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We are interested in identifying and interviewing candidates with experience and expertise that will contribute to advancing our mission to provide everyone with access to information resources and educational opportunities.</p> <hr/> <h2> <span class="mt-0 font-weight-semi-bold">Head of Collections and Resource </span> </h2> <p>Are you interested in managing a $9.5M collections portfolio and resource description services? The Collections and Scholarly Communication Division at the J. Willard Marriott Library seeks a process-oriented, customer-focused, analytical, and fiscally responsible individual to lead the Collections and Resource Description unit. The Head of Collections & Resource Description manages the library’s vast portfolio of information resources. This position collaborates across the Libraries and with content providers and stakeholders to acquire, manage, describe, and ensure access to information resources in supporting the teaching and research mission of the University of Utah. Additionally, the position provides administrative leadership for collection management for the Utah Academic Library Consortium (UALC). The UALC is a statewide consortium of public and private institutions across Utah engaged in cooperative resource purchasing and sharing. Additionally, the J. Willard Marriott Library participates as a member of the Center for Research Libraries and the Greater Western Library Alliance, a consortium of research libraries in the Western and Central United States. As the University embarks upon new strategic directions, this is an exciting time at the University of Utah.</p> <p> <br/>Relocation to the Salt Lake City, Utah area is required and will be financially supported by house hunting and moving allowances. This position is currently designed as a hybrid of on-campus and remote work. The telecommuting arrangement will be based on the position’s needs and authorized at the Associate Dean’s discretion.</p> <p> <a href="">Apply for Head of Collections and Resource Description</a> </p> <p> </p> <h2>Head of Teaching, Research, & Outreach for the Marriott Library</h2> <p>Are you interested in a leadership role that offers a unique opportunity to shape the future of teaching, research, and outreach? The J. Willard Marriott Library at the University of Utah seeks a Head of Teaching, Research, & Outreach to lead engagement with the academic programs serving 12 colleges and schools and related disciplinary and interdisciplinary programs across the University of Utah. The ideal candidate will be a pragmatic leader committed to building partnerships, enhancing academic and community engagement, and conducting needs assessments to understand the research, teaching, and learning needs to support the research enterprise and student success initiatives. Reporting to the Associate Dean for Collections & Scholarly Communication, the position provides leadership for teaching, academic and community engagement, collection building, research support, and student success. As a member of the Dean’s Cabinet, the position contributes to divisional and library-wide planning and assessment, and collaborates with peers internally and externally.</p> <p>Relocation to the Salt Lake City, Utah area is required and will be financially supported by house hunting and moving allowances. This position is currently designed as a hybrid of on-campus and local remote work. The telecommuting arrangement will be based on the position’s needs and authorized at the discretion of the Associate Dean for Collections & Scholarly Communication.</p> <p> <a href="">Apply for Head of Teaching, Research, & Outreach for the Marriott Library here</a> </p> <hr/> <h2 id="h_2408025093141650577674986"> <span class="font-weight-semi-bold">Benefited Staff Positions</span> </h2> <h4> </h4> <h4>Multimedia Archivist & Project Archivist</h4> <p> <br/>The J. Willard Marriott Library seeks to recruit two archivists to support the efforts of the University of Utah’s Special Collections: a permanent position in the Multimedia Archives to provide collection and reference support for oral histories and other collections of sounds and still and moving images, and a three-year term-limited Project Archivist to provide support for projects across the archives, including enhancing documentation for legacy collections and evaluating archives for digitization and access. The Library anticipates hiring both positions simultaneously; applicants may indicate their interest in being considered for one or both of these positions.</p> <p>The Marriott Library’s Special Collections Division is a major repository of the records of individuals, groups, and businesses across the city, state, and intermountain West. These archivists provide vital contributions to the work of identifying, preserving, and providing access to the voices and histories of individuals and communities throughout the region.</p> <p>This position is currently designed as a hybrid of on-campus and remote work. Specific telecommuting arrangements will be based on the needs of the position and authorized at the discretion of the supervisor.Apply for</p> <p> <a href="">Multimedia Archivist & Project Archivist here</a> </p> <h4>Rare Books Curator</h4> <p>he Rare Books Department at the J. Willard Marriott Library’s Special Collections division is seeking a motivated candidate to work as the new Assistant Curator of its dynamic collection of antiquarian volumes, historical objects, facsimiles, and contemporary artists’ books. The Rare Books Assistant Curator contributes to the Department’s educational and outreach activities, which include class instruction, exhibition installation, and community programs and events. The position is also responsible for expanding the accessibility of the collection, with careful attention to research requests from both on- and off-campus students, faculty, traveling researchers, and community members. In addition to managing these projects, the successful applicant will also assist in the development and execution of the policies, procedures, and daily operations of the Rare Books department. This includes training and supervising a team of part-time student employees. In this role, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to serve on library committees, present at conferences, collaborate on library-wide initiatives, and publish professional work related to the Rare Books collection.</p> <p>This position is required to work on campus full-time. Telecommuting will only be authorized for occasional/exceptional circumstances.</p> <p> <a href="">Apply for Rare Books Curator here</a> </p> <p> </p> <h4>Technical Support Analyst</h4> <p>Provides front-line primary technical support to end users on various technical issues and problems relating to hardware, software, and peripherals across multiple platforms, including macOS, iPadOS, and Windows operating systems. Also responsible for responding to, documenting, and resolving service tickets in a timely manner. Duties also include ordering, configuring, inventorying and deploying systems throughout the Library and external supported locations as well as providing IT support for emerging technologies.</p> <p>Must have excellent problem-solving skills in order to diagnose, evaluate and resolve complex problem situations, or when appropriate, escalate or route them to appropriate IT teams or staff members.</p> <p> <br/>The Support Analyst will also perform root cause analysis, resolve typical problems, and recommend procedures and controls for problem prevention. This position will support multiple platforms including desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and audio-visual equipment. This position may require independent work, sharing information across multiple departments, and assisting other IT professionals as well as staff and faculty with their work.</p> <p>This position is required to work on campus full-time. Telecommuting will only be authorized for occasional/exceptional circumstances.</p> <p> <a href="">Apply for Technical Support Analyst here </a> </p> <h4> </h4> <p> </p> <hr/> <h2> <span class="font-weight-semi-bold">Student Positions</span> </h2> <p> <strong> <em> <i class="fa-solid fa-circle-info"><!-- icon placeholder--></i> Please note: For the Marriott Library to be able to appropriately monitor hours worked, part-time employees are generally asked to restrict their work with the University of Utah to Library employment only, unless an exception is granted. Please contact Carson McCall for questions about this policy.</em> </strong> </p> <p> <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"> No data found. Please check back later. </div> </p> <hr/> <h2>Internships and Other Opportunities</h2> <p> <div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"> No data at the moment. 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