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href="/output/census/1931/1931_user_guide.pdf">1931 Census User Guide (pdf, 233.0 KB)</a></dt> <dd>Detailed information about methodology, geographies, definitions, and individual datasets.</dd> <dt><a href="/output/census/1931/1931_General_Report.pdf">1931 General Report (pdf, 190.0 MB)</a></dt> <dd>Information on the 1931 Census enumeration processes.</dd> <dt><a href="/output/census/1931/1931_metadata.xlsx">Geography and Classifications Metadata (xlsx, 4.6 MB)</a></dt> <dd>Code lists and lookups for 1931 geographies, and industry and occupational classifications.</dd> <dt><a href="">Digital Boundaries (external link)</a></dt> <dd>1931 local authority and higher digital boundaries are available on the open geography portal.</dd> </dl> <h2>Contacts</h2> <p>Send help requests and feedback to:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> </div> <p>This data represents digitised versions of tables from the 1931 Census county and topic reports. These datasets are being published as part of an ongoing project to digitise census data previously only available in print.</p> <p>At present the data is available at a district level and above. Lower levels of geography will be included in further releases.</p> <p><b>County Reports:</b> Contain statistics for each county on a number of different subjects. Tables of this type include 'CR' in their table reference.</p> <p><b>Topic Reports:</b> Contain statistics on certain subjects, such as industry and workplace, for England and Wales as a whole.</p> <p><b>Terminology:</b> The information is presented using the language and terminology used in the original reports. No attempt is made to update or modernise the text.</p> <p><b>Formatting:</b> These tables are presented in a format which has been designed to be the most accessible and usable to a modern audience. As such they may not be in the same format as originally printed and the presentation will differ from the tables seen in the original county and topic reports.</p> <p><b>Corrections:</b> During processing of the digitised data, some errors were identified in the original printed versions. Where possible these have been corrected. This means that some of the values presented here will be different to the original printed versions.</p> <!-- <dl id="main-methods-of-census-selection"> <dt><a href="/census/1931/data_finder">Table Finder</a></dt> <dd>To identify tables by topic, we recommend you start with the table finder. 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