バートランド・ラッセル「国家の偉大さについて」(アメリカン・エッセイ) - Bertrand Russell のページ

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It does something important and not altogether easy to analyse. As a member of a nation which is beginning to lose the great position it has occupied during the last two centuries, I am acutely conscious of the change in individual mentality brought about by the change in political status. And in America, which I have known since 1896, the converse change is taking place, though it is still far from being completely accomplished. Let us try to see what these two opposite changes consist of.<BR>  There can be no doubt that national success is a stimulus to individual achievement. When the Athenians had beaten the Persians they built the Parthenon and produced Aeschylus. When the English had defeated the Spaniards they produced Shakespeare. The victories of Louis XIV were associated with the great age of French literature. Instances of this sort of thing could be multiplied indefinitely.<BR>  There is a kind of individual productivity which is seldom found except in connection with successful national effort. There are other kinds which have no such connection. Bach, Mozart and Beethoven had no national successes to stimulate their musical genius. Spinoza belonged to an oppressed race and to a nation in process of defeat. What is the difference between greatness which is individual and greatness dependent upon social causes ?<BR>  The most obvious example of achievement depending on public prosperity is architecture, for the simple reason that architecture is expensive. During the present century America has led the world in architecture because American architects have had opportunities denied to those of other nations. But the architecture, in turn, has reacted on the average man. The New Yorker, when he talks about the Empire State Building, has a sense of civic pride not always to be derived from his municipal government. The architect's success is, in some degree, the success of every citizen. If he has an argument with a foreigner, one of the causes of his self-confidence will be the fact that the foreigner has no skyscrapers to boast of. The present times have somewhat mitigated this attitude, but that will pass.<BR>  The effect of national success is greatest where the young are concerned. Remarkable achievement requires, in the individual, two conditions : first, ability, partly congenital and partly the result of education ; second, confidence in his own capacity to accomplish things not possible for the average man. It is this second condition that is influenced by political circumstances.<BR>  Some silly person started the notion that true genius is always modest. This is the opposite of the truth; a youth, even if he has capacity, will, if he is modest, be kept under by the mockery of parents and companions - for the pretensions of genius are considered laughable until they are verified.<BR>  The best hope for the young is that they should live in an atmosphere where everybody is thought capable of great deeds and where, consequently, their pretensions do not arouse the ridicule that springs from envy. In America, success in business, in the professions, in architecture (which is a business as well as an art) is regarded as a natural and worthy ambition in a young man. Mozart and Beethoven were born into families where success in music was regarded as natural. Such expectations on the part of surrounding adults have an immense influence on youthful ambition and do more than anything else to determine the general direction of national success. <BR>  The moral is : Expect of the young the very best of which they are capable, and you will get it. Expect less, and it is only too likely that you will get no more than you expect. </FONT></TD></TR> </TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH="35%" BORDER=5><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#EE82EE" NOWRAP><A HREF="AS-O-SEE.HTM">★4月の言葉</A></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#FFC78F" NOWRAP><A HREF="R6HOME.HTM">★格言集へ</A></TD></TR></TABLE> </CENTER> <hr> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="footA"> Portal Site for Russellian in Japan<br> Designed by Akiyoshi Matsushita<br> <a href="index.htm">* PC site: index.htm</a> </div> </div> </footer> </body> </html>

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