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Please enter a valid ZIP code."; alertMessageMap['OR']="or"; alertMessageMap['ErrorMessageUverseMemberIDValidation']="Please enter your billing account number or U-verse member ID."; alertMessageMap['ErrorMessage12']="You have exceeded the number of attempts allowed to verify that you are the primary account holder for this account. This account must be linked to the primary account holder's AT&T Access ID before online access can be granted to another AT&T Access ID. We have notified the primary account holder that access has been requested. Please ask the primary account holder to let you know when you can link the account to your AT&T Access ID."; alertMessageMap['UverseLinkFlowTitanBANError']="Before linking your account, please"; alertMessageMap['ErrorBillingZipNumeric']="The Billing ZIP Code must contain numbers only. Please enter a valid ZIP code that is 5 numbers in length."; alertMessageMap['ErrorMessageWirelessNumberValidation']="Please enter a valid 10-digit phone number or 13-digit account number."; alertMessageMap['WirelessTitanNonActivatedErrorPart2']="here to get started now."; alertMessageMap['WirelessTitanNonActivatedErrorPart1']="The account you are trying to link qualifies for quick account registration, but is pending completion by the primary account holder. Please refer to the confirmation emails you received when you placed your order for instructions on registering a new AT&T Access ID. This is a required action and all other account access is limited until the bill payer completes the quick online account registration process.<br /><br />Please refer to these instructions and"; window.onload = function(){ triggerSessionTimoutTimer(); var selectedAccountType = document.getElementById("selectedAccountType"); accountTypeSelectionChange (selectedAccountType,"onPageLoad"); } function clickedCancel(){ jQuery.colorbox({iframe:true, height:300, width:650, scrolling:false, href: "/olam/unauth/displayCancelDialogRegistration.myworld"}); } function stripCharacters( obj ){ var str= obj.value; var str = str.split(' ').join(''); str = str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9 @._ -]+/g,""); var tempstr = str.split('-').join(''); tempstr = tempstr.split('.').join(''); tempstr = tempstr.split('_').join(''); if(!isNaN(tempstr)) { str = tempstr; } obj.value=str; } </script> <div class="primary-row-seamless"> <div style="display: none;" id="clientSideErrors"> <div id="jsErrMsg"></div> </div> <div id="serverSideErrors"> </div> </div> <div class="msg box botMar20 ForcePadTop10 MarTop20" style="display:none;" id="UverseMemberIDLinkedToATTAID"> <p><strong>Note:</strong> When you link a U-verse member ID to your AT&T Access ID, you will have access to your email and other included features.</p> </div> <div class="box"> <div class="section-title"> <h2>Provide Account Information</h2> </div> <p class="MarTop20 MarLeft25">Tell us which AT&T; account you'd like to register for online account management. You'll need your account information, and you'll need to be able to receive an email or text message from us. <br/> <br/> Later in this process you'll create an AT&T; Access ID-- a single User ID and password you'll be able to use to manage all your AT&T; accounts. <br/><br/> <strong>Note:</strong> myAT&T; registration is only for consumer accounts, not <a href="" target="_blank">prepaid</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">business</a> accounts.</p> <p class="MarTop20 MarLeft25">Play video:聽<a title="" id="4300382_SSO_A_Login_01" href="#" class="GVPVideoIcon">Create an AT&T Access ID</a></p> <p class="MarTop20 MarLeft25"><b>Already have an AT&T; Access ID?</b>   <a name="help" class="lnk-help tooltips" href="#tip61"><img title="" alt="help" src="//" class=""></a> <span id="tip61" class="tips"> Select the link and then enter your AT&T; Access ID. </span>   <a href="#" onclick="alreadyHaveAccessIdClicked();return false;">Start here</a> </p> <form id="slidValidateModal" name="slidValidateModal" action="/web/20130401080932/" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="slid" value=""/> <input type="hidden" name="password" value=""/> </form> <form id="frmSelectAccount" name="frmSelectAccount" onsubmit="return verifySelectAccount();" action="/web/20130401080932/" method="post"> <div class="styled_forms modalForms"> <div class="row-seamless botMar0"> <div class="tipPad safariComp botMar15"> <div class=" right MarRight5 float-left w260"> <label title="acctype" class="top0" for="selectedAccountType">Account Type</label> </div> <div class=" MarTop3 ie7MarTop0 helpDiv ">   <a name="help" class="lnk-help tooltips ie7Top4pxForce" href="#tip53"> <img title="" alt="help" src="//" class=""> </a> <span id="tip53" class="tips"> Please select the type of personal account you want to link to your AT&T; Access ID. Each personal account will be linked individually. After linking, you can access all of your linked accounts by logging in with your AT&T; Access ID.</span> </div> <div class=""> <select name="selectedAccountType" id="selectedAccountType" title="selectedAccountType" onkeyup="return accountTypeSelectionChange(this);" onchange="return accountTypeSelectionChange(this);"> <option value="">Select Account</option> <option value="wireless">Wireless</option> <option value="uverse">U-verse TV, Internet & Voice</option> <option value="wireline">Home Phone, Internet & Digital TV</option> </select> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="tipPad safariComp"> <div id="wireless" style="display: none;"> <div class=" right MarRight5 float-left w260"> <label title="wireless number" class="top0" for="selectedAccountId">Wireless Number</label> </div> <div class=" MarTop3 ie7MarTop0 helpDiv "> <a name="help" class="lnk-help tooltips ie7Top4pxForce" href="#tip54"><img title="" alt="help" src="//" class=""></a> <span id="tip54" class="tips">Please enter your personal wireless phone number to link your wireless account to your AT&T; Access ID.</span> </div> </div> <div id="wireline" style="display: none;"> <div class=" right MarRight5 float-left w260"> <label title="Wirelinephone" class="top0" for="selectedAccountId">Billing Account Number or Phone Number</label> </div> <div class=" MarTop3 ie7MarTop0 helpDiv "> <a name="help" class="lnk-help tooltips ie7Top4pxForce" href="#tip58"><img title="" alt="help" src="//" class=""></a> <span id="tip58" class="tips">Please enter your phone or internet billing account number or your billing telephone number to link your account to your AT&T; Access ID.</span> </div> </div> <div id="uverse" style="display: none;"> <div class=" right MarRight5 float-left w260"> <label title="UverseAcc" class="top0" for="selectedAccountId">Billing Account Number or AT&T; Email Address</label> </div> <div class=" MarTop3 ie7MarTop0 helpDiv "> <a name="help" class="lnk-help tooltips ie7Top4pxForce" href="#tip56"><img title="" alt="help" src="//" class=""></a> <span id="tip56" class="tips">Please enter the U-verse billing account number or AT&T; email address to link this account to your AT&T; Access ID.</span> </div> </div> <div id="inputText" class="float-left MarRight10 botMar15" style="display: none;"> <input type="text" name="selectedAccountId" size="25" maxlength="50" value="" id="selectedAccountId" class="text" title="selectedAccountId" onblur="stripCharacters(this);" autocomplete="off"/> </div> <div class="float-left w150" id="wirelessExample" style="display: none;"><label class="normalFont italicFont">Example: 212-555-2255</label></div> <div class="float-left w150" id="uverseExample" style="display: none;"><label class="normalFont italicFont ">Example: 1234567890 or</label></div> <div id="wirelineExample" style="display: none;" class="float-left w150"><label title="eg" class="normalFont italicFont">Example: 212-555-2255 or 212-555-2255 123</label></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div id="acctZip" style="display: none;" class="tipPad safariComp botMar15"> <div class=" right MarRight5 float-left w260"> <label title="zipCode" class="top0" for="uverseZip">Billing Zip Code</label> </div> <div class=" MarTop3 ie7MarTop0 helpDiv "> <a name="help" class="lnk-help tooltips ie7Top4pxForce" href="#tip57"><img title="" alt="help" src="//" class=""></a> <span id="tip57" class="tips">This is the ZIP Code shown on your bill each month.</span> </div> <div class="float-left w320"> <input type="text" name="zipCode" size="15" maxlength="5" value="" id="zipCode" class="text" title="zip code" autocomplete="off"/> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section-divider"> <!-- BUTTONS --> <div class="btn MarTop15 botMar0"> <div class="btnLt"> <a href="#" class="textLink" title="" onclick="clickedCancel();return false;">Cancel</a></span> </div> <div class="btnRt" id="mynext"> <div id="divForNext"> <!-- <a id="enbNextBtn" href="#" style="display: none" title="" onclick="verifySelectAccount();return false;"><img src="/olam/English/brand30/bt/btnNext.png" alt="" /></a> --> <input type="image" id="enbNextBtn" src="/web/20130401080932im_/" alt="Next"/> <span id="dsbNextBtn" style="display: none;"><img src="/web/20130401080932im_/" alt=""/></span> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> onEnterFunction="next"; </script> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- /BUTTONS --> </div> </form> </div> <!-- end box div --> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="note box"> <p> Note: If you are linking your account so that you can view <strong>DSL or Dial Internet</strong> billing information, please select "Home Phone, Internet, & Digital TV" as the account type. If you have already created an online Home Phone account, please provide the Username associated with that account on the screens that follow. </p> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- Secondary Content --> <div id="secondary-content" class=""> <div class="box steps"> <div class="row-seam current"> <h4 class="step1">Select Account</h4> </div> <div class="row-seam "> <h4 class="step2">Create ID and Password</h4> </div> <div class="row-seam last"> <h4 class="step3">Confirmation</h4> </div> </div> <!-- BCC Page Name slidReg2SelectAccount --> <!-- accordion AccountLogin/Accordion --> <!-- No Result --> <!-- RHC Flag = true --> <!-- RHC AccountLogin/RightHandCallouts --> <!-- SlotPageName [/olam/jsp/tiles/common_includes/atg/callout.jsp]--> <!-- Callout AccountLogin/RightHandCallouts --> <!-- No Result --> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- /Secondary Content --> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!--/CONTENT --> <!-- PRE FOOTER --> <div id="preFooter" class=""> <!-- Begin LP Custom Variables--> <script type="Text/javascript"> lpMTagConfig.vars.push(['session','sessionId','lLw7RZQY2cY83RGfhhYr8MXxx8xnrlbvSCQtFS1ylTJJQK2DRGfT']); lpMTagConfig.vars.push(['session','stack','woammw11']); lpMTagConfig.vars.push(['session','upgradeEligibilityFlag','']); lpMTagConfig.vars.push(['page','Category','']);//Pass the secondary navigation category of the site the visitor is currently on lpMTagConfig.vars.push(['page','PhoneDevice','']);//Pass the phone device name for current account visitor is currently on (Not for the Support Module Tech Chat Landing page) lpMTagConfig.vars.push(['page','PageName','slidReg2SelectAccount']);//Pass the page name for the page visitor is currently on lpMTagConfig.vars.push(['page','FeatureConversionStage','']);//Pass the pagenames that make up the Feature Conversion Process lpMTagConfig.vars.push(['page','Feature_OrderTotal','']);//Pass the Monthly RMR of the total for features added to the account visitor is currently on lpMTagConfig.vars.push(['page','CustomerType','']);//Pass the secondary navigation category of the site the visitor is currently on lpMTagConfig.vars.push(["page","unit","sso"]); lpMTagConfig.vars.push(["page","Section","registration"]); lpMTagConfig.vars.push(["session","language","english"]); </script> <noscript><p>Script section containing code for Liveperson Chat Solution</p></noscript> <!--Immediate Data Submission function--> <!--<input type=button value="Immediate Data Submission" onClick="javascript:lpSendData('<Scope:page/session/visitor>','<Variable Name>','<Variable Value>');">--> <!-- End LP Custom Variables--> <!-- CE PRE FOOTER --> <p> <a class="" title="Contract (Wireless)" href="" target="_blank">Contract (Wireless)</a> | <a class="" title="Cell Phone Records Security" href="" target="_blank">Cell Phone Records Security</a> | <a class="" title="Wireless Legal Site" href="" target="_blank" target="_blank">Wireless Legal Site</a> </p> <!-- /CE PRE FOOTER --> </div> <!-- /PRE FOOTER--> </div> <div class="bg-gr-bottom-shadow"></div> </div> <!-- /MAIN CONTAINER --> <!--FOOTER--> <div id="footer"> <!-- Added check to hide or not display the footer section on the page if user is coming through WG env --> <!-- Moved include from CEPreFooter.jsp to CEFooter.jsp for WUP00491571 --> <!-- Start: Changes for cltAPPCookie --> <!-- Start modifying the code for CLT APP cookie AJAX call --> <!-- End modifying the code for CLT APP cookie AJAX call --> <!-- Page Event ID|Screen Name = [P_REGS_LINK_ACCNT_SELECT|Registration Link Account Selection Pg] --> <!--CE FOOTER --> <div class="group"> <div class="w346 left dotSites padBot30"> <span class="dotCom"> <a href=""> <img src="//" width="133px" height="24px" alt="Shop, Service, Support."/> </a> </span> <span class="dotNet"> <a href=""> <img src="//" width="173px" height="21px" alt="E-mail - News - Weather & More"/></a> </span> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="left"> <p class="separator botMar0"> <a class="begin" title="Privacy Policy" href="">Privacy Policy</a> <a title="Careers" href="">Careers</a> <a title="Contact Us" href="">Contact Us</a> <a title="Terms of Use" href="">Terms of Use</a> <a title="Site Map" href="">Site Map</a> <a title="Accessibility " href="">Accessibility </a> <a title="Wireless Emergency Alerts" href="">Wireless Emergency Alerts</a> <a title="Advertising Choices" href="">Advertising Choices</a> <a title="Broadband Information" href="" class="end">Broadband Information</a> <br class="clear"/> </p> <p class="copyright"><a href="">© 2013 AT&T Intellectual Property</a>. 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