The best city hotels in the world - interactive map | Travel |

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We'll be adding more to the collection, but if you think we've missed somewhere, write a review on our <a href="">Been there site</a>. See our new <a href="">travel maps page</a> for more global guides</p> </div> <ul id="content-actions" class="share-links"> <li class="share-links"> <ul> <li class="full-line tweet tweet_button"> <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="" data-via="guardian" data-counturl="" data-related="guardiantravel" data-text="The best city hotels in the world - interactive map">Tweet this</a> </li> <li class="third-party-tool full-line facebook"> <span class="facebook-share"> <a class="facebook-share-btn" href=";link=;display=popup&amp;redirect_uri=;show_error=false" data-href="" data-link-name="Facebook Share"> <span class="facebook-share-icon"></span> <span class="facebook-share-label">Share</span> <span class="corner-tl"></span> <span class="corner-tr"></span> <span class="corner-bl"></span> <span class="corner-br"></span> </a> </span> </li> <li class="third-party-tool last-line reddit"> <span class="reddit_button"> <a target=";amp;title=" href=";title=" data-link-name="Reddit image" 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'') { tableHeaderMarkUp = tableHeaderMarkUp + '<th>' + data.getColumnLabel(thirdTableColumn) + '</th>'; } */ tableHeaderMarkUp = tableHeaderMarkUp + '</tr>'; jQ('.pane-wrapper').append('<div id="table-div-'+i+'" class="tab-toggle-pane table-div-pane"><table id="continental-table-'+i+'"><thead>'+tableHeaderMarkUp+'</thead></table></div>'); // create table if(i > 0) { jQ('div#table-div-'+i).addClass('initially-off'); jQ('div#table-div-'+i).addClass('inactive'); } // build up tab headings firstTabHeader = data.getColumnLabel(balloon1Data1); secondTabHeader = data.getColumnLabel(balloon2Data1); thirdTabHeader = data.getColumnLabel(balloon3Data1); // LOOP THROUGH AND BUILD TABLE ROWS for (var j = 0; j < tableView[i].getNumberOfRows(); j++) { firstTabFirstInfo = firstTabSecondInfo = ""; var pointerToRow = tableView[i].getTableRowIndex(j); var tableLink = data.getValue(pointerToRow,secondTableColumn); var cityLink = data.getValue(pointerToRow,uniqueValue); var linkText = 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id="'+rowId+'"><td>'+data.getValue(pointerToRow, firstTableColumn)+'</td>'; //show link at bottom tableMarkUp = tableMarkUp + '</tr>'; GEvent.addListener( marker, 'click', function(point, balloonTabs, rowId, i,cityLatValue,cityLonValue,cityZoomValue) { return function() { map.openInfoWindowHtml( point, balloonTabs, { maxWidth : 300 } ); /** jquery to highlight selected pin in the table **/ jQ('.selected').toggleClass('selected'); jQ('#'+rowId).toggleClass('selected'); jQ('.tab-toggle-pane').css('display', 'none'); var tableDiv = '#table-div-'+i; var activeTab = 'a[href='+tableDiv+']'; jQ(tableDiv).css('display', 'block'); jQ(".active-tab").toggleClass('active-tab'); jQ(activeTab).toggleClass('active-tab'); }; } (point, balloonTabs, rowId, i)); // WRITE OUT TABLE ROWS jQ(tableMarkUp).click(function(marker, balloonTabs) { return function() { //click on restaurant map.setCenter(new GLatLng(cityLatValue, cityLonValue), 15); // SET CENTER POINT OF MAP (hardcoding for now ) //ive clicked on 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