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using the Appearance panel. Perfect for stickers and beyond!</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-12-02T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">December 2, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/how-to-create-a-fully-editable-3d-text-effect-in-adobe-illustrator" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="How to create a fully editable 3D text effect in Adobe Illustrator" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><article class="jsx-2020614635"><section class="jsx-2020614635"><a href="/blog/how-to-promote-your-sticker-mule-store" class="jsx-2020614635"><h2 class="jsx-2558618783 ">How to promote your Sticker Mule store</h2><p class="jsx-3534563003 regular">Learn how to effectively promote your Sticker Mule store! Discover tips for social media marketing, email campaigns, discounts, and more to boost sales.</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-11-25T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">November 25, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/how-to-promote-your-sticker-mule-store" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="How to promote your Sticker Mule store" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><article class="jsx-2020614635"><section class="jsx-2020614635"><a href="/blog/sticker-production-how-to-make-custom-stickers-part-2" class="jsx-2020614635"><h2 class="jsx-2558618783 ">Custom sticker printing: Making custom stickers, part 2</h2><p class="jsx-3534563003 regular">We cover how to choose a sticker printer and other important questions about sticker production in part 2 of our guide to making custom stickers.</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-11-20T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">November 20, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/sticker-production-how-to-make-custom-stickers-part-2" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="Custom sticker printing: Making custom stickers, part 2" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><article class="jsx-2020614635"><section class="jsx-2020614635"><a href="/blog/how-to-design-stickers-guide" class="jsx-2020614635"><h2 class="jsx-2558618783 ">How to design stickers: Making custom stickers, part 1</h2><p class="jsx-3534563003 regular">Learn design fundamentals and how they apply to sticker design in part 1 of Sticker Mule&#x27;s guide to making custom stickers.</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-11-14T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">November 14, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/how-to-design-stickers-guide" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="How to design stickers: Making custom stickers, part 1" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><article class="jsx-2020614635"><section class="jsx-2020614635"><a href="/blog/open-custom-sticker-store" class="jsx-2020614635"><h2 class="jsx-2558618783 ">How to open a Sticker Mule store</h2><p class="jsx-3534563003 regular">Sticker Mule doesn&#x27;t just let you create the world&#x27;s best stickers, we help you sell them too. No setup or referral fees. Start selling today!</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-11-08T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">November 8, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/open-custom-sticker-store" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="How to open a Sticker Mule store" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><article class="jsx-2020614635"><section class="jsx-2020614635"><a href="/blog/fall-2024-updates" class="jsx-2020614635"><h2 class="jsx-2558618783 ">Fall 2024 updates</h2><p class="jsx-3534563003 regular">Learn what new things we launched this Fall. Including 2 new products and more updates to Stores.</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-11-06T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">November 6, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/fall-2024-updates" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="Fall 2024 updates" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><article class="jsx-2020614635"><section class="jsx-2020614635"><a href="/blog/how-to-make-stickers-look-professional" class="jsx-2020614635"><h2 class="jsx-2558618783 ">How to make stickers look professional</h2><p class="jsx-3534563003 regular">Here are 8 tips anyone can use to make their sticker designs look professional.</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-11-01T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">November 1, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/how-to-make-stickers-look-professional" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="How to make stickers look professional" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><article class="jsx-2020614635"><section class="jsx-2020614635"><a href="/blog/introducing-full-color-printed-transfer-stickers" class="jsx-2020614635"><h2 class="jsx-2558618783 ">Introducing full-color, printed transfer stickers</h2><p class="jsx-3534563003 regular">Printed transfer stickers let you transfer any design in full-color to any smooth surface.</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-10-24T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">October 24, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/introducing-full-color-printed-transfer-stickers" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="Introducing full-color, printed transfer stickers" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><article class="jsx-2020614635"><section class="jsx-2020614635"><a href="/blog/save-money-on-shipping-rates" class="jsx-2020614635"><h2 class="jsx-2558618783 ">Save up to 80% on UPS shipping rates with Ship</h2><p class="jsx-3534563003 regular">Introducing Ship. A free tool to help you save time and money generating UPS shipping labels.</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-08-22T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">August 22, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/save-money-on-shipping-rates" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="Save up to 80% on UPS shipping rates with Ship" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><article class="jsx-2020614635"><section class="jsx-2020614635"><a href="/blog/sticker-mule-launches-white-label-hot-sauce" class="jsx-2020614635"><h2 class="jsx-2558618783 ">Sticker Mule launches white label hot sauce</h2><p class="jsx-3534563003 regular">Create your own brand with award-winning Mule Sauce. Sticker Mule, the Internet&#x27;s most kick-ass brand, is excited to announce the arrival of its new White Label Hot Sauce.</p></a><p class="jsx-3350338958 regular">Posted by <a class="jsx-2845998404 link primary" href="/blog/author/sticker-mule">Sticker Mule</a> on <time dateTime="2024-08-14T00:00:00.000Z" class="jsx-2020614635">August 14, 2024</time></p></section><div class="jsx-2020614635 coverImage"><a href="/blog/sticker-mule-launches-white-label-hot-sauce" class="jsx-2020614635"><img alt="Sticker Mule launches white label hot sauce" loading="lazy" src=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/" srcSet=",fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_760/ 1x,,fl_lossy,f_auto,q_auto:best,w_1520/ 2x" width="760" height="399" class="jsx-2020614635"/></a></div></article><div class="jsx-4250758949 pagination"><nav aria-label="pagination" class="jsx-1171777456 pagination"><a class="jsx-590753902 jsx-761548649 page isCurrent" href="/blog/page/1">1</a><a class="jsx-590753902 jsx-761548649 page" 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This required converting the text to outlines before you could proceed with the actual process of creating the text effect, and it would take a huge chunk of your time to do it.\n\nBut what if you wanted to apply it to a different word, try another font, or create multiple variations throughout a project? While it can be fun to create one of them, it will quickly turn into a hair-grabbing task if you have to do this too many times.\n\nLuckily, Adobe Illustrator’s 'Appearance' panel helps you build up your effects from scratch before you can save them forever as a Graphic Style. From there, you can use it over and over again. Magic!\n\n##How to create an editable 3d text effect in Adobe Illustrator\n\n###Step 1: Open the Appearance panel\n\nSelect your text and go to Window \u003e Appearance to open up the Appearance panel.\n\n![Selecting Window \u003e Appearance to open up the Appearance panel](\n\n###Step 2: Add and organize fills\n\nRemove any fill or stroke from the text. Then, at the bottom of the panel, head over to 'Add New Fill' and add 2 separate fills. \n\nThe lowest fill viewed in the panel will be the shadow part and the fill above will be your text color.\n\n__Tip: __Keep enough contrast between both colors to make it really 'pop'.\n\n![Remove fill or stroke from the text](\n\n###Step 3: Apply offset path for depth\n\nNow go back and select the lower fill, click on the 'fx' icon at the bottom and go to Path \u003e Offset Path. Choose your desired size and set the 'Joins' to 'Round'. Click 'OK'.\n\n![Apply offset path for depth](\n\n###Step 4: Transform and duplicate for shadow effect\n\nWith the same lower fill selected, head over to 'fx' again and go to Distort \u0026 Transform \u003e Transform. In the 'Move' section, add 0.5 px to both the horizontal and vertical sides. Then, choose the number of copies you want and hit 'OK'.\n\n![Transform and duplicate for shadow effect](\n\n###Step 5: Save as a graphic style\n\nGo to Window \u003e Graphic Styles and drag your text into this panel. Now it's part of this document each time you open it. If you want to have this text effect saved for other documents as well, go to the library icon at the bottom left corner and select 'Save Graphic Styles'. Make sure to remove any graphic styles in there that you don't want to save.\n\n![Save as a graphic style](\n\nWell, that’s all! This way your text is fully editable and you don't need to create this effect ever again. Changing the colors, the depth of the shadows, and any other edits can be done through the Appearance panel after selecting the text. \n\nAnd as promised, whenever you want to change the text, it's kept intact so it will be ready to get swapped for another piece of text anytime you want.\n\nThe same Offset Path feature can be used to [create a sticker cut line]( as well, which is an important part of creating die cut stickers, and using this method will keep you from doing this manually.\n\nWant to slap this design onto a sticker? Our [custom die cut stickers]( would be a perfect fit. With thick, durable vinyl that protects your stickers from scratches, water \u0026 sunlight. \n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Start designing custom stickers today\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n\n\n","date":"2024-12-02T00:00:00.000Z","id":"how-to-create-a-fully-editable-3d-text-effect-in-adobe-illustrator","metaDescription":"Learn how to create an editable 3D text effect in Adobe Illustrator using the Appearance panel. Perfect for stickers and beyond!","metaTitle":"Make a 3D text effect in Adobe Illustrator","slug":"how-to-create-a-fully-editable-3d-text-effect-in-adobe-illustrator","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"How to create a fully editable 3D text effect in Adobe Illustrator"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false},{"articleTitle":"How to promote your Sticker Mule store","author":"Sticker Mule","content":"With [Stores by Sticker Mule](, there’s never been an easier way for artists, creators, and businesses to sell their own custom merchandise.\n\n![How to promote your Sticker Mule store](\n\nNo matter what type of designs you sell, every store can benefit from promotion.\n\nBefore you promote your store, make sure it and each product is properly set up and optimized. [Learn more about setting up your store](\n\nOnce your store is set up and optimized, it’s time to let people know about it.\n\n##How to promote your store on social media\n\nSocial media is one of the easiest ways to reach existing friends and followers, while making new ones.\n\n###Use photography \u0026 video\n\nAssuming you still have some of your products on hand, get some pictures of your stickers or t-shirts in real life. No need for a fancy camera, an iPhone will do. Posting real pictures or videos of your products will help legitimize your store.\n\n![Instagram post with photography](\n\n###Find your niche\n\nFind the right audience for the designs you’re selling. Engage with other creators and people in the space – without spamming links to your store. As you build credibility and a following, it will be a lot easier, and more natural, to promote your store.\n\n###Use the right platform\n\nFigure out which platforms you should prioritize on based on where your audience spends their time. LinkedIn might not be the best place to promote furry stickers, but it might be great for promoting your company’s logo stickers.\n\n![LinkedIn post with logo stickers](\n\n###Link to specific items\n\nWhile it might make sense to share a link to your store, don’t forget that you can link to specific items as well. If you share a picture of a specific item, it might make sense to link directly to that product page rather than your actual store – less work for your potential customers.\n\n![X post with URL to item page](\n\nTip: Some social media sites deboost posts with links, so consider leaving a link in the comment of your post instead of the post itself.\n\n###Prioritize quality over quantity\n\nIt might be tempting to constantly post links to your store, but be careful to avoid spamming your audience with low quality, repetitive content.\n\n![Still of an unboxing video, YouTube screenshot](\n\nPut in effort to make each post unique. Consider creating a quality unboxing video. Or make a longer post explaining a particular design.\n\n##Other ways to market your store\n\nWe’ve probably sold more stickers than anyone, so steal some of our strategies when promoting your products.\n\n###Offer discounts\n\nPeople respond well to time sensitive promotions. Consider lowering your markup for a short period, in order to entice people to buy your products. For example you might run a deal on a particular t-shirt: Get this shirt for $21 (normally $29). Just don’t forget to change the markup after the deal is over.\n\n![Screenshot of markup feature](\n\nTip: You can actually still make money with 0% markup thanks to Commissions.\n\n###Utilize email marketing\n\nIf you have an email list, use it.\n\n![Screenshot of email](\n\nWe like to keep our emails short and direct (and sometimes funny). Use emails to announce a deal or a new product.\n\n###Link from your website\n\nIf you have a website, link to your store. Or consider using images and linking directly to products.\n\nTip: The more quality links you can get to your store, the better your chances of showing up on Google.\n\n###Rep your store\n\nPut your stickers on your laptop. Wear your t-shirt. Show off your items in real life as much as possible.\n\n![IRL photo of person wearing t-shirt](\n\nIf people like what they see, be prepared to tell them where they can buy.\n\n###Encourage engagement\n\nOf course you want people to buy your products, but getting them to like your items and follow your store helps too.\n\n![gif of liking an item](\n\nWhen someone likes an item, it’ll help its rank on the popular feed. When someone follows your store, your items will show up on their following feed.\n\n##Conclusion\n\nWith a little strategy and creativity, you can connect with potential customers across social media, through email, and in real life. Make sure your products look great, your promotions are enticing, and your audience feels engaged.\n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Set up your store\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n\nP.S. We’re building more features to make it even easier to promote your store and your products.\n","date":"2024-11-25T00:00:00.000Z","id":"how-to-promote-your-sticker-mule-store","metaDescription":"Learn how to effectively promote your Sticker Mule store! Discover tips for social media marketing, email campaigns, discounts, and more to boost sales.","metaTitle":"Tips for promoting your sticker store","slug":"how-to-promote-your-sticker-mule-store","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"How to promote your Sticker Mule store"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false},{"articleTitle":"Custom sticker printing: Making custom stickers, part 2","author":"Sticker Mule","content":"In [part one of this guide](, we covered design fundamentals and how to apply them in sticker design. In this post we'll cover how to get your designs printed onto top-quality vinyl, right here on Sticker Mule.\n\n##5. Preparing your design for print\n\nBefore you send your design off for printing, there are a few things you need to check to make sure it’s print-ready.\n\n###Choosing the right format\n\nWhen exporting your design, make sure to use a print-friendly file format. Vector files like EPS or PDF are ideal for printing because they can be resized without losing any quality. If you’re working with raster images, make sure your resolution is set to 300 DPI (dots per inch) for a sharp result. Did you already export your design and aren't sure what resolution it was exported at? We’ve explained how you can check this [in this step-by-step guide](\n\n###Bleed margins\n\nTo make sure that your sticker doesn’t get cut off at the edges during printing, include a bleed area of 0.125” around your design. In Adobe Illustrator, you can easily do this by selecting your design and going to *Object* \u003e *Path* \u003e *Offset Path*. Now set the size to 0.125 inches. In the *Joins* section, select *Round* to create smoother corners. Hit ‘OK’. Now go to Pathfinder and select ‘Add’ to merge all elements into one path.\n\n###Add a cut line\n\nIf you have designed a die-cut or kiss-cut sticker, a cut line is always useful for us to have. Decide where you want to have your sticker cut and create 1 shape out of that using the ‘Offset Path + Pathfinder’ method described above. Place this inside a new layer, call it ‘Cut line’ and give it a separate color that’s not used in your design.\n\n###Resolution\n\nIt’s also a good idea to double-check that your design is at the correct resolution before exporting. With raster images, aim for at least 300 DPI to avoid any blurriness or pixelation. \n\n###Proofing your design\n\nBefore placing an order, it might be necessary to get a proof of your design. Here at Sticker Mule we offer [auto-approving proofs]( During checkout, our system will scan your artwork to determine if a proof is necessary. If you'd still like to receive a proof though, you can choose to have one sent by selecting ‘No thanks’.\n\n![Upload option of Sticker Mule during the order process for custom stickers, with the option to auto-approve the stickers and save time.](\n\nIf any of the above looks intimidating, we’re here to help. Our tools like [Studio]( and [Print]( help simplify this process without using complex software.\n\nWant to see what the process of designing a sticker in Adobe Illustrator can look like? We’ve made a [step-by-step video tutorial]( showing exactly that.\n\n##6. Printing your stickers\n\nOnce your print-file is ready, it's time to print! \n\n###Exploring your options\n\nOnce you've nailed down your sticker design, the next step is bringing it to life! There are several options for printing stickers, depending on your budget, volume, and the look you’re aiming for. Here’s a quick overview of the most popular choices:\n\n- __Home Printing__ - If you're just doing this for fun and aren't too particular about quality, home printing is the quickest option. Invest in sticker paper compatible with your printer (inkjet or laser), and you can print your designs right at home. Just remember, the quality of your printer and paper will directly affect the final result, and that because home printing often involves a lot of trial and error the cost of consumables may not make this the most affordable option.\n\n- __Vinyl Cutting Machines__ - For serious DIY enthusiasts or small businesses, vinyl cutting machines like Cricut or Silhouette are game changers. These machines let you print and cut stickers at home, offering more precision and a professional finish compared to traditional home printing. Remember again, though, that when you factor in your investment for equipment, consumables, and your own time you may not be saving that much money (and the quality will often be subpar to a professional print service with million-dollar equipment and high quality materials). \n\n- __ Local Print Shops__ - For those who prefer professional-quality prints without the commitment of bulk orders, local print shops are a fantastic choice. They often offer a range of materials and finishes, such as glossy, matte, or waterproof stickers, and can help you fine-tune your design for optimal results.\n\n- __ Online Printing Services__ - Online sticker printing services (like [us](!) allow you to upload your designs, choose from a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials, and receive professionally printed stickers delivered to your doorstep. This option is ideal for scaling to higher production volumes while ensuring top-notch quality. \n\n###Choose the type of sticker\n\nYour choice of a sticker printer also depends on what kind of sticker you choose to make. \n\nThe top custom sticker manufacturers (like [us](!) also accomodate unique options (like holographic or die-cut stickers) for businesses and creators looking to tand out with special features.\n\nTechnically, most stickers fall into one of the two most popular categories as we described them in our last post: die-cut stickers and kiss-cut stickers. \n\n- __Die-cut stickers__\n\n - __[Die cut stickers]( - These stickers are cut into any custom shape you like, running along the contours of your design. They are used as collectibles, personal expression, promotional designs, and decorating laptops, water bottles, or vehicles.\n\n - __[Circle stickers]( - These stickers are die-cut into the shape of a circle. Circle stickers are most commonly used for branding, product labels, personalization, packaging seals, and event favors.\n\n - __[Rectangle stickers]( - These are die-cut into the shape of a rectangle. Rectangle stickers are commonly used for product labels, business branding, signage, packaging, and informational displays.\n\n - __[Square stickers]( - These are die-cut into the shape of a square. Companies use square stickers for branding, product packaging, social media promotion, and decorative personalization.\n\n - __[Oval stickers]( - These are die-cut into the shape of an oval. Oval stickers are most commonly used for product labeling, business branding, vehicle decals, and promotional giveaways.\n\n - __[Bumper stickers]( - These are die-cut into a large rectangle. Bumper stickers are of course used for political statements, advertisements, humor, personal expression, and advocacy for causes.\n\n - __[Rounded corner stickers]( - These stickers are die-cut into the shape of a square with the corners rounded. Rounded corner stickers are most commonly used for sleek product labels, business branding, packaging, and professional promotional materials.\n\n - __[Clear stickers]( - Clear stickers are essentially die-cut stickers printed on clear vinyl instead of white vinyl. They're great for things like windows and drinking glasses.\n\n - __[Front adhesive stickers]( - These are stickers where your design is printed on the sticky side (think of a sticker you might get from the DMV). They're not quite as pristine as printed transfer stickers, but they still look great and are a lot quicker and easier to use.\n\n - __[Holographic stickers]( - These are vinyl stickers with an overlay of reflective foil that appear iridescent and rainbow-like. They're used for futuristic and tech-inspired themes, as well as fantasy, space, and sci-fi themes. \n\n - __[Glitter stickers]( - These are vinyl stickers that are laminated with a glittery, sparkly overlay. They evoke a feeling of playfulness and whimsy, andd are often used for festive, glamorous, and kids' stickers.\n\n - __[Static clings]( - Afraid of commitment? Static cling \"stickers\" are die-cut stickers made of vinyl without any stickiness applied to them; through the magic of static electricity and molecular adhesion they \"stick\" to any clean and smooth non-porous surface like glass. They first became popular in the 1960s with holiday-themed clings for windows (e.g. Christmas snowflakes) and reached their peak in popularity in the 1970s and 1980s with sports-themed clings and cartoon characters like Garfield. \n\n- __Kiss-cut stickers__:\n\n - __[Kiss-cut stickers]( - As we mentioned in the last post, kiss-cut stickers are easy to peel and use because because the designs are cut through the vinyl layer but not the backing. They can be shaped just the same as any die-cut sticker. \n\n - __[Sticker sheets]( - Sticker sheets are essentially kiss cut stickers. The key difference is that a sticker sheet contains multiple kiss-cut stickers on a single backing sheet, allowing for various designs, shapes, or sizes to be arranged together. \n\nHere's a little \"hack\" for you. If you just need stickers for using (and not distributing), you can save some money by printing multiple copies of the same design on a sticker sheet. For example, 50 3\" x 3\" die-cut stickers cost $72, but ten 8.5\" x 11\" sticker sheets (each which can fit six 3\" x 3\" designs) cost the same, yielding you an extra 10 stickers. You can get even more savings at higher volumes.\n\n- __Transfer stickers__:\n\n - __[Transfer stickers]( - Transfer stickers are made of pre-cut designs or text on adhesive vinyl, with a clear or paper transfer layer that ensures precise application by \"rubbing\" the pieces together until firmly adhered to a surface. Sticker Mule originally only sold regular transfer stickers on black or white vinyl. \n\n - __[Printed transfer stickers:]( - Recently, we introduced full-color transfer stickers with printing that allow you to use full colors, not just black and white. \n\n - __ [Vinyl lettering]( - This is a specialized kind of transfer sticker consisting of letters you can use to add words to storefront windows, car windows, or boats. You can, of course, use your own font in a transfer sticker or printed transfer sticker, but the 13 fonts we've provided for vinyl lettering are the most popular, appealing, and cleanest we've found.\n\n![A shipping box with a blue ‘You’re in’ sticker applied to it.](\n\n##7. Ordering your stickers\nSo, your file is ready and you have decided what type of sticker you want it to be. Now it’s time to place the order so you’ll have your beloved stickers in hand before you know it.\n\n###How to order\nWhen it comes to ordering your stickers, you’ll need to consider whether you want to print them in bulk so you can maintain your own inventory (for example, for distributing to your customers or selling on sites like Amazon or Etsy) or if you'd like us to print and fulfil your stickers on-demand as your customers order them. \n\n- __Ordering for inventory__ - Ordering upfront can save you money in the long run. Bulk orders typically reduce the cost per sticker, making it a cost-effective option if you plan to distribute a large number of stickers or use them for marketing campaigns, events, or merchandise. It’s an ideal option if you’re confident it will sell, if you need to have all stickers close by, or want to make a significant impact with mass distribution. Because larger print runs are more efficient, the more you print, the more you can save.\n\n- __On-demand__ - If you sell stickers to your audience, you may want to go with an on-demand option such as [Stores]( rather than dealing with the hassle of maintaining inventory yourself. This way your customers can order your stickers (as well as other items such as t-shirts, buttons, keychains, and much more) and we'll take care of printing them, hosting your Web shop, shipping them, and even handling customer service—at no additional cost over what you'd pay for the sticker yourself. By letting us take care of all of this, you can focus on what you do best—designing!\n\nMany of our customers use Stores as their main storefront, but even if you sell on sites like Amazon or Etsy, this option is great for testing out different designs or catering to niche audiences. It allows you to experiment and update your designs without the commitment of stocking large quantities or the hassle of being stuck with leftover inventory if a design doesn’t sell as expected.\n\n![Homepage of Sticker Mule Stores, a way to easily sell items such as stickers and t-shirts to make money online.](\n\nIt’s an easy and efficient way to monetize your designs with minimal effort and give your audience another way to support you—and [it takes seconds to set up]( [Have a look]( at what other people are already selling on Stores.\n\n##8. Marketing your sticker\nOnce your stickers are ready, the next step is to promote them effectively. Today, there are countless modern and creative ways to market your stickers and get your designs in front of potential customers and fans. Here’s how to leverage some of the most popular marketing channels:\n\n###Social Media Platforms\nSocial media is a powerful tool for promoting your stickers. Platforms like [Instagram](, [TikTok](, and [Pinterest](, with their highly visual nature, are perfect for showcasing your designs. Share photos, videos, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your design process to build excitement and connect with your audience.\n\n###Engage with your audience\nHost sticker giveaways or use trending hashtags to inspire your designs and increase visibility. For even more exposure, consider collaborating with influencers or content creators who align with your brand’s aesthetic. Tagging @stickermule or using the hashtag #stickermule helps us see your post. We might even share it on our channel!\n\n###Sell directly via Stores\nAs mentioned, we offer a simple way to sell your stickers through our [Stores]( platform. No need to worry about setting up your own web shop. We take care of all the logistics, giving you a straightforward platform to display and sell your designs. You can direct your audience to your own store through your social media channels, making it easy for followers to purchase your stickers. People are even browsing through the designs, making it possible for them to discover you on the platform itself.\n\n![The search option of Sticker Mule Stores, showing the items other users have uploaded.](\n\n###Creative promotions\nStickers are versatile promotional tools. You can use them as freebies in your orders to add value to your existing products, include them as branded merchandise for events, or create limited-edition sticker runs to generate urgency. \n\nMany brands have successfully used stickers as a fun, shareable way to promote their business. Consider running a sticker campaign with your audience or using them in guerrilla marketing tactics, such as leaving stickers in public places for people to find.\n\n###Email newsletters \u0026 communities\nIf you already have a newsletter or belong to an online community of designers or fans, stickers can be a great exclusive product to offer. Give your loyal audience early access to new sticker designs and create some hype around it. \n\nBy tapping into these modern marketing strategies, you can reach your audience in engaging ways and turn your sticker designs into a thriving product line. Whether through social media, marketplaces, or direct sales, getting your stickers in front of people who will love them is just as crucial as designing them.\n\n![A clear sticker of a vector illustration of a crocodile holding a sun umbrella applied to a glass of lemonade.](\n\n##Conclusion\nDesigning [custom stickers]( requires more than just an idea. It takes careful consideration of your idea, design choices, file preparation, and reaching your audience. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating eye-catching stickers that resonate with whoever the stickers are meant for and make your sticker journey a huge success.\n\nWhether you're designing stickers for personal or business projects, keep experimenting and refining your process. And if you’re looking for where to print the best stickers possible, we produce them at the highest quality, with free online proofs and free shipping. Happy designing! \n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Order custom stickers\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n\n","date":"2024-11-20T00:00:00.000Z","id":"sticker-production-how-to-make-custom-stickers-part-2","metaDescription":"We cover how to choose a sticker printer and other important questions about sticker production in part 2 of our guide to making custom stickers.","metaTitle":"Custom sticker printing: Making custom stickers, part 2","slug":"sticker-production-how-to-make-custom-stickers-part-2","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"Custom sticker printing: Making custom stickers, part 2"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false},{"articleTitle":"How to design stickers: Making custom stickers, part 1","author":"Sticker Mule","content":"[Custom stickers]( are more than just fun, they’re powerful tools for branding, marketing, and even monetizing. Whether you're a small business looking to promote your brand or an artist trying to create some designs that sell, designing the perfect sticker requires more than just technical skill. \n\nThoughtful decisions during the design and sticker preparation stages are crucial to ensure your stickers not only look amazing but also resonate with your audience. You’ll probably make different design choices if the sticker is for your own rock band than when it’s for your niece’s 6th birthday party.\n\n![Laptop decorated with colorful die-cut stickers, including designs of dinosaurs, crowns, gems, and a holographic High Five sticker.](\n\nUnderstanding the nuances of sticker printing is key to creating professional-grade results. For example, choosing between die-cut stickers, with their custom-shaped designs, and kiss-cut stickers, which feature a flexible peel-off backing, can greatly influence both the look and functionality of your stickers.\n\nIn this guide, we'll walk you through the entire process from designing your sticker to preparing your files for production and choosing the right printing options. With these tips, you’ll be ready to create stickers that truly stand out.\n\nWithout further adieu, here's everything you need to know about designing your sticker from start to finish.\n\n##1. Brainstorming\n\nBefore jumping into the design process, take a moment to consider who your sticker is for and what message you want to convey. A great design isn’t just visually appealing—it resonates with your audience.\n\n###Who is your sticker for?\n\nPopular stickers often tap into a shared interest, emotion, or trend. For example, fun, colorful stickers with cute characters might appeal to a younger audience, while sleek, minimalistic designs are a better fit for professionals who want to slap them on their laptops to show off in their favorite coffee place. \n\nUnderstanding your target audience helps guide your design choices, resulting in a thoughtful, tailored design that resonates with those who receive it.\n\n![Stacks of unique event stickers on grass, featuring bold, custom designs for brands like CryptoConf, Dribbble, and RetroTechExpo.](\n\n###Finding inspiration\n\nWhen brainstorming online, platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are excellent starting points. Explore trending designs and take note of what catches your eye. \n\nPinterest, in particular, makes it easy to discover styles you like and find related visuals based on specific aesthetics or keywords. Creating a board for each project is a great way to stay organized and keep your inspiration in one place.\n\n![Pinterest results for 'sticker design ideas' show retro, playful, and themed stickers like fruit stickers, die-cut stickers and vintage graphics.](\n\nIt goes without saying to avoid copying others too literally. It's great to draw inspiration from different designs and to play with combinations of different concepts. But there's a line between being inspired by others' designs and stealing them. You don't want to have to face the wrath of the 6 year-old whose drawing of a unicorn you \"borrowed\"—and her team of intellectual property lawyers.\n\nJokes aside, copying isn't cool. Stay creative and authentic.\n\nDuring this stage, don’t hesitate to jot down notes or sketch a few rough ideas. Having a visual reference can guide your design choices later. Once you’re \"in the zone,\" ideas can come quickly, so capturing them ensures you don’t lose track of your creativity.\n\n##2. From idea to sketch\n\nNow that you’ve got some more ideas flowing, it’s time to get them on paper (or screen) while you’re doing it. \n\nWhile digital is ultimately where the magic happens when designing a sticker, I would personally advise starting with a piece of paper. Doodling a quick bit of something only takes a second and is so much more natural to do, enabling a tactile experience, unfiltered creativity, and the ability to focus and hone your skills without the limitations of technology.\n\nHaving everything next to each other also helps to make connections/crossovers, and most of the time, that’s where the most original ideas come from.\n\n![Sketchbook with rough sketches and ideas to use in the process of designing custom stickers.](\n\nIn a design process like this, there are essentially 2 different types of sketching:\n\n- __Rough sketching__ \n - This type of sketching is all about getting your ideas onto paper. It’ll likely be a mix of words and drawings, but the quality of the drawings doesn’t matter—what’s important is capturing your thoughts. After brainstorming and doodling a range of ideas, you’ll pick a few with enough potential to explore further. The length of this stage depends on how much time you want to invest.\n - When that one winning idea emerges, it’s often so exciting that you can’t wait to develop it further. Those are the best moments as a designer. Aim to find that standout idea for each project—the one you can't wait to start with. However, it’s always a good idea to have a few extra sketches in reserve, so make sure to select a couple of backup ideas as well.\n\n- __Refined sketching__ \n - Once you’ve identified some promising ideas, it’s time to refine them further. Move beyond stick figures and quick scribbles to start defining the character you want to create and the typography you envision—unless, of course, stick figures and scribbled words are exactly the look you’re going for!\n - At this stage, you can stick with paper or transition to a digital method that offers more flexibility. Many designers now use tools like an iPad with sketching software such as Procreate, which provides a natural drawing experience along with the perks of features like “Undo” and an eraser. Unfortunately, real life still doesn’t come with an “Undo” button (*Elon Musk has entered the chat*).\n\n![Sketch of a dog on a tablet, or iPad, using digital software to use in the process of designing custom stickers.](\n\n##3. From sketch to screen\n\nOnce your sketch is ready and you have a clear idea of what it should look like in the end, it's time to bring it to the screen. When you’re designing something that needs to be printed at some point, you’ll need to have an understanding of some of the basics to get the maximum result and set up your file correctly from the start.\n\n###Raster vs. vector\n\nFor the best print quality, it’s important to work with vector graphics. Vector files like AI and EPS, are scalable without losing their resolution, making them perfect for sticker printing. Raster images (like PNG and JPEG) can pixelate when resized, so they’re best avoided, especially for large stickers. \n\nWe’ve explained [the difference between raster images and vectors]( in a previous article. \n\n![Comparison of raster vs. vector graphics showing pixelation in raster image (left) and smooth edges in vector image (right)](\n\nTools like Adobe Illustrator or beginner-friendly platforms like Sticker Mule [Studio]( can help you turn your sketch into a polished design. \n\nIf you're deciding between Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, always opt for Illustrator. While many people use Photoshop for design, it’s primarily a photo-editing tool and has limitations for creating detailed designs.\n\nFor stickers, using vector files is recommended but not mandatory. As long as your design has a resolution of 300 DPI or higher, it should work well.\n\n###Choosing the right size \n\nSticker sizes vary depending on their purpose. For more basic stickers such as logos, a smaller size like 3x3 inches works well. More decorative stickers might need more space to highlight intricate details. Always consider the intended use of your sticker when choosing dimensions, and visualize how the size will look in real life once printed. The most popular applications are laptops, water bottles, cars, smartphones, and notebooks and planners.\n\n![Laptop decorated with colorful holographic die-cut stickers, including typographic designs and bunny characters.](\n\nStart by sketching your design on paper using a ruler to determine the ideal size. While you can always adjust it later, starting with a good approximation saves time. If you have a printer at home, you can test print to find the perfect size. Alternatively, you can use on-screen rulers to measure exact dimensions directly on your computer, which is especially handy if you're on the go and don’t have paper or a ruler nearby.\n\n##4. Design fundamentals\n\nStickers may be small, but effective design is what turns them into eye-catching pieces that stand out. From color to typography, and balance to visual hierarchy, understanding these principles will help you design stickers that not only look appealing but also communicate your message clearly. \n\nSo let’s break down some of these design fundamentals that can bring your sticker to the next level.\n\n###Color\n\nColors are more than just a visual element—they carry emotional significance and meaning. Choosing the right color scheme for your stickers is essential for conveying your brand's identity, personal style, and the message you want to communicate. \n\nHere's how to approach color in sticker design:\n\n- __Understand color psychology__ - Different colors evoke different emotions. For example, __blue__ conveys trust and professionalism, making it ideal for business-oriented designs. __Yellow and orange__ evoke excitement and energy, appealing to a younger, more playful audience. Think about how your color choices align with the emotions and values of your target audience.\n\n- __Use contrasting colors__ - High contrast between colors is important to make your design pop, especially for smaller designs like stickers. Dark text on a light background or complementary color pairings like blue and orange can improve readability and create visual impact. Use tools such as __Coolors__ or __Adobe Colors__ to choose and edit color palettes.\n\n- __Keep your brand in mind__ - If you’re creating stickers for a brand, be sure to stick to your brand’s color palette. Consistency strengthens brand recognition, especially for promotional or marketing use.\n\n- __Consider print color modes__ - While digital design often uses RGB (red, green, blue), printing requires CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for accurate color reproduction. Convert your design to CMYK before sending it to print to ensure your colors appear as intended.\n\n![Comparison of RGB vs. CMYK color diagrams showing the bright RGB (left) for digital and less bright conversion in CMYK (right) for print.](\n\nSome colors, [especially bright ones](, can look quite different in print if not properly adjusted. We do [maintain your RGB color profile]( to achieve a better color match compared to converting to CMYK ourselves, but we would advise you to export in CMYK so you know what to expect from the final prints.\n\nThere are [some tools that automatically convert them]( for you but always make sure to have a critical look at it before exporting your file.\n\n![Comparison of RGB vs. CMYK color conversion showing the bright RGB (left) and less bright conversion in CMYK (right).](\n\n###Typography\n\nText plays a crucial role in many sticker designs, whether you’re including a catchy slogan, brand name, or even just a website URL. While typography can add personality and flair to your sticker, it’s important to prioritize legibility.\n\n- __Font choice__ - Online platforms such as [Adobe Fonts](, [DaFont](, [Google Fonts](, and [Font Squirrel]( offer free fonts that you can use on commercial projects. Filter on what type of font you are looking for and you’re well on your way to finding your perfect match. If you’re looking for paid fonts, [MyFonts]( is the most popular option at the moment. \n\nIn our free [Studio]( tool, you can choose between a range of hundreds of free fonts so you always have that perfect match you’re looking for.\n\n![Font options in the Studio feature from Sticker Mule with a dropdown of all available fonts together with a round ‘Pizza Lover’ sticker design.](\n\n- __Font pairing__ - Don’t be afraid to mix fonts, but make sure they complement each other. Using one font for your main message and another for a tagline can help establish a visual hierarchy, guiding the viewer’s eye to the most important elements of the design. A good rule of thumb is to pair a bold, decorative font with a simpler sans-serif or serif for balance. Don’t make the difference between them too subtle, this will probably appear as messy and unintended.\n\n- __Size and scale__ - Because stickers are often small, your text needs to be readable at a glance. Stick to simple, bold fonts for text that needs to stand out. Avoid overly intricate or thin fonts, which can become illegible when scaled down. Try to zoom out while designing or walk a couple of meters back from your screen, this helps to get a better grip on how it will look at a certain size.\n\n- __Expressing personality with fonts__ - Your typography choices should also reflect the tone of your sticker. For example, playful, handwritten fonts can work well for a sticker with a casual, fun vibe, while a clean, geometric font might be better suited for a professional or modern aesthetic. We’re all about avoiding too obvious design decisions when it comes to stickers but sometimes it’s better to keep it clear and easy to understand.\n\nMost free font platforms like Google Fonts give you the option to filter on certain values such as writing systems, languages, number of styles and most importantly, the type of font.\n\n![Google Fonts results with the different filter options such as font style, amount of styles and language.](\n\n###White space\n\nSometimes, less is more. White space refers to the empty areas in your design (which don’t necessarily need to be white). Far from being wasted space, white space is an essential design element that can dramatically improve the look and feel of your sticker.\n\n- __Improving readability__ - White space helps separate elements in your design, making it easier for viewers to process the information. In text-heavy designs, adequate space around letters and words ensures clarity and legibility at a glance.\n\n-__Creating focus__ - By leaving enough white space around your key elements, you allow those elements to breathe and take center stage. This can be particularly effective for minimalistic stickers or designs where you want one element, such as your logo or tagline, to be the focal point.\n\n__Balancing complexity and simplicity__ - Don’t be afraid to leave certain areas of your sticker blank. Overloading the design with too many details can make it look cluttered and hard to read. Instead, focus on one or two key elements and use white space to give them room to shine.\n\n![‘Live Free’ die-cut sticker in a motorcycle style, showing a skull with a motor helmet, slapped on the tank of a green vintage motorcycle.](\n\n###Balance and composition\n\nA well-balanced design feels stable, organized, and visually pleasing. In sticker design, achieving harmony between text, graphics, and logos is essential for creating a polished final product.\n\n- __Symmetry vs. asymmetry__ - Symmetrical designs tend to feel more formal and balanced, while asymmetrical designs can create dynamic movement and interest. Both can work depending on the mood you want to convey, but it’s important to be intentional about how you place elements in your design.\n\n- __Visual weight__ - Consider the visual weight of each element in your design. Larger, bolder elements will naturally draw more attention, while smaller or lighter elements may fade into the background. By balancing these elements, you can essentially guide the viewer’s eye through the design in the intended order.\n\n- __Alignment and flow__ - Good alignment creates a sense of order and professionalism in your design. Whether you’re aligning text to the center, left, or right, consistency is key. Additionally, think about how a viewer’s eyes will move through the sticker. Do they start with the main message and then flow to the details? Make sure your composition guides this journey effectively and test it out yourself.\n\n###Contrast and visual hierarchy\n\nContrast goes beyond color—it applies to size, shape, and typography as well. By creating contrast in your design, you establish a clear visual hierarchy, guiding the viewer’s eye to the most important elements.\n\nThis is especially crucial for stickers often seen from a distance or in passing, like those on car bumpers or laptop covers. Strong contrast ensures your design grabs attention and communicates effectively, even at a glance.\n\n- __Size contrast__ - Make the most critical elements of your design larger to emphasize them. For example, your brand name or slogan should be more prominent than secondary details like a website URL or tagline.\n\n- __Font weight and style__ - Bold, heavier fonts naturally attract more attention than lighter ones. Use this to your advantage by making sure your key message or headline is bold while supporting text can be smaller or in a lighter font weight.\n\n- __Shape and form__ - You can also use contrast in shapes and forms to create interest. For instance, pairing a bold, geometric shape with a more organic, freeform graphic can create an engaging visual contrast that draws attention.\n\n###Sticker shape\n\nThe shape of your sticker plays a significant role in its overall design and usability. Most vinyl stickers fall into these categories: [die-cut stickers]( and [kiss-cut stickers]( Understanding how these types affect design is essential when you move from concept to print.\n\n- __Die-cut stickers__ - Die-cut stickers are cut to the exact shape of the design, whether it’s a custom shape, a standard circle, or a square. When designing for die-cut stickers, ensure all elements stay within the cut lines. The shape should enhance the design, not detract from it. For instance, a logo with sharp edges might look better with a die-cut that closely follows its contours rather than being confined to a standard circle.\n\n![Glitter die-cut sticker of a pink unicorn version of the Sticker Mule mascot, Herman.](\n\n- __Kiss-cut stickers__ - Kiss-cut stickers are stickers that are precisely cut through the top layer of material (the sticker itself) without cutting through the backing paper. This leaves the backing intact, providing extra support and making the stickers easy to peel off. With kiss-cut stickers the backing paper can have a larger surface area than the sticker, offering space for branding, instructions, or additional designs. They're suitable for intricate designs, as the cutting process only affects the sticker layer while preserving the overall backing shape.\n\n![Bright green kiss-cut sticker of crypto business convention, with a hand holding the peeled-off sticker.](\n\n- __Transfer stickers__ - Printed transfer stickers are a great option for designs that don’t need a solid background. Unlike traditional stickers, the individual elements of the design are attached to a transfer sheet, allowing for a clean, seamless application. All parts are applied at once, creating a polished, professional look.\n\n![Printed transfer sticker in white and orange of a hand combined with a flame, applied to the rear window of a white car. A hand is peeling the transfer sheet off the sticker.](\n\n### Scale\n\nIt’s important to consider how your design will scale, especially if you plan to offer it in multiple sizes or other products like T-shirts or magnets. A design that looks great at 5x5 inches may lose detail or readability when reduced to 2x2 inches.\n\n- __Test at different sizes__ - Always preview your design at various sizes to make sure it remains clear and legible. Elements like intricate illustrations, fine details, and small text may need to be simplified for smaller stickers.\n\n- __Use vectors for scalability__ - As mentioned before, creating your sticker in a vector format makes sure that it can be scaled up or down without losing quality. Vector graphics are resolution-independent, making them ideal for printing stickers of any size. That same design of a 2x2” sticker could be turned into a full-size billboard without losing any quality. Pure magic.\n\nBy focusing on these design fundamentals, color, typography, white space, balance, contrast, and scalability, you can create sticker designs that not only look visually appealing but also serve their purpose effectively, whether that’s for personal use, branding, or marketing. \n\nThe key is to keep your target audience in mind and apply these principles thoughtfully to make your design truly stand out.\n\nIn Part 2, we talk about [how to get your designs produced](\n","date":"2024-11-14T00:00:00.000Z","id":"how-to-design-stickers-guide","metaDescription":"Learn design fundamentals and how they apply to sticker design in part 1 of Sticker Mule's guide to making custom stickers.","metaTitle":"How to design stickers: Making custom stickers, part 1","slug":"how-to-design-stickers-guide","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"How to design stickers: Making custom stickers, part 1"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false},{"articleTitle":"How to open a Sticker Mule store","author":"Sticker Mule","content":"Back in June, we [announced]( our launch of Stores in beta.\n\n![Open a store on Sticker Mule](\n\nWe’re happy to announce that Stores is now officially open for business to anyone who wants to [sell stickers online]( That means that any Sticker Mule customer can create a storefront and sell not just stickers but any other product that Sticker Mule supports, including t-shirts, magnets, buttons, keychains, coasters, posters, and of course, hot sauce with your very own design.\n\nUnlike online marketplaces like eBay, Etsy, and Amazon, we don’t charge any fees to set up your store. When a customer buys a product, we charge you the same base price as for custom sticker orders. You can set your own markup, and any profit you earn is yours to keep—no extra fees.\n\nFurthermore you don’t need to worry about setting up a storefront, taking orders, calculating sales tax, packaging, shipping your orders, or handling customer service questions. We’ll cover all of that for you. \n\n##How to set up your Sticker Mule store\n\nIf you have a Sticker Mule account, you already have a “My store” option in the drop-down in the upper-right corner. Click to expand it and select My store (or just [click here]( if you're signed in).\n\n(Your store will be invisible to users and search engines until you add at least one product to it).\n\n1. Click on the __Edit__ button to get to the __Edit Store__ screen. ![screen to edit your custom sticker store](\n\n1. Upload a 2000x500 image for your Store’s cover photo. This is what will show up on the top of your store pages. Make sure it is consistent with your company’s branding. You can download and use this 2000x500 image as a guide.![2000x500 image](\n\n1. Upload a __profile picture__. This will appear with your cover photo on your storefront, and may also appear if you leave comments or reviews on the site. Any square image will work; we suggest you use a 400x400 image that's the same you use on social media like X, Facebook, or Instagram. \n\n1. Enter a __Display name__. This will appear as the main headline on your store page, as well as in your Store URL’s Title Tag for SEO. \n\n1. Enter a __Username__. By default we assign a random set of characters to every new store. Be sure to change it to something that represents you or your brand. This will be used in the URL for your store (*username*).\n\n1. Enter your __Bio__. You have a total of 200 characters, including spaces. Tell the world about yourself, what designs you specialize in, and what kinds of products you plan on selling. \n\n1. Enter a __Website URL__. We’ll create a link from your Store page to this URL to help users find your main site. As a bonus, you get some freshly squeezed SEO juice.\n\n##How to list a product\n\nIn order to list a product, you must have already purchased it at least once. This can cost as low as $9 if you order one of our [custom samples]( \n\nWe do this so you can be sure your customers are getting a product that you’ve personally seen and approved in real life. \n\nYou can choose any product from the “Products” menu and go through Sticker Mule’s famously simple process to create it. Our most popular products for consumers are [stickers](, [magnets](, [acrylic keychains](, and [T-shirts]( \n\nOnce you’ve created your item, here’s how to list it.\n\n1. Select __My Store__ from the upper right-hand corner.\n1. Click the orange__ \\+ Add item__ button.\n1. All of the products you’ve ordered in the past will appear. Select the one you want to sell.\n4. Enter the following:\n\n![product information for selling stickers](\n\n - __Title: __This is the name of your product that’ll appear on your product page, as well as in the Title Tag. __Hint:__ Include the type of product in the title. For example, if you’re selling a t-shirt with the image of a cute dog, enter “Cute Dog T-Shirt”.\n\n - __Markup: __By default, your product will be set to a base price that will cover Sticker Mule’s production and fulfillment costs. You can apply a markup to define the profit you’d like to make on each sale. For example, if the base price of a T-shirt is $19 and you add a markup of 20%. Your customers will pay a total of $22.80 for the shirt, and you’ll earn $3.80 in profit from the sale. You’ll need to verify your identity before you can set markups. See the tip \"Maximize your earnings\" below for more details.\n\n - __Mature content: __if your design shows images that you wouldn’t want grandma to see, please check this box.\n\n##__Additional tips and tricks to help you sell stickers__\n\n- __Create a vanity URL on your domain: __If you have your own website, ask your technical team to create a vanity URL from your domain to your Sticker Mule Store.\n\n - For example, if your company is at the domain \"\", create a redirect at \"\" that redirects to your Sticker Mule store.\n - Show this to whoever manages your Web site; they should know what to do with it.\n - ```\nRewriteEngine On```\n```\nRewriteRule ^stickers$ [R=301,L]\n```\n\n- __Link to your store: __Link to [your Store]( from your website and social media accounts. \n\n- __Test potential sticker designs digitally:__ Have your designer create some digital stickers on Facebook and see which ones resonate with your audience. Turn the winning designs into physical stickers. \n\n![turn your digital designs into real life stickers](\n\n- __Make stickers that people will want to show off: __Remember that your stickers are as much about making your customers look good as making you look good. Create designs that they’ll be proud to show off and that will elicit a positive reaction from their friends and family.\n\n![make stickers that your customers will want to show off](\n\n- __Create scarcity: __While you’ll want to always be selling certain branded designs (e.g. your logo or tagline), consider creating limited edition designs for your most loyal fans to collect. These may be seasonal, commemorative, or other one-off designs. If a limited edition design takes off, fight the urge to flood the market with more; you’ll have more success in the long-run.\n\n![create collectible stickers with scarcity](\n\n- __Engage with your fans:__ Ask them to post photos of them with your products, such as wearing your T-shirt or showing your stickers on laptops and water bottles. Encouraging your fans to pose with your products does three things: your brand gets out-of-home advertising, you get earned media online, and most importantly, you give your fans something that makes them look good to *their* fans.\n\n![social media feed with people showing off](\n\n- __Maximize your earnings:__ Once you [verify]( your identity with us, you’ll be able to earn money two ways.\n\n - Set [markups]( on your products. It might take some trial and error before you find the perfect balance of affordability and profit.\n\n - Earn a 10% [commission]( on any purchase a customer you refer makes for one year (this includes your products, a product on any other store, or a custom product from Sticker Mule).\n\n - Note that in order to create markups and earn commissions, you’ll need to verify your identification. You’ll need a state-issued photo ID and a device with a Webcam. We partner with Persona, a leading identity verification provider, to ensure that your information is securely protected. Once you’re verified we’ll ask you to enter a PayPal ID so we can pay you.\n\n- Our most important advice for how to create stickers that'll sell? Use the \"ooh!\" test. Print a bunch of sample stickers and show them to your family and friends. If they smile politely, those won't sell. If they go \"ooh!\" and want one then and there—you've got a winner.\n\nVisit our [Help]( section for more answers to questions about Stores, and be sure to follow [this blog]( over the coming weeks and months for new announcements and tips to help you succeed. \n\nHappy selling! \n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Start selling stickers online\" href=\"\" /\u003e","date":"2024-11-08T00:00:00.000Z","id":"open-custom-sticker-store","metaDescription":"Sticker Mule doesn't just let you create the world's best stickers, we help you sell them too. No setup or referral fees. Start selling today!","metaTitle":"Open your own custom sticker store","slug":"open-custom-sticker-store","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"How to open a Sticker Mule store"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false},{"articleTitle":"Fall 2024 updates","author":"Sticker Mule","content":"###White label hot sauce\nYou can now order [custom hot sauce bottles]( Same flavor of Mule Sauce, but designed by you.\n\n\u003cYouTubeVideo videoId=\"oR6boSqvHQY\" /\u003e\n\n###Printed transfer stickers\nYou can now order full-color [printed transfer stickers]( Printed transfer stickers make it easy to apply intricate, full color designs to any smooth surface.\n\n\u003cWistiaVideo videoId=\"oc38ypapa0\" /\u003e\n\n###Store growth\nOur Stores platform continues to grow, as we keep making improvements.\n\nWe now have over 12,000 stores and have paid out [over $18,000 in earnings](\n\n###Markup for Stores\nYou can now add markup to any item in [your store](\n\n![stores-markup](\n\nSet the percentage you want, and you’ll see the new retail price along with the minimum profit you’ll receive on each order. All markup profit goes directly to you, the store owner.\n\n###Store bios\nYou can now add a bio to your store. This is a great place to tell potential customers about your brand and the type of items you sell.\n\n![Store bios](\n\n###Improved Store discovery\nWe moved Stores to the top of our main navigation.\n\n![Store discovery](\n\nPeople can browse by [newest items](, items from [stores they follow](, or the [most popular items]( And you can “like” individual items now too.\n\n###Added Store email notifications\nIf you have a store, you can now get notified when you make a sale, or when someone follows you.\n\n![Store email notifications](\n\n###New press page\nWe’ve been in the news a lot lately, so we made a [new press page](\n\n###Added Giphy integration to Stimulus\nYou can now easily add gifs to your [Stimulus]( posts with our new Giphy integration.\n\n![Stimulus Giphy integration](\n\n","date":"2024-11-06T00:00:00.000Z","id":"fall-2024-updates","metaDescription":"Learn what new things we launched this Fall. Including 2 new products and more updates to Stores.","metaTitle":"Fall 2024 updates","slug":"fall-2024-updates","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"Fall 2024 updates"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false},{"articleTitle":"How to make stickers look professional","author":"Sticker Mule","content":"Stickers are great for business and branding. But no one wants ugly stickers. And your business might not have a big design budget. So how do you make high-quality, aesthetically pleasing [stickers](\n\nHere are 8 tips anyone can use to make their sticker designs look professional.\n\n##1. Define your brand identity\nYour business should have its own personality. Who are you trying to sell to? What is your message? Your visual identity should reinforce these ideas.\n\nBefore you get to the design itself, put your Art Director hat on and decide what your brand identity should look like. Use a tool like [Pinterest]( to gather ideas and create a mood board for your brand identity.\n\n![pinterest mood board](\n\nTry to narrow it down as much as possible – it’s important to have a consistent style.\n\n##2. Choose the right color palette\nColors impact the perception of your brand.\n\nEach color evokes an emotion. Blue = trust. Green = nature. Yellow = creativity.\n\n![color meaning chart](\n\nDecide on 1-2 main colors you want to represent your brand.\n\nUse a free tool like [Coolors]( to create a color palette.\n\n##3. Select appropriate typography\nThe font you choose for your brand is very important. Study the designs you like from your mood board. Identify attributes in the fonts that might work best for your brand.\n\nUse a site like [Google Fonts]( to browse and download free fonts.\n\n###Serif vs sans-serif\n![serif-vs-sans-serif](\n\nSerifs are the fancy little decorations on the ends of each letter.\n\nSerif fonts are often used to convey a formal, serious tone. While sans-serif fonts convey a friendly, casual tone.\n\n###Font weight\n![font-weight-comparison](\n\nMany fonts include multiple variations of weight (i.e. light, normal, bold).\n\nThe thickness of your font will also impact the tone of your brand. Thinner fonts usually convey a more delicate, feminine tone. While bolder fonts convey a strong, masculine tone.\n\n##4. Use high-quality images and graphics\nAnything you print should be at least [300 pixels per inch]( This will ensure your stickers don’t look pixelated or blurry.\n\nIf you have various versions of your logo or design, use a vector file (.pdf, .ai, .eps) if possible. [Vector graphics can be scaled infinitely]( without losing resolution. You can transform any image to vector format for $14 using [Redraw](\n\n![low-resolution-to-high-resolution](\n\nOr if you have a particular photo or image that you need to use, but it’s not high resolution – you can make high resolution with another free tool, [Upscale](\n\n##5. Keep your design simple\nYou can create high quality designs using our free design tool, [Studio]( Choose from hundreds of professional templates or start from scratch.\n\nThe best sticker designs are usually simple.\n\n![qr-code-stickers](\n\nDon’t include more information than you need. If you want to include some sort of contact information, consider limiting it to one form of contact (i.e. email address). Or you can add a [QR code]( to direct people to a specific landing page.\n\n##6. Experiment with shapes\nKeep in mind that die cut stickers will automatically be cut to fit the shape of your design. This works great for plenty of designs and most logo stickers.\n\n![die-cut-stickers](\n\nBut depending on your design and brand, you might want to go for a more traditional shape, like [circle stickers](, [square stickers](, [rectangle stickers](, [oval stickers](, or [rounded corner stickers](\n\n##7. Consider the finish\nAny sticker is going to look good with a matte finish. But depending on your design you may want to try a holographic or glitter material to give your stickers a unique shine.\n\n![matte-vs-holo-vs-glitter-stickers](\n\n##8. Get feedback and iterate\nBefore committing to a large batch of stickers, you can order [custom samples]( This is a good option for testing your design in real life.\n\n![sticker-irl](\n\nGive some stickers away and ask your friends and coworkers for feedback. They might be perfect or you might need to tweak a few things. Shop with confidence when it’s time to place a larger order. And you can even save money when you order multiple designs at the same time.\n\n##Conclusion\nGetting professional stickers doesn’t require a professional designer. Be thoughtful about what you want, look to other designs for inspiration, and always be willing to experiment.\n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Order custom samples for $9\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n","date":"2024-11-01T00:00:00.000Z","id":"how-to-make-stickers-look-professional","metaDescription":"Here are 8 tips anyone can use to make their sticker designs look professional.","metaTitle":"How to make stickers look professional","slug":"how-to-make-stickers-look-professional","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"How to make stickers look professional"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false},{"articleTitle":"Introducing full-color, printed transfer stickers","author":"Sticker Mule","content":"Full-color [printed transfer stickers]( are here!\n\nPeople already love [transfer stickers]( (aka vinyl decals). But full-color printing has been [one of the most requested features]( Our engineers have been hard at work, building the cutting-edge machines that now make this possible.\n\n\u003cWistiaVideo videoId=\"oc38ypapa0\" /\u003e\n\n##What are printed transfer stickers?\nStandard transfer stickers aren’t actually printed at all. They are cut to the exact shape of each piece of a design. This is why they only come in all-black or all-white. This works fine for many designs, but of course, has its limitations.\n\n![black transfer stickers](\n\nPrinted transfer stickers are made with the extra step of… printing. This lets you add virtually any color, mix of colors, shades, or gradients you want to your stickers. All made with the same durable vinyl and precise cutting that have made our transfer stickers so popular.\n\n![full color printed transfer stickers](\n\n##How to apply printed transfer stickers\nA special tape holds your design together, making it easy to apply your transfer stickers. To apply, slowly pull the transfer tape from the paper backing. Next, place the sticker on your desired surface and then use your fingers to apply pressure across the face of the sticker, making sure it properly adheres. You can also use a credit card to reinforce the adhesion.\n\nRemember: Printed transfer stickers look best when applied to smooth surfaces — think windows, laptops, or cars.\n\nIf your design is particularly delicate, you may want to wait 24 hours before removing the transfer tape. When it’s ready, slowly peel the transfer tape off to reveal your full color design.\n\n\u003cYouTubeVideo videoId=\"nrCXwMu6qw4\" /\u003e\n\n##How to order printed transfer stickers\nWe make ordering full color printed transfer stickers easy.\n\n1. Go to [printed transfer sticker page](\n2. Select a size and quantity\n3. Upload your artwork\n4. Checkout\n\nWe’ll automatically set up your artwork for printed transfer stickers, so you don’t need to do anything special to your artwork before ordering. But if you want to do the artwork setup yourself, [these guidelines]( will help.\n\n![printed transfer sticker proof](\n\nWithin a few hours of checkout, you’ll get an online proof, showing how your custom printed transfer stickers will look. You can request changes to the proof for free until you’re happy.\n\n##Order custom printed transfer stickers today\nEach printed transfer sticker is printed in full color, precisely cut, and features a durable vinyl that’s good for indoor or outdoor use.\n\n![full color transfer sticker](\n\nApply any design to any surface.\n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Order printed transfer stickers\" href=\"\" /\u003e","date":"2024-10-24T00:00:00.000Z","id":"introducing-full-color-printed-transfer-stickers","metaDescription":"Printed transfer stickers let you transfer any design in full-color to any smooth surface.","metaTitle":"Introducing full-color, printed transfer stickers","slug":"introducing-full-color-printed-transfer-stickers","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"Introducing full-color, printed transfer stickers"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false},{"articleTitle":"Save up to 80% on UPS shipping rates with Ship","author":"Sticker Mule","content":"Introducing [Ship]( A free tool to help you save time and money generating UPS shipping labels.\n\n\u003cWistiaVideo videoId=\"xc5sb7b35n\" /\u003e\n\nAt Sticker Mule, we ship tons of packages every day. That’s how we learned to negotiate the best shipping rates available. Now we’re passing those savings on to you. Save up to 80% on UPS shipping rates with Ship.\n\n##How it works\nShip has an easy to use interface and is completely free to use – you only pay for the labels.\n\nTo get started, add the address you want to ship to and the address you want to ship from.\n\n![Ship addresses](\n\nNext, choose what type of package you are going to ship.\n\n![Ship package configuration](\n\nNext, compare shipping rates, and select your desired shipping method.\n\n![shipping methods](\n\nPrint your label, stick it on your package, and drop it off at your [nearest UPS Store](\n\nYou won’t get charged for the label until it’s received and scanned by UPS.\n\nFrom the [Ship dashboard](, you can track the status of all your shipments and easily share tracking information with your customers.\n\n![Ship dashboard](\n\nSave time and money on your next shipment with Ship.\n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Try Ship today\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n","date":"2024-08-22T00:00:00.000Z","id":"save-money-on-shipping-rates","metaDescription":"Introducing Ship. A free tool to help you save time and money generating UPS shipping labels.","metaTitle":"Introducing Ship","slug":"save-money-on-shipping-rates","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"Save up to 80% on UPS shipping rates with Ship"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false},{"articleTitle":"Sticker Mule launches white label hot sauce","author":"Sticker Mule","content":"##Create your own brand with award-winning Mule Sauce\n\n![ricky berwick custom hot sauce](\n\n*Globally recognized social media sensation Ricky Berwick is partnering with Sticker Mule to captivate audiences worldwide.* \n\n__AMSTERDAM, NY, Aug. 14, 2024__ – Sticker Mule, the Internet's most kick-ass brand, is excited to announce the arrival of its new White Label Hot Sauce, allowing customers to customize Sticker Mule's award-winning “Mule Sauce” with their own branding. \n\nTo boost the debut of White Label Hot Sauce, Sticker Mule partnered with Internet personality Ricky Berwick. Together, they launched a [marketing campaign]( to promote this major new product. Berwick is a globally recognized social media sensation, celebrated for his creative and hilarious video content that captivates audiences worldwide.\n\n\"Mule Sauce started as a dare but it's become a sensation with 1 million bottles shipped annually. Now, with white label hot sauce, we're allowing everyone to use our award-winning recipe to promote their business, brand or just have fun,\" said Anthony Constantino, CEO of Sticker Mule. \n\nSince launching in 2019, Mule Sauce has become a fan-favorite condiment, earning a loyal following with its unique sweet heat and versatility that enhances any dish. Mule Sauce has quickly positioned itself as an everyday hot sauce, rivaling iconic hot sauces like Tabasco, Frank's RedHot, and Sriracha.\n\n“If you’re an influencer, you’re an idiot if you don’t buy white label mule sauce to grow your brand. I’m buying it and selling it because I’m not an idiot and because it’s delicious,” said Ricky Berwick. \n\nSticker Mule’s white label hot sauce is perfect for restaurants, brands, influencers, or as a unique gift. Customers can easily upload their design, and Sticker Mule will prepare an FDA-compliant label. Or, start with a design template and create a label using Sticker Mule's intuitive [design tool, Studio]( Once the order is placed, customers receive an online proof showing how their hot sauce will look, with free revisions until they are happy.\n\nMule Sauce is featured in every White Label Hot Sauce bottle. It’s known for its perfect balance of sweet and spicy, with a three-out-of-five heat intensity. It pairs well with nearly any dish and adds almost zero calories, making it a guilt-free addition to any meal.\n\nFor more information visit [Sticker Mule’s website](\n\n###About Sticker Mule\nSticker Mule is the best way to buy and sell custom merchandise, including stickers, t-shirts, magnets, buttons, labels, packaging, keychains, temporary tattoos, and an award-winning hot sauce. Founded in 2010, it’s now powered by 1,200+ people in 30+ countries, with factories in New York, South Carolina and Italy.\n\n###About Ricky Berwick\nBerwick is a globally recognized social media sensation, celebrated for his hilarious video content that captivates audiences worldwide. He was born with a physical disability (called Beals-Hecht syndrome) that limits his movements. Ricky embodies the message that “disability is not inability,” using his creative talents to entertain and inspire through his skits and witty reporting via the 'Crippled News'. The Canadian entertainer has also established himself as an entrepreneur, leveraging platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to build his brand and connect with millions.\n\n###For media queries, please contact: \nJames Colistra, Director of Public Relations, Sticker Mule\n\nEmail:\n","date":"2024-08-14T00:00:00.000Z","id":"sticker-mule-launches-white-label-hot-sauce","metaDescription":"Create your own brand with award-winning Mule Sauce. Sticker Mule, the Internet's most kick-ass brand, is excited to announce the arrival of its new White Label Hot Sauce.","metaTitle":"Sticker Mule launches white label hot sauce","slug":"sticker-mule-launches-white-label-hot-sauce","coverImage":{"src":"","alt":"Sticker Mule launches white label hot sauce"},"schemaMarkup":null,"isDraft":false}],"totalPages":23,"page":1},"locale":"en","localizedPermalinks":{},"translations":{"en":{"local":{"Back_to_blog":"Back to blog","Page_{page}_of_{totalPages}":"Page {page} of {totalPages}","Posted_by_{author}_on_{date}":"Posted by \u003c0\u003e{author}\u003c/0\u003e on \u003c1\u003e{date}\u003c/1\u003e","Posts_by_{name}":"Posts by {name}","categories":{"all_posts":{"description":"News and articles from the Internet's best printing company.","name":"All posts","title":"$(Sticker_Mule) Blog"},"company":{"description":"$(Sticker_Mule) news and updates.","name":"Company","title":"Our Company"},"customers":{"description":"We ship worldwide to thousands of customers in {countries_count} countries. 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Try again in a few minutes.","no_rates_available":"Sorry, there are no available shipping options for the provided parameters. \u003c0\u003eGet in touch\u003c/0\u003e to get some custom ones.","no_tracking":"no tracking","{deliveryTime}_day_delivery":"{deliveryTime} day delivery","{transitTime}_day_shipping":"{transitTime} day shipping"},"Description":"Description","Design":"Design","Dimensions":"Dimensions","Discover":"Discover","Dismiss_notification":"Dismiss notification","Email":"Email","Email_address":"Email address","Enter_a_new_password":"Enter a new password","Error":"Error","FAQs":"FAQs","Faces":"Faces","Feedback":"Feedback","First_name":"First name","Forgot_password":"Forgot password?","Free":"Free","Free_background_remover":"Free background remover","Free_shipping":"Free shipping","Frequently_asked_questions":"Frequently asked questions","Full_name":"Full name","Get_samples":"Get samples","Get_text_updates":"Get text updates","Get_{value}_credit":"Get {value} credit","Help":"Help","Hidden":"Hidden","IRL_previews":"IRL previews","Image":"Image","Imagine":"Imagine","Impressum":"Impressum","Info":"Info","Invite_friends":"Invite friends","Labels":"Labels","Language_and_currency":"Language \u0026 currency","Last_name":"Last name","Loading":"Loading...","Local_preferences":"Local preferences","Location":"Location","Log_in":"Log in","Log_out":"Log out","Magnets":"Magnets","Main_menu":"Main menu","Mobile_number":"Mobile number","More":"More","My_store":"My store","Name":"Name","New":"New","Next":"Next","No":"No","Notifications":"Notifications","Now":"Now","Number_changed_successfully":"Number changed successfully!","Off":"Off","Ok":"Ok","On":"On","OneSignal_prompt":{"accept_button":"Subscribe","action_message":"Subscribe to our notifications for the latest news and updates. You can disable anytime.","cancel_button":"Later"},"Optional":"Optional","Order_prints":"Order prints","Order_summary":"Order summary","Order_total":"Order total","Orders":"Orders","Packaging":"Packaging","Password":"Password","Phone":"Phone","Phone_number":"Phone number","Photo":"Photo","Pick_a_date":"Pick a date","Post":"Post","Postal_code":"Postal code","Preorder":"Preorder","Press":"Press","Prev":"Prev","Print":"Print","Privacy":"Privacy","Privacy_policy":"Privacy Policy","Pro":"Pro","Processing":"Processing","Products":"Products","Profile":"Profile","Proofs":"Proofs","Province":"Province","Quick_order":"Quick order","Read_more":"Read more","Redraw":"Redraw","Referrals":"Referrals","Remove":"Remove","Rename":"Rename","Reorder":"Reorder","Required":"Required","Reset_your_password":"Reset your password","Resources":"Resources","Retry":"Retry","Return_to_the_homepage":"Return to the homepage","Returns":"Returns","Reviews":"Reviews","Reviews_for_{item}":"Reviews for {item}","SMS":"SMS","Samples":"Samples","Save":"Save","Search":"Search","See_all_reviews":"See all reviews","Select_country":"Select country","Select_ellipsis":"Select...","Send_code":"Send code","Send_reset_link":"Send reset link","Share":"Share","Ship":"Ship","Ship_to_another_address":"Ship to another address","Shop_now":"Shop now","Show_password":"Show password","Show_submenu_for":"Show submenu for {menu}","Sign_in_to_get_started":"Sign in to get started","Sign_in_with_Google":"Sign in with Google","Sign_up":"Sign up","Sign_up_for_sms_deals":"Sign up for SMS deals","Sign_up_with_Google":"Sign up with Google","Site_map":"Site map","Size":"Size","Skip":"Skip","Skip_to_main_content":"Skip to main content","Some_of_our_customers":"Some of our customers","State":"State","Stats":"Stats","Sticker_Mule":"Sticker Mule","Sticker_Mule_for_teams":"$(Sticker_Mule) for Teams","Sticker_design_online":"Sticker design online","Stickers":"Stickers","Store":"Store","Stores":"Stores","Street_address":"Street address","Studio":"Studio","Submit":"Submit","Subscribe":"Subscribe","Subscribe_to_deals":"Subscribe to get kick ass deals notifications \u003c0\u003e:sparkles:\u003c/0\u003e","Subtotal":"Subtotal","Summary":"Summary","Support":"Support","Switch_account":"Switch account","Switch_to_{becomeName}":"Switch to \u003c0\u003e{becomeName}\u003c/0\u003e","Tax_exemptions":"Tax Exemptions","Team":"Team","Team_name":"Team name","Team_username":"Team username","Teams":"Teams","Templates":"Templates","Terms":"Terms","Terms_and_conditions":"Terms and Conditions","Tools":"Tools","Total":"Total","Total_reviews":"Total reviews","Trace":"Trace","Try_again":"Try again","Tshirt_size_guide":"T-shirt size guide","Tshirts":"T-shirts","Unixstickers":"Unixstickers","Update":"Update","Upload":"Upload","Upload_more_files":"Upload more files","Upscale":"Upscale","Use_a_different_number":"Use a different number","Uses":"Uses","View_all_{count}_addresses":"View all {count} addresses","Visible":"Visible","Wallet":"Wallet","Would_order_again":"Would order again","Yes":"Yes","Your_Account":"Your Account","Your_store_URL_{url}":"Your store URL: {url}","ZIP_code":"ZIP code","address_verification":{"Confirm_your_address":"Confirm your address","Make_changes":"Make changes","Save_and_continue":"Save \u0026 continue","Suggested_changes_are_highlighted":"Suggested changes are \u003c0\u003ehighlighted\u003c/0\u003e","Use_this_address":"Use this address","We_recommend":"We recommend","You_entered":"You entered","verification_failed":"We couldn't verify your address. Do you want to continue with this address or make changes?"},"benefits":{"adhesive_on_front":{"cta":"See how it works","description":"Stick these inside your car or store window to keep them protected and looking great.","title":"Adhesive on front"},"bubble_protection":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Each mailer features a thick bubble lining that helps protect what's inside.","title":"Extra protection"},"budget_friendly_mailers":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Our {product_name} allow for a lightweight, affordable method of shipping.","title":"Budget friendly"},"clings_to_glass":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"We use a premium material that clings to any smooth glass surface.","title":"Clings to glass"},"colorful_and_sparkly":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Durable glitter vinyl gives your stickers a unique dazzling sparkle.","title":"Colorful \u0026 sparkly"},"dispense_in_style":{"description":"Work happy with an automatic label dispenser that's beautiful and easy to use.","title":"Dispense in style"},"drill_hole":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Each charm features a 2 mm hole for creating your own keychains, jewelry and more.","title":"Drill hole included"},"durable_vinyl":{"cta":"See how durable","description":"Thick, durable vinyl protects your {product_name} from scratching, rain \u0026 sunlight","title":"Durable vinyl material"},"ear_savers_adjust":{"description":"Each ear saver features {ear_savers_adjustment_count} size slots, making one-size-fits-all masks adjustable.","title":"Easy to adjust"},"ear_savers_comfort":{"description":"Save your ears from the pressure and irritation caused by mask bands.","title":"Extra comfort"},"ear_savers_fit":{"description":"Make your mask fit more snug to ensure aerosol particles are not unnecessarily spread.","title":"Tighter fit"},"easy_apply":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Our {product_name} are easy to peel and apply to products and packaging.","title":"Easily apply by hand"},"easy_apply_lettering":{"cta":"See how it works","description":"Our transfer tape holds your design together so that it's easy to apply.","title":"Easily apply your lettering"},"easy_apply_stickers":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Our {product_name} are easy to peel and apply.","title":"Easily apply by hand"},"easy_artwork_setup":{"cta":"Watch a tutorial","description":"Upload a zip containing your designs or lay out your sheet using our guidelines.","title":"Easy artwork setup"},"easy_install":{"cta":"Download instructions","description":"Follow our instructions to install your {product_name} and easily remove them at any time.","title":"Easy to install and remove"},"easy_peel":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Our {product_name} are fast and easy to separate from their backing.","title":"Place your labels with speed"},"easy_remove_bumper_stickers":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Our bumper stickers with removable adhesive are ideal for cars and trucks.","title":"Easy to remove"},"easy_remove_front_advesive":{"cta":"See how durable","description":"Remove them as many times as you want without leaving behind residue or glue.","title":"Easy to remove"},"easy_to_hang":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Add optional drill holes with steel hanging bolts for no additional cost.","title":"Easy to hang"},"easy_transfer":{"cta":"See how it works","description":"Our transfer tape holds your design together so that it's easy to apply.","title":"Easily transfer your design"},"everyday_sauce":{"description":"Our hot sauce pairs well with anything and adds almost 0 calories.","title":"Everyday hot sauce"},"fabric_like_material":{"cta":"See how it works","description":"Our wall graphics use a premium material that diffuses light \u0026 matches your wall.","title":"Printed on fabric-like material"},"food_safe":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Our pouches are FDA compliant for certain direct food contact applications in the U.S.","title":"Food safe"},"free_shipping":{"cta":"Get a delivery estimate","description":"Get your {product_name} fast with {shipping_days} day turnaround and free shipping.","title":"Free shipping in {shipping_days} days"},"free_shipping_framed_posts":{"description":"Paste the URL to any post and we'll frame it in 4 days or less.","title":"Free shipping"},"free_shipping_gift_cards":{"description":"We'll deliver your gift cards fast with free shipping in 2-5 days.","title":"Free shipping"},"free_shipping_masks":{"description":"Get your personal face masks with fast and free shipping.","title":"Free shipping"},"free_shipping_reorder_items":{"cta":"Get a delivery estimate","description":"Your {product_name} are delivered fast with free shipping to most countries.","title":"Free shipping"},"free_shipping_samples":{"description":"Get your custom {samples_name} fast with 4 day turnaround and free shipping."},"full_bleed_border":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Print your posters from edge to edge or with a border for a classic framed look.","title":"Full bleed or bordered"},"full_bleed_printing":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Our {product_name} are printed in full color and in full bleed at no additional cost.","title":"Full bleed printing"},"full_color_printing":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Our {product_name} are printed in full color at no additional cost.","title":"Full color printing"},"full_color_transfer_printing":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Thick, durable vinyl protects your transfer stickers from scratching, rain \u0026 sunlight.","title":"Full color printing"},"glittery":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Our durable glitter vinyl has a colorful sparkle effect that changes with light.","title":"Glittery \u0026 sparkly"},"hand_and_robot_made_maps":{"description":"Maps are rough-cut with a computer-controlled router and then sanded and oiled by hand.","title":"Hand \u0026 robot made"},"hand_crafted":{"description":"Our wood frames are made in the USA and shipped from our factory.","title":"Hand-crafted frames"},"hanger_hole":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Each ornament features a 2 mm hole to make hanging ornaments on your xmas tree simple.","title":"Hanger hole included"},"highest_quality_coaster":{"cta":"Watch our process","description":"Printed on thick, premium coaster board and cut precisely into a 3.7\" circle.","title":"Highest quality"},"increase_productivity":{"cta":"Learn how to save","description":"Eliminate hand peeling and increase productivity with automatic label dispensing.","title":"Increase productivity"},"kraft_paper":{"cta":"See how it works","description":"Our tape is made from reinforced kraft paper to provide optimal security for your shipments.","title":"Reinforced kraft paper"},"lasts_for_days":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Our custom temporary tattoos are printed in full color and stay vibrant for 1-3 days.","title":"Lasts for days"},"live_preview":{"description":"Visualize how the post will look like IRL before ordering.","title":"Live Preview"},"low_cost_masks":{"description":"We manufacture masks in bulk to sell at low costs and help everyone get a mask quickly.","title":"Low cost masks"},"low_cost_signs":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Our poly yard signs cost 90% less than typical rigid yard signs.","title":"Low cost signs"},"made_in_america":{"description":"Our {product_name} are Made in America and shipped from our factory.","title":"Made in America"},"metal_surface":{"cta":"Watch our process","description":"Perfect for use as car magnets, fridge magnets and more.","title":"For any metal surface"},"multiple_designs":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Order multiple items to receive a discount. Larger orders = larger discounts.","title":"Multiple design discounts"},"no_expiration_gift_cards":{"description":"Redeem to your gift card balance in your account and use anytime.","title":"No expiration"},"no_fees_gift_cards":{"cta":"See how it works","description":"Gift cards have no fees and can be used on all custom products.","title":"No fees"},"online_proof":{"cta":"Watch our process","description":"Review your proof shortly after checkout and request changes until you're happy.","title":"Get an online proof"},"online_proof_redraw":{"description":"Review an online proof to see what your redraw will look like before you pay.","title":"Free online proof"},"peppers":{"description":"We use a perfect blend of habanero, scotch bonnet, and ghost peppers.","title":"Peppers of the gods"},"premium_finish":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Sleek and professional look that combines a glossy surface with high-quality matte ink.","title":"Premium finish"},"print_ready":{"description":"Your design will be infinitely scalable, ready to use on a sticker or billboard.","title":"Print ready"},"quality_cotton":{"cta":"Watch our process","description":"Made from 100% ring spun cotton for incredible comfort, breathability and fit.","title":"100% quality cotton"},"record_low_price":{"description":"Our next-gen label dispenser is 50% less than outdated competitive dispensers.","title":"Record low price"},"recyclable_mailers":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Our mailers are made from a recyclable, low-density polypropylene material.","title":"Eco-friendly \u0026 recyclable"},"recyclable_tape":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Our tape is made from a kraft paper to make recycling your boxes easier.","title":"Eco-friendly \u0026 recyclable"},"redraw_pricing":{"description":"Upgrade your logo, design or photo for {price}, no matter how difficult.","title":"Flat rate pricing"},"resealable":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Each stand up pouch can be heat sealed and features a resealable zip closure.","title":"Resealable"},"safety_pin":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Each button features a safety pin-back made from durable steel.","title":"Safety pin"},"sauce_custom_label":{"description":"Slap your own label on our award-winning hot sauce to delight your customers and friends.","title":"Custom label"},"sauce_high_quality_bottle":{"description":"Your sauce comes in a premium glass bottle with an easy peel top and slow drip pour.","title":"Beautifully bottled"},"sauce_world_class_flavor":{"description":"Voted #1 in a blind taste test against 270 other hot sauces. It's the best every day hot sauce.","title":"Award-winning flavor"},"see_design_irl":{"cta":"See how it works","description":"See what your custom {samples_name} will look and feel like in real life.","description_with_qty":"Order 10 custom {samples_name} to see what they look and feel like in real life.","title":"See your design in real life","title_with_name":"See your {samples_name} in real life"},"shiny":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Durable holographic vinyl gives your stickers a unique rainbow sheen.","title":"Colorful \u0026 shiny"},"soft_clutch":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"Each custom pin features a soft PVC clutch to easily fasten to your clothing or accessories.","title":"Soft clutch"},"soft_tagless_t_shirts":{"description":"Our custom t-shirts are made from 100% cotton for incredible comfort and fit.","title":"Soft, tagless t-shirts"},"stainless_steel":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Each keychain features a clear snap closure and stainless steel key ring.","title":"Stainless steel key ring"},"strong_adhesive":{"description":"With enough adhesive to stick to almost any surface, you can comfortably slap your stickers to laptops or lemons.","title":"Strong adhesive"},"sustainable_materials_maps":{"description":"All maps are made using sustainably harvested hardwoods from the Appalachian region.","title":"Sustainable materials"},"sweet_heat":{"description":"The perfect balance of sweet and spicy, measuring 3/5 in heat intensity.","title":"Incredible sweet heat"},"tagless_comfortable_t_shirts":{"description":"Say goodbye to scratchy tags, our t-shirts feature a tagless design for ultimate comfort.","title":"Tagless comfortable t-shirts"},"thickMattePaper":{"cta":"See them in action","description":"We use a thick, premium matte paper that looks good on any wall, or in any frame.","title":"Thick matte paper"},"topographically_accurate_maps":{"description":"Maps are made using data from the US Geological Survey to create representations.","title":"Topographically accurate"},"tshirts_full_color_printing":{"cta":"View our shirts in action","description":"Print any design in full color on a custom t-shirt at no additional cost.","title":"Full color printing"},"unisex_fit":{"description":"Our tees are designed with a straight, relaxed fit so anybody can wear them.","title":"Unisex fit"},"uv_matte_finish":{"description":"Our stickers are made with a premium UV resistant vinyl with a unique matte finish only offered by $(Sticker_Mule)","title":"UV matte finish"},"washable":{"cta":"See how durable","description":"Our premium vinyl has a textured laminate to protect your design in high traffic areas.","title":"Washable and scuff resistant"},"water_resistant":{"description":"Resistant to rain, snow and dishwashers, our stickers will stand the test of time when used indoors or outdoors.","title":"Water resistant"},"water_resistant_tattoos":{"cta":"Learn more","description":"Our tattoos should hold up great in the shower, pool, or while sweating.","title":"Water resistant"},"weatherproof":{"cta":"See how durable","description":"Thick, durable vinyl protects your {product_name} from scratching, rain \u0026 sunlight.","title":"Durable \u0026 weatherproof"},"weatherproof_buttons":{"cta":"See how durable","description":"Buttons feature a smooth, weather-resistant laminate and a durable, tin plate steel back.","title":"Durable \u0026 weatherproof"},"weatherproof_magnets":{"cta":"See how durable","description":"Our magnets are durable and will hold up to poor weather conditions.","title":"Durable \u0026 weatherproof"},"weatherproof_vinyl":{"cta":"See how durable","description":"Thick, durable, weatherproof vinyl ideal for indoor or outdoor use.","title":"Durable \u0026 weatherproof"},"weatherproof_yard_signs":{"cta":"See how durable","description":"Coated with a protective varnish to ensure they are resistant to a variety of weather elements.","title":"Durable \u0026 weatherproof"}},"buying_options":{"Click_for_sizing_help":"Click for sizing help","Qty_help":"Qty. help","Size_help":"Size help"},"colors":{"aliceblue":"alice blue","alto":"alto","antiquewhite":"antique white","aqua":"aqua","aquamarine":"aquamarine","atlantis":"atlantis","azure":"azure","beige":"beige","bisque":"bisque","black":"black","blanchedalmond":"blanched almond","blue":"blue","blueviolet":"blue violet","brightsun":"bright sun","brightturquoise":"bright turquoise","brown":"brown","burlywood":"burlywood","cadetblue":"cadet blue","chartreuse":"chartreuse","chocolate":"chocolate","conifer":"conifer","coral":"coral","coralred":"coral red","cornflowerblue":"cornflower blue","cornsilk":"cornsilk","crimson":"crimson","cyan":"cyan","darkblue":"dark blue","darkcyan":"dark cyan","darkgoldenrod":"dark goldenrod","darkgray":"dark gray","darkgreen":"dark green","darkgrey":"dark grey","darkkhaki":"dark khaki","darkmagenta":"dark magenta","darkolivegreen":"dark olive green","darkorange":"dark 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If you want to know more or withdraw your consent from specific cookies or third parties, please refer to the \u003c0\u003ecookie policy\u003c/0\u003e. By clicking \"Ok\" you agree to the use of cookies.","create_team_modal_description":"Collaboration features that make ordering easy for your team.","deals_sms_notifications":"We'll send notifications for new deals to \u003c0\u003e\u003c/0\u003e {phone}","didnt_receive_code":"Didn't receive the code? \u003c0\u003eResend\u003c/0\u003e or \u003c1\u003e$(Use_a_different_number)\u003c/1\u003e","dimension_abbr":{"H":"H","L":"L","W":"W"},"error_page":{"Forbidden":"Forbidden.","Oops":"Oops.","generic_error":"Sorry, you encountered an error.","go_back":"Go back to \u003c0\u003e{url}\u003c/0\u003e or \u003c1\u003econtact us\u003c/1\u003e about the problem.","no_access":"Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.","page_does_not_exist":"The page you're trying to reach doesn't exist."},"errors":{"become_user":"There was an error. Refresh the page and choose the new team from your account menu.","email_in_use":"This account already exists. Please use another email address or \u003c0\u003elog in\u003c/0\u003e.","generic":"There was an error. Please contact support.","generic_try_again":"There was an error. Please try again.","generic_try_again_support":"There was an error, please try again. If the problem persists, contact support.","google_account":"Please log in with Google to access this account.","network_issue":"There was a network error. Please refresh the page.","too_many_line_items":"Orders cannot exceed 100 items. Please add additional items in a separate order.","wrong_credentials":"The email or password is not correct. \u003c0\u003eReset your password.\u003c/0\u003e"},"food_safe":{"Conditions_of_Use":"Conditions of Use","Food_Types":"Food Types","Food_safety":"Food safety","assessment_description":"$(Sticker_Mule) has assessed the food-contact status of this product with use with the following \u003c0\u003eFDA Food Types and Conditions of Use\u003c/0\u003e:","conditions_of_use_e":"Room temperature filled and stored (no thermal treatment in the container).","conditions_of_use_f":"Refrigerated storage (no thermal treatment in the container).","conditions_of_use_g":"Frozen storage (no thermal treatment in the container).","food_types_i":"Nonacid, aqueous products; may contain salt or sugar or both (pH above 5.0).","food_types_iv_b":"Dairy products and modifications: Oil-in-water emulsions, high- or low-fat.","food_types_vi_b":"Beverages: Nonalcoholic.","food_types_vii_b":"Bakery products other than those included under Types VIII or IX: Moist bakery products with surface containing no free fat or oil.","food_types_viii":"Dry solids with the surface containing no free fat or oil."},"imagine_description":"Generate images with AI","labels":"labels","logo_desc":"Custom sticker printing from $(Sticker_Mule)","magnets":"magnets","measurement_unit":{"cm":"cm","ft":"ft","in":"in","m":"m","mm":"mm","px":"px"},"new_password_placeholder":"New password ({min} characters minimum)","notifications":{"cart_share_successful":"Successfully shared cart.","confirmed_payout_recipient_change":"Thanks! Your Paypal account has been changed.","credit_added":"{amount} credit has been added to your account","deal_requires_account":"Log in or sign up to access this deal.","deals_sign_up_successful":"Your account has been created! We'll email you when we run deals and announce new products.","delivery_date_updated":"Delivery date updated","discount_promotion_applied":"Promotion applied! Complete your order now to receive {discount} off your order.","email_changed":"Your email was changed successfully! Please check your inbox for further instructions.","expired_voucher":"This promotion is expired.","generic_error":"Sorry, something went wrong.","ineligible_promotion":"Promotion can't be used for your current order.","invalid_reset_code":"The link used was malformed or expired. Please try resetting your password again.","invalid_voucher_code":"Woops! That voucher is already taken or doesn't exist.","login_successful":"Signed in successfully.","logout_successful":"Signed out successfully.","promotion_applied":"Promotion applied! Complete your order now to receive your discount.","reset_successful":"Your password was reset successfully.","subscription_deals_email":"Thanks! We'll email you when we run deals and announce new products.","subscription_failed_to_subscribe":"Failed to subscribe, please try again later.","subscription_invalid_token":"Confirmation token is either invalid or already used. Please contact our support.","subscription_thanks_for_subscribing":"Thanks for subscribing!","verification_successful":"Thanks! Your email has been verified.","your_order_will_be_resumed":"Your order will be resumed shortly, check back here for more details soon."},"or":"or","or_create_an_account":"or \u003c0\u003ecreate an account\u003c/0\u003e","or_log_in":"or \u003c0\u003elog in\u003c/0\u003e","order_noun":"Order","order_verb":"Order","password_placeholder":"$(Password) ({min} characters minimum)","password_reset_description":"We'll email you a link to reset your password.","password_reset_success":"We emailed \u003c0\u003e{email}\u003c/0\u003e with a link to reset your password.","phone_verification_errors":{"cannot_be_verified":"This phone number cannot be verified.","generic":"Sorry, something went wrong. Try again in a few minutes or contact support.","incorrect_code":"Verification code is incorrect","invalid_type_non_fixed_voip":"Non-fixed VoIP numbers are not supported. \u003c0\u003ePlease use a mobile number.\u003c/0\u003e","mobile_numbers_only":"Only mobile numbers are allowed. \u003c0\u003e$(Use_a_different_number)\u003c/0\u003e","number_already_taken":"You may have used the same phone number for another account. Try accessing this page with your originally verified account.","phone_mismatch":"The submitted phone number doesn't match the one already associated with your account. \u003c0\u003e$(Use_a_different_number)\u003c/0\u003e","rate_limited":"You have reached the maximum number of verification attempts for today. Please try again later.","verification_not_available":"We currently do not offer phone number verification in your country."},"print_description":"Turn images into print products","product_videos":{"acrylic_charms":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create a custom acrylic charm. We use a solid, transparent, acrylic material that can be printed in full color and die cut to any shape. Each charm features a small, 2mm hole, allowing you to convert your charms into necklaces, keychains, bracelets and more.","title":"Need more charm?"},"blank_bubble_mailers":{"description":"Bubble mailers are designed to make shipping easy. Each bubble mailer includes a quick peel and seal flap to help speed up the packaging process. Orders start at {min_qty_mailers} units and ship within {shipping_days} days or less.","title":"Get ship done"},"blank_packaging_tape":{"description":"Our water-activated tape is reinforced to create a strong bond in just one pass. Each roll is 2.81 inches wide and every 300 feet is enough to seal over 100 packages.","title":"Seal the deal"},"blank_poly_mailers":{"description":"Poly mailers are designed to make shipping easy. Each poly mailer includes a self-adhesive strip, allowing you to quickly secure whatever you ship. Orders start at {min_qty_mailers} units and ship within {shipping_days} days or less.","title":"Get ship done"},"bubble_mailer_samples":{"description":"$(Sticker_Mule)'s custom bubble mailers offer the easiest way to get quality packaging fast. Customize and brand your shipping bags by ordering as few as 10 mailers. Upload your design, get a free online proof, and we'll produce your custom packaging bags in 4 days or less.","title":"Free proofs, full color printing \u0026 fast turnaround."},"bubble_mailers":{"description":"$(Sticker_Mule) makes it easy to order custom poly bubble mailers fast. Upload your design and we'll send you a free online proof. You can request changes to the proof for free until you're happy. Each order ships free in {shipping_days} days or less. Order as few as {min_qty} bubble mailers at a time.","title":"Pad your packages."},"bumper_stickers":{"description":"Upload your artwork and create your own vinyl bumper sticker, with a removable adhesive. Perfect for the bumper of your car, truck or even a tractor. Our custom made bumper decals are ideal for businesses promotion, or supporting a candidate or political issue. Print awesome, unique stickers with your favorite quotes and slogans. Making your sticker online is easy. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure everything is perfect.","title":"Drive your message."},"buttons":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create quality, custom pin-back buttons. Ideal for promoting your business, organization, or event, our $(products.custom_buttons) are easy to wear, hand out or sell. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure the artwork and design look perfect.","title":"$(products.Custom_buttons) made fast"},"circle_labels":{"description":"Pick a size, upload your artwork and we'll create custom circle labels that are fast and easy to apply. Our roll labels are weatherproof and ideal for labeling your products and packaging. Every order gets a free online proof where you work directly with us to ensure your labels look perfect.","title":"Purposefully crafted for fast application"},"circle_stickers":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create custom vinyl round stickers with a matte finish that's individually cut. Easy to hand out, our circle stickers are a great way to promote your brand or label your products. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure the size, borders, and look are perfect.","title":"A perfect circle for your design."},"clear_label_samples":{"description":"Choose a size, upload your artwork and we'll send a free proof showing how we intend to make your clear label samples. Each label is made with a durable, weatherproof material, and designed for fast and easy application.","title":"A clear winner."},"clear_labels":{"description":"Custom clear roll labels are perfect for labeling jars, bottles and other products. They're made with a transparent material that is printed in full color plus white ink for a \"no label\" look. They're resistant to food, oil, water \u0026 refrigeration and precisely cut to the shape of your design.","title":"The difference is clear"},"clear_stickers":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create a custom vinyl clear sticker with a premium matte finish. Our custom clear stickers can be die cut in any shape and are perfect for windows, bottles, as product labels or simply as a way to give your stickers a unique look. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with our artists to ensure the size, borders, and look are perfect.","title":"Clear cut for your unique design"},"coaster_samples":{"description":"Get 10 custom coasters to see how they look and feel before placing a larger order. Upload your design and we'll provide a free online proof to ensure your coasters will look exactly how you want. With fast turnaround, we'll produce your coasters in 4 days or less.","title":"Order custom coaster samples in full color."},"custom_coasters":{"description":"Personalized coaster printing by $(Sticker_Mule) is a fantastic way to get your brand or event visibility with every sip taken. Printed in full color on {coaster_thickness} coaster board, our coasters will soak up condensation and keep your table dry for the next round. Perfect branded beer mats for any bar or home (or home bar).","title":"Bottoms up"},"custom_ear_savers":{"description":"We all have different size heads and need different size masks. Ear savers add extra comfort to your mask by protecting your ears and making any mask adjustable so you can size it for your head. Custom ear savers let you add your own brand, style, or message.","title":"Make any face mask adjustable."},"custom_keychains":{"description":"Put your brand in your customers' pockets with custom acrylic keychains. Upload your artwork and we'll create quality keychains that can be printed in full color and die cut to any shape. Lightweight, durable, and easy to carry around, custom keychains are the perfect promotional item for your business or event.","title":"A key upgrade."},"custom_labels":{"description":"Personalized sticker labels make it fast \u0026 easy to label your products or packaging. Custom roll labels are designed for speed and compatible with most label applicators and dispensers. Custom sheet labels are designed for peeling by hand and compact storage. All our labels are from a premium material with a protective laminate, they are durable, waterproof and dishwasher safe. Each feature a soft, non-glare finish that is ideal for business or fun.","title":"Label anything."},"custom_magnets":{"description":"Upload your logo, artwork or photo and we'll create a custom magnet that attracts the eye. Our unique process provides the best print quality and cut accuracy for your custom magnets. And, our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure your magnets will look exactly how you want.","title":"Powerful attraction for your designs."},"custom_packaging":{"description":"$(Sticker_Mule) is leading the revolution from boring, blank packaging to custom packaging that gets your brand free attention while your packages travel in style. Cost-effectively brand your boxes with custom packaging tape, stylishly ship t-shirts in our poly mailers and use our custom bubble mailers to protect your fragile items. Whether you ship 50 or 500,000 packages, $(Sticker_Mule) will be your favorite custom packaging supplier.","title":"Quickly create custom packaging"},"custom_pins":{"description":"Upload your design and we'll create a custom pin. Each pin is made from a solid, transparent, acrylic material that is printed in full color and customized to any shape. They feature a soft PVC clutch, allowing you to fasten your pin to your clothes, backpack, or accessories.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ePersonalize for any theme such as birthday, graduation, food, animals, badges, lapel, and more. Make your own pin online and get it delivered in just a few days! Orders start at just 10 units.","title":"Put a pin in that"},"custom_t_shirts":{"description":"Easily design and print your own t-shirts. Select a shirt color and a quantity for each size you want. Next, upload your artwork and select a print position. Shortly after checkout, you'll get an online proof showing how your customized tees will look. You can request changes to the proof for free until you're happy.","title":"Print your design on a t-shirt"},"die_cut_labels":{"description":"Choose a size, upload your artwork and we'll send a free proof showing how we intend to cut your die cut labels. Fast and easy to apply, all of our roll labels are weatherproof and ideal for labeling your products and packaging.","title":"Precisely cut custom labels"},"die_cut_stickers":{"description":"Upload your logo, drawing or photo and we'll create a die cut vinyl sticker that's precisely cut to your specifications. Our unique sticker cutting technology allows us to make even the most intricate cut patterns. And, our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure your stickers will look exactly how you want.","title":"Precisely cut to the shape of your design."},"floor_graphics":{"description":"$(Sticker_Mule) makes it effortless to create beautiful, high quality floor graphics made from premium materials. Scratch resistant and easy to clean, our floor graphics stand up to the heaviest foot traffic. Simply enter an approximate size and upload your artwork. During proofing we help you figure out the perfect size and update pricing accordingly.","title":"Easily add style to your business, school, or organization."},"front_adhesive_stickers":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create custom front adhesive stickers that are easy to apply to the inside of any window. Our stickers are a great way to share your business logo, show off your awards, or display your professional memberships. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure the size, borders, and look are perfect.","title":"Look in on great design."},"gift_cards":{"description":"Gift cards make it easy to give the gift of $(Sticker_Mule) to your friends, coworkers, or clients. $(Sticker_Mule) gift cards have no expiration date and no fees. Use gift cards toward any custom product including stickers, magnets, buttons, labels and packaging. Delivers in 2-5 days.","title":"Share the joy of $(Sticker_Mule)."},"glitter_sticker_samples":{"description":"Glitter stickers enhance any graphic or logo with a colorful glitter effect. Upload your artwork and we'll turn it into 10 custom glitter stickers. The glitter material will show through the background or border of your design, or you can specify which parts you want to be glittery.","title":"Stickers that sparkle"},"holographic_sticker_samples":{"description":"Use holographic effects to enhance existing designs. Upload your plain-color logo, drawing or photo and we'll create a custom holographic sticker that's cut to your specifications. Work with us directly to ensure your stickers look totally awesome.","title":"Flux capacitor not included"},"holographic_stickers":{"description":"Use holographic effects to enhance existing designs. Upload your plain-color logo, drawing or photo and we'll create a custom holographic sticker that's cut to your specifications. Work with us directly to ensure your stickers look totally awesome.","title":"Flux capacitor not included"},"kiss_cut_stickers":{"description":"Our durable kiss cut vinyl stickers offer the perfect color and finish for delicate designs. The cut from our special blades allow you to easily peel away your sticker from the vinyl border and paper backing. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure your cut line, border and stickers are perfect.","title":"Perfectly cut for easy peeling"},"label_dispenser":{"description":"Peeling labels by hand is frustrating and time-consuming. Our automatic label dispenser saves you time and money while costing 50% less than competitive dispensers. Engineers at $(Sticker_Mule) spent 2 years upgrading label dispensing technology to produce a modern dispenser that's beautiful, fast and easy to use.","title":"Automatically dispense labels with style."},"label_samples":{"description":"Choose a size, upload your artwork and we'll send a free proof showing how we intend to cut your die cut labels. Fast and easy to apply, all of our roll labels are weatherproof and ideal for labeling your products and packaging.","title":"Precisely cut custom labels"},"magnet_samples":{"description":"Get a small batch of personalized magnets to slap on your fridge or car and see your design in real life. Our custom magnets are printed and cut precisely to your design and made with a durable, lightweight material suitable for outdoor conditions.","title":"See your custom magnets before placing a large order."},"mule_sauce":{"description":"Mule Sauce uses high grade chilis, packs a good amount of heat and it goes on everything. Turn a hot dog into the best hot dog you've ever eaten. Make a cheap meal into a luxury dish. Enhance any meat, fish or pasta with a taste that will impress all of your friends.","title":"Make any dish delicious."},"oval_labels":{"description":"Pick a size, upload your artwork and we'll create custom oval labels that are fast and easy to apply. Our roll labels are weatherproof and ideal for labeling your products and packaging. Every order gets free online proofs so you work directly with us to ensure your labels look perfect.","title":"Perfectly rounded for fast application"},"oval_stickers":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create a custom vinyl oval sticker or \"euro-style\" sticker with a premium matte finish. Our custom oval stickers are ideal for logos, fundraising, product labels, cars and more. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure the size, borders, and look are perfect.","title":"Precisely rounded for your design."},"packaging_tape":{"description":"Our water-activated custom printed tape is reinforced to create a strong bond in just one pass. Each roll is 2.81 inches wide and every 300 feet is enough to seal over 100 packages. With easy ordering and fast delivery, there's no better way to personalize your packaging.","title":"Brand your boxes"},"packaging_tape_sample":{"description":"Our water-activated custom printed tape is reinforced to create a strong bond in just one pass. Each roll is 2.81 inches wide and every 300 feet is enough to seal over 100 packages. With easy ordering and fast delivery, there's no better way to personalize your packaging.","title":"Easily order custom packaging tape samples"},"poly_mailer_samples":{"description":"$(Sticker_Mule)'s custom poly mailers offer the easiest way to get quality packaging fast. Customize and brand your shipping bags by ordering as few as 10 mailers. Upload your design, get a free online proof, and we'll produce your custom packaging bags in 4 days or less.","title":"Free proofs, full color printing \u0026 fast turnaround."},"poly_mailers":{"description":"Our custom poly mailers offer the easiest way to get quality packaging fast. Customize and brand your shipping bags by ordering as few as {min_qty} mailers. Upload your design, get a free online proof, and we'll produce your custom packaging bags in {shipping_days} days or less.","title":"Free proofs, full color printing \u0026 fast turnaround."},"rectangle_labels":{"description":"Pick a size, upload your artwork and we'll create custom rectangle labels that are fast and easy to apply. Our roll labels are weatherproof and ideal for labeling your products and packaging. With free online proofs, we work with you to ensure your labels look perfect.","title":"Perfectly crafted for production."},"rectangle_stickers":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create custom vinyl rectangle stickers with a matte finish that's precisely cut. Custom rectangle stickers make great business card stickers, product labels, envelope seals and more. Our free proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure the size, borders, and look are perfect.","title":"The right angles for your design."},"redraw":{"description":"Redraw helps anyone who doesn't have a high-res version of their artwork get one, easily. Upload your logo, illustration, or photo and convert it into a high resolution vector graphic that can be enlarged infinitely and never lose its quality.","title":"Goodbye pixelation"},"rounded_corner_labels":{"description":"Choose a size, upload your artwork and we'll create rounded corner roll labels that are fast and easy to apply. All of our roll labels are ideal for labeling your products and packaging. With free online proofs, we work with you to ensure your labels are perfect.","title":"Curved corners for sharp labels"},"rounded_corner_stickers":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create a custom vinyl rounded corner sticker with a premium matte finish. Our custom rounded corner stickers are ideal for app icon stickers, conference and event stickers, logos and more. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure the size, corners, and look are perfect.","title":"Curved corners for a sharp look."},"sheet_labels":{"description":"Select a size, upload your artwork and we'll lay out multiple {shape} labels on a standard US Letter ({dimensions}) sheet. Our custom {product_name} are great for personalizing gifts, packaging, jars, bottles and envelopes with easy storage and fast application. They're resistant to food and water, and are even dishwasher safe.","title":"Custom {product_name} for easy application."},"square_labels":{"description":"Pick a size, upload your artwork and we'll create custom square labels that are fast and easy to apply. Our roll labels are weatherproof and ideal for labeling your products and packaging. With free online proofs, we work with you to ensure your labels look perfect.","title":"Square away your branding and packaging."},"square_stickers":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create a custom vinyl square sticker with a premium matte finish. Our custom square stickers are great for logos, product labels, artwork reproductions and more. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with us to ensure the size, borders, and look are perfect.","title":"Perfectly equal on all sides."},"stand_up_pouches":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll turn it into a stand up pouch. Use custom stand up pouches for e-commerce packaging or for display on store shelves. Quickly and securely seal snacks, tea leaves, pet food, health supplements, or whatever your business sells. Each pouch can be heat sealed and features a resealable zip closure for extended freshness.","title":"Stand up \u0026 stand out."},"static_clings":{"description":"Upload your artwork and we'll create a custom static cling. Our custom static clings can be die cut in any shape and are perfect for windows or any smooth glass surface. Our proof approval process lets you work directly with our artists to ensure the size, borders, and look are perfect.","title":"Your new clingy friend"},"sticker_samples":{"description":"Get a small batch of custom {samples_name} in any shape to see your design before placing a large order. Our custom stickers are printed and cut precisely to your design and made with a durable, lightweight material suitable for outdoor conditions.","title":"Try us out before placing a large order."},"sticker_sheets":{"description":"Place as many stickers as you can fit on a custom sticker sheet. Each sticker will be kiss cut for easy peeling. You can use our \u003c0\u003esticker sheet templates\u003c/0\u003e or just upload a .zip containing your designs and we'll lay them out for you.","title":"All your stickers on one sheet"},"transfer_stickers":{"description":"$(Sticker_Mule)'s transfer stickers offer never before seen quality with record turnaround at unbeatable prices. Send us your designs and we'll produce them in 4 days or less at prices the competition won't dare to match. Free worldwide shipping is available too.","title":"Unbeatable prices, quality and turnaround."},"vinyl_lettering":{"description":"Type a message to create $(products.vinyl_lettering) and it will ship in 4 days or less. We selected 13 of our favorite fonts to help you design custom lettering without the need for artwork files. Every order comes with transfer tape applied for easy application to your car, windows, products or walls. Available in white or black.","title":"Create custom $(products.vinyl_lettering) with no effort."},"wall_graphics":{"description":"$(Sticker_Mule) makes it effortless to buy beautiful, high quality wall graphics made from premium materials. Simply enter an approximate size, upload your artwork and we take care of the rest. During proofing we help you figure out the perfect size and update pricing accordingly. Orders ship in less than 4 days with free worldwide shipping.","title":"Easily add style to your home or business."},"yard_signs":{"description":"Upload any design and we'll turn it into a custom yard sign. Shortly after checkout we'll send you an online proof showing how your yard signs will look. You can request changes to the proof for free until you're happy. Each order ships free in {shipping_days} days or less.","title":"The best custom yard signs \u0026 lawn signs."}},"products":{"Acrylic_charms":"Acrylic charms","Acrylic_signs":"Acrylic signs","All_buttons":"All buttons","Blank_bubble_mailers":"Blank bubble mailers","Blank_packaging_tape":"Blank packaging tape","Blank_poly_mailers":"Blank poly mailers","Bubble_mailer_samples":"Bubble mailer samples","Bubble_mailers":"Bubble mailers","Bumper_stickers":"Bumper stickers","Circle_labels":"Circle labels","Circle_sheet_labels":"Circle sheet labels","Circle_stickers":"Circle stickers","Clear_kiss_cut_stickers":"Clear kiss cut stickers","Clear_label_samples":"Clear label samples","Clear_labels":"Clear labels","Clear_sticker_samples":"Clear sticker samples","Clear_stickers":"Clear stickers","Coaster_samples":"Coaster samples","Custom_acrylic_charms":"Custom $(products.acrylic_charms)","Custom_acrylic_signs":"Custom $(products.acrylic_signs)","Custom_bubble_mailer_samples":"Custom 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Specializing in custom stickers, labels, coasters and magnets. Serving companies and individuals around the world."}},"ship_description":"Create shipping labels for your business","shipping_estimate_disclaimer":"Note: these are estimates. The final delivery date might be different depending on the product ordered and other external factors. The final delivery date is shown during checkout immediately after entering your address.","size_modal":{"Add_package_type":"Add package type","Chest":"Chest","Custom_tshirt_size_guide":"Custom t-shirt size guide","Fillable_size":"Fillable size","Hoodie":"Hoodie","Length":"Length","Packages":"Packages","Size":"$(Size)","Tape":"Tape","View_more_sizes":"View more sizes","are_you_still_not_sure":"Are you still not sure or think we can do more to help with size selection?","below_zipper":"below zipper","bubble_mailers_10_title":"Our {size} bubble mailers are a good fit for water bottles, small books or keyboards.","bubble_mailers_14_5_title":"Our {size} bubble mailers are a good fit for picture frames or large books.","bubble_mailers_7_5_title":"Our {size} bubble mailers are a good fit for small electronics, games, jewel boxes, cosmetics or glasses.","charm":"charm","charms":"charms","exact_size":"We'll determine your exact size based on your artwork and update your final price accordingly during proofing.","exact_size_example":"For example, when you order 3\" × 3\" stickers your exact size may be more like 3\" × 2.8\". When you receive your proof, you'll see the exact sizing and updated pricing. You can also request changes to your size during proofing until you're happy.","exact_size_example_for_product":"For example, when you order 2\" × 2\" {product} your exact size may be more like 2\" × 1.8\". When you receive your proof, you'll see the exact sizing and updated pricing. You can also request changes to your size during proofing until you're happy.","few_common_objects":"Here are a few common objects and their sizes for reference:","keychain":"keychain","keychains":"keychains","magnet":"magnet","magnets":"magnets","most_importantly":"Most importantly you don't have to be exact when selecting a size.","need_help":"Need help picking a size?","need_help_amount":"Need help picking an amount?","pins":"pins","poly_mailer_description":"Our durable poly mailers are perfect for shipping your soft goods. Here's a rough estimate on what will fit in our available sizes.","poly_mailer_title":"What fits in your poly mailer?","poly_mailers_10_title":"Our {size} poly mailers are a good fit for 2 folded shirts, 3 rolled shirts or 3 caps.","poly_mailers_14_5_title":"Our {size} poly mailers are a good fit for 1 hoodie or 5 folded shirts.","poly_mailers_7_5_title":"Our {size} poly mailers are a good fit for 3 pairs of socks, 2 rolled shirts or 1 cap.","pouch_description":"The size and shape of your product will determine what fits in your stand up pouch. Here's a rough estimate on what will fit in our available sizes.","pouch_sample_fillings":{"Coffee_beans":"Coffee beans","Cream":"Cream","Frozen_fruit":"Frozen fruit","Granola":"Granola","Gummies":"Gummies","Liquid":"Liquid","Loose_tea_leaves":"Loose tea leaves","Nuts":"Nuts","Pet_treats":"Pet treats","Powder":"Powder","Pretzel_crisps":"Pretzel crisps","Salt":"Salt","blueberries":"blueberries","cashew":"cashew","coconut":"coconut","flour":"flour","fruit_snacks":"fruit snacks","small_bone":"small bone","water":"water"},"pouch_title":"What fits in your stand up pouch?","product":"product","size_reference":"Here are a few common objects and their sizes for reference:","size_reference_for_posters":"Here are the available poster sizes shown with common objects for reference:","size_reference_for_product":"Here are a few common {product} sizes for reference:","tattoo":"tattoo","temporary_tattoos":"temporary tattoos","unisex_tees":"All tees come in unisex.","use_our_calculator":"Use our calculator to estimate how much tape you need based on your package size and quantity.","when_you_receive_your_proof":"When you receive your proof, you'll see the exact sizing and updated pricing. You can also request changes to your size during proofing until you're happy.","{number}_packages":"{number} packages"},"sms_disclosure":"Msg \u0026 data rates may apply. Msg frequency varies. Reply \u003c0\u003eHELP\u003c/0\u003e for help or \u003c1\u003eSTOP\u003c/1\u003e to opt out. Not required to buy. See \u003c2\u003eterms\u003c/2\u003e and \u003c3\u003eprivacy\u003c/3\u003e.","sms_full_disclosure":"By subscribing, you agree to receive deal notifications to the phone number you provide. $(sms_disclosure)","sms_updates_instructions_{cta}":"By checking the box and clicking \"{cta}\" below, I agree to the \u003c0\u003eprivacy policy\u003c/0\u003e and \u003c1\u003eterms\u003c/1\u003e and consent to receive automated marketing messages from or on behalf of $(Sticker_Mule), LLC at the phone number/email provided above, including messages about other products that may be of interest to me. Consent is not a condition of any purchase, and you may opt-out at any time. Msg \u0026 data rates may apply. Msg frequency varies.","sticker":"sticker","stickers":"stickers","studio_description":"Create beautiful designs in minutes","team_modal_benefits":{"artworks":"Share artwork with all members","members":"Add unlimited members","orders":"Manage team orders in one place"},"tees_buying_options":{"Center_back":"Center back","Center_chest":"Center chest","Full_back":"Full back","Full_front":"Full front","Left_chest":"Left chest","approx_size":"Approx. {w} × {h}","cannot_order_more_than_{max}":"Can't order more than {max}","cannot_order_more_than_{max}_size":"Can't order more than {max} of the same size","price_per_shirt":"{pricePerShirt} / shirt","total_shirts":"Total shirts: {totalShirtsNumber}"},"templates":"templates","text_updates_instructions":"Enter your phone number and click \"{buttonText}\" to sign up for alerts. $(sms_disclosure)","time":{"Next_month":"Next month","Previous_month":"Previous month","days":{"Friday":"Friday","Monday":"Monday","Saturday":"Saturday","Sunday":"Sunday","Thursday":"Thursday","Tuesday":"Tuesday","Wednesday":"Wednesday"},"months":{"April":"April","August":"August","December":"December","February":"February","January":"January","July":"July","June":"June","March":"March","May":"May","November":"November","October":"October","September":"September"}},"trace_description":"Remove the background from photos","upscale_description":"Enlarge images without losing quality","validation":{"Cant_be_less_than_{value}":"Can't be less than {value}","Cant_be_more_than_{value}":"Can't be more than {value}","Does_not_match_ZIP_code":"Does not match ZIP code","Enter_a_VAT_number":"Enter a VAT number","Enter_a_domain":"Enter a domain name starting with http","Enter_a_valid_ZIP_code":"Enter a valid ZIP code","Enter_a_valid_url":"Enter a valid URL","Enter_an_email_address":"Enter an email address","Max_size_is_{size}":"Max size is {size}","Maximum_{value}_decimal_places":"Maximum {value} decimal places","Min_size_is_{size}":"Min size is {size}","Must_be_a_multiple_of_{step}":"Must be a multiple of {step}","Must_be_a_number":"Must be a number","Must_be_a_whole_number":"Must be a whole number","Must_be_after_{afterDate}":"Must be after {afterDate}","Must_be_before_{beforeDate}":"Must be before {beforeDate}","Must_be_{minValue}_long":"Must be {minValue} numbers long","Please_enter_a_valid_phone_number":"Please enter a valid phone number","This_field_is_required":"This field is required","This_field_must_be_checked":"This field must be checked","dates_should_be_in_{dateFormat}":"Dates should be formatted in {dateFormat} format","filesize_exceeds_{maxSizeInMB}":"File size must be less than {maxSizeInMB}MB","filetype_not_supported":"Please upload one of these file types: {acceptedFileTypes}","fiscal_code_invalid":"Please enter a valid fiscal code, 16 characters or 11 digits long","password_at_least_{minValue}":"Your password must be at least {minValue} characters long","phone_country_not_allowed":"Phone numbers from this country are not allowed","po_box_not_allowed":"We are unable to ship to PO boxes","vanity_name":"Use only lowercase alphanumeric characters and no extra spaces."},"verification_error":{"Check_your_email":"Check your email","Resend_email":"Resend email","description":"We emailed \u003c0\u003e{email}\u003c/0\u003e with a link to confirm your email.","title":"Please confirm your email"},"videos":{"custom_samples_fast":{"description":"See your stickers before placing a large order with {quantity} custom samples. Order {quantity} die cut stickers with your design to see and feel your design in real life. Enjoy free 2-day shipping (U.S.) and fast turnaround.","title":"Get custom samples fast."},"fast_proofing":{"description":"Our graphics team will prepare your design for high quality printing absolutely free. You'll receive an online proof within hours showing what your design will look like. Approve your proof or request unlimited changes until you're happy.","title":"Get a free online proof in {hours} hours or less."},"multiple_designs":{"description":"Save more when you add multiple items, designs, and products to your cart at the same time. We automatically calculate your discount and savings based on the total amount of material and labor required to process your order.","title":"More discounts for more items."}},"{time}_ago":"{time} 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Mule","title":"How to create a fully editable 3D text effect in Adobe Illustrator","content":"Remember those times when you wanted to create a 3D text effect in Adobe Illustrator using the good old Blend Tool? This required converting the text to outlines before you could proceed with the actual process of creating the text effect, and it would take a huge chunk of your time to do it.\n\nBut what if you wanted to apply it to a different word, try another font, or create multiple variations throughout a project? While it can be fun to create one of them, it will quickly turn into a hair-grabbing task if you have to do this too many times.\n\nLuckily, Adobe Illustrator’s 'Appearance' panel helps you build up your effects from scratch before you can save them forever as a Graphic Style. From there, you can use it over and over again. Magic!\n\n##How to create an editable 3d text effect in Adobe Illustrator\n\n###Step 1: Open the Appearance panel\n\nSelect your text and go to Window \u003e Appearance to open up the Appearance panel.\n\n![Selecting Window \u003e Appearance to open up the Appearance panel](\n\n###Step 2: Add and organize fills\n\nRemove any fill or stroke from the text. Then, at the bottom of the panel, head over to 'Add New Fill' and add 2 separate fills. \n\nThe lowest fill viewed in the panel will be the shadow part and the fill above will be your text color.\n\n__Tip: __Keep enough contrast between both colors to make it really 'pop'.\n\n![Remove fill or stroke from the text](\n\n###Step 3: Apply offset path for depth\n\nNow go back and select the lower fill, click on the 'fx' icon at the bottom and go to Path \u003e Offset Path. Choose your desired size and set the 'Joins' to 'Round'. Click 'OK'.\n\n![Apply offset path for depth](\n\n###Step 4: Transform and duplicate for shadow effect\n\nWith the same lower fill selected, head over to 'fx' again and go to Distort \u0026 Transform \u003e Transform. In the 'Move' section, add 0.5 px to both the horizontal and vertical sides. Then, choose the number of copies you want and hit 'OK'.\n\n![Transform and duplicate for shadow effect](\n\n###Step 5: Save as a graphic style\n\nGo to Window \u003e Graphic Styles and drag your text into this panel. Now it's part of this document each time you open it. If you want to have this text effect saved for other documents as well, go to the library icon at the bottom left corner and select 'Save Graphic Styles'. Make sure to remove any graphic styles in there that you don't want to save.\n\n![Save as a graphic style](\n\nWell, that’s all! This way your text is fully editable and you don't need to create this effect ever again. Changing the colors, the depth of the shadows, and any other edits can be done through the Appearance panel after selecting the text. \n\nAnd as promised, whenever you want to change the text, it's kept intact so it will be ready to get swapped for another piece of text anytime you want.\n\nThe same Offset Path feature can be used to [create a sticker cut line]( as well, which is an important part of creating die cut stickers, and using this method will keep you from doing this manually.\n\nWant to slap this design onto a sticker? Our [custom die cut stickers]( would be a perfect fit. With thick, durable vinyl that protects your stickers from scratches, water \u0026 sunlight. \n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Start designing custom stickers today\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n\n\n","metaTitle":"Make a 3D text effect in Adobe Illustrator","metaDescription":"Learn how to create an editable 3D text effect in Adobe Illustrator using the Appearance panel. Perfect for stickers and beyond!","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-12-02T19:24:41.739Z","isDraft":false,"id":"how-to-create-a-fully-editable-3d-text-effect-in-adobe-illustrator"},"Post:how-to-promote-your-sticker-mule-store":{"__typename":"Post","slug":"how-to-promote-your-sticker-mule-store","date":"2024-11-25T00:00:00.000Z","coverImage":"","author":"Sticker Mule","title":"How to promote your Sticker Mule store","content":"With [Stores by Sticker Mule](, there’s never been an easier way for artists, creators, and businesses to sell their own custom merchandise.\n\n![How to promote your Sticker Mule store](\n\nNo matter what type of designs you sell, every store can benefit from promotion.\n\nBefore you promote your store, make sure it and each product is properly set up and optimized. [Learn more about setting up your store](\n\nOnce your store is set up and optimized, it’s time to let people know about it.\n\n##How to promote your store on social media\n\nSocial media is one of the easiest ways to reach existing friends and followers, while making new ones.\n\n###Use photography \u0026 video\n\nAssuming you still have some of your products on hand, get some pictures of your stickers or t-shirts in real life. No need for a fancy camera, an iPhone will do. Posting real pictures or videos of your products will help legitimize your store.\n\n![Instagram post with photography](\n\n###Find your niche\n\nFind the right audience for the designs you’re selling. Engage with other creators and people in the space – without spamming links to your store. As you build credibility and a following, it will be a lot easier, and more natural, to promote your store.\n\n###Use the right platform\n\nFigure out which platforms you should prioritize on based on where your audience spends their time. LinkedIn might not be the best place to promote furry stickers, but it might be great for promoting your company’s logo stickers.\n\n![LinkedIn post with logo stickers](\n\n###Link to specific items\n\nWhile it might make sense to share a link to your store, don’t forget that you can link to specific items as well. If you share a picture of a specific item, it might make sense to link directly to that product page rather than your actual store – less work for your potential customers.\n\n![X post with URL to item page](\n\nTip: Some social media sites deboost posts with links, so consider leaving a link in the comment of your post instead of the post itself.\n\n###Prioritize quality over quantity\n\nIt might be tempting to constantly post links to your store, but be careful to avoid spamming your audience with low quality, repetitive content.\n\n![Still of an unboxing video, YouTube screenshot](\n\nPut in effort to make each post unique. Consider creating a quality unboxing video. Or make a longer post explaining a particular design.\n\n##Other ways to market your store\n\nWe’ve probably sold more stickers than anyone, so steal some of our strategies when promoting your products.\n\n###Offer discounts\n\nPeople respond well to time sensitive promotions. Consider lowering your markup for a short period, in order to entice people to buy your products. For example you might run a deal on a particular t-shirt: Get this shirt for $21 (normally $29). Just don’t forget to change the markup after the deal is over.\n\n![Screenshot of markup feature](\n\nTip: You can actually still make money with 0% markup thanks to Commissions.\n\n###Utilize email marketing\n\nIf you have an email list, use it.\n\n![Screenshot of email](\n\nWe like to keep our emails short and direct (and sometimes funny). Use emails to announce a deal or a new product.\n\n###Link from your website\n\nIf you have a website, link to your store. Or consider using images and linking directly to products.\n\nTip: The more quality links you can get to your store, the better your chances of showing up on Google.\n\n###Rep your store\n\nPut your stickers on your laptop. Wear your t-shirt. Show off your items in real life as much as possible.\n\n![IRL photo of person wearing t-shirt](\n\nIf people like what they see, be prepared to tell them where they can buy.\n\n###Encourage engagement\n\nOf course you want people to buy your products, but getting them to like your items and follow your store helps too.\n\n![gif of liking an item](\n\nWhen someone likes an item, it’ll help its rank on the popular feed. When someone follows your store, your items will show up on their following feed.\n\n##Conclusion\n\nWith a little strategy and creativity, you can connect with potential customers across social media, through email, and in real life. Make sure your products look great, your promotions are enticing, and your audience feels engaged.\n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Set up your store\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n\nP.S. We’re building more features to make it even easier to promote your store and your products.\n","metaTitle":"Tips for promoting your sticker store","metaDescription":"Learn how to effectively promote your Sticker Mule store! Discover tips for social media marketing, email campaigns, discounts, and more to boost sales.","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-11-25T14:47:02.340Z","isDraft":false,"id":"how-to-promote-your-sticker-mule-store"},"Post:sticker-production-how-to-make-custom-stickers-part-2":{"__typename":"Post","slug":"sticker-production-how-to-make-custom-stickers-part-2","date":"2024-11-20T00:00:00.000Z","coverImage":"","author":"Sticker Mule","title":"Custom sticker printing: Making custom stickers, part 2","content":"In [part one of this guide](, we covered design fundamentals and how to apply them in sticker design. In this post we'll cover how to get your designs printed onto top-quality vinyl, right here on Sticker Mule.\n\n##5. Preparing your design for print\n\nBefore you send your design off for printing, there are a few things you need to check to make sure it’s print-ready.\n\n###Choosing the right format\n\nWhen exporting your design, make sure to use a print-friendly file format. Vector files like EPS or PDF are ideal for printing because they can be resized without losing any quality. If you’re working with raster images, make sure your resolution is set to 300 DPI (dots per inch) for a sharp result. Did you already export your design and aren't sure what resolution it was exported at? We’ve explained how you can check this [in this step-by-step guide](\n\n###Bleed margins\n\nTo make sure that your sticker doesn’t get cut off at the edges during printing, include a bleed area of 0.125” around your design. In Adobe Illustrator, you can easily do this by selecting your design and going to *Object* \u003e *Path* \u003e *Offset Path*. Now set the size to 0.125 inches. In the *Joins* section, select *Round* to create smoother corners. Hit ‘OK’. Now go to Pathfinder and select ‘Add’ to merge all elements into one path.\n\n###Add a cut line\n\nIf you have designed a die-cut or kiss-cut sticker, a cut line is always useful for us to have. Decide where you want to have your sticker cut and create 1 shape out of that using the ‘Offset Path + Pathfinder’ method described above. Place this inside a new layer, call it ‘Cut line’ and give it a separate color that’s not used in your design.\n\n###Resolution\n\nIt’s also a good idea to double-check that your design is at the correct resolution before exporting. With raster images, aim for at least 300 DPI to avoid any blurriness or pixelation. \n\n###Proofing your design\n\nBefore placing an order, it might be necessary to get a proof of your design. Here at Sticker Mule we offer [auto-approving proofs]( During checkout, our system will scan your artwork to determine if a proof is necessary. If you'd still like to receive a proof though, you can choose to have one sent by selecting ‘No thanks’.\n\n![Upload option of Sticker Mule during the order process for custom stickers, with the option to auto-approve the stickers and save time.](\n\nIf any of the above looks intimidating, we’re here to help. Our tools like [Studio]( and [Print]( help simplify this process without using complex software.\n\nWant to see what the process of designing a sticker in Adobe Illustrator can look like? We’ve made a [step-by-step video tutorial]( showing exactly that.\n\n##6. Printing your stickers\n\nOnce your print-file is ready, it's time to print! \n\n###Exploring your options\n\nOnce you've nailed down your sticker design, the next step is bringing it to life! There are several options for printing stickers, depending on your budget, volume, and the look you’re aiming for. Here’s a quick overview of the most popular choices:\n\n- __Home Printing__ - If you're just doing this for fun and aren't too particular about quality, home printing is the quickest option. Invest in sticker paper compatible with your printer (inkjet or laser), and you can print your designs right at home. Just remember, the quality of your printer and paper will directly affect the final result, and that because home printing often involves a lot of trial and error the cost of consumables may not make this the most affordable option.\n\n- __Vinyl Cutting Machines__ - For serious DIY enthusiasts or small businesses, vinyl cutting machines like Cricut or Silhouette are game changers. These machines let you print and cut stickers at home, offering more precision and a professional finish compared to traditional home printing. Remember again, though, that when you factor in your investment for equipment, consumables, and your own time you may not be saving that much money (and the quality will often be subpar to a professional print service with million-dollar equipment and high quality materials). \n\n- __ Local Print Shops__ - For those who prefer professional-quality prints without the commitment of bulk orders, local print shops are a fantastic choice. They often offer a range of materials and finishes, such as glossy, matte, or waterproof stickers, and can help you fine-tune your design for optimal results.\n\n- __ Online Printing Services__ - Online sticker printing services (like [us](!) allow you to upload your designs, choose from a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials, and receive professionally printed stickers delivered to your doorstep. This option is ideal for scaling to higher production volumes while ensuring top-notch quality. \n\n###Choose the type of sticker\n\nYour choice of a sticker printer also depends on what kind of sticker you choose to make. \n\nThe top custom sticker manufacturers (like [us](!) also accomodate unique options (like holographic or die-cut stickers) for businesses and creators looking to tand out with special features.\n\nTechnically, most stickers fall into one of the two most popular categories as we described them in our last post: die-cut stickers and kiss-cut stickers. \n\n- __Die-cut stickers__\n\n - __[Die cut stickers]( - These stickers are cut into any custom shape you like, running along the contours of your design. They are used as collectibles, personal expression, promotional designs, and decorating laptops, water bottles, or vehicles.\n\n - __[Circle stickers]( - These stickers are die-cut into the shape of a circle. Circle stickers are most commonly used for branding, product labels, personalization, packaging seals, and event favors.\n\n - __[Rectangle stickers]( - These are die-cut into the shape of a rectangle. Rectangle stickers are commonly used for product labels, business branding, signage, packaging, and informational displays.\n\n - __[Square stickers]( - These are die-cut into the shape of a square. Companies use square stickers for branding, product packaging, social media promotion, and decorative personalization.\n\n - __[Oval stickers]( - These are die-cut into the shape of an oval. Oval stickers are most commonly used for product labeling, business branding, vehicle decals, and promotional giveaways.\n\n - __[Bumper stickers]( - These are die-cut into a large rectangle. Bumper stickers are of course used for political statements, advertisements, humor, personal expression, and advocacy for causes.\n\n - __[Rounded corner stickers]( - These stickers are die-cut into the shape of a square with the corners rounded. Rounded corner stickers are most commonly used for sleek product labels, business branding, packaging, and professional promotional materials.\n\n - __[Clear stickers]( - Clear stickers are essentially die-cut stickers printed on clear vinyl instead of white vinyl. They're great for things like windows and drinking glasses.\n\n - __[Front adhesive stickers]( - These are stickers where your design is printed on the sticky side (think of a sticker you might get from the DMV). They're not quite as pristine as printed transfer stickers, but they still look great and are a lot quicker and easier to use.\n\n - __[Holographic stickers]( - These are vinyl stickers with an overlay of reflective foil that appear iridescent and rainbow-like. They're used for futuristic and tech-inspired themes, as well as fantasy, space, and sci-fi themes. \n\n - __[Glitter stickers]( - These are vinyl stickers that are laminated with a glittery, sparkly overlay. They evoke a feeling of playfulness and whimsy, andd are often used for festive, glamorous, and kids' stickers.\n\n - __[Static clings]( - Afraid of commitment? Static cling \"stickers\" are die-cut stickers made of vinyl without any stickiness applied to them; through the magic of static electricity and molecular adhesion they \"stick\" to any clean and smooth non-porous surface like glass. They first became popular in the 1960s with holiday-themed clings for windows (e.g. Christmas snowflakes) and reached their peak in popularity in the 1970s and 1980s with sports-themed clings and cartoon characters like Garfield. \n\n- __Kiss-cut stickers__:\n\n - __[Kiss-cut stickers]( - As we mentioned in the last post, kiss-cut stickers are easy to peel and use because because the designs are cut through the vinyl layer but not the backing. They can be shaped just the same as any die-cut sticker. \n\n - __[Sticker sheets]( - Sticker sheets are essentially kiss cut stickers. The key difference is that a sticker sheet contains multiple kiss-cut stickers on a single backing sheet, allowing for various designs, shapes, or sizes to be arranged together. \n\nHere's a little \"hack\" for you. If you just need stickers for using (and not distributing), you can save some money by printing multiple copies of the same design on a sticker sheet. For example, 50 3\" x 3\" die-cut stickers cost $72, but ten 8.5\" x 11\" sticker sheets (each which can fit six 3\" x 3\" designs) cost the same, yielding you an extra 10 stickers. You can get even more savings at higher volumes.\n\n- __Transfer stickers__:\n\n - __[Transfer stickers]( - Transfer stickers are made of pre-cut designs or text on adhesive vinyl, with a clear or paper transfer layer that ensures precise application by \"rubbing\" the pieces together until firmly adhered to a surface. Sticker Mule originally only sold regular transfer stickers on black or white vinyl. \n\n - __[Printed transfer stickers:]( - Recently, we introduced full-color transfer stickers with printing that allow you to use full colors, not just black and white. \n\n - __ [Vinyl lettering]( - This is a specialized kind of transfer sticker consisting of letters you can use to add words to storefront windows, car windows, or boats. You can, of course, use your own font in a transfer sticker or printed transfer sticker, but the 13 fonts we've provided for vinyl lettering are the most popular, appealing, and cleanest we've found.\n\n![A shipping box with a blue ‘You’re in’ sticker applied to it.](\n\n##7. Ordering your stickers\nSo, your file is ready and you have decided what type of sticker you want it to be. Now it’s time to place the order so you’ll have your beloved stickers in hand before you know it.\n\n###How to order\nWhen it comes to ordering your stickers, you’ll need to consider whether you want to print them in bulk so you can maintain your own inventory (for example, for distributing to your customers or selling on sites like Amazon or Etsy) or if you'd like us to print and fulfil your stickers on-demand as your customers order them. \n\n- __Ordering for inventory__ - Ordering upfront can save you money in the long run. Bulk orders typically reduce the cost per sticker, making it a cost-effective option if you plan to distribute a large number of stickers or use them for marketing campaigns, events, or merchandise. It’s an ideal option if you’re confident it will sell, if you need to have all stickers close by, or want to make a significant impact with mass distribution. Because larger print runs are more efficient, the more you print, the more you can save.\n\n- __On-demand__ - If you sell stickers to your audience, you may want to go with an on-demand option such as [Stores]( rather than dealing with the hassle of maintaining inventory yourself. This way your customers can order your stickers (as well as other items such as t-shirts, buttons, keychains, and much more) and we'll take care of printing them, hosting your Web shop, shipping them, and even handling customer service—at no additional cost over what you'd pay for the sticker yourself. By letting us take care of all of this, you can focus on what you do best—designing!\n\nMany of our customers use Stores as their main storefront, but even if you sell on sites like Amazon or Etsy, this option is great for testing out different designs or catering to niche audiences. It allows you to experiment and update your designs without the commitment of stocking large quantities or the hassle of being stuck with leftover inventory if a design doesn’t sell as expected.\n\n![Homepage of Sticker Mule Stores, a way to easily sell items such as stickers and t-shirts to make money online.](\n\nIt’s an easy and efficient way to monetize your designs with minimal effort and give your audience another way to support you—and [it takes seconds to set up]( [Have a look]( at what other people are already selling on Stores.\n\n##8. Marketing your sticker\nOnce your stickers are ready, the next step is to promote them effectively. Today, there are countless modern and creative ways to market your stickers and get your designs in front of potential customers and fans. Here’s how to leverage some of the most popular marketing channels:\n\n###Social Media Platforms\nSocial media is a powerful tool for promoting your stickers. Platforms like [Instagram](, [TikTok](, and [Pinterest](, with their highly visual nature, are perfect for showcasing your designs. Share photos, videos, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your design process to build excitement and connect with your audience.\n\n###Engage with your audience\nHost sticker giveaways or use trending hashtags to inspire your designs and increase visibility. For even more exposure, consider collaborating with influencers or content creators who align with your brand’s aesthetic. Tagging @stickermule or using the hashtag #stickermule helps us see your post. We might even share it on our channel!\n\n###Sell directly via Stores\nAs mentioned, we offer a simple way to sell your stickers through our [Stores]( platform. No need to worry about setting up your own web shop. We take care of all the logistics, giving you a straightforward platform to display and sell your designs. You can direct your audience to your own store through your social media channels, making it easy for followers to purchase your stickers. People are even browsing through the designs, making it possible for them to discover you on the platform itself.\n\n![The search option of Sticker Mule Stores, showing the items other users have uploaded.](\n\n###Creative promotions\nStickers are versatile promotional tools. You can use them as freebies in your orders to add value to your existing products, include them as branded merchandise for events, or create limited-edition sticker runs to generate urgency. \n\nMany brands have successfully used stickers as a fun, shareable way to promote their business. Consider running a sticker campaign with your audience or using them in guerrilla marketing tactics, such as leaving stickers in public places for people to find.\n\n###Email newsletters \u0026 communities\nIf you already have a newsletter or belong to an online community of designers or fans, stickers can be a great exclusive product to offer. Give your loyal audience early access to new sticker designs and create some hype around it. \n\nBy tapping into these modern marketing strategies, you can reach your audience in engaging ways and turn your sticker designs into a thriving product line. Whether through social media, marketplaces, or direct sales, getting your stickers in front of people who will love them is just as crucial as designing them.\n\n![A clear sticker of a vector illustration of a crocodile holding a sun umbrella applied to a glass of lemonade.](\n\n##Conclusion\nDesigning [custom stickers]( requires more than just an idea. It takes careful consideration of your idea, design choices, file preparation, and reaching your audience. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating eye-catching stickers that resonate with whoever the stickers are meant for and make your sticker journey a huge success.\n\nWhether you're designing stickers for personal or business projects, keep experimenting and refining your process. And if you’re looking for where to print the best stickers possible, we produce them at the highest quality, with free online proofs and free shipping. Happy designing! \n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Order custom stickers\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n\n","metaTitle":"Custom sticker printing: Making custom stickers, part 2","metaDescription":"We cover how to choose a sticker printer and other important questions about sticker production in part 2 of our guide to making custom stickers.","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-11-22T18:24:23.084Z","isDraft":false,"id":"sticker-production-how-to-make-custom-stickers-part-2"},"Post:how-to-design-stickers-guide":{"__typename":"Post","slug":"how-to-design-stickers-guide","date":"2024-11-14T00:00:00.000Z","coverImage":"","author":"Sticker Mule","title":"How to design stickers: Making custom stickers, part 1","content":"[Custom stickers]( are more than just fun, they’re powerful tools for branding, marketing, and even monetizing. Whether you're a small business looking to promote your brand or an artist trying to create some designs that sell, designing the perfect sticker requires more than just technical skill. \n\nThoughtful decisions during the design and sticker preparation stages are crucial to ensure your stickers not only look amazing but also resonate with your audience. You’ll probably make different design choices if the sticker is for your own rock band than when it’s for your niece’s 6th birthday party.\n\n![Laptop decorated with colorful die-cut stickers, including designs of dinosaurs, crowns, gems, and a holographic High Five sticker.](\n\nUnderstanding the nuances of sticker printing is key to creating professional-grade results. For example, choosing between die-cut stickers, with their custom-shaped designs, and kiss-cut stickers, which feature a flexible peel-off backing, can greatly influence both the look and functionality of your stickers.\n\nIn this guide, we'll walk you through the entire process from designing your sticker to preparing your files for production and choosing the right printing options. With these tips, you’ll be ready to create stickers that truly stand out.\n\nWithout further adieu, here's everything you need to know about designing your sticker from start to finish.\n\n##1. Brainstorming\n\nBefore jumping into the design process, take a moment to consider who your sticker is for and what message you want to convey. A great design isn’t just visually appealing—it resonates with your audience.\n\n###Who is your sticker for?\n\nPopular stickers often tap into a shared interest, emotion, or trend. For example, fun, colorful stickers with cute characters might appeal to a younger audience, while sleek, minimalistic designs are a better fit for professionals who want to slap them on their laptops to show off in their favorite coffee place. \n\nUnderstanding your target audience helps guide your design choices, resulting in a thoughtful, tailored design that resonates with those who receive it.\n\n![Stacks of unique event stickers on grass, featuring bold, custom designs for brands like CryptoConf, Dribbble, and RetroTechExpo.](\n\n###Finding inspiration\n\nWhen brainstorming online, platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are excellent starting points. Explore trending designs and take note of what catches your eye. \n\nPinterest, in particular, makes it easy to discover styles you like and find related visuals based on specific aesthetics or keywords. Creating a board for each project is a great way to stay organized and keep your inspiration in one place.\n\n![Pinterest results for 'sticker design ideas' show retro, playful, and themed stickers like fruit stickers, die-cut stickers and vintage graphics.](\n\nIt goes without saying to avoid copying others too literally. It's great to draw inspiration from different designs and to play with combinations of different concepts. But there's a line between being inspired by others' designs and stealing them. You don't want to have to face the wrath of the 6 year-old whose drawing of a unicorn you \"borrowed\"—and her team of intellectual property lawyers.\n\nJokes aside, copying isn't cool. Stay creative and authentic.\n\nDuring this stage, don’t hesitate to jot down notes or sketch a few rough ideas. Having a visual reference can guide your design choices later. Once you’re \"in the zone,\" ideas can come quickly, so capturing them ensures you don’t lose track of your creativity.\n\n##2. From idea to sketch\n\nNow that you’ve got some more ideas flowing, it’s time to get them on paper (or screen) while you’re doing it. \n\nWhile digital is ultimately where the magic happens when designing a sticker, I would personally advise starting with a piece of paper. Doodling a quick bit of something only takes a second and is so much more natural to do, enabling a tactile experience, unfiltered creativity, and the ability to focus and hone your skills without the limitations of technology.\n\nHaving everything next to each other also helps to make connections/crossovers, and most of the time, that’s where the most original ideas come from.\n\n![Sketchbook with rough sketches and ideas to use in the process of designing custom stickers.](\n\nIn a design process like this, there are essentially 2 different types of sketching:\n\n- __Rough sketching__ \n - This type of sketching is all about getting your ideas onto paper. It’ll likely be a mix of words and drawings, but the quality of the drawings doesn’t matter—what’s important is capturing your thoughts. After brainstorming and doodling a range of ideas, you’ll pick a few with enough potential to explore further. The length of this stage depends on how much time you want to invest.\n - When that one winning idea emerges, it’s often so exciting that you can’t wait to develop it further. Those are the best moments as a designer. Aim to find that standout idea for each project—the one you can't wait to start with. However, it’s always a good idea to have a few extra sketches in reserve, so make sure to select a couple of backup ideas as well.\n\n- __Refined sketching__ \n - Once you’ve identified some promising ideas, it’s time to refine them further. Move beyond stick figures and quick scribbles to start defining the character you want to create and the typography you envision—unless, of course, stick figures and scribbled words are exactly the look you’re going for!\n - At this stage, you can stick with paper or transition to a digital method that offers more flexibility. Many designers now use tools like an iPad with sketching software such as Procreate, which provides a natural drawing experience along with the perks of features like “Undo” and an eraser. Unfortunately, real life still doesn’t come with an “Undo” button (*Elon Musk has entered the chat*).\n\n![Sketch of a dog on a tablet, or iPad, using digital software to use in the process of designing custom stickers.](\n\n##3. From sketch to screen\n\nOnce your sketch is ready and you have a clear idea of what it should look like in the end, it's time to bring it to the screen. When you’re designing something that needs to be printed at some point, you’ll need to have an understanding of some of the basics to get the maximum result and set up your file correctly from the start.\n\n###Raster vs. vector\n\nFor the best print quality, it’s important to work with vector graphics. Vector files like AI and EPS, are scalable without losing their resolution, making them perfect for sticker printing. Raster images (like PNG and JPEG) can pixelate when resized, so they’re best avoided, especially for large stickers. \n\nWe’ve explained [the difference between raster images and vectors]( in a previous article. \n\n![Comparison of raster vs. vector graphics showing pixelation in raster image (left) and smooth edges in vector image (right)](\n\nTools like Adobe Illustrator or beginner-friendly platforms like Sticker Mule [Studio]( can help you turn your sketch into a polished design. \n\nIf you're deciding between Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, always opt for Illustrator. While many people use Photoshop for design, it’s primarily a photo-editing tool and has limitations for creating detailed designs.\n\nFor stickers, using vector files is recommended but not mandatory. As long as your design has a resolution of 300 DPI or higher, it should work well.\n\n###Choosing the right size \n\nSticker sizes vary depending on their purpose. For more basic stickers such as logos, a smaller size like 3x3 inches works well. More decorative stickers might need more space to highlight intricate details. Always consider the intended use of your sticker when choosing dimensions, and visualize how the size will look in real life once printed. The most popular applications are laptops, water bottles, cars, smartphones, and notebooks and planners.\n\n![Laptop decorated with colorful holographic die-cut stickers, including typographic designs and bunny characters.](\n\nStart by sketching your design on paper using a ruler to determine the ideal size. While you can always adjust it later, starting with a good approximation saves time. If you have a printer at home, you can test print to find the perfect size. Alternatively, you can use on-screen rulers to measure exact dimensions directly on your computer, which is especially handy if you're on the go and don’t have paper or a ruler nearby.\n\n##4. Design fundamentals\n\nStickers may be small, but effective design is what turns them into eye-catching pieces that stand out. From color to typography, and balance to visual hierarchy, understanding these principles will help you design stickers that not only look appealing but also communicate your message clearly. \n\nSo let’s break down some of these design fundamentals that can bring your sticker to the next level.\n\n###Color\n\nColors are more than just a visual element—they carry emotional significance and meaning. Choosing the right color scheme for your stickers is essential for conveying your brand's identity, personal style, and the message you want to communicate. \n\nHere's how to approach color in sticker design:\n\n- __Understand color psychology__ - Different colors evoke different emotions. For example, __blue__ conveys trust and professionalism, making it ideal for business-oriented designs. __Yellow and orange__ evoke excitement and energy, appealing to a younger, more playful audience. Think about how your color choices align with the emotions and values of your target audience.\n\n- __Use contrasting colors__ - High contrast between colors is important to make your design pop, especially for smaller designs like stickers. Dark text on a light background or complementary color pairings like blue and orange can improve readability and create visual impact. Use tools such as __Coolors__ or __Adobe Colors__ to choose and edit color palettes.\n\n- __Keep your brand in mind__ - If you’re creating stickers for a brand, be sure to stick to your brand’s color palette. Consistency strengthens brand recognition, especially for promotional or marketing use.\n\n- __Consider print color modes__ - While digital design often uses RGB (red, green, blue), printing requires CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for accurate color reproduction. Convert your design to CMYK before sending it to print to ensure your colors appear as intended.\n\n![Comparison of RGB vs. CMYK color diagrams showing the bright RGB (left) for digital and less bright conversion in CMYK (right) for print.](\n\nSome colors, [especially bright ones](, can look quite different in print if not properly adjusted. We do [maintain your RGB color profile]( to achieve a better color match compared to converting to CMYK ourselves, but we would advise you to export in CMYK so you know what to expect from the final prints.\n\nThere are [some tools that automatically convert them]( for you but always make sure to have a critical look at it before exporting your file.\n\n![Comparison of RGB vs. CMYK color conversion showing the bright RGB (left) and less bright conversion in CMYK (right).](\n\n###Typography\n\nText plays a crucial role in many sticker designs, whether you’re including a catchy slogan, brand name, or even just a website URL. While typography can add personality and flair to your sticker, it’s important to prioritize legibility.\n\n- __Font choice__ - Online platforms such as [Adobe Fonts](, [DaFont](, [Google Fonts](, and [Font Squirrel]( offer free fonts that you can use on commercial projects. Filter on what type of font you are looking for and you’re well on your way to finding your perfect match. If you’re looking for paid fonts, [MyFonts]( is the most popular option at the moment. \n\nIn our free [Studio]( tool, you can choose between a range of hundreds of free fonts so you always have that perfect match you’re looking for.\n\n![Font options in the Studio feature from Sticker Mule with a dropdown of all available fonts together with a round ‘Pizza Lover’ sticker design.](\n\n- __Font pairing__ - Don’t be afraid to mix fonts, but make sure they complement each other. Using one font for your main message and another for a tagline can help establish a visual hierarchy, guiding the viewer’s eye to the most important elements of the design. A good rule of thumb is to pair a bold, decorative font with a simpler sans-serif or serif for balance. Don’t make the difference between them too subtle, this will probably appear as messy and unintended.\n\n- __Size and scale__ - Because stickers are often small, your text needs to be readable at a glance. Stick to simple, bold fonts for text that needs to stand out. Avoid overly intricate or thin fonts, which can become illegible when scaled down. Try to zoom out while designing or walk a couple of meters back from your screen, this helps to get a better grip on how it will look at a certain size.\n\n- __Expressing personality with fonts__ - Your typography choices should also reflect the tone of your sticker. For example, playful, handwritten fonts can work well for a sticker with a casual, fun vibe, while a clean, geometric font might be better suited for a professional or modern aesthetic. We’re all about avoiding too obvious design decisions when it comes to stickers but sometimes it’s better to keep it clear and easy to understand.\n\nMost free font platforms like Google Fonts give you the option to filter on certain values such as writing systems, languages, number of styles and most importantly, the type of font.\n\n![Google Fonts results with the different filter options such as font style, amount of styles and language.](\n\n###White space\n\nSometimes, less is more. White space refers to the empty areas in your design (which don’t necessarily need to be white). Far from being wasted space, white space is an essential design element that can dramatically improve the look and feel of your sticker.\n\n- __Improving readability__ - White space helps separate elements in your design, making it easier for viewers to process the information. In text-heavy designs, adequate space around letters and words ensures clarity and legibility at a glance.\n\n-__Creating focus__ - By leaving enough white space around your key elements, you allow those elements to breathe and take center stage. This can be particularly effective for minimalistic stickers or designs where you want one element, such as your logo or tagline, to be the focal point.\n\n__Balancing complexity and simplicity__ - Don’t be afraid to leave certain areas of your sticker blank. Overloading the design with too many details can make it look cluttered and hard to read. Instead, focus on one or two key elements and use white space to give them room to shine.\n\n![‘Live Free’ die-cut sticker in a motorcycle style, showing a skull with a motor helmet, slapped on the tank of a green vintage motorcycle.](\n\n###Balance and composition\n\nA well-balanced design feels stable, organized, and visually pleasing. In sticker design, achieving harmony between text, graphics, and logos is essential for creating a polished final product.\n\n- __Symmetry vs. asymmetry__ - Symmetrical designs tend to feel more formal and balanced, while asymmetrical designs can create dynamic movement and interest. Both can work depending on the mood you want to convey, but it’s important to be intentional about how you place elements in your design.\n\n- __Visual weight__ - Consider the visual weight of each element in your design. Larger, bolder elements will naturally draw more attention, while smaller or lighter elements may fade into the background. By balancing these elements, you can essentially guide the viewer’s eye through the design in the intended order.\n\n- __Alignment and flow__ - Good alignment creates a sense of order and professionalism in your design. Whether you’re aligning text to the center, left, or right, consistency is key. Additionally, think about how a viewer’s eyes will move through the sticker. Do they start with the main message and then flow to the details? Make sure your composition guides this journey effectively and test it out yourself.\n\n###Contrast and visual hierarchy\n\nContrast goes beyond color—it applies to size, shape, and typography as well. By creating contrast in your design, you establish a clear visual hierarchy, guiding the viewer’s eye to the most important elements.\n\nThis is especially crucial for stickers often seen from a distance or in passing, like those on car bumpers or laptop covers. Strong contrast ensures your design grabs attention and communicates effectively, even at a glance.\n\n- __Size contrast__ - Make the most critical elements of your design larger to emphasize them. For example, your brand name or slogan should be more prominent than secondary details like a website URL or tagline.\n\n- __Font weight and style__ - Bold, heavier fonts naturally attract more attention than lighter ones. Use this to your advantage by making sure your key message or headline is bold while supporting text can be smaller or in a lighter font weight.\n\n- __Shape and form__ - You can also use contrast in shapes and forms to create interest. For instance, pairing a bold, geometric shape with a more organic, freeform graphic can create an engaging visual contrast that draws attention.\n\n###Sticker shape\n\nThe shape of your sticker plays a significant role in its overall design and usability. Most vinyl stickers fall into these categories: [die-cut stickers]( and [kiss-cut stickers]( Understanding how these types affect design is essential when you move from concept to print.\n\n- __Die-cut stickers__ - Die-cut stickers are cut to the exact shape of the design, whether it’s a custom shape, a standard circle, or a square. When designing for die-cut stickers, ensure all elements stay within the cut lines. The shape should enhance the design, not detract from it. For instance, a logo with sharp edges might look better with a die-cut that closely follows its contours rather than being confined to a standard circle.\n\n![Glitter die-cut sticker of a pink unicorn version of the Sticker Mule mascot, Herman.](\n\n- __Kiss-cut stickers__ - Kiss-cut stickers are stickers that are precisely cut through the top layer of material (the sticker itself) without cutting through the backing paper. This leaves the backing intact, providing extra support and making the stickers easy to peel off. With kiss-cut stickers the backing paper can have a larger surface area than the sticker, offering space for branding, instructions, or additional designs. They're suitable for intricate designs, as the cutting process only affects the sticker layer while preserving the overall backing shape.\n\n![Bright green kiss-cut sticker of crypto business convention, with a hand holding the peeled-off sticker.](\n\n- __Transfer stickers__ - Printed transfer stickers are a great option for designs that don’t need a solid background. Unlike traditional stickers, the individual elements of the design are attached to a transfer sheet, allowing for a clean, seamless application. All parts are applied at once, creating a polished, professional look.\n\n![Printed transfer sticker in white and orange of a hand combined with a flame, applied to the rear window of a white car. A hand is peeling the transfer sheet off the sticker.](\n\n### Scale\n\nIt’s important to consider how your design will scale, especially if you plan to offer it in multiple sizes or other products like T-shirts or magnets. A design that looks great at 5x5 inches may lose detail or readability when reduced to 2x2 inches.\n\n- __Test at different sizes__ - Always preview your design at various sizes to make sure it remains clear and legible. Elements like intricate illustrations, fine details, and small text may need to be simplified for smaller stickers.\n\n- __Use vectors for scalability__ - As mentioned before, creating your sticker in a vector format makes sure that it can be scaled up or down without losing quality. Vector graphics are resolution-independent, making them ideal for printing stickers of any size. That same design of a 2x2” sticker could be turned into a full-size billboard without losing any quality. Pure magic.\n\nBy focusing on these design fundamentals, color, typography, white space, balance, contrast, and scalability, you can create sticker designs that not only look visually appealing but also serve their purpose effectively, whether that’s for personal use, branding, or marketing. \n\nThe key is to keep your target audience in mind and apply these principles thoughtfully to make your design truly stand out.\n\nIn Part 2, we talk about [how to get your designs produced](\n","metaTitle":"How to design stickers: Making custom stickers, part 1","metaDescription":"Learn design fundamentals and how they apply to sticker design in part 1 of Sticker Mule's guide to making custom stickers.","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-11-19T01:01:24.138Z","isDraft":false,"id":"how-to-design-stickers-guide"},"Post:open-custom-sticker-store":{"__typename":"Post","slug":"open-custom-sticker-store","date":"2024-11-08T00:00:00.000Z","coverImage":"","author":"Sticker Mule","title":"How to open a Sticker Mule store","content":"Back in June, we [announced]( our launch of Stores in beta.\n\n![Open a store on Sticker Mule](\n\nWe’re happy to announce that Stores is now officially open for business to anyone who wants to [sell stickers online]( That means that any Sticker Mule customer can create a storefront and sell not just stickers but any other product that Sticker Mule supports, including t-shirts, magnets, buttons, keychains, coasters, posters, and of course, hot sauce with your very own design.\n\nUnlike online marketplaces like eBay, Etsy, and Amazon, we don’t charge any fees to set up your store. When a customer buys a product, we charge you the same base price as for custom sticker orders. You can set your own markup, and any profit you earn is yours to keep—no extra fees.\n\nFurthermore you don’t need to worry about setting up a storefront, taking orders, calculating sales tax, packaging, shipping your orders, or handling customer service questions. We’ll cover all of that for you. \n\n##How to set up your Sticker Mule store\n\nIf you have a Sticker Mule account, you already have a “My store” option in the drop-down in the upper-right corner. Click to expand it and select My store (or just [click here]( if you're signed in).\n\n(Your store will be invisible to users and search engines until you add at least one product to it).\n\n1. Click on the __Edit__ button to get to the __Edit Store__ screen. ![screen to edit your custom sticker store](\n\n1. Upload a 2000x500 image for your Store’s cover photo. This is what will show up on the top of your store pages. Make sure it is consistent with your company’s branding. You can download and use this 2000x500 image as a guide.![2000x500 image](\n\n1. Upload a __profile picture__. This will appear with your cover photo on your storefront, and may also appear if you leave comments or reviews on the site. Any square image will work; we suggest you use a 400x400 image that's the same you use on social media like X, Facebook, or Instagram. \n\n1. Enter a __Display name__. This will appear as the main headline on your store page, as well as in your Store URL’s Title Tag for SEO. \n\n1. Enter a __Username__. By default we assign a random set of characters to every new store. Be sure to change it to something that represents you or your brand. This will be used in the URL for your store (*username*).\n\n1. Enter your __Bio__. You have a total of 200 characters, including spaces. Tell the world about yourself, what designs you specialize in, and what kinds of products you plan on selling. \n\n1. Enter a __Website URL__. We’ll create a link from your Store page to this URL to help users find your main site. As a bonus, you get some freshly squeezed SEO juice.\n\n##How to list a product\n\nIn order to list a product, you must have already purchased it at least once. This can cost as low as $9 if you order one of our [custom samples]( \n\nWe do this so you can be sure your customers are getting a product that you’ve personally seen and approved in real life. \n\nYou can choose any product from the “Products” menu and go through Sticker Mule’s famously simple process to create it. Our most popular products for consumers are [stickers](, [magnets](, [acrylic keychains](, and [T-shirts]( \n\nOnce you’ve created your item, here’s how to list it.\n\n1. Select __My Store__ from the upper right-hand corner.\n1. Click the orange__ \\+ Add item__ button.\n1. All of the products you’ve ordered in the past will appear. Select the one you want to sell.\n4. Enter the following:\n\n![product information for selling stickers](\n\n - __Title: __This is the name of your product that’ll appear on your product page, as well as in the Title Tag. __Hint:__ Include the type of product in the title. For example, if you’re selling a t-shirt with the image of a cute dog, enter “Cute Dog T-Shirt”.\n\n - __Markup: __By default, your product will be set to a base price that will cover Sticker Mule’s production and fulfillment costs. You can apply a markup to define the profit you’d like to make on each sale. For example, if the base price of a T-shirt is $19 and you add a markup of 20%. Your customers will pay a total of $22.80 for the shirt, and you’ll earn $3.80 in profit from the sale. You’ll need to verify your identity before you can set markups. See the tip \"Maximize your earnings\" below for more details.\n\n - __Mature content: __if your design shows images that you wouldn’t want grandma to see, please check this box.\n\n##__Additional tips and tricks to help you sell stickers__\n\n- __Create a vanity URL on your domain: __If you have your own website, ask your technical team to create a vanity URL from your domain to your Sticker Mule Store.\n\n - For example, if your company is at the domain \"\", create a redirect at \"\" that redirects to your Sticker Mule store.\n - Show this to whoever manages your Web site; they should know what to do with it.\n - ```\nRewriteEngine On```\n```\nRewriteRule ^stickers$ [R=301,L]\n```\n\n- __Link to your store: __Link to [your Store]( from your website and social media accounts. \n\n- __Test potential sticker designs digitally:__ Have your designer create some digital stickers on Facebook and see which ones resonate with your audience. Turn the winning designs into physical stickers. \n\n![turn your digital designs into real life stickers](\n\n- __Make stickers that people will want to show off: __Remember that your stickers are as much about making your customers look good as making you look good. Create designs that they’ll be proud to show off and that will elicit a positive reaction from their friends and family.\n\n![make stickers that your customers will want to show off](\n\n- __Create scarcity: __While you’ll want to always be selling certain branded designs (e.g. your logo or tagline), consider creating limited edition designs for your most loyal fans to collect. These may be seasonal, commemorative, or other one-off designs. If a limited edition design takes off, fight the urge to flood the market with more; you’ll have more success in the long-run.\n\n![create collectible stickers with scarcity](\n\n- __Engage with your fans:__ Ask them to post photos of them with your products, such as wearing your T-shirt or showing your stickers on laptops and water bottles. Encouraging your fans to pose with your products does three things: your brand gets out-of-home advertising, you get earned media online, and most importantly, you give your fans something that makes them look good to *their* fans.\n\n![social media feed with people showing off](\n\n- __Maximize your earnings:__ Once you [verify]( your identity with us, you’ll be able to earn money two ways.\n\n - Set [markups]( on your products. It might take some trial and error before you find the perfect balance of affordability and profit.\n\n - Earn a 10% [commission]( on any purchase a customer you refer makes for one year (this includes your products, a product on any other store, or a custom product from Sticker Mule).\n\n - Note that in order to create markups and earn commissions, you’ll need to verify your identification. You’ll need a state-issued photo ID and a device with a Webcam. We partner with Persona, a leading identity verification provider, to ensure that your information is securely protected. Once you’re verified we’ll ask you to enter a PayPal ID so we can pay you.\n\n- Our most important advice for how to create stickers that'll sell? Use the \"ooh!\" test. Print a bunch of sample stickers and show them to your family and friends. If they smile politely, those won't sell. If they go \"ooh!\" and want one then and there—you've got a winner.\n\nVisit our [Help]( section for more answers to questions about Stores, and be sure to follow [this blog]( over the coming weeks and months for new announcements and tips to help you succeed. \n\nHappy selling! \n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Start selling stickers online\" href=\"\" /\u003e","metaTitle":"Open your own custom sticker store","metaDescription":"Sticker Mule doesn't just let you create the world's best stickers, we help you sell them too. No setup or referral fees. Start selling today!","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-11-08T19:03:20.532Z","isDraft":false,"id":"open-custom-sticker-store"},"Post:fall-2024-updates":{"__typename":"Post","slug":"fall-2024-updates","date":"2024-11-06T00:00:00.000Z","coverImage":"","author":"Sticker Mule","title":"Fall 2024 updates","content":"###White label hot sauce\nYou can now order [custom hot sauce bottles]( Same flavor of Mule Sauce, but designed by you.\n\n\u003cYouTubeVideo videoId=\"oR6boSqvHQY\" /\u003e\n\n###Printed transfer stickers\nYou can now order full-color [printed transfer stickers]( Printed transfer stickers make it easy to apply intricate, full color designs to any smooth surface.\n\n\u003cWistiaVideo videoId=\"oc38ypapa0\" /\u003e\n\n###Store growth\nOur Stores platform continues to grow, as we keep making improvements.\n\nWe now have over 12,000 stores and have paid out [over $18,000 in earnings](\n\n###Markup for Stores\nYou can now add markup to any item in [your store](\n\n![stores-markup](\n\nSet the percentage you want, and you’ll see the new retail price along with the minimum profit you’ll receive on each order. All markup profit goes directly to you, the store owner.\n\n###Store bios\nYou can now add a bio to your store. This is a great place to tell potential customers about your brand and the type of items you sell.\n\n![Store bios](\n\n###Improved Store discovery\nWe moved Stores to the top of our main navigation.\n\n![Store discovery](\n\nPeople can browse by [newest items](, items from [stores they follow](, or the [most popular items]( And you can “like” individual items now too.\n\n###Added Store email notifications\nIf you have a store, you can now get notified when you make a sale, or when someone follows you.\n\n![Store email notifications](\n\n###New press page\nWe’ve been in the news a lot lately, so we made a [new press page](\n\n###Added Giphy integration to Stimulus\nYou can now easily add gifs to your [Stimulus]( posts with our new Giphy integration.\n\n![Stimulus Giphy integration](\n\n","metaTitle":"","metaDescription":"Learn what new things we launched this Fall. Including 2 new products and more updates to Stores.","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-11-06T17:12:45.383Z","isDraft":false,"id":"fall-2024-updates"},"Post:how-to-make-stickers-look-professional":{"__typename":"Post","slug":"how-to-make-stickers-look-professional","date":"2024-11-01T00:00:00.000Z","coverImage":"","author":"Sticker Mule","title":"How to make stickers look professional","content":"Stickers are great for business and branding. But no one wants ugly stickers. And your business might not have a big design budget. So how do you make high-quality, aesthetically pleasing [stickers](\n\nHere are 8 tips anyone can use to make their sticker designs look professional.\n\n##1. Define your brand identity\nYour business should have its own personality. Who are you trying to sell to? What is your message? Your visual identity should reinforce these ideas.\n\nBefore you get to the design itself, put your Art Director hat on and decide what your brand identity should look like. Use a tool like [Pinterest]( to gather ideas and create a mood board for your brand identity.\n\n![pinterest mood board](\n\nTry to narrow it down as much as possible – it’s important to have a consistent style.\n\n##2. Choose the right color palette\nColors impact the perception of your brand.\n\nEach color evokes an emotion. Blue = trust. Green = nature. Yellow = creativity.\n\n![color meaning chart](\n\nDecide on 1-2 main colors you want to represent your brand.\n\nUse a free tool like [Coolors]( to create a color palette.\n\n##3. Select appropriate typography\nThe font you choose for your brand is very important. Study the designs you like from your mood board. Identify attributes in the fonts that might work best for your brand.\n\nUse a site like [Google Fonts]( to browse and download free fonts.\n\n###Serif vs sans-serif\n![serif-vs-sans-serif](\n\nSerifs are the fancy little decorations on the ends of each letter.\n\nSerif fonts are often used to convey a formal, serious tone. While sans-serif fonts convey a friendly, casual tone.\n\n###Font weight\n![font-weight-comparison](\n\nMany fonts include multiple variations of weight (i.e. light, normal, bold).\n\nThe thickness of your font will also impact the tone of your brand. Thinner fonts usually convey a more delicate, feminine tone. While bolder fonts convey a strong, masculine tone.\n\n##4. Use high-quality images and graphics\nAnything you print should be at least [300 pixels per inch]( This will ensure your stickers don’t look pixelated or blurry.\n\nIf you have various versions of your logo or design, use a vector file (.pdf, .ai, .eps) if possible. [Vector graphics can be scaled infinitely]( without losing resolution. You can transform any image to vector format for $14 using [Redraw](\n\n![low-resolution-to-high-resolution](\n\nOr if you have a particular photo or image that you need to use, but it’s not high resolution – you can make high resolution with another free tool, [Upscale](\n\n##5. Keep your design simple\nYou can create high quality designs using our free design tool, [Studio]( Choose from hundreds of professional templates or start from scratch.\n\nThe best sticker designs are usually simple.\n\n![qr-code-stickers](\n\nDon’t include more information than you need. If you want to include some sort of contact information, consider limiting it to one form of contact (i.e. email address). Or you can add a [QR code]( to direct people to a specific landing page.\n\n##6. Experiment with shapes\nKeep in mind that die cut stickers will automatically be cut to fit the shape of your design. This works great for plenty of designs and most logo stickers.\n\n![die-cut-stickers](\n\nBut depending on your design and brand, you might want to go for a more traditional shape, like [circle stickers](, [square stickers](, [rectangle stickers](, [oval stickers](, or [rounded corner stickers](\n\n##7. Consider the finish\nAny sticker is going to look good with a matte finish. But depending on your design you may want to try a holographic or glitter material to give your stickers a unique shine.\n\n![matte-vs-holo-vs-glitter-stickers](\n\n##8. Get feedback and iterate\nBefore committing to a large batch of stickers, you can order [custom samples]( This is a good option for testing your design in real life.\n\n![sticker-irl](\n\nGive some stickers away and ask your friends and coworkers for feedback. They might be perfect or you might need to tweak a few things. Shop with confidence when it’s time to place a larger order. And you can even save money when you order multiple designs at the same time.\n\n##Conclusion\nGetting professional stickers doesn’t require a professional designer. Be thoughtful about what you want, look to other designs for inspiration, and always be willing to experiment.\n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Order custom samples for $9\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n","metaTitle":"","metaDescription":"Here are 8 tips anyone can use to make their sticker designs look professional.","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-11-01T15:40:11.145Z","isDraft":false,"id":"how-to-make-stickers-look-professional"},"Post:introducing-full-color-printed-transfer-stickers":{"__typename":"Post","slug":"introducing-full-color-printed-transfer-stickers","date":"2024-10-24T00:00:00.000Z","coverImage":"","author":"Sticker Mule","title":"Introducing full-color, printed transfer stickers","content":"Full-color [printed transfer stickers]( are here!\n\nPeople already love [transfer stickers]( (aka vinyl decals). But full-color printing has been [one of the most requested features]( Our engineers have been hard at work, building the cutting-edge machines that now make this possible.\n\n\u003cWistiaVideo videoId=\"oc38ypapa0\" /\u003e\n\n##What are printed transfer stickers?\nStandard transfer stickers aren’t actually printed at all. They are cut to the exact shape of each piece of a design. This is why they only come in all-black or all-white. This works fine for many designs, but of course, has its limitations.\n\n![black transfer stickers](\n\nPrinted transfer stickers are made with the extra step of… printing. This lets you add virtually any color, mix of colors, shades, or gradients you want to your stickers. All made with the same durable vinyl and precise cutting that have made our transfer stickers so popular.\n\n![full color printed transfer stickers](\n\n##How to apply printed transfer stickers\nA special tape holds your design together, making it easy to apply your transfer stickers. To apply, slowly pull the transfer tape from the paper backing. Next, place the sticker on your desired surface and then use your fingers to apply pressure across the face of the sticker, making sure it properly adheres. You can also use a credit card to reinforce the adhesion.\n\nRemember: Printed transfer stickers look best when applied to smooth surfaces — think windows, laptops, or cars.\n\nIf your design is particularly delicate, you may want to wait 24 hours before removing the transfer tape. When it’s ready, slowly peel the transfer tape off to reveal your full color design.\n\n\u003cYouTubeVideo videoId=\"nrCXwMu6qw4\" /\u003e\n\n##How to order printed transfer stickers\nWe make ordering full color printed transfer stickers easy.\n\n1. Go to [printed transfer sticker page](\n2. Select a size and quantity\n3. Upload your artwork\n4. Checkout\n\nWe’ll automatically set up your artwork for printed transfer stickers, so you don’t need to do anything special to your artwork before ordering. But if you want to do the artwork setup yourself, [these guidelines]( will help.\n\n![printed transfer sticker proof](\n\nWithin a few hours of checkout, you’ll get an online proof, showing how your custom printed transfer stickers will look. You can request changes to the proof for free until you’re happy.\n\n##Order custom printed transfer stickers today\nEach printed transfer sticker is printed in full color, precisely cut, and features a durable vinyl that’s good for indoor or outdoor use.\n\n![full color transfer sticker](\n\nApply any design to any surface.\n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Order printed transfer stickers\" href=\"\" /\u003e","metaTitle":"","metaDescription":"Printed transfer stickers let you transfer any design in full-color to any smooth surface.","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-10-24T18:25:41.553Z","isDraft":false,"id":"introducing-full-color-printed-transfer-stickers"},"Post:save-money-on-shipping-rates":{"__typename":"Post","slug":"save-money-on-shipping-rates","date":"2024-08-22T00:00:00.000Z","coverImage":"","author":"Sticker Mule","title":"Save up to 80% on UPS shipping rates with Ship","content":"Introducing [Ship]( A free tool to help you save time and money generating UPS shipping labels.\n\n\u003cWistiaVideo videoId=\"xc5sb7b35n\" /\u003e\n\nAt Sticker Mule, we ship tons of packages every day. That’s how we learned to negotiate the best shipping rates available. Now we’re passing those savings on to you. Save up to 80% on UPS shipping rates with Ship.\n\n##How it works\nShip has an easy to use interface and is completely free to use – you only pay for the labels.\n\nTo get started, add the address you want to ship to and the address you want to ship from.\n\n![Ship addresses](\n\nNext, choose what type of package you are going to ship.\n\n![Ship package configuration](\n\nNext, compare shipping rates, and select your desired shipping method.\n\n![shipping methods](\n\nPrint your label, stick it on your package, and drop it off at your [nearest UPS Store](\n\nYou won’t get charged for the label until it’s received and scanned by UPS.\n\nFrom the [Ship dashboard](, you can track the status of all your shipments and easily share tracking information with your customers.\n\n![Ship dashboard](\n\nSave time and money on your next shipment with Ship.\n\n\u003cButtonCta text=\"Try Ship today\" href=\"\" /\u003e\n","metaTitle":"Introducing Ship","metaDescription":"Introducing Ship. A free tool to help you save time and money generating UPS shipping labels.","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-08-22T18:35:06.607Z","isDraft":false,"id":"save-money-on-shipping-rates"},"Post:sticker-mule-launches-white-label-hot-sauce":{"__typename":"Post","slug":"sticker-mule-launches-white-label-hot-sauce","date":"2024-08-14T00:00:00.000Z","coverImage":"","author":"Sticker Mule","title":"Sticker Mule launches white label hot sauce","content":"##Create your own brand with award-winning Mule Sauce\n\n![ricky berwick custom hot sauce](\n\n*Globally recognized social media sensation Ricky Berwick is partnering with Sticker Mule to captivate audiences worldwide.* \n\n__AMSTERDAM, NY, Aug. 14, 2024__ – Sticker Mule, the Internet's most kick-ass brand, is excited to announce the arrival of its new White Label Hot Sauce, allowing customers to customize Sticker Mule's award-winning “Mule Sauce” with their own branding. \n\nTo boost the debut of White Label Hot Sauce, Sticker Mule partnered with Internet personality Ricky Berwick. Together, they launched a [marketing campaign]( to promote this major new product. Berwick is a globally recognized social media sensation, celebrated for his creative and hilarious video content that captivates audiences worldwide.\n\n\"Mule Sauce started as a dare but it's become a sensation with 1 million bottles shipped annually. Now, with white label hot sauce, we're allowing everyone to use our award-winning recipe to promote their business, brand or just have fun,\" said Anthony Constantino, CEO of Sticker Mule. \n\nSince launching in 2019, Mule Sauce has become a fan-favorite condiment, earning a loyal following with its unique sweet heat and versatility that enhances any dish. Mule Sauce has quickly positioned itself as an everyday hot sauce, rivaling iconic hot sauces like Tabasco, Frank's RedHot, and Sriracha.\n\n“If you’re an influencer, you’re an idiot if you don’t buy white label mule sauce to grow your brand. I’m buying it and selling it because I’m not an idiot and because it’s delicious,” said Ricky Berwick. \n\nSticker Mule’s white label hot sauce is perfect for restaurants, brands, influencers, or as a unique gift. Customers can easily upload their design, and Sticker Mule will prepare an FDA-compliant label. Or, start with a design template and create a label using Sticker Mule's intuitive [design tool, Studio]( Once the order is placed, customers receive an online proof showing how their hot sauce will look, with free revisions until they are happy.\n\nMule Sauce is featured in every White Label Hot Sauce bottle. It’s known for its perfect balance of sweet and spicy, with a three-out-of-five heat intensity. It pairs well with nearly any dish and adds almost zero calories, making it a guilt-free addition to any meal.\n\nFor more information visit [Sticker Mule’s website](\n\n###About Sticker Mule\nSticker Mule is the best way to buy and sell custom merchandise, including stickers, t-shirts, magnets, buttons, labels, packaging, keychains, temporary tattoos, and an award-winning hot sauce. Founded in 2010, it’s now powered by 1,200+ people in 30+ countries, with factories in New York, South Carolina and Italy.\n\n###About Ricky Berwick\nBerwick is a globally recognized social media sensation, celebrated for his hilarious video content that captivates audiences worldwide. He was born with a physical disability (called Beals-Hecht syndrome) that limits his movements. Ricky embodies the message that “disability is not inability,” using his creative talents to entertain and inspire through his skits and witty reporting via the 'Crippled News'. The Canadian entertainer has also established himself as an entrepreneur, leveraging platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to build his brand and connect with millions.\n\n###For media queries, please contact: \nJames Colistra, Director of Public Relations, Sticker Mule\n\nEmail:\n","metaTitle":"","metaDescription":"Create your own brand with award-winning Mule Sauce. Sticker Mule, the Internet's most kick-ass brand, is excited to announce the arrival of its new White Label Hot Sauce.","schemaMarkup":null,"updatedAt":"2024-08-15T18:10:29.152Z","isDraft":false,"id":"sticker-mule-launches-white-label-hot-sauce"}}},"page":"/blog","query":{},"buildId":"nDeyEq_QFA1HytFRuBXXO","assetPrefix":"/blog","isFallback":false,"isExperimentalCompile":false,"gip":true,"appGip":true,"scriptLoader":[]}</script><div id="__modal-root"></div></body></html>

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