 2005 l st 2461 2039 m 2461 2022 l st 2607 2039 m 2607 2005 l st 2752 2039 m 2752 2022 l st 571 2039 m 2752 2039 l st 571 2039 m 605 2039 l st 571 1947 m 588 1947 l st 571 1854 m 605 1854 l st 571 1762 m 588 1762 l st 571 1670 m 605 1670 l st 571 1577 m 588 1577 l st 571 1485 m 605 1485 l st 571 1392 m 588 1392 l st 571 1300 m 605 1300 l st 571 1208 m 588 1208 l st 571 1115 m 605 1115 l st 571 1023 m 588 1023 l st 571 931 m 605 931 l st 571 838 m 588 838 l st 571 746 m 605 746 l st 571 653 m 588 653 l st 571 561 m 605 561 l st 571 469 m 588 469 l st 571 376 m 605 376 l st 571 284 m 588 284 l st 571 2039 m 571 284 l st 571 284 m 571 318 l st 716 284 m 716 301 l st 862 284 m 862 318 l st 1007 284 m 1007 301 l st 1153 284 m 1153 318 l st 1298 284 m 1298 301 l st 1443 284 m 1443 318 l st 1589 284 m 1589 301 l st 1734 284 m 1734 318 l st 1880 284 m 1880 301 l st 2025 284 m 2025 318 l st 2170 284 m 2170 301 l st 2316 284 m 2316 318 l st 2461 284 m 2461 301 l st 2607 284 m 2607 318 l st 2752 284 m 2752 301 l st 571 284 m 2752 284 l st 2752 2039 m 2718 2039 l st 2752 1947 m 2735 1947 l st 2752 1854 m 2718 1854 l st 2752 1762 m 2735 1762 l st 2752 1670 m 2718 1670 l st 2752 1577 m 2735 1577 l st 2752 1485 m 2718 1485 l st 2752 1392 m 2735 1392 l st 2752 1300 m 2718 1300 l st 2752 1208 m 2735 1208 l st 2752 1115 m 2718 1115 l st 2752 1023 m 2735 1023 l st 2752 931 m 2718 931 l st 2752 838 m 2735 838 l st 2752 746 m 2718 746 l st 2752 653 m 2735 653 l st 2752 561 m 2718 561 l st 2752 469 m 2735 469 l st 2752 376 m 2718 376 l st 2752 284 m 2735 284 l st 2752 2039 m 2752 284 l st gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 2010 855 m 1965 855 l 3 sw 1 0 0 rgb st 2010 872 m 2010 838 l st 1888 855 m 1933 855 l st 1888 872 m 1888 838 l st 1932 849 m 1890 849 l st 1932 866 m 1932 832 l st 1816 849 m 1858 849 l st 1816 866 m 1816 832 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 1949 855 16 0 360 a cp 7 sw 1 0 0 rgb st np 1874 849 16 0 360 a cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1949 810 m 1949 839 l 3 sw 1 0 0 rgb st 1932 810 m 1966 810 l st 1949 900 m 1949 871 l st 1932 900 m 1966 900 l st 1874 804 m 1874 833 l st 1857 804 m 1891 804 l st 1874 895 m 1874 865 l st 1857 895 m 1891 895 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 672 1894 18 0 360 a cp 8 sw 1 0 1 rgb st np 679 1905 18 0 360 a cp st np 679 1895 18 0 360 a cp st np 679 1898 18 0 360 a cp st np 710 1870 18 0 360 a cp st np 717 1851 18 0 360 a cp st np 728 1850 18 0 360 a cp st np 784 1780 18 0 360 a cp st np 786 1813 18 0 360 a cp st np 797 1766 18 0 360 a cp st np 802 1773 18 0 360 a cp st np 835 1753 18 0 360 a cp st np 857 1733 18 0 360 a cp st np 887 1702 18 0 360 a cp st np 913 1689 18 0 360 a cp st np 917 1671 18 0 360 a cp st np 925 1670 18 0 360 a cp st np 930 1672 18 0 360 a cp st np 941 1664 18 0 360 a cp st np 948 1652 18 0 360 a cp st np 985 1629 18 0 360 a cp st np 995 1621 18 0 360 a cp st np 1025 1599 18 0 360 a cp st np 1028 1595 18 0 360 a cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1130 1488 m 1151 1525 l 1108 1525 l cp 8 sw 1 0 0 rgb st 1169 1429 m 1190 1466 l 1147 1466 l cp st 1217 1401 m 1238 1438 l 1195 1438 l cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1006 1604 m 1019 1604 l 3 sw 0 0 1 rgb st 1006 1621 m 1006 1587 l st 1003 1604 m 991 1604 l st 1003 1621 m 1003 1587 l st 1222 1437 m 1208 1437 l st 1222 1454 m 1222 1420 l st 1167 1437 m 1180 1437 l st 1167 1454 m 1167 1420 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 2752 284 m 7 sw 0 0 1 rgb 991 1590 28 28 rectstroke 1180 1423 28 28 rectstroke gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1005 1585 m 1005 1590 l 3 sw 0 0 1 rgb st 988 1585 m 1022 1585 l st 1005 1623 m 1005 1618 l st 988 1623 m 1022 1623 l st 1194 1414 m 1194 1423 l st 1177 1414 m 1211 1414 l st 1194 1460 m 1194 1451 l st 1177 1460 m 1211 1460 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 1362 1313 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 0.502 0.502 0.502 rgb st np 1470 1215 14 0 360 a cp st np 1501 1209 14 0 360 a cp st np 1521 1176 14 0 360 a cp st np 1552 1170 14 0 360 a cp st np 1586 1169 14 0 360 a cp st np 1634 1111 14 0 360 a cp st np 1660 1110 14 0 360 a cp st np 1705 1044 14 0 360 a cp st np 1754 1016 14 0 360 a cp st np 1832 979 14 0 360 a cp st np 1840 942 14 0 360 a cp st np 1857 904 14 0 360 a cp st np 1963 848 14 0 360 a cp st np 2078 772 14 0 360 a cp st np 2108 735 14 0 360 a cp st np 2191 650 14 0 360 a cp st np 2213 646 14 0 360 a cp st np 2239 620 14 0 360 a cp st np 2284 584 14 0 360 a cp st np 2338 548 14 0 360 a cp st np 2369 515 14 0 360 a cp st np 2390 506 14 0 360 a cp st np 2407 486 14 0 360 a cp st np 2462 454 14 0 360 a cp st np 2530 383 14 0 360 a cp st np 2556 370 14 0 360 a cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1362 1303 m 1362 1300 l 3 sw 0.502 0.502 0.502 rgb st 1345 1303 m 1379 1303 l st 1362 1323 m 1362 1326 l st 1345 1323 m 1379 1323 l st 1470 1204 m 1470 1202 l st 1453 1204 m 1487 1204 l st 1470 1226 m 1470 1228 l st 1453 1226 m 1487 1226 l st 1501 1185 m 1501 1196 l st 1484 1185 m 1518 1185 l st 1501 1233 m 1501 1222 l st 1484 1233 m 1518 1233 l st 1521 1162 m 1521 1163 l st 1504 1162 m 1538 1162 l st 1521 1191 m 1521 1189 l st 1504 1191 m 1538 1191 l st 1552 1147 m 1552 1157 l st 1535 1147 m 1569 1147 l st 1552 1193 m 1552 1183 l st 1535 1193 m 1569 1193 l st 1586 1151 m 1586 1156 l st 1569 1151 m 1603 1151 l st 1586 1186 m 1586 1182 l st 1569 1186 m 1603 1186 l st 1634 1089 m 1634 1098 l st 1617 1089 m 1651 1089 l st 1634 1133 m 1634 1124 l st 1617 1133 m 1651 1133 l st 1660 1100 m 1660 1097 l st 1643 1100 m 1677 1100 l st 1660 1120 m 1660 1123 l st 1643 1120 m 1677 1120 l st 1705 1027 m 1705 1031 l st 1688 1027 m 1722 1027 l st 1705 1062 m 1705 1057 l st 1688 1062 m 1722 1062 l st 1754 1004 m 1754 1003 l st 1737 1004 m 1771 1004 l st 1754 1028 m 1754 1029 l st 1737 1028 m 1771 1028 l st 1832 966 m 1832 966 l st 1815 966 m 1849 966 l st 1832 992 m 1832 992 l st 1815 992 m 1849 992 l st 1840 927 m 1840 929 l st 1823 927 m 1857 927 l st 1840 956 m 1840 955 l st 1823 956 m 1857 956 l st 1857 891 m 1857 891 l st 1840 891 m 1874 891 l st 1857 917 m 1857 917 l st 1840 917 m 1874 917 l st 1963 841 m 1963 835 l st 1946 841 m 1980 841 l st 1963 856 m 1963 861 l st 1946 856 m 1980 856 l st 2078 763 m 2078 759 l st 2061 763 m 2095 763 l st 2078 780 m 2078 785 l st 2061 780 m 2095 780 l st 2108 711 m 2108 722 l st 2091 711 m 2125 711 l st 2108 759 m 2108 748 l st 2091 759 m 2125 759 l st 2191 625 m 2191 637 l st 2174 625 m 2208 625 l st 2191 675 m 2191 663 l st 2174 675 m 2208 675 l st 2213 626 m 2213 633 l st 2196 626 m 2230 626 l st 2213 666 m 2213 659 l st 2196 666 m 2230 666 l st 2239 615 m 2239 607 l st 2222 615 m 2256 615 l st 2239 626 m 2239 633 l st 2222 626 m 2256 626 l st 2284 581 m 2284 571 l st 2267 581 m 2301 581 l st 2284 588 m 2284 597 l st 2267 588 m 2301 588 l st 2338 541 m 2338 535 l st 2321 541 m 2355 541 l st 2338 556 m 2338 561 l st 2321 556 m 2355 556 l st 2369 512 m 2369 502 l st 2352 512 m 2386 512 l st 2369 518 m 2369 528 l st 2352 518 m 2386 518 l st 2390 502 m 2390 493 l st 2373 502 m 2407 502 l st 2390 509 m 2390 519 l st 2373 509 m 2407 509 l st 2407 478 m 2407 473 l st 2390 478 m 2424 478 l st 2407 495 m 2407 499 l st 2390 495 m 2424 495 l st 2462 450 m 2462 441 l st 2445 450 m 2479 450 l st 2462 458 m 2462 467 l st 2445 458 m 2479 458 l st 2530 376 m 2530 370 l st 2513 376 m 2547 376 l st 2530 389 m 2530 396 l st 2513 389 m 2547 389 l st 2556 362 m 2556 357 l st 2539 362 m 2573 362 l st 2556 378 m 2556 383 l st 2539 378 m 2573 378 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 1754 1021 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 1 0.502 0 rgb st np 1780 996 14 0 360 a cp st np 1804 988 14 0 360 a cp st np 1836 947 14 0 360 a cp st np 1864 912 14 0 360 a cp st np 1889 895 14 0 360 a cp st np 1917 879 14 0 360 a cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1754 1004 m 1754 1008 l 3 sw 1 0.502 0 rgb st 1737 1004 m 1771 1004 l st 1754 1038 m 1754 1034 l st 1737 1038 m 1771 1038 l st 1780 979 m 1780 983 l st 1763 979 m 1797 979 l st 1780 1014 m 1780 1009 l st 1763 1014 m 1797 1014 l st 1804 968 m 1804 975 l st 1787 968 m 1821 968 l st 1804 1007 m 1804 1001 l st 1787 1007 m 1821 1007 l st 1836 935 m 1836 934 l st 1819 935 m 1853 935 l st 1836 959 m 1836 960 l st 1819 959 m 1853 959 l st 1864 895 m 1864 899 l st 1847 895 m 1881 895 l st 1864 930 m 1864 925 l st 1847 930 m 1881 930 l st 1889 879 m 1889 882 l st 1872 879 m 1906 879 l st 1889 912 m 1889 908 l st 1872 912 m 1906 912 l st 1917 862 m 1917 866 l st 1900 862 m 1934 862 l st 1917 895 m 1917 892 l st 1900 895 m 1934 895 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1701 1060 m 1701 1060 m 1792 983 l 1807 971 l 1821 958 l 1836 946 l 1851 934 l 1865 922 l 1880 910 l 1894 897 l 1909 885 l 1926 870 l 1730 1035 l 5 sw 1 0 0 rgb st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1526 1204 m 1526 1204 m 1528 1203 l 1574 1165 l 1603 1142 l 1632 1118 l 1662 1095 l 1689 1072 l 1672 1086 l 1701 1063 l 5 sw 0 0 1 rgb st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 571 1975 m 571 1975 m 716 1853 l 862 1731 l 1007 1609 l 1153 1487 l 1298 1365 l 1443 1244 l 1528 1173 l 1519 1180 l 5 sw st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1926 880 m 1926 880 m 1996 823 l 2010 811 l 2025 799 l 2054 776 l 2083 752 l 2112 728 l 2170 681 l 2243 622 l 2316 563 l 2389 504 l 2461 445 l 2534 386 l 2607 326 l 2679 267 l 1949 861 l 5 sw 0 1 0 rgb st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 955 1642 m 972 1642 l 3 sw 0 0.502 0 rgb st 955 1659 m 955 1625 l st 949 1642 m 932 1642 l st 949 1659 m 949 1625 l st 1019 1596 m 1036 1596 l st 1019 1613 m 1019 1579 l st 1013 1596 m 996 1596 l st 1013 1613 m 1013 1579 l st 1281 1392 m 1296 1392 l st 1281 1409 m 1281 1375 l st 1272 1392 m 1256 1392 l st 1272 1409 m 1272 1375 l st 1283 1402 m 1298 1402 l st 1283 1419 m 1283 1385 l st 1272 1402 m 1258 1402 l st 1272 1419 m 1272 1385 l st 1201 1457 m 1216 1457 l st 1201 1474 m 1201 1440 l st 1192 1457 m 1176 1457 l st 1192 1474 m 1192 1440 l st 1298 1439 m 1260 1439 l st 1298 1456 m 1298 1422 l st 1182 1439 m 1220 1439 l st 1182 1456 m 1182 1422 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 931 1642 m 952 1621 l 973 1642 l 952 1663 l cp 7 sw 0 0.502 0 rgb st 995 1596 m 1016 1575 l 1037 1596 l 1016 1617 l cp st 1255 1392 m 1276 1371 l 1297 1392 l 1276 1413 l cp st 1257 1402 m 1278 1381 l 1299 1402 l 1278 1423 l cp st 1175 1457 m 1196 1436 l 1217 1457 l 1196 1478 l cp st 1219 1439 m 1240 1418 l 1261 1439 l 1240 1460 l cp st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 952 1633 m 952 1622 l 3 sw 0 0.502 0 rgb st 935 1633 m 969 1633 l st 952 1651 m 952 1662 l st 935 1651 m 969 1651 l st 1016 1586 m 1016 1576 l st 999 1586 m 1033 1586 l st 1016 1605 m 1016 1616 l st 999 1605 m 1033 1605 l st 1276 1374 m 1276 1372 l st 1259 1374 m 1293 1374 l st 1276 1411 m 1276 1412 l st 1259 1411 m 1293 1411 l st 1278 1374 m 1278 1382 l st 1261 1374 m 1295 1374 l st 1278 1429 m 1278 1422 l st 1261 1429 m 1295 1429 l st 1196 1439 m 1196 1437 l st 1179 1439 m 1213 1439 l st 1196 1476 m 1196 1477 l st 1179 1476 m 1213 1476 l st 1240 1400 m 1240 1419 l st 1223 1400 m 1257 1400 l st 1240 1477 m 1240 1459 l st 1223 1477 m 1257 1477 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 1061 1554 m 1079 1567 l 1072 1588 l 1049 1588 l 1042 1567 l cp 7 sw 0 1 0 rgb st 1043 1573 m 1079 1573 l st 700 1839 m 718 1852 l 711 1873 l 688 1873 l 681 1852 l cp st 682 1858 m 718 1858 l st 824 1742 m 842 1755 l 835 1776 l 812 1776 l 805 1755 l cp st 806 1761 m 842 1761 l st 645 1879 m 663 1892 l 656 1913 l 633 1913 l 626 1892 l cp st 627 1898 m 663 1898 l st gr gs pathproc 571 284 2182 1756 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs gs np 714 367 18 0 360 a cp 8 sw 1 0 1 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc /MC2_ArialBold 55 self 808 -395 m ( LANL Handbook)[15 34 37 40 34 15 40 31 34 34 34 34 34 31 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 714 444 m 736 483 l 691 483 l cp 8 sw 1 0 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 808 -498 m ( Vassiliou, expt.)[15 37 31 31 31 15 15 15 34 34 15 15 31 31 34 18 15 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 714 554 m 732 567 l 725 588 l 702 588 l 695 567 l cp 7 sw 0 1 0 rgb st 696 573 m 732 573 l st gr 1 -1 sc 808 -601 m ( Duffy, expt)[15 40 34 18 18 30 15 15 31 31 34 18 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc 1107 -601 m (.)[15 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 7 sw 0 0 1 rgb 700 662 28 28 rectstroke gr 1 -1 sc 808 -704 m ( Zhang, expt.)[15 34 34 31 34 34 15 15 31 31 34 18 15 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 693 779 m 714 758 l 735 779 l 714 800 l cp 7 sw 0 0.502 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 808 -807 m ( Fratanduono, expt)[15 34 21 31 18 31 34 34 34 34 34 34 15 15 31 31 34 18 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 714 882 16 0 360 a cp 7 sw 1 0 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 808 -910 m ( McWilliams, expt.)[15 45 31 51 15 15 15 15 31 48 31 15 15 31 31 34 18 15 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 714 985 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 0.502 0.502 0.502 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 808 -1013 m ( Z, Al Flyer, this work)[15 34 15 15 37 15 15 34 15 30 31 21 15 15 18 34 15 31 15 43 34 21 31 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 714 1088 14 0 360 a cp 6 sw 1 0.502 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 808 -1116 m ( Z, Cu Flyer, this work)[15 34 15 15 40 34 15 34 15 30 31 21 15 15 18 34 15 31 15 43 34 21 31 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 2884 -1228 tr 90 ro /MC3_Arial 84 self 0 0 m ( )[23 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC4_Arial 84 self 1650 -193 m ( )[23 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 415 -1378 tr 90 ro /MC3_Arial 84 self 0 0 m (U)[61 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc 448 -1317 tr 90 ro /MC3_Arial 49 self 0 0 m (S)[33 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc 415 -1284 tr 90 ro /MC3_Arial 84 self 0 0 m ( \(km/s\))[23 28 42 70 23 42 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC4_Arial 84 self 1467 -2227 m (U)[61 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC4_Arial 49 self 1528 -2260 m (P)[33 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC4_Arial 84 self 1561 -2227 m ( \(km/s\))[23 28 43 71 23 42 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC2_ArialBold 81 self 1107 -1778 m (B1-Phase)[58 44 27 53 49 44 44 44 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 1643 -1828 tr 90 ro /MC5_ArialBold 81 self 0 0 m (B2-Phase)[61 47 28 56 51 47 47 47 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC2_ArialBold 81 self 2062 -1787 m (Liquid)[49 22 49 49 22 49 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 1844 -1841 tr 90 ro /MC5_ArialBold 81 self 0 0 m (Coexistence)[61 51 47 47 23 47 28 47 51 47 47 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gr Save0 restore end showpage %%EOF %%EndDocument @endspecial 2042 3872 a(FIG.)19 b(3.)2311 3872 y SDict begin H.S end 2311 3872 a 2311 3872 a SDict begin H.R end 2311 3872 a 2311 3872 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (figure.3) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2311 3872 a Fp(The)g(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)f Fi(U)2966 3880 y Fg(S)3013 3872 y Fh(\000)s Fi(U)3128 3880 y Fg(P)3198 3872 y Fp(data)g(including) h(results)g(from)2042 3960 y(previous)32 b(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)e(from)i (Refs)g([)3174 3960 y SDict begin H.S end 3174 3960 a Fp(17)3250 3960 y SDict begin 10.5 H.L end 3250 3960 a 3250 3960 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.marsh1980lasl) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3250 3960 a 1 w Fp({)3289 3960 y SDict begin H.S end 3289 3960 a Fp(21)3365 3960 y SDict begin 10.5 H.L end 3365 3960 a 3365 3960 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Fratanduono2013) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3365 3960 a 1 w Fp(,)3419 3960 y SDict begin H.S end 3419 3960 a Fp(26)3495 3960 y SDict begin 10.5 H.L end 3495 3960 a 3495 3960 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.McWilliams2012) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3495 3960 a 1 w Fp(].)54 b(The)32 b(optimized)2042 4047 y(linear)26 b(\014ts)f(are)h(also)g(plotted.)34 b(The)26 b(dashed)f(v)n(ertical)h(lines)g(indicate)2042 4134 y(the)d(optimized)g(phase)g(b)r(oundaries)h(along)h(the)e (principal)h(Hugoniot)2042 4221 y(and)h(the)g(shaded)h(cy)n(an)f (regions)i(indicate)f(the)f(uncertain)n(t)n(y)-6 b(.)p Black 2042 4511 a Fs(sho)r(c)n(k)45 b(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)-7 b(,)47 b(w)n(e)f(calculate)d(the)j(MgO)f(Hugoniot)f(state)2042 4611 y(densit)n(y)f(\()p Fn(\032)p Fs(\),)49 b(pressure)43 b(\()p Fn(P)12 b Fs(\),)49 b(and)44 b(particle)e(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)f (\()p Fn(U)3973 4623 y Fj(P)4029 4611 y Fs(\).)2042 4711 y(The)33 b(Hugoniot)f(state)h(is)f(determined)g(using)g(a)h(Mon)n(te)g (Carlo)2042 4810 y(imp)r(edance)26 b(matc)n(hing)g(analysis)e([)3153 4810 y SDict begin H.S end 3153 4810 a Fs(10)3237 4810 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 3237 4810 a 3237 4810 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.RootCO2) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3237 4810 a -1 w Fs(])k(to)g(solv)n(e)e(the)j(RH)f(equa-)2042 4910 y(tions)37 b([)2279 4910 y SDict begin H.S end 2279 4910 a Fs(11)2363 4910 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2363 4910 a 2363 4910 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Zeldovich) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2363 4910 a -1 w Fs(].)71 b(The)38 b(Mon)n(te)h(Carlo)d(metho)r(d)i(accoun)n(ts)g(for)g(the)2042 5009 y(uncertain)n(ties)30 b(in)i(the)i(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)29 b(measuremen)n(t)h(and)j(the)2042 5109 y(Al)j(and)h(Cu)f(Hugoniot)g (standards.)63 b(F)-7 b(urther)36 b(discussion)e(on)2042 5209 y(the)i(imp)r(edance)d(matc)n(hing)g(metho)r(d)i(along)f(with)h (the)h(list)d(of)2042 5308 y(Hugoniot)26 b(data)h(are)g(found)g(in)g (the)h(supplemen)n(t)e([)3668 5308 y SDict begin H.S end 3668 5308 a Fs(30)3752 5308 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 3752 5308 a 3752 5308 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.supplemental-material) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3752 5308 a -1 w Fs(].)2125 5413 y(Figure)2401 5413 y SDict begin H.S end 2401 5413 a Black Fs(2)p Black 2443 5360 a SDict begin H.R end 2443 5360 a 2443 5413 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (figure.2) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2443 5413 a 42 w Fs(plots)40 b(the)j(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)38 b(and)k(DFT)h(principal)p Black Black eop end end %%Page: 3 3 TeXDict begin HPSdict begin 3 2 bop 0 0 a SDict begin /product where{pop product(Distiller)search{pop pop pop version(.)search{exch pop exch pop(3011)eq{gsave newpath 0 0 moveto closepath clip/Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont 72 72 moveto(.)show grestore}if}{pop}ifelse}{pop}ifelse}if end 0 0 a -158 -515 a SDict begin H.S end -158 -515 a -158 -515 a SDict begin H.R end -158 -515 a -158 -515 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (page.3) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -158 -515 a Black 4043 -299 a Fs(3)p Black -150 -83 a(Hugoniot)33 b(in)i Fn(\032)p Fs(-P)f(space.)58 b(The)35 b(Z)g(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)c(data)k(span)-150 17 y(the)26 b(range)e(from)g(0.27)g(TP)n(a)h(up)g(to)h(1.2)e(TP)n(a)h(-)g(the)h (highest,)e(di-)-150 116 y(rectly)30 b(measured)f(Hugoniot)g(states)i (attained)f(in)g(MgO.)h(Also)-150 216 y(included)c(are)h(the)h(DFT)h (sim)n(ulation)24 b(results)j(for)h(the)h(B1,)g(B2,)-150 315 y(and)37 b(liquid)e(phases)i(of)g(MgO)g(\(discussed)f(later\).)65 b(Although)-150 415 y(the)36 b(VISAR)g(diagnostic)c(do)r(es)j(not)g (giv)n(e)f(direct)g(information)-150 515 y(ab)r(out)f(the)h(MgO)e (phase)g(up)r(on)i(sho)r(c)n(k)e(compression,)f(w)n(e)i(can)-150 614 y(infer)i(phase)g(transitions)d(giv)n(en)i(our)h(data.)60 b(Figure)1604 614 y SDict begin H.S end 1604 614 a Black Fs(2)p Black 1646 561 a SDict begin H.R end 1646 561 a 1646 614 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (figure.2) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1646 614 a 36 w Fs(sho)n(ws)-150 714 y(an)25 b(extrap)r(olation)c(of)k(the)g(linear)d(\014t)j(to)g(the)g Fn(U)1331 726 y Fj(S)1392 714 y Fm(\000)13 b Fn(U)1527 726 y Fj(P)1607 714 y Fs(data)24 b(for)-150 814 y(B1-phase)35 b(Hugoniot)g(states)h Fn(<)g Fs(230)f(GP)n(a)h(\(con)n(v)n(erted)f(to)i Fn(\032)p Fs(-)-150 913 y(P)23 b(using)f(the)i(RH)g(equations\))e (determined)g(from)g(the)i(previous)-150 1013 y(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)17 b([)329 1013 y SDict begin H.S end 329 1013 a Fs(17)413 1013 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 413 1013 a 413 1013 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.marsh1980lasl) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 413 1013 a -1 w Fs({)454 1013 y SDict begin H.S end 454 1013 a Fs(21)538 1013 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 538 1013 a 538 1013 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Fratanduono2013) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 538 1013 a -2 w Fs(].)35 b(Belo)n(w)17 b Fm(\031)i Fs(360)e(GP)n(a,)j(the)g(Z)f(exp)r (erimen-)-150 1112 y(tal)29 b(data)g(are)f(consisten)n(t)g(with)i(the)g (gas-gun)d(data)j(but)g(ab)r(o)n(v)n(e)-150 1212 y(360)d(GP)n(a)g(they) h(deviate)f(from)g(the)h(extrap)r(olation.)35 b(This)27 b(sug-)-150 1312 y(gests)20 b(that)h(the)g(B1)f(phase)h(is)e(stable)h (up)h(to)f(360)g(GP)n(a)f(and)i(lik)n(ely)-150 1411 y(undergo)r(es)d(a) h(phase)f(transition)f(from)g(the)j(B1)e(state)h(to)g(another)-150 1511 y(phase,)29 b(presumably)e(the)j(B2)f(state,)g(at)g(that)h(sho)r (c)n(k)f(pressure.)-150 1611 y(A)n(t)e(higher)e(pressures)f(\()p Fm(\031)p Fn(>)p Fs(700)h(GP)n(a\))h(the)h(sho)r(c)n(k)e(fron)n(t)h(in) g(the)-150 1710 y(MgO)k(w)n(as)f(re\015ectiv)n(e.)43 b(F)-7 b(rom)29 b(the)i(re\015ectiv)n(e)e(sho)r(c)n(k)g(fron)n(t,)i(w)n (e)-150 1810 y(infer)i(that)i(the)g(MgO)e(has)h(melted)f(in)n(to)g(a)h (conductiv)n(e)f(\015uid,)-150 1910 y(similar)23 b(to)k(what)h(is)e (observ)n(ed)g(for)h(quartz)g([)1268 1910 y SDict begin H.S end 1268 1910 a Fs(7)1310 1910 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 1310 1910 a 1310 1910 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.MDKQuartz2009) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1310 1910 a Fs(].)-67 2015 y(The)c(in)n(terpretation)e(for)h(the)i(MgO)f(phase)f (along)g(the)h(Hugo-)-150 2114 y(niot)h(is)f(not)i(as)e(ob)n(vious)g(b) r(et)n(w)n(een)h(the)h(lo)n(w)e(pressure)g(B1)h(phase)-150 2214 y(and)g(the)g(high)f(pressure)g(liquid)e(phase.)35 b(Prior)22 b Fk(ab)27 b(initio)j Fs(calcu-)-150 2314 y(lations)24 b(suggest)i(that)h(MgO)g(transitions)d(from)h(B1)h(to)h (B2)g(and)-150 2413 y(then)34 b(from)f(B2)g(to)h(liquid)d(with)j(a)f (small)e(B1-B2)h(co)r(existence)-150 2513 y(region)20 b(and)j(a)f(p)r(oten)n(tially)e(large)g(co)r(existence)h(region)f(b)r (et)n(w)n(een)-150 2612 y(the)32 b(B2)f(and)g(liquid)e(phases)h([)821 2612 y SDict begin H.S end 821 2612 a Fs(25)905 2612 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 905 2612 a 905 2612 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.cebulla-MgO) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 905 2612 a -1 w Fs(].)49 b(T)-7 b(o)31 b(in)n(v)n(estigate)d(the)k (phase)-150 2712 y(regions,)19 b(w)n(e)g(analyze)e(the)j Fn(U)744 2724 y Fj(S)794 2712 y Fm(\000)r Fn(U)918 2724 y Fj(P)992 2712 y Fs(data)f(using)g(a)g(Mon)n(te)g(Carlo)-150 2812 y(optimization)i(\(MCO\))k(metho)r(d)f(similar)d(to)k(the)g(metho) r(d)f(used)-150 2911 y(in)j(previous)e(w)n(ork)i(on)g(carb)r(on[)867 2911 y SDict begin H.S end 867 2911 a Fs(31)951 2911 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 951 2911 a 951 2911 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.knudson-carbon) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 951 2911 a -2 w Fs(].)-67 3016 y(Slop)r(e)46 b(c)n(hanges)f(in)h(the) g Fn(U)836 3028 y Fj(S)915 3016 y Fm(\000)31 b Fn(U)1068 3028 y Fj(P)1170 3016 y Fs(data)46 b(often)g(indicate)-150 3116 y(phase)23 b(transitions)e(and)i(phase)h(b)r(oundaries.)33 b(Using)23 b(the)h(MCO)-150 3216 y(metho)r(d,)36 b(w)n(e)e(\014t)h (four)g(lines)d(to)j(the)g(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)c Fn(U)1622 3228 y Fj(S)1693 3216 y Fm(\000)22 b Fn(U)1837 3228 y Fj(P)-150 3315 y Fs(data.)38 b(The)28 b Fn(U)301 3327 y Fj(S)367 3315 y Fm(\000)19 b Fn(U)508 3327 y Fj(P)591 3315 y Fs(data)27 b(w)n(ere)g(con)n(v)n(erted)g(to)h(a)g(\\cloud")d(of) -150 3415 y(p)r(oin)n(ts)k(\(as)i(describ)r(ed)e(in)g(Ref.)886 3415 y SDict begin H.S end 886 3415 a Fs(31)970 3415 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 970 3415 a 970 3415 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.knudson-carbon) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 970 3415 a Fs(\),)i(allo)n(wing)26 b(region)i(b)r(ound-)-150 3515 y(aries)g(to)i(mo)n(v)n(e)e(smo)r(othly)g(during)h(optimization.) 40 b(F)-7 b(or)30 b(a)g(par-)-150 3614 y(ticular)36 b(set)i(of)h(data)f (clouds,)h(the)g(elev)n(en)e(parameters)f(\(four)-150 3714 y(slop)r(es,)f(four)f(in)n(tercepts,)i(and)e(three)h(region)d(b)r (oundaries\))h(of)-150 3813 y(a)j(four-segmen)n(t)f(curv)n(e)h(w)n(ere) g(obtained)f(b)n(y)i(minimizing)31 b(the)-150 3913 y(square)d(minim)n (um)d(distances)i(to)i(eac)n(h)g(cloud)f(p)r(oin)n(t.)41 b(Revised)-150 4013 y(clouds)30 b(w)n(ere)g(generated)g(b)n(y)g (randomly)e(dra)n(wing)h(a)i(new)g(cen-)-150 4112 y(ter)d(for)h(eac)n (h)f(cloud.)39 b(Optimization)24 b(w)n(as)k(rep)r(eated)g(\()p Fm(\031)d Fs(10000)-150 4212 y(times\))34 b(using)g(the)h(revised)e (clouds)h(to)h(c)n(haracterize)d(the)k(dis-)-150 4312 y(tributions)28 b(of)j(the)g(parameters.)42 b(The)31 b(parameters)d(are)h(listed)-150 4411 y(in)e(the)i(supplemen)n(t)d([) 555 4411 y SDict begin H.S end 555 4411 a Fs(30)639 4411 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 639 4411 a 639 4411 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.supplemental-material) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 639 4411 a Fs(].)38 b(It)29 b(is)e(imp)r(ortan)n(t)f(to)i(note)g (that)g(this)-150 4511 y(analysis)37 b(is)j(only)f(p)r(ossible)f(b)r (ecause)i(of)h(the)g(high)e(precision)-150 4610 y(data)27 b(pro)r(duced)g(from)g(the)h(steady)f(sho)r(c)n(ks.)-67 4716 y(Figure)206 4716 y SDict begin H.S end 206 4716 a Black Fs(3)p Black 248 4662 a SDict begin H.R end 248 4662 a 248 4716 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (figure.3) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 248 4716 a 39 w Fs(sho)n(ws)37 b(the)i(compiled)d(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)f Fn(U)1616 4728 y Fj(S)1690 4716 y Fm(\000)25 b Fn(U)1837 4728 y Fj(P)-150 4815 y Fs(Hugoniot)e(data,)h(the)g(four)g(linear)d(\014ts,)k(and)f(the) g(phase)g(regions)-150 4915 y(determined)35 b(from)h(the)h(MCO)g(metho) r(d.)65 b(F)-7 b(ollo)n(wing)33 b(the)k(lit-)-150 5015 y(erature)e([)168 5015 y SDict begin H.S end 168 5015 a Fs(25)252 5015 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 252 5015 a 252 5015 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.cebulla-MgO) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 252 5015 a -1 w Fs(])h(and)g(our)g(DFT)h (results,)f(w)n(e)g(prop)r(ose)f(the)i(four)-150 5114 y(regions)21 b(b)r(e)j(classi\014ed)d(as)i(follo)n(ws:)32 b(1.)j(The)24 b(B1)f(solid)e(from)h(am-)-150 5214 y(bien)n(t)k(to)g (363)f(GP)n(a;)h(2.)36 b(The)26 b(B2)g(solid)e(from)h(363)g(to)h(462)f (GP)n(a;)-150 5313 y(3.)76 b(The)41 b(B2-liquid)c(co)r(existence)j (region)e(b)r(et)n(w)n(een)j(462)f(and)-150 5413 y(620)27 b(GP)n(a;)h(and)g(4.)39 b(The)28 b(liquid)e(state)i(ab)r(o)n(v)n(e)f (620)g(GP)n(a.)38 b(Ho)n(w-)2042 -83 y(ev)n(er,)26 b(as)h(our)g(con)n (tin)n(uum)e(lev)n(el)g(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)h(do)h(not)g(pro)n(vide)2042 17 y(microstructure)h(information,)h(w)n(e)j(p)r(erformed)e Fk(ab)k(initio)k Fs(cal-)2042 116 y(culations)23 b(of)j(the)h(Hugoniot) d(and)i(the)h(phase)e(diagram)e(to)j(b)r(et-)2042 216 y(ter)h(understand)g(the)h(high)f(pressure)f(states)h(of)h(MgO.)2125 315 y(The)k(high)f(precision)e(requiremen)n(ts)f(of)k(this)g(w)n(ork)e (necessi-)2042 415 y(tated)f(re\014nemen)n(ts)f(of)h(previous)e Fk(ab)32 b(initio)k Fs(metho)r(ds)28 b([)3830 415 y SDict begin H.S end 3830 415 a Fs(23)3914 415 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 3914 415 a 3914 415 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.BeloMgO) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3914 415 a -1 w Fs({)3955 415 y SDict begin H.S end 3955 415 a Fs(25)4039 415 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 4039 415 a 4039 415 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.cebulla-MgO) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 4039 415 a -1 w Fs(].)2042 515 y(W)-7 b(e)33 b(p)r(erformed)f(calculations)c(utilizing)i(DFT)j(and)g(QMC)g (fo-)2042 614 y(cusing)g(on)h(the)h(solid-solid)29 b(phase)34 b(transformation)d(from)i(B1)2042 714 y(to)28 b(B2)g(and)h(the)g (melting)d(of)j(MgO)f(along)e(the)j(Hugoniot,)f(pre-)2042 814 y(sumably)23 b(from)h(the)h(B2)g(phase.)35 b(Using)24 b(DFT)i(to)f(calculate)e(the)2042 913 y(Hugoniot)i(requires)g(prior)f (kno)n(wledge)h(of)h(the)i(phase)e(state,)h(so)2042 1013 y(w)n(e)h(\014rst)h(calculated)d(the)j(phase)f(diagram.)37 b(W)-7 b(e)30 b(used)e(a)h(three-)2042 1112 y(part)39 b(approac)n(h)f(to)i(determine)e(the)i(phase)f(b)r(oundaries.)72 b(In)2042 1212 y(order)25 b(to)i(determine)e(the)j(melt)d(b)r(oundary)h (from)g(b)r(oth)h(the)h(B1)2042 1312 y(and)33 b(B2)f(phases,)i(w)n(e)e (p)r(erformed)g(t)n(w)n(o-phase)f(calculations)e(of)2042 1411 y(melting)38 b(using)i(V)-9 b(ASP)40 b(5.2.11[)3081 1411 y SDict begin H.S end 3081 1411 a Fs(32)3165 1411 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 3165 1411 a 3165 1411 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.VASPshort) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3165 1411 a -2 w Fs(,)3227 1411 y SDict begin H.S end 3227 1411 a Fs(33)3311 1411 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 3311 1411 a 3311 1411 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.PAWshort) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3311 1411 a -1 w Fs(];)48 b(further)40 b(details)f(are)2042 1511 y(presen)n(ted)c(in)g(the)h(supplemen)n(tal)d(material)f([)3551 1511 y SDict begin H.S end 3551 1511 a Fs(30)3635 1511 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 3635 1511 a 3635 1511 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.supplemental-material) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3635 1511 a -1 w Fs(].)61 b(T)-7 b(o)36 b(deter-)2042 1611 y(mine)19 b(the)i(solid-solid)16 b(phase)k(b)r(oundaries)f(w)n(e)i (decomp)r(osed)e(the)2042 1710 y(solid's)25 b(Helmholtz)g(free)i (energy)g(in)n(to)f(t)n(w)n(o)h(pieces.)2499 1862 y SDict begin H.S end 2499 1862 a 2499 1862 a SDict begin 12 H.A end 2499 1862 a 2499 1862 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (equation.0.1) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2499 1862 a Fn(F)2552 1874 y Fj(sol)2642 1862 y Fs(\()p Fn(V)5 b(;)14 b(T)e Fs(\))23 b(=)g Fn(E)5 b Fs(\()p Fn(V)19 b Fs(\))g(+)f Fn(F)3320 1874 y Fj(v)r(ib)3412 1862 y Fs(\()p Fn(V)5 b(;)14 b(T)e Fs(\))351 b(\(1\))2042 2014 y(The)29 b(\014rst)f(piece)g(is)g(the)h(densit)n(y)e(dep)r(enden)n(t)j (energy)e(of)g(either)2042 2113 y(the)22 b(B1)e(or)h(B2)f(phase.)35 b(This)20 b(is)g(calculated)f(via)h(di\013usion)f(QMC)2042 2213 y(using)37 b Ff(qmcp)-6 b(a)n(ck)37 b Fs([)2685 2213 y SDict begin H.S end 2685 2213 a Fs(34)2769 2213 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2769 2213 a 2769 2213 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.qmcpack) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2769 2213 a -1 w Fs(])h(follo)n(wing)33 b(metho)r(dology)h (detailed)h(in)2042 2312 y(Ref.)2216 2312 y SDict begin H.S end 2216 2312 a Fs(35)2300 2312 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2300 2312 a 2300 2312 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.shulenburger-prb) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2300 2312 a 27 w Fs(with)28 b(particular)d(concern)i(paid)g(to)h(the)g (construction)2042 2412 y(of)40 b(pseudop)r(oten)n(tials.)73 b(The)41 b(second)e(piece)h(of)g(the)h(free)f(en-)2042 2512 y(ergy)29 b(is)g(due)i(to)f(the)h(\014nite)f(temp)r(erature)f (motion)f(of)i(the)h(ions)2042 2611 y(and)k(electrons)e(and)h(is)g (calculated)e(in)j(t)n(w)n(o)f(parts.)58 b(First)34 b(the)2042 2711 y(harmonic)27 b(part)k(of)f(the)h(free)g(energy)e(is)g(calculated) g(using)g(the)2042 2811 y(\014nite)e(displacemen)n(t)d(metho)r(d)i(as)h (implemen)n(ted)d(in)j(the)g Ff(phon)2042 2910 y Fs(co)r(de)33 b([)2262 2910 y SDict begin H.S end 2262 2910 a Fs(36)2346 2910 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2346 2910 a 2346 2910 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Alfe-phon) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2346 2910 a -1 w Fs(].)56 b(The)33 b(quasiharmonic)c (appro)n(ximation)g(\(QHA\))34 b(is)2042 3010 y(kno)n(wn)28 b(to)h(break)f(do)n(wn)h(as)f(temp)r(eratures)g(increase)f(and)i(this) 2042 3109 y(is)22 b(particularly)d(true)24 b(for)f(MgO)g([)3091 3109 y SDict begin H.S end 3091 3109 a Fs(37)3175 3109 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 3175 3109 a 3175 3109 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.wu-anharmonic-prb) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 3175 3109 a -1 w Fs(].)36 b(F)-7 b(or)23 b(this)g(reason)f(and)h (b)r(e-)2042 3209 y(cause)e(the)i(Hugoniot)d(is)h(exp)r(ected)i(to)f (cross)e(the)j(phase)e(b)r(ound-)2042 3309 y(ary)28 b(relativ)n(ely)d (close)i(to)i(the)h(melt)d(line,)h(w)n(e)h(ha)n(v)n(e)f(augmen)n(ted) 2042 3408 y(our)19 b(QHA)i(calculations)16 b(of)k(free)h(energy)e(with) h(thermo)r(dynamic)2042 3508 y(in)n(tegration.)33 b(This)27 b(is)f(p)r(erformed)h(b)n(y)g(using)2594 3717 y SDict begin H.S end 2594 3717 a 2594 3717 a SDict begin 12 H.A end 2594 3717 a 2594 3717 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (equation.0.2) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2594 3717 a Fs(\001)p Fn(S)h Fs(=)2829 3604 y Fe(Z)2912 3624 y Fj(T)2951 3633 y Fd(f)2875 3792 y Fj(T)2914 3800 y Fd(i)3026 3661 y Fs(1)p 3017 3698 61 4 v 3017 3774 a Fn(T)3101 3600 y Fe(\022)3172 3661 y Fn(@)5 b(E)p 3172 3698 115 4 v 3175 3774 a(@)g(T)3296 3600 y Fe(\023)3358 3800 y Fj(V)3429 3717 y Fn(dT)457 b Fs(\(2\))2042 3919 y(that)23 b(allo)n(ws)d(the)k(c)n(hange)e(in)g(en)n(trop)n(y)g(along)f(an)i(iso)r (c)n(hore)e(to)i(b)r(e)2042 4018 y(calculated)29 b(directly)g(in)i (terms)g(of)h(the)g(in)n(ternal)d(energy)-7 b(.)48 b(The)2042 4118 y(energy)19 b(is)f(calculated)g(using)g(DFT)j(based)e(quan)n(tum)g (molecular)2042 4218 y(dynamics)29 b(\(QMD\))k(at)e(p)r(oin)n(ts)g (spaced)g(b)n(y)h(250)e(K)h(along)f(sev-)2042 4317 y(eral)20 b(iso)r(c)n(hores)f(in)j(the)g(region)e(of)i(the)g(phase)g(transition.) 32 b(Using)2042 4417 y(en)n(trop)n(y)f(from)g(the)i(QHA)g(calculation)c (at)j(lo)n(w)f(temp)r(eratures)2042 4516 y(as)23 b(a)g(reference,)g(w)n (e)g(calculate)e(the)j(Gibbs)f(free)g(energy)f(of)i(b)r(oth)2042 4616 y(phases)35 b(and)g(determine)e(the)j(phase)f(transition)e (pressure)h(di-)2042 4716 y(rectly)-7 b(.)34 b(This)23 b(metho)r(d)g(also)f(determines)f(the)j(range)f(of)g(v)-5 b(alidit)n(y)2042 4815 y(for)28 b(the)i(QHA.)f(W)-7 b(e)30 b(\014nd)f(the)g(range)f(to)h(b)r(e)h(smaller)25 b(than)k(pre-)2042 4915 y(viously)35 b(estimated[)2710 4915 y SDict begin H.S end 2710 4915 a Fs(23)2794 4915 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 2794 4915 a 2794 4915 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.BeloMgO) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 2794 4915 a -3 w Fs(])j(with)f(signi\014can)n(t)f(deviations)f(in)i(the)2042 5015 y(free)26 b(energy)g(o)r(ccurring)f(b)n(y)h(5000)f(K)i(and)g(400)e (GP)n(a.)36 b(The)27 b(p)r(os-)2042 5114 y(itiv)n(e)33 b(e\013ect)j(of)f(the)g(anharmonic)d(en)n(trop)n(y)i(w)n(as)g (signi\014can)n(tly)2042 5214 y(larger)23 b(in)j(the)g(B1)g(phase)g (than)g(in)g(the)h(B2)e(phase,)i(mo)n(ving)c(the)2042 5313 y(phase)g(b)r(oundary)f(to)i(higher)d(pressures)h(at)h(high)g (temp)r(erature.)2042 5413 y(Sp)r(eci\014c)e(computational)c(details)i (are)i(in)f(the)i(supplemen)n(t)e([)3955 5413 y SDict begin H.S end 3955 5413 a Fs(30)4039 5413 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 4039 5413 a 4039 5413 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.supplemental-material) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 4039 5413 a -1 w Fs(].)p Black Black eop end end %%Page: 4 4 TeXDict begin HPSdict begin 4 3 bop 0 0 a SDict begin /product where{pop product(Distiller)search{pop pop pop version(.)search{exch pop exch pop(3011)eq{gsave newpath 0 0 moveto closepath clip/Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont 72 72 moveto(.)show grestore}if}{pop}ifelse}{pop}ifelse}if end 0 0 a -158 -515 a SDict begin H.S end -158 -515 a -158 -515 a SDict begin H.R end -158 -515 a -158 -515 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (page.4) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -158 -515 a Black 4043 -299 a Fs(4)p Black Black Black -111 -31 a Fp(T)-6 b(ABLE)26 b(I.)251 -31 y SDict begin H.S end 251 -31 a 251 -31 a SDict begin H.R end 251 -31 a 251 -31 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (table.1) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 251 -31 a Fp(Phase)g(b)r(oundaries)g (along)h(the)e(principal)h(Hugoniot.)p Black 11 12 1720 4 v 131 73 a(Metho)r(d)137 b(B1-B2)36 b(B2-Co)r(exist.)f(Co)r (exist.-Liquid)530 160 y(\(GP)n(a\))127 b(\(GP)n(a\))279 b(\(GP)n(a\))p 11 189 V 28 250 a(Expt.)34 b(\(MCO\))f(363)p Fh(\006)p Fp(6)105 b(462)p Fh(\006)p Fp(20)237 b(620)p Fh(\006)p Fp(17)179 337 y(DFT)c(330)222 b(475)373 b(600)p 11 367 V 11 387 V Black -67 683 a Fs(Figure)207 683 y SDict begin H.S end 207 683 a Black Fs(4)p Black 248 630 a SDict begin H.R end 248 630 a 248 683 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (figure.4) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 248 683 a 39 w Fs(sho)n(ws)38 b(the)i(DFT)g(determined)d(phase)i (diagram)-150 783 y(and)22 b(the)g(calculated)d(P-T)j(states)f(on)h (the)g(MgO)f(Hugoniot.)34 b(Us-)-150 883 y(ing)22 b(the)h(DFT)g(phase)g (diagram,)d(w)n(e)i(can)h(infer)f(the)h(microstruc-)-150 982 y(ture)28 b(during)e(our)h(plate)g(impact)f(exp)r(erimen)n(ts.)35 b(Ho)n(w)n(ev)n(er,)26 b(the)-150 1082 y(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)e(Hugoniot) i(data)g(is)g(an)h(incomplete)e(thermo)r(dy-)-150 1181 y(namic)33 b(description)f(due)j(to)g(the)g(lac)n(k)e(of)i(temp)r (erature)e(mea-)-150 1281 y(suremen)n(ts.)54 b(T)-7 b(o)34 b(assign)e(the)i(data)g(to)f(a)h(giv)n(en)e(phase)i(within)-150 1381 y(the)20 b(single)e(phase)h(regions,)g(w)n(e)h(use)g(QMD)g (calculations)c(to)k(pro-)-150 1480 y(vide)34 b(the)i(missing)c(temp)r (erature)j(b)n(y)g(calculating)c(the)36 b(Hugo-)-150 1580 y(niot.)74 b(F)-7 b(or)39 b(eac)n(h)h(of)g(the)g(three)g(phases)g (at)g(giv)n(en)e(densities,)-150 1680 y(w)n(e)j(p)r(erform)f(sev)n (eral)f(QMD)i(calculations)d(at)j(v)-5 b(arious)39 b(tem-)-150 1779 y(p)r(eratures.)50 b(W)-7 b(e)33 b(then)g(\014nd)g(the)g(temp)r (erature)e(for)h(whic)n(h)f(the)-150 1879 y(RH)j(energy)f(equation)g (is)f(satis\014ed)h(to)h(determine)e(the)i(sho)r(c)n(k)-150 1978 y(state.)78 b(Finally)-7 b(,)42 b(the)f(pressure)f(and)h(temp)r (erature)f(of)h(these)-150 2078 y(sho)r(c)n(k)d(states)g(are)g (compared)e(to)j(the)g(phase)f(b)r(oundaries)f(to)-150 2178 y(determine)27 b(whether)i(that)g(state)g(is)f(thermo)r (dynamically)23 b(sta-)-150 2277 y(ble.)34 b(This)19 b(approac)n(h)f(also)g(pro)n(vides)g(a)i(v)-5 b(alidation)16 b(of)21 b(the)f(QMD)-150 2377 y(b)n(y)k(comparing)d(the)k(calculated)d (Hugoniot)h(to)h(the)h(exp)r(erimen-)-150 2477 y(tal)k(results.)42 b(The)29 b(calculations)d(and)k(the)g(exp)r(erimen)n(ts)d(are)i(in)-150 2576 y(go)r(o)r(d)20 b(agreemen)n(t)e(in)i Fn(\032)5 b Fm(\000)g Fn(P)31 b Fs(space)20 b(\(Fig.)1140 2576 y SDict begin H.S end 1140 2576 a Black Fs(2)p Black 1182 2523 a SDict begin H.R end 1182 2523 a 1182 2576 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (figure.2) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1182 2576 a Fs(\))h(and)f(in)g Fn(P)c Fm(\000)5 b Fn(T)31 b Fs(space)-150 2676 y(\(Fig.)45 2676 y SDict begin H.S end 45 2676 a Black Fs(4)p Black 86 2622 a SDict begin H.R end 86 2622 a 86 2676 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (figure.4) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 86 2676 a Fs(\).)k(The)21 b(DFT)g(calculated)d(phase)i(b)r(oundaries) f(along)f(the)-150 2775 y(Hugoniot)h(corrob)r(orate)e(the)k(MCO)f (\014tting)f(metho)r(d)h(results)f(for)-150 2875 y(the)30 b(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)c(data)j(suggesting)e(the)j(Hugoniot)e(has)h(four) -150 2975 y(ma)5 b(jor)29 b(regions:)41 b(B1,)32 b(B2,)f(co)r (existence,)g(and)g(liquid.)45 b(T)-7 b(able)1862 2975 y SDict begin H.S end 1862 2975 a Black Fs(I)p Black 1892 2918 a SDict begin H.R end 1892 2918 a 1892 2975 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (table.1) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1892 2975 a -150 3074 a Fs(lists)30 b(the)i(phase)f(b)r (oundaries)f(along)g(the)i(principal)c(Hugoniot)-150 3174 y(from)e(the)i(MCO)g(metho)r(d)f(and)g(the)h(DFT)g(sim)n (ulations.)-67 3297 y(Both)45 b(the)h(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)c(and)j(DFT)i (results)d(sho)n(w)g(that)-150 3397 y(a)e(minim)n(um)c(sho)r(c)n(k)j (pressure)g(of)h(620)e(GP)n(a)h(is)g(required)g(to)-150 3496 y(ac)n(hiev)n(e)16 b(complete)h(melting)f(in)i(MgO)g(that)h(is)f (initially)13 b(at)19 b(am)n(bi-)-150 3596 y(en)n(t)j(temp)r(erature.) 33 b(In)22 b(the)f(gian)n(t)f(impact)g(scenario,)g(the)i(proto-)-150 3696 y(Earth)j(has)g(also)e(b)r(een)j(assumed)e(to)h(ha)n(v)n(e)g(an)g (elev)-5 b(ated)24 b(surface)-150 3795 y(temp)r(erature)38 b(prior)f(to)i(the)g(mo)r(on-forming)c(ev)n(en)n(t)k([)1618 3795 y SDict begin H.S end 1618 3795 a Fs(2)1660 3795 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 1660 3795 a 1660 3795 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Canup2012) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 1660 3795 a -1 w Fs(].)72 b(W)-7 b(e)-150 3895 y(ha)n(v)n(e)26 b(p)r(erformed)h(additional)d(DFT)k(sim)n(ulations)23 b(to)k(calculate)-150 3995 y(the)34 b(Hugoniot)e(of)h(MgO)g(starting)e (from)h(an)h(initial)d(temp)r(era-)-150 4094 y(ture)39 b(of)f(1900)f(K.)h(F)-7 b(rom)38 b Fn(T)752 4106 y Fl(0)830 4094 y Fs(=)j(1900K,)c(a)h(minim)n(um)c(sho)r(c)n(k)-150 4194 y(pressure)23 b(of)i(445)e(GP)n(a)g(is)g(required)g(to)h(ac)n (hiev)n(e)e(complete)h(melt)-150 4293 y(in)39 b(the)h(MgO.)g(Assuming)d (planar)h(normal)f(impact,)k(w)n(e)f(can)-150 4393 y(determine)32 b(a)h(minim)n(um)c(impact)j(v)n(elo)r(cit)n(y)f(required)g(to)j(melt) -150 4493 y(MgO.)24 b(T)-7 b(able)304 4493 y SDict begin H.S end 304 4493 a Black Fs(I)r(I)p Black 367 4436 a SDict begin H.R end 367 4436 a 367 4493 a SDict begin [/Color [1 0 0]/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Subtype /Link/Dest (table.2) cvn H.B /ANN pdfmark end 367 4493 a 24 w Fs(lists)22 b(the)j(required)d(impact)g(v)n(elo)r (cities)f(for)i(im-)-150 4592 y(pactors)g(of)h(common)e(planetary)h (materials.)31 b(In)25 b(a)f(real)e(impact)-150 4692 y(ev)n(en)n(t,)g(oblique)d(impact)g([)662 4692 y SDict begin H.S end 662 4692 a Fs(38)746 4692 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 746 4692 a 746 4692 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Kraus2014) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 746 4692 a -1 w Fs(])j(and)f(sho)r(c)n(k)f(atten)n(uation)g(through)-150 4792 y(the)33 b(man)n(tle)e([)301 4792 y SDict begin H.S end 301 4792 a Fs(39)385 4792 y SDict begin 12 H.L end 385 4792 a 385 4792 a SDict begin [/Subtype /Link/Dest (cite.Croft1982) cvn/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 0] H.B /ANN pdfmark end 385 4792 a -1 w Fs(])j(a\013ect)f(the)g (amoun)n(t)f(of)h(energy)f(transferred)-150 4891 y(and)j(imply)e(ev)n (en)j(higher)e(v)n(elo)r(cities)e(are)i(lik)n(ely)e(required)i(for)-150 4991 y(signi\014can)n(t)25 b(melting)g(of)i(MgO)g(in)g(the)h(man)n (tle.)-67 5114 y(W)-7 b(e)49 b(ha)n(v)n(e)e(p)r(erformed)g(an)h (extensiv)n(e)f(exp)r(erimen)n(tal)e(and)-150 5214 y(computational)23 b(study)k(of)g(the)h(high)d(pressure)h(-)h(high)e(temp)r(er-)-150 5313 y(ature)j(b)r(eha)n(vior)e(of)j(MgO.)f(The)g(Hugoniot)g(is)f(exp)r (erimen)n(tally)-150 5413 y(determined)22 b(up)h(to)g(1.2)g(TP)n(a)f (and)h(the)h(data)e(suggests)g(that)i(the)p Black 2042 -31 a Fp(T)-6 b(ABLE)22 b(I)r(I.)2427 -31 y SDict begin H.S end 2427 -31 a 2427 -31 a SDict begin H.R end 2427 -31 a 2427 -31 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (table.2) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2427 -31 a Fp(Impactor)f(v)n(elo)r (cities)j(for)f(common)e(planetary)i(materi-)2042 56 y(als)h(required)e(to)i(completely)e(melt)h(MgO)g(with)g(T)3519 64 y Fc(0)3577 56 y Fp(at)h(am)n(bien)n(t)d(and)2042 143 y(at)i(1900)h(K)f(in)f(a)h(sho)r(c)n(k)g(ev)n(en)n(t)f(\(assuming)h (planar)g(normal)g(impact\).)p 2264 190 1572 4 v 2281 251 a(Initial)j(MgO)g(T)-6 b(emp.)33 b(Impactor)f(Impact)24 b(V)-6 b(elo)r(cit)n(y)2541 338 y([)p Fi(K)5 b Fp(])333 b([300)p Fi(K)5 b Fp(])227 b([)p Fi(k)r(m=s)p Fp(])p 2264 368 V 2540 429 a(300)362 b(MgO)300 b(18.6)2540 516 y(300)332 b(Dunite)268 b(19.4)2540 603 y(300)377 b(Iron)314 b(15.3)2540 690 y(300)329 b(Quartz)266 b(20.1)p 2264 720 V 2521 781 a(1900)343 b(MgO)300 b(16.0)2521 868 y(1900)313 b(Dunite)268 b(16.3)2521 955 y(1900)358 b(Iron)314 b(12.9)2521 1042 y(1900)c(Quartz)266 b(17.7)p 2264 1072 V 2264 1092 V Black Black 2133 2682 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 216 @urx 170 @ury 2232 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: Figure04.eps %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 216 170 %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%Creator: OriginLab Corporation %%Title: (Z:\Documents\MyPapers\MgO-Hugoniot-Phases\PRL-Version\Version01\Luke-PhaseDiagram.eps) %%CreationDate: Thu Jan 22 14:41:04 2015 %%EndComments /OriginLab::PSL1 128 dict dup begin def /Save0 save def %%BeginResource: procset OriginLab::PSL1 /wd{1 index where{pop pop pop}{bind def}ifelse}bind def /setcmykcolor{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}wd /selectfont{dup type/arraytype eq{exch findfont exch makefont setfont}{exch findfont exch scalefont setfont}ifelse}wd /xshow{1 index length 0 le{}{currentpoint exch 3 index length 1 sub 0 exch 1 exch{dup 5 index exch 1 getinterval show 3 index exch get add 2 copy exch moveto}for pop pop}ifelse pop pop}wd /glyphshow{matrix currentmatrix exch currentfont dup/FontMatrix get concat currentpoint translate dup/Metrics get 2 index get 0 4 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and 3 1 roll -3 bitshift get exch 7 sub 1 mul bitshift 1 and}bind 1 index dup {dup 1 and 3 1 roll -1 bitshift get exch 1 sub 4 mul bitshift 15 and}bind 1 index dup dup {get}bind]def /image{dup type/dicttype eq {dup/ImgCS get 0 get/Indexed eq}{false}ifelse {begin Width Height 8 ImageMatrix {rgb_string rgb_lookup cd/DataSource get dup type/filetype eq {mystring readstring pop}{exec}ifelse dup length 0 ne {L1idx BitsPerComponent get 0 1 Width 1 sub {3 copy exch exec exch 3 mul exch 3 mul dup 5 index exch get exch 1 add dup 6 index exch get exch 1 add 6 index exch get 7 index exch 4 index 2 add exch put 6 index exch 3 index 1 add exch put 5 index exch 2 index exch put pop }for pop pop pop }{pop pop pop ()}ifelse }false 3 colorimage end} {dup type/dicttype eq {{dup mark exch L1img pop pop}stopped{cleartomark begin Width Height BitsPerComponent ImageMatrix {cd/DataSource get dup type/filetype eq {mystring readstring pop}{exec}ifelse }false 3 colorimage end} if}{L1img}ifelse}ifelse }bd /L1imgmask/imagemask ld/imagemask{dup type/dicttype eq {{dup mark exch L1imgmask pop pop}stopped {cleartomark begin Width Height polarityflag ImageMatrix {cd/DataSource get dup type/filetype eq {mystring readstring pop}{exec}ifelse }L1imgmask end}if}{L1imgmask}ifelse }bd %%EndResource /rectclip{np rectpath clip np}wd /rectfill{gs np rectpath fi gr}wd /rectstroke{gs np dup type/arraytype eq{dup length 6 eq}{false}ifelse{1 index type/arraytype eq{exch}{5 1 roll}ifelse rectline concat st}{rectline st}ifelse gr}wd %%BeginFont: /MC13_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC13_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 48/s48 put Encoding 49/s49 put Encoding 50/s50 put Encoding 51/s51 put Encoding 52/s52 put Encoding 53/s53 put Encoding 54/s54 put Encoding 55/s55 put Encoding 56/s56 put Encoding 57/s57 put /BoundingBoxes 12 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s48 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s49 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s50 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s51 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s52 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s53 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s54 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s55 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s56 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s57 [0 -434 1139 1854] def end /Metrics 12 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s48 1139 def /s49 1139 def /s50 1139 def /s51 1139 def /s52 1139 def /s53 1139 def /s54 1139 def /s55 1139 def /s56 1139 def /s57 1139 def end /CharProcs 12 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s48 { 85 723 m 85 896.33 102.83 1035.83 138.5 1141.5 c 174.17 1247.17 227.17 1328.67 297.5 1386 c 367.83 1443.33 456.33 1472 563 1472 c 641.67 1472 710.67 1456.17 770 1424.5 c 829.33 1392.83 878.33 1347.17 917 1287.5 c 955.67 1227.83 986 1155.17 1008 1069.5 c 1030 983.83 1041 868.33 1041 723 c 1041 551 1023.33 412.17 988 306.5 c 952.67 200.83 899.83 119.17 829.5 61.5 c 759.17 3.83 670.33 -25 563 -25 c 421.67 -25 310.67 25.67 230 127 c 133.33 249 85 447.67 85 723 c closepath 270 723 m 270 482.33 298.17 322.17 354.5 242.5 c 410.83 162.83 480.33 123 563 123 c 645.67 123 715.17 163 771.5 243 c 827.83 323 856 483 856 723 c 856 964.33 827.83 1124.67 771.5 1204 c 715.17 1283.33 645 1323 561 1323 c 478.33 1323 412.33 1288 363 1218 c 301 1128.67 270 963.67 270 723 c closepath } bind def /s49 { 763 0 m 583 0 763 0 583 0 c 583 1147 583 0 583 1147 c 539.67 1105.67 482.83 1064.33 412.5 1023 c 342.17 981.67 279 950.67 223 930 c 223 1104 223 930 223 1104 c 323.67 1151.33 411.67 1208.67 487 1276 c 562.33 1343.33 615.67 1408.67 647 1472 c 763 1472 647 1472 763 1472 c 763 0 763 1472 763 0 c closepath } bind def /s50 { 1031 173 m 1031 0 1031 173 1031 0 c 62 0 1031 0 62 0 c 60.67 43.33 67.67 85 83 125 c 107.67 191 147.17 256 201.5 320 c 255.83 384 334.33 458 437 542 c 596.33 672.67 704 776.17 760 852.5 c 816 928.83 844 1001 844 1069 c 844 1140.33 818.5 1200.5 767.5 1249.5 c 716.5 1298.5 650 1323 568 1323 c 481.33 1323 412 1297 360 1245 c 308 1193 281.67 1121 281 1029 c 96 1048 281 1029 96 1048 c 108.67 1186 156.33 1291.17 239 1363.5 c 321.67 1435.83 432.67 1472 572 1472 c 712.67 1472 824 1433 906 1355 c 988 1277 1029 1180.33 1029 1065 c 1029 1006.33 1017 948.67 993 892 c 969 835.33 929.17 775.67 873.5 713 c 817.83 650.33 725.33 564.33 596 455 c 488 364.33 418.67 302.83 388 270.5 c 357.33 238.17 332 205.67 312 173 c 1031 173 312 173 1031 173 c closepath } bind def /s51 { 86 387 m 266 411 86 387 266 411 c 286.67 309 321.83 235.5 371.5 190.5 c 421.17 145.5 481.67 123 553 123 c 637.67 123 709.17 152.33 767.5 211 c 825.83 269.67 855 342.33 855 429 c 855 511.67 828 579.83 774 633.5 c 720 687.17 651.33 714 568 714 c 534 714 491.67 707.33 441 694 c 461 852 441 694 461 852 c 473 850.67 482.67 850 490 850 c 566.67 850 635.67 870 697 910 c 758.33 950 789 1011.67 789 1095 c 789 1161 766.67 1215.67 722 1259 c 677.33 1302.33 619.67 1324 549 1324 c 479 1324 420.67 1302 374 1258 c 327.33 1214 297.33 1148 284 1060 c 104 1092 284 1060 104 1092 c 126 1212.67 176 1306.17 254 1372.5 c 332 1438.83 429 1472 545 1472 c 625 1472 698.67 1454.83 766 1420.5 c 833.33 1386.17 884.83 1339.33 920.5 1280 c 956.17 1220.67 974 1157.67 974 1091 c 974 1027.67 957 970 923 918 c 889 866 838.67 824.67 772 794 c 858.67 774 926 732.5 974 669.5 c 1022 606.5 1046 527.67 1046 433 c 1046 305 999.33 196.5 906 107.5 c 812.67 18.5 694.67 -26 552 -26 c 423.33 -26 316.5 12.33 231.5 89 c 146.5 165.67 98 265 86 387 c closepath } bind def /s52 { 662 0 m 662 351 662 0 662 351 c 26 351 662 351 26 351 c 26 516 26 351 26 516 c 695 1466 26 516 695 1466 c 842 1466 695 1466 842 1466 c 842 516 842 1466 842 516 c 1040 516 842 516 1040 516 c 1040 351 1040 516 1040 351 c 842 351 1040 351 842 351 c 842 0 842 351 842 0 c 662 0 842 0 662 0 c closepath 662 516 m 662 1177 662 516 662 1177 c 203 516 662 1177 203 516 c 662 516 203 516 662 516 c closepath } bind def /s53 { 85 384 m 274 400 85 384 274 400 c 288 308 320.5 238.83 371.5 192.5 c 422.5 146.17 484 123 556 123 c 642.67 123 716 155.67 776 221 c 836 286.33 866 373 866 481 c 866 583.67 837.17 664.67 779.5 724 c 721.83 783.33 646.33 813 553 813 c 495 813 442.67 799.83 396 773.5 c 349.33 747.17 312.67 713 286 671 c 117 693 286 671 117 693 c 259 1446 117 693 259 1446 c 988 1446 259 1446 988 1446 c 988 1274 988 1446 988 1274 c 403 1274 988 1274 403 1274 c 324 880 403 1274 324 880 c 412 941.33 504.33 972 601 972 c 729 972 837 927.67 925 839 c 1013 750.33 1057 636.33 1057 497 c 1057 364.33 1018.33 249.67 941 153 c 847 34.33 718.67 -25 556 -25 c 422.67 -25 313.83 12.33 229.5 87 c 145.17 161.67 97 260.67 85 384 c closepath } bind def /s54 { 1019 1107 m 840 1093 1019 1107 840 1093 c 824 1163.67 801.33 1215 772 1247 c 723.33 1298.33 663.33 1324 592 1324 c 534.67 1324 484.33 1308 441 1276 c 384.33 1234.67 339.67 1174.33 307 1095 c 274.33 1015.67 257.33 902.67 256 756 c 299.33 822 352.33 871 415 903 c 477.67 935 543.33 951 612 951 c 732 951 834.17 906.83 918.5 818.5 c 1002.83 730.17 1045 616 1045 476 c 1045 384 1025.17 298.5 985.5 219.5 c 945.83 140.5 891.33 80 822 38 c 752.67 -4 674 -25 586 -25 c 436 -25 313.67 30.17 219 140.5 c 124.33 250.83 77 432.67 77 686 c 77 969.33 129.33 1175.33 234 1304 c 325.33 1416 448.33 1472 603 1472 c 718.33 1472 812.83 1439.67 886.5 1375 c 960.17 1310.33 1004.33 1221 1019 1107 c closepath 284 475 m 284 413 297.17 353.67 323.5 297 c 349.83 240.33 386.67 197.17 434 167.5 c 481.33 137.83 531 123 583 123 c 659 123 724.33 153.67 779 215 c 833.67 276.33 861 359.67 861 465 c 861 566.33 834 646.17 780 704.5 c 726 762.83 658 792 576 792 c 494.67 792 425.67 762.83 369 704.5 c 312.33 646.17 284 569.67 284 475 c closepath } bind def /s55 { 97 1274 m 97 1447 97 1274 97 1447 c 1046 1447 97 1447 1046 1447 c 1046 1307 1046 1447 1046 1307 c 952.67 1207.67 860.17 1075.67 768.5 911 c 676.83 746.33 606 577 556 403 c 520 280.33 497 146 487 0 c 302 0 487 0 302 0 c 304 115.33 326.67 254.67 370 418 c 413.33 581.33 475.5 738.83 556.5 890.5 c 637.5 1042.17 723.67 1170 815 1274 c 97 1274 815 1274 97 1274 c closepath } bind def /s56 { 362 795 m 287.33 822.33 232 861.33 196 912 c 160 962.67 142 1023.33 142 1094 c 142 1200.67 180.33 1290.33 257 1363 c 333.67 1435.67 435.67 1472 563 1472 c 691 1472 794 1434.83 872 1360.5 c 950 1286.17 989 1195.67 989 1089 c 989 1021 971.17 961.83 935.5 911.5 c 899.83 861.17 845.67 822.33 773 795 c 863 765.67 931.5 718.33 978.5 653 c 1025.5 587.67 1049 509.67 1049 419 c 1049 293.67 1004.67 188.33 916 103 c 827.33 17.67 710.67 -25 566 -25 c 421.33 -25 304.67 17.83 216 103.5 c 127.33 189.17 83 296 83 424 c 83 519.33 107.17 599.17 155.5 663.5 c 203.83 727.83 272.67 771.67 362 795 c closepath 326 1100 m 326 1030.67 348.33 974 393 930 c 437.67 886 495.67 864 567 864 c 636.33 864 693.17 885.83 737.5 929.5 c 781.83 973.17 804 1026.67 804 1090 c 804 1156 781.17 1211.5 735.5 1256.5 c 689.83 1301.5 633 1324 565 1324 c 496.33 1324 439.33 1302 394 1258 c 348.67 1214 326 1161.33 326 1100 c closepath 268 423 m 268 371.67 280.17 322 304.5 274 c 328.83 226 365 188.83 413 162.5 c 461 136.17 512.67 123 568 123 c 654 123 725 150.67 781 206 c 837 261.33 865 331.67 865 417 c 865 503.67 836.17 575.33 778.5 632 c 720.83 688.67 648.67 717 562 717 c 477.33 717 407.17 689 351.5 633 c 295.83 577 268 507 268 423 c closepath } bind def /s57 { 112 339 m 285 355 112 339 285 355 c 299.67 273.67 327.67 214.67 369 178 c 410.33 141.33 463.33 123 528 123 c 583.33 123 631.83 135.67 673.5 161 c 715.17 186.33 749.33 220.17 776 262.5 c 802.67 304.83 825 362 843 434 c 861 506 870 579.33 870 654 c 870 662 869.67 674 869 690 c 833 632.67 783.83 586.17 721.5 550.5 c 659.17 514.83 591.67 497 519 497 c 397.67 497 295 541 211 629 c 127 717 85 833 85 977 c 85 1125.67 128.83 1245.33 216.5 1336 c 304.17 1426.67 414 1472 546 1472 c 641.33 1472 728.5 1446.33 807.5 1395 c 886.5 1343.67 946.5 1270.5 987.5 1175.5 c 1028.5 1080.5 1049 943 1049 763 c 1049 575.67 1028.67 426.5 988 315.5 c 947.33 204.5 886.83 120 806.5 62 c 726.17 4 632 -25 524 -25 c 409.33 -25 315.67 6.83 243 70.5 c 170.33 134.17 126.67 223.67 112 339 c closepath 849 986 m 849 1089.33 821.5 1171.33 766.5 1232 c 711.5 1292.67 645.33 1323 568 1323 c 488 1323 418.33 1290.33 359 1225 c 299.67 1159.67 270 1075 270 971 c 270 877.67 298.17 801.83 354.5 743.5 c 410.83 685.17 480.33 656 563 656 c 646.33 656 714.83 685.17 768.5 743.5 c 822.17 801.83 849 882.67 849 986 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC13_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC14_ArialBold 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def 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/s121 1139 def /s232 1139 def end /CharProcs 42 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s38 { 1446 179 m 1276 -38 1446 179 1276 -38 c 1192.67 2.67 1112.67 58.67 1036 130 c 976.67 76.67 913.67 37.33 847 12 c 780.33 -13.33 701 -26 609 -26 c 426.33 -26 289 25.33 197 128 c 125.67 207.33 90 298.67 90 402 c 90 496 118 580.5 174 655.5 c 230 730.5 313.67 795.67 425 851 c 375 910.33 337.33 966.83 312 1020.5 c 286.67 1074.17 274 1125 274 1173 c 274 1261.67 309.5 1336.83 380.5 1398.5 c 451.5 1460.17 552.67 1491 684 1491 c 810.67 1491 909.67 1458.67 981 1394 c 1052.33 1329.33 1088 1250.33 1088 1157 c 1088 1097.67 1070.33 1041.33 1035 988 c 999.67 934.67 928.33 874.33 821 807 c 1025 538 821 807 1025 538 c 1049 580.67 1069.67 636.33 1087 705 c 1341 647 1087 705 1341 647 c 1315.67 557 1293.67 491.17 1275 449.5 c 1256.33 407.83 1236.33 373 1215 345 c 1246.33 315.67 1286.83 283.5 1336.5 248.5 c 1386.17 213.5 1422.67 190.33 1446 179 c closepath 681 976 m 757 1034 681 976 757 1034 c 813 1077.33 841 1120.33 841 1163 c 841 1199 827.5 1229.67 800.5 1255 c 773.5 1280.33 737 1293 691 1293 c 646.33 1293 611.33 1281.83 586 1259.5 c 560.67 1237.17 548 1211.33 548 1182 c 548 1147.33 569.33 1105.33 612 1056 c 681 976 612 1056 681 976 c closepath 571 671 m 506.33 638.33 458 599 426 553 c 394 507 378 460 378 412 c 378 351.33 397.83 301.83 437.5 263.5 c 477.17 225.17 530.33 206 597 206 c 641 206 683.33 214.67 724 232 c 764.67 249.33 809 278 857 318 c 571 671 857 318 571 671 c closepath } bind def /s39 { 145 945 m 92 1218 145 945 92 1218 c 92 1466 92 1218 92 1466 c 398 1466 92 1466 398 1466 c 398 1218 398 1466 398 1218 c 352 945 398 1218 352 945 c 145 945 352 945 145 945 c closepath } bind def /s44 { 140 281 m 421 281 140 281 421 281 c 421 80 421 281 421 80 c 421 -1.33 414 -65.5 400 -112.5 c 386 -159.5 359.5 -201.67 320.5 -239 c 281.5 -276.33 232 -305.67 172 -327 c 117 -211 172 -327 117 -211 c 173.67 -192.33 214 -166.67 238 -134 c 262 -101.33 274.67 -56.67 276 0 c 140 0 276 0 140 0 c 140 281 140 0 140 281 c closepath } bind def /s45 { 115 391 m 115 672 115 391 115 672 c 667 672 115 672 667 672 c 667 391 667 672 667 391 c 115 391 667 391 115 391 c closepath } bind def /s46 { 147 0 m 147 281 147 0 147 281 c 428 281 147 281 428 281 c 428 0 428 281 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s48 { 562 1472 m 704 1472 815 1421.33 895 1320 c 990.33 1200 1038 1001 1038 723 c 1038 445.67 990 246.33 894 125 c 814.67 25 704 -25 562 -25 c 419.33 -25 304.33 29.83 217 139.5 c 129.67 249.17 86 444.67 86 726 c 86 1002 134 1200.67 230 1322 c 309.33 1422 420 1472 562 1472 c closepath 562 1239 m 528 1239 497.67 1228.17 471 1206.5 c 444.33 1184.83 423.67 1146 409 1090 c 389.67 1017.33 380 895 380 723 c 380 551 388.67 432.83 406 368.5 c 423.33 304.17 445.17 261.33 471.5 240 c 497.83 218.67 528 208 562 208 c 596 208 626.33 218.83 653 240.5 c 679.67 262.17 700.33 301 715 357 c 734.33 429 744 551 744 723 c 744 895 735.33 1013.17 718 1077.5 c 700.67 1141.83 678.83 1184.83 652.5 1206.5 c 626.17 1228.17 596 1239 562 1239 c closepath } bind def /s49 { 806 0 m 525 0 806 0 525 0 c 525 1059 525 0 525 1059 c 422.33 963 301.33 892 162 846 c 162 1101 162 846 162 1101 c 235.33 1125 315 1170.5 401 1237.5 c 487 1304.5 546 1382.67 578 1472 c 806 1472 578 1472 806 1472 c 806 0 806 1472 806 0 c closepath } bind def /s50 { 1036 261 m 1036 0 1036 261 1036 0 c 51 0 1036 0 51 0 c 61.67 98.67 93.67 192.17 147 280.5 c 200.33 368.83 305.67 486 463 632 c 589.67 750 667.33 830 696 872 c 734.67 930 754 987.33 754 1044 c 754 1106.67 737.17 1154.83 703.5 1188.5 c 669.83 1222.17 623.33 1239 564 1239 c 505.33 1239 458.67 1221.33 424 1186 c 389.33 1150.67 369.33 1092 364 1010 c 84 1038 364 1010 84 1038 c 100.67 1192.67 153 1303.67 241 1371 c 329 1438.33 439 1472 571 1472 c 715.67 1472 829.33 1433 912 1355 c 994.67 1277 1036 1180 1036 1064 c 1036 998 1024.17 935.17 1000.5 875.5 c 976.83 815.83 939.33 753.33 888 688 c 854 644.67 792.67 582.33 704 501 c 615.33 419.67 559.17 365.67 535.5 339 c 511.83 312.33 492.67 286.33 478 261 c 1036 261 478 261 1036 261 c closepath } bind def /s57 { 93 339 m 365 369 93 339 365 369 c 371.67 313.67 389 272.67 417 246 c 445 219.33 482 206 528 206 c 586 206 635.33 232.67 676 286 c 716.67 339.33 742.67 450 754 618 c 683.33 536 595 495 489 495 c 373.67 495 274.17 539.5 190.5 628.5 c 106.83 717.5 65 833.33 65 976 c 65 1124.67 109.17 1244.5 197.5 1335.5 c 285.83 1426.5 398.33 1472 535 1472 c 683.67 1472 805.67 1414.5 901 1299.5 c 996.33 1184.5 1044 995.33 1044 732 c 1044 464 994.33 270.67 895 152 c 795.67 33.33 666.33 -26 507 -26 c 392.33 -26 299.67 4.5 229 65.5 c 158.33 126.5 113 217.67 93 339 c closepath 729 953 m 729 1043.67 708.17 1114 666.5 1164 c 624.83 1214 576.67 1239 522 1239 c 470 1239 426.83 1218.5 392.5 1177.5 c 358.17 1136.5 341 1069.33 341 976 c 341 881.33 359.67 811.83 397 767.5 c 434.33 723.17 481 701 537 701 c 591 701 636.5 722.33 673.5 765 c 710.5 807.67 729 870.33 729 953 c closepath } bind def /s61 { 85 816 m 85 1074 85 816 85 1074 c 1110 1074 85 1074 1110 1074 c 1110 816 1110 1074 1110 816 c 85 816 1110 816 85 816 c closepath 85 372 m 85 631 85 372 85 631 c 1110 631 85 631 1110 631 c 1110 372 1110 631 1110 372 c 85 372 1110 372 85 372 c closepath } bind def /s65 { 1471 0 m 1149 0 1471 0 1149 0 c 1021 333 1149 0 1021 333 c 435 333 1021 333 435 333 c 314 0 435 333 314 0 c 0 0 314 0 0 0 c 571 1466 0 0 571 1466 c 884 1466 571 1466 884 1466 c 1471 0 884 1466 1471 0 c closepath 926 580 m 724 1124 926 580 724 1124 c 526 580 724 1124 526 580 c 926 580 526 580 926 580 c closepath } bind def /s66 { 150 1466 m 736 1466 150 1466 736 1466 c 852 1466 938.5 1461.17 995.5 1451.5 c 1052.5 1441.83 1103.5 1421.67 1148.5 1391 c 1193.5 1360.33 1231 1319.5 1261 1268.5 c 1291 1217.5 1306 1160.33 1306 1097 c 1306 1028.33 1287.5 965.33 1250.5 908 c 1213.5 850.67 1163.33 807.67 1100 779 c 1189.33 753 1258 708.67 1306 646 c 1354 583.33 1378 509.67 1378 425 c 1378 358.33 1362.5 293.5 1331.5 230.5 c 1300.5 167.5 1258.17 117.17 1204.5 79.5 c 1150.83 41.83 1084.67 18.67 1006 10 c 956.67 4.67 837.67 1.33 649 0 c 150 0 649 0 150 0 c 150 1466 150 0 150 1466 c closepath 446 1222 m 446 883 446 1222 446 883 c 640 883 446 883 640 883 c 755.33 883 827 884.67 855 888 c 905.67 894 945.5 911.5 974.5 940.5 c 1003.5 969.5 1018 1007.67 1018 1055 c 1018 1100.33 1005.5 1137.17 980.5 1165.5 c 955.5 1193.83 918.33 1211 869 1217 c 839.67 1220.33 755.33 1222 616 1222 c 446 1222 616 1222 446 1222 c closepath 446 639 m 446 247 446 639 446 247 c 720 247 446 247 720 247 c 826.67 247 894.33 250 923 256 c 967 264 1002.83 283.5 1030.5 314.5 c 1058.17 345.5 1072 387 1072 439 c 1072 483 1061.33 520.33 1040 551 c 1018.67 581.67 987.83 604 947.5 618 c 907.17 632 819.67 639 685 639 c 446 639 685 639 446 639 c closepath } bind def /s68 { 148 1466 m 689 1466 148 1466 689 1466 c 811 1466 904 1456.67 968 1438 c 1054 1412.67 1127.67 1367.67 1189 1303 c 1250.33 1238.33 1297 1159.17 1329 1065.5 c 1361 971.83 1377 856.33 1377 719 c 1377 598.33 1362 494.33 1332 407 c 1295.33 300.33 1243 214 1175 148 c 1123.67 98 1054.33 59 967 31 c 901.67 10.33 814.33 0 705 0 c 148 0 705 0 148 0 c 148 1466 148 0 148 1466 c closepath 444 1218 m 444 247 444 1218 444 247 c 665 247 444 247 665 247 c 747.67 247 807.33 251.67 844 261 c 892 273 931.83 293.33 963.5 322 c 995.17 350.67 1021 397.83 1041 463.5 c 1061 529.17 1071 618.67 1071 732 c 1071 845.33 1061 932.33 1041 993 c 1021 1053.67 993 1101 957 1135 c 921 1169 875.33 1192 820 1204 c 778.67 1213.33 697.67 1218 577 1218 c 444 1218 577 1218 444 1218 c closepath } bind def /s70 { 151 0 m 151 1466 151 0 151 1466 c 1156 1466 151 1466 1156 1466 c 1156 1218 1156 1466 1156 1218 c 447 1218 1156 1218 447 1218 c 447 871 447 1218 447 871 c 1059 871 447 871 1059 871 c 1059 623 1059 871 1059 623 c 447 623 1059 623 447 623 c 447 0 447 623 447 0 c 151 0 447 0 151 0 c closepath } bind def /s72 { 150 0 m 150 1466 150 0 150 1466 c 446 1466 150 1466 446 1466 c 446 889 446 1466 446 889 c 1026 889 446 889 1026 889 c 1026 1466 1026 889 1026 1466 c 1322 1466 1026 1466 1322 1466 c 1322 0 1322 1466 1322 0 c 1026 0 1322 0 1026 0 c 1026 641 1026 0 1026 641 c 446 641 1026 641 446 641 c 446 0 446 641 446 0 c 150 0 446 0 150 0 c closepath } bind def /s73 { 140 0 m 140 1466 140 0 140 1466 c 436 1466 140 1466 436 1466 c 436 0 436 1466 436 0 c 140 0 436 0 140 0 c closepath } bind def /s75 { 153 0 m 153 1466 153 0 153 1466 c 449 1466 153 1466 449 1466 c 449 815 449 1466 449 815 c 1047 1466 449 815 1047 1466 c 1445 1466 1047 1466 1445 1466 c 893 895 1445 1466 893 895 c 1475 0 893 895 1475 0 c 1092 0 1475 0 1092 0 c 689 688 1092 0 689 688 c 449 443 689 688 449 443 c 449 0 449 443 449 0 c 153 0 449 0 153 0 c closepath } bind def /s76 { 157 0 m 157 1454 157 0 157 1454 c 453 1454 157 1454 453 1454 c 453 247 453 1454 453 247 c 1189 247 453 247 1189 247 c 1189 0 1189 247 1189 0 c 157 0 1189 0 157 0 c closepath } bind def /s77 { 145 0 m 145 1466 145 0 145 1466 c 588 1466 145 1466 588 1466 c 854 466 588 1466 854 466 c 1117 1466 854 466 1117 1466 c 1561 1466 1117 1466 1561 1466 c 1561 0 1561 1466 1561 0 c 1286 0 1561 0 1286 0 c 1286 1154 1286 0 1286 1154 c 995 0 1286 1154 995 0 c 710 0 995 0 710 0 c 420 1154 710 0 420 1154 c 420 0 420 1154 420 0 c 145 0 420 0 145 0 c closepath } bind def /s81 { 1329 186 m 1401.67 134 1480.67 92.67 1566 62 c 1457 -147 1566 62 1457 -147 c 1412.33 -133.67 1368.67 -115.33 1326 -92 c 1316.67 -87.33 1251 -44 1129 38 c 1033 -4 926.67 -25 810 -25 c 584.67 -25 408.17 41.33 280.5 174 c 152.83 306.67 89 493 89 733 c 89 972.33 153 1158.5 281 1291.5 c 409 1424.5 582.67 1491 802 1491 c 1019.33 1491 1191.67 1424.5 1319 1291.5 c 1446.33 1158.5 1510 972.33 1510 733 c 1510 606.33 1492.33 495 1457 399 c 1430.33 325.67 1387.67 254.67 1329 186 c closepath 1091 353 m 1129 397.67 1157.5 451.67 1176.5 515 c 1195.5 578.33 1205 651 1205 733 c 1205 902.33 1167.67 1028.83 1093 1112.5 c 1018.33 1196.17 920.67 1238 800 1238 c 679.33 1238 581.5 1196 506.5 1112 c 431.5 1028 394 901.67 394 733 c 394 561.67 431.5 433.5 506.5 348.5 c 581.5 263.5 676.33 221 791 221 c 833.67 221 874 228 912 242 c 852 281.33 791 312 729 334 c 812 503 729 334 812 503 c 909.33 469.67 1002.33 419.67 1091 353 c closepath } bind def /s83 { 74 477 m 362 505 74 477 362 505 c 379.33 408.33 414.5 337.33 467.5 292 c 520.5 246.67 592 224 682 224 c 777.33 224 849.17 244.17 897.5 284.5 c 945.83 324.83 970 372 970 426 c 970 460.67 959.83 490.17 939.5 514.5 c 919.17 538.83 883.67 560 833 578 c 798.33 590 719.33 611.33 596 642 c 437.33 681.33 326 729.67 262 787 c 172 867.67 127 966 127 1082 c 127 1156.67 148.17 1226.5 190.5 1291.5 c 232.83 1356.5 293.83 1406 373.5 1440 c 453.17 1474 549.33 1491 662 1491 c 846 1491 984.5 1450.67 1077.5 1370 c 1170.5 1289.33 1219.33 1181.67 1224 1047 c 928 1034 1224 1047 928 1034 c 915.33 1109.33 888.17 1163.5 846.5 1196.5 c 804.83 1229.5 742.33 1246 659 1246 c 573 1246 505.67 1228.33 457 1193 c 425.67 1170.33 410 1140 410 1102 c 410 1067.33 424.67 1037.67 454 1013 c 491.33 981.67 582 949 726 915 c 870 881 976.5 845.83 1045.5 809.5 c 1114.5 773.17 1168.5 723.5 1207.5 660.5 c 1246.5 597.5 1266 519.67 1266 427 c 1266 343 1242.67 264.33 1196 191 c 1149.33 117.67 1083.33 63.17 998 27.5 c 912.67 -8.17 806.33 -26 679 -26 c 493.67 -26 351.33 16.83 252 102.5 c 152.67 188.17 93.33 313 74 477 c closepath } bind def /s84 { 479 0 m 479 1218 479 0 479 1218 c 44 1218 479 1218 44 1218 c 44 1466 44 1218 44 1466 c 1209 1466 44 1466 1209 1466 c 1209 1218 1209 1466 1209 1218 c 775 1218 1209 1218 775 1218 c 775 0 775 1218 775 0 c 479 0 775 0 479 0 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 357 738 m 102 784 357 738 102 784 c 130.67 886.67 180 962.67 250 1012 c 320 1061.33 424 1086 562 1086 c 687.33 1086 780.67 1071.17 842 1041.5 c 903.33 1011.83 946.5 974.17 971.5 928.5 c 996.5 882.83 1009 799 1009 677 c 1006 349 1009 677 1006 349 c 1006 255.67 1010.5 186.83 1019.5 142.5 c 1028.5 98.17 1045.33 50.67 1070 0 c 792 0 1070 0 792 0 c 784.67 18.67 775.67 46.33 765 83 c 760.33 99.67 757 110.67 755 116 c 707 69.33 655.67 34.33 601 11 c 546.33 -12.33 488 -24 426 -24 c 316.67 -24 230.5 5.67 167.5 65 c 104.5 124.33 73 199.33 73 290 c 73 350 87.33 403.5 116 450.5 c 144.67 497.5 184.83 533.5 236.5 558.5 c 288.17 583.5 362.67 605.33 460 624 c 591.33 648.67 682.33 671.67 733 693 c 733 721 733 693 733 721 c 733 775 719.67 813.5 693 836.5 c 666.33 859.5 616 871 542 871 c 492 871 453 861.17 425 841.5 c 397 821.83 374.33 787.33 357 738 c closepath 733 510 m 697 498 640 483.67 562 467 c 484 450.33 433 434 409 418 c 372.33 392 354 359 354 319 c 354 279.67 368.67 245.67 398 217 c 427.33 188.33 464.67 174 510 174 c 560.67 174 609 190.67 655 224 c 689 249.33 711.33 280.33 722 317 c 729.33 341 733 386.67 733 454 c 733 510 733 454 733 510 c closepath } bind def /s100 { 1121 0 m 860 0 1121 0 860 0 c 860 156 860 0 860 156 c 816.67 95.33 765.5 50.17 706.5 20.5 c 647.5 -9.17 588 -24 528 -24 c 406 -24 301.5 25.17 214.5 123.5 c 127.5 221.83 84 359 84 535 c 84 715 126.33 851.83 211 945.5 c 295.67 1039.17 402.67 1086 532 1086 c 650.67 1086 753.33 1036.67 840 938 c 840 1466 840 938 840 1466 c 1121 1466 840 1466 1121 1466 c 1121 0 1121 1466 1121 0 c closepath 371 554 m 371 440.67 386.67 358.67 418 308 c 463.33 234.67 526.67 198 608 198 c 672.67 198 727.67 225.5 773 280.5 c 818.33 335.5 841 417.67 841 527 c 841 649 819 736.83 775 790.5 c 731 844.17 674.67 871 606 871 c 539.33 871 483.5 844.5 438.5 791.5 c 393.5 738.5 371 659.33 371 554 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 762 338 m 1042 291 762 338 1042 291 c 1006 188.33 949.17 110.17 871.5 56.5 c 793.83 2.83 696.67 -24 580 -24 c 395.33 -24 258.67 36.33 170 157 c 100 253.67 65 375.67 65 523 c 65 699 111 836.83 203 936.5 c 295 1036.17 411.33 1086 552 1086 c 710 1086 834.67 1033.83 926 929.5 c 1017.33 825.17 1061 665.33 1057 450 c 353 450 1057 450 353 450 c 355 366.67 377.67 301.83 421 255.5 c 464.33 209.17 518.33 186 583 186 c 627 186 664 198 694 222 c 724 246 746.67 284.67 762 338 c closepath 778 622 m 776 703.33 755 765.17 715 807.5 c 675 849.83 626.33 871 569 871 c 507.67 871 457 848.67 417 804 c 377 759.33 357.33 698.67 358 622 c 778 622 358 622 778 622 c closepath } bind def /s102 { 24 1062 m 180 1062 24 1062 180 1062 c 180 1142 180 1062 180 1142 c 180 1231.33 189.5 1298 208.5 1342 c 227.5 1386 262.5 1421.83 313.5 1449.5 c 364.5 1477.17 429 1491 507 1491 c 587 1491 665.33 1479 742 1455 c 704 1259 742 1455 704 1259 c 659.33 1269.67 616.33 1275 575 1275 c 534.33 1275 505.17 1265.5 487.5 1246.5 c 469.83 1227.5 461 1191 461 1137 c 461 1062 461 1137 461 1062 c 671 1062 461 1062 671 1062 c 671 841 671 1062 671 841 c 461 841 671 841 461 841 c 461 0 461 841 461 0 c 180 0 461 0 180 0 c 180 841 180 0 180 841 c 24 841 180 841 24 841 c 24 1062 24 841 24 1062 c closepath } bind def /s103 { 121 -70 m 442 -109 121 -70 442 -109 c 447.33 -146.33 459.67 -172 479 -186 c 505.67 -206 547.67 -216 605 -216 c 678.33 -216 733.33 -205 770 -183 c 794.67 -168.33 813.33 -144.67 826 -112 c 834.67 -88.67 839 -45.67 839 17 c 839 172 839 17 839 172 c 755 57.33 649 0 521 0 c 378.33 0 265.33 60.33 182 181 c 116.67 276.33 84 395 84 537 c 84 715 126.83 851 212.5 945 c 298.17 1039 404.67 1086 532 1086 c 663.33 1086 771.67 1028.33 857 913 c 857 1062 857 913 857 1062 c 1120 1062 857 1062 1120 1062 c 1120 109 1120 1062 1120 109 c 1120 -16.33 1109.67 -110 1089 -172 c 1068.33 -234 1039.33 -282.67 1002 -318 c 964.67 -353.33 914.83 -381 852.5 -401 c 790.17 -421 711.33 -431 616 -431 c 436 -431 308.33 -400.17 233 -338.5 c 157.67 -276.83 120 -198.67 120 -104 c 120 -94.67 120.33 -83.33 121 -70 c closepath 372 553 m 372 440.33 393.83 357.83 437.5 305.5 c 481.17 253.17 535 227 599 227 c 667.67 227 725.67 253.83 773 307.5 c 820.33 361.17 844 440.67 844 546 c 844 656 821.33 737.67 776 791 c 730.67 844.33 673.33 871 604 871 c 536.67 871 481.17 844.83 437.5 792.5 c 393.83 740.17 372 660.33 372 553 c closepath } bind def /s104 { 427 1466 m 427 927 427 1466 427 927 c 517.67 1033 626 1086 752 1086 c 816.67 1086 875 1074 927 1050 c 979 1026 1018.17 995.33 1044.5 958 c 1070.83 920.67 1088.83 879.33 1098.5 834 c 1108.17 788.67 1113 718.33 1113 623 c 1113 0 1113 623 1113 0 c 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 561 832 0 832 561 c 832 672.33 826.67 743 816 773 c 805.33 803 786.5 826.83 759.5 844.5 c 732.5 862.17 698.67 871 658 871 c 611.33 871 569.67 859.67 533 837 c 496.33 814.33 469.5 780.17 452.5 734.5 c 435.5 688.83 427 621.33 427 532 c 427 0 427 532 427 0 c 146 0 427 0 146 0 c 146 1466 146 0 146 1466 c 427 1466 146 1466 427 1466 c closepath } bind def /s105 { 147 1206 m 147 1466 147 1206 147 1466 c 428 1466 147 1466 428 1466 c 428 1206 428 1466 428 1206 c 147 1206 428 1206 147 1206 c closepath 147 0 m 147 1062 147 0 147 1062 c 428 1062 147 1062 428 1062 c 428 0 428 1062 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s108 { 147 0 m 147 1466 147 0 147 1466 c 428 1466 147 1466 428 1466 c 428 0 428 1466 428 0 c 147 0 428 0 147 0 c closepath } bind def /s110 { 1113 0 m 832 0 1113 0 832 0 c 832 542 832 0 832 542 c 832 656.67 826 730.83 814 764.5 c 802 798.17 782.5 824.33 755.5 843 c 728.5 861.67 696 871 658 871 c 609.33 871 565.67 857.67 527 831 c 488.33 804.33 461.83 769 447.5 725 c 433.17 681 426 599.67 426 481 c 426 0 426 481 426 0 c 145 0 426 0 145 0 c 145 1062 145 0 145 1062 c 406 1062 145 1062 406 1062 c 406 906 406 1062 406 906 c 498.67 1026 615.33 1086 756 1086 c 818 1086 874.67 1074.83 926 1052.5 c 977.33 1030.17 1016.17 1001.67 1042.5 967 c 1068.83 932.33 1087.17 893 1097.5 849 c 1107.83 805 1113 742 1113 660 c 1113 0 1113 660 1113 0 c closepath } bind def /s111 { 82 546 m 82 639.33 105 729.67 151 817 c 197 904.33 262.17 971 346.5 1017 c 430.83 1063 525 1086 629 1086 c 789.67 1086 921.33 1033.83 1024 929.5 c 1126.67 825.17 1178 693.33 1178 534 c 1178 373.33 1126.17 240.17 1022.5 134.5 c 918.83 28.83 788.33 -24 631 -24 c 533.67 -24 440.83 -2 352.5 42 c 264.17 86 197 150.5 151 235.5 c 105 320.5 82 424 82 546 c closepath 370 531 m 370 425.67 395 345 445 289 c 495 233 556.67 205 630 205 c 703.33 205 764.83 233 814.5 289 c 864.17 345 889 426.33 889 533 c 889 637 864.17 717 814.5 773 c 764.83 829 703.33 857 630 857 c 556.67 857 495 829 445 773 c 395 717 370 636.33 370 531 c closepath } bind def /s113 { 841 -404 m 841 130 841 -404 841 130 c 804.33 82.67 758.67 45.17 704 17.5 c 649.33 -10.17 590.33 -24 527 -24 c 406.33 -24 307 21.33 229 112 c 137 218 91 361.67 91 543 c 91 713.67 134.17 846.83 220.5 942.5 c 306.83 1038.17 414 1086 542 1086 c 612.67 1086 673.83 1071 725.5 1041 c 777.17 1011 823 965.67 863 905 c 863 1062 863 905 863 1062 c 1122 1062 863 1062 1122 1062 c 1122 -404 1122 1062 1122 -404 c 841 -404 1122 -404 841 -404 c closepath 850 544 m 850 652.67 827.83 733.5 783.5 786.5 c 739.17 839.5 683.67 866 617 866 c 549 866 492.17 839 446.5 785 c 400.83 731 378 645.33 378 528 c 378 411.33 400 327.17 444 275.5 c 488 223.83 542.33 198 607 198 c 671.67 198 728.33 227 777 285 c 825.67 343 850 429.33 850 544 c closepath } bind def /s114 { 416 0 m 135 0 416 0 135 0 c 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 396 1062 135 1062 396 1062 c 396 911 396 1062 396 911 c 440.67 982.33 480.83 1029.33 516.5 1052 c 552.17 1074.67 592.67 1086 638 1086 c 702 1086 763.67 1068.33 823 1033 c 736 788 823 1033 736 788 c 688.67 818.67 644.67 834 604 834 c 564.67 834 531.33 823.17 504 801.5 c 476.67 779.83 455.17 740.67 439.5 684 c 423.83 627.33 416 508.67 416 328 c 416 0 416 328 416 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 48 303 m 330 346 48 303 330 346 c 342 291.33 366.33 249.83 403 221.5 c 439.67 193.17 491 179 557 179 c 629.67 179 684.33 192.33 721 219 c 745.67 237.67 758 262.67 758 294 c 758 315.33 751.33 333 738 347 c 724 360.33 692.67 372.67 644 384 c 417.33 434 273.67 479.67 213 521 c 129 578.33 87 658 87 760 c 87 852 123.33 929.33 196 992 c 268.67 1054.67 381.33 1086 534 1086 c 679.33 1086 787.33 1062.33 858 1015 c 928.67 967.67 977.33 897.67 1004 805 c 739 756 1004 805 739 756 c 727.67 797.33 706.17 829 674.5 851 c 642.83 873 597.67 884 539 884 c 465 884 412 873.67 380 853 c 358.67 838.33 348 819.33 348 796 c 348 776 357.33 759 376 745 c 401.33 726.33 488.83 700 638.5 666 c 788.17 632 892.67 590.33 952 541 c 1010.67 491 1040 421.33 1040 332 c 1040 234.67 999.33 151 918 81 c 836.67 11 716.33 -24 557 -24 c 412.33 -24 297.83 5.33 213.5 64 c 129.17 122.67 74 202.33 48 303 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 634 1062 m 634 838 634 1062 634 838 c 442 838 634 838 442 838 c 442 410 442 838 442 410 c 442 323.33 443.83 272.83 447.5 258.5 c 451.17 244.17 459.5 232.33 472.5 223 c 485.5 213.67 501.33 209 520 209 c 546 209 583.67 218 633 236 c 657 18 633 236 657 18 c 591.67 -10 517.67 -24 435 -24 c 384.33 -24 338.67 -15.5 298 1.5 c 257.33 18.5 227.5 40.5 208.5 67.5 c 189.5 94.5 176.33 131 169 177 c 163 209.67 160 275.67 160 375 c 160 838 160 375 160 838 c 31 838 160 838 31 838 c 31 1062 31 838 31 1062 c 160 1062 31 1062 160 1062 c 160 1273 160 1062 160 1273 c 442 1437 160 1273 442 1437 c 442 1062 442 1437 442 1062 c 634 1062 442 1062 634 1062 c closepath } bind def /s117 { 846 0 m 846 159 846 0 846 159 c 807.33 102.33 756.5 57.67 693.5 25 c 630.5 -7.67 564 -24 494 -24 c 422.67 -24 358.67 -8.33 302 23 c 245.33 54.33 204.33 98.33 179 155 c 153.67 211.67 141 290 141 390 c 141 1062 141 390 141 1062 c 422 1062 141 1062 422 1062 c 422 574 422 1062 422 574 c 422 424.67 427.17 333.17 437.5 299.5 c 447.83 265.83 466.67 239.17 494 219.5 c 521.33 199.83 556 190 598 190 c 646 190 689 203.17 727 229.5 c 765 255.83 791 288.5 805 327.5 c 819 366.5 826 462 826 614 c 826 1062 826 614 826 1062 c 1107 1062 826 1062 1107 1062 c 1107 0 1107 1062 1107 0 c 846 0 1107 0 846 0 c closepath } bind def /s118 { 439 0 m 11 1062 439 0 11 1062 c 306 1062 11 1062 306 1062 c 506 520 306 1062 506 520 c 564 339 506 520 564 339 c 579.33 385 589 415.33 593 430 c 602.33 460 612.33 490 623 520 c 825 1062 623 520 825 1062 c 1114 1062 825 1062 1114 1062 c 692 0 1114 1062 692 0 c 439 0 692 0 439 0 c closepath } bind def /s121 { 14 1062 m 313 1062 14 1062 313 1062 c 567 308 313 1062 567 308 c 815 1062 567 308 815 1062 c 1106 1062 815 1062 1106 1062 c 731 40 1106 1062 731 40 c 664 -145 731 40 664 -145 c 639.33 -207 615.83 -254.33 593.5 -287 c 571.17 -319.67 545.5 -346.17 516.5 -366.5 c 487.5 -386.83 451.83 -402.67 409.5 -414 c 367.17 -425.33 319.33 -431 266 -431 c 212 -431 159 -425.33 107 -414 c 82 -194 107 -414 82 -194 c 126 -202.67 165.67 -207 201 -207 c 266.33 -207 314.67 -187.83 346 -149.5 c 377.33 -111.17 401.33 -62.33 418 -3 c 14 1062 418 -3 14 1062 c closepath } bind def /s232 { 762 338 m 1042 291 762 338 1042 291 c 1006 188.33 949.17 110.17 871.5 56.5 c 793.83 2.83 696.67 -24 580 -24 c 395.33 -24 258.67 36.33 170 157 c 100 253.67 65 375.67 65 523 c 65 699 111 836.83 203 936.5 c 295 1036.17 411.33 1086 552 1086 c 710 1086 834.67 1033.83 926 929.5 c 1017.33 825.17 1061 665.33 1057 450 c 353 450 1057 450 353 450 c 355 366.67 377.67 301.83 421 255.5 c 464.33 209.17 518.33 186 583 186 c 627 186 664 198 694 222 c 724 246 746.67 284.67 762 338 c closepath 778 622 m 776 703.33 755 765.17 715 807.5 c 675 849.83 626.33 871 569 871 c 507.67 871 457 848.67 417 804 c 377 759.33 357.33 698.67 358 622 c 778 622 358 622 778 622 c closepath 703 1192 m 526 1192 703 1192 526 1192 c 250 1491 526 1192 250 1491 c 565 1491 250 1491 565 1491 c 703 1192 565 1491 703 1192 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC14_ArialBold exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC15_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC15_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 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323.33 781.33 309 656 309 530 c 309 209.33 408.67 -111 608 -431 c 479 -431 608 -431 479 -431 c closepath } bind def /s41 { 253 -431 m 124 -431 253 -431 124 -431 c 323.33 -111 423 209.33 423 530 c 423 655.33 408.67 779.67 380 903 c 357.33 1003 325.67 1099 285 1191 c 259 1251 205.33 1351 124 1491 c 253 1491 124 1491 253 1491 c 378.33 1323.67 471 1155.67 531 987 c 582.33 841.67 608 689.67 608 531 c 608 351 573.5 177 504.5 9 c 435.5 -159 351.67 -305.67 253 -431 c closepath } bind def /s71 { 844 575 m 844 747 844 575 844 747 c 1465 748 844 747 1465 748 c 1465 204 1465 748 1465 204 c 1369.67 128 1271.33 70.83 1170 32.5 c 1068.67 -5.83 964.67 -25 858 -25 c 714 -25 583.17 5.83 465.5 67.5 c 347.83 129.17 259 218.33 199 335 c 139 451.67 109 582 109 726 c 109 868.67 138.83 1001.83 198.5 1125.5 c 258.17 1249.17 344 1341 456 1401 c 568 1461 697 1491 843 1491 c 949 1491 1044.83 1473.83 1130.5 1439.5 c 1216.17 1405.17 1283.33 1357.33 1332 1296 c 1380.67 1234.67 1417.67 1154.67 1443 1056 c 1268 1008 1443 1056 1268 1008 c 1246 1082.67 1218.67 1141.33 1186 1184 c 1153.33 1226.67 1106.67 1260.83 1046 1286.5 c 985.33 1312.17 918 1325 844 1325 c 755.33 1325 678.67 1311.5 614 1284.5 c 549.33 1257.5 497.17 1222 457.5 1178 c 417.83 1134 387 1085.67 365 1033 c 327.67 942.33 309 844 309 738 c 309 607.33 331.5 498 376.5 410 c 421.5 322 487 256.67 573 214 c 659 171.33 750.33 150 847 150 c 931 150 1013 166.17 1093 198.5 c 1173 230.83 1233.67 265.33 1275 302 c 1275 575 1275 302 1275 575 c 844 575 1275 575 844 575 c closepath } bind def /s80 { 158 0 m 158 1466 158 0 158 1466 c 711 1466 158 1466 711 1466 c 808.33 1466 882.67 1461.33 934 1452 c 1006 1440 1066.33 1417.17 1115 1383.5 c 1163.67 1349.83 1202.83 1302.67 1232.5 1242 c 1262.17 1181.33 1277 1114.67 1277 1042 c 1277 917.33 1237.33 811.83 1158 725.5 c 1078.67 639.17 935.33 596 728 596 c 352 596 728 596 352 596 c 352 0 352 596 352 0 c 158 0 352 0 158 0 c closepath 352 769 m 731 769 352 769 731 769 c 856.33 769 945.33 792.33 998 839 c 1050.67 885.67 1077 951.33 1077 1036 c 1077 1097.33 1061.5 1149.83 1030.5 1193.5 c 999.5 1237.17 958.67 1266 908 1280 c 875.33 1288.67 815 1293 727 1293 c 352 1293 727 1293 352 1293 c 352 769 352 1293 352 769 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 828 131 m 761.33 74.33 697.17 34.33 635.5 11 c 573.83 -12.33 507.67 -24 437 -24 c 320.33 -24 230.67 4.5 168 61.5 c 105.33 118.5 74 191.33 74 280 c 74 332 85.83 379.5 109.5 422.5 c 133.17 465.5 164.17 500 202.5 526 c 240.83 552 284 571.67 332 585 c 367.33 594.33 420.67 603.33 492 612 c 637.33 629.33 744.33 650 813 674 c 813.67 698.67 814 714.33 814 721 c 814 794.33 797 846 763 876 c 717 916.67 648.67 937 558 937 c 473.33 937 410.83 922.17 370.5 892.5 c 330.17 862.83 300.33 810.33 281 735 c 105 759 281 735 105 759 c 121 834.33 147.33 895.17 184 941.5 c 220.67 987.83 273.67 1023.5 343 1048.5 c 412.33 1073.5 492.67 1086 584 1086 c 674.67 1086 748.33 1075.33 805 1054 c 861.67 1032.67 903.33 1005.83 930 973.5 c 956.67 941.17 975.33 900.33 986 851 c 992 820.33 995 765 995 685 c 995 445 995 685 995 445 c 995 277.67 998.83 171.83 1006.5 127.5 c 1014.17 83.17 1029.33 40.67 1052 0 c 864 0 1052 0 864 0 c 845.33 37.33 833.33 81 828 131 c closepath 813 533 m 747.67 506.33 649.67 483.67 519 465 c 445 454.33 392.67 442.33 362 429 c 331.33 415.67 307.67 396.17 291 370.5 c 274.33 344.83 266 316.33 266 285 c 266 237 284.17 197 320.5 165 c 356.83 133 410 117 480 117 c 549.33 117 611 132.17 665 162.5 c 719 192.83 758.67 234.33 784 287 c 803.33 327.67 813 387.67 813 467 c 813 533 813 467 813 533 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 862 342 m 1048 319 862 342 1048 319 c 1018.67 210.33 964.33 126 885 66 c 805.67 6 704.33 -24 581 -24 c 425.67 -24 302.5 23.83 211.5 119.5 c 120.5 215.17 75 349.33 75 522 c 75 700.67 121 839.33 213 938 c 305 1036.67 424.33 1086 571 1086 c 713 1086 829 1037.67 919 941 c 1009 844.33 1054 708.33 1054 533 c 1054 522.33 1053.67 506.33 1053 485 c 261 485 1053 485 261 485 c 267.67 368.33 300.67 279 360 217 c 419.33 155 493.33 124 582 124 c 648 124 704.33 141.33 751 176 c 797.67 210.67 834.67 266 862 342 c closepath 271 633 m 864 633 271 633 864 633 c 856 722.33 833.33 789.33 796 834 c 738.67 903.33 664.33 938 573 938 c 490.33 938 420.83 910.33 364.5 855 c 308.17 799.67 277 725.67 271 633 c closepath } bind def /s114 { 133 0 m 133 1062 133 0 133 1062 c 295 1062 133 1062 295 1062 c 295 901 295 1062 295 901 c 336.33 976.33 374.5 1026 409.5 1050 c 444.5 1074 483 1086 525 1086 c 585.67 1086 647.33 1066.67 710 1028 c 648 861 710 1028 648 861 c 604 887 560 900 516 900 c 476.67 900 441.33 888.17 410 864.5 c 378.67 840.83 356.33 808 343 766 c 323 702 313 632 313 556 c 313 0 313 556 313 0 c 133 0 313 0 133 0 c closepath } bind def /s115 { 63 317 m 241 345 63 317 241 345 c 251 273.67 278.83 219 324.5 181 c 370.17 143 434 124 516 124 c 598.67 124 660 140.83 700 174.5 c 740 208.17 760 247.67 760 293 c 760 333.67 742.33 365.67 707 389 c 682.33 405 621 425.33 523 450 c 391 483.33 299.5 512.17 248.5 536.5 c 197.5 560.83 158.83 594.5 132.5 637.5 c 106.17 680.5 93 728 93 780 c 93 827.33 103.83 871.17 125.5 911.5 c 147.17 951.83 176.67 985.33 214 1012 c 242 1032.67 280.17 1050.17 328.5 1064.5 c 376.83 1078.83 428.67 1086 484 1086 c 567.33 1086 640.5 1074 703.5 1050 c 766.5 1026 813 993.5 843 952.5 c 873 911.5 893.67 856.67 905 788 c 729 764 905 788 729 764 c 721 818.67 697.83 861.33 659.5 892 c 621.17 922.67 567 938 497 938 c 414.33 938 355.33 924.33 320 897 c 284.67 869.67 267 837.67 267 801 c 267 777.67 274.33 756.67 289 738 c 303.67 718.67 326.67 702.67 358 690 c 376 683.33 429 668 517 644 c 644.33 610 733.17 582.17 783.5 560.5 c 833.83 538.83 873.33 507.33 902 466 c 930.67 424.67 945 373.33 945 312 c 945 252 927.5 195.5 892.5 142.5 c 857.5 89.5 807 48.5 741 19.5 c 675 -9.5 600.33 -24 517 -24 c 379 -24 273.83 4.67 201.5 62 c 129.17 119.33 83 204.33 63 317 c closepath } bind def /s117 { 831 0 m 831 156 831 0 831 156 c 748.33 36 636 -24 494 -24 c 431.33 -24 372.83 -12 318.5 12 c 264.17 36 223.83 66.17 197.5 102.5 c 171.17 138.83 152.67 183.33 142 236 c 134.67 271.33 131 327.33 131 404 c 131 1062 131 404 131 1062 c 311 1062 131 1062 311 1062 c 311 473 311 1062 311 473 c 311 379 314.67 315.67 322 283 c 333.33 235.67 357.33 198.5 394 171.5 c 430.67 144.5 476 131 530 131 c 584 131 634.67 144.83 682 172.5 c 729.33 200.17 762.83 237.83 782.5 285.5 c 802.17 333.17 812 402.33 812 493 c 812 1062 812 493 812 1062 c 992 1062 812 1062 992 1062 c 992 0 992 1062 992 0 c 831 0 992 0 831 0 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC15_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC16_ArialBoldItalic 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 12 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 215.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC16_ArialBoldItalic def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1146 -771 3454 2084] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 46/s46 put Encoding 97/s97 put Encoding 101/s101 put Encoding 108/s108 put Encoding 116/s116 put /BoundingBoxes 7 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 1055 1854] def /s46 [0 -434 1055 1854] def /s97 [0 -434 1625 1854] def /s101 [0 -434 1625 1854] def /s108 [0 -434 1055 1854] def /s116 [0 -434 1168 1854] def end /Metrics 7 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s46 569 def /s97 1139 def /s101 1139 def /s108 569 def /s116 682 def end /CharProcs 7 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s46 { 148 277 m 432 277 148 277 432 277 c 374 0 432 277 374 0 c 90 0 374 0 90 0 c 148 277 90 0 148 277 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 487 761 m 207 785 487 761 207 785 c 239 879.67 294.83 953.67 374.5 1007 c 454.17 1060.33 559.67 1087 691 1087 c 827.67 1087 928.67 1059.5 994 1004.5 c 1059.33 949.5 1092 882.33 1092 803 c 1092 771 1089.17 737 1083.5 701 c 1077.83 665 1058 570.33 1024 417 c 996 290.33 982 201.67 982 151 c 982 105.67 990 55.33 1006 0 c 727 0 1006 0 727 0 c 715.67 38.67 708.67 78.67 706 120 c 664 73.33 615.67 37.5 561 12.5 c 506.33 -12.5 451.33 -25 396 -25 c 308 -25 235.33 3.83 178 61.5 c 120.67 119.17 92 193.33 92 284 c 92 385.33 123.5 466.33 186.5 527 c 249.5 587.67 362 624.33 524 637 c 660.67 648.33 752 662 798 678 c 810 718 816 750 816 774 c 816 804.67 803.67 830.33 779 851 c 754.33 871.67 717.67 882 669 882 c 617.67 882 577.17 871.5 547.5 850.5 c 517.83 829.5 497.67 799.67 487 761 c closepath 760 495 m 742.67 490.33 719.67 486 691 482 c 547 464.67 453 439.33 409 406 c 377.67 382 362 349.67 362 309 c 362 275.67 374 247.5 398 224.5 c 422 201.5 453.67 190 493 190 c 536.33 190 577.17 200.5 615.5 221.5 c 653.83 242.5 682.5 269.5 701.5 302.5 c 720.5 335.5 737.33 387 752 457 c 760 495 752 457 760 495 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 1116 442 m 396 442 1116 442 396 442 c 395.33 430.67 395 422 395 416 c 395 345.33 415.17 288.33 455.5 245 c 495.83 201.67 545 180 603 180 c 698.33 180 772.67 229.33 826 328 c 1083 285 826 328 1083 285 c 1033 181.67 966.17 104.17 882.5 52.5 c 798.83 0.83 705 -25 601 -25 c 458.33 -25 342.33 20.17 253 110.5 c 163.67 200.83 119 320.33 119 469 c 119 614.33 159.33 743.67 240 857 c 350 1010.33 507 1087 711 1087 c 841 1087 944.33 1046.83 1021 966.5 c 1097.67 886.17 1136 773.67 1136 629 c 1136 559.67 1129.33 497.33 1116 442 c closepath 874 617 m 874.67 629.67 875 639.33 875 646 c 875 724.67 857.33 783.67 822 823 c 786.67 862.33 739.33 882 680 882 c 620.67 882 567.5 859.67 520.5 815 c 473.5 770.33 441.67 704.33 425 617 c 874 617 425 617 874 617 c closepath } bind def /s108 { 80 0 m 387 1466 80 0 387 1466 c 673 1466 387 1466 673 1466 c 367 0 673 1466 367 0 c 80 0 367 0 80 0 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 154 849 m 198 1062 154 849 198 1062 c 338 1062 198 1062 338 1062 c 373 1232 338 1062 373 1232 c 702 1430 373 1232 702 1430 c 625 1062 702 1430 625 1062 c 800 1062 625 1062 800 1062 c 756 849 800 1062 756 849 c 580 849 756 849 580 849 c 487 404 580 849 487 404 c 470.33 323.33 462 277.33 462 266 c 462 244 469 226.83 483 214.5 c 497 202.17 522.33 196 559 196 c 571.67 196 603.33 198.33 654 203 c 609 -10 654 203 609 -10 c 559.67 -20 509 -25 457 -25 c 355.67 -25 282 -5.5 236 33.5 c 190 72.5 167 126.67 167 196 c 167 228.67 179.33 304 204 422 c 293 849 204 422 293 849 c 154 849 293 849 154 849 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC16_ArialBoldItalic exch definefont pop %%EndFont %%BeginFont: /MC17_Arial 12 dict begin /FontInfo 8 dict dup begin /ItalicAngle 0 def /UnderlinePosition -217.00 def /UnderlineThickness 150.00 def /StrikeoutPosition 530.00 def /StrikeoutThickness 102.00 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /MC17_Arial def /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [1 2048 div 0 0 1 2048 div 0 0] def /FontBBox [-1361 -665 4096 2060] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for Encoding 32/s32 put Encoding 40/s40 put Encoding 41/s41 put Encoding 75/s75 put Encoding 84/s84 put Encoding 97/s97 put Encoding 101/s101 put Encoding 109/s109 put Encoding 112/s112 put Encoding 114/s114 put Encoding 116/s116 put Encoding 117/s117 put /BoundingBoxes 13 dict def BoundingBoxes begin /s32 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s40 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s41 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s75 [0 -434 1366 1854] def /s84 [0 -434 1251 1854] def /s97 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s101 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s109 [0 -434 1706 1854] def /s112 [0 -434 1139 1854] def /s114 [0 -434 682 1854] def /s116 [0 -434 569 1854] def /s117 [0 -434 1139 1854] def end /Metrics 13 dict def Metrics begin /s32 569 def /s40 682 def /s41 682 def /s75 1366 def /s84 1251 def /s97 1139 def /s101 1139 def /s109 1706 def /s112 1139 def /s114 682 def /s116 569 def /s117 1139 def end /CharProcs 13 dict def CharProcs begin /.notdef {} def /s40 { 479 -431 m 379.67 -305.67 295.67 -159 227 9 c 158.33 177 124 351 124 531 c 124 689.67 149.67 841.67 201 987 c 261 1155.67 353.67 1323.67 479 1491 c 608 1491 479 1491 608 1491 c 527.33 1352.33 474 1253.33 448 1194 c 407.33 1102 375.33 1006 352 906 c 323.33 781.33 309 656 309 530 c 309 209.33 408.67 -111 608 -431 c 479 -431 608 -431 479 -431 c closepath } bind def /s41 { 253 -431 m 124 -431 253 -431 124 -431 c 323.33 -111 423 209.33 423 530 c 423 655.33 408.67 779.67 380 903 c 357.33 1003 325.67 1099 285 1191 c 259 1251 205.33 1351 124 1491 c 253 1491 124 1491 253 1491 c 378.33 1323.67 471 1155.67 531 987 c 582.33 841.67 608 689.67 608 531 c 608 351 573.5 177 504.5 9 c 435.5 -159 351.67 -305.67 253 -431 c closepath } bind def /s75 { 150 0 m 150 1466 150 0 150 1466 c 344 1466 150 1466 344 1466 c 344 739 344 1466 344 739 c 1072 1466 344 739 1072 1466 c 1335 1466 1072 1466 1335 1466 c 720 872 1335 1466 720 872 c 1362 0 720 872 1362 0 c 1106 0 1362 0 1106 0 c 584 742 1106 0 584 742 c 344 508 584 742 344 508 c 344 0 344 508 344 0 c 150 0 344 0 150 0 c closepath } bind def /s84 { 531 0 m 531 1293 531 0 531 1293 c 48 1293 531 1293 48 1293 c 48 1466 48 1293 48 1466 c 1210 1466 48 1466 1210 1466 c 1210 1293 1210 1466 1210 1293 c 725 1293 1210 1293 725 1293 c 725 0 725 1293 725 0 c 531 0 725 0 531 0 c closepath } bind def /s97 { 828 131 m 761.33 74.33 697.17 34.33 635.5 11 c 573.83 -12.33 507.67 -24 437 -24 c 320.33 -24 230.67 4.5 168 61.5 c 105.33 118.5 74 191.33 74 280 c 74 332 85.83 379.5 109.5 422.5 c 133.17 465.5 164.17 500 202.5 526 c 240.83 552 284 571.67 332 585 c 367.33 594.33 420.67 603.33 492 612 c 637.33 629.33 744.33 650 813 674 c 813.67 698.67 814 714.33 814 721 c 814 794.33 797 846 763 876 c 717 916.67 648.67 937 558 937 c 473.33 937 410.83 922.17 370.5 892.5 c 330.17 862.83 300.33 810.33 281 735 c 105 759 281 735 105 759 c 121 834.33 147.33 895.17 184 941.5 c 220.67 987.83 273.67 1023.5 343 1048.5 c 412.33 1073.5 492.67 1086 584 1086 c 674.67 1086 748.33 1075.33 805 1054 c 861.67 1032.67 903.33 1005.83 930 973.5 c 956.67 941.17 975.33 900.33 986 851 c 992 820.33 995 765 995 685 c 995 445 995 685 995 445 c 995 277.67 998.83 171.83 1006.5 127.5 c 1014.17 83.17 1029.33 40.67 1052 0 c 864 0 1052 0 864 0 c 845.33 37.33 833.33 81 828 131 c closepath 813 533 m 747.67 506.33 649.67 483.67 519 465 c 445 454.33 392.67 442.33 362 429 c 331.33 415.67 307.67 396.17 291 370.5 c 274.33 344.83 266 316.33 266 285 c 266 237 284.17 197 320.5 165 c 356.83 133 410 117 480 117 c 549.33 117 611 132.17 665 162.5 c 719 192.83 758.67 234.33 784 287 c 803.33 327.67 813 387.67 813 467 c 813 533 813 467 813 533 c closepath } bind def /s101 { 862 342 m 1048 319 862 342 1048 319 c 1018.67 210.33 964.33 126 885 66 c 805.67 6 704.33 -24 581 -24 c 425.67 -24 302.5 23.83 211.5 119.5 c 120.5 215.17 75 349.33 75 522 c 75 700.67 121 839.33 213 938 c 305 1036.67 424.33 1086 571 1086 c 713 1086 829 1037.67 919 941 c 1009 844.33 1054 708.33 1054 533 c 1054 522.33 1053.67 506.33 1053 485 c 261 485 1053 485 261 485 c 267.67 368.33 300.67 279 360 217 c 419.33 155 493.33 124 582 124 c 648 124 704.33 141.33 751 176 c 797.67 210.67 834.67 266 862 342 c closepath 271 633 m 864 633 271 633 864 633 c 856 722.33 833.33 789.33 796 834 c 738.67 903.33 664.33 938 573 938 c 490.33 938 420.83 910.33 364.5 855 c 308.17 799.67 277 725.67 271 633 c closepath } bind def /s109 { 135 0 m 135 1062 135 0 135 1062 c 296 1062 135 1062 296 1062 c 296 913 296 1062 296 913 c 329.33 965 373.67 1006.83 429 1038.5 c 484.33 1070.17 547.33 1086 618 1086 c 696.67 1086 761.17 1069.67 811.5 1037 c 861.83 1004.33 897.33 958.67 918 900 c 1002 1024 1111.33 1086 1246 1086 c 1351.33 1086 1432.33 1056.83 1489 998.5 c 1545.67 940.17 1574 850.33 1574 729 c 1574 0 1574 729 1574 0 c 1395 0 1574 0 1395 0 c 1395 669 1395 0 1395 669 c 1395 741 1389.17 792.83 1377.5 824.5 c 1365.83 856.17 1344.67 881.67 1314 901 c 1283.33 920.33 1247.33 930 1206 930 c 1131.33 930 1069.33 905.17 1020 855.5 c 970.67 805.83 946 726.33 946 617 c 946 0 946 617 946 0 c 766 0 946 0 766 0 c 766 690 766 0 766 690 c 766 770 751.33 830 722 870 c 692.67 910 644.67 930 578 930 c 527.33 930 480.5 916.67 437.5 890 c 394.5 863.33 363.33 824.33 344 773 c 324.67 721.67 315 647.67 315 551 c 315 0 315 551 315 0 c 135 0 315 0 135 0 c closepath } bind def /s112 { 135 -407 m 135 1062 135 -407 135 1062 c 299 1062 135 1062 299 1062 c 299 924 299 1062 299 924 c 337.67 978 381.33 1018.5 430 1045.5 c 478.67 1072.5 537.67 1086 607 1086 c 697.67 1086 777.67 1062.67 847 1016 c 916.33 969.33 968.67 903.5 1004 818.5 c 1039.33 733.5 1057 640.33 1057 539 c 1057 430.33 1037.5 332.5 998.5 245.5 c 959.5 158.5 902.83 91.83 828.5 45.5 c 754.17 -0.83 676 -24 594 -24 c 534 -24 480.17 -11.33 432.5 14 c 384.83 39.33 345.67 71.33 315 110 c 315 -407 315 110 315 -407 c 135 -407 315 -407 135 -407 c closepath 298 525 m 298 388.33 325.67 287.33 381 222 c 436.33 156.67 503.33 124 582 124 c 662 124 730.5 157.83 787.5 225.5 c 844.5 293.17 873 398 873 540 c 873 675.33 845.17 776.67 789.5 844 c 733.83 911.33 667.33 945 590 945 c 513.33 945 445.5 909.17 386.5 837.5 c 327.5 765.83 298 661.67 298 525 c closepath } bind def /s114 { 133 0 m 133 1062 133 0 133 1062 c 295 1062 133 1062 295 1062 c 295 901 295 1062 295 901 c 336.33 976.33 374.5 1026 409.5 1050 c 444.5 1074 483 1086 525 1086 c 585.67 1086 647.33 1066.67 710 1028 c 648 861 710 1028 648 861 c 604 887 560 900 516 900 c 476.67 900 441.33 888.17 410 864.5 c 378.67 840.83 356.33 808 343 766 c 323 702 313 632 313 556 c 313 0 313 556 313 0 c 133 0 313 0 133 0 c closepath } bind def /s116 { 528 161 m 554 2 528 161 554 2 c 503.33 -8.67 458 -14 418 -14 c 352.67 -14 302 -3.67 266 17 c 230 37.67 204.67 64.83 190 98.5 c 175.33 132.17 168 203 168 311 c 168 922 168 311 168 922 c 36 922 168 922 36 922 c 36 1062 36 922 36 1062 c 168 1062 36 1062 168 1062 c 168 1325 168 1062 168 1325 c 347 1433 168 1325 347 1433 c 347 1062 347 1433 347 1062 c 528 1062 347 1062 528 1062 c 528 922 528 1062 528 922 c 347 922 528 922 347 922 c 347 301 347 922 347 301 c 347 249.67 350.17 216.67 356.5 202 c 362.83 187.33 373.17 175.67 387.5 167 c 401.83 158.33 422.33 154 449 154 c 469 154 495.33 156.33 528 161 c closepath } bind def /s117 { 831 0 m 831 156 831 0 831 156 c 748.33 36 636 -24 494 -24 c 431.33 -24 372.83 -12 318.5 12 c 264.17 36 223.83 66.17 197.5 102.5 c 171.17 138.83 152.67 183.33 142 236 c 134.67 271.33 131 327.33 131 404 c 131 1062 131 404 131 1062 c 311 1062 131 1062 311 1062 c 311 473 311 1062 311 473 c 311 379 314.67 315.67 322 283 c 333.33 235.67 357.33 198.5 394 171.5 c 430.67 144.5 476 131 530 131 c 584 131 634.67 144.83 682 172.5 c 729.33 200.17 762.83 237.83 782.5 285.5 c 802.17 333.17 812 402.33 812 493 c 812 1062 812 493 812 1062 c 992 1062 812 1062 992 1062 c 992 0 992 1062 992 0 c 831 0 992 0 831 0 c closepath } bind def end /BuildGlyph { exch dup /Metrics get 2 index get 0 setcharwidth /CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec fill}bind def /BuildChar { 1 index /Encoding get exch get 1 index /BuildGlyph get exec } bind def currentdict end /MC17_Arial exch definefont pop %%EndFont 0 0 215.86 169.82 rectpath cl np /clipproc{clippath{[{/m cvx}{/l cvx}{/c cvx}{/cp cvx}pathforall}stopped {cleartomark[pathbbox exch 3 i sub exch 2 i sub/rectpath cvx}if]np}bd /iclmtx mtx cmtx def/iclpath clipproc xd/clinit{pathproc initclip np iclpath cl np exec}bd /clmove{pathproc 3 1 roll clippath pathproc 2 i neg 2 i neg tr initclip np exec cl tr np exec}bd /clrect[gs np iclpath{pathbbox}stopped{0 0 215.86 169.82 }if gr]def /cloper{mtx cmtx iclmtx smtx exch exec smtx}bd /cland{{exch cvx exec}cloper}bd /clcopy{{exch clinit cvx exec}cloper}bd /cldiff{{exch pathbbox 4 -1 roll clrect 0 get 2 copy gt{exch}if pop 4 1 roll 3 -1 roll clrect 1 get 2 copy gt{exch}if pop 3 1 roll 2 -1 roll clrect 2 get 2 copy lt{exch}if pop 2 1 roll 1 -1 roll clrect 3 get 2 copy lt{exch}if pop 1 1 roll exch 3 i sub exch 2 i sub rectpath cvx exec}cloper}bd /icl{{clinit}cloper}bd 0.0842973 0.0842806 sc -199.96 277.99 tr /initmtx mtx cmtx def gs gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 554 -2134 m (0)[38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 746 -2134 m (100)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 975 -2134 m (200)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 1205 -2134 m (300)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 1435 -2134 m (400)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 1664 -2134 m (500)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 1894 -2134 m (600)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 2124 -2134 m (700)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 2353 -2134 m (800)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 2583 -2134 m (900)[38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 384 -1941 m (2000)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 384 -1799 m (4000)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 384 -1656 m (6000)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 384 -1514 m (8000)[38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 346 -1371 m (10000)[38 38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 346 -1229 m (12000)[38 38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 346 -1086 m (14000)[38 38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 346 -944 m (16000)[38 38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 346 -802 m (18000)[38 38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 346 -659 m (20000)[38 38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 346 -517 m (22000)[38 38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 1 -1 sc /MC13_Arial 69 self 346 -374 m (24000)[38 38 38 38 38 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr [0.999877 0 0 -1 0 2014.98] concat 573 2043 m 573 2009 l 9 sw 1 sj 1 scap st 688 2043 m 688 2026 l st 803 2043 m 803 2009 l st 918 2043 m 918 2026 l st 1032 2043 m 1032 2009 l st 1147 2043 m 1147 2026 l st 1262 2043 m 1262 2009 l st 1377 2043 m 1377 2026 l st 1492 2043 m 1492 2009 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1339 l 1255 1333 l 1267 1326 l 1278 1321 l 1290 1315 l 1301 1309 l 1313 1304 l 1324 1299 l 1336 1294 l 1347 1289 l 1359 1284 l 1370 1280 l 1381 1275 l 1393 1271 l 1404 1267 l 1416 1262 l 1427 1258 l 1439 1255 l 1450 1251 l 1462 1247 l 1473 1243 l 1485 1240 l 1496 1236 l 1508 1233 l 1519 1230 l 1531 1226 l 1542 1223 l 1554 1220 l 1565 1217 l 1577 1214 l 1588 1211 l 1600 1208 l 1611 1205 l 1623 1202 l 1634 1199 l 1646 1196 l 1657 1194 l 1669 1191 l 1680 1188 l 1692 1186 l 1703 1183 l 1715 1181 l 1726 1178 l 1737 1176 l 1749 1173 l 1760 1171 l 1772 1169 l 1783 1166 l 1795 1164 l 1806 1162 l 1818 1159 l 1829 1157 l 1841 1155 l 1852 1153 l 1864 1151 l 1875 1149 l 1887 1146 l 1898 1144 l 1910 1142 l 1921 1140 l 1933 1138 l 1944 1136 l 1956 1134 l 1967 1132 l 1979 1131 l 1990 1129 l 2002 1127 l 2013 1125 l 2025 1123 l 2036 1121 l 2048 1119 l 2059 1118 l 2071 1116 l 2082 1114 l 2094 1112 l 2105 1111 l 2116 1109 l 2128 1107 l 2139 1105 l 2151 1104 l 2162 1102 l 2174 1100 l 2185 1099 l 0 0.502 0 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30 30 rectstroke 2176 526 m 2176 554 l st 2162 540 m 2190 540 l st 2190 540 m 1659 1088 30 30 rectstroke 1674 1089 m 1674 1117 l st 1660 1103 m 1688 1103 l st gr gs pathproc 573 284 2183 1760 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec gr gs pathproc 573 284 2183 1760 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec 2755 284 m 5 sw 0.502 0 0.502 rgb 1231 1391 30 30 rectstroke 1246 1392 m 1246 1420 l st 1232 1406 m 1260 1406 l st 1260 1406 m 1295 1309 30 30 rectstroke 1310 1310 m 1310 1338 l st 1296 1324 m 1324 1324 l st gr gs pathproc 573 284 2183 1760 np rectpath /eocl cland np exec np 628 2038 17 0 360 a cp 5 sw 1 0 0 rgb st 628 2022 m 628 2054 l st 612 2038 m 644 2038 l st np 714 2016 17 0 360 a cp st 714 2000 m 714 2032 l st 698 2016 m 730 2016 l st np 841 1952 17 0 360 a cp st 841 1936 m 841 1968 l st 825 1952 m 857 1952 l st np 1010 1824 17 0 360 a cp st 1010 1808 m 1010 1840 l st 994 1824 m 1026 1824 l st np 1099 1743 17 0 360 a cp st 1099 1727 m 1099 1759 l st 1083 1743 m 1115 1743 l st np 1198 1640 17 0 360 a cp st 1198 1624 m 1198 1656 l st 1182 1640 m 1214 1640 l st np 1267 1572 17 0 360 a cp st 1267 1556 m 1267 1588 l st 1251 1572 m 1283 1572 l st gr gs gs 2755 284 m 5 sw 1 0 0 rgb 1872 1618 30 30 rectstroke 1887 1619 m 1887 1647 l st 1873 1633 m 1901 1633 l st gr 1 -1 sc /MC14_ArialBold 50 self 1981 -1661 m (B1 Hugoniot, T)[36 28 14 36 30 31 31 30 14 31 17 14 14 32 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC14_ArialBold 30 self 2339 -1682 m (0)[17 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC14_ArialBold 50 self 2356 -1661 m (=1900K DFT)[29 28 28 28 28 36 14 36 31 32 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 5 sw 0.502 0 0.502 rgb 1872 1731 30 30 rectstroke 1887 1732 m 1887 1760 l st 1873 1746 m 1901 1746 l st gr 1 -1 sc 1981 -1774 m (B2 Hugoniot, T)[36 28 14 36 30 31 31 30 14 31 17 14 14 32 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC14_ArialBold 30 self 2339 -1795 m (0)[17 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC14_ArialBold 50 self 2356 -1774 m (=1900K DFT)[29 28 28 28 28 36 14 36 31 32 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 5 sw 0 0 1 rgb 1872 1844 30 30 rectstroke 1887 1845 m 1887 1873 l st 1873 1859 m 1901 1859 l st gr 1 -1 sc 1981 -1887 m (Liq. Hugoniot, T)[31 14 31 14 14 36 30 31 31 30 14 31 17 14 14 32 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC14_ArialBold 30 self 2365 -1908 m (0)[17 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC14_ArialBold 50 self 2382 -1887 m (=1900K DFT)[29 28 28 28 28 36 14 36 31 32 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs np 2089 1309 17 0 360 a cp 5 sw 1 0 0 rgb st 2089 1293 m 2089 1325 l st 2073 1309 m 2105 1309 l st gr 1 -1 sc /MC15_Arial 84 self 2183 -1337 m ( )[23 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC14_ArialBold 50 self 2206 -1337 m (B1 Hugoniot)[36 28 14 36 30 31 31 30 14 31 17 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc 2504 -1337 m (, DFT)[14 14 36 31 32 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 2089 1412 17 0 360 a cp 5 sw 0.502 0 0.502 rgb st 2089 1396 m 2089 1428 l st 2073 1412 m 2105 1412 l st gr 1 -1 sc 2183 -1440 m ( B2 Hugoniot, DFT)[14 36 28 14 36 30 31 31 30 14 31 17 14 14 36 31 32 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 2089 1515 17 0 360 a cp 5 sw 0 0 1 rgb st 2089 1499 m 2089 1531 l st 2073 1515 m 2105 1515 l st gr 1 -1 sc 2183 -1543 m ( Liq. Hugoniot, DFT)[14 31 14 31 14 14 36 30 31 31 30 14 31 17 14 14 36 31 32 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs gs 658 339 m 846 339 l 1 0 0 rgb st gr gr 1 -1 sc /MC14_ArialBold 50 self 846 -367 m ( Alf\350 B1 Melt)[14 35 14 17 28 14 36 28 14 41 28 14 17 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs gs 658 442 m 719 442 l 1 0.502 0 rgb st 785 442 m 846 442 l st gr np 752 442 21 0 360 a cp gs 1 0.502 0 rgb eofi gr 3 sw 1 0.502 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 846 -470 m ( DFT B1 Melt )[14 36 31 32 14 36 28 14 41 28 14 17 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs np 752 545 21 0 360 a cp gs 0 0.502 0 rgb eofi gr 3 sw 0 0.502 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 846 -573 m ( DFT B2 Melt)[14 36 31 32 14 36 28 14 41 28 14 17 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs gs 658 648 m 846 648 l 0 0.502 0 rgb st gr gr 1 -1 sc 846 -676 m ( B2 Melt Line Fit)[14 36 28 14 41 28 14 17 14 31 14 30 28 14 31 14 17 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs gs 658 751 m 846 751 l st gr gr 1 -1 sc 846 -779 m ( TI B1-B2 Boundary)[14 32 13 14 36 28 17 36 28 14 36 31 30 30 31 28 19 27 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs gs 658 854 m 663 854 l st 704 854 m 709 854 l st 750 854 m 755 854 l st 796 854 m 801 854 l st 842 854 m 845 854 l st gr gr 1 -1 sc 846 -882 m ( QHA B1-B2 Boundary)[14 39 36 35 14 36 28 17 36 28 14 36 31 30 30 31 28 19 27 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 752 936 m 770 967 l 733 967 l cp 5 sw 0 1 1 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 846 -985 m ( Svendsen & Ahrens)[14 33 27 28 30 31 28 28 30 14 36 14 35 30 19 28 30 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gs 767 1051 m 752 1078 l 736 1051 l cp 5 sw 0 1 0 rgb st gr 1 -1 sc 846 -1088 m ( Fat'yanov )[14 31 28 17 12 27 28 30 31 27 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc 1 -1 sc /MC16_ArialBoldItalic 51 self 1105 -1088 m (et al. )[28 17 14 28 14 14 14 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 2887 -1230 tr 90 ro /MC17_Arial 84 self 0 0 m ( )[23 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC15_Arial 84 self 1653 -193 m ( )[23 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gs gs 1 -1 sc 286 -1465 tr 90 ro /MC17_Arial 84 self 0 0 m (Temperature \(K\))[51 47 70 47 47 28 47 23 47 28 47 23 28 56 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr gs 1 -1 sc /MC15_Arial 84 self 1372 -2267 m (Pressure \(GPa\))[56 28 47 42 42 47 28 47 23 28 65 56 47 28 ] xs 1 -1 sc gr gr 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y(Energy)38 b(Science)i(\(BES\),)g(Departmen)n(t)f(of)h(Energy)f(\(DOE\).)2042 5114 y(Sandia)28 b(National)g(Lab)r(oratories)e(is)j(a)h(m)n (ultiprogram)24 b(lab)r(ora-)2042 5214 y(tory)39 b(managed)e(and)j(op)r (erated)f(b)n(y)g(Sandia)g(Corp)r(oration,)h(a)2042 5313 y(wholly)35 b(o)n(wned)h(subsidiary)f(of)i(Lo)r(c)n(kheed)f(Martin)g (Corp)r(ora-)2042 5413 y(tion,)30 b(for)g(the)h(U.S.)g(Departmen)n(t)e (of)i(Energy's)d(National)g(Nu-)p Black Black eop end end %%Page: 5 5 TeXDict begin HPSdict begin 5 4 bop 0 0 a SDict begin /product where{pop product(Distiller)search{pop pop pop version(.)search{exch pop exch pop(3011)eq{gsave newpath 0 0 moveto closepath clip/Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont 72 72 moveto(.)show grestore}if}{pop}ifelse}{pop}ifelse}if end 0 0 a -158 -515 a SDict begin H.S end -158 -515 a -158 -515 a SDict begin H.R end -158 -515 a -158 -515 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (page.5) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -158 -515 a Black 4043 -299 a Fs(5)p Black -150 -83 a(clear)31 b(Securit)n(y)h(Administration)d(under)34 b(Con)n(tract)e(No.)54 b(DE-)-150 17 y(A)n(C04-94AL85000.)572 232 y SDict begin H.S end 572 232 a 572 232 a SDict begin 26 H.A end 572 232 a 572 232 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (section*.3) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 572 232 a 572 234 598 5 v 647 235 449 7 v 722 236 299 9 v 796 237 150 11 v Black -67 446 a SDict begin H.S end -67 446 a -67 446 a SDict begin 0 H.A end -67 446 a -67 446 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (frontmatter.1) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -67 446 a Fb(\003)p Black 3 492 a SDict begin H.S end 3 492 a Black -15 x Fp(sro)r(ot@sandia.go)n(v)p Black 582 425 a SDict begin H.R end 582 425 a 582 477 a SDict begin [/H /I/Border [0 0 1]BorderArrayPatch/BS <</S/S/W 1>>/Color [0 1 1]/Action <</Subtype/URI/URI(>>/Subtype /Link H.B /ANN pdfmark end 582 477 a Black -112 565 a SDict begin H.S end -112 565 a Fp([1])-32 565 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 565 a -32 565 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Hartmann1975) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 565 a Black 35 w Fp(W.)21 b(K.)g(Hartmann)f(and)h(D.)g(R.)g(Da)n(vis,)h (Icarus)f Fa(24)p Fp(,)h(504)h(\(1975\).)p Black -112 652 a SDict begin H.S end -112 652 a Fp([2])-32 652 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 652 a -32 652 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Canup2012) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 652 a Black 35 w Fp(R.)i(M.)h(Can)n(up,)g(Science)g Fa(338)p Fp(,)g(1052)i(\(2012\).)p Black -112 739 a SDict begin H.S end -112 739 a Fp([3])-32 739 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 739 a -32 739 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Stewart2012) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 739 a Black 35 w Fp(M.)e(Cuk)f(and)h(S.)f(T.)i(Stew)n(art,)f(Science)g Fa(338)p Fp(,)g(1047)h(\(2012\).)p Black -112 826 a SDict begin H.S end -112 826 a Fp([4])-32 826 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 826 a -32 826 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Wiechert2001) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 826 a Black 35 w Fp(U.)32 b(Wiec)n(hert,)k(A.)d(N.)f(Hallida)n(y)-6 b(,)35 b(D.-C.)f(Lee,)h(G.)f(A.)e(Sn)n(yder,)3 913 y(L.)26 b(A.)f(T)-6 b(a)n(ylor,)52 b(and)26 b(D.)f(Rum)n(ble,)f(Science)i Fa(294)p Fp(,)h(345)f(\(2001\).)p Black -112 1000 a SDict begin H.S end -112 1000 a Fp([5])-32 1000 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 1000 a -32 1000 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Pahlevan2007) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 1000 a Black 35 w Fp(K.)19 b(P)n(ahlev)l(an)f(and)h(D.)g(J.)g(Stev)n(enson,) g(Earth)g(Planet.)h(Sci.)f(Lett.)3 1088 y Fa(262)p Fp(,)26 b(438)h(\(2007\).)p Black -112 1175 a SDict begin H.S end -112 1175 a Fp([6])-32 1175 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 1175 a -32 1175 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Boehler2000) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 1175 a Black 35 w Fp(R.)e(Bo)r(ehler,) i(Rev.)e(Geoph)n(ysics)i Fa(38)p Fp(,)f(221)h(\(2000\).)p Black -112 1262 a SDict begin H.S end -112 1262 a Fp([7])-32 1262 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 1262 a -32 1262 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.MDKQuartz2009) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 1262 a Black 35 w Fp(M.)33 b(D.)f(Kn)n(udson)f(and)h (M.)h(P)-6 b(.)32 b(Desjarlais,)j(Ph)n(ys.)d(Rev.)g(Lett.)3 1349 y Fa(103)p Fp(,)26 b(225501)i(\(2009\).)p Black -112 1436 a SDict begin H.S end -112 1436 a Fp([8])-32 1436 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 1436 a -32 1436 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Kraus2012) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 1436 a Black 35 w Fp(R.)j(G.)g(Kraus,)i(S.)f(T.)g(Stew)n (art,)h(D.)e(C.)h(Swift,)i(C.)e(A.)f(Bolme,)3 1523 y(R.)24 b(F.)h(Smith,)f(S.)g(Hamel,)h(B.)g(D.)g(Hammel,)e(D.)i(K.)f(Spaulding,) 3 1611 y(D.)17 b(G.)h(Hic)n(ks,)i(J.)e(H.)g(Eggert,)38 b(and)17 b(G.)h(W.)g(Collins,)i(J.)e(Geoph)n(ys.)3 1698 y(Res.)26 b(-)f(Planets)h Fa(117)p Fp(,)h(E09009)h(\(2012\).)p Black -112 1785 a SDict begin H.S end -112 1785 a Fp([9])-32 1785 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 1785 a -32 1785 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Dylan2012) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 1785 a Black 35 w Fp(D.)35 b(K.)g(Spaulding,)i(R.)e (S.)g(McWilliams,)k(R.)c(Jeanloz,)40 b(J.)35 b(H.)3 1872 y(Eggert,)28 b(P)-6 b(.)27 b(M.)g(Celliers,)j(D.)c(G.)i(Hic)n(ks,)f(G.) g(W.)g(Collins,)56 b(and)3 1959 y(R.)25 b(F.)h(Smith,)f(Ph)n(ys.)g (Rev.)g(Lett.)h Fa(108)p Fp(,)h(065701)h(\(2012\).)p Black -150 2046 a SDict begin H.S end -150 2046 a Fp([10])-32 2046 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 2046 a -32 2046 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.RootCO2) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 2046 a Black 35 w Fp(S.)k(Ro)r(ot,)k(K.)d(R.)f (Co)r(c)n(hrane,)k(J.)e(H.)e(Carp)r(en)n(ter,)68 b(and)33 b(T.)g(R.)3 2134 y(Mattsson,)27 b(Ph)n(ys.)e(Rev.)g(B)h Fa(87)p Fp(,)h(224102)h(\(2013\).)p Black -150 2221 a SDict begin H.S end -150 2221 a Fp([11])-32 2221 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 2221 a -32 2221 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Zeldovich) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 2221 a Black 35 w Fp(Y.)41 b(B.)h(Zel'Do)n(vic)n(h)g(and)f(Y.)g(P) -6 b(.)41 b(Raizer,)i Fq(Physics)g(of)e(Sho)l(ck)3 2308 y(Waves)26 b(and)h(High)f(T)-6 b(emp)l(er)l(atur)l(e)28 b(Phenomena)j Fp(\(Do)n(v)n(er)23 b(Publi-)3 2395 y(cations,)k(Inc.,)e (Mineola,)j(NY,)d(2002\).)p Black -150 2482 a SDict begin H.S end -150 2482 a Fp([12])-32 2482 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 2482 a -32 2482 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.McDonough1995) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 2482 a Black 35 w Fp(W.)f(F.)g(McDonough)g(and)g(S.)g(Sun,)f(Chem.)h(Geology)i Fa(120)p Fp(,)f(223)3 2570 y(\(1995\).)p Black -150 2657 a SDict begin H.S end -150 2657 a Fp([13])-32 2657 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 2657 a -32 2657 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.kepler10b) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 2657 a Black 35 w Fp(N.)g(M.)h(Batalha)i Fq(et)g(al.)p Fp(,)d(Astroph)n(ys.)g(J.)i Fa(27)p Fp(,)f(729)h(\(2011\).)p Black -150 2744 a SDict begin H.S end -150 2744 a Fp([14])-32 2744 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 2744 a -32 2744 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Zerr1994) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 2744 a Black 35 w Fp(A.)e(Zerr)h(and)f(R.)h(Bo)r (ehler,)h(Nature)e Fa(371)p Fp(,)i(506)g(\(1994\).)p Black -150 2831 a SDict begin H.S end -150 2831 a Fp([15])-32 2831 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 2831 a -32 2831 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.DuffyDAC) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 2831 a Black 35 w Fp(T.)c(S.)f(Du\013y)-6 b(,)22 b(R.)g(J.)h(Hemley)-6 b(,)44 b(and)23 b(H.)f(Mao,)i(Ph)n(ys.)e (Rev.)g(Lett.)3 2918 y Fa(74)p Fp(,)k(1371)h(\(1995\).)p Black -150 3005 a SDict begin H.S end -150 3005 a Fp([16])-32 3005 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 3005 a -32 3005 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Coppari2013) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 3005 a Black 35 w Fp(F.)32 b(Coppari,)j(R.)d(F.)h (Smith,)f(J.)h(H.)f(Eggert,)k(J.)d(W)-6 b(ang,)34 b(J.)e(R.)3 3093 y(Rygg,)f(A.)f(Lazic)n(ki,)i(J.)f(A.)f(Ha)n(wreliak,)i(G.)f(W.)f (Collins,)64 b(and)3 3180 y(T.)26 b(S.)g(Du\013y)-6 b(,)24 b(Nature)h(Geo.)i Fa(6)p Fp(,)f(926)h(\(2013\).)p Black -150 3267 a SDict begin H.S end -150 3267 a Fp([17])-32 3267 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 3267 a -32 3267 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.marsh1980lasl) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 3267 a Black 35 w Fp(S.)22 b(P)-6 b(.)22 b(Marsh,)i Fq(LASL)h(Sho)l(ck)g(Hugoniot)h(Data)p Fp(,)d(V)-6 b(ol.)23 b(5)f(\(Univ)f(of)3 3354 y(California)28 b(Press,)f(1980\).)p Black -150 3441 a SDict begin H.S end -150 3441 a Fp([18])-32 3441 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 3441 a -32 3441 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.VassiliouMgO) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 3441 a Black 35 w Fp(M.)d(S.)g(V)-6 b(assiliou)25 b(and)f(T.)h(J.)g(Ahrens,)e(Geoph)n(ys.)h(Res.)h(Lett.)f Fa(8)p Fp(,)3 3528 y(729)i(\(1981\).)p Black -150 3616 a SDict begin H.S end -150 3616 a Fp([19])-32 3616 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 3616 a -32 3616 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Duffy1994) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 3616 a Black 35 w Fp(T.)h(S.)g(Du\013y)f(and)g(T.)i(J.)g(Ahrens,) e(AIP)h(Conference)h(Pro)r(ceed-)3 3703 y(ings)e Fa(309)p Fp(,)h(1107)g(\(1994\).)p Black -150 3790 a SDict begin H.S end -150 3790 a Fp([20])-32 3790 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 3790 a -32 3790 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Zhang2008) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 3790 a Black 35 w Fp(L.)j(Zhang,)i(Z.)f(Gong,)63 b(and)31 b(Y.)f(F)-6 b(ei,)31 b(J.)g(Ph)n(ys.)g(Chem.)f(Solids)3 3877 y Fa(69)p Fp(,)c(2344)h(\(2008\).)p Black -150 3964 a SDict begin H.S end -150 3964 a Fp([21])-32 3964 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end -32 3964 a -32 3964 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Fratanduono2013) cvn /DEST pdfmark end -32 3964 a Black 35 w Fp(D.)g(E.)g(F)-6 b(ratanduono,)28 b(J.)g(H.)f(Eggert,)i(M.) f(C.)g(Akin,)f(R.)g(Chau,)2194 -83 y(and)f(N.)f(C.)i(Holmes,)e(J.)i (Appl.)e(Ph)n(ys.)g Fa(114)p Fp(,)i(043518)h(\(2013\).)p Black 2042 4 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 4 a Fp([22])2160 4 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 4 a 2160 4 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.OlegSCCM09) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 4 a Black 34 w Fp(O.)33 b(V.)f(F)-6 b(at'y)n(ano)n(v,)35 b(P)-6 b(.)32 b(D.)h(Asimo)n(w,)67 b(and)32 b(T.)i(J.)f(Ahrens,)f(in) 2194 91 y Fq(Sho)l(ck)23 b(Compr)l(ession)f(of)f(Condense)l(d)i(Matter) p Fp(,)d(edited)f(b)n(y)e(M.)j(L.)2194 178 y(Elert,)33 b(W.)e(T.)g(B.)g(M.)g(D.)f(F)-6 b(urnish,)31 b(W.)g(W.)g(Anderson,)61 b(and)2194 266 y(W.)26 b(G.)g(Proud)g(\(AIP)-6 b(,)25 b(2009\))i(p.)f(855.)p Black 2042 353 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 353 a Fp([23])2160 353 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 353 a 2160 353 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.BeloMgO) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 353 a Black 34 w Fp(A.)54 b(B.)g(Belonoshk)n(o,)62 b(S.)53 b(Arapan,)60 b(R.)54 b(Martonak,)114 b(and)2194 440 y(A.)26 b(Rosengren,)g(Ph)n(ys.)g(Rev.)f (B)h Fa(81)p Fp(,)g(054110)i(\(2010\).)p Black 2042 527 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 527 a Fp([24])2160 527 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 527 a 2160 527 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.boates-bonev) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 527 a Black 34 w Fp(B.)22 b(Boates)g(and)e(S.)h(A.)f(Bonev,)h(Ph)n (ys.)f(Rev.)h(Lett.)f Fa(110)p Fp(,)i(135504)2194 614 y(\(2013\).)p Black 2042 702 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 702 a Fp([25])2160 702 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 702 a 2160 702 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.cebulla-MgO) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 702 a Black 34 w Fp(D.)38 b(Cebulla)g(and)g(R.)f(Redmer,)f(Ph)n(ys.)i(Rev.)f(B)h Fa(89)p Fp(,)g(134107)2194 789 y(\(2014\).)p Black 2042 876 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 876 a Fp([26])2160 876 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 876 a 2160 876 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.McWilliams2012) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 876 a Black 34 w Fp(R.)27 b(S.)g(McWilliams,)h(D.)f(K.)f (Spaulding,)h(J.)h(H.)e(Eggert,)j(P)-6 b(.)26 b(M.)2194 963 y(Celliers,)33 b(D.)d(G.)f(Hic)n(ks,)i(R.)e(F.)h(Smith,)f(G.)h(W.)g (Collins,)61 b(and)2194 1050 y(R.)26 b(Jeanloz,)h(Science)f Fa(338)p Fp(,)h(1330)g(\(2012\).)p Black 2042 1137 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 1137 a Fp([27])2160 1137 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 1137 a 2160 1137 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.ZMachRef) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 1137 a Black 34 w Fp(M.)e(E.)f(Sa)n(v)l(age)g Fq(et)i(al.)p Fp(,)e(in)f Fq(2007)k(IEEE)e(Pulse)l(d)i(Power)f(Confer-) 2194 1225 y(enc)l(e)p Fp(,)h(V)-6 b(ol.)26 b(1-4)g(\(2007\))h(p.)f (979.)p Black 2042 1324 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 1324 a Fp([28])2160 1324 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 1324 a 2160 1324 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.LemkeZFlyer05) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 1324 a Black 34 w Fp(R.)d(W.)g(Lemk)n (e,)g(M.)g(D.)g(Kn)n(udson,)g(D.)g(E.)g(Bliss,)j(K.)d(Co)r(c)n(hrane,) 2194 1411 y(J.-P)-6 b(.)23 b(Da)n(vis,)g(A.)f(A.)g(Giun)n(ta,)h(H.)f (C.)h(Harjes,)46 b(and)21 b(S.)h(A.)g(Slutz,)2194 1499 y(J.)27 b(Appl.)e(Ph)n(ys.)h Fa(98)p Fp(,)g(073530)i(\(2005\).)p Black 2042 1586 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 1586 a Fp([29])2160 1586 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 1586 a 2160 1586 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.RootFoam2013) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 1586 a Black 34 w Fp(S.)33 b(Ro)r(ot,)i(T.)e (A.)g(Haill,)i(J.)f(M.)f(D.)f(Lane,)j(A.)e(P)-6 b(.)32 b(Thompson,)2194 1673 y(G.)39 b(S.)e(Grest,)42 b(D.)37 b(G.)i(Sc)n(hro)r(en,)78 b(and)37 b(T.)i(R.)e(Mattsson,)i(J.)2194 1760 y(Appl.)26 b(Ph)n(ys.)f Fa(114)p Fp(,)i(103502)h(\(2013\).)p Black 2042 1847 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 1847 a Fp([30])2160 1847 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 1847 a 2160 1847 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.supplemental-material) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 1847 a Black 34 w Fp(See)j(Supplemen)n(tal)e (Material)j(at)f([URL)f(will)i(b)r(e)e(inserted)h(b)n(y)2194 1934 y(publisher].)p Black 2042 2022 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 2022 a Fp([31])2160 2022 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 2022 a 2160 2022 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.knudson-carbon) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 2022 a Black 34 w Fp(M.)39 b(D.)g(Kn)n(udson,)i(M.)e(P)-6 b(.)38 b(Desjarlais,)83 b(and)38 b(D.)g(H.)g(Dolan,)2194 2109 y(Science)26 b Fa(322)p Fp(,)h(1822)g(\(2008\).)p Black 2042 2196 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 2196 a Fp([32])2160 2196 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 2196 a 2160 2196 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.VASPshort) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 2196 a Black 34 w Fp(G.)f(Kresse)f(and)g(J.)h(Hafner,)f(Ph)n (ys.)g(Rev.)g(B)g Fa(47)p Fp(,)h(R558)f(\(1993\),)2194 2283 y(Ph)n(ys.)51 b(Rev.)g(B)g Fa(49)p Fp(,)58 b(14251)53 b(\(1994\);)65 b(G.)51 b(Kresse)h(and)e(J.)2194 2370 y(F)-6 b(urthm)r(\177)-41 b(uller,)26 b(Ph)n(ys.)f(Rev.)h(B)g Fa(54)p Fp(,)g(11169)h(\(1996\).)p Black 2042 2457 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 2457 a Fp([33])2160 2457 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 2457 a 2160 2457 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.PAWshort) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 2457 a Black 34 w Fp(P)-6 b(.)29 b(E.)g(Bl\177)-38 b(oc)n(hl,)31 b(Ph)n(ys.)e(Rev.)f(B)h Fa(50)p Fp(,)h(17953)h(\(1994\);) g(G.)e(Kresse)2194 2545 y(and)d(D.)f(Joub)r(ert,)i(Ph)n(ys.)e(Rev.)g(B) h Fa(59)p Fp(,)h(1758)g(\(1999\).)p Black 2042 2632 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 2632 a Fp([34])2160 2632 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 2632 a 2160 2632 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.qmcpack) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 2632 a Black 34 w Fp(J.)32 b(Kim,)f(K.)f(P)-6 b(.)31 b(Esler,)i(J.)f(McMinis,)h(M.)e(A.)g(Morales,)j(B.)d(K.)2194 2719 y(Clark,)36 b(L.)e(Sh)n(ulen)n(burger,)67 b(and)33 b(D.)g(M.)h(Cep)r(erley)-6 b(,)33 b(J.)h(Ph)n(ys.)2194 2806 y(Conf.)27 b(Series)g Fa(402)p Fp(,)f(012008)i(\(2012\).)p Black 2042 2893 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 2893 a Fp([35])2160 2893 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 2893 a 2160 2893 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.shulenburger-prb) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 2893 a Black 34 w Fp(L.)j(Sh)n(ulen)n(burger)d (and)i(T.)h(R.)e(Mattsson,)j(Ph)n(ys.)e(Rev.)f(B)h Fa(88)p Fp(,)2194 2980 y(245117)e(\(2013\).)p Black 2042 3068 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 3068 a Fp([36])2160 3068 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 3068 a 2160 3068 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Alfe-phon) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 3068 a Black 34 w Fp(D.)33 b(Alf)n(\022)-36 b(e,)34 b(Computer)e(Ph)n(ysics)h(Comm)n(unications)f Fa(180)p Fp(,)i(2622)2194 3155 y(\(2009\).)p Black 2042 3242 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 3242 a Fp([37])2160 3242 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 3242 a 2160 3242 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.wu-anharmonic-prb) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 3242 a Black 34 w Fp(Z.)26 b(W)-6 b(u,)25 b(Ph)n(ys.)h(Rev.)f(B) h Fa(81)p Fp(,)g(172301)i(\(2010\).)p Black 2042 3329 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 3329 a Fp([38])2160 3329 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 3329 a 2160 3329 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Kraus2014) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 3329 a Black 34 w Fp(R.)23 b(G.)h(Kraus,)g(S.)f(Ro)r(ot,)h(R.)f (W.)h(Lemk)n(e,)e(S.)h(T.)h(Stew)n(art,)g(S.)f(B.)2194 3416 y(Jacobsen,)46 b(and)22 b(T.)h(R.)e(Mattsson,)j Fq(A)l(c)l(c)l(epte)l(d)i(for)e(Public)l(ation,)2194 3504 y(Natur)l(e)29 b(Ge)l(o.)52 b Fp(\(2014\).)p Black 2042 3591 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 3591 a Fp([39])2160 3591 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 3591 a 2160 3591 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Croft1982) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 3591 a Black 34 w Fp(S.)33 b(K.)g(Croft,)h(Geol.)g (So)r(c.)f(America,)i(Sp)r(ec.)d(Pubs.)h Fa(190)p Fp(,)h(143)2194 3678 y(\(1982\).)p Black 2042 3765 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 3765 a Fp([40])2160 3765 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 3765 a 2160 3765 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.SvendsenMgO) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 3765 a Black 34 w Fp(B.)24 b(Sv)n(endsen)e(and)h(T.)h(J.)g(Ahrens,)f(Geoph)n(ys.)g(J.)h (R.)f(Astr.)g(So)r(c.)2194 3852 y Fa(91)p Fp(,)k(667)g(\(1987\).)p Black 2042 3939 a SDict begin H.S end 2042 3939 a Fp([41])2160 3939 y SDict begin 10.5 H.A end 2160 3939 a 2160 3939 a SDict begin [/View [/XYZ H.V]/Dest (cite.Alfe-MgO-2phase) cvn /DEST pdfmark end 2160 3939 a Black 34 w Fp(D.)f(Alfe,)h(Ph)n(ys.)e (Rev.)g(Lett.)h Fa(94)p Fp(,)g(235701)i(\(2005\).)p Black Black eop end end %%Trailer end userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if %%EOF