Awards and Recognition
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<li role="none"> <a href="" aria-label="AGCO PARTS" role="menuitem" target="_self"> <span>AGCO PARTS</span> </a> </li> <li role="none"> <a href="" aria-label="SERVICE & INFORMATION" role="menuitem" target="_self"> <span>SERVICE & INFORMATION</span> </a> </li> <li role="none"> <a href="" aria-label="INVESTORS" role="menuitem" target="_blank"> <span>INVESTORS</span> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header> <main class="container responsivegrid maincontent"> <div id="maincontent" class="cmp-container"> <main class="container responsivegrid has-hero"> <div id="container-531ebfcd80" class="cmp-container"> <div class="immersivelead"> <div class="immersive-lead immersive-lead__has-heading-logo "> <div class="immersive-lead__image"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 991px)" srcset="$agco-responsive$&wid=375 375w,$agco-responsive$&wid=576 576w,$agco-responsive$&wid=768 768w,$agco-responsive$&wid=992 992w,$agco-responsive$&wid=1200 1200w,$agco-responsive$&wid=1440 1440w"/> <img src="" alt="Electric Fendt"/> </picture> </div> <div class="immersive-lead__container"> <div class="immersive-lead__content"> <div class="immersive-lead__heading-logo"> <picture> <img class="cmp-image__image" id="78cc9a86-37c5-4b79-9db2-8b7f91dca9dc" src="" alt="Fendt award-winning electric e107 V Vario tractor" title="transparent_logo_1x1.png" width="1" height="1"/> </picture> </div> <div class="heading title immersive-lead__title"> <div class="cmp-heading"> <h1 class="immersive-lead__title">Awards & Recognition</h1> </div> </div> <div class="immersive-lead__description"> <p>We are honored to receive awards, but our main reward is helping farmers sustainably feed the world.<strong> </strong>Industry recognition motivates us to be the trusted partner with farmer-focused, industry-leading smart farming solutions through technology, innovation and thought leadership.</p> <p>These are some of the awards we have received lately. The first is a collection of AGCO Corporate awards, followed by awards for our brands.<br /> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <main class="container responsivegrid maincontent"> <div id="container-d9f4edb387" class="cmp-container"> <div class="accordion"> <div class="heading title"><div id="heading-abe8f921a7" class="cmp-heading"> <h4 class="cmp-heading__text">Corporate Awards</h4> </div> </div> <div class="coreaccordion accordion"> <div id="coreaccordion-981976b96a" class="cmp-accordion" data-cmp-is="accordion" data-placeholder-text="false"> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-dc8d61d130" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-dc8d61d130-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-dc8d61d130-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2025</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-dc8d61d130-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-dc8d61d130-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>AGCO’s Chief Digital & Information Officer Viren Shah has been honored as one of the top 100 Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) for 2024, recognized as a global leader in digital innovation and business transformation. These awards celebrate the vision, talent and impact of leading CDOs who are driving the future of digital leadership in the global business landscape. The Global CDO 100 Award winners, chosen by an independent panel of industry experts, are presented by HotTopics, a company dedicated to fostering a more connected and inspired C-suite leadership. (EME, NA, SA, APA)</li> <li>AGCO’s Senior Vice President of Engineering Kelvin Bennett is featured in the January 2025 edition of The CIO Leaders magazine. In the article, “Kelvin Bennett: Driving Innovation in Agricultural Power & Mobility Systems,” he shares his expertise on the most impactful powertrain innovations to watch in 2025 and beyond. (EME, NA, SA, APA)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-3f6c499797" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-3f6c499797-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-3f6c499797-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2024</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-3f6c499797-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-3f6c499797-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>AGCO was recognized in The Wall Street Journal’s Best-Managed Companies of 2024 listing again this year, moving from 176 in 2023 up to 164 in 2024. AGCO is part of the Management Top 250 which is evaluated annually based on customer satisfaction, innovation, financial strength, social responsibility, employee engagement and development. (NA)</li> <li>AGCO was recognized with Newsweek magazine’s America's Greenest Companies 2025 Award. Partnering with Plant-A Insights and GIST Impact, Newsweek highlighted U.S. companies committed to reducing their environmental impact in key areas like greenhouse gas emissions, water management and waste reduction, analyzing both public and private companies operating in the U.S. Only those that met the European Union's stringent sustainability criteria—considered the most advanced globally—were eligible. (NA)</li> <li>AGCO was recognized for having the highest report card score among companies in the Large Manufacturing category at the Churchill-Captive Risk Control Awards Program for Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), winning first place. Companies in the Large Manufacturing category have clocked over 500,000 hours in the 2023 calendar year. (NA)</li> <li>AGCO’s Chairman, President & CEO Eric Hansotia was named one of the Most Admired CEOs 2024 by the Atlanta Business Chronicle. He was recognized in the Public Companies category most notably for building company culture by prioritizing farmers. The awards ceremony took place in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. (NA)</li> <li>AGCO’s Leadership Excellence Acceleration Programs (LEAP) Initiative won the Brandon Hall Group HCM (Human Capital Management) Excellence Bronze Award for its 2024 Leadership Development Program. This marks the second year AGCO’s LEAP program has won this award. (NA)</li> <li>AGCO earned the Great Place To Work® Certification™ in India. This recognition is granted by Great Place To Work, an organization that aims to make every workplace a great place for all, and assessed using cultural data from more than 100 million employees across 150 countries worldwide. (APA)</li> <li>AGCO moved up 29 places on the U.S.-based Fortune 500 ranking to #295. Announced by Fortune magazine, the Fortune 500 ranks the largest U.S. companies by revenue from the previous year. (NA)</li> <li>Employee Kimberly Savageau, Final Assembly Supervisor with AGCO's PTx electronics manufacturing facility in Fargo, North Dakota, U.S., received a 2024 Women MAKE Award as an honoree, given by The Manufacturing Institute, the workforce development and education affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers. The awards ceremony, which took place in Washington, D.C., U.S., recognized 130 women in the manufacturing industry who exemplify leadership within their companies. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO was ranked #6 among Newsweek’s Most Trustworthy Companies 2024 in the Machines & Industrial Equipment Industry category by Newsweek in partnership with global research and data firm Statista. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO was named to the Forbes 2024 America's Most Successful Mid-Cap Companies list. The award, given by Forbes magazine, celebrates the top 100-performing midsize companies in the U.S. based on growth. (NA)<br /> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-72ffa8663f"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-72ffa8663f-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" aria-controls="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-72ffa8663f-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2023</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-72ffa8663f-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-981976b96a-item-72ffa8663f-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>AGCO was recognized in The Wall Street Journal’s Best-Managed Companies of 2024 listing again this year, moving from 176 in 2023 up to 164 in 2024. AGCO is part of the Management Top 250 which is evaluated annually based on customer satisfaction, innovation, financial strength, social responsibility, employee engagement and development. (NA)</li> <li>AGCO Chairman, President & CEO Eric Hansotia was named one of the Georgia 500, the state of Georgia’s Most Influential Leaders across industries, by Georgia Trend magazine. (NA)</li> <li>AGCO won a 2023 AEM Advocacy Gold Award given by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) for extraordinary advocacy efforts on behalf of the association and the equipment manufacturing industry in the United States. This includes active participation in AEM's state and federal advocacy efforts, public affairs initiatives and the "I Make America" grassroots advocacy campaign. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO received the annual Internationalization Award of the President of the Republic of Finland in the category of Long-Term International Investor. Presented annually to spotlight internationally successful companies or communities, the award recognizes AGCO’s continuous investment in research and development, facilities and people at the company’s main sites in Linnavuori and Suolahti, Finland, together with the AGCO Suomi local Finnish direct sales organization. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO was given the FFA Distinguished Service Citation from the National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization for its 75 years of support. Through its subsidiaries, AGCO has consistently championed the future of agriculture, actively supporting FFA through scholarships, grants, and the recent backing for the State Officer Leadership Continuum. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>The Sparex U.S. team was presented the 2023 Distributor of the Year Award at a supplier meeting with Pioneer’s Hose and Fitting Division for the team’s efforts in promoting the Pioneer crimping machine within dealerships. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO was named among America's Greenest Companies 2024 by Newsweek magazine in its first ranking, published in partnership with market data research firm Plant-A Insights and GIST Impact, a leading impact data and analytics provider. Companies were evaluated on greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, waste generation, commitment and disclosures, and scores were based on performance relative to their industries. These companies have committed to being good stewards of the environment, working to save the Earth and its resources for future generations. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO is “Industry Top Rated” in “Low ESG Category” by Sustainalytics, with an ESG Risk Rating of 22 out of 577 in Machinery, and 2,872 out of 15,623 in Global Universe. Morningstar Sustainalytics provides high-quality, analytical environmental, social and governance (ESG) research, ratings and data to institutional investors and companies. (NA, EME, APA)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO won first place during the Churchill-Captive Risk Control Awards Program for Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) for having the highest report card score among companies in the Large Manufacturing category comprised of manufacturing companies with over 500,000 hours worked in the 2022 calendar year. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO’s Leadership Excellence Acceleration Programs (LEAP) Initiative won the bronze HCM (Human Capital Management) Excellence award for the 2023 Best Advance in Leadership Development. The award was given by the Brandon Hall Group. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO won Honorable Mention recognition at the 2023 Brazilian Automotive Engineering Association ESG Awards in the Social and Governance category for Corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Program and its implementation in our dealer network. The awards ceremony was held in Brazil. (SA)<br /> </li> <li>AGCO employee Maria Aleman, Production Supervisor at the Hesston, Kansas, U.S. facility, received a 2023 Women MAKE Award as an honoree, given by Women in Manufacturing, a division of The Manufacturing Institute, at an awards ceremony in Washington, D.C., U.S. Formerly called the STEP Ahead Awards, the Women MAKE Awards provide women with the tools and motivation to pay it forward and inspire the next generation of female talent to pursue manufacturing careers. (NA)<br /> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="multicolumncomp"> <div class="banner banner--oneCol aspect-16-9"> <div class="banner__wrap"> <div class="banner__cards cards"> <div class="banner__card card banner--left"> <div class="card__media"> <div class="card__image"> <div class="aspect-16-9"> <picture> <img class="cmp-image__image" id="ef778ab8-cd14-463b-ae29-cb9880e57876" src="" alt="Fendt logo" title="Fendt logo" width="300" height="200"/> </picture> </div> </div><!--/__image--> </div><!--/__media--> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="card__title">Fendt Awards</h3> </div><!--/__content--> </div><!--/__card--> </div><!--/__cards--> </div><!--/wrap--> </div><!--/banner--> </div> <div class="accordion"> <div class="heading title"> </div> <div class="coreaccordion accordion"> <div id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132" class="cmp-accordion" data-cmp-is="accordion" data-placeholder-text="false"> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-6fac1b2f76" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-6fac1b2f76-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-6fac1b2f76-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2025</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-6fac1b2f76-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-6fac1b2f76-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>The Fendt 600 Vario won the Machine of the Year 2025 Innovation Award at the LAMMA 2025 Show in the U.K. First begun by the Lincolnshire Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Association, LAMMA is the most important and largest indoor agricultural machinery exhibition in the U.K., connecting farmers across a range of sectors with pioneering companies offering cutting-edge agricultural machinery, technology and equipment. (EME)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-4bbd37bb6a" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-4bbd37bb6a-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-4bbd37bb6a-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2024</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-4bbd37bb6a-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-4bbd37bb6a-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <div> </div> <ul> <li>Fendt products won two 2025 AE50 Awards, given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), for the following.<ul> <li>Fendt Momentum 30-Foot Planter</li> <li>Fendt ErgoSteer Retrofittable Steering Joystick</li> </ul> The annual awards, judged by an expert panel of engineers, recognize the industry’s top new products and services for outstanding innovation and engineering. The awards will be presented during the ASABE Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. in February 2025. (NA)</li> </ul> <ul> <li>The Fendt 600 Vario tractor series won the Public Innovation Farm Machinery 2025 Audience Award in a public vote during InnovAgri 2024 in Ondes, France. Noted as the show’s favorite machine, this award recognizes the innovative spirit and ingenuity of manufacturers serving farmers. (EME)</li> </ul> <ul> <li>The Fendt 728 Vario tractor won the Grand Prix innovation award for Innovation of the Year at Moldagrotech, Moldova's largest outdoor trade fair. Taking place every six months in Chisinau, Moldova, this international trade fair includes ag industry machinery, technologies and materials. (EME)</li> </ul> <ul> <li>The Fendt brand was awarded first place for 2023/2024 in the DLG (German Agricultural Society) ImageBarometer ranking. The independent DLG ImageBarometer survey polls German farmers on the brand strength of agricultural companies annually. (EME)</li> </ul> <ul> <li>The Fendt e100 Vario won the AgrarTec Award 2024 in a new category, Climate Fit for the Future, intended to recognize technologies that make agriculture more environmentally friendly. Judged by an expert jury, the award was presented at the Austro Agrar Tulln agricultural machinery exhibition in Tulln, Austria. (EME)</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Fendt products won 10 medals at Agroteknikk 2024, Norway's largest and most significant agricultural trade fair which takes place every three years.<br /> The awards were distributed as follows.<br /> <ul> <li>Fendt e100 Vario</li> </ul> Fendt received five silver medals for:<ul> <li>Fendt Slicer 960 KCB Pro</li> <li>FendtONE function: Fendt Tramline Control</li> <li>FendtONE function: Fendt Implement Slope Compensation</li> <li>Fendt VIEW camera system</li> <li>Smart Top Link retrofit options</li> </ul> For the first time, Agroteknikk awarded a separate award for “Clever thinking.” Fendt won four of these medals for:<ul> <li>Fendt chassis organizer</li> <li>Fendt retrofittable side window wiper</li> <li>Fendt MOBILE mounting AID for changing wheel weights</li> <li>Fendt PTO tool</li> </ul> Judged by a jury of six experts, the awards were presented at the exhibition in Lillestrøm, Norway. (EME)<br /> <br /> </li> <li>Two Fendt products won the Tractor of the Year (TotY) at the TotY 2025 awards ceremony at the EIMA International trade fair in Bologna, Italy. The TotY annually honors the best tractors in the European market with outstanding achievements in performance, efficiency, safety and sustainability. These prizes are awarded by a jury of 26 independent trade journalists who evaluate the most advanced and powerful tractors:<ul> <li>The Fendt 620 Vario won the Tractor of the Year (TotY) in the newly created MidPower Tractor of the Year 2025 category. (EME)</li> <li>The Fendt e107 Vario, which is fully battery-electric, was honored as Sustainable Tractor of the Year 2025 (TotY). (EME)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>The Fendt 600 Vario series was awarded a silver medal at the MaatalousKonemessut 2024 agricultural machinery trade fair in Helsinki, Finland, by an expert jury of Finnish agricultural journalists from various magazines with judging criteria including the product’s relevance to agriculture, impact on profitability and processes, environmental friendliness, energy efficiency and impact on labor and safety. The winning innovation may also be a significant improvement to an existing product or service. (EME)<br /> <br /> </li> <li>Fendt won two awards at Agrotech Kielce, Poland’s largest agricultural machinery trade fair, for the Fendt ErgoSteer steering joystick, and for exhibition stand design. Awards were distributed during the Agrotech and Forest-Expo trade fairs’ gala event in Kielce, Poland. (EME)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-538621dafa"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-538621dafa-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" aria-controls="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-538621dafa-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2023</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-538621dafa-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-0ddc1c9132-item-538621dafa-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>The Fendt 200 Vario® Series tractor won a 2024 AE50 Award given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). The annual awards, judged by an expert panel of engineers, recognize the industry’s top new products and services for outstanding innovation and engineering. The awards were presented during the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. in February 2024. (NA)</li> <li>The Fendt 600 Vario Series tractor won a 2024 AE50 Award given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). The annual awards, judged by an expert panel of engineers, recognize the industry’s top new products and services for outstanding innovation and engineering. The awards were presented during the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. in February 2024. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>The Fendt 728 Vario won the Innovative Agricultural Product 2023 Award at the National Challenges in Agriculture Conference in Poland. Presented by news outlets and at the conference in Warsaw, the prize recognizes the year’s most innovative agricultural machinery. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>The AGCO/Fendt Plant in Asbach-Bäumenheim, Germany won the Clever Fox 2023 Award for safety. Given by the Employer’s Liability Insurance Association for Wood and Metal (BGHM), the award recognized the Fendt Competence Centre for Cabs plant for its self-developed countersink cover, which reduces the risk of accidents during machining and thus improves the safety and health of employees. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>The Fendt Katana 850 forage harvester won an innovation award at the most important international trade fair for the Mediterranean region, Agrilevante 2023. The award was presented by FederaUnacoma, the Italian association of agricultural machinery manufacturers, at Agrilevante in Bari, Italy. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>Fendt and Lauwen Agro Engineering received the DLG AgriFuture Concept Award 2024, presented during the AGRITECHNICA awards ceremony in Hanover, Germany. The concept of an electrically powered weeder driven by the battery-electric Fendt e100 Vario convinced the DLG AgriFuture Concept Award jury. Given by the German Agricultural Society (DLG), the Future Award is intended to recognize visionary agricultural technology solutions and future-oriented pioneering work for the future of agriculture over the next five to ten years. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>The Fendt 600 Vario won the FARM MACHINE 2024 Award in the Mid-range Tractors category at AGRITECHNICA 2023 in Hanover, Germany by the trade magazine Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag. The FARM MACHINE (formerly Machine of the Year) award has been presented at AGRITECHNICA every two years since 1997. The jury consists of agricultural journalists from 16 different European agricultural machinery magazines. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>The Fendt 600 Vario tractor won the sought-after FARM MACHINE 2024 Audience Choice Award at AGRITECHNICA 2023 with more than 10,000 votes. In the Audience Choice category, the public chooses its favorite machine in an online vote. The Audience Choice award is presented every two years during AGRITECHNICA in Hanover, Germany by the trade magazine Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>The Fendt e107 V Vario won the Sustainable Tractor of the Year (TOTY) 2024 Award for its sustainable use of energy and resources. Selected by an independent jury of journalists from 26 European countries, it was presented during AGRITECHNICA in Hanover, Germany. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>The Fendt Slicer 960 mower combination won the AGRITECHNICA 2023 Innovation Award Silver Medal given by the DLG innovations commission at AGRITECHNICA 2023 in Hanover, Germany. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>Fendt Rogator was awarded the 2023 ShowStopper Award for its product partnership with Bosch BASF Smart Farming to build a precision solution called ONE SMART SPRAY at the 2023 Midwest AG Industries Exposition (MAGIE) in Bloomington, Illinois, U.S. The award was sponsored by the CropLife IRON publication. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>The Fendt 728 Vario Gen7 Series tractor was awarded the Innovation Prize for Product Development at the 2023 AGROmashEXPO, an international agricultural technology and digital solutions trade fair in Budapest, Hungary. (EME)<br /> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="multicolumncomp"> <div class="banner banner--oneCol aspect-16-9"> <div class="banner__wrap"> <div class="banner__cards cards"> <div class="banner__card card banner--left"> <div class="card__media"> <div class="card__image"> <div class="aspect-16-9"> <picture> <img class="cmp-image__image" id="2083c1a3-d963-47c8-a08e-e84207137f6c" src="" alt="Massey Ferguson logo" title="Massey Ferguson logo" width="300" height="200"/> </picture> </div> </div><!--/__image--> </div><!--/__media--> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="card__title">Massey Ferguson Awards</h3> </div><!--/__content--> </div><!--/__card--> </div><!--/__cards--> </div><!--/wrap--> </div><!--/banner--> </div> <div class="accordion"> <div class="heading title"> </div> <div class="coreaccordion accordion"> <div id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056" class="cmp-accordion" data-cmp-is="accordion" data-placeholder-text="false"> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-805821fefc" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-805821fefc-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-805821fefc-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2025</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-805821fefc-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-805821fefc-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>The Massey Ferguson MF 9S.425 Dyna-VT Exclusive tractor series received the prestigious International Product Development Grand Prize Award at the AGROmashEXPO exhibition in Budapest, Hungary. This accolade highlights the innovative integration of traditional tractor-building principles with advanced technology, such as variable transmission, designed to enhance farmers' productivity and efficiency. (EME)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-6c932136e2" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-6c932136e2-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-6c932136e2-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2024</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-6c932136e2-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-6c932136e2-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>The Massey Ferguson MF 9S Series won the prestigious Innovation Farm Machinery Award 2025—Prix of The Jury—in the Tractors Category, powered by Materiel Agricole and Terre-Net (France). The jury awards this sought-after seal of quality to products that feature innovation to simplify farmers’ activities. (EME)</li> <li>The Massey Ferguson MF 6S.180 Dyna-VT won the prestigious Tractor of Spain 2024/25 award in the 101-200 hp category at an awards ceremony held at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB) of the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid, by a jury of agricultural machinery experts together with a public vote. (EME)</li> <li>Massey Ferguson took first place in the overall ranking of tractors and agricultural machinery in the 28th Brand Relationship Survey, conducted by Fenabrave. Based on dealer satisfaction and the ability to generate results, this survey underscores the manufacturer’s dedication to its partners and customers. Since 2003, Fenabrave's research has been an important indicator for the agricultural sector, guiding assemblers and dealerships. (SA)</li> <li>Massey Ferguson’s MF 9S Series of tractors won the prestigious Red Dot Design Award: Product Design 2024, presented in Essen, Germany. An international jury of about 40 experts judged products on innovation, functionality and durability. (EME)</li> <li>Massey Ferguson’s MF 9S won both The Zemědělec (Farmer) Award and the GRAND PRIX 2024 at the TECHAGRO Show, given by magazine publisher Profi Press s.r.o. at TECHAGRO in Brno, Czech Republic. (EME)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-9339453900"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-9339453900-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" aria-controls="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-9339453900-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2023</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-9339453900-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-4609d5c056-item-9339453900-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>The Massey Ferguson 500R Series sprayer won a 2024 AE50 Award given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). The annual awards, judged by an expert panel of engineers, recognize the industry’s top new products and services for outstanding innovation and engineering. The awards were presented during the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. in February 2024. (NA)</li> <li>The Massey Ferguson 3 Series Specialty tractors won a 2024 AE50 Award given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). The annual awards, judged by an expert panel of engineers, recognize the industry’s top new products and services for outstanding innovation and engineering. The awards were presented during the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. in February 2024. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>The Massey Ferguson 9S Series tractor won a 2024 AE50 Award given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). The annual awards, judged by an expert panel of engineers, recognize the industry’s top new products and services for outstanding innovation and engineering. The awards were presented during the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. in February 2024. (NA)<br /> </li> <li>The Massey Ferguson MF 8S won the Tractor of the Year Brazil 2023/2024 Award across all segments of Brazil’s Agrishow. The same tractor was chosen in the “Tractors over 200 hp” category as champion. Winners were announced during the Agrishow event in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. (SA)<br /> </li> <li>The Massey Ferguson MF 4707 Cab tractor won the Tractor of the Year Brazil 2023/2024 as champion in the “Tractors up to 100 hp” category, for a second consecutive year at Brazil’s Agrishow. Winners were announced during the Agrishow event in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. (SA)<br /> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="multicolumncomp"> <div class="banner banner--oneCol aspect-16-9"> <div class="banner__wrap"> <div class="banner__cards cards"> <div class="banner__card card banner--left"> <div class="card__media"> <div class="card__image"> <div class="aspect-16-9"> <picture> <img class="cmp-image__image" id="f0c55649-d1fb-4060-b5c4-405ce3888329" src="" alt="PTx logo" title="PTx logo" width="500" height="281"/> </picture> </div> </div><!--/__image--> </div><!--/__media--> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="card__title">PTx Awards</h3> </div><!--/__content--> </div><!--/__card--> </div><!--/__cards--> </div><!--/wrap--> </div><!--/banner--> </div> <div class="accordion"> <div class="heading title"> </div> <div class="coreaccordion accordion"> <div id="coreaccordion-632745c03b" class="cmp-accordion" data-cmp-is="accordion" data-placeholder-text="false"> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-c9db48df35" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-c9db48df35-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-c9db48df35-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2024</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-c9db48df35-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-c9db48df35-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>PTx solutions won two 2025 AE50 Awards, given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), for the following.<ul> <li>PTx OutRun Autonomous Grain Cart Solution</li> <li>Precision Planting Recon Blockage Sensor for Strip-Till</li> </ul> The annual awards, judged by an expert panel of engineers, recognize the industry’s top new products and services for outstanding innovation and engineering. The awards will be presented during the ASABE Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. in February 2025. (NA)<br /> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-749ff5ea53"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-749ff5ea53-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" aria-controls="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-749ff5ea53-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2023</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-749ff5ea53-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-632745c03b-item-749ff5ea53-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>Precision Planting’s SymphonyNozzle™ won a 2024 AE50 Award given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). The annual awards, judged by an expert panel of engineers, recognize the industry’s top new products and services for outstanding innovation and engineering. The awards were presented during the Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. in February 2024. (NA)</li> <li>Radicle Agronomics from Precision Planting LLC won the AGRITECHNICA 2023 Innovation Award Silver Medal given by the DLG innovations commission at AGRITECHNICA 2023 in Hanover, Germany. (EME)<br /> </li> <li>Precision Planting’s Radicle Agronomics™ won the 2023 Davidson Prize for agricultural engineering excellence, given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). The three top-scoring AE50 winners representing the best of each year’s new products are selected for this honor. (NA)<br /> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="multicolumncomp"> <div class="banner banner--oneCol aspect-16-9"> <div class="banner__wrap"> <div class="banner__cards cards"> <div class="banner__card card banner--left"> <div class="card__media"> <div class="card__image"> <div class="aspect-16-9"> <picture> <img class="cmp-image__image" id="1d39104d-b62c-49a8-8a2c-396f57ccf138" src="" alt="Valtra logo" title="Valtra logo" width="500" height="281"/> </picture> </div> </div><!--/__image--> </div><!--/__media--> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="card__title">Valtra Awards</h3> </div><!--/__content--> </div><!--/__card--> </div><!--/__cards--> </div><!--/wrap--> </div><!--/banner--> </div> <div class="accordion"> <div class="heading title"> </div> <div class="coreaccordion accordion"> <div id="coreaccordion-9e9449fdc9" class="cmp-accordion" data-cmp-is="accordion" data-placeholder-text="false"> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-9e9449fdc9-item-aa1115b16a" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-9e9449fdc9-item-aa1115b16a-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-9e9449fdc9-item-aa1115b16a-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2023</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-9e9449fdc9-item-aa1115b16a-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-9e9449fdc9-item-aa1115b16a-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>The Valtra Q Series of tractors won the prestigious 2023 Red Dot Design Award: Product Design, presented in Essen, Germany. The Red Dot Jury, comprised of some 50 international experts, evaluated entries for design quality and degree of innovation. (EME)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="multicolumncomp"> <div class="banner banner--oneCol aspect-16-9"> <div class="banner__wrap"> <div class="banner__cards cards"> <div class="banner__card card banner--left"> <div class="card__media"> <div class="card__image"> <div class="aspect-16-9"> <picture> <img class="cmp-image__image" id="22d636e5-67fa-412a-8555-cdbfaa1f284c" src="" alt="AGCO Parts logo" title="AGCO Parts logo" width="768" height="432"/> </picture> </div> </div><!--/__image--> </div><!--/__media--> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="card__title">AGCO Parts Awards</h3> </div><!--/__content--> </div><!--/__card--> </div><!--/__cards--> </div><!--/wrap--> </div><!--/banner--> </div> <div class="accordion"> <div class="heading title"> </div> <div class="coreaccordion accordion"> <div id="coreaccordion-e04c09d483" class="cmp-accordion" data-cmp-is="accordion" data-placeholder-text="false"> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-114cf9e9af"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-114cf9e9af-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" aria-controls="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-114cf9e9af-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title"></span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-114cf9e9af-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-114cf9e9af-button"><div class="theme-container container responsivegrid blue-theme"> <div id="theme-container-114cf9e9af" class="cmp-container"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-267faad513" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-267faad513-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-267faad513-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2024</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-267faad513-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-e04c09d483-item-267faad513-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>AGCO Parts' Application Lift System from Smart Ag for Fendt won a 2025 AE50 Award, given by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). The annual awards, judged by an expert panel of engineers, recognize the industry’s top new products and services for outstanding innovation and engineering. The awards will be presented during the ASABE Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. in February 2025. (NA)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="multicolumncomp"> <div class="banner banner--oneCol aspect-16-9"> <div class="banner__wrap"> <div class="banner__cards cards"> <div class="banner__card card banner--left"> <div class="card__media"> <div class="card__image"> <div class="aspect-16-9"> <picture> <img class="cmp-image__image" id="f9215eb1-f66b-42a8-821c-3882bdc23fc1" src="" alt="AGCO Power logo" title="AGCO Power logo" width="768" height="432"/> </picture> </div> </div><!--/__image--> </div><!--/__media--> <div class="card__content"> <h3 class="card__title">AGCO Power Awards</h3> </div><!--/__content--> </div><!--/__card--> </div><!--/__cards--> </div><!--/wrap--> </div><!--/banner--> </div> <div class="accordion"> <div class="heading title"> </div> <div class="coreaccordion accordion"> <div id="coreaccordion-4198b17b01" class="cmp-accordion" data-cmp-is="accordion" data-placeholder-text="false"> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-c42dcc918f"> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-c42dcc918f-button" class="cmp-accordion__button" aria-controls="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-c42dcc918f-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title"></span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-c42dcc918f-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--hidden" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-c42dcc918f-button"><div class="theme-container container responsivegrid blue-theme"> <div id="theme-container-c42dcc918f" class="cmp-container"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-accordion__item" data-cmp-hook-accordion="item" id="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-334f3cd392" data-cmp-expanded> <h3 class="cmp-accordion__header"> <button id="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-334f3cd392-button" class="cmp-accordion__button cmp-accordion__button--expanded" aria-controls="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-334f3cd392-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="button"> <span class="cmp-accordion__title">2023</span> <span class="cmp-accordion__icon"></span> </button> </h3> <div data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" id="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-334f3cd392-panel" class="cmp-accordion__panel cmp-accordion__panel--expanded" role="region" aria-labelledby="coreaccordion-4198b17b01-item-334f3cd392-button"><div class="cmp cmp-text"> <ul> <li>The AGCO Power CORE75 Diesel Engine won the Engine of the Year award at the 2023 Diesel Progress Summit Awards in Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. The winners were selected by a panel of independent judges who were chosen for their power industry knowledge. The event was organized by KHL Power Division Publications: Diesel Progress, Diesel Progress International, New Power Progress—with Stanadyne as the award’s sponsor. (NA, EME)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cta-list cta-list--layout-centered"> <div class="cta-list__content"> <a href="" aria-label="Return to About Us" target="_self" class=" btn btn--primary "> <span>Return to About Us</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </main> </div> </main> <footer class="experiencefragment"> <div id="experiencefragment-d4cad34885" class="cmp-experiencefragment cmp-experiencefragment--footer"> <div id="container-0bc74f478e" class="cmp-container"> <div class="footercomp"> <footer class="footer-v2"> <div class="footer-v2__content " id="footer-2003567795"> <!--logo, social, country dropdown--> <div class="footer-v2__misc"> <div class="footer-v2__misc-content"> <div class="footer-v2__logo"> <a href="" class="footer-v2__logo-link"> <picture> <img class="footer-v2-image" id="45b3578b-e363-4976-aa30-5dbde8b3b7a2" src="" alt="AGCO - Your Agriculture Company - Red and white logo" title="agco_logo_type" width="200" height="120"/> </picture> </a> </div><!--/logo--> </div><!--/misc-content--> </div><!--/misc--> <div class="footer-v2__nav-header-section"> <div class="footer-v2__header-description"> <div class="footer-v2__header"> AGCO is a global leader in design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural machinery and precision technology. </div> <div class="footer-v2__description"> <p>AGCO delivers value to farmers and OEM customers through its differentiated brand portfolio including leading brands like Fendt®, Massey Ferguson®, PTx and Valtra®. 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