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block__content--extra-text"><p>This privacy notice tells you what to expect MRI Software LLC (“MRI,” the “Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) to do with your personal information when you make contact with us or use one of our services. We will endeavor to protect and develop or use technology that provides a safer online experience for the customer/consumer (“you” or “your”) and have created this privacy statement (the “Privacy Policy”) to demonstrate its firm commitment to secure and trustworthy Internet commerce and the individual’s privacy.</p> <p>Personal information is information that could identify you. Under applicable law, we have to have a valid reason to use this personal information. The information is collected in a number of ways, which will be described below. You have rights with respect to the personal information, which will be described below in further detail.</p> <p><em>By CONTINUING TO USE this web site AND ANY WEB PAGES AND CONTENT THEREIN (COLLECTIVELY, THE “SITE”), you consent to the terms of MRI’s Privacy Policy and to MRI’s COLLECTION AND PROCESSING of personal information for the purposes set forth below, including the right to sublicense the personal information to third parties, subject to all legal restrictions regarding such use and disclosure. </em></p> <p><strong>Categories of Personal information</strong></p> <p>When you interact with our websites we may gather personal information including:</p> <ul> <li>your name, company name, email address, address information, and other contact info.</li> <li>questions, queries or feedback you leave, including your email address if you contact us</li> <li>your email address and subscription preferences when you sign up to our email alerts (including opt out to the extent permitted)</li> <li>how you use our emails – for example whether you open them and which links you click on</li> <li>your Internet Protocol (IP) address, online user identification profile, browsing behavior (including visits, pages viewed, clicks, time spent), details of which version of web browser you used, and your views of our digital advertisements when browsing other sites</li> <li>information on how you use the Site, using cookies and page tagging techniques (See Use of Cookies below)</li> <li>your log in credentials, such as your user name, when you access a restricted content section</li> <li>organization details, job title, and phone numbers</li> <li>account details, registration information (including meal preferences and emergency contact information), user preferences, course details, support ticket information, support documentation and attachments, communication history, and survey information.</li> <li>we collect payment information for purchases through third parties (see the section titled “What we do with your data” for more information)</li> </ul> <p>This information is collected from you during your interaction with the website and direct communications with MRI. We may also receive information about you from our vendors and partners who are authorized to share such information with us. If you wish to receive a list of which vendor or partner has provided us information about you, please do so <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>Use of Cookies</strong></p> <p>MRI uses cookies to help us provide better customer service and to enhance the user experience and deliver personalized content. Many improvements and updates to this Site are based on the data collected through the cookies, such as total number of visitors and pages viewed. A “cookie” is a small text file stored locally in the computer used to access your account, and contains information relating to your past use of this Site. MRI may disclose the non-personally identifiable information collected, in aggregate form only, to third parties including advertisers or potential advertisers. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. However, if you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive feature of this Site or services you visit. To learn more, please see our <a href="">Cookies Policy</a>.</p> <p><strong>Why we use your data</strong></p> <p>The personal information that you provide to MRI, may be stored, processed, and used by MRI and its affiliates for the following purposes: (a) to provide information about our company, products and/or services, including updates, notifications, details of any offers or promotions, a better shopping cart experience, and order completion; (b) to assist us in improving our products, services or the content of this Site; (c) to contact you to participate in a market research survey, so that we can gauge customer satisfaction and develop better products; (d) for our own internal marketing and research purposes; (e) to promote user groups; (f) to make this Site or service easier to use by eliminating the need for you to repeatedly enter the same information or by customizing this Site or service to your particular interests or preferences; (g) to analyze information for trends and statistics; (h) to fulfill your request for information; (i) to provide services to you and your organization, which you have contracted for with us; and (j) MRI deems reasonably necessary to comply with applicable law, enforce/protect our rights, privacy, safety and the rights, privacy, safety of other users. We may also provide this information to an agent acting on MRI’s behalf in connection with the activities described above, if permitted under law.</p> <p><strong>How long do we keep your data</strong></p> <p>If you are an employee or customer of a client of MRI’s, accessing portions of the Sites which are restricted by user credentials, then your data will be kept until the earlier of: (i) twelve months following the end of the contractual relationship with the client or MRI; (ii) twelve months following the date on which the user or client removes the personal information; or (iii) a verified erasure request, which is not subject to an exception for not erasing the data. For all personal information not related to employment or providing contracted services to your organization, we will retain until two (2) years following the latest date of activity.</p> <p><strong>What do we do with your data</strong></p> <p>We have offices all over the world, which work together to provide top of the line services to our customers. As such, some of your personal information may be transferred to MRI’s employees and agents overseas. Each MRI office and MRI employee are required to meet the same security standards as the other offices and employees. All transfers of personal information overseas shall be done after assurance of meeting such security standards and in accordance with applicable laws related to such transfer. A full list of postal addresses for MRI can be found <a href="">here</a>. Additionally, MRI adheres to the Privacy Shield framework established between the U.S. Department of Commerce and the European Commission with respect to personal information that is transferred from the European Economic Area to the United States within the scope of MRI’s Privacy Shield certification. Read more about our <a href="">Privacy Shield Policy</a>.</p> <p>MRI will occasionally hire other companies, which use cookies, to provide limited services on our behalf, such as packaging, sending, and delivering purchases and other mailings; answering customer questions about products or services; processing event registration; or performing statistical analysis of our services. MRI will only provide those companies the personal information they need to deliver the service and shall be subject to all applicable laws related to such transfer. These companies are <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p>Except as described above, MRI will not sell, rent, or in any way intentionally disclose personal information that you provide to us on this Site to any third party (other than an agent acting on our behalf as described above), unless: (a) MRI is required to do so by law, regulation, warrant, subpoena or court order, (b) MRI is required in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of MRI employees, users of MRI products or services, or members of the public, or to enforce provisions of the <a href="">Terms of Use</a>; or (c) such disclosure is part of a sale or transfer of all (or substantially all) of the assets or stock of MRI or one or more divisions or affiliates of MRI.</p> <p><strong>Bulletin Boards and Chat Rooms</strong></p> <p>From time to time, portions of this Site may allow you to post information which other visitors to this Site will be able to access (such as on a “bulletin board” or during an interactive “chat” with other visitors). In the event that you choose to post information in this context, it becomes generally available to the public, and we have no ability to control or limit its use by visitors to our site. By posting the information on this Site you are providing MRI and its affiliates the right to use the information in connection with the operation of MRI’s business. Therefore, we encourage you not to post any information you consider private or sensitive on this Site.</p> <p><strong>Children’s Privacy</strong></p> <p>MRI’s Site, software and services do not target, and are not structured to attract, children under the age of 13. MRI does not collect any registration information from users who indicate they are under the age of 13. If MRI discovers personal information from a child, MRI will eliminate that data. We will not sell the personal information of any person who we know is under the age of 16 without express, valid authorization.</p> <p><strong>Security of Information</strong></p> <p>To protect the privacy of personal information provided by you, MRI employs reasonable and adequate security measures, including industry-standard controls such as physical access controls, Internet firewalls, intrusion detection, and network monitoring. Additionally, only authorized administrators and staff have access to systems containing such information. We urge you to take every precaution to protect your personal information when you are on the Internet. Change your passwords often, use a combination of letters and numbers, and make sure you use a secure browser.</p> <p><strong>What are your rights?</strong></p> <p>Under data protection law, you have rights we need to make you aware of.<strong> </strong>The rights available to you depend on your country of residency/citizenship and our reason for processing your information. Please note that this is a comprehensive list of all rights that might apply and not a guarantee that all rights do apply to you under applicable law.</p> <ul> <li><strong>You have a right to be informed about the personal information that we are collecting about you. </strong>We must inform you of the categories of personal information being collected and the purposes for which it was collected. Please see the section titled “Categories of Personal information” to find the categories of information that we collect. Please note that not every category of information is collected in every interaction with this website. Please see the sections titled “Why we need your data” and “What do we do with your data” to find the purposes for which it was collected. We also must inform you, upon your request, of additional details about personal information that we currently hold about you across our company. To receive such information, please file a request <a href="">here</a>. You may also submit your request via email or post to the contact information listed at the bottom of this section. We aim to proactively provide some of this information to you with respect to personal information collected through the Site. Please see the section titled “Categories of Personal Information” to see what sources from which we collect personal information about you. Please see the section titled “What we do with your data” to see the business or commercial purpose for sharing or selling personal information. Please see the section titled “What we do with your data” to see the categories of third parties with whom we share the personal information collected. If you wish to request</li> <li><strong>You have a right to see what specific pieces of personal information we have collected and currently hold about you twice in each twelve-month period</strong>. If you wish to receive a copy of the specific pieces of information that we have collected and currently hold about you, please file a request <a href="">here</a>. You may also submit your request via email or post to the contact information listed at the bottom of this section. Once verified, we will promptly deliver to you a copy of that information. Please note that we will send such information in a secure manner, which may require additional verification steps on your part to access such information but will not require the creation of an account with us.</li> <li><strong>Your have the right to have your personal information deleted.</strong> You have the right to ask us to delete your personal information. Once verified, we will promptly delete your personal information, provided it does not fall into a category of data that is an exception to the deletion requirements under law. To see some examples of exceptions to our obligation to delete your data, please see §1798.105(d) of the <a href="">California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018</a>. The exceptions that apply to your particular jurisdiction may vary. To submit a request for your data to be deleted, you may submit a request <a href="">here</a> You may also submit your request via email or post to the contact information listed at the bottom of this section.</li> <li><strong>You have the right to know if your personal information is shared or sold.</strong> We must inform you as to whether your Personal Information is being shared or sold. Please see the section titled “What we do with your data” to see to whom and how we share your information. To find out how and to whom your specific information has been provided, you may submit a request <a href="">here</a>. You may also submit your request via email or post to the contact information listed at the bottom of this section. Once verified, we will promptly deliver to you a copy of that information.</li> <li><strong>You have the right to opt out. </strong>You have the right to opt out of the future sale of your personal information. If you wish to opt out of such sale (if any), please opt out by submitting a request at: <a href="">Do Not Sell My Personal Information</a>. You may also submit your request via email or post to the contact information listed at the bottom of this section. We will not require you to create an account in order for you to opt out. Once we have received a verified request to stop selling your personal information, we will stop the sale of your personal information (if any). We will not restart such sale without our authorization, which we may not request within twelve months of receiving your opt out notice. You may see additional information about such right to opt out under §1798.120 and §1798.135 of the <a href="">California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018</a>. Please note that such opt out for not apply to the collection of personal information, nor the sharing of personal information with our service providers as long as such service providers do not sell your personal information.</li> <li><strong>You have the right to non-discrimination.</strong> You have the right to not be discriminated against if you have exercised any of the rights granted to you under applicable data protection laws.</li> </ul> <p>You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. Please know that we may need additional information in order to verify the legitimacy of your request, verify your identity, or accurately match the personal information to the party to whom it belongs. In such cases, we will contact you for additional details (if you have provided your contact information). In order for us to effectuate your requests in a timely manner, you will need to provide such additional information promptly. Information provided to us for the purposes of exercising one of your rights will only be used to carry out your request under your rights.</p> <p>Unless otherwise stated, MRI is the business (as defined under <a href="">California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018</a>) for the personal information we collect and process through the Sites. There are many ways you can contact us, including by phone, email, and post. Full contact details can be seen <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p>If you wish to exercise your rights or raise a concern, please contact us:</p> <p>By submitting a request <a href="">online</a></p> <p>By email: <a href=""></a></p> <p>By post:</p> <p>MRI Global Headquarters:<br /> 28925 Fountain Parkway<br /> Solon, OH 44139</p> <p>There may be an MRI office closer to your location. A full list of postal addresses for MRI can be found <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p>By phone:<br /> <a href="tel:18003218770">(800) 321 8770</a><br /> There may be an MRI phone number within your country code. A full list of postal addresses for MRI can be found <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p><strong>Alternative privacy policies</strong></p> <p>If you are a citizen or resident of the UK, EU, or South Africa, please reference the privacy policy outlined in the <a href="">MRI Privacy Policy (UK, Europe, Africa)</a>.</p> <p><strong>Revisions</strong></p> <p>MRI reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without notice to you, and MRI will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on this Site as soon as they go into effect. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy regularly for any changes.</p> <p>Effective Date: 29 January 2020</p> </div> </div> <!-- .post-container --> </div> <!-- .col-xs-12 col-sm-8 --> </div> <!-- .row --> </div> <!-- .container --> </section> <!-- .section-post-content --> </div> </div> <!-- #content --> <script nitro-exclude> var heartbeatData = new FormData(); heartbeatData.append('nitroHeartbeat', '1'); fetch(location.href, {method: 'POST', body: heartbeatData, credentials: 'omit'}); </script> <script nitro-exclude> document.cookie = 'nitroCachedPage=' + (!window.NITROPACK_STATE ? 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