UX Deliverables: Glossary

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class="author-tile multiple body-small"> <div class="author-photos"> <img height="64" width="64" class="author-photo fluid" src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="author-meta"> <span class="authors-list"><a class="ga-article-author" href="/articles/author/huei-hsin-wang/"> Huei-Hsin Wang</a></span> <p class="publication-date"> August 9, 2024 <span id="gaDataPubDate" class="ga-data-layer" aria-hidden="true">2024-08-09</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="article-share"> <a class="article-share-title ga-share" href="#"> <span class="article-share-icon"></span> <p class="article-share-label body-medium">Share</p> </a> <div class="share-links tooltip"> <div class="tip-arrow"></div> <ul> <li class="body-medium"> <a class="ga-share-email" target="_blank" href="mailto:?subject=NN/g Article: UX Deliverables: Glossary&amp;body=" data-share-type="Email"> <span class="icon envelope"></span>Email article </a> </li> <li class="body-medium"> <a class="ga-share-linkedin" target="_blank" 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Juggling all these different deliverables requires knowledge and understanding of many jargon terms. Use this glossary as a reference as you navigate various UX deliverables throughout a project’s lifecycle.</p> <p>Jump to a definition in the table or review the complete glossary.</p> <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#AffinityDiagram">Affinity Diagram</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#FeasibilityDesirabilityandViabilityScorecard">Feasibility, Desirability, and Viability Scorecard</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#ProcessMap">Process Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#SketchTest">Sketch Test</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#AnalyticsReport">Analytics Report</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#FieldRoadmap">Field Roadmap</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#ProductRoadmap">Product Roadmap</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#SkillMap">Skill Map</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#Antipersona">Antipersona</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#HierarchicalTaskAnalysisDiagram">Hierarchical Task-Analysis (HTA) Diagram</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Promptframe">Promptframe</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#SpecialtyRoadmap">Specialty Roadmap</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#Archetype">Archetype</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#ImpactEffortMatrix">Impact–Effort Matrix</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#ProtoPersona">Proto Persona</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#StakeholderPersona">Stakeholder Persona</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#AssetMap">Asset map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#InteractiveUXMap">Interactive UX Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Prototype">Prototype</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#StakeholderProfile">Stakeholder Profile</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#ChronologicalMap">Chronological Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#InterviewGuide">Interview Guide</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#PrototypeSpecification">Prototype Specification</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#StatisticalPersona">Statistical Persona</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#CognitiveMap">Cognitive Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#JobstoBeDone">Job-to-Be-Done</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#QualitativePersona">Qualitative Persona</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Story">Story</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#ConceptMap">Concept Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#JourneyMap">Journey Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#RACIMatrix">RACI Matrix</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Storyboard">Storyboard</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#ContentAudit">Content Audit</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#KanoModel">Kano Model</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#RelationshipMap">Relationship Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#StyleGuide">Style Guide</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#ContentInventory">Content Inventory</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#LandscapeMap">Landscape Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#ResearchPlan">Research Plan</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Survey">Survey</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#CSDMatrix">CSD Matrix</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#MindMap">Mind Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#ResearchRepository">Research Repository</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#UsabilityReport">Usability Report</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#Dashboard">Dashboard</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Mockup">Mockup</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#RICEMethod">RICE Method</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#UserFlow">User Flow</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#DesignSystem">Design System</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#MoodBoard">Mood Board</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#ScenarioMap">Scenario Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#UserStoryMap">User-Story Map</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#EcosystemMap">Ecosystem Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#MoSCoWAnalysis">MoSCoW Analysis</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Screener">Screener</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#UXRoadmap">UX Roadmap</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#EmpathyMap">Empathy Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#PaperPrototype">Paper Prototype</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#ServiceBlueprint">Service Blueprint</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Wireflow">Wireflow</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><a href="#ExperienceMap">Experience Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Persona">Persona</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#SiteMap">Site Map</a></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="#Wireframe">Wireframe</a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h4><a id="AffinityDiagram" name="AffinityDiagram"></a>Affinity Diagram (Affinity Map)</h4> <p>The clustering of information, often using sticky notes, into relational groups based on similarities or themes.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Affinity Diagramming for Collaboratively Sorting UX Findings and Design Ideas</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Affinity Diagramming: Collaborate, Sort and Prioritize UX Ideas</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#LandscapeMap">landscape map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="An affinity diagram with sticky notes grouped by themes." height="330" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="AnalyticsReport" name="AnalyticsReport"></a>Analytics Report</h4> <p>A data report that describes what users do with a live product, such as their navigation paths, feature engagement, traffic sources, and exit points. This information can help monitor the performance of various content, UIs, or features in a product and identify what doesn’t work.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Translating UX Goals into Analytics Measurement Plans</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Analytics vs. Quantitative Usability Testing</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Dashboard">dashboard</a>, <a href="#UsabilityReport">usability report</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="Antipersona" name="Antipersona"></a>Antipersona</h4> <p>A representation of a user group that could misuse a product in ways that negatively impact target users and the business.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Antipersonas: What, How, Who, and Why?</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Antipersonas in UX</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Persona">persona</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="Archetype" name="Archetype"></a>Archetype</h4> <p>An abstract representation of a user type, summarizing behaviors, attitudes, motivations, pain points, and goals without specific personal details like names or photos.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Personas vs. Archetypes</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Persona">persona</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="AssetMap" name="AssetMap"></a>Asset Map</h4> <p>A high-level, chronological method of displaying and organizing all the screens and elements users encounter across channels when completing a workflow or journey, to assess its consistency.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Asset Mapping for Experience Consistency</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#JourneyMap">journey map</a>, <a href="#Wireflow">wireflow</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="An asset map showing mobile and desktop screens in a workflow." height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="ChronologicalMap" name="ChronologicalMap"></a>Chronological Map</h4> <p>Visualization of the users’ experience over time. There are 3 types of chronological maps: experience map, service blueprint, and user-journey map.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Why Map in Discovery: 3 Mapping Methods</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href=";pt=article">Discovery Mapping Methods</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ExperienceMap">experience map</a>, <a href="#ServiceBlueprint">service blueprint</a>, <a href="#JourneyMap">user-journey map</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="CognitiveMap" name="CognitiveMap"></a>Cognitive Map</h4> <p>A visual representation of a person’s (or a group’s) <a href="">mental model</a> for a process or concept. Cognitive mapping is free-form and can include numerous visualization methods, including bulleted lists, flowcharts, concept maps, mind maps, or affinity diagrams.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Cognitive Mapping in User Research</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">3 Powerful Visual Mapping Strategies in UX Design</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ConceptMap">concept map</a>, <a href="#MindMap">mind map</a>, <a href="#AffinityDiagram">affinity diagram</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="ConceptMap" name="ConceptMap"></a>Concept Map</h4> <p>A graph in which nodes represent concepts and labeled, directed edges illustrate relationships between them.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Cognitive Maps, Mind Maps, and Concept Maps: Definitions</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">3 Powerful Visual Mapping Strategies in UX Design</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#CognitiveMap">cognitive map</a>, <a href="#MindMap">mind map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A concept map with interconnected nodes and arrows" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="ContentAudit" name="ContentAudit"></a>Content Audit</h4> <p>An evaluation of the quality of the content listed in a content inventory. Content audits uncover content that needs updating, gaps for new content, and whether certain pieces of content are ready for removal.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Content Inventory and Auditing 101</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">How To: Content Inventory and Audit</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_Content Inventory and Auditing_Excel Template(XLSX)</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ContentInventory">content inventory</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="ContentInventory" name="ContentInventory"></a>Content Inventory</h4> <p>A list of every piece of digital content you currently have, captured at either the page or asset level. It includes specific characteristics about each piece.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Content Inventory and Auditing 101</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">How To: Content Inventory and Audit</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_Content Inventory and Auditing_Excel Template(XLSX)</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ContentAudit">content audit</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="CSDMatrix" name="CSDMatrix"></a>CSD Matrix</h4> <p>A framework created by Tennyson Pinheiro, Luis Alt, and the team at Livework São Paulo for outlining and visualizing what everyone involved in a project knows (<em>Certainties</em>), hypothesizes (<em>Suppositions</em>), and doesn't know yet (<em>Doubts</em>).</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">CSD Matrix: Framework and Template for Shared Understanding</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Using a CSD Matrix in Discovery</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_CSD Matrix_Excel Template(XLSX)</a>, <a href="">NN/g_CSD Matrix_Miro Template(RTB)</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt=" a CSD matrix with stickynotes listed under certainties, suppositions, and doubts sections" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="Dashboard" name="Dashboard"></a>Dashboard</h4> <p>A collection of data visualizations, presented in a single-page view that imparts at-a-glance information on which users can act quickly.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Dashboards: Making Charts and Graphs Easier to Understand</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#AnalyticsReport">analytics report</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="DesignSystem" name="DesignSystem"></a>Design System</h4> <p>A complete set of standards intended to manage design at scale using reusable components and patterns.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Design Systems 101</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Design Systems and Their Benefits</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#StyleGuide">style guide</a>, <a href="#ContentInventory">content inventory</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A design system consist of style guides, component library, pattern library, and additional resources" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="EcosystemMap" name="EcosystemMap"></a>Ecosystem Map</h4> <p>A visual representation of the people, organizations, products, and services that a user may interact with during a particular experience.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Why Map in Discovery: 3 Mapping Methods</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href=";pt=article">Discovery Mapping Methods</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ChronologicalMap">chronological map</a>, <a href="#ProcessMap">process map</a></li> </ul> <p> <img alt="An ecosystem map representing various entities a user interacts with" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="EmpathyMap" name="EmpathyMap"></a>Empathy Map</h4> <p>A collaborative visualization used to articulate what is known about a particular type of user. It externalizes knowledge about users in order to create a shared understanding of user needs and aid in decision making.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Empathy Mapping: The First Step in Design Thinking</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">How to Empathy Map</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Persona">persona</a>, <a href="#AffinityDiagram">affinity diagram</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="An empathy map detailing what a user says, thinks, does, and feels" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="ExperienceMap" name="ExperienceMap"></a>Experience Map</h4> <p>A visualization of an entire end-to-end experience that a “generic” person goes through to accomplish a goal. This experience does not involve a specific business or product. An experience map is used for understanding a general human behavior (as opposed to a customer-journey map, which is more specific and focused on a specific business).</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">UX Mapping Methods Compared: A Cheat Sheet</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#JourneyMap">journey map</a>, <a href="#ServiceBlueprint">service blueprint</a>, <a href="#ChronologicalMap">chronological map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="An experience map with phases of a generic person's journey" height="361" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="FeasibilityDesirabilityandViabilityScorecard" name="FeasibilityDesirabilityandViabilityScorecard"></a>Feasibility, Desirability, and Viability Scorecard</h4> <p>A prioritization method developed by IDEO that ranks items based on a sum of individual scores across feasibility, desirability, and viability. </p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">5 Prioritization Methods in UX Roadmapping</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">UX Design Prioritization Methods</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ImpactEffortMatrix">impact–effort matrix</a>, <a href="#MoSCoWAnalysis">MoSCoW analysis</a>, <a href="#RICEMethod">RICE method</a>, <a href="#KanoModel">Kano model</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A scorecard ranking items based on desirability, feasibility, and viability" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="FieldRoadmap" name="FieldRoadmap"></a>Field Roadmap</h4> <p>An expansion of the themes that a UX team owns on the product roadmap. It represents all future problems to be solved by UX (for example, related to design, research, or content) but does not include problems outside of UX (for example, in marketing, development, and support).</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">3 Types of Roadmaps in UX and Product Design</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">3 Types of Roadmaps</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#UXRoadmap">roadmap</a>, <a href="#ProductRoadmap">product roadmap</a>, <a href="#SpecialtyRoadmap">specialty roadmap</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="HierarchicalTaskAnalysisDiagram" name="HierarchicalTaskAnalysisDiagram"></a>Hierarchical Task-Analysis (HTA) Diagram</h4> <p>A graphical representation of task analysis that breaks down a user’s process of achieving a goal into tasks and subtasks, illustrating the sequence and structure of actions needed to achieve that goal.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Task Analysis: Support Users in Achieving Their Goals</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#UserFlow">user flow</a>, <a href="#ProcessMap">process map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="An HTA diagram breaking down tasks into subtasks for goal achievement" height="367" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="ImpactEffortMatrix" name="ImpactEffortMatrix"></a>Impact–Effort Matrix (Prioritization Matrix)</h4> <p>A 2D-visual that plots relative user value against implementation complexity.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Using Prioritization Matrices to Inform UX Decisions</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Prioritization Matrices in UX Decision Making</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#MoSCoWAnalysis">MoSCoW analysis</a>, <a href="#RICEMethod">RICE method</a>, <a href="#KanoModel">Kano model</a>, <a href="#FeasibilityDesirabilityandViabilityScorecard">feasibility, desirability, and viability scorecard</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="An impact-effort matrix with quadrants labeled big bets, quick wins, money pit, and fill-ins with stickynotes in each quadrants" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="InteractiveUXMap" name="InteractiveUXMap"></a>Interactive UX Map</h4> <p>A high-fidelity map that utilizes UI-design software to add interactive elements like revealing user-research data alongside specific findings or showing specific elements.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Building Interactive UX Maps</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Interactive UX Maps 101</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_Interactive Journey Map_Figma Template</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#JourneyMap">journey map</a>, <a href="#ExperienceMap">experience map</a>, <a href="#ServiceBlueprint">service blueprint</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="InterviewGuide" name="InterviewGuide"></a>Interview Guide (Discussion Guide)</h4> <p>A guiding document used in structured interviews that lists interview questions and helps provide focus to the interview.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Writing an Effective Guide for a UX Interview</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Screener">screener</a>, <a href="#ResearchPlan">research plan</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="JobstoBeDone" name="JobstoBeDone"></a>Jobs-to-Be-Done</h4> <p>A framework based on the idea that whenever users “hire” (i.e., use) a product, they do it for a specific “job” (i.e., to achieve a particular outcome). The set of “jobs” for the product amounts to a comprehensive list of user needs.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Personas vs. Jobs-to-Be-Done</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Jobs-to-Be-Done vs. Personas</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Persona">persona</a>, <a href="#Story">UX story</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="JourneyMap" name="JourneyMap"></a>Journey Map (User-Journey Map or Customer-Journey Map)</h4> <p>A visualization of the process that a person goes through to accomplish a goal.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Journey Mapping 101</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Customer Journey Mapping 101</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_Customer Journey Map_Excel Template(XLSX)</a> , <a href="">NN/g_Customer Journey Map_Apple Numbers Template(NUMBERS)</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ServiceBlueprint">service blueprint</a>, <a href="#ExperienceMap">experience map</a>, <a href="#ChronologicalMap">chronological map</a>, <a href="#ScenarioMap">scenario map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A customer journey map with three phases, user activities, and speech bubbles indicating user thoughts and feelings" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="KanoModel" name="KanoModel"></a>Kano Model</h4> <p>A prioritization framework published by Dr. Noriaki Kano where items are grouped into four categories according to user satisfaction and functionality and then plotted on a 2D graph.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">5 Prioritization Methods in UX Roadmapping</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">UX Design Prioritization Methods</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ImpactEffortMatrix">impact–effort matrix</a>, <a href="#MoSCoWAnalysis">MoSCoW analysis</a>, <a href="#RICEMethod">RICE method</a>, <a href="#FeasibilityDesirabilityandViabilityScorecard">feasibility, desirability, and viability scorecard</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A 2D graph categorizing features into attractive, performance, must-be, and indifferent based on satisfaction and functionality" height="374" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="LandscapeMap" name="LandscapeMap"></a>Landscape Map</h4> <p>Arranging groups of similar content (usually written on sticky notes) into a preassigned structure (such as a customer-journey map) to understand relationships and patterns across items, groups, and time.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Foundational UX Workshop Activities</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">7 Fundamental Activities for UX Workshops</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#AffinityDiagram">affinity diagram</a>, <a href="#ScenarioMap">scenario map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A landscape map with sticky notes arranged in three horizontal groups to represent relationships and patterns over time" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="MindMap" name="MindMap"></a>Mind Map</h4> <p>A tree that represents a central topic and its subtopics.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Cognitive Maps, Mind Maps, and Concept Maps: Definitions</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">3 Powerful Visual Mapping Strategies in UX Design</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#CognitiveMap">cognitive map</a>, <a href="#ConceptMap">concept map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A mind map with a central node branching into multiple sub-nodes, representing a hierarchy of related ideas" height="318" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="Mockup" name="Mockup"></a>Mockup (UI Mockup or Design Comp)</h4> <p>A static, high-fidelity simulation of a proposed UI design that includes visual-design details such as colors and imagery.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">UX Prototypes: Low Fidelity vs. High Fidelity</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Wireframe">wireframe</a>, <a href="#Prototype">prototype</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A mockup with a high-fidelity simulation of a website's homepage, including colors, icons, and realistic imagery" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="MoodBoard" name="MoodBoard"></a>Mood Board</h4> <p>A collage of images, video frames, patterns, or text that convey a certain feeling at a glance. </p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Mood Boards in UX: How and Why to Use Them</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#StyleGuide">style guide</a>, <a href="#DesignSystem">design system</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A mood board with a collage of images, patterns, and color swatches labeled dynamic, geometric, and soft glow to convey a visual theme" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="MoSCoWAnalysis" name="MoSCoWAnalysis"></a>MoSCoW Analysis</h4> <p>A prioritization framework created by Dai Clegg for clustering items into four primary groups: <em>Must Have</em>, <em>Should Have</em>, <em>Could Have</em>, and <em>Will Not Have</em>.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="file:///C:/Users/hueihsinwang/Dropbox/Articles/5%20Prioritization%20Methods%20in%20UX%20Roadmapping">5 Prioritization Methods in UX Roadmapping</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">UX Design Prioritization Methods</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ImpactEffortMatrix">impact–effort matrix</a>, <a href="#RICEMethod">RICE method</a>, <a href="#KanoModel">Kano model</a>, <a href="#FeasibilityDesirabilityandViabilityScorecard">feasibility, desirability, and viability scorecard</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="MoSCoW analysis with items categorized into must have, should have, could have, and will not have" height="369" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="PaperPrototype" name="PaperPrototype"></a>Paper Prototype</h4> <p>A low-cost, quick-to-create research tool that involves sketching out potential concepts, flows, or ideas on paper and testing those sketches with users.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Paper Prototyping: A Cutout Kit</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Paper Prototyping 101</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_Paper Prototyping Cutout Kit_A4(PDF)</a>, <a href="">NN/g_Paper Prototyping Cutout Kit_Letter(PDF)</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Prototype">prototype</a>, <a href="#Wireframe">wireframe</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="Persona" name="Persona"></a>Persona</h4> <p>A fictional, yet realistic, description of a typical or target product user.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Personas Make Users Memorable for Product Team Members</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Personas 101</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#JobstoBeDone">jobs-to-be-done</a>, <a href="#Antipersona">antipersona</a>, <a href="#ProtoPersona">proto persona</a>, <a href="#StatisticalPersona">statistical persona</a>, <a href="#QualitativePersona">qualitative persona</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A persona with sections for user profile, needs, behaviors, and challenges, visually represented by icons and text blocks" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="ProcessMap" name="ProcessMap"></a>Process Map</h4> <p>A visual representation of a zoomed-in view on a specific user or business process, used to understand how a given process works. Possible formats of process map include flowcharts, operational-sequence diagrams, or HTA diagrams.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Why Map in Discovery: 3 Mapping Methods</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href=";pt=article">Discovery Mapping Methods</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#HierarchicalTaskAnalysisDiagram">HTA diagram</a>, <a href="#UserFlow">user flow</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="ProductRoadmap" name="ProductRoadmap"></a>Product Roadmap</h4> <p>A strategic document that represents all future problems that need to be solved, whether related to UX, marketing, content, design, research, development, support, or operations.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">3 Types of Roadmaps in UX and Product Design</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">3 Types of Roadmaps</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#UXRoadmap">roadmap</a>, <a href="#FieldRoadmap">field roadmap</a>, <a href="#SpecialtyRoadmap">specialty roadmap</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="Promptframe" name="Promptframe"></a>Promptframe</h4> <p>A design deliverable that documents content goals and requirements for generative-AI prompts based on a wireframe’s layout and functionality.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Promptframes: Evolving the Wireframe for the Age of AI</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Wireframe">wireframe</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="ProtoPersona" name="ProtoPersona"></a>Proto Persona</h4> <p>A persona type meant to quickly align the team’s existing assumptions about who users are, but not based on (new) research.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">3 Persona Types: Lightweight, Qualitative, and Statistical</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Proto Personas</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Persona">persona</a>, <a href="#QualitativePersona">qualitative persona</a>, <a href="#StatisticalPersona">statistical persona</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="Prototype" name="Prototype"></a>Prototype</h4> <p>An early version of a design used to test and validate ideas, interactions, and functionality.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">UX Prototypes: Low Fidelity vs. High Fidelity</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Prototypes vs. Wireframes in UX Projects</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Wireframe">wireframe</a>, <a href="#Mockup">mockup</a>, <a href="#Wireflow">wireflow</a>, <a href="#SiteMap">site map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A prototype with two mobile screens connected by an arrow, illustrating interaction flow" height="322" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="PrototypeSpecification" name="PrototypeSpecification"></a>Prototype Specification (Prototype Annotation or Prototype Redline)</h4> <p>Text written next to a prototype and describing details, such as font size, line spacing, click effects, and active or inactive conditions of UI elements.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Use Good Prototype Specifications to Empower Team Collaboration</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Prototype Specifications: 3 Types</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Prototype">prototype</a>, <a href="#DesignSystem">design system</a>, <a href="#StyleGuide">style guide</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="QualitativePersona" name="QualitativePersona"></a>Qualitative Persona</h4> <p>A persona type based on small-sample qualitative research, such as interviews, usability tests, or field studies.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">3 Persona Types: Lightweight, Qualitative, and Statistical</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Personas 101</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Persona">persona</a>, <a href="#StatisticalPersona">statistical persona</a>, <a href="#ProtoPersona">proto persona</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="RACIMatrix" name="RACIMatrix"></a>RACI Matrix (Responsibility-Assignment Matrix)</h4> <p>A framework outlining how individuals with different specializations will participate in tasks such as work phases, activities, and the creation of deliverables.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Setting UX Roles and Responsibilities in Product Development: The RACI Template</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">RACI for UX Roles and Responsibilities</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_RACI Matrix for Product Development_Excel Template(XLSX)</a>, <a href="">NN/g_RACI Matrix for Product Development_Apple Numbers Template(NUMBERS)</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#RelationshipMap">relationship map</a>, <a href="#SkillMap">skill map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A RACI matrix with roles and responsibilities assigned across tasks and phases" height="364" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="RelationshipMap" name="RelationshipMap"></a>Relationship Map</h4> <p>A diagram of an organization's essential teams, people, and resources. The diagram is used to describe relevant resources under the control of these individuals, how they might help each other, and the manager of that person or team.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Relationship Mapping: Strategically Focus on Key People</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_Relationship Map_Excel Template(XLSX)</a>, <a href="">NN/g_Relationship Map_Miro Template(RTB)</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#RACIMatrix">RACI matrix</a>, <a href="#SkillMap">skill map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A relationship map with organizational roles and resources, showing interconnections between teams" height="394" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="ResearchPlan" name="ResearchPlan"></a>Research Plan</h4> <p>A document that outlines the research objectives and how the research will be executed.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Project Management for User Research: The Plan</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Creating a UX Research Plan</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Screener">screener</a>, <a href="#InterviewGuide">interview guide</a>, <a href="#ResearchRepository">research repository</a>, <a href="#UsabilityReport">usability report</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="ResearchRepository" name="ResearchRepository"></a>Research Repository</h4> <p>A shared collection of UX-research elements designed to enhance organizational UX awareness and participation, as well as to support and streamline UX professionals' research activities.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Research Repositories for Tracking UX Research and Growing Your ResearchOps</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Screener">screener</a>, <a href="#InterviewGuide">interview guide</a>, <a href="#ResearchPlan">research plan</a>, <a href="#UsabilityReport">usability report</a>, <a href="#AnalyticsReport">analytics report</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="RICEMethod" name="RICEMethod"></a>RICE Method</h4> <p>A prioritization framework developed by <a href="">Intercom</a> that takes into account four factors: reach, impact, confidence, and effort to prioritize which features to implement.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">5 Prioritization Methods in UX Roadmapping</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">UX Design Prioritization Methods</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ImpactEffortMatrix">impact–effort matrix</a>, <a href="#MoSCoWAnalysis">MoSCoW analysis</a>, <a href="#KanoModel">Kano model</a>, <a href="#FeasibilityDesirabilityandViabilityScorecard">feasibility, desirability, and viability scorecard</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="Graphic illustrating the RICE method with components Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort represented as a formula. Reach, multiplied by impact and confidence is the numerator, and effort is the denominator " height="390" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="ScenarioMap" name="ScenarioMap"></a>Scenario Map</h4> <p>An ideation tool used in brainstorming workshops that helps UX teams visualize how persona segments might approach an activity using a product or service. It is meant to facilitate ideation for design solutions.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Scenario Mapping: Design Ideation Using Personas</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Scenario Mapping for Design Exploration</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#LandscapeMap">landscape map</a>, <a href="#AffinityDiagram">affinity diagram</a>, <a href="#JourneyMap">journey map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="Graphic showing a scenario map based on a persona segments and sticky notes are organized under various scenarios" height="399" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="Screener" name="Screener"></a>Screener</h4> <p>A questionnaire that gathers information about candidate participants’ experiences to quickly identify and prioritize optimal candidates that are representative of your target audience and exclude any candidates who may not be a “good fit” for your research study.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Recruiting and Screening Candidates for User Research Projects</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Screen Your Research Participants to Avoid Bias in User Research</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ResearchPlan">research plan</a>, <a href="#Survey">survey</a>, <a href="#InterviewGuide">interview guide</a>, <a href="#UsabilityReport">usability report</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="ServiceBlueprint" name="ServiceBlueprint"></a>Service Blueprint</h4> <p>A diagram that visualizes the relationships between different service components — people, props (physical or digital evidence), and processes — that are directly tied to touchpoints in a specific customer journey.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Service Blueprints: Definition</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">4 Key Components of Service Blueprints</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_Service Blueprint_Excel Template(XLSX)</a>, <a href="">NN/g_Service Blueprint_Apple Numbers Template(NUMBERS)</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#JourneyMap">journey map</a>, <a href="#ExperienceMap">experience map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A service blueprint with sections for customer journey, front stage, back stage, and support resources" height="370" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="SiteMap" name="SiteMap"></a>Site Map</h4> <p>A visual representation of the organization of your site’s content.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Information Architecture vs. Sitemaps: What’s the Difference?</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Wireflow">wireflow</a>, <a href="#UserFlow">user flow</a>, <a href="#AssetMap">asset map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A site map with a hierarchical tree structure representing website content organization" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="SketchTest" name="SketchTest"></a>Sketch Test</h4> <p>A research method of providing a deliverable to a colleague, asking them to create a brief sketch or summary of it, and then observing their output to identify and refine any confusing or unclear elements in the original document.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">The Sketch Test: How to Test and Improve Your UX Deliverables and Other Documents</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="SkillMap" name="SkillMap"></a>Skill Map</h4> <p>A collaborative activity used to visualize strengths and weaknesses of UX professionals and UX teams in order to take inventory of the existing team’s composition.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Skill Mapping: A Digital Template for Remote Teams</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">3 Uses for Skill Mapping in UX Teams</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_Skill Map_Excel Template(XLSX)</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#RelationshipMap">relationship map</a>, <a href="#RACIMatrix">RACI matrix</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A skill map with a radar chart visualizing strengths and weaknesses of team members" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="SpecialtyRoadmap" name="SpecialtyRoadmap"></a>Specialty Roadmap</h4> <p>A subset of field roadmaps that focus only on problems within one UX area (for example, in user research).</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">3 Types of Roadmaps in UX and Product Design</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">3 Types of Roadmaps</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#UXRoadmap">roadmap</a>, <a href="#ProductRoadmap">product roadmap</a>, <a href="#FieldRoadmap">field roadmap</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="StakeholderPersona" name="StakeholderPersona"></a>Stakeholder Persona</h4> <p>A fictional character that represents a typical character from your stakeholder group.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">UX Stakeholder Engagement 101</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">UX Stakeholder Engagement 101</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#StakeholderProfile">stakeholder profile</a>, <a href="#Persona">persona</a>, <a href="#RelationshipMap">relationship map</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="StakeholderProfile" name="StakeholderProfile"></a>Stakeholder Profile</h4> <p>An artifact to organize and understand stakeholder insights so they can be used strategically for a project’s success.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">UX Stakeholder Engagement 101</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">UX Stakeholder Engagement 101</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#StakeholderPersona">stakeholder persona</a>, <a href="#Persona">persona</a>, <a href="#RelationshipMap">relationship map</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="StatisticalPersona" name="StatisticalPersona"></a>Statistical Persona</h4> <p>A type of persona that emerges from the statistical analysis of a large-sample survey informed by initial qualitative research.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">3 Persona Types: Lightweight, Qualitative, and Statistical</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Statistically-Generated Personas</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Persona">persona</a>, <a href="#ProtoPersona">proto persona</a>, <a href="#QualitativePersona">qualitative persona</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="Story" name="Story"></a>Story (UX Story)</h4> <p>An account of events from the user’s perspective; the events in the story show the evolution of an experience.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">UX Stories Communicate Designs</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Framing UX Data with Storytelling</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Storyboard">storyboard</a>, <a href="#JobstoBeDone">jobs-to-be-done</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="Storyboard" name="Storyboard"></a>Storyboard</h4> <p>An artifact that communicates a story through images displayed in a sequence of panels that chronologically maps the story’s main events.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Storyboards Help Visualize UX Ideas</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">How to Create a UX Storyboard</a></li> <li>Template: <a href="">NN/g_Storyboard Template(PDF)</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Story">story</a>, <a href="#UserFlow">user flow</a>, <a href="#JourneyMap">journey map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A storyboard with a sequence of panels illustrating a visual narrative" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="StyleGuide" name="StyleGuide"></a>Style Guide</h4> <p>A piece of documentation that contains specific guidelines, visual references, and design principles.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Design Systems vs. Style Guides</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#DesignSystem">design system</a>, <a href="#MoodBoard">mood board</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="Graphic showing a style guide with sections for content, brand, and front-end design principles" height="321" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="Survey" name="Survey"></a>Survey</h4> <p>A questionnaire that collects participants’ self-reported perceptions and attitudes through a set of multiple-choice or open-ended questions.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Should You Run a Survey?</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Screener">screener</a>, <a href="#ResearchPlan">research plan</a></li> </ul> <h4><a id="UsabilityReport" name="UsabilityReport"></a>Usability Report</h4> <p>A synthesis of findings, insights, and recommendations from a usability test.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Making Usability Findings Actionable: 5 Tips for Writing Better Reports</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Screener">screener</a>, <a href="#ResearchPlan">research plan</a>, <a href="#ResearchRepository">research repository</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="" height="316" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="UserFlow" name="UserFlow"></a>User Flow</h4> <p>The typical or ideal set of steps needed to accomplish a common task performed with a product. User flows can be represented with artifacts such as wireflows, flow charts, or task diagrams. </p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">User Journeys vs. User Flows</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ProcessMap">process map</a>, <a href="#HierarchicalTaskAnalysisDiagram">HTA diagram</a>, <a href="#Wireflow">wireflow</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A user flow diagram with a start and end point, connected by a series of process steps and decision points" height="352" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="UserStoryMap" name="UserStoryMap"></a>User-Story Map (Story Map)</h4> <p>A lean-UX map method used by Agile teams to visualize the interactions that the team expects users to go through to complete their goals in a digital product.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Mapping User Stories in Agile</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">User Story Mapping 101</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Story">story</a>, <a href="#JobstoBeDone">jobs-to-be-done</a>, <a href="#JourneyMap">journey map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A user-story map showing activities, steps, and details in a structured layout" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="UXRoadmap" name="UXRoadmap"></a>UX Roadmap (Roadmap)</h4> <p>A strategic, living artifact that aligns, prioritizes, and communicates a UX team’s future work and problems to solve.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">UX Roadmaps: Definition and Components</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">UX Roadmaps 101</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#ProductRoadmap">product roadmap</a>, <a href="#FieldRoadmap">field roadmap</a>, <a href="#SpecialtyRoadmap">specialty roadmap</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A UX roadmap with a timeline divided into now, next, and future, each containing thematic elements" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="Wireflow" name="Wireflow"></a>Wireflow</h4> <p>A design-specification format that combines wireframe-style page-layout designs with a simplified flowchart-like way of representing interactions.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">Wireflows: A UX Deliverable for Workflows and Apps</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Wireflow">wireframe</a>, <a href="#UserFlow">user flow</a>, <a href="#SiteMap">site map</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="A wireflow with multiple mobile screens connected by arrows, representing page-layout designs and interactions" height="346" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <h4><a id="Wireframe" name="Wireframe"></a>Wireframe</h4> <p>A skeletal outline of a design layout used to represent the structure and functionality of an interface before visual design is considered.</p> <ul> <li>Related article: <a href="">How to Draw a Wireframe (Even if You Can’t Draw)</a></li> <li>Related video: <a href="">Prototypes vs. Wireframes in UX Projects</a></li> <li>See also: <a href="#Mockup">mockup</a>, <a href="#Prototype">prototype</a>, <a href="#Wireflow">wireflow</a></li> </ul> <p><img alt="a wireframe with three mobile screen outlines, each containing placeholder elements for interface structure" height="330" loading="lazy" src="" width="692"/></p> <p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="article-sidebar"> <div class="sidebar-wrapper"> <div class="sidebar-item downloads"> <h2 class="article-heading-small">Free Downloads</h2> <ul> <li> <img src="" alt=""> <a class="ga-article-file-download" href="//" target="_blank">UX Deliverables Glossary PDF <span class="download-type">(PDF)</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="sidebar-item related-courses"> <h2 class="article-heading-small">Related Courses</h2> <ul> <li> <a class="tile ga-article-related-course" data-course-title="UX Deliverables" href="/courses/ux-deliverables/?lm=ux-deliverables-glossary&amp;pt=article"> <h4 class="title heading-small">UX Deliverables</h4> <p id="ux-deliverables" class="description body-small"> Effectively communicate ideas and findings to managers, collaborators, and other stakeholders. </p> <div 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