AmiGO 2: Term Details for "positive regulation of developmental process" (GO:0051094)

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<dd>GO:0051094</dd> <dt>Name</dt> <dd>positive regulation of developmental process</dd> <dt>Ontology</dt> <dd>biological_process</dd> <!-- <dt>ID Space</dt> --> <!-- <dd>GO</dd> --> <!-- Synonyms --> <dt>Synonyms</dt> <dd id="syn-collapse-syn" class="syn-collapsible">up regulation of developmental process, up-regulation of developmental process, upregulation of developmental process, activation of developmental process, stimulation of developmental process</dd> <!-- Alternate IDs --> <dt>Alternate IDs</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Definition --> <dt>Definition</dt> <dd>Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of development, the biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an organism over time from an initial condition (e.g. a zygote, or a young adult) to a later condition (e.g. a multicellular animal or an aged adult). <em>Source:</em> <cite>GOC:ai</cite> </dd> <!-- Comment. --> <dt>Comment</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Optional GO history. --> <dt>History</dt> <dd>See term <a href="" title="See term history.">history for GO:0051094</a> at QuickGO</dd> <!-- Taxon constraints. --> <!-- <dt>Taxon info</dt> --> <!-- --> <!-- <dd>None</dd> --> <!-- --> <!-- Chemical reaction participants. --> <dt>Chem. react.</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Subsets --> <dt>Subset</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- JS dynamic links created by manager. --> <dt id="prob_related" class="hidden">Related</dt> <dd id="prob_bio" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_bio_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all <strong>genes and gene products</strong> annotated to positive regulation of developmental process (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <dd id="prob_ann" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_ann_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all direct and indirect <strong>annotations</strong> to positive regulation of developmental process (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <dd id="prob_ann_dl" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_ann_dl_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all direct and indirect <strong>annotations download</strong> (limited to first 10,000) for positive regulation of developmental process (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <!-- <\!-- -\-> --> <!-- <dt>Feedback</dt> --> <!-- <dd> --> <!-- Contact the --> <!-- <a href="" title="GO Helpdesk.">GO Helpdesk</a> --> <!-- if you find mistakes or have concerns --> <!-- about the data you find here. --> <!-- </dd> --> </dl> <div> <a href="/amigo/term/GO:0051094?relation=regulates" class="btn btn-primary"> Include "regulates"</a> <br />For more information, please see the <a href="">ontology relation documentation</a>. </div> </div> </div> <!-- END template: term_details_main.tmpl --> <!-- Hrm... --> <!-- Display tabbing. --> <ul id="display-tabs" class="nav nav-tabs"> <!-- NOTE: As of RC3, "active" did not work, so still tabbed from JS. --> <!-- <li class="active"> --> <li> <a href="#display-associations-tab" 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<h4>Term lineage for positive regulation of developmental process, including inferred links:</h4> --> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564132908dd8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 0--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred is_a relation]" title="Inferred is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to biological_process">GO:0008150&nbsp;biological_process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0aa8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 1--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[Inferred is_a relation]" title="Inferred is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to biological regulation">GO:0065007&nbsp;biological regulation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133351860)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 2--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[Inferred related_to relation]" title="Inferred related_to relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to developmental process">GO:0032502&nbsp;developmental process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133351a10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 2--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[Inferred is_a relation]" title="Inferred is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to regulation of biological process">GO:0050789&nbsp;regulation of biological process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413334ea20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of biological process">GO:0048518&nbsp;positive regulation of biological process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641333a3f30)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to regulation of developmental process">GO:0050793&nbsp;regulation of developmental process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413337ddb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 4--> <!-- override_image => <!-- override_title = Current term--> <!-- override_link = 1--> <!-- override_bold = 1--> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[Current term]" title="Current term" /> <span style="font-weight: bold;">GO:0051094&nbsp;positive regulation of developmental process</span> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484c78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of adipose tissue development">GO:1904179&nbsp;positive regulation of adipose tissue development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133478440)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of age-related resistance">GO:1904250&nbsp;positive regulation of age-related resistance</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334889b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of aggregation involved in sorocarp development">GO:0110013&nbsp;positive regulation of aggregation involved in sorocarp development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348cd48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of animal organ morphogenesis">GO:0110110&nbsp;positive regulation of animal organ morphogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133478b00)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of anterior head development">GO:2000744&nbsp;positive regulation of anterior head development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484f48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of apical ectodermal ridge formation">GO:1905142&nbsp;positive regulation of apical ectodermal ridge formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488eb0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development">GO:1904747&nbsp;positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484e10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of appressorium formation">GO:0075018&nbsp;positive regulation of appressorium formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413347d8d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of artery morphogenesis">GO:1905653&nbsp;positive regulation of artery morphogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133481020)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of basement membrane assembly involved in embryonic body morphogenesis">GO:1904261&nbsp;positive regulation of basement membrane assembly involved in embryonic body morphogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0820)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of biomineral tissue development">GO:0070169&nbsp;positive regulation of biomineral tissue development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133475a48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of blood microparticle formation">GO:2000334&nbsp;positive regulation of blood microparticle formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488e20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of bone development">GO:1903012&nbsp;positive regulation of bone development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413347d458)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of bone trabecula formation">GO:1900156&nbsp;positive regulation of bone trabecula formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413347d698)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve">GO:1905492&nbsp;positive regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334886e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cardiac chamber morphogenesis">GO:1901221&nbsp;positive regulation of cardiac chamber morphogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133478680)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cardiac myofibril assembly">GO:1905306&nbsp;positive regulation of cardiac myofibril assembly</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485680)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cardiac ventricle development">GO:1904414&nbsp;positive regulation of cardiac ventricle development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484d08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cartilage development">GO:0061036&nbsp;positive regulation of cartilage development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484db0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cell differentiation">GO:0045597&nbsp;positive regulation of cell differentiation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348cdf0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cell fate determination">GO:1905935&nbsp;positive regulation of cell fate determination</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348cef8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of chitin-based cuticle tanning">GO:0045801&nbsp;positive regulation of chitin-based cuticle tanning</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413347d218)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cuticle pigmentation">GO:0048081&nbsp;positive regulation of cuticle pigmentation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334887f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of dauer entry">GO:1905911&nbsp;positive regulation of dauer entry</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488640)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of dendrite development">GO:1900006&nbsp;positive regulation of dendrite development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348cb80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of dendritic spine development">GO:0060999&nbsp;positive regulation of dendritic spine development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133475c88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of determination of dorsal identity">GO:2000017&nbsp;positive regulation of determination of dorsal identity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413347cfd8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of developmental growth">GO:0048639&nbsp;positive regulation of developmental growth</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334885b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of ectoderm development">GO:2000385&nbsp;positive regulation of ectoderm development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488f58)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of embryonic camera-type eye development">GO:1902865&nbsp;positive regulation of embryonic camera-type eye development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488880)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of embryonic development">GO:0040019&nbsp;positive regulation of embryonic development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0940)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of embryonic skeletal joint development">GO:1902764&nbsp;positive regulation of embryonic skeletal joint development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484b40)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of entry into reproductive diapause">GO:0061965&nbsp;positive regulation of entry into reproductive diapause</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0700)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of epidermis development">GO:0045684&nbsp;positive regulation of epidermis development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488748)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development">GO:0060769&nbsp;positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488910)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of female pigmentation">GO:0048091&nbsp;positive regulation of female pigmentation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0790)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation">GO:2000315&nbsp;positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334881a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of floral organ abscission">GO:0060861&nbsp;positive regulation of floral organ abscission</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0280)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of formation of symbiont germ tube hook structure for appressorium development">GO:0075031&nbsp;positive regulation of formation of symbiont germ tube hook structure for appressorium development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348d0c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of germ tube formation">GO:0075011&nbsp;positive regulation of germ tube formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413347db18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of germinal center formation">GO:0002636&nbsp;positive regulation of germinal center formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0550)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of gonad development">GO:1905941&nbsp;positive regulation of gonad development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334852a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of hair follicle development">GO:0051798&nbsp;positive regulation of hair follicle development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488148)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of hair placode formation">GO:0061169&nbsp;positive regulation of hair placode formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348d018)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of haustorium mother cell formation">GO:0075194&nbsp;positive regulation of haustorium mother cell formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c03a0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of hyphopodium formation">GO:0075189&nbsp;positive regulation of hyphopodium formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348ccb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of imaginal disc-derived leg joint morphogenesis">GO:0110138&nbsp;positive regulation of imaginal disc-derived leg joint morphogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348cf88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of infection cushion formation">GO:0075185&nbsp;positive regulation of infection cushion formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488b50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of isotype switching">GO:0045830&nbsp;positive regulation of isotype switching</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484ae0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of kidney development">GO:0090184&nbsp;positive regulation of kidney development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c6198)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of lactation">GO:1903489&nbsp;positive regulation of lactation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c04c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of lamellipodium morphogenesis">GO:2000394&nbsp;positive regulation of lamellipodium morphogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488250)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of leaf development">GO:1905623&nbsp;positive regulation of leaf development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133478f80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of leaf senescence">GO:1900057&nbsp;positive regulation of leaf senescence</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334791c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of lung alveolus development">GO:1904655&nbsp;positive regulation of lung alveolus development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348c9e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of lymphangiogenesis">GO:1901492&nbsp;positive regulation of lymphangiogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133478d40)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of male pigmentation">GO:0048093&nbsp;positive regulation of male pigmentation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485188)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation">GO:0033601&nbsp;positive regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133481218)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mammary placode formation by mesenchymal-epithelial signaling">GO:0060617&nbsp;positive regulation of mammary placode formation by mesenchymal-epithelial signaling</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348ca78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mammary stem cell proliferation">GO:2000103&nbsp;positive regulation of mammary stem cell proliferation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485080)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mating projection assembly">GO:1902917&nbsp;positive regulation of mating projection assembly</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485848)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mating type switching">GO:0031496&nbsp;positive regulation of mating type switching</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488478)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development">GO:2000792&nbsp;positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c08b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development">GO:2000729&nbsp;positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484fd8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mesoderm development">GO:2000382&nbsp;positive regulation of mesoderm development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0af0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development">GO:2001076&nbsp;positive regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488be0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mitochondrial fission">GO:0090141&nbsp;positive regulation of mitochondrial fission</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488ac0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mitochondrial fusion">GO:0010636&nbsp;positive regulation of mitochondrial fusion</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348ce50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of morphogenesis of an epithelium">GO:1905332&nbsp;positive regulation of morphogenesis of an epithelium</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485728)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of muscle organ development">GO:0048636&nbsp;positive regulation of muscle organ development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334857b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of muscle tissue development">GO:1901863&nbsp;positive regulation of muscle tissue development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c05e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of myotome development">GO:2000287&nbsp;positive regulation of myotome development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133480de0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of nematode male tail tip morphogenesis">GO:0110039&nbsp;positive regulation of nematode male tail tip morphogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485620)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of nervous system development">GO:0051962&nbsp;positive regulation of nervous system development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348cb20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of neuron projection arborization">GO:0150012&nbsp;positive regulation of neuron projection arborization</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334850e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of neuron projection regeneration">GO:0070572&nbsp;positive regulation of neuron projection regeneration</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0a60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of optic nerve formation">GO:2000597&nbsp;positive regulation of optic nerve formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485578)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of ovarian follicle development">GO:2000386&nbsp;positive regulation of ovarian follicle development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484eb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of penetration hypha formation">GO:0075203&nbsp;positive regulation of penetration hypha formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413347dd58)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of penetration peg formation">GO:0075055&nbsp;positive regulation of penetration peg formation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488fb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of placenta blood vessel development">GO:0110080&nbsp;positive regulation of placenta blood vessel development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485458)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of plant organ morphogenesis">GO:1905423&nbsp;positive regulation of plant organ morphogenesis</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485218)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of post-embryonic development">GO:0048582&nbsp;positive regulation of post-embryonic development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484be8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of retina development in camera-type eye">GO:1902868&nbsp;positive regulation of retina development in camera-type eye</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0430)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death">GO:0046670&nbsp;positive regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133485350)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of salivary gland boundary specification">GO:0045706&nbsp;positive regulation of salivary gland boundary specification</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0310)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of sclerotium development">GO:1901924&nbsp;positive regulation of sclerotium development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488c88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of sclerotome development">GO:0061189&nbsp;positive regulation of sclerotome development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488ce8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of seed dormancy process">GO:1902040&nbsp;positive regulation of seed dormancy process</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334853b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of seed maturation">GO:2000693&nbsp;positive regulation of seed maturation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334788c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of shoot apical meristem development">GO:1902185&nbsp;positive regulation of shoot apical meristem development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c0670)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of somatic muscle development">GO:0062224&nbsp;positive regulation of somatic muscle development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488520)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of spore germination">GO:1904361&nbsp;positive regulation of spore germination</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488418)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of spore-bearing organ development">GO:0075261&nbsp;positive regulation of spore-bearing organ development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641328fd618)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of sporulation">GO:0043938&nbsp;positive regulation of sporulation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x56413348cc28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of stem cell population maintenance">GO:1902459&nbsp;positive regulation of stem cell population maintenance</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133489060)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of symbiont haustorium neck formation for entry into host">GO:0075199&nbsp;positive regulation of symbiont haustorium neck formation for entry into host</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334882e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of synapse maturation">GO:0090129&nbsp;positive regulation of synapse maturation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133484a38)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion">GO:0060143&nbsp;positive regulation of syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334c09d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of thyroid gland epithelial cell proliferation">GO:1904443&nbsp;positive regulation of thyroid gland epithelial cell proliferation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488a18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of trophoblast cell migration">GO:1901165&nbsp;positive regulation of trophoblast cell migration</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5641334854e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation">GO:1905176&nbsp;positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488d90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of vasculature development">GO:1904018&nbsp;positive regulation of vasculature development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x564133488370)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of vulval development">GO:0040026&nbsp;positive regulation of vulval development</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> </ul> <!-- END template: term_details_lineage.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="display-sentences-tab" class="tab-pane"> <div class="panel panel-default amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_sentences.tmpl --> <h5 class="text-center"> Parents of positive regulation of developmental process (GO:0051094) </h5> <table id="all-table-above" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <!-- START template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 42%">subject<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by subject" alt="[Reorder by subject]" /></th> <th style="width: 16%">relation<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by relation" alt="[Reorder by relation]" /></th> <th style="width: 42%">object<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by object" alt="[Reorder by object]" /></th> </tr> </thead> <!-- END template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <tbody> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x564132901d98) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 0 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = object --> <tr class=""> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> <a href="" title="Go to regulation of developmental process">regulation of developmental process (GO:0050793)</a> </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x564133351da0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 1 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = object --> <tr class=""> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002213 relation]" title="RO:0002213 relation" />&nbsp;RO:0002213&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> <a href="" title="Go to developmental process">developmental process (GO:0032502)</a> </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413347d6f8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 2 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = object --> <tr class=""> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of biological process">positive regulation of biological process (GO:0048518)</a> </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="text-center"> Children of positive regulation of developmental process (GO:0051094) </h5> <table id="all-table-below" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <!-- START template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 42%">subject<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by subject" alt="[Reorder by subject]" /></th> <th style="width: 16%">relation<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by relation" alt="[Reorder by relation]" /></th> <th style="width: 42%">object<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by object" alt="[Reorder by object]" /></th> </tr> </thead> <!-- END template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x56413337db48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 3 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation">positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell dedifferentiation (GO:1905176)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641333a3390) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 4 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of ovarian follicle development">positive regulation of ovarian follicle development (GO:2000386)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x56413336c958) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 5 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of muscle organ development">positive regulation of muscle organ development (GO:0048636)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x564132901fa8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 6 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of muscle tissue development">positive regulation of muscle tissue development (GO:1901863)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x564132901e88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 7 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cardiac ventricle development">positive regulation of cardiac ventricle development (GO:1904414)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641333a3e70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 8 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of nervous system development">positive regulation of nervous system development (GO:0051962)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x564132908ac0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 9 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of floral organ abscission">positive regulation of floral organ abscission (GO:0060861)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x564133475c28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 10 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mating type switching">positive regulation of mating type switching (GO:0031496)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x56413347dab8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 11 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of hair placode formation">positive regulation of hair placode formation (GO:0061169)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c04d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 12 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of leaf development">positive regulation of leaf development (GO:1905623)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x564133475ce8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 13 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of synapse maturation">positive regulation of synapse maturation (GO:0090129)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x56413348d0d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 14 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development">positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development (GO:2000792)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c0958) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 15 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of spore-bearing organ development">positive regulation of spore-bearing organ development (GO:0075261)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c62a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 16 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of vulval development">positive regulation of vulval development (GO:0040026)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6330) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 17 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of kidney development">positive regulation of kidney development (GO:0090184)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c63c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 18 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion">positive regulation of syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion (GO:0060143)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6450) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 19 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of sporulation">positive regulation of sporulation (GO:0043938)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c64e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 20 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of adipose tissue development">positive regulation of adipose tissue development (GO:1904179)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6570) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 21 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of retina development in camera-type eye">positive regulation of retina development in camera-type eye (GO:1902868)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6600) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 22 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of entry into reproductive diapause">positive regulation of entry into reproductive diapause (GO:0061965)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6690) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 23 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mesoderm development">positive regulation of mesoderm development (GO:2000382)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6720) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 24 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of apical ectodermal ridge formation">positive regulation of apical ectodermal ridge formation (GO:1905142)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c67b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 25 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of penetration hypha formation">positive regulation of penetration hypha formation (GO:0075203)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6840) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 26 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cell differentiation">positive regulation of cell differentiation (GO:0045597)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c68d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 27 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cartilage development">positive regulation of cartilage development (GO:0061036)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6960) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 28 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of appressorium formation">positive regulation of appressorium formation (GO:0075018)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c69f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 29 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of post-embryonic development">positive regulation of post-embryonic development (GO:0048582)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6a80) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 30 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of neuron projection regeneration">positive regulation of neuron projection regeneration (GO:0070572)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6b10) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 31 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation">positive regulation of mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation (GO:0033601)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6ba0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 32 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mating projection assembly">positive regulation of mating projection assembly (GO:1902917)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6c30) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 33 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of hair follicle development">positive regulation of hair follicle development (GO:0051798)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6cc0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 34 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of plant organ morphogenesis">positive regulation of plant organ morphogenesis (GO:1905423)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6d50) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 35 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of salivary gland boundary specification">positive regulation of salivary gland boundary specification (GO:0045706)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6de0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 36 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of seed maturation">positive regulation of seed maturation (GO:2000693)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6e70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 37 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of trophoblast cell migration">positive regulation of trophoblast cell migration (GO:1901165)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6f00) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 38 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of aggregation involved in sorocarp development">positive regulation of aggregation involved in sorocarp development (GO:0110013)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c6f90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 39 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mitochondrial fission">positive regulation of mitochondrial fission (GO:0090141)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c7020) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 40 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of isotype switching">positive regulation of isotype switching (GO:0045830)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334c70b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 41 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mitochondrial fusion">positive regulation of mitochondrial fusion (GO:0010636)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334ccef8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 42 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of sclerotome development">positive regulation of sclerotome development (GO:0061189)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334ccf88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 43 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of vasculature development">positive regulation of vasculature development (GO:1904018)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd018) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 44 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of bone development">positive regulation of bone development (GO:1903012)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd0a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 45 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of seed dormancy process">positive regulation of seed dormancy process (GO:1902040)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd138) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 46 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development">positive regulation of apoptotic process involved in development (GO:1904747)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd1c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 47 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of embryonic camera-type eye development">positive regulation of embryonic camera-type eye development (GO:1902865)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd258) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 48 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of symbiont haustorium neck formation for entry into host">positive regulation of symbiont haustorium neck formation for entry into host (GO:0075199)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd2e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 49 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of placenta blood vessel development">positive regulation of placenta blood vessel development (GO:0110080)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd378) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 50 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of spore germination">positive regulation of spore germination (GO:1904361)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd408) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 51 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of ectoderm development">positive regulation of ectoderm development (GO:2000385)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd498) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 52 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cardiac chamber morphogenesis">positive regulation of cardiac chamber morphogenesis (GO:1901221)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd528) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 53 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of dendrite development">positive regulation of dendrite development (GO:1900006)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd5b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 54 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of dauer entry">positive regulation of dauer entry (GO:1905911)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd648) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 55 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development">positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development (GO:0060769)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd6d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 56 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of embryonic development">positive regulation of embryonic development (GO:0040019)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd768) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 57 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of female pigmentation">positive regulation of female pigmentation (GO:0048091)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd7f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 58 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of haustorium mother cell formation">positive regulation of haustorium mother cell formation (GO:0075194)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd888) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 59 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of germ tube formation">positive regulation of germ tube formation (GO:0075011)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd918) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 60 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of determination of dorsal identity">positive regulation of determination of dorsal identity (GO:2000017)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cd9a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 61 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of blood microparticle formation">positive regulation of blood microparticle formation (GO:2000334)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cda38) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 62 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cardiac myofibril assembly">positive regulation of cardiac myofibril assembly (GO:1905306)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cdac8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 63 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of shoot apical meristem development">positive regulation of shoot apical meristem development (GO:1902185)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cdb58) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 64 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of age-related resistance">positive regulation of age-related resistance (GO:1904250)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cdbe8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 65 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of anterior head development">positive regulation of anterior head development (GO:2000744)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cdc78) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 66 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of male pigmentation">positive regulation of male pigmentation (GO:0048093)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cdd08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 67 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of lung alveolus development">positive regulation of lung alveolus development (GO:1904655)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cdd98) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 68 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of leaf senescence">positive regulation of leaf senescence (GO:1900057)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cde28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 69 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of lymphangiogenesis">positive regulation of lymphangiogenesis (GO:1901492)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf3e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 70 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mammary stem cell proliferation">positive regulation of mammary stem cell proliferation (GO:2000103)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf470) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 71 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of neuron projection arborization">positive regulation of neuron projection arborization (GO:0150012)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf500) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 72 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of stem cell population maintenance">positive regulation of stem cell population maintenance (GO:1902459)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf590) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 73 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of dendritic spine development">positive regulation of dendritic spine development (GO:0060999)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf620) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 74 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cell fate determination">positive regulation of cell fate determination (GO:1905935)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf6b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 75 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of animal organ morphogenesis">positive regulation of animal organ morphogenesis (GO:0110110)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf740) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 76 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of imaginal disc-derived leg joint morphogenesis">positive regulation of imaginal disc-derived leg joint morphogenesis (GO:0110138)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf7d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 77 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of morphogenesis of an epithelium">positive regulation of morphogenesis of an epithelium (GO:1905332)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf860) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 78 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of chitin-based cuticle tanning">positive regulation of chitin-based cuticle tanning (GO:0045801)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf8f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 79 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of infection cushion formation">positive regulation of infection cushion formation (GO:0075185)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cf980) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 80 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of hyphopodium formation">positive regulation of hyphopodium formation (GO:0075189)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cfa10) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 81 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of sclerotium development">positive regulation of sclerotium development (GO:1901924)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cfaa0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 82 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of gonad development">positive regulation of gonad development (GO:1905941)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cfb30) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 83 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of lamellipodium morphogenesis">positive regulation of lamellipodium morphogenesis (GO:2000394)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cfbc0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 84 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death">positive regulation of retinal cell programmed cell death (GO:0046670)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cfc50) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 85 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of somatic muscle development">positive regulation of somatic muscle development (GO:0062224)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cfce0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 86 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of myotome development">positive regulation of myotome development (GO:2000287)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cfd70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 87 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation">positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in neural plate anterior/posterior pattern formation (GO:2000315)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cfe00) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 88 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of epidermis development">positive regulation of epidermis development (GO:0045684)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cfe90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 89 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development">positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development (GO:2000729)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cff20) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 90 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of embryonic skeletal joint development">positive regulation of embryonic skeletal joint development (GO:1902764)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334cffb0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 91 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of thyroid gland epithelial cell proliferation">positive regulation of thyroid gland epithelial cell proliferation (GO:1904443)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d0040) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 92 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of biomineral tissue development">positive regulation of biomineral tissue development (GO:0070169)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d00d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 93 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of lactation">positive regulation of lactation (GO:1903489)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d0160) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 94 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of optic nerve formation">positive regulation of optic nerve formation (GO:2000597)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d01f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 95 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development">positive regulation of metanephric ureteric bud development (GO:2001076)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d0280) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 96 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of bone trabecula formation">positive regulation of bone trabecula formation (GO:1900156)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d0310) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 97 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of cuticle pigmentation">positive regulation of cuticle pigmentation (GO:0048081)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d2908) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 98 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of developmental growth">positive regulation of developmental growth (GO:0048639)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d2998) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 99 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of germinal center formation">positive regulation of germinal center formation (GO:0002636)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d2a28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 100 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of artery morphogenesis">positive regulation of artery morphogenesis (GO:1905653)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d2ab8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 101 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve">positive regulation of branching morphogenesis of a nerve (GO:1905492)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d2b48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 102 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of nematode male tail tip morphogenesis">positive regulation of nematode male tail tip morphogenesis (GO:0110039)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d2bd8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 103 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of penetration peg formation">positive regulation of penetration peg formation (GO:0075055)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d2c68) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 104 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of mammary placode formation by mesenchymal-epithelial signaling">positive regulation of mammary placode formation by mesenchymal-epithelial signaling (GO:0060617)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d2cf8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 105 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of basement membrane assembly involved in embryonic body morphogenesis">positive regulation of basement membrane assembly involved in embryonic body morphogenesis (GO:1904261)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5641334d2d88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x56413337ddb8) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 106 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to positive regulation of formation of symbiont germ tube hook structure for appressorium development">positive regulation of formation of symbiont germ tube hook structure for appressorium development (GO:0075031)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" />&nbsp;is_a&nbsp; </span> </td> <td> positive regulation of developmental process </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <tbody> </tbody> </table> <!-- END template: term_details_sentences.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="display-xref-tab" class="tab-pane"> <div class="panel panel-default amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_xrefs.tmpl --> <h5>None.</h5> <!-- END template: term_details_xrefs.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END 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