HDB | Buying a Flat
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We develop public housing to provide Singaporeans with affordable, quality homes, and a better living environment. Focusing on nurturing a strong family and community spirit, public housing policies and schemes are formulated to meet changing needs and aspirations.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-residential" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential">Residential</a> <div>Whether you are buying, selling, or already living in an HDB flat, everything you need to know about residential properties is housed here.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-community" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/community">Community</a> <div>More than homes, our HDB towns are vibrant places to enjoy to the fullest. There is so much in place for you to bond with your neighbours and create an active and cohesive community.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-business" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/business">Business</a> <div>Get the information you need for any business involving HDB homes, properties, commercial spaces, or land under our management.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-car-parks" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/car-parks">Car Parks</a> <div>You can find out more about the types of HDB car parks, important car park information, and parking offences.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-e-services" style="display: table-cell;"> <a href="">e-Services</a> <div>Transact with us at your convenience. You can submit an application, submit an online enquiry, or make an appointment with us.</div> </div> <div class="menu_options"> <div class="col"> <ul class="list"> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/vision-mission-and-values" class="link mega-nav-title">Vision, Mission, and Values</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/our-role" class="link mega-nav-title">Our Role</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/history" class="link mega-nav-title">HDB History and Towns</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/hdbs-refreshed-roadmap-designing-for-life" class="link mega-nav-title">Designing for Life Roadmap</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/our-logo" class="link mega-nav-title">Our Logo</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col"> <ul class="list"> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/organisation-structure" class="link mega-nav-title">Organisation Structure</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/achievements-and-accolades" class="link mega-nav-title">Achievements and Accolades</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/research-and-innovation" class="link mega-nav-title">Research and Innovation</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/careers" class="link mega-nav-title">Careers</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/scholarships-and-internships" class="link mega-nav-title">Scholarships and Internships</a> </li> </ul> </div> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us/news-and-publications" class="link mega-nav-title">News & Publications</a> </li> </div> </nav> </div> </div> </li> <li id="nav-residential" class="primary-nav-item js-primary-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential" class="primary-nav-link">Residential</a> <div class="megamenu-panel" style="display: none;"> <div class="wrapper"> <nav class="mega-nav"> <div class="menu_content menu-about-us" style="display: table-cell;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us">About Us</a> <div>The Housing & Development Board (HDB) is Singapore's public housing authority and a statutory board under the Ministry of National Development. We develop public housing to provide Singaporeans with affordable, quality homes, and a better living environment. Focusing on nurturing a strong family and community spirit, public housing policies and schemes are formulated to meet changing needs and aspirations.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-residential" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential">Residential</a> <div>Whether you are buying, selling, or already living in an HDB flat, everything you need to know about residential properties is housed here.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-community" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/community">Community</a> <div>More than homes, our HDB towns are vibrant places to enjoy to the fullest. There is so much in place for you to bond with your neighbours and create an active and cohesive community.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-business" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/business">Business</a> <div>Get the information you need for any business involving HDB homes, properties, commercial spaces, or land under our management.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-car-parks" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/car-parks">Car Parks</a> <div>You can find out more about the types of HDB car parks, important car park information, and parking offences.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-e-services" style="display: table-cell;"> <a href="">e-Services</a> <div>Transact with us at your convenience. You can submit an application, submit an online enquiry, or make an appointment with us.</div> </div> <div class="menu_options"> <div class="col"> <ul class="list"> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential/buying-a-flat" class="link mega-nav-title">Buying a Flat </a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential/selling-a-flat" class="link mega-nav-title">Selling a Flat</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential/servicing-your-hdb-housing-loan" class="link mega-nav-title">Servicing Your HDB Housing Loan</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential/renting-a-flat" class="link mega-nav-title">Renting a Flat</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential/living-in-an-hdb-flat" class="link mega-nav-title">Living in an HDB Flat</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col"> <ul class="list"> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential/where2shop" class="link mega-nav-title">Shopping in Your Neighbourhood</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential/renting-out-a-flat-bedroom" class="link mega-nav-title">Renting Out a Flat/ Bedroom</a> </li> <li class="mega-nav-item js-mega-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential/season-parking" class="link mega-nav-title">Season Parking</a> </li> </div> </nav> </div> </div> </li> <li id="nav-community" class="primary-nav-item js-primary-nav"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/community" class="primary-nav-link">Community</a> <div class="megamenu-panel" style="display: none;"> <div class="wrapper"> <nav class="mega-nav"> <div class="menu_content menu-about-us" style="display: table-cell;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/about-us">About Us</a> <div>The Housing & Development Board (HDB) is Singapore's public housing authority and a statutory board under the Ministry of National Development. We develop public housing to provide Singaporeans with affordable, quality homes, and a better living environment. Focusing on nurturing a strong family and community spirit, public housing policies and schemes are formulated to meet changing needs and aspirations.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-residential" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential">Residential</a> <div>Whether you are buying, selling, or already living in an HDB flat, everything you need to know about residential properties is housed here.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-community" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/community">Community</a> <div>More than homes, our HDB towns are vibrant places to enjoy to the fullest. 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We develop public housing to provide Singaporeans with affordable, quality homes, and a better living environment. Focusing on nurturing a strong family and community spirit, public housing policies and schemes are formulated to meet changing needs and aspirations.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-residential" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential">Residential</a> <div>Whether you are buying, selling, or already living in an HDB flat, everything you need to know about residential properties is housed here.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-community" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/community">Community</a> <div>More than homes, our HDB towns are vibrant places to enjoy to the fullest. There is so much in place for you to bond with your neighbours and create an active and cohesive community.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-business" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/business">Business</a> <div>Get the information you need for any business involving HDB homes, properties, commercial spaces, or land under our management.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-car-parks" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/car-parks">Car Parks</a> <div>You can find out more about the types of HDB car parks, important car park information, and parking offences.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-e-services" style="display: table-cell;"> <a href="">e-Services</a> <div>Transact with us at your convenience. 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We develop public housing to provide Singaporeans with affordable, quality homes, and a better living environment. Focusing on nurturing a strong family and community spirit, public housing policies and schemes are formulated to meet changing needs and aspirations.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-residential" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential">Residential</a> <div>Whether you are buying, selling, or already living in an HDB flat, everything you need to know about residential properties is housed here.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-community" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/community">Community</a> <div>More than homes, our HDB towns are vibrant places to enjoy to the fullest. There is so much in place for you to bond with your neighbours and create an active and cohesive community.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-business" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/business">Business</a> <div>Get the information you need for any business involving HDB homes, properties, commercial spaces, or land under our management.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-car-parks" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/car-parks">Car Parks</a> <div>You can find out more about the types of HDB car parks, important car park information, and parking offences.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-e-services" style="display: table-cell;"> <a href="">e-Services</a> <div>Transact with us at your convenience. 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We develop public housing to provide Singaporeans with affordable, quality homes, and a better living environment. Focusing on nurturing a strong family and community spirit, public housing policies and schemes are formulated to meet changing needs and aspirations.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-residential" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/residential">Residential</a> <div>Whether you are buying, selling, or already living in an HDB flat, everything you need to know about residential properties is housed here.</div> </div> <div class="menu_content menu-community" style="display: none;"> <a href="/cs/infoweb/community">Community</a> <div>More than homes, our HDB towns are vibrant places to enjoy to the fullest. 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