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This online privacy statement is intended to inform you of the ways in which this web site collects information, the uses to which that information will be put, and the ways in which we will protect any information you choose to provide us. DEVO, Inc. reserves the right to append or otherwise modify this Privacy Statement at any time.</p> <p><strong>Information We Collect</strong><br /> There are four types of information that this site may collect during your visit: network traffic logs, web utilization logs, cookies, and information voluntarily provided by you.</p> <p><strong>Network Traffic Logs</strong><br /> In the course of ensuring network security and consistent service for all users, DEVO, Inc. employs software programs to do such things as monitor network traffic, identify unauthorized access or access to nonpublic information, detect computer viruses and other software that might damage DEVO, Inc. computers or the network, and monitor and tune the performance of our network. In the course of such monitoring, these programs may detect such information as e-mail headers, addresses from network packets, and other information contained in the network traffic. Information from these activities is used only for the purpose of maintaining the security and performance of DEVO, Inc. networks and computer systems. Personally identifiable information from these activities is not released to external parties without your consent unless required by law. For site management, information is collected for statistical purposes. The DEVO, Inc. system uses software programs to create summary statistics, which are used for such purposes as assessing what information is of most and least interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas.</p> <p><strong>Web Utilization Logs</strong><br /> Web sites routinely collect and store information from online visitors to help manage those sites and improve service. This information includes the pages visited on the site, the date and time of the visit, the internet address (URL or IP address) of the referring site, the domain name and IP address from which the access occurred, the version of browser used, the capabilities of the browser, and search terms used on our search engines. This site makes no attempt to identify individual visitors from this information: any personally identifiable information is not released to external parties without your consent unless required by law.</p> <p><strong>Cookies</strong><br /> Cookies are pieces of information stored by your web browser on behalf of a web site and returned to the web site on request. This site may use cookies for two purposes: to carry data about your current session at the site from one web page to the next, and to identify you to the site between visits. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you may turn them off in your browser, or may set your browser to ask you before accepting a new cookie. Some pages may not function properly if the cookies are turned off. Unless otherwise notified on this site, we will not store data, other than for these two purposes, in cookies. Cookies remain on your computer, and accordingly we neither store cookies on our computers nor forward them to any external parties. Unless otherwise notified on this site, we do not use cookies to track your movement among different web sites and do not exchange cookies with other entities.</p> <p><strong>Information Voluntarily Provided By You</strong><br /> In the course of using this web site, you may choose to provide us with information to help us serve your needs. For example, you may send us electronic mail (through a mailer or a web form) to request information, you may sign up for a mailing list, or you may send us your address so we may send you other material. Any personally identifiable information you send us will be used only for the purpose indicated. Requests for information will be directed to the appropriate staff to respond to the request, and may be recorded to help us update our site to better respond to similar requests. We will not sell, exchange or otherwise distribute your personally identifiable information without your consent, except to the extent required by law. We do not retain the information longer than necessary for normal operations. Each web page requesting information discloses the purpose of that information. If you do not wish to have the information used in that manner, you are not required to provide it. Please contact with questions or concerns on the use of personally identifiable information.<br /> Web sites provide links to other World Wide Web sites or resources. We do not control these sites and resources, do not endorse them, and are not responsible for their availability, content, or delivery of services. In particular, external sites are not bound by DEVO, Inc鈥檚 online privacy policy; they may have their own policies or none at all.</p> <p>DEVO, Inc. does not sell or rent any personal data submitted by visitors to our site to any third parties. DEVO, Inc. respects the privacy of users visiting our web sites and will abide by all applicable laws concerning the release of personal information. Data you provide to us as you use the DEVO Web site will be held in strict confidence and will be used for our purposes only. DEVO, Inc. may share aggregate information about our users with advertisers, business partners, sponsors and other third parties. 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