SFE: Asimov's Science Fiction

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Tagged: Publication.</p><div class="browsingBtns"> <span> <input class="button PNI previous" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/next.php?id=p&entry=asimovs'" value="Prev" /> </span> <span> <input class="button PNI next" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/next.php?&entry=asimovs'" value="Next" /> </span> <span> <input class="button PNI incoming" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/incoming.php?entry=asimovs'" value="About This Entry" title="What links to the entry; contributor initials explained; how to cite; other information" /> </span> </div><p style='float:right; margin-bottom:0; margin-left:10px; position: relative; top: 3px;'> <a href='/gallery.php?id=Steele-Sanctuary.jpg' target='_blank'> <img src='' alt='pic'></a></p> <p>US <a href="/entry/sf_magazines">SF Magazine</a> which began as <i>Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine</i> in Spring 1977 but was retitled <i>Asimov's Science Fiction</i> from November 1992. Quarterly from Spring 1977, bimonthly from January/February 1978, monthly from January 1979, four-weekly from January 1981; it dropped to 11 issues per year in 1996 with a combined October/November double issue; ten issues a year from 2004 with a further combined April/May double issue; and six double issues a year from 2017. Published by Davis Publications, New York until September 1992, and Dell Magazines from October 1992, which became a division of Crosstown Publications from September 1996. Edited by George H <a href="/entry/scithers_george_h">Scithers</a> Spring 1977-February 1982, Kathleen Moloney March 1982-December 1982, Shawna <a href="/entry/mccarthy_shawna">McCarthy</a> January 1983-mid-December 1985, Gardner <a href="/entry/dozois_gardner">Dozois</a> January 1986-December 2004, Sheila <a href="/entry/williams_sheila">Williams</a> January 2005 to date. Published in <a href="/entry/digest">Digest</a> format until May 1998, it shifted to a slightly larger digest format (8.25 x 5.25 in; 210 x 135 mm) to allow greater visibility on the newsstands. A further change was made in December 2008 to an even larger digest format, close to review size (8.5 x 5.75 in; 217 x 148 mm) again with the hope of increased visibility. A more significant change, however, was the growth of the ebook edition, which first became available in January 2000 and which now accounts for a significant proportion of all sales, figures which are not reflected in the annual statement of circulation which the magazine publishes.</p> <p>Isaac <a href="/entry/asimov_isaac">Asimov</a> was named as "Editorial Director" of this sf magazine, which was titled to take advantage of his popularity and to fit in with the publisher's other periodicals, <i>Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine</i> and <i>Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine</i> (see Ellery <a href="/entry/queen_ellery">Queen</a>; Alfred <a href="/entry/hitchcock_alfred">Hitchcock</a>); the first three issues featured his photograph on the cover, and he contributed a great many chatty editorial articles. <i>Asimov's</i> was commercially successful &ndash; at least relative to other sf magazines &ndash; from the outset, though its contents under Scithers's editorship were on the whole light and undemanding with perhaps a little too much delight in puns and jokes. Nevertheless, Scithers won the <a href="/entry/hugo">Hugo</a> award for Best Professional Editor in both 1978 and 1980, and he was very good at discovering new writers. Those who either sold their first stories to Scithers or developed their career under his watch include John M <a href="/entry/ford_john_m">Ford</a>, Nancy <a href="/entry/kress_nancy">Kress</a>, Barry <a href="/entry/longyear_barry_b">Longyear</a>, Richard S <a href="/entry/mcenroe_richard_s">McEnroe</a>, Al <a href="/entry/sarrantonio_al">Sarrantonio</a>, Somtow Sucharitkul (see S P <a href="/entry/somtow_s_p">Somtow</a>), Sharon <a href="/entry/webb_sharon">Webb</a> and William F <a href="/entry/wu_william_f">Wu</a>; both Longyear and Sucharitkul went on to win the <a href="/entry/john_w_campbell_award">John W Campbell Award</a> in successive years for best new sf writer. The magazine, through Asimov's reputation and persona, sought to attract new readers, many of whom were young teenagers, whose parents had bought subscriptions for them. As a result the magazine created an image that was both safe and inoffensive, causing most established writers to see it as a juvenile magazine. This image was further encouraged by the short-lived companion <a href="/entry/asimovs_sf_adventure_magazine">Asimov's SF Adventure Magazine</a>. The serialization of Frederik <a href="/entry/pohl_frederik">Pohl</a>'s "Like Unto the Locust" (December 1979-January 1980), part of his forthcoming novel <i>The Cool War</i> (fixup <b>1981</b>), complete with strong language, caused an outrage amongst those readers who had become accustomed to sf that appealed to the young, and as a consequence both Asimov and Scithers had to apologize. <i>Asimov's</i> had an image that had proved popular with readers and had provided the magazine with a healthy circulation &ndash; it had exceeded <a href="/entry/analog">Analog</a>'s in its first year. But it was an image that would also be restricting over time and would not allow the magazine to grow.</p> <p>After Scithers departed, Kathleen Moloney was appointed editor, much to everyone's surprise, including hers. She remained less than a year and during that period Shawna <a href="/entry/mccarthy_shawna">McCarthy</a> was promoted to Senior Editor and soon took over from Moloney. McCarthy wanted to run more mature stories and checked with readers over what they did and didn't want. The general response was that readers were adult enough to judge for themselves, but nevertheless there was a furious reaction to the publication of "Her Furry Face" (mid-December 1983) by Leigh <a href="/entry/kennedy_leigh">Kennedy</a> which dealt with a human's relationship with an orang-utang of superior <a href="/entry/intelligence">Intelligence</a>. Asimov supported McCarthy through the furore that followed and whilst she remained determined to push the barriers at <i>Asimov's</i>, she recognized there were limits. Nevertheless she won the <a href="/entry/hugo">Hugo</a> award as Best Professional Editor in 1984, and it was clear that generally most readers approved of her attempts to publish more mature fiction, evident in the works she ran by Greg <a href="/entry/bear_greg">Bear</a>, Michael <a href="/entry/bishop_michael">Bishop</a>, David <a href="/entry/brin_david">Brin</a>, Octavia <a href="/entry/butler_octavia">Butler</a>, Nancy <a href="/entry/kress_nancy">Kress</a>, Dan <a href="/entry/simmons_dan">Simmons</a>, Norman <a href="/entry/spinrad_norman">Spinrad</a> and Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, many of which also won <a href="/entry/awards">Awards</a> and are recognized for their significance in the overall development of sf during the 1980s. 1983 also saw <i>Asimov's</i> circulation peak at 105,000, chiefly due to a major increase in subscribers.</p> <p>McCarthy's role was crucial in moving <i>Asimov's</i> away from its juvenile image and establishing it with a voice of its own. This allowed Gardner <a href="/entry/dozois_gardner">Dozois</a> to develop its reputation further and under his editorial guidance <i>Asimov's</i> became the most important magazine of its generation: the 1990s equivalent of <i>Astounding</i> in the 1940s and <i>Galaxy</i> in the 1950s. The sheer volume of mature and quality material that he published during his twenty years as editor, as may be partly judged from the number of award winners listed below, is just one of the factors that not only made <i>Asimov's</i> the leading sf magazine, but also stimulated the sf field to rebuild and regenerate itself after the identity crises it had gone through in the 1960s and 1970s. Dozois did not do this alone, but he established a responsive market which provided writers with the opportunity to be creative. This freedom, previously the reserve primarily of <i>The</i> <a href="/entry/fsf">Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction</a> meant that writers associated with that magazine began to appear more regularly in <i>Asimov's</i>, mostly noticeably Lucius <a href="/entry/shepard_lucius">Shepard</a> and James <a href="/entry/tiptree_james_jr">Tiptree</a> Jr. Furthermore writers one might usually associate with <a href="/entry/analog">Analog</a> (which had become a companion to <i>Asimov's</i> in 1980), such as Ben <a href="/entry/bova_ben">Bova</a>, David <a href="/entry/brin_david">Brin</a>, Joe <a href="/entry/haldeman_joe">Haldeman</a>, Geoffrey A <a href="/entry/landis_geoffrey_a">Landis</a> and Allen <a href="/entry/steele_allen">Steele</a>, were also selling regularly to <i>Asimov's</i>, meaning that the magazine was presenting some of the best writers from the two closest rivals as well as showcasing its own very strong voice with the best of the new generation of writers, such as Orson Scott <a href="/entry/card_orson_scott">Card</a>, Karen Joy <a href="/entry/fowler_karen_joy">Fowler</a>, James Patrick <a href="/entry/kelly_james_patrick">Kelly</a>, Nancy <a href="/entry/kress_nancy">Kress</a>, Pat <a href="/entry/murphy_pat">Murphy</a>, Kim Stanley <a href="/entry/robinson_kim_stanley">Robinson</a>, Bruce <a href="/entry/sterling_bruce">Sterling</a>, Michael <a href="/entry/swanwick_michael">Swanwick</a>, and the best of the old: Gregory <a href="/entry/benford_gregory">Benford</a>, Avram <a href="/entry/davidson_avram">Davidson</a>, Harlan <a href="/entry/ellison_harlan">Ellison</a>, Frederik <a href="/entry/pohl_frederik">Pohl</a>, Robert <a href="/entry/silverberg_robert">Silverberg</a> and, of course, <a href="/entry/asimov_isaac">Asimov</a> himself. Dozois won the Hugo Award for Best Professional Editor for all but two years from 1988 to 2004. This density of award-winning is without precedent in sf-magazine publishing, and says much for Dozois's editorial discernment and skill.</p> <p>Despite its status in the sf field, in the wider world <i>Asimov's</i> could still be seen as a magazine for younger readers, as evidenced by an over-sensationalized incident in February 2004 when a parent complained that a child, via a school fundraising drive, was able to order a magazine with strong adult content. <i>Asimov's</i> had made a major contribution to the development of science fiction during the 1980s and 1990s but the world beyond still had a stereotypical image of what constituted a <a href="/entry/sf_magazines">SF Magazine</a>.</p> <p>Sheila <a href="/entry/williams_sheila">Williams</a>, who succeeded Dozois as editor in January 2005 had been with the magazine, initially as assistant editor to McCarthy, since June 1982. She thus brought a wealth of experience to the role as well as a feeling of continuity and consistency, and the magazine has retained its high standards, and still wins a significant share of awards, despite increasing competition from <a href="/entry/online_magazines">Online Magazines</a>. Williams won her first personal <a href="/entry/hugo">Hugo</a> award as editor (short form) in 2011 and again in 2012.</p> <p>From the first issue <i>Asimov's</i> has carried editorial and other nonfiction features. The standard book review column, "On Books", was originally run by Charles N <a href="/entry/brown_charles_n">Brown</a> followed by Baird Searles (from May 1979) and then Paul <a href="/entry/di_filippo_paul">Di Filippo</a> (from July 1994) alternating with Peter Heck, with occasional longer critical essays by Norman <a href="/entry/spinrad_norman">Spinrad</a>, since July 1983. Martin S <a href="/entry/gardner_martin">Gardner</a> contributed a series of ingenious mathematical puzzles set in an sf context from the first issue until November 1986. Matthew J <a href="/entry/costello_matthew_j">Costello</a>'s "Gaming" on <a href="/entry/role_playing_game">Role Playing Games</a> ran from May 1986 to June 1990, retitled "Neat Stuff" from April 1989. James Patrick <a href="/entry/kelly_james_patrick">Kelly</a> has run his column "On the Net" since August 1998, but most remarkable of all is Robert <a href="/entry/silverberg_robert">Silverberg</a>'s "Reflections". This began as "Opinion" in the July 1978 issue of <a href="/entry/galileo">Galileo</a>, switched to <a href="/entry/amazing">Amazing Stories</a> in May 1981, where it was retitled "Reflections" from September 1986 and then moved to <i>Asimov's</i> in July 1994 where it has appeared regularly ever since.</p> <p>In common with all newsstand magazines, <i>Asimov's</i> has seen a decline in circulation over the last few decades. From its peak of 105,000 in 1982/3 both newsstand sales and subscriptions have steadily fallen, with occasional momentary recoveries. By the end of Dozois's editorship in 2004/5, it was down to just under 30,000 and has continued to decline, although since 2000 there has been an increase in ebook sales. It is currently too early to tell whether this new outlet will be the salvation of the old-guard sf magazines.</p> <p>There have been many anthologies derived from issues of <i>Asimov's</i> by the editors (see under their entries for details). There have been several non-English language editions of the magazine. In order of their appearance the first was in <a href="/entry/italy">Italy</a> which had several attempts with <i>La Rivista di Isaac Asimov</i> from Mondadori, Milan, for eleven issues, Spring 1978 to November 1980; then from SIAD Edizione, Milan, with sixteen issues from September 1981 to February 1983; then from Telemaco in Bologna, a further six issues from January to September 1993; and finally from Phoenix Enterprise in Bologna, fifteen issues from May 1994 to July 1995. <a href="/entry/israel">Israel</a>'s version was called <i>Cosmos</i> which ran for just six issues in 1979, whilst in <a href="/entry/japan">Japan</a> it was <i>SF Hoseki</i> which was twelve issues from August 1979 to June 1981. Like Italy, Spain had several attempts. <i>Asimov's Revista Ciencia Ficcion</i> ran for 12 issues from December 1979 to March 1981; then <i>Isaac Asimov &ndash; Revista de Ciencia Ficcion</i> saw 14 issues from February 1986 to April 1987 and more recently <i>Asimov's Ciencia Ficcion</i> saw 21 issues from October 2003 to November/December 2005. The longest running edition was Brazil's <i>Isaac Asimov Magazine</i> with 25 issues from June 1990 to January 1993. Poland had ten issues of <i>Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine</i> from December 1991 to November 1992. The Czech edition was called simply <i>Asimov's</i> with 15 issues from August 1996 to October 1997, whereas the Greek <i>Asimov's Science Fiction</i> saw only three issues from October to December 1997. In <a href="/entry/germany">Germany</a> the translations have been issued as a regular anthology series since 1978, rather than as a magazine. The fact that <i>Asimov's</i> seems to be less successful outside of the English-speaking world raises questions about the exportability of cutting-edge modern sf. [MA/PN]</p> <h2>Editors</h2> <ul class="x"> <li>George H <a href="/entry/scithers_george_h">Scithers</a>, Spring 1977 to 15 February 1982</li> <li>Kathleen Moloney, 15 March to mid-December 1982</li> <li>Shawna <a href="/entry/mccarthy_shawna">McCarthy</a>, January 1983 to mid-December 1985</li> <li>Gardner <a href="/entry/dozois_gardner">Dozois</a>, January 1986 to December 2004</li> <li>Sheila <a href="/entry/williams_sheila">Williams</a>, January 2005 to current</li> </ul> <h2>Awards for fiction</h2> <ul class="x"> <li>January/February 1978: John <a href="/entry/varley_john">Varley</a>, "The Barbie Murders" &ndash; novelette <a href="/entry/locus_award">Locus Award</a></li> <li>September 1979: Barry B <a href="/entry/longyear_barry_b">Longyear</a>, "Enemy Mine" &ndash; novella <a href="/entry/hugo">Hugo</a>, <a href="/entry/nebula">Nebula</a> and <a href="/entry/locus_award">Locus Award</a></li> <li>13 April 1981: Roger <a href="/entry/zelazny_roger">Zelazny</a>, "Unicorn Variation" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>15 February 1982: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "Fire Watch" &ndash; novelette Hugo and Nebula</li> <li>July 1982: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "A Letter from the Clearys" &ndash; short story Nebula</li> <li>February 1983: Greg <a href="/entry/bear_greg">Bear</a>, "Hardfought" &ndash; novella Nebula</li> <li>August 1983: Gardner <a href="/entry/dozois_gardner">Dozois</a>, "The Peacemaker" &ndash; short story Nebula</li> <li>mid-December 1983: Octavia E <a href="/entry/butler_octavia">Butler</a>, "Speech Sounds" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>May 1984: John <a href="/entry/varley_john">Varley</a>, "PRESS ENTER <span class="blit">_</span>" &ndash; novella Hugo, Nebula and Locus</li> <li>June 1984: Octavia E <a href="/entry/butler_octavia">Butler</a>, "Bloodchild" &ndash; novelette Hugo, Nebula and Locus</li> <li>January 1985: Frederik <a href="/entry/pohl_frederik">Pohl</a>, "Fermi and Frost" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>July 1985: Roger <a href="/entry/zelazny_roger">Zelazny</a>, "24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>November 1985: George R R <a href="/entry/martin_george_r_r">Martin</a>, "Portraits of His Children" &ndash; novelette Nebula</li> <li>April 1986: Lucius <a href="/entry/shepard_lucius">Shepard</a>, "R&amp;R" &ndash; novella Nebula and Locus</li> <li>July 1986: Robert <a href="/entry/silverberg_robert">Silverberg</a>, "Gilgamesh in the Outback" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>October 1986: Kate <a href="/entry/wilhelm_kate">Wilhelm</a>, "The Girl Who Fell Into the Sky" &ndash; novelette Nebula</li> <li>mid-December 1986: Isaac <a href="/entry/asimov_isaac">Asimov</a>, "Robot Dreams" &ndash; short story Locus</li> <li>March 1987: Orson Scott <a href="/entry/card_orson_scott">Card</a>, "Eye for Eye" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>April 1987: Pat <a href="/entry/murphy_pat">Murphy</a>, "Rachel in Love" &ndash; novelette Nebula and Locus</li> <li>May 1987: Pat <a href="/entry/cadigan_pat">Cadigan</a>, "Angel" &ndash; short story Locus</li> <li>July 1987: Lawrence <a href="/entry/watt-evans_lawrence">Watt-Evans</a>, "Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>August 1987: Kim Stanley <a href="/entry/robinson_kim_stanley">Robinson</a>, "The Blind Geometer" &ndash; novella Nebula</li> <li>September 1987: Robert <a href="/entry/silverberg_robert">Silverberg</a>, "The Secret Sharer" &ndash; novella Locus</li> <li>July 1988: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "The Last of the Winnebagos" &ndash; novella Hugo and Nebula</li> <li>September 1988: Lucius <a href="/entry/shepard_lucius">Shepard</a>, "The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter" &ndash; novella Locus</li> <li>October 1988: Geoffrey A <a href="/entry/landis_geoffrey_a">Landis</a>, "Ripples in the Dirac Sea" &ndash; short story Nebula</li> <li>mid-December 1988: Harlan <a href="/entry/ellison_harlan">Ellison</a>, "The Function of Dream Sleep" &ndash; novelette Locus</li> <li>June 1989: Robert <a href="/entry/silverberg_robert">Silverberg</a>, "Enter a Soldier, Later: Enter Another" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>July 1989: Suzy McKee <a href="/entry/charnas_suzy_mckee">Charnas</a>, "Boobs" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>September 1989: Lucius <a href="/entry/shepard_lucius">Shepard</a>, "The Father of Stones" &ndash; novella Locus</li> <li>November 1989: Orson Scott <a href="/entry/card_orson_scott">Card</a>, "Dogwalker" &ndash; novelette Locus</li> <li>April 1990: Joe <a href="/entry/haldeman_joe">Haldeman</a>, <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=The+Hemingway+Hoax&field-author=" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">The Hemingway Hoax</a></em> (<b>1990</b>) &ndash; novella Hugo and Nebula</li> <li>July 1990: Mike <a href="/entry/resnick_mike">Resnick</a>, "The Manamouki" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>August 1990: Terry <a href="/entry/bisson_terry">Bisson</a>, "Bears Discover Fire" &ndash; short story Hugo, Nebula and Locus</li> <li>November 1990: Kim Stanley <a href="/entry/robinson_kim_stanley">Robinson</a>, "A Short Sharp Shock" &ndash; novella Locus</li> <li>mid-December 1990-January 1991: Michael <a href="/entry/swanwick_michael">Swanwick</a>, <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=Stations+of+the+Tide&field-author=" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">Stations of the Tide</a></em> (<b>1991</b>) &ndash; novel Nebula</li> <li>April 1991: Nancy <a href="/entry/kress_nancy">Kress</a>, "Beggars in Spain" &ndash; novella Hugo and Nebula</li> <li>September 1991: Kristine Kathryn <a href="/entry/rusch_kristine_kathryn">Rusch</a>, "The Gallery of His Dreams" &ndash; novella Locus</li> <li>October 1991: Geoffrey A <a href="/entry/landis_geoffrey_a">Landis</a>, "A Walk in the Sun" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>April 1992: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "Even the Queen" &ndash; short story Hugo, Nebula and Locus</li> <li>July 1992: Lucius <a href="/entry/shepard_lucius">Shepard</a>, "Barnacle Bill the Spacer" &ndash; novella Hugo and Locus</li> <li>October 1992: Pamela <a href="/entry/sargent_pamela">Sargent</a>, "Danny Goes to Mars" &ndash; novelette Nebula and Locus</li> <li>December 1992: Janet <a href="/entry/kagan_janet">Kagan</a>, "The Nutcracker Coup" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>March 1993: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "Death on the Nile" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>September 1993: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "Close Encounter" &ndash; short story Locus</li> <li>November 1994: Ursula K <a href="/entry/le_guin_ursula_k">Le Guin</a>, "Forgiveness Day" &ndash; novella Locus</li> <li>November 1994: Joe <a href="/entry/haldeman_joe">Haldeman</a>, "None So Blind" &ndash; short story Hugo and Locus</li> <li>December 1994: Esther M <a href="/entry/friesner_esther_m">Friesner</a>, "Death and the Librarian" &ndash; short story Nebula</li> <li>April 1995: Mike <a href="/entry/resnick_mike">Resnick</a>, "When the Old Gods Die" &ndash; novelette Locus</li> <li>June 1995: James Patrick <a href="/entry/kelly_james_patrick">Kelly</a>, "Think Like a Dinosaur" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>October 1995: Allen <a href="/entry/steele_allen">Steele</a>, "The Death of Captain Future" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>April 1996: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "The Soul Selects Her Own Society: Invasion and Repulsion: A Chronological Reinterpretation of Two of Emily Dickinson's Poems: A Wellsian Perspective" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>July 1996: George R R <a href="/entry/martin_george_r_r">Martin</a>, "Blood of the Dragon" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>August 1996: Ursula K <a href="/entry/le_guin_ursula_k">Le Guin</a>, "Mountain Ways" &ndash; novelette Locus</li> <li>October/November 1996: Bruce <a href="/entry/sterling_bruce">Sterling</a>, "Bicycle Repairman" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>October/November 1996: Nancy <a href="/entry/kress_nancy">Kress</a>, "The Flowers of Aulit Prison" &ndash; novelette Nebula</li> <li>May 1997: Bill <a href="/entry/johnson_bill">Johnson</a>, "We Will Drink a Fish Together ..." &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>June 1997: James Patrick <a href="/entry/kelly_james_patrick">Kelly</a>, "Itsy Bitsy Spider" &ndash; short story Locus</li> <li>October/November 1997: Allen <a href="/entry/steele_allen">Steele</a>, "Where Angels Fear to Tread" &ndash; novella Hugo and Locus</li> <li>December 1997: Mike <a href="/entry/resnick_mike">Resnick</a>, "The 43 Antarean Dynasties" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>December 1997: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "Newsletter" &ndash; novelette Locus</li> <li>February 1998: Greg <a href="/entry/egan_greg">Egan</a>, "The Planck Drive" &ndash; novelette Locus</li> <li>February 1998: Michael <a href="/entry/swanwick_michael">Swanwick</a>, "The Very Pulse of the Machine" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>August 1998: Greg <a href="/entry/egan_greg">Egan</a>, "Oceanic" &ndash; novella Hugo and Locus</li> <li>October/November 1998: Bruce <a href="/entry/sterling_bruce">Sterling</a>, "Talkamakan" &ndash; novelette Hugo and Locus</li> <li>June 1999: James Patrick <a href="/entry/kelly_james_patrick">Kelly</a>, "10<sup>16</sup> to 1" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>July 1999: Michael <a href="/entry/swanwick_michael">Swanwick</a>, "Scherzo with Dinosaur" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>October/November 1999: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "The Winds of Marble Arch" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>January 2000: Kristine Kathryn <a href="/entry/rusch_kristine_kathryn">Rusch</a>, "Millenium Babies" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>August 2000: Lucius <a href="/entry/shepard_lucius">Shepard</a>, "Radiant Green Star" &ndash; novella Locus</li> <li>October/November 2001: Michael <a href="/entry/swanwick_michael">Swanwick</a>, "The Dog Said Bow-Wow" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>March 2002: Ursula K <a href="/entry/le_guin_ursula_k">Le Guin</a>, "The Wild Girls" &ndash; novelette Locus</li> <li>April 2003: Michael <a href="/entry/swanwick_michael">Swanwick</a>, "Legions in Time" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>October/November 2003: Walter Jon <a href="/entry/williams_walter_jon">Williams</a>, "The Green Leopard Plague" &ndash; novella Nebula</li> <li>February 2004: Mike <a href="/entry/resnick_mike">Resnick</a>, "Travels With My Cats" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>January 2005: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "Inside Job" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>March 2005: David D <a href="/entry/levine_david_d">Levine</a>, "Tk'tk'tk" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>July 2006: Ian <a href="/entry/mcdonald_ian">McDonald</a>, "The Djinn's Wife" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>October/November 2006: Robert <a href="/entry/reed_robert">Reed</a>, "A Billion Eves" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>April/May 2007: Karen Joy <a href="/entry/fowler_karen_joy">Fowler</a>, "Always" &ndash; short story Nebula</li> <li>April/May 2007: Michael <a href="/entry/swanwick_michael">Swanwick</a>, "A Small Room in Koboldtown" &ndash; short story Locus</li> <li>June 2007: Elizabeth <a href="/entry/bear_elizabeth">Bear</a>, "Tideline" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>July 2007: Nancy <a href="/entry/kress_nancy">Kress</a>, "Fountain of Age" &ndash; novella Nebula</li> <li>December 2007: Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, "All Seated on the Ground" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>March 2008: Elizabeth <a href="/entry/bear_elizabeth">Bear</a>, "Shoggoths in Bloom" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>October/November 2008: Nancy <a href="/entry/kress_nancy">Kress</a>, "The Erdmann Nexus" &ndash; novella Hugo</li> <li>January 2009: Will <a href="/entry/mcintosh_will">McIntosh</a>, "Bridesicle" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>June 2010: Allen M <a href="/entry/steele_allen">Steele</a>, "The Emperor of Mars" &ndash; novelette Hugo</li> <li>September 2010: Mary Robinette <a href="/entry/kowal_mary_robinette">Kowal</a>, "For Want of a Nail" &ndash; short story Hugo</li> <li>October/November 2011: Kij <a href="/entry/johnson_kij">Johnson</a>, "The Man Who Bridged the Mist" &ndash; novella Hugo and Nebula</li> <li>February 2013: Vylar Kaftan, "The Weight of the Sunrise" &ndash; novella Nebula</li> <li>June 2015: Sarah <a href="/entry/pinsker_sarah">Pinsker</a>, "Our Lady of the Open Road" &ndash; novelette Nebula</li> </ul> <p><b>links</b></p> <ul class="x"> <li><a target="_blank" href=""><em>Asimov's Science Fiction</em></a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Galactic Central illustrated checklist</a></li> </ul> <p><b>previous versions of this entry</b></p> <ul><li><a href='*/' target='_blank'>Internet Archive</a></li></ul><br /><br /></article></div> <div class="sideBarsWrapper"> <div class="sideBarsColsWrapper clearfix"> <div class="column sideBar12 clearfix"> <div class="columnForm"><aside id="blogFeed" class="widget"> <div class="content STeditorial clearfix"> <h2>Recently visited entries<span style="background:url(/images/thingSFE2.png) !important"></span></h2><ul style='width: 50%; 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